MEMBERSHIP - Councillor Godfrey Daniel (Chair) Councillors Ian Buchanan, Kathryn Field, Roy Galley, Richard Stogdon (Vice Chair), Barry Taylor and Steve Wallis


1 Minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2015 (Pages 3 - 10)

2 Apologies for absence

3 Disclosures of interests Disclosures by all members present of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the member regards the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

4 Urgent items Notification of items which the Chair considers to be urgent and proposes to take at the appropriate part of the agenda. Any members who wish to raise urgent items are asked, wherever possible, to notify the Chair before the start of the meeting. In so doing, they must state the special circumstances which they consider justify the matter being considered urgent.

County Council Development - report by the Head of Planning and Environment

5 Non Material Amendment - Alteration of wording to planning conditions 8 and 15 to allow the use of the Link Road by the public prior to the completion of the Greenway and the landscaping works. A259 Belle Hill, Bexhill-on-Sea to B2092 Queensway, St Leonards-on-Sea, - RR/2474/CC(EIA)NM/10 (Pages 11 - 20)

Traffic Regulation Orders - report by the Head of Planning and Environment

6 Traffic Regulation Orders - Bexhill to Hastings Link Road (Combe Valley Way) (Pages 21 - 42)

Traffic Regulation Order - report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

7 Traffic Regulation Order - Parking Review (Pages 43 - 62)

8 Any other items previously notified under agenda item 4

NOTES: (1) Members are reminded that copies of all representations received are available for inspection in the Members’ Room (2) As part of the County Council’s drive to increase accessibility to its public meetings, this meeting will be broadcast live on its website and the record archived for future viewing. The broadcast / record is accessible at:

PHILIP BAKER Assistant Chief Executive County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent LEWES BN7 1UE 11 August 2015

Contact Simon Bailey, Democratic Services Officer, 01273 481935 Email: [email protected]

Agenda Item 1


MINUTES of a meeting of the Planning Committee held at County Hall, Lewes on 22 July 2015.

PRESENT Councillors Godfrey Daniel (Chair), Ian Buchanan, Kathryn Field, Roy Galley, Richard Stogdon (Vice Chair), Barry Taylor and Steve Wallis


16.1 RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2015.


17.1 Councillor Taylor declared a prejudicial interest in item 5, in that a family member lives on a road at Site 7 covered in the report. He left the Chamber during consideration of that site.

17.2 Councillor Wallis declared a personal interest in item 6B in that he is the Eastbourne Borough Council portfolio holder for Planning and Planning Policy, and as the Chair of the Local Development Framework, but he did not consider these to be prejudicial.


18.1 Reports referred to in the minutes below are contained in the minute book.


19.1 The Committee considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.

19.2 Mr Payne, a resident of Brightland Road, spoke in support of reducing the proposed lengths of double yellow lines in Brightland Road, Site 7 in the report.

19.3 Councillor Taylor, the Local Member and member of the Planning Committee, spoke in support of the officer’s recommendations in respect of Sites 1, 2, 6 and 8.

19.4 Councillor Wallis, the Local Member and member of the Planning Committee, set out the background to the proposals in respect of Site 10.

19.5 Members have considered the officer’s report and the comments of the public speaker and Local Members and agree with the conclusion and reasons for recommendation as set out in paragraph 3 of the report.

19.6 RESOLVED (1) not to uphold the objections to the draft Order as set out in Appendix 2 to the report;

(2) to uphold the objections to the draft Order as set out in Appendix 3 of the report;

(3) to recommend to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport that those parts of the draft Traffic Regulation Order to which no objections had been received should be implemented as advertised; and

Page 3

(4) to recommend to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport that the draft Traffic Regulation Order be made in part.


20.1 The Committee considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. The Chair reported that the Local Member supported the proposal.

20.2 Members have considered the officer’s report and agree with the conclusion and reasons for recommendation as set out in paragraph 7 of the report.

20.3 RESOLVED to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans listed in the Schedule of Approved Plans.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

3. No construction may take place until the detailed specification of the absorptive acoustic barrier (as recommended in the MRL Acoustics Report, dated February 2015) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. The MUGA hereby approved shall not be brought into use until the acoustic barrier has been installed in accordance with the approved specification.

Reason: To protect the amenity of nearby residential properties in accordance with Saved Policy DG1 of the Hastings Local Plan 2004.

4. The use hereby permitted shall not be carried out other than between the hours of 07.30 - 19.30 on Monday to Friday inclusive and the hours of 10.00 - 17.00 on Saturdays and Sundays with no use taking place on Public and Bank Holidays except for works of essential maintenance or to respond to an emergency, and after the carrying out of such works full details of the time, date, reason for and nature of the works shall be given in writing to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.

Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the occupiers of properties in the vicinity of the site and to comply with Saved Policy DG1 of the Hastings Local Plan 2004.

5. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the Traffic Management Scheme, submitted 2nd June 2015.

Page 4

Reason: In the interests of highway safety and for the benefit and convenience of the public at large in accordance with Saved Policy TR2 of the Hastings Local Plan 2004.

6. No construction works shall take place in connection with the development hereby approved at any time, other than between the hours of 08.00 and 18.00 hours on Mondays to Fridays, and not at any time on Saturdays, Sundays, Bank and Public Holidays unless the prior written agreement has been received from the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. Deliveries will be within the times specified in the Transport Management Scheme.

Reason: In the interest of the amenities of the locality in general and adjoining residential properties in particular and to accord with Saved Policy DG1 of the Hastings Local Plan 2004.

Schedule of Approved Plans

Waste Management Plan, Noise Impact Assessment, 6222/D/0022 - Site Location Plan, PS 3 - Combination Component Details, PS 5 - Storage Unit Component Details, Supplementary Form, Design and Access Statement 22.04.15, 6222/D/7033 - Proposed Site Plan including Acoustic Fencing, Traffic Management Scheme, Dimensions for the garden room.


21.1 The Committee considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.

21.2 Fiona Wright, Assistant Director for Education and ISEND (Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability) in the Children’s Services Department, spoke in support of the application.

21.3 Councillor Blanch, the Local Member, spoke to highlight the importance of resolving the traffic matters connected with the application.

21.4 Members have considered the officer’s report and the comments of the public speaker and Local Member, and agree with the conclusion and reasons for recommendation as set out in paragraph 7 of the report.

21.5 RESOLVED (1) To approve the application subject to the completion of the following procedure:

a) To authorise the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to secure, in conjunction with the Assistant Chief Executive, a planning obligation to secure a contribution towards the cost of the implementation of a Traffic Regulation Order to provide double yellow lines at the Brassey Avenue and Firwood Road junction such works to be to the satisfaction of the Highway Authority; and

b) To authorise the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to grant planning permission upon completion of the planning obligation subject to conditions along the lines as indicated in Paragraph 8.2 of the report.

(2) To authorise the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to refer the application back to this Committee if the Undertaking is not secured within six months.

Page 5

21.6 The grant of planning permission shall be subject to conditions along the lines of:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans listed in the Schedule of Approved Plans.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

3. Any works to or affecting trees during construction shall be carried out by a competent tree contractor and in accordance with BS3998:2010 Tree Works Recommendations.

Reason: To protect the integrity of the trees and in the interests of visual amenity in the locality in accordance with Saved Policy UHT4 of the Eastbourne Local Plan 2003.

4. Development above ground level shall not commence until details and/or samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure the appropriate design and appearance of the development in accordance with Saved Policy UHT1 of the Eastbourne Local Plan (2003) and Policy D10a of the Eastbourne Core Strategy Local Plan.

5. No artificial external lighting, including floodlighting, shall be inserted or used in relation to the new classroom or the additional new 19 parking spaces, other than in accordance with details submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.

Reason: To protect the residential amenity of the area and to comply with Saved Policy UHT13 of the Eastbourne Local Plan 2003.

6. The new classroom shall not be occupied until the parking spaces hereby permitted have been provided in accordance with the approved plans and the areas shall thereafter be retained for that use and shall not be used other than for the parking of motor vehicles.

Reason: To ensure the safety of persons and vehicles entering and leaving the access and proceeding along the highway in accordance with Saved Policy TR2 of the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.

7. A Travel Plan is required in association with the development to ensure that private car trips to and from the site are reduced. The Travel Plan shall be submitted within six months of occupation of the development hereby permitted. The Travel Plan shall be implemented and thereafter reviewed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To help increase awareness and use of alternative modes of transport for school journeys in accordance with Saved Policy TR2 of the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.

8. Earthworks associated with the construction of the 19 new car parking spaces shall not commence until further details relating to existing and proposed site levels, including cross

Page 6

section drawing plans have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure the appropriate design and appearance of the development in accordance with Saved Policy UHT1 of the Eastbourne Local Plan (2003) and Policy D10a of the Eastbourne Core Strategy Local Plan

9. No construction works associated with the single storey extension and car parking spaces shall take place other than between the hours of 08.00 and 17.30 on Monday to Friday inclusive and the hours of 09.00 and 13.30 on Saturdays.

Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the occupiers of properties in the vicinity of the site during the period of construction works and to comply with Saved Policy HO20 of the Eastbourne Local Plan 2003.

10. Prior to commencement of development a Construction Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport and the construction programme carried out in accordance with the approved Plan. The Construction Management Plan shall include details of: (i) parking on site of contractor’s vehicles; and (ii) how vehicles and people will safely enter, move around and leave the site during construction (including details of managing the potential conflict of construction traffic and existing highway infrastructure).

Reason: To ensure safety on and off site during construction, and to protect the residential amenity of the area.

Schedule of Approved Plans

10-23-15-1-2185-003 - Existing Elevation, 10-23-15-1-2185-001 - Existing Floor Plan, 10-23-15- 1-2185-004 - Proposed Elevation, V2 Scale 1:1250 - Site Plan, 10-23-15-1-2185-007 Rev A 11.05.15 - Block Plan V2 , 10-23-15-1-2185-002 Rev A - Proposed Floor Plan, Waste Minimisation Statement, Design and Access Statement


22.1 The Committee considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.

22.2 Members have considered the officer’s report and agree with the conclusion and reasons for recommendation as set out in paragraph 7 of the report.

