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EXPLORETlIE POSSIBllmES MANLiNE INSTANTlY CONNECTS YOUwirh hundreds of guys righr now in Houston. The selection is as broad as yO~lr imagination. You'll hear messages from guys in 12 categories. so YOLI can meet the men who are right for YOLl. Ir's really easy. Arrange a dare or use exciting Man-ro-Man live connections ro get ro know each other right away, over rhe phone. No bar rab, No loud music. You're at home, on your own ground. ADS ARE FREE TO BROWSE! You'll talk with more guys on one call rhen you did alilasr monrh. IMe does not pre-screen its callers and assumes no liability when meeting with someone through our service. Adults t 8 years of age or older only. 'Free to call within the 713 area code. TWT JANUARY 23 - JANUARY 29 1998 PAGES VOLUME 23, NUMBER 47 JANUARY 23 - 29, 1998 14 THEATRE Ascendancy at Stages in Houston by Gary Laird FRESH BEATS Melodie Crittenden, Debra Michaels and San Antonio's Own , L,,· .. ·,'.'F;~ 26 MOlY ~:i>, •.. George Strait Shake Up the Country Charts by Jimmy Smith ~ ~ II ».\'<':'~~: ~~. 30 ON OUR COVER Chris Gerrard photos by Exposure by Tio 39 CURRENT EVENTS 43 BACKSTAGE MAC in Dallas Presents The Night Lorry Kromer Kissed Me, Houston's Queer Artist Collective Seeks Videos 47 STARSCOPE Mars Changes Signs, Redirecting Our Energy into New Battles, But Neptunes Moves, Too, Throwing Potholes in Our Way r~.".~ 59 SPORTS DOCK 60 TEXAS NEWS D ALL A 8 ••~. 67 TEXAS TEA 79 CLASSIFIEDS 85 GUIDE TWT (This Week In Texas) Is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co" at 3300 Reagan Street In Dallas, Texas 75219 and 811 Westhelmer In Houston, Texas 77006. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of Its staff. Publication 01 the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising In TWT Is not to be construed as any Indication of the sex- ual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $79 per year, $40 per half year. Back Issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1998 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT Isspecifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay & Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 DALLASOFFICE PUBLISHER HOUSTONOFFICE 3300 Reagan Street ALAN GELLMAN 811 Westhelmer. Suite 111 Dallas, Texas 75219 EDITOR Houston, Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214) 520-8948 RICHARD HEBERT Houston Fax (713) 527-8948 (214) 521-0622 COMPTROLLER (713) 527-9111 ~-mail: [email protected]!! STEVEMILES E-mail: [email protected] ARTDEPARTMENTRichard Bang, R. Smith, David Parnell CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSDonnie Angelle, Don Baker, Elizabeth Birch, Robert Bois, Mark Deaton, Chris Gray, Phil Johnson, Gary Laird, C. Lichtenstein, Steven Lindsey, Jimmy Smith, Cody Young STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSJohn Bartiromo, Roy James, Robert Miller, Shawn Northcutt, Jerry Stevens, Tlo, Albert Tovar NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214)521-0622. FAX 520-TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson In your nearest city. Austin- James Frank (512) 441-9452 - Houston I Galveston - (713) 527-9111 All other Texas cities- Steve Miles (214) 521-0622 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING • Dallas-Chase Gutierrez' Houston-Brian Keever TWT© 1998 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANERUFF,PRESIDENTI CEO I DIRECTOR BY GARY LAIRD he atmosphere is a heady mix of T excitement and anxiety, and at first glance it seems that everyone con- cerned has gone off on a particularly cir- cuitous tangent. If there is any order in this chaos, it's difficult to spot, and the noise level only adds to the confusion. In other words, the situation is perfectly normal for Holland (William Hardy), who's long past a show one week before opening. burnout and looking for an escape. The We are at Stages Repertory Theatre in running joke is that Dr. Holland is never "in." Houston for a run-through of Gary Bona- The center is run by Kate McCleary (Anne sorte's new play Ascendancy, which opens Quackenbush), a nurse so dedicated to this evening, Jan. 23. Bonasorte is on hand her task that she refuses to give in to her for the rehearsal, as he has been for much own emotional and physical exhaustion. of the process, and we get a chance to Her worst fear is that she will become cyn- talk. "It's been a good experience," he says. ical. The camp receptionist, Jason (Robin "I listen, rewrite, listen, rewrite. I've rewrit- Burke), vamping on the phone like the love ten one whole child of Eve Arden and scene this trip." His Harvey Fierstein, com- voice is soft, his pletes the staff. Add to this manner