Volume 35. ELLSWORTH, MAINE, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1889. Number 15.

The Barn. full of life Old beating and vigor, when the States Government advertised f«»r bids for {From our regular Correspondent.) Fourth of July in Joueayille. or.’ The Dominican Father Cattioin j ^nmirau. has recovered a text,—“Y< ■ State News. CUsimlh country fully from the evils the purchase of blankets for the use of the Washington Letter. preached sermon from the ! of a men of stand V v II.JHI'KML A mil*-* divide u*. and civil war. and is on the Galilee, why ye gazing u| !•>. \l \1» roUTH thousand full twenty highest wave medical department of the army. There The speaker was a large have fl» d healthy-lookin' into heaven?" and this wretched wa; 1 II I'liMllhKM If ill H ** I II IMF year* of the ocean of 1. *89. man who talked wimmeu's pun I —Frank K. of haa prosperity in its onward was a foreign bid ami there was an Ameri- Washington, D. C., April against rights, Partridge Augusta, since my eye* l:«*t rested on tbe roof that * bel- the beginning of a series of sharper vveap :» v !i-•. •*”!”«"> march t<» and lie didn't bring up no new arguments, but bced appointed commissioner of phar- j le ml iny young head; greatness and glory, there issues can bid; the bid was for a four The President is very much vexed, ons. foreign talked as all do who which ottice was made vacant the *• they inacy ■J. C. Editor. Vet I ii a* as if hut a week bad from tin a oppose'em.about j by Chilcott. ju*t plainly back-woods of Texas, not an al- pound blanket for medical to be most Republicans think he lias good For the final assault, the park of heavy flow n purposes wimmen outragin’ ami destroyin’ their death of l>r. Hawes of Hallo well. was into Y<>u set or a wild a w to on account of the Senate's re- artillery wheeled place. lu llanrwV Since I h* cam*1 iu the art of ligator hog. but Mills ho furnished for $2.26. For the same four right he, modesty, by bein' in the same street with T lie launilr pioficietit picking it on all the scientific battle fields. I —The annual meeting of the State board « OllUt) *tone comes to Congress and is the blanket of the nomination of Murat Hal a m in. onee every election day. Aud he put by speak- pound for the same purpose the jection consists of denunciation, am of health was held in the 25th wit. !"•«*•'1 «* For the farm wn* and we talked how general j Augusta ! >1 :I \ \ very rocky yearly er of grand about woman's w cakness th» House of as linerican bid was 56. was a stead, editor of the Cincinnati Comm*'rcinl the Jesuit) Dr. F. 11. Gerrish was re-elected ■ -1 :»n.t 'a -I d to haul Representatives $2 There dif Father Mclrhoir Inchote** of president. la.; IH* U.< I'm u*» aroused all the shivelry and nobility of a .-•it-ti in k... It" ron I Sufficient *tone from each old field to a chairman of tin* and means commit- t<> h<* minister to A his to hear well on Gali The total in Isks were £t,- build ways ferenee of 30 cents between the bids. I> Germany man's nature, and how it was his dearest brought artillery expenditures -l.t. i, a *•! a. S *f Pt | »t l* t: ii't »!• VO" t tint of w all. loo balance of >n rod tee lie.with few Senators, on account of with the declaration, that the opinioi ; appropriati unexpend- -• -o the assistance of there and im*st sacred and i;». ... *. I ;. ha* ii,.vi*ta•:•«*» tor mail) Mr.Carlisle, any true American in this countn Republican privilege happiness to »f the earth's motion is, of ail heresies ed, $<>d2.56. ■! it-tt- ii |‘oti ttu drafts a bill ill will towards Mr. Halstead, protect her even from a summer's breeze, or for the purpose of who would recommend such a con personal ~ Vet ’ti* n*‘t of farm farm bouse dear that 1 reducing giving the most the most A- ti ill abominable, — koii'iln. if it dared to blow too hard on pernicious Last a to w her beloved night passeuger ould sing to-night our present tariff, known as the Mills bill. tract to a the Democrats under the leadership the most the Wednesday 1 M* .»• *i hl!Tl«*N foreign manufacturer for tin joined ami delicate scandalous—that immobility Tho*e th« in* other form. Bath on the evening train, missed connect- by poct« have been worn am of k. in #1-V 1 bring this wonderful document be- vikc of of “Standard Oil” of Ohio, the earth is thrice sacred—that argu i, if ; in tatter* hey saving thirty cents on a pair of l’ayne, Why. before lie had got half through, a ion and was left iu Brunswick. Ho warn- quite; ment.s the of the soul ivai.i.t :-■! w .• :.4tt; oi an I fore the succeeded In bringing about this front against immortality But rather let th* *u! j* ct of niy bumble rhythm- countiy just when Mr. Cleveland blankets.thus taking away from the Atucri rejection stranger another world who had nev- ed to get born that night, and hired Mr. ...i >i at ; rati <■; t. < I }« «r the creation, the incarnation, etc., shoult ic if er seen a woman wouldn't have I 11. a yarn has his hook baited with the best bass of <*an of the appointment. It will be strange had the , Brunswick stable keeper, .• manufacturer, the A meric.in farmer and be t< Tin r. will trout the above Be on< iliat grander tolerated sooner than an argument | poet* spurn, the big old- least Idee that they were made of day as to drive him down. As Mr. Snow was return- tiie season; his line is to the the th* v dn not all live to regret their Action. that the e.tith moves. In vain dii fashioned barn—- put bottom. American laborer that much business'; mau was. but prove j \ ••if | would have thought they ing, his horse was stopped by two men in oMtiuwarroara^e* l>tar* try protect by ii- ... ,-v •-jaii'ii- aimanv re-election, However that may Ik* the contract did go Republi- made of some thin gauze, liable at the woods, below the railroad track, hiood ran free. any just \» i. iioi-t i;i\u tso i youthful letter to the Duchies, iu which he insistet | | when tin* free trad*1 are can of do not resent minute to blow and that man's at Cook's corner, and tried to make 1 f■»'k* trumpets sounded abroad, the Democratic of War editors the country away, only they 'ti form « hothet And th* \oinig *Jid tali courting at th* Secretary that should not lx was to aud theological reasoning Mr. Snow and 1 '•:i? old-time bee. in the halls on the of certain Sena- employment stand watch ’em. "stand deliver. but he* did husking of Congres*. and by stump gave the contract to an English house. Eng t ii-» attempt part applied to science. V. '**. OIK I'l < l*l«’N*. for fear some zephyr would get the advan- not have intention of the order, :;t tors to a Senatorial know any obeying \ if arh speakers large, that the present tariff is lish labor and wool made the two establish censorship The rest of the story the world j :»j-«T «.> fr**ni see \\ foreign tage of ’em lie called wimmen every as he had over and a 1 1 it vet. in fancy. i i! it* old and wheel- £100 valuab'** gold 'iroot*-J t<> hi* n loo or mi- to f.»r use to mince by heart. None of tin* recent attempt w >»rn lliM.r ruinous the people and is them thousand blankets for the use of our *.f the press, there Ism* pretty name he could think of. and wav in watch on his H.s tlrst •• — driving army person. thought ! ... -on.H -i oi■ not i* re have succeeded in it. Tlr Tin w *MKb n la*. h.:h* hired man** name to of ids .amis In the air in a mystifying was to and run for tue carted 'tan ation. and they came in without paying any duty mattcis. tluit is just what the rejection rapped eloquence, jump woods and • 111 whole world will remember forever hov *••:* III- i: •• '»tisuio«l. ha-ply the an 1 beatin his breast in the same, leave the* team ; he did so ami iu a \1 r Halstead mean**. He was not he landed The new : .\ great ileal has t*em said The Government took advantage of tin rejected Galileo was to imlig POWDER spacious upon the left, the manger during tin cried subjected certainly ditch and for the two shots put woods; Mitbiut t-i ! it until ! on the right. law because of his to till the and to t< disrii'-dwm of tl»i' free trade measure about that stands on our statute books and inability position Shall tlmsc weak. these nity imprisonment —possibly were tired at him but hit him. ... helpless angels, neither -. w ;t a from thi Where s11* w I torture; how he was at last fore Pure. u*od id to which lie was with credit to physical Absolutely tb«‘ benefit the man is to derive wit ted them free of ; there being so appointed seraphim's, these svvee’. delicate, cooiu" Mr. Snow waited iu the woods and walked t*» dn ad it* %i-ht: laboring duty ed t.o <• on his ■ pronoun knees \- * 1-1 O rn:i »:* r, V. '..in A ;*r\« ■»*! parts 11ov * > -vv hose misM in is to publicly,and his team was found 1 Fortier* wer* it had made -of these from tiii' little cash in the three hundred himself, the Republican party and the uiily sweetly home; nursday morn- •' •• a. *■.'•*< rtl- .«j '! r»- ripp.* bill 'hould it become a law treasury, j Ins recantation. as follows I, Galileo I ‘trn^v « ... -these I hear a f* w rainbows, these Vote? ing i»v Mr. Parent, in his \urd on l.'nion 1 a I.• :• w l> tin t1 .it x < •■pi" kli.'i*. ii: 111 *t I*** (•old ll' couutt \ but because ill the conduct of liis poS\>, Hil.*orl|i The friend' of the Mill' I ill to as. millions, if was necessary to save e\en being m my seventieth year bring a pris ■ •• Vr« ing ,«• profess Nevi ! i'tvi hreti.iiev er will vve sir* Suow he to :i ■ «t am*it> n t,; t>.. It.' .'! Im« t«*-t. short draw army jw -i.«ion* j, agent* my put such | Mr. says has driven sharp er le* has seen tit t** his holiest oner, and on knees. and before ou W «• \\ ') Kill ill serf so took of the law paj express my y /o.|U. Mo.t a. M..U5 :»- .J. [ N'i'l put *t in through. that this bill was drafted for the « n- penny, they advantage hardships upon 'em.” Bath a> mans as 50 tunes tin* last \«ar with < « ldninem es. before mv the lb -• '• >'• -*••' -'f1'4 |;>H (I l.u -Si I'liH I'HI I'**' 11 having eyes i ri|-ti"ii* I eoiivi* ti *ns in its editorial columns, of err As he *ot d> VII. he and this »> tire puri of the »or that permits the 1'niteil States to bring in professed himself passengers the tlrst time he has et s It r 1 benefiting { peopu- which I touch with hand Again 1 h. :u : 1.-- *ound f fla:.* itid all 11:<• ly -sjm-Is. my upon th* imif- tain things certain Senators, par rest «>f his *.*•, ( ready to die at ever been stopped. in Amerie.a No. what ran goods duty free. The on such affecting cur>e and detest the error am fi- d fl..or: be the object duty quali- time ami -abjure. j «i;-; w .‘V* proper iiaim- plain any many way women would sav. The chi- k* ii* rumble for the reach ■T t!ii' v\oji-li ty of blankets is cents a tlcularly those who are generally believed of the movement of the earth. grain that ful >|mw of sympattiv for eighteen pound i.i;. Ui.in should vote, or have heresy 1 tin they any I Trruton la .- i!v~*. alw si) kiio open d*H*r: and .15 to owe their seats to was vanquished indeed. for lie had bee: the laboi ;ng < !.!"••'. vv lieu tiie w as per cent.ad valorem Thus the questionable pracHe- ! other or -i on l duty hardship. In ; -h > p in tin !<>ft a lay ing h« n *in>:* of a deed sub- country forced, in the face of all t< 1 •lest :»•. coim coming ages, It is an it is :t. tuv r a -n 2'*oo olankets. if it had been they I led their frantic old saying that r late lime. in more pro*p< rou' condition than paid, were con 1 ; rjurc himself, lii^ books oi. v p--t --nioo IT.niindful though her the of this he* r- over his speech. a thin feeble look- Than never." therefore your correspondent daughter’* bones wen a; the '. nt would have been $5,016.40; the cost of the When people country approve ; remained on tie- 1ml. \ mi 111 •..*• i-r u k :-! !• 1 ioltor pr« tune? Wag.' were never demm-d they p k< *1 at d'tin* r tun* ; in' ""man earn- by where I stood, draw in' j ailing upon that, principal, send- .*• of the of feat less is! if or.s likt 1 or b, blankets free w is $4,504; the Ameri- punishment I til .sis |,js frir'iids not allowed to erec AV 1»:!•- near a pati. lit *M, r ••*it*.’’ resolved to Idgh»T labor in tier demand N it duty large with two children in Amkkk i.n tin- «»i several of *»,ir T ... t- for tht ''.iby.wag‘m products a e\er come, a monument over his bones; to all ■ ilicuhate can was more HaUtead. if siieh time shall it. stTiiiiu a appear raisci-s as t«» t m \ Vf v not reasonable to that the t price $5,120. $boo than the ly two-year old and a yeanin'. grain gi\m wns-r'o the 'iippo-e obj.« aiues los work was overthrown. i; v !•** n. An unprolil nd the of » •he *»f n form of i.overn- ! >h.* earri* I on. iu her arms vv ho was "thresiiers Lidia > uil-’mr v. Is j mdi- tiin#e« of this bill i' English price. i'hi- transaction i- a -bin. days Republican lame. 1 4 u Ml. gate. for other purpo'e'? When Vi( She >ked s.. ’. at out so els «>ats : 11 H. ** I i!AO \ K l.:NK i, and to (*reel\. bushels « V a lto*-..tl, uiciit in tin- I ud States will be uuiii'h ready .*at-, ’! I. "f the condition of the countrv is in it.' lar one to tie Post Master General's « pm- pres- down I hi 1-2 li |1 ■it, itr-■ in.1- S. 1 -k drop that got up and give her liUsheks W'lieat. 12 1-2 bllshci-* ; H’.w T V th- ! e l I* is t<* such men as he that the my B:£ Guls < lug* barn look* d w n ing bids to i,.• n U *t n ent state what can be the ob- foreign steamship companies seat. and 1 C. C. l"g I»us'11■.s !*.irie\ ;C> i-.l- V prosperous says Vhe. that 1 r t English industries. want to see the >ay with a s,»rt ,,f troubled ’o maintain tin naval of Gr< t ng is in no supremacy 25o > \t.dl so thought w h* n near the roof, w :t;*t spruce or and Phj •ui*l t a.I for of I look. setiing pik** v •**:.• .it* glass waes \meriran workman letter voted the confirmation lini.iin are. a Woolw; h d*« p in «eorching hay. 'land such a change of and that paid, better correspondent "Ms of eordwood. want ,»f midw tin; * policy, Well, lie's finished Ilui !"[• w* a jest in an advanced state, but hav« *k« t.in* tl i* m w w nu! '-on t« r educated strong in favor of if. but they ik a ness inn than English slaves are or in sperefi the i.ime ehdd f r * in her break.n‘ arms s»vs tie try. Every low- the raiiL’e tab’. and other parteulars Irani the b. * Ml" forest. Trade. 1 s,. ’hr -roil I want to s. e ouhi m*t break the hold “Standard 1 Holiday grain—c...,p on winch I “rod. ering of the tariff preceding this M .1' him in his happy tonne a*, and it will probably be the beginning oi -■ st! »!o*n 1 his is t..., haid t>>r \[ p.-.. 1 luii” his i!«. !ia*i on their Democratic e.bleagm you iie\t !»ef.ire are for "< Tlier,* have been in »n\ ehang -J 1 table, with wife. h.s Payne year tiny ready ,• : r M U k r a*, Hint h.-me ! i' wrought the tno't ruinous r« piente smiling > l wouldn't mind g**?tin' < m «.n to this vieiuit\. a 1 I I tlil-A : n»Al the l is vv how cm r arher t h in t in Coleman l>.t\is, la ! M SatiTi.a.' mil) children returning n -t from factories, but The following Republicans vote*! against S' 'u!*' Matiufacmring mlii'tri* hav• U en -f -'*d. s-tvs s'.ie. J hatut u*h« I \\ «• s. Mr Halstead Kvaris. Plumb and m*a*i; which from ho his Ingalls. ui!.*-s to •.. -. a 1 awaiting coming from I em. t hat w nfdn't >*• and i- -. I. '•- O'- u'lug much ted. and them will be time av t h it t l-;k- > ■ paying toil; I want to aide tor a fuli and leisure of then pr.*pei u* in- n. .i«t* our *!. ». r«- ami p >r ihhii of f«*<• Wh.it tan | study > X -a1 it ; i,ug tig | ( dc at :* fore ! ei.tm- • ical estat* lias ha*!, w i'.i Plain and ih-coraled Crocker) f- « ! w it h ; n national free trade sounded and '»!.; mu-I;*! ted all. a:. h-*u'. requircMi* uts an-1 ap.cniitn-s blie tlrs: ipr»— .''M i' tli.sd our * dirge theol.j,,; prosper.* 1 It w the t r. s, \ did. r. ut mw n.-j-s II fi I..,-.. ,,f ..)/< j■■ 11111!* «td stated that would ha\r\ot- of lour s!\t\ hi* b'll -ft i lilee.il .t J'r I ■ tin land; I want to see no d» i-«>p«*»iy they •»f i..r."«rv"T t-• throughout mg M.ssS lie,I, ■ 1 v v i»' *• J' U • • n *; ..•» r on.» j. the market of tin* pll> Ills b aders f .r tie- If idn-'V win tie -di civ tin votes 1 -.I agam-t continuation had their ■ « in o\. their h .ti, Hid w graded standard >-f national morals like i ill t• lix h.m of!, the N. » y' V> •:•••. Sonia* at! at t;m- i!h th* w orhi w In n ** ar> w oil under tin brush ins ,-til'd t::-1 w id tn- u>rd ri" ail \p* riimmta bought lid} lit-* farm t t u f v h' V \ w •' > ight of ton*. h. en to ami '.a* k ills ami M1 I a ie -■ eighty i? which labor and free trade are neec-sary reject then I d ! il'in, ir. in ini: taken led to •! mi ure it n )e-ert bridge. U \ i .- present s\ -? ni'*f pr<*t«;vc taritl I her, cheap .ui mv vvork I I I to *• ! s loss a hur- up and then a g,, out a- r»\ d' t h-• .Ill* 1 lie u be Ii a n< I f'lai.b 1 *. rtmi to ; 1 want to see no streets l he nev of the total during |>: any siirun-.ii opera l.t«! w-'kt!.. • an hello <• produce ■ od’itli Xali!*h. d and :t !t« W of hettcnn:: the >i««!i- and m is. s(v Tut-*!.** o!ij.-rt ng:h* ,.f fence the cuttle '; Mi" t.. u ii .1 \.•■ :ii• ':'il o,:n" ar ■ iie -:un** Mr. >un :•>■-!-■ 1 \ \ «vrrj ;u;e at on the Samoan i-iaud-*. on <•!:• t*M-k M* a > ti' f .ur'r* i :.>• .. r. draft- \•■***♦*i ! i\ and he was ;*>ion ; \ r e ted Alt In'U^ii s.-venteri he farm that U » u and I ...i. ; ft 1 "biut ! d -it!;' !itr* ran w ; j s tv, ,f tvc?> ith tin.- .* i. March : th, of the l' S steamers 1 ;v ■• ble n*» children, in short. I want n't x « v and are <»« : and nob f.*r hut 1’ « a! mi- hi 1 starving tmi" lii. ifi-r t;;an t:.•* uT toil m u//.n- up u.j -.tin- m : t r.i e, | urj-o-i *•» see ton at.d Vnndalia and the wn« king I s at. He "!I Hie.-e enan*''"* ma.v u-in*-- I- -r ill *; •• -d r ii :.n i *!orn.». no free trade famine m»r partial l* elder cud I ill! \. tin* si\t\ but .» N ! '• Y r>t Tl-urs*!** "1 ever* and !.g!d- in* other an- want tin- |«r-*m •** r- «d the pestilence ■" be ning-nHl* xx with the ha* vant t!i i- r .n u;i'i 1 to th> if profitable. i- uia.n t> : md md. m Xmer.'i. !»ut w lie re the ean bc- of tin- N.psic. together drowning "tir|*.:-> pr** !;• ha\* e«-r- every eye » *• fre*- trad** amnd It wear \ km \\ !»• vva- to ■ 1 :.» found tt.- t r* .und .i* x* h» r. h- ;• > go;n* make nidi !. in ;\ »• I: seamen, has east a -on u*"i| power 1 !• ti*e A unman uf Alters an s« ■ | :titod: t ii» *v i- a < »‘.d d.»* w n t:..s h.e.on is pursuing thought .-at a :. 1 r ci'■.\ throw a thirt. n an-! u-o«»u af t» r ii r Ware W •*•■ ;. \\ nvei' to the recent » r. 1... S h r* ! ta* >oji!h h f.a?ii« r. w !j* ti a :...\ its. with erect and etas Washington Owing -onie II. .s dread fill to take dd w. *pp.i t t t> .' *> -♦ nt -v r*-\ uptight, step. ea>;. ta-r nu ll "iiot of 1,2-'.o p. uni" _'h? with •> ^ r< 'Uin stem "f ■ of!' w pr« S' e .. -• > .J. r. d a* ?- :tg»-. SitV v\ | W Y 1 of the n.ed look. ■ <• \ f*w •.*. r: •; f- III til.- U *t of i 1 an onSv be dotu hi* I'auard about the Mowing up Ni; a p A r :i:i« »f a'"• n\ In-d in ; a_T'i t he ; \ xx f. h «x lurio h i- a man vis by pr-»te< ting 'lay- ; Hi “od IUall "j. ,;f. at the d from T« M v ui V t* ! Y M r.la* part” .tut ..»• oil the > 1 credeiu -- when it help along wifi ^fl IV n* n ,, l’ ed *. l n v ter fi tiej f S [! -t-~ k k !- r- n n-i t.< u: ■« r: i:n labor When we of thi- news received little pound", * N a> j i'll- I *i.tg. deprive him that pro- I. W V. :: ! .*7 J r»: T* **}.•■ but a I *r ioars was arrnve.l f war. ;^hty-t.»ti I’oj• ;_r::I p.e I Tr) M) Tie Protective Tariff i.Ver of the re- 1 s ■'» -IV /eii the standard of morals soon becomes Secretary Tracy, Ncy vant have t»ur t in* ar > '-u* 1 ■*• r 1 I'll-- i- -e\, .. ,I| — tv v H ii i. tv h, r v-Kir^t at an i wit-- now conns forth as *mr saviour ; pound", rmr*■ pound" k M mild s ■ r o*iilard ! a < Kirnhe r free 'lid ear lie lie oft k d an •. •> '1 wi.-l ■ owered n* rat* s ihh’grain from Admiral i tin mu/./.< i ivc- .: d. 1 ; 1 hi^li, flowers in fail bloom au I i.ir ■ and he d< g* from an elev a- y -pi *■ at and nt- tin i:; i- d V w i n.d •v I >::■•«** •>.. V v.tat- h pros, i.^i :- e f I f Usefulness to A g g parte nlars and a list of the in- n per nearly the lowest level vv ■,. with a '*.11 f .r tin ir-i« li\• raiieo from tin* T 'lid d :;,111 m 1 to tr •* o ■ g• immeie 1 > u 'I a : in re. \y. in on" III. f «>ur I :* l as 1'.*«!? iov*-rnment bas.-d is the — %! j. known ainor b« irowue It President s ■ g human ;ng>. and soon N- truly, h.ii mv | at him o.» Me 1 ! -• \ most j.i o^p, ro«is ia »• m r '••!—o*l ties k‘ii'darkly .t w :.l p net rat e J.* im in of w rollout iron > ii A .1,1 1 I. .. t J. F. 11n- d.-* s foundation of r *iv n t«> hom*- a national and thi- 1* ii > s ot.a ::..»d up«»n j •■••im-s ;i dangerous membei «»f the commu- “ay- calamity, country spr.ak .,f ium say she. armor at -.• and to-- ••UviUh fro-t to k..i tie- u t 1 Eidridge, Tiat at; ! _■; * it >v* r * m »st r li- .juarters pr.*\e 4. _ra--. tin- se. ! industries ;t* arb* st > v. a *:ruggl. ar«- mark. «i m*v. To elevate the standard of •ould afford to lose two an-i p< --;My in n for 1~. iin in a at a li i.'i .ii lliri,'.mj Si v...* ons stat« of allairs that ever existed < n morals) V \re snrisrteii Wbh his d »in s' s '^*♦» :i.’i Main Mrei‘1. h: e\(TV w -vf suy rin.'.* of 1 Mb, in*»re *t*-p .!Ii pr Hun .<» :i.t th"*.' rm.s* have : f c- ve-«els of war. to say nothing yard-. pow.-r t11 '•'*• M h .'. ad {•* i ku-.whdge Knowledge I !•» at her. u; Tin* inst* of .k’t.g ke-oj-.y f .!, i-u: n *t in tt.<- "aim- ratio of nn r« a*. S •• fit IS ii< ->.*s say whlbo th>- Ilf* ton icuti ti »w »,« in^ manu- the l tided State f .\ineri' Tin* rm,!;- t 1 u storm. Better that we had nev Mi ej d »n t kii iw >n the L*«»th in-: Mr 1 »a:m M \ w. d. d. v ;rt• ;«* <>ne enlighten-*, Illuminates and the yes ho«v beautiful fa 'nr- 1 f .r the ii. id. .Vi g¥ of tin m ra' .-.k- !- beagdoh, Imv* stump afb-r Week- of mt'-ii-e -.;•!• u 1 t'\ lia* r h he an / a " ; grown and powerful under the iisf ruets while the •r ard of tin* insignificant but trouble l llet'e ;»!'• three of tin'"'* U 1*. I' i. T-' I other degrades ami hu- IW Is W A ,1.. t hi tin ;• would if -t h.-n.,ni*-s a s II.- ; ,-op’f I sa no n e. tor ;• the mv me > in* of h he the St ! *!«•"• "i pauie.l ■ li-»u-*r* of ii’lltill* w :,:!•* tin a* purp experiment, > been tilled the most rmis a a im- er home :u N< w Ur I. ii A k *.i ■. \ .r 1* ! t.1 p*. by pr..*; I > e Arner a of and 1 he- following is li-t of the mo-t aie s e fan Hut I give the Venn institution^ of m-inufa *.■ ir• it floods t hr priv protection she1 other two ar. -cnt on board "hip. wm-re *kut tin* lia* ever witm**e-i > nomination- made the Pre-»- hi the h w < >v, r M i i-i v ~ country Am.r » no longer, her under the portant by mdj I tin Mr- S iran N >i dill', nl -I K ol •untrv w.'.i Kni’iai. : s re* keep they • ml tie : ,aii s ist mi 1 re has r.<. t |. him an ! the < f wib been p. .od dur.i:g our in* -te. live s\ we lent since* my last lett«-r John T. Abbott. pref midsummer 1 Hie projector piu^ •iuruu tin wr w, ,i ... s p;- stein, ami will the lie t :u ri, * of la t to stai at nm w surprise tv he whs ado'tm ■ eand\ to M'lcct from. ; hi:- gill with, was cold >i\I• i■ 11 a im ,t o r an b that xx. haxe- not been to be mini-ter to (*•■!- ami .piarter diunn liluehili r 'turned hom a : e* ry prosperous un- world w ith our »f New liainp-lure. s prodigious advancement. e: '_ free/e ui Mb ir.to a an (i. R Stuart, ; it turns iuh* tin street the ma-- of u»a> ! Weiifh 1 .->»« pounds 1 der the tai.f! mw* whi' h ei.'< ourag. home cniiiia; K H. Terrill, of Texas, to hr in.li- Abs, ,v freedom >*f within our a f( male g i/:n*. ■ d"" I our lahoniio on it -* nds exchange der tiaree wui *>e morni-m" nm- f ai popu’.a* inis.-ry 'fell, the W.ut-T. 11 v -j; industry d to our h m. ster to Belgium; Robt. A lam- of Penn Nugent n -w got anu-h farm, in •.■•! to I..-' r i hat w hereas the w !•* forecios -oo ; recently a. ATTORNEY market The history of free- trade and Pi be minister to Brazil; I. B M nier. of spmkiug t:.- "tipjiosino tj. to »>,- i pound", in. t!. law of the Reasonable tax- *•' 1" :m a; > : r: .It- *'*rti Mane. mo a law*, it mat republic. ed. r in <»th r words finished he Mi !; r ami v ;. : .• motion vlmth the be prote ct:; tariff This a allfoinia. to he Minister to the (h-ntral supposition velociiy may ’•» \ Ml ami L*.i|" r v.u.ai -'iher coneern pioxes tx-ynd ation and lestrcnt upon those without are .d si.oii I hii-wort!i l*'a..- : .. t*Ts m t wti.i’ li ij w* '.".-T tin stars w.l they adjourn to the dinner La r> koin-d at 4.‘bo foot ".•.on!" 1 it" J u).! H ciiti *.-.- w I.. *i" A. what ha* i»« * Arnen an Mate-; W. I. of m ir tl,•• mn//.ie. *r tw COUNSELLOR lusti-r •*-< •«•!'•■ Am* r;i alls ran no hr Republican paity ^,-r t> is*s .It 'ink ! can’t remember ail of ’em *'• •» .f these per. kI* we can s.. what fi,<- fr*■* of to he to :m *i« !*■"" a: 1 vard" Mr*. I. if her r ha- 1.a \ S v there be found in another who Bradley Kentucky minister Spr r. 1; y\.. s.-e tin- muntrv history party j b b arm mg 'em vv as this pi --pent* f tln-ir ;,u l I *n new iruii" wdi h>* i-tl\ superior to i for the few w k- r •• trade *y*t« in h i* •! i..- foi u*. and what b ’orea ; *i. (’handler, of Kansas, to be fir-1 pa-t H ... r. mi CONFECTIONERY, has earned a nation -*f exhausted finance i 1 !.*• fan seit- first in war. in w I! h.- made to know that it lias heen re- first M S S H at uliul. -ah *>r reiail. -!.«-wh; rail ami ex- -o the- pr *te c! i\e tariff lia* .!.»!:.• k-s.-tant of the Interior ««e ». tii'l iiis* ’11 the hearts sy-teltl an-! ruined eredit wht re oiie-M*ventli of the Secretary p*M' ..f fhe,r >un- ent :»' the head of all tin* na\ il artbier'. it, I w i? ii her. ■! from o!.. of tin- nio-t t» n.-i- j -t.»ppino a::. -t a- »: •• -t ..irisi.il,^ IV k la: I !n re- lot* be. II 1. t.lli.* trvilieu. M liiern who love The af I. > Ill t ii<- h.*tor\ of w I L of Idaho to he (iovertior -f tin- world, ar.d ire to tin- i.ke xbi.r * pop iatiou were slaves, the sharp, they !•*- -• through s M t-vr I h * «• ami in -l and in the < it\ !.- u t -loi.. n- d rfn- most m said l! Ml! r.ke a gr.-i !1 Tree, ii S;.ii•... w OR. H. GREELY. \rise i.< a w in n our industries diei n>»’ ;:iii J Mali i-ayberrv in udv am e of t .•>>* ton jjruu* w hicli an storms of a four vears'civil wnr. t * r-'-r- hat Territory; K Curli-. of ! where »s mav » ein wood a few au*. ..it i. v .w ra‘ !■ .ii .. -j< t p- -vo is i, the f a,-, of that .bate them. Iwm- n_ it \ .r I.n.'uiml oil t in- forliii- atn-n days guish. w hen labor did n«»t r. 0 same-; pm.- wli.-n gun';/- d and he seeretary of the Robert down as m ar to 1 »r. il.-u* rt .\ a- reconstructed stat«-s. estab-iish- I dh* nothin' as the '•ounets 4 M i.’ uni <«. '•! id in -u h t n "■• ar. *adly .•> Tobacco and he r.u ': ,i' f. ,r i, ; rj.os, .,( o.,-,, ir. air _• DSITTI3T. and starvation did not \ the 1 of to he -ntnuiod t.• u• w .:. i. Cigars. poverty i*it eg the nation's its natur- : Liticoin. Illinois, mini-ter of the aforesaid lari:* 11. I ill I hut f"* * 11 is J. * the aill'T credit.d<-\elopiug i.i< i.iu la » poli'ira'. sat.isfy 1 it .f i\- I «-ilvp > s home* of the poor under the fre.• trade .o Murat Halstead, of «>i»i• *. piece toast was I.hw v r Nil- "t tiiti-m of steel for ir »u a I ai n—iurcrs. and an age of Kiijriand wr-'U^ht Mr H Non i w : I V' ! -'ii of r. .\, oiii!,s am! inaugurating j T *•!. tr* ai i iiM l*e piiiitiral party p grill's » ami -• |>J«-a*eii **f Tile (. .xernim-n: to m;t"-d heavier :iar.r*•- of bor hil\ be.-tl tin* i- ■.{ r I U V i. system and theie ha* l-r .-p, to that the minister (o-rmany; Allen Tin-nicy ke powder. lately ! Iiax e. ami < \:,imm- them. .All r;'y e.pial enjoyed by ; Hie pi nic never broke til! r.-'* > ti. ails up f n t m:.k. ri,.- htTeivnce. Two huj- orother. Mr. 1.1 N >. U-en no t .me w hen America diei md it.ee. of New York, mini-ter toRu—:a: -iii*’K« i- -I. «»ur -• nuint* pr lTiited States? Fue "f or night: I w «fb h >m‘a little w !,i’,e ir try history party I before a'hs for the trials of these and > rai proof Mur. A r. when labor did not What to broke, an 1 if ever was pe thrive under the governim ?:t does not furnish a to » [’atri k Kgan of Nehra-ka. mini-ter there a beat our !':••* J'llt" ii.- ,i_r o oit. the one f >1 v parallel doors t-. \V .. •,-m • at; w. feature 1 was; 1 Kuirlan-! :ar \v % '. -• protective tariff. -n J*11iIi; Thoma- <-f Kansa-. to he- min- j.-st dropped my dilap -ti and other for >h"« be -nee. of Vim-rica for the hist quar- Ryan Patents Grant 1 *• t- w dated form into a rockin' chair, and s.av > Us *e w d<-riv from a I. A at nu.im*"" w h:th.-r »dh '!:<• Ix*t 1 at ha* In-eli the- coli«li!. u p<-li ter of a ster to Mexico; John Hick- of \YUc..n*in experimental o-ntury. Truly yours. I > Dr. Patten s im-iid w ".-ur La tin up,- fp :n whi-Il tii.s measure j’i"t d h for pra- of trade and labor under these two *- .o be minister to Peru; H. B I.-iring. of >y John W. Thci'e nec'ln't 'c another 1 1 be-*: .V. Norma,;r in < \. Kink, word said. it t in*■ hi S dm To cin/. u- ,*f tin New i. .a sr *•* * the :j it ..• i, in the c in t If .tit sprung. Who o;4V** it lif,- ami w never to te in*, and what has hern the nio»t r vitality? Massachusetts, to he Mini-ter to Portugal; d! go unotliei Fourth as as 1 pros, Zanzibar Islam!, Past long there i> also to he sent tin --- x:;a ■*:-ally {■ r ■•ur trade. Africa. Jan. 31. j immediately iwrinu’Hie pa-t we.-k. r.nd r* ; c the fra n is of the man the nam m .1 >>.ah A ieii's *>us course- for tiii* t<» that laboring and of K. K Warren, of to he •my wife *"U infant w ha Ini" >»• en r- 'iirm d t Mason's country pursue-, 1 ss3. Wyoming, gover- f**r t!;;- ( Bloclo, "Tm !cunt iy j apt y nation: I- it th, ir t«* !■«n«-tit tin* pbii.f.r enough. Samantha." \V iu ii h «'i in im- i :! \dde. I he inner of a ctive tarirt «-r a free tratle « x object nor and B. F. Wldte. of J 'll ,V T« Mini" t.«'| '*•!;- tf.-‘ predi pol of that Territory savs .1 osi ih. ij >n t love vur rouii- « nt I S "you u of _ :u i" un a>-k. lawyer-. **pp masses. .*r them of a blcssb:-? |t*.—! period time that and I *-'4 The President has unofficially notith-d It done the nation t '•••fore it is the ^un will he tired Mi^ar H ni* repaired •1 Bartlett. T; :i;. N H a- friends of the or even friends of liav. me ail tore t«> sav s ". Dr. Lewis was the worst period the I'nited State* poor, the Lhe Senate that after to-morrow he should pieces?" I. Look with a r. »f tn-".vy ciiari:'*" at tin* tar- Hodgkins A T. I 1» 1. \ ._ N. i:f -ii During the taking of the oath the i at dress look at mv bonnet ■ •• !!., tin* nation, hut tin* natural em mas by y and rape t" w ,i ?i i\ .■ ji pa* up at ''in ever w itnessed. In 1*24 the first decided ainon^ uake no more nomination- for tin- present, n-miry President elect. General Harrison and the oin- to be airon-i •• iin > .. a ( any .rnglit lad t-- stand it! : t rep re".- n! 1 Tl. "« tran-ferrin^ ..ani-m -i W. ill -«r\ U<«- of maiiufaetur.no interest in this Nj.ita, 'I-!. {if' i». < protective tariff wa* pa*se el, which at one. every \ i< President remained standing and Mrs to that tin* adjournment will certainly take Look at mv dishes!" l i«. >vsrn:its >ays tir”«-ts. w hieli are resjM ,t:\. v fn-.-d u *li W Baton. Hartford, : ... a W \ What )s there to he hi Harrison was installed in the chair or sofa l the {•c«aii*l miy. revixed busitie**. and start* d ent« rpr i*.-* country. gained place this week. guess old her .es of the Involu- granite, wrought ir n ami <• Alu a \ .in haul. plate" unpound I. 11 rue >t• r. u. '? .j r j. Ol IK I \NI» MI mill II I Mr. .ss, of state. howev er, the drizzling tion went mote than that.' of all kind, and brought unlimited pro*p* ri- the ii. s. i>v adinittiii^ Kiiirlisii ».i,id> Presently Mrs. Harrison is said to be suffering through says "t ee|. fill*, illtf bra V h.-.-n a*, tanked i.l a rain decided tier to on her -v-tem .1 I- l.ijhtf 1 ■ u.iiooutnv put waterproof .Josjidi ■■•urM* o eailier rinn-nts. ami tin SEMI tv to the in 1-2.* city fie*-? Wiien once have control case xji OF '• KOU PUKE LIST country. Again 1*2-and they and tin* President turned from the review from an aggravated of homesickness. \\ !i. -t*- 1 haint an old hero." says I cool- •-u.i-.-in i .-1 lie "h »wmi To \ et at I :rn trap \ H 1. in : market, w ill sensible man at- the tariff xxas repealed an a fr.-e trade of our any t.» render her some assistance—a She- does not rind the White House as ; gallant ly. van :m:e 1 he dot: <• har::e M ,_r -j will \ til ::u: H. U 1 IS*9. PE\YY (.OODS. luph tariff established in 1*33. Then to ar^ue that Kntiland ha* free i little domestic that again went to Well, tan honor followed. tempt injx episode pleasant a place to live in as her »!• I home you 'em. can’t von?” ;!" heretofore, convey the Ml iXUt). hut <'t button hole p. ! Mi. w < ,-ss s, tin* hearts of the crowd the "Honor'em! .losiali what as it bad un*ler the low taiiff of l*l«b :u to our shop wiil not advance the Gradually n Allen, good f.»r the 1 lu-ton lmiii a "till latter craft i- 3 1 * ju*t Indianapoli-. t\ ft ,i v ?. ?> ft other ladie- of tin* President s household. has a done to old Mr. I.aFav t*» have II in, \ i, -ip.,. V T l^yU W •*<£ *1 * ««« V* w • W W hm 9 h* being built, wliich is to he vailed the Gojjj C'-J the financial crisis of 1*37 which of lier* ^«»' ds far y ml their pr*-- new again price Mrs. McKee and Mr- Russell Harrison, ••('oiporal" Tanner, the Commis- new earthen my pie plates smashed to bits, and n.-• i"iire« -jn feet 1 u _r.-r tuaii the Mu dcu.-c. K. | u;l* iv;i„ I- I. .1, I d Sta:«-s were J. H. the in* n nit standard: If tin nit* the sioner of has been hold al- and a of tines J. \\ < 09*1HK, prostrated country. Everywhere party. Pension*. g couple bloke of! of one of '■* 1'ropritlor. FORD, joined Lnhd 'U Hi Provident Ii. I., i»f !. .: plying the of their costumes were best f..rks? xx.-re out of work ami were glad to get in an exhausted condition, if streets The glories most a continuous ever since he my What good has it done to reception (i. li S.Bs ( Ellsworth, Maine. under maroon a col- old 1 hottnis body FSTSnS' ILOCH, work at cents The were tilled witli men, if our eclipsed waterproofs, .letter.son to have mv lawn 4* twenty-five per day uneinploveii took charge of the Pension office. IT- has -1 VK m.*U dress tore off of me shade holder: A I i,\ \ l... u < 1C N » K Hl> “T Ml N|b KLISWl,:-Til peculiarly by Betsey iiobbet? Not that Mrs. Ward. manufactories were closed and the rin-i m in*, u. I... 1 u iiiitnb..r i.f 11 •» • ur»*; clerk will be removed for ( charming easiou'aly j eam ,f til'1 sml has nary except Resolutions ot > uad 4 oiiimrlor at l.«w. throat, open- no respecter of persons, and presently the net. flattened down tight t<> head? ! \b w York Siic i> alwa\> a>ke«i t« Respect. is re- my city. mi an ofti.-v in th. ever under was the low tariff <irk of it,” 1 '•hureheH when- a frii-nd of rn-rs is iiiimim W'hrr*-I J .I. p|, ItuildiiiR. lioaton. Ma«*. by apprehensive liberty, duty s-iy* .!»_'* ,.f NiLU of the modiste’s art—the black ••Folk" will make a it»n a tvcmt orca-nm -die h» r link frmii tlic j. 11.. » which the United States lantic to the Pacific. Pass the Mills bill soldiers be bull-lights. | obliging pened, ga\e pros- honorably discharged exempt that hind* ii* in our or-i*- !. r ,• r to defy tin? elements. Mrs. Harrison vve had ’em. You may talk ah rat honorin ; eons.*nted t«» sing for h«-r friend as u»u v_ ! Shoe Store. see With a ly PENSIONS in of low tariff*. The Mexican and the chauge. surplus sup- from the civil service examination. »\oi*liiy roinntd* pli M. ll .. perity spite speedily produced a large, whit*? pocket- ttie oJ. and gnin’ through all th**e al. but sin* says now she never will again x-.a -.t- the Ion*, The :•:*'•> respectfully war broke out and disbursed of cheap foreign good* coming into handkerchief, and to tie it over «. to :i"i Vm. But if : »*. she had a immediately ply proceeded performam-. pi. they very terrifying experience /t»'.*»•'That tt "1 aii requiring aiN.*t-l.an*a-. and ; i*. tile <*lHe«-r* pa'rolMibi our her bonnet, an that was soon fol- are in heaver, ran without music the s-r ii. v ihm ;Sm i;.n. .-Mil-*l t< « ryii.al « u. ! fifteen millions of dollars: the Irish fam- our markets far exceeding demand, example they get along fin* in opening part of the j rad* or *uid l’o*t. r. iii/. tin* i**** tin; vs ii •; hi- -• r\ ;• • in thi lowed her ami bearin'the .!ooe>\ iih> vice «-i. a-r I'. ;>r- to the starvation of by daughter daughter-in- Sayings of Our Neighbors. br:i"S hand, and if had gone otf brilliantly, and tin* choir »U*Taiijed. ulid the *ti.i heavier |o** of ii..,.* ■1 enortnou* labor reduced ■ JUST ine occurred which called for price :« I* RECEIVED j i.t i. r the rule- and law. Mrs. McKee's black and red round ! they haint. they are pt-.bablv where tlre- bad settled down to listen, with that dc nearer and deal**r to him. i.:»ti<‘ii- “it « m. » r. im-ntai 'i* pammut at \\ a-h our manufactories shipments of breadstuff; the revolution of Knglish operatives, hat beneath a mouchoir; Mrs. works haint much of a to Vm.”— vnut attention lir&'U'rd. I’liat \\e will »\. heri*h a I* 1 sheil I «r; disappeared rarity j which always characterize- our industries our trade THE HIGHEST COURT. rein, mhranee of our «-omrad .si .*• r:*-ii<-i- more than tear?* 1Mb in occurred which shook the closed, paralyzed, Russell Harrison's splendid white bonnet j Mirntt from choirs, to the sermon. Hie minister war departed jitter e\p« twenty Europe H"\Uy, Abridged "My Opin- w U* IiiIt* we -.hall ini.** him in our im-l-t. n: he U : *' * that :.e i% a’ie to pre-cut claim- our streets filled with the unoc- was and thanks to ion and lh t*i y Itohbet's” the of tin* incarna- continent from Madrid to St. Peter.-bn: stopped, similarly protected, I Auburn Gazette.J preaching upon subject ehuiaeter and life ever f..r» t!ie department thetr ar;e,l legal aspect* j *taml a* a «hii,,._ :,r. these handkerchiefs, which ought by right tion, and as he went oil waxed warmer am to ii* **, and w tli in re d -pat. h than attornev reM _ ami the result was that a reverse ac- cupied laborers, starvation at every door, The decision of the chief of the guide through lilt rugged jouir. v from by ! to have bceu bandanas, the head of justice warmer in his his a! a : Ninn*-e A t home >«•■, can r.i omit your at gear interest in theme. Sud art h to heaven. was all this is a of what the Mills United States has been overruled in the Yet the Earth did Move- ;.,rne\ in n. and with b:s «»-i-tJ»nee ran Willi tion prosperity made in the United poor picture the ladies of the White House to- he we |»t-i ill escaped d**niy paused in his discourse, raised lint'dn&t. That tender our he ,rtf< ,t the where Ml, court of love and there is no from make vour in you tip proof community [ w! :> f; vi:i 1 sell In addition to our States. Before these events had bill will produce should it become a law. tal destruction. appeal his head from his notes, and. shaking hi? *y mpalhv to the family of the deeesiM-d in thi* where nee must. in thetnaiu. quieted rr~; !• ai 'l yourevi ; ft.M k of its decree. their hour of «.rbc had been shot, and at the the Ki.I .nvvoki II AMF.KII \n for publieation. m I*'-. tf> under the free trade or rather low gazed Ellsworth. pt. IT. tug a change in our hu-dne-- in w ar which lasted until 1856. Hardly had the ! when l». r. p«-r-»n* the ownership of the school books of declared that it cast suspicions on the doc- reverend in bewilderment. AllIEKTOV, waul'd .sin h goods will -a\«• on gentleman < m.-upy by calling cleared and the tariff wages; for that is an essential ele- a otu. on Krmo. smoke of battle away gen- younger days—and the destruction of trine of the incarnation; others declared What was lit* going to do? What charge His Sister. reverence for valuable in books and Kllsworlh Slcmn Laundry and ial sky of peace begun to smile upon the ment in this question. The spinner got things that it upset the whole basis of theology: was to be brought against her? She bad relics. Tins Il.UUKOKD Kl IN' ANI> Stouv OF week in 1*60: in the same establish- that if the earth is a planet, and only one danced all night at the cotillion, and per- D. H. EPPES & SON, European world, when the panic of 1857 ! $6 per I'll,Mr.—Some bod;,*' had been House. “No, Mr. Jackson. I cannot be among several it cannot lie that it wasn’t for her t* j twenty Dye 1**8 week : a your MR. BLAINE AS A CASUIST. planets any haps very appropriate fell upon the United States. The great ment in lie gets $15 per piece taken out of the wreck of the Hartford RES'! K>I* tMoN KIV1R BRIIKSE.KI.I>W oRTII.ME• wife, as my heart is already in the keeping such great things have been done especial- be singing in church the next morning: hotel to with two at 2&aia events that had business got 81.15 a week in I860, ami gets can a [ Lewiston Journal. | up Wednesday, only All klnd^ of Garment-* leaner arid dyed. Street, quickened every boy of another but 1 be sister to you.” I Iv for it. a> the Christian doctrine teaches, but how divl he know anything about it? that time missing. A tramp named Ki'i Gloves and ostrieh Feathers a specialty. in had and the $3.50 a week now: a weaver got 84 a week “Oh ! ’tis hard to he thus obliged to give As a casuist. Mr. James G. Blaine has few i I f there are other God makes Perhaps lie lied noticed the perfectly inno- Billy pulse America passed away planets—since to reference has Laundrv Work of ail kinds done at short notice. with Boyle, whom previously Kllxwortli, Maine. in 1860. and a week in a finisher you up, Maud, and still your very gener- equals.—Portland Express. nothing in vain—they must be inhabited; cent chat she had just been having j Iyr40 L. J. FILE>. Prop’r tariff of 1846 was thrown upon its own 810 1**8; I been made, evidently slept in the tf6 ous offer to be a sister to me cannot go un- Good gracious! What will they accuse but how can these inhabitants be descend- the tenor, and was going to launch forth engine merits, the fell into a in less got $6 a week in 1860 ami 816 a week j room without removing any of his cloth- country panic accepted. Will you be as near a real sister Blaine of next? ed from Adam? How can they trace back : upon the prevailing degeneracy of choirs j iu a ing, for lie whs found fully dressed. The than a year. All the great industries of 1888; dye-house hand, unskilled, got to me as their origin to Noah’s ark? How can and the need of reformation, especially possible?” THE TRUTH TOLD DERISIVELY. they had a shock L AM OI N E Silver the used be searchers when they came up- TETyandottes! the were so much so, 84.25 a week iu 1860; and gets 89 a week in “Yes, George. I shall endeavor to.” have been redeemed by Savior? I among what to called the “women country paralyzed, a — ton his body. section of — is I Bar Harlx>r In to this lVic he her Tearing away AND 1888; a common laborer 84 a week iu | “There Jack Fourinh&nd's sister, for Record.] addition prodigious engine of singers." ps suspected of loose that President Buchanan was obliged to got ! flooring, they saw in the dim the fl-- i instance. Will you be as loving and at- I)nty never, never sleeps, and there were war, there was kept up a terrific tire of views on the sii'ije tof everlasting puuish- light A.C Hawkins -train. Orders for eggs booked 1860, ami gets a week in 1888: an en- | ere of a man on a say in his message to Congress in Decem- $7.50 f was silling barrel in lire tool -i**ck for sale i 1* the season. Best teutive to me as she is to him?” those there who bore the of smaller artillery in the shape of texts and ineut, for he eminently orthodox ami j now. Breeding j responsibility near the boiler a week in 1860. and room room. It was lean- MOUNT DESERT qualitv, reasonable prices. ber of 1857: “With all the natural re- gineer got $6.50 gets “With all my heart, George.” the morals of the town on their shoul- Scriptural extracts. Some samples of scorned the doctriue of a second proba- j II p. ML AI'DELL. Franklin, Me. ing over against the wall in a natural sources in our our manufactures $16 a week in 1888. The earnings well, then, sister mine, I shall try ders. these weapons may be of interest. When tion. He might oe intending to take this | posi- irewiara free. solicited. hands, yet weekly “Very tion, as Correspondence I must be Galileo had discovered the four for fear of not anoth- | though asleep. The cry went 2mll* j of the could three to be worthy—ah. really going, satellites opportunity having were prostrate, enterprises were dead and spinner in 1860 buy pairs DIP. IT MUST. around that the man was alive, but wheu though—good night, sister.” of Jupiter it was denounced as impossible er. to show her the fallacy of her position | the men in the were w ith- of cheap blankets for one week's work, "ue of the bolder of the workmen ventur- CO. laboring country The next day Miss Maud "received a 1 Temperance Record. ) and impious. It was argued that the bible and convince her publicly of tier error. | LAND and ed iu seized his out in distress.” This state ami the under American it shewed all surmises floated arm he found it that work,and great spinner protec- package, and upon opeuing discovered as clearly by applicable types that These wildly through j The liquor interest powerful it is of a There was a of there could be seven brain in the moment's w hich corpse. badly lacerated Ineorpomted under the law? of Maine. of affairs continued to blast the country tion in 1888 for the price of one week’s that it contained—horrors—two pairs must succumb much labor and | only planets; that ; her pause, For though I wound near the right ear and a fracture of Sale! this was an and she ol pants, six pairs of socks and a shirt. A to proved by the seven golden candle- i seemed to her hour, thought uutil the election of Mr. Lincoln in 1800. work can buy fifteen of blankets. many years may be required subjugate | the skull on pairs it this sticks of the 1 to conceal her rnorti- top. the The estate of tin* late Nahum II on note slipped out, aud upon reading a Apocalypse, by the seven- hastily withdrawing Evidently poor The blankets for less it. It is part of the great program of wretch had been struck 81,000.000 Street. For information of Then were passed the protective tariff laws spinner buys the saw. branched candle-sticks of the terrible tension was re- by flying Capital Stock, inquire , is what she that to a better the Tabernacle, flcation, when fragments progress it shall give way j j of iron or had have been in ever since. than one-half what cost him in 1860. und the seven churches of Asia. I lieved his reverence his sen- woodwork, climbed upon Value 00 which being they Dear Sister Maud : I ascertained from Jack order of and die it must. by by completing Par per share, 85 J. Hall. things the barrel to seek an exit the Spencer and he two and one-half times as Fourinhand that his sister was in the habit of In a letter to his friend Rcnieri, Galileo tence and saying : “But Mrs Ward, the through 6mng>* We do not need to further refer to his gets j broken became all his mending. of our agree- a sketch of some of the of ■ author of ‘Robert Klsmere,’ does not be- flooring, dazedylwt down much for his labor 1888 as he in ; doing Thinking gives dealings J Boarpmax. Pre*. what the tariff has iu got articles of the died. 11,1V. Halsf.v tory to tell protective ment. I bethought me of these few Drinking at Sea.—New York Marine the Inquisition with him. He says: “The ! lieve there was any incarnation?” And he resting against wall, and, KhWARD PrkscoTT, Trea*. and 1860. Talk about capacity; wearing which are sadly in need of Father that much demol- Real Estate done for this nation; its growth pro- productive apparel, Journal, in a timely article. “The Bar at Commissary Lancio was zealous to proceeded to demolish for Sale. j buttons and mending. 1 have needed a sister Ml L' IN S. SMITH, Clerk. The wonder- think about capacity. Is it any Sea," calls attention to the urgent have me make amends for the scandal I had ished book, while the soprano retreated —Then there is no torment, no dread of The subscriber hereby offers for sale at a bar- gress speak for themselves. buying that would look after may clothes, aud since public the r**alestate of tlie late Nathaniel wonder that condemn the Mills need of reform on board our caused in sustaining the idea of the move- behind the organ to recover herself. j death, eternity or judgment. This view gain M a small farm with house and barn there- Your loving brother, receipts responded heaven—already AMERICAN LOAN AND TRUST COM- too standard, to reduce the scale of American George. but the words of * Terra Mrs. Jason—Jehlel, I’ve had the awful on Darwik X.Moore, Adrn’r. rapid stride** in progress bespeak only foreigu steamer out of this port for Eu- ing Scripture, heaven.—[Bramwell. ar- was Eilsw orth. Ang. 28, 1*»8. tfM I have selected this one will amonnt, it is 9aid, to three or autem in ceternum »tabit.' It declared lest scare. 1 opened the door am -- PANY, TRANSFER AGENT. how we have prospered under the wages? Why rope j plainly that the doctrine was false the the worst I ever saw i as a because we have a this? Here in one four thousand dollars every trip. This proved by found looking tramp —No peace was ever won from fate of tariff. No nation ticle comparison is —Editor—How's par- I bi- OFFICES blessings protective will some idea of the amount of standiug still of the sun for Joshua; by Why, I couldn’t say a word for ten min subterfuge or no blanket administration, and I agraph you have “her ardent eyes,” “her give agreement; peace is ever Bar Harbor. Maine, C. «prouF? Block. FOR SALE on earth can find a to our pros- foreign in the week the is at the declarations that ‘the foundations of utes. in store for of us Henry parallel ardent gaze” and “her ardent longing.” drinking done ship any but that which we 57 built at Essex in the blanket a one for com- the earth are fixed so that can- ■ Unio n**. Fountain La Val Avenue, Sch “Granada.” tong, 1857; thought good There is too much they Mr. Jason—Do know which h< shall win — East perity for the last quarter of a century, oversight, I guess. Editor sea by the passengers. firmly you way by victory over shame or sin has always Iteen employed in the fishing busi- Reporter—An not be and that the sun ‘runneth Boetou, Mas*., too much of the ardent. of a’ to make the voyage a moved,’ went? I would like to get his make-up i victory over the sin that as ness. For enquire of but In the of our prosperity and parison. —Yes; entirely disposition oppresses, well particulars height about from one end of heaven to the oth- it had that effect. as over Globe Building, 244 Washington St J. ft L.N. PAINE, do well to let a little on it. spree, if not a drunken debauch.** that which | when of is On the 25th of March, 1887, the United You’d np corrupts.—[Kuskiu. S«T I *3mo«3 Provincetowm, Mam. greatne»8, every pulse industry The Great Explorer Heard From. Results in Rhode Island-

