This digital document was prepared for Cascade Historical Society by THE W. E. UPJOHN CENTER IS NOT LIABLE FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT W.E. Upjohn Center for the Study of Geographical Change Department of Geography Western Michigan University 1100 Welborn Hall 269-387-3364 https://www.wmich.edu/geographicalchange [email protected] Published O UR PHONE Every LOW ELL Thursday TW7-9262 Serving The Forest Hills Area VOLUME V T HURSDAY, FEBRUARY ll, 1960 Make Plans For Ada Cascade Fire P. T. A. Annual Carnival Junior High Girls fill Dirne Cards for Polio fund The Ada P. T . A. Carnival "Cir­ Chief Makes cus Time" will be held on Friday evening, F ebruary 19, beginning Yearly Report at 6 p. m. in the Ada Elementary school. Cascade F ire Chief, Sybrant Dyk­ house, report~ that in 1959 there On Tuesday morning, February I were 59 calls answered. Twenty­ 16, there will be a meeting of all seven of these were within t he of the mothers working on the Car­ township and of t hese 27, five were nival, at the home of the chair­ dwelling fires ; seven were a uto­ man, Mrs. Bruce Phillion 1235 mobile and truck fires; eleven were Thornapple River Dr . S. E., at grass fires a nd four other fires. 10 a . m. The loss on dwellings was $300; A li ght supper will be served so loss on contents of the dwellings her e's a chance to bring the en­ was $150; loss on a utom obiles and tire family. There will be Bar-B­ trucks, $3,450. Q's, hot dogs, tuna fish salad, po­ This is the best year the F ire tato chips, donuts, cookies, milk, D e p a r t m e n t has had for t he coffee and soft drinks for sale. I amount of loss and for the' number of fires. To Organize Calvinist I We gave assistance to other Cadet Corps, February 12 Townships in larger fires where more help was needed. I On Friday evening, February 12, Nine of the eleven grass fires all boys and parents are invited last year were caused by careless to meet at t he Cascade Christian burning of rubbish. True, the num- Reformed church at 7 :30 p, m. ber of grass fires was down this to talk over t he possibility of or­ past year, but there is still a great ganizing a Calvinist Cadet Corp. deal of room for improvement. If A representative of t he Cadets you a re going to burn r ubbish, will meet with us to show us the stay and watch it, to see that a J purpose of the Cadets and to set fire doesn't start in the grass up a group if there is enough in- n earby, terest shown. T here a re twenty-five active vol- u nteer firemen on t he job to serve J.\llR, AND MRS. CLUB TO you- not only in case of a fire, HOLD POTLUCK DINNER C. J. Boerman, princi[Htl o[ Forest Hills Jr. High School, is pic ­ but in any other emergency. There tured here helping Lee VanderStoep, 4084 Knapp, a 11 d Gloria The Mr. a nd Mrs . Club of the Cascade 4-H is oxygen available for heart at­ Haveng·a, 4747 Knapp, complete the collection of O\'er 700 dimes to i\da Community Reformed church tack cases and a resuscitator in fill the card saying, " Join the l\farch of Dim es." The girl<; worked will hold a potluck dinner on Fri­ Meeting, F eh. 12 case of drownings. These men are each da.y taUcin~ up the worthwhile effort of t he Po.Mo campaign day evening, F ebruary 12, at 7 The Cascade Communily 4-H I at your service. and each day more dimes were added to the cards, Last Thurs­ p. m. .\]l ....ouples of c;,e church Club will hold their reg:.:la:' meet­ day only this last canl saying, " Dim es" still r em a ined to be filled a r e welcome. ing on Friday evening, February but that has !Jeen done. The two eighth graders qollected over 12, at the Fellowship Hall of the Rev. Raymond Gaylord to Each couple i" ~~t· .~ ri to bring $70.00 in dimes in this week-long project. Cascade Christian church at 8 P. m. Attend Seminar, Feb. 16-19 a covered dish or a ~drn u . Coffee, rolls and dessert will be furnished There will be a business m eeting Rev. Raymond Gaylord, pastor by the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Max and the remainder of t he evening Sunshine Com. Club of the Cascade Christia n church , Scanlon and Mr. a nd Mrs. P eter will be spent in wrapping Valen­ Booster s Near will attend the I nterdenomination­ VandenBos. tine boxes to be given to t he pa­ Elects New Officers al Churchmen's Seminar in Wash­ tients in the Lowell Rest Home $3,000 Mark ington D . C., from Tuesday, Feb­ and t he Miller Rest Home. The Sunshine Community Club STUDENT S TO SELECT will meet Tuesday, F ebruary The Boosters Club's finance com- ruary 16 to Friday, F ebruar y 19. 