BIONEwS ISSUE 4 - 2017

In this issue:

1 Editor’s Letter 16 Long-Term Projects Overview

2 Status of Curaçao’s Reefs 24 Monitoring Overview

11 Researchers discover that the three 28 List of Acronyms known flamingo tongue snail are in fact just one species 29 Reports and Publications

12 Biodiversity of 30 Calendar Dutch Caribbean Reefs 31 Members and Contact 13 Research Overview 32 References

Editor’s Letter

As part of DCNA’s series of articles focusing on as pollution and coastal development have had the status of reefs in all five of our islands, we a drastic impact on reef health.The scientific here put the spotlight on Curaçao. The island’s journal Marine Biodiversity has recently focused reefs have been the subject of much research its attention on the reefs of the Dutch Caribbean in the past few years, and in this edition of with various articles reporting on recent coral reef BioNews we attempt to provide insight into research in St. Eustatius and Curaçao, such as a some of the new findings. Commonly described report on the deep reef community (70-85 m as healthy and diverse and praised by divers depth) discovered off the leeward coast of and snorkelers for their beauty and rich marine Curaçao. We highly encourage you to look at fauna, the island’s reefs appear to be follow- the list with all articles published by Marine ing the Caribbean-wide trend of declining reef Biodiversity on the Dutch Caribbean to find out health. We look at the findings of several recent more about the many new discoveries that have studies that highlight the significant shift that been made! the island’s coral reef communities have gone through over the past four decades, with a One exciting discovery was recently made by two notable loss in both coral cover and fish biomass researchers from Naturalis and Oxford University and a worrying increase in turf algae. Museum of Natural History about the flamingo tongue, a colorful that lives on our Research projects that assess the status and reefs. Through genetic testing, they were able to marine biota of the island’s reefs help shed light confirm that the three known species of flamingo on their resilience and what stressors need to be tongue are in fact one single species despite dif- diminished to ensure they can endure through ferences in their mantle morphology. We present the intensification of regional and global threats. a summary of their research and findings. While Curaçao is not located in the Caribbean’s hurricane belt and was spared the devastation of Happy reading! Hurricanes Irma and Maria, local stressors such The DCNA Team

1 Status of Curaçao’s Reefs

The island of Curaçao is almost entirely sur- pounded by high waves rolling in from the rough rounded by narrow fringing reef that covers open seas.The leeward coast is sheltered from the an estimated area of 7.85 km2 (Vermeij, 2012). trade winds and is therefore calm with turquoise These reefs, considered some of the healthi- lagoons and sandy shores. est and most diverse in the Wider Caribbean Region, have long supported the island’s fishing Due to the vast differences in oceanographic con- industry and in recent decades have been the ditions between the island’s coasts, reef structure foundation for Curaçao’s lucrative marine tour- and abundance is very different on each side. On ism industry. A number of studies have however the west coast, fringing reefs are much better highlighted the significant shift that the island’s developed and have a much higher coral cover, coral reef communities have gone through over especially in shallow waters (Vermeij, 2012). The the past four decades, with a sharp decline in sea floor drops off steeply within about 100 m both coral cover and fish biomass. from the shore, which is known locally as the “blue edge”. At a depth of 50 to 60 meters, a sandy ter- 1. Geography and Reef Structure race begins to slope gently until a depth of about 80 to 90m, where a second steep drop off occurs Curaçao is the largest island in the Dutch Antilles, (Van Duyl, 1985; Pors & Nagelkerken, 1999) Corals with a total land area of 444km² and total mari- on the east coast only occur past a depth of 12 time area of 4,915 km2 (Van Buurt, 2009). This meters due to much rougher conditions, such as includes the land area of Klein Curaçao, a small, high wave energy (Van Duyl, 1985). uninhabited coral limestone island located some 10 km off the southeast point of Curaçao. The island has a total coastal length of 175 km. The leeward (west) and windward (east) coasts are As of 2010, live coral cover strikingly different. The windward coast is charac- on Curaçao’s reefs was terized by limestone cliff formations that are assessed to be 23.2%, with a coral diversity of 65 species.

As of 2010, live coral cover on Curaçao’s reefs was assessed to be 23.2%, with a coral diversity of 65 species (Van Alfen & Van Vooren, 2010; Vermeij, 2012). The highest coral diversity is found on the reef slope, with a rapid decline below depths of 30-40 m (Bruckner & Bruckner, 2003). When map- ping Curaçao’s reefs, Duyl (1985) found a general pattern of vertical zonation of species and there- fore concluded that the island’s coral species are highly affected by both depth and wave energy (Van Duyl, 1985). Shallow waters (shallower than 20 meters) are dominated by reef-building stony Montastraea spp. (Bruckner & Bruckner, 2003). Deeper waters are dominated by Agaricia spp. (Bak, Nieuwland & Meesters, 2005).

Map of Curaçao. Image credit: DCNA

2 2. Status of Curaçao’s reefs

A number of studies of Curaçao’s reefs have taken This Marine Scientific Assessment combined data place over the past four decades and have helped from a marine expedition, interviews with divers understand how the island’s reef communities and fishermen and historical sources (WAITT have changed over this time period (Table 1). In Institute, 2016). The expedition, which took place fact, along with Bonaire, Curaçao has the most in November 2015, measured the abundance and comprehensive reef monitoring data set of the composition of benthic and fish communities as entire Wider Caribbean region: coral cover, well as water quality at 148 sites around the island composition and mortality at depths of 10, 20, 30 using the Caribbean-Global Coral Reef Monitoring and 40 meters have been recorded at select sites Network (GCRMN) baseline scientific monitoring since 1973 using fixed photo quadrants (Bak et al., methods. Based on this expedition Blue Halo 2005). Please be aware that this study only targets Curaçao identified 8 zones with similar three sites around Curacao and therefore we ecological conditions: Klein Curaçao (Zone should be careful with island-wide statements. 1), Oostpunt (Zone 2), Caracasbaai (Zone 3), Willemstad (Zone 4), Bullenbaai (Zone 5), The most recent assessment of Curaçao’s reefs Valentijnsbaai (Zone 6), Westpunt (Zone 7), North was carried out in 2015 by Blue Halo Curaçao (a Shore (Zone 8) (Figure 1). This article focuses on partnership between the Waitt Institute and the the results of this island-wide most recent study. Government of Curaçao in close cooperation with researchers from CARMABI and Scripps Institution of Oceanography).

Figure 1. Based on the marine expedition eight zones with similar ecological conditions were identified and used for creating maps. In the Marine Scientific assessment report maps can be found with coral cover, juvenile cover density, turf- and macroalgae, fish biomass, infrastructure, sewage, trash, fishing pressure and diving pressure per zone. Credit: WAITT Institute, Esri, GEBCO, NOAA, National Geographic, Delorme, HERE,, and other contributors

3 Table 1: Summary of major coral status surveys conducted on Curacao’s coral reefs (Source: Adapted from Sustainable Fisheries Group, 2015)

# Sites Studies Time period Survey Description surveyed

Photographs are frequently taken of permanent quadrats of 9m2 at 10, 20, 30 and 40 m depths at the Leeward side of the island (Carmabi Buoy One (sites I and Bak et al., 2005; Bak, II) and Carmabi Buoy Two (site III)) to ana- Nieuwland, 1995; 1973-ongoing lyze the changes in community structures. 4 De Bakker et al., In addition to these three sites, another 2016,2017. site that is located at the far south-eastern side of Curaçao, was included with a quadrat positioned at 10 m (since 1983) and 20 m (since 1992) depth.

Bruckner and 1997, 1998 and Belt transect surveys to determine coral 9 Bruckner, 2003. 2000 abundance, diversity and health.

Sampling quadrats to determine the change in occurrence, cover, and so- Nagelkerken & 1969-2000 ciability of coral species of shallow (1–3 16 Nagelkerken, 2004. m depth) coral reefs along the entire southwest coast of Curaçao.

Nagelkerken et al., Transect surveys to quantify benthic 1973-2003 9 2005. cover.

Transect surveys were used to classify benthic cover and data on coral cover, Reefcare Coral state of health, amount and algae cover 1997-ongoing Currently: 6 Monitoring. and type. Four sites surveyed at a depth of 7 and 14 m every 3 months.

Data collection on coral reef fish and Sandin et al., 2008. 2008 5 benthic community structure.

Classified wave energy environments and benthic habitats using aerial photography Entire leeward Van Duyl, 1985. 1981-1983 and in situ reef ground truthing surveys coast (0-20m depth).

A large marine scientific assessment WAITT Institute, combined data from a marine expedition 2016 148 2016. (GCRMN method), interviews with divers and fishermen and historical sources.

4 2.1 Benthic cover Loss in coral cover

Like many reefs in the Caribbean, Curacao’s reefs The overall decline in coral cover for the island’s suffered over the past decades from anthropo- reefs ranges from 42% [1980-2012] (Sustainable genic and natural stressors such pollution, coastal Fisheries Group, 2015) to over 50% [1982-2015] development, overexploitation, bleaching events, (WAITT Institute, 2016). Blue Halo Curaçao found tropical storms, the mass mortality of Diadema that, with the exception of Klein Curacao and antillarum urchins in 1983 that greatly reduced Oostpunt, the average coral cover for the island herbivory levels on competitive algae (Bak et al., in 2015 was 15%. The north shore has the low- 1984; Figure 2) and the white-band disease that est coral cover (3-7%) due to the oceanographic killed nearly 90% of elkhorn and staghorn from conditions that inhibit coral reef growth. The area the late seventies to the mid-eighties (Bries et al., from Boka Sami to the North Shore (Zones 5 to 7) 2002; Mumby et al., 2014). also has a low coral cover (7-11%) (Figure 3).

