Top of the News Com ix Sports WikhAlaska I CalPIRG presents a free China Protest A rt Sm art Pool Party, , showing tonight at 7 m Chinese authorites suspend military N e xu s Comix is your The women's water pojp Psych 1824 of “Arctic contacts with the United States as personal source for great team ended its season Quest,” a documentary on a result of NATO’s bombing of the art and entertainment. To after competing fn the prospective drilling in Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia. enjoy simply look inside. national championships. Alaska’s Wildlife Refuge. See p.2 See p.6 S e e p .8 Well-Loved Chemistry Professor William Palke Passes Away

By T ed A ndersen Supervisor Linda Lange, Palke was pro­ Staff Writer nounced dead on arrival at 9 a.m. A colleague of Palke’s, Chemistry Profes­ sor Bernard Kirtman, said the Chemistry IB News of the sudden death of a 30-year and 101 professor was recognized by stu­ UCSB faculty member brought a somber dents and faculty as one of the best teachers cloud over the campus community Monday in the department. morning. “He was a wonderful guy. H e was a very Chemistry Professor William Palke, 58, listening-type person, a person the students was pronounced dead at Goleta Valley Hos­ could go to and get helpful comments and pital at 9 a.m. Monday, after being found insight,” he said. “H e was one of the out­ unconscious at 8 a.m. outside of his 4148B standing teachers in the department.” Chemistry Bldg, office. The death took family members by sur­ Computer science Ph.D. student Andrew prise because Palke was thought to be in Strelzoss explained that after coming into good health, Palke’s wife Nancy said. the Chemistry Bldg, early in the morning, he “H e was a very active person. W hen I say saw Palke laying on the ground and took im­ ‘very active,’ I mean he was an athletic per­ mediate action. son,” she said. “We rock-climbed, played “I saw him unconscious and I ran to get tennis, and he rode his bike to tire university someone to call for help,” he said. "Two la­ every day. It was such a shock when we found dies came up, and together we did CPR until this out.” the paramedics came, which was like 15 mi­ Strelzoss said he had limited knowledge nutes later.” - of Palke, but mentioned that he did often see Assisting Strelzoss in his efforts was Che­ him riding his bicycle around campus. Those PHOTO COURTESY OP CHEMISTRY DEPT. mistry Asst. Chair and Management Ser­ professors who knew the 30-year chemistry Chemistry ProfessorWilliam Palke (pictured) was found Monday mominglying unconscious vices Officer Christine Simms. According to veteran had the impression that he was in outside his office door. He was later pronounced dead at Goleta Valley Hospital. Simms, a heart failure seemed to be to blame good health, Strelzoss added. for the death. “As other professors came in, some who sense of the word,” he said. “He did very fine “I thought he was a very good teacher and “On the way to his office he apparently knew him for 25 years, they said he was in and recognized work in the field, of elec­ presented things in a really clearway. I don’t suffered a heart attack, and [Strelzoss] found great health,” he said. tronic structure of molecules, and more re­ think he was appreciated by the students as him in the hallway. [Strelzoss] and I pro­ Kirtman said Palke and himself, who are cently in the theory of nuclear magnetic re­ much as he should have been, because as vided CPR until the paramedics arrived,” both theoretical chemists, published work laxation and simulation of liquid crystals.” teachers go, he was really good,” he said. “I she said. “[Palke] was very personable and together on the electronic structure of mole­ Lecturing on complex ideas in an casy-to- actually sat in the front row of that class just one of the nicest men you would ever want to cules several years ago, but in the last 10 years understand fashion was a major strength of because of the teacher. He interested me meet. It’s very sad.” Palke turned his focus to other projects. Palke’s, said freshman chemistry major with his facial expressions and the way he According to Goleta Valley Hospital “Bill was a scientific scholar in the true Hans Sshwing, a Chem IB student. said things. I just really enjoyed the class.” “Star Wars” Fans Êxpect Parking Enforcement Costs Long Lines lor Pre-sale Tickets This Wednesday Paid With Citation Revenue By Ian Barker By Shaun McGrady Staff Writer Second in a R eporter Two-Part Series This is the second, in a tw o-part se­ Dust off that lightsaber, polish that Mandalorian ries on parking enforcement at denied due process; I claim so was armor, and charge up those proton torpedoes; tickets UCSB. Yesterday's article looked into everybody else," he said. “My first to “a galaxy far, far away” go on sale this week. the case o f Robert Hopps, an attorney bill was going to be a radical bill re­ The first of three highly anticipated prequels to the who won a 17,500 lawsuit over a scinding all tickets since 1994 — “Star Wars” trilogy will open May 19. According to parking ticket. Today's installment which is when the California State Metropolitan Theaters owner Alan Stokes, advance examines how. Parking and Trans­ Legislature decriminalized park­ tickets will be available Wednesday at the Arlington portation uses the revenue received ing tickets and allowed people to Theater in downtown Santa Barbara, as well as all from citations. contest their citation.” other venues offering pre-sale tickets across the . Prompted by the legal efforts of Vice Chancellor for Admini­ country. UCSB alumnus Robert Hopps, a strative Services David Sheldon “Tickets to ‘Episode I: The Phantom Menace’ in all swarm of questions have been said that he does not agree with theaters with pre-sale capacity will go on sale May raised by student government re­ this interpretation of the parking 12th at 12 noon Pacific Standard lim e, and will only garding Parking Service’s revenue policy change. be available at die box office,” he said. collection and salary distribution. “I think if the law changes it According to Arlington Theater Manager Karen Citing the fact that UCSB has doesn’t necessarily mean it’s re­ Killingsworth, the excitement associated with the re­ JASON SCHOCK / daily nexus had the second highest rate of con­ troactive,” he said. “I don’t know UCSB sophomore Amanda Atkinson and her brother lease of the film has theater employees anticipating tested parking citations of all nine what the intent of the legislation Jake get an early start Monday at 7 p.m. atthe Arling­ that lines will form far in advance. UC campuses, Associated Stu­ was.” ton to buy tickets to “Episode I: The Phantom Me­ “We expect [lines] to begin forming early Wednes­ dents Rep-at-Large Eric Morris According to Parking and nace. " Tickets go on sale Wednesday. day morning,” she said. “A t 12 noon on Wednesday, said he plans to introduce legisla­ Transportation Director Melba we will begin selling tickets for shows through the 31st promotion — unlike previous large-scale movie ven­ tion to rectify alleged injustices in Ortiz, for the 1996-97 academic of May, with a maximum of 12 tickets per person.” tures like Titantic,’ which was promoted for months the Parking Services appeal year, UCSB’s 24-percent rate of The unusual lack of promotion for the film has in advance — and the fact that it has still produced process. contested tickets Was second only brought attention from moviegoers, according to “Star lines weeks before the release across the country speaks “It was proven in the Hopps to UC San Francisco’s 25 percent Wars” fan Brett Tancer, an undeclared sophomore. Case that constitutional protec­ “The fact that the movie has had no real television See PHANTOM, p.5 tions have been denied. Hopps was See TICKETS, p3 2 Tuesday, May 11,1999 Dally Nexus M y Nexus

