RECEIVED AUG Z4 2015 Department of Treasury Notice CP211A fj) Internal Revenue Service Tax period December 31, 2014 Ogden UT 84201 Notice date August 24, 2015 IRS Employer ID number 51-0070060 To contact us Phone 1-877-829-5500 FAX 801-620-5555 109049.588786.48868.24084 1 AT 0.416 370 Page 1 of 1 11 I·' 1· ·''·· ·' 1' •1• 1l1 •'' 11•'' l·•1•11•111l II 1'l'll1'I1 •• •'1'·1'I' RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES INCORPORATED ~-~ PO BOX 4019 ~ WILMINGTON DE 19807-0019


Important information about your December 31, 2014 Form 990PF We approved your Form 8868, Application for Extension o·f Time To File an Exempt Organization Return

We approved the Form 8868 for your What you need to do December 31, 2014 Form 990PF. File your December 31, 2014 Form 990PF by November 15, 2015. Your new due date is November 15, 2015. Visit to learn about approved e-File providers, what types of returns can be filed electronically, and whether you are required to file electronically.

Additional information • Visit a. • For tax forms. instructions, and publications, visit or call 1-800-TAX-FORM ( 1-800-829-3676). • Keep this notice for your records. If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. Department of Treasury Notice CP211A Internal Revenue Service Tax period December 31, 2014 ~ Ogden UT 84201 Notice date June 8, 2015 IRS Employer ID number 51-0070060 To contact us Phone 1-877-829-5500 FAX 801-620-5555 059934,563824.478482.20929 1 AT 0.406 370 Page 1 of 1 ll11111···'·'l·'lll1ll 1l'·l···ll'·1l1 1ll·l·'·'l·11111ll'll1l''ll• RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES INCORPORATED RECEIVED PO BOX 4019 WILMINGTON DE 19807-0019


Important information about your December 31, 2014 Form 990PF We approved your Form 8868, Application for Extension of Time To File an Exempt Organization Return

We approved the Form 8868 for your What you need to do December 31, 2014 Form 990PF. File your December 31, 2014 Form 990PF by August 15, 2015. Your new due date is August 15, 2015. Visit to learn about approved e-File providers, what types of returns can be filed electronically, and whether you are required to file electronically.

Additional information • Visit a. • For tax forms, instructions, and publications, visit or call 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676). • Keep this notice for your records. If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. Form 8868 (Rev. 1-2014) Page2 • If you are filing for an Additional (Not Automatic) 3-Month Extension, complete only Part II and check this box ...... LXJ Note. Only complete Part II if you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868. • If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part I (on page 1). I Part 11 j Additional (Not Automatic) 3-Month Extension of Time. Only file the original (no copies needed)_ Enter filer's identifvinq number see instructions Type or Name of exempt organization or other filer, see instructions. Employer identification number (EIN) or print RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC

File by the :ACTIVITIES 1 INC. 51-0070060

filingdue date your for N um b er, s t ree t , an d room or SUI•t e no. If a p .0 . b ox, see 1nstruct1ons.· · Social security number (SSN) return.See P • 0 • BOX 4019 instructions. City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. For a foreign address, see instructions. WILMINGTON, DE 19807

Enter the Return code for the return that this application is for (file a separate application for each return) ...... [fill

Application Return Application Return Is For Code Is For Code Form 990 or Form 990-EZ 01 Form990-BL 02 Form 1041-A 08 Form 4720 (individual) 03 Form 4720 Cother than individual) 09 Form990-PF 04 Form 5227 10 Form 990-T (sec. 401 (al or 4081a) trust) 05 Form6069 11 Form 990-T (trust other than above) 06 Form8870 12 STOP! Do not complete Part II if you were not already granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868. THERESA G. ROBINSON • The books are in the care of .... 10 MONTCHANIN ROAD WILMINGTON, DE - WILMINGTON , DE 19 8 0 7 Telephone No..... ( 302) 655-4440 Fax No ..... • If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, che_c_k_t_h-is_b_o_x__ ------..- ..- ..- .. -.. -.. -...... D • If this is for a Group Return, enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) . If this is for the whole group, check this box .... D . If it is for part of the group, check this box .... D and attach a list with the names and EINs of all members the extension is for. 4 I request an additional 3-month extension of time until NOVEMBER 15 , 2 0 15. 5 For calendar year 2014 , or other tax year beginning , and ending 6 If the tax year entered in line 5 is for less than 12 months-.-c-he_c_k_r_e-as_o_n_:--....LJ-.-1-n-iti_a_Ir-e-turn ~LJ=--..-F-in_a_l_re_t_u_rn______D Change in accounting period 7 State in detail why you need the extension ADDITIONAL TIME IS NEEDED TO PREPARE A COMPLETE AND ACCURATE RETURN.

Sa If this application is for Forms 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits. See instructions. 8a $ 129,860. b If this application is for Forms 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments made. Include any year overpayment allowed as a credit and any amount paid oreviouslv with Form 8868. -Sb $ 251,729. c Balance due. Subtract line Bb from line Ba. Include your payment with this form, if required, by using EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System). See instructions. 8c $ 0. Signature and Verification must be completed for Part II only. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, omplete, and that I am authorized to prepare this form_ Signature .... Title .... ~/,)- Form 8868 (Rev. 1-2014)

423842 09-15-14 Product: Exempt Extension Category: Additional Extension IRS Center: Ogden Name: RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC e-Postmark: 8/3/2015 2: 15:55 PM ACTIVITIES, INC. FEIN: *****0060 Notification: ;cal Year Fiscal Year eSigned: !Qin Date: 1/1/2014 End Date: 12/31/2014

8/3/2015 Upload Started

8/3/2015 Ready to Release by Customer

8/3/2015 Released for 351165 Transmission - Validation in Progress

8/3/2015 Ready to transmit - Validation Complete

8/3/2015 Transmitted to FD - 5107052015215033fe60 Additional Extension

8/3/2015 Accepted by FD - Additional Extension on 8/3/2015 Form 8868 Application for Extension of Time To File an (Rev. January 2014) Exempt Organization Return OMB No. 1545-1709 .... File a separate application for each return. Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service .... Information about Form 8868 and its instructions is at

• If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part I and check this box ...... [XJ • If you are filing for an Additional (Not Automatic} 3-Month Extension, complete only Part II (on page 2 of this form). Do not complete Part II unless you have already been granted an automatic 3·month extension on a previously filed Form 8868. Electronic filing (e-file) . You can electronically file Form 8868 if you need a 3-month automatic extension of time to file (6 months for a corporation required to file Form 990·T), or an additional (not automatic) 3-month extension of time. You can electronically file Form 8868 to request an extension of time to file any of the forms listed in Part I or Part II with the exception of Form 8870, Information Return for Transfers Associated With Certain Personal Benefit Contracts, which must be sent to the IRS in paper format (see instructions). For more details on the electronic filing of this form, visit www.irs. ovlefi/e and click on e-file for Charities & Non rofits.

A corporation required to file Form 990·T and requesting an automatic 6-month extension - check this box and complete Part I only ...... D All other corporations (including 1120-C filers), partnerships, REM/Cs, and trusts must use Form 7004 to request an extension of time to file income tax returns. Enter filer's identifvina number Type or Name of exempt organization or other filer, see instructions. Employer identification number (EIN) or print RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES. INC. 51-0070060 File by the due date for Number, street, and room or suite no. If a P.O. box, see instructions. Social security number (SSN) filing your return. See P.O. BOX 4019 instructions. City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. For a foreign address, see instructions. WILMINGTON. DE 19807

Enter the Return code for the return that this application is for (file a separate application for each return) ...... ~

Application Return Application Return Is For Code Is For Code Form 990 or Form 990-EZ 01 Form 990-T (corporation} 07 Form 990·BL 02 Form 1041·A 08 Form 4720 (individual) 03 Form 4720 (other than individual) 09 Form 990-PF 04 Form 5227 10 Form 990·T (sec. 401 (a) or 408(a) trust) 05 Form 6069 11 Form 990-T (trust other than above) 06 Form 8870 12 THERESA G. ROBINSON • Thebooksareinthecareof .... 10 MONTCHANIN ROAD WILMINGTON, DE WILMINGTON, DE 19807 Telephone No..... ( 3 0 2} 6 55-4440 Fax No ..... • If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box ...... D • If this is for a Group Return, enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) . If this is for the whole group, check this box .... D . If it is for part of the group, check this box .... D and attach a list with the names and EINs of all members the extension is for. 1 I request an automatic 3-month (6 months for a corporation required to file Form 990-1) extension of time until AUGUST 15 , 2015 , to file the exempt organization return for the organization named above. The extension is for the organization's return for: .... CXJ calendar year 2 0 14 or tax year , and ending .... D begin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2 If the tax year entered in line 1 is for less than 12 months, check reason: D Initial return D Final return Dehanae in accountina oeriod 3a If this application is for Forms 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits. See instructions. 3a $ 129,860. b If this application is for Forms 990-PF, 990·T, 4720, or 6069, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments made. Include anv prior year overpayment allowed as a credit. 3b $ 251 729. c Balance due. Subtract line 3b from line 3a. Include your payment with this form, if required, bv usina EFTPS

5/14/2015 Upload Started

5/14/2015 Ready to Release by Customer 5/14/2015 Released for 351165 Transmission - Validation in Progress 5/14/2015 Ready to transmit - Validation Complete 5/14/2015 Transmitted to FD 5107052015134032ee56

5/14/2015 Accepted by FD on 5/14/2015 EXTENDED TO NOVEMBER 16, 2015 Return of Private Foundation OMB No. 1545-0052 Form 990-PF or Section 4947(a)(1) Trust Treated as Private Foundation Department of the Treasury .... Do not enter social security numbers on this form as it may be made public. 2014 Internal Revenue Service .... Information about Form 990-PF and its separate instructions is at Joen o ,...uouc ns 1~L1on For calendar year 2014 or tax year beginning , and ending Name of foundation A Employer identification number RASK OB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. 51-0070060 Number and street (or P .0. box number if mail is not delivered to street address) IRoom/suite B Telephone number P.O. BOX 4019 (302) 655-4440 City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code C If exemption application is pending, check here ~D WILMINGTON. DE 19807 G Check all that apply: D Initial return D Initial return of a former public charity D 1. Foreign organizations, check here ~D D Final return D Amended return 2. Foreign organizations meeting the 85% test, D Address change D Name change check here and attach computation ...... -~D H Check type of organization: 00 Section 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation E If private foundation status was terminated D D Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust D Other taxable private foundation under section 507(b)(1)(A), check here . -~ I Fair market value of all assets at end of year J Accounting method: D Cash CXJ Accrual F If the foundation is in a 60-month termination (from Part II, col. (c), line 16) D Other (specify) under section 507(b )( 1)(B), check here .. -~ 0 ~$ 166 003,868. (Part I, column (d) must be on cash basis.) I Part 11 Analysis of Revenue and Expenses (a) Revenue and (b) Net investment (c) ~djusted net (d) Disbursements (The total of amounts in columns (b), (c), and (d) may not for charitable purposes necessarily equal the amounts in column (a).) expenses per books income income (cash basis only) 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, etc., received ...... N/A 2 Check~ [XJ ntne foundation is not required to attach Sch. 8 Interest on savings and temporary 3 cash investments ...... _...... 551. 551. STATEMENT 1 4 Dividends and interest from securities .. 2.786.291. 2.775 370. STATEMENT 2

5a Gross rents ...... b Net rental income or (loss)

Q) 6a Net gain or (loss) from sale of assets not on line 10 11.538,707. :I b Gross sales price fOf all c assets on line 6a ...... Q) 28l532l032. > Q) 7 Capital gain net income (from Part IV, line 2) 11 538,707. a: 8 Net short-term capital gain 9 Income modifications 10a ~~s:ii:!:~:~ returns...... I b Less: Cost of goods sold I c Gross profit or (loss) ······· ...... 11 Other income 3.611. 611. STATEMENT 3 12 Total. Add lines 1 throuah 11 14.329.160. 14 315 239.

13 Compensation of officers, directors, trustees, etc. ... 229.679. 6 890. 222,789.

14 Other employee salaries and wages .. ······ 191,654. 5.750. 183. 421. 15 Pension plans, employee benefits .... 40.138. 1 204. 38,934. (/) ·········· Q) (/) 16a Legal fees .. ST?-IT 6,497. 130. 6,436. c 4... Q) b Accounting fees . 23.185. ll...... S'l'M'l' ... 5. 33,121. 9 936. w)( c Other professional fees ...... S. 'l'M'l' ... 6.... 813.882. 813 882. o. Q) 17 Interest :;::> ...... 111 18 Taxes ...... S'l'M'l'. .7 ... 121.942 • 956. 30 899. (/) ·2 19 Depreciation and depletion ········· ...... 154,228. 0. .E 20 Occupancy 389,860. 7 797. 447 189. "C ············· < 21 Travel, conferences, and meetings "C c 22 Printing and publications 111 ...... cCl 23 Other expenses ...... S.'r.M'l' JL 557.224. 13 640. 559 797. :;:: 111.... 24 Total operating and administrative Q) ll. expenses. Add lines 13 through 23 2.538.225. 860 185. 1 512 650. 0 25 Contributions, gifts, grants paid 6,598 632. 6 759 577. 26 Total expenses and disbursements. Add lines 24 and 25 9.136.857. 860,185. 8 272 227. 27 Subtract line 26 from line 12: a Excess of revenue over expenses and disbursements 5.192 303.

b Net investment income (if negative, enter -o-> .. 13.455 054. c Adjusted net income (if negative, enter -O·) .. N/A i~~fg.~4 LHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Form 990-PF (2014) RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Form 990-PF (2014) ACTIVITIES. INC. 51 - 0070060 Paae 2 j Balance Sheets Attached schedules and amounts in the description Beginning of year End of year Part II I column should be for end-of-year amounts only. (a) Book Value (b) Book Value (c) Fair Market Value 1 Cash - non-interest-bearing 200. 200. 200. 2 Savings and temporary cash investments 10,259,306. 5,681,089. 5,681,289. 3 Accounts receivable ..... Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ..... 4 Pledges receivable ..... Less: allowance for doubtfu I accounts ..... 5 Grants receivable 6 Receivables due from officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons

7 Other notes and loans receivable ...... ········ ...... Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ..... II) 8 Inventories for sale or use ...... Cl> ..... ····················· ················· II) -II) 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 36,410. 36.557. 36 557. ·········· .. ··········- < 10a Investments - U.S. and state government obligations S.~'r. .. .l.l. 5.416.450. 4.501.256. 4 501 256. b Investments - corporate stock ················ ...... S'r.N'r. ... l.~ 113,917,376. 113,658,212 • 113,658,212. c Investments - corporate bonds ...... S.'l1.N'r. .. .l.J. 10.324.859. 12.814.990 • 12.814.990. 11 Investments -land, buildings. and equipment basis ...... Less: accumulated depreciatiOn ·················· ···-· ..... 12 Investments - mortgage loans ················································· 13 Investments - other ····································· . .... S.'r.N'r. .. .l 4. 24,073,658. 27,432,994. 27.432.994. 14 Land, buildings, and equipment basis ..... 3 166.417. Less: accumulated depreciation .S.'r.N'r. .l.5 ..... 1,628,180. 1, 381, 155. 1,538,237. 1.538,237. 15 Other assets (describe ..... STATEMENT 16) 319.354. 340.133. 340.133. 16 Total assets (to be completed by all filers - see the instructions. Also see oaae 1 item ll ················ ...... 165.728.768. 166.003.668. 166.003.868. 17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses ... 44,414. 36,520. 18 Grants payable 2.492.001. 2.331.056. II) 19 Deferred revenue Cl> .. E 20 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons :c IQ 21 Mortgages and other notes payable ::i 22 Other liabilities (describe ..... STATEMENT 17) 1 025.185. 903.831.

23 Total liabilities (add lines 17 throuah 221 ...... 3 561.600. 3 271. 407. Foundations that follow SFAS 117, check here ...... [XJ and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31. II) Cl> 0 24 Unrestricted ...... 160 897.902. 161.462.995. s:: ····························· ·················· IQ 25 Temporarily restricted iii ·········································· ········· ...... co 26 Permanently restricted ············· ..... ········ 1,269,266. 1.269.266. "O .. ························ s:: Foundations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here ..... ::J D u..... and complete lines 27 through 31 . 0 II) 27 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds .. ····························· Cl> II) 28 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, bldg., and equipment fund . II) <.. 29 Retained earnings, accumulated income, endowment, or other funds .. Cl> 30 Total net assets or fund balances z ...... ······ .. ······· ...... 162.167 168. 162 732.261.

31 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances ...... 165.728.768. 166.003 668. I Part Ill I Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances

1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year - Part II, column (a), line 30 (must agree with end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return) 1 162 167 168. 2 Enter amount from Part I, line 27a 2 5 192 303. 3 Other increases not included in line 2 (itemize) ..... SEE STATEMENT 9 3 317 944. 4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3 4 167.677.415. 5 Decreases not included in line 2 (itemize) ..... SEE STATEMENT 10 5 4 945,154. 6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of vear (line 4 minus line 51- Part II column lb\. line 30 .. 6 162 732.261. Form 990-PF (2014) 423511 11-24-14 RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Form 990-PF (2014) ACTIVITIES . INC . 51-0070060 Page 3 I Part IV I Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income (a) List and describe the kind(s) of property sold (e.g., real estate, {b~How acquired {d) Date sold - Purchase {c~ Date acquired 2-story brick warehouse; or common stock, 200 shs. MLC Co.) D - Donation mo., day, yr.) (mo., day, yr.) 1a SEE SCHEDULE ATTACHED p VARIOUS VARIOUS b BOSTON COMMON INTL CATH SRI - FROM K-1 ST p VARIOUS VARIOUS c BOSTON COMMON INTL CATH SRI - FROM K-1 LT p VARIOUS VARIOUS d CAPITAL GAINS DIVIDENDS e {e) Gross sales price {f) Depreciation allowed { g) Cost or other basis (h) Gain or (loss) (or allowable) plus expense of sale (e) plus (f) minus (g) a 27,436 795. 16. 981, 594. 10,455 201. b 11, 731. -11, 731. c 109 291. 109,291. d 985 946. 985 946. e Complete only for assets showing gain in column (h) and owned by the foundation on 12131/69 {I) Gains (Col. (h) gain minus (j) Ad justed basis (k) Excess of col. (i) col. (k), but not less than -0-) or Losses (from col. (h)) {i) F.M.V. as of 12131/69 as of 12/31/69 over col. (j), if any a 10, 455, 201. b -11. 731. c 109, 291. d 985.946. e { If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7 2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) If (loss), enter -0- in Part I, line 7 } 2 11, 538. 707. 3 Net short-term capital gain or (loss) as defined in sections 1222(5) and (6): If gain, also enter in Part I, line 8, column (c). If llossl. enter -0- in Part I line 8 ...... 1 3 NIA I Part V I Qualification Under Section 4940(e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income (For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income.)

If section 4940(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank.

Was the foundation liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year in the base period? . D Yes CXJ No If "Yes,' the foundation does not qualify under section 4940(e). Do not complete this part. 1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each year; see the instructions before making any entries. {a) ff "b . Base period years {b) {c) 1stn ut1on{~) ratio Calendar year (or tax year beginning in) Adjusted qualifying distributions Net value of noncharitable-use assets (col. (b) divided by col. (c)) 2013 6,743,823. 148.545.788. .045399 2012 6.777.953. 134.237.944. .050492 2011 5,954,216. 137,159,256. .043411 2010 6 221, 006. 127.601.769. .048753 2009 6 145,140. 113.956.207. .053925

2 Total of line 1, column (d) ...... 2 .241980 3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period - divide the total on line 2 by 5, or by the number of years the foundation has been in existence if less than 5 years .. 3 .048396

4 Enter the net value of noncharitable-use assets for 2014 from Part X, line 5 4 160.764,346.

5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 . 5 7.780.351.

6 Enter 1% of net investment income (1% of Part I, line 27b) 6 134. 551.

7 Add lines 5 and 6 7 7,914,902.

8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 8 8.272,227. If line 8 is equal to or greater than line 7, check the box in Part VI, line 1b, and complete that part using a 1% tax rate. See the Part VI instructions.

423521 11-24-14 Form 990-PF (2014) RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Form 990-PF 12014\ ACTIVITIES INC. 51-00 7 0060 Paae 4 I Part VI I Excise Tax Based on Investment Income (Section 4940(a), 4940(b), 4940(e), or 4948 - see instructions) 1a Exempt operating foundations described in section 4940(d)(2), check here ~ D and enter "N/A" on line 1. Date of ruling or determination letter: (attach copy of letter if necessary-see instructions) b Domestic foundations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, check here ~ CXJ and enter 1% 1 134 551. of Part I, line 27b . c All other domestic foundations enter 2% of line 27b. Exempt foreign organizations enter 4% of Part I, line 12, col. (b). 2 Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only. Others enter -0-) l 2 0. 3 Add lines 1 and 2 3 134,551. 4 Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only. Others enter -0-) 4 o. 5 Tax based on investment income. Subtract line 4 from line 3. If zero or less, enter -0- 5 134,551. s Credits/Payments: a 2014 estimated tax payments and 2013 overpayment credited to 2014 Sa 251,729. b Exempt foreign organizations - tax withheld at source . Sb c Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) Sc d Backup withholding erroneously withheld . Sd 7 Total credits and payments. Add lines 6a through 6d ...... _. .. _ 7 251,729.

8 Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax. Check here CXJ if Form 2220 is att~~h~d-- ---···· ..... 8 9 Tax due. If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed ...... ········ ~ 9 10 Overpayment. If line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid ...... ~ 10 117,178 . 11 Enter the amount of line 10 to be: Credited to 2015 estimated tax • 117 178 .I Refunded• 11 0. I Part VII-A I Statements Regarding Activities 1a During the tax year, did the foundation attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did it participate or intervene in Yes No

any political campaign? ...... 1a x b Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see instructions for the definition)? 1b x If the answer is 'Yes" to 1a or 1b, attach a detailed description of the activities and copies of any materials published or distributed by the foundation in connection with the activities. c Did the foundation file Form 1120-POL for this year? . 1c x d Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year: (1) On the foundation. ~ $ 0. (2) On foundation managers.~ $ 0. e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the foundation during the year for political expenditure tax imposed on foundation managers. ~ $ 0. 2 Has the foundation engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS? 2 x If 'Yes," attach a detailed description of the activities. 3 Has the foundation made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments? If "Yes," attach a conformed copy of the changes ...... 3 x

4a Did the foundation have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? ...... 4a x

b If "Yes,' has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? ...... N/.b. .. 4b 5 Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? ·········· ...... 5 x If 'Yes,• attach the statement required by General Instruction T. s Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941through4945) satisfied either: • By language in the governing instrument, or • By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions that conflict with the state law

remain in the governing instrument? ...... ······ ...... s x 7 Did the foundation have at least $5,000 in assets at any time during the year? If "Yes,• complete Part II, col. (c), and Part XV 7 x

Ba Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see instructions) ~ DE b If the answer is 'Yes· to line 7, has the foundation furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney General (or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G? If "No," attach explanation ...... Sb x 9 Is the foundation claiming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 4942(j)(3) or 4942(j)(5) for calendar year 2014 or the taxable year beginning in 2014 (see instructions for Part XIV)? If "Yes," complete Part XIV .. 9 x 10 Did anv oersons become substantial contributors durino the tax year? If "Yes "attach a schedule listinn their names and addresses 10 x Form 990-PF (2014)

423531 11·24-14 RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Form 990-PF 2014 ACTIVITIES INC. 51-0070060 Pa e 5 Part VII-A Statements Regarding Activities (continued) 11 At any time during the year, did the foundation, directly or indirectly, own a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If "Yes,' attach schedule (see instructions) 11 x 12 Did the foundation make a distribution to a donor advised fund over which the foundation or a disqualified person had advisory privileges? If "Yes,' attach statement (see instructions) 12 x 13 Did the foundation comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? 13 x Website address ~ WWW. RFCA. ORG 14 The books are in care of ~ THERESA G. ROBINSON Telephone no.~ ( 3 0 2 ) 6 5 5-4 4 4 0 Located at ~ 10 MONTCHANIN ROAD WILMINGTON, DE, WILMINGTON, DE ZIP+4 ~~1~9~8~0~7-____,,,=- 15 Section 4947(a)( 1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990-PF in lieu of Form 1041 - Check here ...... ~ D and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year .... ~I 15 I N/A 16 At any time during calendar year 2014, did the foundation have an interest in or a signature or other authority over a bank, Yes No securities, or other financial account in a foreign country? 16 x See the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for FinCEN Form 114, (formerly TD F 90-22.1 ). If 'Yes,' enter the name of the foreian country ~ I Part Vll-B I Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the "Yes" column, unless an exception applies. Yes No 1a During the year did the foundation (either directly or indirectly): (1) Engage in the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a disqualified person? ...... DYes 00No (2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from) a disqualified person? D Yes CXJ No ...... D Yes CXJ No (3) Furnish goods, services, or facilities to (or accept them from) a disqualified person? (4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified person? .....•.• CXJ Yes D No (5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available for the benefit or use of a disqualified person)? ... D Yes CXJ No (6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? (Exception. Check "No" if the foundation agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period after termination of government service, if terminating within 90 days.) D Yes CXJ No b If any answer is "Yes" to 1a( 1)-(6), did any of the acts fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53.4941 (d)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see instructions)? 1b x Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here c Did the foundation engage in a prior year in any of the acts described in 1a, other than excepted acts, that were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2014? ...... 1c x 2 Taxes on failure to distribute income (section 4942) (does not apply for years the foundation was a private operating foundation defined in section 4942(j)(3) or 4942(j)(5)): a At the end of tax year 2014, did the foundation have any undistributed income (lines 6d and 6e, Part XIII} for tax year(s) beginning before 2014? D Yes CXJ No If "Yes,' list the years~------, ______, ______, ______b Are there any years listed in 2a for which the foundation is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's undistributed income? (If applying section 4942(a)(2) to all years listed, answer "No" and attach statement - see instructions.) ...... 2b c If the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, list the years here. ~ ' ' ' 3a Did the foundation hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business enterprise at any time during the year? ...... D Yes [XJ No b If "Yes,' did it have excess business holdings in 2014 as a result of (1) any purchase by the foundation or disqualified persons after May 26, 1969; (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved by the Commissioner under section 4943(c}(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest; or (3) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determine if the foundation had excess business holdings in 2014.)...... N/"A 3b 4a Did the foundation invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize its charitable purposes? . 4a x b Did the foundation make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could jeopardize its charitable purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beainnina in 2014? 4b x Form 990-PF (2014)

423541 11·24-14 RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Form990-PF(2014l ACTIVITIES. INC. 51-0070060 Paoe6 I Part Vll-B I Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required (continued) 5a During the year did the foundation pay or incur any amount to: (1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section 4945(e))? ...... D Yes CXJ No (2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955); or to carry on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive? .. D Yes CXJ No (3) Provide a grant to an individual for travel, study, or other similar purposes? ..•• D Yes CXJ No (4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc., organization described in section 4945(d)(4)(A)? (see instructions) D Yes CXJ No (5) Provide for any purpose other than religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals? ...... D Yes CXJ No b If any answer is 'Yes" to Sa( 1)-(5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53.4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see instructions)? . N /1'1., 1---sb-+---+-­ Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here .... D c If the answer is 'Yes' to question 5a(4), does the foundation claim exemption from the tax because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant?...... NIA ...... D Yes D No If "Yes,' attach the statement required by Regulations section 53.4945-5(d). 6a Did the foundation, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? ...... D Yes CXJ No b Did the foundation, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? 6b x If "Yes" to 6b, file Form 8870. 7a At any time during the tax year, was the foundation a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? ..... D Yes CXJ No b If "Yes ' did the foundation receive anv oroceeds or have anv net income attributable to the transaction? ...... NI A... 7b I Part VIII I lnf~rmation About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors 1 List all officers, directors, trustees, foundation managers and their compensation. (c) Compensation (dj Contributions to (b) Title, and average emp oyee benefit plans (e) Ex~ense (a) Name and address hours per week devoted (If not pai_~· and deferred accoun other to position enter -0- compensation allowances EDWARD H. ROBINSON !PRESIDENT P.O. BOX 4019 WILMINGTON. DE 19807 15.00 0. 0. 0. THERESA G. ROBINSON EXEC. V.P. - !FINANCE P.O. BOX 4019 WILMINGTON, DE 19807 35.00 113,032. 12 879. o. L. CHARLES ROTUNNO JR. EXEC. v. p. - ~RANTS P.O. BOX 4019 WILMINGTON. DE 19807 35.00 116.647. 13,331. 0. LISTING ATTACHED rr'RUSTEES, VAR IOUS P.O. BOX 4019 WILMINGTON, DE 19807 o.oo 0. o. 0. 2 Compensation of five highest-paid employees (other than those included on line 1). If none, enter "NONE." (dj Contributions to (b) Title, and average emp oyee benefit plans (e) Ex~ense (a) Name and address of each employee paid more than $50,000 hours per week (c) Compensation and deferred accoun other devoted to position compensation allowances MAUREEN P. HORNER GRANTS MANAGE MENT P.O. BOX 4019, WILMINGTON, DE 19807 35.00 66,696. 7,712. o. CHERYL L. BAILEY MEMBER SERVIC ES P.O. BOX 4019. WILMINGTON. DE 19807 35.00 53 245. 6,249. o. JOHN LAKATOS MAINTENANCE P.O. BOX 4019. WILMINGTON, DE 19807 35.00 51 801. 6.069. 0.

Total number of other emolovees oaid over $50 000 . ····· ~I 0 Form 990-PF (2014)

423551 11-24-14 RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Form 990-PF 2014 ACTIVITIES INC. 51-0 0 7 0 0 6 0 Pa e 7 Part VIII Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors (continued) 3 Five highest-paid independent contractors for professional services. If none, enter "NONE." (a) Name and address of each person paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation LUTHER KING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT 301 COMMERCE ST., FT WORTH, TX 76102 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 382 019. BRINKER CAPITAL - 1055 WESTLAKES DRIVE. SUITE 250, BERWYN, PA 19312 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 298,019. BOSTON COMMON ASSET MANAGEMENT,LLC 84 STATE STREET. SUITE 940. BOSTON. MA 02109 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 110. 851.

Total number of others receivino over $50.000 for orofessional services ...... ·······-· . . ······················· ...... ~ 0 I Part IX-A I Summary of Direct Charitable Activities List the foundation's four largest direct charitable activities during the tax year. Include relevant statistical information such as the Expenses number of organizations and other beneficiaries served, conferences convened, research papers produced, etc. 1 N/A

0. 2



I Part IX-B I Summary of Program-Related Investments Describe the two largest program-related investments made by the foundation during the tax year on lines 1 and 2. Amount 1


All other program-related investments. See instructions. 3N/A 0. Total. Add lines 1 throuah 3 ···········································-····-·······-···········································-······························· ..... o. Form 990-PF (2014)

423561 11-24·14 RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Form990-PF(2014l ACTIVITIES, INC. 51-0070060 Pages I Part X I Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part. Foreign foundations, see instructions.)

Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc., purposes: a Average monthly fair market value of securities 1a 162 821 144. b Average of monthly cash balances 1b 292 639. c Fair market value of all other assets 1c 98 751. d Total (add lines 1a, b, and c) . 1d 163 212 534. e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines 1a and 1c (attach detailed explanation) . 1e 0. 2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets . 2 0. 3 Subtract line 2 from line 1d .. 3 163 212 534. 4 Cash deemed held for charitable activities. Enter 1 1/2% of line 3 (for greater amount, see instructions) 4 2 448 188. 5 Net value of noncharitable-use assets. Subtract line 4 from line 3. Enter here and on Part V, line 4 1--5~1---~~~~~~--160 764 346. 6 Minimum investment return. Enter 5% of line 5 6 8 038 217. Part XI Distributable Amount (see instructions) (Section 4942(j)(3) and (j)(5) private operating foundations and certain foreign organizations check here .... D and do not complete this part.) 1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 ...... 1 8.038 217. · ···· r2~ 2a Tax on investment income for 2014 from Part VI, line 5 r· · 134 551. b Income tax for 2014. (This does not include the tax from Part VI.) ... I 2b I

c Add lines 2a and 2b ······· ...... 2c 134 551. 3 Distributable amount before adjustments. Subtract line 2c from line 1 3 7 903 666. 4 Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions ...... 4 3 000.