Figure 2: Timeline of major natural and anthropogenic events that have impacted coral reef habitats in Curaçao. Source: Sustainable Fisheries Group UC Santa Barbara, 2015.

Figure 3: Coral cover by site level average. Credit: WAITT Institute, Esri, GEBCO, NOAA, National Geographic, Delorme, HERE,, and other contributors.

5 The use of photo quadrants has also revealed an renew itself once existing corals die, with reef- important loss in coral cover loss over the past 40+ building species most important in building calci- years (De Bakker et al., 2016, 2017). Indeed, from fied reef structures that protect shore communi- 1973 to 2014 De Bakker et al. (2016) found that ties from extreme weather events such as tropical coral cover decreased between 5.5% to 47.4% storms (WAITT Institute, 2016). Curaçao is located at 10, 20, 30 and 40 m depths (Table 2). While on the southern edge of the hurricane belt, and on overall cover and abundance declined for almost average one tropical storm passes within 200km all species (De Bakker et al. 2016), reef-building (100mi) of the island every 4 years (Sustainable species such as Orbicella spp. have suffered the Fisheries Group, 2015). These create high seas and biggest loss. There has been an overall shift intense wave action that causes localised dam- towards small colonies with reefs now dominated age to the reefs and the coastal zone. Curaçao by smaller, opportunistic species (e.g. Madracis sustains considerable damage from hurricanes mirabilis, Porites astreoides, Diploria strigosa, and approximately once every 100 years. There have Agaricia lamarcki), although even these species been no hurricanes in the past 20 years (Jackson have suffered an overall loss in cover (De Bakker et al., 2014). et al., 2016). Important consequences of reduced coral cover and the shift to smaller opportunistic Macroalgae, turf algae and cyanobaterial species is reduced carbonate production, loss of mats reef structural complexity and its’ associated loss of biodiversity, coastal protection and human Macroalgae are a natural part of a reef community food security (De Bakker et al., 2016). but many reefs in the Wider Caribbean Region have seen a shift from coral to algae dominated Curaçao’s healthiest reefs are located on the benthic communities. Studies have shown how island’s east side. Klein Curaçao (Zone 1) and damaging macroalgae can be to coral health, Oostpunt (Zone 2) were found to have an average inhibiting coral settlement and recruitment, slow- coral cover of 25%, with a number of individual ing coral growth and making them more prone to sites on the eastern side of these zones averaging disease (Jackson et al., 2014). A study on Curaçao >40% cover (Figure 3) (WAITT Institute, 2016). has revealed how macroalgae can negatively A few sites near Rif Marie (Zone 6) and Playa impact coral larval recruitment (Vermeij, 2006). Kalki (Zone 7) were also found to have a coral Larval settlement was found to be good on the cover >40%. Current estimates suggest that experimental panels that were totally covered in healthy Caribbean reefs have a coral cover of crustose coralline algae between 1979 and 1981. over 40% (WAITT Institute, 2016). Both the Klein However, by the early 2000s the upper surfaces of Curaçaoand Oostpunt zones also have the most these panels were totally covered in macroalgae favorable conditions for reef growth, as juvenile and larval settlement declined five-fold. corals of reef-building species are about twice as abundant in these zones than in other parts Macroalgae cover on Curaçao remains low com- of the island (Figure 3). Juvenile corals (<4cm) pared to the rest of the Caribbean, largely due to on Curaçao’s reefs decreased on average by the relatively high biomass of parrotfish that keep 55% from 1975 to 2005 (these small corals could macroalgae in check (Figure 6). However, one however be as old as 13 years) (Vermeij, 2011). worrying trend is the increase in turf algae, most likely due to an increase in nutrients in the water. Vermeij et al. (2014) found that the abundance Turf algae rapidly overgrows coral and unlike of juvenile corals may be another good measure macroalgae, herbivore fish have no effect on the of reef health alongside coral cover as such an rate by which turf algae overgrow corals (at a rate abundance “reflects the relative success or failure of 0.34 mm/3 wk) (WAITT Institute, 2016; Vermeij, of reef functional processes (recruitment, growth 2010). Except for the east coast of the island, all and survival) on a timescale meaningful to both zones have a much higher percentage cover of ecology and conservation” (Vermeij, 2014). The turf algae than macroalgae, with turf algae cover- relative abundance in juvenile reef-building coral ing 40.3% of the reef bottom on Curaçao’s south- species helps to predict how well a reef area will ern shore (Figure 4). The windward coast (Zone

6 8) has an unusually high cover of macroalgae; it is overgrow and smother reef benthos (Ritson- almost completely covered by Sargassum species Williams et al., 2005; De Bakker et al., 2016b), due to the area’s strong wave action and resulting create an anoxic environment (Brocke et al., 2015b) low coral cover (WAITT Institute, 2016). and produce chemicals that cause coral and fish mortality (Nagle and Paul 1998)” (De Bakker Another worrying trend is the rise of benthic et al., 2017). This trend is further described in cyanobacterial mats (Mumby et al., 2014) that in BioNews 3-2017 (“Status of Bonaire’s reefs” can also negatively impact reef communities by (“Harmful seaweed and the rise of cyanobacterial “inhibiting recruitment (Kuffner et al., 2006), act as mats” on page 7: pathogens (Carlton and Richardson 1995), uploads/2017/09/1.-Bionews-Issue-3-online.pdf)).

Depth Start coral End coral Net Place Reef Year span (m) cover (%) cover (%) change (%)

Curaçao CARMABI Buoy 1 (1) 10 1973-2014 48.5 1.1 -47,4

20 1973-2014 34.6 8.7 -25,9

30 1973-2014 22,4 4,4 -18

40 1973-2014 12,9 1,4 11,5

CARMABI Buoy 1 (2) 10 1973-2014 22.7 5.9 -16,8

20 1973-2014 32,9 5,6 -27,3

30 1973-2014 19,7 14,2 -5,5

40 1973-2014 17,6 6,9 -10,7

CARMABI Buoy 2 (3) 10 1973-2014 37 24 -13

20 1973-2014 34.9 16.6 -18.3

30 1973-2014 31 9.6 -21.4

40 1973-2014 36.1 18.4 -17.7

Table 2: Change in coral cover of a 9 m2 quadrat at a depth 10, 20, 30 and 40 meters at three different sites on Curacao. (Source: De Bakker et al., 2016)

Figure 4: Average abundance (in percentage cover) of reef building organisms: corals and crustose coralline algae (CCA) and abundant algal groups (turf algae and fleshy macroalgae) that compete with reef builders for space. Other bottom cover not shown in this figure includes sponges, sand and rubble. Source: WAITT Institute, 2016.

7 2.2 Fish biomass

There is currently no indicator within the increase in damselfish, which are known to hurt Caribbean of what total fish biomass indicates the reef when their population becomes too high a “healthy” reef, although healthy reefs in the (Vermeij, 2015). Herbivorous fish species, notably Pacific have been found to show total fish bio- parrotfish, have a crucial ecosystem role within masses between 270 – 510 g/m2 (WAITT Institute, reefs as they keep algae from overgrowing coral 2016; Sandin et al., 2008). While the three areas in (Jackson et al., 2014). Curaçao that have the highest fish biomass (>200 g/m2) do not fall within this “healthy” range, their Currently, the biomass of carnivorous fish is low value is still high compared to other parts of the across all zones, with the lowest abundance found Caribbean. Klein Curaçao (Zone 1) has the highest from Kaap Sint Marie to Westpunt and all down total fish biomass of the island (219 g/m2), closely the east coast (Zones 6 to 8) (Figure 5) (WAITT followed by Caracasbaai (Zone 3). Fish biomass is Institute, 2016). The biomass of herbivorous fish higher east of Kaap Sint Marie (Zones 1 to 5) with is still quite high (58 – 89 g/m2) in certain areas a range of 159 – 219 g/m2 and lower in the north- (Klein Curaçao to Willemstad) when compared to east of the island (Valentijnsbaai and Westpunt, other parts of the Caribbean. The highest biomass Zones 6 and 7) (Figure 5). is found near Bullenbaai and falls within the range at which herbivorous fish are able to keep algae The abundance of carnivorous and of herbivorous from overgrowing coral (>70 g/m2) (Figure 5). fish are important indicators of functional reef However, certain areas have shown a significant communities. High densities of predatory fish decrease in herbivorous fish populations, with the such are groupers dominate healthy reef fish lowest biomass (26 g/m2) found from Kaap Sint communities. If their abundance diminishes, the Marie to Santa Cruz (Zone 6). trophic structure of the reef fish assemblage is affected, which in turn affects reef health – for example, fewer predatory fish may lead to an

Figure 5: Spatial distribution of fish around Curaçao. Source: WAITT Institute, 2016

