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Cascade Historical Society



W.E. Upjohn Center for the Study of Geographical Change Department of Geography Michigan University 1100 Welborn Hall 269-387-3364 [email protected] Published O UR PHONE Every LOW ELL Thursday TW7-9262

Serving The Forest Hills Area

VOLUME V T HURSDAY, FEBRUARY ll, 1960 Make Plans For Ada Cascade Fire P. T. A. Annual Carnival Junior High Girls fill Dirne Cards for Polio fund The Ada P. T . A. Carnival "Cir­ Chief Makes cus Time" will be held on Friday evening, F ebruary 19, beginning Yearly Report at 6 p. m. in the Ada Elementary school. Cascade F ire Chief, Sybrant Dyk­ house, report~ that in 1959 there On Tuesday morning, February I were 59 calls answered. Twenty­ 16, there will be a meeting of all seven of these were within t he of the mothers working on the Car­ township and of t hese 27, five were nival, at the home of the chair­ dwelling fires ; seven were a uto­ man, Mrs. Bruce Phillion 1235 mobile and truck fires; eleven were Thornapple River Dr . S. E., at grass fires a nd four other fires. 10 a . m. The loss on dwellings was $300; A li ght supper will be served so loss on contents of the dwellings her e's a chance to bring the en­ was $150; loss on a utom obiles and tire family. There will be Bar-B­ trucks, $3,450. Q's, hot dogs, tuna fish salad, po­ This is the best year the F ire tato chips, donuts, cookies, milk, D e p a r t m e n t has had for t he coffee and soft drinks for sale. I amount of loss and for the' number of fires. To Organize Calvinist I We gave assistance to other Cadet Corps, February 12 Townships in larger fires where more help was needed. I On Friday evening, February 12, Nine of the eleven grass fires all boys and parents are invited last year were caused by careless to meet at t he Cascade Christian burning of rubbish. True, the num- Reformed church at 7 :30 p, m. ber of grass fires was down this to talk over t he possibility of or­ past year, but there is still a great ganizing a Calvinist Cadet Corp. deal of room for improvement. If A representative of t he Cadets you a re going to burn r ubbish, will meet with us to show us the stay and watch it, to see that a J purpose of the Cadets and to set fire doesn't start in the grass up a group if there is enough in- n earby, terest shown. T here a re twenty-five active vol- u nteer firemen on t he job to serve J.\llR, AND MRS. CLUB TO you- not only in case of a fire, HOLD POTLUCK DINNER C. J. Boerman, princi[Htl o[ Forest Hills Jr. High School, is pic ­ but in any other emergency. There tured here helping Lee VanderStoep, 4084 Knapp, a 11 d Gloria The Mr. a nd Mrs . Club of the Cascade 4-H is oxygen available for heart at­ Haveng·a, 4747 Knapp, complete the collection of O\'er 700 dimes to i\da Community Reformed church tack cases and a resuscitator in fill the card saying, " Join the l\farch of Dim es." The girl<; worked will hold a potluck dinner on Fri­ Meeting, F eh. 12 case of drownings. These men are each da.y taUcin~ up the worthwhile effort of t he Po.Mo campaign day evening, F ebruary 12, at 7 The Cascade Communily 4-H I at your service. and each day more dimes were added to the cards, Last Thurs­ p. m. .\]l ....ouples of c;,e church Club will hold their reg:.:la:' meet­ day only this last canl saying, " Dim es" still r em a ined to be filled a r e welcome. ing on Friday evening, February but that has !Jeen done. The two eighth graders qollected over 12, at the Fellowship Hall of the Rev. Raymond Gaylord to Each couple i" ~~t· .~ ri to bring $70.00 in dimes in this week-long project. Cascade Christian church at 8 P. m. Attend Seminar, Feb. 16-19 a covered dish or a ~drn u . Coffee, rolls and dessert will be furnished There will be a business m eeting Rev. Raymond Gaylord, pastor by the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Max and the remainder of t he evening Sunshine Com. Club of the Cascade Christia n church , Scanlon and Mr. a nd Mrs. P eter will be spent in wrapping Valen­ Booster s Near will attend the I nterdenomination­ VandenBos. tine boxes to be given to t he pa­ Elects New Officers al Churchmen's Seminar in Wash­ tients in the Lowell Rest Home $3,000 Mark ington D . C., from Tuesday, Feb­ and t he Miller Rest Home. The Sunshine Community Club STUDENT S TO SELECT will meet Tuesday, F ebruary The Boosters Club's finance com- ruary 16 to Friday, F ebruar y 19. 011 SCHOOL SONG, FEB. 15 Several groups of girls have been 16, at 1 p. m . for a potluck lunch- mittee reported at thefr last regu­ There will be 250 per sons from making gifts, but those who have eon at the home of Mrs. Pleun Jar m eeting that they now ha ve 15 differ ent denominations a ttend­ Students of t he Forest Hills High not been asked to bring a nything, Lock, 612 Forest Hills s. E. nearly $3,000 in the Treasury. This ing this seminar . School will hold an assembly for please bring 50 cents to defray The newly elected officers of is the a mount needed in order thirty m inutes on Monday, F ebru­ the cost of wrapping paper a nd PARIS GRANGE TO ary 15, for the purpose of selecting the Club will preside at this meet- to be able to finance the tot