5 Add lines 3 and 4 ...... 5 7 906 666. 6 Deduction from distributable amount (see instructions) 6 o. 7 Distributable amount as adiusted. Subtract line 6 from line 5. Enter here and on Part XIII line 1 7 7 906.666. I Part XII I Qualify ing Distributions (see in str uc ti ons)

1 Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc., purposes: a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc. - total from Part I, column (d), line 26 1a 8,272,227. b Program-related investments - total from Part IX-8 1b o. 2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc., purposes . 2 3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the: a Suitability test (prior IRS approval required) . 3a b Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) ...... 3b 4 Qualifying distributions. Add lines 1a through 3b. Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 .. 4 8.272,227. 5 Foundations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment

income. Enter 1% of Part I, line 27b ...... ················ ...... 5 134 551. 6 Adjusted qualifying distributions. Subtract line 5 from line 4 . .. ·········· ...... 6 8,137,676. Note. The amount on line 6 will be used in Part V, column (b ), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years. Form 990-PF (2014)

423571 11-24-14 RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Form 990-PF (2014) ACTIVITIES, INC. 51-0070060 Page 9

J Part XIII I Undistributed Income (see instructions)

(a) (b) (c) (d) Corpus Years prior to 2013 2013 2014 1 Distributable amount for 2014 from Part XI, line 7 7 906.666. 2 Undistributed income, if any, as of the end of 2014: a Enter amount for 2013 only 0. b Total for prior years: 0 . --- ' --- ' --- 3 Excess distributions carryover, if any, to 2014: aFrom 2009 266 491. b From 2010 c From 2011 ... dFrom2012 89 079. eFrom 2013 f Total of lines 3a through e . 355,570. 4 Qualifying distributions for 2014 from Part XII, line 4: ..,.. $ 8 272 227. a Applied to 2013, but not more than line 2a . 0. b Applied to undistributed income of prior years (Election required - see instructions) . 0. c Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election required - see instructions) 0. d Applied to 2014 distributable amount 7.906.666. e Remaining amount distributed out of corpus 365 561. 5 Excess distributions carryover applied to 2014 0. 0. (If an amount appears in column (d), the same am·ourit" must be shown in column (a).) 6 Enter the net total of each column as indicated below: a Corpus. Add lines 3f, 4c, and 4e. Subtract line 5 . 721,131. b Prior years' undistributed income. Subtract line 4b from line 2b 0. c Enter the amount of prior years' undistributed income for which a notice of deficiency has been issued, or on which the section 4942(a) tax has been previously assessed 0. d Subtract line 6c from line 6b. Taxable amount - see instructions 0. e Undistributed income for 2013. Subtract line

4a from line 2a. Taxable amount - see instr . ... 0. f Undistributed income for 2014. Subtract lines 4d and 5 from line 1. This amount must be distributed in 2015 0. 7 Amounts treated as distributions out of corpus to satisfy requirements imposed by section 170(b)(1)(F) or 4942(g)(3) (Election may be required - see instructions) 0 . 8 Excess distributions carryover from 2009 not applied on line 5 or line 7 . 266.491. 9 Excess distributions carryover to 2015. Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a 454,640. 10 Analysis of line 9: a Excess from 2010 b Excess from 2011 c Excess from 2012 89.079. d Excess from 2013 e Excess from 2014 365.561. 42;,'>a1 11-24-14 Form 990-PF (2014) RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Form 990-PF 2014 ACTIVITIES INC. 51-0070060 Page 10 Part XIV Private Operating Foundations (see instructions and Part VII-A, question 9) N/A 1 a If the foundation has received a ruling or determination letter that it is a private operating foundation, and the ruling is effective for 2014, enter the date of the ruling. b Check box to indicate whether the foundation is a orivate ooeratina foundation described in section D 4942(i)(3) or D 49421ill5) 2 a Enter the lesser of the adjusted net Tax year Prior 3 years income from Part I or the minimum (a) 2014 (b) 2013 (c) 2012 (d) 2011 (e) Total investment return from Part X for each year listed b 85% of line 2a .. c Qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 for each year listed d Amounts included in line 2c not used directly for active conduct of exempt activities e Qualifying distributions made directly for active conduct of exempt activities.

Subtract line 2d from line 2c .. 3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the alternative test relied upon: a 'Assets" alternative test - enter: ( 1) Value of all assets ··········· (2) Value of assets qualifying under section 4942(j)(3)(B)(i) . b "Endowmenr alternative test - enter 213 of minimum investment return shown in Part X, line 6 for each year listed c "Support" alternative test - enter: (1) Total support other than gross investment income (interest, dividends, rents, payments on securities loans (section 512(a)(5)), or royalties) ... (2) Support from general public and 5 or more exempt organizations as provided in section 4942(j)(3)(8)(iii) (3) Largest amount of support from an exempt organization ... 14\ Gross investment income ...... I Part XV I Supplementary. . Information (Complete. this. part only if the foundation had $5,000 or more in assets at any time dunng the year-see instructions.) Information Regarding Foundation Managers: a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation before the close of any tax year (but only if they have contributed more than $5,000). (See section 507(d)(2).) NONE b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of the ownership of a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest. NONE 2 Information Regarding Contribution, Grant, Gift, Loan, Scholarship, etc., Programs: Check here ... D if the foundation only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept unsolicited requests for funds. If the foundation makes gifts, grants, etc. (see instructions) to individuals or organizations under other conditions, complete items 2a, b, c, and d. a The name, address, and telephone number or e-mail address of the person to whom applications should be addressed: SEE WWW.RFCA.ORG/GRANTPROGAMS

b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include: SEE WWW.RFCA.ORG/GRANTPROGRAMS c Any submission deadlines: SEE WWW.RFCA.ORG/GRANTPROGRAMS d Any restrictions or limitations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions, or other factors: SEE WWW.RFCA.ORG/GRANTPROGRAMS

423601 11-24-14 Form 990-PF (2014) RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Form 990-PF <2014\ ACTIVITIES. INC. 51 - 0070060 Page 11 I Part XV I Supplementary Information (continued) 3 Grants and Contributions Paid DurinQ the Year or Annroved for Future Pavment Recipient If recipient is an individual, show any relationship to Foundation Purpose of grant or contribution Amount Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager status of or substantial contributor recipient a Paid during the year


Total ...... ······· ...... ~ 3a 6 759 577 b Approved for future payment



Total ...... ~ 3b 2 331 056 Form 990-PF (2014) 423611 11-24-14 RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Form 990-PF (2014) ACTIVITIES, INC. 51-0070060 Page 12 I Part XVI-A I Analysis of Income-Producing Activities

Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated. Unrelated business income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 (e) (a) (b) Et~L (d) Related or exempt Business Amount sion 1 Program service revenue: code code Amount function income a b c d e f g Fees and contracts from government agencies 2 Membership dues and assessments 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash

investments ·········· 14 551. 4 Dividends and interest from securities 14 2 786.291. 5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate: a Debt-financed property b Not debt-financed property .. 6 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 7 Other investment income 8 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory .... 18 11 538,707. 9 Net income or (loss) from special events 10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory 11 Other revenue: a SEE STATEMENT 18 611. 3 000. b c d e 12 Subtotal. Add columns (b), (d), and (e) . 0. 14 326.160. 3.000. 13 Total. Add line 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) . . 13 -~1~4_,~3~2~9_,~1_6_0_. (See worksheet in line 13 instructions to verify calculations.) I Part XVl-B I Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes

Line No. Explain below how each activity for which income is reported in column (e) of Part XVI-A contributed importantly to the accomplishment of .... the foundation's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) . llA :>RGANIZATIONS REPAYING AMOUNTS PREVIOUSLY TREATED AS DISTRIBUTIONS RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Form 990-PF 2014 ACTIVITIES INCo 51- 0070060 Pa e13 Part XVII Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharifable Exempt Organizations 1 Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section 501(c) of YeS No the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations? a Transfers from the reporting foundation to a noncharitable exempt organization of: (1) Cash ....._.. .. __. . _ .... _...._.._ _._ _ _ 1a 1 X (2) Other assets. ... _ 1a 2 X b Other transactions: (i) Sales of assets to a noncharitable exempt organization __. _ _ ... _. _ _ 1b 1 X (2) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization _ _ _ ...... _...... _. 1b 2 X (3) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets _ .. __ 1b 3 X (4) Reimbursement arrangements ...... _ ...... _...... _...... ___._..._ . 1b 4 X (5) Loans or loan guarantees ...... _ ...... 1b 5 X (6) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations _,,,,, ...__. _ _ ,...... _.._ ...... 1b 6 X c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees _ . _ ...... iC ~ d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule. Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting foundation. If the foundation received less than fair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in

2a Is the foundation directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 527? .,.._._ ...... __...... _..... ~ Yes ~ No li ~N,... ~~ ..I..r,. FL. ,. F..II.,~.,~..n nnV. iln (a) Name of organization (b) Type of organization (c) Description of relationship N/A.

of I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge Under penalties perjury, May the IRS discuss this knowled e. g and belief, it is true, c rec ,and comP lete. Declaration of P reP arer lother ihan tax P aY er) is ba ed on all information of which Pre P arer has an Y 9 return with the preparer ~e ~ shown below (see insh.)? 3~ PRESIDENT ~ Yes ~ No Signature of officer or trustee Date Title Print type preparer's name Prepares signature Date Check ~ if PTIN DOUGLAS S a KOOK , ~ ~ ,,~'' self- employed Paid CPA ~°~ ~.~~' ~ ~~- 08/14/15 P01332907 Preparer Firm's name ►BUMPERS & COP~IPANY Firm's EIN ► 51— 0 2 6 7 2 5 4 Use Only Firm's address ► 1104 PHILADELPHIA P]:KE WILMINGTON DE 19809 -2,031 Phone no. 302 798 -3300 Form yyu-rr ~~u~q)

a2as22 11-24-14 Form 2220 Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Corporations OMB No. 1545-0123 ~Attach to the corporation's tax return. FORM 990-PF Department of the Treasury 2014 Internal Revenue Service Information about Form 2220 and its se arate instructions is at www.irs. ov/form2220. Name RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Employer identification number ACTIVITIES INC. 51-0070060 Note: Generally, the corporation is not required to file Form 2220 (see Part II below for exceptions) because the IRS will figure any penalty owed and bill the corporation. However, the corporation may still use Form 2220 to figure the penalty. If so, enter the amount from page 2, line 38 on the estimated tax penalty line of the corporation's income tax return, but do not attach Form 2220. I Part I I Required Annual Payment

1 Total tax (see instructions) 1 134 I 551.

2 a Personal holding company tax (Schedule PH (Form 1120), line 26) included on line 1 2a b Look-back interest included on line 1 under section 460(b )(2) for completed long-term contracts or section 167(g) for depreciation under the income forecast method . 2b

c Credit for federal tax paid on fuels (see instructions) 2c

d Total. Add lines 2a through 2c ········ ...... 2d 3 Subtract line 2d from line 1. If the result is less than $500, do not complete or file this form. The corporation

does not owe the penalty ··········· ······· ········ ...... 3 134 I 551. 4 Enter the tax shown on the corporation's 2013 income tax return (see instructions). Caution: If the tax is zero or the tax year was for less than 12 months, skip this line and enter the amount from line 3 on line 5 4 119,125.

5 Required annual payment. Enter the smaller of line 3 or line 4. If the corporation is required to skip line 4, enter the amount from line 3 ...... 5 119.125. I Part II I Reasons for Filing - Check the boxes below that apply. If any boxes are checked, the corporation must file Form 2220 even if it does not owe a penalty (see instructions). 6 D The corporation is using the adjusted seasonal installment method. 7 D The corporation is using the annualized income installment method. 8 00 Th e coroorat1on 1s a "I arae corporation" figuring its first required installment based on the prior year's tax. I Part Ill I Figuring the Underpayment (a) (b) (c) Id) 9 Installment due dates. Enter in columns (a) through (d) the 15th day of the 4th (Form 990-PF filers: Use 5th month), 6th, 9th, and 12th months of the corporation's tax year . 9 05/15/14 06/15/14 09/15/14 12/15/14 10 Required installments. If the box on line 6 and/or line 7 above is checked, enter the amounts from Sch A, line 38. If the box on line 8 (but not 6 or 7) is checked, see instructions for the amounts to enter. If none of these boxes are checked, enter 25% of line 5 above in each column. .... 10 29,781. 37,494. 33 638. 33 638. 11 Estimated tax paid or credited for each period (see instructions). For column (a) only, enter the amount from line 11 on line 15 ·········· ············ ··········· 11 51,729. 20,000. 170,000. 10,000. Complete lines 12 through 18 of one column before going to the next column. 12 Enter amount, if any, from line 18 of the preceding column 12 21,948. 4,454. 140.816. 13 Add lines 11 and 12 13 41.948. 174 454. 150,816. 14 Add amounts on lines 16 and 17 of the preceding column 14 15 Subtract line 14 from line 13. If zero or less, enter -0- 15 51.729. 41.948. 174 454. 150,816. 16 If the amount on line 15 is zero, subtract line 13 from line 14. Otherwise, enter -0- 16 0. 0. 17 Underpayment. If line 15 is less than or equal to line 10, subtract line 15 from line 10. Then go to line 12 of the next column. Otherwise, go to line 18 17 18 Overpayment. If line 10 is less than line 15, subtract line 10 from line 15. Then oo to line 12 of the next column 18 21. 948. 4,454. 140,816. Go to Part IV on page 2 to figure the penalty. Do not go to Part IV if there are no entries on line 17 - no penalty is owed. LHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Form 2220 (2014)

412801 01-02-15 FORM 990-PF RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC Form 2220 (2014) ACTIVITIES , INC. 51-0070060 Page 2 I Part IV I Figuring the Penalty

(a) (b) (c) ldl 19 Enter the date of payment or the 15th day of the 3rd month after the close of the tax year, whichever is earlier (see instructions). (Form 990-PF and Form 990-T filers: Use 5th month instead of 3rd month.) 19

20 Number of days from due date of installment on line 9 to the

date shown on line 19 20

21 Number of days on line 20 after 4/15/2014 and before 7/1/2014 21

22 Und..-payment on line 17 x Number of days on line 21 x 3% 22 $ $ $ $ 365

23 Numb..- of days on line 20 after 06/30/2014 and before 10/1/2014 23

24 Und..-payment on line 17 x Number of days on line 23 x 3% 24 $ $ $ $ 365

25 Numb..- of days on line 20 after 9/30/2014 and before 1/1/2015 25

26 Underpayment on line 17 x Number of days on line 25 x 3% ..... 26 $ $ $ $ 365

27 Number of days on line 20 after 12/31/2014 and before 4/112015 27

28 Underpayment on line 17 x Number of days on line 27 x 3% 28 $ $ $ $ 365

29 Number of days on line 20 after 3/31/2015 and before 7/1/2015 29

30 Underpayment on line 17 x Number of days on line 29 x *% 30 $ $ $ $ 365

31 Number of days on line 20 after 6/30/2015 and before 10/01/2015 31

32 Underpayment on line 17 x Number of days on line 31 x *% 32 $ $ $ $ 365

33 Numb..- of days on line 20 after 9/30/2015 and before 1/1/2016 33

34 Underpayment on line 17 x Number of days on line 33 x "% 34 $ $ $ $ 365

35 Number of days on line 20 after 12/31/2015 and before 2116/2016 ... 35

36 Underpayment on line 17 x Number of days on line 35 x "% 36 $ $ $ $ 366

37 Add lines 22, 24. 26. 28, 30, 32, 34, and 36 37 $ $ $ $

38 Penalty. Add columns (a) through (d) of line 37. Enter the total here and on Form 1120; line 33; or the comoarable line for other income tax returns ...... 38 $ o. * Use the penalty interest rate for each calendar quarter, which the IRS will determine during the first month in the preceding quarter. These rates are published quarterly in an IRS News Release and in a revenue ruling in the Internal Revenue Bulletin. To obtain this information on the Internet, access the IRS website at You can also call 1-800-829-4933 to get interest rate information. Form 2220 (2014)

412802 01-02-15 Return by a U.S. Transferor of Property OMB No. 1545-0026 Form 926 2013 to a Foreign Corporation (Rev.Department December of the Treasury! ...._JI"' Information about Form 926 and its separate instructions is at www-i~gov/form926. Internal Revenue Service ~ Attach to vour income tax return for the vear of the transfer or distribution. I Part I I U.S. Transferor Information (see instructions) Name of transferor Identifying number (seeinslTuctions) RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES. INC. 51-0070060 1 If the transferor was a corporation, complete questions 1a through 1d. a If the transfer was a section 361 (a) or (b) transfer, was the transferor controlled (under section 368(c)) by 5 or fewer domestic corporations? ...... ~/.!!-: .. 0Yes 0No b Did the transferor remain in existence after the transfer? ...... CXJ Yes 0No If not, list the controlling shareholder(s) and their identifying number(s):

Controlling shareholder Identifying number

c If the transferor was a member of an affiliated g rou p filin g a consolidated return was it the p arentcorp oration? NI.A LJYes LJNo If not, list the name and employer identification number (EIN) of the parent corporation:

Name of parent corporation EIN of parent corporation

d Have basis adjustments under section 367(a)(5) been made? Yes No

2 H the transferor was a partner in a partnership that was the actual transferor (but is not treated as such under section 367), complete questions 2a through 2d. a List the name and EIN of the transferor's partnership:

Name of partnership EIN of partnership

b Did the partner pick up its pro rata share of gain on the transfer of partnership assets? ...... Yes No c Is the partner disposing of its entire interest in the partnership? ...... Dves DNo d Is the partner disposing of an interest in a limited partnership that is regular1y traded on an established securities market? ...... · .. · · Oves 0No Part II Transferee Foreign Co oration Information (see instructions) 3 Name of transferee (foreign corporation) 4a Identifying number, if any

TIFF ABSOLUTE RETURN POOL II N/A 5 Address (including country) 4b Reference ID number 45 MARKET STREET, SUITE 326A GARDENIA COURT CAYMAN ISLANDS TIFF062014 6 Country code of country of incorporation or organization CJ 7 Foreign law characterization (see instructions) CORPORATION 8 Is the transferee foreign corporation a controlled foreign corporation? Yes No LHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Form 926 (Rev. 12-2013) 424531 05-01-14 Form926 Rev.12-2013 RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES IN 51-0070060 Pa e2 Part Ill Information Regarding Transfer of Property (see instructions)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Type of Date of Description of Fair market value on Cost or other Gain recognized on property transfer property date of transfer basis transfer Cash 06/30/2014 10.000,000.

Stock and securities

Installment obligations, account receivables or similar property

Foreign currency or other property denominated in foreign currency


Assets subject to depreciation recapture (see Temp. Regs. sec. 1.367(al-4Tthll Tangible property used in trade or business not listed under another category

Intangible property

Property to be leased (as described in final and temp. Regs. sec. 1.367(al-4lc\l Property to be sold (as described in Temp. Regs. sec. 1.367t..UT(d)} Transfers of oil and gas wor1

Other property

Supplemental Information Required To Be Reported(see instructions):

Form 926 (Rev. 12-2013) 424532 05-01-14 Form926 Rev.12-2013 RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES IN 51-0070060 Pa e3 Part IV Additional Information Regarding Transfer of Property (see instructions} 9 Enter the transferor's interest in the foreign transferee corporation before and after the transfer:

(a) Before .0000 % (b) After 1.2250 %

10 Type of nonrecognition transaction (see instructions)~ ------

11 Indicate whether any transfer reported in Part Ill is subject to any of the following: a Gain recognition under section 904(t)(3) .. . . . _.... __ ...... _...... ___ ...... _.. _...... Dves CXJ No b Gain recognition under section 904(f)(5)(F} ...... Dves CXJ No c Recapture under section 1503(d) Dves CXJ No d Exchange gain under section 987 Dves CXJ No

12 Did this transfer result from a change in the classification of the transferee to that of a foreign corporation? ...... Dves CXJ No

13 Indicate whether the transferor was required to recognize income under final and Temporary Regulations sections 1.367(a}-4 through 1.367(a)-6 for any of the following: a Tainted property ...... Dves CXJ No Dves CXJNo b Depreciation recapture ·········································································································································· Dves CXJNo c Branch loss recapture ·····································································-···························-········································ d Ally other income recognition provision contained in the above-referenced regulations ...... Dves CXJ No

14 Did the transferor transfer assets which qualify for the trade or business exception under section 367(a)(3)? ...... Dves OONo

15 a Did the transferor transfer foreign goodwill or going concern value as defined in Temporary Regulations section 1.367(a)-1 T(d)(5)(iii)? ...... Dves CXJ No

b If the answer to line 15a is "Yes," enter the amount of foreign goodwill or going concern value transferred..... $ ------

16 Was cash the only property transferred? .... Wves 0No

17 a Was intangible property (within the meaning of section 936(h)(3)(B)) transferred as a result of the transaction? Dves CXJ No

b If "Yes,• describe the nature of the rights to the intangible property that was transferred as a result of the transaction:

Form 926 (Rev. 12-2013)





TOTAL TO PART I, LINE 3 551. 551.



BOSTON COMMON INTL CATHOLIC SRI - FORM K-1 402,816. 0. 402,816. 402,816. DIVIDEND INCOME-INVESTMENTS 2,913,976. 985,946. 1,928,030. 1,928,030. INTEREST INCOME-INVESTMENTS 455,445. 0. 455,445. 444,524.

TO PART I, LINE 4 3,772,237. 985,946. 2,786,291. 2,775,370.




TOTAL TO FORM 990-PF, PART I, LINE 11 3,611. 611.




CONNOLLY BOVE LODGE & HUTZ LLP 6,497. 130. 6,436.

TO FM 990-PF, PG 1, LN 16A 6,497. 130. 6,436.



BUMPERS AND COMPANY 33,121. 9,936. 23,185.

TO FORM 990-PF, PG 1, LN 16B 33,121. 9,936. 23,185.



TO FORM 990-PF, PG 1, LN 16C 813,882. 813,882. 0.




FEDERAL EXCISE TAX 134 t 551. 0. 0. DEFERRED EXCISE TAX (BENEFIT) -44,464. 0. 0. PAYROLL TAXES 31,855. 956. 30,899.

TO FORM 990-PF, PG 1, LN 18 121,942. 956. 30,899.



COMMITTEES' EXPENSES 75 t 061. 0. 74,059. DISABILITY & LIFE INSURANCE 1,881. 56. 1,990. COMPUTER SUPPORT & EXPENSES 209,640. 1,111. 182,547. DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,127. 638. 1,489. DUPLICATING, OFFICE SUPPLIES & STATIONERY 5,361. 77. 5,260. EMPLOYEE HOSPITALIZATION 1,190. 36. 54,142. GENERAL EXPENSES 1,175. 0. 1,089. INSURANCE-GENERAL 3,735. 75. 3,660. MEETINGS 163,827. 11,277. 144,075. OFFICE EQUIPMENT & MAINTENANCE 50,413. 923. 50,163. POSTAGE 5,897. 106. 5,798. TELEPHONE 7,578. 152. 7,050. TRAVEL 24,915. 195. 24,184. PAYROLL AND BENEFITS PROCESSING 4,424. 133. 4,291. LESS EXPENSES ALLOCATED TO TAX-EXEMPT INTEREST o. -1,139. 0. TO FORM 990-PF, PG 1, LN 23 557,224. 13,640. 559,797.









TOTAL TO FORM 990-PF, PART III, LINE 5 4,945,154.




TOTAL TO FORM 990-PF, PART II, LINE lOA 4,501,256. 4,501,256.




SEE SCHEDULE ATTACHED 113,658,212. 113,658,212.

TOTAL TO FORM 990-PF, PART II, LINE lOB 113,658,212. 113,658,212.



SEE SCHEDULE ATTACHED 12,814,990. 12,814,990.

TOTAL TO FORM 990-PF, PART II, LINE lOC 12,814,990. 12,814,990.




TOTAL TO FORM 990-PF, PART II, LINE 13 27,432,994. 27,432,994.



BUILDINGS 351,274. 332,502. 18,772. IMPROVEMENTS 274,091. 170,834. 103,257. LAND 117,000. 0. 117,000. FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 19,328. 19,328. 0. WORKS OF ART 38,000. 0. 38,000. IMPROVEMENT-BALUSTRADE 85,100. 40,660. 44,440. FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT-00 12,208. 12,208. o. IMPROVEMENTS-01 112,972. 49,908. 63,064.


FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT-01 12,066. 12,066. 0. FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT-02 8,467. 8,467. 0. IMPROVEMENT-ELECTRICAL 58,909. 22,255. 36,654. FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT-03 25,316. 25,316. 0. IMPROVEMENTS-04 27,412. 9,698. 17,714.

FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT-04 2,241. 2 t 241. 0. IMPROVEMENTS-OS 38,825. 12,389. 26,436. IMPROVEMENTS-06 368,196. 90,029. 278,167. FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT-06 11,860. 11,860. 0. IMPROVEMENTS-07 87,672. 21,868. 65,804. FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT-07 25,329. 25,329. 0. IMPROVEMENT-08 77,606. 16,678. 60,928. SOFTWARE-08 14,025. 14,025. 0. FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT-08 3,921. 3,921. 0. IMPROVEMENTS-09 22,065. 4,031. 18,034. SOFTWARE-09 232,045. 232,045. 0. IMPROVEMENTS-10 9,910. 1,596. 8,314. COMPUTERS/SOFTWARE-10 219,705. 219,705. o. FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT-10 1,250. 1,042. 208. IMPROVEMENT-11 6,600. 752. 5,848. COMPUTERS/SOFTWARE-11 86,306. 86,306. 0. FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT-11 13,334. 9,933. 3 t 401. IMPROVEMENTS - 12 160,088. 12,982. 147,106. 2012 TOYOTA TRUCK & PLOW - 12 38,854. 23,313. 15,541. FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT - 12 12,640. 6,279. 6,361. COMPUTERS/SOFTWARE - 12 94,120. 81,541. 12,579. IMPROVEMENTS-13 128,100. 6,482. 121,618. COMPUTERS/SOFTWARE - 12 57,154. 33,339. 23,815. FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT- 13 1,118. 392. 726. IMPROVEMENT-14 176,710. 2,780. 173,930. COMPUTERS/SOFTWARE - 14 134,600. 4,080. 130,520.

TOTAL TO FM 990-PF, PART II, LN 14 3,166,417. 1,628,180. 1,538,237.



INTEREST & DIVIDEND RECEIVABLE 111,439. 98,525. 98,525. PREPAID FEDERAL EXCISE TAX 31,729. 117,178. 117,178. DUE FROM BROKER 176,186. 124,430. 124,430.

TO FORM 990-PF, PART II, LINE 15 319,354. 340,133. 340,133.





TOTAL TO FORM 990-PF, PART II, LINE 22 1,025,185. 903,831.



TOTAL TO FORM 990-PF, PG 12, LN 11 611. 3,000.

STATEMENT(S) 17, 18 Depreciation and Amortization Detail FORM 990-PF PAGE 1 990-PF Description of property Asset Number Date Method/ Life Line Cost or Basis Accumulated Current year . placed IRC sec. or rate No. other basis reduction depreciation/amortization deduction in service

50.0016 351 274. 325 477. 7 025.

30.0016 274 091. 161 698. 9 136.

• 000 16 117 000. 0 .

19 328. 19 328. 0.

38 000. 0.

85 100. 37 823. 2 837.

12 208. 12 208. o.

112 972. 46 142. 3 766.

12 066. 12 066. 0.

8 467. 8 467. 0.

58 909. 20 291. 1 964.

25 316. 25 316. o.

27 412. 8 784. 914.

2 241. 2 241. o.

38 825. 11 095. 1 294.

368 196. 77 756. 12 273.

11 860. 11 860. 0.

87 672. 18 946. 2 922.

25 329. 25 329. o.

77 606. 14 091. 2 587.

14 025. 14 025. o.

3 921. 3 921. o.

22 065. 3 295. 736.

232 045. 232 045. 0.

9 910. 1 266. 330.

219 705. 219 705. o.

1 250. 792. 250. 416261 05-01-14 # - Current year section 179 (D) - Asset disposed Depreciation and Amortization Detail FORM 990-PF PAGE 1 990-PF Description of property Asset Number Date Method/ Life Line Cost or Basis Accumulated Current year . placed IRC sec. or rate No. other basis reduction depreciation/amortization deduction in service

6 600. 532. 220. 86 306. 74 094. 12 212. 13 334. 7 266. 2 667. 160 088. 7 646. 5 336. 12 38 854. 15 542. 7 771. 12 12 640. 3 751. 2 528. 12 94 120. 50 168. 31 373. 128 100. 2 212. 4 270. 12 57 154. 14 288. 19 051. 13 1 118. 168. 224. 176 710. 2 780. 14 134 600. 4 080. 15 682. DEPR 3 166 417. 0. 1 489 634. 154 228.

416261 05-01-14 # - Current year section 179 (D) - Asset disposed Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. ------· - Schedule of Investments - Stocks ------December 31, 2014 -- - --·------51-0070060

-- Shares •Cost Basis Market Value

Stocks =------1 ----+------,------Abbott La!:>s______32,000.00~ I _____ -~ __ 1,049,600.00 1,440,640.00 ~~~1?_i;:~~Ho~i~; ______.--~--- -,_3~%~:~j ___ I .::_I::- -~~:i~~:~~,~ ·· i'.~~~~~:~ Inc:______· 5,000.00 ---+--- 932,621.00 , 1,551, 750.00 American Express ____ (__ 17,500.00 I __ ~~-- 82__ 5,7~f 5~--1 ~----~_!~§_?8,lQO~~ Anadarko Petroleum Corp. ______i 12,500.00 _ 604,292.50 I 1,031,250._QQ__ Celgene Corp ______; 15,000.00 392,053.50 j 1,677,900.00 Citrix Systems ~':1_~~--- ______[ 18,500.00 ___ -~~~-~---- __ _!_~~~~3~~ Coca Cola Company 25,000.00 579,308.24 ! 1,055,500.00 Colgate Palmolive------25,ooo.oo 158,984.37 I 1~729,7_s_o.oo CO-m-er_ic_a -ln-c.------~- ______I 37,500.00 ------940,4S8.75 T_____ --i~i56,5Q~.oo t~~;:~ :~:~.:~•ion=----_-_-_-_---__ ------} ~~:E~:E - ~:i:~~rn t= t~~~'.~~~~~= EO_G_R-eso~rc-es-l~c~ ------1----15_,_o_o_o-.o-o--+-----t-----~------619,62---2.50 !- --l,-381:<)50.oo


Exxon Corp 1 15,000.00 1 85,332.02 i 1,386,750.00 Halyard Heaith-ln-~------! 1,125.00 _____ J ~~- -~~-----i;o5s~o-3 [- --=---51,~~~.75 - Home Depot, Inc ------~-- --- ___[ ____ 15,300.00 ______J __ _ ¥~,_396:6~J 1,606,041.0__0_ Honeywell Inc. I 17,500.00 I 733,258.40 i 1,748,600.00 ------+------r------+------·------t------~~h~:~;a~ :~~son ------+,-~-~-:~-~-~-:~-~---t----+------1--- 1,i~~:~~}:~~ J__ --~:~~~:~~ri:6%- ~· ------+------+-----+-----i------r------t---K_im_b_e_r_ly_C____ la_rk_C_o_r_p _____ ------1---9_,o_o_o_.o_o_,_____--+------_ 4 7,575.24 L l,039,86_CJ.OO Kohl's Corp 25,000.00 1,306,279.10 I 1,526,000.00 ,__L_K_Sm_al_IC_a_p_E__ q_F_d ______r----2_8_1,_1_44_._45-+---+------4,723,041.3_!J ____ _§_76~,_??~_·95 Microsoft Corp ------+---3_0_,o_o_o_.o_o-+------+-----+-- ____ 168, 750.~- 1,393,500.00 ~a~~::~~~~~t::-:-:t-~~-;--~--~-lrn_pc______-+---~~-:-~-~~-:-~~--+------t------~~~+------cl~~ii* - National -Oilwell Inc 1 20,000.00 644,703.22 1,310,600.00 Pepsico, Inc. 17,500.00 278,614.83 1,654,800.00 ------Pfizer Inc 57,500.00 1,046,649.92 1,791,125.00 Procter & Gamble Co. 17,500.00 _ __ 707,39~ 1,594,075.00 Roper Industries Inc. : 10,000.00 583,413.00 ! 1,563,500.00 ,______------r- 1-- I -- Sabre Corp i 55,000.00 i 1,019,265.50 j 1,114,850.00 SchlumberjerLTD______I 15,000.00 =+-~--IH--- __ ----~?-~,4~6.~___J:,281,~50.00_ Tiffany & Co i 12,500.00 ---+ 443,175.75 i 1,335,750.00 ~bbvi_~!~~ ______' 14,ooo~ _ -1-- __ - 518, 765.80 I 916,160.00 Agilent Technologies 1 12,500.00 ! : H174,G72.16 ! - 511,7SO.OO 1 ~_me~_<:~n __ E~~~~ss ____ ----~=--~=~~------~=---:- 10,000.00 __ t=-=j ------226,744.89 ___ -930~400.oci- ~~~------______J~Q~~.00 ______j______j _ ~- ---~~1l~~i~'. ~~~-~Q3,0~Q:OO_ !a~~-N---~1,A,'__ Xo!_ls ~~_II~~ C_or~ ------__ ,_ 10,~~Q.QQ______. l ---- : ------~z~~~-~2~ l-- ____ 4~5! 7_~Q~OO_ Barnes Group Inc. _____ -----~-- 20,000.00 ' ~-- 542,305.8~ 740,200.00

1 1 BOK Financial Corp 7,500.00 _ 301,178.25 450,300.00 1 Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 35,000.00 204,159.88 1,036,350.00 ConocoPhillips 7,000.00 253,961.85 483,420.00 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. ------·------Schedule of Investments - Stocks December 31, 2014 - ---·-· ------51-0070060

- -L--- ·------·-- Security Shares Cost Basis Market Value ----+-i ---- i __ _l Copart Inc 17,500.00 I 598,092.25 638,575.00 ------··------CVS Caremark Corp - 12,500.00 - ~------350,046.42 i --~_2_Q3!_875~Q_()_ Danaher Corporation 469,765.40_1 ___ - __ ------: -·--· ------1 .~~!Q.9~-~q~ ------T- I 1,1_~~!3-_~-~-·-9_Q_ Dentsply International Inc. 12,000.00 368,309.72 i 639,240.00 ___!__ ------·------·--·--·--·---~ t------·------