Editor in Chief Ng Kerri Webb Managing Editor ^ Tennflle Tracy Layout/Design Editor ( a Carolyn Morrisroe China Cuts Diplomatic Ties With U.S. Training Editor Alexis Fflippini suits public and “severely bassy that killed three jour­ News Editor ^ Tony Biasotti Campus Editor / p JiH St John punish those responsible.’’ nalists was deliberate. Asst Campus Editors v b Ted Andersen, lisa Butterworth Secretary of State Made­ “How could you be that County Editor /a? Gretchen MacchiareHa Asst County Editors Ng Curtis Breinard, David Downs BEIJING (AP) — China that snaked between the leine Albright said NATO shameless? Get out of AP Wire Editor « E Sarah Kent broke off military ties and U.S. and British embassies would provide China with a China, American butchers!” Features Editor Elizabeth Werhane read a slogan spray-painted Opinion Editor VS Megan Herr other contacts with die Un­ and shooed away onlookers. full explanation. She added AssL Opinion Editor /2? Nathan Woodside ited States on Monday and China’s suspension of that statements by Chinese by protesters on a sheet- Sports Editor Ng Matt Hurst authorities indicated anti- metal fence facing the bat­ AssL Sports Editor G k Marvin Gapultos demanded those responsible high-level military ties — Artsweek Editors Xp Robert Hanson, Jennifer Raub for NATO’s bombing of its and talks over arms control, American protests in Beijing tered U.S. Embassy. AssL Artsweek Editor v b Tami Mnoian embassy in Yugoslavia be Photo Editor Sg Jason Schock “severely'’ punished. Thou­ President Clinton apolo­ AssL Photo Editor « 5 Tennille Tracy sands of protesters buried How cogjfiyou be that shameless? Get gized anew Monday for the Art Director J o Kazuhiro Kibuishi rocks at the U.S. Embassy in (p lo t C h i|§ American butchers! bombing, calling it “an iso­ Copy Editor /&? Renee Heyming Beijing for a third day, with lated, tragic mistake.” U.S. Asst. Copy Editors N g Bryan Pon, Elizabeth Werhane — protestors’ slogan paintedFQ&a fence Copy Readers Wk Erin Coe, Amanita Green, some dragging and kicking a officials blamed it on misin­ J o Devon Harlan, Amber Neff, life-size effigy of a U.S. sol­ formation from CIA target v o Niilo Smeds, Guen Vinnedge dier with an American flag international security and had the government’s planners. Chief Night Editor j g Ashley Timireos on his chest. human rights — signaled approval. Night Editors w j Ted Andersen, Lauren Bensinger, Chinese authorities al­ one of the lowest ebbs for - Tens of thousands of pro­ Jo Shannon Capanna, Jenny Chung, “I apologize. I regret v b Sore Chung, Brad Goodwin, lowed waves of protesters to China-U.S. relations in 20 testers, spurred on by the this,” Clinton said. / 2? Devon Haitan, Cara Jennison, descend on the paint- years. China’s Foreign M i­ government, have marched K Sarah Kent v b i ,1 M b spattered, debris-strewn nistry didn’t say when con­ in 20 cities nationwide in the China’s suspension of Advertising Representatives Jo Kelly Appleby, Amanda Cameron, U.S. Embassy from mid- tacts might resume. past three days in the biggest contacts with the United v b Crystal Cowan, Laurel House, April Schleede moming Monday until early Foreign Minister Tang protests since the Tianan­ States represented a blow for Tuesday. Some hurled Jiaxuan condemned men Square pro-democracy Clinton’s foreign policy. His Production ( « Erin Barta, Katy Edwards, burning objects, and Tibe­ J o Katherine Garcia, Nicole Goldberg, NATO’s attack as a “vicious demonstrations in Beijing administration has re­ V b Bred Goodwin, Carlos Gudmo, tan monks in blood-red invasion” and demanded an 10 years ago. peatedly cited talks over hu­ /¡¡? Scott Hennessee, Renee Heyming robes also joined the “open and official” apology. Protesters’ emotions were man rights, arms control and N ? Mizue Ishii, Bryan Pon, « 5 Jason Schock, Niilo Smeds ' demonstrations. He said the United States inflamed by government- other issues as proof that its Marc Valles Police allowed protesters must thoroughly investigate run media reports that the policy of engaging China along a seven-block route Friday’s attack, make the re- attack on the Chinese Em- was bearing fruit Did You Miss Me?

Editorial Policy: All letters to the editor and columns submitted for publication become property Sh o r t s of the Daily Nexus upon being turned in. » BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) ■***■* Yugoslavia an« Howard, on federal probation for drug smuggling, de- Letters to the editor and columns must be limited to two pages, typed double­ nounced a partial withdrawal of its femes from Kosovo on rued knowing anything illegal was in the trunk, telling po- spaced (3,000 characters), and include the author's name and phone number. Monday, but President Clinton and NATO said it wa$&’t bee he botrowecjjhe car from a friend whose last name he enough to stop allied bombing. * rf*'* didn’t remember, Padilla said. . ' The Yugoslav announcement, apparently aimed Howard was in custody atthecountyjail Monday for in- Corrections Policy: maintai n i ng momentum toward a peace deal, gave no inch* instigation o f possession o f n&njuaoa for sale and fitanS" To call an error to the attention of the Editor in Chief, provide a written statement cation o f bow many troops have been withdrawn or bow partition, according to police, detailing the correct information. The Daily Nexus publishes all corrections of errors. maty were left I i ¡1 | f | | ' The army supreme command ordered the partial with« * TROY, Mich. (AP) — An angry Christmas shopper, drawai after brushing its operations against the rebel Ko~ whose attack on a department store dark was captured on savo Liberation Army, sard rite statement earned by-the video, gqt 10 days in jail Monday, The Daily Nexus's published by the Press Council and partially funded throu^r state-run Tanjug news agency. Miranda Smith, 21, also was fined 1500, placed on the Associated Students of the University of California, Santa Barbara, on week­ days during the school year. The pullout was to ha\ e begun at 10 pun. Sunday (4 pm . probation for one year and ordered to attend an anger* Editorial Matter - Opinions expressed on the Editorial pages and in the EDT), the army said. Virtually all foreign reporters have management class. Weather Box are the individual Contributor’s. Opinions expressed in the Daily Nexus dam necessarily reflect those of the entire Daly Nexus staff, USB, its ieftthe provmce under government orders, and itcould not She had pleaded guilty to assault and battery, administration, faculty, staff or student body. be determined if any units have actually left. The Dec. 2 surveillance video bom die Hudson’s de­ Advertising Matter - Advertising matter printed herein is solely for informa­ partment store at Oakland Mall showed her step behind tional purposes. Such printing is not to be construed as a written or implied spon­ sorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises or ventures ♦ CALEXICO, Calift (AP)— A man who took his car to the sales counter, push the clerk, throw her to the ground by the Daily Nexus. an auto repair shop for new brakes got more than he bar* and swing at her head. The Daily Nexus subscribes to The Associated Press. Phones: gained for— a trip to the county jaiL Police said Smith bad been frustrated by what she per* News Office------;__ (805)893-2691 Michael Von Howard, 59, of Glendale was arrested $a-. caved as poor service, Fax------;______(805)893-3905 Editor in Chief______(805)893-2695 turdaywfaile waiting for his car to be fixed ata Pep Boys &* The tape showed Smidi had been waiting for help froma Advertising Office______(805)893-3140, (805)893-3829 cility after a mechanic found £8 pounds of marijuana in the' busy sabs dork. When she asked for a different size dress, Business Office for______(805)893-2789 trunk, Calexico police Sgti Caries Padilla said. the derk rolled her eyes and another derklaughed. South The Daily Nexus follows the University of California’s anti-discrimination codes. Inquiries about these policies may be directed to: Raymond Huerta, Affirmative The mechanic found two trash bigs full