
WITH LINDSAY THE LIFE COACH Discover Your Blocks.... Aim Your Strengths... Achieve a Life YOU Love

Episode #14 3 tips to Rocking Your Goals With Ease

Intro: No matter what time of the year it is that you’re watching, listening, or even reading this episode, I betchya, just betchya you’ve got some goals in the works! If you’re ready to rock these goals and take them to the next level, then I’m your gal!!! Today, I’m gonna give you 3 tips on how to start rocking your goals. I’m gonna show you why some goals are easier for you to accomplish and some not so much.

It all ties back to learning and knowing that beautiful little YOU in there and know what lights you up so that you can do more of that in your life. I can’t wait to share with you these tips so that you can take your life to the next level!

Recording: “Now in case we haven’t met yet, hi there! I’m Lindsay Han known by many as a Quarter Life Queen of Coaching. I coach 20 and 30 something women on how to discover their blocks, aim their strengths and achieve a life that THEY love. Now is the time to get a life YOU love. So come on….be a Life Luver with me, baby. LET’S DO THIS!”

Content: Alright, are you ready to jump in and learn the 3 tips to rocking your goals with ease?

Tip #1: I’m actually going to have you sit back and relax.

Hopefully, you’re at a place where you can close your eyes or at least empty your mind enough to go on a visualization with me. What I want you to do is relax your body, shake it out, and take some deep breaths in. In … and out. In …. and out. Do one more in … and out. If you’re at a place where you can close your eyes, close your eyes. If not, then stay with me.

I want you to start to think about a moment that is really special to you. Imagine that you’re in a movie theater. The big screen is coming down from the top of the ceiling. As the screen comes down I’m at the back of the room. I’m starting to play a movie about a moment that stands out; it’s extremely special to you. I want you to think about all the things tied into this memory.

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Let’s just start with the senses first. Tap into what you’re seeing….what you’re hearing….what you’re smelling, what you’re tasting, and what you’re touching. I also want you to tap into the feelings of this memory.

Start to think about how you’re feeling inside. Lastly, I want you to really take in what’s around you. If you’re outside I want you to take note of what’s important to you there. If you’re with family, friends, or a loved one… What about that moment makes it special?

Now, slowly open your eyes or shake back into the present moment. From that memory, I want you to tap into the values that are associated with that. Start to think about the things that were lighting you up from that memory.

For example: If you were outside and you were with family and it was just a lazy Sunday…it could have been the values of family, outdoors, freedom, even having that no schedule kind of routine.

Another example: If the memory was tied to going out and having fun with friends. It could have been the values of community or art. Start to reallllllly tap into what was so special about that memory for you.

As you understand your values, you’re going to start wanting to increase them in your life. For example: A HUGE value of mine is FREEDOM!! I had no idea that I valued it so much until I was able to tap into memories. Like the one you just did!

As I tapped into some of these memories I realized time and time again the value of freedom kept coming up. That moment of feeling like I didn’t have a schedule and I could do what I wanted. This is very different than some of my strengths. Some of my top strengths are Responsibility and Achievement. Which is very GO GO GO and has the weight of the world on my shoulders. The reality is that I love not having that sense of responsibility or schedule.

That’s something I wanted to increase in my life, even though my natural strengths really love a schedule and I achieve well in that schedule. I also know that I have to have time in my life where I’m not scheduled and routine. Also, I have to be in a profession where I feel more freedom where I can work my own hours and I’m not sitting at a desk from 8-5 every day.

Another value of mine is experience. I love being able to go to concerts and just take in that present moment. I realized as I was really on my mental health and mindfulness that was my why behind it. I love being in the present moment so much that I hate it when emotions take hold and I’m not able to stay extremely present in the time around me. www.LindsayTheLifeCoach.com/14 2 © 2016 Lindsay The Life Coach, LLC Discover Your Blocks.... Aim Your Strengths... Achieve a Life YOU Love

Also, where I want to spend my money is another value. I love spending money on experiences vs. getting things. I started knowing that that was okay to spend money on that because it was something that meant something to me. As I started to tap into these values, I was able to start creating goals set around them.

To wrap up tip #1, I want you to tap into your values. Use those positive memories; start to understand what makes them so positive. Understand what values are tied behind that memory. As you do that, you’re going to be able to start to see the why behind some of the things you want to do. You’re also going to be able to start cutting out things you don’t really want to be doing all the time or in your life at all!!

Tip # 2: You’ve got to start tapping into that negative voice in your head.

It’s what I like to call the Inner Mean Girl (The Psychology world calls the Ego.) I like to call it the Inner Mean Girl because that’s truly how I see it! I see it as that Negative Nelly. That negative voice from that girl in high school that just didn’t want to ever love or accept anybody! It was that popular girl that everybody admired but at the same time feared.