courtly, mix lovers Robert (Joel almost Southern - Sandel) and Nick (Lew not at all what one Temple), Marie (Alissa expects of a New Albans) and Jimmy (Bryan Yorker. He calls me Bounds), and the stage is "Darlin,''' but not in set. that L.A. "Let's do It is axiomatic that good lunch" way. There's writers write from experi- no affectation. ence. That doesn't mean Okay, now that I've that Melville actually spent stereotyped both his life chasing a big white coasts, let's move whale, but many elements, on. especially relationships, Ascendancy is are drawn from life. In the the story of a group case of Ascendancy, of people who Bonasorte's experience is come together in somewhat more direct. an AIDS treatment While he was working in center where New York with another of they're involved in a his plays, The Aunts, in drug trial. Driven by desperation, they 1989, his stage manager was having diffi- agree to become human guinea pigs, and culty obtaining a certain drug. Bonasorte in the course of the experiment they draw got involved, eventually joining ACT-UP, closer to each other, searching for a glim- specializing in treatment and data. As a mer of hope. The clinic is headed by Dr. result, he co-founded CRIA, the Com- PAGE 14 TWT JANUARY 23 - JANUARY 29 1998 munity Research Initiative on AIDS, in a writer to give." 1990, and remained active in the effort to So here we are, back at the run-through. develop and provide AIDS treatments. We're cautioned that it's rough, but I'm Ascendancy is the product of this' used to this nuts-and-bolts stage of re- experience. hearsal, and there are things one can see Stages Director Rob Bundy met Bona- now that might get lost later. What I see sorte in New York while directing work- first - or rather, hear - is the beautifully shops of some of his other plays. "I felt real nuanced dialogue. People rarely speak in simpatico with Gary," Bundy says. "We real life as they do on the stage, and the maintained the connection over the years, trick is to make it seem real; to make the and when I came to Houston, I invited him audience believe that these people are to do a reading of Ascendancy here. It was saying these things to each other. Bona- phenomenally successful, and we decided sorte accomplishes that, and as a result of to put it in the season. Of course the ques- believing the characters, you immediately tion is always, 'Is the audience ready?,' but relate to them, care about them. And once this play has such an openhearted mes- you care, you're hooked. The actors - all sage, and a core of hope - a lovely gift for of them terrific - perform as all actors do ID an ID associates update illAssociates Announces It's New, Expanded Offices at Presbyterian Medical Center To serve you better, ID I • -- Associates announces the expansion of it's Presbyterian Medical Center offices. Atour Presbyterian Left, Gebre Tseggay, MD office we offer multi- Center,Eliane Haren, MD' . Edward Goodman, MD disciplinary services including infectious disease and HIV medicine. So, for your medical care needs, consider the staff and services of ID Associates at our From leftto right: Eliane Haron, MD and Kay Bellis, RN expanded Presbyterian Medical Center office. 1][110 ASSOCIATES AI 1'1('\b\lCIIllI1 Un/lIll/(('I/t('r •. ------ Office locations: Presbyterian Medical Center» 8230 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 300· Dallas, Texas 75231·214-691-8306 St. Paul Medical Center» 5939 Harry Hines Blvd., Suite 800· Dallas, Texas 75235 • 214-879-2387 Irving Medical Center» 2001 N. MacArthur Blvd., Suite 650 • Irving, Texas 75061 ·972-253-1288 Medical City» 7777 Forest Lane, Building D, Suite 220· Dallas, Texas 75230·972-661-5550 PAGE 16 TWT JANUARY 23 - JANUARY '29 1998 at this stage of the game, somewhere Ascendancy opens at Stages Repertory, between brilliance and "Oh my God, we're 3201 Allen Pkwy, this evening (Friday, Jan. opening in a week!" I have no doubt that on 23). Call (713)52-STAGE for tickets or more information. Stages will host the fol- Room opening night, they will be far to the left of lowing seminars and discussions (free and PRE§ENT§ the spectrum. open to the public) concurrent with the run The run-through continues; there are of Ascendancy: mechanical details to iron out, but the light "Latest Advances in AIDS Treatment" - shines through. Quackenbush glows as the Saturday, Jan. 24, at 4 p.rn. heroic Kate, and Sandel is heartbreaking "Counseling Issues: The Psychology of .~~~eeee and funny as Robert. There's a metaphysi- HIV" - Sunday, Jan. 25, at 2 p.m. pe=~ming cal element to the plot that's particularly "The Culture of HI VIAIDS" - Wednesday, &EORIiE ACOSTA affecting, and I won't spoil it for you except Jan.