ofbncks o f mar- attacked the second derk. | Action Coordinator, phone (805) 893-2089. tjuana when he opened the trunk of the 1989 Cadillac to The victim, Marda Temerowski, asked for f5,000in re- Periodicals postage paid at Santa Barbara, CA Post Office. Publication No. USPS 775-300. i i s i mnect the shocks, Padilla said. The mechanic’s super* stitution. The judge did not immediately decide on the re­ Mail subscriptions can be purchased for $105.00 per year through the Daily visor called police, who questioned Howard. quest <■ ¡1 „ ' Nexus, Storke Comm. Bldg., UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Daily Nexus, Storke Comm. Bldg, UCS8, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106. ORTHODONTICS SPECIALIST W eather IC r i s t o p h e r G e e l e r , M.D. REZA GAREMANI, d d s , orthodontist i tSZr*~m.USC SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY Board Certified S S L ORAL ORTHOPEDICS & TREATMENT OF TMJ DYSFUNCTION W f i l ORTHODONTIC... PERSONAL CARE FOR ADULTS & CHILDREN ! Well, I’m back from my little vacation. in Internal Medicine i> ces A + ç FREE CONSULTATION I -hope the guest Weatherhuman didn’t rub you the ARRELLAGA wrong way. Regardless, I’m back, and I’m tan, rested and Call for an appointment: Huge Student ready! I think 111 start by sharing a little bad habit I have. ^ 4 UT1<*' Discount No, it’s not chronic masturbation, toenail chewing or 805.962.3667 By Appointment Only • Including Saturdays 536 E Arrellaga S t Suite 203 nose pickin’. I’m talking about my relationship with those 800-648-4555 Local Number 483-3023 price-gouging caffeine allocators around campus. Every Santa Barbara, CA 93103 101 W. ARRELLAGA • SUITE A • SANTA BARBARA morning I buy my cup of coffee — a large, $1.40,16 oz. cup of American pride. So that’s $7 for a week’s supply of central nervous stimulant. Now cigarettes (also a CNS TRAFFIC SCHOOL ■ Rewarding Summer Jobs! stimulant) are only $3.25! * * * *ON UCSB CAMPUS* * * * Boys' cabin counselors * photographer »astronomy »archery Therefore, I am exchanging coffee for tobacco. If I get r sailing • windsurfing • jet skiing • ropes course • mountain I cancer 111 just sue everyone (except me, of course). Hey, biking • horseback riding • drama • ceramics • water-skiing I Entertaining Classes, coffee Nazis, we don’t need that fancy-ass gourmet crap! I WITH 7 /Æ So how about a more frugal choice of, say, Folgers or Juan I THIS Valdez? And another thing, get rid ofthe decaf! Drinking $ 2 0 AD Interviews at UCSB on Wed., May VIA . I Training is available for some ' / J coffee without caffeine is like drinking nonalcoholic beer. 8 0 5 5 8 2 -0 5 0 5 positions. Call 1-800-554-2267to , ...f t . ■ j What’s the point? - schedule an appointment and to Today’s weather: can’t predict weather ... too busy I DMV licensed - r^t . 1 receive an application. For info. smoking. By the way, when I need a cigarette I reach for | ^jbout our program and location, ^^-N -lessS dnd/M am Office: 21157 Devonshire SI. Ste.6A.Chatswfth.CA 91311 visit w the rich Turkish blend of Camel Lights. Daily Nexus Tuesday, May 11,1999 3

Parsons. work with Melba Ortiz and [Opera­ TICKETS “The total Fine- and Forfeitures tions Manager] Elaine Augustine,” he ■ Continued from p .l cash flow is zero. Tigris is no net in­ said. “There are meetings with 40 peo­ among UC campuses. However, be­ Playboy come. The expenses of enforcement, ple on the board, and only three are cause UCSB is a larger school, approxi­ the appeals, the costs, match the in­ students. There is no student input.” mately 5,760 tickets were contested, come,” he said. “Fines and Forfeitures Sheldon praised Parking Services out of 24,000 written by UCSB offi­ Magazine» does have a balance. It may be for the quality and efficiency of its cials. This is compared to approxi­ $100,000, but the yearly cash flow is no service. Searching for -^3 mately 1,000 contested out of 4,000 gross.” “Parking rates at UCSB are among issued atUCSF. For 1997-98, UCSB’s Ortiz said money from citations the lowest, if not the lowest, in the rate of contention was down to only 11 pays a portion of the salaries of those [UC] system. Parking has run an effi­ Miss January 2000 percent, Ortiz said. responsible for enforcement. cient budget that is reviewed at many The money obtained from citations “A portion of my salary, a very small levels,” he said. “As a department that helps pay administrative costs and en­ percentage, 5 percent, is paid by cita­ has many constituents to appeal to and Pay $200,000 forcement, according to Ortiz. tions — mainly because I’m over the lots of people who oversee their opera­ “The department is funded by per­ program, but I don’t deal with it on a tions — it’s not an easy job— I think it More Information mit fees. Fines and forfeitures help pay daily basis,” she said. “There are six serves UCSB well.” Call 564.3563 If for some administrative costs. They parking representatives that work for Associated Students Finance Board also pay for alternative transportation the university. Part of their salary is Chair Christina Cosdey suggested that programs,” she said. “A rough number funded from the Fines and Forfeitures Parking Services increase student [from citations] would be $400,000 account, the rest is funded from Oper­ parking availability with metered park­ STUDENT TRAVEL [from] 26,000 citations per year.” ations. Td say 80 to 85 percent comes ing in order to solve problems of illegal Ortiz explained that money from from ticket income. They also do parking. This ain't your parents' travel agency. tickets is used for a variety of purposes, traffic control and are part of the “I think they should have more me­ but not for capital improvements, such emergency response team.” ters and they should run for the full W ith our staff of experienced London...... $366 as the Mesa Parking Structure. According to Parking and Trans­ time, one hour,” she said. “More spots travelers, a global network “We have a $1.5-million budget portation Services records, there are Pans. .$445 should be taken from staff and given to of offices, great prices, from permits of all sorts — from park­ seven parking representatives whose students.” ticket flexibility and a Amsterdam...$606 ing fees. The parking structure is from salaries range from $24,868 to The best course of action the student fees. Citations do not fund capital $31,776. The total sum of these government can take is to pass a posi­ ton of travel services, programs,” she said. “Vanpools, car- citation-supplemented salaries is tion paper on die issue, according to we know firsthand pools, bicycles and any other alterna­ $195,976. Cosdey. what it takes to tive transportation programs are cov­ Morris said he seeks more coopera­ “A.S. has no authority over parking. put together a ered with about $50,000 [of Fmes and tion between student government and We could write a position paper de­ Forfeitures funding].” Parking Services. mind-blowing manding a change in policy,” she said. i -a £ Money from parking tickets does “Student government has put in so “It would get sent to the press — to trip... not generate net income for Parking much effort to work with Parking Ser­ [the Nexus], to the News-Press — and Services, according to Parking and vices. Meter maids chronically condes­ the administration; then they would ...just remember to thank mom Transportation Committee Chair Stan cend to the students. We’ve tried to know it’s our position.” for packing your suitcase.

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Columns and Letters: How to Reach Us: We welcome all submissions, but please include your name Drop by the Nexus office and phone number. For columns, maximum length is three under Storte Tower, call us at pages, typed and doublespaced; for letters, one page. All (805)893-2691, call the Hot submissions become the property of the Daly Nexus upon Line at (805) 893-2692 or being turned in and are edited for length and clarity. fax us at (805) 893-3905.