22.3 RESOLVED (1) To grant planning permission subject to the completion of the following procedure:

a) Receipt of confirmation from Lewes District Council that the application has been placed on the Statutory Register for not less than 21 days and that no further objections raising new issues have been received; and

Page 7

b) To authorise the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to grant planning permission following receipt of the above confirmation subject to the conditions as set out in Paragraph 8.2 of the report.

(2) To authorise the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to refer the application back to this Committee if either new further objections are received or the confirmation from Lewes District Council has not been received within two months of the date hereof.

22.4 The grant of planning permission shall be subject to conditions along the lines of:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The temporary building hereby permitted shall be removed and the land restored to its former physical state of an area of tarmac and planted area by 31 August 2020, or as otherwise agreed in accordance with a scheme submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.

Reason: The appearance of development is only considered appropriate for a temporary period.

3. No development shall take place until full details of measures to protect the trees to the north of the proposed location of the temporary classroom and to the west of the proposed MUGA have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport and these works shall be carried out as approved. Such details shall be in accordance with BS5837:2012 and shall also include a drawing showing the location of the service runs for water, foul water and electricity supplies.

Reason: In order to protect the tree in the interest of visual amenity in accordance with Save Policy ST3 of the Lewes District Local Plan 2003

4. No development shall take place until plans and full details of both hard and soft landscaping works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport and these works shall be carried out as approved. These details shall include:

- Replacement tree planting (2 for each tree to be removed) - species, maturity and location to be agreed; - Car parking layout - Hard surfacing materials - Minor artefacts and structures (e.g. furniture, play equipment, refuse or other storage units, signs, lighting etc) - Proposed and existing functional services above and below ground (e.g. drainage power, communications cables, pipelines etc indicating lines, manholes, supports etc.)

The landscaped areas shall be maintained thereafter.

Reason: To secure appropriate landscaping at the site in the interests of the amenity of the locality and the landscape character of the site.

5. No development shall take place until surveys have been undertaken to assess the three trees that are to be removed for i) bat roost potential and ii) nesting birds. If either are found to be present, no works are to be carried out until measures to protect the bats

Page 8

and/or birds have been put into place. The surveys shall be carried out by a Suitably Qualified person and any measures recommended by such person shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the advice given.

Reason: In order protect these species in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006.

6. Within six months of the first occupation of the temporary classroom hereby approved, an updated School Travel Plan which addresses the increase in pupil and staff numbers accommodated by that temporary classroom shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy, and Transport. The School Travel Plan shall include targets for reduced car use, and an on going monitoring programme to ensure these targets are met. The updated School Travel Plan shall be implemented and thereafter maintained and/or developed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To increase awareness and use of alternative modes of transport for school journeys and reduce congestion at school delivery and collection times in accordance with Saved Policy TR1 of the Lewes Local Plan 2003.

7. No works shall commence on site including the carrying out of any works of demolition until a detailed strategy and method statement for securing and demonstrating that the amount of construction waste resulting from the development has been reduced to smallest amount possible has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport The statement shall include details of the extent to which waste materials arising from the excavation and construction activities will be reused on site and demonstrating that maximum use is being made of these materials. If such reuse on site is not practicable, then details shall be given of the extent to which the waste material will be disposed of for reuse, recycling, composting or other method in accordance with the best practicable environmental option. All waste materials from the demolition and construction associated with the development shall be reused, recycled and dealt with in accordance with the approved strategy and method statement.

Reason: To minimise the amount of construction waste to be removed from site for final disposal in accordance with Policy WMP 3d of the East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan (2013).

8. The four air conditioning units hereby approved shall only be operated between the hours of 0730 and 1730 on Mondays to Fridays, inclusive, during term times and at no other times, in the evenings, weekends, Bank or Public Holidays except for works of essential maintenance or which are to respond to an emergency, frost control or as otherwise agreed in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.

Reason: In order to protect the amenity of adjoining residential occupiers in accordance with Saved Policy ST3 of the Lewes Local Plan 2003.

9. The development shall not be occupied until the additional parking area has been provided in accordance with the approved plans and the areas shall thereafter be retained for that use and shall not be used other than for the parking of motor vehicles

Reason: To ensure the safety of persons and vehicles entering and leaving the access and proceeding along the highway.


1. The Applicant's attention is drawn to the provisions of:-

Page 9

The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended). (Protection of certain wild animals in particular bats and nesting birds) and the National Planning Policy Framework

Schedule of Approved Plans

8807/02 - Car Park Plan, 8807/04 - Exterior Elevations, 8807/05a - New MUGA Layout, 27.03.15 Rev A - Design and Access Statement, 8807/01b - Location Plan, 8807/03b - Ground floor plan


23.1 The Committee considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.

23.2 RESOLVED to note the report.

(The meeting ended at 11.35 am) CHAIRMAN

Page 10 Agenda Item 5

Committee: Regulatory Planning Committee

Date: 19 August 2015

Report by: Head of Planning and Environment

Proposal: Non Material Amendment - Alteration of wording to planning conditions 8 and 15 to allow the use of the Link Road by the public prior to the completion of the Greenway and the landscaping works.

Site Address: A259 Belle Hill, Bexhill-on-Sea to B2092 Queensway, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex (known as the Bexhill- Hastings Link Road).

Applicant: Assistant Director (Operations), Communities, Economy and Transport, East Sussex County Council

Application No. RR/2474/CC(EIA)NM/10

Key Issues: Whether the amendments sought are considered to be non- material in their effects.

Contact Officer: Mrs Sarah Iles – 01273 481631

Local Members: Councillors Michael Phillips, Michael Ensor, Kathryn Field, Phil Scott, and Peter Pragnell


To approve the non-material change application to the Bexhill-Hastings Link Road scheme, as indicated in paragraph 9.1 of this report


1. Introduction

1.1 The Planning Act 2008 inserted a new section 96A into the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Section 96A allows non-material changes to be made to an existing planning permission. An application under s.96A is not an application for planning permission and therefore statutory consultations and publicity do not apply and any consultation is at the discretion of the Local Planning Authority.

1.2 In determining non-material change applications, the Local Planning Authority must have regard to the effect of the change, singularly and cumulatively, and any representations received. The Local Planning Authority

Page 11 must satisfy itself that the change sought is non-material before granting any S96A applications. In deciding whether a change is material the Local Planning Authority must have regard to the effect of the change, together with any previous changes made under s.96A applications, on the planning permission as originally granted. This needs to be considered in each case and cumulatively in multiple application cases.

2. The Site and Surroundings

2.1 The Bexhill - Hastings Link Road (the Link Road) is currently under construction. The most westward section is urban in character with the remainder of the scheme emerging into countryside between Bexhill and Hastings. The road will partly run along the route of the former Bexhill – Crowhurst railway line in the built up area of Bexhill, then pass around the northern side of the Combe Haven Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in the countryside. From there it will pass the southern edge of the Marline Valley Woods SSSI crossing the Hastings to London railway line to join Queensway just north of its junction with Crowhurst Road.

2.2 The urban section, running between the A259 Belle Hill and Sidley, is currently temporarily open and being used by the public as a diversion route whilst the existing Ninfield Road Bridge is being replaced.

3. The Proposal

3.1 Several conditions attached to the original planning permission RR/2474/CC(EIA) stipulated that the Link Road could not be brought into use until certain works had taken place. The wording of these conditions, including conditions 8 and 15, was altered following the approval of a non- material amendment application RR/2474/CC(EIA)NM/9 in April 2014, to allow for use of the Link Road as a temporary diversion without the entire length having been constructed or all specified works in each condition having been implemented.

3.2 The current application for a non-material amendment is to further alter the wording of conditions 8 and 15 to allow the permanent opening of the Link Road, for use by the public, without the Greenway (condition 8) having been fully completed and without all of the landscaping works (condition 15) having been fully implemented. It is not intended to vary or delete the scope of the works, merely to vary the timing of their implementation in relation to the opening of the Link Road itself. As currently worded, the conditions do not allow the whole of the Link Road to open without the Greenway and landscaping works being completed.

3.3 Conditions 8 and 15 are currently worded as follows:

8. The Link Road shall not be brought into full permanent use by the public until the Greenway and associated connections to the adjoining Rights of Way and permissive footways have been completed in full accordance with details first approved by the Head of Planning.

Page 12 If, during construction, the temporary use of part of the Link Road is required this shall only be undertaken following the prior written approval of the Head of Planning.

Reason: To ensure the provision of improved walking, cycling and horse riding facilities linked to the existing network of Rights of Way and permissive footpaths.

15. The development shall not be brought into full permanent use by the public until all hard and soft landscape works have been carried out in accordance with the approved details. A constructed survey plan with contours at no more than 0.5 metre vertical intervals to show the finished landform shall be submitted to the Head of Planning within three months of all land grading works having been completed with topsoil finishes. If during construction, the temporary use of part of the Link Road is required this shall only be undertaken following the prior written approval of the Head of Planning.

Reason: To integrate the development effectively into the surrounding environment.

4. Main Site History

4.1 2015 – Permission granted for one non-material amendment application – RR/2474/CCNM/5.

4.2 2015 – Withdrawn - One non-material amendment application – RR/2474/CCNM/6.

4.3 2014 – Permission granted for one non-material amendment application – RR/2474/CCNM/9.

4.4 2013 – Permission granted for five non-material amendments applications – RR/2474/CCNM/1 – 4 and 7.

4.5 2009 – Planning permission granted – RR/2474/CC(EIA). Construction of a new road, including environmental treatment with earthworks, planting, flood and noise attenuation, wildlife compensation and facilities for non- motorised users (known as the Bexhill – Hastings Link Road).

5. Consultations and Representations

5.1 Rother District Council: No response received.

5.2 Hastings Borough Council: No response received.

5.3 Councillor Michael Ensor (Local Member – Bexhill King Offa): Understands the need for the NMA, but wishes to have assurance that all the landscaping and environmental works for the southern section from the A259 as far as the Ninfield Road bridge are fully completed before the road is finally

Page 13 opened. Complaints have been received from residents that the environmental works in this section of road were not completed before the diversion route was opened.

