Belarus Catching up with Europe Stefan Batory Foundation Warsaw 2004 Belarus Catching up with Europe Stefan Batory Foundation Sapieżyńska 10a 00-215 Warsaw tel. |48 22| 536 02 00 fax |48 22| 536 02 20
[email protected] Editors Agnieszka Komorowska, Bożena Kuzawińska Translator Jerzy Giebułtowski Language Editor and Proofreader Jarosław Król Art editor Marta Kusztra Cover design Teresa Oleszczuk Distribution TYRSA Sp. z o.o. The project European Choice for Belarus was carried out with financial support of the National Endowment for Democracy, Washington. The volume was published with financial support of the Open Society Institute © Copyright by Fundacja im. Stefana Batorego ISBN 83-89406-29-2 Distributed for free Warsaw 2004 Go to for details on the project and electronic version Contents Introduction 7 European Choice for Belarus The project 10 Belarus: Reform Scenarios – summary of the volume 13 Reviews Cathing up with Europe Wojciech Stanisławski 38 Locked-in Collapse Dariusz Filar 45 Discussion Can Belarus be reformed? 51 Dariusz Filar, Anatol Labedka, Zhanna Litvina, Alyaksandr Milinkievich, Vital Silitski, Vincuk Viachorka, Aleksander Smolar, Tomasz Żukowski Introduction This volume Belarus Catching up with Europe features a collection of texts offering an overview of the internal situation in Belarus and proposes political, economic and social reforms that would open prospects for European integration by initiating far-reaching reforms which would lead Belarus towards democracy and a functioning market economy. This volume also presents suggestions for EU policy regarding its relations with Belarus at the time of new neighborhood, based on an analysis of the effectiveness of methods for affecting transformations employed so far in this country.