E_o__l __ la_r_T __ r_e_e_l_nc______J_ _!? 1 000.00 !______j___ __ 613,917.50 1,05_~_JOO.OO__ Dover Corporation ______-~--- 10,800.001 ' 877,774.32 774,576-90 i--D_u_Po_n_t______t_!~,ooo.o~+- 427,896.06 1,109,100.00 EMC Corp ______~5,000.00J 234,406.93 743,500.00 FMC Corporation 16,000.00 I 331,554.40 t-- ____ _2!~~480_.00 Goodyear Tire & Rubber co ___ --- - -~-=-- --~--1-~-40,ooo.o~r-- 509,700.00 ~ 1,14~~~0-~:QO i--G_u_lfp_o_rt_E_n_e_rgy_C___ o_rp______+__ _?_(),00().0~1____ 383,934.00 L_ ---~_?~~~Q~~~()_ HCC Ins Hldgs Inc. ____ 1 12,500.001 =r 257,654.16fl --~~,00_9_.QQ_ Home Depot, Inc +- -9,~oo.Q_oJ ~~~ ___ 172,413.86 ____ -~~6,7_!~.:_~Q __ IBM Corp 1 4,000.00~ 322,039.82 641,760.00 >------l ------;------JP Morgan & Co i 10,000.00 I 366,163.24 625,800.00 :K=o=h=t·s=c=o=r=p======------~ ~- ~- --r- ~5~090.0~: ~~--~--~~- ---- 626,417 .65 -- --9i~l>I~§: 1--K_ra_ft_Fo_o_d_s_ln_c_.______+- !5!9_99_:_~~1------+-- 744,289.80 1------2_~_~,900.:_0()_ -~-:-~Y_s:-~-~o_cc-o------~=-=--= -- j-- i6:~~~:~~ ---~~ --~----~~~~~; C_ 1,~;::~~~:~~ Nabors Industries LTD ______l _25,000.0Q~ ______·_ _ , _ 326,969.88 ____B4,50~.~~ Nuance Communications Inc. ______L _i0,000.00 I____ ,___ 246,033.64 428,100.00 1--P_e_ps_i_co_,_ln_c_.______I___ 7,000.001 495,392.80 661,920.00

,__P_e_rk_in_e_lm_e_r_l_nc______d ______20,000.00I 417,648.50 874,600.00 Praxair Inc 4,000.00 I 215,320.28 518,240.00 ------~- ---- Prudential Financial 12,500.001 634,077.00 1,130,750.00 ------·--·------+------+---+- Range Resources Corp 7,500.00! 236,408.60 400,875.00 1--R-o-p-er_l_n-du-s-tr-ie_s_ln_c_.------~ 5,ooo.ooT___ 259,532.SO 781, 750.00 SM Energy company 7,5oo.oor------+-----+----3-0_5_:__,1_2_1-.2-5-+---2-8_9__ ;_,3_5_o_.o_o1 ,_s_u_nT_r_u_st_B_a_n_k_s_ln_c______.___2 __ 2_,5_0_0_.0_0~1------+---+----67_1_,_82_9_._25-+ ___94_2_,7 ___ 5_0_.o_o__, 1--T_h_e_rm_o_Fi_sh_e_r_S_c_ie_n_tif_ic______'-_ 8,500.00J ___-+---+-----3_15_,_5_10_._75---+ __ 1,_0_64_,_96_5_._oo--1 Trimble Navigation LTD 25,000.00l 780,086.00 663,500.00 Union Pacific Corp ------8,ooo.ool 642,534.80 953,040.00_ >------~ + ,_u_n_it_e_d_P_a_rc_e_lS_e_rv_i_ce______7,000.00~----+-----+----3_2_4_,9_9_2_.9_0-+-----7_7_8,_1_9_0.___ o __~-- 1 8 ~:~~:;~ ~~munications, Inc. = ~= -:-- ~ _~~;~t--- _~-----1------~-~-~-'-:!_!_~_:! __ ~ ---'-~?--~--:~--~-~-:~--~_,- Wells Fargo & Company i 15,000.00: 427,124.47 822,300.00 I------=------'--''------!-- Whirlpool Corp I 6,000.00 • I 277,464.20 1,162,440.00 ·------t -- -·------Williams Companies Inc : 32,500.00 ______1------·-·--- _: ---~-----1 __ --L ---~------639,60~.61 1_,~~Q~?5~.oo Zions Bancorp 23,000.00 ' 502,959.40 : 655,730.00 1--w-a_s_a-tc_h_E_m_e-rg-i-ng_M_a--rk--e-t__ s ___ s_~-~Cap------T 26o;84s~i2 ------'------728,000.25 t-----69-6,456.48- Whitebo_x Tactical Opps ~----_------i -lG3,5Gl.S7 ~-----~47 :i77.97T---L97o-:916.86 1 ·-~-:-~~-7-ae_:_h_~nr_~_a_c __ e--ut-ic-a-ls-1-nc ______--:-~---~----=--=~~t----~_~-;-~---~:~--~ _]~------'------_-____j__-~--: _-~ ~:~~::: 1- -.. ~!:~-~!:: Advent Software Inc 1,734.00 ! 57,067.00 I 53,130.00 Air Methods Corp 1,168.00 I 54,209.00 51,427.00 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. ' Schedule of Investments - Stocks December 31, 2014 -- __. ___ ---·-· ---- 51-0070060

Security Shares Cost Basis Market Value

------·- Akorn Inc Com 2,455.00 55,653.00 88,871.00 .A~i:~~t-F-in-an-ciaTs~~~ices______--- ·· 518.oo - i -i9,466~o6 I- ----29:138.oo ANI Pharmaceuticals ln-c-co_m ______------·i10:-oo-- -- t- -- 3s~s~oOT ___ 4o,o37.oo §=~1-;;~-c_o_m____ ·==--··-=--~-=--=--=--=--~-=--=--=--=--=--=--~==-=~ 1,oj2.~Q_j __ ~-- j_ -=~ J--~=-- _ 35,997Jmr---36~53.oo 0 ~~:~;;.~iJ,; :.w Com -~ _ C t~~~:: f:_:-_~ _I ___ .------~-~-::-~-~--~-~-+-! ______---~-:=:~-~~-!·--·~--t- 42 022 00 ~~:~~~ Hldgs Ltd Sponsored --r=-1,0W.oo I -,------' . :~:~!~:~~ 3 :~~~;~~l~;~res Inc Com - -- ~ : ~ ~,~~H~t-+ ... ~ _=----.-·--==~=:=:=E=~=:~=~======:=~=:s= ~=:=:~=~-----

~:;~::s~~~~ ~a~t~~:m Ltd __ _ _ _~:~~~-:6%-t--- t-- -f- ~~:~:~:~~ ~::::~:~~ Celldex Therapeutics Inc -- . - --877.oo-+--- T----f----- 20,176.00 16,005.00 Centene Corp Del ----~- --1,-26-6.00 --T-- 40,068.00 65,737.00 Charles Riv Laboratories _____ -=-T=-~1,sof~o_ =---: _j_ ____ --~ ·------_68,257 .oo 95,587.00 ~~emed Corp New ----·------·- . ___ __ 50~:_00 _ __ _ _j______53,501.00 53,363.00 China Biologic Prods Inc ! 788.00 I 42,480.00 52,977.00 t---- t-----i---·------·------+------·- ~i~n_a_~_c:>!_PO_r_at_io_n Col'll__ N_ew_. ______· ~,:40!.QO l 1 ______5~}28.0~_ _ -----~~ 1 720.00 Constellium Nv Cl A 1,324.00 I 35,720.00 21,753.00 ------i . ------~------l------r----~------r------Cracker Barrel Old Co__ u_n_tr_y ______.. ------~----8_4_3.00 ____ J______86,673.00 118,661.00 Deckers Outdoor Corp ; 701.00 64,997.00 63,819.00 !------'------1- Dexcom Inc i 1,179.00 37,322.00 64,904.00 ··--11------+------·------Diamondback Energy Inc Com , 627.00 42,964.00 37,482.00 t------'--·---·----+----·-----·---f------t------E House China Hldgs Ltd ADR I 2,698.00 36,815.00 19,534.00 Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc -----1-- ---908.60_____ ------~------3-6,-9-45___ o_o-+-----46-,-1-7i-.oo-- i------·------t----t- --· t-E_u_ro_n_e_t_W_o_r_ld_w_id_e_l_n_c ______+_ 1,703.00 __ ----+--·____ 6_8_,1_6_0_.o_o--+-- ___9_3_,4_9_5 __ ._o_o_ Financial Engines Inc Com 1,220.00 44,132.00 44,591.00 Finisar Corp Com -1-2-,-0-18-.-00_,_ __ --+------l-----·---4-8-,-04_3___ 00_,_ ___3_9_,_16-9-.0-0 ,_F_in_is_h_L_in_e_ln_c_C_l_At------t------+--··-·--______J __ 1,528.00 --·--+-----+---·---4_2_,3_7_4._0_o-··----+------+------!___ 3_7_,_14_6_.o_o---f Globus Med Inc Cl A i 1,179.00 30,707.00 28,025.00 ~~_en Dot Corp Cl A I 2,526.00 55,968.00 51,758.00 ------1------+------·-·-- G-111 Apparel Group Ltd Com 1 390 00 + 50 700 00 70 202 00 ,___H=e=a=rt=la=n=d=P=m=t=S=ys==ln=c======--··------~.c-:,==-2-:=0_3-9=:=0_0- _,__,__- _---=--·__,'t--_----t--·===~~-===8=4=:0=0=1=:0=0======-1-1=0='.0=0=4=:0_=( Hexcel Corp New 1 1,146.00 44,542.00 47,548.00 ,_H_ff_l=-n_c-=C-_IA=====------===--~=--=--=--=----_--.-_-_·-==-=-;~-- 2,067.00 ···------48,524.00 74,247.00 Icon PLC Shs 1,574.00 I 63,809.00 80,258.00 --- ·--+-·------·-·· ------+-··-----·-·--·--·--·-- _lco~_ix_B_ra_n_dG_rou __P In_<: ______------·- __ -·--- __1_,4_3_1.00 ___ t---- ___ __4 __ 5_,7_7_7_.o_o.--t- ___4_8_,3_?3_:Q~_ !nsule!_Co_r_p ______798.~-~+--- -]- ·----- _i _ _3_5,8_4_8_.o_o ~- -~6, 75~.oo Interactive Brokers Group ______. ___ _!,908._~q_f ___ +--- _ ··-·- _3~~41~_.o_o ______55_,~~~.qo Jumei Intl Hldg Ltd 1,654.00 I ' 39,276.00 22,527.00 ------·---·------.. ------+··------.-1'·------r------Kapstone Paper & Packaging 1 2,006.00 46,207.00 58,796.00 i------·------r--·------+------+------Keryx Biopharmaceuticals i 3,336.00 47,866.00 47,204.00 ------~-----+------+---- Korn Ferry Intl New 1,729.00 49,378.00 49,726.00 Lithia Mtrs Inc Cl A 704.00 46,708.00 61,030.00 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Schedule of Investments - Stocks December 31, 2014 51-0070060

--- - Security Shares Cost Basis Market Value

Manhattan Assocs Inc • 1,535.00 47,986.00 62,505.00 ------+------c Marketaxess Hldgs Inc 411.00 25,441.00 29,473.00 lA54~oo1-- Matador RES Co Com ------1- 40,297.00 29,414.00 ------1----~------~---- Matrix_~vc_~() ______L_ 1,829.0D_, __ 39,636.00 ~ 40,823.00

Maximus Inc 1,129.00 I 51,402.00 i 61,914.00 60,160.00 I 57,491.00 ~~~idai~~sa1utio~~nc ~~~-==--=~- -1~01- ~ ~-!- __ ------t------i Mentor Graphics Corp _____ 1,972.00 ! _ 43,884.00 I 43,226.00 -·------Momenta Pharmaceuticals Inc 1,038.00 ! . 19,405.00~ 12,498.00 ------~ ------+------+------~ ------+-- Natus Medical Inc Del 1,513.00 i · 40,747.oo I 54,529.oo ------~--·------!- --- Ophthotech Corp Com 824.00 I - --- 3i~o6io01--~6,973.oa Pinnacle Entmt Inc 908.00 -----T - ---22~~-~~~o_J ___ ~o,203.~o Po~e~nieg-ra-tk>-n5 ~-C: ------f---9-4-0-.0--0-T- -- , 53,271.00 i 48,636.00 --~------I ---u-+ ------! ------Pra Group Inc Com ------914.00--1 1 - 5~,258.g_(J_l ____ -~~~~~8.00 ~~im<:_>~~-~~~~_c_o~p__ ~f!l ______~ ___1_,088.00 I ____ _?_5,2~?.og_~ ___2~,285.qo ~~-oL~-~~_li:i_~~rn ______692.0Q__t_ _ _?~242.q9j ------~,475.QQ_ _P~~~_,,~-~~--- ______------+---1_,1_0_0_.o_o-t-;-_ __ _i~§~~~g_q_J ---~~~15.~Q__ -~~~~a_r_e ~!9__ 0R_I:)______2,498.00J______54,502.00 ~ __ 55,006.00 Restoration Hardware Hldgs 807.00 i 67,032.00 : 77,480.00 ------1------· -1 ------·--·------! - Saia Inc Com ______~--1,~~-?~90_ j_ 56,701.00 : __ ?~ 1_570.00

~ilga~~~~i~~__ lnc ______1,013.oo L_ 1 ~§,75Q:9Qj ____54,2~x.oo Ske~~~!~~_?-~_ln_c C_l_A______1,192.0~--- ___ ~ __ J _ ____ 48,294.00~ 65,858.00 S_!~_is_Co_r_p______------r-- 942.~----- __; ____ l ___ ?~__§_~7.qQ_J 61,089.00

~i~e_P_lt=:~=:~-nc ______------+-----1-,~-:-~-:~--~ j-=~~ ~+--~-J ~== -=-~--~t,~~-t ~~:~~~:~~ T~~d_e_m_D_ia_b_et_es_C_~!~ Inc ------+------1,_2_6_8_.~---- _ J ____ _j ______J._8,340.00 j ____16,104.00 ~~tor:_!'~_rin_!__Co_rp_C_o_m_ ------+----1,_8_3_5.__ 0Q______J ______j ______54,514.0~ 44,168.00 US Silica Hldgs Inc Com 907.00 i i 37,734.00 I 23,301.00 Verint Sys Inc ------+--1-,-15-1-.0-0--+------r- ---T- -- - 62,370.00 I 67,080.00 ------+------t--- --·- ----+------;. - ----··------______, Virtus lnvt Partners Inc 318.00 __ J ____ _j ______5_0_,3_2_6_.o_o--+- ___5_4_,2_1_6_.o_o--i 5

1 ~~~~~:~:~ ~dosm l,~7:5:6:.~o~o -- --~!-=~------+-~ ~5~1:,4~~5~9:.~o~o 1. ____!_::_~-~-:~-~---i Whiting Pete Corp New i =- -- 24,948.00 ------I------1-- ---·-----!·------~---~ ~~xi_!'_ha_rmatech Cayman Inc 1,663.00 ~--- __ -+- ______49,141.00 __ f ____5_5_,9_9_3_.o_o-1 1 Abercrombie & Fitch Co Cl A 1,200.00 I ; 39,731.00 : 34,368.00 ------+------+-- ---+------r------1 Aer:_o_v_i~nm_e_n_t_l~c 800.00 i- ____ ~-- -~ 23,175.00_; 21,800.00

~~:R~~dings Inc ------+_---~-~-~-:~-~---+!------i ______: _ ~!:~~~:~~ +---~-~--:~-~-~-:~-~-. ·--·-· ------~-----1------+------· ------AMN- -- Healthcare------Svcs------Inc------t------! 1,730.00--- I' 21,785.00 . 33,908.00 Ame Networks Inc Cl A 1 490.00 . 27,141.00 31,247.00 ------____j___ ------American Eagle Outfitters 1 5,200.00 i 72,288.00 72,176.00 ------t------· ------·- -- Angiodynamics Inc J -~~og_.~~ 33,549.00 45,624.00

Ann Inc Com 750.00 __.i_ __ I 25,748.00 27,360.00 ------+- _, ------, ,___AOL ______Inc Com _ 1,050.00 39,068.00 i 48,479.00 ------' Aspen Insurance Holdings 750.00 --r- 27,207.00 ; 32,828.00 ------f----_,__--- ·-- Be Iden Cdt Inc 330.00 26,110.ool 26,007.00 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. ------Schedule of Investments - Stocks ------December 31, 2014 51-0070060

Security Shares Cost Basis Market Value

Berkshire Hills Bancorp Inc 1,400.00 i 33,799.00 37,324.00

Blucora Inc Com I 800.00 j 18,337.00 11,080.00 - ·------Brandywine Realty Trust ------1 -2,1c:>-01lo :----- · - T 34,525.00 43,146.00 ------1------+------r------r Brooks Automation Com ------L -----,----1-----r-.3,610.00 I i · 32,840.00 46,028.00 Caesarstone Sdot-Yam Ltd 1,450.00 1 I 63,835.00 : 86, 739.00 ------·· ------~---- -~------+ ------Churchill Downs Inc 365.00 30,948.00 i 34,785.00 c-oh-u 1;,-c ___ ------2,600.00 ------·· -2-5-,57s~0o-r---·-30,940.o-o ------t------4------t------Colu~~us __ryt~Kinno_i:is:orp_NY_____ 705.00 ______16~336.0~j ___ --~ 1 76~_:QQ _ Comfort Sys USA Inc 1,795.00 29,030.00 i 30,730.00 I~~tin~n_t~___ I_ Bu_i_l__ d-_in_- -_g_-Pr~~f~ct~- ----_-_--__ ---~- -~-- ~--- 1,350.00 _----- _--_ -_-_ _-__ - 24,69-J:ooF ·23~-36~()0 - · - - - - - 2 - 1 4o,s36~oo I -- -36~i2

G~T-r~~h~~-o~y com ------= ~~~ ______--4-,o-o-o-.o-o-+---_-_- _+_---_- _ --~--____j _ _§_,~I!~~g]-=~-=l9,9~~~Q~ _

_(Ju_~s~-1~~- ______I 1,100.00 {------+------+-- ______31,580.00 I 23,188.0~_

Gulfport Energy Corp New 1 330.00 , 21,472.00 13,774.00 .. ·------·---)------i------r------····--- Harman l_rit!_~~~s_lnc Ne~______-~6_0_.0_0 ~---- 2~,_?~~-:~gj }~~!§·~_g Health Net Inc 600.00 ! 19,460.00 i 32,118.00 ------·------825.oo 29,086.00 Healthsouth Corp r ------I 31,730.00 ----t------·· - ·- ---- r -- Heidrick & Struggles Intl 1,350.00 i 24,933.00 ' 31,118.00 ------i------1 Helen Of Troy Corp I 450.00 I 19, 740.00 1 29,277.00 H-~iixE~~~g_y_S-ol-ut-io~;-_G__ rp_--_--_· __-_-- ______-l~_9_6_5_.o_o-I __:==----=: ___ ·--·-- --~~~~~583~o§l---~ 20,941.o( HNI Corp 745.00 25,317.00 38,040.00 ------I lac/lnteractivecorp PAR 600.00 32,241.00 36,474.00 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Schedule of Investments - Stocks - ---·- - -- December 31, 2014 ------51-0070060

Security Shares Cost Basis Market Value

J & J Snack Foods Corp 340.00 27,012.00 36,982.00 Janus Cap Group Inc i 20,632.00 32,260.00 --+------l ------Kaiser Aluminum Corp 21,695.00 ' 21,429.00 Kvh lndustrie~---- , --- - -r------38,363.aa·-- 36,685.00 ,------i------,--- -- La Z Boy Inc 1,105.00 i ! i 23,690.00 • 29,658.00 ------' ------1------t------+------+--

Lakeland Bancorp Inc 1 2,970.00 I i 31,426.00 1 34,749.00 ------1------r--· --~~-----~-[------Liberty Ppty Tr Sh Ben Int : 1,000.00 I 34,617.00 [ 37,630.00 - -~------~------~,- -- ~------Madden Steven Ltd ·------____ ' ____ 65D_.OO I ____I_ 22,571.00 J___ __?g,695>.()_0 MKS lnstrs Inc 655.ooT , 18,129.oo I 23,973.oo ·------1---· - I -· ----- Mueller Inds Inc !------~,~~o.oo+----i-- 31,684.00 1- 39,602.00 National Retail Prop Inc ------·--865.00 r----·I ------27,253.00 Ii 34,055.00 Nektar Therapeutics 1 --~~~5:~--- I --~J71.0_Q_t_ _~~_,~7~.00 Nn Inc Com ___ ; -~'~_?~._O_Q_I--+- 44,543.00 __ _ 50,372.00 ------· --- 1 Norcraft Cos Inc Com . 2,500.00 I I 38,938.00 I 48,250.00 ~:~~;:s1~e;~~:P New -----~=--~----- _____ -- -~i-- ---:,!!~~~-~=--r=- ~~:~!~:~~ i-~- ----~::!~::~~ _c:>M _~':_

Orbotech Ltd ORD 1 3,ooo.oo I I 34,614.oo I 44,400.00 ---+------·--1------1------.-- 1 ·------Oritani Finl Corp Del Com ______J ___ l,~oof __ .·-- 24,~31.00 f- ____ ?-~~-70.()_()__ Oshkosh Corp ______------+---~40.00 _____ 23,150.00 i___ __2~,_~06'._Q_o__ ~~~:~i:~~aR~~r~r com------r- --i~~~:~~ --- ~~::~~:~~ \ -- --- ~~:~1~:~- Piper Jaffray Cos ------1-----G70.00 ----f-- 21,782.00 r ------38,-920.00 1 ~;~~~~~. o~~:i;~c~~~ ~-m--_:=- -=-~~ -T- ~::~r~ =-=- ~~:~~~:~~ ~ =-~~64:~~~ Raymond James Finl Inc ------5g5J)Q~ 23,488.00 r- -=~~- 332_15~()_0- :;~~!:'~!~~:~ Inc --~=~~~= ~-~-~ -~--=- --+ --3,;~~:~~ - ~!:~~~:~~ : -- -~!:~1~:~~ Rofin Sinar Technologies---=-=~~- -~--~~---==t- 765.00 _ --i 18,122.00 I_ ------~2,oo~.()_Q_ 1 Sandy Spring Bancorp Inc - l- 1,180.00 1 27,261.00 30,774.00 t------~------~- ----·--!------+------+------Selective Ins Group Inc ______------+----3,000.00 +- -t-- 71,653.00 ~------~!210:Cl__D__ ~:~~~~~hnO!ogy -- --+-i~~~6~ t +--1--- -~6*i ---1~~~j{:6~ Spectrum Brands Hldgs Inc ------520.00 r-- +------r 33,361.00 • ------49,JS4.00 st~~-i:ibriv-cap co~ ------800~00 t --25,595-:-oo : 23~ 766~00 ------r------' -r-----j------s~~~in] ~~l')~OrP_Q~~o_l'TI_ _ _1_ 3,o_~~.oo_ • __ ~2_,78~o_o_ . 43,643.00 Stifel Finl Corp I 945.00 i ] 36,311.00 48,214.00 ------Stoneridge Inc 2,095.00 ! 23,715.00 26,942.00 ------··------Summit Hotel Pptys Inc Com ----~1 __i_,_3_00_-.o_o J____ --L- ---1 31,451.00 ! 41,052.00 1 Sykes Enterprises Inc ___ 21,766.00 I 29,690.00 ------! - 1,265.00 _ _J_ --- Thestreet Com 10,000.00 I 26,388.00 I 23,800.00 Tivo Inc 1,800.00 23,844.00 21,312.00 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Schedule of Investments - Stocks ------December 31, 2014 ------51-0070060

Security Shares Cost Basis ·Market Value

- _L Tronox Ltd Shs Cl A 900.00 21,721.00 i 21,492.00 ---~-----+------Trustco BK Corp N Y 4,345.00 25,493.0~4 ____]},5~~_.QO_

Umpqua Hldgs Corp 1,690.00 1 27,255.00 I 28,747.00 United Finl Bancorp Inc New 3,037.00 ----:------36,281.00 r----- 43,61i-oo ----· - -- --·-·-- United Fire Group Inc Com 2,600.00 75,827.00 77,29 8.00 ------Universal Display Corp 1,100.00 i 33,451.00 30,52 5.00

Vaalco Energy Inc Com New 3,700.00 1 24,895.00 16,87 2.00 --·---··------Validus Holdings Ltd 24,388.00 27,014.00 .------·---·----··---·· . - -~~~.00 f -·=----+ -~ Vishay Intertechnology 28,157.00 31,13 0.00 2,_2_Q_o._o_o_j ___ - --t------· Waddell & Reed Finl Inc 565.~_Q J i 29,141.00 28,148.00 1------·------Washington Fed Inc 1, 770.00 : - -- J 36,471.00 39,206.00 ·------· ------Washington Tr Bancorp 575.00 i 18,095.00 23,104.00 ------. ----+ ------· Watts Water Technologies 510.00 I 21,216.00 I 32,35 4.00 ------~------+------+----- ·------Webster Finl Corp Waterbury 1,~~5.0~ - -- ' - 36,448.00 47,656.00 Wellcare Health Plans Inc 305.00 i 21,655.00 25,028.00 ___ ,__ ------~------··-----·-f-·------Western Refng Inc 675.00 1 20,454.00 25,502.00 L Wilshire Bancorp Inc 2,500.00 i 20,365.00 25,315.00 J_ ------+------·---·--- Xcerra Corp Com 5,000.00 • 33, 740.00 45,800.00 ------TIFF ARP II - F Series Jul 14 4875.781 4,875, 781.00 4,916,815.38 ---· ------. J . ------·--

TIFF ARP II - H Series Jul 14 4875.781 4,875, 781.00 1 ___4,_91_3,1~~~2 66,658,328.76 113,658,212.44 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Schedule of Investments - Bonds December 31, 2014 51-0070060

Security ;Shares Cost Basis Market Value


~~~:i~~i~ee i~i:~~~t_-~-~n_~()-~~_F_c(=- --fiao,636.94" 1,106,000.00 1,103,987.26 ------·- Forward EM Corp Debt 91,604.68 1 862,000.00 796,960.68 ------·· ------···---- ··------.------American Express 1.75%, 6/12/15 500,000.00! 508,549.00 ' 502,750.00 __ _[ --- ,. ------Berkshre Hath, 3.20%, 2/11/15 500,000.00: , 515,635.00 501,430.00 ------1------1 ' -----··------f-- BlackRock 4.25%, 5/24/21 500,000.00i 548,104.00 ~ 551,200.00 Caterpillar Inc 7.90% 12/15/18 400,000.00 [ ___ ~ -~ _J _-= 515,470.0~+= 487,284.00 Cisco Systems 4.45%, 1/15/20 500,000.00 i------~ 554,599.0*t- 550,460.00 Deere John Cap_~_or_p_3._90_%_o_7_/1_2_/2_1__ +--4_5_0_,o_oo.ool------+ __476!~79.?Q_ 1 _ 487,701.00 EMC, 1.875%, 6/1/18 520,000.001 ___ ------~ __ 522,660:_~°-+ 518,232.00

Gen Elec Cap Corp 5.30% 2/11/21 450,000.00I 1 493,155.50 1 513,896.00 ------+------f ----- ·--- - 1 ------: - _!_B_M_5:.J_0_%_9/1~/]:_7 ______+-40_0_,o_o_o._o__,01 ______l______46~~~3.§~°-~ i_ ___ 445,776.oo Intel Corp 3.30%, 10/01/21 475,000.00 I 481,854.00 I 498,099.25 Mer-ck-&-Co,-4-.75%~-3-/_0_l_/_1_5 _____-t-5-o-o,-o--oo-.-oo---jl------T ---523~()35~c)(ji · 503,360.00 ------+------!------+ ------+------1 ~~:~::0c;.;0~;:~~~:2 5118 ;~6:666:66~------l- :~~6~~-:~%+- - :~~:~~~:66 ---··------+------;-1------+------~- -· Toyota Mtr Corp 2.05%, 1/12/17 ------+--50_0__ ,0_00.00 ______J,- ____5_1_~~?4_9:0.Q +- __5_0_9~~4_0_.o_o_ 1 Wachovia Corp 5.75% 6/15/17 450 000 00 516 942 50 1 496 814 00 JPM Strategi-cIncome Opps 111:115:91 1------t-l,398~000~00-!-1,380:334-~o f------·------+------'------·------RiverPark Short Term High Yield 210,~~~.16 _ ____ l 2,106,001.~1 I 2,089,372.0~ ·------·-·------+--- I , Total Corporate Bonds 1 13,030,598.01 I 12,814,990.19 =-----=~====--~------··••••·•··· J---.••.•• "______t-M_u_n_ic_ip_a_l_B_o_nd_s_:------+------______L______Johnson Cnty KS Sch 4.20%, 10/01/16 165,000.00 I 177,388.20 173,053.65 Kitsap Cty WA 3.470, 12/01/17 115,000.00 126,148.10 120,739.65 1------+----+-·------1--======--1--======-t 303,536.30 293,793.30 Government Bonds: FHLM 5.00%, 2/16/17 500,000.00 565,744.50 544,335.00 FHLM A96807 4.0 2/1/41 607,409.00 277,311.19 287,061.49 FHLM Q04092 4.0 10/1/41 900,000.00 588,818.32 611,820.90 fNMA 4.875% 12/15/16 500,000.00 562,299.00 539,885.00 FNMA A18193 4.5, 8/1/41 10000o01- ----~-397,487.63_1 ___ 410,472.00 FNMA AB3380 3.5, 8/1/26 1000000 --506,983.901 513,705.99 --+------! FNMA AD7127 4.5, 7 /1/40 1000000 __ 549,033.50 ti____ 5_6_1,_8_4_4.00 USTN 3.25%, 3/31/17 700,000.00 753,828.60 738,339.00 1 ~------~------f------·--: ------·-·11 ---··------~------i-- - __ j 4,201,506.6~~ 4,207,463.38 - --·------t. ---~------+------~------~------Total US and State Government Bonds I ! I 4,505,042.94 I 4,501,256.68 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Schedule of Capital Gains/( Losses) December 31, 2014 51-0070060

Security Shares Bought Sold Gross Proceeds Cost Basis , Realized Gain/Loss

Boston Common - Pooled ------,-- Intl ~atholic?~F_u_ri~ __ _ _ 2,389.65 10/1/2013 1/2/2014 30,2~~._~o · __3~2!3~~ : _ _ 1,684.51 Intl Catholic S~_!'un~ ______3,578.30 10/1/2013 2/3/2014 43,129.83 . 42,801.44 : 328.39 ~~~~t~.<>lic sR1 Fund ______1 18,799.57: 10~1/2_013_ _4{1/201-1:,__ ·23~386.44 T_~~ -224,~.§.~;lsT=-=__ __ _i_o,5!1.29 Intl C~_!~~l!c SRI Fund .. ______------~---=-r~}~~~!~~~Gt _!Ql~/2_013, 5/lf3_01'.4_;_ __ 22~_?2.8~_l __ ___3_!'.753.09 I 1'.1~9.76 Intl Catholic SRI Fund _ _ _L!-~214.26j __ _l_Ofl/201~-+ ___ 7/1/2g_1_~-- _ _!-_~0,259.9~---- 120,980.67 ___ J_J~~.2-~ Intl Catholic SRI Fund _j_ 1,808.50 1 10/1/2013 .8/1/201·4· : 23,049.72 : 21,632.17 1,417.55 inti catholic sR1 Fund ------+- 3,430.11r 1011120131 ioii/2014i - -- -41,954:7sr 41,029.65 925.10 lntl-c;th~lic SRI Fund ------I:Bi1.~fL jo_!1[2()1~L ~ ~ij/~/3_o}~L__~~748.39 i 21,745.46 2.93 Intl Catholic SRI Fund Tax Basis Adj per K-1 ~arious jVarious I - 6,634.00 (6,~34.00) TOTALBostonCommon-Pooled _ __ _J______I 548,719.91 530,029.12 18,690.79 1 ~=~::.. '"' '~:=t-~~~~it= ~:~~iff ~~::~~::: ::::~::: ;:~:::::: gnemark Holding Inc. 22,100.00 I -7t16/2cnor -3/i.S/20-14 628,136.62 316,876.43 311~26cij9 Netapp Inc. __ ,_ 25,00o.oOf -3/8/20121-- 3/2S/2oi~ 934,741.84 1,057,737.50 -(122:995~6-6) ~:~-~~~: ------~~-~T:~:~i ~f~121~i{f-- ~Jr161~- ~::::~~ 1~~::!~:: -ts~i~6;~) ~etapp_lnc. 2,500.00! 3/15/20131 3/25/2014! 93,474.18 85,537.50 7,936.68 ------~------:-:-+- --· ··------4- ··-----·-+------!------t-A_d_ob_e_S_y_st_e_m_s_ln_c_. ______5,0()Q.._qc>j_ __ -~-4/3()~1; 3/~5/2~~-- 343,367.41 170,295.00 173,072.41 AT&T Inc. 10,000.00] 4/29/2004 ! 5/7/2014 I 355,647.14 256,957.00 98,690.14

~_r_.~f;~r; __ ~:--5c~co~~r;~Pt~s~H~1d~g~~~~~-~~~-.-. ------~~~~~~~ i~!j~-~~~L_-_i~~~~~-~-~~~:!~+- ~~!:;!~:!~ ~~~:~~~::~ C_e-'lg~e_n_e__ C_o __ r.o..p______.. ____ j__3_,~0_().0~~u _?/_?Y_3()11 i- ---~2/201'1:L__ 369,~~4.34+--- 134,101.25 235,033.09

-~-i;-;o-~s--:-:c-~_r:-:;_r_l:t_~~-n______--·_--._-_ -_ -_ - __-_ -__--__ ----·--f ~'*~~i1 ~~ ~::::~~:~ 2:::~::~ 2:::!:~ Adobe Systems Inc. - 2,500.00 . 5/4/2011' - 5/7/2014 154,846.82 85,147.50 69,699.32 ------·-----~------·-· ----- Emerson Electric 2,500.00 -~2/29/20~ ~ _ 5/7/2014 168,908.76 85,062.50 83,?_~§.26_ 1 _c_e~lg_e_ne_c_o_r~p ______-+-_3-_,o_o_o __ .oo __?f 16/_3~~.Q_ 5/29/2014 452,060.90 156,821.40 295,239:?_~ 1-E_m_e_rs_o_n_E_le_ct_r_ic______-+-_2_._,5_0_0_.o_o-1--1_2-'-/2_9_:_/_20_0_8_1--_5-=--/29/2014 165,467 .59 85,062.50 80,405.0~ National -Oilwell Inc 2,500.00 7/16/2010 5/29/2014 206,431.68 90,228.25 116,203.43 ·-s-ch-l-um-be-r-ge_r_L_T_D------11---2-,5-00--.0-0+--- -S/30/2003~- 5/29/2014 253,488.64 60,000.00 193,488.64 ------+------!------~---- r-- --- Exxon Corp 2,500.00 12/3/1999 5/29/2014 254,348.87 14,222.00 240,126.87 Coca Cola Company ---5:000.00 -12717/2003 =-572912014 203,238.00 122, 777. 75 8ci;;ffio.25 Adobe Systems Inc. 5,000.00 5/4/2011 5/29/2014 314,822.54 170,295.00 144,527.54 Colgate Palmolive 5,000.00 8/9/1993 5/29/2014 334,855.59 31,796.88 303,058.71 ~meri~an Express 5,000.00 4/10/2007 5/29/2014 440,908.25 281,749.00 159,159.25 Tiffany & Co 5,000.00 7/3/2012 5/29/2014 481,233.36 255,413.50 225,819.86 EOG Resources Inc. 5,000.00 12/19/2011 5/29/2014 519,863.01 233,481.75 286,381.26

Danaher Corporation 6,000.00 1 12/8/2009 5/29/2014 467, 700.46 216,814.80 250,885.66 ~~ommunications, Inc. ------~-{¥a~~ ~~f;~~* ~ -~~~:~~~~: ~~~:!!~:~: ~:~:~~~:~! l~~:~~~~b~ Microsoft Corp 12,500.00I . 4;24/1998~ 5/29/2014 502,277.64 70,312.50 431,965.14 LK Small Cap Eq Fd - ti 11,124.371 -i/i1;2007 -G/9/2014 307,255.16 246,627.33 60,627.83 ~~:~~~~~-pEqfci------~~:~-~~~~~ -f~;~~~~~f:-6~~~~~~~: !~~:~:~:::I ~~~:~!!:~~ ~~::~!!:~! _M~-~-~~----~~------I 5,ooo.ool - 4124719981-- 6/11/2014 207,813.90 I 28,125.oo 179,688:90 Now inc. ------~---s:ooci:oo! 6;2;2oi4+ -6/iv2014, 163,769.381-- 71,122.18 -- --86:646.60 Tiffa.:;-v&c~------r 2,soo.ocii 1/3/2oi21 - 6/t.-112cii4' ____ 25o,239.11i- -121,106.15------i-22,532.96 ·------·-· ------!--·------·---+ ------·---! -- ___:1:_'fl_ . ------··------··------··- ~~~[~~_sl!!~ore LTD ______J_ ___0.325j 8/4/201~+ 8/7/2014 --~ ______()_:~_§______---~·~?-

Parago_ri_()ffshore LTD ______I 3,333.0!_l_. ~_!_4/2Q!_'!_, 9/4/2014 ~ 30,849.94 :. _____1,628.26 ___ 29,23!~?~-

1 Paragon Offshore LTD ______1:,800.0QJ_ 8/4/W1'1:[ 9/4/2014 16,660.59 1 879.34 ____ ~~78!:3~ Paragon Offshore LTD ____ 3,200.00 8/4/20141 9/4/2014 29,618.83 1,5~~- 28,055.55 AT&T Inc. 20,000.00 4/29/2004 9/4/2014 694,384.65 513,914.00 180,470.65 Adobe Systems Inc. 5,000.00 5/4/2011 9/4/2014 357,892.59 170,295.00 187,597.59 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Schedule of Capital Gains/( Losses) ------December 31, 2014 ------51-0070060

Security Shares Bought Sold Gross Proceeds Cost Basis Realized Gain/Loss

---- Celgene Corp 2,000.00 7/16/2010 9/4/2014 189,181.81 52,273.80 136,908.01 ------·-··-- National Instruments Corp 10,000.00 11/9/2010 9/4/2014 328,395.74 234,948.67 93,447.07 ------. ----- . ------·----+------

Noble Corp _ _ _ _ _ 10,000.00 __ll:tl:._7/~987 10/15/2014 _!~6,~_47.66 1],_15~.5~ j ---~~.~~2.1_~ _N<:>_ble Corp ______5,400.00J 12/18/_1~8_7_ 10/15/2014: _ 10_5,~~~-_7_4 ___ _ _§_26~.95_( _ --~'654:I~-

Noble Co!_p ______, 9,600.00 j 12/22/1:_9~7 ___ 10~5/2Cl_l'l__ ~8~~0_1:?~~ __ ___1._-1:,_5§_~.o_~~----- 17?_, 73~~~- 1 ~:fg:~~~:~nolo~~es -==m -= _ -=-~~ _=-==~--==r ~:~~~:~~j ~~~:~~~~~ ~~~~:-~ :}~~~:~:· ==--~~~Jt~~j __ -~_:_-_ :::~-~~:~~ c::_i:ica Cola Cof1:1pa11_y ______i 5,000.00 12/17/2003 10/15/2014j 219,945.13 · 122,777.75 ; 97,167.38 1_~!Vloi:_ga11_ 8t ~o ______5,ooo.oo 11/6/20061 10tls7~.Qi_~[~=-296-:D43.95T_ _ -231,72~~= 58Ji9J_?_ ~i:.':_iZ()f'I. Cof1:1_munications, Inc. 10,000.00 2/13/20071 10/15/20141 489,490.18 +----355,117.39 134,3~ Coc~_Co~_c::ompany 2,500.00 12/17/200_~_ 10/20/2014~ = 107,461.37 1 61,388.88 __ 46,D_?2.49_ ~kaf11a_i l!~hnologies 2,500.00 8/19/2011 ! 11/20/2014 i 156,346.04j~ 57,520.25 98~~~5_-?!l_ ~~nko!~e~'!?rkMellonCorp 25,000.00 6/17/2003 ___ 11/20/2014-[=-= 984,450.74 i 692,320.00 ____ 292,130.~ Celgene Corp I 2,000.00 7/16/2010: 11/20/2014~ 20S,019.20-) 52,273.80 155,745.40