BRUCE FLOOR CLEANER is FOR SALE-HAY. Baled alfalfa. ..., ·M4*¥¥ economical, easy to use, and your 3rd cutting. Boyd Anderson. OR •....•• .. For Sale-General floors do I o o k better. 98c at Suburban Life WANT AD PAGE 6-2628. c42-43 Wanted Lowell Lumber & Coal. c43 CASH RATE: 20 words 50c, additional words 2c each. If not SEELEY CONSTRUCTION- Build­ FOR S.\LE GOOD ALFALFA hay. CROCHETED A='ID Flannel baby paid on or before 10 days after insertion, a charge of lOc ing and remodeling. Cement WANTED- MAN, to assist super­ for bookkeeping will be made. Rl) I. Coat,;, Ul\ 8-2184. c..t3-44 sets. Also m a ny other hand made work, basements, blocks, chim­ visor and train for field manager calling on rural areas and small and crocheted items . Grace BOX NUl\IBER: If box number in care of this office is de- neys and fireplaces. Houses, gar­ FOR SALE 2-\rHEEL TRAILER; Vaughan. 216 Maple Street, Low- sired, acid 50c to above. ages, additions and barns. All towns in Kent Co. and surround­ ing area. Average $25 to $35 per Remington electric razor: double ell , TW 7-9871. c43 ALL ERRORS in telephone advertisements at sender's risk. kinds of buildings. Experienced day in earnings. Healthy pro­ bed, bo:--; springs a nd mattress., FOR SALE- CHEVROLET 6-c 1. RATES are based strictly on uniform Want Adv. Style. and guaranteed work. Ph. L. J. WE SOLVE Some odf*ft'tMtMiM wt:W W Where the 'Parking .l an order for 10,000 muskrat, 2,000 Two or three bedroom home near Wrapped ready-for :your freezer . , raqpoon, 500 mink. Am paying Cascade or Ada under $10,000. Also butchering of beef and hogs " Is Easy .: .'!9P :-market prices to get thetn._ Three or four be~froom home, pre- 6 d3;YS a week. Alto Meat Pro- t. .. SE Will buy at my residence on ferably two story w_itl-) s~m'i! acre-) cessmg Plant, UN 8-3411. c27 tf WALTER'S Mondays, Wednesdays." Sat u r­ age, $15,000 to $20,000 price range. % GRAIN FED BEEF, cut up 46c days and evenings. G. Corson, C!&111!J·@!i1J1 LUMBER MART Three or four bedrooms, mod, located 5 miles southwest of Cas ernized -older home, in Lowell, a lb. Hinds 52c, fronts, 42c. TE PENNSYLVANIA EVERGREEN cade at 4929 Patterson Ave., SE" up to ·$15,000. Wrapped and frozen 4c a lb. ex- Seedlings. We have the best for Grand Rapids, Mich. Phone Mi, Farm, up to 80 acres, under $l5,- tra. 1h small lean beef, 43c cut up. Christmas trees. Pines, Spruces, I 8-8821. c33-43 000. Small lean pigs, 24c a lb. cut llI!!JMifIEg~..=:::::.) Firs. Send for listing today. ------R. J. Timmer R ealty, 583 Ada up (average $25 to $35). Custom SCHROTH'S NURSERY GLASS FOR YOUR WINDOWS, al Drive. OR 6-3901. c43-44 butchering, cutting, wrapping and INDIANA, PA. sizes. Putty and caulking guns freezing. East Paris Packing Co. ale p4148 We repair and glaze. Ada Hard 4200 East Paris Rd., S. E. Phone ware, OR 6-4811. c42 tf MY 8-8407. After 5 p , m. Call GUARANTEED WATCH, ring and For Rent EM 1-0800. c38 tf The tremendous acceptance of the all new 1960 jewelry repair. Avery Jewelers, WINTER SPE CIALS on Toboggans DODGE and DODGE DART has flooded our lot Lowell. c7 tf and skates. Up to 20 percent off Also used skates, and skates shar, FOR RENT- Modern four room • with DEPENDABLE USED CARS. We must sell TRUSSES- Trained fitter, surgical pened. Ada Hardware. OR 6-4811 and bath apartment . Heated and Personal One-Owner Trades these cars at BARGAIN PRICES to make room appliances, etc. Koss Rexall c-42tf furnished. Private entrance. Riv- ... Drugs, Saranac, Mich. c39 tf ------erside dr. TW 7-7965. p43 for more trade-ins. DAY OLD OR STARTED Ghostley WEDDING INVITATIONS - Nap­ TRUCKING EVERY THURSDAY P earl Pullets, winners of New FURNISHED APT. for rent. TW 7- kins, gift-box stationery, 1-day to Lake Odessa stock sale. Call York Central Random Sample 9887. Earl Starbard. p43 service; open evenings. Free GUARANTEED In Writing George Francisco, TW 7-7818. tests for EGG QUALITY, should brides books, J. C. Keena, ALL CARS THOROUGHLY RE-CON­ c46 tf average 240 to 250 or more eggs P atronize SUBURBAN LIFE Ad- 635 Thomas, S. E., Grand Rapids. . . . even TIRES Guaranteed DITIONED AND GUARANTEED per year for you, eggs average vertisers. CH 3-1838. c35 tf PIANO TUNING and Repairing. 251h to 26 oz. for year. Attrac SIX MONTHS by McGraw Tire Company _Have your piano tuned electronic­ tive prices on Started Pullets I ally. Tuning, $7.50 plus mileage. all ages. Deliveries to your Farm * NO TAXl-CABS, POLICE OR AUC­ Orval Jessup, Phone TW 7-7366, free. Write for catalog, or better TION CARS Lowell. c36 tf yet pay us a visit. MacPherson 1959 FORD Custom Tudo·r \~. Hatcher y, Ionia. p-42-46 DRAPERY HARDWARE- Every­ FARM AUCTION • 1959 PLYMOUTH Hardtop NO PRICE-JUGGLING ..• ALL CARS thing you need, curtain rods, ICE SKATES- Boys' size 3 and Having leased the farm, we will sell the following at the * draw drapery hardware, other farm, located 4 miles north of Ionia on M-66 to Hubbe.J, Road; • 1959 MERCURY Sedan girls' or boys' size 7, black. $3 ,. HONESTLY PRICED styles of window accessories. a pair. Call TW 7-9261 days or then 1 mile west, or 3 miles south of l\'I-44 on M-66 to Hubbel 1959 FORD Statio111 Wagon Window shades m ade to order. TW 7-9844 evenings. p41 tf Road, then 1 miles west, on : BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES Roth's Furniture Store. Ph. TW • 1958 FORD Sedan * BANK FINANCING LIBERAL 7-7391, Lowell. c6 tf NEW POLAROID CAMERAS 1957 FORD Fairlane Tudor With electric eye. Indoor pie Saturday, Feb. 13, 1960 ,.• TERMS POTTED TULIPS and Hyacinths, tures without flash bulbs with 1957 PLYMOUTH 2-Door Cyclaman, foliage plants, dish 3,000 Speed Picture Roll a nd re 12:30 P.M. SHARP gar dens and planters. Birchwood peat Wink-Light. Available for • 1957 FORD Sedan Gardens, 730 Godfrey Street. Call your old camera too. ONE YEAR • 1956 OLDS 88 Hardtop See these down-to-earth TW 7-7737. c4~ tf ,. TO PAY. Avery's Jewelers. bargains today! INCOME TAX SERVICE for busi­ c21 t 23 Head of Holsteins. ,. 1956 FORD Station Wagon ness. farm or individuals. R ea- AUCTIONEER 'SERVICE. My rec Bangs Tested •. . Individual Slips 1956 OLDS Sedan sonable rates. Call Bill Fritz, TW ord in sales work speaks for it- • 7-7262 after 4 :40 P. m. p40-50 self. Make your sale date with 11 CARS .•. 1955 AND OLDER j THIS IS THE BIG SALE OF THE YEAR WELL DRILLING AND REPAIR, m e now. I'll help you plan. Geo HAY • Save Money Now At.Your • new pumps and service. Frank Va nderMeulen, a uctioneer. Phone Feeder Pigs 1,000 Bales Alfalfa PRICED TO MOVE! Chrysler Corp. Quality Dealer Averill, jr., Phone OR 6-450l. If Dutton MY 8-8571. p43 300 Bales Straw ; no answer call OR 6-1108. c49 tf FOR SALE- Straw and baled hay. 1 FOR SALE- WOOD AT FARM or 1st and 2nd cutting. Jacob Koenes LARGE LIST delivered. Also Frigidaire re- 8650 - 52nd St., S. E., UN 8-3634 AH Are Priced to SAVE YOU MONEY! frigerator a nd baled straw. TW - c-42-43 FREE LICE SE PLATES 7-7057 c42 tf BOTTLED GAS- Movmg? Let us GOOD FARM TOOLS convert your present city gas 1952 I.H.C. Super i\'I Tractor, Powe1·-trol, A-1 19-18 I.H.C. "H" ON ALL PASSENGER CARS PURCHASED ,~ For GOODWILL used cars stove to bottled gas and install Tractor, Hydnmlic Lift Oliver 3-16 Tractor Plow, 3 yrs. old, FROM US BEFORE MARCH 1, 1960 'Cl and trucks, see or call FREE Bottled gas equipment at Trip Bottom I .H.C. 16·ft. Spring Tooth Drag Nearly New DOYLE - SCHNEIDER 1960 your new home. Call CH 3-1482, John D eere VanBr1mt 17-hoe Grain DriU, has clrille cl only 150 A's PONTIAC. We trade, finance and Wolverine Shellane Service, 3758 No. 250 2-row Spring Tooth Tractor Cultivato1·, 17-tooth 2-row guarantee, 423 W. Main, TW 7-1 South Divison Ave., Grand Rap­ Bean Puller, to fit Tractor CultiYator above Rubber Tired LICENSE PLATES ••• FREE Sales Department Open Friday Evening. 9257, Lowell. c47 tf ids. c5 tf Power·trol l.H.C., 10-ft. 20-in. lHade Tandom Disk 12 Y2 -foot Hea, ·y Duty Cult ipacker New Idea Man111·1> Spreader (lg. size), For an Appointment Any Other A-l J ohn ' Deere 4-bar Hay Rake Massey-Harris 6-ft. Com­ DURING FEBRUARY Evening Pl ease Phone bine, like new, PTO 2- 5-ton Rubber Tired Wagons, (1 stand­ C &. B SILO TIME! ard tread, 1 wide) 6 and 8 ply tires with Steel Boxes No. 290 TW 7-9281 - TW7-7593 - TW 7-7543 - TW 7-9521 2-row John Deer e Tractor Corn Planter , Fertilizer Attachment Stop, Shop ... Kick the Tires Order For Early Erection And Many, Many l\fore Items ' WE WILL "PUT IN FOUNDATIONS IF D ESIRED TERl\IS-Cash. No goocls r emoved from pre mises until settled J ckson Motor Sales -ALSO - for. Not res ponsible fo r accidents. "The Home of Dependable Used Cars" Silo Unloaders and feeders ALL TOOLS SOLD UNDER COVER IF WEATHER I S BAD! ns LUNCH ON GROUl\'DS Jay B I DODGE - DODGE DARTS - DODGE TRUCKS FORD INCORPORATED 930 W. Main St., Lowell Ph. TW 7-9281 R. A. WITT NBACH CARL GOODMAN, Prop. Ford - Mercury -Thunderbird BUY WITH CONFIDENCE PHONE TW 7·7213 J{cn 1\-Tcacl, Auctioneer Vern Sho'hvell, Clerk 149 S. Hudson Lowell - TW 7-9280 c43 tf . J I 1. I