A letter from Henry M. Stanley, dated The count no for in the State election was not Waste time in looking DRY fc FANCY GOODS ! Smuputuri. September 4. 188H, has rearh- finished until late Thursday morning. The A. W. CUSHMAN i CO. 1 result ed a friend of the explorer in Kdiubnrgh. for Governor was as follows : Ladd 1 (Hep.), 16,1)52; Davis 21.350: and SMALL WARES In the letter Mr. says he Is well (Deni.), anywhere else. Stanley Richardson 1,511; Chace En- aud in (Pro.) (Law' tTljr tfllsluortb Amman. good spirits. forcement). 3,425. The combined opposi- Mr Stanley, after stating the orders tion to Davis has 21,81*8 votes. He fails rH'JKSDAT. AFfilL 11. 1889. of an election the 548 votes. ! New to Goods! given by him Major Barttelot. goes on by people by We the have the Best Assortment and the He probably ran ahead of the Democratic Spring carry Largest Stock, Lowest Prices. to descrilH.- the advance of the column. Wo .*t road anonymous lt*Ut r« .and eoinimi- candidates f«*r Lieutenant Governor, Sec- The w inch consisted !. .allot'. Tin ntr a ;».| addro-.- of tho u rltor expedition, of SS9 of- retary of State, and General Treasurer, so ar«- in all* a- not for The Finest Line in Eastern ind;-|*onvaldo. nooossarily ficers and men. started from on that there Is no election for those officials. Maine, l'ii: «- a guaranteeof faith. Yatubuuga |m''Uoati..i« good For I \W ran not a rtak** t-* rot urn or pn‘«orve nom •lute* !sv On August 1, the first death Attorney-General. Rogers t Kep. >, re- umnh ui*i;i.- : nit aro not u*«‘d. ceived 21.oil ; Slocuin Dcm ). 21.816: A ml as low as can he found Our Stock con- SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT occurred, the cause being prices anywhere. dysentery. scattering. 27 ; therefore Slocum is elected On August 13. oil at sists of in a First-class arriving Airsibba, by 77s majority. In Kent county General everything usually kept STATE OF MAINE. the natives presented a !»old front and the Rogers ran 4»li votes behind the tickets tie Furniture Store. We have a fine line of was .in, and Slocum ran 21>d votes ahead of Keller poods have never party lost five in« n from poisoned arrow■*». Davis. Then.* being no election for Gov- Lieutenant Stairs was wounded below the been shown. A prcatcr varie- ernor and other State officers, aside from heart and suffered greatly, but he recover- the Attorney-General, the composition of ty we have never offered. 'd the Legislature is with On August 31 th«* expedition met a regarded great in- Prices have never been so PLUSH PARLOR SUITS terest. The as as party <>f Manvema-. and their misfortunes result, far determined, For 310 mid is as follows low. ffe will sell you the Upwm’ds. began on this date What Stanley de- M. GALLERT. Hep. Dt-m. No Flection. of scribe- as an awful best Machine Thread at 45 month begins on Sep- Senate, 21 II 4 Ash, Oak, Walnut and Painted Chamber tember 1** Leaving the station of the Ar- House. 24 30 12 els. per doz.. assorted num- 11k* we rail attention ab chief I garrava. bargains your Shades, Midi when the expedition 45 bers and colors al 50 ets. OUR SILK-WARP HENRIETTA Opaque fane), Totals. 47 16 per SUITS, to f«»r this hit* all fresh new numbered *J< spring Rollers. men.having lost sixty -ix bv is ne a on a at $1.00 at,<1 $1.25 an* the Fifty-five *essary for choice doz. The attention of mothers ns direct from the cheapest AS (HEAP AS IA\ RE BRIGHT AWATHERE. goods purchased by ets. ll.<* la d wtru sold at $1.00 desertion and death, and hating left tifty- joint ballot. It will he seen that the Ke- in New Boston house* ask 50 ; > is called to our inanufnetuerers and W* Knglntid. i. publleans must secure ten out of the six- Seamless importers. \v ilhin a mouth -ix sick with Igarrava, the march hsi to t »r tin* 'Min'- good* 25 per cent. mote. teen im tntMTs to be elected, while the Dem- Willow AVnro. found several lots which they were de- i the Arab settlement Kalii.ga Longa The Waist for children which iiulty (’uiTingoH, ocrats require eight. The election will lirious of closing out iu lump and to do men lived on w ild fruits, *-j-s. 'd fungi and nuts turn on the combines with de- 1*1 Imi nots, Kfo. -LADIES’- probably choice of a Senator durability Sid<‘l)oar(ls, this were ready to sacrifice t«» a house French During the journey Mr was ill and five Representatives in Newport I he Stanley lightful ease and comfort, no which had an outlet sutllciently large Beiges vote there for Senator was as follows; for more .a -- than month We 'ju«»te from WV nl-o a oh- will *ca«oi). * child can be have line to handle ot goods In* this pi 50, I.- •! m aith an *•! I -t.nl 1 -bo-l and von Franklin. Republican. 1.220; rnderwood. without large great quantities popular COTTON UNDERWEAR Air letter a- follow happy orrit* I :• n-> s wit! th* a*ivioo and Stanley Denim rat. 1 ;’.oo. i;»o. We, with our several branches, have 05 and 75 cts. Albro. Prohibition. them. than ever The same are "!"• ft **f t!i uti\ < « 1 h\. "nit' lo-l^natc* “When ne s march Cheaper day from Nyanza, The sect •ml elect iou will therefore be con- that outlet, we are in con- For rents cun the best tin- consequently well made of ifo.«I material, uatixr- im- from tested with great earnestnes- N**t fifty you buy tastily I KavaL and said a white only dition to offer as as laundered shirt for the in the market. goods cheap any and ma- d<» tlie leading State offices hang in the price DRESS SILKS. trimmed sold lower than die man named had given their chief tlw 25th of last Malcjj.a a Twenty-live cents will a knotted Paper Hangings, retail house iu New Kngland and do Thursday, flay April balance, but the twehe district of buy ean he lot ii< w w»* terial bought lack to judge* All jvittrrii*,which art* selling very low. packet give im The next dav's fringe Towel, that is w nth double the offer them so. Our stock in assortment \v nm hi the Mate and their clerks are to be elected Corset Covers at march broug t u- to the chief at \e.ir price. ; Kavalli. this f r terms of three vears Is to auv in the State. Velvets & Plushes. l Ten cents for each skein of our best wa- equeai ’1. 37A 5o, and 75 ets. r VsTJMi V\l> I'K WKK. w! in tub'«i me :» note from Kmhi l*a-ha cheaper than ever. tetspun yarn to close Night Dresses lr«»i»i 50 et.s. to $3.00. •v« ivd wi:!i a -'rip of I.'.at k Atm n« an cents will two A l :• ti i' i-'t 1 V or* that. Ccngreesiosal. Twenty-live buy pairs Satin XUxadaxnes ( Itemises, from 50 ets. to $3.00 S' I.- o wear & Id «• at I 1 hose, the sur- Frames. and Pictures til «l l’l\. ij tii II. gg. im r< fourteen nomination- from the Pr--id. nt, mention. » li K INTO. 1 FUANKLIiIN ST. -ml. at SI.1*0. $1.25, ami $l.7>o. ■ :•»••• •' I "ti. it w including that of .1 \ Huston of Indiana. ... I;, i- ;.l main until he could communn at.* ith me. k Garments. *' « th**ii! w' — an t- Ldk lin ,tn U-no i1 bea-urer ik the ly j.r.i' ith -tr- ag W ere Sale Jackets, ■ confirmed For Jersey I »ii t a k' ■ •!..» u «• nrtM-tii and a. ii. xt (heap. mins. ■ ■ '• — : b,»at we t hi- truth a*.d 11 13., Nyanza Uu April J* »nn- Senator Feller offered a n-soluti 'ii call- 0o, SILK VENETIANS Int n/'’ >h an 1 i dre-* *. A fine Ma. k dnun* tuAre. ? ■ oj.j, *« nuu $2.00, $2.50, $3 uO, $l.no, •* '• |Tn at* at, tli i- la.iiittillv f--r executive se--ions S. A. S again reached t!i«• i ivouae ing open i’i assortment "t fr .n 5n rts t«, v* ground occupied and kind. to Boston colors. $3.00. «' ,r H as. t Mh Ib.Oo, up $10.00. The large Elections A home «:»•* I* t .it V -worth F «!!•* Ml AN* THAI I* tn'> r ." Tu« —!. \ tongre-- Tin* Senate re- Municipal nlant *’ !'• at p m an ! saw a K! •'live -ame from to I short 1-*ak>. \ buil-dmr -n /i«hin*'ton *»tr--t price fur tin* is $3.50 c ued a few nominations from President WWE WARRANT OUR DRESS SILKS. -’•••• 1 ab .* -«wen ii a \a\ Mi ..mu.; (<•'.' #■ ! i.et ti! f« el ;• •!* $ 15 00. Itom $2.00 to $*».o(). Harrison among them that of Ro’n rt .1. A MHF.RNT A Imvl* Mr*** j/1 ti*- wagon. nnv. In: a- *’ !• n j c i< ah*. to be A « >lt * ati g Mile. SLLDS ABL SOLD ; I Mat. v Fi-h* r. of lllii. »i-. V--istant Com- rep« U the annua! town \ repeat*!; *h*.s ;:,n Cloth. Jackets, n « g’ < ;»-a* i and 1. — *u arrived at missioner of patents -confirmed all the meeting March 2'*. !i I \ I’KK v r trom $ J no to $ 1 0, .!»•; \ -.u 1 i..it-tr, *hot im ;n id the f diowing officer* Were elected g;m. i;i before it w Mod- from to ■ 1 ■ •• !•* nominations ith few " « »■ ■ •1' #10.00. li fa: 0 f m rt-.to 111 u ...*\» fiM.R imp 1 !•• x* day w tr .1 to a t- exceptions, A }fui .ip*. $3.00. erator. W il hunham ; Town Clerk. A ■ and sin, die lln: forth- i1 "W- »rti* i*II| IM IN I1 .1 h -Jato. adjourned they HOLT'S- I: tin I.*’ embroidered I ter camjaing placi W ; S.-lretineU and bo »*■I »■« I of Goods, blank*/*. \ Housekeeping Sd-by Assessor*. ,i Inside Jerseys, W I'*: 'V M M \!M F !!*•.%. it ti. Maine 1 00 to Ny am-S.t —: where 1 n 1 *.»•:. a al- Sdsby. F. Archer. \ N Jewett; Consisting of Table Linens. from $ $3.1 d). tflJ from oOrts. to $.*>.ho, forty dirten nt ■ Collector. NeNon Herrick: «». *>'» M::U K-list" itlij AAV w«-|. -g th* uti? .1 National News. Trea-urer. Infant*’ din ts, an«l 75 ets. II Hu7.7.tdl: Town (»eo \ Agent. hr styles. Napkins, Towels. (rashes I er w I., ii I 1. ft him » lit.nits’ **•!et sacks, May g .bpc-»n. Ford: v S Committee. hr «;<••» \ lord '• FOUNDRY trom 50 ets. to $1.00. tl.r S cidane-t and two .;u .- ,n il -I bn Sb ,-per. tin- phdanthrop- Constable*. S s t. HHlwin. F It Swctt Quills, Red Spreads and tv TUiniv4. r ! :i ;• \ J _ :;ko ;s?. died :it lto-ton. aged s7 lie was a »a- Survivor- t ha- TIi;mi ;il oilier Store in | care.** Highway M Smith 1. ANl> any lllankels. will In* sold at lower is t v ns o «»f Newcastle. Maine John 1' M rr. 2. \V I. Hussey. 2 and 3. ■ O, Fred 4 U ,t 11. I. II Siisby. the fit}. than eiei Woman Suffrage in K Congres-man Houte'dc has telegraphed prices quoin!. ■' < the Pre- dent ,1. J/ /.’uised MACHINE SHCP. of in;«rk> nr. j- *. mr chant-• i> pi..ring the action of the y IIAIU.AIYS IA 101K, H.M 1 Sena if Mur* F r tow-ii (all anil see for .c* an .a ; *,» f. *un>l charges. $;un yourselves. a Curtains. rat H list, ad For Draperies After a \igorous light the w o;u< n tM'litHilft, 3jjo VIX* V KINK. LIN K UK ^ -w $ all vard-* IMi, HOSIERY, I MOM EAR For building bridges. :up) mvnl 5tio punted senm* at c »nd. ! it.*- for tin :ty ofli--. w on the 1 appoint!!!. of 1 H l; b, r»s dt]rlo| 3s and B1 inches in lay For on *>m tool' of the plaids width, worth 15 rts. r .-- -rant trea-urer at New was repairs highway*. \M) (il.OVKS iti immense a* ‘i-kaloo-a Kan-.i- the h\ -wi-. York PaP. •::* del a t»HP Jnd. p:n<» For on 11«»:» .*0 e|s *.ia\.'vof man* repairs town house. 40 price ’» -i « ma Without hi- knowledge and tflere is TEA AND COFFEE. 7s u r i;ti- a! 15 t w ::i 1 ■! '7 At *ica *d all- an a For assortment. n-: i. I K -. ■ building hearse house. 7A •!. ;ra- i. r at; : *: n.-»r- n loti*.: h- t » h;s a p'.ui* « Fib worth Foundry and H;i- Ours 21 and IM c|s. 25 cts. k.. «• »v« r. i.-o tr c.i M:-- t ant of ad !>:.re *• it ••:*r at 'uphant Mu W AIM 1UI.1I all !.■!•' n 'o’h w.i- frik' ii H 'mid. -ni\ ill 20 •« » <*i’ same in .’<1 inch g our m '^4;, '••• -l.*-t. d ma\ -r. : ehine pi* !-, figured China siiks. Seamless, fast colored t dr- r a’.i > :; r.: at: \ th- Shop. e^'-Buy priuii;' nth. in IP-, m-'ter. N. w At tiie annual town the .w- meeting f bi Bo-tun 7.'* ct*. and in* in « ••in- ar- •*. >' price $1.00, Hose at 2d ets for of her \ w ■ •— U n. !’• —n« 75 eta a;.d T.k ...it y»r. 1 »rk :r:g r- re h !, S« ]«•< r.nn and a fir*’ :.»•* .• Wool! Wool! $1 per pair, ladies, want;:.,: ea*Ui.» f ipl .tn have I M ii i' k-r l»-m > ra* u a- *r* .1 il Chas any H »;*!• id w ** J. •: i* -**< **ed of a'.; ei»*< ted Jordan. }. Brimmer. Ours .10 els. Misses and Ch Idren. j;e<- \ iti-I'•! ]•' \mah -t fir»*-• uir■* "ho then, w !h -j *; we tve n the pattern only Men, V mug ; clerk. J. ii •»,- » figured Tiireomans, a a* rfi. Iu!.‘:h \V< burning h-•!.' in l‘.r *.ikl\ii. '*■•* to < 22 iu rolond diag"h:.l al! h t and treasurer. • » \V llrimmer; U« 1 f. I*. > V. f lie pie* $ l 1 \.25. and $ 1' *. i' »: \ <*,m •h r**. .t\ ami V w V -»k f «r mouths $ 1111 m ar! v 4 > •-« : _ « i\ :. > j of ,r. -m < K .• ur M F F 1 ! *r\ s 5 that h i* etn- s:i|- r\t**.r. i. win itrutuncr Some! him; of w«>-»l, inches in width, «-* .n •. r» 1■ ; ve m< .i M-r** • t of ‘4 Importance 'v .ui n \ p t.i»Nl4 arj..in v ..• :od th- most of v m i-' ! .n <-r\ wav to fill with -i'iri'12 lay, ■ tn ■> B<*'tou temit-. Nottingham Curtains. of:;.- 1; i:. / i1 da\ .• be« u arr.-'t. t. will be «t* !• a V m »« M the pri !" 'i •• .. :.*• :r 1. -*n W ■ a lie the .V 4 e -a,.- F v -.ft to the in 11,I’or ."a! < for Hu k r drouers of lit :•< !. .* i:itr> t o to wInch he Kllbrldcr Wool! at 75 81.00. 81 25 a id 81.50 0 \. v\ i.ter w U. h 1- m ,’•••• tp. ntt h.u. t up oo I Y-»rk Y .t .im t nan ery Ours .10 ids. .1*: women xoted at the in Friday 1 r. 1* -. a if >*> el—ti--» 1 W % ti live d liars I*-., ;: i .«; ; a < f veil If -n *vv jin i w at* r w .11 ini it! up w i ill ooie W 11 h -a ire •• :ili i-tt • rn M •- • < 'A' Kansas l a » u, •. ItaMw In ai'p>* b inch 1 !• at t- n i s) (inovi :s q t >. .« H *:\ or ,11 !.<*s tii -n- r m l r» port w li.it a« t. ;i 'h .aid ght ,,f the road's -wr- " a poo per* I •!!.’.• at irre T' -«* r“ .-r tak. rtimtt Jof- rm J'|.- «*f w • »■ THE RIM.LST t>: -• •• c >r.h QUINES 01T. t'e t. k- Ts h f.t‘ :i •• TO 1,'Mik.. hiittntis for h «..! ir 1 and wer- tak* u .m Kari n don't illak* w t *»!.. I-, tea of OU-O .VI, into rt.»; on -. ii.* rr i.aiit the;, l»wnr.»\. ..!• ng« for 'h**«!g*- podge" don oh pail it-- m " r- ..f ti:. .•■-inly, that In- ha- Hi"-'jinlaiiat -- o w I. f rt« I »-«* •« » 1 •" » know :.nt t!oo At anv rav that ;■ l* I- I »*• the J• ..I Us.- 4b wiv it 1 ieiiru-tta at 7 cts ■i'< -. 7" ih d. 11 >r^ 11 II .i a i, •!- K it to lie m isjtist r*>I it;. ci.-., $1.0", til 25. $1.7)0 II P ■!'. -e •. II * h "•* Rare lied Sols. in* s;:'jat:uu p.o cd w !'.•••. -d \ iuut-er or Tun- of our road* an! *tr«<:s w «rth l .00. aid ^a. i pi »r «i al-r wa** .-d-d mu *r. tea Hie! .--t* I. nioe%- the a .u;t* rai.-l »lu3 $ : i: *o at t s ? .i;i, I'nuu to y. tar M «r, t..:»n one foot »j. w a .1. M 4' l ri it i: ! ! I. $2.50 $5.On. lb inch the !»»m _• it •* Henrietta, .>3*. P« a*'.;;. a*< : u r* *. made has fail.-n here tilts we* k and much of !t is \i ;ht .• «• < e» t -.» ! » v vntH worth 1.25. Lace of S still In view 1 hose great tannery $ Pillow Shams, GAUZE UNDERWEAR .*- *■-. *'•■!; it«* Mg > th« r- are team* com*1 down snow and mud 5o i,. ,-r I t tni*se* a id at ha** i a e.r a.ar to tie *» r.nt*. r. through I'nuu cis 82.00 ladies, men, •iilldtvti •*•:;• w *t rti ;j»• 1*» n. oe ;• .. n» Plaids i£ | pair. twee a week, hack of 1 *• taking hug*- piles Stripes « Ellswoill Mi -t. n. 11. in w hi- h- a n > v f■ !* of M; Hah g hi*- sei ii \ in 1 ;e- ;ni tr*»rn 1 ■ t ! ]'. h n! ha*, a; mb *i <>rm bus ng! raring f**r nothing, but .rge Curtain Polo with f inures. — i-!\ n»at ear A' V as M. the track th»*v R*a\** behind ! draw of Y rk j>stu.a't«T at COMPANY, :it 50 ct> 1 j■ ~ :. : »•' .f \« w Yoik COILSETS. h 4 ! a -n*e k> has our spring fairly opened around ai; ha-iTtf.- up the mill w iUi lmpr>\*'l m i. hln ■ ii. a wiiarv.s r. 1 a Y\ iii i ** * Use i > art' V a ... p <]\ Pe ami harbor. vess.N. are h H- aft* \J l-tt.. m.»k»- Holland Shades with tliti ikes ■ ading Rollers. — -' f. iid- a n ..M l' r*’- pro ii\ Tn-'ident dev.*i:»ud returned frc*tn art ■ "Hi. ;»t< r-. a > -ha.i ina*.- into 1 r*-pairing, etc ami the »h are Mr u*. u -• *• n work i3 t-, Mr •• '« t:. i! :..* .*.* *•>' {»•; 'h-rs and t'*• : rrntiv* { y a?t;i« k- mixture- .tv*I «*r into -t •* j»rn nnv »!/r Kishermen are getting for their kins; > a ■ s* ready jet here what v\ant In -j '. — \ hi if- v :i" a hi e i i ’e 'iiurcine au l in an r-.r v* htle->.• in mixture* «ha;l aH-* I Opaque, jii't y*»n j*i i. i:.••nt m.) ourt met \v«*rk Some have spring ronmiriir.il inauufiotim- a- ill 1 weave-. ** 1 '• *■ > in at cts. >.* II". that »’ o. a o >:i iii rc_’ar 1 to the cheap grad*— 50 fn*m 50 et*. t*> tli-i t-» tin ! d. ir pr »tit inar- building t!.- ir weirs ami other* are ■ getting .• .1 e »':; f ust .« Mat t w their lobster JOHN W. MALONE. ■ It- tr la- t on of t!i• :r :»*-»k*» hef re traps I >ruse. a _ r ready feeling '■ rm little more since lus,: n- a aa. > -! V of th and courage winter's 1. g- w *• -v:n -t t •! her. ; inva_'ur:»t and that the r shilling ALL WOOL CLOTHS v\ ;b hi : mo- over Nor 1 k Virg ?..a Satur- Isialiou give them a little U tter chat.' e PROPRIETOR. 't t: >* >a* -nan’ \v ’•» -ir I S.-iia* *h- "*■ .j w .’I: :» •! *u- that of * am *oii the oming » .• of 2000 ciian• d is:to a year. 1 w:-: ’.o- ;••- I .vorth and SHEETS c\clone ! h-rl .r .t * OF day ting 'U; ? «r •“iu*-n wear Th«- *njb MUSIC, l-opie." v « f.p-.i : d leapt that 1 Hill k*'* a full ill of .M a* ha-1 **ar- «• ;• r ;• Mr Hah .treat ii:ini;t;c The assessors ar** pr* paring to make the .*1 in th- j N-- » '» -.If" make I a- a \. {,> al! \vh. ■ m i, >. : -» t'. w *. a u •• s s .i\rn nil i I h. f .»I n w ;! I f! h\ 1 < •. _ r. i ». :* !*• tax< and the heed are ,, in m;i \t \ agent* taking the •iur«..u lu-l > '..-a :• w T '.d'lni.iii!, a. the .*ur p; li a- i<>* ■ during i -r i.*•. I hi-k mu-i' i- ihu.i! I at r li- r _• *.ar in ;- f •:.» > 'l •• \ f?»T a r- :. w t a- s AI 1 : A I's ■ I"1-’ 1 >l .Jir «».jr t j. »• t n. lhv> !■ nt -' number and ag* of scholars. *<• ir. *. a fi- r* I t*.r a i~* of f; -r:u l ted >*.»*. % da ;*r«— sank '••• II i • i ?: _r. 1 « a t- tt >n t <■ tri• a tr lal 1 tli- St instant, and aft-r ni'iiltat.on w .th :n do- k. L N\ Cleaves, of was .. n her Harbor, of 'W w * > * r:-.o b -r *..- I'rosjurt all kind# a 1 » -. 1. a as,.- 1 1. ••. ir •••■k i- Ml* tn .-f \ it i- I ;.:■■! t \J .• ;tjjfa. IP. r B y * A..r < in t. » .-fs »f M-t-ra! •ur-aiiN of tin* town yesterday ami made us a very ti.. irn amt ■!; -?alT-al thr fart.-rv for -a!«\ I Mr ;'* »*e. u < Naiy u s »\ VIT ii r ■‘u: »n \ Situtdar ■ |j in M tieorgia call II* was K for pleasant looking and •! * ? ii« r imt '.V a-' *• a; \ t ;■••»*» : a O ! »-;• irtm-ur S r-tarv I ra- "-i-d or l-r*» ti ’.! d d finely >« " lint* in ; !,i: u i. \\ N ., ,. Ja^r of damage th>- \*ent of nearly a his wounded -I '•! i-.t.r »-.* f-T K.1 w hy y shoulder was J « > 1• getting .,uite Goods uia'l « -\ nr* -• w ii' r« * i« l«*w* than an\ mir > ami •air .»—.: tim-nt a- ,t \ hi : >:■ ■ u Canned attention *«>•!:. i *. r -nt m :i in Ann r.ra tin- :a na:,d-r> the «r. m in*. Several tine bn. -prompt ami pi i.r-ran;' of Ii;. ;;;r. 1 .lings sound was a His narrow escape. Fancy -at:-fart; .-nirai.l.r l’.u tn an have thrlr aa i* di\ i*t i m .»« Were burned. j an -1 \ rt t > *:i:i for at tlie • ar'. -n* IN VIllNDAMi: » ar ■ unt hi tf.r- x it I’artle- Apia We sjH-nt an hour very with Senate to Iu- pleasantly an ‘.tain pri-••-- aii-i imi-l* at the f lit and for tit r. to ; \ a hetw u 'I..* c AN arren Le one '■ -* Jat* *.!;• urn f i pair* tetnj.eram people gtiton. Ks*j day last week I a!*ii w:ll ko'it a f u.i of «ij" ’h * iark .1 I it at. -11 r. and '.ii n -k« \V ,s h M- V '• d t e|» lover Kali' ;»<-.iii- H js go.nl and his mnuKi'wii- III utkru t*> the mli! ar 1 nl iri .--i frv»- ..f :. :; w a* a _ ft at v it h-ais liurr.. •:. m ami tm-inoiy ll'iu -.npl l.a 'in. ha' ju't taken » .w turn \ saloon al are not at all w fc* 1 1 '•■■ power* unpaired He ill ’ayie iai.!' of ’!*• v*" l a.' rifirn- 1 r » h r form r a i-" i:i rx i: '. pn ir. U- ha-1 »•-. ke. : *s had anv'tcd • *n of false be nine h i ( per charge eight\ the lams, " r. > 1 ra id LI: l::.. ; ;."H : Iioto- years corning June, Fish, x t rs K ***rth. I* it jjt. .Mile. ■ Oys- IU*\ a;. a' : sp- h- pra- :■ a' I• S nt. tm l.e* Kvaii'. a'- ■ i.iy pr-P.- .tupr.'Oiii.j. dam*' j■ lived a long ami active business >•> .1. *. "f having ri^bt o.r f the * ^ **• 'hat tie- iNN'i nj >f th n- or wn Me!liodi't hurefi : the Key J. life. 'ITT 'l? 1 w i..i t. of w:i% 11*1‘S, Etc. WXW.iwx -X ■ .'.W.t.t.Jw.n Bar Harbor I> W; law. .r of til* ..ngrega oon- and Rockland. ha-h i a !ia* p.i't Ellsworth, '. J' •: ! t :»at t lie Tie _pm •« that Mr. Knnco at hi* hotel is pap**ring. ^ •il churc! ! »r 1 \Y A'hiev. and three »'«■ U.Uw >’'!i:ii<- .. ir «hZ*v4 .i,vi->’..',r i*f* a-for-- admit* i. Titian a ar v«- a: 7. -ar h *» whitewashing, making his room* look iv- *.-n s 17’ Cash fsr Prsduce. others 1"h*•'*• men gm d an indictment paid Cstntiy f 1-wortl .Mar I— Itull Mr. II .h'-.-ad and hi* neat ami inviting He is said to keep real- .'7. ! again-* '-lioou ke« r ilrukcc. sometime Nolle** of Fomlosure. MATH IT IIAIAK. I aj"T wo-iid :.a\ i; re-.v.-ant in the ly a 'traveller's home.” H» s{ e*’tfully. w a' ag l»rukee beaten in court but ap- F. ui.d*T*'.g: •! ivhv .dvr •*! a f. ; liad faiieil to H It Googin* is in New for li v n.< -s I tile a-e in the higher court The Hampshire LI! Art's ir \\ 1 i| 1 I pealed 1 \ ami tin* tin* >urt in n \V. -* •- ^ o..-\j*.--*ati,»,j jTute*t of s'.ipretn Ha: 1- tw or three week*. II in* ••* 'I nr •• i... i-e w a' •b'iui". d on a k •is! tw !.»*. •[ ; the technicality Now ./. W. Malone. f»e*»;>!•■ i\ an ft n « morning app-al hi-f lb-uk" pro**. ,t. > th«- for false im- Geo L i, logins j* *.ti 11 in Portland with THE < : H •** •• party BLOOD It i. »t ;■ -r ?. **ar. to ai.aiw Swll 11 I- tf •• «.i:h kn\«. -hi'' 1' '-r- I '. nt. a is an ! n. arlv ji'l .|U.-a- •* *. \va% f-» so dly e:i- pri'oiim. Judge SymontU Libby He to be '•"*1 ■•uni* li«'.;>tr> "t I M- 'iivt ;. *••! t*> them, t ion inl-. tr«>m an w impure stale ..f it the I. i:i r. •• an 1 m ».< tw«» — », examined f.*r admission to the bar there under*:.;:.* :n.*rig eel Pie an S » •!. i.alf of .th r-Np -a 1 i,; m t \- ,."s '.. Kej>uh» na'or* \vi, i witii tain lots r * t t. th situ ite * In the 1 ; n I«lrr lliriM this month. parrel J ~r;Vv\i : m •« v 11. of I la II it s.d ? >v« ti *.l F I>< rat* :u Miioih<-r:*-i tin- :? "f *!.'■ si'i'-- I >a\ ! L Sviiti uti I i.t ... ti,. Egypt Pe.z»u. * Poultry Mrs Stillman Small ha* to Boston Hr-t *»f Hi.: il -aid i« :* ,* !• ! n -,-rin. il on ri: it t-» p. *.*at. r.\. • < 1" and gone Bayne'* ry- v-r < r »iiia-11 apt I K Hammond ■ The U n -.v in the <*apt. » I- •** -. w Beg. lining it -lak. >n tie > to meet her husband and to :i w ;«o wa* :n Wa- >n kn-e.\* .w ha'e-i buy her spring n.i pur- the of THE in rth.-rlv of Eden -tp-«t .,u th*- ,:»-t !n,« first si; vsi»\. i>.s< * 1- oiumandiug part SPRING t- *f tie- ;idi. full b an 1 th ar- not 1 W ui. M at. t.'ht.l'- *'* >! 4. ! -•* millinery. I-’ 1 » land I* to .fames aim r Wnt. r Harbor, an f n-nifthen thr kt-lu.-v- re-.*>ie formerly muring Kdd j •• will c«nu- | >*• Xt " ;i -i.i.n- »j,t >| .a ....J * t > ;• *'h r' *• • !• ■" IP him r I..;rnn m*I II u. t- nee low em f e .:m *. rei.d- r a de. Si i, v.. B~*HI¥qeS '*• 1 t• a-f III.* -r (I ! !■*! -old !.V Ir... F Id i. i,,,r t H. ’. t" : -1 the 1' :• -• W r* ti.;. •• •.». Pv room, \c. up ; .1:1 ! the Mill .|. IC 1 'il fri’-sid*h mo*t m,. .m. :«-d from n- xt Jam-. The f >r opera store*. It is a tine build- ne\ ,V|„i II.{. j{ ,.*! attorneys the u. a !*..n.ri;4 I hr Il|>t ule uf .in*l flow,north f• »rtv eight a id one f.,;;rth d«*g. w H.e Tar Jim1 or ai.d Winter I uinl In vn.j re. .t t.. f..r in. ,,, I ■. vit •. .| u tlI, !''■*• « -*** Harbor 11 »ur«'»-* of ti;- "tat:-.a: >.; .u*11>• ing ami large enough for a shoe .**1 fifteen r*.-1 :in l tw eiit-. thr* e .ink t*> i-t.iki- an garter! f !i or < factory. — 1 a ii !i lr:» I* t< n.i'•* :t mi !l may not arirue the a'- at >'.eam:>oat < !-• Mt t'.e A M .It At! ji ulin n « may Co. have ! »'e«l a -* pi w. .. contract with thence utli fort-. Pair amt one half >-t -tmertion* re ,_-.it :•» ar in dcgr*-*** ai. for,i •*1 I • rr.ut t.. II ... k .'.I every ■ Steamer Richmond is time ..I *• k. :,.-iU-u > ! making good hv hunt *• X 1. :u ... tr a .1 in la.v t -rm in tS. mail artnn forim-iiv 1 -.1,1 F. iv ,-ighi .. — '"- W 14 Hiu^or nt to a ‘‘ •V. for -.t.■mil. from — 1.-. t. ,• t’' „!■> *Pa off the in«,!i rv dej carry daily '!"• 'I r,i ml •; ;r, I -a :!, s t tins spring and apt. I>ow of the Lillie r:; 1 t*. an ir.in h.*!t in the Udgr at lun I *.f T I i: tiia!; net ween Tar the Fi K k *. I’r-w n I t-^'i >rti*. I..u \\ •. nj' i- ** M*e tit. Harbor aiui this Sir*: I H .iu.,r. \ i» .--Mb. u ..... I) Mr JI ;'*•• may 4 rn •.:. i they place eont'iiue* to ; j. give satisfaction to the 1 ;; ami •r!'«-r> »%.• re. «l; Ft ttie 1,. \: good Carriages! ,‘l !,‘ Ml t ;i -a. II d l: li t fou 1 year', the months *t ! \ Jam. If lit-*i .\» errolie !i I’M * a*• during Dana’s K rteei -• :* H where ..f travelling public. I'M ./lb.-, .t 11 ■ f E l. l, Leslie Stew art oj N 'i -. of dune. foil- il! four Ii- k* t*. re.* U c.ikt lu ..rr*. >' !i:it- >r* Wei -\ a 1 duly. August ami th w in- l. J.T ■ am. t la ui.i .iih September. Havlr a: •! «.f c. inter -• In tie ••irr’.a.o in a }•.. ..r in. t..r that h* -.i ! b i.r t l.»> !H» ioii*;> My s,,tr ,.! h We see dU|M.>» I Knnkidi M:i" ky' by the AwKitn w that there is a I " a-il -I r an tie 1 V\ i i !**'.*;•• I bu*iue** at the old Htand on F :.»;»».!' » -'r.r! ai.d .• iTill •!»•-« At an north w e-ter!\ rod-t > the .. adjourm-d meeting of the annual new right place g.u i: X- I I x -• !’r» i-nt Il Vn*e steamer on our river, but we have not leii>K »l*out t*» leav* the .i ofl, en !..r *•» irri'on. l#rt—itlent Morton. .t; e '• around ti; :n until wrr far eoin- i 'tri. t nlng. containing fl\ **f an a* re nn < tin*;, meeting, it was voted to sell Ta- eighth- In I'l foii*. u a •! according to tin account then butfifle*, expri" Tan -e •*>* f -al l lot- i* a: I !• -. annexed, and there The said bounded rib I. t a .ii, l .a*-. nale. :t w dry plate factory is to be do- h :« k-ro.-i'l H.ik' -i;* 't*nr»*iber h lrh » li line -•? 1.1 roll-id. nimbi thereof, ti .urititT \th»r:i-v «i.-n- r.il Miller an 1 Post very ise and consistent act on •"I .i foil.>w -. to wit Ho ii -m I*-, p-omi-cd Master the b-i| tin- north Itu red |• v mouth hnriie*-*-* tnat* at »■* that 1.1 i, l. > ui in- -mi -inn IF ing good business. eurrta^*’rohe* and pre laml now **r H* on deuiini win h e** of the fonnerlv owned bv >. I.riling .veil If Mr. II _nu- neral part stockholder', and a in j u. < lil-a I• la Wanamaker ar-- all in favor of the step h HI in*.ire a Hale. Tin ;. niu*t l*e "tint tin- | lalntifV iv.-r- i- f.»r labor .. him in Not *|»ee«ly "U th*: ra*t land n*i*.v or fonnerlv the much sickness in town at 1 ny .tn I 'll f '' right direction, for those who feel an present. of a! ..|,.-4* 1 ar opp. Il l, t Hie formed ii !’■ 11- him f i.riu-t;. d In the cr.-.- -ti i':f f ,,f *.>me ■!>*:: uti .nal owned -ai L.-ftligvv.;: .,,, th -ontli Ain- tidnient. 5. or at a t-'11- S *•>' I. shall do Prohildtory interest in the education of April ciirrtajje ha me*-* very lo.i fl^nr,-. Sarsapabiha. u» building above described. ui. I. ■.> the young. part land owi> 1 hv -aid I.* flingw • il > ii.it >r- r< i- .f >• i.a -r 1 Oiln’ *• tlie ii at the -;•••« ho i" of || pt l*o 1 mi. 1 T iatt-r was inu-r\lewed a a^-». Mtf' ami '\ ;1J -In It- Ilf.- ami it-* rontln' nt) fewilay** xi'inx |uali*..*- Almira A -Oil. .:•• ! H. p-ar «»f N|.4'<):i « k Mai; *treet. ran. who i- m.t the owner l**»»dei». Mi' l.ii/.a Sargent sent n> a M.ihoii. u. u-. will ■ thereof, the iu-t of ii- 1 ; i_:- n*» il -it- pullet's egg are Hu-im.-t ..hntlnau- a-e-. oil the Weil I ! I \.. al’e 1 i, 1 *t I‘ayi.. mg s.-u-rc and h* ••Ther- is one to —General a W n 1 It-, ifen id were i. •. in i:si; \m. only side Boulanger held conference um turiii-hed.in tin* la of i•..., la't Friday, the actual measurement iu < 1 r- i* hundred and thlrtv tw*> feet m**re .,*• aii ! than del our own with wiileh U'n.r wa- (Hirtnrm i within v.inetv da-. 3m lu scathing M-oator diihif m. ai. I — *> several of lus -aid lb* land Av.-mie and •: _ I tret pr that is tS«* side cumferem e inches ». d-4 leading Deputies party "•! r.pdit by and weighed N re the purchase ot tin- w f. and that will.-a in Brussels and issued a la If imora, ie.-.- in v* i !th. That th*-. o*,.I;;.,,,, .,r .-aid u. w ii c f< »r lur: ?:.«• «c. .» manifesto to the Fry. --ly ng .. a:ne:i niiem. atu in four ounce' South Hancock will have to Tolu dai alter In* t*c.| l- lah» >| and t MIK Iavor hi, KIumiiu, and ail r,„ 4 ubn i: t. | worn to oil iii -1 ra t n t 11 x,., place by br.v-ry looking til 1 am acquainted." !o*e*l ill one year Iie\t alter tie- eoii>ine in. iit ,, —A new Peruvian been iimtMl.l ’• him. o: til*- uin>imt due ,.-:w take only purp..-e of eotumem ing -aid t.oe* l.-ure. history un mem I ii-g that on the name of ■ j Thursday, Mr- Su.-an i- also ill. St. F h the owner* so fai t» a re known tin- -.,M .1 ,r, I jptill quite Navigation of the Lawrence i> ex- hrkfi.y. to { him. «nd t. i- -Hit brought t.. n„. ,!.•■,,1. I• at in ,;d I'.i. ttl ,,, w April ■•Ink the morning, the the ANDREW I’ AVI-AA EIJ.. ,, I. Aft tin- i in.Miii. ri \ i;i( n \ ami after some re- —The French Chamber, at the ,, Toney Govern- -aid d< tenda f tnimgh ..- ^ ■ j ,.| t,lt. to hi- -.-a! has in i-1- that lc- ha- u-c !;ve .,{ to \\ it. pu--te j-;.i vv<>r-hip implore the pairs ill ment's voted to »h tn.• * J occupy request, sanction the pros- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE- In.lag -t plain- himself cl mat *• prompt' ti.«- <-:»;trg*- >f r*ing of ecution of General i„ r. V liberty. E. W. Tuft- has leased the Boulanger. AVherea* Edward S. **lark < f Finn in srii, i. should !»< i:\f- | aL -i Lewis Fo.-s the cun and there twe made to jhlll. ,-uh that tin- truth DANA’S with 1 » »ppear other iuc -F "’a rut**], dial -he ha- ; r *-; r *v an l p ic*- may abide with us as hou-e for another :y of H vnc.M-V and State of Maine by hi- mortgage \ i*e«.u |tti\ should be known a'i-1 !i» re. < year. —The Hev. C. S. Hurd of com- nu-l ha« t«k* n yet w.tli >--a Boston, feed ilate.| tin- .’tth of \*. n, v i. i--. I iilirr-i-lf tli.* tru-i j day lug- tit* r»-. U itm -- n. p f\. arc r.v |i. n |- ‘u ■ I that H is lead u- in U <• were mitted suicide in a 1 I 'lami- x IV; on. investigation in- hand may favored with a call from London hotel. reeorded in the of de.•*,- tor -al*l our -.i \.,ti m piled upon upon to-day Registry county said Judge of ..nr -id curt. at ! d i'.-worth Lur> late of tit the » denun- iation t:. r.i- Mr Maddox from V Hancock in v**l. dll i.age ti7 -..i.vev to |;* afore- mi tuis hi!-worth, ..mi. j|.f vestigation. upon deiiumca- | ; of righteousness and good deeds. Ell-worth, the keep- pith d tv >f I iiiii.trv in the v..u- ,,f hi 'ord A’. Iceland and Everett ! k .m-i-.J. i,y «ivino hon.: a-t ti«. law in-. r> r: er of Letaiul certa -■ur Lordote tion. *n •; r--- .hi: j *n. tii > na- — Mark 1-laud light, who was accom- tlinr|.>!Y i'l -.p Enpepsy. ot or of land situated In Kden a? -p -.»• reqiie-t- I,« J X..||' w i, Sarsaparilla. parcel !' I. > V M-l ih rder. ! e '•* tor from ...i- i, deman .led an inves- panied hi- a line «ml hounded a- * >•* by gramlaugnter, looking This is w hat to have, in fact, Mr. ['rank A. and described follow- to wit make limit you ought you Uobinstiii. « Hient, ;ui.| ti,.,„. w out ci Annual Session of the Grand ini-- of lieginniiig at a -take ami -tone* the -* uthvv. i S I H. »H ho have inime.liHt* tigation. m-- contrary, hi- par.v Lod^e of nearly 13, who tips the beam at must have it. to life. -t >1 SINK nn> fully enjoy Thousands j orner a ,,f thereon to exhibit the same for ’- ««'Nod pounds. for it dailv. and be- tin* known H 1!- ! X Templars- searching mourning Hepre>tMjtini: \v#*H (TSToM lainlitoii, thcr.ee bv the south lir.e of aid ! i..J ,.f K, rth >!.•: lit, 'du- 4.1 /. /. I K V \ 1 x I | cause ll rm \ 11 I investigation -oaii ;.a ; attention was a they find it not. Thousand* upon thous- aid Hamilton north east -w.-rth. Mar : :th. My called few days since TAILOKING HOl'SK of thirty five iwhlo I and* of dollars are •take and -tone* the foregoing WHIT. Ordered. Ihat the -ir. witii pa c in mv t.'iat our peo- -oiithe i-t corner ..ml <-f # I Isay. Jiearr. The ;Nt to an editorial I had over- spent annually by I’ annual session of the Grand inadvertently in the that & mid land of said HlibSI t ;I1 tier- It- u|e|‘e {e. | II) there i- :i t;c- ple hope they may attain thi* boon. Wilson, Hamilton, thence -south d.\ Homing whole transaction looked Kilgore -aid ,ve of Go.id -••personal could a-t twcutv Pel* to hililding i.-a- .-ii., n and alia .ed nti Lodge Templars will la* held at correspondence And it may be had ail. We guarantee eight a -take and -t*.ne-, th. n •• that has to-; i, -; rem-c.-? yet by the original \\ -m t., degree, Portland, in V <\ not be allowed between *onth •i*»a we-t thirty five r--,, t<* a -take md tv--uU appear before the M A Hall. WVdnesdnv correspondents.** that Electric Bitters, *f used to di- > accordiug Judge i«t o-.j t .l- a Oi th 'I < respe t >r and Conti deuce in the 1 a tnan Belfast, Maine. .tone-in the ea.-t line of lan.i of iFm.ir ami Itiieipal ourt.to Ih* ho|«| ray my in*! 17 -opposed of Mr. Chileott -abili- rection* and the u*c will Irving en at Thursday. and Is. 1**9. The per*i*ted in. .• Kll-w orih i,.i. i.*r the «. •: ..f April bring .«M»dridge. then. *;itd e i-t in .• ,,f -aid »»mar Senator from uhio this -deuce un- e-s ?Lps7 e\c.-pt ties. who has been Inside the you Good Digestion and oust the demon k. on tis- If: -t | of .» Maine Central and its branches will sell political Dvs- ; ind Irving (t.HMlrhlge north .* w.-; twentv A| ,- \ |» der the-e .* c!.arg.-s. How man could and one a and install Instead \Ve r... a publishing an atte-i*,1 of u,:;.,- any tuemU-r- round rings, especially who has pepsi Eupep*y. iglit 1 t.. *l.ik*- and -tom*- the .. *.f said Writ trip excursion tickets at mingled p, u-gtn order come h'-r« witii a recommend Electric Bitter* for -i\ a< re- thereon three we. k- sue«v--hel\ in I d- charge declaring that he :h**sr to with the of Eve. was too shrewd Dyspepsia and OEirSee circulars contain- ling, containing and tw*. -.juan- r*,d- tin ^DyeS stations. Portland an 1 return, daughters BANCOR, w .iil. for Iiore or \merie.tn a tn I < was in the I n. •• i States all diseases of Liver. Stomach and I less, and w lie rea- -ai *1 mot t gage wa. dulv n«-w-puper printed Senate in a -eat to Kidneys. < ; »ne unlimited on prohibit anything that would add to the will lie at the n <*nr oiintv of ■ fare; tickets sale. Mon- : ,--,gne.i the -aid 1 lllT*.r ! I ,* ifar< ek, tin- last .p -• Sold at ,W*. and $1.00 bottle S. D. testimonials by and Kv pi:i.. >eBEST with m >ih mid content per by Wig- ing of be bought y. himself interest of his genuine ; rett eighteen .(aw at Jeu-t t-> sa lav. Tuesday. and popular paper. A lady re- Fh la-land to me the umler-igned. Mumd K prior d flr-t to s;t at! iioii; seat j Wednesday Thursday, gin. Druggist. I nest lav ot Slav on tha; without de- marked to me: "If we could have some- Vldting.bv deed of a-signtmnt dau- I tin- |i■ April f i*. I hub ourt answer to said manding au invi igation, is be>oud ray thing of that sort." two —Their gentle action and good ♦ fleet on the Decemiver, tad rwontetl In Mild r«r appearand suit i These ticket* must be at the 'meaning those of if shall see fit. purchased _ i •try deed- in vol. ill. page t’u. now therefore they and i that there is no system make them a little ; __ comprehension; -ay items doubtless referred “I would really perfect pill. * II. H N -ration where the train taken. to) sign thecondlt'on* of ti l mortgage are broken 1 -\l I »I.H v Her rder. -Stockings | who use them. Carter’s Lit- \ Senator within on that side They plea**-those true ..f ih. a my knowledge, I’iie Portland. Mt. Desert & for the paper." So, Mr. Editor. l«*t us have •alma foreelo-tir* f»ftthe same ami give this no- coi.; Writ d or-h-r f < ourt Fine: Machias tle Liver P may well be termed ••Perfec- Orient Insurance tneieou. (olorsThat or on this >i i. who uad'-r the same oir- a ice for that purp* -e. Steamboat Co., will sell breezy letter once in a while, such as Company, Mv round trip tickets tion.’* Dated » 14 Attest -H. K .>/ I c u it stances could hold his -eat in silence this-.‘7th dav of Afareh v i> !«- M>LKs, Iteeorder. .^iwrSmUT : for one might emanate from tue of or HARTFORD, CONN. fare. Steamer City of Richmond pen Spray” THURSDAY, APRIL i W 13 SAMl'EE K VYHITINI,. JCWash out and retain tn> unshaken confidence. the Franklin 11TK, leaves Mar at 4 a. m. correspondent.* The Homeliest Man in Ellsworth Statement of Condition 1, l Sir.. NOR FADE * * j hiasport. Monday- January v»«>. j But. sir. iu my opinion the 8. with an elegant liue of SAMPLES of i ! and returning leaves Portland at April Pupil. t.apiuil sto.-k 0NLY9E l nited States Senate will I** derelict in Fridays As well as the handsomest, and others are iu- pniil uplorash, #1.000,000(10 11 P- M. •It is because we wish to lb-serve f- re insurance. TRADKRS' IVSI RVM L Hi. \»!icc of j Tickets to be obtained of clerk ju-t publish a pop- vlted to call on druggist Mini get free a $l‘fc{ 617 *3 Foreclosure. Wk. MADE BY will fall below its any Outstanding losses duty; infinitely proper on boat. and all other liabil. ular paper that we are unwilling to print mat- trial bottle of Kemp’* Bal-aiu for the Throat OF CHICAGO, ILL. TirilEULAs K in the if umler these state- "***’ lii li nor I in the coun- «*n.USIN<3 place Republic, FOREIGN'DOMESTIC V W.3.VI 07 Order of and Lung*, a that is Vf Exercises:—Wednesday. April ter which will interest two persons remedy selling entirely Nuthurptu-. Statement Jan. 1. l-sjr »> ol I la nr o. k and Mate of Maim-. hist ments it fails to make furtlier into only. it merits aud i- #161.*>IM inquiry 17. 9 a. m. Com. on Credentials in session upon guaranteed to relieve aud mortgage deed.baled the 1st., d »-. of Aug- hv»7,ar I letter- from our Franklin cor- ASSETS. re. this Breezy “Spray,** cure all Chronic aud Acute Total cash a»», orbed in li e llano, .. alleged corruption. at Hall. 10 a. Loughs. Asthma, Woolens for Suits. r-, *!,71m 7;,T « k mty Uegi-u> .f deeds m.. opening of session in , ni ed --tate* 4 cent rM o from and Bronchitis and per Honds, no '"i- -l". page J to me.tne Coio7fSSJ)YE5 G respondent, "Pupil” man) other Consumption. Largp bottles Surplus as regards « conveyed undersigned L. degree; of Com. on Creden- policy-holders, $1,161,82154 'ther Bonds and stocks, trustee, a In report 50 cents and * 7''dI.'{,.i* 7.5 certain pared .f real e-Sat** sltuahi by druggists. scribe- have beeu $1. Ivr4 .oans on Real Sold tial-: initiation of candidate* entitled to always highly appreci- M IIKDI. LB OF ASSETS. estate secured hv F irst hden. in the II NX l»iil \Ni\i,. State, countv, citv and toyvn line between John weakness, sweats, should them. lonk over the line. Bonds, 1 Idc I*oi d. and on the division PKIlil.h.VN ] !‘ !.- .. to Com. on Distribution. lic night etc., try 436,497 ft| $ ,345a74 75 grieved hear of the death of Hobart W. assignments by intere-t. When correspondents wish to f'asb in bank and in l» Edward lin-wer. and on the east agents’ bands, 17ft!275 22 (dlnioit and Irrlii 8 p. m.. Praise Meet- Real estate, LIABILITIES. lake or theme running down Kichardson of the Portland Advertiser, one Evening. Temperance communicate relative to matters which con- USABLE TO TELL. 16,12569 dde of id pond, ing: 9 p. m.. it? P;ris:t Fit and Interest accrued, and rentg, »aid lake or i.ond an tin- ouflet thereof into Ea regular session: election of cern tie Workmanship .300 p | e insurance Reserve, m-elves the better to Yes. that was so. Loan* on $-335,1115 .Sow n tin eastern -i > of of.the most able and of Maine personally. way For years I suffered se- mortgages, first Hen, 242 ‘*n» 00 I osses ;ie l.ake thence Eagle | scholarly officers and Delegates to K. W. G. L.. &c. 1«t > not due and unadjusted. 13 do it is with scrofula; sore* broke out all over Guaranteed. Loans secured by sbnrks and l.ake to the southern line of Lot No. .*>7 on the I*-- editors. We by letter. Ei>. verely bonds, 3uvV40 no / 11 other claim* against 17 -»7-» have read the Advertiser now 18, 9 a.m.. Compauv 7*t ers’ dtnof si» l t,> v-i rhen running northeast Thursday. April Temperance my body, and I am unable to tell one half that ash (aptUl, SAMPLES BY Total a-'t*ts. 5OU.0O0 ou along said south line «.t Lot No. and by side MAH. for and turned to the experience meeting. 10 /. m.. regular sausi t. I suffered. I was not able to obtain relief un- ! $1.7lS,7ft7 44 > et >Hy many years always Surplus, 4i3.4»;67 hies of -settler lot- and the head lines <>{ -settler's session; installation of officers: of til I used Bitters, which James I* Taivtor, Secretary of its rep»rts Sulphur complete]? LA All FOR SALE. ots to the A lot called, or the lot convev ed by persual pages, confident of finding Mr. John was at ( mas. H. location of autumn Small North Haven, cured me.— C. B. Dame. IT Ailaton street. Bos- Whitish, President $1^34.5,574 75 A. 1 »eane to thence Committees; session; liaWARK Joseph llenj. Ash along the them filled with matter more W.Cook, Ass’t Sec’v. 1 Goods. of than oi di- general business. Noon.—Intermission. last week on business. ton. The subaerf'oer i.ITt-rs f-»r -ah- his flei l «.f about otal losses paid since org of Co. $4,014,Vi* u« vest line of the Ash lot to said fiiiniore and Itrew O’yand Fancy interest. Mr. six acres at Betchiaud, on the went -dde <>f the Alt. ir dividing line; thence along said dividing line nary Kichardson was a man Afternoon.—Rep>rt* of Coras, and gener- Mr. Samuel J. Eaton, who has been very SUPERIOR TO ALL. Hewrt road, and near the residem-c *»r Air. If. A. lieo. \V. < Deo. o the f.lace of beginning on Turtle Lake Pc? One of -which al unfinished business. :30. at Kiske.Agent,Ellsworth. •r Hubble Pond: Strictly Price 4^3 possessed qualities won the es- Evening.—8 sick with lung fever, is Pierce. Inquire the American ottire. 3wl3 W.Fiske, Agent. excepting, however, live recovering. The discovered 3wl3 icres on Social meeting, confined to the newly remedy. Takoma, for J C. CHII.COTT. Eagle Lake at the tireen Aiountain " teem of his fellow men. He was temperance rite to u-. starlinrthe anirlea honest, the cure of catarrh, is attracting the attention ail way terminus heretofore to y,>i: v. i-i to Order, for reports from and dif- The several Good Templar lodges in Ellsworth, April 4. IS*®. tfl.'i conveyed Eugene hnv, Lodges, Jale A reference to the deed of a a«! we will -eml on modest, ingenuous and fearless. His ut- town meet of the medical profession. Persons who have ills., same to Ih- -am pie * |,v mail Free, vith ferent sections of the State, and will in union wit: Winter Home 10 tad for general tried all other remedies in vain, are unanimous VI V C I the*°I>y*1rtre terances were at South Deer w per yard marke«I on ea.-h. prompted by principle and fraternal lodge Isle, Friday Picked |k| ■l‘*Hr.ne.VJ ts Of ev. rv de And h«*re s the condition of -said mortgage has acquaintance. evening. in its praises. Its w’onderful healing qualities up Adrift! I WZ 1 1^ I'rintcd Ciretdar 90 ■ ■■ ■ ■ m inscription Cleaned or men broken, now therefore by re:;-on «u the (iflnformatior. *eet with >nm- not by policy. He aimed high, to Headquarters will be at U. 8. Hotel, left ire at once to the sufferer, as the seeking Mrs. II. F. Cole town, Monday, for perceptible dyed whole anil pressed ready for wear. Faded or I ►reach of the condition thereof 1 i-lr.ini a fore* I..- I les. where the Grand Conned will be m session instant Picked up adrift near the ledge known as the make a clean, Mrs. Srst application affords relief, and its soru goods nimi l>e dyed dark colors to ire of said high-toned.independent jour- Portland to visit her daughter, Frank ‘Old Alan,” a small portion of cargo and wreck- look mortgage. (HAKLEnA HAILEY and jse will convince the most skeptical that its sell, also give option of two colors, March 27, l*vs«. should be Tuesday Friday. Brown, who is sick of measles. ige of Sch. Wreath. The owners can have the i your address avvl4 nal whose influence for good, very all other daiuly written on a of paper, with the .. superior qualities surpass preparations *ame by on me and charges. t>lip color calling paving •ou waut on to the |»o and success most crowned his ef- Harbor Light celebrated the second ver discovered for this loathsome disease. GEO. W. COLWELL. pinned good*. your parcel signally lodge ip well.tie strong aud direct to FOSTERS l'OR- —Mr. J. R. Milliken. for 30 a clerk of its Prospect Harbor, April 1,1839. 3wl5 forts. In short he has left a vacancy in years anniversary organization Saturday Fortunate Father and Son. K*T CITV IH E llorSE, 13 Preble Street, in the of state's office in a lecture at the church. j Portland Maine. rORT • Maine which will be hard to secretary Augus- evening, by public »%D, UK journalism “I am aa certain as now House in ta, was Friday presented with a gold-head- Columbus. I live.” says C. E. Largest Dye Maine. 2most5 4wl3 3m 13 911. ed cane by the State bouse officials. Bartholomew, of Kalkaska. Mich., “that I)r. David Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy. Rondout, ffHlTE LEGHORN EGGS -—Doctors Brickett of and —A letter from was read before S. 1.. saved my life when I was'a victim of FOR SALE. For the of Augusta Stanley Season MS. BEST IK THE WORLD. FOE SALE I —Cashier B. F. Pratt of the First >’a- * “ayer °f hat terrible venal Disease. Are for sale the subscriber at Ellsworth 1 Watenrille. have been appoint- the Royal on Mon- disorder—Briaht’s by It* wearing qualities are