8 3. Local stressors on Curaçao’s reefs

As is the case for most reefs around the world, Willemstad (Zone 4), most likely due to the pres- Curaçao’s coral reefs have suffered from a sharp ence of large ships, and near Oostpunt (Zone 2), increase in local stressors over the past few which has limited shore access for fishermen. decades. These stressors, such as pollution and coastal development, have had a drastic impact 4. Condition of Curaçao’s reefs on reef health and led to an important decline in compared to other reefs within coral cover and fish biomass. It is important to the Caribbean Region reduce local threats to increase the resilience of the reefs to the global stressors caused by climate Curaçao’s reefs are considered relatively healthy change such as coral bleaching events. compared to the rest of the Caribbean (WAITT Institute, 2016) and rate favorably on some critical Coral cover loss has been the highest around indicators of reef health and functional reef com- the island’s densely populated areas, especially munities (Figure 6). The coral cover of the island’s around the capital city of Willemstad. Curaçao has a population of 160,337 inhabitants and is leeward coast (31%) is amongst the five highest of the second most densely populated island of the the Caribbean, just below Bonaire’s leeward coast leeward islands with just over 354 inhabitants per (35%). Coral cover of the east coast is much lower km2 (CBS, 2017). The Blue Halo Curaçao study (12%) due to the oceanographic conditions of that assessed the island’s coastal pollution from both coast, but still higher than Saba (9%). Parrotfish at sea and land sources. Land-based pollutants abundance of Curaçao’s leeward coast is also were found to contaminate waters through amongst the five highest in the Caribbean, just be- run-off, sewage, industrial pipes and trash. As low Bonaire’s leeward coast (31 g/m2). The north expected, sewage pollution was found to be the shore has a much lower parrotfish abundance (15 highest around Willemstad, the island’s biggest g/m2), around the same range as Saba (13 g/m2). agglomerate of urban area (Zone 4). Lots of trash The macroalgal cover for both the east and west was found in Bullenbaai (Zone 5) and Westpunt coast rate low (both 8%), while Saba rates even (Zone 7). lower (5%).

While fishing pressure is limited on the island’s While the health of Curaçao’s reefs has signifi- reefs due to the fact that most fishing now takes cantly worsened over the past decades, they are still healthy enough to provide the island with place offshore and in deep waters, there are still important economic gains. In 2016, Curaçao’s certain reef areas around the island that have his- reefs were valued at more than USD 442 million torically been overfished or are being over-fished per year (Sustainable Fisheries Group, 2016). (Vermeij, 2012; Kraan, 2017). The two areas with These economic benefits will however disappear if the highest fishing pressure are Westpunt (Zone Curaçao’s reefs become too damaged, alongside 7) and Klein Curaçao (Zone 1) (WAITT Institute, invaluable functions such as storm protection and 2016). The total fish biomass at Klein Curaçao carbonate production. So far, the loss in Curaçao’s remains high (likely because most fishermen coral cover has led to a 67% reduction in reef target pelagics rather than reef fish), but the low carbonate production (De Bakker et al., 2016). fish biomass at Westpunt indicates that the area Drastic actions to ensure the proper management is severely overfished (Figure 5). Westpunt is also and conservation of the island’s reefs, such as the one of the most visited dive areas and greatly designation of no take zones and the repair of valued by both fishermen and divers, meaning its water treatment facility, is therefore urgently that there is great potential for conflict between needed and must become an absolute priority for these two user groups (WAITT Institute, 2016). the island. The windward side of the island has a low fishing pressure due to rougher waters that deter most fishermen. Fishing is also limited around

9 Figure 6: Overview of commonly used metrics for coral ecosystem health of Curaçao’s coral reefs in comparison to other Caribbean islands and nations. High coral cover and high abundance of parrotfish are considered signs of functional reef communities, whereas high macroalgal abundance is indicative of degraded reefs. (Note: the more common turf algae and cyanobacteria are not included in this comparison).Source: WAITT Institute, 2016.

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10 Researchers discover that the three known flamingo tongue snail species are in fact just one species

Two researchers at Naturalis and Oxford “We found some patterns that were set between University Museum of Natural History, Bastian the striped and spotted one” explains Reijnen, “it Reijnen and Sancia van der Meij, recently car- was therefore not clear which kind of snail species ried out research on flamingo tongue snails and they belonged to, which is why we carried out found that the three known species ( genetic testing” (Naturalis, 2017). The research- gibbosum – flamingo tongue; C. signatum ers used data obtained from a previous study on ¬fingerprint flamingo tongue and C. mcgin- Caribbean Cyphoma (Reijnen et al., 2010) and car- tyi - McGinty’s flamingo tongue) are in fact ried out genetic testing on each of the 31 collected one single species despite differences in their specimens to investigate the genetics behind the mantle morphology. Cyphoma signatum and C. morphological differences in shell shape, mantle mcgintyi have different color patterns than C. patterns and coloration in Cyphoma spp. (Reijnen gibbosum (fingerprint pattern and brown dots) & Van der Meij, 2017). Four molecular markers and C. gibbosum and C. signatum have different were studied: COI mtDNA, 16S mtDNA, 28S tDNA shell outlines and color (Reijnen & Van der Meij, and H3 nDNA. 2017). The results of the study revealed that there is no Flamingo tongue snails are easily recognizable genetic difference between the three species and thanks to their light colored coat, known as that they are in fact a single, genetically homoge- mantle, which has a pattern of orange dots with neous species (Reijnen & Van der Meij, 2017). “We an encircling black line (Naturalis, 2017). The have now shown that all these patterns are just a mantle is made up of soft tissue that covers the variation of one and the same kind.” explains Van entire shell. The colors and patterns of the snail’s der Meij. “Instead of describing new species, we coat help protect it against predators by warn- synonymize snail species (Cyphoma signatum and ing predators of its toxicity. Flamingo tongue C. mcgintyi) with the oldest available species name snails live on gorgonians and feed on them. They (C. gibbosum)”. These findings are in line with consume the living tissue of the gorgonians anatomical studies by Ghiselin & Wilson (1966) as they move across it; their digestive system and Simone (2004), who found that interpreta- secretes chemicals that break down the octocoral tion of the anatomical features in Cyphoma are tissue into nutrients. The snail also ingests toxins troublesome and observed no clear differences from the gorgonians but stores them in its tissues between species. The researchers suggest that and uses them as a defense mechanism against the prominent differences in mantle morphology predators. between the species are the result of one of three possible scenarios: rapid divergence, supergenes Reijnen and Van der Meij (2017) collected 31 or incipient speciation (Reijnen & Van der Meij, flamingo tongue specimens from Curaçao and St. 2017). Eustatius and obtained material from Florida. The specimens belonged to the three known species as well as one unidentified black morphotype.

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11 Biodiversity of Dutch Caribbean Reefs By Bert W. Hoeksema (Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, The Netherlands)

The coral reefs of the Dutch Caribbean have Most marine biodiversity research executed in recently received much attention in the scientific the Dutch Caribbean by scientists of Naturalis journal Marine Biodiversity. The first issue of Biodiversity Center and other Dutch research 2017 contained various articles about coral reef institutes was performed on Curaçao, which was research carried out in the Caribbean and particu- possible thanks to the hospitality offered by the larly St. Eustatius and Curaçao. The new findings research station of Caribbean Marine Biological suggest that much remains to be discovered Institute (CARMABI). This resulted in many regarding the marine fauna and flora of Caribbean reports on the marine biota of Curaçao, most of coral reefs. which were published in the journals Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands The plan for this issue started to develop dur- (1940–1980), Studies on the Flora of Curaçao ing preparations for the marine biodiversity and other Caribbean Islands (1956–1968), and expedition to St. Eustatius in 2015, which was Studies on the Natural History of the Caribbean organized by Naturalis Biodiversity Center and Region (1992–2000). The special issue of Marine ANEMOON Foundation and hosted by the Biodiversity adds to these previous studies by Caribbean Netherlands Science Institute (CNSI). including new reports on corals, fishes, mollusks, The expedition resulted in various new discoveries and worms. of algae, coral, crustacean, fish, hydroid, mollusk and sponge species for the eastern Caribbean. With the availability of Substation Curaçao for sci- These new findings included undescribed species entific work (since 2010), marine biodiversity stud- and new species records for St. Eustatius, some of ies in the deepest reef zones of Curaçao became which were even new for the whole Atlantic. more easy. The manned submersible Curasub can reach depths down to ca. 300 m. It can be trans- ported by its mothership RV Chapman, which enables deep reef surveys at various localities off Curaçao and other Caribbean islands. This has already led to many new species discoveries, dis- tribution records, and species depth records. The Marine Biodiversity special issue features a report on the deep reef community (70-85 m depth) discovered off the leeward coast of Curaçao.

Additional scientific reports of the 2015 expedition to St. Eustatius and recent research by Naturalis in the Dutch Caribbean have been published in other journals. All these publications can be found in the list on page 29.

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Cover of the special issue of Marine Biodiversity on Caribbean Coral Reefs

12 Research Overview September 2017


Suitability study and re- forestation of exclosures facilitating the Yellow- Birds shouldered Amazon BON Echo: Lauren Schmaltz, Quirijn Coolen Parrots (Amazona barbadensis) ​ on Bonaire.

Surveys (based on AGRRA and GCRMN) for the Coral Reef assessment of fish and BON WUR: Erik Meesters ecosystems benthos communities including corals, algae, sponges to 20 m depth.