while it’s a permanent home for others. '«MW With this new onslaught of violence in our com­ pjutr I**«* »***. munity, it is time for students to step up by taking a more active role in the community. This would better the quality of life for all residents. Last Thursday the I.V. Recreation and Park District met to plan a new I.V. Community Center and is seeking input from all I.V. residents so that it will include things residents will actually utilize. Not one student bothered to at­ tend this meeting — save one who is a member of the board and another who is A S. affiliated. However, children and other permanent residents did come out to voice their desires for the center. Students can take action in other ways as well. Vol­ unteering a bit of time can go far in improving rela­ tions between students and permanent residents. Vol­ unteer opportunities are available at the I.V. Teen Center. Also, Community Affairs Board offers a host of services, including Family Literacy, which aids in teaching parents and their children how to read. If these programs seem a little overwhelming, students can Adopt-a-Block or attend the different events put on in the park such as the Renter's Rights fair that took CORY OSBORN / daily nexus place earlier this month. This event provided informa­ tion pertinent to all community members. And if that Can’t We All Help a Little? is still too much to ask, students could just attend some o f the community center planning meetings to give in­ As Residents of the Community, Students Need to Contribute to I.V. put on the new facility. By giving back a little to I.V. via services, students hen one thinks of Isla Vista, romantic weapons. Allegedly, members of the Goleta 13 (G13) can enrich the community and make a positive influ­ notions o f a small town nestled by the sea gang were involved. This attack had no apparent mo­ ence on younger residents. But as students we also come to mind. However, some recent tive and no apparent targets and has brought forth dia­ need to dean up our own actions as well. If we do not K events have proven that these little romanticlogue notions about how to improve this aspect of our want random acts of violence perpetrated on our do not come without blemishes. Problems do exist in community. streets, we should stop contributing to weekend acts of our community. But students can take action in I.V. to The community o f I.V. is just that, a community. Its meathead violence. We cannot expect anyone to learn help make it a little safer and better for all of the composition includes not only students, but children, from our example or heed our advice if we do not prac­ residents. families and other non-university-related citizens. tice what we preach. The evening of May 1 bore witness to some heinous Many of these residents call I.V. their permanent resi­ By working in the community and deaning up our attacks on innocent I.V. dwellers. The attacks brought dence. Students, on die other hand, spend roughly own act, we can be a positive influence in this town. A on six confirmed injuries and resulted in ambulance four years in I.V. In their travails, students tend to lose positive example, particularly foryouth, could hdp eli­ rides for two victims who had been beaten with various sigjit o f the fact that I.V. is a temporary home for them minate problems with gang violence in the future.

Letters to the editor MUST include the author's The Reader's Voicffi FULL name, phone number, year and major. A n y a n d A l l p r e j u d ic e people to stereotype you, PLEASE don’t velop tire cynical nature it takes to deliver the time on this planet than dolphins. stereotype them. cold, hard weather. I empathize. But Nexus: I don’t believe that “mankind’s goal is to D is p l a y s ig n o r a n c e Not every white person is; as you put it: Don’t wreck my morning entertainment, if conquer nature,” according to Autumn. We vain, superficial, pessimistic and power hun­ the Weatherhuman can’t cut the cheese, why are a product of nature and now a victim of Editor, Daily Nexus: gry, looking for a ticket into the elite world. light a match? nature’s ways through our own faults. I f it This goes out to Brian Ortega who wrote If you admit in your letter that you were wasn’t for die randomness and spontaneity the letter “A Hard Encounter with Preju­ “prejudging," how are you any different from MELANIE MATHEU of nature, we wouldn’t be here. I agree that dice” (Reader's Voice, May 10), discussing a that white woman in the cubicle next to you? we (humans) are overtaking natural habitats, racist comment made by a white woman in JOANNA ROGERS Y e s , A n im a l V iv is e c t io n but without some form of population con­ Montccito. I just wanted to say, Brian: She’s trol, this is the inevitable outcome. So, tak­ ing this pessimistic, yet realistic, point of ignorant. But otherwise you can bite me. In I D o n ’t C a r e A b o u t t h e S h a l l B e J u s t if ie d my opinion, you took her comment and used it to generalize the whole white population W e a t h e r , W e a t h e r -S u b in America. Nice attempt to justify your Editor, Daily Nexus: judgment by putting in your PC “I really try Editor, Daily Nexus: My good friend Autumn Mena knows to have confidence in white people,* but your For the love of God, please do not hire how to attack an argument (Reader's Voice, follow-up comments bashing white people that shady stand-in... what?— “Wheather- “Animal Vivisection Will Never Be Justifi­ didn’t help your little disclaimer. Also, it human”. Come on! Wheatherhuman?! Stiff able," May 4), but my rebuttal to her letter might help to know that white people aren’t upper-lip, girlie! To be so focused on such a will again justify animal vivisection with a the only people who have the ability to be ra­ trite discrepancy is annoying and, well, trite. different approach, while still sticking to my cist. I see racism coming from all races. There are so many more entertaining viewpoint. Before you start getting angry, you must events, like enormous pollen counts. You I’m not justifying animal vivisection for realize that every white person in America every experiment being conducted. I don’t does not secretly want to see you suffer and agree with experimentation for cosmetic re­ have a hard life. I know this may shock you, search just so girls (and Marilyn Manson) but many white people want to get past this can put something on in the morning. But if "us vs. them* battle and start living in unity. I experimentation is going to save a little girl’s view (sad to see it as such), keying in on par­ know I do. life, humane or not, we should experiment. ticular species (endangered ones) will be­ So, if you want to make a comment about We don’t experiment on dolphins. I don’t come the most viable solution. a racist person, G O AHEAD! You have ev­ know where you get your information. ery right But you don’t have to be racist They’re probably the best-treated animals I For the future, we must educate the public yourself and generalize a whole population know of because people think they’re cute. in animal AND human preservation. While for one person’s problem. Preserving dolphins? That’s what has been we fight for limited animal rights, we also Before you tell me how ignorant I am, let jammed down our throats our entire life. should fight for our rights as humans as our me tell you I painfully realize that white peo­ Sorry to ruin peoples’ “dreams," but reality population grows: to be responsible for our ple historically have been the Babylon Op­ must be known. The media has portrayed own actions (lolling off species) and begin pressors to minority populations, and I even this false fact of nature, and it’s time that destroying ideas of homophobia, sexism, concede that many like my ancestors are still don’t have to exasperate the reader’s patience people know the truth. Autumn has identi­ racism and sexual abuse. These should be around today. with your PC BS. The Weatherhuman actu­ fied the problem and:-part of it, “preserving forefront subjects for the new millennium, But in the words of Bob Dylan: Times, ally mentioned the weather?! Hasn’t La amazing animals.” W hy “amazing” ones? not whether or not rats are treated they are a-changing...” So, please, for all our Niña been done? Grtr. I, too, am a surfer and Dolphin-safe tuna is killing less dolphins, inhumanely. sakes, don’t be a hypocrite. If you don’t want I understand how difficult it must be to de­ but is also lulling animals that will spend less BRIAN FREDIN Daily Nexus Tuesday, May 11,1999 5

throughout the month of May.” PHANTOM The revival of the “Star Wars” phenome­ ■ Continued from p.1 non has exdted many fans of the series, ac­ for itself,” he said. “Tickets are a hot item cording to Tancer, but the way the film was due to the possibility of sold-out theaters for produced has intensified the hype. some time.” According to Stokes, the Arlington is un­ “ ‘Episode I’ is essentially a mode in its sure how long sold-out shows will affect mo­ purest form, written and directed by George viegoers’ ability to see "The Phantom Me­ Lucas, who decided to disregard the normal nace,” but due to the theater’s relatively large procedure of editing with input from test au­ size, local residents will get a better chance diences, and has shown the film only to peers What MCAT course than most. such as Spielberg,” he said. “Normally a film “It is hard to say how long we can expect is tested and presented to peers as it evolves sold-out shows in Santa Barbara due to the into the final product we see in the theater. did people who Arlington’s 2,000-seat theater. A theater of This is not so with T h e Phantom Menace.’ this size is a rarity among most theaters, ex­ W e will see George Lucas’ original, uncut cluding major dries,” he said. “Nevertheless, version. That is why I wall be in line for the got into medical we are expecting to have sold-out shows first show.” school take ? You Can Sell It in the Daily Nexus Classifieds All Others. Call 893-3829 for more info.