LARGE 14-0Z. JAR c $ roHs

··· . Pick·A.JBag of

.APPLES! : . .. . ,• ~' ...... ~ . ' . - ··· ·

. . * U.S. ·No. 1 MCINTOSH *JO ATHANS 5 SCHOOL BOY lb. bag

DELICIOUS ' STORE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. * Thurs., Fri. 9 A.M. to 9 P. M. Sat. 9 A.M. to 7 P. M. THE FRIENDLY STORE WITH THE PERSON . TOUCH cs ;a south section line 300 feet on the nine o'clock ln the forenoon until ly pumping th;! ra e pedal. south side and 300 feet on the west five o'clock in the afternoon, the 6. Skidding is an indication of side, 17.1 Acres. apportionment for benefits and the speed too fast for conditions. 7. Last-minute maneuvers are NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ·lands comprised within the Martin rna ~~~~Nile# Cascade Township-Section 6 dangerous on slipper y pavement That I, Fred M. Pattison, County and Beak No. 228 Drain Special because they are likely to cause Congressman Drain Commissioner of the County All of the W'h of the section also, Assessment Districts will be sub­ of Kent, State of Michigan, will, the part of the NE ~ lying W of ject to review. skidding. • "These are some of the basic on the 2nd day of March A. D . Spaulding Avenue, 320.05 Acres; JERRY FORD AND YOU AND EACH'OF YOU, things to know. for save winter 1960, at the Office of the Drain The South 2020 feet of the West driving," Mr. Schindler conclud­ Commissioner, on the 3rd floor of 330 feet of that part W'h NE~ ly­ Owners and persons interested in the County Building, located on ing East of the centerline of Spauld­ the aforesaid lands, are hereby ed. The first roll-call votes of this Ievents. The resolution -was adopt- the corners of Bond Avenue, Cres­ ing Avenue, 15. 27 fl.cres; cited to a ppear at the time and session occurreq last Tuesday ed 392 . to 0. cent Street and Ottawa Avenue in The North 1648 feet of the W'h place of such reviewing of appor­ when three bills were passed "un- DISPOSAL OF FARM SURPLUS: the City of Grand Rapids, in said SE~ except the East 760 feet, 21.20 tionments as a foresaid, and be der suspension of the rules. " This a recent item on agricultural County of Kent at 1:00 o'clock in Acres; heard with respect to such special procedure, which requires a two- 1 surpluses prompted a reader to the afternoon of that day receive assessments and your interests in TV News thirds vote for passage, prohibits ask, "Why not give away the com- closed bids until 2 :00 o'clock in the Cascade Township-Section 7 relation thereto, if you so desire. RUSSIAN IHADE EASY amendments from the floor, and modities ?" During the fiscal year afternoon of that day, when bids That pt. of N'h N'h NW% lying Dated this 18th day of January limits debate, by-passes the Com- 1959, the Dept. of Agriculture will be opened and publicly an­ west of a line described as: Com. A. D. 1960. Larry Lesueur, who is returning mittee on RuJes. disposed of $2.6 billion wqrth of nounced for the construction of a at the Nortb. one-quarter corner FRED M. PATTISON, to Moscow as head of CBS's re­ opened news bureau at least will By a vote of 278 to 116 the House surplus commodlties (cost value). certain Drain known and designa­ of Sec. 7, th. south along the N-S~ County Drain Commissioner, approved a bill to remove for two This was about equally divided be- ted as "MARTIN AND BEAK NO. be able to talk with the Russians. of sd. Sec. 660 ft., th. S 89 degrees County of Kent years the 2'h percent duty on im- tween exports I)'loticin pictures, mag- adequate security for the per­ s~~~~D 20c GET YOUR BREAD mands" in P!»JI!ma and voted. azines, and books. ;_ It is not think- foPmance of the work, in the sum NOW Por· Lb. 381 to 12 in s~port. '