Naturalis: Bert Hoeksema Coral Reef Coral-associated CUR Leiden University ecosystems fauna of Curaçao CARMABI

Distribution and impact Naturalis: Bert Hoeksema Coral Reef of the invasive reef coral Leiden University: Auke-Florian Hiemstra CUR ecosystems Tubastraea coccinaea on (student) the coral reefs of Curaçao CARMABI

Distribution and impact Naturalis: Bert Hoeksema Coral reef of the aggressive ascidian CUR Leiden University: Gabriël Olthof (student) ecosystems Trididemnum solidum on CARMABI the coral reefs of Curaçao

3D reconstruction as a monitoring strategy for University of Oxford: Julia Huisman Coral reef coral reef restoration of BON School of Geography and the Environment restoration Acropora palmata on CRFB Bonaire

The Economics of Wolfs Company: Esther Wolfs, Boris van Economics of Ecosystems and Zanten AUA ecosystems Biodiversity (TEEB) on VU: Pieter van Beukering Aruba YABI consultancy: Francielle Laclé

13 September 2017


Environmental Damage SAB SCF: Kai Wulf Environmental after Hurricane Irma and EUX STENAPA: Clarisse Buma damage Maria SXM NFSXM: Tadzio Bervoets

Erosion around Kralendijk *Part of Nature Funding DRO Erosion BON Project: Erosion control VU: Nick Roos (student) and nature restoration

WUR: Erwin Winter, Dolfi Debrot, Martin de Baited Remote Graaf, Twan Stoffers Fish Underwater Video (BRUV) BON STINAPA to study sharks HAS: Mavelly Velandia (student) WUR: Sander Delacauw (student)

Distribution of local and regional surgeon- CIEE: Rita Peachey, Franziska Elmer, Fish fish disease using a BON Madeline Roth, Lucia novel technique - Google Rodriguez, Sasha Giammetti, Megan Hoag Images.

Identification of the University of North Texas: Zac Kohl (PhD parasite and hosts of the Candidate) Fish BON turbellarian infecting reef CIEE: Franziska Elmer; Rita Peachey; Lisa fish species in Bonaire Kram; Ashley Novak; Andrew Paton

Research into mitigation NFSXM: Tadzio Bervoets Invasive species measures for Sargassum SXM Government of St. Maarten Seaweed

Environmental DNA (eDNA) of lionfish in Lac Bay: A tool for detect- CIEE: Rita Peachey Invasive species BON ing the invasive species Indiana University: Stephen Glaholt in complex habitats (mangroves)

14 September 2017


Pilot-scale testing and evaluation of mangrove ecosystem intervention options (fish fauna, WUR: Dolfi Debrot, Douwe Boerstra (stu- Mangrove epibionts on mangrove BON dent), Laura Timmermans (student) ecosystems prop roots) *Part of STINAPA: Sabine Engel Nature Funding Project: Ecological restoration Lac Bay and South coast, Bonaire

Wolfs Company: Boris van Zanten, Esther Nature Policy Developing a nature BON Wolfs, Sacha van Duren Planning policy plan for Bonaire DRO

Germination of seeds Plants of indigenous trees of CUR CARMABI: John de Freitas Curaçao

Testing effective ways to Plants BON Echo: Quirijn Coolen, Johan van Blerk grow native plants

Research Overview Would you like to share a news item? Please e-mail us: [email protected]

15 Long Term Projects


Deep Reef Observation Coral Reef Project (DROP) (ARMS: CUR Smithsonian: Carole Baldwin Ecosystems Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures)

UvA: Valerie Chamberland Postsettlement dynamics Coral Reef (PhD candidate) of Caribbean corals & CUR Ecosystems CARMABI Reef restoration SECORE International

NIOZ: Fleur van Duyl Coral Reef Bioersion of reefs by BON,CUR, WUR: Erik Meesters, Didier de Bakker (PhD Ecosystems coral-excavating sponges SAB, EUX student)

CRF Bonaire: Augusto Montbrun, Francesca Virdis Development of restora- SECORE Project Coral Reef tion methods for threat- BON, CUR, CARMABI: Mark Vermeij Ecosystems ened Caribbean coral SAB UvA: Valerie Chamberland (PhD candidate) species SCF, Sea Saba, Samford University: Jennifer Rahn

Developing a plan to man- age the waters around Curaçao sustainably, Coral Reef profitably, and enjoyably Waitt Institute (Blue Halo Curaçao): CUR Ecosystems for this and Kathryn Mengerink future generations - including mesophotic reef dropcam project

Dutch Caribbean Species Catalog: Taxonomic knowledge system Dutch Naturalis: Sander Pieterse & Berry van der Database All Caribbean (http://www. Hoorn dutchcaribbeanspecies. org/)

Effects of dispersants on the fate of oil in WUR: Tinka Murk, Marieke Zeinstra- Environmental realistic conditions EUX Helfrich (PhD student) (C-IMAGE consortium, CNSI TripleP@Sea Program)


Ecotoxicological aspects of rational application of chemicals in response WUR: Tinka Murk, Justine van Eenennaam Environmental to oil spills to reduce EUX (PhD student) environmental damage CNSI (C-IMAGE consortium, TripleP@Sea Program)

Ecotoxicological aspects of rational application of chemicals in response to oil spills to reduce environmental damage WUR: Tinka Murk, Sophie Vonk (PhD student) Development of an area Environmental EUX Lei Wageningen UR: Stijn Reinhard specific net environmen- CNSI tal and economic benefit analysis (NEEBA) to sup- port oil spill mitigation decisions; with St. Eustatius as example

Moleculair biodi- Interstitial versity analysis of Naturalis: Arjen speksnijder EUX biodiversity marine communities by ANEMOON: Niels Schrieken metabarcoding

Combatting the economic and ecological impacts of Invasive species BON UsA: Michaela Roberts (PhD student) overgrazing on inhabited islands

STINAPA Sabine Engel, Caren Eckrich Marine and biodiver- BON Ecosub: Godfried van Moorsel ecosystems sity in Lac Bay CEAB: Daniel Martin

Naturalis: Bert Hoeksema Marine Marine species discover- All CNSI ecosystems ies in the Dutch Caribbean CARMABI

Population dynamics and WUR: Aad Smaal, Leo Nagelkerke, Martin de role in the food chain of Graaf Molluscs the Queen Conch Lobatus EUX, SAB Erik Boman (PhD student) gigas in the Dutch SCF (SBMU): Jens Odinga Caribbean Territories CNSI

DNA waterscan: Monitoring disease Naturalis: Kevin Beentjes Public Health EUX vectors in the Caribbean ECPHF: Teresa Leslie (mosquitoes and midges)


Sustainable develop- ment Dutch Caribbean (TripleP@Sea Program) - Are human activities WUR: Diana Slijkerman Sustainability a risk for ecosystem EUX WUR (Alterra): Rene Henkens services? CNSI - Green Statia or how to regain balance between nature and agriculture?

Baseline assessment Naturalis: Michael Stech, Berry van der Hoorn Terrestrial and DNA barcoding of EUX STENAPA biodiversity specimens CNSI

Testing surrogates to Terrestrial Naturalis: Jeremy Miller establish conservation EUX biodiversity STENAPA priorities

NWO Projects in the Dutch Caribbean

Stand-alone production WUR: R.H. Wijffels Bioproducts of algal products for food, BON CIEE: Rita Peachey feed, chemicals and fuels

Caribbean coral reef ecosystems: interactions of anthropogenic ocean NIOZ: Fleur van Duyl, Steven van Heuzen Coral Reef acidification and eutrophi- BON, SAB, (PostDoc), Alice Webb (PhD student) Ecosystems cation with bioerosion by EUX STENAPA coral excavating sponges CNSI - Bioerosion and climate change

VHL: Alwin Hylkema, Marlous Heemstra WUR: Dolfi Debrot STENAPA: Jessica Berkel, Erik Houtepen Coral Artificial Reefs On Saba SAB SCF: Kai Wulf, Jens Odinga, Aymi Izioka restoration and Statia (AROSSTA) EUX CNSI: Johan Stapel Students: Callum Reid, Esmee vd Griend, Daniel Heesink

Caribbean island AUA, BON, VU: Jacintha Ellers, Matt Helmus, Wendy Environmental biogeography meets the CUR, EUX, Jesse (PhD. Student), Jocelyn Behm (Postdoc) anthropocene SXM CNSI


NWO Projects in the Dutch Caribbean

Confronting Caribbean Challenges: Hybrid Identities and Governance in Small-scale Island KITLV, Leiden University: Gert Oostindie Environmental Jurisdictions BON, SAB, (Project director) psychology - Behavioral differences EUX KITLV, Leiden University: Stacey Mac between/within the BES Donald (PhD student) islands when it comes to nature conservation and cultural heritage.