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Aquarius dream, to anything cost It doesn’t including there life are in abundance, things important most The , deal. a big that not It's it. about worry Well,don't afford. can’t you that sweetheart your for get to con­ light a stress There's — Today today dition money,isa5 and affectingpossibly you something wanted 19)— romance 22-Jan. (Dec. Capricorn hle o ysedymgtsatt em un. hr' ti ln 1 line thin a There's funny. seem to start might yesterday you whelmed goes up, your sense of humor could also return. Something that over- that Something return. also could humor of sense your up, goes aitru Nv 2Dc 1—Tdyi —Yusol tr ofe J feel to start You should Today 6— is a 21)— (Nov. 22-Dec. Sagittarius of the side other the on idea, just good a be not would that giving but up, you. support to environment your up by setting it again, Youpast get can well. so out work not might deal good a like looks that Something your that. with careful real Be do to afford 6— can’t you a it, and is waste Today accidentally You might 21)— 21-June (May Gemini out. will things way to work person a find you'll other and too, the calm, stay If you hurt. feelings your gel don't up, of A relative. difference close or neighbor female a with today problem Stay action. in pushing. keep didn't just you so things even possible, challenging. life, think st your in o m happen stop e things Don't th making few days. last You're now. 0 the over done day, you've what st of result sie die likely a e e th is JO : g tin ra ’s y a d e th heck C ogtfnse ol ial e oe oee. , talents, your of most the requires seek you job the February, In ment. , steady a into setde August,In use. can you resources what see and do, however. finally done, get could finished get to If you're not, this is a good way this is a not, good If find to you're ■ to- clash money Love and 6— Today a is 20)— 19-March (Feb. 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As your energy level energy Asyour confident. more and stronger lot a today, better for. looking been breakthrough'you've is the try last feel like You almost might another. and try you another so work, doesn't righL You it' quite going thing try and today, one if aren't especially things Youin lazybe a Today could mood is 6— a (OcL24-Nov. 21)— Scorpio stop that let don't you.again, but difficult, being it about right be Youmay it! do so too, is, correction that what know probably you challenge. career a perhaps and money, of bit a concerns it under time, Again, This you're 6— Todaystress. a is 22)— 22-July (June of Cancer instead money getting on it. spending concentrate to wiser be Yon'll purchase. large a or investment an make you before homework the you do Be sure ______and in March, you can rely on your teammates for inspiration. for - teammates your on rely can you invest- March, in and your on return a seeing start you’ll December, in and produce to results, start should taking you're action Bythe November, routine. take the lead, your life will get a lot easier. lot a life will get your lead, the take person maybe this let and demanding, and ahead go If what? you pouty.Youknow little a outrageous even unreasonable, totally being is son per­ other fault.The your really not it's like feel you today,but withromance You may problem have Today a 5— is a 23)— 23-Oct. (Sept. Libra The previously resisted. you've you try to will something inspire results. person amazing other an are produce mate can your you Together, today. Youand team 5— a awesome is Today 22)— 23-Sept. (Ang. Virgo now.And right correction the in put you if especially never will happen, that actually something about fretting be Youmight true. necessarily romance not they’re about but fun, much worries Thai’s not Your unfortunately. today, 6— flourish could a is Today 22)— 23-Aug. (July person happens. Leo that right sure the make to need trouble you extra the Go to you. with ambiance, there right the need you do only Not Less i * v r c i n n n V O M D f l l W m K O M s OR YOUR UNWANTED D E T N A W N U R U O Y R FO utMninTi D (openbook) AD This Mention Just R O F L L A C Tuesday, May 11,1999 1021 STATE _ ST. Vegetables! WOMEN! $20 NG AND D N A G IN H T O L C LL PY U O Y PAY L IL W ES S IE R O S S E C C A 6.99 ® 966.9989 r o Meat

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HI TWl Daily Nexus Tuesday, May 11,1999 7

Call 893-3829 Daily Nexus • Fax 893-2789

L ife g u a rd * W a n te d for 1999 1 M/F to share 3bd house w/4 Summer sublessees) needed to L ost & F ound summer season: SB County others. Own room/lrg back yd/ facials & W axing rent 1 room In a 2 story IV . Beaches/ Swimming Poofs. Con­ garage/washer/dryer/fire pi. house. Huge balcony. Close to LOST: Black Sunglasses @ UCEN tact Mark Cummins at by Jaym i? ®- $510/mo 873 Fortuna In . C al school and beach. $550/mo. obo on May 6. H found please c a l 805-5664)063 685-9223. 971-16791 interested. 966-6382. REWARD offered. ¿ohn.idwa.rds Needed: Student for small repairs, '6529 Trigo Ret 1M needed to share room in 994)0. CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED UNDER painting, yardwork. Must have open 968.895 2- 2Br/1 Bath @$275/mo. Non­ S T O R K E T O W E R Room 1041,9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through truck. $l0/hr 10-15 hrs/week • D e r m a ! o g i c a • smoking C al 968-7171. Gseex Messages Friday. P R IC E IS $6.00 for 4 lines (per day), 27 spaces per line, S pecial N otices 682-6612 1 or 2 female roommates 4 a 1 bed­ 50 cents each line (hereafter. Programming Jobs SPEEDY RESEARCH- RE­ room w/prvt. bath In I.V. $575mo. Rates lor UCSB students with reg. card is $4.00 for 4 lines (per day) and Internships PORTS & PAPERS $6.00 PER 961-8294 Anna. Fraternities Support the C al 685-2348 PAGE. MATERIALS FOR RE­ Sororities and the fifth day is $1.00. Gauchos! UCSB SEARCH ASSISTANCE ONLYIII 2 M/F roomales needed for C lubs VISA/MC/AMEX CALL TOOAYl 99-00 school year. Big rooms, Phone in your ad with Visa or Mastercard to (605) 893-3829. Dance Team try­ P/T computer tech. Exp w/PC & MS Student Groups 1-800-356-9001 6647 Trigo 3bd/3bath B O L D F A C E T Y P E is 60 cents par line (or any part of a line). outs OS. Networking a plus. Salary DOE. Ask for Micah 685-1142 323-463-1257 Earn $l,000-$2,000 this May 14,15,16 730 Fri. Fax resume 681-3465 or Eric 968-5192 @Rob Gym 1410 semester with the easy 14 POINT TYPE RED BULL would Ike to congratu­ Call 685-4147 3 F Roommates Wanted for huge late our new pledge classll We CIS three hour fundrais­ Business P’RS'HALS house. Free laundry, lots of parking, is $1.20 per line. LOVE our BULLSI Especially Gerd ing event. No sales utilties included. 779 Camino Pes- Spatzell If you're interseted in be­ required. Fundraising cadero $400 C a l Sara 968-8315. 10 POINT TYPE îm taôoiûiiïY coming one of us, email: L a s e r H a ir dates are filling quickly, is $.70 per line. [email protected]. 