vent tire recurrence of s u c h moral and soc;ial s,tarn;lard. This will be required to deposit with • • , ~ " , I\ • • ' • ; , .., ;i- ~ : :•-:t-.. '> ' , • - ;>' >, • '} work of the Committee deserves the Drainage Board a certified the endorsement of .every member check or cash to the ,amount of \' of Congre~"'and . of all our citizens. 5 percent of the cost of the Drain work proposed a s a guarantee that I can assure you that I wi!J give he will enter into contract and F& P CANNED FRUIT SALE! wholehearted 5upport to a ny con- structive· recommendations , of the furnish the Tequired bond as· pre­ Committee~ ' scribed by Jaw. The checks of all unsuccessful bidders will be re- F & P WHOLE. UNPEEtED . .Yj;:ARB, oou:s AND, 0 T H E R, t d ft t t d I AVAILABLE.,MATERIAL : Unfor- urne a er con rac s are awar - 29-oz ..c ans ed. The ·payments for the a bove 3 $1 tunately, our entire supply of the mentioned work will be made as ~ancy ~pricots You could be a \Vi.n ner in · 1959 Yearbook of Agriculture en follows: Drain Orders payable Ap­ Eberharci's Bonus Carel Con­ " F aod" is eichausteq. We ao have ril 15, 1961, after completion and F&P FANCY .. ; test. You conic\ win up to a limited number of the following final inspection and acceptance of 29:oz. cans $1,000. Pick up y01.1r Bonus Morning WorsJµp ..•. 10:00 A. M. yearbooks which are available for all work. 3 $1 this Carll week. You get a the asking : 1958 on "Land;" 1957 Bartlett; Pears Church Sch<>j>l ...... 10:00 A. M. free Bonus Card punch worth on "Soil;" 1955 on Water;:' 1954 NOTICE IS FURTHER HERE­ 1 ' t l • NUfsery Proviiled $2.00 every Tuesday. Rev. Alvin C. Br,ewer, Pastor on "Marketing;" 1953 on " Plant BY GIVEN, that on Friday the F & P FANCY HALVES OR SLICES Diseases ;" 1950-51 on "Cvops in 1st day of April, 1960, at the office Eastmont Reformed Peace and War." of the Drain Commissioner on the 329 -oz. cans $1 CHUl«JH Bulletins on '.' Infant Care" and 3rp floor of the County Building, Elberta Peaches "Family Fare" (cook book) are in the City of Grand Rapids, Coun­ Cor. Ada Dr. and Forest Hills Ave. F& P FANCY "The Church Where There Are available. We also have a n excel­ ty of Kent, or at such other time No Strangers" lent 36-page · pamphlet answering and place thereafter, to which I, 4303cans 171 questions on "American Gov­ the County Drain Commissioner $1 WELCOMJ"S YOU Fruit Cocktai.I ernment" which wi!J be sent on aforesaid, may adjourn the sam e, Services: 10 :00 A. M. and 7 P. M. the apportionment for benefits a nd Sunday School: 11 A. M. request. F & P FANCY CANNED the lands comprised within the The Rev. Collins D. Weeber-Min. Parsonage 4637 Ada Dr. GL 4-9828 Olympic Games "MARTIN AND BEAK No. 228 4303cans $1 OVER $20,000 GIVEN IN Drain Special Assessment District," Boysenberries CASH PRIZES ! Check your Ada Community .Began in 776, B. C, and the a pportionments thereof will IHagic Card nmnber in our Ref rmed Church be subject to review for one day, store each week. Y 011 conic\ 9 be a \vinner. 7227 Thornapple River Drive The · Olympic Games,. part . of Ifro'? nini; ?'clock. in the forenoon which wi!l be held in Squaw Val- until fi ve o dock m the afternoon. With Mailed Coupon Morning Worship .. lO:OO A. M. ley, California, in February, were At said rev1~w the _com?utat10n of 11 Sunday School.· ··· · :20 A. M. so important to the ancient Greeks costs for said Dram will also be Snowdrif.t Shor,tening 3-lb. can J 9 C ~ OR MAXWELL HOUSE Evening Worship ... 7:30 P. M. that they were used to measure open for inspection by any parties Save lOc ' Pastor : The Rev Lester W. Muller time. mterested. Phone QR 6·1685 The original games were foot The following is a description of each 29c We invite you to make this com- races in honor of Zeus, King of t h e severa 1 trac t s or parce1 s -o f Pven Fresh Jelly Rolls munity church your churnh home. the Greek gods. In the 300's B. C. l an d cons t't1 u t m· g th e s pecial A s- , Country Fresh CNO DEALER SALES) Welcome to all! D. · D Buttermilk 2 quarts 29c ------I it became customary to mark time sessment 1stnct of said rain, Ada Christian Reformed in " Olympiads," the periods of viz: four years between celebrations of Grand Rapids Township-Section 36 FREE 25 ftJ.W: Green Stampsn~i~ OHURCH the Olympic Games. All events Morning WorSliip 9:80 A. M. WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF were dated from 776 B. C., the Eastmont P lat-Lots 20 to 39 inc. ~ I Sunday School 11 A, M. DOOR :oo date of the first recorded race. & Lots 66 to 213 inc., 43.2 Acres; EBERHARD'S ARISTOCRAT i ~MAGIC Evening Worship 7 :00 P. M. The custom disappeared about Orchard Homes Plat-Lots 1 to qt. Pastor-Rev. A. J. Verburg A. D. 440, after the 304th Olym p· 116 inc., 24.9 Acres; Mayonnaise 63c ~ Limit l·Conpou per Family ..• Coupon Cascade Christian Ref. iad. .AU of the E'h SE~ ex. Eastmont CWITH COUPON> The Olympic festivals were or­ and Orchard Homes Plats, 0.39 I expires Sat., Feb. 13, 1960 church iginated by the people of Elis, a Acres; 1-LB. Morning Worllhip - 10 :00 A. M. Greek city-state on the plains of The East 200 ft. of the NW~ SE\i ~ t r Sunday School -11:15 A. M. Olympia. Gradually, all the Greek north of US-16, 3.62 Acres; Evening Worship - 7 :15 P. M. city-states joined in the Olympics. Other contests, such as jumping, The south 500 feet of the SE'4 EBERHARD'S COUPON Pastor- Rev. Roy Boeskool NE\i, 15.15 Acres; PILLSBURY OR BALLARD REFRIGERATED discus-throwing and chariot-racing, Eastmont Baptist Church were added. Ada Township-Section 31 EBERHARD'S 5038 Cascade Rd.,-US·l6 As the city-states declined, ath- Royal Oak Estates Subdivision- 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship letes from oth,er lands began to Lots 1 to 93 inc., 30.0 Acres; ' Magic Door Butter 1h.49c • Sunday Sobool 11 :00 A. M. participate in the games. In about A. D. 60, the Roman Orchard Homes Plat- Lots 117 Limit !·Coupon per Family . .. Coupon Youth Meeting 3:45 P. M. CANS emperor Nero entered the contests. to 197 inc., 17.8 Acres; expires Sat., Feb. 13, 1960 Evening WOTshlp 7 P. M. Bis One of thl! purposes of the games Apple Plat-Lots 1 to 10 inc., P astor-0. M. Smith was to glor)fy the individual, his 10.6 Acres; • Redeemer Lutheran Church skill and his sportsmanship. But All of the SW~. South of US-16 FANCY LARGE 70 Sl:ZE RUBY RED (l'v1issour:! Synod) Nero was a poor athlete and by except Royal Oak Estates Sub., competing he lowered the stand- 47.40 Acres; •• 1916 Ridgewood, S. E. ' ards. . , The south 300 feet of the West Morning WorshiJ,> .•.• 9:30 A. M. The games deter10rated and by 660 feet of the NW~ 4.55 Acres; Sunday School...... 10:43 A. M. A. D. 394 they had become so cor- ' Reverend E. V,. Fitz, Pastor rupt that Emperor Theodosius ab- The south 400 feet of the East FOR Office Gt 2-7713 olished them. 300 /eet of the W ~st 960 ft. of the Centuries passed, while earth- NW !4., 2. 74 Acres, Cascade Christian quakes a nd floods buried the plain P a ris Township-Section 1. under 20 feet of gravel and soil. The North 40 Acres of the E'h med. head 2 9 C Church When excavators found the ruins Fresh Sno-Ball Heads of Cauliflower NE'!., 40.0 Acres ; Sunday School at 9 :45 of the ancient stadium in 1878, Sunday ScMol-11 :00 A. M. interest in the games was revived. The East 17 acres of SE% NE~. lllornlng Worship-II :45 A. M. In 1896 eight nations took part in 17.0 Acres ; And 11 :00 A. M. the first Olympics of the modern The East 300 ft. of the SE~ ••• Where you get bigger, better food sa in gs! P astor- R-l!V. Raymond Gaylord ai:c. ex. a triangular pa rt abutting the ;l1h{s is entirely unfair to the Pay More ~as ax Jars ln gasoHne taxes i ntt> the state Io hne. f League and the J . C. This com­ a nd federal treasuries every 34 " This estimate," he said, "as- Goverhor Approves 'Con-Cont Plan promise has been under discus­ In Two Weeks of 1960 hours." sumes tha t gasoline sales will con- sion fo r at least a year . Every­ Than Whole c .$ 1925 In 1925 the tax was two cents tinue at about the same rate as May Be Vot.ed on November Ballot body knew they were going to m ove a gallon. Now it includes 6 cents the past, despite signs of grow­ with it soon. The League called Michigan motorists will have state gasoline tax, four cents fed- "It is a surprise to most mo­ B y G. Mennen Williams vote, can put the proposal on the my office on J a nuary 18 and ask­ paid out $10,082,000 in gasoline tax­ eral gasoline tax a nd the three torists," Palmer said, "that to­ Governor of Michigan ballot. I intend to do all I can to es in the first two weeks of 1960- persuade the Legislature to do this, ed m e to be the fir st signer. They percent state sales tax-averaging day's regular gasoline price, ex- The drive of the League of · Wo­ said the sam e request was being the same a mount they pai.d in the 0.5 to 0. 