5.4 Local Representations: None received.

6. The Development Plan and other policies of relevance to this decision are:

6.1 Rother District Local Plan 2006: Policies DS1 (Development Principles) and GD1 (General Development Considerations).

In July 2012 Rother District Council determined that virtually all its 2006 Rother District Local Plan Saved policies were compliant with the National Planning Policy Framework. Saved Policies in the Rother District Local Plan 2006 will continue to be used to determine planning applications alongside the NPPF.

6.2 Rother Local Plan Core Strategy 2014: Policies: BX1 (Overall Strategy for Bexhill), BX3 (Development Strategy), OSS4 (General Development Considerations), TR1 (Management and Investment in Strategic Accessibility) and HF1 (The Hastings Fringes).

6.3 Hastings Local Plan 2004: Saved Policy DG1 (Development Form)

Hastings Borough Council has not formally determined whether its Saved Policies in the Hastings Local Plan are in general conformity with the NPPF however Saved Policy DG1 is considered by the County Planning Authority to be in general conformity with the overarching principles of the NPPF.

6.4 Hastings Planning Strategy 2011 - 2028: The Council adopted its Planning Strategy in February 2014. One of the strategic objectives is to secure construction of the Link Road, which is seen as a main priority and central to the regeneration strategy of the area.

6.5 National Planning Policy Framework 2012: The Framework (NPPF) does not change the status of the Development Plan as the starting point for decision making but it does constitute guidance as a material consideration in determining planning applications. At the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. Due weight should be given to relevant policies in existing plans according to their degree of consistency with the NPPF.

7. Considerations

7.1 Applications of this type are not planning applications. Guidance to Local Authorities the National Planning Practice Guidance, advises that there is no statutory definition of ‘non-material’ because it is dependent on the context of the overall scheme. The Local Planning Authority must be satisfied that the amendment sought is non-material in its effect in order to grant the

Page 14 application and the procedure allows for new conditions to be imposed to the original planning permission or for existing conditions to be removed or, as in this case, to be altered. As this is not the first amendment proposed, the Local Planning Authority must have regard to the cumulative change of all approved amendments as well as to any representations received. The guidance does not anticipate amendments which are non-material in their effects would need to be addressed under the EIA regulations.

7.2 Any decision made relates only to the amendments sought and, if approved, the decision does not constitute a reissue of the original planning permission, which still stands. The two decisions, together with any other non-material amendments which have been approved, should all be read together.

7.3 The first part of the non-material amendment application relates to the Greenway. The Greenway and the majority of connections to public Rights of Way required by condition 8 are located in the countryside and access to existing public rights of way has been maintained during construction of the Link Road. Due to the construction schedule and the haul road following the alignment of parts of the Greenway, construction of the Greenway has been delayed in places and it may not be possible to have it fully completed in time for when the Link Road would be available to be opened to the public. However, the Greenway will still be provided, albeit not necessarily before the Link Road is opened. It is considered that altering the wording of this condition would be non-material in its effect.

7.4 The second part of the non-material amendment application relates to landscaping. Landscaping details required by condition 14 were approved on 20 March 2013 and condition 15 sets out the requirements for their provision linking it to occupation of any part of the Link Road. A significant amount of planting has been carried out already, but it was not possible for this to be completed within the last planting season. There remains planting to be undertaken in both the urban and rural areas of the scheme. To be effective, the next planting needs to commence in early November. However, this may be after the time when the Link Road would be available to be opened to the public. The approved landscaping will still be provided, albeit not necessarily before the Link Road is opened. There is therefore no reason to consider that altering the wording for condition 15 will be other than non-material in its effect.

7.5 The measures required by conditions 8 and 15 (the Greenway and landscaping, respectively) will still be carried out in full, it is just a question of when they will be fully completed. The proposed alteration to the wording of the conditions will not automatically approve the use of the Link Road without having completed the Greenway and landscaping, instead it will provide the flexibility of allowing the Link Road to open to the public, without the aforementioned measures being in place, should the need arise. However, approval would still have to be sought from the Head of Planning and Environment.

Page 15 7.6 The representation received has been taken into account.

7.7 It is considered that there is no unacceptable cumulative impact arising from the non-material amendment taking into account the previous non- material amendments.

8. Conclusion and reasons for approval

8.1 The application has been considered in accordance with Section 96A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the National Planning Practice Guidance, together with other non-material amendments.

8.2 The amendments to the two conditions (8 and 15) are related to the timing of certain measures required by those conditions, rather than to the actual implementation of those measures and as such the amendments can be considered non-material in their effect whether taken individually or cumulatively. An element of control on timing is retained as separate permission to undertake works to the Greenway and to complete the planting will have to be sought from the Head of Planning and Environment.

9. Recommendation

9.1 To grant the application for non-material amendment RR/2474/CC(EIA)NM/10 and alter the wording of conditions 8 and 15 attached to RR/2474/CC(EIA), approved on 29 July 2009, as follows:-

8. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Head of Planning and Environment, the Link Road shall not be brought into full permanent use by the public until the Greenway and associated connections to the adjoining Rights of Way and permissive footways have been completed in full accordance with details first approved by the Head of Planning and Environment. If, during construction, the temporary use of part of the Link Road is required this shall only be undertaken following the prior written approval of the Head of Planning and Environment.

Reason: To ensure the provision of improved walking, cycling and horse riding facilities linked to the existing network of Rights of Way and permissive footpaths.

15. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Head of Planning and Environment, the development shall not be brought into full permanent use by the public until all hard and soft landscape works have been carried out in accordance with the approved details. A constructed survey plan with contours at no more than 0.5 metres vertical intervals to show the finished landform shall be submitted to the Head of Planning and Environment within three months of all land grading works having been completed with topsoil finishes, or in accordance with an alternative timetable agreed in writing by the Head of Planning and Environment. If during construction, the temporary use of part of

Page 16 the Link Road is required this shall only be undertaken following the prior written approval of the Head of Planning and Environment.

Reason: To integrate the development effectively into the surrounding environment.

Tony Cook Head of Planning and Environment Communities, Economy and Transport Department 10 August 2015


Application File and Planning application, RR/2474/CC(EIA) Application Files, RR/2474/CCNM/1 – 4, 7, and 9 Rother District Local Plan 2006 Hastings Local Plan 2004 National Planning Policy Framework 2012 National Planning Practice Guidance

Page 17 This page is intentionally left blank Appendix 1 Bexhill to Hastings Link Road

Route of BHLR ´ Proposed Greenway



Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with RRuuppeerrtt CClluubbbb BEng (Hons) CEng MICE Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office DBiErencgt o(rH oofn Cs)o m CmEnung it iMesIC, E Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright EDciroencotomr,y T arnadn sTproarnts apnodrt Environment Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. ScSalcea 1le: 1:24,000 and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Sussex County Council, 100019601, 2007 EEaasstt SSuusssseexx CCoouunnttyy CCoouunncciill East Sussex County Council, 100019601, 2014 Page 19 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 6

Committee: Regulatory Planning Committee

Date: 19 August 2015

Report by: Head of Planning and Environment

Title of Report: Traffic Regulation Orders – Bexhill to Hastings Link Road (Combe Valley Way)

Purpose of Report: To consider the objection received in response to the consultation on the draft Traffic Regulation Orders to introduce and amend parking restrictions and traffic movements on London Road to facilitate connections with the Bexhill Hastings Link Road (A2690 Combe Valley Way) which is currently under construction.

Contact Officer: Bob Pape 07876 878385

Local Member: Councillors Michael Ensor, Michael Philips, Philip Scott, Peter Pragnell, Kathryn Field


The Planning Committee is recommended to:

1. Not uphold the objection to the draft Orders as set out in Appendix 2 to this Report.

2. Recommend to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport that the draft Traffic Regulation Orders be made as proposed.


1. Introduction

1.1 The construction of the Bexhill Hastings Link Road (A2690 Combe Valley Way) requires alterations to the traffic regulations at its connections with the existing highways network in order to aid visibility and manoeuvrability and create a new bus priority route at the southernmost junction of London Road and Combe Valley Way. In order to bring these changes into effect, it is proposed to install lengths of double yellow lines to prohibit parking on sections of London Road and restrictions to traffic movements through its southernmost junction with Combe Valley Way. In addition, on street parking places and a disabled parking place are proposed, as well as prohibition of motor vehicles except for access on parts of the former Crowhurst Road.

Page 21 1.2 In June 2015, East Sussex County Council gave notice under its powers in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 that it was proposing to make four Traffic Regulation Orders in association with the Combe Valley Way. These included restricting the use of the southernmost junction of London Road with Combe Valley Way to buses only (TRO 1), parking provision in London Road (TRO 2), introduce and amend waiting restrictions on London Road (TRO 3), and, traffic restrictions on the former Crowhurst Road (TRO 4). A copy of the draft Traffic Regulation Orders are included as Appendix 1.

1.3 There were no objections received from the statutory consultees to the proposals.

1.4 During the period of public advertisement one objection letter was received from a member of the public living in Salisbury Road in relation to TRO 1 and TRO 3. The resident objects to the inclusion of the bus gate and to the amendments to the parking restrictions along London Road. A summary of the objection and response is set out in Appendix 2 to this report.

2. Comments and Appraisal

2.1 One of the purposes of the Bexhill to Hastings Link Road scheme is to help provide improved reliability for public transport services. The original proposals for the scheme included the provision of a bus gate for the southernmost junction of London Road and the Link Road (now known as the A2690 Combe Valley Way) to allow buses priority at the junction with the A259. The first Traffic Regulation Order (Ref: TRO 1) seeks to implement this.

2.2 The provision of the bus gate has been included within the scheme proposal since its conception and has been the subject of scrutiny both as part of the planning permission process for the scheme, and, during the Public Inquiry for the Compulsory Purchase Orders and Side Roads Order associated with the scheme.

