NANTWICH heavyweight Nathan Gorman has been given the opportunity to appear on the undercard of ’s mammoth heavyweight title rematch with Wladimir Klitschko.

Fights are coming thick and fast for the -trained 19-year-old as he has racked up four victories with three knockouts since turning professional in December.

This past weekend Gorman floored Poland’s Kamil Sokolowski three times en route to a fifth round stoppage in Walsall and just two weeks earlier he wiped out Hrvoje Kisicek in just one session at ’s Copper Box Arena.

The opportunity to feature on the Fury v Klitchsko 2 card is huge for a boxer at this early stage in his career and Ricky Hatton believes fight fans will be pleased with what they see in on July 9.

“For a young prospect, things don’t get any bigger than this,” Hatton said. “The chance for a teenage heavyweight to box on the same bill as a world heavyweight title fight is massive.

“Nathan only started boxing around three years ago and he had to pinch himself when we told him where his next fight would be.

“I expect Nathan to shine on the night regardless of who he’s in with. In his last couple of fights he’s shown the power and shot picking we’ve been working on and I believe fans at the will be very impressed with what they see from him.”

Like Tyson Fury, Gorman comes from proud travelling stock. His uncle, Bartley Gorman, was a legend of bareknuckle boxing and was often referred to as ‘The King of the Gypsies’ thanks to an unbeaten run that lasted more than 20 years.

In fact, respect between the Gormans and the Furys played a part in getting young Nathan this chance.

“We have to thank Tyson and Peter Fury for getting Nathan on this card,” Hatton explained.

“The Fury family are close to Nathan’s and they’ve seen him in action since he first put on a pair of gloves.

“Tyson said he wanted Nathan on his undercard and Peter put the wheels in motion to make it happen. After training Tyson and Hughie, Peter knows a good heavyweight when he sees one and he was instrumental in pushing for Nathan to be included on the bill because he thinks he’ll had some excitement to the bill.

“We really can’t stress how grateful we are to Tyson and Peter for their belief in us and their support.”