011 SCHOOL SONG, FEB. 15 Several groups of girls have been 16, at 1 p. m . for a potluck lunch- mittee reported at thefr last regu­ There will be 250 per sons from making gifts, but those who have eon at the home of Mrs. Pleun Jar m eeting that they now ha ve 15 differ ent denominations a ttend­ Students of t he Forest Hills High not been asked to bring a nything, Lock, 612 Forest Hills s. E. nearly $3,000 in the Treasury. This ing this seminar . School will hold an assembly for please bring 50 cents to defray The newly elected officers of is the a mount needed in order thirty m inutes on Monday, F ebru­ the cost of wrapping paper a nd PARIS GRANGE TO ary 15, for the purpose of selecting the Club will preside at this meet- to be able to finance the tot<il decorations. ing: . President, Mrs. Carl Behnke; amount of $10,000 needed to light MEET WITH ART REEDS a school song . Four or five songs have been Vice-President, Mrs. Leon Madsen; the football fie ld. The Paris Gr ange will m eet on submitted a nd one will be chosen Appreciation Dinner to Secre tary, Mrs. Christina McLeod ; Two ways of obtaining these fi­ F riday evening, February 12, at at this a o; sembly, Honor Teachers-Leaders and Treasurer, Mrs. William Kos- nances are open to the Boosters, 8 :30 p. m. at the hom e of Mr . ten. but the decision on which one will a nd Mrs. Arthur Reed, 4767 E . VESTA CHAPTER MEETING The Cascade Chr istian Church be used has not been made a s Burton . The Vesta Chapter of the OES will be serving an Appreciation Hinh School Bands to of this date. The decision will be The speaker for the evening will dinner to t he Sunday School teach- -:.i Im ade wthin the next two weeks be Leo White who will tell us a bout will meet at t he Ada Masonic Hall ers a nd the youth' leaders on Tues- a nd will be reported at tha t time. on Wednesday evening, F ebr ua ry Present Musical Program the new ins ura nce plan for per­ day evening , F ebruary 16 in F e!- . sons over 65. 17 at 8 p, m. for a regular meeting. Jowship Hall at 6 :30 p. 'm. The The Junior and_ Seni~r High Ada School to Hotd Chr istian Women's F ellowship are bands an? the .senior choir of the preparing the dinner. 1 Forest _Hi lls High. School will be Annual Banquet, Feb. 19 The speaker for the evening will presenting a n:us1caJ program on The Ada Christian School a nnual be Rev. Dean Dalrymple, pastor Thursday evening, F ebr uary 11 at Services in Cascade Community 8 111 banquet will be held at the Ada of the Plymouth Congregational Ep. · . chu rch. veryone interested in music 1s Chr istian Reformed church on Fri­ invited to attend a nd stay for a day evening, F ebruary 19 at 6 :30 Increased in the Past Three Years discussion meeting afterwards, to P. m. With the h elp and support of working to secure a n off and on Geor9e F. Billie to talk of ways and means of getting Robert Brower of Gra nd Rapids t he Cascade Businessmen's Associ­ ra m p fr om t he new highway US-16 Address Post-Hi Group ba dly need instruments, a nd uni­ will show- his stereophonic sound ation the village has grown with at Whi tneyville Road. forms for the band a nd choir. We pictures a nd the Hudsonville male the following: With the assistance of the Town­ T he P ost-Hi of the Cascade Chris­ need your support. quartet will s ing on t he program. A supermarket, a n automotive ship Board t he CBA helped organ­ tian church will meet at the home building, a variety store, and a ize t he Cascade Township planning of J udy and J ohn F letcher, 2510 ST. ROBERT'S GUILD EASTi\'lONT COFFE E GROUP remodeled a nd enlar ged drug store. commission. The importance of this Thornapple River Dr. S. E., on CARD PARTY, F E BRUARY 18 TO HOLD DISCUSSION There is now under construction planning commission for the pro­ Saturday afternoon at 4 p.
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