2.3 The main reasons for the bus gate proposals are to aid turning movements, improve visibility at junctions and contribute to road safety. Where this has resulted in the loss of on-street parking, replacement parking is proposed in the form of 15 on-street echelon parking bays, which have no time or waiting restrictions.

2.4 It is not felt that the objection received provides sufficient grounds to warrant the modification or withdrawal of the proposals, and therefore, this objection should not be upheld.

2.5 It is also considered that all other proposals not objected to, be implemented as advertised.

3. Conclusion and reasons for approval

3.1 The proposals aim to implement the planning permission for the Bexhill to Hastings Link Road scheme including the provision of a bus gate and to ensure road safety for the new junctions with Combe Valley Way. Balancing all of the factors

Page 22 relating to the proposals, it is concluded that objection as set out in Appendix 2 should not be upheld, and the TROs should be made as proposed.

3.2 The Committee is therefore recommended, for the reasons set out in this Report, to not uphold the objection set out in Appendix 2 to the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders TRO1 and TRO3 for restrictions in the London Road area of Bexhill, and, to recommend to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport that all the draft Orders be made in full.

TONY COOK Head of Planning and Environment 30 July 2015





EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”), in exercise of its powers under Sections 1(1), and 2(1) to (3), of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the 1984 Act”) and of all other enabling powers, and after consultation with the Chief Officer of the Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the 1984 Act, hereby make the following Order:-

1. In this Order –

“Emergency means any vehicle in the service of or employed by the Fire, Police Service or Ambulance Services. Vehicle”

“Bus” means a passenger carrying vehicle of 8 seats or more operating a Scheduled Service.

2. Save as provided in Article 3 of this Order no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a Police Constable in uniform, cause or permit any motor vehicle to enter the roads specified in Column (1) in Schedule 1 to this Order from the roads specified in Column (2) in Schedule 1 to this Order.

3. Nothing in Article 2 of this Order shall apply so as to prevent any person from causing a Bus or Emergency Service Vehicle from entering those roads specified in Column (1) in Schedule 1 to this Order from the roads specified in Column (2) in Schedule 1 to this Order, save that where the vehicle is a Bus entering the A2690 Combe Valley Way from the A269 London Road it may only do so, so as to travel southbound only on the A2690 from that point.

4. Save as provided in Article 5 of this Order no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a Police Constable in Uniform, allow any motor vehicle to proceed in the length of road specified in Schedule 2 to this Order.

Page 24

5. Nothing in Article 4 of this Order shall apply so as to prevent any person from causing any motor vehicle to proceed in the length of road referred to in Article 4 to this Order if the motor vehicle is: -

(a) a Bus, proceeding northbound from the junction of the A2690 Combe Valley Way or proceeding southbound from the junction of Salisbury Road;

(b) an Emergency Service Vehicle;

(c) (i) a vehicle for or in connection with the conveyance of goods or persons to or from any of the premises Nos. 104 – 120 (evens) London Road or No. 2 Salisbury Road and which vehicle may wait for so long as may be necessary to enable a person to board or alight from the vehicle, or to enable goods to be loaded onto or unloaded from the vehicle;

(ii) being used in connection with the carrying out of –

(a) the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of the said length of road; (b) the laying, erection, alteration or repair in, or on land adjacent to, the said length of road, of any sewer, main, pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water or electricity, or of any telecommunications apparatus as defined in the Communications Act 2003; (c) any building operation or demolition; (d) in the service of a local authority or a water authority in pursuance of statutory powers or duties,

which vehicle when having entered the relevant length of road in a southbound direction from the junction of Salisbury Road, is then required to return and proceed northbound along the relevant length of road to make its exit.

6. The restriction imposed by this Order shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any restrictions or requirement imposed by any regulations made or having effect as if made under the 1984 Act or under any other enactment.

7. This Order shall come into force on ...... 201_ and may be cited as “The East Sussex (A2690 Combe Valley Way to A269 London Road No Entry (Except Buses); A269 London Road to A2690 Combe Valley Way No Entry (Except Buses); and A269 London Road between Salisbury Road and A2690 Combe Valley Way Prohibition of Motor Vehicles (Except for Buses, Access and Loading)) Order 201_”.

Page 25

SCHEDULE 1 NO ENTRY EXCEPT BUSES (1) (2) Road into which Entry is Prohibited Road from which Entry is Prohibited

A269 London Road A2690 Combe Valley Way at its southernmost junction with the A269 London Road

A2690 Combe Valley Way A269 London Road at its southernmost junction with the A2690 Combe Valley Way

SCHEDULE 2 PROHIBITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES EXCEPT FOR BUSES, ACCESS AND LOADING A269 London Road From its junction with the back of the southern footway of Salisbury Road, generally southwards to its junction with the A2690 Combe Valley Way

THE COMMON SEAL of EAST ) SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL was ) affixed hereto on the day of ) Two Thousand and Fifteen in the ) presence of:- ) ) Authorised Signatory )

Page 26




EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”), in exercise of its powers under Sections 32(1) and 35(1) and 122 and Part III of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (hereinafter referred to as “the 1984 Act”) and of all other enabling powers, and after consultation with the Chief Officer of the Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the 1984 Act, hereby make the following Order:- 1. In this Order –

Any reference to any enactment shall be construed as a reference to that enactment as amended, applied, consolidated, re-enacted by or as having effect by virtue of any subsequent enactment. Where the Order makes reference to the following expressions they have the meaning hereby respectively assigned to them. “authorised parking means any parking place on a road authorised or place” designated by an Order made or having effect as if made under the 1984 Act;

“bus” has the same meaning as in Section 22 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002;

“heavy goods vehicle” have the same meaning as a heavy commercial vehicle and “HGVs” in Section 136 of the 1984 Act;

“invalid carriage” has the same meaning as in Section 136 of the 1984 Act;

“motor car” has the same meaning as in Section 136 of the 1984 Act;

“motor cycle” has the same meaning as in Section 185(1) of The Road Traffic Act 1988;

“Disabled Person’s has the same meaning as in the Disabled Persons Badge” (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000; and

for the purpose of this Order a vehicle shall be regarded

Page 27 as displaying a disabled person’s badge in the relevant position, when

(i) in the case of a vehicle fitted with a front windscreen the badge is exhibited thereon, or on the dashboard, with the obverse side facing forwards on the near side of and immediately behind the windscreen, and

(ii) in the case of a vehicle not fitted with a front windscreen the badge is exhibited in a conspicuous position on the front or near side of the vehicle,

so that the front of the badge is clearly legible from the outside of the vehicle;

“Disabled Person’s has the same meaning as in Regulation 6 of the Local Vehicle” Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England) Regulations 2000;

“Driver” in relation to a vehicle waiting in contravention of an Order, means the person driving the vehicle at the time it was left at that contravention;

“General Directions” means The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002;

“Hackney Carriage” has the meaning as in Section 38 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847;

“the Regulations” in Article 2 of this Order means The Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000 and The Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England) Regulations 2000;

“Penalty Charge” has the same meaning as in Section 2 of the General Regulations 2007;

“Penalty Charge Notice” has the same meaning as in Section 8 of the General Regulations 2007.

Page 28

2. Each section of road specified in Column (1) of the Schedule to this Order is authorised to be used, subject to the following provisions of this Order, as parking places for such classes of vehicles, in such positions, and on such days, and during such hours, and such maximum periods, as are specified in Columns (3), (2), (4), (5), and (6), respectively, as are set out alongside the description of that section of road in the said Schedule. 3. Where in the Schedule to this Order a parking place is described as available for vehicles of a specified class or in a specified position, the driver of the vehicle shall not permit it to wait in that parking place – (a) unless it is of the specified class; or (b) in a position other than specified. 4. A driver of a vehicle shall not use a parking place so as to unreasonably prevent access to any premises adjoining the road, or the use of the road by other persons, or so as to be a nuisance. 5. The driver of a motor vehicle using a parking place shall stop the engine as soon as the vehicle is in position in the parking place, and shall not start the engine except when about to change the position of the vehicle in or to depart from the parking place. 6. No person shall use a vehicle while it is in a parking place, in connection with the sale of any article to persons in or near the parking place or in connection with the selling or offering for hire of his skill or services or for the purpose of camping. 7. Subject to the proviso hereto, when a vehicle is left in a parking place in contravention of any of the provisions contained in this Order or it is necessary to meet the requirement of an emergency, a person authorised in that behalf by the Council or the Police may remove the vehicle or arrange for it to be removed from that parking place or may alter or cause to be altered the position of the vehicle in order that its position shall comply with that provision or meet the requirements of the emergency. 8. Any person removing a vehicle or altering its position by virtue of Article 7 of this Order may do so by towing or driving the vehicle or in such a manner as he may think necessary and may take such measures in relation to the vehicle as he may think necessary to enable him to remove it or alter its position, as the case may be. 9. When the Police or a person authorised by the Council removes or makes arrangements for the removal of a vehicle from a parking place by virtue of Articles 7 and 8 of this Order, he shall make such arrangements as may be reasonably necessary for the safe custody of the vehicle. 10. This Order shall come into force on ...... 201_ and shall be cited as “The East Sussex (A269 London Road, Bexhill) (Street Parking Places and Disabled Parking Place) Order 201_”.