7 cents per gallon on regu- eluding taxes, is substantially be­ and save everybody a lot of time entire first year of the tax in 1925. men Voters and the Junior Cham­ and money. made to Mr. Bagwell. I agreed im­ la r gasoline, depending on the lo- low the 29.8 cent average price ber of Commerce to place a con­ mediately, and I was surprised­ William Palm er , executive secre­ cal price. of gasoline 40 years ago. Other Official census bureau reports Mr. Bagwell bla mes the League natural gas, distributed by 85 pow- stitutional convention proposal on in view of all his speeches on this ta ry of the Associated P etroleum State ca r owners P almer esti- retail prices now are 44 percent r ank Michiga n first in the nation of Women Voters for his embarass­ er companies and 16 gas com- the November ballot offers the best subject- when he declined. I hope Industries of Michigan, said this mated, will pay ab~ut $257,000,000 above the 1920 level, but gasoline in the value of our m anufactured m ent when .he declined to sign the panies. We have outstanding re- prospect of getting action toward he will cha nge his mind and join means that Michigan motorists this year in direct taxes on gas- prices, except for the tax, are ac- products in more tha n 20 types petition. Referring to the League i sea rch a nd technical centers, and a new Constitution for Michigan. this effor t, and do what he can to "now are rolling one million dol- 1 tually lower." of industry. our geography gives us a favor- At the request of the League and in slighting terms as 'the girls', he persuade Republican Legislators to T he list includes motor vehicles able and stimulating climate. the J8's, I was happy to be the called the petition 'rigged' and im­ act favorably on it. and parts- truck-trailers and mo­ Because of its predominant posi- first signer of this petition. plied that they should have waited bile homes- boatbuilding, convey­ tion as the world's Motor Capital, The League made a similar re­ until they got the approval of the I ors, m achine shop work, gray-iron not many people are aware that quest to Paul Bagwell, titular head GOP State Central Committee. Read Suburban Life Want Ads. foundry production, m etal stamp­ Detroit also has some of the coun- of the Republican Party, but he Your local merchants send y o u dow n-to­ ings, hardware supplies, salt, sport­ try's largest drug and rubber man- declined to be a signer, at least ea rth messa ges throug h t hei r advertise­ ing a nd athletic goods, steel ufacturing plants. until the matter had been discuss- m e nts e very w eek in this newspaper. springs, cereals, public building While it ranks fifth in popula- ed by the Republican State Central In your o w n shopping a rea you ho ve these fixtures, paddings a nd upholstery tion among the nation's largest Committee. I hope by the time filling, internal combustion en­ cities, Detroit is third in volume you read this the Republicans will advantages . . . gines. of banking transactions, fourth in have decided to fall in behind this • Convenient location Moreover, Michigan ranks sec­ volume of total business, fourth move. • Se e w hat you b uy ond in the nation in the manu­ in manufacturing employment and The League-JC plan is a com­ • Se rvice ofter the sole facturing value of its output of in­ fourth in dollar value of manu- promise designed to break the • You build a bette r co mmu n ity b y sup- dustrial trucks and tractors, screw facturing. deadlock over representation in the machine products, copper rolling Grand Rapids, our second larg- 'con-con'-a deadlock which has porting your local m e rchants. and dra wing, electrical welding ap­ est city a nd renowned as the na- blocked the calling of a conven­ There a re no barg ains in the sky .. . shop paratus, industr ial leather belting, tion's Furniture Capital, boasts a I tion for several years. the pages of your local newspaper to m a ke ga skets and asbestos insulation, highly skilled force of some 8,000 The present Constitution says HENRY FONDA'S daughter JANE due on Broadway in the wise local buys. blowers a nd fans, woodworking quality furniture designers and that any future constitutional con­ March in "There Was A Little Girl" m achinery, trimming and art goods craftsmen. ' vention will consist of three dele- ••• ditto TONY PERKINS, but in FRANK a nd paper products. While Grand Rapids no longer gates from each Senatorial district. LOESSER'S "Greenwillow" ••• JAMES We r ank third in production of holds first rank in volume of furni- The Senate as we all know, is -sARGA\NS m achine tools , food products m a­ ture production, it retains its dis- unrepresent~tiv e of the people, and DARREN will be starred with SHELLEY chinery, power transmission equip­ tinction as the style and quality a 'con-con' on this basis would WINTERS and JEAN SEBERG in ment, ball and roller bearings, met­ center of the American furniture mean that delegates representing Columbia's "Reach For Tomorrow" al doors, metal office furniture and industry. It is also the nation's a minority of the citizens would formerly "Let No Man Write My concrete products. m ain production center of office have a majority voice in writing Epitaph" • •• DOROTHY PROVINE, And we a re fourth in production and school furniture and of school, the new Constitution. currently in Warner's "", of farm tractors, industrial fur­ church and theatre seats. Republicans have been urging a is up for the lead in "High Button naces, pr epa red meats, pha rma­ The chemical industry is current- constitutional convention on this Shoes" • ,. • Many answers to the ceutical preparations, wood office ly among Michigan's fastest grow- basis while Democrats have been DARREN, S1orring Rola question I've been posing for five furniture, a brasive products and ing . Dow Chemical Company at insistlng that the 'con-con' be based months-Who is the girl on the right? Responses have in· photographic equipment. Midland, founded in 1890, is a giant upon seats in the Bouse of Repre­ eluded TUESDAY WELD, We have 13,000 m anufacturing among the world's leading chemi- sentatives, which more nearly rep- - ANNffiE, ELINOR DONAHUE, esta blishments, engaged in 369 cal makers, operating in 10 states r esents the people. kinds of m anufacturing operations, GINGER ROGERS, RHONDA and the province of Ontarip. This difference has resulted in . FLEMING, but she's a member employing more than one million The Michigan chemical and phar- the defeat of every recent effort [ workers. maceutical industry, ranked sev- to get a constitutional convention. of the Box Office Top Why has Michigan achieved its enth in the nation in the commer- The League of Women Voters Ten ••• Same offer still goes, industrial eminence ? Ma nufactur­ cial value of its products and em- and the Junior Chamber of Com­ $20 to the winner with the ers give these answer s : ploying more than 44,000 people merce worked out a compromise. earliest postmarked card or We a re in the midst of the world's in 411 establishments, also flour- Their plan would call for one dele­ letter, who encloses a copy of greatest supply of fresh water , a ishes in the Detroit-Wyandotte ar- gate for each Senate seat and one this column and $10 to the MAKE prim e industrial a sset. We also ea and in Bay City, Kalama;zoo, from each House seat. This would editor of the paper ••• The have the tremendous adva ntage of Grand Rapids, Flint, Marysville, not result in a perfect reflection mystery girl appeared on low-cost water transportation on the St. Louis, .Ludington, Montague, of Michigan's population, but it JV-Sunday, January 10 ••• Great La kes a nd reaching through Iron Mountam, Holland, Marquette, would be much more equitable than PAT WAYNE still dating THE the St. Lawrence Seaway to the Ma nistee and Sault Ste. Marie. a 'con-con' based on the Senate PENNY PARKER from the world. Additionally, we have ex­ The papermaking industry is al- alone ,·: CANNY .; THQ,MAS show . • • WHO IS SHE? I : cellent highways, rail and air serv­ so important in Michigan's econo- If the election of delegates fol­ TONY sporting a beard for his role in GOLDWYN'S ice. my. Our first paper mill was es- lowed the pattern of the last legis­ RA'ND~LL WISE t \ .. "Huck Finn" . • • FRED ASTAIRE to \ \ We have the most favorable ma r­ tablished in 1834 at Monroe on the lative elections .- the Republicans I ,,, ket position, in relation to popu­ Raisin River. Today we have 43 would have 77 s~ats and the Demo- repeat his 19 59 spectacular some­ ...... !.,;-___ lation centers of a ny state. Cen­ mills in 17 counties- notably Kai- cra ts 67. . time in the lotter port of February ' '·, trally situated in the- rich Gr eat a mazoo, Allegan, Monr9e, Kent, It's hard to see why Republican .•• BAR RI E CHASE slated to J oin LOCAL Lakes industrial market area, we $t. .Joseph, Berrien., ·st. Clair, leaders wouldn't grab this com­ BING CROSBY and FABIAN in 20th's are the fastest growing of the Mamstee and Menommee. Nearly promise if they really want a con- "Doddy-0" ••• Yes, one of . those five sta tes in that rapidly expand­ 30,000 workers are employed in stitutional convention. ragged urchins begging food from BUYS ing region. Michigan pl~nts manufacturing pa- Actually, it should not be neces- LIZ TA YL9R in "Suddenly Lost Sum­ We are near major sources of per and allied products. sary for the League and the JC's mer" is EpDIE FISHER! . .• If you think m a terials, including semi-fabri­ to go to the tremendous effort and you know who that mystery girl is, cated par ts as well as raw m a­ Thirty million Americans have expense of getting 300,000 signa­ Address Joanne Wolters, 400 N. terials. We have a large and high­ belonged to the Boy Scouts of tures for this plan to get it before ly skm ed la bor force. We are amp­ America since it was organized fif- Brood St;, Philo., Po. Good luck-see the people in November. FABIAN, Joins Bing vou next month! fl ly supplied with electric power a nd ty years ago. · The Legislature, by a two-thirds SUBURBAN LIFE