3 Fun girls looking for a so call today! R e m o v a l female roomale to share a RE/Rnancial Analyst OONEVCT Dan Wolman RUN THE AD 4 DAYS IN A ROW, G E T TH E 5th DAY Call for a FREE Consultation 2BD house on Trigo. $350/mo FT Summer Computer Ut FOR $1.00 (same ad only). for 99/00. Call Liz/Samono at CIS, 800.922.5579 Burrito Basii w/Econ/Acct or Engr A esth etic 961-4695 Bckgmd Salary Neg. Laser Centers D E A D L IN E 4 p.m., 2 working days prior to publication. Ñ A á m íth m á Send Resume Incl. GPA 805.569,1249 CUSTOM C L A S S IF IE D D IS P L A Y — Call (805) 893-3828 for prices. ifm m : Fax *899-4900 Haight Prop. 4 F needed for July 1, '99-00 to 233 E. Carrillo *B SB 93101 share 5BD house on Pasado PRINTED ITEM S D E A D L IN E N O O N , 2 working days prior to publication. Freebirds Burnt« & 92.9 KJEE $415-$440/mo. Call Kely 685-9352 U sed F urniture AWARDS, ; Wediirdty Hw It* - 4 SWIM TEACHER- Responsible or Christine 685-2853. friendly person that loves working BAGS, i: Silas KiHt SararH* Big 3pc entertainment ctr & with chidren. ty r commitment. 8/15 1999- 8/2000. Private room BANNERS, H*m?4lî«i** ' matching coffee table. Room • “You’ve tried the rest, now get the best” Please call 565-4604 Or 964-7818 available in colege house in Goleta. BALLOONS, hmAu blM" for everything! Lke new 3 5 ml. from UCSB. $320/mo F or M. BUTTONS. m t 5:30-7:ÎOp» * hr. phone t and address. È $275 obo Kalai 962-5558x179. JB Pre-Sale, IS it t l M ca l Daniella @ 685-1559. CLOTHING... $4 The World Kickboxing Gym is now J w . TMnt fosUas ...GLASSES... hiring from desk stall. Bring resume D.P. House. 1-4 roommates ...MUGS... " nfìaìlti hrritul M/F Slngles/doubles Spa 7 & hours available to 29 W. Ana- ..ZIPPER PULLERS. ficieti: Anilsbli it 76I Ciani Frnt/bck yd gated prking DEEP DISH finid in V (m isy pamuSL •For Rent UCSB Ryan 685-7975 Randy 685-8207 FROM A TO Z H i m Kim ambir, T o p s id e now accepting applica­ 1 BOR Apt at 6639 Picasso We can produce anything with PAN PIZZA battus MMm jd your name and logo an it. tions for retail sales position. Fix his. 600/mo 12mo lease starting 7212 «r Afilie» I Please apply at 217 D Steams 968-5311 7/B Fum, Prkg, Lndry S ubleases $3.75 Wharf. 6854894. TRI-VALLEYI 40* additional for each topping. TRAVEL ADVISOR 1-2F Subleasers 4 shared or private TROPHIES World's largest student travel room. Partly fum. 2 1 /2 mth lease. Quality & Service Help Wanted 1 Bd, part fum. Nr. UCSB & Magno­ Rent Negotiable. Cal Patty @ DAILY IIAM-MIDNIGHT • 7 DAYS A WEEK organization seeks bright lia ahop/centr. N.S, K.P kids u ll. 9 6 7 - 2 2 1 5 individuals for our expandfog UCS8 685-5696.______Bartender Trainees needed $415 + sec. Prof male. 685-5559. 330 South Kellogg Ave. 968-2254 6583 Pardall Rd., I.V. $100-200 per shift, P/T or F/T. Im­ location. FT or PT. Positive 1-2F subleasers needed 4 summer. Goleta, CA 93117 mediate placement assistance. attitude and customer focus are 1 bd apt a v a l 6/18 & 9/18 ACROSS 65 — de foie gras 35 I t ’s —T Room avaiable n after Inals June Play a trumpet 36 Author 805-983-6649. International Barten­ crucial. Previous sales experience 744 Embarcadero Del Mar rent already taken care of. cal 5 Purple Heart, DOWN Gertrude preferred. 17K plus bonus and $750.12 mo. lease 968-5316. der School. 968-9528. e.g. 1 Whole-wheat or 38 Savings for the benefits. Will train. Fax resume and Legai S ervices 10 X-rated reading white future Female Photo Models Needed. 4 Bedroom 3 Bath House in Resi­ cover letter to Sanjiv at 1 4 summer subleasers wntd 14 Front's opposite 2 Pull up stakes 39 Attack a la $200-$1000 per shoot dential IV quiet grotp, 8 people 3 Palmy places? 805-893-3562 for house on DP (6636). 15 “The dog ate my Zotto Legitimate work-paid daily. Sterling max. 2800/mo. Available June 20, Criminal Defense homework,” e.g. 4 Kind of humor 44 "— My Balcony and big backyard. 5 Female prison Productions. 961-3919. Tutor/Skter/Driver for my lly r old 895-7340.______16 Pith Children" Pries negotiable. Contact Personal Injury guard gut Must be ready for flexbie hours. t7 The Hfe of Riley 45 Hungarian 6527 0 Greco 1/2 block to campus. Dave at 968-8736. 19 Pay to play 6 Jane Jetson's 47 Mafia don's W ei versed in comprehension One bedroom units available for ATTORNEY.DUI M k 20 "Greetings!” son proposal reading skills and math. C al Carol 7 Way to lose from Galba 48 Enjoy TELEPHONE FOR lease. 7/996/00. $750 564-7271 Victoria Lindenauer weight at 687-6484. 2 Females needed to sub­ 72 /'s . Ir a i Experience, 21 — out: 49 Coronet at 8 “H onest—" lease Aggressive, Understanding, introduce court 6778-6788 Abrego Rd. Quiet 9 Intelligentsia GOOD CAUSES Work @ Sea Landing-Gateway to for FALL Quarter '99. 4 fe­ UCSB Alumnus 22 Magazine boss 50 Legal decree side oi IV-14 unit bldg-1bd 1ba re­ 10 Discoloration Channel Is. N tl Park. WANTED: m ales DOWNTOWN S.8. 7 3 0 -1 9 5 9 24 Reduce to 51 Wash cycle Earn Up To $10/Hr Office employee for reservations modeled apts-indy & parking $875 smithereens 11 TV deal maker 52 Freeway exit looking for 2 more 12 Engaged in ♦info. Fjshing/Diving oxp. signing bonus/credk „Sierra Prop 26 Gdod buddy 53 Natural salve I T + Bonuses TT housem ates 13 Stadium level preferred. Cal Andre @ 963-3564. Mgl 667-3373______C omputers 27 Solo in 54 Mandlikovaof to share a doubt# room on “Star Wars” 18 Layers tennis Within 5 Days for more info. Please apply in 23 E-mail address Locking for a place to ive oceansid* D.P. Furnished Affordable consulting tutore-repaks- 28 Navy mascot 58 Soak flax person. 29 "It Must Be — unit 59 Station house Telefund, Inc., SB's progressive www.santabarbarahoueing bedroom. Call Kelly or Ka­ upgrades-new PC's-service. 25 In that place fundraising firm since 1989, seeks ren '67 tune .com 6854)379 32 Picture in a 26 — out: dies callers for modem, 1129 State SL apartments, houses, condos, du­ @>968-1794. picture 28 Enthusiasm office to raise funds for PSS, The Fob Sau plexes, sublets, roommates Computer services on campus k . 3 5 Polly o r Em 30 Part o f an Human R i0its Campaign, Emironmental agenda students, faculty, and stall. We re­ 36 Gorge groups and other good causes. A-1 MATTRESS SETS.. Only a few left!!! 2F Subleasers Needed mid June to 31 M ilitary food pair a l compatible Win95/NT com­ 37 The life o f Riley S7-S10/HR BASE WAGE GUARANTEED. Twin sets-$79, Full sets--$99, Remodeled 1bd Iba apts in xlnt lo­ Sept 2BD/1.5 BA. $300/mn, 40 Entre'— 32 Bridge beam . Aft/eve shifts, 12-37 hrs/wk. puters. We are an authorized ser­ 33 Preakness Queen sets $139, King sets cation Indy & park signing bonus/ lndry,pkg avail. Very Nice! intermission vice center for Apple computers and 41 Greasy spoon margin $159.Same day delivery 23 credit 6598 Seville Rd. $ 885 562-6055 lor inf. FUN SUMMER JOBS primers, no matter where you sign 34 Do a torch job styles. 909-A De La Vina S i Sierra Prop Mgt 687-3373 Gain valuable experience working 3-6 Subleasers needed 6/15 to bought!. We can Instal your net­ 42 THiers 962-9776. “ASK FOR 43 MGM rival wkh children outdoors. We are look­ Summer Rentals M l. 3Lg bedrooms/ 2 bath. Close work card and get you connected to STUDENT DISCOUNT“. 