Stability of Caribbean UU: Henk Dijkstra, NIOZ: Peter Herman, coastal ecosystems under Rebecca James (PhD student) TU Delft: Julie future extreme sea level BON, EUX, Geosciences Pietrzak changes (SCENES) SXM STENAPA - The effects of climate CNSI change on calcifying algae

4D crust-mantle mod- elling of the eastern Caribbean region: toward UU: Wim Spakman coupling deep driving NIOZ: Lennart de Nooijer Geomorphological EUX processes to surface Alfred Wegener Institute Germany evolution CNSI - Reconstructing past climate change

Exotic plant species in the Caribbean: foreign foes or alien allies? (1) UU: Jetske Vaas (PhD student), Peter (1) Socio-economic Driessen, Frank van Laerhoven and Mendel impacts of invasive plant BON, SAB, Giezen (2) UU: Elizabeth Haber (PhD stu- Invasive species species (2) Ecological EUX dent), Martin Wassen, Max Rietkerk,Maarten impacts of invasive Eppinga. plant species-Utrecht CNSI University

RuG: Per Palsbøll, Jurjan van der Zee (PhD student) Ecology and conservation RU: Marjolijn Christianen, AUA, BON, of green and hawksbill WUR: Lisa Becking Reptiles CUR, SAB, turtles in the Dutch STCB: Mabel Nava EUX, SXM Caribbean CARMABI STENAPA CNSI


NWO Projects in the Dutch Caribbean

Vulnerability is dynamic: Enhancing adaptive Tourism and governance to climate WUR: Jillian Student, Machiel Lamers sustainable CUR change for Caribbean UOC: Filomeno A. Marchena development tourism through interac- tive modelling

BO-projects in the Dutch Caribbean (Min EZ)

BO-11-019.02-038– Coral Reef Analysis photomaterial BON, CUR WUR: Erik Meesters Ecosystems coral reefs

BO-11-019.02-022 – Inventory corals Coral Reef Includes monitoring and BON, CUR WUR: Erik Meesters Ecosystems research of the longest coral reef time-series in the world (since 1973)

BO-11-019.02-060 – WUR: Dolfi Debrot, Rene Henkens, Peter Status of nature conserva- BON, SAB, Verweij Conservation tion of the Caribbean EUX EZ: Paul Hoetjes, Yoeri de Vries (eds.) Netherlands (for new nature policy plan)

BO-11-019.02-002 - AUA, BON, DCBD Expansion knowledge CUR, SAB, WUR (Alterra): Peter Verweij system Dutch Caribbean EUX, SXM

WUR: Dolfi Debrot Thomas Brunel, Martin de Graaf BO-11-019.02-055 – Fisheries SAB, EUX SCF (SBMU): Jens Odinga, Ayumi Izioka Fisheries Dutch Caribbean NIOZ: Kimani Kitson-Walters Students: Fedor den Elzen, Ivo Damen

BO-11-019.02-008 – WUR: Erik Meesters (benthic communities), Marine Saba Bank – Marine SAB Dolfi Debrot, Thomas Brunel, Leo Nagelkerke biodiversity biodiversity (fish stocks)


“NatureBO-projects Funding” Projects in thein the Dutch Dutch Caribbean (Min EZ) Caribbean (Min EZ)

BO-11-019.02-054 WUR: Dolfi Debrot, Dick de Haan, Meike Marine mam- – Marine mammal SAB, EUX Scheidat, Ayumi Izioka mals & sharks sanctuary SCF (SBMU): Jens Odinga

BO-11-019.02-005 – Marine BON, SAB, Marine mammals in the WUR: Dolfi Debrot mammals EUX Dutch Caribbean

WUR: Dolfi Debrot Wolfs Co.: Esther Wolfs BO-11-019.02-050 – UNESCO: Josephine Langley World Heritage World Heritage nomina- BON DRO: Frank v Slobbe nomination tion Bonaire National CARMABI: Mark Vermeij, John de Freitas Marine Park Curacao Footprint Foundation: Leon Pors

“Nature Funding” Projects in the Dutch Caribbean (Min EZ)

Coastal ecosys- Ecological restoration STINAPA: Sabine Engel tems (Lac Bay: Lac Bay and South coast, WUR: Klaas Metselaar BON Mangroves and Bonaire STCB: Mabel Nava seagrass beds) DRO: Frank van Slobbe

The sustainable agricul- Bonaire Agri & Aqua Business BV: Sherwin Sustainable ture and rural develop- Pourier BON Agriculture ment program (POP Wayaká Advies BV: Jan Jaap van Almenkerk Bonaire) DRO: Frank van Slobbe

Echo: Julianka Clarenda Invasive species Feral Pig Control BON DRO: Frank van Slobbe

Echo: Lauren Schmaltz, Quirijn Coolen Reforestation Reforestation Project BON DRO: Frank van Slobbe

Goat eradication and STINAPA Invasive species control in Washington BON DRO: Frank van Slobbe Slagbaai National Park

Coral CRF Bonaire: Augusto Montbrun Coral Restoration ecosystems BON DRO: Frank van Slobbe


“Nature Funding” Projects in the Dutch Caribbean (Min EZ)

World Heritage Wolfs Company: Esther Wolfs, Boris van World Heritage Nomination Bonaire BON Zanten, Amilcar Guzman, Viviana Lujan nomination Marine Park and/or other DRO: Frank van Slobbe interconnected sites

Bonaire Agri & Aqua Business BV: Sherwin Terrestrial Erosion control and Pourier BON ecosystems nature restoration Wayaká Advies BV: Jan Jaap van Almenkerk DRO: Frank van Slobbe

Terrestrial Cave and karst nature DRO: Frank van Slobbe BON ecosystems reserve CARIBSS: Fernando Simal

Nature Campaign environment BON DRO: Frank van Slobbe, Peter Montanus communication en nature on Bonaire

Agriculture Agricultural Project SAB Government of Saba: Menno van der Velde

Recreation Hiking trails SAB Government of Saba: Robert Zagers

Pollution Tent Reef Protection SAB Government of Saba: Robert Zagers

Invasive species Goat buy-back program SAB Government of Saba: Menno van der Velde

Government of Saba Yacht mooring project SAB SCF: Kai Wulf

Government of Saba Saba national park SAB SCF: Kai Wulf SABARC: Ryan Espersen

Government of Saba: Robert Zagers Crispeen trail project SAB SCF: Kai Wulf

Government of St Eustatius Community Nature Awareness project EUX STENAPA: Clarisse Buma outreach CNSI: Johan Stapel, Hannah Madden


“Nature Funding” Projects in the Dutch Caribbean (Min EZ)

Nature Strengthening manage- Government of St Eustatius EUX management ment of nature STENAPA: Clarisse Buma

Government of St Eustatius Invasive Rodent assessment and EUX CNSI: Johan Stapel, Hannah Madden species control ECPHF: Teresa Leslie

Government of St Eustatius Coral Coral restoration EUX STENAPA: Jessica Berkel ecosystems CNSI: Johan Stapel

Government of St Eustatius Erosion Erosion control EUX CNSI: Johan Stapel

EU-BEST funded Projects in the Dutch Caribbean

Marine Directie Natuur en Milieu: Gisbert Boekhoudt Marine Park Aruba AUA ecosystems TNO: Kris Kats

WUR: Erik Meesters SCF STENAPA Restoration Ecosystem NFSXM Coral Reef SAB, EUX, Services and Coral Reef Turks & Caicos Reef Fund Ecosystems SXM Quality (Project RESCQ) Students: Niels Wagenaar, Silvan Allard, Pam Engelberts, Roxanne Francisca, Lotte Staat, Carmen Carpendale, Daniela Simal, Emma Louise Pratt, Renate Olie, Amber Mulder

Watershed & Biodiversity Conservation Conservation of Roi BON Echo: Lauren Schmaltz, Quirijn Coolen Sangu valley

EPIC: Kippy Gilders Restoration of Key Les Fruits des Mer: Mark Yokoyama (reptile, Terrestrial habi- Biodiversity Areas of St. SXM amphibian, and invertebrate assessment) tat restoration Maarten The Leon Levy Native Plant Preserve, Bahamas: Ethan Freid (plant assessment)

23 Monitoring Overview September 2017


DRO: Frank van Slobbe Birds Flamingo Abundance BON Cargill STINAPA: Paulo Bertuol

Monitoring vulnerable Birds parrot nests (remote BON Echo: Laura Schmaltz, Sam Williams camera sensing work)

Yellow-shouldered Echo: Lauren Schmaltz Birds Amazon parrot roost BON DRO: Peter Montanus counts STINAPA: Paulo Bertuol

FPNA Bird Monitoring AUA DLVV: Tatiana Becker Birds (Caribbean Waterbird BON STINAPA: Paulo Bertuol Census) SXM EPIC: Nathalia Collier

STINAPA: Paulo Bertuol Tern monitoring(artificial Cargill Birds BON nesting islands) DRO WUR: Dolfi Debrot

Terrestrial Bird Echo: Lauren Schmaltz Birds Monitoring Program for BON STINAPA Bonaire

Red-billed Tropicbird SAB STENAPA Birds monitoring EUX SCF: Kai Wulf

Birds Pelican monitoring SXM NFSXM: Melanie Meijer zu Schlochtern

Monitoring Survivorship, Population Trends, and Birds SXM EPIC: Nathalia Collier Habitat Requirements in Lesser Antillean Birds

Monitoring of Black- Birds capped Petrels and SXM EPIC: Nathalia Collier, Adam Brown Granadine’s seabirds

Coral reef Coral Bleaching SXM NFSXM: Tadzio Bervoets ecosystems Monitoring

24 September 2017


STINAPA: Caren Eckrich BON CARMABI: Mark Vermeij CUR Coral reef Global Coral Reef SCF (SBMU): Jens Odinga SAB ecosystems Monitoring Network STENAPA: Jessica Berkel EUX NFSXM: Tadzio Bervoets SXM CNSI: Johan Stapel

Corals reef Doobies Crack reef dam- EUX STENAPA: Erik Houtepen ecosystems age recovery survey

Corals reef Staghorn coral field EUX STENAPA: Jessica Berkel ecosystems monitoring survey

Monitoring and research of the longest coral reef WUR: Erik Meesters, Didier de Bakker (PhD Coral reef time-series in the world BON student) ecosystems (since 1973) CUR NIOZ: Fleur van Duyl, Rolf Bak (Part of BO-11-019.02-022 –Inventory corals)

Coral reef monitoring Coral reef (Since 2007 using AGRRA BON CIEE: Rita Pearchey ecosystems methods and filming of permanent transects)

NFSXM: Tadzio Bervoets Environmental Water quality testing SXM EPIC: Natalia Collier