She’s living in your head!!! Every day, she’s telling you that, “You’re not good enough!” “You’re not smart enough!” ”You’re not pretty enough!” She’s making you live in fear, shame, sadness and anger. THAT IS WHAT’S HOLDING YOU BACK!!! As you start to tap into this voice, you’re going to start to see how she is blocking you from getting the stuff that you want!

One of the best and easiest ways to tap into this voice is to start to write. Now, I get this pushback all the time about, “I don’t even know what I would write about” and that’s the idea. You sit down with a pen and paper and tell yourself, “I want to put down all the negative things that are going on in my head.”

You can start with a specific instance from your recent life. Ask yourself, “What were the negative things I was saying in my head when that happened?” As you start to do this, you’re going to start seeing what the IMG has secretly been whispering in your ear for a loonnnggg time. BECAUSE SHE HAS BEEN WHISPERING THOSE SECRETS, YOU JUST HAVEN’T BEEN LISTENING!!!

When you start to write, you’re going to start seeing what she’s telling you. When you start to see what she’s telling you, you’re going to be able to flip that into a more positive mindset. If she’s telling you, “You’re not good enough.” You can start saying, “I AM good enough!” “I AM strong!” “I AM beautiful!” Again, she is going to come in and say, “You’re not beautiful, you don’t have….(fill in the blank).”

www.LindsayTheLifeCoach.com/14 3 © 2016 Lindsay The Life Coach, LLC Discover Your Blocks.... Aim Your Strengths... Achieve a Life YOU Love

The reality is those are things that are holding you back from achieving bigger things!! Even if you think you’re not perfect as is…YOU ARE complete and whole! You CAN rock your goals!!!!! Having that negative voice is not serving you honey, so you’ve got to learn to tap into it and change it.

Tip # 3: Start to make it a SMART goal.

Now, you’ve probably heard this time and time again….especially in the professional world, to make a goal Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Reasonable and have a Time Table. There are haters out there towards the SMART goal and they say it’s not the way to achieve goals. I completely disagree. I’ve found in my coaching practice, in my own life AND the research shows SMART goals work. When you’re able to get specific on exactly what you want and put that into a SMART goal formula…it will happen!!!

The problem is a lot of times people don’t get specific enough. They say, “I want a new boyfriend.” Well, what do you want embodied in that boyfriend? They say, “I want to feel happiness.” What does happiness mean to you?

Then, they are not taking it and measuring it. Something like happiness is hard to measure. Right? But, we can easily do a 1 -10 scale…1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. Then, ask yourself where are you right now?

Every day, you’re going to have to start measuring that happiness. When you do, you’ll notice things like, “When I’m at the park, I’m at an 8 and when I go dancing I’m at a 2. Something like going out dancing isn’t really happy to me. Then, maybe it’s the people I’m around or maybe it’s just being out late.” You’ve got to start tapping into those things and get that measurement tool out to measure.

Another thing, a lot of times people don’t set reasonable goals. I get on my clients about this all the time…they want to eat the whole cake before taking the first slice. It’s hard. We want to achieve a lot of things in our lives!!! We’ve got to be realistic with ourselves to say what we can truly do at this moment. Of course, sometimes we’re still off, even when we think it’s going to be attainable!

We cannot attach judgement to that. If we say were going to work out 5 times a week and we can only do 3, we’re not going to beat ourselves up. That goes back to tip #2, of that Inner Mean Girl voice not having that judgment behind what we can do with our lives.

www.LindsayTheLifeCoach.com/14 4 © 2016 Lindsay The Life Coach, LLC Discover Your Blocks.... Aim Your Strengths... Achieve a Life YOU Love

I hope these 3 tips will help you start to rock your goals with ease!!! Just a recap for you…..

Tip #1: Start to pull some of your favorite memories and find the values tied with that memory.

Tip #2: Tap into that Inner Mean Girl voice in your head. Let her write it out and start to find the blocks that are holding you back from getting your goals.

Tip #3: Make it in a SMART goal format. (Specific Measureable Attainable Reasonable and has a Time Table)

I hope that you found these 3 tips helpful in regards to getting goals with ease! I can’t wait to hear your feedback!!! Please leave a comment below and I will see you next week!

Now that you have these tips, it’s time to rock! Learn how to take these tips to apply them in YOUR life. Join the FREE Life Luvers Facebook group by going to: www.lifeluvers.com

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www.LindsayTheLifeCoach.com/14 5 © 2016 Lindsay The Life Coach, LLC