Arxiv:1204.5348V1 [Physics.Flu-Dyn] 24 Apr 2012

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Arxiv:1204.5348V1 [Physics.Flu-Dyn] 24 Apr 2012 Phase transitions and marginal ensemble equivalence for freely evolving flows on a rotating sphere C. Herbert,1, 2, ∗ B. Dubrulle,1 P.H. Chavanis,3 and D. Paillard2 1Service de Physique de l'Etat Condens´e,DSM, CEA Saclay, CNRS URA 2464, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 2Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, IPSL, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, UMR 8212, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 3Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique(IRSAMC), CNRS and UPS, Universit´ede Toulouse, 31062 Toulouse, France The large-scale circulation of planetary atmospheres like that of the Earth is traditionally thought of in a dynamical framework. Here, we apply the statistical mechanics theory of turbulent flows to a simplified model of the global atmosphere, the quasi-geostrophic model, leading to non-trivial equilibria. Depending on a few global parameters, the structure of the flow may be either a solid- body rotation (zonal flow) or a dipole. A second order phase transition occurs between these two phases, with associated spontaneous symmetry-breaking in the dipole phase. This model allows us to go beyond the general theory of marginal ensemble equivalence through the notion of Goldstone modes. PACS numbers: 47.10.-g, 47.27.eb, 05.20.-y, 05.70.-a I. INTRODUCTION are obtained and a second-order phase transition with spontaneous symmetry breaking is observed between a It is well known that two-dimensional (2D) turbu- solid-body rotation phase and a dipole phase. In ad- lent flows develop large-scale coherent structures [1], and dition, the system displays surprising thermodynamic widely believed that the existence of these structures is properties. Standard thermodynamics textbooks usually related to the existence of additional conserved quanti- explain that for large enough systems (thermodynamic ties, as compared to the 3D case. In particular, Kraich- limit), mean values computed with a probability distri- nan [2] showed that in 2D flows, due to the conservation bution that assigns equal weights to all the states hav- of enstrophy and energy, two inertial ranges coexist: a ing a given energy (microcanonical distribution) coincide direct (downscale) enstrophy cascade and an inverse (up- with mean values computed with a Boltzmann distribu- scale) energy cascade. As a result, the energy accumu- tion (canonical distribution). When the energy is not lates at the largest scales (lowest wavenumbers) leading additive, which occurs in the presence of long-range in- to coherent structures. This phenomenon is sometimes teractions [23, 24], this is generally not the case. Con- related to a form of Bose-Einstein condensation [2, 3]. sequently, peculiar thermodynamic features may appear: The formation of these coherent structures can be ac- for instance negative microcanonical specific heat [25, 26] counted for by statistical mechanics approaches. Given (due to the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, the canonical some conserved quantities, one is able to predict the most specific heat is always positive), convex dips in the mi- probable flow, which, assuming ergodicity, coincides with crocanonical entropy [27] and unusual phase transitions the final state of the flow. One particular area where [28, 29]. The statistical equilibria of the barotropic vor- large-scale coherent structures are ubiquitous, and dy- ticity equations on the rotating sphere have been the ob- namical approaches are both analytically intractable and ject of a number of studies in the past [30{32]. However, numerically not affordable, is geophysical fluid dynamics. no complete theory in the general framework of modern The early attempts to gain qualitative understanding of statistical mechanics of turbulent flows is available. The geophysical flows from statistical mechanics focused on purpose of this paper is to fill this gap by providing the the spectral space [4, 5], but a theory dealing with con- phase diagrams in the various statistical ensembles and tinuous fields in the physical space is now available [6{8]. discussing in detail a notion of marginal ensemble equiv- The Miller-Robert-Sommeria (MRS) theory was used to alence. develop small-scale parameterizations [9{14] and study arXiv:1204.5348v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 24 Apr 2012 the formation of localized vortices like Jupiter's great red spot [15{17] or meso-scale ocean structures like vortex II. STATISTICAL MECHANICS OF IDEAL rings and zonal jets [18, 19]. It has also been discussed FLOWS ON A ROTATING SPHERE in relation to Fofonoff flows [20{22]. In this paper, we construct the phase diagram of a We base our study on the quasi-geostrophic (QG) simple model of atmospheric flow on a rotating sphere, equations which provide a simple model of the atmo- the barotropic vorticity equation. Non-trivial equilibria spheric circulation. For simplicity, we shall treat here only the barotropic case with no bottom topography so that the potential vorticity is just the sum of the relative vorticity and the planetary vorticity: q = ! + f, where ∗Electronic address: [email protected] f = 2Ω cos θ and Ω is the angular velocity of the Earth. 