44 Regarding ing for fun, caring, Summer Day top campus & beach. Rent negoti­ the Internet. Cal Instructional Re­ 45 Hosp. test ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: Camp Staff whose summer home is able, call Kristie @ 971-2407 sources Computer Services in Kerr 46 “Affliction" star in or near the S an F ern an d o o r Hall at 893-2102. 48 Mosey along Rm4Renl Female,2BD,BA, Down­ Conejo V alley* General A utos fob Sa ie ¡R o o m m a t e s Bring in this 52 Chance to raise town, new carpet/pain Town- money Counselors & Specialists. ad and get $10.00 offl 1998 Dodge Dakota pickup 1-2 Females needed to tent room house, Avail Mid June-Aug 99 $475 54 Witches $2100-$3000* for eummer 55 African tyrant 10k mi $10,000 bk 5 spd stick on Sueno. $350/each. Nice house/ i utls Cal 8993744 Hurryl Cal us todayl 818-865-6263. 56 Arabic “A" ac cassette bed liner jlgmail- nice girls close to campus. ^-O O . Subleaser June-Sept 2BD 2BA du­ 57 The Kfe of Riley Girls Girls Girisll 971-1596 968-9470______plex. 897 Camino Del Sur A. Furn­ 60 — or less Earn $100+ per hr. exotic dancing 61 Columbus' ished, fenced yard. $1100 OBO. Flax, hours Cash paid daily 68 Ford Bronco II. XLT, AC, PW, 1-2 Females for charming birthplace C al Molly 971-1478. 544-2204 PO, CC 2000 Registration $2000. downtown bedroom. Own room or 62 Circle segments C al Jeff 569-9023 share. C al Jay, 963-6795. 63 Strain to see Subleasers needed! July-Sept. 64 Fab Four knmed. cash for female Aval 6/1 95 Jeep Wrangler SE 4x4 ,4.0L Hi 1 Rm avail 2 share or single. Share member figure models. Two hours Outpul 5spd, ac, tk, snd bar, chrm 2Bd/2Ba appt. W/2 girls. C al Bekki work as photo model C al wills, mudders, nerf bars, oust 1-2 m/t needed to share room in or Nkki @971-5849 961-3925. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 1 Ì bump. 33K miles, $13,450 obo. Erk 3BD/2BA apt $340 /mo. Park, Subleaser needed for Fal 99. 1 4 1 5 1 6 Innovative, nonconformist, set ir­ 665-1948. dshwashr. Lg.lvng room and ktchn. 6600 block of Sabado. onic, professional funny, laid back, For 7/99-7/00 cal 685-3567 NISSAN PULSAR 84. AUTO/PS $320/mo, w/private bath. 1 7 18 1 9 sympathetic, polarizing, unpredict­ Call Shawn @ 968-0545 2D. AM/FM stereo, cass., sunroof. 1 F needed to share room on 6644 2 0 21 2 2 2 3 able, hedonistic, Meligem, high- 2Dr. 130K. Runs GREAT. $750. Del Playa June 994X) $420/mo. Cal quality, seeking same. Must have 2 4 2 5 2 6 obo. 971-6873. [email protected]. Allison at 6854)682.______sold GPA and social He. Email: Summer Stfoleasets Wanted 99 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 31 [email protected] 1 F needed to share room in house 2BD to share or single Oceanside @ 6682 Trigo 7/99-6/00 $360/mo ♦ DP 6500 Block C al Sarah J. for info 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 If* Udder Madneee Bicycles dep. Call Beth at 968-2044. 9614580 is looking for sales people tor down­ 3 7 3 8 3 9 town store. Flexbie hrs. F/T, P/T 1 F roommate wanted to share 28D Summer Subleasers Wanted: 2BD USED BEACH CRUISERS, 4 0 4 1 4 2 apt in Goleta $460 starting 6/19 for 4 females, Grt Loctn/corx' 1 * pos. aval. Apply at 923 Stale SL MOUNTAIN BIKES, AND BASIC quiet study environment- grad stu­ deck, new washer/dryer, new bath­ 4 3 4 4 4 5 BIKES FROM $75.00 IV Bicycle JUNE GRADS-want to stay in Santa dents only 685-1728 room, big yds. 6694 Sabado B Boutique. 660 Emb. Del Mar. 4 6 4 7 4 8 re 5 0 51 Barbara and start your career at a CALL: 966-2169. 968-3338 company that standsir Al apart? The 1F to share room in 3bd/2ba 5 2 5 3 5 4 Santa Barbara Independent has OCEANSIDE apt 6613 DP, Summer Sublease IS 5 6 5 7 5 8 opening for an entry level business/ S ebvices O ffebeo 6/996/00. $420/mo call Shira @ Large 1bdrm Apart July 1st-Sepi C al Chris 685-9204. accounting major in our Business 971-2084______6 0 61 -, Department Good pay and bene­ Skydive Tell 1 F to share Irg. master bd w/4 girls. Summer Subleaser wantedll 6 3 6 4 fits. Resumes only to Todd Smith, 100% Adrenal rush Own bath 6619 D.P Oceanside. G it - 6511 Oceanside OF. JuFSepi 1 65 Independent 1221 Stale S i SB College and group rates. view $550/mo. CaN Vicky @ Fern. prof, single or share By Randall J. Hartman 5 /1 1 /9 9 93101 (805) 765-JUMP rent neg. C al 968-2570 Kara O 1999 Los Angeles Times Syndicate 685-7050. 8 Tuesday, May 11,1999 Daily Nexus

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"The Answer" UCSB Makes A Splash to the in Polo Championships MVP By Brooke Roberts were seeded eight and came out R eporter sixth, which felt really good.” Question Later that day, Santa Barbara was paired up with the #1 team in The UCSB women’s water polo the nation, the USC Trojans. M a r v i n G a p u l t o s team spent another weekend defy­ UCSB matched the top-ranked ing the odds and proving that Trojans goal for goal in the first Santa Barbara isn’t a school to be period. However, during the sec­ W ith the NBA playoffs just taken lighdy in the pool. ond period the Trojans managed to underway, people have begun After a shaky regular-season sneak one into the net that the making their picks of who should start, the Gauchos proved them­ Gauchos could not counter, leav­ be the Most Valuable Player. Year selves when they headed off to the ing Santa Barbara with a close 2-1 after year, the league has had a Western Qualifying Tournament loss. fairly simple job of deciding who last week and defeated all of their “We were right there with them gets the trophy. But with Michael opponents until finally dropping to the whole game,” Blumberg said. Jordan and his omnipotent domi­ State. UCSB managed “W e didn’t do a lot of subbing, and nance gone, the MVP trophy, like to grab fourth place in the tourney, we got tired during that match. We the NBA championship trophy, is which earned it a fourth-straight had previously played a tough up for grabs. national tourney berth in the Wo­ game against San Jose State.” After considering all the usual men’s Water Polo National After the loss to USC, the candidates for MVP, I have chosen Championships where it competed Gauchos started off Saturday with someone who has been doubted, last weekend at UC Davis. a match against Hawai’i. The ridiculed and scrutinized ever since The Gauchos’ first match for the Rainbows made for a nail-biting, he was drafted into the NBA. My championship was Friday against sitting-on-the-edge-of-your-seat pick for the NBA’s Most Valuable San Jose State. San Jose State be­ game. Santa Barbara was tied with Player is Philadelphia’s Allen “The came a major rival of UCSB after the Rainbows after regulation and Answer’’ Iverson. But before I tell the Gauchos suffered a huge loss to went into a seldom heard of double you why this Georgetown alumn it earlier in the season. However, overtime with two periods of sud­ should get the coveted trophy, let this time around, UCSB came out den death. During the second per­ me tell you why he won’t. on top in a 6-0 shutout. iod of sudden death, the Gauchos The NBA is a