Ellsworth American : April 11, 1889
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Volume 35. ELLSWORTH, MAINE, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1889. Number 15. The Barn. full of life Old beating and vigor, when the States Government advertised f«»r bids for {From our regular Correspondent.) Fourth of July in Joueayille. or.’ The Dominican Father Cattioin j ^nmirau. has recovered a text,—“Y< ■ State News. CUsimlh country fully from the evils the purchase of blankets for the use of the Washington Letter. preached sermon from the ! of a men of stand V v II.JHI'KML A mil*-* divide u*. and civil war. and is on the Galilee, why ye gazing u| !•>. \l \1» roUTH thousand full twenty highest wave medical department of the army. There The speaker was a large have fl» d healthy-lookin' into heaven?" and this wretched wa; 1 II I'liMllhKM If ill H ** I II IMF year* of the ocean of 1. *89. man who talked wimmeu's pun I —Frank K. of haa prosperity in its onward was a foreign bid ami there was an Ameri- Washington, D. C., April against rights, Partridge Augusta, since my eye* l:«*t rested on tbe roof that * bel- the beginning of a series of sharper vveap :» v !i-•. •*”!”«"> march t<» and lie didn't bring up no new arguments, but bced appointed commissioner of phar- j le ml iny young head; greatness and glory, there issues can bid; the bid was for a four The President is very much vexed, ons. foreign talked as all do who which ottice was made vacant the *• they inacy ■J. C. Editor. Vet I ii a* as if hut a week bad from tin a oppose'em.about j by Chilcott. ju*t plainly back-woods of Texas, not an al- pound blanket for medical to be most Republicans think he lias good For the final assault, the park of heavy flow n purposes wimmen outragin’ ami destroyin’ their death of l>r. Hawes of Hallo well. was into Y<>u set or a wild a w to on account of the Senate's re- artillery wheeled place. lu llanrwV Since I h* cam*1 iu the art of ligator hog. but Mills ho furnished for $2.26. For the same four right he, modesty, by bein' in the same street with T lie launilr pioficietit picking it on all the scientific battle fields. I —The annual meeting of the State board « OllUt) *tone comes to Congress and is the blanket of the nomination of Murat Hal a m in. onee every election day. Aud he put by speak- pound for the same purpose the jection consists of denunciation, am of health was held in the 25th wit. !"•«*•'1 «* For the farm wn* and we talked how general j Augusta ! >1 :I \ \ very rocky yearly er of grand about woman's w cakness th» House of as linerican bid was 56. was a stead, editor of the Cincinnati Comm*'rcinl the Jesuit) Dr. F. 11. Gerrish was re-elected ■ -1 :»n.t 'a -I d to haul Representatives $2 There dif Father Mclrhoir Inchote** of president. la.; IH* U.< I'm u*» aroused all the shivelry and nobility of a .-•it-ti in k... It" ron I Sufficient *tone from each old field to a chairman of tin* and means commit- t<> h<* minister to A his to hear well on Gali The total in Isks were £t,- build ways ferenee of 30 cents between the bids. I> Germany man's nature, and how it was his dearest brought artillery expenditures -l.t. i, a *•! a. S *f Pt | »t l* t: ii't »!• VO" t tint of w all. loo balance of >n rod tee lie.with few Senators, on account of with the declaration, that the opinioi ; appropriati unexpend- -• -o the assistance of there and im*st sacred and i;». ... *. I ;. ha* ii,.vi*ta•:•«*» tor mail) Mr.Carlisle, any true American in this countn Republican privilege happiness to »f the earth's motion is, of ail heresies ed, $<>d2.56. ■! it-tt- ii |‘oti ttu drafts a bill ill will towards Mr. Halstead, protect her even from a summer's breeze, or for the purpose of who would recommend such a con personal ~ Vet ’ti* n*‘t of farm farm bouse dear that 1 reducing giving the most the most A- ti ill abominable, — koii'iln. if it dared to blow too hard on pernicious Last a to w her beloved night passeuger ould sing to-night our present tariff, known as the Mills bill. tract to a the Democrats under the leadership the most the Wednesday 1 M* .»