Page 29



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Part of road Position in Classes of Days of Hours of Maximum authorised to be which vehicles Vehicles Operation of Operation of period used as Street may wait Parking Parking for which Parking Places Places Places Vehicles may wait A269 London Road Parking wholly All except Monday to At All Times Waiting within the HGVs and Sunday Unlimited West Side markings placed Buses on the From a point 7 carriageway metres south of its junction with (Echelon Parking Hillside Road at a 90 degree southwards for a angle to the distance of 33.6 direction of the metres (14 Echelon main Parking Bays at a carriageway) 90 degree angle to direction of the main carriageway)

A269 London Road Wholly within the Disabled Monday to At All Times Waiting markings placed Persons Sunday Unlimited West Side on the Vehicles carriageway Displaying a From a point 40.6 Disabled metres south of its (Echelon Parking Person’s junction with at a 90 degree Badge Hillside Road angle to the southwards for a direction of the distance of 3.6 main metres carriageway) (1 Echelon Parking Bay at a 90 degree angle to the direction of the main carriageway)

) ) ) ) )




EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”), in exercise of its powers under Sections 1 (1) and (2), 2 (1) to (3), 3 (2), and 4 (1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and of Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (hereinafter referred to as “the 1984 Act”), and of all other enabling powers, and after consultation with the Chief Officer of the Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the 1984 Act, hereby make the following Order:- 1. In this Order –

“the Order of 1976” means “The East Sussex (Various Roads, Bexhill) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Parking Places) Order 1976”. 2. The Order of 1976 shall have effect as though - (i) In the First Schedule thereto, the description of the lengths of road specified in column (1) of Schedule 1 to this Order were substituted with the description of the lengths of road specified in Column (2) of Schedule 1 to this Order; (ii) In the First Schedule thereto, the lengths of road specified in Schedule 2 to this Order were inserted; (iii) In the Second Schedule thereto, the description of the lengths of road specified in column (1) of Schedule 3 to this Order were substituted with the description of the lengths of road specified in Column (2) of Schedule 3 to this Order; and (iv) In the Second Schedule thereto, the lengths of road specified in Schedule 4 to this Order were deleted. 3. This Order shall come into force on ...... 201_ and may be cited as “The East Sussex (A269 London Road, Bexhill) Waiting Restrictions Amendment Order 201_”.

Page 31

SCHEDULE 1 DESCRIPTION OF LENGTHS OF ROAD TO BE SUBSTITUTED ROADS AT BEXHILL NO WAITING AT ANY TIME RESTRICTIONS (1) (2) Description of length of Road in the Substituted description of length of Road Order of 1976 to be substituted

LONDON ROAD LONDON ROAD (i) western side (d) from a point (i) western side (d) - 101.5 metres (333 feet) north (i) from its junction of the northern with the southern kerbline of Little kerbline of the Common Road A259(T) Little southwards for a Common distance of Road/Belle Hill 319.1 metres junction, (1047 feet) southwards for a distance of 195.6 metres;

(ii) from its junction with the A2690 Combe Valley Way, northwards for a distance of 39.5 metres.

LONDON ROAD LONDON ROAD (iv) eastern side (k) from a point 2.7 (iv) eastern side (k) - metres (9 feet) south of the (i) from its junction boundary with the southern between kerbline of the numbers 88 and A259(T) Little 90 London Road Common northwards to Road/Belle Hill the southern junction, kerbline of southwards to a Salisbury Road, point 2.7 metres a distance of south of the 202.7 metres boundary (665 feet) between Nos. 88 and 90 London Road, a distance of 91.7 metres; and

(ii) from its junction with the A2690

Page 32 Combe Valley Way, northwards for a distance of 51 metres.


Description of Lengths of Road to be inserted in the First Schedule to the 1976 Order at the appropriate point of their alphabetical and numerical order. COMBE VALLEY WAY (A2690)

western side from its junction with the A259(T) Little Common Road/Belle Hill, northwards for a distance of 8.5 metres


(i) western side (e) from a point 39.5 metres north of its southernmost junction with the A2690 Combe Valley Way, northwards for a distance of 69.5 metres

(f) from a point 154 metres north of its southernmost junction with the A2690 Combe Valley Way, northwards for a distance of 33 metres, to its junction with the east-west London Road Link Road

(g) from a point 18.5 metres south of the southern boundary of No. 167 London Road, northwards for a distance of 45.5 metres


(iv) eastern side (l) from its junction with the northern kerbline of Salisbury Road, northwards for a distance of 106 metres, to a point 15 metres south of its junction with the southern kerbline of Hillside Road

(m) from a point 15 metres north of its junction with the northern kerbline of Hillside Road, gererally northwards for a distance of 17 metres, to its T-junction with the east-west London Road Link Road, then generally northwards for a further 62.5 metres, to a point 6.5 metres north of the boundary between Nos. 166 and 168 London Road


(ii) northern side (b) from its junction with the A2690 Combe Valley Way (opposite Nos. 154 and 156 London Road), eastwards for a distance of

Page 33 49 metres, to a point 18.5 metres south of the southern boundary of No. 167 London Road


(iii) southern side (b) from its junction with the A269 Combe Valley Way (opposite Nos. 154 and 156 London Road), eastwards for a distance of 31.5 metres to its T-junction with the southern length of London Road


(1) (2) Description of length of Road in the Substituted description of length of Road 1976 Order to be substituted

LONDON ROAD LONDON ROAD (i) western side from a point (i) western side from a point 2 metres 96.9 metres north of the boundary (318 feet) north between Nos. 171 and of the northern 173 London Road, kerbline of northwards to the Little Common southern kerbline of Road Woodsgate Park, a northwards to distance of 174 metres the southern kerbline of Woodsgate Park, a distance of 391.1 metres (1283 feet)


Description of Lengths of Road in the Second Schedule to the 1976 Order to be deleted LONDON ROAD (ii) eastern side (a) from the northern kerbline of Salisbury Road northwards for a distance of 64 metres (210 feet)

LONDON ROAD (ii) eastern side (d) from a point 156.5 metres (513.5 feet) north of the northern kerbline of Salisbury Road northwards for a distance of 30.5 metres (100 feet)

THE COMMON SEAL of EAST SUSSEX ) COUNTY COUNCIL was affixed hereto on ) the day of Two Thousand and ) Fifteen in the presence of:- ) ) Authorised Signatory

Page 35



EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL, in exercise of its powers under Sections 1 and 2 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (hereinafter referred to as “the 1984 Act”) and of all other enabling powers, and after consultation with the Chief Officer of the Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the 1984 Act, hereby make the following Order:- 1. Save as provided in Article 2 of this Order no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a Police Constable in uniform, cause or permit any motor vehicle to enter or proceed in the length of road specified in the Schedule to this Order.

2. Nothing in Article 1 of this Order shall render it unlawful for any motor vehicle to enter or proceed in the length of road specified in that Article if the vehicle is being used: - (a) to gain access to adjoining premises; (b) in an emergency for Fire Brigade, Ambulance or Police purposes; (c) in connection with the carrying out of - (i) the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of the said length of road; (ii) the laying, erection, alteration or repair in, or on land adjacent to, the said length of road, of any sewer, main, pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water or electricity, or of any telecommunications apparatus as defined in the Communications Act 2003; (d) in the service of a local authority or a water authority in pursuance of statutory powers or duties. 3. This Order shall come into force on ...... 201_ and may be cited as “The East Sussex (Unclassified Road North East of Upper Wilting Farm) (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles Except for Access) Order 201_.”

Page 36 SCHEDULE PROHIBITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES EXCEPT ACCESS Unclassified Road From its junction with the C93 Crowhurst Road, north (North East of Upper Wilting Farm) westwards for a distance of 135 metres, to its cul-de- sac termination point to the south of the A2690 Combe Valley Way.

THE COMMON SEAL of EAST SUSSEX ) COUNTY COUNCIL was affixed hereto on ) the day of Two Thousand and ) Fifteen in the presence of:- ) ) Authorised Signatory

Page 37


Objection Objection Officer’s Comments Recommendation Letter Resident of Objection to the Waiting restrictions along To not uphold the Salisbury parking restrictions London Road have been objection and to Road London Rd to Hillside implemented for safety implement the Rd and beyond. Why reasons around junctions Orders as when parking is and pedestrian crossings. advertised. below need, impose a It is acknowledged that 24 hours block when parking in the area is in buses only run in the demand, however daytime. vehicles should not park in the vicinity of junctions and crossings and the proposed double yellow lines formalise this in line with The Highway Code. These road safety requirements need to be available 24 hours per day. Total wasteful use of It is acknowledged that To not uphold the land on west side of parking in this area is in objection and to London Rd opposite high demand. Therefore, implement the Hillside Rd. Why replacement parking has Orders as wasn’t more parking been provided for lost on advertised. made to relieve the street parking as a result problem rather than of the scheme. Visibility exacerbate it. splays for the junctions, the provision of access to the underpass and soft and hard landscaping commitments prohibit the provision of further parking spaces. The bus route could A cul-de-sac has not To not uphold the have gone into the formed part of the objection and new road at the traffic scheme proposals since implement the lights north of its conception. The Orders as Salisbury Rd. We provision of the advertised. thought we were southernmost length of getting a cul-de-sac. London Road as a cul-de- sac might offer very limited additional parking provision, but would be far outweighed by the

Page 38 loss of the public transport benefits which are fundamental to the Scheme’s approval, funding and operation.

Page 39 This page is intentionally left blank Crowhurst


A2690 Combe Valley Way Page 41 Hastings

St. Leonards-on-Sea Appendix 1

Bexhill-on-Sea Drawing status:


1st Floor Bailey House Barttelot Road (Kilometres) Horsham 0 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 West Sussex RH12 1DQ The maps on this drawings are reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Tel: 01403 217799 Majesty's Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. (Miles) East Sussex County Council, 100019601 (2014) Date of JUNE 2015 Drawing Scale:- 1:50,000 issue: title: LOCATION PLAN This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 7

Committee: Regulatory Committee Planning Committee

Date: 19 August 2015

Report by: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Title of Report Traffic Regulation Order – Uckfield Parking Review

Purpose of Report To consider the objections received in response to the Consultation on the draft Traffic Regulation Order to introduce parking restrictions at various sites in Uckfield

Contact Officer: Elaine Martin 01273 482286

Local Member: Councillor Chris Dowling and Councillor Claire Dowling


The Planning Committee is recommended:

1. Not uphold the objections set out in Appendix 2 to the Report, concerning the draft Traffic Regulation Order to introduce parking restrictions at various sites in Uckfield.

2. To recommend to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport that the draft Traffic Regulation Order be made as proposed


1. Introduction

1.1 The Uckfield Town Centre - Highway Improvement Scheme (UTC-HIS) is being delivered by East Sussex County Council (ESCC) as Highway Authority on behalf of three authorities: ESCC; Council (WDC) and Uckfield Town Council (UTC). The project is funded from Section 106 contributions secured to mitigate the impact of development in and around Uckfield.