~~~a~_o§~~~~riy__ I 1,500.00 1211112003Tli72of20i~---~ u 3ii!l64.64 c=:---184.166:63- 137,298.01 ~*':;,~:"'~"" ·. _.. __ ---t :::::: ~~:~~rir :0i~~~l : '::'.m: ~=--- ::~:~::+ ~::::~:~) _l'r_octer &__Gaf11_ble C().______I 500 2/7 /2002: 11/20/3o_~4f_ -~-i.003._~3 ~ _ ___ _20,878.98 ~ 23,123.35 f'rocte~8t~~rJ:lbl~-~-orti~~------t i------Go,649,159.601 11,301.015.66 9,342,143.94 -·------r------r - _J_ I - LKCMValue ------+-~--~----- ;-_--_-_--____ -_ -- -_"l!- ~------r------___ . ------t -t------+------+------PetSmart Inc ______------[----~ 10/29/2008 (_ __lj_22l2014 ~ -~~'.~tl:~6-i _ __ _1:_~.~~§.:~J ______3~9~7~0 _ 2~:~mz~r~------~- ~::~~:~~ ~~~:j~~~~ 1 ~~~i~~~i1t ~!~~ii~~~6_L -~}Hi~---~* (:-;;-~idien PLC------2,500.00 9/2/2010 9/22/2014 I - 2ffs·1-i:471-- 83,357.26 144,154.2i------··------·------·--!-----·· ------}------~--~------·----·--- KeysightTechnologies 4,350.00 11/3/2014 I 11/20/2014 i 133,531.17 ; 47,069.50 86,461.67 Keysight-Techno!Ogies-· 1,900.00 11/3/2014 11/20/2014r ----58;323-:961 ___ - 20,296.16 38,027.80 !~l-A~-~~ci\Av~iue --~------i::-- 1,491,242.62 l _531,38~ 959,853.25 ------·------+------+-----!------+------4------~------I NFS- Glenmede 1 -----+'------+------l FNMA-s.0%, 3/15/16 500,000.00 121512013 11114/2oi4f ____ 53i,o23.oo 1 552,089.oo (21,066.ooi FH~~~#.b.968o-14.00000%4.000% 02101/41 3,114.02 8152013 8152014f_=_~ii4.02l--T2i.0Acl (96.38)

£Hlflll~ f0~~.Q! 4.00000% 4.000% 02/01/41 1,490.64 8152013 715~0__!~ f-- _ _ 1,490.64 l 1,536. 78 (46.14) ~MC #A96807 4.00000% 4.000% 02/01/41 557.39 81~20131 6152014 557.39 ~- 574.64 (17.25) FHLllJIC #A96807 4.00000% 4.000% 02/01/41 2,560.11 8152013 5152014 2,560.11 2,639.35 (79.24} FHLMC #A96807 4.00000% 4.000% 02/01/41 2,844.67 8152013 4152014 2,844.67 2,932.72 (88.05} ~MC #A96807 4.00000% 4.000% 02/01/41 2,499.40 8152013 315~ 2,499.40 2,576.76 (77.36} FH~M~ #A96807 4.00000% 4.000% 02/01/41 1,719.47 8152013 215~~--- --~?_!~.47 I- _ 1,772.69 (53.22)

FHLMC#A968074.00000%4.000%02/01/41 571.16 81520131- 11520141 571.16 I 588.84 (17.68) ~B~M~-#_:§_ci4092 4.00000% 1010 4.000% 10101/41--[ 8,573.60 8152013+--l____ 11 5 2~ 1-_4T_ ~ -- - 8.,513.. 60_ ~ --~- 8.,840 .. 3 ~~~-- 1266.11) FHLMC #Q04092 4.00000% 10/0 4.000% 10/01/41 I 3,379.06 8152013 2 1 5 2 0 1 4 1 3 379 06 3 484 20 (105.14}

FHLMC #Q04092 4.00000% 1010 4.000% 10/01/41 I 5,175.66 8152013 1 3152014f 5,175.66 , 5,336.70 (161.04) !!i_LMC#O.o40924.ooooo%1o/04.oo0%i0/0i/4i~_~38.8o 3152013 l--4is2o14T- ---6~138.80-r -----6:329:81~-- (19i.011 FHLMC #Q04092 4.00000% 10/0 4.000% 10/01/41 ! 3, 716.22 8152013 i 515201~---3,li6.22T-- 3,831.85 ______J_l._-1:5.6_~ FHLMC #004092 4.00000% 10/0 4.000% 10/01/41 - --~- 8,101.491 815201_t_ ~ 61520141 - -8.161.49-+ - _ 8,3~~5_?] ______(252.08) ~~M~ #g~~~~2 ~oooqo_~ 1010 4.ogo% _!S>/01/41 __ --~_-=8:126.57T 81_?20!~- _ -j!_sioi4~ :==sJ3-§57-= _--- 8,379.43 ! _____12~2.86J FHLMC #Q04092 4.00000% 10/0 4.000% 10/01/41 . 11,675.851 8152013 [ 8152014 11,675.85 • -i2,o39:14T (363.2~

FNMA#ft.18193 4.50000%08/014500% 08/0114i- " - 9,907.35 ! 8162013:-- - -72520141 --- - 9,901.35--i u- - -10,4.27.78 - - (520.43) £!£M~361~~9i 4.50000% o8i~_4.-500%08/01/4i _____ :: 7J43.06f------s162013i- --~ j~iQ!~T~ -- -=-_7.7~TQ.~--: _-= - 8,l~2:.8o-; ___ ~-=-(406.~~ FN~!- #Al8~93 4.50000% 08/014.500% 08/01/41 _ • 2,720.50 i _ 8162013 i 5252014, 2, 720.50 _L__ _ 2,863.41 : (142.91) FNMA #Al8193 4.50000% 08/01 4.500% 08/01/41 --[4;486.9s!-Bi62oi.3i-m2oi4T __ 4,486.98 j -_- 4;7,, lff------(-235.70) FNMA #Al8193 4.50000% 08/014.500% 08/01/41 --r- 6,328.87 8162013 - 32520i4-l ------6:328.871- - 6,661.33 --- (332.46) FNMA #Al8193 4.50000% 08101 4.soo% 08101141 _---r 5,444. 10 8162013 --s:444:10t--- --5.730. 11 - (286.011 FNMA #Al8193 4.50000% 08/014.500% 08/01/41 3,854.84 8162013 1252014 3,854.84 4,057.34 (202.50) Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Schedule of Capital Gains/(Losses) December 31, 2014 51-0070060

Security Shares Bought :Sold Gross Proceeds Cost Basis Realized Gain/Loss

FNMA #AB3380 3.50000% 08/013.500% 08/01/26 7,891.53 8132013 7252014 7,891.53 8,257.93 (366.40) FNMA #AB3380 3.50000% 08/013.500% 08/01/26 11,479.13 8132013 · 6252014 11,479.13 12,012.10 (532.97) ------FNMA #AB3380 3.50000% 08/013.500%08/01/26 6,093.56 8132013, 5252014 6,093.56 6,376.48 (282.92) FN-r;.'1A nAB3380 3.50000% 08/01 3.500% OS/01/26 3,70i.35: 8132oi31 4252014 3,701.35 3,873.20 (171.85) ------~------·------·-!------______., FNMA #AB3380 3.50000% 08/01 3.500% 08/01/26 5,858.64. 8132013 ! 3252014 5,858.64 6,130.65 (272.01) >-FNM..\#Jl.633so3:sooooo/:o87o1-3.soo%-o8/cii726- · -6.107.""16~ -81320131-- - 2252oi4- 6,101.16 6,390.11 - (283:-55) £.r-J..f\.'1~-~~-~~~~s_o 3.~o~g~q~1~!"3.56g_%-o_8J917i~ · ._ .. io~~P .68 [~ __i1~~0!~-=-~i_2?2~~~~ _ __ iy,127 .6~ 10,597.90 · ·· ·· - -_~7_q."f2)_ B-~;_;~~lH~H6~~i-6ft~~~~Woi71f>-i- ~~::~~:~~I :~~~6~i ·---- -~~~6HJ __ Jt~~-~~~!. tii~~:~;. -_-=-~:~~~:~~l FNMA #AD7127 4.50000% 07/014.500% 07/01/40 II 965.67 8132013 - 5252014 i 965.67 I - 1,02_4~~ j______(5~._l?l FNMAAAD7127 4.50000% 07/014.500% 07/01/40 1,100.06 8132013 4252014t-==·- 1.~~Jl"(;~- 1,167.46 (67.40) ~~ #AD7127 4.50000% 07/0l 4.500% 07/01/40 1,020.22 8132013 32520141 _ ___ 1,0~._2~_J ~=~~822~ ~ . --~-==---(62.Sl) FN~~ #~!l_?.!37 4.?ggoo% 07/.<>_1_4._500~_07 /01/~Q___ __U,383.14 8132013 2252~~-~I --- __!!.3~3-~_4 ! 12,080.60 i ------~9!-~6) FN_!V'_A#~~_2!~4 ..?_0000~g_?f01~?g0%07/0_l/40 9,333.07 81_~~-- 1253_~!~-- _ _2,_~~3.g7 _9_.904.92 __ ~1._85) FHLMC #A96807 4.00000% 4.000% 02/01/41 1,834.70 8152013 121520_1_4j _ ___!,_13~.°!-?~ ; _ 1,891.49 ; (56.79)

£.~r.-ici~g_:~o14.o~ocio'}'~~-00~%-~?101;_41-= -- -~·123.85 __ 3152013 11152014 1 _ ~12~.8.? :-G;3i3.39 • --~-~~-(189~~~ ~':.~C #_~.§807 '!:ggooo~ .°!-O.Q.g~g2/01/41 2,162.96 8152013 10152014 j~-- _ __3,162.96 ~2_29.91 .. ___ ·--·· _ _J66.9.5) ~HLMC #A96807 4.00000%_4:900o/". 021~1/41 _____ 5,141.84 8152013 9152014; _ 2-_141.84 5,300.99 (159.15) FHLMC #Q040924.00000%10/04.000%10/01/41 5,852.17 8152013 91520l4: -- 5,852.17 6,034.26 , (182.09) £.l:liM~§~o924.ooooo%1~;_cJ_~.Qo0%10101;41 5,o4i. 77 3152013 10152011.ir___ ~-=-- ~()41: 77 ~~~98.64 ~-- -:=:-_J!.5§.87) £.1:11:..MC #Q04092 4.00000%_!gfo 4_.()qg_~ 10/01/41 5,912.43 8152013 11152Q.l~ ______~.912.-4.3 . _6..096.3!) __ _ (183.9§) FHLMC #Q04092 4.00000% 10/0 4.000% 10/01/41 9,019.49 8152013 12152014' 9,019.49 9,300.13 (280.64) ~MA~~1~~3 4.s~~o~)':o¥o1-i.5~.0%08;q_17i~=~T~227.67 81620~~-1225~C!.!~i -_ ~~~3,"22f.6_1 3,391.22 - (l.69:Ss! FNr.'lfl~f\18193 4.50000% 08/0l 420P~08/0l/~_~ __ _2,793.94 ____8162013 ___ 112520141 ___ 9,79~9_4_. __!~,308.42 __ . _ _(?!4:.48) 1 1 ~~~~{~:ii~~Hiici6~~ 6~)cii ::~66~ ci:jcii):i -I ~'.:~~::~ - -{i~}cii~-r ~i~~cii~ -- t:riN{- J~:-:_~:~_, -+~~~~l .FNMAnAl8193 4.50000% 08/oi4.soo% 08/01/41 4,104.50 ---8i62oi3 - 8252014! - - --4,104.SO 1 4,320.11 ! -- - -· (215.6l)

FNMA#AB338o356ooo%o8/0lisoo% 08/01/26 5,206.77 8132013 12252oi4r . - 5,206.77 I ~-~~~48~~~; - .. --~~--(MJ_:?5) FNMA #AB3380i5o0oo% o8/o13.Sooo/.;os/oi7i6-- -- - 5,629.37 3132013 112520141 - - -?.. ~~~-i7- _-~·890.?_4 ~ -~~ _____ (261._~1) .£NMA #AB3380 3.50000% 08/01~.. ~~g%08/01/26 7,280.28 8132013 10252014 ! --~~~O.~ 7,618.30 i ______~-8.-!J.2.J_ FNMA #AB3380 3.50000% 08/013.500% 08/01/26 6,261.03 8132013 92~--=~ _§._2.fi_l.03 i . __ - 6,~~~ifl ______g_2o.7pj .£."'!_MA #AB3380 3.50000% 08/01 3:_?_00% 08/01/26 5,695.52 8132013 8252014: 5,695.52 i ~.9~9_.:9_.6_1 ____ (264.4.~ FNM~ #A~-~127 4.50000% Q.7 /0_!~.500% 07/01/40 14,003.58 -~132013 __ 1225201<--~~ ~~~0~-~8-~ -~~6!..-.§~ f ·-- _ ___ j_13?_~-~2l FNMA #AD7127 4.50000%_07~~~-_?00% 07/~l/40. 11,801.65 8132013 1125201~ __ ._ 11,8~~_:.~j _E,_?.~~:7.§_.;______(723.11) FNMA #AD7127 4.50000% 07/014.500% 07/01/40 11,462.94 8132013 1025201~ ---~4.§2.94 _i ______!2,165.29 I (702.35) FNMA #AD7127 4.50000% 07/014.500% 07/01/40 1,066.69 8132013 9252014 1 1,066.69 t __ __.!2:.32.05 }-__ (65.36) FNMA #AD7127 4.50000% 07/014.500% 07/01/40 1,007.08 8132013 8252014 l 1,007.08 : 1,060.92 I (53.84)

:~·LI<". "'••med• = J__ .,~:9 u ·:•:2•J 1".is'"' TIFF , __J I mARPlt.:F"series Jul 14 --- - 62.50 6/30/2014 9/30/2014 i 62,320.00 IH ~=- 62~oo.Oot____ (_l_80-.0-0-l) ~~~RP ~l..:_1-l_Series Jul 14. ______. ______62.50 6/30/2014 9/30/2014.l--~~?~§..qg l __.6~5_0Q:QOj ______(21?4.00)

TIFF ARP II - F Series Jul 14 ______-~ 61.719 6/30/2014 12/31/2014 1 ____ .§.~2.~8~0_0 ' _..6~719.0_g l _____ ·---5~!}_.<1_0 TiFF_~RPii~H-Serie~J~l 1~-- ______,__ 61.719 6/:30;20141 12/31/2014L 62,191.74 61.719.oo i .. 472.74 TO_T~_L_"fl~~-- ______------+--- ____ 2_49,045.74 ~ 24~,438.00 j 607.74 ~~~:~~~:f:;- -- ~- 4~~~::~- ~m~t -~mi: --i~:~:: - -it::~1-~-~ --(~~ i~~de;:-Pr~~es~i~g-5~~51~~ -- -- - 1~6i8.ool- -1018/13 -1 - -1;3;14 -- ·- 60,545_3_2 _ 53,336.89 ·------7:208.93- i~~!~-~~ 1~~I~_o~~~ -~~ - ~ __ ~------i671.o~~ -1ci/_s;13-+-- __i73L1~_ - _ ~.664.QQ_ · 3s,l32(ci3~ =~ _·· 17~8~~~? .!:!!~ia M.t~ Inc Cl A____ _ .. ______615.00 i 10/8/13 · 1/9/14-..,. 40,244.99: 41,581.85 i (1,336.~~) Cae~ars Acquisition Co Cl A ______89cJ.OOl-10/25/i3~ -~ -1/1SLr4 l _ ~ ~11,3~_7j~} ~- 7,~~9.°60 r--- - 3, 707.54 Caesars ~ntmt Corp Com 921.00 ! 10/8/13 1/16/14 ; 20,186.42 : ___ 19.4_~_3.28 l ______§2_~._!~ Caesars Entmt Corp Com 925.00 - 10/8/13 1/23ilA~1~---= - 20;.z~_-_ 19,577.94 [ 1,188.63 Ultratech Stepper Inc 813.00 10/8/13 1/23/14 i 20,924.22 I 23,989.92 I (3,065.70) Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Schedule of Capital Gains/(Losses) December 31, 2014 51-0070060

Security Shares Bought Sold Gross Proceeds Cost Basis Realized Gain/Loss

Overstock Com Inc Del Com -- 622.00 10/8/13 1/30/14 - 13,895.50. 17,389.86 (3,494.36) Overstock Com Inc Del Com 685.00 10/8/13 2/6/14 l~,31?:01 _ 19,151.22. (5,839.21) lac/lnteractivecorp PAR ------· - 660.00 10/8/13 -- _?/7/!4 . Ll..'!-~2.3~ 35,636.96' 8,855.38 Isis Pharmaceuticals 739.00 1/2/14 --~11/1:_~ 36,784.351 ____ _?~~24~.23: 7,541.12 : ------, - Amtrust Financial Services 472.00 10/8/13 2/12/14 ! 14,743.96 i 17,737.71 (2,993.75)_ 1------· -·---~--·- ·------Salix Pharmaceuticals Ltd 3 W & T Offsho!__~ _ _ __ 1.ii!:~~ -i~~-~i-~~ --- -~~i:~H+=--:-- ~~T --~~:~~+- - --~~~~~~ ~ Dillards Inc Cl A 236.oo 10/8/13 ~]./20/141----=- - - 20, 792.41 18,092fof _ 2,699.61 ~rtl~11_d Pmt ~~J~ ___ 358.oo . 10/8/13 r - 2120;14 14,194.56 13,977.44 I 217.12 Mentor Graphics Corp 640.00 . 10;8713-- 2/20/14 13,206.76 14,24239_C__ -- ---~,03_5.63) Isis Pharmaceuticals -798.oo-~ 112;14 2;27;14 44,498.14 31,577.94J. ___ 12,920.20

~sars Acquisition Co Cl A ··- gsG.oo-r- 1012s/13- - 3/10114 1s,241.29 s,2s9.s4 1 - ---6~981.45 AOL Inc Corn --2i.0ciT-2is;14 3;12;14 896.68 1,cii9~76T____ --=Ii23.q8t- 1------··-- Ciena Corporation Com New --9.oo-1 _lj_2CJ/14 _J 3;12;14 215.36 ___j~-~~4?J_- ___ J2__ 0.!1) Dxp Enterprises Inc New Com 12.00 2;7;14 3/12;14 i 1,221.69 1,_1_~:!-1 _!o-1:~8 ------+= L______E House China Hldgs Ltd ADR 51.00 • 1/2/14 I 3/12/14 731.32 747.95 I ____ _j!6.63) ~lity Natl£ina11_~j~l_l_n~--- __ _ 465.oo : - -io/8;13 - -T 3/12;14 1 14,959.55 15,ci7s.3o ! _____ J1:_1:_5J5l Finisar Corp Com 3i.cio ' - i.;9;14- T- ~2;141 144.29 742:141--- - - 2.15_ Keryx Biophar_maceuticals ____ --26.oa·. -1;221i4- -r_-----3/121141------385.05 ··---ist:s51-- - ______3_:?0 __ Lithia Mtrs Inc Cl A j4.cio , _10;8;13 f---- 3/121_i_IT______1,61i.09 1,~~:~1+=~-= ______J~~-~f{-- Mentor Graphics C_o~rp______Momenta Pharmaceuticals Inc :~ii:~t -~5~~~~! =-r=~ ----~~H~~lt-- -_ ___ ~~~:~: 1~?:_9~~--~ --- -- ~ -13~~~~)= Visteon Corp Com New ____ ------~--·------9.oo J:Ll~L~ .]1!2/14~---- 752.s6 _ _774.oq_I _ ___ J2_i.~4l_ -- -- 1 Wuxi Pharmatech Cayr:n~11__l_n_~ _ 24.oo 2/6/14 i 3/12;14 I 932.38 ~-3_~~53 ; _____

Valmont Inds Inc -- 350.00 : 10/8/13 1 --- 4/29/14 52,187.11 47,103.o_o:[- - '------~------~-~-=-~~!~~ Dana Holding Corp Com ,-- _?,Q~6:oo T~ 10/8/!~-J~ _ _2!1/14____ i- ____ 43,947.96 44,~~~~?J _ __ _ _ (_

Security Shares Bought Sold Gross Proceeds Cost Basis Realized Gain/Loss

Wisdomtree_lnvts In~ Com 904.00 2/19/14 5/19/14 8,871.17 13,650.40 (4,779.23) Wisdomtree lnvts Inc Com 11.00 3/12/14 5/19/14 107.95 163.13 (55.18) Kirby ~_rp______395.00 10/8/13 6/25/llJ, . IJ,5,!)()~-_85 . 32,893.39: 12,613.46 Lithia Mtrs Inc Cl A 298.00 10/8/13 7/23/14 _?~!_2.?~:6~J 2_(),259.65~-- _7,969.03 _ ~itauto Hldgs Ltd Sponsored 227.00 4/25/14 9/3/14 _.?_OZ3?-~+-- _7,_1!06.~_?; 12,928.79 Bitauto Hldgs Ltd Sponsored ______J:95_.0_()-i- _2/15/_1_4 9/3/14 17,812.38 i _ 7,2~!.:_2_8;_ 10,521.10 Cabelas Inc 732.Cl_'U 10/8/13 9/3/14 -- - 44,464.9lf-- 44,732.56 i (267.65) lsi~-h~maceutical~=----=~=---- ____ !,_1_4(l~OJ 5/16/14 ______9/3/14 _ ~_l,138~_§1_-=_~ 28_,412:74+==--- - 18,725.92 MiddlebyCorp 534.00 I -lO/S/13 ___ 9/3/14 l______£,282.69 36,563.69, 10,719.00 USSilicaHldgslnccom -3oo.ooT-4J29/:iX :___ 9/3/_!_4____ 21,696.56 -12A8o.7sl-- -- _2,_~15._Z8 ~::,:er~: ~:~ 1 ~m New ------=---~~~~~~~T ~~j£~~ :___ _:~!~~}t ~::::::~~ I ~:~~~:~~ 2i!~!:~~ _ Enersys ______-r--1-:30.QQ__T~~~/B!~]- -:~----~~li~=T-______Ll6,983.37 i 43,538.8_1______~!4_¥.56 E_~e_r:_Sy_s ______--+ - 2-0~j }/12/14 '.- - 9/4/!IJ, r_ --~-25 I --~-~~~ ______28.19) ~~:~ :~:: :~~ ------t- -9 ii~cici-l---~iii~H- :~{~-i~+-- -==~:J; --~:: .--~=!I~~~I E-~~-;;-~et worldwide Inc ------;-- 318.oo-r--4/29ii4 - 9/12/i4l-- ____ .!_5,937.79______14,042.58 1,895.21 Evercore Partners Inc Class ------,- -1,191.001 io/8/13 ~- -9/12/i4T _!)9,900.57 ___ 54,1~6.0_l ------5~734.56 Evercore Partners Inc Class -=~~-=-~-~--=-_L -~~~ ~:~~+ ~/_12/_1~_ _-j/~?h~] 452.65 ____518.58 =-=~=-=-{~~:~) 1 g~ ::::::::: ::: -- --- , ~~f.~H iii~!:! u ~~I =l';;::~f- '··ii;;~ -- 'i::~~~L ()r:i ~ssign_ment Inc ------T -288.ool -3/27/14- 9_/1_2/l_IJ,_J_ _ -~,444.58 __l_0,545.63 ____ _(_2,101.q_~ ::::~~;: ~- -=- ~ . ~~~-~ : 1,i:}~! ~::;:~ I ~;::7.~f -56,~!~:~ i__:._: 46,:::~ri -='·(~~'fol Auxilium Pharmaceuticals 719.06-I 2/19/14 ·- - --9/11J14l 22,248.01, _20,~5?.:49 1,889.52 A~xi~um Pharmaceuticals 16.06 1 3112/14 ; -9/1-7/14T 495()91 477 12 17 97 lnterxion Holding N.V Shs ----- i;is~J)QJ __1_9/sjJ.3 r~~-9/19/l~- .57 lrit_~~~l'l_Holding_~y Shs ______, 25.00 ' 3/12/14 !- _ ~j__l'.ij_l!t_ 12 1 Medassets Inc Com i 1,456.00 _!Q/?/13 +--- __ _'}/22/1~ _ _ ~4) Medassets Inc Com ------·-T -- -21.oo 3/12/14 J_ 9/22/14 20} ~~~~:l~~A ----=~---=-~-+-·-- ::::~~ ---~~~~~ff-- J_=- :~~~7~: ~~- Hff Inc Cl A -----37~00-- _}jl2f}~- r-- -g/23/14 ~?! Lindsay MFG co ------l -so~oo __ __1_Q!.1lL!-]_ ~-=~ __:=9/23/14 32) Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc --- -==+=27s~oo 2/J!j{li_ ~--- 9/24/14 84)_ AOL Inc Com ------+~_36.00 10/_?8/13 _i 9/25/14 .17 AOL Inc Com I 111.00 2/5/14 t- 9/25/14 7~) Revlon Inc Cl A ______---1---l_~::~~ __ y_~y}:~ ---j--- 11/6/14 88 Dxp Enterprises Inc New Com l:!?J!~- +---#_____ 06} Visteon Corp Com New __ --+-- 8.00 1/2/14 __#__ .59 Visteon Corp Com New --+ 19.00 1/15/14_ # .67

Cardiovascular Sys Inc Del 1 589.00 2/6/14 , 12/4/14 ~5} ------+------r --- - 'l- --12/4/14 Cardiovascular Sys Inc Del ------· ··--i .n-5~~.oo I 2/21/14 +--- ~?l ~:::::~: ~~: :~~ . t ~i~~6%t ~~~i)ii ~ ~~~:~~: ;:i Netscout Sys Inc ------i---419li01 -9/4/l.4- :---- 12/8/l4 - 45) Ptc inc com ------p----r 512.0o]~--if?ji~ r_-~~=12/8/!4 ~_!11 -d ______,_._1_8 1 Ptc Inc Com 32.QQJ_ 2/3/14 __ 12/8/14 I_ _ ___l,243.77 1 1,090.11 L _ 153.66 Ptcl~c Com ------22.oo I --- 3/12/14 12/8/141 855.10 ! 847.88 i 7.22 'v\fhiti~gilete c~e~N~-~------~-iTt 2119/14 - _iy~iIL=- - -3~ - _ -=-=-~~~L J~-?ll Whiting Pete Corp New ______-+ _ 0.00 1 3/12/14 ___12/9/!~ _ ___Q:1:!__i ______0.22_J______jQ._1~)

Abiomed Inc 1~.~~J _il!2/14 1__ # -~ _ 596.:Ql_r _ __ _476.4~ l-- ___ 1__19.~~ Manhattan Assocs Inc 267.00 I 9/16/14 # !_!,_0!)3.66_~ _ --~·_346:_8__() L______?,_7Pf>:86 chart 1nds inc PAR so.01 ----~---- __ --=- -+ __278.ooT- }Q/Yl-3 ~--=# __ 11,998. 16 i _~768.97 I ___ --~· 770.~~J 1 ~:~l~~::;p~i s:s Inc New Com ------+-__l·ii~:6~+-- ~~j!;i~ +--_!#l/~!IJ, -~:~~~:::. ----~!~:~: ----£o~J~~~ Visteon Corp Com New ------615.oo --lo/8/13--f ___# ___ - 60,777.25 44,827.47 15,949.78 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Schedule of Capital Gains/{Losses) December 31, 2014 51-0070060

Security Shares Bought Sold Gross Proceeds Cost Basis Realized Gain/Loss

Centene Corp Del 338.00 10/8/13 12/5/14 33,809.10 21,687.61 12,121.49 Lithia Mtrs Inc Cl A 338.00 10/8/13 12/8/14 26,798.35 22,979.07' 3,819.28