2 The general case will be described in detail elsewhere [33]. proposed to treat the Casimirs in a canonical way [37], In the absence of forcing and dissipation, the potential which is equivalent to choosing a prior small-scale poten- vorticity is advected by the flow: tial vorticity distribution [37{39]. The ensemble-mean potential vorticity then maximizes a generalized entropy @tq + u · rq = 0: (1) R S[q] = − D C(q) dr where C is a convex function related to the prior. A Gaussian prior leads to a linear q − Here u = −^r × r is the velocity field and the stream relationship; it is associated with a quadratic general- function, related to the vorticity field by ! = −∆ . For ized entropy S[q] = −(1=2) R q2 dr proportional to the convenience, we adopt the Gauge condition R dr = 0. D D coarse-grained potential enstrophy. All these justifica- Similarly to the 2D Euler equations, QG flows admit dy- tions lead to a linear q − relationship. However, they namical invariants: the energy E[q] = (1=2) R (q−f) dr D are not equivalent. They essentially differ in the manner and the Casimirs Γ [q] = R qn dr. For specific flow n D that the fragile constraints (high-order Casimir invari- domains D, some additional invariants must be con- ants) are treated, while the robust constraints (energy, sidered. Here, we focus on the case of a sphere with circulation, angular momentum) are strictly taken into unit radius D = S2, for which the angular momentum account in all these approaches. In approaches (i) and L[q] = R (q − f) cos θ dr is conserved. D (ii), although the structure of the equilibria in the limit Steady-states of the QG equations which are stationary considered depends only on the robust invariants, con- in a frame rotating with angular velocity ΩL with respect servation of the fragile invariants is taken into account to the terrestrial frame satisfy q(θ; φ, t) = q(θ; φ − ΩLt). implicitly. On the contrary, approaches (iii) and (iv) are Substituting this relation into the evolution equation (1), based on the idea that, in real flows, forcing and dissipa- we obtain fq; + ΩL cos θg = 0 where f; g denote the tion acting at small scales break down the conservation of Poisson brackets. Hence the general form of steady states high-order Casimirs. In (iii) these constraints are purely of the QG equations on the sphere is q = F ( +ΩL cos θ) discarded while in (iv) they are replaced by a prior. Note where F is an arbitrary function. Statistical mechanics that strictly speaking, either we consider the unforced- allows us to select the most probable function F given the undamped case and we should consider all the invariants, value of the dynamical invariants E; L and Γn as follows. or we consider the forced-damped case in which case the A priori, the evolution of the flow is purely deter- value of the robust invariants should also be selected by mined by the initial potential vorticity field q0. It is well the forcing and the dissipation. Finally, the approach (ii) known that throughout the dynamical evolution, the po- does not make any assumption on the fluctuations of the tential vorticity field develops finer and finer filaments. potential vorticity, contrary to (i), (iii) and (iv) in which This small-scale behaviour of the potential vorticity field they are Gaussian. makes it difficult to treat the flow in a deterministic way, The microcanonical variational problem reads as the typical scale of potential vorticity fluctuations will eventually become smaller than any simulation or ob- S(E; L) = maxfS[q]jE[q] = E; L[q] = Lg: (2) servation resolution. On the other hand, the large-scale q structure can be readily predicted by statistical mechan- ics. Introducing a coarse-grained potential vorticity field, Note that it is not necessary to include the circulation one maximizes the statistical entropy subject to the con- in the constraints as it always vanishes due to the ge- servation constraints to obtain the most probable poten- ometry. The solutions of this variational problem are a tial vorticity field [6{8]. It is characterized by a functional subset of the full class of MRS equilibria. In practice, constrained variational problems like (2) are difficult to relationship q = F ( + ΩL cos θ) where the function F depends on the invariants. In the following, we shall as- solve. It is much more convenient to work with the dual sume that F is linear. Several justifications can be given variational problem with relaxed constraints, the grand- to motivate this choice: (i) it corresponds to a MRS equi- canonical variational problem: librium with a Gaussian potential vorticity distribution J (β; µ) = maxfS[q] − βE[q] − µL[q]g: (3) reached for particular initial conditions [6].
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