1.2 The UTC-HIS is the first phase of the wider regeneration of the town. This first phase is broken into 3 stages:

I. Improvements to High Street from Framfield Road to Bell Lane including resurfacing of the footways, new kerb lines with local realignment, provision of an access to the new station car park, upgrading of signal equipment, new street lighting, and new street furniture. Stage 1 is now completed.

II. Improvements to High Street north of Bell Lane up to Church Street, along Bell Lane to Tesco roundabout. This includes the introduction of a 20 Page 43 mph limit, resurfacing of footways, new kerb lines with local realignment, upgrading of signal equipment and street lighting, new street furniture and reduction of on street car parking. Stage 2 ids due to commence in January 2016 and will take approximately 32 weeks to complete.

III. Improvements to the bus station, potentially including provision of new modern shelters and Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI). Stage 3 is due to commence after the completion of Stage 2.

1.3 In June 2014 WDC approved the planning application from for the development of a 174 spaces car park opposite Uckfield Railway Station. The car park is currently under construction and is due to open in summer 2015.

1.4 As part of the UTC-HIS a number of new parking restrictions are being proposed in the High Street as part of Stage 2. At the same time as the scheme, the opportunity is being taken to progress requests from various sources for parking restrictions at 14 sites in Uckfield. All of the proposed sites are contained within the draft Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). A copy of the draft TRO is included as Appendix 1.

1.5 Consultations with interested parties including the Emergency Services, UTC, WDC and the local County Councillors resulted in no objections being received. The proposed Traffic Regulation Order was advertised in the press and on street between 18 July 2014 and 8 August 2014. A total of 23 objections and comments were received to 4 of the sites and a summary of these objections is set out in Appendix 2. Full copies of the objections received are available in the Members Room.

1.6 Since the closing date for the advertisement period, no objections have been resolved or withdrawn.

2. Comments and Appraisal

2.1 WDC’s proposed changes to the parking restrictions in their off street car park in Luxford Field will increase demand for rail commuter parking at other locations in Uckfield. It is expected that there will be a substantial number of commuters displaced from the Luxford Fields car park.

2.2 With regards to the on street parking, the roads most convenient for commuter parking such as Bridge Farm Road, Bell Farm Road and Mill Drove are already fairly busy with few free spaces available. Any displaced commuter parking from the changes at Luxford Fields car park are unlikely to park in these roads as there is limited convenient on-street parking currently available.

2.3 The new Network Rail car park with 174 spaces would serve to mitigate the parking demand accommodating the displaced on-street and the Luxford Fields car park vehicles.

2.4 A review of the 14 sites indicated that the placement of parking restrictions would aid road safety and improve visibility at junctions.

2.5 It is not felt that the objections received provide sufficient grounds to warrant any modification or withdrawal of the proposals, and therefore the objections should

Page 44 not be upheld. It is also considered that all other proposals in the draft TRO which were not objected to, be implemented as advertised.

3. Conclusion and reasons for approval

3.1 The proposals involve progressing new parking restrictions and other proposals in the High Street as part of the Stage 2 improvements. At the same time, a number of other parking restrictions are being progressed at various sites around Uckfield. The proposals are justified in order to address road safety and local concerns at various locations within the town of Uckfield.

3.2 The Committee is therefore recommended not to uphold the objections to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order for parking restrictions and other proposals in the Uckfield area, and to recommend to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport that all of the draft TRO be made as proposed.

RUPERT CLUBB Director of Communities, Economy and Transport 10 August 2015




The East Sussex (Various Roads, Uckfield) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 201*

East Sussex County Council, in exercise of their powers under sections 1(1), 2(1) to (3) and 4(2) of, and Part IV of Schedule 9 to, the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 ("the Act"), as amended, and of all other enabling powers, after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act and Traffic Management Act 2004, hereby make the following Order:-

1. In this Order

all references to measured distances are approximate, and

"disabled person" and "disabled person's badge" have the same meaning as in The Disabled Persons' (Badges for Motor Vehicles) Regulations 2000;

"disabled person's concession" has the meaning given by Section 117(3) of the 1984 Act;

"disabled person's vehicle" means a vehicle lawfully displaying a disabled person's badge and which is a vehicle which, immediately before or after any period of waiting allowed by virtue of a provision of a kind required by the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England and Wales) Regulations 2000 to be included in an Order under the Act of 1984, has been or is to be driven by a disabled person or, as the case may be, has been or is to be used for carrying disabled persons as passengers;

"parking disc" means a device which-

(a) is 125 millimetres square and coloured blue;

(b) has been issued by a local authority and has not ceased to be valid; and

(c) is capable of showing the quarter hour period during which a period of waiting has begun; and

"relevant position" means for the purposes of this regulation, In the case of a Disabled Person's Badge (a) A vehicle displays a disabled person's badge in the relevant position if:-

(i) in the case of a vehicle fitted with a dashboard or fascia panel, the badge is exhibited thereon so that Part 1 of the badge is legible from the outside the vehicle; or

(ii) in the case of a vehicle not fitted with a dashboard or fascia panel, the badge is exhibited in a conspicuous position on the vehicle so that Part 1 of the badge is legible from outside the vehicle.

(b) A vehicle displays a parking disc in the relevant position if:-

Page 46 (i) in the case of a vehicle fitted with a dashboard or fascia panel, the disc is exhibited thereon so that the quarter-hour period during which the period of waiting began is legible from outside the vehicle; or

(ii) in the case of a vehicle not so fitted, the disc is exhibited in a conspicuous position on the vehicle so that the quarter-hour period during which the period of waiting began is legible from outside the vehicle. 2. The following Orders are hereby revoked :-

The East Sussex (Lealands Drive, Uckfield)(Disabled Person’s Parking Place) Order 2000;

in its entirety;

The East Sussex (Roads in Uckfield)(Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Consolidation Order 1996 Insofar as it relates to;

First Schedule, No Waiting At Any Time, 8. Church Street – (b) southwest side: from its junction with High Street, north-westwards to a point opposite a point 15 metres west of the western kerbline of The Drive

Fourth Schedule, Waiting Area Limited To One Hour In Any Period Of Two Hours, Monday – Saturday 8.00am – 6.00pm inclusive, 1. High Street – (a) east side (viii) from a point 25 metres south of the southern kerbline of Bedford Court, southwards for a distance of 40 metres;

Fifth Schedule, Waiting Area Limited To Two Hours In Any Period Of Four Hours, Monday – Saturday 8.00am – 6.00pm Inclusive, 1. Framfield Road – (b) south side: from a point 10 metres west of the western kerbline of Harcourt Road, westwards for a distance of 30 metres.

3. Save as provided in Articles 5 and 6 of this Order, no person shall except upon the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform or of a traffic warden or of a civil enforcement officer, cause or permit any vehicle to wait at any time in any of the lengths of roads specified in the First Schedule to this Order;

4. Save as provided in Articles 5 and 7 of this Order, no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform or of a traffic warden or of a civil enforcement officer, cause or permit any vehicle to wait between:-

(a) the hours of 8am and 6pm on Monday to Saturday inclusive in the lengths of road specified in the Second Schedule to this Order;

(i) for a longer period than 1 hour, or

(ii) if a period of less than one hour has elapsed since the termination of the last period of waiting (if any) by that vehicle in that length of road;

(b) the hours of 8am and 6pm on Monday to Saturday inclusive in the lengths of road specified in the Third Schedule to this Order;

(i) for a longer period than 20 minutes, or

(ii) if a period of less than one hour has elapsed since the termination of the last period of waiting (if any) by that vehicle in Page 47 that length of road.

5. Nothing in Articles 3 and 4 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to wait in the length of road referred to in that Article for so long as may be necessary to enable:-

(a) a person to board or alight from the vehicle;

(b) goods to be loaded onto or unloaded from the vehicle;

(c) the vehicle, if it cannot conveniently be used for such purpose in any other road, to be used in connection with any of the following operations, namely -

(i) building, industrial or demolition operations;

(ii) the removal of any obstruction to traffic;

(iii) the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of the said lengths of roads; or

(iv) the laying, erection, alteration or repair in, or in land adjacent to, the said lengths of roads of any sewer or of any main, pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water or electricity or of any telecommunications system as defined in the Telecommunications Act 1984;

(d) the vehicle, if it cannot conveniently be used for such purpose in any other road, to be used in the service of a local authority or a water authority in pursuance of statutory powers or duties;

(e) the vehicle to be used for the purpose of delivering or collecting postal packets as defined in the Postal Services Act 2000 (Consequential Modifications to Local Enactments No.1) Order 2002 (S.I.2002/648);

(f) the vehicle to be used for emergency services purposes.

6. Nothing in Article 3 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit a disabled person's vehicle which displays in the relevant position a disabled person's badge, and a parking disc (on which the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle has marked the time at which the period of waiting began) to wait in the lengths of roads referred to in that Article for a period not exceeding three hours (not being a period separated by an interval of less than one hour from a previous period of waiting by the same vehicle in the same length of road).

7. Nothing in Article 4 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit a disabled person's vehicle which displays in the relevant position a disabled person's badge to wait in the lengths of roads referred to in those Articles.

8. This Order may be cited as "The East Sussex (Various Roads, Uckfield) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 201* and shall come into operation on **************201* .