. ( ' ur • for

garments to WE'VE Bring be cleaned CLEANED ()Q\ :10\'0S~l\ "If you' re not happily married to your In •• • present dry cleaner, we would like • •• to propose" Bring In 6 - Get 2 FREE~ O We promise to love and cherish each and every garment. 8 We promise guaranteed quality cleaning. ·G We promise fast, efficient service. ur We promise Sta-Nu finrshing on each and every garment 24- 6 FREE. egular Service

1-Hr. Special .e rvice,. No Extra Cost, When, -You Need It

••• our SELF-SERVE LAUNDRY CORNER MAIN & HUDSON - LOWELL PHONE TWinoaks 7 -9809 Open 24 Hours Daily .•. seven Days a Week! Drive-in Service! No n eed to leave your car, just leave clothing at our drive-in window "Zero Soft" Water at 150 De9rees for finest cleaning action WASH--25c DRY~ 10c West Michigan's Most Modern Dry Cleaning Pla n t~ '( j How Will You Have '"Aboard The Heather" by Theresa Collins You:i' Apple Sauce? You may enjoy the sweet aroma of applesauce cooking. But the more aroma in the air, the less Serving the Forest HillsLIFE Area flavor in the air, the less fl avor in the sauce, says Mary Morr, of Publish ed Every Thursday Morning at 112 N. Broadway, Lowell, Mich the foods and nutrition department / TWinoa ks 7-9262 at Michigan State University. Enteri>d at Post Office at Lowell, Mich., as Second Class Matter. To keep the most flavor in the Cascade - Eastmont - Ada R eporter, Mrs. M. Heaven - OR 6·164<1 fruit, Miss Morr suggests you can Subscription Rates cook the apples gently until they $2.00 per year within Kent County. $2 .50 per year elsewhere are . barely tender. Applesauce can be firm p ieces of fruit or it can be broken up L . e Creating and mushy . This depends on the S .cemen I eisur variety of apples used and when ervi . IFuture Problems the sugar is a dded. Pvt. John Atchinson, son of Mr. . . . No matter how it's cooked, the and Mrs. Floyd Atchinson of 8517 Leisure time will be one of the Macintosh apple will "go to piec- Casca de Rd., S. E ., is undergoing major problems of tomorrow, says es" and be mushy. Jonathan a nd trainina in the armed forces at a prominent educator who spoke Northern Spy apples may or may Fort Knox Kentucky . a t the University of Michigan. not hold their shape-cooking m e- I-Iis addr~ss is Pvt. John Atchin- C. C. Trillingham, Los Angeles thod can make the difference. son, RA16654414, Co. A., 8th Bn., County superintendent of schools, For applesauce that's broken up 3rd Tng. Regt., Inf., USATCA, maintains that the educator m ust and m ushy, cook the apples in Fort Knox Kentucky. "teach students how to view; to water then add the sugar. F or Atchins o~ attended Lowell High listen, to read, to create with satis- firm pieces of apple, add the su- School. faction," or society is in for trou- Dear Editors, f per" alter many nights of search- gar at the beginning so the fruit ble. I asked Harriet Clark to write ing. There seem to be more, bigger cooks in a sugar sirup. Use a thin, SUBURBAN LIFE want ads " 'A mass of people," he explains, the "letter " this week, just for and brighter stars m the southern medium or heavy s irup, depend­ bring results. "loosed on itself, with the tremen- fun and to vary the slant. She sky; they look almost close enough ing on the maturity of the fruit. dous amount of leisure time which did not accept eagerly. And even to touch. A thin sirup is made with two automation will bring, and no real though already off the boat, found Early Monday morning there Icups of sugar to four cups of wa­ wa nts that can be satisfied within it was not just something lightly was a light rain and '!"e were able ter. A medium sirup is made with it, can be a dangerous force in our tossed off when trying to recount to mop the decks with fresh wa- thr ee cups of sugar to four cups society." a week's activities_ ter, the firs t soaking Heather had of water and a heavy sirup is Drawing on various sources, the Please head it and sign it by Ihad for some weeks. We did a four cup~ of sugar to four cups Supt. Trillingham draws this pie- Harriet Clark with my post script. thorough job because We "might" of water. ture of the U. S. in the 1980's: Theresa Collins (that is as close as we can pm ------The population will be close to the Skipper down) reach Miami Yacht Basin where Heather's two 250 million. Four hundred and sixty miles by afternoon and we wanted ev- guests were to end their visit . They It will be a youthful country, with of perfect sailing ! We think "Hea- erything s hipshape. stayed around long enough to help Sr~te Farm over 100 million people under 20 ther" must have set some. kind of Again we sailed wing and wing Ted and Kreigh celebrate their years of age. Six million babies record- for blue skies, bright sun in the hot sun, which is rough on wedding anniversary Tuesday eve­ HOMEOW.NERS will be born a year. and warm weather accompamed the helmsman, and we all welcom- ning, January 19, with dinner at The average man will work a us all t~e .way from St. Peters- ed the little shower which greeted a very good Italian Restaurant in POLICYgives more four-day week, six or seven hours b.urg t.o Dmnet" Key Yacht Ba-1 us at the beginning of Dinner Key Coconut Grove. a day. He will have two vacations: sm, Miami; and li~ht and. favor- Channel although the accompany- The Clarks started north Wed­ home protection, probably two weeks in summer and Iable wmds . made it possible .to ing wind prompted the Skipper to nesday morning, appropriate too. two i n winter. cover practically all of the dis- call for all sails down in a hurry. I It was 40 degrees and not much SAVES$$ There will be 3.5 million more tance under sail. However the storm passed as quick- fun for Miami. But we were a ll THIS SINGLE POLICY women, mos tly because women J After spending two delightful ly as it arose, we mopped up truly sorry to see them go as they COSTS LESS THAN FOUR will continue to outli"'.e. men. days at Marathon, on the Key~, decks once more, and prepared to had been such fine sailing com- SEPARATE HOME POLICIES, Everybody w~ll be l!vmg_ longer, Iwe left about 10 a. m. and this tie up at the palm-lined Dinner Key pany. the average life span 7'J to 80 time found the Moser Channel . I Written by Harriet Clark YET GIVES GREATER years. There will be 25 million bridge in working order. We were PROTECTION! older folks on pensions. Inow in the Atlantic Ocean; the first There will be 25 million new Itime for "Heather", so there was STATE FARM FIRE AHO CASUALTY COM PANY households. This means a huge re- a minoT celebration to mark the Complete Vision Care Children's Vision Home Office: Bloomington, II!. quirement for housing, appliances, beginning, of the. northward trek. furnishings, telephones and the like. The water was very clear and Life, Fire & Auto J People will be able to buy elec- a beautiful shade of green with Insurance tTonic film s of plays, operas, mov- lavendar surface highlights in ies and play them through a tele- which Kreigh's artists eye delight­ DR. HERBERT R~ MUELLER vision set- something like phono- ed. We saw flying fish dotting the PAULE. ROY graph records- thereby helping to water like skipping stones and a OPTOMETRIST give themselves a full cullural life. few dolphin jumping but not near- 5670 Hall, S. E. ------· ly as many porpoises as there were Phones-Office GL 8·9·100 SUBURBAN LIFE want ads in the Gulf. Call TW 7-7780 207 W. Main Street (old bank) Home OR 6-1609 bring results. The school bell rings every day Lowell, Mich. on Heather, and as soon as break­ for appointment fast is over the books come out and the twins settle down at the table in the main cabin, and stick to it too, in spite of the interesting activities topside. This a fternoon was spent hearjng Glen's reading lesson and teacher was as relieved as pupil when we could finally go Gioe Her on deck and enjoy the s unshine. We were now travelling paral­ lel to the beautiful white arches of the famous overseas Highway. Against the vivid turquoise, blue , emerald and purple of the water of the Keys, they m a ke a perfect subject for painting, as many ar­ tists have demonstrated. On the Atlantic s ide of the Keys there are fewer harbors, and late in the afternoon we dropped anchor off Craig Key. After an­ Play safe wit.h other of Ted's delicious dinners all hands were ready to turn in for the night. Sunday was another warm day I your brakes ... although there was a nice south wind and Heather sailed wing and wing at a good speed. By noon Your motoring safety starts with your everyone was looking for a shady brakes. Be sure t hey're dependable. spot on deck although we are all Drive in today for our free bra k e so tanned there was not much dan- 1 ger of sunburn. We reached the check-up. Ocean Reef Club at North Key Largo in mid-afternoon after some tricky maneuvering over shoal wa­ SWEETS - The big favorite with ter and the entire crew headed for BRAKES RELINED ••• the pool, but de cided on a shower sweethearts! To court her affection and to ins tead when we discovered the Let our experienced mechanics care pool was under construction and show yours, choose from our wide variety for your brakes. We'll reline expertly, the swimming pla ce was a salt of delicious candies in eye-taking Valentine if needed, with top-notch