Nutrient (phosphate, ammonium, nitrate and Environmental EUX CNSI: Johan Stapel nitrite) monitoring of St Eustatius’ coastal waters

WUR: Erwin Winter, Dolfi Debrot, Martin de Shark monitoring: BON Graaf -Shark sightings CUR STINAPA: Caren Eckrich - Shark Abundance, Fish SAB CARMABI: Mark Vermeij distribution and move- SXM SCF(SBMU): Jens Odinga, Ayumi Izioka ments (tagging, acoustic EUX STENAPA: Jessica Berkel telemetry) NFSXM: Tadzio Bervoets

Spawning monitoring: SCF (SBMU): Jens Odinga, Ayumi Izioka Fish Red hind surveys on SAB Moonfish Bank

Insects Bee tracking BON Echo: Lauren Schmaltz

25 September 2017


Goat and/or donkey removal: -Washington Slagbaai STINAPA: Paulo Bertuol Invasive National Park BON WUR: Dolfi Debrot species - Lac Bay area (exclusion EUX DRO: Frank van Slobbe plots) STENAPA - Quill National Park (exclusion plots)

BON STINAPA: Paulo Bertuol (50 meter traps) CUR CARMABI: Mark Vermeij Invasive Lionfish abundance and SXM NFSXM: Tadzio Bervoets species control SAB SCF (SBMU): Jens Odinga EUX STENAPA: Jessica Berkel

Monkey Monitoring: Invasive abundance and SXM NFSXM: Tadzio Bervoets species distribution

Invasive Feral pig population as- Echo: Nathan Schmaltz, Sam Williams BON species sessment (trapping)

FPNA AUA Mammals Bat monitoring WildConscience: Fernando Simal, Linda BON Garcia

Dolphin monitoring (since Mammals BON Ron Sewell 1999)

NOAA: Heather Heenehan, Sofie Van Parijs, Caribbean Humpback Peter Corkeron, Fred Wenzel Acoustic Monitoring Mammals BON, AUA STINAPA: Wijnand de Wolf Programme (CHAMP) AMMF: Angiolina Henriquez RCN: Paul Hoetjes

Marine Mammal WUR: Dick de Haan, Dolfi Debrot Mammals Monitoring (noise loggers SAB SCF (SBMU): Jens Odinga, Ayumi Izioka Saba Bank)

Conch (Strombus gigas) WUR: Martin de Graaf, Erik Boman (PhD SAB Molluscs on St. Eustatius, Saba student) EUX Bank, Anguilla SCF (SBMU): Jens Odinga

Fishery monitoring (including lionfish, shark SCF (SBMU): Jens Odinga, Ayumi Izioka bycatch and marine mam- Gem City Consulting: Erik Boman Natural SAB mal sightings) LVV: Kiman Kitson-Walters resource use EUX (* Part of BO-11-019.02- WUR: Dolfi Debrot, Fedor den Elzen (student), 055 – Fisheries Dutch Ivo (student) Damen Caribbean)

26 September 2017


Phenology of bats in cacti Plants AUA WildConscience: Linda Garcia, FPNA landscapes of Aruba

Monitoring of tree growth Plants and survivorship in BON Echo: Quirijn Coolen, Nicholas Verhey reforestation areas

Terrestrial Habitat Plants Monitoring Program for BON Echo: Lauren Schmaltz Bonaire

Lesser Antillean Iguana: Monitoring population STENAPA Reptiles density & removing EUX RAVON: Tim van Wagensveld invasive Green Iguana and EcoPro: Hannah Madden hybrids

Boa and Cascabel FPNA, Toledo Zoological Society: Andrew Reptiles AUA Monitoring Odum

Behavior of the endemic FPNA, Auburn University: Jeff Goessling Reptiles AUA Aruban Whiptail lizard (PhD candidate)

Seagrass and mangrove Seagrass and STINAPA: Sabine Engel, Caren Eckrich monitoring BON mangrove WUR: Klaas Metselaar (BON: also conch and SXM ecosystems NFSXM: Tadzio Bervoets benthic fauna)

Seagrass and RuG: Marjolijn Christianen Seagrass restoration mangrove BON STINAPA : Sabine Engel BESE elements ecosystems

Sea turtle monitoring: TurtugAruba Foundation -Satellite tracking STCB: Mabel Nava -Nest monitoring AUA, BON, CARMABI (STCC): Sabine Berendse Reptiles -In water surveys (BON, CUR, SAB, STENAPA: Jessica Berkel CUR, SXM) EUX, SXM SCF: Kai Wulf -Fibropapillomatosis NFSXM: Tadzio Bervoets presence (BON)

Monitoring Overview Would you like to share a news item? Please e-mail us: [email protected]

27 List of Acronyms

Department of Agriculture, AUA Aruba LVV Husbandry & Fisheries, St. Eustatius BON Bonaire NFSXM Nature Foundation St. Maarten CUR Curaçao Naturalis Biodiversity Center, The Naturalis SAB Saba Netherlands EUX St. Eustatius NIOZ Royal Institute for Sea NIOZ SXM St. Maarten Research, the Netherlands NWO Netherlands Organisation for AMMF Aruba Marine Mammal Foundation NWO Scientific Research Analyse Educatie en Marien ANEMOON Oecologisch Onderzoek PL Project leader

Aruba Sustainable Development Reptielen Amfibieën Vissen ASDF RAVON Foundation Onderzoek Nederland

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in University of Groningen, the BEST RuG Territories of European overseas Netherlands BO project Policy Supporting Research project SBMU Saba Bank Management Unit BU Bangor University, United Kingdom SCF Saba Conservation Foundation CARIBSS Caribbean Speleological Society Smithsonian’s National Museum of Smithsonian Natural History Caribbean Research and Management CARMABI of Biodiversity Foundation STCB Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire

The Blanes Centre for Advanced STCC Sea Turtle Conservation Curacao CEAB Studies, Spain St. Eustatius National Parks STENAPA Council of International Educational Foundation CIEE Exchange, Bonaire STINAPA National Parks Foundation Bonaire CRF Coral Reef Foundation Delft University of Technology, the TUD DCNA Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance Netherlands

DCBD Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database UsA University of St. Andrews, Scotland

Directorate of Spatial Planning and University of Utrecht, the DRO UU Development, Bonaire Netherlands Department of Agriculture, Livestock, DLVV University of Amsterdam, the Fishery and Farmers market (Santa UvA (Santa Rosa) Netherland Rosa), Aruba University of Applied Sciences VHL, VHL EcoPro Ecological Professionals Foundation the Netherlands Eastern Caribbean Public Health VU University Amsterdam, the ECPHF VU Foundation Netherlands Environmental Protection in the Wildlife Conservation, Science and EPIC Wildconscience Caribbean Education

Fundacion Parke Nacional Arikok, FPNA WNF World Wide Fund for Nature Aruba Wageningen Universitwy and HAS University of Applied Sciences, WUR HAS Research Centre, the Netherlands the Netherlands Wageningen Environmental WUR (Alterra) Research, the Netherlands

28 Reports and Publications Overview

Below you will find an overview of the reports and publications on biodiversity related subjects in the Dutch Caribbean that have recently been published.

“Bosker, T., Behrens, P., & Vijver, M.G. (2017). “Thorpe, R.S. (2017). Determining global distribution of microplastics Predictability in evolution: Adaptation of the Bonaire by combining citizen science and in‐depth case anole (Anolis bonairensis) to an extreme environ- studies. Integrated Environmental Assessment and ment. PloS one, 12(5), e0176434.” Management, 13(3), 536-541.” “Truelove, N.K., Box, S.J., Aiken, K.A., Blythe- Mallet, A., “Feller, I.C., Friess, D.A., Krauss, K.W., & Lewis, Boman, E. et al. (2017) R.R. (2017). Isolation by oceanic distance and spatial genetic The state of the world’s mangroves in the 21st century structure in an overharvested international fishery, under climate change. Hydrobiologia, 1-12.” Diversity and Distributions, 10.1111/ddi.12626”

“Lemaitre, R., Felder, D. L., & Poupin, J. (2017). “Willis, S., Nava, M., Schut, K., Rivera-Milán, F.F. Discovery of a new micro-pagurid fauna (Crustacea: (2017) Decapoda: Paguridae) in the Lesser Antilles, Research and Monitoring of Bonaire’s Sea Turtles: Caribbean Sea. Zoosystema, 2016 Technical Report, 1-23.” 39(2), 151-195.”

These reports and publications can be found in the Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database (DCBD) ( The DCBD is a central online storage facility for all biodiversity and conservation related information in the Dutch Caribbean.

If you have research and monitoring data, the DCNA secretariat can help you to get it housed in the Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database (DCBD). Please e-mail us: [email protected]

Would you like to share a news item? Please e-mail us: [email protected]

29 Calendar 2018 declared International Year of the Reef by the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI)


4th International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC4), 4-8 Congress La Serena-Coquimbo, Chile

Capacity-building workshop for Caribbean small island developing States towards 18-22 Workshop achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 9, Jamaica


whole month Event Sea and learn, Saba.

2nd Technical Workshop of the Transatlantic MPA Network: Marine mammals’ 2-4 Workshop protection, a way to enhance transatlantic cooperation between MPAs, Iceland.

5-6 Conference Our Ocean' Conference, Malta.

12 Reception Save Our Sharks reception, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

21st Annual European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference, 12-14 Conference Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

WECAFC/CITES/OSPESCA/CRFM/CFMC Working Group on Shark Conservation 17-19 Meeting and Management, Barbados.