Whiting Pete Corp New 0.03 10/8/13 12/9/14 1.04 2.15__ .. l--! -~-1~ Abiomed Inc 345.00 10/8/13 12/11/14 ___1_2.;_,8_5_1~.4_7' 6,846.26 ! 6,005.21 ------1·-·-- -- Total Apex ----1--- 2,620,255.72 2,399,788.21[---~~:--~~7:~~ ------"··--- +------I .+------·------Systematic:------r------+ ------caesa~tone Sd~-~am L~--- ____ L 190.00 i 10/8/13 -,- __ 'Jj7/~4_ 9_,_9~:()5+ .. -~,29_?.36 ----~§2:§9 Mge_~~e_r:_~~~~---- ___ t- _ ]j_Z/]A_~ --~5_,_2~~~-- _ 23,568.99 ______1,666.94 AtlasA_i.':Wo!ldwideHldgs__ -~ ..... 1/17/1~' ---~6,408-=~-~- __ 30,8~?.31 ---~~:08) GameSt()p CorE~~tion______1/2Hl~: _ 1:_8,383.6~----- 23,689.6?_ (5,306.0_~l W~ng~~~-n Rlty lnvs ______JB~l~, 1_5,8~~.!!_~-- _ _?5,409.36 443.53 i:!r_st Ni~gara Finl GP In~ _ _ _Jjp/_l~, __ _2_3!_?56.5_2 j_ __ I?,341.06 ----·· (3,784:_5~) Fir~!-~i~~ara_~i~I GP!~c__ _ -~/2Jjl~. --~·~~:89_l.- ____?,083.6~ {691:Z~ ~~~~~{~ie~Ag~ ______:~~-~~I i~~!~i:-+ H-~-~iti~- i!'.~ii~-6t --~ ~~:~K~i --~~=~~~ ~:~~~6~- ~~~~:~;y~:OJ~:ark corp__ __ 1: _~~~f;i:- ~i~:jj:~~~ .~~:~~i:~~ I - ----d~~~~M- ~~li~i~~a~ti~~~()~!J._P~~- ______3 ~-- ·2T25/14. __5_,_59Z:49+ 4,o3o.13r------~67:36-

w•""h N•tl cocp H ______3 ! - 2ii5ii4' 26,403.93 · ---~ 21.ai4.98 r---==_::_4,SoB:~s ~!~_~ns_ulting Inc ______i__t 3/4/14 17,320.21 _ _3_!,_?_~3.81 _ ·-· _J_~~3_3.6~L ~~~l~er ln_9s Inc ______3 !_____ ]/?0/14 . 15,048.48 _1:_~,_656_._8Q_I __ 1,39!:~!! 1 _<:ae_sarstone_S~ot-_'fall1_~td ______3 4/2/14 8,63g.94_; __6,?~6.~0-'- _ ---~.Q!l~·~_4__ !:!_h~~g~ Inc_ Com 13 : 4/15/14 10,165.46 : 23,164.90 ! ____ J!.?,9_9~:44) ~C>~~1~_sh_Access Hldgs ------___ 1 2,800.00 _10/24/13:-r __ = -4fl:"if14. i8"J6i±81 __ J~,l~sj-~T - _!_?,_0~1._9!l 1 ~_oG_r()LIP ______-··-··-··· ______l,95~oo I 10/!l/13_~ 4/28/14 20,_3~.72 25,§~~-_o_(J+ ____ !_?,_~~-·2!!) 14 32 6 1 9 2 B~~~~~~~r:ant;~;~~~~ri~~~ ------~:~~ 1- i~~:~i~ u -i- - ~ji~i: • :i_:~: ~ ~ ,_4_~:.-fH- - --~.. ! i::} -R¥i~~ci<;.:;~pl~~------·470.00-W;8/i3T ·- ?/§£!4__ 1:_7...?~:S~-1 ~- -18:0-1s§:i.t __ --~=:-- (331J21- Po~ers~~_r~ i~tri~~c~~------2,450.00 10/8/13- r- - 5/21/14 19,004.84T 39,041.9~ -- (20,0~7_..!_4_) _Argan I~~-~()~-==--=-:______135.00 10/8/13 -r-:·= 6/2/~4__ -: - -- -4,140.oiT==~ --i,868.13 -___l_,2_Z!_:!l!l_ Brandywiri_~ Re~l_!Y_Trust_ _ 140.00 10/8/13 t 6/2/14 : ____ _?,159.~~- _1,778.56______3~1.07_ Circor Intl Inc Com 280.00 10/8/13 - ---- 6/2/i4-i ?._1_22_~.:!0 1 ____ 17,0~_~00 __ --~~!JO C~~is-~-~~ig~t-~C~r-p:=--=-=-:~-=-=---- - 55.00 10/8/13]- ~--- -6/2D~:J __ -~,_§_37.~1 _ 2,495.14 ______1,142.47 En__ ~!!_!"~lf1~ ______170.00 10/8/13 L 6/2/14 ! _ 1,962.8_? _ 1,690.68 ______2~~}4 Finish Line lnc__<:I_~-----· 140.00 10/8/13 c=-- 6/2/i~] 4,009.37 __3,256.01 753.36 Foot Locker Inc 65.00 10/8/13 6/2/14 ! 3,130.34 2,096.35 1,033.99 Helen OfTroy Corp 45.00 10/8/13 6/2/14 i 2,613.09 1,974.00 639.09 1------~------+----t-----'~---+- -~~-+------·--- Janus S'.E._~()UP ln_c 100.00 2/5/14 ->-- __ 6/2/14_ __ ~ _ ___ 1,155.47 _ 1,031.61 123.86 Orbotech Ltd ORD 250.00 10/23/13 6/2/14 i 3,845.91 2,_9_57_._18-+-______8_8_8._7_3 1 RF Micro De~~I;:;-~------240.00 10/8/13 6/2/1~- - 2,245.15 1,394.55 850.60 ~;~~~~#;~~~~logi_ -== :-- --1 2:~:~~ i~~!~i~ -- -r ~~17i:-' -_4~~2·!4---- 2,834.64 --- l,!*:~!- Tere~~or:p _l'je_~------______+- 60.00 10/8/13 , 6/2114 ~ n ~~::~8_ -- j::~tif m _::___-:-31i:26 ~~~~'ll_rlte'!echri_()logy _ .. ______L_ ~0.00__ ~25/14 ---~ ~!:/!4 _'. __ ~J4_!.:9~- ___ ~.!_~~:25 ______l:~_§.65 Wester11~e!ri~li:it______+-- ~~ __ 10/8/13 ~ ___ 6/2/14__, __l!_!l6Ll~t-- __l,~§3._~~+ ______. 497.53 ~!i_:;hir~_Banc()rp In~----- 1 180.00 I 10/8/13 : 6/2/14 ' 1,820.63 : 1,466.30 , 354.33 ~err~~()_rP_co111_ _. ------:--==----; 230.00 t-1~8/1~ -~- = _§IYi4: _ j_J~~5?1= :};s~ji~f =:~=-63f49 Epl Oil & Gas Inc Com 585.00 i 10/8/13 6/3/14 22,000.65 i 21,635.93 i 364.72 -·------~t --·--~------·------.------r- -~-- - -·-- -- \,lalid~s Holdin~~_Ltd_ _ 75~{)_0_[ ___ 1_0[8J!~ §/3114_ 2,783.96: 2,814.03 • __ J30.0~) Energy Xxi (Bermuda) Ltd , 0.31 i 10/8/13 6/5/14 . .. 6.10-1 6.42 . 0.28 ------1---··------r ------··------· --· --- · ------···-·· ------FinisC1_1"~~pCc:m1 ______• 1,150.00 1 12/6/13 6/13/14 22,261.86 i -~5,41~.7~L __ t~J:.?l.92L Lakeland Bancorp Inc '.-----o.i5T- 10/8/13. 6/18/14 -·- -:2:6lr 2.66: ______(o:.q?l_

Se~~~ri__g_t:_0~1~~ ~=--:-=---=-~~ =-=-~=-=-~=~~-~ __ rl,4~~00 i 1y_2oii3j_ m • ~6/24;i4j -~ii.?~~:-?~~~-~: _i2,41~~ ·-· -·-- _(8,625.40) Aber~ombie_~ Fit~h Co Cl A ______170.00 10/8/13 J__ 6/30/~ -~69.35 1 _ __ 5,628.60 i 1,740.75 Argan Inc Com ______100.00 10/8/13 -6/30/14 I . ____3_,~37.91 --~,124.54 1,613.37 Entegris Inc 200.00 10/8/13 6/30/14 2,740.93 1,989.03 751.90 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. ------Schedule of Capital Gains/(Losses) ------_._ __ December 31, 2014 ------···------51-0070060

---- Security Shares Bought 1Sold Gross Proceeds Cost Basis Realized Gain/Loss

Finish Line Inc Cl A 100.00 i 10/8/13 6/30/14 2,977.93 2,325.72 652.21 - Gibralter Industries Inc 25,983.79 23,711.64 2,272.15 --·1,695.00 - ·------+ • ------10/8/13 - 6/30/14 Janus Cap Group Inc l(JQ.O() I __Jj__5j14 --~ _ ~/_39[1:_4 _ 1,250.97 1,031.6~ 219.36 RF Micro Devices Inc ------·------~ 200.00 10/8/B_+_ __ _?_L?_9/_1:_4 1_,905_:9_? _ 1,162.!_2 _7_~3.83 S~jcori_Mo~on Te_chnology --+- 200.00 10/8/13 I _ 6/30/14 ~~?:11.:.2~_ }~~2.}~ . 1,5~~~~ ~~err~ Corp Com 4 1 Argan Inc Com ------t - ~-~~-::~~~ __ JI ______- ~~~~~ -_-- -- ~::~~~~ci~ 4_ :~---~~{~~~ ____ 3,~~;:~~ ~Jtra_~lcling_s Inc -~L4i5:CJQ. : 10/8/13 ' 1111114. ------~~ioii~:~-- 1:_1,26i.13 ______.?~~1.39 Sanderson Farms Inc . 60.00 10/8/13 7/17/14 6,000.03 ! 3,779.51 2,220.52 ~------~-+------+------+------.------______t___ ------~. ------., .. ----- King Digital Entmt PLC ORD 1,450.00 6/5/14 8/13/14 ! 20,172.791-- 24,507.05 i ___l~,-~~4.26) !-retie Ca~ Inc_(_?_~ _ 100.00 6/2/14 8/14/14 ! 25,897.90 I 22,652.10 -----~!_2_45.20 Sanderson Farms Inc 240.00 10/8/13 8/26/14: -- --21,125.53 15,118.06 i 6,007.47 ---- r-- - ·------+------+-~--'----+-- --·---- ·-·------t------·---·----- SiliC()rl_~O-~()n Techn()IOgy 200.00 10/8/13 9/2/14 _;_ 5,540.29 i -~,522.22 -----~'Q!~07 Arg~~~ S:.9m 565.00 10/8/13 9/4/14 ! ---21,83-4.8~- - 12,003_:~' _9~~31.17 Ann Inc Com ------310.00 10/8/13 9/9/14 f - -:}~,os9.8~-_;_ 10,642.30 ------2,411.s9 Terex Corp New ______700.00 10/8/13 -· _ - .. ______!769.19) ------~~(!~_; __?~§_46~_?-L -zi_-41~:9_? ~ Finish Line Inc Cl A ------·------______7Q_O.OO ___ 10/8j13 --~- 9/26/14 _;_ _ }]_,?~--~~ __ 16,280.9~______!_,_453.49 Gt Adva~c_e_~ Te~~nologies - -- -- 2,300.00 11/5/13 ,_____ 10/61_1:_:4_ ~ ~,31:4_:~6~_ 22,983.?.§ - -- l2Q,§68.90)

Dresser~R~nd_Gr_()~J~~ __ 295.00 10/8/13 J 10/7/14 I 24,225.81. 18,035.34. 6,190.47 --··-----1------·--;------·------·---,------~n~~gy ~xi(Ber~_!J_da) Ltd 327.00 10/8/13 10/8/14 ! 2,966.67 • 6,831.03 : ______{3,864.36) ------·----- ~nergy Xx!_!!l_erlTllJ~a_) Ltd 1,165.00 6/5/14 10/8/14-: ------io,569.31.-:- - - - 25~o78.9o-i (14,so9.s9J W & T Offshore Inc ------350.00 9/2/14 n ----r-- -__ ~,_3~6.s6l-- -- _5,62~~~?~ ___ (1,_699.41) Or_bitaJ ~ci~nces£orp ______-5-~9-.0-0--j--4/_2_9/_1_4--+-- ---ii:@l~~;-_ _1~564~~1___ 15,60~:_~4: ___ {3,045.11) qua_n_e~ ~ll!l~in~ ~roducts 1,300.00 5/22/14 # - -+- -- - ?3~?_1_:_~2-, ~~,67()_.~~ --- -- 1.24 W & T Offshore Inc ·- __!-~50.00_ - 10/8/~_ - # _J"],~~?J?: 33,208.14 ____ _(l~,624.92) .QE!~o~O!P N_e\l\f - ______------+---53_5_.o_o--+-_1_0/~8~/_13_-+--- _I!_ ___ " _____ 2_8,441_.§_;_ __ 23,69?:9L ______Y44.61 Health Net Inc ---·-+---1_0_.o_o--+-_1~0/_8~/1_3___ +---_n____ --~ __ ?~!70..:~~-i _ _ ~,_?7_0.37, _ _ 9Q9.S§__ A_v~-!~c_h~_()~~~-N y_ Shs ------+--'1,=-2_30_._00--+_1-'o/=-8~/1_3_+- n --~0,51~3?_i 26!_~§7.:.~9_;______(_§,~~~~

Union_l3_<1_~k~har~ Corp NelN 930.00 10/8/13 # I 20,321.80 I 21,_8_?1.8~ ! ------{1:_,5~..:92) Orbital S~en~e2£~r.e______80.00 10/8/13 1l./37i4l- --- - r - __ --~?91.39 +------395.49 Spec_trull'!_~~n~l-il~[S Inc ------+--1-6-0.-0-o-+--1-o-/8_/_13____ 11;3;14T--i4,551.14r 10,264.96: 4,292.13 ------+------+----~t------1- ----··------~ ------r ------Circor Intl Inc Com ______,_ __31_5_.o_o-+-_10_/_8~/1_3_,__ 12/5/141 18,05!_.06 ; ____ J~,330.15 +- (1,179.69) Finish Line Inc Cl A ------300.00 10/8/13 # i 7,114.00: - 6,977.17 J 136.83 -----+------+------~------1 1,000,591.941- 1,049,999.87 \ (49,407.93)

------·------+----t------+--- ··-- -- ·------1--f ------·--+-f -··------~ -----+-· -- 21,436, 795.85- I 16,981,593.52 i 10,455,202.33 RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC.

51-0070060 FORM 990-PF 2014


Reimbursement of actual expenses for travel to attend meetings.

Such expenses are reasonable and necessary to carry out the

exempt purpose of the Foundation. Documents are submitted to



1. Patrick W. McGrory Ex-Officio Trustee 2. Edward H. "Ed" Robinson Ex-Officio Trustee 3. Noelle M. Fracyon Ex-Officio Trustee 4. Christopher R. "Chris" Raskob Ex-Officio Trustee 5. Timothy T. "Tim" Raskob Ex-Officio Trustee 6. Elizabeth M. Woodward NE Area Trustee 7. Jennifer W. "Weslie" Mcvean SE Area Trustee 8. Adam J. Borden NW Area Trustee 9. J. Max Raskob SW Area Trustee 10. Gregory B. "Greg" Brown Trustee-at-Large 11. T. Mark Raskob Trustee-at-Large 12. Maria R. "Mona" Robinson Trustee-at-Large 13. Trista B. Ussery Trustee-at-Large


1. Patrick W. McGrory Chairperson 2. Edward H. "Ed" Robinson President 3. Noelle M. Fracyon 1st Vice President 4. Christopher R. "Chris" Raskob Treasurer 5. Timothy T. "Tim" Raskob Corporate Secretary 6. Theresa G. Robinson Executive Vice President 7. L. Charles Rotunno, Jr. Executive Vice President 8. Kathleen D. Smith 2nd Vice President 9. Gregory B. "Greg" Brown 1st Assistant Treasurer 10. Theresa G. Robinson 2nd Assistant Treasurer


Until Annual Meeting of BOARD OF TRUSTEES Members in:

Ex-Officio Trustees: 1. Edward H. "Ed" Robinson 2015 2. Christopher R. "Chris" Raskob 2015 3. Noelle M. Fracyon 2016 4. Patrick W. McGrory 2016 5. Timothy T. "Tim" Raskob 2017

Area Trustees: 6. Elizabeth M. Woodward (NE) 2015 7. Jennifer W. "Weslie" Mcvean (SE) 2017 8. Adam J. Borden (NW) 2016 9. J. Max Raskob (SW) 2016

Trustees-at-Large: 10. Gregory B. "Greg" Brown 2016 11. T. Mark Raskob 2015 12. Maria R. "Mona" Robinson 2016 13. Trista B. Ussery 2017


1. Chairperson Patrick W. McGrory 2016 2. President Edward H. "Ed" Robinson 2015 3. 1st Vice President Noelle M. Fracyon 2016 4. Treasurer Christopher R. "Chris" Raskob 2015 5. Corporate Secretary Timothy T. 'Tim" Raskob 2017 6. 2nd Vice President Kathleen D. Smith 2015 7. 151 Assistant Treasurer Gregory B. "Greg" Brown 2015 8. 2nd Assistant Treasurer Theresa G. Robinson 2015 9. Executive Vice President Theresa G. Robinson 10. Executive Vice President L. Charles Rotunno, Jr.


NE Area Committee: 1. Lucia R. Nemeth 2016 2. Maria R. "Mona" Robinson 2016

SE Area Committee: 3. Theodore H. "Ted" Bremekamp, Ill 2015 4. Carleigh B. Bremer 2015 5. Jennifer C. Davis 2015

NW Area Committee: 6. Sarah A. Harmon 2016 7. Jennifer M. Harmon-Lewis 2016

SW Area Committee: 8. Leanne T. Raskob 2015 9. Tierra S. Wheatley 2015


1. Adam J. Borden 26. Erin E. Henderson 51. Theresa M. Raskob (Teri) 2. Ann R. Borden (Missy) 27. John K. Howie, Sr. (Kirk) 52. Timothy T. Raskob (Tim) 3. Lily H. Bremekamp 28. Bruce D. Lowe, Jr. (Dave) 53. William F. Raskob, Ill (Will) 4. Teylor J. Bremekamp 29. Charles W. Lowe (Wes) 54. Charles R. Robinson (Kix) 5. Theodore H. Bremekamp, Ill (Ted) 30. Eileen D. McGrory 55. Dana P. Robinson 6. Theodore H. Bremekamp, IV (Teddy) 31. Patrick W. McGrory 56. Edward H. Robinson (Ed) 7. Mark P. Bremer 32. Jennifer W. Mcvean (Wes lie) 57. Edward H. Robinson (Springy) 8. Nicholas I. Bremer 33. Laura A. Mock 58. I Christopher Robinson 9. Robert R. Bremer 34. Pamela R. Monroe 59. Kerry A. Robinson 10. Stephen T. Bremer 35. Lucia R. Nemeth 60. Maria R. Robinson (Mona) 11. Gregory B. Brown 36. Anthony W. Raskob, Jr. (Bill) 61. Peter A. Robinson 12. Ross P. Brown 37. Anthony W. Raskob, Ill (Will) 62. Kathleen D. Smith 13. Jennifer C. Davis 38. Christopher R. Raskob 63. Anne B. Staley 14. Nina B. Davis 39. Claire E. Raskob 64. Carl P. Staley 15. Renee H. Davis 40. Elizabeth A. Raskob 65. Trista B. Ussery 16. Claire M. Doordan 41. J. Max Raskob 66. Katherine R. Van Loan 17. Helen R. Doordan 42. Jakob T. Raskob 67. Timothy J Van Loan 18. Michael G. Duffy 43. John J. Raskob, IV 68. Helena R. Wheatley (Patti) 19. Noelle M. Fracyon 44. Kathleen M. Raskob (Katie) 69. Tierra S. Wheatley 20. J. Thomas Geuting, Ill (Tom) 45. Leanne T. Raskob 70. R. Scott Wood 21. Sr. Patricia Geuting, RSCJ 46. Margaret K. Raskob 71. Elizabeth M. Woodward 22. Molly K. Harmon 47. Ramona L. Raskob 72. Gregory C. Woodward 23. Sarah A. Harmon 48. T. Mark Raskob 24. Jennifer M. Harmon-Lewis 49. Melissa S. Martin Raskob 25. Carolina R. Heinle 50. B. Russell Raskob (Russ)


1. Johanna S. Arnone 17. PeterC.Raskob Third Year 2. Torey H. Bremekamp 18. Sharon E. Reiser 1. Kristian M. Allen 3. Matthew S. Bremer 19. Charles P. Robinson (Clipper) 2. Cameron M. Brown 4. William S. Bremer 20. Margaret Y. Robinson (Maggie) 3. Alexandra N. Pomponio 5. B. Nina Davis 21. Torrance W. Robinson 4. Michael N. Pomponio 6. H. Robin Doordan 22. Kathryn T. Rose 7. Brenda R. Douglas 23. J. Michael Stanton, Jr. (Mike) Second Year 8. Gretchen Y. Harmon 24. Sally A. Thompson 5. Carleigh B. Bremer 9. Jay L. Harmon 25. Daniel M. Villalon 6. Dawn A. Brode 10. Jason S. Howie 26. Nicholas R. Villalon (Nick) 7. Christopher M. Cappello 11. Mary B. Howie 27. Thomas C. Villalon 8. Henry C. Raskob 12. Marc S. Lowe 28. Margaret E. Harmon 9. Jennifer A. Sims 13. Brian J. McGrory Villanueva (Nell) 10. Emily K. Van Loan 14. Lynn Y. Payne 29. John C. Wood (Jack) 11. Emily L. Wood 15. Lisa K. Pippin 30. Philip C. Wood 12. Mary Ellen Wood 16. Charles C. Raskob (Chuck) 31. Johanna R. Woodward First Year 13. Jonathan W. Brown 14. Shawn S. Davis 15. Benjamin A. Payne EMERITUS MEMBERS 16. Benjamin R. Raskob 17. Kyley R. Raskob 1. B. Nina Bremekamp 6. Richard G. Raskob 18. Molly L. Richards 2. Linda L. Brown 7. Anthony L. Robinson 19. Robert J. Wood 3. John J. Harmon 8. Peter S. Robinson 4. Kathryn F. Lyon (Kate) 9. Susan Y. Stanton 5. Rosalie M. Parkman (Roz)



1. Edward H. "Ed" Robinson - Ex-Officio Trustee 2. Noelle M. Fracyon - Ex-Officio Trustee 3. Timothy T. "Tim" Raskob - Ex-Officio Trustee 4. Christopher R. "Chris" Raskob - Ex-Officio Trustee 5. Patrick W. McGrory - Ex-Officio Trustee 6. Elizabeth M. Woodward - NE Area Committee Trustee 7. Jennifer W. "Weslie" Mcvean - SE Area Committee Trustee 8. Adam J. Borden - NW Area Committee Trustee 9. J. Max Raskob - SW Area Committee Trustee 10. Gregory B. "Greg" Brown - Trustee-at-Large 11. T. Mark Rask ob - Trustee-at-Large 12. Maria R. "Mona" Robinson - Trustee-at-Large & NEAC Co-Chairperson 13. Trista B. Ussery - Trustee-at-Large 14. Lucia R. Nemeth - Co-Chairperson NE Area Committee 15. Theodore H. "Ted" Bremekamp, Ill - Co-Chairperson SE Area Committee 16. Carleigh B. Bremer - Co-Chairperson SE Area Committee 17. Jennifer C. Davis - Co-Chairperson SE Area Committee 18. Sarah A. Harmon - Co-Chairperson NW Area Committee 19. Jennifer M. Harmon-Lewis - Co-Chairperson NW Area Committee 20. Leanne T. Raskob - Co-Chairperson SW Area Committee 21. Tierra S. Wheatley - Co-Chairperson SW Area Committee


1. Edward H. "Ed" Robinson - President (Ex-Officio) 2. Patrick W. McGrory - Chairperson (Ex-Officio) 3. Noelle M. Fracyon 1st Vice President (Ex-Officio) 4. Christopher R. "Chris" Raskob - Treasurer (Ex-Officio) 5. Timothy T. "Tim" Raskob - Corporate Secretary (Ex-Officio) 6. Gregory B. "Greg" Brown 1st Assistant Treasurer



1. Lucia R. Nemeth - Co-Chairperson 2. Maria R. "Mona" Robinson - Co-Chairperson & Trustee-at-Large 3. Elizabeth M. Woodward - NE Area Trustee

4. Johanna S. Arnone 19. Torrance W. Robinson 5. Christopher M. Cappello (Apprentice) 20. Kathryn T. Rose 6. Claire M. Doordan 21. Kathleen D. Smith 7. H. Robin Doordan 22. Anne B. Staley 8. Helen R. Doordan 23. Carl P. Staley 9. Carolina R. Heinle 24. J. Michael Stanton, Jr. 10. Marc S. Lowe 25. Susan Y. Stanton 11. Kathryn F. "Kate" Lyon 26. Daniel M. Villalon 12. Sharon E. Reiser 27. Thomas C. Villalon 13. Charles P. "Clipper" Robinson 28. Emily L. Wood (Apprentice) 14. Charles R. "Kix" Robinson 29. Mary Ellen Wood (Apprentice) 15. Dana P. Robinson 30. R. Scott Wood 16. I Christopher Robinson 31. Gregory C. Woodward 17. Kerry A. Robinson 32. Johanna R. Woodward 18. Peter S. Robinson


1. Theodore H. "Ted" Bremekamp, Ill - Co-Chairperson 2. Carleigh B. Bremer- Co-Chairperson/Apprentice 3. Jennifer C. Davis - Co-Chairperson 4. Jennifer W. "Weslie" Mcvean - SE Area Trustee

5. Kristian M. Allen (Apprentice) 29. John K. "Kirk" Howie, Sr. 6. B. Nina Bremekamp 30. Mary B. Howie 7. Lily H. Bremekamp 31. Bruce D. "Dave" Lowe, Jr. 8. Teylor J. Bremekamp 32. Charles W. "Wes" Lowe 9. Theodore H. "Teddy" Bremekamp, IV 33. Brian J. McGrory 10. Torey H. Bremekamp 34. Eileen D. McGrory 11. Mark P. Bremer 35. Patrick W. McGrory (Ex-Officio Trustee) 12. Matthew S. Bremer 36. Laura A. Mock 13. Nicholas I. Bremer 37. Benjamin A. Payne (Apprentice) 14. Robert R. Bremer 38. Lynn Y. Payne 15. Stephen T. Bremer 39. Lisa K. Pippin 16. William S. "Bill" Bremer 40. Alexandra N. Pomponio (Apprentice) 17. Dawn A. Brode (Apprentice) 41. Michael N. Pomponio (Apprentice) 18. Gregory B. "Greg" Brown (Trustee-at-Large) 42. Molly L. Richards (Apprentice) 19. Jonathan W. Brown (Apprentice) 43. Anthony L. "Tony" Robinson 20. Linda L. Brown 44. Edward H. "Ed" Robinson (Ex-Officio Trustee) 21. B. Nina Davis 45. Edward H. "Springy" Robinson 22. Nina B. Davis 46. Peter A. Robinson 23. Renee H. Davis 47. Jennifer A. Sims (Apprentice) 24. Shawn S. Davis (Apprentice) 48. Sally A. Thompson 25. Michael G. Duffy 49. Trista B. Ussery (Trustee-at-Large) 26. Noelle M. Fracyon (Ex-Officio Trustee) 50. John C. "Jack" Wood 27. J. Thomas Geuting, Ill 51. Philip C. Wood 28. Jason S. Howie 52. Robert J. Wood (Apprentice) Page 5 of9 NORTHWEST AREA COMMITTEE

1. Sarah A. Harmon - Co-Chairperson 2. Jennifer M. Harmon-Lewis - Co-Chairperson 3. Adam J. Borden - NW Area Trustee

4. Ann R. "Missy" Borden 5. Cameron M. Brown (Apprentice) 6. Ross P. Brown 7. Brenda R. Douglas 8. Gretchen Y. Harmon 9. Jay L. Harmon 10. John J. Harmon 11. Molly K. Harmon 12. Erin E. Henderson 13. Anthony W. "Bill" Raskob, Jr. 14. Anthony W. "Will'' Raskob, Ill 15. Henry C. Raskob (Apprentice) 16. Kathleen M. "Katie" Raskob 17. Ramona L. Raskob 18. Theresa M. "Teri" Raskob 19. Timothy T. "Tim" Raskob (Ex-Officio Trustee) 20. Margaret Y. "Maggie" Robinson 21. Nicholas R. Villalon


1. Leanne T. Raskob - Co-Chairperson 2. Tierra S. Wheatley - Co-Chairperson 3. J. Max Raskob - SW Area Trustee

4. Sr. Patricia Geuting 5. Pamela E. Monroe 6. Rosalie M. "Roz" Parkman 7. Benjamin R. Raskob (Apprentice) 8. Charles C. "Chuck" Raskob 9. Christopher R. "Chris" Raskob (Ex-Officio Trustee) 10. Claire E. Raskob 11. Elizabeth A. Raskob 12. Jakob T. Raskob 13. John J. Raskob, IV 14. Kyley R. Raskob (Apprentice) 15. Margaret K. Raskob 16. Melissa S. Martin Raskob 17. Peter C. Raskob 18. B. Russell "Russ" Raskob 19. Richard G. Raskob 20. T. Mark Raskob (Trustee-at-Large) 21. William F. "Will" Raskob, Ill 22. Emily K. Van Loan (Apprentice) 23. Katherine R. Van Loan 24. Timothy J Van Loan 25. Margaret E. "Nell" Harmon Villanueva 26. Helena R. "Patti" Wheatley


Budget Committee: 1. Gregory B. "Greg" Brown* 1st Asst. Treasurer & Subcommittee Chairperson 2. Christopher R. "Chris" Raskob* Treasurer (Ex-Officio) 3. Edward H. "Ed" Robinson President (Ex-Officio) 4. Theodore H. ''Ted" Bremekamp, Ill IT Committee Chairperson 5. Helen R. Doordan lrisbrook Committee Chairperson 6. John J. Harmon At-Large Member 7. B. Russell "Russ" Raskob* At-Large Member 8. Kathleen D. Smith* At-Large Member 9. Theresa G. Robinson* Executive Vice President/2nd Assistant Treasurer

Investment Committee: 1. Christopher R. "Chris" Raskob* Treasurer (Ex-Officio) & Subcomm. Chairperson 2. Gregory B. "Greg" Brown* 1st Asst. Treasurer (Ex-Officio) 3. Patrick W. McGrory Board Chairperson & SE Area Representative 4. Stephen T. Bremer At-Large Member 5. Molly K. Harmon At-Large Member 6. Anthony W. "Bill" Raskob, Jr. At-Large Member 7. Claire E. Raskob At-Large Member 8. John J. Raskob, IV At-Large Member 9. J. Max Raskob At-Large Member 10. Margaret K. Raskob At-Large Member 11. B. Russell "Russ" Raskob* At-Large Member 12. T. Mark Raskob At-Large Member 13. Timothy T. "Tim" Raskob At-Large Member 14. Dana P. Robinson At-Large Member 15. Maria R. "Mona" Robinson At-Large Member 16. Peter A Robinson At-Large Member 17. Kathleen D. Smith* At-Large Member 18. Theresa G. Robinson* Executive Vice President/2nd Assistant Treasurer 19. Bill Miller CIO (Brinker Capital) 20. Tom Wilson CIO (Brinker Capital) 21. Greg Keck CIO (Brinker Capital)

*Serves on both subcommittees.


1. Helen R. Doordan Chairperson 2. Christopher R. "Chris" Raskob Treasurer (Ex-Officio) 3. Timothy T. "Tim" Raskob Corporate Secretary (Ex-Officio) 4. Noelle M. Fracyon 1st Vice President (Ex-Officio) 5. Dana P. Robinson NE Area Representative 6. I Christopher Robinson NE Area Representative 7. Kathleen D. Smith NE Area Representative 8. Peter A Robinson SE Area Representative 9. Jennifer M. Harmon-Lewis NW Area Representative 10. Margaret Y. "Maggie" Robinson NW Area Representative 11. Sr. Patricia Geuting SW Area Representative 12. B. Russell "Russ" Raskob SW Area Representative 13. Theresa G. Robinson Executive Vice President


1. Edward H. "Ed" Robinson Chairperson (Ex-Officio) 2. Dana P. Robinson NE Area Representative 2017 3. Bruce D. "Dave" Lowe Jr. SE Area Representative 2017 4. Molly K. Harmon NW Area Representative 2017 5. Margaret K. Raskob SW Area Representative 2016



1. Michael G. Duffy - Chairperson 2. John J. Harmon 3. Leanne T. Raskob 4. T. Mark Raskob 5. Kathleen D. Smith 6. Gregory C. Woodward 7. (outside appointee)


1. Maria R. "Mona" Robinson - FADICA Representative 2. Kerry A Robinson - NE Area Liaison 3. Jennifer W. "Weslie" Mcvean - Co-SE Area Liaison 4. Adam J. Borden - NW Area Liaison 5. William F. "Will" Raskob, Ill - SW Area Liaison


1. Gregory B. "Greg" Brown - Chairperson 2. Adam J. Borden 3. Ann R. "Missy" Borden* 4. Theodore H. "Ted" Bremekamp, Ill 5. Claire M. Doordan* 6. Molly K. Harmon 7. Sarah A Harmon* 8. Jennifer M. Harmon-Lewis* 9. John K. "Kirk" Howie, Sr. 10. Patrick W. McGrory 11. Anthony W. "Bill" Raskob, Jr. 12. Claire E. Raskob 13. Elizabeth A Raskob 14. Dana P. Robinson 15. Edward H. "Springy" Robinson 16. I Christopher Robinson 17. Kerry A Robinson* 18. Maria R. "Mona" Robinson 19. Peter A Robinson 20. Kathleen D. Smith 21. Elizabeth M. Woodward 22. Gregory C. Woodward

r*= Grant Making Phase Only)


1. Theodore H. "Ted" Bremekamp, Ill - Chairperson & SE Area Representative 2. Dana P. Robinson - NE Area Representative 3. I Christopher Robinson - NE Area Representative 4. Bruce D. "Dave" Lowe, Jr. - SE Area Representative 5. Michael G. Duffy - SE Area Representative 6. Peter A Robinson - SE Area Representative 7. Adam J. Borden - NW Area Representative 8. Ross P. Brown - NW Area Representative 9. Anthony W. "Will" Raskob, Ill - NW Area Representative 10. J. Max Raskob - SW Area Representative 11. Cheryl L. Bailey - Staff 12. Theresa G. Robinson - Staff


1. Noelle M. Fracyon - Chairperson 7. Maria R. "Mona" Robinson 2. Theodore H. "Ted" Bremekamp, Ill 8. Kathleen D. Smith 3. Kathleen M. "Katie" Raskob 9. Trista B. Ussery 4. Ramona L. Raskob 10. Elizabeth M. Woodward 5. T. Mark. Raskob 6. I Christopher Robinson


International Grants:

Religious of Jesus and Mary $7,000 Buenos Aires, Argentina For meals, travel, didactic materials and lodging for 100 young people participating in a vocational retreat.

Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions $2,000 , Australia To be used for the Congregations' ministries wherever the funds are most needed.

Every Child Counts $15,000 Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas Toward the purchase of a handicap accessible van to provide safe transportation for disabled students and teachers to and from school.

Sisters of Mercy-Belize City $750 Belize City, Belize Toward the needs/ministries of the congregation in Belize.

Caye Caulker R.C. School $500 Belize District, Belize In support of work volunteers, Clyde and Sharon Kirkpatrick.

Fe y Alegria - Bolivia $14,000 La Paz, Bolivia For costs to establish a fund-raising office to promote educational policies to include children, youth and people of extreme poverty, especially in rural areas.

Salesians of Don Bosco (Bolivia) $30,000 Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia To purchase equipment to establish a centralized kitchen for the residential centers of the Don Bosco Project, a network of 6 residential centers dedicated to children living on the streets. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul - Province of $20,000 Amazonia-Brazil Belem, Para, Brazil Toward construction of an alternative educational facility to offer early childhood education to 60 children (ages 4-6) in this poor rural farming community of Rio Gelado.

Diocese of Melipilla $17,000 Melipilla, Chile Toward expenses of the Hope and Solidarity Foundation's vocational training program to offer workshops for 100 rural and marginal urban young people in social and labor skills in order to improve their employment possibilities.

Sisters of Mercy $15,000 Santiago, Chile Toward expenses of Mercy Ministry, a program addressing the needs of disabled persons, specifically for 1) stipends for physiotherapists, physical trainer, and secretary; 2) equipment, maintenance, and materials; 3) gas heater and gas to provide heat for the therapy room in the Women's House.

Diocese of Apartado $20,000 Apartado, Colombia Toward program costs of the Diocesan Social Pastoral Office to implement Health Promoter Training Program activities (2 workshops, 4 community visits, 6 health campaigns).

Vicariate Apostolic of San Vicente-Puerto Leguizamo $10,000 San Vicente del Caguan, Caqueta, Colombia Toward salary of a Project Coordinator, transportation, training on Catholic Social Teaching, human rights and community development, 3-day annual General Assembly, and workshop materials to strengthen the capacity of 18 parish social ministry teams (EPPAS).

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Province of Congo $40,000 Kinshasa, Congo To install a 50 cubic meter cement water tank to provide potable water to the newly constructed Health and Maternity Center at the Catholic Mission of Opalay/Yaoleka in the Oriental Province of the DRC. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Archdiocese of Olomouc $1,000 Olomouc, Czech Republic Toward the needs of the Catholic Parish in Zlin.

Missionary Solidarity Sisters of the Poor $10,000 Ambato, Tungurahua Atocha, Ecuador For continued funding of expenses (salaries/stipends, food and lodging, transportation) for the Sisters to continue to teach the Catholic faith, encourage commitment to religious life, and assist the indigenous women in their efforts to improve living conditions of the rural poor.

St. Vincent de Paul Major Seminary $16,000 Quito, Ecuador To renovate St. Vincent de Paul Major Seminary of the Province of Ecuador, specifically to repair the seminary's roof terrazzo.

Parroguia de San Benito $5,000 San Benito, Peten, Guatemala Toward salaries/benefits and program expenses of 2 full-time health promoters to provide comprehensive health care to inhabitants of the rural counties of San Benito, San Andres and San Jose.

St. Antoine School $25,000 Port-au-Prince, Haiti For computers, materials and program expenses to establish a computer lab enhance the curriculum and ensure the sustainability of the after-school tutoring program.

Pan American Catholic Health Care Network of Honduras $25,000 Tegucigalpa, Honduras Toward the development of Eco Fogones (Eco-Ovens) in underserved Honduran communities as a mechanism to reduce childhood chronic respiratory diseases and foster economic activity. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Bethlemite Sisters $8,000 Bangalor, , To drill a bore well, lay pipelines and purchase a motor pump to provide clean drinking water to the Congregation and community of Kothanur village.

Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate (Sandur) $12,000 Bellary, Karnataka, India To provide training, education and awareness programs to the Devadasi tribal girls who currently work as prostitutes.

St. Joseph , Babupeth $9,200 Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India To provide nutrition programs for children infected with HIV and conduct HIV/AIDS awareness camps for the villagers.

Sagaya Annai Aalayam Catholic Parish (Mannurpet) - Our Lady $7,000 Help of Christians Church , , India To drill a bore well, purchase motor pump, symtank and construct toilets and septic tank to provide clean drinking water and sanitation facilities for the parish community.

Sagaya Madha Church (Thuraipakkam) $13,000 Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India To construct toilets for the children attending evening classes and catechism as well as SHG (self-help groups) meetings.

Seva Missionary Sisters of Mary $15,000 Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India To purchase library books/educational materials, drill a bore-well and construct toilets for the children attending Infant Jesus Higher Secondary School.

Bethlemite Sisters $7,000 Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India To dig a bore well, purchase motor and casing pipe lines, and install a water tank to provide clean drinking water to Bethlehem Daycare Center and the Congregation's Formation House in Porur Mission. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate - St. Eugene Province $20,000 Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Toward expenses of animation and formation programs of Dalit women in the Oblate Missions throughout the State of Andhra Pradesh in North India.

Franciscan Sisters of St. Aloysius Gonzaga (Nagari) $14,000 Chitoor , Andhra Pradesh, India To construct toilets, dig a bore well and purchase motor pump to provide clean, safe water and sanitation facilities at Little Flower High School at Nagari.

Diocese of Kadapa (Cuddapah) $8,000 Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India For Chittoor Multipurpose Social Service Society to buy push bikes for 96 female school drop-outs so that they may have transportation to attend high school.

St. Jude Catholic Mission (Bahalpur) $10,000 Dhubri, Assam, India To provide solar lamps to 352 families of poor Tea Garden laborers.

Kollipara Parish $4,550 Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India Toward operating expenses of the Children's Orphanage at this mission parish.

Fransalian Agency for Social Care and Education in India (FAsCE $12,000 India) Guwahati, Assam, India To establish income-generating programs to provide a source of sustainable income for 80 disabled women at Basar in Northeast India.

Sacred Heart Sisters $16,000 ldukki, Kerala, India Toward expenses of the Navjyothi Education and Balbhavan Program, providing children with disabilities and those from broken homes with schooling, guidance and accommodations.

Sisters of the Cross $2,200 Jorhat, Assam, India To establish a piggery to generate income for the maintenance of Holy Cross Tribal Girls Hostel at Mariani. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

St. Ann's Matriculation School $20,000 Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, India For materials and labor to construct toilets.

Daughters of Mary Immaculate (Thirisulam) $12,000 Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, India For training, equipment/tools and raw materials to implement a hollow block-making income­ generating project for the quarry workers at Thirisulam.

Daughters of Mary Immaculate (Ottanthangal) $8,000 Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, India To drill a bore well, purchase motor, lay pipe lines and construct an overhead tank to provide safe drinking water for the children at Marco Home.

Archdiocese of Kottayam $13,000 Kannur, Kerala, India For Malabar Social Service Society (MASSS) to purchase cows and goats as an income-generating project to create sustainable income for 60 suicide victims' families of Vellamunda, Thondernad and Perikkalloor.

Sisters of Adoration of the $5,500 Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India To dig a bore well and install a pump set to provide clean water for the Congregation and surrounding community.

Daughters of Mary Immaculate $5,000 Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India To purchase outdoor play materials for Amali lllam Children's Home.

St. Mary's High School (Cheksolangso) $9,000 Karbi Anglong, Assam, India To construct toilets and provide safe drinking water for the students at the school.

Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales (Diphu) $14,000 Karbi Anglong, Assam, India For operating expenses of St. Francis de Sales Technical Institute to offer vocational programs for school dropout tribal youth. . RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

St. Paul's Catholic Mission (Jagtial Parish) $17,000 Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh, India To construct toilets and urinals at Jubilee Hostel, where poor rural children live while attending school in Jagtial Parish.

Elkathurthy Catholic Mission $3,400 Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh, India To drill bore wells and lay pipeline to provide irrigation to the farms in six mission stations.

Jyothi Bhavan Orphanage for the Hearing Impaired $7,765 Kasargod, Kerala, India To dig a bore well, build a cattle shed and purchase two cows to implement sustainable agricultural farming for the deaf students.

Kavali Parish $5,600 Kavali, Nellore, India For sewing machines, materials and tools/equipment to train 50 school drop-out girls and unemployed women in tailoring and embroidery.

Missionaries of Little Flower $12,000 Kottayam, Kerala, India To build a compound wall and install a rainwater harvesting system at Little Flower Vidya Vihar School at Vellayani.

We Care Centre $11,120 Kottayam, Kerala, India To install 20 water harvesting tanks to develop a sustainable source of rainwater for 20 families.

St. Paul's Cathedral $18,400 Krishna, Andhra Pradesh, India To empower women working at the stone quarry by establishing a push-cart income generating project as an alternative self-employment income generating opportunity.

Chillakallu Catholic Mission (All Saints Catholic Church) $7,450 Krishna, Andhra Pradesh, India To purchase/install a water plant system to provide safe, drinking water to the students at All Saints English Medium High School. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Don Bosco High School (Nandigama) $3,700 Krishna, Andhra Pradesh, India To purchase a generator for Don Bosco Orphanage.

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (Muchintala Parish) $16,000 Krishna, Andhra Pradesh, India Toward the purchase of milk animals to establish an income-generating program for laborers, marginal farmers and illiterate rural women in an attempt to break the cycle of poverty and provide employment opportunities.

Franciscan Sisters of St. Aloysius Gonzaga/Little Flower Boarding $14,000 Home Krishna, Andhra Pradesh, India To construct toilets, bathrooms and bore well at Little Flower Boarding Home for Girls.

Sisters of St. Anne of Phirangipuram $14,000 Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India Toward the cost of an envelope-making unit to support 200 children with Downs Syndrome at St. Ann's Manovikas Kendra.

Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate $13,000 Mysore, Karnataka, India To construct a sanitation block for St. Mary's Medium School in Chamundipuram.

Missionary Sisters of Mother Mary $9,000 Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh, India To construct toilets at St. Joseph's School at Bolaram.

St. Joseph's Upper Primary School $9,820 Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh, India To construct 14 additional toilets at the school.

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament (Gandamvarigudem) $6,200 Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh, India To drill a bore well, construct an overhead tank and purchase a motor and water purifier to provide safe, drinking water to the children living at Prema Nilayam Boarding Home. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Divine Mercy English Medium School (Chalakurthy) $8,500 Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh, India To dig a bore-well to provide safe drinking water and sanitation facilities.

Corpus Christi Church (Vepalasingaram Parish) $18,000 Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh, India To purchase buffaloes to implement a dairy income-generating project for 50 socially and economically poor women of the parish.

Rogationist Fathers of the Heart of Jesus $8,335 Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh, India To purchase a vehicle to be used at Rogate Sneha Bhavan, the first mission station of the Rogationist Indian Quasi Province, to provide vocational training for the street children, dropouts and working children.

Holy Church (Viruvur) $7,200 Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India To construct 10 toilets and 10 bathing rooms for the 60 children studying at St. John's Boarding Home.

Bethlemite Sisters $14,500 Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India To construct toilets and bathrooms at Bethel Orphanage, a home for over 100 children.

Diocese of Nellore $28,300 Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India To implement a sheep-rearing income generating project to help 67 leprosy families living in the leper colonies at Amancherla, Vetapalem and Rapur to become self-reliant.

Franciscan Sisters of St. Aloysius Gonzaga $13,000 Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India To dig a bore well, install a motor and accessories, and construct toilets to provide safe drinking water and sanitary facilities for the students and teachers at Infant Jesus School at Dakkili.

St. Mary's Parish (Catholic Mission Somasila) $10,800 Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India To purchase 25 dairy units to establish income-generating projects for 25 tribal families. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Our Lady of Fatima Church (Thotapalli) $10,000 Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India To implement a sheep-rearing project as an income-generating program for 93 poor Scheduled Caste/Tribal families.

St. Theresa of Child Jesus (Atmakur Parish) $5,000 Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India To purchase tailoring machines to provide vocational training for 40 women to improve the livelihood of their families.

St. Louis Roman Catholic Mission $11,100 Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India To implement a goat-rearing income-generating project for the people of Nazareth Leper Colony.

Catholic Bishops' Conference of India $13,300 New Delhi, India To conduct awareness programs on income-generating projects and provide assistance to 200 women for start-up programs.

Diocese of Ootacamund $12,000 Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India For program expenses of Udhagamandalam Social Service Society to purchase goats to implement an income-generating program for Tribals and Dalits.

Daughters of Mary Immaculate, Valikandapuram $12,000 Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India To drill a bore well, purchase motor, construct toilets and an overhead water tank to provide clean water and sanitation facilities to the Dalit community at Valikandapuram.

Bethlemite Sisters $7,500 Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, India To dig a bore well, purchase a pump, water storage tank, pipes and accessories to provide water to Vilaflor Hostel for Young Girls. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Congregation $13,000 Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, India For program expenses, training materials, salaries and administrative cost of the ldhaya Development Project, Manayeripatti to educate women and adolescent girls in 15 villages about reproductive health.

Our Lady of Good Health Church (Eganivayal Parish) $10,000 Pudukottai, Tamil Nadu, India To dig a bore well, purchase a motor, and construct toilets at St. Mary's Middle School.

Daughters of Mary Immaculate (Saswad Mission) $10,000 Pune, Maharashtra, India To dig a bore well, purchase a pump, syntax tank and construct toilets at St. Joseph's Children's Home at Saswad Mission.

Holy Rosary Church (Harobale) $11,000 Ramangaram, Karnataka, India To purchase sewing machines and beautician kits to offer skill training for 150 dropouts and unemployed Dalit youth.

Diocese of Sivagangai $7,000 Ramnad, Tamil Nadu, India For salary of a Coordinator to implement an income-generating program in sea-shell crafts for women in coastal villages.

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament (Olaikuda) $12,000 Ramnad, Tamil Nadu, India To drill a bore well, construct toilets and purchase a motor and water purifier to provide safe, drinking water to the children studying at St. Mary's Primary School, Olaikuda.

Khanapur Mission Station (St. Joseph's Boarding Home) $11,000 Ranga Reddy, Andhra Pradesh, India To construct toilets and urinals at St. Joseph's Boarding Home and Orphanage.

Daughters of St. Thomas (Shampura) $4,900 Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India To dig a bore well and install a motor to provide drinking water facilities for the Sisters and children at Anand Bhavan. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

St. Theresa Cathedral Church $4,300 Sagar Cantt., Madhya Pradesh, India To dig a bore well to alleviate the water scarcity at the Cathedral Church.

Amruthavani Regional Communications Center $20,000 Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India To train rural unemployed women throughout the 13 Dioceses of Andhra Pradesh, as journalists for employment in mainstream media.

Archdiocese of $10,000 Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India Toward cost of promoting market oriented skills training for adolescent youth and unemployed women at Kissanagar in Nizamabad District.

Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters) $30,000 Senapati, Manipur, India To construct toilets and bathing rooms at Auxilium Convent Hostel where tribal rural girls stay while completing their studies.

Daughters of Mary Immaculate $11,000 Sivaganga, Tamil Nadu, India To construct toilets, bathrooms and a water storage tank to provide sanitation facilities to Neethiyar Karunai lllam Children's Home.

Alangaramatha Church (Rajakembiram Parish) $17,000 Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu, India To construct toilets and urinals for the students at St. Mary's Higher Secondary School at Rajakembiram.

Nazareth Bal Bhavan Orphanage $7,400 Sukma, Bastar, Chhattisgarh, India Toward the cost of constructing two biogas units to be used for fuel in food preparation, and a dairy farm to provide quality milk, in order to educate the children about environmental conservation.

Sisters of St. Joseph of Lyons $10,000 Surguja, Chhattisgarh, India Toward materials, equipment, staff salary, transportation and medicine to establish a free mobile clinic to provide preventive and curative health care to 12 tribal communities. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

St. John's Higher Secondary School $7,000 Thirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India To provide sanitation facilities at the newly upgraded high school.

Don Bosco Matriculation School (Madarpakkam) $13,000 Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu, India To construct toilets, dig a bore well, purchase motor and water tank to provide drinking water and sanitation facilities at the school.

Roshanagaram Parish (St. Ignatius Catholic Mission) $15,000 Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu, India For cows, transportation, insurance and training costs to implement a cattle-rearing program for 37 widows.

Kallambedu Parish (Christ the King Church) $14,000 Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu, India To construct toilets at St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Middle School.

Daughters of Mary (Perambakkam) $13,000 Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu, India To drill a bore well, purchase a motor and construct 15 toilets at St. Mary's School, Perambakkam.

Sacred Heart Mission (Kilacheri) $15,000 Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu, India For computers, scanner, printer, training materials, furniture and Instructors' salary to establish a computer lab at St. Joseph's Higher Secondary School.

Sacred Heart Mission (Kilacheri) $17,000 Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu, India For cows, transportation, insurance and training to establish an income-generating program for Dalit women.

Daughters of Mary Immaculate (Keechalam) $9,500 Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu, India To construct bathrooms, toilets and a water storage tank at Brigitta Children's Home. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 -0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Congregation of the Holy Family $1,500 Thrissur, Kerala, India To purchase a motor and plumbing parts to pump water from an existing bore well in order to provide clean water to St. Xavier's Orphanage at Kodakara.

Heralds of Good News $15,000 Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India To purchase equipment and raw materials to train 60 rural youth at the vocational skill training center at Poozhankulathupatti sub-station in Ammapetai Parish.

Heralds of Good News $9,800 Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India Toward construction of three classrooms, compound wall, water and sanitation facilities for the school children at Good News School.

Society for Women Empowerment and Reorganization (SOWER) $14,500 Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, India To construct a milk chilling plant for safe storage of milk production until farmers make delivery to the market.

Arogyamatha Church (Karunapuram Parish) $12,000 Warnagal, Andhra Pradesh, India To purchase dairy animals to establish income-generating projects for leprosy patients in Karunapuram Parish.

Sacred Heart Catholic Parish (Elurupadu Mission) $12,000 West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India To drill a borehole and build a water tank to provide clean drinking water for Dalits and downtrodden people of Elurupadu, including the parish community and elementary school students of this newly erected mission parish.

Holy Trinity Major Seminary (Nadipalli) $4,000 West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India To purchase milking buffaloes to provide milk for the seminarians. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Angelic Sisters of St. Paul $6,000 Flores - NTT, Indonesia To purchase desktop computers, printer, projector, tables and chairs to use at St. Paul Kindergarten and Youth Oratory.

Tr6caire $20,000 County Kildare, Ireland, Ireland { Republic } For travel, equipment, and workshop expenses for this international development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland to conduct research on policy and practice related to women's empowerment and participation in decision making at a local level in Nicaragua.

Diocese of Limerick $7,500 Limerick, Ireland { Republic } For program expenses of a pilot program of the Limerick Youth Service to provide hands on assistance to individuals and their families for further education, housing and in some case subsistence.

Pontifical Council for Social Communications - $3,000 Citta del Vaticano, Italy Toward the 'Voices of Faith" storytelling event to be held on International Women's day 2014 where 11 remarkable women will share their personal stories demonstrating how their unwavering faith has positively impacted their life, greater society and the world.

Pontifical Council for the Family - Holy See $50,000 Rome, Italy For (1) costs (staff/consultants/facilities) related to new educational and pastoral initiatives and activities; (2) continuing development of the Council's Internet-related capabilities; and (3) travel and telecommunications in connection with Council's outreach to Bishops' Conferences, Dioceses, and family-development organizations worldwide, and to its own Presidential Committee, Members and Consultors.

Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Province of $90,000 Karen, Nairobi, Kenya Toward the support of 7 HIV/AIDS DREAM (Drug Resource Enhancement Against AIDS and Malnutrition) Programs in 6 sub-Saharan African countries via a multi-country partnership to benefit people affected by HIV/AIDS through nutritional therapy treatment, and capacity building to train local medical staff and volunteers. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 -0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Caritas Lebanon $20,000 Achrafieh Beirut, Lebanon To feed, clothe and provide medical care for the Christian and Muslim refugees from Syria who have fled to neighboring Lebanon, and also to lay the groundwork for them to return to their homeland when the war is over.

Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul - Province of the $20,000 Middle East, Lebanon Achrafieh, Sioufi, Beirut, Lebanon To purchase and install a solar energy system at St. Charles Orphanage for Girls in Lebanon.

Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul - Province of the $10,000 Middle East, Lebanon Achrafieh, Sioufi, Beirut, Lebanon Toward the purchase of 10 electric hospital beds to better serve patients, especially those with physical disabilities, at Bhannes Hospital in Lebanon.

Congregation of Maronite Lebanese Missionaries $10,000 Keserwan, Lebanon Toward the cost of purchasing equipment, and creating and producing programming for the youth of the Middle East with a focus on evangelization based on stories from the Bible.

Mother Patern College of Health Sciences/Stella Maris Polytechnic $58,000 Monrovia, To support medical volunteers for Ebola in Liberia.

Catholic Net Inc. $11,000 Huixquilucan, Edo. de Mexico, Mexico Toward operating expenses to provide technical and administrative support for an Internet site promoting evangelization.

Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul - Province of $78,000 Gaza, Mozambique Toward the construction of a state-of-the-art, bio-molecular laboratory at Carmelo Hospital to reduce maternal and child mortality by providing advanced health testing and treatment, especially to prevent transmission of HIV from pregnant women to their unborn children. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Agency for Basic Community Development $7,300 Yangon, Myanmar {Burma} Toward program and administrative expenses to conduct vocational skills training and psychosocial support and traumatic healing workshops for 300 orphans.

Special Families of St. Julie Billiart Foundation $25,000 Matagalpa, Nicaragua For operating expenses, including salaries, of the Vocational Therapy Program, Jobs for People with a disAbility: Working to Protect our Earth - to provide training and education to empower the emotionally and economically disabled and at the same time help to change attitudes toward people with disAbilities.

Catholic Bishops Conference of Peru $15,000 Lima, Peru To publish and distribute catechetical texts to children, adolescents and young adults.

Prelature of Sicuani $5,000 Sicuani via Cusco, Peru Toward perating expenses of Casa Nazaret, a boarding facility for 31 children from poor, rural families, who board while attending school.

Prelature of Sicuani $15,000 Sicuani via Cusco, Peru Toward the purchase of a vehicle for use by APAINE (Association for the Care of Exceptional Children), to transport children with mental retardation, audio/language deficiencies and motor disabilities from their group residence to San Miguel School, and for therapists to visit remote homes and communities.

Holy Child Parish School of Isabel $8,500 Leyte, Philippines Toward the cost of rebuilding classrooms damaged by Super Typhoon Haiyan.

Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul - Province of the $35,000 Philippines lligan City, Lanao del Norte, Philippines To construct permanent shelters for 150 displaced families affected by Typhoon Washi/Sendong in lligan City. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 -0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Liceo de Liliw School $20,000 Liliw, Laguna, Philippines Toward cost of constructing three classrooms at this mission school for poor children.

Franciscan Missionaries of Mary $15,000 Occidental Mindoro, Philippines For teacher training, housing, equipment, and facilities improvement at Pamana Ka, a culture-based school for the Mangyans (indigenous peoples).

Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul - Province of Krakow $15,000 Krakow, Poland Toward operating expenses of the Helping House Day Care Center, providing basic needs to disadvantaged children, ages 5 to 18.

Archdiocese of Gdansk $500 Gdansk, Poland Toward the needs of the Hospice Association of St. Lawrence in Gdynia to support their care of terminally ill children.

St. Lawrence Hospice Society $15,000 Gdynia, Poland To purchase furniture and medical equipment for the new Hospice facility for children in the district of Pomerania, Poland.

Congregation of Albertine Brothers $10,000 Province of Krakow, Malopolska, Poland Toward refurbishment of the bathrooms and toilets at St. Brother Albert Nursing Home (Social Care Home) in Ojc6w, a residence for 80 disabled and infirm men.

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Province of Sri Lanka $10,000 Mattakkuliya, , Sri Lanka For operating costs of the Mazenod English Institute, a 3-month Immersion and Integral Life Education and Skills Program to advance the development and education of needy young women. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Good Shepherd Sisters $16,000 Nongkhai, Thailand Toward the cost of activity programs at Friendship Center, caring for 160 adults and children, infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School $8,000 Kampala, To implement a water harvesting project for the school and surrounding community.

St. Blasii Parish $10,000 Andrushivka, Zhytomyr, Ukraine To purchase and install an efficient gas heating system in the church building.

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Province of Zambia $65,250 Lusaka, Zambia To construct one Radio Repeater Station for Oblate Radio Liseli in two rural districts to provide effective means of modern social communication.

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Province of Zambia $35,000 Lusaka, Zambia To purchase farming equipment for the DeMazenod House of Formation in Zambia in order to produce most of the food needed for the seminarians.

Society of Jesus - Malawi $73,500 Lusaka, Zambia To construct a classroom block to accommodate additional students at Loyola Jesuit Secondary School in Kasungu, Malawi.

Total International Grants : $2,014,140 U.S. Grants:

KNOM Radio Mission, Inc. $25,000 Nome, AK To purchase digital radio production equipment to replace aging, out-of-date analog radio equipment as part of the Digital Studios capital campaign to enlarge the radio facility. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Society of St. Edmund $20,000 Selma, AL Toward burial expenses for clients who are in need of assistance to cover their loved ones final expense.

Subiaco Abbey $8,000 Subiaco, AR To replace the water filtration system, construct a separate storage space for chemicals and additional laboratory space to optimize the quality of water as recommended by the Arkansas Department of Health.

St. Joseph the Worker (Job Service) $10,000 Phoenix, AZ Toward operating expenses of the Mobile Success Unit - a recreational vehicle designed to reach the homeless, low-income and other disadvantaged individuals with job development supplies and resources in an effort to help them become self-sufficient through quality employment.

Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona $3,500 Tucson, AZ Toward aid to immigrant children/women in response to the current emergency situation happening at the border.

Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona $5,000 Tucson, AZ Toward aid to immigrant children/women in response to the current emergency situation happening at the border.

Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona. $20,000 Tucson, AZ Toward costs of the Spirituality and Aging Program, specifically expenses of a Deacon and a Priest to provide ministry to individuals who reside in nursing homes or other long term care facilities.

Diocese of Tucson $1,000 Tucson, AZ Toward materials for ongoing new teacher and principal trainings. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID· FORM 990-PF • 51 • 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Pio Decimo Center $5,000 Tucson, AZ. Toward general operating expenses of the Pio Decimo Center.

Salpointe Catholic High School $20,000 Tucson, AZ. Toward a capital campaign to construct a new Student Center, including chapel, cafeteria, library/tech center, and counseling center.

Salpointe Catholic High School $500 Tucson, AZ. Toward Theatre production expenses.

Seton Medical Center $5,000 Daly City, CA Toward general operating expenses.

Sisters of Social Service of Los Angeles $2,000 Encino, CA Toward general needs of the community.

St. Francis Center $15,000 Los Angeles, CA Continued funding of salary of a Resource Specialist to provide homeless, low-income families and individuals with referrals and other resources in the community, such as job interview preparedness and placement in permanent housing.

St. Vincent Medical Center $25,000 Los Angeles, CA To enlarge the existing Emergency Room to make it suitable for an upgrade to a 911 Paramedic Receiving Emergency Room.

University Catholic Center $25,000 Los Angeles, CA Toward the salary of a full-time development professional to develop and execute a comprehensive fundraising strategy to increase operating funds and establish an endowment. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

St. Francis Medical Center $20,000 Lywnood, CA Toward personnel salaries of the Health Benefits Resource Center.

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Oakland $25,000 Oakland, CA Toward operating expenses of Catholic Charities East Bay (CCEB) to support diverse programs at the new service center in Richmond, CA, an area renowned for poverty and violence.

PICO National Network $25,000 Oakland, CA For salaries and program expenses to launch PICO-Haiti, formalizing a Sponsoring Committee of 10 clergy/lay leaders; training 150 Haitians who form Local Organizing Committees; beginning 2-3 development projects; and involving 2,000 in actions to move development projects forward.

PICO National Network $25,000 Oakland, CA For staffing, travel, and leadership development to build grassroots leadership through parishes, churches, and community organizations, challenging poverty, injustice and inequality and strengthen democratic processes as innovative and effective solutions are created for the most pressing needs of families and communities in El Salvador and Guatemala and then expanding to helping those in Honduras.

Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange $18,000 Orange, CA Toward program expenses of Beyond Bethany, a graduate program providing emergency aid (rent, utilities, and food), educational assistance, transportation help, and medical care to prevent relapse into homelessness.

Marvvale $10,000 Rosemead, CA Toward Phase 3 of employee training, including the cost of training time and materials, to implement Maryvale's Trauma Informed Care initiative.

Catholic Charities of Sacramento $9,000 Sacramento, CA For the community of Weed, CA to assist with recovery from forest fires. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Casa Cornelia Legal Services (Society of the Holy Child Jesus) $15,000 San Diego, CA Continued funding of the Children's Program which addresses the critical legal needs of indigent immigrant children in the community, specifically for salary of a part-time Legal Assistant to provide life-saving legal services to unaccompanied detained and non-detained children.

Catholic Charities (Archdiocese of San Francisco) $15,000 San Francisco, CA Toward program expenses for the Canal Family Support Program, providing after-school enrichment activities and targeted educational outreach, including a newly developed literacy and reading program, designed to help 120 at-risk youth in the San Rafael Canal District.

De Marillac Academy $5,000 San Francisco, CA Toward general operating expenses.

St. Ignatius College Preparatory $2,000 San Francisco, CA Toward general operating expenses.

St. Vincent de Paul Society $15,000 San Mateo, CA Toward salary of a Restorative Justice Ministry's Head Jail Chaplain and for program expenses of Catherine's Center, a re-entry residence for recently released women.

Thomas Aquinas College $3,000 Santa Paula, CA Toward general operating expenses.

Catholic Charities (Diocese of Santa Rosa) $10,000 Santa Rosa, CA Toward operating costs of the Rural Food Project, to increase delivery of nutritious emergency food to serve 9,000 people in rural areas of northern California, and link food recipients with food stamp benefit programs. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

The Nurturing Network $15,000 St. Helena, CA To expand the program of life-affirming services available to working women and college students across the country who are facing an unplanned pregnancy.

lnstituto Fe Y Vida $50,000 Stockton, CA To build the institutional capacity of IFV, whose mission is to strengthen the faith of Hispanic youth and young adults in the U.S.

Fostering Hope Foundation $15,000 Colorado Springs, CO Continued funding of salary/benefits of a part-time program Coordinator and materials/supplies for a three year program to train volunteer teams in 15 churches to create financial sustainability of mentor support teams, and help foster parents to provide a more stable environment for their family.

One Simple Voice $10,000 Colorado Springs, CO Toward expenses of a Retreat Program, which includes individual follow-up sessions, and Sacred Conversations facilitation.

Partners In Housing, Inc. $20,000 Colorado Springs, CO Continued funding toward staff salaries/benefits to provide case management, life skills training, budget counseling, housing maintenance, and intake to homeless clients.

St. Mary's High School $2,500 Colorado Springs, CO Support for Project Lead the Way.

Women Partnering $2,000 Colorado Springs, CO To support transportation needs of mothers and/or expenses for shirts and other supplies for the Kidz Partnering Initiative.

Dominican Sisters Home Health Agency of Denver, Inc. $25,000 Denver, CO For the purchase of 200 wheelchairs to keep frail, elderly and/or disabled people safe and independent in their own homes. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Escuela de Guadalupe Elementary School $15,000 Denver, CO For program expenses of Escuela Camp, allowing students to participate in unique and engaging learning activities, such as the Denver Zoo and Art Museum.

Little Sisters of the Poor-Denver $10,000 Denver, CO To purchase 20 new beds for residents in Intermediate Care in order to meet state requirements.

Mercv Housing Mountain Plains $10,000 Denver, CO Toward costs of the Out-Of-School-Time-Activities program, providing parents a safe, healthy, and educational option for their children to attend at no cost, where additional homework assistance, healthy snacks, and mentoring services are provided.