tS MtmSKUm —r'-'imaammz tafflBSPSTWKrsra --. ...-.■ =-... raamim and —The court of county commissioners is in —Mr. W. F. City County. Emerson of Bangor, was in this or about BrookI In. tension. April 10. 1880, the lighted buoy off —We think we can cure a bad case of Back- city, Monday. Old Orchard Be Sure Shoal, New York Lower Bay, We have had about one foot of snow ache quicker with one of Carter’s Smart Weed w ill | ur mind to Try molasses creaiu for sale at — Im* removed, and a flr*t-clas* can and Belladonna Backache If you have made up y buy Jud. Osnrt Term. 1889. candy Mr. M. E. Gaynor has been re-elected buov, here, and onr roads are best represented Plasters, than by anv Sup. April painted rest, with No. 2 in he and II m -I s Sarsaparilla do not be induced to lake Jolt's store. black, will the other application, after the Backache is L variety school agent in district No. 15. moored in the by quoting prophet Daniel, where he £& Boston whose is position now occupied by the cured, you can still wear the plaster without ^%Z:XZHLrts\ \ > other. A lady, example -R. remarks of the “al>ominaUoii and des- Quiet* Her,outness. BE * W •Ions A. Chief Justice Pre*Mlng. M. Peek ha* sc Id a lot on South street -Mr. Janies Davis of lighted buoy. discomfort for two or three or imitation, t 's h.-r experience below: Peters, Boston, has »>een mak- weeks, longer. Frwh Hemlock Gum and ■£ f» BL CURES km-t worthy olation,” &c., &c. Hop*, n .,, ', Shoulder. 0 R. M. a This combination of Smart Weed and Bella- ! ^ *» Avb*.. Pains. *• store where I went to COI'RT. Campbell. iug receut visit to this Pin. Balsam prepared and AM Nwk ! one buy Hood's OFFICERS OF THE city. ness i.r Weak- Kllswurtli Km II* the bad there donna is a great bit, and it is hard to find all ready to ■ ■ MF Sun Umw or — Notwithstanding traveling any ; spread, spply. 11a the clerk tried to induce me Mr. Alfred who has | ^k^F e Sar^ .pari buy I*. B. Clerk. Joy been spending the —Mr. Gideon L. and has been about or ache that will not yield to it. Price25 SaiM'KHS. Joy Colin McLeod Mr. Silas the same amount of depar- | pain ! Beet Phuter Crer Hade. I T their own instead of Hood s; he told me their's Ft inter in Florida, has returned home. have Saunders is enlarging and re- cents. Sold _ mkk I*. spokkord. County Attorney. gone to New Mexico and California. tures and arrivals as usual. Among the by druggists everywhere. would last that I on arranging the ell of his house. longer; might take it ten Hi el smith. Stenographer. former I 1 —The schools in district No. 3, in this city, —It is thought that the note Prince Lufkin, II. Allen, De- —The peculiar combination, proportion, and B. L. Fikli»s. Sheriff. present term of court lia j rill on Mrs. Ma tin M. Moore Ilerrick. Mrs. ami daugh- preparation of Hood's Sarsaparilla make this James K. Ford. begin Monday next, April 15th. will lx* a one. sprained her Byron Hooper J Messenger. lengthy medicine different from others ; To Get ankle Monday morning. She is unable to ter Cora, all on steamer Bluehill for Ells- j and superior to —Mr. W. II. Davis has sold his house on Prof. \\ them all iu actual curative Sold all I>El’l ties. K. \l htttle. w ho was confined to *H»ar her on it. worth Arrivals: Mrs. R. W Herrick and power. by <1 vo trial; that if I did not like it I weight need not lancock street to Mr. IIamor of Eden. his house for I druggists. Prepared bv C. I. Hood Jk Co., j L. K. Hrooklin: weve-al day* la-t week illness; daughter Daisv. and Mrs. Cad all I y mything, etc. But he could not Hooper, by Rev. S. I). T'ovne’s friends were Flye. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. prevail W ; Is now able to many from I) .lames mi J. Patteraon, See the advertisement of Mr. W. II. Davis lx* out again. Washington. C.; Dean, me to change. 1 told him I had taken Bti«k*port; pleaded to see him the A. Jordan. FI Is worth; again supply pulpit from (treat Falls; Warren Cain, of East Nine Months Winter ~ l*'1 s ;is Henry k bo ha* some fine new carriages for sale. —John of the » rttjnahire ipari la, Km-w what it was, was B. F Malone ha.- opened a market on Union church. Look for proprietor* Pearl Bay. Haworth; |K>rt; Rev. E. A. Carter, wife and Bold by Dm* and count// utorw. ! w it, and the family ! and the other three late in the Fall de- MASTtHHOP PLASTER CO.. BOSTON, did not want other. H. For less than west end of Union river aptly any K. Joy. / ^ I of Calvin 1*. Jordan cast Carter's ; scribe the seasons of the year as experienced genuine goodi. began taking H.mkI s Win. Fennelly, Bar Harbor; in Sarsaparilla ancy patent rocker at 4. il. A E. K. advertisement another column. a shadow over our father and other also in v Hopkins'. little village; for relatives; from Northern New England. With warm weath- 1 feel g real misora! le with Win. C. Moore, Southwe*t Harbor; many dyspepsia, .'cars he had lived an Franklin. D. E. Norwood and Mr. er conic* the Tired Keeling. Sleep- Smlnrra >o —You can an all wi»ol at J. A Percy Bartlett and C. honored and family. languor. 1 w* ik that at times 1 could buy carpet II. Harry Emery f respect- hardly ATTORNKVS I'KKSKNT. Bow ed citizen here. Norwood has gone to Green's Landing to iness. Inability to Work; iu fact a multitude '• K. for 40 cents doiu College are spending their vacation 1 Ilopkin*' forty per yard. work for the Five brothers in the sardine of lazy feelings that arc really symptoms that \. F. Burnham. B. T. Sow le. \. W. King. at home in this Last | Misses Mart U'htnan and Ida Norris have city. Monday, the first Inst., the face the system needs (tracing up and invigorating. l»eo. r. Button. John B. lied man. A. P. Wi«* factory. Stephen McFarland and family wheel in Whitcomb, and Co's Anti-Apoplectine is a great Spring Medirin*-. i Hood’s *••11. II. E. Iiauiiin. I.. A. M. een recent guest* of Mi-* Jennie Kimball of We hear that Mr. Frank K. McGown has Haynes have arrivetI home from where Wyman, II. mill broke. It Kansas, ll cleanses, purities and gives tom* to muscles st:»r.• l. I like Jr., (ieo. B. a lot showed defects. The mill Mr. Now is time to secure some of looked a person in consump- Hall. Stuart. KlUworlh; 1.. B. purchased on Central next east of McFarland has been ami nerves. S. your the good trades are at the langor. street, h is hine#* employed, [ and I>K. F. Hi t< iiinson A to., they offering 1 n. W. P. been idle. are Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so much Eo-ter. John T. Biggin-*. John .Vbiel M.T urland w their home at Herrick's Yt.. will semi — *, and ill crcet a resident e occupying Enosburgh Falls. you testiinou- I Pet* r*. Jr Bar Haibor; it. F. Fellow*, It is reported that the firm of Shields A P »*d tli.it 1 wonder it mys> If sometimes, thereon. A Ladies’ Union Sewing has Bay. ials. Your druggist will sell you a bottle. tudg* tL P. * uiiimiL'ti uii. Bui <»*•»». arroll will abandon their at South Society :md my ire ::ds frequency speak of;; Mrs. k*|x»rt; quarry be n in this with I learn that April. M Warren. ( «*tiu* : c \ r organized place the follow- Mrs. Vesta Eaton has sold S|M*fford. Klin* »«-er Isle. —The \\ R. C. sewing circle w ill meet at Klla a. <•«>kf, 61 Terrace Boston. ing of officers: her farm in Street, Pearl spofl -rd. B< * r 1-1* ; E. Weh*ter Freneh, corps Brooklin to the Messrs. Lov- IliiiN Thai are Belter Thau Hold. G. \ K. h ill. Friday afternoon at two o’clock. "'*• li Fuller. ""in h* < *t Harbor; K F!. Mr lloili* c. Hhtek ha* gone to Boston ! President, Mrs Hinckley ;Vic* President. ing ami Charles Herrick. A full If von have bail breath, bowels, 1 ha*e. Blueliill; B. K. l t. Winter attendance is r* quested. Mrs. Selena Lord ; and Treasurer. sluggish HarUar; rep.aratory to moving hi* family tothatcitv Secretary Schooner Her- in the I.. ••pocasset,” (’apt. George pain small of your back nervousness or A. Barker. Bangor. the Etta Fox; Directors, Mrs. L. C j r During mouth of March. Hastings. rick. from Franklin for New York with giddine**, v ital organs are out of Sarsaparilla icinity. Rttrk*port Mrs. your sadly j s M all (ssi Saunders, Mrs. Higgins. Etta Lord: Boston l>y druggists. f six for ft. Prepared (•RAM) Jt RV. Of) tomu d stone, called into the harbor ami condition. A mere “dose of will not Store. only >«*e notice *,For Sale in shipped sheep skills. 7.500 pair stopped physic” 1. t'heap** anolh< r Com.. Mrs. Mrs. hj-1 lltHip 4Cn Aik.: Iweartes. Lowell, Man, of Literary Kills, Martin night, while the and mate help von. Your only wise course is to take Clothing Alonzo pants. 2.000 pounds of hides, 100 calf skins Friday captain Biggin*. F**r« man. Kden: "ilium. A g«M»d chance for some one to ii Moore. Mrs. Alfred Dr. David Keiiuedv's Favorite of and 55 Hastings. Meetings visited their families, and then Bellied), IOO Doses Ono tieorge Blodgett. Ituek'port; Ixiats. are proceeded Dollar eat. held Thursday afternoons bi-weekiv. Sat Boudout. N. Y.. and ctean-e your system of 1' r22h- K-*din >. Pink- Brook hi ; unlay. the it ordpurmrid Mr-. John F. is in commencing the 4th inst. impurities, regulates the Liver and Kid- IMir entire John A. t oft«»n. »riand : Mr. A. R. i* a Royal Cambridge stny- Mr>. slock is ottered at Phillips erecting building Catherine Bachelder, an aged lady ney s. greatly reduced prices iu order S\|ve*ter( Condon. ing with be. son. Mr. Bn»ok*vtIle; n State street which, we hear, is to be Harry Royal of Harvard Mr. C. II. is the looks living in the south of the town, died used Haynes improving part — lo settle ESTABLISHED 1565. IL P. I tot it \. *** ti. u t*k : If you w ant a custom suit made from tha up the business inside of College, hi- two weeks* of his house a sixty days. >r u meat during vacation. with coat of Friday, the 5th inst.. at an advanee!l age. < B\* t. Frank in ; market. paint. best of material, trimmings and workman- Ephraim Mr* It. was W Dr. Emerson who has a sister to (’apt. Samuel and in the highest le of art. to tit like iifmin II. Fre* man. Mt. B*-« rt: —t apt. 1. M. firatit w ho was confined to his Googing, hceu rou- At the annual election of officers for i ship sty and the late Arthur Herrick. 1 believe that the Will till s. Hall* Pel.oli*! I»t; tined to his house f.»r several weeks “Tironic** pa|w*r on the wall, leave your measure at ousc la*t week illness, is now aide to l*c by illues», Hose Co., Chas. (Jerry was W mfleld S. Min. ki* \. Bloehill; by Capt Samuel Herrick of the firm of Her- the Boston Clothing Store and you will get all OVERCOATS AND i-. we are glad to see, able to bo out elected foreman, aud Parliu 1st UNDERWEAR II. Howard ut again. again. Bonzey, rick. Smith & Co.. of these, and more, at as low as can be (ieorge Be«rl*!e; assistant, W. Sedgwick, is the only prices Alta-rt I; hum three to five Fisher, and is over dollar!. by main of Ids aud is also • Forii-. and all >kin Eruptions, and positively \ IKST I KAVERSE It RV. trict No. :s held at the Grammar part house, adding >0 t ears old. school-house Mr*. cures Piles, or no It is a piazza. George .lellison has returned home pay required. guaran- (ieorge \rh**rton. F«*reman. Mt. B ■** rt; la-t Friday evening. It was voted to a-sess the trom teed to give prrfect -afi-faction. or inoni'V re- The Hancock Me.heal Boston where she has been spending BOY’S iLXTD Lewi* M. Blood. f'ounty Association The rank of the funded. Price 25 cent* box. FuB"ALK CHILKIEN'S SUITS. Bmk'port; -uni o! $PM) on the polls and e-tatc* of the classes in Union Sunday ; tin* v\inter. per Janie* 1. Bent. Hrooklin: rid its regular monthly session m this city on school for amt attendance for BY S. h. Wiggir ly22 di-trict. of this amount is to deportment Marked A. Bull k. Beer I *» « £000 required j The lumber at the mill is about down to be sold <»eorg« ; riday la-t at the ofH> <• of Dr. Patten who rcaii the last from .‘,*35 to spool way ijuiekly. t quarter ranges .‘J75. j hit. M« 'till. i. *s Famoi’s srEciFir, < Ir- \ *a S. Parron .1 .- w ..11 h ; I’*v fhedi-tn. debt and the balance for re- exhausted ami Mr Morrill with his family paper. ani.k Bi.ii.ssom. a positive cure for all fe- F rank M. < ••niK-r*. Fid* n ; of Grammar -ohool It is on that will move to nis home in Brewer, Maine. pair*. grading lot. ete. reported good authority j male disea-r*. Everv call treat herself. ILVI S. CA PS ..V > « lady > I > W i W iiiiam V lai k. '1 r* ii.out: \ U. Barton, who is at one of the small the MCK MA { employed Bangor, Mr. dynamos from village j At the annual school in district I have sold (hi- medicine for two years and F>* tie/* r Fa:ton. Be* r l»le; Michael Gavnordied at the lu-ane meeting ade f;.* friends a ti«it at and will not be here, but that a • can it. flying Trenton placed storage No. -. G. W. Brimmer was chosen recommend Box* containing one < )f and Win*-* S. Fdiit r**".*. s. dgwiek: A-'lum. Monday, at anadvaneM> TRAA F.ltsK Jt’KV. \, j»t. John I>avi-, Surrj. with a house thereon. " \I>VI( E .MOTHERS. in thi* citv Sun*! av We I,. :,r that hr wil TO John Orville Kitfield leave* for California to- ! Misses Helen and Vesta Brimmer, who r. II’!. F'«*n in u. "u: an ; The -White p—” movement was in:.*r- Im on the Are di-turhed at broken of *. employed -t••.•inn-r rn,n- have been in >.*»! nicht and ..in* imi-, * »t»u •t-r».»p>: !.cwi*ton the day. attending school Kllsworth the CUSTOM DEPARTMENT di-cu--rd at the re-t a-iek ehiid Son H ! .1 Hi-'y ptih'i.* temperance Dif -eu*oti. 1 *a*t winter, have returned home. ,'"iir by -ull. rinc and mine with in «»f Ellsworth. Me. < n in thi- ■ t\ ia-t Truant officer Clark is on the war j euttinc teeth!' If -<>. -end at U t- have ;i tcorg. S < »Im r. L.'i-w <*rt !i: a-eting Minday i“\.-niiur. path Mr* lino of W< X which we aiv 1 I* 'Ii*. Jam*-* \\ !»a\ i- r* Frank Jordan had a very narrow onee and ct a bottle of MIts. Win-low's largo Al.IOiXS* M Ui< h.Surry main- vrrt *»»-ri- after the hoys and girls who are not at M liile two hot \t. r* on Stim-<*n*- •-« from a ; laying oii-!\ ill. w- ar d**’ serious burning accident re- "'X'llllMi >YICt'l> H>K 4 ll!I.I»HKN 1 Kt I II- In order and •I'-n iii.m!i .1. *»||, :i,. ;,j;»ri:t\ i' ; though h* .hat for the !n-t two school. He found three in one ln-t 1 making warrant tin* til or no sale. family ■ I\u. at W.-t Su it n 11 while the sick child of If- a!i|e i- iliealeiilable. It will relieve itcorge H. s. amnion Franklin: '1 tarry an. Sueday. March 24th, «!*'«• -hr ha- week at <| them, or attending b.en brighter than for -r\.ral placed rather their par- Hie liftle vt *rge Je.lison In the stove her poor sufferer Kiiot I.. Strntiou. Hancock: 1. i- Mi Norton had one **f hi- arm- broken. ents pas sing immediately. Ivpend IkOmeuiltfr it is no t dnw» pre\iou-. aright. upon it. rnotln r-. there 1- no mistake about it. rouble to show mid d von waul I idw ard It. smith. I .■•m■ m : clotl.e* a-.ght fire, and in trying to extin- goods I It eure- d>»< nfery and diarrho a. recuiate* the 1*1 "pragtit >vv an'- I-iatid ; The n* tv tiureh at We«l Sullivan !- com- lur-day afternoon tin — rfion nn n on the John Saunders, who lost his buildings bv guish :!i it.ime* had her hand* burn- badly -foinai h and bo.vrl-, eur- wind eolie. -oft. ti- r- florae. W a’’-. A ndo t-t ; > fire last moved hi; K — ete-l. tv a- lii't t it -*««t >' n of !«:«•) ■ fail, has to West ed. It t had not Im-.-ii for PiU»I.EC. p and there i;i_* in Stnday, b« !o'\ Main -tl t, had W hat Surry great presence the cum-, reduce- and ■low (,. \\ .1 !k« r. I'.: k- inflammation, cive- T1 N K. »-.».*• n pli i where he thinks of •f «r ^ arch 24 A of the tv- hr • buying the farm of mind Mr* Jordan must have Iwrn se- tone and em t<* '""""'"1 fifty--ix p* hav-* |n*«-n Illi^hS .Had a *Vlo-r rail.” < ofliilUf in i'll rc' the whole -v-tem. Mk>. f’ •' '.4 I-I* V t. J r:.tii ati. n 1-aac Saunders er. lv >< m > .'"'"Good t\ hurtled. Wivsfnw’- 1111 \«• y it r i* i«,i» « mi- Trades •M. The ehurrli i! «!•*.!i Ht.dindin* the road t!,»-\ in-1 54 wore l»> a wild train At” I l.-*o ju-t » I'ltKN I- to | n Board cf and Im Aii X. V / ImiUNi; plea-ant the ta-tr. and t. ■. 1. Mayor Aldermen, *..i: I B* I «tf\*- turn, Both Our school teachers who so nob!\ serv- t n and ;; : Kednian w a- in la-t week n the hand ear and i- tin 1889. Judgi Itangor prescription of. .,f the oldc-t and be-t .• f11'a 1't |l;*r:iHe, lihru- April 8. ti ed their own town last have all engag- f- j-in*'— ’>♦ fore tl.« > .!.( oiirt of Penob**e.»; Co. train, when they app.-and to each other, year niale nur-. and pby-i. ian* in the I Hited •« n. I.i\rr ed work out of town. srdif w i. k Complaint. w r. n -t.. d<» w Nellie Morgan at State-, and i-for-a!, bv a! drucci-t- tin td attended the melting «>f the dl- n crude-. The -retion rew- oucli- ■ >»! « Monday Tioubf-*. ( Iiront-- Vl* tot l:\ni \IKK I I\li. Hancock F.i-ie Smith at F'.a-tbrook. Flo- Since la*; notes were sent the ladies our the world. I'm. 25 cuts* a bottle. tor- ind !•*r» 1\ tin.* to leave th. ir <-ur. when it you » ii .>ciulii':i pikI nil winrni' K \it«> of the Maim Item lit A--..-. *t'<>n. held ra Carter at I v 40. in flic < Stair Hluehili and Flora Mdlikcn, on the Brookhn side have furnished an Mayor -tru* k irons Itcpnrr Hlutxl ril'd Ot-bilitii tr.l A u hum. hy the locom-Jiv*. fragment# of the West Kllsworth xcellent b etrd "f aid* mien resent. supper. A part of the proceeds N •': 1': c»»urr in tie .Full i car and t.**d- * flyitur in \. rv dire, lion about were used S« Iden .la* ■?»-. a man n the iu paving their subscription of t« Il.-torr It r*. i'uin Around IV tit i in of Mr-. \.K (ire«-!t eta!-., vot*d iii;p!o>.-d Milliken has returned from New 17 MAIN -. Henry tin in. It w a- a narrow * up* ten dollar* on STREET, ELLSWORTH. MAINE. I’ I '.4i*t ver the the bal- h.r lira T'i »n.i..4t«s :. «• 1 0 the -am* ou th*- table until next Stir/' caught one "f bis feet untier York where he ha- the winter village chapel, .’lull lay regular spent ance fo w f.>r the sidewalk. When Tlahr wM w« ^ < it v\ a- Th' mu anion.; Bu. mu- <• 1 «irk gar* her « fleeting. : -haft. and >.a.j y Minin* d. k-port*- Ca*tor1n. '1 0 Chatto has gone out of business The lo\ iuj took tin -i r: ladies of Sedgwick a — p' p y morning train, Improvement When •he t'h.ld. *he rned f..r I*, tit ion of .1. F. Whit* tub et al-.. voted to I cry It. N .-n ha- been -tp; nt. d -t- ( antorin, p It is we S have also a for *:dc- V 11! 1-:. t tin fifteen d-i\-’ with deep regret learn that the ty given supper W she I av th -am* .-n the taS-U ti r .*! < « Monday. join j hen iwaine Ua* she t.» f*«r the pre-cut. herrv fi. d. t .r' D. Mnall w ilk clung I'attont, 1'ise of lbub«ti w re- ■ funds wi.icli wa* a sucre** op. ra x< ur*i.*n < f th* * .-.-ilia < luh ..f W-.od, who .1-taken tlnaneially. Petition of I.. J» .1..i.1 .in et »!-.. ! r- mot Baiuor. Vi h«u •l‘*i usd Children ah* ( voted to ed. ■ to th* g»*e iheiu Mtoni, — ntly at and there Mr* W\.-r «; of t Bo-t. 'It I-offie B Mid F am T. asylum Augusta Sargent Sargcntvdle •" :• ft:. n« art n; ! th* -am oiitheta' f<*r the nt. -• »y pH-« Mr. Kt. ard <» Smr <• mm* n- ! eiiied t** ngain his reason at first, has h returned from her trio. the **w ./. Mr and Vr». J Washington n. II.n ng Sound-* In K.r ». I: 1 ir;..-r>. M Petition of < li. Went Worth cl al-.. vot.d. gi'»wn w.ir-.- of late and his Wliile in u rk of bn d:ii_-a 1< ii-e on Sterling -tr»*t friends have Washington Mrs. Sat gent and :i :<> »f Limit*. IV- I*. An B I' Midi uM.d.t >w :/. M... -«! w* -t all his hat t lie Street llitu ! l*c in-truet. d to >- of her son. Addison <•. attended a •» a'.ti 1* S 1 ^in jn Small f ,, II V *« tile I.-id* Ti*-e of Mr. Ster nearly hope recovery. Sargent, op; :ng W Mni • i. ( 'Oilman Mr- I*, uiiniiuiimi. •• ut Infant street. ,.* 1. in condition. ai.d "pc« ial rec at the White II >u*r V I V ••• J*. I*.a>*m. ! ;' .r*».j Vrint 5 n ay l. -. I'he in. clings at the M F < i.iin h have eption j T » ••.•is v « -... .n «-it — Hon <■ \\ \ \ ist. r r.. t\< lauu; I V* n* Wat. r I In to fiii M-h in »t« ri to build a d th* i■ I'iic iadies have ■ city enough pa- i• im''I• Rev N. Fa M'trail was with the given reception dinners tiro* v t It -• a l it fi-l.-mai k **it « ar-on.”un hr tin idcwalk. tw*. ink- w d* und r th* -utn-r- J r» of hi* tm* nt a- and is* *r >f i-t w k a--,-t- at the new wharf to Dennison of ; * appoi- jw.-tma-tei, P part and great ('apt ♦tin* 44 >n I cl of ♦ iy !.a» a 1. y iar-• apt. A. .1. . tug Mr. Mn-winati. \-p --t- f r tin of 4.. tr th« ( *• nr*rk-1 ,v M *<»r< •n;v beauties is clear. iinbila's” turn next. F >. IICT IIINn. S x \> ■ ubted th* '* a- and nav w.-re 1 and th* ina-!«r. w remain with him a week or in-.re Ellsworth Price Current (’ ir M John W. Ma’oueof le v. 1*. Bartlett and wife and K.-v. ;.m‘niaU, eio" it,g u a- !!.* •* A'-Vrimn u-li- tln-iity cooked nd Maitoii B..;i«-> and Fie.fk M Moon* are 1 *! lie 'Free bulge .if | t i. < i T chose as iM'lAI’O. K \. Davis and wife a r l*2o imn a-t winter in the ■ of .1. eujoyed *pe« ial i.ui and .I n voting \ \ d« rm.-u Moore. amp T t» r* ':iai'-l a* :.*-i-t;«nf» for t!i. pr*«.-nf. del* gates to grand lodge. Frank Jetlison il l' \\ KKkl v dinner at the ( aritou mansion on j-hman in ti.• tv.* ■<* tt * as Saturday. - \ « ng >d- N» th" 7». r. and F'lvvin swell, alternates. F rank Jor- — ; *Tt and aiiip*** uig Y« -. Haui|>- -ay April A li:il 11 1**-*. UPJLIKE AftlY dan and Fl-ie Smith. .1 \ Chatto also be- 1 1 OTHER. Petition of I. Km* *-t ai-.. voted to »*. •. * n. A I n ry Mr. H >f.*p>-. of Brookh.n. fmimi 1 > d* 1* •"V. “l-iiin, : k. ... >| ing a gate as Snpt J 1 Mr Fug-tie Day and Miss Mary Hall on HujM-r, I .i per lb— ..i rant the -am*. Mr 1 .ard M '• Fariand of Bar Harlx>r. X r:iv Hu' i* -man for th*- linn «*f M 'I K Ii XV 7 INTERNAL FOR on tie- tab!.- for the prescut. ! In* d for n W H. Harri-on i- lew «-in| *-d t>v Whitten. Bimhtt A Rlurhlll i»f'( K-»seoe (‘am. We : EXTERNAL USE ip: understand that « .... J >'• IN. It*-* ,*• 1.' r’ Alt »n motion of A * ir IMo. and <»en. Bern. o tuu1!. hrtnan ampl** II. voted. ! Hain-oii in 1*-'--. ^ IU^. ..*Jn, r*. one of th" ! and a!- 'll «iel Mr* will have their home l' rk. I : i; V V* Fhe funeral of the late Mi- (»-- Day ; ! ...... “SANG-UP” Nancy v. ».1*2 hat th*- -tr**.-t eotumi—lonera-eertain the Jim- i- w.lli .Mr and Mr*. Mo.se* We wish Map!. It tin* intention of th*- Bo-ton and Bau- || g.» Iwjis e-M at h*ar late re-i letu'*- Satnr- Day -**-. It 12* I- N ORIGINATED BY AN OL.D FAMILY vv t tem a and residence here. *-* ■ PHYC'C l*1 of the -treet-and ay in before r >t. i* a j- man w lemi it ;- w a' a to I:»' afternoon Mr- < has hcen a i.g happy H* Ihv i-.., 1,4 »|u.--tion am-hip ompaii) t.. put the -teaim-r pi- i«ut" i-good ■. • I V*. : M r’ i: 1 in work -hall i**- done on .id l* vt»te*l member of the rr," rr I -treet-. wav- l: *. k III *11'! .: I- that in- -1J. --- ill th" fu- I >vo N ■ SLEEPER'S j *n*l uj*on the i..ute U-tw.i-u Bangor and hop'd Congregational united with the First Baptist J. rk- ... r ir< 'i f.*r good manv Her death I 14 M i•> I sidewalk*. j* >< k alemt ture W:.. tw- a- ahuiid.Mi! a- it aiw ha- ?*■-. n year- *hui li at the ia*t eonferein e. -\rup. laud M ay It*. ay Ypril 4th. by ,• kv.il be in M rk ; I 11 4 felt both church and society. '■'•n« e were N. $c S. Voted. Tint the -treet commissioner hire a ill th- Fifty present notwith- l~»r | •ight highest 1 v Petition of ,J. M. J. vv.-tt, voted. That he Cap! quarter crage Ml. k>* -> ; *- I;. n- ! 1*4. form. I ■ < ?• it Ui* to yrsn. ; .’ 1 .• 1^: fti-u-r* d ar* f.*r Brr-id* nt, liap:i-t chapel which ail males for ears. ll",!.'k'l,*. In id-- t he pa--:»_*•• f: '[|| N tv eight y I" » it W ...j ;. r-: **■ v■ SI I iV 4 «». I Itoatnn. b granted a pawn broker'- h mi- and tint Brothers, artory. »ver-:xteen who • Whiting ! \ 'I ag*- are interest- ; v r.e k< .1 W .«• II ! .4 \ Pre-id year-of Apr F. Y. D I>r> J " ie amount he shall be required t pav f..r •d 'n ttie <*f and 1 i! Mi .i .!. 11; .? .• « Iii'k-r, _*r !. By ron <» «• h« i.. ^r suppression Immorality, ■ WOGUBUCiY, LATHAM & ur-. A tcry .pi.. k pa--;..- r-tary. i7 >i a i \ s rifi ;3 CO. Ull. be fixed at £ 10 per Near, vi-li f.*r purifv and good morals to ItOMldsburU. : r. " Hoi.| \I.|. A'.KNT*, M tarn J I'm ii: Trea«ur* r. I.. I». u-hinnn. prevail liar., v on motion, voted. That Ann* \\ King, Mr. Frank A. Bohiu-on, r.-pr* «*-iitimr th* n our tow n, are invited to be presellt and ! |rr tin 74 It.-. Th"* a;--. t.-.! an e\. Some of us are foolish to 4- r*ortlrtiicl, Maine. .-utiv. ronimittee of enough expert -i-.-r nu u i. ksnntt .. 4 i.--u-. !n forming a White Cross 1 r.v liiTinoi.: m c* tv trea-urer. i»»* and i- authoriz'd for mj **f Mr. .lame- Kohin-on. Fragile. [he railroad here this --tr. I. I.jitf I el., rr: ...r M hereby \. w :f!i J 'i t. H I»oii •' ii. rl. rm ui. along year n. I • » ^ tt j* ||. k. .. I id ill 1m half "f the of 1 1-Worth and ill mjor. at th* Aim-i: at. Il*»u-* in thi- ,»m* in cold and e.ty j Vpril disagreeable ;the of "in working are go- ► K* «. on Thur-day of thi-week. >« adwr- ■oads ire, well. mud. muddier, muddiest. ng f--r A, t-. Mr;. l: *•« city away employment—nothing for «’ -1 with au:- ! nt l u< -day nu'M. ••■■■ I ■ M »nv* v ane*- r to eiin-nt in another eoiiimn. Vpr hem to do here. ** und* seal Lafayette l>avi- of I'*'.' * ■(. I. .1 2 W Fhe annual meeting of the Congrega wg o d 2 -. o «irk. : <4ne s. id L !-worth ill eon-id* r .’. 'ti of the sum <-f We are ha\ a term of ii ional will be held at the >at- ing spring school kin. : v 4. ■ parish vestry i. I po- -ii aiu-l.t h* r f. Mid f.-!l to the h".i'i:> • W. B He, ! 4 --f sty dollars, of all tin right, tit!.- and interest r« i;r» ii at \\ inter tt.;, be laun.de ir v ening. Id. aught by M< Avery of Charleston V. .• now iia\ fin >• ! i a llarfKir. d lay Vpril V" o ■ full II,«■ of fto-T. ii, In i«• !f -o w «e- per t.'i ar.l. ... M uni!.’ that -h- una'- e Me w no is A n! Io. •-s■ i. >. » giving good satisfaction, lie »*••» hieli the city of Lb-worth has in and to th* 1’. "ii»in- i- t \'TA S; ., .• superintend t" Hotel IVndh ton i- with the up. \- l.*-r liu-t' tnd «-ould not aid her very popular a* the of hi* *eh**iar* .11- -. .N I david 1 >\* r estate.” so called, reason of in ; tin- w oi k ou hi r. faculty keeping by iiMinrners who endeavor to the Sab- It. « ,r Min# 1 *y in that position until in..min;;, when spend erested which is the secret of good teach* -< -I I \rr I’ ■ iv and all tax deed- now in the hand- of the cttli there if from six to ten are 4 I he M aid borough hotel at Bar Harbor. pos-ible; The are mi,..i.. ofth. t,i it">r-happen* <1 in and untiled- ng big boy*" made to mind as I I-. per M : tr. a-urer <-f lb'" Wen’s Ki--worth again-t I>a\id found there Ml -aid .ij of the .i-nhou-. in the t.*w n. ropieiitiy Saturday nigh*-. -veil a* to *ome a -j.ru- I 5e ha- iat.-:\ -UII.III' ■ I m. al aid. H» study which extent i* Pants, ronditioli .SausAc.’ J-T 'I. .01., ”7 Working per estate. and th* -aid Arno \Y. i* lew yt-r King itiy tM.-n w ir. -l for *;*•* trie !e I!-, tliu- u. .k- Mr- 11 W is idea to them. !'• -e.i. 17 criient nd 1 is _-r idii.t Im; -w mprov iiic. Hinckley gradually failing |Mr< rtli.-r autboriz* d in eon-iueratioii of -aid -urn Kl-h—|>er ;!• ! •:,.• ~|..-r t.k II jn t if a modern ho-t. ..f fir-t order. Tlie President’* are exrol- dry W. Meamer iiluchill and her appointments 1" *d. "*•*, M.r k M .H o m -ixtv dollars to tax Mr. >1. Howard of the firm of Howard gentlemanly »‘ !>- PRICE : di-eharge tli*- against ent so far as 1 know, ami that of k -4 VV ,t«. !.• .*. v M t»* hi Mr iek.tln- vt know n k. of the •\ every bod v St nsrni tk. per !*•<* 8I.LV>, 81..■*<>. S1.7."». I» per — ;11111 sa.oil thtoeitv. Monday. H« inform- u-that OM. i#iil :- — King, eitv trea-urer. i- further hereby they April XosttKMK. j»er k.i:i-.—wreen n rj • l.i ln»u-e. !d. and wa- Vpril I to 7 ! rryti. Clnrryfi* who ar«- about .m; I* ’MU' a Itrj. and beall’iful -o IVlt» thorized ami einpow *-p-I tor and in b*haif K- .. 1. I- Ta. « per It. ^ sh!.- a—l-tnnt for died at L- r " These many [liilinitua V are year-. di. r-‘ momtm-n? for W ithaiii. Mi--. Tin' I *1 rrcfiton 77 2H he.UKh. pants made from the lies! tiie city of Kli-worth and ;,i the name of ofstoci and are ^ in. i-t Sin- vt d !>• mu. ii mi—• <1 !»-. Tri.,1. .iw» Friday. ar*- a1-,, miij » -t-*r«ie for a -o|-li*-r-’ Mr*. Smith has with her J i id city, to iuak>-and *-x*-eute uiv and all c«.n- the lir-t Mr and Mr- Aiuariah IV Mary gone ureal trade at the price we oiler them. Hate al-o ^ of that ho-teirv. Vpril » reee'n- patron- popular iiioiiutn.-nt m Win-'.ow M* tnd *r»- making laughter Carrie t the hospital at Boston V( vane, s under seal w he h may l*c nee*-—ary kleFarland were ma le happy the -i d our by being or treatment. Dr her sprinu line of 1 In -. a *rj" numb, r of in »minieut** and other .. m**- Knox, f the and interest which the boon.-r Carrie A. Bu.-knam. 1 apt. | c« ipieiits of a bouncing girl their physician. convey right.till*- baby, Hdtovvn, them. Mn rino I A**t. ihh-, of from St. < t* w ork for \ariou- in the and ! lr-t Oorn. accompanied of Lii-w..rth h i- in .ml ail Bu.-k-port. Domingo ity. ry place- county A any property b Medicine. ,u .«f-H>k the out. Mr. M Wood i* reported improvir Family Id under tax deed-. light on Delaware Breakwater and 'Hie la*lie- of the Christian I lliuortli Port. ^ Kndeavor li* doctor talks very favorably of his “r mnded on Point Charle- at p. Nt. a ci Hfc>- Voted to to ti e .1.. tioii of local Friday There will be irrand .rift dan e at Town ! iewing circle, (ioose Cove, will hold a AKKIV KI» bar pr<**•♦**■*1 ■ecu very. >*1 vva- hauled a 1 \' petin off funii-h ratd of health : I»r. .I F. M for one by Uii:. The captain r« Hal!. Waltham. May 1-*. FI very on** pureha— a and also dinner on the fourth A prtl 1 niiiin; Rev. A. \. Lewis a pdne-day delivered inter- >< AND ,KJ rt- that the \. —* 1 * >f I'lie where it Is to very h Ve-tttl, R,.< klund Coltl*. Sore Throat, V ar: I»r. J. H. Patten, two did not leak and vva- nut iiu* a «lati* tick* i- entitle*! : a uift, the irift- July. locality be held I.amp-on, Croup, year-. lecture at the church even- ^ las not as sliug Sjuday > A ILKl> Dittoed. a- been decided but in- \ oted to pr.. ! to th* * lection of 2d over- mmu'iiu hi«'!i a- Th.-r*- w ill al-o !»«• two yet upon, •rmatioii of the same will be announced *»£• rim- for the l*c-t Thursday. April 4 Diphtheria. Sprain*. Cuts, er of the poor. Fred L. Frazier was ele*-ted. Mr. C. D. \'. Hunt of B—ton. of the Mih'i. prize* waltzer**. the fir-t pi ;/• of u the columns of the Amkkica.v some time They are talking building a new > h seaflovver, 'titllken, ililvan WALL PAPER of Alderman * was ii Harbor I.and a Im jutiful -il'*-r <■ ake dl-il. the -» olid, a lo\ e- K**|H>rt unpin-!! present- Company, went through the n the future. -ehoul-house at Fast Kddiugtou; if tie y Neuralgia, etc. A ItlilV Kl» e< I in regard to the amount claimed to be due eit v Monday on hi- return from a trip to Su:.i- ly -i.\. r m*ld-iin*«I drinkiiu' « up. t.ood mu-ic lo It will lie a very nice building for the WITH | Mr F! Anderson Sch st wii h. mi Kphraim rode into of two schools. Catherine. Sinc'.alr, Boston | : bool district No. 3. from tb«-.ity. He re- 'a ii Harbor, w here he ha- been to arrange for atteiidanee. Supper -»-r\c*!in the iurpo.se having 1 own last Monday from Hangor, after an SAILED »rt« n.i? Iiiitrr V ,i, .! Ti. ..r fit of tin* Sw i— lower hail. FA* ry effort w ill he niadt* to make The ladies’ circle will meet at P opening ebaiet. and upon oth- 1 sewing j ibseuee of fifteen years from his nat ve Friday, It l our V! oncr Ilf funriril ;f it f.tii- li< and the commit tee er thi- mtertaiiimeut a ->>«-iaI -ue. e-*. Th* he vestrv Tuesdav afternoon. \j»ril accepted pub- ’»>»• « ** di-charged. J II iv it l1 ill' lie Seh Allendale, Kemick. Portland I be Jit tit u \it ■ i. used -ti ilv ;i« tiirt-cted on m- \ oted to take 4 r«««—- until lic arc uio-t cordiallv .u\ it*-. 1. Mr. Orcutt is fast TB even- ! with BORDERING Monday A sisterhood branch. Order of the Iron junta! '•«*a lie is at present stopping with Henry failing S MLKD MATCH. *: le r. vou take >,<• n*k in wr.tpi•« iryliig it. i jr *> hat dread disease, g. 15. at :30 — ii*» .Mrs. H. April o'clock. -tandard time. || til. w a* instituted at Bui Oil*- -imp, 15 tou-.hu- been buiit at Brook sister. Mark Iiaynes. consumption. lor 2i *a»t«| mII Dfiilcn k*port Thursday Saturday, April-: ! uAf (AMI wr art* sHliii" cracked (OKA lyr l»y was a and m:\L Atte-tT. E. II Clerk. • There at the M. K. church S« h W li Archer. aie. ev ning. with fifty-eight charter member*, villebv S. W. < r.M>. and Was launched n f*w Mr IraC Gctchi-U anil wife have arriv- baptism Trundy, Bo*.on ! * ast Sabbath. The were sch A-lt l \V Hurh«*r I f il .A.) rts. • exercises solemn Pray, Kemick, per bushel, WIIIILK I)r. Seth Arnold's T1 c ladies are enthusiastic over the order l.iv-agM. At Buck-port. < aj t. Charles H. ■d home from where have COIIA full wnslil ai (ii)ds. | very Augusta they j > — md A1L K D A writer in the N w York Tribune -ar«: * impressive. lt| •re. The branch i« of the Parker ha- -nw« d tin steamer Flort in in two M-eu employed in a hotel during the wiu- < 01'(iH KILLER composed very Mr ■ 29.1*41." I! Palmar wa- *r. I hear Andrew Dyer sawed by hand eigh- Monday, April appoint- j>f. •t in the town. ii»l haul* ! lo r apart, making her about they couteuiplate renting the .1 e< I people Sell A Wilding,-, N K Harl .tr it: the Very Best Iiemedy po-tma-ter at Vermont, u»m t». rr> i. ( hau- hotel at liar Harbor for een cords of twelve foot wood in the f> »-f long an ! a gro«.«. tonnage of 00 tons. She darlhorough the | *eh L D Kemick, Boston X. Y.. bis Mi" Alice Burnham returned lavs Ri-mick, * * * A *1 uqua County, cotumi—iou signed home from 'recent season. and one-half, for G. M. and F. S. ik/kAA* A A -iiua-;> r-<»t-icral. On was built at Brewer in l'ss*2. and when com- ! Bi ockton. Ma**.. with the younger child of Wood. 1 ever used. J iriuarN 2». l*To. the name Mr. K. has arrived home of the office wa- ; .. will be le tter than c\rr. Mr. William Joseph Gilley 1 .and Mr*. I>. K. Brown. I>r. Brown wa* pleted April 8th. Tuesday, April'.* irtnged from Vermont to and if ter an absence of several mouths at sea. Mrs A. J. Sber* Gerry. Mr. *• Sell Scaflower Church, P»ea-V\ of Bin kspurt. has had to build > Milliken. Sullivan iner wa- r»-appointed |K».-tm.t-ter. hi- com- ?a ;en suddenly ill w ith diphtheria, in cou*e- le will have a offer born. Mass. two probably flattering »trutM*n. Do me* tie |»ort*. l thief-inu-ted sehooin rs of It on -igued John A J. « Po.-t- ence good size, but CARTERSICARTER'Sl by re—well. qu of which Miss Burnham started for Tom some of the Lamoine vessel | 25c., 50c und £1 00. tiding Tlie Boston—Ar Apr*!, sch* "tella Treat, and Druggists, a a-ter-(»en. ral. l’r. vjou-to 1*41 Mr. Palmer declined a-the eondition- were uot favorable, sociable in Noyes’ hall la-t Saturday Lee, me at once a* stated above. We hear that »w tiers to go to the banks, as he w as high Felward Ki«h, Thurston. Deer Me, Geo W.CoI • in- u-.rm w a- deputy po»tmaster under Charles Ward was a affair. After ‘veiling very pleasant lin-. t.or*Ion, Sullivan. Marcia t *, Brow n i* —The nnmbers of Win. If. II. Kiee Post, G. ine on board schooner II. 8. Woodruff last Baiiev, Cole, -j, r two year-. I hi-* make- him postmaster > improving. he entertainment, which consisted of luml.ia Fall*. reason. mM.f. about A. of thi- a- a of Ar .ml K.. -light token forty-eight y.-ar-. and about fifty work has been somewhat city, respect meal and instrumental music, select read- Apr'.*, seh Florence FI Tower, Knowlton. and TWEXTV mil Es OF HOME. -Though delayed * v ars iu of the office. Tbi- j- at least Eunice!* Newcomb. Allen, Deer Me ! '** * charge for th*-ir comrade. Rev. V. P. Wardwell. have our young men are fast leaving town ngs.etc., a lunch was served. The *! V- "£«c n ko or three 011 the »hoe factory the past week, for want of proceeds Ar Apr :.,-eh Lizzie < Sew York a A '1 ;• in' ni'». i« f» i*,. bv her mother, had year* ahead of the We*tche-ter oeliran. K.-llv, voted to att« nd tin- Methodist chureh next Sun- o»r their different vocations. It makes the will be Used in buying a carpet for the Bangor—sld 7. seh Annie It one of the w -r«t t- ,,{ w hite ever P »*(master recently mentioned in The lu nber. good progress on the whole ha* been Apr Lewis, Lewis. *w*-iling I Trib- >lace Sew y »rk 3 u and I claim for Mr. afternoon at '1 oVIoek. A full attendance appear lonely to have them go as we •hurch. j »:»vv. »r»- than Palmer the honor of day Aser_i M twent) pi*-< .*# of l**n* came >/’■ m ide. The flooring is all laid and the wall frame Delaware J | •ing the oldest lave enjoyed their presence much at our Breakwater-Ar Apr *;, seh Carrie A out of her '■■j. on*- '•eing »l* taking ; The claim of the writer i- not valid, for Apr Jordan. Hand man, Clenfue J :45 -harp. A- Mr. WardvvelTs third vear in Capt. William Perry has moved to Sor- these out w »- as a good sized ,U liber will be in this gos pieee* large ^ ?onard J. Thomas. of who died purchased city. Mr. Daniel Ladd is some E-q.. Eden, Ellswortli i- near it- a making alters- ento where he intends to a Bath—sM Apr *ch Lizzie for Philadc! w alnut, she w:*-tint aide to walk a step for dose, with strong prob- open boarding Young, | ol of this week, was tir-t —All children expecting to attend the “ebil- ions on his farm in the way of louse. phia ight month*, and w a* afterwards compelled ! Monday appointed that in accordance with the of removing ability U-ages which add New dork—Ar Apr *1, sell* Ked Rover and del to use crutehes f irne a The doctors p ►stmaster N«*v. 21. 1*25. Hi- commission pn*s reception,** to be given by the Village mne out-buildings, somewhat .r!) year. j hi- denomination lie will Im- sent to a uew Mrs. G. J. Tribou has arrived home Frye, New Be«lfor*l -a d there w a* no « ure. and *d»i-ed 1,1 are 0 the convenience and looks of the Ar amputa- \% as signed by John Po-tmaster-Gen- iprovetnent .Society, April 30. invited to good her sister. She will re- Apr 4, seh Mary Lord, Smith, St Johns 1* K McLean, the a full iccompanied by tiouof the limb. This I would not «-..n*ent to, charge coming year, attendance by •ame. >.•1 Apr a, seh Faiith B I.am-dne m *et at an Coomb*. Perry, a!. The following i- a memorandum of Mr. Hancock Hall.fAts (Wednesday) after- nain for indetiuite period. Ar seh but put b* r to taking >w if*'- Sjh*. ific *». 5*. the comrades at tin* church would be a fitting \pr 2, John Douglass, N.-w Bedford other T iioiua-’ services as nc on at 3 o'clock, w here a committee will give Mr. W. II. Walls, who an Some of our have b Ar Apr 3, seh John *otne», Robbins. Wareham leaving off all treatment. It lias postmaster: and recognition of hi- act- of kiud- keeps quite boys rought down a timely many Portland—Ar 5. seh Julia Ann, Rice. Cran- eim-d her sound andw.il. and I -ball never Eir-t tb •tn some instructions in marching. •xtensive grocery store at Oak Point and ; this The writer lias anx- Apr D;sire=s appointed. Nov. 21, 1*25, held until ncs- to foose spring. berry Nles ],Constipation, Dyspepsia, after Eai j the Post. y ng, Dizziness, Nausea, *► grow wear) of it- praise. ilso is the of our mail route, is scanned the heavens for some M'l speaking j ine 15,1839. We have received from Mr. W. F. Man- proprietor ously time April, seh Rienzi, ( hatt**. >edgwlek Pain in the Coated V its A \ME GERMING. S. ( Ar. Drowsiness, S.de, Tongue, Sad Tasto j —Mr. W. leaves of West Gouklsboro, md has been doing quite a smart business last, ride in hand, but a goose. Apr 4, sch F annie A "purling, from Cape 9. 1*5*, held until w a of the revised nary the Columbus. Ga.. Feb. 11. 1S89. Re-appointed April 8ept. >od. hinder, copy Supreme n the Short* in Mouth, Sallow Skin, and all disorders , writes u- a- follows : Iu looking over the obit- trade during winter. K. caused 21 1*61. W. Cleaves and daughter Lizzie were >i-l Apr ■>, seh Lizzie Franklin Ji dicial Court docket for April term, 1889. May. Fen.aid, a bilious s‘atc of the THE WORM* Ot'UHT TO KNOW IT. uary notice of Cant. Elijah S. Doane. I thought April 6. Roy. n town several last week. Calais —Sld Apr* 4, seh End * Holden. Rich, by system. y ; Juue 4, 1*61. held until days Re-appointed July 8, Tl le printing was done at this office. It Is an it * a- a very correct of him. lie New York to ! pen picture do this without the or Tlie world ought know what S. s. 8. has Charles Workman has bought the Brad- Gloucester — \r W ^ They disturbing stomach the ► ]« <58. e\ cellent job and neither the printer nor bind- wa- a worthy citizen, and an honest man: hut i< rth I.amoine. April 5. seh T Kmersou, Gott, purging for me in tl < tire ..f a Cancer, i mi v Smith team and Boston tor boiccts. and there is no or don** malignant l»i- •• of birth was not Gland. freight will conti iiue Orland pain, discomfort their use. 26. held until er reason pia« Cranberry griping ! > *«» I a- To l»e incurable Re-appointed May 1810, Jan. ha* to be ashamed of his work. attending w hieh W as ad considered | Hi- A-a was iu Port- On Weduesdav, Hiram Allen Holt re- 0 from Newport—Ar April 3,ach Idaho, Smith, from It is no net < to scour ones out B father. Doane. married bring freight Milbridge. RoiMout longer ssary insides with the old fashioned I a hv oi- ;n < where I went 1*84. 1 the ph\- nieago. —We are to hear of the death of land. Me., to a Mis- Hadlock. i think, and he timed from Philadelphia in with 8th. and are fast pained company April Salem—SI.I Apr3, *eh Emma Green, Smith, f*>r purgative pills, they giving way to the action of this to l»e treated The hospital stirjreons gave me Feb. 2. 1**6. held uutil death afterward moved to East then Moose gentle *[ lte-appoiuted onard »J. Thoma*. of Eden, on M*»n- port, I— 1 iis mother, having been on the vessel Bangor, 11 Curtis, Deer Isle for New York i mild and ii»g eoulddo nothing for me. one Fs«j., j pleasant remedy. up -a) the) ^ pril 8, 1889. land, at that time held by the En_li-h. where lelen G. with his father the : of an adver- jja of this week. The funeral will be helj to- Moseley past A of Saves ller Life. Carter’s I.ittle Liver Pills are unlike ^ oi ui> 'neighbors -*nt me a copy y '•a Oct. 31st. S. Doane first -aw the Scrap Paper ^ entirely all other pills, and are a mar- 1817.Elijah vinter on a voyage to the West Indies. Purl*. to tisement out from a in t< Swift's vl1 v at i\ and he Forrlga vel all who use them. are paper regard — 2 o'clock M.. light. He claimed to have been l>orn un- It was an of and as ► Me-*rs. Fred L. Mason of this L. E. (Wednesday) always just ordinary scrap wrapping Surinam- Sld arch 3. Hale, Hurti- 4 They very small,strictly vegetable, the Specific. and I began taking it. I got relief city, brig Eugene dose is one or " II be buried with masonic honors. der the British flag. Several yeurs afterward ; On Monday evening. Mr and Mrs I. X. >auer, but it saved her life. She was in the big j only two piiis, are taken y or old tli* w G iles of Waltham and S. probably they readily by oung without ► from first lew dose-; the a* j Edwin Clark of Bar » poison grad- lii- father uiox d to Boston, Mass., where invited our school soci- :ist stages of consumption, fold a of the of uallv forced ■. Thomas was a meml>er of Lvgonia Lodge ialsbury Sunday by physicians thought presence medicine. It you trv them will out of my \ *feni and I wa* soon I H arbor who have been a law school received his education. 