• *i hl!Tl«*N foreign manufacturer for tin joined ami delicate scandalous—that immobility Tho*e th« in* other form. Bath on the evening train, missed connect- by poct« have been worn am of k. in #1-V 1 bring this wonderful document be- vikc of of “Standard Oil” of Ohio, the earth is thrice sacred—that argu i, if ; in tatter* hey saving thirty cents on a pair of l’ayne, Why. before lie had got half through, a ion and was left iu Brunswick. Ho warn- quite; ment.s the of the soul ivai.i.t :-■! w .• :.4tt; oi an I fore the succeeded In bringing about this front against immortality But rather let th* *u! j* ct of niy bumble rhythm- countiy just when Mr. Cleveland blankets.thus taking away from the Atucri rejection stranger another world who had nev- ed to get born that night, and hired Mr. ...i >i at ; rati <■; t. < I }« «r the creation, the incarnation, etc., shoult ic if er seen a woman wouldn't have I 11. a yarn has his hook baited with the best bass of <*an of the appointment. It will be strange had the Snow, Brunswick stable keeper, .• manufacturer, the A meric.in farmer and be t< Tin r. will trout the above Be on< iliat grander tolerated sooner than an argument | poet* spurn, the big old- least Idee that they were made of day as to drive him down. As Mr. Snow was return- tiie season; his line is to the the th* v dn not all live to regret their Action. that the e.tith moves. In vain dii fashioned barn—- put bottom. American laborer that much business'; mau was. but prove j \ ••if | would have thought they ing, his horse was stopped by two men in oMtiuwarroara^e* l>tar*<cn* f a old when he to hiuiself his famuli « many high romp n-*t for another bite, but for A id it will be stranger still if the wa> try protect by ii- ... ,-v •-jaii'ii- aimanv re-election, However that may Ik* the contract did go Republi- made of some thin gauze, liable at the woods, below the railroad track, hiood ran free. any just \» i. iioi-t i;i\u tso i youthful letter to the Duchies, iu which he insistet | | when tin* free trad*1 are can of do not resent minute to blow and that man's at Cook's corner, and tried to make 1 f■»'k* trumpets sounded abroad, the Democratic of War editors the country away, only they 'ti form « hothet And th* \oinig *Jid tali courting at th* Secretary that should not lx was to aud theological reasoning Mr. Snow and 1 '•:i? old-time bee. in the halls on the of certain Sena- employment stand watch ’em. "stand deliver. but he* did husking of Congres*. and by stump gave the contract to an English house. Eng t ii-» attempt part applied to science. V. '**. OIK I'l < l*l«’N*. for fear some zephyr would get the advan- not have intention of the order, :;t tors to a Senatorial know any obeying \ if arh speakers large, that the present tariff is lish labor and wool made the two establish censorship The rest of the story the world j :»j-«T «.> fr**ni see \\ foreign tage of ’em lie called wimmen every as he had over and a 1 1 it vet. in fancy. i i! it* old and wheel- £100 valuab'** gold 'iroot*-J t<> hi* n loo or mi- to f.»r use to mince by heart. None of tin* recent attempt w >»rn lliM.r ruinous the people and is them thousand blankets for the use of our *.f the press, there Ism* pretty name he could think of. and wav in watch on his H.s tlrst •• — driving army person. thought ! ... -on.H -i oi■ not i* re have succeeded in it. Tlr Tin w *MKb n la*. h.:h* hired man** name to of ids .amis In the air in a mystifying was to and run for tue carted 'tan ation. and they came in without paying any duty mattcis. tluit is just what the rejection rapped eloquence, jump woods and • 111 whole world will remember forever hov *••:* III- i: •• '»tisuio«l. ha-ply the an 1 beatin his breast in the same, leave the* team ; he did so ami iu a \1 r Halstead mean**. He was not he landed The new : .\ great ileal has t*em said The Government took advantage of tin rejected Galileo was to imlig POWDER spacious upon the left, the manger during tin cried subjected certainly ditch and for the two shots put woods; Mitbiut t-i ! it until ! on the right. law because of his to till the and to t< disrii'-dwm of tl»i' free trade measure about that stands on our statute books and inability position Shall tlmsc weak. these nity imprisonment —possibly were tired at him but hit him.