Foundation for the Advancement of Catholic Schools CF ACS) $500 Bloomfield, CT Toward operating expenses.

Catholic Academies of Bridgeport $10,000 Bridgeport, CT To construct a science lab at St. Mary School in Bethel, CT to allow students in Grades 6 through 8 to participate in hands-on learning.

Catholic Charities of Fairfield County (Diocese of Bridgeport) $28,000 Bridgeport, CT Toward salary and related costs of a licensed and certified Counselor to provide a range of mental health services for children and young adults.

Catholic Charities of Fairfield County (Diocese of Bridgeport) $15,000 Bridgeport, CT Toward the cost of restructuring New Heights Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program into a Recovery and Wellness Center in Danbury, CT in order to expand opportunities and allow for a more holistic approach for those served through the offering of curriculum-based classes to promote wellness, recovery, self-direction, and tools to aid in personal recovery. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

St. Patrick's Parish $7,500 Collinsville, CT Continued funding of the "Nourishing Minds-Nourishing Bodies" Feeding Program, providing a hot meal to 350 children at St. Therese School in Lilavois, Haiti.

St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School $1,000 Fairfield, CT Toward technology updates/expenses.

Jubilee House, Inc. $10,000 Hartford, CT Toward program expenses of the , providing a holistic literacy program for underserved adult learners, with a particular focus on the needs of refugee and immigrant persons.

Mercy Center, Inc $500 Madison,, CT Toward general operating expenses.

Congregations Organized for a New Connecticut (CONECT) $30,000 New Haven, CT Continued funding of staff salary/benefits, program expenses/supplies, supervision/training, and office/administrative expenses for 6 Catholic parishes to collaborate with Christian, Jewish and Muslim congregations to strengthen relational culture and Catholic social teaching, collaborate on public issues, and recruit new Catholic parishes into the collective.

St. Rose of Lima Parish $25,000 New Haven, CT Toward the salary of a full time lay pastoral associate to work collaboratively with the pastor and lay leadership of this diverse Latino Catholic parish.

St. Thomas More Chapel and Catholic Center at Yale $1,000 New Haven, CT Toward the Bertozzi Initiative.

Canterbury School $1,000 New Milford, CT Toward general operating expenses. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti $10,000 Norwich, CT Continued support of the existing healthcare services, including Community Health Outreach and the Nutrition Program in the Diocese of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, specifically salaries for medical personnel and educators, food, supplements, medications.

Naugatuck Valley Project $10,000 Waterbury, CT Toward costs of the Elders/Caregivers Together Project- to enable Organizers to work with low­ income elderly and caregivers, most of them women and many of them immigrants, to improve home healthcare services, improve the jobs of home care workers, and to foster the civic engagement of both of these constituencies.

St. Vincent de Paul Mission of Waterbury $20,000 Waterbury, CT Continued funding of the Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry program, providing meals to the poor at the Mission's Shelter facility.

St. Vincent de Paul Mission of Waterbury $20,000 Waterbury, CT Toward costs associated with implementing the Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry program, providing meals to the poor at the Mission's Shelter facility.

Holy Family /Retreat $35,000 West Hartford, CT Toward expenses to launch the Copper Beech Institute and support the hiring of two positions: 1) Director of Community Outreach to build partnerships with area organizations to raise awareness of the Institute and mindfulness practice; and 2) a Senior Mindfulness Teacher at the Hartford Correctional Center (Hartford Jail) to teach mindfulness practices to staff and inmates.

Mercy Community Health, Inc. $25,000 West Hartford, CT Toward expenses of the Horizons of Hope Program, specifically salary/benefits of a social worker to extend outreach services to individuals transitioning from homelessness.

Northwest Catholic High School $8,150 West Hartford, CT Toward expenses of Northwest Catholic's Unified Theater and Volleyball programs with the Intensive Education Academy (IEA) of West Hartford, a school for students with physical and developmental challenges. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Africa Faith & Justice Network $15,000 Washington, DC Toward expenses to implement the first stage of a pilot program on Just Governance in Africa, in the Archdiocese of , , specifically to conduct a Trainer of Trainers workshop for 45 participants.

Archdiocese for the Military Services $1,000 Washington, DC To support programs for the Marines.

Father McKenna Center $15,000 Washington, DC Toward expenses of the Day Shelter Program, providing computer literacy classes, GED preparation and work readiness preparation to homeless men.

Fonkoze USA $10,000 Washington, DC For program expenses and salaries of Haitian staff to manage and supervise the Alfa Bon Literacy Education program and Business Skills Training, part of Fonkoze's Staircase out of Poverty strategy, providing Haitians, primarily women, with financial and non-financial tools to lift their families out of poverty.

Franciscan Action Network $1,000 Washington, DC Toward the programs of the Franciscan Earth Corps and/or programs to protect and serve the poor.

Holy Family Hospital of Bethlehem Foundation $15,000 Washington, DC Toward operating expenses of the diabetic care center at Holy Family Hospital, to screen and treat Palestinian woman for diabetes, in an effort to reduce the complications in high risk pregnancies.

Jesuit Refugee Service/USA $21,000 Washington, DC To collaborate with JRSNenezuela to address the needs of vulnerable displaced women by implementing programs that provide vocational training and resources, and to facilitate education that raises awareness in these communities about women's rights and sexual and gender based violence. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Jesuit Refugee Service/USA $25,000 Washington, DC Toward program materials, seminars and training sessions for JRS/USA to collaborate with JRS/East Africa on an initiative to provide psycho-social services and education to urban refugee children in Nairobi who are susceptible to sexual and gender-based violence and other forms of exploitation.

La Salle International Foundation, Inc. $25,331 Washington, DC For emergency humanitarian needs as a result of a platinum miners' strike in 's northwestern province.

La Salle International Foundation, Inc. $20,000 Washington, DC To provide clean water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for students and faculty at College Frere Zuza by drilling, purchase/install a water pump as well as repair/renovation costs for the school's toilets.

La Salle International Foundation, Inc. $16,000 Washington, DC To purchase 300 units of the SP180 PointONE filters for water purification, to be distributed to schools in remote areas of Papua New .

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate $30,000 Washington, DC For sixteen teams to share and explore research on "Faith in a Secular Age: Disjunctions and Conjunctions between Church and People".

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate $3,000 Washington, DC To underwrite travel for guest speakers and general meeting expenses.

PAX Christi Fund for Peace $500 Washington, DC Toward operating expenses.

The National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management $3,000 Washington, DC For general operating expenses. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

The National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management $4,000 Washington, DC Toward general operating expenses.

Washington Jesuit Academy $5,000 Washington, DC Toward salary and program expenses to expand the Spiritual Formation Program at this tuition-free, Nativity-model middle school for impoverished, inner-city boys.

Washington Middle School for Girls $20,000 Washington, DC Toward the salary of an Educational Technology Specialist to improve education and employment outcomes through the expanded use of technology in the classroom.

Holy Rosary Church/School $800 Claymont, DE Toward parish outreach food closet expenses.

Serviam Girls Academy $1,000 New Castle, DE For general operating expenses.

Serviam Girls Academy $500 New Castle, DE Toward general operating expenses.

Serviam Girls Academy $1,000 New Castle, DE Toward general operating expenses.

Serviam Girls Academy $5,000 New Castle, DE Toward general operating expenses. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Serviam Girls Academy $25,000 New Castle, DE Toward operating costs of this tuition-free, private middle school, providing quality education to underprivileged girls.

Christ the Teacher Catholic School $1,800 Newark, DE Toward needs in the kindergarten classrooms, before care for additional toys, and supplies for Mrs. Phillips'Third grade classroom and toward supplies and/or field trip expenses for the 6th grade.

Christ the Teacher Catholic School $700 Newark, DE For a new rug for Mrs. Bower's 2nd Grade classroom and the school nurse to purchase Legos for use during asthma treatments.

Holy Family Church $1,000 Newark, DE Toward the parish's Sustaining Hope for the Future campaign and toward the parish Outreach Office expenses.

Holy Family Church $500 Newark, DE Toward general operating expenses.

Little Sisters of the Poor-Wilmington $1,250 Newark, DE Toward general operating expenses.

Little Sisters of the Poor-Wilmington $1,000 Newark, DE Toward your dedicated work among the elderly.

Catholic Charities (Diocese of Wilmington) $25,000 Wilmington, DE Toward a capital campaign to reconstruct Casa San Francisco, a 150+ year-old homeless shelter and community service center in Sussex County, Delaware. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Catholic Charities (Diocese of Wilmington) $700 Wilmington, DE Toward feeding programs for the homeless.

Catholic Charities (Diocese of Wilmington) $2,500 Wilmington, DE Toward the work of Catholic Charities.

Christ Our King Church/School $500 Wilmington, DE Toward the needs of the parish.

Church of the Holy Child $1,000 Wilmington, DE Toward the parish senior activity fund.

Diocese of Wilmington $15,000 Wilmington, DE Toward the Bishop's discretion for needs within the Diocese of Wilmington.

Diocese of Wilmington $1,000 Wilmington, DE Toward the Mass stipend fund for retired or elderly priests.

Family Counseling Center of St. Paul's $20,000 Wilmington, DE Toward program expenses to provide bilingual, culturally competent mental health care to impoverished and underserved Hispanics in the community.

Family Counseling Center of St. Paul's $10,000 Wilmington, DE Toward program expenses to provide Domestic Violence Intervention counseling sessions. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 -0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Home of Divine Providence/Bayard House $500 Wilmington, DE Toward operating expenses of Bayard House.

Ministry of Caring $15,000 Wilmington, DE Toward a capital campaign to renovate St. Patrick's House, a former convent, to become the central location for the administrative staff.

Pacem in Terris $3,000 Wilmington, DE Toward operating expenses for Ulster Project Delaware 2014.

Salesianum School $1,000 Wilmington, DE Toward the needs of the School.

Salesianum School $500 Wilmington, DE Toward the Raskob Minority Enhancement Program.

St. Ann's Parish $500 Wilmington, DE Toward Church property projects such as listed in the Sustaining Hope Project.

St. Elizabeth High School $12,000 Wilmington, DE For professional development, consultant's fees and software to fully establish the Curriculum Mapping program which facilitates optimizing academic achievement for all students according to individual need.

St. Elizabeth High School $1,000 Wilmington, DE Toward general operating expenses and/or technology needs. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

St. Elizabeth High School $500 Wilmington, DE Toward general operating expenses.

St. Joseph's Church $8,250 Wilmington, DE Toward the needs of the church in honor of its 125 year celebration.

St. Paul's Parish $500 Wilmington, DE Toward general needs of the parish.

Ursuline Academy of Wilmington, DE, Inc. $500 Wilmington, DE Toward general operating expenses.

Emmanuel Catholic Church $2,000 Delray Beach, FL Toward building maintenance expenses.

Misioneros Del Camino $10,000 Miami, FL Toward program expenses of the Neurological Center, providing therapies, medicines, special education, and nutritional assistance to 175 children with neurological disorders and their families living in the rural area of Sumpango, Guatemala.

Misioneros Del Camino $15,000 Miami, FL Toward program expenses of the Neurological Center, providing therapies, medicines, special education, and nutritional assistance to 175 children with neurological disorders and their families living in the rural area of Sumpango, Guatemala.

Hands Together of the Palm Beaches, Inc. $10,000 North Palm Beach, FL Toward expenses of Haitian volunteer educators to implement HEEP (Haitian Educational Empowerment Programs). RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Bishop Grady Villas $10,000 Saint Cloud, FL Toward the purchase of a vehicle to transport over 50 disabled individuals 7 days a week for incidental and non-incidental trips: employment, recreational, spiritual, developmental, and medical needs.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School $7,000 Atlanta, GA To purchase and install four SMART Boards for two third grade and two fifth grade classrooms and provide SMART Board training for teachers.

House of Mercy $10,000 Des Moines, IA Toward expenses of the Parenting Program at House of Mercy, a substance abuse residential facility, providing parenting education to women seeking treatment.

Aid for Women, Inc. $12,000 Chicago, IL Toward program expenses for Monica's House, a new transitional maternity home.

Catholic Church Extension Society $25,000 Chicago, IL To support a National Hispanic Lay Leadership Initiative by forming a partnership between the Catholic Extension, mission dioceses and leading Catholic funding organizations to create 100 new lay leader positions in Hispanic Ministry in parishes and dioceses throughout the U.S.

Christ the King Jesuit College Preparatory School $6,000 Chicago, IL Toward the salary of an Admissions Officer for this Cristo-Rey Network School, providing a college preparatory education for students from Chicago's economically and socially disadvantaged West Side.

Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great $2,500 Chicago, IL In appreciation for the Province's many years of service at the Aquinas Newman Center in Albuquerque, NM. Gift to be used at the Friars' discretion toward general operating expenses or any of their designated funds. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great $2,500 Chicago, IL Toward Denver Priory- building project start-up costs.

San Miguel Febres Codero School $15,000 Chicago, IL Toward operating expenses for this tuition-free San Miguel middle school.

SisterHouse $15,000 Chicago, IL Toward program expenses to provide transitional housing and services to help women deal with substance abuse.

St. Joseph Services $10,000 Chicago, IL Toward operating costs of the Adult Literacy Program in Chicago's Humboldt Park neighborhood in order to keep programming free of charge to participants, expand the volunteer outreach efforts and assist in hiring more bilingual staff.

St. Martin de Porres House of Hope $15,000 Chicago, IL Toward general operating expenses for this recovery center on the southeast side of Chicago offering hope to homeless women who struggle with addiction.

Catholic Urban Programs $10,000 East St. Louis, IL To purchase meat and dairy products to enhance the food pantry's distribution program to individuals and families in need of assistance.

Catholic Urban Programs $13,000 East St. Louis, IL Toward salaries of 13 part-time tutors to provide reading and math tutoring at four Griffin Center sites located in East St. Louis public housing buildings.

Caritas for Children, Inc. $18,000 Gurnee, IL Toward expenses to expand the geographic region of Catholic parishes to implement the CARITAS Evangelizing program - teaching local parishes to focus on developing relationships globally to impact faith locally. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 -0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Mayslake Ministries, Inc. $5,000 Lombard, IL Toward program expenses of the new First Responder's Ministry.

St. Patrick Catholic School $14,000 Springfield, IL Toward salary of an additional Preschool teacher, in order to open a third Preschool classroom to meet the increasing needs of students and their families at this mission school serving low-income families.

Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit $14,000 Techny, IL Toward stipends of ESL teachers and a Domestic Abuse Case Manager, Domestic Abuse Program expenses, and supplies for fundraising activities of Holy Spirit Life Learning Center, a ministry in the north side of Chicago.

St. Bartholomew Parish $4,500 Columbus, IN Toward teacher training program and other programing expenses for St. Bartholomew Catholic Parish - Friends of Haiti.

Franciscan Alliance Foundation $15,000 Mishawaka, IN Toward cost to install a computer lab at St. Monica's Home for its residents to complete high school coursework, as well as program expenses for the facility, offering residential services for pregnant teens (ages 12-19) in a medically sound and emotionally healthy environment.

St. Robert Bellarmine Church $8,000 North Manchester, IN Toward expenses of the Evangelization Outreach Program for both Hispanic and Manchester University populations.

Congregation of Holy Cross-Midwest Province $35,000 Notre Dame, IN Toward construction of one classroom of an 18 classroom block of a new national, private, co­ educational boarding school in Ghana, West Africa, to provide the option of a Catholic education. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

University of Notre Dame $20,000 Notre Dame, IN For program expenses associated with the School Pastors' Institute (SPI), a leadership formation symposium for pastors of parishes with schools.

University of Notre Dame $50,000 Notre Dame, IN To fund the partnership between Catholic Charities Fort Worth (CCFW) and the Lab for Economics (LEO) at the University of Notre Dame to implement the Padua Pilot: A Comprehensive Program to Permanently Move People Out of Poverty.

Catholic Charities (Diocese of Fort Wayne South Bend) $18,000 South Bend, IN Toward expenses of the Education Creates Hope & Opportunity Program (ECHO) of St. Joseph County, Indiana, promoting the best means for long term self-sufficiency for pregnant and parenting teens through educational achievement.

Notre Dame Urban Education Center, Inc. $10,000 Covington, KY Toward program expenses to offer transformative education programs to underserved individuals and families at this community learning center.

Seton Catholic School $25,000 Lexington, KY To provide professional development, technology, software, equipment, and curricular supplies to implement a new Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Program (STEM).

Boys' Haven $25,000 Louisville, KY To support direct costs of the Independence Readiness Program for abandoned, neglected and abused boys and girls, ages 12 to 23 years.

St. Anthony Parish/School $6,000 Taylor Mill, KY To purchase a classroom set of 20 iPads and transportation cart to be used by students and teachers to supplement curriculum. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID· FORM 990-PF · 51 · 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

St. Vincent de Paul Society $12,500 Houma, LA To purchase medicines for the Tri-Parish Community Pharmacy to distribute to the indigent at no cost.

Order of Preachers/Southern Dominican Province $35,000 Metairie, LA Toward expenses of the "Outreach for the Formation of Catholic Lay Leaders" project - for capacity building of rural, under-resourced churches in the U.S. and development of lay leadership based on the U.S. Bishops' guidelines.

Boys Hope Girls Hope $15,000 New Orleans, LA Toward the salary of a Residential Counselor for the "Where Hope Lives" program, providing 8 young women from at-risk home environments with 24-hour nurturing parental and academic support.

Covenant House New Orleans $13,000 New Orleans, LA Toward operating costs for the transitional living programs, Rights of Passage (ROP) and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) for at-risk young men.

Ozanam Inn $15,000 New Orleans, LA Toward expenses of the Medical Transition Assistance (MTA) program, providing homeless men a place to stay while recuperating from illness or surgery.

Renzi Education and Arts Center $15,000 Shreveport, LA Toward program expenses related to the After School Program.

St. Anthony Shrine $15,000 Boston, MA Toward salary, equipment, program expenses, and clinical supplies for the Wellness Center, providing spiritual, emotional and physical needs of the working poor, homeless and medically uninsured. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

The Jesuit Collaborative $7,750 Boston, MA Toward program expenses of the Escuela de Espiritualidad lgnaciana (School of lgnatian Spirituality) - offering innovative retreats and training programs to the Hispanic/Latino communities in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY and Charleston, SC.

Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur $30,000 Ipswich, MA For the African Photovoltaic Projects, specifically solar panel installation - the first of a 3 component project (electricity, clean water and communication) - to provide electricity, filtered water, and Internet connections in order to develop stability and sustainability for isolated communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo and .

Medicines for Humanity $15,000 Rockland, MA To provide clinical healthcare services, community-based care and education, and nutrition services to children and pregnant women in the slum communities of Cite Soleil and Sibert, Haiti, as well as increasing linkages between the project staff, Community Health Workers, and Ministry of Health.

Holy Cross Parish $15,000 Springfield, MA To collaborate with Pioneer Valley Project (PVP) on "Welcoming the Stranger: PVP Immigrant and Refugee Community-Building Project": 1) improve access to education, housing and public safety for refugee and immigrant residents; 2) deepen the relationship between PVP's three Catholic member parishes and their social justice work with immigrants and refugees; and 3) foster the civic engagement of refugee and immigrant residents.

Dismas House of Massachusetts $15,000 Worcester, MA Toward expenses to expand the BAR None (Basic Advocacy for Reentry) Program, a community-wide safety net for homeless and former prisoners.

Maryland Catholic Conference $10,000 Annapolis, MD Toward expenses of a training program on Catholic social justice for 25 attendees.

Mid-Atlantic Catholic Schools Consortium $15,000 Annapolis, MD Toward the cost of implementing two health programs (vision screening and dental care) throughout the six dioceses of the Mid-Atlantic Catholic School Consortium. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Redemptorist Office for Mission Advancement $30,000 Annapolis, MD Toward the purchase of Raiser's Edge fundraising software to support the apostolic work of the Redemptorists, including seminarian formation, care of infirm confreres and missionary outreach to the poor and abandoned.

St. Mary's Parish $2,000 Annapolis, MD Toward the needs of the elementary school.

Walking with Purpose $15,000 Arnold, MD For salaries to generate support for the growth of this national ministry, providing women with the opportunity to know God through Scripture.

Archdiocese of Baltimore $10,000 Baltimore, MD Toward program expenses of the Archdiocese's Clergy Renewal Convocation, "Proclaiming the New Evangelization," to be held in 2014.

Caroline Friess Center, Inc. $10,000 Baltimore, MD Toward operating costs to offer job-training programs for low-income women to prepare them for stable employment at no cost to them.

Catholic Relief Services $25,000 Baltimore, MD For program expenses to assist the Nicaraguan Coffee Growers families in the Diocese of Esteli, whom are affected by the outbreak of the coffee leaf rust disease.

Catholic Relief Services $50,066 Baltimore, MD For salaries/benefits of CRS/Uganda and local partner staff members with demonstrated expertise in agricultural enterprise and saving group methodologies, in-country travel, and direct expenses relating to training participants in the 3 dioceses of Kasana-Luwero, Fort Portal and Lira to implement ASPIRE: Expanding Agro-Enterprise and Savings-led Finance in Uganda. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Franciscan Center, Inc $18,600 Baltimore, MD To install a wheelchair lift to enable the Center to serve disabled clients by ensuring access to all emergency assistance and other outreach programs.

Good Samaritan Hospital $10,000 Baltimore, MD Toward the cost of partnering with Civic and Religious Emergency Services (CARES) to provide an innovative combination of diabetes self-management, nutrition, exercise and heart healthy lifestyle program to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes for vulnerable African American families.

Good Shepherd Center $10,000 Baltimore, MD Toward operating expenses of the Good Shepherd School, an educational facility for girls and boys, ages 13-21, with severe mental health and emotional disorders.

lgnatian Volunteer Corps. Inc. $75,000 Baltimore, MD For IVC's Magnify! Campaign, to build capacity by expanding regional infrastructure and increasing the number of volunteers necessary to support local nonprofit activities.

Jesuit Volunteer Corps $20,000 Baltimore, MD Partial funding of a new Director of lgnatian Formation, as well as providing staff with formalized training in lgnatian Spirituality.

Little Sisters of the Poor-Baltimore $5,000 Baltimore, MD As a contribution toward the care of the elderly.

Loyola University in Maryland $20,000 Baltimore, MD Continued funding of Loyola University Maryland's School of Education in conjunction with the Institute for Urban Catholic Education to provide professional development for teachers and to increase/enhance in and after school programming with four designated high-need urban Catholic Schools. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Loyola University in Maryland $2,000 Baltimore, MD Toward the cost of the men's lacrosse trip to Newtown, CT for a service project and toward the cost of Homeless Hookups service project.

Loyola University in Maryland $2,000 Baltimore, MD Toward the expenses of the School of Education.

St. Elizabeth School $25,000 Baltimore, MD For expenses of the Work-Based Learning program, a hands-on program for students to develop the skills needed to obtain jobs in their home communities.

St. Joseph's Society of the Sacred Heart $30,000 Baltimore, MD To purchase/implement a new fundraising software system to enable the Congregation to research new donors and cultivate existing ones in order to promote a vibrant future for African American communities.

St. Joseph's Nursing Home $6,500 Catonsville, MD To expand the air-conditioning system in the nursing home.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church $20,000 Chestertown, MD Toward the purchase of a bus to provide outreach services and safe transportation for children to attend Immaculate Conception School in Elkton, Maryland, as there is no Catholic school and no public transportation for this rural parish on Maryland's Eastern Shore.

National Catholic Community Foundation $2,500 Crownsville, MD Toward general operating expenses.

National Catholic Community Foundation $8,250 Crownsville, MD Toward general operating expenses. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

National Catholic Community Foundation $23,000 Crownsville, MD Toward general operating expenses.

Ss. Peter & Paul Parish $2,000 Easton, MD Toward general operating expenses of the SS Peter & Paul Elementary School.

Ss. Peter & Paul Parish $14,000 Easton, MD Toward the building fund of "The Saints Peter & Paul Family Life Center", which will be used to build an office complex and social hall for the Parish.

St. John Regional Catholic School $10,000 Frederick, MD Towards salary of Special Education Teacher.

St. Vincent Pallotti High School, Inc. $15,000 Laurel, MD To renovate the school cafeteria/multi-purpose room.

Rosaria Communities II. Inc. $15,000 Rockville, MD Toward the salary of a full-time Executive Director and part-time Accountant and Grant Writer/Communications Specialist to continue to build and renovate houses, providing independent living opportunities for people with physical and intellectual disabilities in Maryland.

Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary $2,500 Salisbury, MD Toward services to the poor, elderly and/or needy at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) $25,000 Silver Spring, MD To develop training tools to strengthen the knowledge and skills of new immigration legal service providers and to create a web-based library of legal immigration resources for parishes and other faith-based advocates serving immigrant communities. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Saint Francis International School $15,000 Silver Spring, MD To purchase and install safety and security equipment in the school and parish offices.

St. Joseph's Parish $3,000 BRIDGTON, ME $1,000 toward Lazarus Ministry expenses and $2,000 toward fuel costs and/or general needs of the parish.

Corpus Christi Church $10,000 Waterville, ME Toward program costs of the Kennebec Valley Organization (KVO) Friends and Families on the Margin Project to develop leadership skills of the rural elderly poor and struggling young single parents.

Catholic Charities of Jackson, Lenawee & Hillsdale Counties $20,000 Adrian, Ml Toward salaries for staff therapists to provide counseling services and/or specialized interventions to children in foster care, those transitioning into adoption, and homeless at-risk teens, all who have experienced severe traumatic events, abuse, or have serious behavioral disorders.

Manresa Jesuit Retreat House $10,000 Bloomfield Hills, Ml Toward program costs for the lgnatian Formation Internship Program.

Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions, Inc. (PIME) $15,000 Detroit, Ml Toward expenses of the Tuberculosis Section of the Sick Assistance Center in the Diocese of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

St. Vincent and Sarah Fisher Center $20,000 Detroit, Ml Toward staff salaries and benefits for the Children's Education Experience program, providing children in grades 1-3 with free afterschool tutoring. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Livingston County Catholic Charities $15,000 Howell, Ml To purchase an Electronic Health Record system and all related implementation to comply with the federal government's Affordable Care Act, which requires all health care providers to upgrade to an EHR system.

Christian Brothers Retreat Center $10,000 Marine on St. Croix, MN To provide free leadership training and personal development programs within a Catholic context for at-risk, inner-city youth of Chicago and Minneapolis/St. Paul.

Boys Hope Girls Hope $16,000 Bridgeton, MO Toward salaries of Residential Counselors and start-up educational supplies for a new home for girls in Peru and boys in Mexico - providing value-centered, family-like homes and quality education for at­ risk youths.

Catholic Charities (Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph) $20,000 Kansas City, MO Towards salary/benefits of a Service Coordinator to provide one-on-one support and navigation for individuals/families in poverty and/or crisis.

Seton Center, Inc. $10,000 Kansas City, MO To purchase/distribute food and personal hygiene supplies to the poor.

Springfield Catholic School System $20,000 Springfield, MO To support initial construction/staffing of Thrive Greenhouse, an education/service program for K-12 students at two Title I (low-income) public elementary schools, which includes agriculture, science, and nutrition topics for healthy lifestyle empowerment, and also serves as Catholic outreach in impoverished southern Missouri.

Aquinas Institute of Theology $500 St. Louis, MO Toward general operating expenses. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Catholic Legal Assistance Ministry $10,000 St. Louis, MO Toward program expenses, specifically for a part-time attorney to assist an increasing number of indigent clients and their families.

Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon $17,000 St. Louis, MO Toward operating expenses of the new Diocesan Vocations Office.

Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help $20,000 St. Louis, MO Toward salary of a Director of St. Anthony Food Pantry, serving approximately 653 households monthly.

Good Shepherd Mission Development Corporation $16,000 St. Louis, MO To install a solar hot water system at the Congregation's shelter for women and children at Ain Saade Lebanon.

Let's Start, Inc. $15,000 St. Louis, MO Toward salaries of an Outreach and Advocacy Coordinator, Program Manager, and Executive Director to facilitate, monitor, and evaluate the peer mentoring program for mothers transitioning from prison.

Our Lady of Guadalupe School $10,000 St. Louis, MO Toward cost of resources to enhance and supplement the curricula and academic programs in English, Math, Science, and Language Arts.

School Sisters of Notre Dame $10,000 St. Louis, MO Toward a portion of a Sister's salary to implement Educating Behind Bars, a program being carried out in five Missouri correctional facilities for the 2014-2015 fiscal year.

St. Patrick Center $15,000 St. Louis, MO For program expenses of BEGIN New Venture Center, providing mentoring and business growth support for socially conscious low-income entrepreneurs in St. Louis. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Catholic Charities (Diocese of Jackson) $10,000 Jackson, MS Continued funding of program expenses of the Shelter for Battered Families program, providing emergency shelter, counseling, supportive services, education and advocacy to domestic violence victims.

De La Salle Blackfeet School $12,000 Browning, MT To purchase textbooks for this San Miguel model middle school for at-risk students on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation.

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church $5,000 Deer Lodge, MT For repairs to the parish buildings, specifically the roof of the "Head Start" building, replace doors of the Religious Education building, and install an underground watering system among the children's graves at the Cemetery.

St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church $7,000 Apex, NC Toward the needs of the parish.

Belmont Abbey College $5,000 Belmont, NC The purchase of needed equipment for the Biology Department.

Belmont Abbey College $12,000 Belmont, NC Toward purchase of needed equipment for the biology department.

House of Mercy, Inc. $5,000 Belmont, NC Toward salary of a Director of Nursing and Case Management to oversee the daily operation of this facility, providing care in a residential setting for persons living with AIDS who can no longer care for themselves. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Room At The Inn of the Carolinas, Inc. $15,000 Colfax, NC Toward direct program costs for this facility providing housing and programs for homeless, pregnant women and single mothers with children.

Well of Mercy $7,000 Hamptonville, NC Toward general operating expenses of Well of Mercy.

Good Shepherd Catholic Church $2,000 Hope Mills, NC Toward general operating expenses.

Creighton University $18,000 Omaha, NE Continued funding toward cost of surgical procedures, materials for prosthetic limbs, staff salaries and program expenses for the University's medical mission with the Institute for Latin American Concern to continue to provide medical services to the indigent patients in the Dominican Republic.

Madonna School $15,000 Omaha, NE Toward program expenses to implement employment programming and job coaching for teenagers and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

St. Augustine Indian Mission School $10,000 Winnebago, NE Toward program expenses of this Native American school located on the Winnebago Indian Reservation in Thurston County, Nebraska.

Church of the Annunciation $8,000 Bloomsbury, NJ Toward general operating expenses.

Catholic Partnership Schools $50,000 Camden, NJ Toward operational costs of five Catholic elementary schools serving Camden, NJ. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 -0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Diocese of Camden $1,000 Camden, NJ Toward the needs of the diocese at Bishop Sullivan's discretion.

Hopeworks 'n Camden $10,000 Camden, NJ For consultants to redesign and upgrade the technology and academic curriculum to incorporate job readiness, appropriate reading, comprehension and math levels and the best practices of trauma informed care.

Our Lady of Lourdes Health Foundation, Inc. $15,000 Camden, NJ Continued funding of a Coordinator of the Community Health Practice to serve as the liaison between the volunteer physicians and nurses who provide free medical care to the uninsured.

Good Counsel, Inc $10,000 Hoboken, NJ To purchase/install new computers to provide training for previously homeless, pregnant mothers to become effective parents and gain the academic competence and employment skills needed to earn sufficient wages to sustain and support their new families.

St. Peter's University $10,000 Jersey City, NJ To renovate the Campus Ministry's kitchen for the start of the Campus Kitchen Project, a national community service organization that works with students to recover food from cafeterias, grocery stores, and local restaurants and engage them in volunteering to prepare and deliver meals to the community.

St. Peter's University $5,000 Jersey City, NJ Toward program expenses of Global Outreach: Service & Solidarity, a service learning project for students to volunteer in a third world country.

St. Peter's University Hospital $20,000 New Brunswick, NJ To purchase primary care medications for the five health clinics established by the Hospital as part of the Guatemala Project in Santa Rosa County, Guatemala. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Life Choices, Inc. $50,000 Phillipsburg, NJ To install a sprinkler system as part of a capital campaign to renovate an abandoned convent to create a safe home and childcare program for homeless pregnant women.

RENEW International $21,000 Plainfield, NJ For books, music CDs and other materials to train lay leaders to develop small Christian communities (SCCs) on 20 military bases in the East Vicariate through RENEW's Catholic faith-sharing process: Why Catholic?

Our Lady of Sorrows School $15,000 South Orange, NJ Toward the purchase and installation of interactive whiteboards (SmartBoards) for each classroom.

St. Joseph's Home for the Elderly $10,000 Totowa, NJ To replace the 37 year-old HVAC system in order to provide greater comfort for elderly residents and achieve annual energy savings.

Saint Mary School $2,000 Vineland, NJ Toward general support of the school.

Order of St. Benedict $15,000 Abiquiu, NM Toward costs to construct and install a water treatment facility at Monastery of Christ in the Desert, as well as post-installation confirmation water tests.

Catholic Charities (Archdiocese of Santa Fe) $15,000 Albuquerque, NM Toward salary and operating expenses of the Center for Community Involvement to mobilize faith communities in support of the refugee resettlement program to make it self-sustaining.

Dominican Ecclesiastic Institute $1,500 ALBUQUERQUE, NM Toward general operating expenses. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 -0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Holy Ghost Catholic School $6,000 Albuquerque, NM Toward the needs of the school.

Santuario de San Martin de Porres $25,000 Albuquerque, NM Toward a capital campaign to construct a new facility to accommodate the growth in immigrant Mexican parishioners.

Villa Guadalupe Home for the Aged $20,000 Gallup, NM To repair/upgrade the Home's ecologically sound evaporative "swamp coolers", a green cooling system, providing comfortable temperatures during the summer months.

