Freshwater Crayfish Volume 16 President’S Corner 2 Now Available IAA Related News 3
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March 2009 Volume 31, Issue 1 ISSN 1023-8174 The Official Newsletter of the International Association of Astacology Inside this issue: Cover Story 1 Freshwater Crayfish Volume 16 President’s Corner 2 Now Available IAA Related News 3 Short Articles 4 Conservation of 4 White-clawed Crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes, in Southwest England Notes on the Piedmont 5 Blue Burrower, Cambarus harti Traditional Laundry 5 Becomes Crayfish Killer (Cândeni Case Study) Books & 8 Multimedia News Items From 10 Around the World Meeting 12 Announcements Literature of 16 Interest to Astacologists The cover of the newly published Freshwater Crayfish 16. e are please to announce that Fresh- the past 35 years, and this volume incorpo- W water Crayfish 16, the proceedings rates a number of timely updates. These up- resulting from the 16th Symposium of the dates include a new format for the papers International Association of Astacology that themselves that brings them into line with was held in Surfers Paradise, The Gold Coast, mainstream published journals, and a revised Queensland, Australia between the 30th of set of instructions for authors that will help July and 4th August 2006, has been published standardize manuscript submission for this by the IAA. newly implemented journal format. Further- This is the latest in a long line of Freshwa- more, this was the first volume of Freshwater ter Crayfish volumes that extend back over (Continued on page 3) Crayfish News Volume 31 Issue 1: Page 1 President’s Corner Dear IAA members: view manuscripts for Freshwater Crayfish is As this is the first Crayfish News for 2009, another wonderful indication of the very close I would like to wish you all a very successful -knit nature of the IAA and its members. and Happy Year for 2009, and I trust you all To me, one of the many highlights of be- had a most enjoyable festive season. Since my ing a member of the IAA, is when the IAA fam- last message many IAA members, in both ily gets together at our biennial IAA symposi- Hemispheres, have experienced some particu- ums. Of course, IAA18 in Columbia Missouri James M. Furse larly severe weather events, some disastrous. (USA) is now only just over a year away, in IAA President (Australia) Over the last few months various regions of July 2010. I have been in very close contact Australia have experienced widespread flood- with the IAA18 organising team, they are very ing, severe heatwaves, and here in Queen- busily doing a magnificent, and very thorough sland a very near-miss from a category 5- job, of making preparations for the big event. cyclone (but sadly, not 100 km from where I As with all IAA symposia (and with a bit of am sitting: a direct “hit” from an oil spill). Very inside knowledge on what is planned), I can sadly, and as I am sure you are aware, the assure you that IAA18 is promising to be an- severe weather conditions in Southern Aus- other fantastic event: I can hardly wait to get tralia led to a terrible loss of life in the Victo- there (and have been saving money furiously). rian Bushfire tragedy. Thankfully, I am happy Obviously we are experiencing some particu- to report that our IAA members, and their larly difficult financial times, but nevertheless, families, from that region are all safe and well. I encourage all IAA members to do whatever I trust that our members from Northern Aus- they can to attend IAA18, as I know it will be tralia have managed to dry out after the well worth it. As a final IAA18 side-note, I un- floods, and our members from the Northern derstand that IAA18 team member, Chris Tay- Hemisphere have thawed out after the severe lor, has been busily honing his pumpkin-pie cold weather, or are starting to thaw with the recipe to the razor’s edge of perfection: I am onset of spring. looking forward to a taste of that pie! I am reliably informed that the manu- The set-up of the IAA on-line credit card script submission and review process for payment facility (PayPal) that I have been Freshwater Crayfish 17 is forging ahead, with mentioning in the last few issues of Crayfish a good number of reviewers having already News is still underway. One major administra- completed their duties in a timely fashion. I tive hurdle that is presently being dealt with, think the willingness of IAA members to re- (Continued on page 3) The International Association of Astacology (IAA), founded in Officers: Hintertal, Austria in 1972, is dedicated to the study, conservation, and wise utilization of freshwater crayfish. Any individual or firm James M. Furse, President, Griffith School of Environment interested in furthering the study of astacology is eligible for Gold Coast Campus, Griffith University, Queensland 4222, Australia. membership. Service to members include a quarterly newsletter, E-Mail: membership directory, bi-annual international symposia and publication of the journal Freshwater Crayfish. James W. Fetzner Jr., President-Elect, Section of Invertebrate Zoology, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Secretariat: Pittsburgh, PA 15213-4080. United States of America. E-Mail: FetznerJ@CarnegieMNH.Org The International Association of Astacology has a permanent secretariat managed by Bill Daniels. Address: IAA Secretariat, Leopold Füreder, Secretary, Institute of Ecology, University of Room 123, Swingle Hall, Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacul- Innsbruck, Technikerstr. 25, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria. tures, Auburn University, AL 36849-5419, USA. E-Mail: Tel: +1(334) 844-9123 / Fax: +1(334) 844-9208 E-mail: Catherine Souty-Grosset, Immediate Past-President, Université de Poitiers, Ecologie, Evolution, Symbiose, UMR CNRS 6556, 86022 Web page: Poitiers Cedex, France. Webmaster: James W. Fetzner Jr. E-mail: E-mail: FetznerJ@CarnegieMNH.Org Statements and opinions expressed in Crayfish News are IAA Board Members: not necessarily those of the International Association of In addition to the IAA Officers, the board includes Arnie Eversole Astacology. (USA), Paula Henttonen (Finland), Jay Huner (USA), Julian Rey- nolds (Ireland), Stephanie Peay (UK) and Alastair Richardson This issue edited by James W. Fetzner Jr. (Tasmania). Crayfish News Volume 31 Issue 1: Page 2 (Continued from page 2) IAA Related News is the fact that the IAA does not currently have Tax-Exempt News about IAA18 status in the USA. The IAA does meet the criteria for a Tax- Exempt Organisation, however the application process is defi- Columbia, Missouri, USA nitely a non-trivial exercise. The IAA Secretariat and Officers The organizing committee has been busy updating the are working on the application. Unfortunately, we are not IAA18 website ( able to predict when we anticipate the PayPal facility will index.html). We hope that the updated site will be on-line in become available beyond “as soon as possible”: it will be early April 2009. Future meeting participants will find infor- worth the wait though. mation about important dates for registration, housing and A couple of final administrative notes: It appears that the abstract submittal, as well as information about the meeting contact details for a good number of IAA members are not venue, housing, and travel. We hope to have registration current: in particular e-mail addresses. Of course this compli- costs on the website by Fall 2009 (spring for those down- cates (or in some cases prevents) the dissemination of impor- under). tant information and announcements to the membership. In addition to firming up logistics for the meeting, the Please kindly take a moment to login to the IAA website and organizing committee has been working hard to gather spon- check, and correct, your contact details if required. I also un- sorship from several sources and despite economic hard- derstand that some members are not current with their times; we received good news in the form of donations from membership fees, please kindly check your records, and if several sponsors. required, pay your membership dues. The price of being a Finally, the local organizing and advisory committee member of the IAA is very reasonable, and of course the As- sociation relies on these funds to remain operational. would appreciate your responses to a short survey to deter- mine your level of interest in attending IAA18. You can ac- My very warmest regards to you all from the slightly less cess the survey at hot and humid Gold Coast. H TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=98KJlo2. We look forward to H James M. Furse hearing from you and truly appreciate your participation! IAA President Griffith University The IAA18 Organizing and Advisory Committees The Gold Coast, Australia (Continued from page 1) good or bad, on this latest version. Copies were mailed to all “full” delegates who attended Crayfish to be produced electronically using the IAA’s new on- IAA16, all 1st authors of the papers, and all reviewers who line Manuscript Submission and Tracking System. These vari- contributed to this volume. Sadly, many of the copies appear ous changes were implemented in order to standardize the to have been lost in the post. If you fall into one of these look, format, and speed of production of future volumes of groups and have not received your copy of Freshwater Cray- Freshwater Crayfish, this new streamlined process should fish 16 in the mail, please kindly email James Furse help future authors, reviewers, and editors alike. ( and we will arrange for another copy This volume contains 21 papers and a bibliography of all to be sent.