A Catalogue of the British, Medicinal, Culinary
CATALOGUE OF THE BRITISH, MEDICINAL, CULINARY, AND AGRICULTURAL plants. CULTIVATED IN THE LONDON NICBOL A GARDEN. WILLIAM CURTIS, Author of the Flora Londinensis. To which are prefixed. Proposals tor opening it by Subfcription. LONDON: Sold by E. White, Fleet-ftrcet; SEW EL, Cornhill; Robinson, Pater-noder Row; Payne, Pall-Mall; and Deerett, Piccadilly. M DCC LXXXIII. [ Price Tiircc Shillings and Six-pence. ] TO THE HONOURABLE DAINES BARRINGTON, THOMAS WHITE, Esq. and the rest or the SUBSCRIBERS TO THE LONDON BOTANIC GARDEN, THIS CATALOGUE of its CONTENTS, IS WITH THE SINCEREST GRATITUDE AND RESPECT, INSCRIBED BY w. CURTIS. V LIST of the SUBSCRIBERS. T3 O G E R Altham, Efq. Mr. William Alexander. Right Honourable the Earl of Bute. Honourable Daines Barrington. Sir Jofeph Banks, Baronet. John Baker, Efq. Mrs. Rachael Barclay. George Buxton, M. I> Peter Calvert, LL. D. Mr. Richard Calvert Mr. John Dyer. John Delamare, Efq. Mr. John Darby H. Grimfton, Efq. Meflieurs Gordon, and Co. Nich. Gwyn, M. D. Bulick Harwood, .M. D. Robert Hallifax, Efq. Mrs. Hill John Ibbettfon, Efq. Robert Jenner, Efq. Rev. Richard Kaye, D. D. Mrs. King. J, C. Lcttfom, M. D. George Morris, Med. Stud Right Honourable the Earl of Plymouth. Mr. William Parker. John Rawlinfon, M. D. John Sims, M. D. Rev. G. S. Townly Mrs. Yafton. Janies Vere, Efq. Hon. Thomas Fr. Wenman, Thomas White, Efq. Dr, William Wynne Mr. Thomas Willis William Watfon, M. D. Mr. Abraham Winterbottom. Mr. William Wooton, Apothecary. Mr. William Zachary SITUATION. 'T'HE London Botanic Garden is lituated very near the Magdalen-Hofpital, St.
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