18-20 Meeting 14th Scientific Committee Meeting of the IAC, Panama.

20 Meeting Fishery Commission BES, Barbados.

12th COP to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild 23-28 Conference (CMS), in Manila, the Philippines.

25 Event Sustainability Day

30-2 Nov Conference 19th RedLac Assembly, Dominican Republic.


6-10 Meeting 70th Meeting of GCFI, Merida, Mexico.

16-17 Conference Green Aruba, sustainability in motion, Aruba.

2nd Meeting of the Advisory Committee and 2nd Workshop of the Conservation 20-24 Meeting Working Group of the Sharks MoU, Habitat, Bonaire.

25 Event Fundraising Auction (STCB) El Encanto Boutique Hotel, Bonaire.

26-01 Dec Meeting 69th meeting of the CITES Standing Committee, CICG, Geneva, Switzerland.

26-01 Dec Meeting 69th meeting of the CITES Standing Committee, CICG, Geneva, Switzerland.


6-7 Conference 6th Statia Sustainability Conference (SSC6), St. Eustatius. 7-9 Meeting ICRI General meeting, Nairobi.

13 Symposium European Coral Reef Symposium, Oxford, UK.

30 Members of the Dutch Carribean Nature Alliance

Aruba St. Eustasius Fundacion Parke Nacional Arikok STENAPA +297 585 1234 +599 318 28 84

Bonaire STINAPA Bonaire St. Maarten +599 717 84 44 Nature Foundation +721 544 4267

Curaçao CARMABI Curaçao +599 9 462 4242 Stiching uniek Curaçao +599 9 462 8989

Saba Saba Conservation Foundation +599 416 32 95

DCNA Contact information Sponsors Address: DCNA’s activities are generously supported by Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance The Dutch Postcode Lottery Kaya Finlandia 10A Kralendijk, Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean Bionews is funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Contact us: +599 717 5010 [email protected]

Social Media

Credits Photography: Courtesy of SHAPE Photography or Brenda S. & R. Kirkby unless otherwise Credited. Concept and Design: Deviate Design. www.Deviate.Design

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Status of Curaçao’s Reefs

Bak, R.P.M., Carpay, M.J.E., de Ruyter van De Bakker, D. M., Meesters, E. H., van Bleijswijk, J. Steveninck, (1984). Densities of the sea urchin D., Luttikhuizen, P. C., Breeuwer, H. J., & Becking, L. Diadema antillarum before and after mass mortalities E. (2016b). Population genetic structure, abundance, on the coral reefs of Curacao, Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. l7: and health status of two dominant benthic species in 105-108. the Saba Bank National Park, Caribbean Netherlands: Montastraea cavernosa and Xestospongia muta. PloS Bak, R. P. M., & Nieuwland, G. (1995). Long-term one, 11(5), e0155969. change in coral communities along depth gradients over leeward reefs in the Netherlands Antilles. De Bakker, D.M., Van Duyl, F.C., Bak, R.P., Nugues, Bulletin of Marine Science, 56(2), 609-619. M.M., Nieuwland, G., & Meesters, E.H. (2017). 40 Years of benthic community change on the Caribbean Bak, R.P.M., Nieuwland, G., Meesters, E.H. (2005) reefs of Curaçao and Bonaire: the rise of slimy cyano- Coral reef crisis in deep and shallow reefs: 30 years bacterial mats. Coral Reefs, 36(2), 355-367. of constancy and change in reefs of Curaçao and Bonaire. Coral Reefs 24: 475-479. De Bakker, D.M. de, Van Duyl, F. C., Bak, R.P., Nugues, M. M., Nieuwland, G., Meesters, E.H. Bries, J. M., Debrot, A. O., & Meyer, D. L. (2004). (2017). 40 Years of benthic community change on Damage to the leeward reefs of Curacao and Bonaire, the Caribbean reefs of Curaçao and Bonaire: the rise Netherlands Antilles from a rare storm event: of slimy cyanobacterial mats. Coral Reefs, 36(2), Hurricane Lenny, November 1999. Coral Reefs, 23(2), 355-367. 297-307. Gardner, T.A., Côté, I.M., Gill, J.A., Grant, A., & Bruckner, A.W., Bruckner, R.J. (2003) Condition of Watkinson, A.R. (2003). Long-term region-wide coral reefs off less developed coastlines of Curaçao declines in Caribbean corals. Science, 301(5635), (Part 2: Reef fishes). In: Lang JC, editor. Status of coral 958-960. reefs in the western Atlantic: Results of initial surveys, Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) Jackson, J., Donovan, M., Cramer, K., & Lam, V. Program: Atoll Research Bulletin 496: 394-402. (2014). Status and trends of Caribbean coral reefs: 1970-2012. Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network. Brocke, H.J., Wenzhoefer, F., De Beer, D., Mueller, B., IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. Van Duyl, F.C., & Nugues, M.M. (2015). High dissolved organic carbon release by benthic cyanobacte- Kuffner, I.B., Walters, L.J., Becerro, M.A., Paul, V.J., rial mats in a Caribbean reef ecosystem. Scientific Ritson-Williams, R., & Beach, K.S. (2006). Inhibition of reports, 5. coral recruitment by macroalgae and cyanobacteria. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 323, 107-117. Carlton, R. G., & Richardson, L. L. (1995). Oxygen and sulfide dynamics in a horizontally migrating cyano- Pors, L. P., and Nagelkerken, I. A. (1998). Curaçao bacterial mat: black band disease of corals. FEMS Antilles. Caribbean Coral Reef, Seagrass and Microbiology Ecology, 18(2), 155-162. Mangrove Sites. UNESCO, Paris, 127–139.

Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao (2017) Mumby, P.J., Flower, J., Chollett, I., Box, S.J., Bozec, Y.M., Fitzsimmons, C., Forster, J., Gill, D., Griffith- Mumby, R. Oxenford, H.A. et al (2014) Towards Reef De Bakker, D. M., Meesters, E. H., Bak, R. P., Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods: A handbook Nieuwland, G., & Van Duyl, F. C. (2016). Long-term for Caribbean coral reef managers. University of shifts in coral communities on shallow to deep reef Exeter, Exeter. 172 pages slopes of Curaçao and Bonaire: are there any win- ners?. Front Mar Sci, 3, 247.



> Continued: Status of Curaçao’s Reefs Van Duyl, F.C. (1985). Atlas of the llving reef of Curacao and Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles). Foundation for Nagelkerken, I., & Nagelkerken, W.P. (2004). Loss of Scientific Research in Surinarn and the Netherlands coral cover and biodiversity on shallow Acropora and Antilles, 117, 37. Millepora reefs after 31 years on Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. Bulletin of Marine Science, 74(1), 213-223. Vermeij, M.J.A. (2006). Early life-history dynamics of Caribbean coral species on artificial substratum: the Nagelkerken, I., et al. (2005). Changes in coral reef importance of competition, growth and variation in communities and an associated reef fish species, life-history strategy. Coral Reefs, 25(1), 59-71. Cephalopholis Cruentata (Lacepede), after 30 years on Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles). Hydrobiologia, 549(1): Vermeij, M.J., Van Moorselaar, I., Engelhard, S., 145-154. Hörnlein, C., Vonk, S. M., & Visser, P. M. (2010). The ef- fects of nutrient enrichment and herbivore abundance Ritson-Williams, R., Paul, V. J., & Bonito, V. (2005). on the ability of turf algae to overgrow coral in the Marine benthic cyanobacteria overgrow coral reef Caribbean. PloS one, 5(12), e14312. organisms. Coral Reefs, 24(4), 629-629. [13] Vermeij, M.J., Bakker, J., Hal, N.V.D., & Bak, Sandin, S.A., Sampayo, E.M., & Vermeij, M.J. (2008). R.P. (2011). Juvenile coral abundance has decreased Coral reef fish and benthic community structure of by more than 50% in only three decades on a small Bonaire and Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. Caribbean Caribbean island. Diversity, 3(3), 296-307. Journal of Science, 44(2), 137-144. Vermeij, M.J.A. (2012) The current state of Curaçao Sandin, S. A., Smith, J. E., DeMartini, E. E., Dinsdale, coral reefs. Report from Carmabi research station. E. A., Donner, S. D., Friedlander, A. M., ... & Pantos, O. (2008). Baselines and degradation of coral reefs in the Vermeij, M. J. A., DeBey, H., Grimsditch, G., Brown, J., Northern Line Islands. PloS one, 3(2), e1548. Obura, D., DeLeon, R., & Sandin, S. A. (2015). Negative effects of gardening damselfish Stegastes planifrons Sustainable Fisheries Group UC Santa Barbara (2015) on coral health depend on predator abundance. Marine A Review of the Ecology and Economics of Curaçao’s Ecology Progress Series, 528, 289-296. Marine Resources, 1-30. WAITT Institute (2016) Marine Scientific Assessment: Sustainable Fisheries Group UC Santa Barbara, Blue the state of Curaçao’s reef communities, 1-57 p. Halo Curacao, WAITT Institute (2016) Economic valua- tion of Curacao’s marine resource, 1-50.

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Other Publications on the status and trends of Oceanographic Institute, Ft. Pierce Fl. Curaçao’s Coral Reefs Nagle, D.G., & Paul, V.J. (1998). Chemical defense of a Bak, R.P.M. (1976) Coral reefs and their zonation in marine cyanobacterial bloom. Journal of Experimental the Netherlands Antilles. American Association of Marine Biology and Ecology, 225(1), 29-38. Petroleum Geologists Studies in Geology, 4: 3-16. Nagelkerken, I. A., and Debrot, A. O. (1996). Mollusc Bak, R.P.M., Luckhurst, B.E. (1980) Constancy and communities of tropical rubble shores of Curacao: change in coral reef habitats along depth gradients in long-term (7 + years) impacts of oil pollution. Curaçao. Oecologia, 47: 145-155. Oceanographic Literature Review, 3(43), 309.