1 hat she was incurable and could you certainly attending Elijah able to meet at their house and 70 availed liveonlva < be In vials at cents ure*! sound and well. It is now ten month* 1,1 this and was a dan. 30. pleased. 25 each or for Sold j returned home la-t week city, made mason, hort time: she weighed less than j 5 $1.00. by Druggists [ e Boston, and will hemselves of the invitation, and seventy 1 i or *in< I «|uit taking 8. 8. 8. and I have had no The following petition has been circulated young <01*11. 4 everywhere sent mail. *** 58. tounds. On a piece of wrapping paper by Address, sign of return of the dreadful disease. I* examined for admission to the bar the pres- »ld, and although the admission fee is but and signed by three hundred and twenty-five; he read of I>r. King’s New Discovery, and CAItTL.il MEDICINE New York Mrs. Ann Both ei We w i.-b them success. -It is a settled fact that the any 1 half dime and children 1. 2 and 3 Mt. D< sert 7. to Mr. j CO., City. well. ; t term. younger Bar HarUir citizens: only rota sample bottle: it helped her. she bought Ferry April and Mrs* ^ Au Sable. Mich.. Dec. *8b. Eugene Moon, a 1 * i'L'-d sheet Testimonials and set 29, m ■tuber of the animal or vegetable kingdom ents the sum of $3.00 was realized. It is 1 large bottle, it helped her more.tmught anoth- daughter. of of Handsome Advertising Cards —The Rockland Opinion in telling a bit of To THE SELECTMEN'OF THE TOWN OF EOKN : — March to and ient on * Send for books on Blood Diseases an*l lot for the entertainers to r and grew better its u*e 21, Mr. Mrs. Jarvis Gat* Mention this Can- m iv be the tenderer and more delicate it is al- We. the voters iu customary treat, fast,continued and i| receipt of stamp. Taper. free. od new s s some ab-urd and under-igned. Immug legal comb, a *on. cers. mailed gr draw very laugh- no tine is for so but now strong, healthv, rosy, plump, weighing — *° Tbe tea is no to this rule -aid town, respectfully represent that we be- yet imposed doing) March to Mr. and •*"*» y» * * » y v m v THE SWIFT at le a-follows : ‘’It is said* that piaut exception 40 For fuller particulars send 23. Mrs. Leander Pom- wWw SPECIFIC CO.. conclusions, the as unlaw on ifr. armed with a dish of delic- pounds. stamp y wwwwwwwbwvwvJt atl d lieve liquor traffic fully carried Salsbury, a son. 3, Atlanta. Ga. so it comes about that ‘*tea bud*” tea pos- 1 o W. li. Cole. Druggist. Fort Smith. Trial roy, Illustrated Illuminated Book mailed on _Drawer u, more liquor is to l»e sold on steamers of the to lac au injury to -aid town. That such 'raf- ous apples in each hand, moved quietly j application as above ‘ses a flavor of than tea* tattles of this wonderful Discovery Free at ►slon A line or on the of Rich- greater delicacy fle can be suppressed by proper efforts of the wice his three spacious rooms in Bangor City through *. D. Wiggin’s Drug store. lyr463dp Advertised Letters. * ° miM>*ed of a inaturer leaf. The of t!;is force of-aid town. We, therefore, re- u i»ud of the Portland A Mac bias line. The proof police vhich we were entertained, till all were Married. _ i at J. II. A E. K. spectfully request that you issue instructions much to the of the little —For pain of all kinds wherever located, 91 le of on Hopkins*. erved, delight ELLSWORTH POST OFFICE. Apr. 6.18$©. i liquor these boats has always been to said police force to search all places where ise Brown’s lust a nt Relief both inter- ^ ►ues. freely, Bur Harbor—March 29, by Bov. A. F. w nducted is so sold, seize all and Daniel Clough. >2) Mr. Albert L. Cushing. i judiciously and carefully, and no —D. W. Campbell of Cherry field, has been liquor unlawfully pack- lally externally. Palmer. Mr. Frank 8. Scammell of St. John, Farm for Sale. Xolice. « ages arriving intended for uulawftil sale, and A addition to our school Miss Pauper W. 8. Chapman. Mr. Artimas Chandler- mplaint has ever been made, we think, by co rresponding with Fish Commissioner Still- large Sunday Some N. B..and Gelette F. Alley of Bar Harbor. in way endeavor to the extent of their Foolish People lain. «• every ] was made on Frauklin—April ti. Re *. J. R. The tfc mo*t pronounced temperance The w dl in regard to a of land-locked salmon ibrary Sunday. by Bowler, u’!(!<-!■-ignfO hereby gives notice that he has people. supply to suppress said traffic. And that it a to Mr. M. of I oflcr my farm for sale in Tho*. E. Dodge. Nettie Hyne. power Glow cough run until it gets beyond the Edgar Paiue Eden, aud Miss Addie Oedham on reasona contracted with the City ot Ellsworth f..r snagement however seem to have for 1** their the of bl e the sou- S. J. Johnston. come to fr r Tunk Pond aud Spring River Lake, and -hall duty to procure issuing We notice with interest “Pupil’s” alarm , each of medicine. often it M. French of Franklin. term*, together with a good w.mmI lot port of the poor the Mrs. Lois Johnson. They say* “Oh, ror adjacent during ensuing vear and has u slike in all eases where thev have reason particulars enquire of the oil the Leach. Mr. E. G. Moore, j the bu-iue.«s and have ordered It entire- th e commissioner is to furnish tbe desired. warrants 1 >ut as the rug fever here is of a mild form kill wear away,” hut in most eases it wears Sullivan—April 2. by Rev. C. C. Phelan. Mr. subscriber made ample provision for their lie Benjamin fry vp, euu.ses. fon fotliids support, there, h to believe the law has been violated. men are hem O. and all persons from Mr. E L. Page. Mr. James Staples, discontinued.*’ w them to he ladies and sensible alarmed at away. Could they be induced to try the Henry Whaling Miss Mary A. Hooper, fumi-hing supplies U ill forward Franklin Road sta- ™ toan> pauper on Ins * uceessful medicine called both of Sullivan. account,a- without hi- w rit, Jefferson 8. Smith. Chas. J. Smith. —The Light House Board has given notice worse malady. Our trouble is the strong Kemp’s Balsam, Dedham, March ie, ten he will —At West Sullivan business looks in in a few weeks aud from that place they is order, pay tor no good, so Capt. Jos. Webfoer. prosper- of war. Almost door is defend- rhich sold on a positive guarantee to cure, Milbridge—March 28,by Geo. Googins. Esq., furnlshe,'- that on or about June 1889, the red sector ign every *' is for the summer. w II be takeu to the where are to be 1, would see the excellent ef- Mr. James St rout and Mrs. Ella W. Strout. ****** advertised letter?. coming Crabtree A place they d a Small on the street and ! hey immediately I Ellsworth, April •>, is—. pjease call for at Head by gun. boys both of J"'Wf 11 U!l pd. iu the light Brown’s Light-Station, ect after taking the first dose. Price 50c. and Milbridge. A. W. Gkkkly. P. M. avey, April 1st, had loaded four vessels with hose who are to a FOR SALE. at the strong enough carry s II. Trial size tree. At all Worcester, Mass.—Feb. 27, Rev. Calvin ' rovidence curb stone. which now covers the fairway westerly druggists. by I offer They employ a large —There will be au orange party at the Con- j ifle are sure to have one in hand. The only Stebbins, Mr. J. Brown of hereby for -^ale the homestead recently Penob- Ivr4 Harvey Boston, me in ! ew of entrance to Fox Island Thoroughfare, is visible of must and »;upied by Kllsworth for the sum of $3,000. cor- men, paving breakers, stone cutters, 'iicmy there any sign Miss Mabelle I Narbis of Orland. ►r —The Lewiston JtiurndVs Bangor gi egational vestry, Thursday evening. April of the with p further information apply to Geo. I*, scot will be changed to white, as >c which —Derangement liver, constina- Hutton, NOTICE. T larrymen, etc. G. W. A Son 1* at Bay. Maiue, the wild goose iu consideration llsworth.or to the at »au a< follows I have Pettingill bad which aprons, holders and May-baskets ion. injures the complexion, induces Subscriber Luis Obispo. respor.dcnt telegraphs follows, : The light will show, from »f the fortification on the shore pimples, ® ilifornia. of the arrival 1" aded oue vessel with curb stone w ill be sale. namely strong allow skin. Remove, the cause Car- been informed by cable, Philadelphia offered for Orange ice*, ice- by using Died. H. A. APP>-ES very just seaward, a white sector, covering (approxi- if the Jordan comes not till all are DUTTON. Y^e^'h^heWaY'N of trank at d one with for New York. cr eam | asleep \ er's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Try them. March tf at Baring Brothers*. Loudon, paving They in- and candy will also be for sale during 2,1889. 10 1,6 EPPES 4L MA'N. one of the compass between X. md leaves before the dawn of day. The Clergue. who is on his way home from te nd to run a larger crew this summer than th e All those match) point evening. having contributions :areless of fire-arms is to A DRUGGIST SAYS. to-mor- E. E. 3-4 E. and E. X. E. 3-4 E. A red sec- handling enough Obituarg notices beyond the Date, Name and Persia. lie leaves Southampton ja *t. Hooper A Havey have made new der- to tbe table will leave them at tbe resi- by 1 must be for at the rate ten fancy tor, covering four and a quar- darni all who witness it. Marvin C. Brown, Meredith Yll- Age paid of cents a line. row. Mr. has been success- (approximately) Druggist, Clergne very r- •ks anu are for business d< nce of Mrs. Geo. P. as a* getting ready again. Dutton, early Tues- ter points of the compass, from X. by E. 4 E. Apr. 8. D’nktt. 1 wge, N. H., says: I have sold your Sulphur j Ellsworth—April 3, Mr. Calvin P. ! HO TICE! fa!, and ther»» at once be inaugurated a Jordan, I will ^ Alonzo Abbott has rebuilt bis stone di to X. E. E. 3-4 E. A red sector, covering Jitters for and. to most medi- 1 involv- ipt. v, April 16; contributions to the refresh- by years, contrary aged tt8 years, 11 months and 21 days. railroad and colonization scheme twoand ines. I never sold a bottle to one l-ls who * other m (approximately) three-quarters points any who said 8. Leonard J. i a A persons have not he hav- tiarf and made improvements. J. K. ful table should be left at tbe vestry on —Sarah 72, of Eden—April Thomas, Esq., paid their Tax ing millions of American of the compass from E. X. E. 3-4 E. to E. S. Gerry, aged Stillwater, ! t did not him. cured me of those i 84 9 f»r lfW8> are capital, help They aged years and days. to iV -equested to cull at onee est bad loaded one vessel with curb stone. T lursday afternoon. Admission 15 cents, V% The is white from all other di- vhile alone in her house was received valuable concessions E. E. light yesterday errible sick headaches when every other rem- I Mr. John a lot n» ing very 1 Castiue—April 5, McKinnou, aged i crew. xira at 6:30 seaward. Notice is also that on mrned to death her clothes fire. < the ♦ H is running bis usual D open o'clock. rections given by taking dy foiled. 77 from Shah of Persia- years. kills some ®; f^VEREUX, Collector. THE MISSIONARY AND THE SENSE OF SMELL IN THE HORSE, j An Attack cf Gravel. North British M AIDES. TtoTwriMo ScfTrrlr. *ref n Won:rxrt I BURRILL NATIONAL BANK.1 AND The horse leaves musty hay un- llow Nile wan I!rvrlTy i'v.— well A cannibal maiden loved too touched in his bin, however hungry. There is nothing I now -V* A Tlwxl K I Mercantile Insurance missionary good. He will uot drink of water bavin* I>r. David OF Co. And he loved her, but dared not tell objection* made at Kocdout. N Y ELLSWORTH, ME., Or LONDON AND KD1NUI able to his or ■ UGH. thus it stood questioning sniffs, from kidney* and from which I His love—for BANKER.;- a •r. First them wvro x -(SUCCESSOR TO CHARLES C. BUKRILL i i A cannibal she and a clergyman he. bucket which some odor makes pains lah, with no appetite and c STATEMENT And their creeds weie wide apart; offensive, however His intel- thirsty. pelled to use a cane, a:d f 1 And how could he take for a sentiment’s sliowISO THE CONDITION ligent nostril will wideu. quiver and could tot atai I aka RIND of LEGITIMATE BA.Nki.NG. sake. FILLY EQIIPPEI) for EVERY query over the daintiest bit, offered by ♦end bio. Iv/ashun ’wtt u; iaf v vatau&» Of THE A cannibal to his heart? ly ahiveriuif as if cold. My hj Raid the fairest of hands. A mare is never Oh. ’twas a problem vexing, very, EXITED STATES BRANCH I For the cannibal maid and the mis- satisfied either or that I HAD BRIGHT'S DISEASE, by sight whinny Kor Doc. is*s. which waa alarmirur T a.. 1 ycnr ending sionary— her colt is really her own uutil she has hvl vattioB. my r,f Indeed it was! diction after I had been about two y xrs, 1 .1 a Paid - $50,000.00. certified the fad hv means of her nose. ltd attack of tirav-1 When thii nadol Up Capital, Ass US Ance ray physician gave ease. a:ul 1 r. -1 “Cnatoria « »'lr^r. to that (as tori a cnre* CV*l»e. Hut the cannibal maiden's love bold, A blind horse, now will not al- -—— adapted children I OouiHpatinn. grew living, I'nited State* st..< k* mot Honda, fi.ni* ^o») 1'iarrh Era, tenon, myself tofik Irecomraeu.. as Stomach, ra, For was a and It.•ml', ^ I she thing; low the of with- \il ..thest,H-ks | toany prvacr;pUoB J°“rKilia aud the fence. The Now Vigorous and Strong •2 rih rm Oh, 'twas a problem vexing, very, striking surrounding Net surplus, l.' .: U4t^ a« T wss In P’T rrlroe. I do all mr own w-rk. %nd To the maid, but more to the mis- sense of smell informs them of its randy kn<>w what xt is t !>■ ts-- II: p ti .• DIIIHOTOIIS: I Others will, when loosened cine in the h> u*-e « v> ve it t > i.xy a •*!, sionary— proximity. and rori'innwud it v u l. v -> •» Indeed it was ! vs « JOHN B REDMAN. from tin* stable, to the gate And all of r< m 11 ('HAS. <’ Bl'RRILL, V K. HARTSHvtRN, Chas. A. Allen & go .. Co.. directly do Dr Kenne-i s >'*' j; I it. uoolidok. or bais to their accustomed th*diaea**'and rnad»* r. a tr *« ah. James k. davis, it b. ulkavks. nkwkll NEURALGIA Hr looked in the ot her dark brown opening < Mr*. Eiut-line P. Mixi:» RHeUMfiTism"»*0*• depths Bu-x HiU. 'no. AGENTS, untold Patae’tuv w-n has tjern «iiol- BRYANT BRADLEY. «j„ e.i-:*- suffering. compound when to ^•L to me. For t h «*t wo >pars I have suf- eves, feeding ground* ; and desiring ..n- difficult to cure— p ENAMOR III. Maine. ft r» d wti h neuralgia of the le art doctor after With their wealth of love and trust. return, after hours of careless wander- yj" rOHKKSPON DKXCB 1SVITKT.> loth- raln.V Dr. Favorite tw \ 1 i*-patients. il'.x-un f-aing to curt up. I ha\e n<>» t-ikih Ami he cried, in the flash ot a sur- Kennedy's Remedy. ItM c glad Prepared by « t m ?, art' lour U ttles of Up and am ing. will the one outlet. and ry ;•* und has p»*r mpound. distinguish l>lf. IMTID •• KENNEDY, HONDO IT, N. Y. fp fro: th- itHiiplalnt. I h>l grateful prise linnr.m.i nth nr the worst 'try ■ await it* The ml t Hafrty liiinl to you.*' v has. li. Li wis. Ct Diral Village, CL Ah. well, it I must, 1 must!’’ patiently opening II i»r bottle bis for |i By all dru«irl*U. of rh- umatbon ami I'hev were wed on that tor ‘tis ever of .that ot th «• fence i> day particular part V is*t K • *M»' \ \ > s*> y tm«s* wht > t t'. Alt FIR4 Paine’s the way their to it. The horse in brown- li V‘- Ua-d It. guide That must creed. x pa-sion conquer or while with 1137, n tare ing, gathering herbage Celery Compound And a happier pair it's remarkably statement for year l'>v ; .<• tj" havi been affll ted "lth acute its is ill its choice of u*ed gre&U? I\> discover —it is indeed! lip**, guideil proper V' ir I nr r! .t ami ..uld f.:. :.<• r« :t“t until 1 n- <1 i.»*ver 1 t.ii to or more, for a* wr»l ** ttm.iv .ism r«, '. < « r And so twas settled food flic nostrils. Blind years myself end 1- r> r.ii** ui \n< using nicely very. entirely by Out+tan hnjf !: 1’ i:n> 4. 1 j: *’ •’ ■>. ; ol t « t ;.l ( n tines it i-up dK hi- 1 am now cured For the cannibal maid and the mis- home* do not make mistakes in tlicii haring km wn them, when taken according to direction*. pn-ln .ng Kein. ornLvii. N. II. sionary— diet. In the temple of Olympus a desired result* In Br.iooaiM'M, I>y*pepaia, (’••!*, Symptom*, i( of which si\ real horse* expe- recommend them thna« suffering ■ rj»: pertorraed many sight N .» 1 !'• and If *•! ll\ JB Peter :.i .' v- M. MERRILL. 4 «.'>“•! ! \ Pi nl« (St 0.1 1 |'f rienced most \ ioietit emotions. .T.ham ahu to tamed complaint A. Hi »-*s :■> IFaxint t-* t do | jwfl K .r» ».a V v.ui.* ;.h? TIIE ROWER OF A VOICE. ^B \\ -t p. k.- 1 observes that tin* most :rh. >n. :«rvl judiciously per- I. ill.- N — 5 <-x r 1 n...’-"-' ;: mu i, wii s th? fect art could not imitate nature sutli- t.«. I| r \. V « n r,’! r.l rl r fr-s nt 1. j l > r »• a rheumatism ■: I.KO U y l-K I \ \ ful of reader* so army young cieiitly well to produee perfect an 0J4ESTY have fallen into line since the close of illusion. Like and Pausania*. '• ■ S -r *> Piiny S< u*h l‘i r~ n I i- nAn/rc- Hurts .1 a An ft .« ■ t’u ( % iI U r. \ et tlie Youngest ot c .. !ES i. he affirms that *‘in casting consequently Annual Statrnu nt a them are familiar \\»ih iu:m\ f the de- tin* statue a magician had thrown (genuine has ly or r*n hip- <*i mi tails at war. and no doubt know bv ine odoi RECEIVED it,” which, JUST p.ounces upon New Red |-| tm on >f the n-dde (‘Lnstian ( ommisjijMii of the plant, deceived the horses, and Hampshire tag \\ !i: !i s'ij ; lem•• •« 1 :!.. Sanitary Cdmi- therein we have *he secret of tin t me tSSDKTMIAT lit every plug. '•■*. Ini had t *r ,f** i are the TAKOMA CATARRH irg' miracle. 1 e scent alone of a buffalo Old Honesty is ac towi- in i! and religion*. i.mU of the r**he wt cause i«» evince 1 many horses j cdged to be the soldiers. ni,)isi3!iCu purest elv T.-rrot. and the scent o! a CO. li\ floating and s w it- .BU -A- BURGS ManelusliT. N. II. rr]03t l’erhaj kn tliat railwa\ tram will some long tasting piece t!iey worthy fiigbten et was S.„- oara Cry.* Tobacco Ihe-nl. t M* <»••'■: ge II. Stuart after tie* 1 -omotive is tint ot sight and r.g ,. T. L.n ion l. >" • a r > Staten,. on the marKct »t 1* b n 1’ b ijis they 1* not hearing. From 1 cunt to per Mini. Trying \ ,s *nv a t. fiii: M Stuart still i v *>.. and better test tnanany ta!K :hit :h."jgh but defied with the weight about it Give it a THE Won* r F*>UM W IRREUHloX. ; li« r\ It- 11 f.; trial. 1 « ■ S' ; ,1 IK ., ! adv tel age his e\«•* Torchon S\tfiss I nd.JU.e*. Voir dec1 r has it. Laces, Embroideries, \ e t > :, | S1! ,• i < N I ria "lies ill the J* »*t ( as their education has he* o-t|y 1 I \ 11 i• i d* ‘ights fe r e*dl flie ai ied not *m* man «»r woman in a liurdn i *•! 4v» 1: ! lie id- :.!* ••!' that « V iti: g (HThnl. Irish the leisured e ia-scs lc*- acquired an | Trimmings. HANCOCK 1 i\. :t- heat 1 h in t* !1 *i. t \ COUNTY • c -r| TT«rrt» a prr*»".n aC..ftal .t VC iri «: I into the conditions on which mtci Mat*** • la*..*, * atar- _ msigiit aft- r st«M \ t *,.* w ar. a 1 n«* ha- society is now h« 1 cents to ."><1 rent' c.-u-h. magnified view* of th* same pat yv-K t r- j prices, in- !* ai.d g:■ *i.' :.i-iav j /■ !'[..■ est* As fbt w<»men. » evet i M s‘. irt w \ : 111.g a «• a»up a f*• w instruct,.! tfi in t at it i- their duty to MONEY TO LOAN ik. In low W :«*.?! ui. and in tin •*see life and see it whole The 1 ;h*er: -i ■ steadily. I \ t ■ \ ■v. ; _• in nip an \ with tw or t r*-» Tinsel Braid ha«made .irrHiu'-nii-itt *» ttt» .• L. *• Kill neither men nor w«.men cure hi where!.\ he :«• n 1 .<-•! t-> -• ..." \\ Embroidery ‘•tin I jell! it nil ii ii .m w l- T he vn ■. w a *« ! ■: j»oi. il economy. Wiial tin* average ; late Mr. \\ ill.am 1. i> Ige ! V w Malt am I s (immiincnt. man «iiM understand is making m -.ei (mint) — York held a pra'er meet mg am -ng v IN V NNRIKTN OK COLORS. ll»s aim is t• \ some lu ky stroke to j TT-Jr the -idier-. Nor .-VI ok w toe t; BmiiL. nil OCCASIONS him) OCCl PA- bee one a -diver-king, railway <-f eatf Ir- Municipal Ie_Mii.lt. !l-!l UI f r < hut the Tit *N*« *tsr «•% lo-illg. r a r creator [V' I'h IU>T of :y:.,.n^ in king. maste of syndicate. C0- H«>\M AND U K-TE «:n m : I iei• 11• *>t wa- s di p that tli" <’ donel l N "f a •‘corner.*’ i'ln* it is that justifies lint i.lir AND »1.D. AU \.: r. Y ! tin* regiment '•ml "< .•» on.” and the Cases \ u 1 lai Imam's of tin ■ dcseription Stamped Slipper :n* "ii' w pr •. mge i tor half an hour nineteenth cer.turv a- •'.he tin s* HANCOCK COUNTY, or mo: At 1< t-t. t»*n k had li. T. SOWLE. irreogious that ha* ver b en seen ; In TTow VERY PRETTY. • mi" wh* li !ti" 'i"ine prep e *1 to Designs, .Hitf tins, an 1 not tin* assault upon dogma !» -ill :o \\ a-hlllg oil li: age. Hut hy I the de. bile i,f the ciltircfjes Th»T« lie ( ro l i. i. Y' 'U « lil t JO tn CARPETS is depth below a»heism. l**l*»w anti- I »1 \N a-i .g* u t -n j ; til- guard is eIigi in. ami into It th*' age has fallen Ueod mill less than t ost. p -h-d air* a- me w a* tile hour aiiy’* I* Is ere oVt-JV OUR DRESS GOODS the callous lit! nee to Jlllir In!, Nipt. H. ilrc. !>t. ! i' d III' 'ir.t :ng). "and an order !■',>r tlie next i \v,-nt. da\ s NEVER HAVE 3ETTER GOODS BEEN SHDWN. instinct which doe-* not make for li.- "ii »* ut i that *.o \ ! ■ -hail , AUK UKI)l’(’KI) in I’UK K t<> S l't X K anti bar. (>1. wealth /o'. h 11 /w tv,' will i 1 carpet- at ,-t. pri-vimi*. taking NEVER HAVE GREATER VARIETIES BEEN OFFERED. ha\ e t!." <•■ mu er* gn Cl. IMS. ONsTEKS. M IM.OPs I' ... w hicli ni'-an- t hat t in v w ill be -- ■*!■'« « it ive hu-: I e • 1 the Ini} |u N N NEVER HAVE PRICES BEEN SO LOW. -• >1,1 low ,-r t han t licv have c\ ,i l.ubsIci \ FIiiii:tn llatltlli pr- f Mr l) 1 j. and le -aid la- NT EO MAN n in pattern- Tapc-tix .1 1*" d to t *i* Woman has not suffered alone fi :n p« i.aj ir.agie j E I f llrM* M« which we will close out at vorth. ALi'IM hIH! ( tl < <■ lii• *. the denial t » her of !c— l.IEIT'S A1TD BOYS'- "w.-rd” w nid !<• g \en to M stuart political equality I I.WOYKR .i* master was co-t. Now \c o' a o.int ol h went .lust the by than all that p i-itiou 11 | injured a as well as his slave. *•» has ma ’* to tin- l ead.ju.irtei h. and returning : slavery arc hea\ \ -laden (w it h in< un-\ ) b, « «» w h I I’d the Mwuii" i:. Mr. moral nature n injured by his « >| >| | \< |\|, |>| < II. | HSH. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Cents’ Fur- •p" and want to oet a hard w > pan v iait'-i »r. I hen he gave the-e mi- refusal of justice to untn. urn- cine and -, u-. \\ ill FIRE H-> 4-> +-K an bargain nute i.r -ot:-*:.** : one has illustrated this by apt fig- Goods. | No ♦ S\h«.\| -TRIP! ShNN VOltK nishing ure. I'm* human race is nified >e|| on installment- it' r- *1) v. out until are near the pers preb TRAINS RUN DAILY. SUNDAY EX- you tRfACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY F* THE v *.V:LL : i' i: <*! .;•» 4 t. it ( is in- S [ v. >'ir hcriuti- ti‘ Ii* — at Ml It a <•••loss.il man, who, through CEPTED. AS FOLLOWS: >}-;••’: po-l two Hide- IruMl red. MUCH VALUABLE INI a.MLTI NT.. V. f ■ t: t. ti u.., : v: ti | >>l I ■« I. » »ji •» 1 •'j lit n» *> u * !\ •*! i n »* «-: .1. I and manic*" i. ha* com camp the:, it'iiv *» the cairiage atol famy. youth 111 >* — 1* AV 1 \ 1 111 '* r -• \• Tlf. |. ;" i avi I < led hi* l<> bear the hunb-n walk »:: ii in II wik In- pel right leg M »■ m r u present »: V ■- ! jrv,• '* ~ '• iuk ... ■ii ■- »-"• I'i 1 *•■*! h ■ I \ »• .. i-j for .11 to \ out fa e till v\ ill rail out "f the bod;, regarding the left merely II. f in. I.. » ga:. '«*!■ t' I ■'• I 1 t *' to be .Ti ■ \\ h go. then You will iiiiMV.T, as an ornaim ntnl appeu lag*-, lint... ■» Frt kLm.I » J \ swung b\ and t• i«• k1 IM t end inter-igu.' The up suppoits. I n : 14 lace a.d -I 'I M\l;v Ol \ >■*! I » t* F ■ ; * •„ tinei w:il -a.. Wliat l- it?* You Ut with ribbon*. jewelry (v* ’i I■ ii .ii !«. .at * !ur .•«> *>, bln .me would be n**r\rie>s and tobb*. wi 1 th n j.v. t *w i’ I whispered $ 4 «■ H *• n •. »: ; ;; ■ -■ nil! -’r »*•••. .ini,’1 .u ,t. 1EPUT1EU the other laim ami overworked, and P -t llllllllVmiLilHIW n \ r w hi a earn an*i lie low to you 11 *> 4.-! K* Y I -t.U« Ham.ok at 11 Jii i,» t> 1 It.5 I v\ ;• v ; l: -j l>t r i :i :i w * •< would iar i »•’! !»•< t •! k ot the the whole ,f N. v» \ :* 1 > pass.” progress body .. v m ic... x !. i:l \« «.Ot a slow with M>>. ill*- Nt miilKs I* e out be iitiev« n an 1 AM M VI Wed. the\ drov ill the darkness, halting, ■‘O’. lYn i., ItlWtK.. ... ♦ \ t-r hr. jjtn \ > ’: i- cit v. a*.«I ri the t»odv All who are interest- I and Mr. Stuart h i: the arriage at lh<* politic. IV -I nil. li M, >!ll •"II P ed in affair* fee! how lame, un- *f : :: ■ ! appoint, d a:.d advanced till the public I: r-t 'I rl; i. P. place. I’ .• » j and is the adv.ime of It k I I'r'i«» uni n M*» *. Jiiu-ket *.f the guard gleamed i:; dm equal imperfect hihv*i*rt: hi -- ■ I: A-:.'. I. t- > W-. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. the F r- gel -mi- nearness to hi- fa e I’heu the and how drag \ 11 ;; •society, heavily f k :n h- » * 11, i-« iii M t I f -t -i :«••! 1 •• t f t.r11,*'• i->: I., am! un«* lk« ; ! ; • ; interests of the H u>* •* »- and an-wvrs as great Republic. 1 « j piestio:.- followed ju-t mighty M • 'ft;- PiT'it: :n Alt I ►*-*:•. F.rt 1 « te -. tiie ( oi-.ra l had de-erihed ; when It wiil m- no better till c.»mph jus- V n. I only Hau llu;iK.,: ... i: .: 11). (I < !!<•« 1.. ;• VI 1 tl tto Ir 1 o \ i: Pr tO I.IWVIS tice is done to woman. With her en- j, Ji.-lt ; I-RIIEXI), »a a, t*> sr II.irlMvr lit ’• %i t *• the -entinel 1 "What i- it?” Mr. a.* &tf *!•!• •ul ..{ to 4 util rn >dw* 11: n«*r franchisement there will come a m bier l,r 'I i, „• »••♦*. • ■ :... ti Muart answered and in- ■ ■ \\ 1- It I *-!./• it I’.l'l-. Will; "Beverly *• •» > :• tr; ;ti t UPS V MIN \!.« »TT. P m t. t' .•! • ra. Then, with interests that are « tr i- •< M ;. ti< t.. .»!. ■ stead -if this proving the wonderful I Li M«i > l.tst N l’r> A -«*« 1 J t: !•• rti.ii. i: JEilowcrth, ;[f 2 I •» \ ! -« v an* ~t I identical, with a common t IP -nine,” the sentinel cried, humanity ,| «.. « a \ ■'•Mir. «.f l: : I •• calling j A. Iv. Iii"tn. rtf* .t.nn Wootlwiml. ••mi- " •■* both, die masculine head married to ( ti \itt .y \ mi a w A c >• f«» «• nn ii in N ir I. him hy name. "Mr. Stuart! yu have j the feminine heart .wisdom given th** wrong word—that i- not the j supplement- Kll»w*rth. No-,. i:*, *^...4; I’ -'"i.'i'f :ir* .»r It. -r; v t. •,•.. -|. *. f krt- ! man woman shall r..ji i*i-i siiif tin u i,m .i .i„ 1,l ou:.t*T-:ga. I ealillot let ; i ed with love, and you pa-s Ghas. G. F t.. F a. « at ! F I •• THE ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. 1 GREAT * ■ together work out the l‘ A A M Rteetd. This! you mu*t g ha. k t camp and get the great problems ; Burrill.Agt.. III KF l; A < ! a 1 *r« i:. ! i: Mu. i woid.” of hie, ami a nobler ami better civin- ME ik*-r (Chicago, Hock Island A Par.:.: and Chi il K 111 A Nebraska Ry=> iglit ELLSWORTH, F F It Mil lint .. I* v. •’*. So hack Mr. Stuart and Mr. Bulge Zutio:i shall come to the waiting future. Jl.:*- -. 1. It6 mam brur.f i. •*, r.> -——__- U. ;uu.- Chb O• — .-1. I. -Tin o'. a. ! drove in tin* hWck night, over the M'lrif IL. » mm is Jauu&ry l*t. 1^>'.». .INOIr* n i Dee Mom* .. scarce C;*y, roads It turned out that the 'Cn- \ muddy Mr*’. d Co :< \ it ao t*> /\ vai Serni-Annual Financial Statement f »; ,1 IV i-r \ 11:111 HLOSSOMING OUT. .. o:n uiisinKe wuispereu me \ 6gth Spring Arrangement bOiA-W at* rtown and •• u A hi. and Kansuo Ci• v r. I :u‘ I •a*:. (oiinlrrsign of tlie In-fore—it w is «*t I HE Joseph, day loao. ♦!i NEBFiASfrCA Horton, I : .* cliangt d Flit* mistake recti- Abu y*, Cabr.vtli, in KAN A- rud* rv: every day. The Maine are out villages blossoming RADO. Trav.-r n a : u. ur- fied. thev started again, and again •. Dress ill newspapers. Ibis winter. Nov ones alTordinif b<-b- Le air of r< rnmu:i;< .r Ooocis Pc. ran El and s« : want through the progi amine. This already out or soon to appear, are report- PHIENiX INSURANCE ebteg tn itherNvbm. e K. Trimmings, C0„ Ac :aco, Indian Terri''.: T*- Arizona, I SH HVLS. 1.UHLS' .inti (if rime the word was *Ma—.nclm-ells.” ed at fatten. Winterport. Newport, it rad- coast TV l MILK tVLtit. HOSIERY. KNOW THYSELF. <»K H.\kTFOHl> FiiNN and traus-oceumc Seaports. ford, Corinth. Hluetiill. Yarmouth. Cher- fcJ and were on. Til SCIKNCU OF 1.1 Fa Steamboat (ompain. A:' ■' they permitted logo "cm rvrteld. Carmel. Itrewer. (iarlaml Monroe. A nttlicand ."'.andaril poi-uia Medical Treatise « ■ FAST VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS Hr. t»tj : i .!:••»• Store A- ( i. |i«v:ii’ .»t ;>i, !*■" lint not before Mr. Mu.ir! ha-1 turned the Kf i» of Youth. l*rei rvooa Iianforlh ami Franklin. The Dedioe.Kt Of Palace Coach.•• *. r L-n L < f 1 newspaper and the Blood Lvufiniif conip» *•=ilpmen* Physical lability. lmpuritieeof ■ :: < »' asked the soldier. "How did *i * ■»t im■ n < •muiffit ir of aceorr mod .‘.on- run 'h. oukI. iu v» '. yi I •: and business must be g iod iu eastern Maine, It i!. £ J ".it if. \J (r. ki ; ti, ,. \,.u luxury ;; |..r .ml. 12 1-2 1 ,,f j-, r ,... you A "• » 11 i’r D-e.v Pu.-bl S.r .Air I'b 3 M VF 1 was anil eastern Maine must be ami for tire Ii.| 7 IT I;,.;- JTCido Sprinks, ■ know who I in the dal kn-ss ?" and prosperous V .■ IT:,/ TRAIN SKftVICK daily bet a C'iicu> tvi v ..k .1 F : h i)n 1 to so b t.t. the man had answered: “About fifteen progressive support many papers A x K« >I.L* >\V> *.v;*.»n Chirrup? and Ha:: a.* Crv I' a I C -*, ! SHSETIPJG I Iff A I, — Ere ho loir. K- Chair Cars PRICE and Palace *>. ( a::: rr x .% la WIDTHS. a * * lining years ago I heard you -peak to Sun- II i:i-l, it) Bank, an I w till BLUER s:or;. Chon e route- to .ad fr- >u.’ L C: y, p. 4 To a who has a ILL. daily. In York S.ate. and printer picked tvpi \c* il.'. 07 Ang los, ban Dr*?o, Sun Franci o, and localities. Qiucx: fcxm-y day-school up I M..< k- an .. Dt quarter ot a century it will remain 1 prompt connections and transfers :n U:;. ; though i have never seen vou since, 1 I**'1 'i- 14‘*.; »* «■“ the unrecimCilalile- how a Hartr ! Bank Mm-k-, V_\I'.--.*i remembered voice. If it hadn’t among "pa- Overtaxation. Enervating ard unfitting tin* victim f_ THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE your j or Ml-«It* Bank M**«'k». ‘Utj.T HAMBURGS lent outside” and some ot them for Work, Burin- ss, the Married Social Belati(-n. ! ••! r. 1 patent |it .n uni ILiKi- a 1 -t k< an-1 been lor that. 1 should have -hot you !” Avoid unskilful pretenders i‘i*scM this gr* tt Runs superbly equipped Ex nr 1 Train- d .••• b--- coon CL. c », both sides, with a circular folded in, work. It »•*«. -, ] (.■ ft,, s contains &►» pages, royal Svo. Beautiful Rock I. land, A hison. St I .-a. H.... a (L m H Fro,,, jj for 1 "iif.t. < amt Water B-*n1 KKTT. .!i,n,.n,.!. r. util apoiis St. Paul The I r. :.te To y.-ra-ni mall, concealed in Illus- make >• post-paid plain wrapper. th ■ u.. I..- htmtini* and rt :. F:ar. h Loan* on 5. tri|.. |*.■ v.rtt, II,,,,. |...... |..... llshingr grro1;:. trative Free, if vou n- w. The Collateral, •'.3,922 ■ > local Prospectus apply '.ii '* l.i: o iru.j8 through th n.« •.-* .v i: .*n Iowa,.- du. a tern Tin- IS paper. •, initvll!.-. k. II,.».k;iii V( h |i:., )1'K CI I 1)0' KIM. HOUSES TAILS. Wm. II. M. IV. re- Real Ks Loan* ; i,,i. ^,,rrv .XCK! distinguished author, Parker. ami F.ll-w r: Minnesota, and Ea.-t Soub. F c: >ta However, it is easy to start a paper ceived the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL Accumulated I nteivst and Rent*. 22.114 .V' •* "■ I : to from the National Medical 1,1 .•.>!).-r imiii : THE SHORT LINE Vi \ NFC A AND Ku off- r a Association, I. *-, \N ill New York ii a;. I satur I,.-. travel : :.•>• "d Coune.l id St. ready printed, perhaps for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and FiH tl €»*li As#uW, 247 bet-tve -n Cin :nm: .tnapoli The Committee on w Agriculture Tliurs lb-turning i,1 I. .1, I i-u. ith t*v« r\ Leav -:rv Kansas C M .-*oL and bu IhuL week before its date, and it is easier PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr Parker and acorps Monday Joaoph, Atchison, -rth, ;‘"‘l 1 bur-:l.t\ It : .1 in. dav considered llies of of Assistant be consulted, eonri- For or inl'onruc: n, to J• question legislat- Physicians may LI A HILlTIt >. U illtou. li Tickets, Map-, Fold rs, desired .-ply any Coupon H. aiiutc-n« stilt to let it ning landing*. both McDonald. suspend. dentially, mail or in at the office of wa\*and Ticket Office in tho United States or Canada, or address ion to the of by person, •'.."•iiig y\,-t „!!, xt prevent docking horses, Doubtful if the man ever lives who can THE PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITITE, U.M'kland with tin ! I ish >»* *tenuu>r* for I’.—t.•»» dnv.i tails. Dr. T. No. 4 liulfinch St., Boston. Mas*., io whom all Cat I'tal, $2 ,<**> 00 E. ST. JOHN, E. A. HOLBROOK, George Angell. presi- Re-erve for Tl.kita on make a good local, family paper halt I orders for books or letters for advice should be Outstanding Losse*, j| ,175 25 limiugh Hoard. Itow»ge Checked I Oencra! II.I.. Gen’l Ticket & Paa. Re.-eru for through. Kani?or. CHICAGO, Agwit dent of the for the Prevention directed ae above. Re insurance, 1,642,656 49 Society or of it a week t.ALVi V three-quarters printed ; Net surplus, 1,172,415 43 Al'sTIN, General Manager. Ii .-ton. of Cruelty to Animals, argued iu favor 1 vr38 KKKn’ T»-‘'a" 1 or a mouth ahead of its date ami man- t Agent, Rockland. TV mill Total 1 VAE. V.IIA t EE,!? E'Gworth. urn Assets, 17 Agent. it. ut tins hill ; 5,061,24*. OG M iiiw, who have no interest I WANT T »ta! laws M %M KAMI KER OK shall aged by parties since Organization “Whoever mutilate any horse of l(** whatever in local or town affairs. It Company, $24,085,463 *3 If any «lt*al»-r hr ha* th«* " I TO IS A — — ktamixU on by cutting the solid part ot his tail C OO! > i: w ailhoiit nainr and prl<«- The be hut not H President. a* a fraud. mod goods for (he least may done, yet. Kellogg, the bottom, put him down in the known as or I> W ( skillon, Vi.-e-Pres’t. operations docking is no ‘'social” side in the It so to There pa- j •Ml Mitchell. 2-t Vice PrcVt. monej? go I,. \. and whoever shall cause the WEAK MEN ar'uY Joj’s pricking, RHEUMATISM Oe.. II. Murdi* k, n*< Boston & GRANITE thus The local has 1* th<**<* Mifferiug fp«m the ..f earlv de- retary. S.S. Co. per printed. paper ( Bangor ha*. K. harness and trunk store. He same to he done, or assist in the cay, wasting vv eaknes., io-t nianii'Mel 1 will I tiaiacar, Ass’t secretary. doing ns and its have a near imprint sayings valuable treat I** scaled full same, be containing particii shall -f-ir MUSIC has the punished by lai home ure fret* ..f STORE. largest stock and Monument-. Ta* et* an-! headstone# and all imprison- neighborly grip on its readers, because charge. >h-nld In- read k;i, of cemetery and budding work at lowest ment in not exceeding one or by everyone who has rheumntir-m or is nervou- W1MTES SERVICE. jail year ( is a lowest in the market. th Hi.• of used there link of fortune in the home and debilitated. prices Only •{iia'ity granite and a not the U‘«t o? u by fine of less than $100 and not Ad-Ire-- I*IIOft' II- E It I l ift .rkmai,ip guaranteed, "team pol- paper that residents do uot ob- Harnesses of all from ishuig work-. printed 3u:50. Mid tilt-town I have oj^r.i ! » M v,(.,. *n r‘..- new K k grades Particular attention paid to exceeding S'K'iO; and fines collected I C. C. ■- tain or to from the 4 ouii. llloek.itnr II ir!» .»i.. 1 u. tarm-di polishing and lettering. respond foreign BURRILL, Aqt. , a,,, ;n*-! $10 to The best is the or from, the com- "_Jb.-J In t(,i-Hon will $10. upon, resulting | Union. every printed pages.—Machias thliiif In the mu-i' Hue WATER STREET. or intormutiou of an officer or I ELLSWORTH, MAINE. m^SSBSS3MKSSmHS' eheapest in the end. ELLSWORTH,MAINE. plaint for the I ».I II.I» ri \N‘> tm i"‘ of tile Massachusetts for ; I1ANGOU USE. "ilrox.% Wl.lte i.r-^a' < an ! «t.it 'l l' ! -.-win* agent Society n-nl. *#*Ifyou want a factory ii.irness.be can sell you PUTTING HIMSELF IN HER PLACE. i-hlne*. OrKan- an I M i- h !»••- t" the to CV.innten dng tn-c. u-t. oM one a* low a- in the vat* Trunks of all Prevention of Animals, Monday, l**s, steamer*, "..met ar-.in- in : .in 1 I’ anyone Cruelty will leave weather from tile Buck-port, permitting for B»-l <• style- coiniuoii up t the late-t .r.it.-ga, shall lie over to said in aid ta-t.t Instrument* and ma« h'.ne* taken In e\chan-«* paid society am*ten. Roekiand and ISo*ton, Monday* hi d also blanket-, r*.' mats, bags, whips, harm-- For Sale. j new. aie! J. T. in the North Thursdays at 11 A. M axle oiU, hor-e boot.-, in fact everything per- of the benevolent objects for winch it; Trowbridge to the bu-:i»e>!—ail at low ami war- RETIRMNG. taining price* A valuable horse *ix year* old. weight eleven was This act shall take American Review ha» an article on IMPERIAL FIRE INS. A stock of Violins. ranted. done ut short notice. incorporated. Boys. CO., From good Banjos, Repairing .i!*:.dred a j Boston. and half strong, “sound a# a nut” and Tuesdays and Friday* at 5 I* m He tells of one child who rroin “kind a- a kmen.” Will make a effect upon its six-year-old OF LONDON, Roekiand, and "Hturday* Mandolins. Sheet Music, good carriage, passage.” ENGLAND. at Wednesday* Guitars, farm or team horse. Term* about ti A. M ea*h. Apply to the Mr. Angel I said it was a few was certainly a remarkable specimen : touching at ail rUer land and Mu- subscriber at the A mkkk an office only lngft. Instruction Bocks, Strings wealthy and fashionable who “He had a cake, a of which MOI ST j.c. ciiilcott. people portion DESERT AND FRENCHMANS BAY Ellsworth. I >ec. 2»J, 1 -*>. United States IJrnneh Statemeut January 1st. I889. sical Merchandise of all kinds. Fine tffi wanted to dock the tails of their horses. his cousin Minnie coveted. She LINES. L. A. I and Ban- JOY, run him of what the ( for Violin L. DOUCLAS Under such a law they would not accordingly reminded ommenrinc Monday, Ihc. 3i,t. .leaner will imported strings W. MAIN lea\*- Itnr 38, STREET, ELLSWORTH. Harbor, weather a* the risk ot into court. ! Bible says about doing to others as ASSETS. permitting, follow Sheet Music and sent by ira getting brought '»>»'. Iklan.1. I.im'1 jos- Strings CENTLEMEN. t .F„“r^"U'and ToM »»r,7r. SHOE and so the would at once be we would be done by. ‘Now you U. 8. and State Bonds, Market Ijtndtng Roeklaud, «on»»eeting with steamer I mail $3 WANTED. practice Value, 970 00 for Bo-ton, postpaid. Real K*»tate owned hr Co., Office Monday* and Thursday s at al*>ut <» Colonel I). II. Needham and know. Willie, if I had, the cake, you A. Mor We are a stopped. Huihlln/s in New York ami Phil- upon arrival of -learner from -orrento. tar Can or mu- wanting large force of Smart or furnish any music bill. A would waut half of it. Willie hesi- adeiphia. *w»rrenio, Wednesday* and Saturday* at and Intelligent Men to travel and solicit others supported the gentle- j 412,272 50 I about I P. M. Cash in Rank, hands of Trustees, and sic books at short notice. The usual orders for Trees. man Maine said state tated a moment between inclination Shrubs, Vines. 4c., on from if this Office. -j ^ KKTIKMNU. Premiums in course of discount to teachers. Salary. would this law,that stale would fol- and conviction of and then said collection, 154 546 18 j From Boston, Tuesday's and at s pass duty, Rents Accrued. Fridays 51*. M. rrom *» P^^aSsur-- Patent K INVITED. I Roekiand, Wednesday and OUKK>l’OMih\'C low suit. There was no honestly: ‘I should waut all of it.’ B lls Receivable, Saturday Liberal Tens opposition, 366 37 mornings, upon arrival of steamer from Boston DOUCLAS to Beginners if of Mature rora W. L. Age. With tears iu his but an«* s Caveat*, and Trade Mark* and the hearing was closed. eyes, resolutely Sorrento, Mondays Thursday at a A obtained and all THE FORUM $1,613,871 24 Patent ! LADIES. busicess conducted for Moderate Fee*. 8. T. CANNON, A CO., Augusta, Me. choking down his grief, he handed SHOE Our Office i* U. S. Patent ROCKLAND S3 Be.t F.ttin*. opposite Office. We 2my* LIABILITIES. AND ELLSWORTH LINE. Best Material. Be»t Style. have no ail it true that over to her the entire cake, which she sub-agem-ies, business direct, hence Whooper—Is Blank’s Steamer is withdrawn until — of FRANK M. J! MAS8. cau Iransaa year. It is HILL, General Manager, Boston. Our fee not due dll patent is secured. ministrators of the estate of W«ldo 1* late beginning premiums. Lowell, •the foremost American review” of living sub .. 853,934 74 Itttf Han- A U>ok. "How to Obtain with re as well Net 111 the For B. Young, Agent, Patent*,** of Buc.ksport, in the county of Hancock,deceased, suffrage but full eot*. and its are Surplus l nited States over Sale. C. •rence* only, suffrage among contributors 200 of the to actual client* in state, county, or boud astiie law directs therefore re- al,» jour by giving ;they —Be careful of the book9 read But there will lie one differ- ending writers of the world. It gives authorita- 759,936 50 A farm 1n Trenton.liordeririAf on Jordan’* lliver, owu. sent free. Address ail i*er*ons who are indebted to the said de- you important quest ;ive discussions of each side alike of every leading »75 icres more or le**, conveniently ceased’* estate, to make immediate and as of the for ence in the case. In order to let her llvtaed^ontalnlns into payment, company you keep ; your juestion of the time. The New York Herald gays $1,613,871 24 Veld, pasture and woodland, with ail lark & Parker, So. YYesI who have .any demands thereon to exhibi >fit, “It has done more to the farm (°t MfA; habits and character will be as much have a he will not be to bring thinking men iceesaary huiidin^a in good or iei. t ut* S5 n^fpr settUiinet* vote, obliged »f the Into connection with current liters- i »r 40 ton* of b Will In* C. A. SNOW & CO-Y country Salesmento canvas for the sak of Nurserv y. sold at a barpun * Stock! —DoctolW^Aflckett YELL, influenced the former as the latter. himself of his own. :ure than any other This is an ex- I taayterma. tlso ah.p a Harbor. by deprive publication.” Steady employment guaranteed. SALARY buggy nearly new, of Walerrille. hawKR8055»' for reader of AND ol^*er Iann rhayer Hood. optional opportunity every the EXPENSES paid. Outfit Free. Iraplement'H, w ith or Laiuoine. 't|HK>ute P,ni w“ —[Paxton Alice Stoke Blackwell. American to aeeure the Forum. without the term. L. R. Hodgkins, Hi on the Augusta board tfS I C. C. Burrill, 2ral4* F. W. CHASE * MRS. N.J. MOsLEY. omae.WuktrngUmJ^ ** Agent. CO., At fuata, Me. tmlO lyr® Wouo and is •XAirining pension appllct Doctors Lapham and Croat

