From: Andrew Blackwell [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: 13 May 2015 08:56 To: John Pearce Subject: RE: Roding Lane South John Thank you for confirming this. As you may know, we represent a client who has a private ,enclosed area of land that is need of ground restoration given its previous history of unmanaged tipping and the substantial extent of Japanese Knotweed. Because it is naturally contained by a high bank against the River Roding, we maintain this is one site where the Green Belt can be rolled back ,without compromise to the essential NPPF tests. If development is linked to fresh public open space and wildlife enhancement within the site (and along the River Roding) we see an exciting community gain as well as scope for further new homes. A dialogue with David was progressing which we are keen to maintain so all features of our ideas are fully appreciated within the Council. This is particularly so as I am aware there is a Neighbourhood Services Committee on the 3/6 to consider possible Green Belt revisions. We would be receptive to any opportunity to briefly present our ideas and welcome the chance to meet you if it is possible. I look forward to your reply. Kind regards Andrew Andrew Blackwell Divisional Managing Partner Planning Division Saxon House, 27 Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1HT DD: 01245 505 080 Fax: 01245 251 214 Mob: 07880 781378 The UK’s leading regional property consultancy From: John Pearce [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: 12 May 2015 16:28 To: Andrew Blackwell Subject: RE: Roding Lane South From: Andrew Blackwell [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: 12 May 2015 15:51 To: John Pearce Subject: Roding Lane South Dear Mr Pearce I understand that David Hughes has left the authority.