Bak, R.P.M., Nieuwland, G., Meesters, E.H. (2005) Nugues, M.M., Bak, R.P.M. (2008) Long-term dynam- Coral reef crisis in deep and shallow reefs: 30 years of ics of the brown macroalga Lobophora variegata on constancy and change in reefs of Curaçao and Bonaire. deep reefs in Curaçao. Coral Reefs 27: 389-393. Coral Reefs 24: 475-479. Roos, P.J. (1964) The distribution of reef corals in De Buisonjé, P. H., & Zonneveld, J. I. S. (1960). de Curaçao. Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other kustvormen van Curaçao, Aruba en Bonaire. Nieuwe Caribbean Islands, 20: 1-51. West-Indische Gids/New West Indian Guide, 121-144. Roos, P.J. (1971) The shallow-water stony corals of the Bouchon, C., Portillo, P., Bouchon-Navaro, Y., Louis, Netherlands Antilles. Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao M., Hoetjes, P., De Meyer, K., ... & Mallela, J. (2008). and Other Caribbean Islands 130: 1-108. Status of coral reefs of the Lesser Antilles: The French West Indies, The Netherlands Antilles, Anguilla, Sandin, S.A., Sampayo, E.M., Vermeij, M.J.A. (2008) Antigua, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago. Status of Coral reef fish and benthic community structure of coral reefs of the world, 3, 265-280. Bonaire and Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. Caribbean Journal of Science, 44: 137-144. Bries, J.M., Debrot, A.O., Meyer D.L. (2004) Damage to the leeward reefs of Curaçao and Bonaire, Netherlands Van Buurt, G. (2002, November). Coral decline, causes Antilles from a rare storm event: Hurricane Lenny, and effects: local variables, regional issues. In Paper November, 1999, Coral Reefs 23: 297-307. Meeting Stichting Reefcare, Curaçao (not published).

De León, R., Vane, K., Vermeij, M., Bertuol, P., Simal, Van der Horst, C.J. (1927) Resultaten fleener reis van F. (2012) Overfishing Works: A Comparison of the Dr. JC Van der Horst in 1920, in bijdragen tot de kennis Effectiveness of Lionfish Control Efforts between der fauna van Curaçao. Bijdragen Dierkunde 25: 1-164. Bonaire and Curaçao. Proceedings of the 64th Gulf and Vermeij, M. J., Debrot, A. O., van der Hal, N., Bakker, Caribbean Fisheries Institute October 31 - November 5, J., & Bak, R. P. (2010). Increased recruitment rates 2011 Puerto Morelos, Mexico: 65-66. indicate recovering populations of the sea urchin Kraan, M. (2016). Frame Survey of Curacao’s fishing Diadema antillarum on Curaçao. Bulletin of Marine fleet. Wageningen, Wageningen Marine Research Science, 86(3), 719-725. (University & Research centre), Wageningen Marine Research report C022/17. Movies:

Lapointe, B. E., & Mallin, M. A. (2011). Nutrient enrich- ment and eutrophication on fringing coral reefs of still_have_hope_for_coral_reefs Bonaire and Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. Report to the United Nations Environment Programme for the NACRI Coral Reef Monitoring Program, Harbor Branch



Researchers discover that the three known Davies MR, Piontek S (2017) The marine fishes of St. flamingo tongue snail species are in fact just Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity 47 (1): one species 27–35.

Ghiselin M.T. & Wislon B.R. (1966). On the anatomy, natural history and reproduction of Cyphoma, a marine García-Hernández JE, Van Moorsel GWNM, Hoeksema prosobranch gastropod. Bulletin of Marine Science BW (2017) Lettuce corals overgrowing tube sponges at 16:132-141. St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity 47 (1): 55–56. Naturalis (2017). Een ander jasje maakt nog geen andere soort: Flamingotongslak blijkt één soort Hoeksema BW, Ten Hove HA (2017) The invasive sun ipv drie. Published on the Naturalis Biodiversity coral Tubastraea coccinea hosting a native Christmas Center website on 02/03/2017. https://www. tree worm at Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity 47 (1): 59–61. een-ander-jasje-maakt-nog-geen-andere-soort/ Hoeksema BW, Bongaerts P, Baldwin CC (2017) High Reijnen, B.T., Hoeksema, B.W. & Gittenberger, E. coral cover at lower mesophotic depths: a dense (2010). Host specificity and phylogenetic relationships Agaricia community at the leeward side of Curaçao, among Atlantic (: ). Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity 47 (1): 67–70. Contributions to Zoology 79:69-78. Hoeksema BW, Van Beusekom M, Ten Hove HA, Reijnen, B.T. & van der Meij, S.E.T. (2017). Coat of Ivanenko VN, Van der Meij SET, Van Moorsel GWNM many colours - DNA reveals polymorphism of mantle (2017) Helioseris cucullata as a host coral at St. patterns and colouration in Caribbean Cyphoma Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity 47 (1): Röding, 1798 (Gastropoda, Ovulidae). PeerJ 5:e3018. 71–78. Ivanenko VN, Nikitin MA, Hoeksema BW (2017) Simone, L.R.L. (2004). Morphology and phylogeny of Multiple purple spots in the Caribbean sea fan the (Mollusca, ). Papel ventalina caused by parasitic copepods at St. Virtual; Rio de Janeiro: 2004. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity 47 (1): 79–80. Biodiversity of Dutch Caribbean Reefs Montano S, Galli P, Hoeksema BW (2017) First record Scientific articles on the Dutch Caribbean published in from the Atlantic: a Zanclea-scleractinian association the special issue of Marine Biodiversity 47 (1): at St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity 47 (1): 81–82.

Hoeksema BW, Reimer JD, Vonk R (2017) Editorial: Montano S, Maggioni D, Galli P, Hoeksema BW (2017) biodiversity of Caribbean coral reefs (with a focus on A cryptic species in the Pteroclava krempfi species the Dutch Caribbean). Marine Biodiversity 47 (1): 1–10. complex (Hydrozoa, Cladocorynidae) revealed in the Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity 47 (1): 83–89. Böhm T, Hoeksema BW (2017) Habitat selection of the Potkamp G, Vermeij MJA, Hoeksema BW (2017) Host- coral-dwelling spinyhead blenny, Acanthemblemaria dependent variation in density of corallivorous snails spinosa, at Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean. Marine (Coralliophila spp.) at Curaçao, southern Caribbean. Biodiversity 47 (1): 17–25. Marine Biodiversity 47 (1): 91–99.



> Continued: Biodiversity of Dutch Caribbean Reefs crab Platypodiella spectabilis at St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean. Coral Reefs 35 (1): 209. Van der Loos LM, Prud’homme van Reine WF (2017) Hewitt SJ, Van Leeuwen S, Schrieken N (2016) New First Atlantic record of the green alga Parvocaulis information on Pleurolucina hendersoni (Britton, 1972) exiguus from St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean. Marine (Mollusca: Bivalvia, Lucinidae) from the Dutch island of Biodiversity 47 (1): 119–122. St. Eustatius, West Indies. Basteria 80 (4–6): 157–160.

Van der Loos LM, Prud’homme van Reine WF, Stokvis Hoeksema BW, Fransen CHJM (2017) Host switch of FR, Speksnijder AGCL, Hoeksema BW (2017) Beta the Caribbean anemone shrimp Periclimenes rathbu- diversity of macroalgal communities around St. nae at Curaçao. Coral Reefs 36 (2): 607. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity 47 (1): 123–138. Hoeksema BW, Ten Hove HA (2017) Attack on a Christmas tree worm by a Caribbean sharpnose Vonk R, Lau YW (2017) Microcharon quilli, a new pufferfish at St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean. Bulletin of asellote isopod crustacean from interstitial spaces in Marine Science (in press). Doi: 10.5343/bms.2017.1059 shallow coralline sands off St. Eustatius, Caribbean Netherlands. Marine Biodiversity 47 (1): 139–147. Hoeksema,BW, Lau YW, Ten Hove HA (2015) Octocorals as secondary hosts for Christmas tree Additional papers based on recent marine biodi- worms off Curaçao. Bulletin of Marine Science 91 (4): versity research performed in the Dutch Caribbean 489–490. (St. Eustatius, Curaçao, Saba Bank) by Naturalis Biodiversity Center and ANEMOON Foundation Hoeksema BW, Hassell D, Meesters EHWG, Van Duyl FC (2017) Wave-swept coralliths of Saba Bank, Dutch Brinkmann BW, Fransen CHJM (2016) Identification Caribbean. Marine Biodiversity (in press). Doi:10.1007/ of a new stony coral host for the anemone shrimp s12526-017-0712-5 Periclimenes rathbunae Schmitt, 1924 with notes on the host-use pattern. Contributions to Zoology 85 (4): 437–456.

García-Hernández JE, Hoeksema BW (2017) Sponges as secondary hosts for Christmas trees worms at Curaçao. Coral Reefs (in press). Doi: 10.1007/ s00338-017-1617-2. García-Hernández JE, Reimer JD, Hoeksema BW (2016) Sponges hosting the Zoantharia-associated

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