..- "Trf-d- -I ._-as. ELLSWORTH AMERICAN, - Extra i‘l ELK LAWS (»!•' Till-; sTATK OK MAINE. I’AssEI) L\ III!, MXT. K Iss'J.

I .*>o f'fenptrr 4 hnpi.r 1*7. ('haftirr I til. >:.iim *t I I < »r ri'anf t'lon ri ftn» »r*■ •<( !(:•» an \( r S. •- ■ tv.nl- V .1- I ft. l-V mt .-t’. ,u 1 AN \'T t*- r- * I: .. lnt. *1 I I _.f<. 5 an V* T ? *'r. ! h 1 * * ■• ■ n« '-Air tin I «- .' « I. I »t, .. r r* S !.••»» of .-?>*• !i «*r.:*in /.it: tn -jeon. < J f u»* i:-* pr 1 ■ 1 iif. ..it, t.» •••' * t •>*•( / /. N \\ It. •• « **• ■ 1!• -. t:..> t *.* »v t 11 iu •>'«.. J :v 0rnfitnr,t g t- I! I. .-iiftr,* ! :n »» i.'. of ■ rr- t .■ C f -ii i' ri!tv-i.ft «tiip:*r fhtli.irt"! | '• n mu- hut I un four of rhn fort I • N* t, f pi I >ur ■ f t‘ 1:r-\ ! iii*-In* t I u r- ii in <■ i-1-.v I ,t> % *. .if.-1 !.»••• ..f t!i.» i-nt*l.■ luv»4 ..f torn Ii :r*-*l jh ,• *• ■! -t.i! t- i* h»'v» 1 : » • ir- * ■ m : r. \* t i! 1 to *-ri «• rr i- »l — .m v r. .• U*. 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In* «J«111 I r* in ■•III* ill f II v.»r o t.ir on ri t rt ■. r»t »\ f I *• »*r if thf It* T.N-! Statute* -Jx I it •- v « I (■' >-• »' » '1 of I *: I., .. a l... ,i .% i» li.rft>v a- > | r.1 d (• at .»i i.ne. »n xt the .1 ft injj *u« h Matenient. pit I : u: :l »■ 4. »r. rv ■ *«t -a mm t„ ... alt. t f *•! t imi lie Mat* a muu to t I ji;al }- th- Hat- t 4 -If I 4 < t- r:t. -r ■ pr '• r* >. t.,i » ..r iml.rpi U\ ! v Mr * .4 >1 IU *»'• 144 ft- 41 t. 4 t. f fit L'f ** mi. an ai •! J t«- t* •• a rt «.f « I o iii » la ?• t «: ike efT—t wh.-n ■ a|»pr-Te.1 a* *•; V t! .« *•■- .!i .. I r* .<•■•. e t' x I w » V 4 ;. fc. ft.-- i* .1. •*.*. W 4* 1 1, u. |» nt!,x \ rot »• 1 1 i»rti3rt 11 •. ■, » n' to l.i „■ v pi •UTe a •:;» iTT.-at. V. n ti. .* a. t i, 4 u | 4 »—« .1 or I-. ll .4. lx x 4 by --. M-n.k .4. l,»»■*. 4,-• |. 1 ( ho pier I HO. Cut I I Vi 4.“ f «* VI •, 4. for ... ir.t *t ft. )•■»• > r- \ N‘ M T t-' m ** ‘Ml': 'O-II two !v f f A' k I t... n A i! 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W of t*-r 4-t.e !••!- 1 et I. tl V Il.tural ,» I I- ■ vk ti. »!..%: to an -t'n o .»#• »t.r■ .i:. 4 ai In .» ► 1 11 i.»• tli-ut t'.e j.!• .* I'.irt t«o 1 t.-fii,? !:• *.«>•! ... .*>... r. hun.lr.«1 -'.o.-af* t>h •' -■ » :• v.- x. «k *i,e it \j • ■ I *-\ t r. .. .-tat*-.. ii. •••,! to I.« .I--■ ,r.t\ alto- ti 1 L.i U-. n \; 1 t. t.-.•:•! -I anl ta. i.tv-«« v. n the .' .a a t ’• > .0 I 1-4.1 » a —4*44 -x x \ 4 •* 4 of f ^ .4 .. d- t .41 v l: « l. ! « | '.oil )'* U4tl|:X ( kaptrr IN7. hu Ir*-.I .»• 1 o._hewven. I« here! » tart■ am* 1" I- " *.4!» t<-r -•It.'- 1 *1 .: •*.{», |.rvj»» A v *. t 4 ter ttire,* ■t- a .t the a l.^th rtee Intl-.e lirwt at..|ti.-r ACT to amen. | Se. ?! 'i: f U- ♦ > ■ «!• -4. i’- 1 n «■*■'., Vi .0:1 tl k ..! 1 «■ ... -1.- y t t II -! •* I. : "it iij ; b« t t »»• it.*> 4> •• t t;.-rL*e 1«'i< '•-rk* •* k 1 rtji,.; in there.-! t anr l'f rt.> •'♦•■-' 1 I V h.ui t*. u -.•■■it .4 4 r.4t.- I t. 1 t Hit* of *44*. 1.1:1.•:r• I ■!• ir». j * >e» V » te « ii*» 1 4. n a* a'li* I*-* a.* » U f I:. )l*e| Sul ■ t 1 t ■ x •> ail.* rea-1 I il i- .- It ! 1 I.Ufl^jui. t «4} L. •) 1 u. :.ti»k or U»tii '>1 " Utea a:i«i.4v-5. ! ! there t.. the f • ^ a! 1 1 1 x^i• v,. rat ■%!». «. Hint ..um..i k:. ■•«*. a- hefrl-j ■:^ *. » e :r’*« r-l» ■ x. (•" f n m- re t»*s*rw «.f a.;**. Vt !• » 1 A t, *■»: •** 1 ;' t) 4 n t |-r, llinuM 1. «• »• <*.' 1 *t 1 a i. ..a u' I Mrn.,. !• *. 1 lie t:.4T ala.* ..t a tbrrw lot 1-y atto-lf 4. f.- |.J X4.X 1*U- :i.i 4 ■: *o|t. 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H « — 1 .4 -r. > t., 1 t ..-M.iU u t 1 ... *• -r •• < I t« rt I \tut. «• t.. ■ 4» .'-I -4 w r» 1 '4 .t| f 4t.r^ a-r;,., ,j n. t. .: tl,. t 1 • 1 I Ixxir k r< 4.. a r* a« .• .1* j- k fit... U -r •»r, 1 I Mf liit m t t* r« >• IU- ! M ■ I (•!«< ! n| 1 1 4 i:.tw-rtiD$i « t.-r f -v ** t* *'!».' tu*l Ki. :: *.* aiu.-Otirti -Isa N tu f I • I K -v .1 \» !••>!. 1 *• v. n .t « If-*t »• 1 ■ f t!.r II. % t >' .• f r’-irf- l«U! » t. « o c.i I t. | I 4« J 1 -t.Tt t! t. f Ilf f s» <• rth 1 1 + .i \V 1 ».• wv. t* f.-tna f t »*t»* v* r«-*\ i.tf t t .. «• 1 «*.•*•;... 1- k v% j. i*;.■ I ! f ! ... a IN- If.- w r*l 1 «• » < *.!:» !.!••• .la t a?*. ■*» *•? < « ... —. »!. ->• i" ,« f *> ! !!•■• raj- I M .a;- u.. '. ! ■■ *" t tr ...If.::.., »• w l- ri.«t .. to — ■ u 4 t .• v « .• .. .< .1 ir -L 1 u.- j .I t. hi L *' • t « t t. I a-a If ■! .. : ! »' I I ** .•**•! a. •••• .t i;.- ; i. *»r* li: M •. ’. I a »•.. I or < » ■* '•**' r. M J. I I ii <*i !• a I ..I r " '* •* f 1 i- 4-r t. v 1 i' I * ■ I 4 v • i’-;-- « i*l t‘i- <• ., ■ .1 I',. 1 I!»* .If ! .»u y » |. • I* •«.' 1 <‘f !• -*ii 1 V. I F. .. 14 j-« It ! )• i** ■ **•«*«• «iu: »..« .-i i l1 i. I ;n I ..art- «-t i. M * tr-,N n- «,i ». -• -« !•..* t-. ■ :r .V4» I ** r- 4. » t.i- l« J t .. » it* !.-t- *• 4 Kii I ** I |>*t ■* ti 1 .r t- I t“ tv T •••.!; ■ t. x AN \ I ; »| .*• *u 1; .Him—.‘.Ti t 4 t j.f t t t.'l t. r« v. * "• r. f rtv tf.r-a < iMj f. ■ f lit I I « i. ■ a u r-. ,ri v ■ 1 t ilcpa | | th. Mali:!. r- tt •« ! I k- t: I I- I.. n ; I “** 4 ■ f. .* f .4 •. :. » t- r. :.*i 11...... a:- t the a« .4...... I. >» •! iluw*** :.j-i. T 1 Nvt..'!, | V tl.r.i t. f 1 I v» u. ••:! i» •!• ••''**• 1 I U t is ir.irr I in.. t. a. t I. ** •>« 1 n.-t t. •. J :.j I 1*« a: .at I* *■. ■ *t 1... -• * u.i.1 -.I .1. :. ► •, t »• >» : :l •! !- .. •! Ut '♦** < 'f 111* *4 I •*!:.!>., « • lit V.u* I 4 ► l< |. I• :at;. t, I 1’ » « t r....:. .it.««i -t it *«., r.« Ap|M••»-«! I — 4 ,* «• it. A'.-..- I’lf * *t. -•! >» *- I T ■ I * I I *llA.. .4, !' > t 1 •• If. 1 « hnptrr i. ... « 11 -4 V kn <« f a. ir-nl S, \ -.■ !»• br :.i yll. AN \< T ir--n I li.. SapW ■ •• M'.'f i!'.: !■ 1 :. '.‘<1 •••.. i.9*1 1 t.ii.c t.i. jva.U «('tuiu.vii 11. p !•* --»• »•’ 4 I '■* 2 -*• •• .» i.. »«*:.• \ hiaplrr r- .• I .. ri »*r |-i i* *. .a' u m t -. ■ I*u!:*lr. •! «»•! flfWu "»• a. -i .• •» '• **' .v N’ .’ •» I. .1 — 4 '}. 51 .• 4 ■ it 4 nr I *t h •]->». n: A \ T f t f K- IS1.! r- J. ! T mlr-.K.. ^ « it i-i part 1 ■ *• -• .if- krr« -i I .- I \> K-»t..!■ a : « '• *< 1 t (*•»•. I.* 1 ,.rv*.|ii« > l*r.i,.ir.Ar:». :t:. i| i'ij v, !;• I •* *» .*.«•• 1 r» »1. b- 1 .- ‘-rt ■. £ •*' 1 -• ► a. -> •...... *.m *> f.» 1 :«• *• .*'« !» HI 4. Y it ;i "I.ht ;i_ »v <1.« J*k* I I :<• I uit ui it.*- ! x p I 1 tf at ».•! #. «• •• •• *- 4.4 v % * t i:. * M t .-l ■ t *-• v it ( T'/. ft..*-.,: ["•nil.' m>.l jll’ ... ha «i.v rrll »• « a. P.t ! \ u: *• I L- 4 4 -• •• 4 ♦ *. ( i:.«- r- r.-- ca .»'• tii' « .. f.r *- « « *. 4 4 t 1 :.*- -i- | aui.V.r..'- a.**,^; »u- Ii I'l l: -■*: u*.i 1 t •* « 1 ■ i« :•* «• .• .. « tato f » t.. v I .#• » a *• I t .»*•»•:.•• v -nJ r. at rvt. •• xi I. ; '.•• in A :;t ; i: t ».• ru !*j.f t!»« t .1 » v .4 : f t »; «»• mi tin* I ** *ii t.. .41. .* x t ;i r. t * Jim. irui ati'l i*;.IVt» 1 *. **» t- (••<■! t. ft: u » « a •» W t .i 4 1.^14 *. ill. » a h a* !;♦>".« J ►ha.i i.-Ti-. a :- tin* t.«*t«* a m I l»*-ar.ru: r. v ■!• •y | 4 l*K». *‘ a « hnftlrr » 44 « t x V ».|...... i,«. t t;,. v. t.f t t. tl.at t':» i.trtwl* »l I i«'fr ^ ** AN \f*T * If* *fi- f if .1 'c- 'in ! It*v »t< > l ► ■••wt •• Tr i* t.s! 'ii r«: '1 l.u.-a -• 1 « .... « t '«!ttr »:, ! < ■ a tit Af r* «t < 1 t f » •« li. •.« i"> M'.r •* *• y ► :• •:!.,* 1 Hi.i | £ «I•**•»*. lx* »-» tii** i*Oit> ol Lr ; **1 -n t* < f».i tv- h Ip- 1 1 ftflM-u -• « ~ .4 4.«, .4 rt t. a.*-- •?. ! .• i. ’. 1 r. *t '«l t«»v*.4: .. -h .» x| I » I. t1.'1 ». a: I *u- itt1' li- 'l v ic '• •' s.- d "'ii •t! r« iy 1 « ; ';*»>:. •. .... t t.. a x 2 S-.. b •••, /a rr-av op- n ar-j at-- f ".•• t » L. two Hill t ».'•%•. u !' ) t».l •• t .4. a«-> t.» «.ir- 4 « fT ■ *:-• < > < : *u*:«- .i,:u a m.i * « I'. .1 » » ’-m •* 4* > ! j*t* I » j* 'll., iii. 4- •* ~ t:.- f’?-s »• a that *.i 1 a* .!• 4\ ’■«• -1" ! !•• !«*• «•« t I •• I — ! 4 1 t.» ;■ ti-. ?i a pi i* f>r I’ a -:h nt-. »p*. \ a i» : Jr. 1 *• I I 1 r- \ :..v» r». t 7 l ti.* 1 A .A fifty f• ■ i* 1. p .• .. ! •.—« 4 4 r- 4 a-I 4 •*.»•.- I li .4 l!l ! t:*«- t t »r\ Of m I 'iut:v i. j !.“• I I » .» »:•.! 4 11»• .a It •* ^ X * » J Ij" I *t- :t f M »•. »t- 1 .; i• 1 !*v ».4 t 4 i» i: i*t* t'.i.• ii ..• « t* ff- f ;u» !.:• 'a :. ■ .ii J-.;- i’»- •» 1 •• c .at «u.» rtoii I r.u.k « I t. 1 *■.< t trv '.a.. !i !• m ^ l.f ah-i., a.--t 1 '■ I v III : .ft lli Mv.' I .tv. l-. 1 r.» «—•! 4 lijf «!s •• •• I'i n i, 4-•. t! f .••..*■ a.: .... ".If I. J »U-r« t. ■ >r.« 1 1 !i •,!»■'. V .• r*!". t wh^n J..r an hi .» ** :-•_••• I J •* « ,f ?*• «! I ti 8|'|’f"»r4 ■■ v « tfi ► :r t.* «■■ a — ii • ► •".«-•! 1 r*l .* ■. •!•*.• t ..I ! u| -1 t!.«- *• 4- f I. nj'j--ar uj>* n liiA ;. 1 f « Ii •'ll' wry -• *• *1 *. U- i. >r r. ** tl. *i ••• *• l< n «• -1 .v t- t. ? fa:: lit in ... | fji- 1 I .a.. I «• *. -'.St ; 4 h-.pfrr l!#l. ? — •* Ml ■ r. t ■ 3‘ -• •• < t-n- I 4. la. *. » t. ••• M» ..Ti ► M 1 r« i.if v I i'i.iv .ft. -ar \t AN A^T ! f -.•«! -- *u : i- » .*> I J- 4 a 1 .4— :.!» .1 If f t: »« t 4 **-'•• Nr ! t\ :.*. a .;j ir a: -I 1 I **uio*-•••• r• x...... -• ! t I >(• I 1 ..it :-r: ,-rv «••*«-. t 1 'I 1 t.. ^ ..f rv f <• <• I. .• !:• I a-"l M’-vti f •• ••• T t. ► ■ f 1 v- .. -i ti!A .. itfi.-nt> ...*W< •! I It :* ty atrU III* it ; » < 1 a. ti.**r»**-l i* % *vr\ i« “UI I 4- vi T v ? V » ► .4 1 „• •• 1! I. -I »». or h»-:« y .tj'ja.*- Thu* t :.a'.' taa*- rffrt ! .;j-| 1. ? ati'l •• 1 « .4 m ■: •* t 4* ( i. 1 1 a n._.i. .» :«n I i* :• .% I •:•••• 1 t :• * w ar •> L**t» v \, j f | »"| -• .«•••» «v .••!.*. 1 f ‘.I,. .'I*. It I: :. tj •!-* 1 .*• * ■ € bnpirr I I. .' rii.il '1 tnr'« -»■ •« ? **:. t.: >r I » l.i' o! ii* a: ! t •• n :..rti -*• ..' t. !' *•'■-• u n« ii *• ;• ! y «.• •. V *» .*!» r.iv^u* ti:« *u:.j»« AN .\rT I _ f a; ?-’r r*j- tru*’-*-* mav from tn -it .. > •• «: •; *• -. ii ♦ -»* f ~ .*• t ! aJ« u*r. r« |«raavl. w-- •■•t' 4 V V- r- •*! » n rl 4. t.f 1. •>{.. « t ti. I.- 4 1 lrl.i g h 4 .* it'. ..