Page 48

First Schedule No Waiting “At Any Time”

Alexandra Road west side from its junction with the projected northern kerb line of Mill Drove in a northerly direction for a distance of 7 metres Alexandra Road east side from its junction with the projected northern kerb line of Keld Avenue in a northerly direction for a distance of 3.4 metres Alexandra Road east side from its junction with the projected southern kerb line of Keld Avenue in a southerly direction for a distance of 9.3 metres Bell Lane both sides from its junction with the projected eastern kerb line of Brookside in an easterly direction for a distance of 16.2 metres Bolton Close both sides from its junction with the projected western kerb line of Brookside in a westerly direction for a distance of 16.8 metres Bridge Farm south-west from a point 11.5 metres north-west of its extended Road side north-western kerbline of Farriers Way in a north- westerly and the south-westerly direction for a distance of 30.5 metres Brookside east side from its junction with the projected northern kerbline of Bell Lane in a northerly direction for a distance of 15.5 metres Brookside east side from its junction with the projected southern kerb line of Bell Lane in a southerly direction for a distance of 21.5 metres Brookside west side from its junction with the projected southern kerb line of Bolton Close in a southerly direction for a distance of 17.2 metres Brookside west side from its junction with the projected northern kerb line of Bolton Close in a northerly direction for a distance of 16.4 metres Church Street southwest from its junction with High Street, north-westwards to side a point 3.8 metres south-east of the extended property boundary of 10/12 Church Street

Church Street southwest from a point 10.3 metres north-west of the extended side property boundary of 10/12 Church Street, north- westwards to a point opposite a point 15 metres west of the western kerbline of The Drive.

Downsview west side from its junction with the projected northern kerb line Crescent of Warburton Close in a northerly direction for a distance of 10 metres Downsview west side from its junction with the projected southern kerb line Crescent of Warburton Close in a southerly direction for a distance of 11.4 metres Farriers Way west side from its junction with the projected northern kerb line of Forge Rise in a northerly direction for a distance of 10.5 metres Farriers Way west side from its junction with the projected southern kerb line of Forge Rise in a southerly direction for a distance of 11.3 metres Farriers Way east side from its extended northern building line of number 11 Farriers Way in a northerly direction for a Page 49 distance of 24.3 metres Forge Rise both sides from its junction with the projected western kerb line of Farriers Way in a westerly direction for a distance of 16.5 metres Framfield Road south side from a point 10 metres west of the projected western kerbline of Harcourt Road in a westerly direction for a distance of 7 metres Harcourt Road east side from its junction with the projected northern kerb line of Vernon Road in a northerly direction for a distance of 11.7 metres Harcourt Road east side from its junction with the projected southern kerb line of Vernon Road in a southerly direction for a distance of 10.7 metres Hempstead south side from a point 16.2 metres east of the projected Road eastern kerbline of Hempstead Rise in an easterly direction for a distance of 4.4 metres Hempstead north side from its junction with the projected eastern kerb line Road of Linden Chase in an easterly direction for a distance of 10 metres Hempstead north side from its junction with the projected western kerb line Road of Linden Chase in a westerly direction for a distance of 20.4 metres Keld Avenue both sides from its junction with the projected eastern kerb line of Alexandra Road in an easterly direction for a distance of 9.3 metres Linden Chase both sides from its junction with the projected northern kerb line of Hempstead Road in a northerly direction for a distance of 9.8 metres Mill Drove south side from the extended western building line of number 32 Mill Drove westwards and then southwards for a distance of 11.2 metres Mill Drove north side from a point opposite the extended southern building line of number 32 Mill Drove southwards and then westwards for a distance of 15 metres Mill Drove north side from its junction with the projected western kerb line of Alexandra Road in a westerly direction for a distance of 9.3 metres New Road north-west from its junction with the projected north-eastern side kerb line of Wares Road in a north-easterly direction for a distance of 11.4 metres New Road north-west from its junction with the projected south-western side kerb line of Wares Road in a south-westerly direction for a distance of 11.6 metres Selby Road west side from its junction with the projected northern kerb line of Vernon Road in a northerly direction for a distance of 12 metres Selby Road west side from its junction with the projected southern kerb line of Vernon Road in a southerly direction for a distance of 10.8 metres Vernon Road both sides from its junction with the projected western kerb line of Selby Road in a westerly direction for a distance of 12.6 metres Vernon Road both sides from its junction with the projected eastern kerb line of Harcourt Road in an easterly direction for a distance of 10.7 metres Warburton both sides from its junction with the projected western kerb line Close of Downsview Crescent in a westerly direction for a distance of 10.1 metres Page 50 Wares Road both sides from its junction with the projected north-western kerb line of New Road in a north-westerly direction for a distance of 11.4 metres

Second Schedule Waiting limited - Monday to Saturday inclusive - 8am and 6pm. Maximum stay 1 hour no return within 1 hour

Church Street south-west from a point 3.8 metres south-east of the extended side property boundary of 10/12 Church Street, north- westwards for a distance of 14.1 metres

Third Schedule Waiting limited - Monday to Saturday inclusive - 8am and 6pm. Maximum stay 20 minutes no return within 1 hour

High Street east side from a point 25 metres south of its junction with Bedford Court, southwards for a distance of 40 metres

THE COMMON SEAL of EAST SUSSEX ) COUNTY COUNCIL was affixed hereto ) on the day of ) Two thousand and in the presence of:- )

Authorised Signatory

H & T Ctte. 2.4.74 - para 4.2 joint report of Director of Legal & Community Services & County Engineer - Para 4.

Page 51 Appendix 2 – Summary of Objections

Objection Objection Officer’s Comments Recommendation letter Resident of Resident The proposed double yellow lines were To not uphold the Farriers Way supports subject to a petition regarding commuter Objection and to PLAN proposals, parking in the Ridings Estate and Mill implement the LOCATION D however raises Drove and Alexandra Road received in Order as several June 2012. As a result of this, it was advertised. concerns. agreed that we would consider double yellow lines at the junction of Farriers Way/Forge Rise when we next reviewed parking in Uckfield.

Although it is noted that this will take some parking away from residents and parking could potentially be displaced further into the Estate, it is felt that the proposed lengths of double yellow lines offer the best balance to improving safety at the junction, whilst retaining as much parking as possible. It must also be noted that those properties affected by the proposals, all have off road parking for at least one vehicle.

As explained to the resident in November 2011, any residents parking scheme would need to be fully self-funding as there are no spare resources to enforce such a scheme. This would require the whole town to be included within scheme to cover costs such as maintenance of lines, signs, administration and enforcement. It is unlikely that a residents parking scheme would be introduced in Uckfield until the possibility of civil parking enforcement is considered in much the same way as for Lewes, Eastbourne and Hastings. As such, any parking restrictions in Uckfield currently fall under the jurisdiction of Sussex Police to enforce.

Resident of Resident objects Please see above comments from first To not uphold the Farriers Way to the proposals and second paragraphs. Objection and to PLAN and raises implement the LOCATION D several The proposed double yellow lines at the Order as comments. junction of Forge Rise and Farriers Way advertised. correspond with Highway Code guidance with further consideration given to protecting resident’s driveways. Vehicles that are parked within close proximity to the junction and opposite for extended periods could affect the safe passage through the junction including emergency access. In situations where these vehicles belong to commuters, it is unlikely that the drivers would be available to move their car if required.

Consultation was carried out with various interested parties including the emergency Page 52 services, Local County Councillors and the Town and District Council. There was also was a period of advertisement at various sites across Uckfield and a period of advertisement in the local paper.

A pay and display car park is being constructed by Network Rail. It will provide for an additional 174 parking spaces for Uckfield town. It is felt that the restrictions and enforcement proposed for Luxford Fields car park will displace commuters to this car park.

Resident of Resident objects Please see first and second paragraphs To not uphold the Farriers Way to proposals and from first objection. Objection and to PLAN raises various implement the LOCATION D comments and The reasons for implementing double Order as concerns. yellow lines (no waiting at any time) at the advertised. junction of Farriers Way and Forge Rise, are to keep the junction clear of vehicles at all times, whereas the restrictions for the High Street and Church Street are situated in lay-bys, and these proposed restrictions are limited waiting to enable a turnover of vehicles for the shops in these locations.

The opening of the Network Rail car park will provide for 174 spaces on disused railway land to the south east of the town. This should lower commuter parking in local estates. Once the Stage 2 of the High Street improvement scheme has been completed there will be post construction monitoring of the impact on the surrounding road network with respect to on-street parking.

With regard to a ‘Residents Parking Scheme’, Wealden District Council currently does not support the introduction of decriminalised parking across the District, and as such, decriminalised parking could not be considered in Uckfield at the current time.

It is appreciated that parking may become clearer in the evening and weekends, but during the working week, parking levels here are high, and as such, our proposals are to keep the junction clear of parked vehicles.

Resident of Resident objects Please see first and second paragraphs To not uphold the Farriers Way to proposals and from first objection and previous Objection and to PLAN raises various comments. implement the LOCATION D concerns and Order as comments. Vehicle flows may be low here. However, advertised. the proposals would ease turning movements for both cars and larger vehicles, such as the emergency services wishing to gain access and those wishing to deliver to a property in the Estate.

Page 53 The proposals correspond with Highway Code guidance and consideration was also taken to protect private accesses. It is agreed that parking does help lower vehicle speeds, however; parking at the junction is not appropriate and therefore these proposals offer the best balance between road safety and retaining as much parking as possible.

The High Street improvement works will reduce the available parking on the High Street but this will be mitigated by a shorter parking period therefore a quicker turn around of the available spaces. It is felt that changes to the stay timings and management of the Luxford Fields car park will displace commuter parking to the proposed 174 spaces Network Rail car park.

Previous Resident Please see first and second paragraph To not uphold the resident of supports the idea from first objection previous comments objection and to Farriers Way in principle as regarding reasons for the proposals. implement the PLAN parking if often Order as LOCATION D done so The proposals at this junction are not to advertised. dangerously, so just stop commuter parking, this is to stop would be a any vehicle parking too close to the welcome relief, junction. however they do have several The County Council is not responsible for concerns & providing on-street parking for individuals, queries. it is noted that some residential parking will be removed as part of these proposals, but feel the balance between improving safety and retaining parking has been met.

Comments have previously been made regarding requests for a ‘Residents Parking Scheme’.

Resident of Resident does Please see first and second paragraphs To not uphold the Farriers Way not object to the from first objection regarding the objection and to PLAN proposals, but proposals. implement the LOCATION D feel they could go Order as further by Due to the high demand of parking here advertised extending them by commuters and residents, our proposal outside No’s 2, 4, has kept the removal of on street-parking 6 and or No’s 1, to a minimum, whilst still improving vehicle 3, and 5 Farriers flow and movements. Taking into account Way, as current the comments made in other objections, parking causes a the current parking between the driveways bottleneck. creates a chicane effect, which in itself, is a form of traffic calming. To remove further parking here, could potentially lead to an increase in vehicle speeds.