materials. wate r bas in with little water be­ cause of the low tide. boxes. $19.95 - All Popular Cars After a nother feast (how does Ted think of a ll those good t hings !) THE BEST FRIEND YOUR CAR EVER HAD we looked a round a bit, but there are only a g ift shop and a gro­ ce ry , both of w hich were closed. Reilly's Pharmacy However David and Uncle Nick BEER - WINE - LIQUOR DYKHOUSE &. BUYS clim bed the water tower which had been our la ndma rk and had a look GL 1-3848 691 5 Cascade Rd. Phone GL 6-9044 a t the view, and we congr a tula ted 46 70 Cascade Rd. ourselves on locating the "Big Dip- Great Lakes Lions Travelogue Program Feb. 15 Guidance Performs a Valuable Function Boats Switch To Check on Progress of Students Now · that we have briefly dis- some definite method of evalua­ cussed the various curricula of the ting the over-all school program. Fishing Roles school, and we do mean briefly, as V. Occupational Information. In Commercial fishing vessels de­ one can find hundreds of volumes the guidance program, there is a signed to take lake trout from the on each subject we attempted to need for the compilation of infor· Great Lakes are being used these cover, we need to take a serious mation on professions, occupations, days to put the valuable fish back look at one of the programs which trades , speCial schools, etc. Re­ in the waters. I is not a study subject. That pro- gardless of the ability of a stu· This turnabout is due to the I gram called Guidance. dent, he should have some picture notorious sea lamprey, a slender Guidance is not a subject. Stu- of the needs of various occupation­ eel-like fish with a big appetite. dents do not study it. Guidance is al fields so he can be aware of Multiplying at a fantastic rate, this a service. the preparation necessary for en- parasite reduced t he catch of trout Guidance is that service in a trance into that type of activity. in the upper Great Lakes in two school that performs the same An interest in Science is too broad. decades from an average of 15% functions that the Inspection, Quali-1 The student needs to understand million pounds_annually to the 1% ty Control and Research Depart- what science is and what it em- million pounds taken in 1958. ments do in industry. No business, braces. In addition, a wealth of in­ A chemical has been developed i n dust r y or farm organization Iformation on scholarships is avail. which will kill lamprey larvae in 1 would attempt to conduct them- able and should be readily acces· the spawning streams without de­ selves without an assurance of sible to students and parents. stroying game fish. With t h i s what they are making or buying is VI. Personal Problem Counsel- weapon promising control, if not Julian Gromer, specialist in waterways, will r eturn with his up to standard. ing. This is the phase of guidance extermination, of the lamprey, latest river film to the Thornapple Lions Club travelogue series at Thus, the guidance department most misunderstood and the most work already is underway on a Forest Hills High School on Monday evening, February 15. This performs these necessary services difficult to do successfully, Stu· program to restock lake trout in year Gromer has a thrilling pictnre and story of his trip clown for you and your students. I dents have problems trivial to oth· the Great Lakes. the Colorado ~Ive r ~hrough Co.torado and Utah, in the beautiful I. Testing. Through a systematic J ers, but immensely important to Some Commercial fishermen, Rocky l\'Iountam National Park. and continuous testing program, the the individual. Many students need whose future livelihood depends up- 1 talents. and abilities of students Iso meone to talk to, to work out on success of the r~habilitation IPAST l\'IATRONS ENTERTAINED are discovered. Their achieve- these problems. This requires skill program, have been hl.I'ed to help Monday evening, Mrs. Nina B. ment is traced from kindergarten on the part of a counselor. It must assess the present status of la ke Perry, 7281 Denison Drive, S. E.,' through graduation. Constant sur- be done carefully and confidential­ trout in the Great Lakes and other entertained the Past Matrons of the veilance is maintained to insure ly_ Good counselors are hard to water s. The fishermen also have Vesta Chapter of the Order of the children are learning at expected find and worth their weight in gold provided boats used by fishery Eastern Star. levels. Parents and students should to students. Good guidance is in· agencies in planting yearling trout The Past Matrons attending be­ be a part of this program and with dispensible to a school. Poor guid· in open waters. sides Mrs. Perry were Mrs. Rob- t he school personnel study the tests ance is worthless. These developments were discus- ert Morris, Mrs. Max Souzer, Mrs. results and what the results mean In our school system, we are sed at the annual meeting of the Oscar Bates, Mrs. Frank Richard­ in planning the child's educational fortunate in having many people Great Lakes Fishery Commission son, Mrs. James Stilson, Mrs. Clare future. who have the skill and personality (GLFCJ at Niagara Falls, Ont., Coger Mrs. Robert Harter and II. Interpretation. Meeting with to do a masterful job for your early this month. The Commission, Mrs. Orrie Weaver. parents and teachers and students, children. a U. S.-Canadian agency head- the testing specialist can interpret D. Van Landingham , Principal quartered at The University of the results and what implications Michigan, is responsible for pro­ they contain. To teachers, this is Since 1911 about 350,000 boys have gran1s to reduce the sea lamprey extremely important as it enables qualified for Eagle Scout rank; the population and increase fish pro­ the instructor to be more efficient highest rank in Scouting, duction on the Great Lakes. in planning and carrying out class- Chemical treatment with fluori­ 1 room instruction. If a class is above dated nitrophenol has been concen­ I or below average, instruction can trated on lamprey s p a w n i n g irhei!i&le be altered. The instructor knows streams along Lake Superior where And He said unto her, Julian Gromer the strengths and weaknesses of a lake trout breeding stock still Daughter, be of good com­ individual students and can do a remains, according to Norman S. " Thrills on the Colorado" is an better job of individual instruction. Baldwin, GLFC executive secre­ fort: thy faith hath made thee exciting and fast-moving color mo­ Poor readers can be given work t ary, whofe; go in peace.-(Luke tion picture presented by Julian which will strengthen . their read­ "Most Lake Superior streams . 8:48.) Gromer, world traveler and ad­ ing, while good readers can be SPECS/ 16 x 4 xI 8ll with large lamprey runs were treat­ When we have faith in God, venturer. Action begins as fifteen given information and material ·ed during the past year, and some our Heavenly Father, even as beautiful Huskies are harnessed stimulating to them. Students can were treated in 1958," Baldwin re­ little as a grain of mustard, to a dog sled and take to the trail be apprised of their strength so SAMARA-PLY ports. This program should affect nothing is impossible to us. in the snow-covered mountains near they can plan a career in a field the lamprey which normally would We can overcome doubt and Aspen, Colorado, where we also wherein they will be most success­ V-PLANK come back to spawn in 1960 and fear, illness and despair-our go skiing and swimming. We will ful. 1961. faith can make us whole, and follow the Colorado River from III. Adjustment. Often, students per sheet attempt courses which are over $ 5 44 we will know peace. its source in Rocky Mountain Na­ Read Suburban Life Want Ads. tional Park to Grand Lake. We will their head. Often, they choose a go "Western" at P hantom Valley course because a friend is also FREE DELIVERY Ranch and Walden Rodeo. Visits taking the class. Sometimes, par­ will be made at the health meccas ents dictate the courses chosen of Hot Sulphur Springs and Glen­ and students are improperly plac­ wood Springs. Grand Mesa will pro­ ed. Thus, a g u i d a n c e person vide a restful paradise with moun­ through constant surveillance of Complete Line tain m eadows and two hundred the records can help a student re­ of gemlike lakes. New thrills begin adjust his schedule to areas more Prove to yourself at Hite, Utah, where our rubber in line with his or her abilities Building Materials rafts start down the mighty Colo­ and interests. rado. Remote wonders, hiking, IV. Curriculum E v a l u a t i o n that you get camping and sleeping under the Through an analysis of the test stars bring us closer to God. Julian results, the instructor can spot Gromer offers us a thrilling ad­ areas of weakness and plans can EXTRA VALUES venture which is enhanced with hi­ be made to emphasize that area. Cascade fidelity m usical background and For instance, if our student av­ special effects made with the erage in ability in arithmetic was Lumber Co. at Stores which Zoom lens and lapse-time photo­ 60, then we would e x p e c t the Phone GL 9-0789 group's achievement average to graphy. It is flavored with gay be near 60. Thus, we would have 6790 Cascade Rd. humor that pleases all.