« ti- v 1. 1 v .t. *• I* t: •. t r- T «• f .._• ••. x* |-.ift •» a na pier 17* Jt t.-r I •.!!;«• t.m- \: .* ,.x ■ ’» \ -- r* • i 1 t: * .. •» ‘—'1 f "V .n !r- J r» Till f. ... I .» ••r-»>•• it tw-r- AN' VT t arr.en-1 s*cr. .• !r-1 a fir-, f 4 STI.C* t«'i lr*si Ur- »-r tw ! 1; !•• 1 I e« 1 rt.*! J:-!. 1 ■«;. f -,i v -T k.i.j; .1 » 1 Th. r«:n t .-th .*• ,.nd dollar* 1 i; I .1 J It*** „• »•>. ..! .-ijiM.. n h'x:»*!r*--t :*•. I. .1* „oi. .* ,t,r Approved Feb. 1 !! -t* .1 e * •. ■-« t*. I ••! ■ ;u ! ti.f :i n J 1 ! l«. t!|r !. «o .!!••!. !.., ,;r- ... Clinplrr I *FJ. « r. « w. th it I «... | ; ■■ «•[.■ n 11 to t> M » AN \< T t rf of ur on** ! V' hi; •:n;lr».| 4-. t -r t-r 1 1 •• 2"' g | 1 li -l ail 5 t.-ft X of an 5 n •! t .. 1;. n m *. it mt t. m. •• V ■, 1.-: t. 4>- 1 #t k f i- '^4 a I*'. .1 r- 1 a 1 t» V ■ r ot | •. t t. « Att• K* .'l.i •, 1 1 w ,t 4- » 4\ !•— x h.jrw- i«r ,.r I. t«> I- !i- 1 a:, tv. U t t ■» r* I »■ t a! I* t I r-T (Hi .14: vr»r f t ... 1 >r i..ak f- *•: a .-l •• 1 I •• ; '.g. }• ^ the ] 10. L**a t ..•!.»• ii In. 1 n <1 :.t\ 1, »r l. t.' 1 1 1 1 a■ «tr• 1 ! Lit .. « ’■ 1 t .• < *• A. h» i- .1 1 -t r. ..t ti.- v. or I x*. j« *» ■( uti»> '*• r- V t* |*>a .:.t) ol kennel* ■ ! ! •« w 1 .•••'■*• .1 »■•••!. ii > 1 n it- u---1 •• w »i«J ■■■■•] »iiali tie ob*' tb<•u#.i‘ 1 :•« n te.r 1 !»•: : ..v !.. a,» a .-J- j It the 1 ■ A| pro*. 1 ruj: I.- it-. •', « t.-r -ir .' « Mia •M ■ T. -i ’1 :o- 1 ::i *• I In h- r- :• v ai.l: ■ I art.*- at t < f « • hnp'fr 1*1‘I. .• ... J r- •• to ::.• ! •'!;«* ./«• 1 !■ 1 .-»• dest.t.at f. u> ..o JM ♦—ainl |.riiM -ucU ru.fi*. nvutai «• < •1 •• » AN* \i'V to fb re the » f th*-< untv * « :i ru.- ..n **nj .n-*-! hi m • lu*‘ Com- | A.i I a r'" -i' 11.4 :n t .»• i.-< tilj | j- te «*.oro r* •:!..• 1 < » *. u« MU.C inti K u ••:*. ... I- ••!:*«* ••• the .art to .» {• «ta as r> .,ia. If .4 .,t -tr..- ri ot t :.• % 1.1 *.<•• 1. .• ! 1 ■ 1 I h ▼ :: *».«.•-• f tl m It ■ ■■ ■ t!.- in rotrni K* 1 II. of I i. : *%1.*.!»«•. *u»l *fr* j-ul*- r -rr> 1 to t .il ffr- t ti.r t tin* I.4m .ire; v equity \p; ruar> |.r..n- S •*♦•?. fr> ,«nd n:vr t i.r-* d f .tit .1- .di 1 -u r..a .v v:•»••. 1 im a r»*jc- r. 1- 1 ~r :■»ilrm 1 rn Chnptrr I ■ t.-. ;, h lr- t at, I ...Ii r«- two •: .1 I ilH'ti .•; J *- ^ht% r*v t tiuie !• a mj.ii 1 t ♦ >i.t;K* t». thou-x:. I.w* * *« ,t> AN V T t.> .mend •»e,-t r r?.«en t < !re»l f. I t.M .1 .iiv w I* art 1 (,*.•• *. i. .w 1 I.,** >• ■ \xr ’• !.•* ;»• •• Chapter ]■ y f ;• ?i uot other* .m.* a- a: rt\ ■ tor it- t-x-ury, d ! ■! lb >t*tnt-. _r !»« .... t ion -'ft- t e •' tr ,»• V. t a< t a:. J .a* t -< *|- "IL- jur the♦ x i.t ,• : > e |e-^a»xi, j 1r< Vl « v t*’ ''.-t.tr' ■» f. ..,1 r, 1 -j, f w!i h he ahull! t t- I rn.Uaiir.lc for the distance J, 34 > •• ^Aj-j'ioinj i.ruary ■-•• m ft fieri) of on-- hut.dr- •! a:.-i f. rt% f the »r 11 -i t t t M.i 1 ■ t I 4 1:, r.- < •• *- hapter ian e 'I i. ir ., }»••»■•! or ►! ." k 1 fwwnn* lb **d u. 1 ■ •• *■ < hnpirr I 7*1. MAtute* hereby mi.< ndc-i, ao aa to read aa t t: *v*d >*;: 1 1 r: _• i»,or f .re ’1 «n t« ■< '•? .u. t. »■ ir term «.r f- *• rvi or « t ■ > '- I t • t ... r* u.'- AN ATT to TiTr.^tvl •• 1 t-r. !r»-1 11 <1 "*•»' .a; fr»rtv-««-Tf-n r IV He shall keep r* rv. rd of the r.-,ndu t of .-n, h true. ! re t' n: I t .• .1 or o>«i at the -a; .«• ■•.»•• * • 1 I-jv. 1 •. ! \zUt hurMr- at:4 cot t I:.l f « t-rv w .. >*:• e •• tn->t:th. dur ^ h h ;t th-r. ,i;. 'vn.:.. _r I ;. at the I* g *iat ore ■ •■»- ■ .. < r* 1 latij ^ 1 -ur 1 1;» > r« ir- v ■ •• j»- »t an- h «*.n\ ! huj* f i:!h! ». •. ui*» <1 a!’ t ru' s 1 l« d w a il ‘Unr. < for ;iddi- .« rx .4* "i 1 "«• t...a ; •. «• I. I any ai 1 t.rtv- I lr'•*■ th. | !.*• f 1 ;:.t lu! 1 -■ tr-.| ~ TtnJ t •*. 1 ike fT'.-t when x* v approved. ... 7’. t,, *r 1 ii. i» »o x* t" ^!it> Luif.•>.»...• uiitij. rea>l a# I t. VI of na -I t* :• 1 -. 1 t th. -• « dr. It. 1 ■uriun 1 x M tt A; proved t ft. i ... .u ..v .- :• f re. I r. v led I .»>v r. that « *. t -• t .• t.:- -i. i..| € bnptrr MM. z ) "f 1 1 Tl» me. 6#ioner .f Ur.* iioti, to •• which VN' \TT t*» tie the of the ■, :• :L< *•• .. -f m I '■ 1 .i 1 -ai*ry of IV bit.- f.T the iJ.f.l •-( ft. .J n j»;.c 1 v •" •• id. i- ■« < Judge t aetiU L e w hell it tak- t. * I « ... % ar. * 1 a .-r* ! *. -t »!. unty of SouK'in t. supj..-- a t or. -r no ilt’.v otiierwif* U nt.tiii] i eb. 14. ,k « 1 ••••• v ■ 'Approved BR< r. 1. From and after the ftmt «>f Januarv the I £■. *y lcn.r. t.; .*n S re .:.*ur:it. -.{mi.-- .4. i- driy > f t r. or •• :.• ni t! mi year our Ia-rd <.(,-• thousand e.jr; t hut tred md ji.tv- :. t V..‘ |-ri« t nr-, i-r ttm^ the |-*r- ii.f-,1 t*o n-.M to 4 ha pier 1*3 > loi.e, the Ml. «-f the 1 t- th- > ! un..*ili» ■! I*, :«*• t v .• .1* Itiit: Im! «loi- I f t r-- rv r. i* v :. t; r! ary .dge f.f { m,t of j 1 ••.!!] AN’ ACT to amend Feet.- n one of < r•• hundred x .. > Chapter iiterwd ahi!l be three 1 1 t-: or I j' t u> t .• •,«.t» •;.• w. *.r 11 :• •• •- .ir.- 1 hundred fifty dollars v.*x, y y y tt.j»t r* jwoi.-.l f .: ! :t.-eri of the lb v «. I >tatute». r- t.. th,- < m- ** ;t»i./ id t th.- stun to w fixed t:a.:. •*• f ! 1 .-.t or > llld. by law. lip! ,tt« :.t **t -n « f th* I ,st;ra. •• ( otn. ...»■• »n» w l** >l I This a< t shall tik* *-ff. t w’_. t. M « t I' ,.t »i, | «i to 1 1 »■ »•! ht i- i-t ni h I ■. 1 ir It. :-a: >*'"T 1. F-> in h fH't,..n .. «.f lui- t-T hun- approved. ■ 1 v. d F« 1 ■•! '! Tia I*T •-! X»:*h 1 t !•::» 1 [Ap| bruary th.» dred ur.il t:ft. t th.- Ilex 1 Mat,«'r.- .;.«•. th* ! r* .-'ll. .' r»- o Ii -:t'M*o O.K.-f- f otl,.T -Mt.-*. 1 ; vi! n f iv-.r e r. r. i« :• 4'bnptrr ID.V 1. •. that 1 -t ..-Il «— t .• ;r.-l u-141 tiioo > .* ir*. id t »» I• .r .«»:, •. a N A< 'T tne*t ih! *h th»» of the of I’r bat^> » i- « f .’ u t- :•« ai-.tim *•.. *' » 'i Salary Judge i.ar*; 8.*r*t «*•: a: -1 IWr 1 > .. 1 •‘r. 1 ... .-« -.r«, 1 .11 t r- tv. Th. *: -. ri a-. I o J .r ,e o n > t K.-ui el--,-. .. !••!■•*!-• 1 ■: e 1.0 ..AW r: >.• ■ *• 1 1 -« 1 c* t: .t < il 11 -.Mi .v r.a* i. !• -• -..a, \ «t- rk l-:re >»' I 1 ■ I he il irv f tfie n.dgi- f r- h..t>- for the v 1: -:.t < .*r_• xx :*i a: .::••• u: t •• r.^ 1 v -..l | ] I t ur.'l a: I ... urr- t tli. ■ u i.< Xf-eti**--* *..r< the t:..- Uw-9 re.at- t> ! K* 1*. r”. .'! he Rev. u hu 1: 1 r•' 1 XX — *' dollars, iu- » ..r to ■ such mVr he i:.-;;ra te- \iu Vent -, »t« id ot the* v. | x. I * Ujr | |n d law. f M ... y ! f ‘• -4. •*l -uraii< h. .«*i .• * a• 1 1 -.111 to 1 *ue 1 t aha 11,. ’IL-s when approved. bed. Ii- rii.1 o t sh .. t ike elf. ef v. l.eti .U>1 XX “iia.i ki.oXXi*!^!) atiO -ice xi ib..- eUilt to Uii- 1UJ XxuliUt UifChid approved. WLuCti the ot [Approved i ebruary 14. [Approved i ehruary lJ.j I il l. ru'ht. in tnj»l, »r m t\v ..»h»-r u, inn* r. or w tlnn ti*.- * if’i i fcapler lt>H thl« ,vt, «:• far •• thr •ujw'f M f« Cttrabrr!*n>l r^«»tty kaplrr 1 of k .n• tr» J «i| *i n.r h nlut'.l Ih* rn.fl.- * 44* om.-rmr.l. nr* r. •• ! !>.•♦ -f i( |M- AN \« t -• n « r.r f <.n# j>-'ia‘• AN \« r ? »*;, «*t tU -Uiii-'r of •pro* T ftm#'ui»t.-rT hnn- provi.lo < f*h\ptfr ••.. I■» in inv »li- ^ *n t! ,»• r*" <»r>l vt; ft? •* » 'r% f:i a|‘l*r.»Tr«l r* I* ■* the Hi I at i* the r»p •mini* •fiH-l *!i « «li w o ni.t !«• V t -%: IJ N .,w r. > ■:* *nv ttl-'.*l ■ : .o « I, j > I 4. t. MtU *»*■ « « •* 1 ( th** p» m: 4 200. if*, «*tr « I..: * ,•*'••• Mr U •• I -Ut* «!•-.'* ftru* in!•■«! I *tr.» u* ut .•* hnplrr •*' j-*.- « •» " > ft. rl*'thr-> .. ...••» !;• .1 tin* twenty fSr*t !au«»* I 4 Hit plr .‘if | I * * ■ -• 1 r» *v t * » »t I xr* t I > 1 .•■«tit.i* *!,i th. «* t* ♦ 2 — t 't«t •, r* *r.*+ (.1.1., an-1 K-\-: \ N V< r » >.'• ! : r 1 » % A f i* t li I.t «’..if a! | t.-; let. « W *:•!. UI -..it, .«t .• « >• *.'»*• r I ?■*; t• >r t:.. u»t. S > t.- f. I .I. \ \ •4 N -4., 4*i * 4 U t r s»; I H.v 'it ..i .. !.. !'•*' lf';ir f »- I «w l * > « » •* ■ t* i»’ a w ••• •* t * U » t » k. « h ti*. ml m -I r»A-« » u- h.M | u li. v «*> | r'lAtU?*-'* •! 'I i* li.-r.-Nt * »»-n W- thrt Si..- I I *'.«'••»»% f* i- ! '*« f \ ** ■ >.-■ •' I i. h .- !r- I * :>?■ v % ... Ml*, t. of u»-e-".. ^ I direct lur oti «w 1 may u»dtu« \ «• V’ 11 In « « t*. ,i „• «;l «' i-11 %. r .... * "TI ■> a •» •. «• -r I ♦/ if vn.l rv „»» •• •. >»• r vj. '* .» l• r* ti■'.*• I •' .f i.ii. .nr ** ; .»• ,r r;.■ .4 r*» 4 “• 1 1 4 4 1 1 |> t tf Jf I- ut 111 -t h-r « *«* m r« |-iirp- •. ti I *.-t ill. 4.. fit li a*. I •> if f. « in. t! u I *4 ,, »: 1 I * i. w.if ;mi mu' .«» I I* « .*■ k • & .i ■: r* •! u• ■ | >ra, « <* «* I .. \ ..ra. I tu 1 .:' itun.lf II.- k* *r I. r, |..-r M -if .1 « I it*. »: iar » i.t** ht*i..ir***l -1*. iii. !«»■• j.! a \ t\U' I .. *.'4 «• * M r It.r i*t. t!**» t «*.»«•!• -r tr -i «• «. t .-t * •• 4*i i' "l 4. i«- .*• *.. .4 th*» lit*ti•*rI At- ftr V .r» h >4' Ain, t A. 1.1|- .it.- 1 ill t f- 11 if k„; ; »»Xr. 2. lin !■ t.iv apj-r-.v* 1. •» t. A «. V." .1 .i « ■ I U i! » 4.1 lllilj .1 it. k. *«r. llvr hutulrt 11- h *. throe -’UI, j 1.' i; r. •«.-. ..( t >: .\ Vl>i-r im.1 I >ru*r> 1 < * !•<>»* r. »-. 1 I j.- hundied U n-ar* fr’eb It* I til-- M. '.th- t 'I ir 1 j -’■ if Approved fit** nui’i |ii I 1»\ ifi ■...11' v r- »' .i« t 4 h * 207 .— J tiir* i.ill: Jr- I I :»n 4 Ism pie 197 ptrr 1 it 11 1 1 r. I f i- I 11k•' ■ ?. ■ %» I AN \('T rolfttjt;j» tn tl.»-• itioii t>f the rjerk In the AV V« T "«t .' r f ,%i- « >:* f .•mjw*!.* V V. I K. irv A t »n ».. noral « th.* I ;.l * « t:.. f I it.* | * I '»• tii« t.V 4 r*i. ... ti,. i- ./u t. !. h> It-m mn hut: lre.J ■**. r I T».. u uf if.- 1 ii. -urt. » 4- -untv ju !.:•*« 4 hitpn-r iiJ. ft tv I ti»> n ik tl ...ir. t tl. W m he f f >• «. h*-r»- aft* ru- an n .-inj-.-i. I *t.fj S i' V 1 At'T 4 1 r», f.,r. * .%!-,• i- i: w« it > 1 A »':• 4!. it. ft- \ ft-! i' J»-r ill. |«*T4. ~ Il .1- IV- V I ... « .4 .m 4 4 J f .»rt* > »i. a ! ft -r 1* -! a '* f ti. !■• ! |*4 | \ 1 1 4,i ■ .4 I ti t >' V 4- t- ,irt« a. !• I..- :;*t.*t» i.t ’■ * tl. .it V .•«! 1 » I 1 II" uvl •,•--< Ui.*- -t ■ \ ii *: .. f. rt .- f w ». t -ir. r. « i.f-1 Ih- rn i.«* t. i<. f «••-* ■ "*li. *- wti.-'in-r r- *• J iu r»- tt;.m lift> ,r* I.f r>-i lit «,- 1 ■ 1 f tjl* W I I 1 lie .C ..;e 4 >1 If -I111V f fI.4-.* ■ 4r -t I.,’., *h .tll Ml 1 u in.* 4 •!,. 'akf fiTfti-t when hv |.i t. > •! ••.*.! r.*4 | i-'i-r., r-t .r t approved. * * *•> l, ill.'-. M ,» *:! 11 •, til* r- r; f. ■ ir I 4 Aj pt' veil iurj Ij. j ? i.’i.- .iif tr* aaunrr. t-ri •rr r*** .• * *rt. •f h.-.ilth t.• 111 ■■ 11; a.* ,r t« .v4, uf tr A J pi in-.i h ru.irv --t. j-rnaat-• ■!. •• < I ‘I*. •4 «'«*: » r. *'.• *,. -ui.- 1 .1 .i, » s..« hnpirr 1 \ 4- •« -r | «rt4 4, '4 'ii* it,.i t««*r 4 ■ H.« p«« J t I 1 «•!••:■! •'ft,'| » * f | *fT' 14 r*H*.4.-n t,, I -- 1 v.- that *t.< j-i. t- rt. !. u !«•. AN \< Jf eutht II 1 hAptff '• '' .4 -- r* .44 i.- ...it- 1 i- » t I f Ii I (I »; f. two f,m..!r- .1 fl,. i: \.»* 1 ftt.t'jt** rr at c th*- l*-r .« the nrurr. >1 i. * 1 <• ■ > •! I‘i, -i i' «. if •• 11 nil*.: «1 » V. 4 •« 11 »* i. >•-. tf ■ u-.t t \ ..rk : h ! I « t Vj.pt.. 4T> 1 * •• *. lie M«. 1. m, III.. r. in- ft. v 1 t.,- I;. v m- I »...• •.»• ft-»l t. ft l< r- n fh- i*' r.- t *. .At ( ha ptrr 20N. >5 I ■ •. !■ ’.ill: :r. ! i».-t !;. t- .-I .»« :■ * 'i rk. tiv ... iif.-rao «,a.: pr -v.-ut.- tv- i-t.» u» p«T~-ti Ij ■ T t 4.; I 1 »• *• 4. c. « 1. ft. | I. ■!■!:-!,. 1 \ s. »• .: a \ AN \« tu*pt*T .r |. r- ,. V,-, ill-. * *• 4 »• ■ a ..- t-. fl- K ->*■’! >t.«: 4 | r- .r *. u th- r.t 1 u. 4-. t -a. U j... s .. i.. \N \ It » I ":.tt ... .4. l-'«» I 4trik:i-ir 11: .• f *ut-1 ! ti..' a -r !-. ..I a }:• m l i. ! « lift pie 199. w iihiti ihr t it tin r*u««- .a rr.4-1 .4.4 ..*a •' «’ li.al -.1. ....■•■04 ... .1 1«' I» .!*•?.-,.■ ! ** t. v l' \ itt « i4 f. :• «lr.»verv ■ t..Wm AN m T t : .vi » < iMun 1* mu f the Supreme Tti : 1 i.f trl.4.1 1 ! 1 » I •• •• -1 ! V *:*-t I;* \: •• tfi.* r. .1 .« .tirl t- tl..- * I.t r Ili- .-k •• 1 tltat If •.»! -■ aimi.’ Im- n ai.-l m n« »•* ■-!f 4. rt. .4 •! * I t .1 *•> .»•; It •. t. t-f. ..ft rrvl l.-.J for I •. pirvi.-l, .. | | 4... i. v ■ 1 1 t- •. r«-» !. ti. t in.t » » '»' it I i* •• I- .1 t. •• I.-:rt «:» I !»• «T |-1 I! Ii: 1.1, .4»_. u a, a .4 11 I,..* Uta<-r *i. tth«*r I ; rt •. •. * 1 .. » I -ft a .« I I• nr I Ha;.. k. U •ll.vr. inn>>t Ik .('1*1 .11 '■ .1 ..I ,! t..- !lx-tt In ♦.lav •? n,r; » f f,*. i» vmr. tuu.enr •* 1 1 111*.' f .. « I kiv * -1 riu- ti it 1 4 1 if Uw *:. t rt- | .t I -•! i. ir ti tti* uar J -nr him It-,:,-. t •> -.*• ■ •• t r..ni 4-j .*lt 4. 1: •»;-! al»v * -rf f » .4 v ■ I *r! t.. t .. I -ii' et. Pinj-I J twpvXt or mtexwtt Cuttvr .. 1 ,n tra .-i r-.1 ft ,iu | t- tin *h 11: ! -i 'In- trit.«a. tt n ■ f «*l tl « I I- ru-f ■ 1 « v -1; I- 4t; Apj-r. I -iflAiirf. lit.* 4,, t.'i.it K.i.-l .4 1. l. r«-i4-; iu* .<• .• tf. I i.t ft I -i.t ..j .rf, Ill If 1 h. it ... <, ,.t t.. r, 1 '* 1 4 ha 2011. ..' A .t ■ -ii -• •hall ptrr li •. ^r-!- » t. ir-.-.- 11 ir f in -. m Ten r- f.»r AN \CT t mtru ! r. t f •; -r rt. of r- ..nl. ».eii-• 1 the rk. iti ic -ft ;*i th;* i.a..vix< 1. 1 i--. .• i.t r* h;. tf.lh V Jf ! -tat.it. » af t t 4 it L* ti’ pi«»catat. a.’ 4,1. mi 1 if. t. ■ ■',{■. 1:- Aj-proi. -l k ^.v.,. v '• —' v -■ 1 .... at. 1 4 .4 M 1 '• 4 hnpirr /‘Ml. I!. » -r \\ 1... * ai I* *tr. m 4 h 11 ! “» 4.4. ti an I ..’lt lit.-v» 14, pier ! .*• r* ir 11 ff Mi AN V I / ! «*• H l\ i-t* 4. ■ .:. tVi»..l.t 14. at- -. «-t r-.t \N ACT a! • i < :. 1 i a.*!, r. I'. -r 4 part .-( t I'll *V4 r. -1 „• 4 Hit I -- \\ h Vff 4* 4-1 1 .1- ft th lit I.AV pin ,| P'lt* {• a.l *■ it. ra \ i\. 1- I it:, f.t. M -i.t r- A \< I -• I*ra» rT Mf .In » -i-ur -l it -h t th.-r. f .1 I 1.4 ^ 1. 1:. » 4 « 4 'f **•.. -i »p-l 31;. .*1 j-r A «ij.trcu Luu i... ft -f. t- 4-1 th* -ft fc {•• t: tl Ut \ I 1 .ary t-M'l"*' ru.. ... f ft it 1 , t i» .. '!•:.* € bftpirr 210. 4 h a pic ill>. it ••••■. mint. A N \i T t in-.. 1 — 1 r. nr 1 f. t. ?» I \ N K I rr »’ I' I .V* -• 4 T