Resident of Mill Resident strongly Parking in Mill Drove and Alexandra Road To not uphold the Drove objects to the was considered as part of a petition Objection and to PLAN proposed double requesting restrictions received back in implement the LOCATION E yellow lies June 2012. At the time, it was agreed that Order as outside of their no formal restrictions were recommended, advertised. property and however this would still be monitored. raises various Page 54 concerns. The current proposal of 15 metres around the bend is felt to be an appropriate distance to aid vehicle movements to get through the double bends, and this 15m length is also reflected in the proposed restriction at the northern bend of Mill Drove. There is no proposal to remove any parking on the opposite side of this right angled bend.

Although this is not a junction, the current parking on both sides of the road hinders vehicle movements, especially for larger vehicles. The current proposals are designed to provide a balance between improving safety and retaining as much parking as possible.

It was decided that as a review of parking in Uckfield was being considered as part of the ‘Uckfield Improvements Scheme’, it was felt appropriate to consider parking restrictions here as the roads are narrow with double bends, and current parking was still very high.

Resident of Resident objects Please see first paragraph above To not uphold the Alexandra to proposals and regarding reasons for proposals. Objection and to Road raises various implement the PLAN concerns and Permit parking in Uckfield has previously Order as LOCATION E suggestions. been covered in the above responses. advertised.

We would not consider implementing parking bays at a junction, as this would hinder visibility when trying to exit the junction.

It was decided that as a review of parking in Uckfield was being considered as part of the ‘Uckfield Improvements Scheme’, it was felt appropriate to consider parking restrictions here as the roads are narrow with double bends, and parking was still very high.

Resident of Resident raises As stated above, proposals were To not uphold the Alexandra concerns considered as part of a petition in June Objection and to Road regarding the 2012, where the restrictions were not implement the PLAN proposals. recommended for implementation, Order as LOCATION E however the site would be monitored. advertised.

The level of parking here is high and our proposals are trying to improve vehicle movements through the double bends and at the junctions, improving safety, whilst retaining as much residential parking as possible.

It was decided that as a review of parking in Uckfield was being considered as part of the ‘Uckfield Improvements Scheme’, it was felt appropriate to consider parking restrictions here as the roads are narrow with double bends, and parking was still very high. Page 55 Resident of Resident objects Please refer to first paragraph from fist To not uphold the Keld Avenue to proposals and objection regarding reasons for the Objection and to PLAN raises various proposals. implement the LOCATION E concerns. Order as It is noted that parking is at a premium advertised. here. The proposed restrictions have been kept to a minimum to improve safety whilst keeping as much parking as possible

It is felt that the changes to the stay timings and management of the Luxford Fields car park will displace commuter parking to the proposed 174 spaces Network Rail car park, whilst still allowing for 10 hours long stay for staff of Uckfield businesses.

‘Residents Parking Scheme’ has previously been answered in the above responses.

It was decided that as a review of parking in Uckfield was being considered as part of the ‘Uckfield Improvements Scheme’, it was felt appropriate to consider parking restrictions here as the roads are narrow with double bends, and parking was still very high.

Resident of Resident Please refer to the first paragraph of the To not uphold the Alexandra supports parking first objection regarding the reasons for objection and to Road restrictions here the proposals. implement the PLAN but feels that the Order as LOCATION E lengths are too The proposed restrictions have been kept advertised excessive. to a minimum to allow safer flow of traffic (on the double bends in Mill Drove, and better visibility at the junctions of Mill Drove/Alexandra Road and Keld Avenue/Alexandra Road). It is felt that the proposed restrictions will improve road safety whilst retaining as much parking as possible.

It is felt that the changes to the stay timings and management of the Luxford Fields car park will displace commuter parking to the proposed 174 spaces Network Rail car park. The changes within Luxford Fields and enforcement will coincide with the opening of the Network Rail car park.

It was decided that as a review of parking in Uckfield was being considered as part of the ‘Uckfield Improvements Scheme’, it was felt appropriate to consider parking restrictions here as the roads are narrow with double bends, and parking was still very high.

Resident of Resident objects Please refer to the first paragraph of the To not uphold the Alexandra to proposals and first objector regarding the reasons for the Objection and to Road raises several proposals. implement the PLAN observations. Order as Page 56 LOCATION E advertised. Please see above comments. In addition, these proposals have been kept below the recommended guidance to the Highway Code.

It is felt that the changes to the stay timings and management of the Luxford Fields car park will displace commuter parking to the proposed 174 spaces Network Rail car park. The changes within Luxford Fields and enforcement will coincide with the opening of the Network Rail car park.

It was decided that as a review of parking in Uckfield was being considered as part of the ‘Uckfield Improvements Scheme’, it was felt appropriate to consider parking restrictions here as the roads are narrow with double bends, and parking was still very high.

Resident of Resident objects Please refer to first paragraph of first To not uphold the Keld Avenue to proposals due objector regarding reasons for the Objection and to PLAN to high demand proposals. implement the LOCATION E for parking and Order as the knock on Although it is noted that this will take some advertised. effect to other parking away from residents and parking streets. could potentially be displaced further into other roads, it is felt that the proposed lengths offer the best balance to improving safety at the junction, whilst retaining as much parking as possible.

It was decided that as a review of parking in Uckfield was being considered as part of the ‘Uckfield Improvements Scheme’, it was felt appropriate to consider parking restrictions here as the roads are narrow with double bends, and parking was still very high.

Resident of Residents raise Please refer to first paragraph of first To not uphold the Alexandra several objector regarding reasons for the objection and to Road observations and proposals. implement the PLAN suggestions. Order as LOCATION E Supports It is felt that the proposed lengths offer the advertised provision of safe best balance to improving safety at the and clear access junctions, whilst retaining as much parking at these as possible. junctions, proposals are Residents parking scheme has already excessive and been previously answered in above are not responses. pragmatically and realistically It is felt that the changes to the stay planned. timings and management of the Luxford Fields car park will displace commuter parking to the proposed 174 spaces Network Rail car park. The changes within Luxford Fields and enforcement will coincide with the opening of the Network Rail car park.

Page 57 It was decided that as a review of parking in Uckfield was being considered as part of the ‘Uckfield Improvements Scheme’, it was felt appropriate to consider parking restrictions here as the roads are narrow with double bends, and parking was still very high.

Shop owner at Shop owner Concerns raised are understood for those To not uphold the 228 High Street objects to wishing to eat at the establishment and Objection and to PLAN proposals and also for the economic viability of the implement the LOCATION K raises several business. A specific concern had been Order as concerns. raised regarding drivers parking on advertised. pavements and existing double yellow lines when waiting for/picking up takeaways. Reducing the time limit to 30 minutes in this lay by would aid with the turnover of vehicle movements, whilst those wishing to park for longer can park in the lay-by north of this which has a 2 hour time limit, or in the Wealden District Council Car Park opposite (accessed via Regency Close). There would be an exemption of loading and unloading as part of the Traffic Regulation Order, so this action can still be carried out by the shop owners.

The notices went up on site on 17 July 2014, and the advertisement period ran from 18 July to 8 August 2014.

Shop owner at Shop owner Please see above comments. To not uphold the Noble Wines objects to Objection and to High Street proposals and Furthermore; the proposed restrictions will implement the PLAN raises various not affect the frontage of the objector. Order as LOCATION K concerns advertised. regarding the Wealden District Council has now ‘Uckfield extended the period for long stay at Improvement Luxford Fields to 10 hours to cater for Scheme’. business workers in Uckfield.

Staff member Concerns over Please see previous responses regarding To not uphold the at shop 115 reduced time for reasons for the proposals and alternative objection and to High Street parking as parking for customers. implement the PLAN customers will Order as LOCATION K not be able to advertised. park here.

Shop owner at Concerns Please see previous responses on why To not uphold the 238 High Street regarding the restrictions are being proposed and objection and to PLAN customer parking the exemptions on loading and unloading. implement the LOCATION K and loading and Order as unloading. A recognised process for consultation and advertised. advertisement of the TRO was followed. Individual residents and businesses are not consulted. However; the Chamber of Commerce and the Town Council can represent locals.

Shop owner Concerns Please see previous responses on the To not uphold the and staff at regarding reasons for the proposals and alternative objection and to Rays Barbers customer parking parking for customers. implement the High Street and various Order as PLAN comments The High Street improvement works will advertised. Page 58 LOCATION K regarding reduce the available parking on the High proposed Street; this will be mitigated by a shorter ‘Uckfield parking period therefore a quicker turn Improvements around in the available spaces. It is felt Scheme’. that the changes to the stay timings and management of the Luxford Fields car park will displace commuter parking to the proposed 174 spaces Network Rail car park.

Shop owner at Concerns Please see previous responses on the To not uphold the 115 High Street regarding reasons for the proposals and alternative objection and to PLAN customer parking parking for customers. implement the LOCATION K and lack of trade. Order as advertised.

Staff member Concerns Please see previous responses on the To not uphold the at 115 High regarding reasons for the proposals and alternative objection and to Street customer parking parking for customers. implement the PLAN and lack of trade Order as LOCATION K advertised.

Unknown Oppose to Assuming objector is objecting to the To not uphold the PLAN proposals as proposals in the lay-by at the top of the Objection and to LOCATION K unfair to give High Street, these parking restrictions will implement the (assumed) money for every not be pay and display. This layby will still Order as 20 minutes. be free to park. advertised.

Resident of Fully support The proposals were a result from a To not uphold the Warburton proposals, but specific request regarding parking at the objection and to Close would like to see junction of Warburton Close and implement the PLAN these extended Downsview Crescent. The proposals cater Order as LOCATION L further north to for this and due to an excellent crash advertised. incorporate the record we would not consider an bend. extension of double yellow lines further north. Any new proposal would need new consultation and public advertisement and cannot be considered as part of this parking review.

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