Diocese of Las Cruces $25,000 Las Cruces, NM Toward operating expenses, specifically to supplement salaries and key programs.

St. Joseph Mission School $30,000 San Fidel, NM For seed money to establish a Pre-Kindergarten Program.

St. Anne Institute $5,600 Albany, NY Toward the purchase of furniture for Seton Hall Renovated Living Unit, a treatment based center for children who are traumatized, abused, neglected and psychiatrically affected.

Calvary Hospital $5,000 Bronx, NY Toward salaries of the pastoral care staff for Calvary@Home, the hospital's home hospice and nursing home hospice.

Sisters, Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick $10,000 Bronx, NY Toward daily living expenses of Sisters, maintenance of convent and other expenditures in order to continue the Home Healthcare Program, providing free care to the sick and dying. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Eparchy of St. Maron of Brooklyn $500 Brooklyn, NY Toward the needs of the church in Lebanon.

HeartShare St. Vincent's Services (formerly St. Vincent's Services, $35,000 Inc.) Brooklyn, NY For program expenses of the Positive Pathfinders Project, an initiative to encourage adolescent foster youth to incorporate spirituality into their path to adulthood and to become contributing members of society.

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. New York, Pennsylvania. Pacific $14,500 West Community Buffalo, NY For program expenses of the Catechist Training Program in rural Mindanao, Philippines.

Franciscan Friars of the Atonement $2,500 Garrison, NY Toward the care of homeless men at St. Christopher's Inn.

Hour Children, Inc. $40,000 Long Island City, NY Toward expenses of the Hour Friend in Deed (HFID) program, sustaining long-term mentor relationships and nurturing children with a sense of increased competence, usefulness, belonging and power, so they perform better in school and less likely to use alcohol and drugs.

Maryknoll Sisters $5,000 Maryknoll, NY Toward cost of care for the Orphans of AIDS victims in Mwanza, .

Order of St. Ursula $5,000 New Rochelle, NY To replace 72 outdated smoke detectors with new code compliant, photoelectric, heat and smoke detector units, for the safety of the Sisters residing at St. Teresa's Convent.

America Press, Inc. $2,000 New York, NY Toward general operating expenses. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

America Press, Inc. $2,000 New York, NY Toward operating expenses, in appreciation for continuing excellence in publishing, especially last year's selection of articles and the interview with Francis.

Catholic Big Sisters and Big Brothers $10,000 New York, NY Toward program expenses of the Social Justice Initiative, a youth-led advocacy and leadership group for mentees, ages 13-18.

Catholic Medical Mission Board, Inc. $75,000 New York, NY For program expenses to implement a four-pronged program of upgrading infrastructure, training, enhanced communication, and transportation services to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality in South Sudan.

Catholic Medical Mission Board, Inc. $2,000 New York, NY Toward general operating expenses and support for programs in the Philippines.

Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) $120,000 New York, NY To provide medical aid to Christian families displaced by the new wave of violence in Iraq.

Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWAl $25,000 New York, NY To provide urgently needed psychological aid to children in Gaza affected by the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) $1,000 New York, NY Toward the effort to assist Syrian children.

Covenant House Under 21 $20,000 New York, NY Toward salaries of the direct-care staff of the Mother and Child Safe Families Project, a program offering support services and a safe environment for young mothers to share their traumatic experiences. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Covenant House Under 21 $250 New York, NY Toward winter heating expenses.

Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary $4,000 New York, NY To install a fence around the newly donated 2/3 acre land, expanding the Community Gardens Project which produces organic vegetables by and for poor Hispanic immigrants in this isolated colonia.

New York Encounter $35,000 New York, NY For facility rental in Manhattan Center for the New York Encounter 2015 event, an annual three-day public cultural festival.

Philippine Jesuit Foundation $1,000 New York, NY Toward support of a literacy and capacity building program for members of the Tagbanuas, indigenous people of the islands of Culion, Palawan, Philippines.

St. Aloysius School $20,000 New York, NY To move Gonzaga Middle School boys program from the building of the Church of All Saints to St. Aloysius School.

St. Mark the Evangelist School $12,000 New York, NY Toward expenses of the music program.

The Christophers $10,000 New York, NY As a contribution toward program expenses.

Little Sisters of the Poor-Brooklyn $20,000 Queens Village, NY Toward the purchase of a new Ameritrans wheelchair accessible bus. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

LifeWay Network. Inc. $37,000 Rego Park, NY Toward capacity building costs in the effort to stop human trafficking, specifically for donor development software, installation, training; website redesign and implementation; salaries, campaign materials, and volunteer training.

College of Mount St. Vincent-on-Hudson $15,000 Riverdale, NY As a contribution to assist needy students with tuition and fees.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary $20,000 Syracuse, NY Toward the stipend of a Sister to supervise operations at Poverello Health Center, providing basic medical care for the uninsured at no cost.

St. Mary Parish/School $750 Chardon, OH To support the annual parish festival and/or other needs of the parish.

Catholic Campus Ministry Association $1,000 Cincinnati, OH Toward the Partners in Campus Ministry program.

Elder High School $5,000 Cincinnati, OH Toward program expenses of Tech-Reach, an outreach program in collaborative, integrated adult education for the poor and disadvantaged.

Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School $2,000 Cleveland, OH Toward salary of Admissions Coordinator and/or general needs of the school.

Dominican Sisters of Peace $8,000 Columbus, OH Toward the cost of tutoring, training sessions, capacity building and instructional materials for Springs Learning Center, an adult literacy center in New Haven, CT. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Brunner Literacy Center $10,000 Dayton, OH Toward program expenses to provide basic literacy skills to adults who lack a basic education.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Housing Facility, Inc. $10,000 Newark, OH Toward salary/benefits of a Case Manager at St. Vincent Haven, a 26-bed shelter facility for homeless men, assisting residents to overcome barriers to self-sufficiency and permanent housing through counseling, support, advocacy and referrals to community services.

Jesuit Retreat House $10,000 Parma, OH For program expenses to plan, develop, and facilitate a new Catholic Youth leadership retreat program for older teens.

Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland $10,000 Pepper Pike, OH Continued funding for the Ursuline Piazza ministry, specifically for salaries of three Ursuline Sisters to provide psychosocial support services to indigent, HIV-positive individuals with mental illness and substance abuse issues.

Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project $2,000 Stubenville, OH Toward general operating expenses.

Good Shepherd Catholic School $30,000 Oklahoma City, OK Toward salaries of Behavioral Interventionists, providing services to autistic children, ages 3 to 8th grade.

L'Arche USA $5,500 Portland, OR $1,000 toward newsletter expenses and $4,500 toward needs of the community. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 -0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

L'Arche USA $15,000 Portland, OR Toward partial salary of a L'Arche USA recruitment coordinator, travel expenses and promotional materials to implement a strategic recruitment plan which includes outreach on the national level and support to local recruitment coordinators in the 18 L'Arche communities across the United States.

Neumann University $500 Aston, PA Toward general operating expenses.

Brothers of Charity $65,000 Laverock, PA Toward operating costs, including salaries, of the Homeless Veterans Project in Washington, DC.

Dawn's Place $20,000 Philadelphia, PA Continued funding for staff salaries for the residential program, providing case management, legal, medical and psychological assistance as well as life skills training to women who have been sexually trafficked.

Depaul USA $25,000 Philadelphia, PA For salary of an Executive Associate, to fundraise, develop program partnerships, and generate income from Depaul USA's social franchise in order to support programming and continued growth of outreach ministry to homeless people across the United States.

Gesu School $10,000 Philadelphia, PA Toward expenses of Youth Education for Tomorrow, an intensive after-school literacy program for students in Grades 1-3, who test 2 years below their grade level.

Our Mother of Sorrows-St. Ignatius School $500 Philadelphia, PA Toward general operating expenses.

Sisters of St. Joseph-Chestnut Hill $2,500 Philadelphia, PA Toward citizenship application assistance for immigrants at the SSJ Welcome Center. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

St. Francis Xavier School $18,000 Philadelphia, PA Continued funding of the salary for the Director of Catholic Formation and Evangelization.

St. Joseph's University $4,000 Philadelphia, PA Toward general support of Men's Basketball at discretion of Phil Martelli.

Community at Holy Family Manor, Inc. $5,000 Pittsburgh, PA Toward the cost of home improvements as part of Nazareth Housing Services home repair assistance program to assist/enable low-income elderly and/or disabled homeowners to remain safely and independently in their own homes.

Independence Mission Schools $35,000 Wayne, PA Toward expenses of establishing a Development Office and Program to manage the Global Development effort to organize a cluster of parish schools, cultivate corporate, individual and foundation donors, and to assist and mentor the schools.

Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart $2,500 Yardley, PA Toward services for retired, elderly and/or infirmed Sisters at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Northeast Community, Inc. $30,600 Cumberland, RI Toward travel, workshops, conferences, and program expenses to support women religious in Zambia, Malawi, and in responding to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in these three African countries.

Order of Saint Benedict in Portsmouth $500 Portsmouth, RI Toward Class of '64 gift for general operating expenses of the school. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Order of Saint Benedict in Portsmouth $1,000 Portsmouth, RI Toward Class of '64 gift for general operating expenses of the school.

McAuley Village $10,000 Providence, RI Toward expenses of the Housing Assistance & Parenting Program to provide services to homeless women, who are engaged in employment readiness activities, job search, financial literacy, and parenting skill development so that they may achieve self-sufficiency for themselves and their families.

St. Joseph Catholic School $7,640 Anderson, SC To renovate bathrooms.

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Charleston $20,000 Charleston, SC Toward program expenses for Save-A-Smile which provides subsidized dentures and basic dental health services for low-income individuals of all ages.

South Carolina Center for Fathers and Families $15,000 Columbia, SC Toward annual program expenses to increase access to health education, screenings, direct medical services, smoking cessation and case management to Fatherhood program participants in three sites in South Carolina.

Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach Service $15,000 Johns Island, SC For salaries and supplies to provide free comprehensive dentistry to low-income pregnant Hispanic women.

Franciscan Center $20,000 St. Helena Island, SC To purchase building supplies and materials for the Center's Emergency Home Repairs Program, addressing safety and health hazards as well as accessibility for the elderly and disabled. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID· FORM 990-PF · 51 • 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Benedictine Sisters of Mother of God Monastery $16,400 Watertown, SD For program expenses of the Benedictine Multicultural Center: (1) to expand the English proficiency of immigrant adults by providing classes in rural communities; (2) to provide assistance with USCIS applications and fees; and (3) provide emergency assistance with rent, utilities, transportation, and food.

The Ladies of Charity $10,000 Knoxville, TN Continued funding of the newly expanded emergency food assistance program to purchase fresh vegetables, meat and dairy products.

Catholic Charities of West Tennessee $7,000 Memphis, TN Toward program expenses of the Immigration Services program: salaries, information technologies (computer and internet), and contract services.

Catholic Charities of Tennessee (Diocese of Nashville) $10,000 Nashville, TN Toward expenses of the Loaves and Fishes Program, providing hot, nutritious meals at the South Nashville Family Resource Center, specifically to purchase three freezers, a refrigerator, 150 dining chairs, hand-dryers for the bathroom and salary/benefits for a Food Security Coordinator.

ARISE Support Center $25,000 Alamo, TX Toward staff salaries to provide educational opportunities to disadvantaged immigrant children and youth in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas.

Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle $10,000 Amarillo, TX Toward the purchase of furnishings for the Pearl Longbine Emergency Youth Shelter, a facility for 16 children, ages 5 to 17.

Catholic Charities of Central Texas $15,000 Austin, TX Toward expenses of the Gabriel Project Life Center, providing parents with resources and education to strengthen their families and give their children a healthy start at life. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

The John Paul II Life Center $10,000 Austin, TX Toward expenses of the Crisis Pregnancy Program, helping mothers who are facing unexpected pregnancies.

Guadalupe Regional Middle School $10,000 Brownsville, TX Toward the purchase of a bus to be used for various transportation needs of the School.

Catholic Charities of Dallas $45,000 Dallas, TX Toward salary and benefits of a Curriculum Specialist and an Early Childhood Education teacher, as well as classroom supplies and curriculum resources, for Together We Learn-Bachman Lake (TWL­ BL) program at Marillac Campus in West Dallas.

Holy Cross Catholic Church $3,000 Dallas, TX To be used at the discretion of the pastor.

Diocese of El Paso $15,000 El Paso, TX Toward support of the lay ministry educational training programs of Tepeyac Institute, which recognizes the importance of lay ministers and strengthens their theological presence in parishes.

Father Yermo Schools $16,000 El Paso, TX To purchase and install a security system.

Our Lady of the Valley School $15,000 El Paso, TX To purchase and install new security doors to ensure the safety of the children while in school.

St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish $2,000 El Paso, TX Toward the needs of the parish. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 -0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Catholic Charities (Diocese of Fort Worth) $10,000 Fort Worth, TX Toward salaries/benefits of case managers and program expenses to provide additional resources for job readiness training and job placement and retention services for newly arrived refugees to empower them to reach self-sufficiency.

Catholic Divorce Ministry $5,000 Fort Worth, TX Toward cost of a nationwide conference to be held in St. Louis, MO to provide resources and leadership training for lay leaders at the parish and diocesan levels to minister to separated and divorced Catholics.

Angela House $15,000 Houston, TX Toward the salary of a Program Coordinator for this transitional, residential facility serving women upon their release from prison; development of individualized treatment plans; and providing case management.

New Hope for Cambodian Children $15,000 Killeen, TX Toward program costs of the educational program for orphans and abandoned children with HIV/AIDS who live in "Our Village", a part of NHCC's farm project in rural Cambodia, and also to provide residential care for university and vocational training students.

Catholic Charities (Diocese of Lubbock) $10,000 Lubbock, TX Toward expenses of the Learn to Cook program, helping low-income families to modify unhealthy behavior.

Diocese of Lubbock $10,000 Lubbock, TX For program expenses to host the Renew International "ARISE Together in Christ" program for the 62 parishes in the Diocese.

Oblate Missions $12,500 San Antonio, TX Toward the needs of the Oblate Missions at the discretion of Bishop Pfeifer. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Oblate School of Theology $25,000 San Antonio, TX Toward program expenses of the Critical Ministerial Issues project, a research and education project to better understand, train and support priests by addressing issues critical to their ministries.

Seton Home $10,000 San Antonio, TX Toward implementation costs of Sanctuary Model, an evidenced-based trauma-informed care model to establish a culture of non-violence, emotional intelligence, social learning and shared governance to help traumatized adolescent mothers heal and grow.

Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word $10,000 San Antonio, TX To purchase/install a Caterpillar-Olympian generator at Santa Clara Clinic in Chimbote, Peru.

The Village at Incarnate Word $15,000 San Antonio, TX For caregiver salaries and mileage to support Project Elder Help, the charitable program of Sisters Care, for in-home personal assistance for the frail and elderly.

Visitation House Ministries, Inc. $15,000 San Antonio, TX Toward operating costs of a Two-Year Transitional & Education Program, providing homeless women and their children an opportunity to develop skills to sustain long-term employment.

Fabretto Children's Foundation, Inc. $15,000 Alexandria, VA For program expenses of Fabretto's Vocational and Life Skills Education Program in its Estell Education Center in northern Nicaragua.

Diocese of Arlington $15,000 Arlington, VA To implement in all diocesan Catholic schools, a hands-on, advanced science program that includes a fully equipped in-school laboratory, complete curriculum, on-line parent and teacher resources, and teacher professional development. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Benedictine Sisters of Virginia $10,000 Bristow, VA Toward partial salaries of a Case Manager and Education Liaison to continue to promote self­ sufficiency and permanent housing for homeless families.

Benedictine Sisters of Virginia $12,500 Bristow, VA Toward salaries, printing, instructional materials and program expenses of the BEACON Adult Literacy Program, providing adult education instruction to 350+ low-income immigrants.

St. Ann's Catholic Church $3,700 Colonial Heights, VA Toward the PASS IT ON Outreach Ministry, operations, shed rental and supplies.

St. Luke Foundation for Haiti $50,000 Dumfries, VA Toward the cost of medical care and humanitarian outreach to provide life saving treatment of cholera at St. Luke's and St. Mary's Hospitals in Haiti.

St. Joseph School $3,800 Petersburg, VA Toward expenses of the school picnic.

St. Joseph's Church $750 Chester, VT Toward the needs of St. Joseph's Chapel in Londonderry.

Archdiocese of Seattle $500 Seattle, WA Toward the "Round the Campfire Fundraiser" which has as its goal to raise $40,000 for the replacement of Camp Don Bosco's current campfire circle.

Catholic Community Services of Western Washington $8,000 (Archdiocese of Seattle) Seattle, WA In support of those affected by the Oso Mudslide in Snohomish County. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 -0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

Seattle Preparatory School $2,500 Seattle, WA Toward capital campaign expenses ($1000) and annual operating expenses ($1500).

Seattle University $500 Seattle, WA To aid in theatre productions.

Seattle University $1,000 Seattle, WA Toward Seattle University's Campus Ministry retreat expenses.

Sojourner Place/Providence Pariseau $15,000 Seattle, WA Toward portion of a Care Manager's salary and for travel expenses of the In-Home Family Support, helping previously homeless women transition to independent living with children newly returned from foster care.

Gonzaga University $15,000 Spokane, WA Toward faculty stipends for the Gonzaga Neighborhood Mapping Assets and Promoting Strengths Project (M.A.P.S.) - to implement a community-driven approach to urban neighborhood revitalization in Spokane's poorest neighborhoods.

Transitional Programs for Women $10,000 Spokane, WA Toward the salary of a Legal Preparedness Attorney to provide referrals, education, and guidance to assist low-income, vulnerable women meaningful access to the justice system, as well as expenses for supplies and publicity for monthly clinics, a stipend for Spokane County Bar Volunteer Lawyers Program (collaborating agency), and staff salary to track outcomes and grant funding.

St. Joseph Church $6,000 Grafton, WI To purchase ceramic water filters to provide a safe drinking water supply for residents of Los Taros, Dominican Republic. RASKOB FOUNDATION FOR CATHOLIC ACTIVITIES, INC. GRANTS PAID - FORM 990-PF - 51 - 0070060 DECEMBER 31, 2014

St. Ambrose Academy $10,000 Madison, WI For program expenses to build the in-school and after-school tutoring program for current students as well as a summer non-cognitive skills workshop geared toward incoming students, particularly focusing on those who struggle due to a language barrier and/or poor preparation at their former schools.

Dismas Ministry $10,000 Milwaukee, WI Continued funding of program expenses to purchase, print and ship Catholic faith and scripture resources to inmates/immigrant detainees across the United States.

School Sisters of St. Francis $7,000 Milwaukee, WI Toward operating expenses of Asha Bhavan, a residence for destitute, abandoned women.

St. Joseph Academy Child Development Center $10,000 Milwaukee, WI For program expenses to expand the curriculum and services at the Academy.

Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle $13,300 Racine, WI To implement a piggery income-generating project for the rural communities in/around Sabana Yegua, Azua in the Dominican Republic.

Immaculate Conception Church $1,000 Clarksburg, WV Toward the parish's programs to assist the poor and/or where most needed in the parish.

Bethlehem Farm, Inc. $10,000 Talcott, WV For salary/benefits of a Home Repair Project Manager and a Home Repair Site Leader/Service­ Retreat Catechist to work with low-income homeowners in Appalachia.

Total U.S.Grants : $4,745,437 Total International and U.S. Grants $6,759,577 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Grants and Loans Payable as of: 12/3112014 Docket# Tracking# Decision Organization Total Remaining 2015 2016 2017 2018 -NATIONAL

Fl3 N 1001 2013-Al00265 11/23/2013 OG Catholic Church Extension Society $40,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

S14 N 1030 2013-AlOl 190 5/17/2014 OG Oblate School of Theology $75,000.00 $50,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 N 1008 2014-Al00644 11/22/2014 OG The Nurturing Network $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 N 1010 2014-Al00398 11/22/2014 OG Carrnelite NGO $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 N 1017 2014-Al00626 11122/2014 OG National Catholic Partnership on $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 N 1021 2014-Al00334 11/22/2014 OG Guest House, Inc. $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 N 1022 2014-Al00793 11/22/2014 OG Pontifical Council for Justice and $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 N 1028 2014-Al00603 11122/2014 OG Franciscans International $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 N 1030 2014-Al00363 11122/2014 OG Dismas Ministry $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 NATIONAL Total ~1501000.00~1251000.00 ~251000.00 ~0.00 ~0.00 - NORTH EAST AREA COMMITTEE Sl3 NE 2004 2013-Al00009 5/4/2013 OG Sisters ofMercy of the Americas $85,000.00 $30,600.00 $30,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NE 2002 2014-Al00750 11122/2014 OG Medicines for Humanity $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NE 2003 2014-A100288 11122/2014 OG Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent $21,240.00 $21,240.00 $21,240.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NE 2004 2014-Al00440 11122/2014 OG Missionary Oblates of Mary $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NE2005 2014-Al00480 11122/2014 OG Missionary Oblates of Mary $22,000.00 $22,000.00 $22,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NE 2006 2014-Al00289 11/22/2014 OG Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent $26,066.00 $26,066.00 $26,066.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NE 2011 2014-Al00578 11122/2014 OP Catholic Charities ofFairfield $15,500.00 $15,500.00 $15,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NE 2017 2014-AlOOSOO 11/22/2014 OG Northwest Catholic High School $13,150.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NE 2018 2014-Cl04561 11122/2014 OG The Home for the Aged of the $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4NE 2014-Al00349 11122/2014 OG St. Vincent de Paul Middletown $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Grants and Loans Payable as of: 12/3112014 Docket# Trackin(i # Decision Or(ianization Total Remaininli 2015 2016 2017 2018 F14NE 2014-Al00318 11/22/2014 OG College of Our Lady of the Elms $27,000.00 $27,000.00 $27,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NE 2027 2014-AI00832 11122/2014 OG Sacred Heart Parish $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NE 2036 2014-Al00778 11122/2014 OG Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NE 2038 2014-Al00747 11122/2014 OG St. Vincent DePaul Society $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NE 2040 2014-AI00265 11122/2014 OG Hilbert College $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NE 2041 2014-Al00544 11/22/2014 OG Cabrini Immigrant Services of New $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14NE 2014-Al00508 11/22/2014 OG Society of Jesus, New York $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NE 2052 2013-Al01222 11/22/2014 OG Xavier Mission Inc. $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14NE 2014-Al00396 11122/2014 OG Good Shepherd Corporation $25,900.00 $25,900.00 $25,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14NE 2014-Al00542 11/22/2014 OG St. John's Hopice for Men $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

- NORTH EAST AREA COMMITTEE Total 421,306.00 421,306.00 -- -


F13 NW 4102 2013-Al00627 11/23/2013 OG Missionary Oblates ofMary $30,000.00 $20,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00

F13 NW 4109 2013-Al00597 11/23/2013 OG Fostering Hope Foundation $30,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sl4 NW 4028 2014-Al00069 5/17/2014 OG St. Anthony's Church, Bettada $17,000.00 $17,000.00 $17,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

S14 NW 4137 2013-Al01200 5/17/2014 OP Church of St. Michael the $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

S14 NW 4139 2013-A100938 5115/2014 OP St. Andre Bessette Catholic Church $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NW 4001 2014-Al00553 11122/2014 OG Sisters of St. Joseph ofLyons $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NW 4003 2014-A100501 11/22/2014 OG Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4004 2014-Al00505 11122/2014 OG Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NW 4005 2014-A100554 11122/2014 OG St. Paul the Hermit Church (VC $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NW 4008 2014-Al00506 11122/2014 OG Franciscan Sisters of St. Aloysius $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

2 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Grants and Loans Payable as of: 12/31/2014 Docket# Tracking# Decision Organization Total Remaining 2015 2016 2017 2018

F14 NW 4009 2014-Al00463 11/22/2014 OG Daughters of Mary Help of $9,000.00 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NW 4010 2014-Al00577 11/22/2014 OG Fervent Daughters of Sacred Heart $13,000.00 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NW 4012 2014-Al00475 11/22/2014 OG Church (Yingkiong) $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NW 4015 2014-Al00548 11122/2014 OG Daughters of Mary Help of $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NW 4016 2014-Al00602 11122/2014 OG Archdiocese ofKottayam $16,000.00 $16,000.00 $16,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4017 2014-Al00524 11122/2014 OG Daughters of Mary Immaculate $35,800.00 $35,800.00 $35,800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4018 2014-Al00625 11/22/2014 OG Missionary Sisters of Mother Mary $21,000.00 $21,000.00 $21,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4022 2014-Al00531 11122/2014 OG Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of $14,500.00 $14,500.00 $14,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NW 4023 2014-A100495 11122/2014 OG Franciscan Sisters of St. Aloysius $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4024 2014-A100448 11122/2014 OG Our Lady of Refugee Church $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4025 2014-A100650 11122/2014 OG Sacred Heart Mission (Kilacheri) $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4027 2014-Al00535 11/22/2014 OG Diocese ofMuzaffarpur $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4028 2014-A100435 11122/2014 OG Franciscan Sisters of St. Aloysius $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4034 2014-Al00569 11/22/2014 OG Brothers of the Sacred Heart $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4035 2014-A100478 11122/2014 OG Franciscan Sisters of St. Aloysius $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4037 2014-A100663 11122/2014 OG Infant Jesus Shrine (Tada) $10,500.00 $10,500.00 $10,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NW 4038 2014-Al00514 11122/2014 OG Pidathapolur Catholic Mission $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 NW 4039 2014-Al00654 11122/2014 OG Sacred Heart Catholic $14,500.00 $14,500.00 $14,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4040 2014-Al00522 11122/2014 OG Sacred Heart Catholic Mission $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4041 2014-Al00523 11122/2014 OG Sacred Heart Catholic Mission $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4042 2014-A100670 11122/2014 OG St. Ann's Church (Rebala Parish) $6,400.00 $6,400.00 $6,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

3 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Grants and Loans Payable as of: 12/31/2014 Docket# Trackin; # Decision Or;anization Total Remain in; 2015 2016 2017 2018 Fl4 NW 4044 2014-Al00536 11/22/2014 OG Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4045 2014-Al00572 11122/2014 OG Our Lady of Health Church $10,750.00 $10,750.00 $10,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4048 2014-Al00461 11122/2014 OG St. Sebastian Church $10,800.00 $10,800.00 $10,800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4049 2014-Al00599 11122/2014 OG Missionary Oblates ofMary $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4053 2014-Al00503 11122/2014 OG Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4054 2014-Al00584 11122/2014 OG Mary Help of Christians Church $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4055 2014-A100587 11/22/2014 OG Mary Help of Christians Church $16,000.00 $16,000.00 $16,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4057 2014-Al00512 11122/2014 OG Holy Cross Church (Siluvagiri $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4060 2014-Cl04438 11122/2014 OG Our Lady of Lourdes Church $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4061 2014-C104467 11/22/2014 OG Sisters of the Adoration of the $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4062 2014-A100493 11/22/2014 OG Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of $21,000.00 $21,000.00 $21,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4063 2014-A100257 11122/2014 OG St. Thomas Church, $21,000.00 $21,000.00 $21,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4064 2014-Al00366 11/22/2014 OG Holy Redeemeer Church $21,000.00 $21,000.00 $21,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4065 2014-Al00386 11/22/2014 OG Divine Mercy Catholic Church $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4073 2014-A100411 11/22/2014 OG Society of the Divine Word $11,500.00 $11,500.00 $11,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4076 2014-A100472 11122/2014 OG Sahayagiri Hospital $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4097 2014-Al00476 11122/2014 OG Devasagayam Nalvazhvu Nilayam $4,500.00 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4102 2014-A100786 11/22/2014 OG St. Martin de Porres School $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4103 2014-A100592 11122/2014 OG Good Shepherd Gracecenter $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4106 2014-A100740 11122/2014 OG St. Francis High School $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4110 2014-A100766 11122/2014 OG Catholic Charities of Central $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4115 2014-Al00788 11/22/2014 OG Catholic Charities of the Diocese of $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

4 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Grants and Loans Payable as of: 12/31/2014 Docket# Tracking# Decision Organization Total Remaining 2015 2016 2017 2018

Fl4 NW 4117 2014-Al00767 11/22/2014 OG St. Mary Hospital and Regional $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4123 2014-Cl04564 11122/2014 OG Cristo Rey Jesuit High School $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4124 2014-Al00645 11122/2014 OG Dominican Volunteers USA $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4138 2014-Al00550 11122/2014 OG St. Jude Thaddeus School $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4141 2014-Cl04557 11/22/2014 OG Our Lady of Victory Catholic $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 NW 4147 2014-A100596 11122/2014 OG Transitional Programs for Women $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00


Sl4 SE 3012 2014-Al00126 5/17/2014 OG St. Luke Foundation for Haiti $75,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SE 3009 2014-A100716 11122/2014 OG Archdiocese of Santiago de Cuba $5,400.00 $5,400.00 $5,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SE 3012 2014-A l 00516 11122/2014 OG Depaul France $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SE 3015 2014-Al00315 11122/2014 OG Renew Haiti $15,700.00 $15,700.00 $15,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SE 3016 2014-Al 00459 11122/2014 OG PICO National Network $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SE 3018 2014-Al00275 11122/2014 OG St. Francis of Assisi Parish $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SE 3022 2014-A100624 11122/2014 OG Medicines for Humanity $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SE 3028 2014-Al00675 11122/2014 OG Holy Family Hospital of Bethlehem $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SE 3029 2014-Al00807 11122/2014 OG Mar Elias Educational Institutions $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SE 3030 2014-Al00756 11/22/2014 OG Sisters of Mercy-Belmont $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SE 3031 2014-Al00272 11122/2014 OG Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SE 3043 2014-Al00828 11/22/2014 OG Depaul Slovensko $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SE 3046 2014-Al00482 11122/2014 OG School Sisters of St. Francis of $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

5 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Grants and Loans Payable as of: 12/31/2014 Docket# Tracking# Decision Organization Total Remaining 2015 2016 2017 2018

F14 SE 3047 2014-Al00383 11122/2014 OG Instituto Servidoras del Senor y de $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SE 3048 2014-A100745 11/22/2014 OG Archdiocese of Castries $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SE 3051 2014-Cl04441 11/22/2014 OG Servants of the Lord and the Virgin $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SE 3060 2014-Al00744 11/22/2014 OG Pope John Paul II Catholic High $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SE 3063 2014-A100672 11122/2014 OP Society of St. Edmund $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SE 3066 2014-Al00717 11/22/2014 OG Bishop McNamara High School $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SE 3067 2014-Al00340 11/22/2014 OG St. Ann's Center for Children, $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SE 3079 2014-Al00234 11122/2014 OG Family Advancement Ministries $16,000.00 $16,000.00 $16,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SE 3081 2014-Al00335 11122/2014 OG Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SE 3108 2014-Al00408 11122/2014 OG Benedictine Sisters ofVirginia $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00


S14 SW 5046 2013-Al00963 5/17/2014 OG Cristo Rey Albuquerque $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5004 2014-A100657 11122/2014 OG Solidarity Bridge, Inc. $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SW 5005 2014-C104466 11/22/2014 OG Paroquia Santo Inacio de Loyola $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SW 5006 2014-Al00664 11122/2014 OG Sisters of St. Dominic of $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SW 5007 2014-C104576 11/22/2014 OG Archdiocese of San Salvador $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5008 2014-Al00741 11122/2014 OG Parroquia Sangre de Cristo $24,000.00 $24,000.00 $24,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SW 5010 2014-A100565 11122/2014 OG The Association of Volunteers in $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SW 5012 2014-Cl04575 11122/2014 OG Centro de Ayuda para la Mujer $27,500.00 $27,500.00 $27,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SW 5016 2014-Al00352 11/22/2014 OG Hospital San Carlos $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

6 Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Grants and Loans Payable as of: 12/3112014 Docket# Tracking# Decision Organization Total Remaining 2015 2016 2017 2018

F14 SW 5017 2014-AIOOSIO 11/22/2014 OG Jesuit Mission ofBachaj6n $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SW 5021 2014-Al00700 11/22/2014 OG Centro Cristo Rey del Niiio y $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

F14 SW 5022 2014-Al00310 11/22/2014 OG Salesian Sisters of the Sacred $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5027 2014-Al00582 11/22/2014 OG Diocese ofMati $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5030 2014-Al00568 11/22/2014 OG Daughters of Mary Help of $14,400.00 $14,400.00 $14,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5032 2014-Al00752 11122/2014 OG Diocese of Tucson $22,500.00 $22,500.00 $22,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5033 2014-Al00674 11122/2014 OG Molloy College $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5039 2014-Al00751 11/22/2014 OG Providence Holy Cross Medical $17,000.00 $17,000.00 $17,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5045 2014-Al00687 11122/2014 OG Antonine Sisters Adult Day Care $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5047 2014-Al00597 11/22/2014 OG Casa Cornelia Legal Services $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5052 2014-Al00336 11122/2014 OG Mercy Hospital Washington $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5054 2014-Al00330 11122/2014 OG Sacred Heart Catholic School $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5056 2014-Al00259 11/22/2014 OG Archdiocese of Santa Fe $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5060 2014-Al00539 11/22/2014 OG San Miguel School of Tulsa $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5064 2014-Al00304 11/22/2014 OG Diocese of Beaumont $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5065 2014-Al00305 11122/2014 OG Diocese of Beaumont $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5069 2014-Al00389 11/22/2014 OG Tigua Native American Ministry $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5070 2014-A 100262 11/22/2014 OG Catholic Charities (Diocese ofFort $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fl4 SW 5078 2014-A100688 11122/2014 OG Merced Housing Texas $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SOUTH WEST AREA COMMITTEE Total I ~4711400.00$4711400.00 ~0.00 ~0.00 ~0.00 - Grand Total $2,331,056.00 $2,280,056.00 $51,000.00 $0.00 $0.00