» 1 I..' « 1 « » :. '! ir I 1 ! *■•’*-» l’r I. t •-..S 1'irt .-I v..r -u-J .1 *.. v »• t..*- M-if. * « .5 »i. I '•,» I T ;r- an 1 I- if I '.--I': r- irn tiorui to ...At 1.4} .1 »:i r. v v ! '• ... | hi ■* Si 1 ••-. t t-> e tit r*-«. thr. V rt.i I I ■ t. I: » .4 ,r •« m ft * t'.- 4 J■ : .r o ...... **, ••••.!..' I ii t;T -• •• ! 1 t V. lit t !■ !. ; fr :.i ... ..f t!,:. •*. t. ;-4 .1 tl -4- b u- V, 1 1 »

t Nn JO I. « »» pir at ts .!»«* .-a? ..iv » !•! \ * A \ \* ! -a \r th*-« m « «alOQ«ra irl» *• «• ••* a- it \ .• .-■■■»•? « s- tt roturn*! >•»* ! •t.»v -f v« {■ -. •;.••{»'!.' UK-1 \n j I. i | | •' '#-•«. ■« ? It. t i. •., -ir .rl, !:• I .• 4 haplrr 417. ft- * 1 rt\- turn v. M* » M i. U> ti.,* p-r. -M \ i: a •.«. .,* a* a t x« : i* \ Uk- ,r .«I ■! I .» t *- f.ti- I -a d \- w.| f. l .- iv »i ti -i ! a.I a I; ■—•1 ’»•-*: r. it 1 J ,11ft tu*d** r* »■ 4 haplrr JOJ V; >ril 1 rtury 1 j \ N \< T t * — ft J t- -*.-r f 4 ill. i- >• < u »: knplrr I -i .-I .t!- t. t: r»r t I Ji- AN %rr i:tf I t.*f j, ■ 1 > -t -?V. r ■ * t. -. ..'.I it*. t:.- »r ■■( t J ( II#'v tat: '►< il \ tret 1 -■ 1 f Vk i. a'i Thr-. if-1 «r. I .. ?: I •... 1 a: t. f t -1 !i. .1 >♦ ?. it. to ■ 'h* t r**. •*. j r.- ti*' i.. V.. ’»• ! t > •’ I a »• ir Ml* 1 hi f \\ : -.nt I t.-i Ir. •I" 1. i. I -4•.*l "I t... r.%*»:• * ar ..» a.tU S|. | 1 .} t.-r tf <"t .la ... ! .»:.!• t -. -i I rtur _7 1 4, j-f-iv t ! .•• tt* -r'i * .. ..t.fr- •■.;'••• *'• J tr..\« a* :.* w 4 hnpirr 4 I s. * \ 1 part* of at t» i- ii-.-t.*. h V n V • T r I I-* an r. J. t m i: a :»: -t.i v ■: r» rxj- it. 1 I »t: l V *•• Ntn : f-tk-* »; t. i. t -..-1 I nr> '.j. \j. *‘ t- »■ 1 r* j.’as.MV a 4 kupirr 'JO.'t. « it ’a f ij it

r- •- i r..u- tv ■•- \\ A« r at. 4 i., !.••:■ t.,- f .• .*. « ...... r< ■ K I : **:.. II tl 1*.« I :.i c* .• a! I 1.. t S»-. 1 " af’-r I >f\ -r of ur 1 ..i '• ! 1 »-a. I Ij. mi* t:. I U .Hk« T. 1 » t:i.• fr..- h.ir- 'r. 1 t. ... t r k \ pr .v.-.i I I » ruary ll.*. Mi V I••• ■!.*•': «w.| U] *|i in..I i, T ■- ir o •. •. n x t- «•*••!. art. *U. I. I. 1.. -Vi. il.. »: .. .-.ft .«• •- ;*.t i.i ; t'.> mt- tr.it 4 hnplrr il l. th- ... I M. .1, .4* l' J. 1 I P.4.1 a. !.. A. , '.t* t.- r". ■ !.. •• c « * ...... \\ V‘ T r a; ! "• f r* •• f h*t>t**r *.v Ir.n- I W ti It., n’ a :.i ! tt '■•t»> •» tr iv. < ilTf-t of th* »' 1*.» -It-. ..J ,i: 1 t»k- W til.- ... ,1 rr»-l t• .,. -... *-r t ha» -• r• *n .•.>•!! *:>• fc'V-a. rr.it :•> t'i lt*.i- ii.it/ M i*. ,*. I '.-,* **• > V t !.*• w 1 ... tr V r. >r ■•••• -r ’■ tr «v• I t. u. -<• r: r..- 1 .1- of th.* rti.-i i.» jt- 44 •... •• i. -*• t: th* -at. .*♦ t n*. ir an ? f tr it j*. »« f '•'•TI ?. i.i*:• i S A I *»■ •!. (;•!. V Ii : 4 tltk.MI «4 •!,. vr .- f ■. ... t .1- th- ’• .r-. nr:f« t. ! w th annul •’ if. ti*. nlnl .■«. rtu * ml ^ u .-ifh j r.-w. I in t I .'•tan t. .. ! u.v a. 1.1 J: •« al «r-ul »;«-■.*•• c.-uiitt ti.- w !« aU-1 sou*. k. h*t -rot. ,v* tu.en i.-d H V* ..I til It. 4.A.. I M 4* .; A 44 -I, T «t» * th "• •>y \ t- act* — part* khat! r**x>l 1 J I ••• v* th tr.- h- r. *•. f• I •• •• > 1 Ti. .r— I :i -n •: f* -.-f. ***••* *• 1 >» *• t « | vrtv ..?• ;■ au.n1. ait* • u tV ft!. >» J li. «• « lAj •ha!I miiri -r ir> I .• !;• •. «jw* !*• t.« U* til- ] !_•• 1 1 1 \ppi- .-ruarj 1%i y th** .itsirai •* n« m *<• io***":»t ;.**, V It rii.ili1.’.u tu*.1 i^riCoitnrw n-rti 4 JO t. 4 tiu y I. 4 •* hnptrr 1 « u-- an I.-.*., -h.4. pt A\ it T to i'll'- ! ■ ti r*. : h »r t. t rtv of t he- »•% •! r-vt.on of '!.• ’5-rl trt. 1. ■ i. ,V\ V(T I. ! < *;.»*... A ll ! '»• «. r- t.. Ji. »r. I ,'h. .-• «i *' 1 j■ ry.«. -i •: 1 i1 | a. 4It* .A...I A*tat :t* ja j*. i: th t.-r rt\ rl!o ►* -tar ■■ ■* hj ii:. town or ii n t vk ti -. -hi ... t.iit..- v. i;* u -I a* a ««• w ■ r. '• •> ^ t i:i t: .»t nt » i* to* .r t -non ,r.t 1 1 ! »•«* •• »■ ■. .. in tiir .n. I t L •- «• \ •. -*t :* ra — tt tt..- »or-i ,.t|>pl.. r»t -kr~i. p u» -L. I I f. \• t’i'.. .. r- itut.-A h. I..-I l- t... .!..*• -. .4 ■ .•• r-.-r-l ;.nr. .«•• that aai-l wt n at aiurtul- 'A 1 1 m: -u. h 4r» *?H-l »4 tt i.i.4.j- -44 c-U ,,, •»'* •• «• 1 ill r«*a 1 i> f--!i li'trict u:i n ot liatri* t*. it a 1 !• tr.*.* i" :).• ti I ll i--| ,4i. I r«*. l* -t w: >* -n .,

•«. .* t.-r h •-* t.ot At •! v ?•» ti-.'i t tk.-f: til iinniiT T<> «ch- in within fi •• -ti •. 1 ».- ..1 th-. .iiirt .. T- -f p- |*-nu;A-,..ii .ijh.!. .. f v -• -A r- A r.t-t. -I.- * r« ft. th*- to •* l.ul.n, 11 nr#-' 1 •■x.iiii.n r- 1.1 w .! * V _■ V. *.r -J A th. t.f p.i»*i at to** n-*j t: ..it I- « •• r»- th»* -alt t. |»*-fi*.\ I-. '| in'!:. •U- ii >ll*tri. U t.iit wjth.n tli*- town* in -Ai., 1 *‘> !* 1 t,U4*-. i*u» «• at. :..aiii:«-r t. 44 N .. < | '1 a* •! trr»i'ua»' r:'.. r- | nt | I 1 V-;‘ 'i 1 -• !' ... th.- 4- rur of k tr- ut t-'.lt w 11- h kuch win.- t> .»r• i. *.? «i|.-h tii tion. 1 1 •.•• k •- 4 4 40. I % ■•'. r- •■'. *ak. -i.o.-. hiaptrr ■ tv v •: v, tr,i|-. utulr-r ;» |-•»iat! t -i- HU 'Yiai II of th- Mil, .* ...III’ 1 :• » \N ACT > 1 -• ! tr f- 4 *• !' i.ir rl ill,; «u h ’.-i. .it«»-r .|r,|n.'t,!.j* file a- I til- H. VIA.-.! It *, ^ fM t i;t ••• t.i*-.♦•• tai... .t. k .llr-l >-r ft r■ 1 t v• r- -1 «• xtr*• .‘.-.t I >- \\ n- :. >- 1 > t>\ jaaif.t A|.| roVr-1 1 r|a?rii:t» n ilu^ «. ! on, ft,*- i\ _■ tl..- ,p- rv .-...• of 111y tr.-.. t. ^ii h.v ! or r— tli.- ■ t •• 4 JO*». pw; hnptrr I.•« ii: I Vk :: t* ■ N r- .*t:il -• t th<‘ f trot; v*. :t ,t ii,. r,.v. 1 r..,r t. r*--r •, .. U >. r.. ,1 1. .1 .. A \* I •?. ^ra}-h«r y 1 .*.» | I k t. ,v \'T f « tin tfr.t « .'iir t\ or »• o.. I»* • 1 t'■ t ini'. .r-liuirt. I tii ?!,.' -nnir j 1*. i;,,. t r- I,.,:.'" .• f th.- -t. to r’ n x.i j 1 ii i: •*, U« ... !.. h- "■ r. .! ■ t rtx."t h\ *n. tr. to th- it i- ir» f tf .* tov* in -4 '. -. rr-t-li -I * ■':• » h tii.- Wr; w m,i 1 1 1 r Aiap. ; -v K:: .- rV a‘ * t; .1 At -! .1 t, j. -r. «l •• h -I ht ,o i.i! t.-r 4 1: I■ vi 1 •, ■ -r -’ r. a ha. .«■ -.i ■■ > -. a hi. •• •« u ;• u>-.: h t! i.. ! •- lo 1 «*•••• -1. ii o', ,.. t., | -1 t* -II, Ii V -.4 •*'. r. k. Ail avta aitd ol acta lncoiiMAUriit with a district or uuion ti lutwL.n SJfct part* hy 1 Uistn- A j proved t en _ tef, ai.> JlM-*- L« lutwreMcd, her .u u I" * hHpier iJ7. > A \< T > I (W>.rst w •’ sit *• 1 ’. H* n <>n f with th** u>-'m»rv t?>» f. " ••'••• :•••• t •: I !••••«• t o; •.•■•. f *’ l ■ r.-| t >• ? .t >, *' 1 !r I i! u v 1 > fii I -r• i- 1 il. t- «i lti*rf fli:. )!! i: ■ ► 1 * I. *• ...... r.i •. 1 v ;J V t’l 'i ti u *t- 4 v * •:•!•■ h<’ ii■ v v. f \. 1 *• t* *• 1 :• « I t«. »r !»• n tr ii.ri’ rr*- t « r«iu>ti t.-ui.. -I t ■ U 1.1 1 a -■ _• “*1 V v # -r; i*:.>n •:*- *• ! •’ *.ir 1 ? it .• \« ;i»i.i. jr* >U ’*>' ** (■ 5 t « ••• «*rj» i.> •!. m n •«; |• 4-11 t! |. r t ii*' ti I .••• t.- .... r» » .1 j. ,• » » t 1 "T l* •• ... t!; rt l.r.t .1 ,f I *«•. "t I.. ■t'.iU it i*. aj »uc:» 1 n » .- 41 i. 4* .»• III '* i,""> •; V- ii ft ft t -ni.i'.n it l.ra.t!: if* |«T HU v>, t «»i|. *•'•>' ti |*i. ! *» t’i tit j- ••! 'si r* ** -• I* S t;:.. rot « t* >• < p I T 1 '5> ’. .• t ?'.•»! In' »•« * t* ? :: •« 1 a' 1 t w t. > li.rrt t *>'*-••• •• .. t> an-i t i« •* ... t'.. » <- -i *.** l.-J I.oaltl. ill,-': ■ t i- 1 t ■ ■»•••■ •. : v. | ■ a 1 J •!•!• * ; v T I. *: r «• f. « u*-!. r« I ■ I**> ii'*. 1 '• 1 * 1 r- ?:.4 t» '!• t*“>l |!| *•: 1 4 t H4 .v » r. 'ii .i.» i'.to !!».. i’ Ut !•] !'••’■ r.-. Ih. t » I * ir ..»'•* ...... i. •. I* ti.i -t4»? * : t i-'.r » .’ .\ -.t- < r... * .. ■ ; tovwi i «i .> \| '-v .4- •, : .4— ,• .. >- •> •»» •'» T k *1 t‘i 1 .4 | .. ► 4 J -• < hnptn rj« r..r .. ;»vm. k u;. .. a t; lr’ •« J t.r.tr««! r ...... p »• .* ■* ? «. : _•.» I •. t. .■ 'l XI.V 1 ... *«»l V 4 .. : *. •• ;. M. *; V.. \\ ■! i» ».« ■ 1*4 .4 < hiiplrr i.I.V «. V.; r.! !•»».•. 'N '• * r. ■**ri fit.. 1 " r. .n l.tt .4 *=• -*■»' f » rt — .• t.. t... '* ■ V. n r- f .% Hi* T> I *’:» —4 4 ... t. •• t!.. » f 1 N '•••*•• '• -* v V;,.»!•: $«• »r x | v. r»- ■. *' t. ~ ■ >■*•'. ft »'■! I'. ■' u r .v -ui.n •» » *T of !).«* VT N -.. : * >-r •■..«:k»-.| f\> nipt ;■> r-r. t!». j 4 t » t I' ■*' I* T ih t It*. ur| .-I. I ..I Ht

»• '«• 4-1 : » a HI k -. l- r«ot. :t.. t { | T u,-.i.a\ ’• *•••»• *x' 1 » t I l-> _ it •* * •.»«.! i itru*- v 1 .•••,**. f * -i ■ ( li u pf« 2 j- £ .1 1;;» ? » ..fr -• it t a1; \« \a T S. .. *. t:\ t* t hir» f T W » I 4, ;!' »»- .? it ,1 .V l** **-l > k*U T 4 U I. > ■ u 11.. 41. *•t .. ... :r,-r 4. ft •I t M.l -* « Ilf:' 4(1 I ! '•

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u I > t .* t > ■ * ! a a‘ «» % :• ... > 4 .• r-:. ... 1 i. » I "• •• •• Hi- *• * f V-. « .* —' t *1* !! ix *Mf. .» I *» t .« •’ -• it J • •*'! x *■ 1 • t h »r » if 1. s rr 1 r» -1 ! % it v »l n t. 1 ii r- » :••• ! t* •• t>. a 1 t f. •’ !.• r. i. •• .::, -i ba« « u.i 1 \ .) r:.;rv to,1 al. !•;; ti > a t- fir-t ■' -t A r. -x t.. |..t t!.'-. ■! ■ 1 » »*• .fin •- « h:»fit* i30. .• ! > !. .. t ! iry >« ':•*«! t1 .. « 4W. I. ! -!>!» a' I ti »?'.v .-r at** n' tr- i- r. .-r •; r« •*. _• n-r .. x \• r -t-.r. a •. tv- .* ?, ra- 4- \- »'• I' 1 ! ! ... .r- 1 ;»• v ••«»«- i. a * a », ;; »• r- ..i! t \ »• » *' :• *■ <■ truJ.'.K :■ ll. \. ar : u,.- ;• -i.-.j # t > 1 A V r, *. t. r-t t 1... ■ u rr x 'art :.-r xr-. r. I>. v ! •. •... v .r •• -* *V ft V i. «* rM I f •. -.ft-- ! s ■!.< ".a\ :• *.*. r\ a !• J •• I.' t C" ! -tr .• I r- » « -« 1« J. w r• t- •• \; t T .: u -. its... 4 »-•<• t! f }- at t. tl:. -if •»!*- u.>.*» r- .r« f ..itl :. 1 .1 4- ^ > ,1-:.. :: 1-1 lii • t '• > u. ... ti- *“.i:A i.. I- rr ;• »,:< h •,< ■ x .*•- it '* *• r- | _• ; ! i.t. :• ti... w *. -hi'.l V fc- *•: ....- ? A r».w! -*-.*•! t r».. -r *?•- i-vi' 1 ft f j- ;■ 11»-:»-r •!. t. t n.t» :* a. .»:»•. t * .- 'I 1. ••?.. n *•- ir. > » :.»* ••r ■■■.:.] r.i n-- -t :. !•» ar a' :i •*'!>. In u* r: i-■ !-y •• ,sr ri:/ ■! *.-r -J ) .}> .-T*. -1- «*..-• ..f -• -•« ..r la.tre than !.*'• .' i; ■■ .• r.. 'ir>.|r*-l •- r, ^ -t .*■ >i .4 .. 11r■ ‘-A.U- » a •. ■ t'tt > -*» .• t.. /. a »» ‘a- t mr •- r. 1 U !-• •• > !!..- t .4-. 1 y it r. •-,•*. ■ .1 ipr ... t; rtv n re star, or rh. it i'.- i:- r. U-. *.»• i*» -t in .• m-f r-.. [■ .• -r. I» u l;-|r ■■.•■•I Fill. ^ t. « r.- i- .1 ’a! tt t ft t... rt « ( it I ... 1 I V :\ t.• .••4 h t « hnplrr »..■:! r- ti k ; orj».f»t •:>;£* 7 l i*. v ... 1 !.••••: -t »! >r ,.a» i. l- a V *t •• :f 11 ■' p !av T f. mi. ..rt- » r. I 1 l\- r«- ... ; ar .*!.•••» a ! •-I tL*:. I.!tv i.».r ia.-rc 1 » !•••. *. f .*w ...-Its. t r v •«. .j siunt.«. t.. i». hur ir. I *1.. .iP* ■< .- ■> p rr t :« t t .itt-.r f ■ ir _• ■ t1 i*r**» •- V, r. ■*. il .1 ;« **: i :. »r t\ t. :.f; ft-., t.r«t >1 ••» 1 *• >1 tsrt.-l . 4:. .. 1 ir.n_ aft r. ; i. rn th*- i*»* I •: m- t\n- r**n hut -r a: > -. .• val of oft;, | i; t**r t > .. I ,t *"' ■ .I; r■ ,t. .!.. \' t' .• ; I■' a »• •• ■ •* •- »>.. \ T * T- -tit.it- ; r. wrve m I ►t»-» t i.:.* s t* ■ i' r- ! «i u *. Vf ! •. r.: i». t- t t *r 5 JH |>a .t »• tv t;.ak»* ► -*ti nr ,*.••» ... j. H, t. u- tier ! a .Ti «?• !. ai-i .: ♦ 11.. r- i- tli*- «• •• v. I. j* .ijt.Tft ..f corporation an-1 t. put*,. •X- \; A .. T > in. |*hv- !na v r* «• t f ; r- i. { I. w! kn u a,\ *» .a.-., mi .r Irau.i- ■ ■ hapirr -1 s •. .-»• » « 1 l»*r ',♦* S 1 1 i. _• -t it*- •«. •. .it* N ui» i.t r* «• or a r*-: .*• A<*T v, A !*r <4?»* -t *!ia t- r.-t-T i' -r r* •.*»:r*- v -k*i t:.-s ■! i■ y --rv *!.. « ♦ W• »ti'. i\ j at: t.-r i:.- rat *:. J■ -r ti.. :.rj *-•• •'! »t. tf •-•■rp -n, tin'*'— u>t •••■!.:r.t- ..f tr t t ... *-.•>' r. t» *i *r.- «..i.n-. r r t. .T ..?.*• ii -.i ■'!.• r-.; ? *• -t » «* -t -ti* <■* w -q-j tf-l It. .!•■•! : »• t t lie t" »• •* •.» it.. tnt: ti .; ■»* a 1. r».•- pIi *.i 4*;. .i ‘’> ■ >•- i- .-r- y :•»•■••• .ii -1 vr.r i,._. .♦ _• --••••• 4 t a iv .*- •>: .!!:• t»iate or i.untr ’. :>!.• ! '.a a ! •• .• n.«.r«* > wnttfti •. ... t.. ... 4. i. if. u ui .... rj« rtf. n t I.. : ■ -:r. 1 •: ar* .a.; t than any *-rti;icat** 1. •!. at «-t t«- «v- ti.- ;..r v ,• **■ r.. r- •• tr -r *! n •» »: v r > .4 «• -*T— a > «:i ?: Th rc»vi«u **?•' .in 1 u !*»■ -i.l tr.if -: ■ <*••’, rj- raia It lU.i tl.e.r ajjruu ©1 »ucL «Uh *r ant tcm—i Pvi. w**v r.'A. nun-' u fum' *. Eu&- Xji Kffc Jtr. ulaiil twrappri veil. every j*i; -.t.tuaic Lw. .er ol tli© buaOicM in thin tltxlv. Ahuvii i-t ■ Chuplrr '» Is of tIn' r*-v»» -I »f .• •• •« ><• h»-r* Sv ai.M’ii-l* t. !•% *’r; :» thirty of the In* |»i< £•» a. v. f- •' ..f I «• *' I- A V \CT Ion' 1 I s i-.ihtt viir-rtV'. f t, 1 !.r!. 1- 4.1 »• -t i« h. -s' ...it, ill I!;*' 1 ;\N Ul 'll R f T .'••il •-*'*!. 1 :• « I •.' i! t1 I ft * I'V 4 -t l' i. t in* III*!, VI 4 V. ■[. \< r t it ai ! th«*lr tf Ui.tr.. 1»»» in nth* SI a v a \\ W4 «!, J.K t• ill..I m .' ■• It r- •• •. tl..' % ■■•l Mil t i.' ■ .1 r. th.it .1-1 *«-■ t.«a- tt. l. *1. *. -• ,**i 4« h | 1 t-r. fh«* ••roof iin-l < >Uit. ll coin rrtiii.o th« ■. .1 1 1 :i »'*• I 1 I I w III I *■!.*• ■ tl.. a. >S.i; :. I 4 J II). I. r. I t.- —1« r Tit" r.«Jl « £ «•. »p|. f>. « « t- \, haplrr .-tk'll— M t the t: ■* "t ■ n. ti-l tl w »t«- r*» f re- \ * Minpirr 111 \ \1 T 4 •, '• t I tl..* v ir .• •.'* I r«*»li «r ;»i- t in -t I t 1 •.inn tlia!'. rtvula* f \ \1 4. •» r it. S ti I ..t,.. rtt. rv ti-h«hali

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ll'tpfrr J I I \N '• r" -1'• !f ir.,i ; 1 |; ■ i, a* s.lu.i, th.., -tatr. fvttivi --rt.it., the tl •fe-M’U-r wav hiu«uo wiitf xarv.-two am- vUait) k- * whirh •. «a!*t ta* and rr.'• x* «»»> 4 hnpfrr Jhti. C'hnplf 'iJO. « hnplrr 21*. •< •). I1! a .. rl*v. \ •' \«'T t •• v. t.t •• f <■»'•■*■ .V n \N •' \ N A T t ! fc' I’. « ■■ t V‘Tillt. v ii^; :m!v ,,M*-»*• -1. at.'! i! m »*:.*«. q-!. rts f tho !:• ! i. ■: ru:« •! ru •• '• t. .-•> I p«mi« »• * t: •• >t M .a I I. |. .• [ i!, r--., r. T v ». «•- a-- '• s’ -• I ..y •• ■'* ■ l.ttf i. */.. . mux I I t .r .. 1 l! Tii-. ! r-M f rt* .t .i j-a .. ♦ f ■■ *' *. s.\ t !.•• t '• I; -t t- •• T< t .at. T« tint. ,r>. r- I It 1U *,1 .%»•,. r.-r rt.fi « 4 V. U ■ t.h. .) m.’«*r|wv > a v •: r- .- i: ri rat* U'. •. t t. !.• V' a..a Isr*H as- U-. •. .. .i M.ir. ti .I .-it It I *>» l]i« tt.t*» •!..«! l. Appn.Y. % ■ T Ri l.l i.t;t t-r »> « :* I I- r. ►!.. ■■ : ... • 4 bn I 1 pi. iti 1 ■ , lu-i. t t: l<’ I. t! | r- im ■ •' t. * W ! in •• *1 « ar at .i •••! aU* A N V 'T an < 1 f x r«» m v. f -r t "•• ti. .u- .i *; t.iu.> ar liln •!•**. at-.) '! i:m Ulit «-t ;* -.• l» .% ■ V, ! ■ * •-«. ■ h it t.-r t'.'T x > 1 t!i* l;* x >'at»jt.-<* r- it t | 1st.. (£.-» *-nfki U-* HtKl I t. r *1 » nil* 1«. iwrn-ia* > v < -• v •* .»:>! .'iv : *•!.! rr M 1 SmIk-i. *r\ ; t. i ft: Tl.-. t»i« *| T J •• M T !l > t*U.j ., *. :i'i! II I! V, «h I |i\' ~ ■ II x t .*• iti--’ .-.a i". ati< ti | *■ t* ♦ r» v «*-«l t- It. r* in.* T..W-I 1 t.i._ utter t pHt r« : '•*»■••• «u, ■■•«*,»•'.:. •*«». » J i4.« <1' « ! t-4 .«n it'nm i.atii It is n »-»•• x» r«l '•fan* t!.. «* — ■ i. tJ..- xt t.. t. hi v la- «.r in- r« t-nr.j Umr i- tr !!. tii t% all. r** it i* l'--at* 1. a >u I »* thn, ii..r $r ■ w v» ■ .* •• •*-. u 1 .I I ?i *• MW.». ?> i:. t ai T -i i' n j« .:t par* ■ «• ■ 1 t u .. I •• -- t h us ,:•••• li :u •! 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AU t_io »: «» .- » > »-• t- IP-4 I 'iu,'.t«,i. lo r« ( than ■•r.f x.-ai t- at:: |ar..iitx | r--\ ••».*.I .1 in ©• cf l! •< *!: ♦ !.«■»• .a. _• lU* «1. » i.g h .r\ »<■*•«. iling |»» 4 4 ■ » »• t: ii a -.rt -r. t!. » •: •. ** -ill ITl »«: 1»» 4t4 at i»M : «*t a *• ••ntv 1:t «• f >■ « I S>■ 2 -■ rr ,;-t. f.’tv f •• l- r» f n ( .r. -. t». t «*• i!*■ r* r- (•<•.!. :•- li.. iu t il I wIm'D »;• v M lit.’ a a- I v -.1 x*. -*iv -.*r -tr*-* r> ***• atari. «r at.v ti. Tt,. .itf*. p t. :. la tti»- rt. t<» t‘.«! A j i‘f. I MaTi 2« * Hi •• t• r■ I t w «• t:. at 4.1 *. roa<) t ..at *.« -••■'* •. a' anH-iided ahail r**a*i a5 *" *• «• »!!.'. tt;!. ul«* pn «;t»g «*i:t I «icl. Iran p 1 »* «« t 1 XX ( bnplrr J? I. aa>«ii •' > r 1-4 tl: .» 4 f Tl V f■ -1 7 r « t ft t i. f cars <>» :irv rt ! > X > r| tat. •<**;*»- w ,t |«t ^ \ A \< t I th* A-.. t. mu vrn T ni'h SiiTfin^r >t I a-• ’«*• » rt.. l.»«. f t: : w ; » «t «..• i.«t.•. t ■■t Hi- .r 5 "t ■ .-t K.: -< n.i\ ui ■ >i in- •• I a •* 1 t in- < ■ } u—... t* a i. »> ! t. tt *t» .| t» i-t. n.l p p.i U t.'M .• *. i* «•: is .»• 'M t.l. at.- »i »»*• *1 Mar* h t. u -t* 1 i.t. ? 4 v r.'i" ;•} rj•« ; .v n « t at -•<-». i*» t imrtO Vue mt» *r th» •' ■ >• I r~ ».* » *•! r*. » «• a t it t t* ••u:.t» 4 J : K > ..•• r. I Impttr i» I. ••M**u ul *.».•! H a!#»r\ .••. :•»«:.! f 7 « tinplrr •’1 t '• ••• I k ■ % 1 .-.:,• 1.. 11 ill U -- \ N T itn- s •*..*••' )' I:v• »» an »• ill.. tl t. :» ti, .•». ..J. t ., v v ««•:.% •• ir 4 »:• *■ -t .• r- 41 •: ti « 1 n.,j >! I «> r. ft t* •* art «M l-‘ v •! t. rr t t ■■ > -. ... | 1 T-.t. -* T i-Tf .»• t tl**- -.ciiir: r.itf *1 v» i. ■«.*%* r;- iii| v\ .;. v • •• fT I t rt. r -a v t».* v. I t: T v-• 4!.i.| t « ir IN- f.» | < t •. a w Ji » 1 I- -• !;*!•:. *.f M |tv. 'i. ! ii. — 4.j, .? rtuapt* ». 4. v. ..jjiM ct.. w .ti; Hifh tr^-t, c«’i. .:.at vr ir. v- !«•-.■-.? n K- I t., r- 4 *• ! »t.4i .* r.-i ■. »Ti.« t •. t, nt.x.1 an.I t, I .. t r* «*•*•»- *. ! v 1 t-i •• ..-li r» a" It- in '■■■■ t' tn in Ih- ■ 4 -i. .. .|, t’.»- .rt i. ■' j-». 4 I* ft. «n r» ur "f ■ :»•!.'• '* 1 1 .» 1 .a 4 -: i. ... »• "• •,'.■••! j..m t« in I. t*»- «■ t.. t*. t..r a j- r •••.- *v ... . Kn u... 1 i.- tl*. t. v1 •• t.. tt:.- rr». :• t, -• t »»uri f ... i, a- '! •!• <-r t. I.- a h i.. =i 1 t:..- -i I ,v at ... I '!• a v ..r,’. .1 rtl.-p t|. •« t. ai. ■;1 ». ur r- a i.« m I at.v., a! I t. i. |-r I t' L: ..ii ii.v art r-- ... n I I •• r; ~ » at 1. ... I n I * w 't « -« I v : V\ -: T t uni!. r« i- n ♦ '. h■ 1 h -.ii 4 » \« ; «■! tl .. 1 r* .-r t .'I rt. .isi I mi,.. *, m- .! ! T--.it f \ .•*.!: Him Ml ; v f> .*• I.iir •! 4 at C t- rft \ ? •. r.r -. ii.t.- 1 a i* a- v « I It- !•.*«; •--- •,: t.-r- pvt a- !t r« -1 us t -at t ■ 1 tvs; J. 1, 1 f **•{'- t ’: 1 4 < •}- w.t:4 «ri :ru*t n.l-it u?..-n «*r ;at.- «.l •• f 1 t!' .: 1. •• *v. >. ... 4 I..| f .-•* aN .rn .M« .4 r* n u« I « 1 .1 ... !•;■•■!. v •_!. .it -••» ml. -U 1 l- -t ,;t •. i.,>; s >t, 1.. t I t.-- ■■ t. *• xx ■ x t t u:i t t-. r* a ■»: -«• ur :• ••ath. i; r« -i .jiiiT.. f K ••• .1 .5 : .1 i. »-i U :iti ..in S- i.- n « •• -■ •- (*r t.- v *1 U-.1 > Ui< t. r»-.v Jr i- :• f, 4.f «m.i I < .* t' « i.l [..>•:»• f .lili'i A*. JaIUt Uii* itit If- >» \ »<** »: t I .a ft- f a i' » f t W t a• v» t\ *. t. rt--: wj» » 4 -unt t.v ». 1 4 T>i* *u ’-*« of «a: ! r~nirx vn%r ..n.nn* a;.t • L-Uij'jrvvivl V •. ii.»j■ i. -V 4 hnplr* J.*:t «1 -I rt » t’i t *•■-.: !. | .* *t«. 'J 1* # I (hnpirr tN ACT .t: x 4 hftp♦ V. t \\ \rj |. a. ■ 1 »• »■ * ra- f r-x -.t ! I / ”r 1 I "! .' « ■ ■. .... « U V V i-t % IntMt'l. t. » -t ■ .• ■ »» i.it I j, ! :. I I >»• !. ! ,» ..J f x -f x I -1 T I t \\ t- l,r-‘ a- •>. If r-.j.... ■ *“ri, ,r I * w ■ 1 « t *..1 I- a •• st tut— ’’• -•:••« , !• 1 T a h » f ■ f •• f:... « «•• » f p.- —, x -. a.st. x f .!; ! -r h. i* 1 rt ,n •• w •* ’» t -a M I W U M HI J .* .;» .!'• It:.- ■j r.tU t- it I » t. r- I 1i. m.i.ut 4 »’: 4* ■ .' I Xj pj. vwd March 7 « < »rt f J t' rt:.* t j f"' ... .: *u;d »■ u.Ui--l.il.. i.'l »■ aatil ** ',. u a* .%r.. •:. t -r si- -x 1 4 hnpirr Jti7. r- -s 1 i* f •» >• ; r. -’..I »-• n*!:f pr-*- : .• \\ \ I f ’te .»;•■ f. •. t. r