Miss Morr suggests that sugar and seasonings should enhance the delicate flavor of apples rather than mask it. You should taste We Have apple flavor, not just sweetness or Surveys by the nation's cinnamon. Applesauce becomes a delicate foremost economists have pink when you place apple skin proved beyond a doubt Moved Again ~ parings on top of the fruit as it that most housewives buy where they get best cooks. Or apples can be quartered, values. Check it yourself! Compare values at stores cored and cooked with skins on. Sauce is then put through a col­ WE ARE NOW HOUSED AT and service stations which give S&H Green Stamps ander to sort out the skins-and with those at non-stamp stores. You'll find that to break up the fruit. S & H stamp stores offer you : competitive prices, For very ripe apples, a dash of lemon juice will pep up the flavor. 6886 CASCADE RD. sound values in merchandise, and courteous, atten­ tive service--plus your choice of more than 1,500 THE FORMER BUTTRICK'S GROCERY items of· Distinguished Merchandise available at S&H Green Stamp redemption stores or by mail. ·• Complete TV Service e Washer & Dryer Repair Since 1896 ..• Rewind Electric Motors America's Only Nationwide Stamp Plan e EARL'S RADIO & TV Phone GL 1-0941 Boosters To IAda Athletic Assoc. To Forest Hills Faculty Defeats Kentlvood com1ng events Hold Annual Meeting The Forest Hills faculty team 64-38. Inability to hit the basket Pl F It The Chi-Rho of the Cascade The Ada Athletic Association will kept their unbeaten record intact on several scoring opportunities ay a CU Y Christian church will meet on Sun­ On aturday night, Febru.ary 13. hold their annual business meeting by beating the Kentwood faculty hindered the Rangers chances for day afternoon, Fe bruary 14, at 4 at 8 p. m. th~ Boosters '~111 pla_Y on Wedne day evening, February Saturday night 61-34 in the local victory. P. m. in Fellowship Hall for their the F orest Hills faculty m their at the Ada Town Hall at 8 gym. Bob and Jerry Dang] led the Ken Visser scored 19 points to 17 regufar meeting. annual basketball game. The Fae-IP.' m. locals \Yi th 21 and 17 points re- lead the winners. Boomers and ulty tea1:1.has been strengthened by A reading of the financial re- spectively. . . Crawford stood out for the Rang- The Guild of the St. Robert's the actd1~1on of Bob Dang! who port for the past year will be read In the prellmmary game the For- ers. Church of Ada are sponsoring a played with the Boosters last year. and plans will be made for the I:st Il!lls B~osters .club .lost a nar- To Meet Byron Center Card Party for women on Thurs­ Others starring on the F aculty coming ummer. Election of offic- ~ ow one pomt dec1 ion 111 the clos- The Forest Hills Rangers will day, February 18, al 8 P. m . in team include Ed Shy. Jerry Dangl, ers will also be held at this meet- mg seconds of the game to the travel to Byron Center this Friday the church auditorium. Co-Chair- ' Bernie VanArk, Dick Clark, Ron ing for the ensuing year. Byron Center :Merchants. night to play the Byron Center m en, Mrs . Carl Behnke and Mrs. P aul and Don Northuis. The F acul- All interested person are urged The local. led throughout the cagers who have been on a hot Paul Roy. Table prizes, door priz­ ty has a 3-0 r ecord this year. ha,·- to be in attendance game, but ) outhfulness of the By- streak lately. Last week they pull- es a nd refreshments. All women ing beaten the East. Wyoming Park · ron team wore the Boosters down ed a major upset over Rogers and of the surrounding area are wel­ and Kentwood F aculties. June Kunst Engaged in the closing seconds to win the followed that up with an easy win come. The Boosters ha\'e a 0-2 record 1 T . • T game. over Kelloggsville. for this season. They lot to the I O W 111 1am appe Lose to Hudsonville The Reserve game will start at The Men's Society of the Cas­ cade Christian Reformed church Marine Rese.rve .tram and to the Miss June M. Kunst, Thornapple The Forest Hills R angers lost 7. The local Rangers have been i will meet a t the church at 8 p. Byro_n Cenle1 mer chants. The River Dr.. is engaged to Willia m to a hot-shooting Hudsonville team showing steady progress a nd hope m. pl ~y- I on Wednesday evening, February ers listed .on the Boosters roster m- L. Tappe. son of Mrs. o. c. Tappe, last Friday night by a score of to spring a m ajor upset over By- clude Keith Fase, Jim Haglund, I Prospect Ave. ron Center. 17. Foster B1s~op, Lee Scott. L~o Mi ·s Kunst is the daughter of H l R. Faculty and Boosters to Play The Senior Mr. and Mrs. Club Blocher, J1!11 Ashley, Carl Hu1s- Mr and Mrs J \V Bush 6257 e en ltter, The Forest Hills Boosters and of the Cascade Christian Reformed m an, Don Bates, ~el Buschman Ca~cade Rd. S. E. · ' H d H bb the Forest Hills Faculty teams will church will m eet at the churc;h at and Tommy Ray. \\e understand The couple plan to be married OWar 0 S clash Saturday night in the local 8 p. m. on Tuesday evening, F eb­ that Bob Paine, a star of last on F ebruary 26 E d gym. In recent years this has been ruary 16. year's game is going to suit up . ngage one of the feature games of the The Christian Pioneers of the for this one. STATE CHRISTIAN l\IEN'S 1 season, and this year is expected This should be a closer game FELLOWSHIP RETR EAT I to be no exception. Cascade Christian church will meet than the present season record The feature of the evening will on Sunday afternoon, February 14, shows, a nd should be a good game Several men from the Cascade be the preliminary game which will at 2 :30 p. m . · in the Fellowship for Forest Hills fans to watch. Christian church will be attending/ pit the Forest Hills F aculty Wo- Hall. As an added attraction, the Boost- the State Christian Men's F ellow- men against the Senior High girls. ers have arranged a prelimina ry ship retreat at the Lansing Chris-I This promises to be a very exciting The Eastmont Reformed church to this gam e. A team composed tian church in East Lansing Fri- contest. The two faculty teams and choir will rehearse on Thursday of women faculty members will day evening and a]] day Saturday. the girls promise to be attired in evening, F ebruary 11, at 7 :30 p. rn. play a team composed of g irls from Speakers include P aul Bagwell gala costumes for the games. They New members are welcome to at­ the Forest Hills Senior High a nd J ames McKinney, director a re keeping the costumes a secret tend. School. of men's work for the National until game time. The E astmont Reformed church In former year , we have had Di.sciples. Admission will be 50 cents for Senior C. E . will have a toboggan a huge spectator attendance at adults and 25 cents for students. party on Friday evening, F ebru­ these games. The admission prices New A rrivals The games are sponsored by the ary 12 at 7 :30 P. m. are 50 cents for adults and 25 cents F orest Hills Booster Club and pro- for students, and the proceeds go Mr. a nd Mrs. Ben Brinks, 392 ceeds will go for lights on t he The Young P eoples Society of in to the lighting fund for the foot- Greenbrier S. E., are receiving football field. The first game will the Ada Christia n Reformed church ball field. So- bring the whole fam- congratulations on the birth of a start at 7. will meet at the church at 8 p. m. ily a nd come out to the game Sat- son on February 1, a t Butterworth on Monday evening, February 15. urday night. hospital. 'Boosters Basketball Team A refreshment stand will be open lVIr. and Mrs. Leon Va nderBa nd The Ladies Aid of the Ada Chris­ for your convenience. 4558 Braeburn S. E., announce the Lose to Byron Center tian Reformed church will meet birth of a son on Februar y 5, a t on Tuesday evening, February 16, Blodgett Memorial hospital. The Boosters Club Basketball at 8 P. m. at the church. C. Y. F . TO VISIT TRUE team lost their game on Saturday LIGHT BAPTIST CHURCH l\Ir. and Mrs. Charles Ritter, night, February 6, to Byron Center There will be a coffee hour after The C. Y. F. of the Cascade VALENTINE PARTY, FEB. 12 6215 Bancroft Avenue, Alto, wish m er chants. The final score was Ithe service on Sunday, February Christia n church will meet at the The young people of the East­ . to a nnounce the engagement of 46 to 42 in favor of Byron Center. 14, at the First Congregational church Sunday evening, F ebrua ry mont Baptist church will have a their da ughter, Helen Marie to The Boosters Club led through- Church of Ada. 14, at 6 :15 p. m . to go to visit Valentine party at the home of Howard E. Hobbs. out t he game and lost the gam e in the True Light Baptist church in Mrs. Floyd Clemons, 1310 Spauld­ Mr . Hobbs is the son of Mr. the last few minutes of the game. 1 Grand Rapids. ing S. E., on Friday evening, F eb- and Mrs. I~eslie Hobbs, l\Iorse The score was tied at 40 to 40 a nd ruary 12, at 7 p. m. Rd., S. E., Alto. at 42 to 42 with less than a m inute hospital notes No wedding plans have been to play. Mrs. Robert DeKam, 6438 Wen­ The game was played as a pre­ COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE ma de by the couple. dell S. E., has re-enter ed Blodgett liminary to the F orest Hills Facul­ Memorial Hospital for observation. Tuneups and General Repair. Carburetor and Ig­ ty versus Kentwood Faculty. The nition Service On All Makes South l(ent Boy details on this game are elsewhere in today's paper. WE STORE AND RE P AIR POWER LAWN MOWERS Well Drilling and Repair Boosters Club to Honor EXPERT SERVICE Athlete·s In May --New Pumps --­ Master Motor Service PH. OR 6·4501 6749 28th St. (Across from Cascade l.G.A.> The Boosters Club is planning If No Answer Call OR 6·1108 a huge gala event in order to hon­ FRANK AVERILL, JR. NOW .. . Bring your TRANSMISSION WORK HERE or the athletes of Forest Hills 9074 Bennet Roa cl EXPERIENCED Serviceman on All Ma kes of Automobile High School. The event will be an Transmissions All-Sports Banquet to be held the I ------last week in May of this year. PAT O'NEILL This will be a banquet with din­ AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION AND In er and a speaker , and at which -B&.D­ Scout Column time sports awards will be given. MOTOR SERVICE This banquet is intended to hon­ RUBBISH REMOVAL R ound '.rable Ior a nd give recognition to boys The South Kent Round Table will who participate in the four major SERVICE be held on Thursday evening, Feb­ sports at Forest Hills; namely foot· ALL RUBBISH R E MOVED IN ruary 18, at 7 :30 p. m. at the ball , basketball, baseball a nd track. 24 HOURS Kelloggsville School, Division Ave. The details have not been set, S. The Den mother craft session but the tentative d ate will be City, Suburban, Residential will be in charge of Pack 3256. Thursday, May 26. We will let you and Commercial Service There will be a public relations know the rest of the details as we class for the unit repor ters. obtain them. EM 3-0527 and Winte r Sports Day Cancelled Save this nigh t on your calendar GL 8-8502 The Winter Sports Day for the for fun and entertainment. Explorers of. the District was not Reasonable R a tes held Saturday, as the weather was Read Suburban Life Ads! c25tf very uncooperative. About 75 of the 105 Explorers making reserva­ tions assembled at the Indian Hills . 3-Qt. MIRRO Cosmetics Toboggan run in the afternoon, but t h e temperature did not d r o p Johnson Hearts enough to freeze the slush a t the WRECKER SERVICE Covered Saucepan bottom of the r un. TIRES WITH $35.00 box to be give n away at drawing If the boys had thrown an the Easy-Over Cover February 13 snow onto the toboggan run that they used up in snowball fi ghts, BATTERIES Schrafft Hearts there might have been enough for ACCESSORIES $1.98 sliding ! After a couple of hours Regula r $2 .65 everyone left, with the promise You may win a Studebaker Lark ABSOLUTELY that this event will be rescheduled GAS AND ARC WELDING in two or three weeks . Ford Paints FREE . . . by entering the Schraff+ MECHANIC ON DUTY sweetstakes at our store . Winners will BEAVER 'S GROUP MEETING 8 :30. 6:00 FRE E PICK.UP AND Closed Thursday P . M. be announce d on the The Beaver 's group of the Cas­ DELIVERY Jack Paar Show March 18, 1960 cade Mother's Club will meet on Friday: 8 :30 to 8 :00 Friday, F e bruary 19, at the home of Mrs. Tommy Price, 1845 Thorn­ apple River Dr . S. E. Her co­ Cascade P~armacy hostess will be Mrs. Pat P aine . Don's Sunoco Serv. Station FREE DELIVERY •• • PH. GL 4-5508 The Boy Scouts of America re­ 6859 Cascade Rd., S. E. ceived a federal cha rter from Con­ Eastmont Hardware gress in 1916. Corner Cascade Rd. & Forest Hills Dr. GL 1-9417