business, plain “I came from a high school remained tied at 9-9, and two- and simple. And the Powers That where we never lost, so my first col­ meter player Kelly Tiffany sent one JASON SCHOCK / DAILY NEXUS Be would rather have their league lege match this season against reeling into the Rainbow’s goal, WATER WINGS: The UCSB women ’$ w ater polo team flew to a #6 represented by shiny, happy, poster SJSU was disappointing,” fresh­ winning the game for the Gauchos national ranking after gunning down its opponents in the pool. boys like Utah’s Karl Malone or man driver Mary Blumberg said. 10-9. San Antonio’s Tim Duncan. For “We weren’t even • supposed to “It was the best game that I have The final day of the champion­ two-meter player Jenny Holliday this reason, and this reason alone, qualify for Nationals this year, and ever played,” Blumberg said. “The ships pitted UCSB against another said. “It would have been nice to Iverson will not be voted MVP. we did. The whole season we got stands were packed, and everyone of its rivals, the San Diego State win against San Diego State, but it Iverson is somewhat of an ano­ better and better. All six of us in the was cheering. Santa Barbara had a Aztecs, in a match for fifth place. was a good game and a really close maly to NBA execs. H e’s not your water played together well. W e really big crowd. [Junior] Lynn The Gauchos had three competi­ calk” typical, suit-wearing NBA type of Nisbet pulled out with an amazing tions with the Aztecs earlier in the The contest against SDSU com­ player. He wears comrows, travels shot to get us into overtime, and season, and every single one ended pleted the tourney for UCSB, and with an entourage, has tattoos up Kelly Tiffany slammed the win­ in overtime. It was 0-0 after the the Gauchos ended their season at and down his arms, and is a card- ning shot. The crowd went wild.” first quarter, then SDSU put a #6 in the nation when they had carrying member of the hip hop Despite the high-scoring affair, point on the scoreboard, malting it been picked to come out last in community. Based on his appear­ freshman goalkeeper Katelyn 1-0 in the second. UCSB re­ preseason polls. ance alone, Iverson has been Henry was still a main factor in the sponded right away when Nisbet labeled a thug. And, of course, no­ Gaucho victory. scored on a man-up from a pass by “This weekend was a really big body wants a thug to be . the rep­ “My defense was there to bail sophomore driver Cathy Holm- accomplishment for all of us,” resentative of an organization. me out,” Henry said. “I was there berg, tying it 1-1. With four mir Henry added. “We really didn’t While Iverson has had his share to bail my defense out when they nutes left, San Diego managed to know what to expect this year. We of off-the-court controversies, needed it. My whole goal in the score and took the match for the fi­ beat Hawaii and that was a huge what past MVPs haven’t? Michael game is to help my team out, and I nal tally of 2-1. match. That just shows what a Jordan had a gambling problem, don’t even care if I have to sacrifice “I actually thought that we did group of predominantly freshman and Charles Barkley had a drink­ Mary Blumberg my body in the process.” really well this season,” freshman players can do.” ing problem. Iverson’s run-ins with his coach Larry Brown have also been well documented, but Santa Barbara Golfers Place Sixth in Wild West Shootout obviously Iverson has proven that he is mature enough to put aside By Marvin Gapultos after shooting rounds of77,68, and 69 for a total of214. However, Wood Staff Writer personal differences with Brown. was not alone in the ninth spot, tying BYU’s Scott Miller and Stanford’s Iverson has led the Sixers out of Ned Yetten. obscurity and into the playoffs for “[The course] sets up pretty well for me because it’s a longer course,” die first time in years. After a disappointing ninth-place finish in last week’s Big West Con­ Wood said. T m also from up north so I’m pretty familiar with it. I hit a Iverson also beat out Shaquille ference Championships, the UCSB golf team traveled to Stanford last couple of bad shots in the first round, which costed me some penalty O ’Neal for the scoring ride this weekend in a showdown among the best teams in all of the W est in the shots. I had a shaky start, but then I settled down as my last two rounds year. Yes, Iverson took 30 shots a U.S. Intercollegiate Tournament and finished in the top 10 out of a field show.” of 20. game and rarely hit more than half Wood was not alone in individual play. Senior Garett Wagner ended of them, but so did Jordan. Malone “We played really well as a team,” junior Jeff Wood said. “The best the tourney in a six-way tie for 12th place. Wagner shot 71,71 and 73 for a and Duncan’s teams ate in the teams in the West were out there, and we were finally able to step it up af­ 215 total — two strokes on the plus side. playoffs, but they were supported ter a poor performance last week.” “The team did great, and I think I played pretty good,” Wagner said. “It by better players around them. The Gauchos tied Oregon State University for sixth place after three was a big tournament for us because it may have clinched regionals for us. W ho does Iverson have on his rounds of golf. Santa Barbara shot There were about seven to right teams there that were going to regionals, squad that is on the same level as rounds of 292, 282 and 297 for a and 18 teams overall get to go.” John Stockton or David Robinson? total score of 871 on the 71-par, According to Lass, the Gauchos will find out today whether they made Eric Snow and M att Geiger? 6,756-yard course. Brigham the regional cut. Thug or team player, social out­ Young University took first place “We did do very well, and we probably did clinch a spot,” Lass said. cast or basketball superstar, one with a total of 852, while the Uni­ “But [today] the NCAA makes everything official. It was a moderately thing’s for sure — Allen Iverson versity of Oregon and Stanford difficult course, but the fact is that there were a number of very, very good vóli continue to amaze and bring finished out the top three with tot­ teams competing in that tournament to make it to regionals.” his team to new heights, while als of 862 and 863, respectively. another clean-cut, all-around nice ‘Jeff Wood did surprisingly well Junior Naoya Take moto finished in a five-way tie for 26 th, shooting guy will be handed the MVP tro­ for us,” UCSB Head Coach Steve rounds of68,73 and 78 for 218 at six over. Sophomore Greg Snider took phy from D ^ d Stem. Lass said. “H e finished in ninth 61st with eight others who finished at 15 over par. Snider shot rounds of Marvin Gapultos is the assistant place, which helped the team out a 76, 75 and 77 for a three-round total of 228. Sophomore Ben Owen sports editor and has ‘thug-life" ta t­ lot.” chipped in for the Gauchos, finishing 91st at 22 over, with rounds of 82, tooed across his abdomen. Wood finished at one over par 70 and 83 for a total of 235.