*' -i 1. \\ v. T ... ? 1 | .TO r. U*- *•. •:« , rt 1 f th. | j.—• ■ t * -v ■* j- *' x' i. -I a .«t -t l t :»t *.» ■ W »t* :• f * 4 » i* i. ; ! -if*. t r-i. ii i*i. 1 X trrill ■ t i>a. ..rt » .• -If’ t :it x f U a'. o ... \ I. t r; t -t \n \ t f. I 1 hr a ar. :• *...- ;rt. K- T t v- -t t- :!•••.• 4., « W .t. v x. 1 i- | > t t ( ^i.t ! t .i: V I » a!T. J ...:-»4. Sul Lai. ;n-i a. .*;Lt> .* her* > .1 ’To;, ,o ;,t A Mar* i; *> ~ j prtrVi-d 11 ?: •* < hnpt« j: 4. ‘.lit f- t* v Mai AN M r t hapt*r •hi.-.-:. U 4 haptrr « t i;« % —i 'P.t t. .t.. ^ t. »x. %' t •• th* r*-» • *t ,* -*• > •. v V r>r AN A* T ( t; x .rail* r. f i* 1 t. W .• t. |.n. ?Ti 1. t ti I- •• k- a*-- t..** 1 ...... r 7 ] v »•. 1 Ir ; v. r* ** «■!?> ** .... t!.. t: i'. r» I p.i t..x* r*r p«~ *=. *.. »4_-ht f ).»T»-r. f tJ *• v | > u v it r- r. x. « T a uaJ •• .«* -o that w» tlliirti ;. ,.m I ktIi ■ tn- *• a e t.ll I » « ** t w > a f• r: 1-h t' ..t 1 Vs ... ». «v.»w tl !. T- '.*»• ;.-l 1 v c v *■ t-'uAt »ui 1 «**• t.- a<* s if! *La'.l r* a 1 ill .* .' ! V *r V *•;*>• X «'. t -v » :* u •• < ~ i.. t! » » — 1 * .i* f •"».• t- *• tx « *1 .! ? ! — » V aii 1 r. :«• \***■ .. ,r t ir v!> V» f t: u»a •• T a-!»‘!u'i' *rh*~- « *** ■ *• r*' th» •.■.»*.'*■ I1 t. !'•.«• f -• v t 1 ,i .• I:.- •, .- •• ! A- thf ; < : I- rntv. :• at. 1 li>* t. w «•:.'• •• v » J j! .it* » ; th it »tt> V t' X A I »• 1 1 .* !» HI *.1 r.,1 Ji t'.«» f- •. '• 1 T • a » r- J s, t. 'TV •* • •»».• *-•>*■■ •. < f* t * " ^ t* *. * '•* > ,r\- -- 1 -' U- : i"» t a*.. nr:«r ;• H\ «.* t ! nc -« t. s» •! r. » .t (V f 0’ir\ | V •. ■ p -i.a.; 1 f." \; HI, rt i: •tu!’ ► tliat I m a» »•: !. »!.i r. ..4 •' I ) \ t,r l- -*• ! W w n r- •• a, f. !!..»• < 1 7 !* t hf. rrr*-1 < t 1. •. t * « *[-• a- •. u liH|ilrr 9 4 !i>!tt.-**«-liaH m ak* irh nrt-l th- c.w— Aj |-n » 1. « .at *■ t! ’• "■ n- ! *. v. KpnroT-*.! *■ < -1 f r,*** t • AN \< T am^fx at f n ft<*Tiv- r.f *: fv- T -r, t *Jia71 t*lu-* Ar,.-,#t hwn Jiapt. tii t, 4 iH I «••• •• •- hapirr i* : IN -*.it •. r- _• t 1 a |*r |>- 1. .i*-4 :uj4 j.'.m-f f vf.1 M*ri 1. < %p| •• "t \'i \ l*t Ml ! | 1 ..»•’.!• ■ 1- t n •• « -*-■ »• x*. u t»‘r M^r****-i* ■ AN Ml r»- -- »t f •-.at. ‘•• 4 bnpirr Jt»9. ft., ;.•**• m « > ! nj x x -• ! -t,it :t« |f lat ft f <•’•*■• *!!•'• r« *.»■•! is !. r* 1 » s a* :t h'1 fi.«- h !* I j- ! k. .'KM'J |VrMltt> A *». i.n* ». N \i T an»ft 4 f-.rtv t.v.\ riftv-tur rcntv- *• -1 I .. I » i; ■ »■ » xs t. h* r. t, J ... v. -. • \t- n» : « t li ij»t. t-i-tj : ti..- I. \ i.-.l ii .• >.•. -. j. |■ rop* hapirr TT £ j. t.««* f f- rtv j« v 1 -ipt.-r ft.- A »• »*» »u X .lion- ;• v.*, AN T l ». i»t f •».. t- r-’ * r»1 not a r- X- t. • * r<-j.. f *.-r 1 I rl t r. .r > S: *. « M :♦« -■>. «mn. *ri *»1 ’tl •« *- :• .; Th' .■ (.;•■ !w, 1 %• .4 .- y 1 t. ,t- •' .1 •. f t»r- •! t ti-r |- r- >t 1 A *. v, 1 1 :t " J » ix -1 t- t- a* r<»- t- w > ..... ** :•* k I ». ; | <•* i-'-t .* >t f ..... i t f ft «. •■. X ■ M tft-r tx X h nr *+i ■ 9 •• t U t M.ir- i, ..t .• T:d*“t nt: T* « *t" !; .. .• —• •. >{?■ t ! 1<* H 1 -«H ** v..-_ i. U tr.-.i- ;r*r t'.i ••• v t ’: A; 'lar> U- j r-’.-r. t:,. ... r.7 t •>«>n J-t f *•••. !. t.i V* !•*.«. .1- .-*r t"- •• :t. r. nr— I.. -'or Mtrntr m rr—litor or .»th* !«*•••»• at. ti%. •*• t: .it mi .• >t* a* '. :• tr.It r> f>tli •• | < In pirr 47 I. tri.i» .t- Ts !r.-.f .it«- % f ;*-r« -i .lo ,<►! 1-;- «!ta., r>- »4 ii' f w« h- *. > a ti •- v >-l or r.-tiv k-.J -j > r. J. W — f i*e» 1,. *. .. A N \«'T t.. am**’ *'x, C) of th** ! 1 >1 r .• r « ‘1 •- r*- 1 •• o’ \ -v.: *»• t.. •• x t. ft .. ... •» .1.- a- I r, \« a- v fi*' *.\. t t- «aU-n*. « Ui i.- ! n»\ .*r- x- | rf ; -n, Ihism. i. '• a W ft' -I I* -. T' ’* r. -» !... r,. k v». r*,r tr 4- •• t!.'•• -I*■ i r— * « ... .. t* ~ -i ■. ,*. .»! «-r- -.win. I at •1 f .*.• -1 -r. > I i* I vi t.-r-hv am- .»-*!. t1..»t t... «.tiu« i.-u ,i- t“ ’• t. r„ -r !. ! {•* n *:• r»* a- 4 ir t •• h a 1 t-wn •-tli* t*k.-u. f. .xx- *• u: .»; ?• r: ■ 1 ’• t« — *r!.t -«• r- .<* nt ’■■■ uh 'x th- art rV« { ;* t-" h rt. »-t -I i> ... r. r. 1 "-»L< r. o i i..i* w ► !..» tar. t v. ., 1 *" «■ **«’* *v. :, b> r-- > ’«»• -J -> >*• m m-v. !!*•.i f -a: 1 » h:iJ.t*T i- !. r. x. tr m t..\ it t.. th. |» il j ; -n *. I l.t- nn '* A v. M ,rrJ. •*'*" **'" » -. t' *ft a >•'. ! r« j'j 1! r? rtt ! p:«’* l”" ■* a- a .- vi :• .1* T.t.:. fftft-rftft.ftit.il | ■ ■. -r > •* — x. .* '** ir • !. « lor't' n- .it .* itt. -* !•.•■. that -a. v. u* aJUfti-.«• 4, !*•:.• r.t a* I harital »titu? rj- if* -1 4 hnpirr is I 1 \’f !• 1 » ■ < t a.! v ■ t. r. *: .-h >;«?: -n ^ T". .«! 1 » *:- !•.•■. I T- -t.itft' I.tft-r:»rx as. 1 t T: AN A I I i• x* < ■ ?v r- 1- :• rtt 4> t *- ’’' r. •. -• .ft i: •*•.!'.. t th.-;r r. -ir; — hv jm- -4 f t ** x •••: it two* 71 A 1 *»'•'!* :mj l.'iii.” I i:.a*« u«-.i, !• «nrt!" I'. *'•••* ..- -r t x- x r*-. n< ( rat;. r.s » N.. ■ 1 c art.- .,! K n.v.-laii.. t! »r«-l..r;fit-4 ,• rp- I i«t»- !i Minr r- :«r.\ ... fc* TBpdji-i i.ap’fr. f s, * >• '< t..ir * tt*f*t j v y'T,r‘* r*‘ l vi»'; •> t «• £ ti.-- j 11\ pi.;.ary ur- th:» ‘Vit.' •h.i’.! mail- t •' ■ .« ! th- -*r. — 1 o ■ .I « *»i I *.-\e: t t U' ? 1 !.-»t-t» !.• r*- { I t- I- r. it.ali iti J •« bnfkirr .* t.. ■ *• >4 -a. -i l. ~i< .! ri{ vx 1 ’! il v ft. 1 th** fti- -.»•*. :ir»* !-•: -T- *.i-i •• !.o> v 1 -i il *■ i'.•••*.? ■ 1 an, t, % *• cuts'! 1 Ji *• -r.r. ^ « •;' !. -* !.» ■!•••? v. r. t !*•- :vv• tit f r* h » in, 1 i’;• -t I 111-r. ( 'hr f t ’i'ft'f -ailing I• | urn*. *.r if- trf• ; f » l.»j '<• N-|\ it *-. r. -o.l -tat..-- _ » v w '!.• iut i*. 'i S iir. .-« I in w h «.r ii -: w nifii t •. iftf W a ! J- I .r n. t. .' v ... :»t. ■ rl i. n: f-l ?. ■: in <' • ■ ~ t J rtv i: ?• r: th- Mt- aval !• •!,. r* ■: v « • ”- t | •« t* t»-r t «v •' •••'•■ -o t '• r- •• .. vx!,—* tit ti.. ir»- **.t -X that *«• ■ ! 11.- :.!*■.• :t ... t t I1’. -*•’ :.t, .- V -:a! x j. ap| 'r|>t l.t- ’• rt tr- **"t:»t« ■ f -ti* h « a* !■» i."t ■- *, f /; i! .■ t 1 v ; t. ! .ti h t t'r» T|. rat., |any it »!•> t »h. ri-. 1.. (! f... .r xx .rr.- ,.i f th,. r. it.*I th»* ti.* ti.i.i uii I > t» **•!i t.».\. ! •r ...;r*'» .;»!■• -U* li t; t. ■ « [ :• X *T. V. -T. » \ '• •• W'-»T*. Ti i» If i»f, nr til'. •!!!- l'»-1 «*»• I v ■ ■ ~-t. o t’.f «• -J- •• *. .•• .| ui .t• V trl• !• •.».!• i*. tA -»-• -tx'. th* r /. M i\ or :.r* ~ ♦ :. *h,ii: i'f.» v* rr— 1 I..- I \rf- la:- t III'! ••Ml' I’l til :! ilirj.' •.!• .. -• ■- I *. *• :* da* I- • T.. r.,\.,- f. r.t ;**• ; f:' T A -.cl. rii r- -l f- '. » ?:.•{• '• — tii. t<. th- t -v t f v. *. ii t»x -u i j r* t t MttiH* .• -ta. t on V .. r.i’ u;. v-r- a:..I !»• r--.inhura. *1 tr th--t.it*- I'..-! t. II..- }.. v t. !•;«• •.-'it' t t t!.. t..v | a.'l f>r< '.- w ■ .... t :: .: a- *1 •!.. n v -• t *,•».»' \ r. .• r* ad t.. t 1 !. r x. iuntil I 1 't '. ■ M. «I 1 r- «. Tit..- f. .. j, x ■ | -;rfht-r ff.at th.- n» t ax.'i ti.. ... ?. •. .' t. r. -t tv wUlc brr-iiit* :t x a: il a \.; ... t-.T vi .*• appiy xv*l il^CLl •• 1 J-' |^ne U si^a.i l'jCOiW.’.o 5 rv- Ve Mjaum ? fcuth March o ^-l* a. t. fcic hereby .Apj j coUt-fe.' [Approved j L^j'^rutcU ALaxtU t>%. h*blm. Api«r»vtUr«b 6 3 ... ! u f'hnptrr JH J b I'i I■ **jif 1* 4 »‘i:r I fvaj.Unt p^rv-n I ,• "«c«'r 1' Wh -'T*r :t fr»*n t, -wrn t«* t- wn «*r I ii* n»:*. »h hu!itlr«»l Intlar* |►*'r an *• 1 I 4». •< v fl>’ >1 t \» I fr in .i- v t. w i- v ! "«t or all- t*T i'k me i*mu i*w AV \« T v.Ht tuk I •» .• .’.it 'V : -,l p. y f4> |. ptuvnltM ■ M ..t I- !••'»: I .-* ■ a «« i- u -1 < !i.ir *n Ir I • Ilk I.kV h ii• I :»n I t. »• ti .un a;i i t** v. l.t»< Ii*»* r»|- t -..It «^jiv»i*l: n/ t«’. Jirirw 1 4. 4 I •••, ,,f.U t !i 4.. I * 1 t- 4 -l t sn-r .-i- I for >»••* rUl* i*.'t «!» t.»lv' ''-rl win"! of y.teeu bun i.e-t *1. 1 U.I.* flv r. t K.. el by ■£ up « > » !* •• 4.. »••• < < h ir-t -.r •••; t. -. > III Vl.tr. i; • nm.r•. pir, 1 r* .i. ;•! * r- t- i?v 4, at }j ! *v V|*(»rovi h ; t Ml 1 rk.vti HI I V .U I .'In 1 IlilH* h.-54i » 1 I rr JM t • I >r« nu« .» aitr.. *• %*»»*• Sm .,,u .*n. t « » » .»•. "r l.it.t*- thv* Unp a list h. ports ... ! .j•.t •■•••. .• *11. ■ a* t l..» |.| .V. V r> *.| .ml AN' Ai r Mfli th of tip K st.-mf t 5 .in y iiu*’u i- lr *•. *.* t-* Probate and i. ■ w if r, u: t; I |.r » ..» I -uiM-nt to labor 111 ..lit * ... i« f-T t. » i«-a .u* > \ r: -rn.i* With th. .miity oiiutv K- ,T,. f**-«• 1 a1 :.- 41 « •» * r. « t .♦* « th r- ru< '*'•* tin- ^ >. 1 M.. ti A’i-1 Alter the tln»t iluk ot .1 m 1 '*n tray• a: I jhwra nitty !«.- 1 out |>n». SKiT .:iiur\ u »«lrr ■ Tutru. ti.*n a 1 U t r"l »•• m.». r.-• u. I "i* >•- ..r, tarn four «.f ..»».• |,urv!n-l the rl «.l»r 'l l "Hi Si 1*1 1 e I P l!>'.| .ti.il »• v < v-r. in; lor any r. .••ml tra- W in tin *,i.u -up > .Ijijtrr Jh*,r Ih : ■ irr !li»* I***, v..i*. 1,; 14r»* in 1.1*1. <*u ■ •!1 ..no ;| 1 .11. tw ht of tlio n-Vlual -Lit ... nr, Me Miari "t tin* i« ..f i.r..b,t. >r »j> other ?•■*» ii m «\ a ! h p&w»> *. t that I** |M n.t eighty *.-.ter the ■ ** 1 >. "• > w I 11 t In« Hum• il •*:’ ! *• v» !^ *r ,r -I tli.it *;il-l t; .a ntm-ii r»-a i- »•! K-m aji i«' S «u it wa> ahtkll !*e nstru-tel. the ra -t ■ nm a- it.n»: :p k-uunt* hunumi ilollar* |e?r ■ Um* o.ii*trn*-tnm «.f t.i.' 4,ni.' 1 !• it .if '«•; th>- ( .MT4 .f. »l!-toa,i wie » IH, ... r«, on »pj heat on ol the muni- pai ■•!!.• ra •! tin* ill/ i4P;'.-. ye il.1 ■ — •• M t.vi 4 1 tin* <** •*i:i. tiL* in.»•!•. •. 1 r*< »i *!« »i! 24 Vnvcr* at>.| ’mr-. '•h.i.' Se*t 1 'in st. the ftr»C *!av -t in v w w in*re.n .*tteh wav i* !>« .»!•■ l. th* p < r* e* >mpi* jn «; January, ut**r h.« k 41 •• *lra 1 into lu<< *.i! •-.unt.i !.*> fi.t* 4 I run-! n >!••* wi •*»« U wlum. -n-t: .- r» t.-w the k ot ir ■!-' .1. I., mi « I ."Oht luiMitre-l ami vi: I'pTilmi; liK1 u..r -*1, •!;.*;I uj •» n n pri p p< •••>■ 1 « ■ t.» an.I utr u th- it h* wr !• t- nm: ■** whet] tin- w it n. .uni to- t .4 J4»*r 111 .11 l.li.; t n t-*t pro**-, nil train}!* ir r**4p»«. tiv-- e.k- nine -.tar* *»f t tv 'imt coinv n> ri ■ tr* 4Mir> inth* t> 1 11. »! ft. r- \ 1 lim .• ie- t uti.kl! S' t» a »r o » **- li tr *< A at K ra.le liter* w.tlinr i;<4, jii 1 lin- m t.r (.wit:**- ouiity K«TII|etM'<‘ m.t« v. n t.. ,t.. *«i. *- «• »**• r. 41 1 Hi.* art »h» i- wi »• -. v* 1 !i e I of e *11 III Via W a:. 1 ■ l.tloii of *.« up the *.*■. an ! the ■ «• f c ti lira.. «it.* appr t ellt* |ter iLtV. IM-h 11. !i\e. I t*V r..i ir '. • lk <• » «. I l.s tin' t.,wi4 ,. 14 ,.t *a t town U J..p wmr ar*‘ I M I »ll. t 11.4 V ll tile ».TV|. e if til.' oUlkt V ! ... ..p ,•! map if a mum « um.ii there- *• i* v* :■ n t th« V|>| IMItl'r'ini — t**u< •! I' t it o-t* f *«i h ra-ir*-» I •hi.. l- n i- li r>.» ■ to W’ to. time »|« lit !U tr IV.- !M£. f..r which l;e fttiail y 4 hnplrr JV» t \ Ml m.4»!'* un !« **.•! !u». t. is i.-n'e lie I *C ji». a. v tr»v. pa. v or s t. or * !;i v* *u w « i* !• P tiini! >,i '•<■ t 4 4 •• a •. ,!.■•• AN \f*T to nr 1 >• i. J f it *.-r M r a- t ahaII Uke elb- t a ■ or -li.i.i ApiM't oe...| Ivt w.. i: «u. ii aipan .» I «.r up |itr Hita Inn ajipi veil. « l«„ ai. I lx- u.. .;« •» ti.. 4:11*-, Ir. I itt.il tw.-nty ur th*- K*-' x »•« 1 ."taint. ■*. fruit 4 t- A ilAJ' h l_ t *» it, a* m tv •!• tern. ... y n I re *1 hj jipr'-ve*! ) » <;•«• • tv I.. A r. i- rr*. .*» *1 t I'lmnlei. H..M *iwi make a r. w .• of w:i.-« i; » .4.i •••tin'll- .ir .tSirr *4 I :.t« j-wt p ** .ir<- 1 in I v* u t> 11 .1 1. 1 ti t. »rt !».' .•? n>- n ■! r«-« I it; 1 t iU i. t •. .• i.lf .tli is t»-r nr«* 11. 4.! h;i|»li tie .r !■ o t .i» r»- pon t... ., ju P haj.fi 1 ? 1 I •tut xtc* 1* I»»>r»- 4 «•• *t t .- IN' It* ... »• mt. .vi,! term to te* J.. I ui ti,.ni.ty w y At’T t v. f tbo I.,*' 4 :4 f »v|* tl 4 *• *» I; I** !l t .1:1 •• *.1 *h.i. r- ni.., *» ... ». ol». ■••.*«• .lit* I. a .1 atiail a i-j- •( ir tie- r.«*n A^r ultnre a •• » "i 1 "ii rr or t 4* ■ *. •• !_■ 4lll*t I, 1 t £ 4.4 .4rW* !*.* 4 4. !i !Xk’.,T tak* "' > ier tin- runup* proof*, an I pro* ■«!.• i* p ty I-• rn.iy {m>«-u .ij flit) ^nt revuMal .. :»•- ■•!. I !.■ ,4 :• v t.i r... .ire. «l. in .jn.i-il .1.4.1. i-i!. I *i-.ri -I -t.i- ...... le* •«. »« ■» .1. «m i....a-ary f a t. i»-1* tt r. ,e -lie.! •• M. 1 t •« 4.1 f 4. 1 4*4. 44..,, 4 uro C I 44 t 1 ir* I I- nix I v t-* in .. ii '•* »tan n if of ti.e ea.*o I prea ii p .1 *.. n h :: p jty appi .my j. i*,. '.«'ii at jt .*.• I •* t II.. I. •: It f at I 4* .X t••:. .in t or tr.*I Mi-t t..r 44 t-. .-i*o t’ .1:1 u- of c may a* ■ *n p t r* * I ‘. a*5. !,-■ v, 1 k-.i Mai n l. j a.« r>- •• •• *- -1 th*- < -lae to a new o- «».• n >>r m nr *u u tr- iri 4.1 <1 .4 f -.4 i• ;* .-r p ••,* •f 4i**l .. 4- .am.M.Si r-■; u t 4ha ■ n •! v, ;u h.. » ■ • l* 1 -t .1. ■!.. rw a* ;*w u« .• :...iv r« o. m 1 u a haplrr i^ti. ■1 •* ■ 1*1 t1 t. it -in a* »• i.• «sin :• .. •t t ir -it :i v. Ill I ■. m 1. til w .40 II* a n« l;. *; IJ.J.- | >■ -p or.ier. either i**rtv iiaajr u j... AN \« I M re »S• t- f | v a.-*. 4j«r.,, ..t« .in | »,: ...»U .411 * ...... ae l--» « ixtiUi', :ur^«, •in. 1.-.I \ t>- t "1 re.t. ■ «r.i*. :.f f * .4 1 y.Tt .*•• i 4. i;,.* 4.4 1." ■. t:4• ¥4.4, a 1 ii. *; ,.4r fix- If ». IV * t.'i'i Hi. t» of th;« ~.i* iua. t» i.iii ami a. 1 hupt »l'; r* it i! S ’. !■ t .1 > <1 wtlli ll *Ui It Ut W14JI r* 1 I 4 .1 1 » li.we-1 to eiUirr it the r. ti •„ ,.j t. ,,,.rt. ( t.i,. t«-r parti .1,* ip. i. t t. r*-.ii .-tit- i. *(•■•! vt ut in the :« .-f Inn r* 4. .-a- «!■ i.. *t; t •• w •. >»• .' -••• tioit t». ?V of t.f otic f i.ui-i- 1 chapter »nt le •>!. » •••:.- » •• S'e-ret ojeii, ir .- I 4* .• I J>roV the r> lei lilt if. 4. a* .»-»••• h 1 ■ j. ;.i tr .4 i,,.41.** t l.r» l«y ..apt-r t.’.r*-.- * I. 4* -i 4. t» «.i 1 ,«ur* «... 1 n. .■«•-. ».- ,r.- .4.. I |. w*.-l *•’ ive law* ..f ..le. -i 1. .1 lr.- 1 eiputy up- ■ •*» > -, w hi am. I. a to r* .vl a*l< .. ■* •' « hereby »t:■ p !. »s• i. in | '.■**’ I La ..... «% n t a w av re- let,. I: .-T f .;A wln re fa. ,4 •:4 i.l l• 1.1.4 .• » .- 1 .j;.: a- twoa \ U .* li- f •: 4 al. P .w» not c** a tin v* tr--.il Mnr. 1 p mi S |.--l *' 1 ! "in ah* ••*!« 4 ■ t. rt til.* 5 44.-a.4iu*-’ 4 I .4.. 4- 1 I. I.r 4. 4. iv>- of th. w». hut .u ...r ':i.l .« n- .i' \p. .tv -i 1 ll.ihi \\ e M V t.. a u ? !... IMF 4 JIM) »• tit a ro*# a th* w av t !«■ |**r« _.t S.n.r¥, hnptrr ph w.*y j*u! *haii v .n t. mp > i-n. It V» ir t *11 ... 4.4 >. .. ■ *li t.-.l a.* .«• either \er .r is -!er *:jch w i\. 1 AN \« 4 -r /e » jf .t .e l'.e*,r.. .uteri !!. ..a t* 14' gra p t.; it uel at f:-- it. t». 1 4., < » i* rm oQ of a, ra 1 <>n « j*-r p. tli- !u|'ti flv. .n t th.- r-v... ■! .tvut-* 4 ■ .**! !*• in* of *i.ail I— -|. t* r. n 1 a* r- v !•••! h, .. ■«*!»* t, S. v\ “f « UW rc». t «. of r If 1 u>4. ar*- -t pi ! n «.u J t.*w V t.«* ir .1 I- .v --t .1 -i { aetif. wn ch»pt* .npiitoea a* e.1. Hut ? o .'l I * .. r.* ••*lt'*> 4 4.4 4 -.... s .p of a u a a h.jf •* i-’ ti. i-!»* pr->- » W t 1 m ut the '.ten .•••it of the may nr -i., 1 a rn.-'u. pul » »•!■ <»r i-> \ I. ..4 .*-r •! I • ■•. t ,u.i -. ... to >• tr- 1 ... •- ♦ t- I ... t ••:>*. -4 til- .. 1 • I r. -t 4> t. a 1 hr. *f Ta, »1 >rp. ra-. ..Ael .p •. JU are .,1 thr ml ha pier .*'t? ''-‘o- **• -»•*'* » •• ‘o ■ r;ai a1 e t- t,..- u 1 ...- of fit. I it: t',.i .4 •• -.4 | y V N A«*T ?• i' t"* mi tv f.-r .4*4*1 1 4 u..t*iti .i 4 it t -*1 11 a*' » *te W :. 4t 1»' *• ... 4r:. ph» 1 n ! let *.\ls ti A ■ 4*. 44 t.., ,; ■'«- ■ ■ L45.-.4. I t t *4 4>- .44 1 .1 Ti !.»»• •. In P .r peril! l. p a rahr -a t t. .** .'it 4-xl <• •ill- I '.i 1 ..fit ... 5- o .. .■•( ire. : t... ,.e }• (•lit \; a-t .av •l .•:* I .1 "I.i:.-i' t. .1* to .11, f tat. r-.** i.i ~ ■■ per ! •• .S. .... t t:.e t, W til t M ,..v f r-4 ! to pa.-* At ti.A *1 }e Hen | cm *pp .- a' t. t --'-J-:--- 1 t..*' : .t*- : 1 .... .4:. •■; ^ '«• » A 4- >- 1 *ee l".» by .t s. W 1 s, -.*,1 1 "1, 1 M f- w v 4-1 4 *. .«. t *•. : 4 J‘*l •-■•'.*•'• f 4, 41 a 1 pa. i I- V hnpirr

.. 111 .4 r.. N n- t. 1 p rip--. a » iv- a.. I uw. 1- V '• T 1 -a.a ■ .4 4. a iar-h-U a* j .v. l«nl a- r; p ?» p'.w i- ! .. p I.. _4 »- -n *.• 4 ^ 4.; 1 ;. 4.•• 4 u n »*>». Vj pr v 1 'la..1, I >> 1 : I' 41..! vlt.T .1 miarv vr-f. t ir la la Pu t f a ,t € knpler Ji.'l. ••f 5l- .... a*, p.l. 1 .... | |» 4. 4 t

AS \«T p t... *< r* it. n f .! .*• > prom! pr- «-i 4« -t p* 1. a ! .t .1.1.4 !. ! >. a « 1 J th* f.-J.-rt* of toWUA. .tie* ... •*»

1 • »■ * 4 1 Ur > r>v'.l Mil, ; -• p- ; Vp, ! 1 hr a: t 'r*..u tin •in..- an v- f I > | » UU< M .••••. •. | baptrr jlfj I V p-t '• *; ■ 1 1 ■ i' v !.i? t the A V (T t *• r- f t •. 1‘ * I j• g ■»••• Ur r* -v ! I i• t ..s..i j t t-r .»!. *« i*i v. I r» .. .u« «t » •• 1 ... a f T M.‘ r f '«'! -* * t. k. rtl t. ■*: c ‘.t .4 —v. I.. » 1 y k. ■ t Ui+ --v.-r ■ «, a. I t: -1ir• » f At .... v *• a« a •■! ta- %• a; i'T 1 •• ii" to-,: ■' I t... r> t \ j-j• t Mar | I •* » ! \ lij ? »r ll- rat v ■ ? f a * u. 4 Jsf» 1 j Chapter t.. l. it.- lu 1 k til ■{ t..* ■ r- 1 f r. 1 i; ti ,u V ii at-*!.- *;u.. •••:.-• t or cut .4 t 4i A v »r .*•* f (til print* t j. ■ | ...» a- !<•(.. ■ .^l la. a;. f t » I rat. i* V, ; Mi. * t !.. 4 V* • f haplrr i*" I ... "* AN \(’r •r^vr;1- It.- .. ij,: ■.{ ..• 1 .•* 4- i.t. t er ml :i -1 «• I «• i.f rtv t»> W *u*r si »■ .. a. J. i. {•*■•>}- 1 ■: *“ U *- » I *•*ti* a I s. 1 t k 4 ; ; > t t A. * t ■ a h* n anv a u»-r ;. .» j»;. ..-l * .. «!»• t. to 1. •«:. It. ••!..- t ... t»«U St 44.'-. 1 r -i ■ purj U ti.; 1-T « t J.4.:. tJ..- .!•••-• t i„. .V t |*r ■* r* .• .• f S -- t .. k it. AUU...... 4 t» !nn:,44.i,'i. »4 ,j t:i » •• ci.tjf « •• tii..* r- x-r..- t i. 1,. V. 4 ; f » -it:. .i •• t r;. .r: -r.»i. I a At t 4. ii •• in «• \ -r •- :» f « f j.i *.lA. ;• 1 : ! '* V ka:i« *«••! ♦. *1 a. 4-i •• ■ V ", ;■ ;k ;• ■ "f t «- ■ t «t rj. I !• •* k* ; r*- u ..... 41 a. -r ■'f r- i- » >i j- *l 41 t >u• In r- M-> .. •; i ...... t* ... _ •., t bn pit- is V »U». |.f Ait.- .- .•la.-’ t a * N-. -ii < l- u .At •: rv AN A r at. r.^ :.-:r .. I'r* a it:i < *, -'• I,. a.. ,.- -■ V -J 4 | ...... * » M

iu« a 1 aa a: •**... 1, a 1 v o-r ’..■I, l'f- •. I.. t .. | 1 >'

1..:-a; Luu.lr**.! .i ..4A.-a t -r ... a., .. I A. a:;... „• *.r r. v.1 JA ,, «v. r. ■ .t .. ,^.i 1 4 t.» ... k .>r l

i- ... 1 * A- ’li.i., [-• T. -.. •, .... .4. 4 .. I '• !»A A AU Uu;. 4 | V i. I .... i• •• r»-. 1 ■. -a ta Tiu- a; .r a- •.-

! ••

1,1 tL'' .a *ty tn.t.'Muy tl.- ...... „. Chapter Jss A-! w 4.- 4, 1 's viT«.» t Ur tu ,.r. * proTi'l. j. t »i** •* 4U-- ... 4. 4... I "I '• * ov i.. a ti.. t i, t; .. t 1 "• ’. I. •: :. 4 *•* .A 1 A.-, tiiny a. m -ru-r* ->t i- --4 t i;. t.. a ■ f i.. .. 1. iti t'h. ,r.-l 4 1 t... ! A-'i A.. ;.-4{!A Ii, ,.r U' 1. IU at.

'• ! ’r -» »v a 4.. a i.. 11 v a* t * -a. 1 .r ■»•:.. .1. v lr,t i- .-4 j..-a4; Af. t .r ia l u»> 1 ,[ 4r. I .r a.,,, t, «• ... t .a-a. ... I .1 .. ...!. ,, ...r t .. .,.. '' •• ‘i : ‘A I- .1. t4.. '/;i" ; .. *’s 1 for A |U|. .• t v ,, 4 •• -’f f r. 1 .'a: !. 4 •* -■ •» I*- t». It ir •• tii. il».. i"- f •• *:.f. a ir.-l.ta ... ,. V »#« 4 J a ’. 1 U a .A.,r, at v w ‘f > ■ a,. 1 1 r.i.A a- t A 4 lAf -t W 4 :,r I V; •v 1 m.4; h

I ha pi* ill ; A N \ I ■ W of |

I »’ 1 Att-r I :.f tiut 90.1 -xtiuu 04 .Uiieu.*■•?•» !"«•. it >1 n tl*n| ill "« «i : l-‘ ill- ft. a. •• 1 tr, o. ... •». -1 1 * :: ; 1 T t R , v »: v v >. Sul r. .*.-.*•• .11 HU,' ■ I» .... | | ••! •.*' ■ vi , •; H!»! .».**• a •»•*'•< > ! ;w !: -t !•'•••••. -I i. X 1 ■ » IWTV ** \> !;•■*> «!• t !h -!I -**»•: 1 ■ t.» -• .1* r -• |'mUmv «>f h .. x. 1 t» Aj j d Mi,:- ! *• !!•■*'.' a t .*• 1 ■' 1 * •' I -!• ■ i- U * •• € hnpirr ’107 r. i» ,i.,| XT. .« al- r- Kx !. •' ■ .I...' N * r» <’ t :* •. A A 'T »! f Stat< S t trt-H-f.r* of %t ,. I,. .It- t«-t •!.•!-! ;* .d i: > ! r.-ll rk t «f it. .u> it f. in trv 11 .ii, •» » tu »v 1 j« r- n M 1 1 1! 1 !' •' «»i I '« « « .. «*' r. s. r. »■ ■ •»' W. !• », .• •?. f, ! ■' 1„M, I u It f II.** t **». t'.tr >• tr a> .1 » i, I, vr ■ \r t r. m .1 .» ’’ ■» ;<» »: !. |- y i. t Of r. -t. T ». -1 ,• , r» t T •• >• ♦*,. I a I R | | S, ^ .|t •* I l.r ; f. -1 f, I-. ;Ui* •• t. x t 1 ft. I I** l.-l mi. ti .. s Vi. t. ri ... ••• -• ! '■ T * ! r»t 1 »{> .< -j*-, **• 1 N R.'t. :.t I :»rt« ? » !• « .,.!**• t u .th •• * tilt, t t. T It..- ;«!.••• Til* I t! .. t. ,-r I'. Si r* tv* -i t , ..r„. ! *■* * I n \« n *•••! , 1 s»; j-r* *• t * <• t*> apt a’ t ».,%* mi \] j i■ Mai- !, I > •*. J t<» « 4 h ,i pit :lO!l

*t«*r t !;» r< ■ !>■:.* \N \ T t.-* r* ■*•• f «*»i**r*ff. f at •' »• "ft -1 < .*?« t -t u:'• July r'.f 1 I' >r t *»• -1 r■ f v. #■» -..a la i* *r»- ■ » !■ 1 !• .-!-*■ I f v. 1 i-. j;. .. «*•..• ,t. .. t. ‘‘I it i• ! I •. » ».’*;.»• t« nt. »! •* M pr«»fcti. •< -f t v •: t It ’***■,' M:.r a l.> *- € hnpi' i'MI. k \j t> at | .-%*:r *i li ; r« i-l f w 1 a a ■■ I.* I:.' ■ tk u 4 «upr* Impirr in S ■ i- « ;i •. ti.r.-- .1 .r* < si_tc*« t.< U I .: ti 1“ »N \i Ti. im ) t r f tV* 1'.. I * p,. • a t- < v. '«!■•! \ A- { T' V .. I. 1 ; umU-r \ ■. .... •• ^ .V f I 1 -1 1 K ■* I 1 a t.i*. \i t- -, > 1 H i*,| •* v Mir A \n \ p ,-i.- f.-r thr [ \j< ! I I .' tH. ■ 4 hn pir IIIO.

AN M T T r.'t .• n f *r -» ar:J pro-* s». » ? « l\ > r. « •• -t I A v. -TV — ,1 : u ,i j* j.mrrol (nU|- V* ;n .- t. .* ;.— UV » .1 .* •• ■ *; -I I i.-ir I ■ ■ > '■ '"I ■ •• *• -t. .1 I J .u -l a- .It 1 :. * 4 V t t!. t. ti I ,,".t ■ w t* »• .1 v V .• :«t t;.. .- .ft. ..V \ v stli a: -i t- f ti J » w k- ... I I I :i-, v. "Urt ill , I 1 a, .: N1* *. *T V. ... .'t -m i•» t ^ v •.*.»* ■■ ■». -u».**<. _ I t j r- -n tv f .*.- *rt .t Nit t 1 I tfi. .1 X i: 4 hnf'trr to I N ti j t ir ’. K n» u- A V t. i.i .( Watn» pr>-»r*l M»r i. lr»-1 ai> 1. .• 1. u -!> t '* 1 v apt tiM. Aj.j r- -1 Mir U ). 4 Ii H pi* ’ll I

A' N' T r. :■ rr t r* .u- t atu- ! r’ V r- ft' : 1 X- •- J-'. j- 4 h, r-t to I v. .. r**.i r.*:*vrti aVur: ■ wv- v. T .tr> || .I!:-! '*• u! ! U J 1 J\\ \ •• f va a t! <1* i. 1 *• I. ». r. !, ♦, t: ■ v .- ••• : i.tt i- " ! s 1 i- 7 ) at ! n. » -nr » :j-'2 j y a U.{..| U a a 11 v. •. 1 C tr. J M i: 1 *\ /. w v t\ 4tt« « r. \J 1 *' t lui* i. ••u}- 1 •• »••• ? •• a «•• i.rt I .» ir 1- f’l •*• •-**- 1 1 I.l •! \ 1 it-*.- .. » t’ tv.' 1 " 1 •»■' •' t r' T’l. ■' I Y:.1 \ ,ij.. •- -• Mi ft 4*t! *.!•..:•] v*h ;i » i*l !• S t f ■ j <• -■ !.*. *• i- •... v. j .* -.Cf| lit r- ft * 'v ■ * f.< T- li.r J 1,1.1 ,f v.' '. '■ : • ■ »V \ •• \Ur ii* "*-: I I -If. fir * f. u .*!.>• t U- k* ft*, t I M r- { < '• n ! 1 (' hn pfr 11 1 1 II. *; it.it. an »..!• .«r ’■ 1 t‘ ! u V ;r- A \ A« < .• •»< I » V«. M- •'V*.: J n' -r * i-

-• < .■« .:*• ■ i. v, !«>:-• it'. I I -V I :. tr £ \ -h- ». *• ft 1 1 lift •*.,!- ] \ » ii k. n rtgr e. t V. a > ff :•*..;«{ •• orj •.«;• .J : f-r ? I* ;*• P-; •! *-.;• I' -» h Im t • ;t. » t-> •' tr. •.!* .. 1 ii it •••,•' *«• t• « ui f *!.<• "r»r *i pr -' \ -.-t* { h. t* I.HJ.U t w i:. .-••**...« u- »-*• ;-r 1 :»! •! i*T" :• w 5, r. .* « f : * pij- t • t t ft 1 \. !■ •' tb *re > r* ■; !• ; -V.- .*• I ■ x\r *• '■* *■ »*■ *• ■ *» A' 1 M 1t .. « ■’< t » a, ; .-1. *»-• ,v 1 j:t n -I .a- \ | r«*v. .'»» t. ( I t *r ii ft* -* :. <• ■ 4 bn plrr .*1 f 1 i* t ■ .1' | T'. ti ft!. '•■*! :» ft.ft.* ■ •• *tl\ -*;*-• x X •- AN ACT a n ‘at » \ lift. v ,i : ft ■ r, ... O 1 llmiiri laiullttl I* .. T 1 * •* .1: »•' tr. •. *.i ! I- 1- t- I -i -4t. ! to trrv ."it *• ti. ”• Vf pr t »•*'*1 •: r«v .... ] *? -t i*. .i* a ft ’• •> jil*. < % ... t t ■ T .! f *. »: ujum A Vpj \U- ■ l« t. T 4 ! .1« A Mi- "bfr « r. <•• v* If 4 \ --nt ft I 1 1 : r. [ ■* ».'*.•. Ii I »I.Y I'. n 1 .r f « .-i./ivm nal a- t. ft ft ri- » *a'- ,ir«* r» *1. U-.r t—tr* r. o! > < » a ui an 5 In tli'-.r t-*r ti.r**- 1 ! ’•! tl... >«• v» » 5. t..n\ n .i'x .4» r. .»» a> ll •. rut ‘rt.f *er i• i** ti..- ...... ••ti v •* ft •• < 1 *-• !!. .I ft' t f t •!..*• Mft jt ••• « i. t t- .r.t» 1 l. 1 t ., -v ! r rt t: v « .- --- ! "r »n i-..r.v h'. 1,. 1 xi-r fart ■ ft •! r.r .t.J. 1 t..- 1 h tv.- h x ■ ii »•* •!-. .« u.»- -*r. ; I * r* .- M• t ft I ft. i» t! l- i- -v *, f ;• the i-.. ._•• t el I t I. h *.- % .*■•••■, 1 t;, t f !•• u*. pr j- 1 * > tin »« it t*••*-* -• w :! '»*.■ •'f• •. t ...... ,i .-r :rl*. » •.. , r-. »• \ ». ► ! t.. t- t *. * : !.- vt! i.. li it |.r t■ .,- :i v urn i..»r \- t ■ t'.t-u- l-l i.. t II: it 1 1 r I- ! 1 ■ -.»• 1 -!.-1>-.! or m in «'»ti .. c'r* I t 11 t, n t V r- .. it* t... lar* »! on »• tn urr..- n-» wjrv In k». t|- ri,; :' vrvl Mar. i.. f j-r~ ■ j Vj it. I I.- 'ti. ■ ( ft. ■ M.- t .* \ — :»-• .•» -f .v x- 4 I -• J t t I .• >• I■ ■ «r: *• -r — t. •• ft- 1 >«''• i. 1 •.. *• -1 .! :t •' !■- •» ./r n < iol Inpt: X t It- <•1*11 -t < t I'l." t ■-! i-ii a .1 a.** i’ r* p it i: r- : .. -ui Si-. f an-:. •* ■ r- t a-il :n t .fa /i \ V T to :i•!!♦•!id ^ r- .* <-t h X|.'• »n>l i»i»'U***. ;.i*--u'- ■ 1 i. ft!. > 1. t t'o i- ti » a •'.i;utc9, 4 >:l 1 -i T x ll»»- 'K tiu»*ut | t t. I :. ma l' 1 ft Hit' },.• ;• •• \ I t -i it:: « tt- ,. .| rn >r r! 1 '. t.,-r. I- .t. t«. •!.«• * .• I r« Ilin! » r«• i11 .1 •. .. n».4lun. »..• t r«t, I I- .*4- <-! -4 K* I l. it V ft ■' ••.. ft v -rv * 1 *x r. •• hu •• ■ *' 1 mv I. .ft ra* > -i>. t .. ! 1 v !, ... .1 : tvt .«»•■!* a lllll Hint.- 1 J \j March T. 1 r- t |'*'T W• v• I 1* :.t* f »i a 1 I ft ft. ■*. .»? *. ! « Mr z- I -1»- s :i• 1 ; pr< «•*! t'..- _ r: r. «r t > r.. t :a t..»- .‘tale I £ in * i’i t.'.- >• i: ( a v ■p*< .‘KM*. •: :«• ..:i -r tii- ».-rk j.a>at.;- -juar. 1 1 •«*. v '* '• I" f * tr -* irv pr f •• .v.: ~\x-. ■ft’ «.f 11 ft ii- ti j- :r > «, J'.' -v n V | -r.it:-.n #!u.!. "!.• r- corn .it ki.-.ft -I .i.. ! j. t >ir* I u.i.il •> t.a ■ \4i a n ot c ::/*• »3 1 r- i- *, ■ 1* t ] 1 | t r«. lum.-v 1. '1 !- ft-.-*' v •»! -i ft 1 < •• v- v .r• ■»i hr- •■’li. »t n r-. i-v » Il , f T n»* -1 •'! t a-1- •! !. p •• ft 1 — 1-f .-.ft -t t-- ft !.*•:: t. I- t.r-t. *• n ..•••• it• x •« > -l nai :• a ■. vta.i d >• a ^ '• t !■ »► 4 1 ft .. f- r: w ti. t !•• r- rial f -1 •■!•::; .. f ! *. -1 H* ! a ! r«K *«i- r. V i. t 1 i.. « > il <1 oil *ti-1- c T. if —t I vi :» t' .r.* f .. .-4 -r p ».• ■ n* ft* i. a* ft :• •. ti -. 1 t l! •• t< T 4- 1- J u’u n. ht t»0! •!•••! I!, tr t* lr.**-* Ut pr ill-i.i,.r ■ :• r» t» v'l -*i >•: h '!,! •riH.tt <1<- to ili.* j* 1- «ftii riH ruft •-« 11...... f l- !«• •> 1, '! j- j; tlir j i. it lb* a-! .*' t < o!. •’ -iv*.- a- «t t* Ilf I*e in pr- J of t'o r*wr t t ,r fT If-.- y ; !. .'■• It- t... pnv- t. BMW fin .i; p: ft ul vu-Hi'ir— iftr-ii.ili... li• •! ^ r-t. v. ri-jwvtt w thin ti,.- at .t- t** *rsv- tlk-ir •«.*! »•-!•■ •• m- I v i. f tf r. t > '.1 tv•• r. rt < t r*t >» Ah railr»»»«i c*»r|H.r»tmo u r- ft ,...*'« r.- o ii to a « ri-i*1 «(■!<• *• t«■ *(• (•«.ar•{ ;■ 'I.*- i't' ni-'l > *t I ui liiiw the til*- r> ■ -.ti- h a* 1..-. tr .*■ ,ilt:..cr«r' sJt i.ij a fill'll., «-r t il f n. ■ .- a. •- t thi* a< t j y j fr p. a ,j thwart ,1 j r, uh-!*T p*. 4 > ra,lr..» t ;»i v nii- tl. at 1. IV I ft-ift-«. *v Z V- 1 ... ,» >1,1 r- n *• rv •••? .■• -’at- tr-t*iir.r f any T .-nipanv oj^ratifit: :tt!V J.. 'it. -t.hn- a t« f t Maiu« farm ,i -. ti. ft.it. -! s uv to tb- tr-i-ur-r -t th- tl>«* pft-lo *Lall Lav- tL> a.i% w a- Vr h art j .rh I**-* 4 of ■ ur b ine inarkt*t«. n >’• w-m t• tt.r -rat*- n to all »•««» now 1 t -• !. ! s>- j- -.15 ti.- n:. unt ot Pr- v*-i. That ti 1 tV-M* r.*o'ut. •.* la- m -!;• .. -I. .[ ) iTf r-. rat.I art i»: copy r. -• •- > ->i r. »n> tsuh*. J '• -i t: -U' h tr .r**r ! a- f ■ I- f«-f <-t th-Haul ru'.i- ft .ir J—: tb* t a?«- *d.aUrs « 1 a.- al* r**- .r-. f i-rk« 1-X{-- l.> •♦-.*r*-,:»ry ati t ’Tt rai» r.t •. r--r* :. ! t, !* id rtu tip- 1 rcfeiitaliYc# ol ■* fr mi ,r -;nu* iu aufr fl a.- c«*i»(r.* m’-I 4 ?...!* L-.-Mtr, or ti-nuii.-ii i.v tht and cvuncil on or before Aj ril LApi rotvU Mar- b 1. etitut.ou tLem r. poveniur RK>t*I \ I in luvor ...... ■! -o o\. *0.0 !l ,.r, ap | ,J, '• •• «T a >■ *-x t '! \ rk ft •- a o li. tP* | i, u: a.r*.i.:\ ; u! -i-.P tl.. i, 1 '■ -t oi.i -.La | ft 1 .!-• ti.« tour I 1 a: j. ■•* i, t.v:ir «! >i l.p,. :.r;.(a.-r f o *•*.». at tv- .ft- p* v. u p:.o. ..‘t-.p U .-.r | .* -*i,-i *o\ t < fi tl fan .a r. Vi '.Ti!**, ir.it tl.* ftat* J'l ritr. it. via au>*- ■•',*■ ! o I -try 4 l«a 01 nirh.i 1 ,!;■ P- »' t *.* lit-ianau.