Mineralogy of Phosphate Accumulations in the Huber Stock, Krásno Ore District, Slavkovský Les Area, Czech Republic
Journal of the Czech Geological Society 51/12(2006) 103 Mineralogy of phosphate accumulations in the Huber stock, Krásno ore district, Slavkovský les area, Czech Republic Mineralogie akumulací fosfátù oblasti Huberova pnì, rudní revír Krásno, Slavkovský les, Èeská republika (91 figs, 31 tabs) JIØÍ SEJKORA1 RADEK KODA2 PETR ONDRU3 PAVEL BERAN4 CTIBOR SÜSSER5 1 Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, National Museum, Václavské nám. 68, CZ-115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic 2 Institute of Geological Sciences, Masaryk University, Kotláøská 2, CZ-611 37, Brno, Czech Republic 3 Biskupský dvùr 2, CZ-110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic 4 Regional Museum Sokolov, Zámecká 1, Sokolov, CZ-356 00, Czech Republic 5 Karla Èapka 1357, Sokolov, CZ-356 01, Czech Republic The present detailed research is focused on minerals of phosphate accumulations collected in the Huber open pit and at the 5th level of the Huber shaft, Krásno ore district, Slavkovský les area, Czech Republic. The following minerals have been identified at the studied localities: benyacarite, beraunite, cacoxenite, chalcosiderite, crandallite, dufrénite, earlshannonite, fluellite, fluorapatite, frondelite, goyazite, isokite, kolbeckite, leucophosphite, morinite, natrodufrénite, phosphosiderite, rockbridgeite, strengite, triplite, turquoise, vivianite, wavellite, waylandite, whitmoreite and zwieselite. A brief review of evolution of the phosphate mineral associations at the two studied localities is presented. Key words: Huber stock; Krásno near Horní Slavkov; Slavkovský les area; greisen; phosphate minerals; mineralogy; X-ray powder diffrac- tion data; chemical data. Introduction P1N 18.583 collected by F. X. Zippe before 1842 and sample 18.585 collected by V. Wraný before 1902). The Phosphate accumulations of variable size represent a rel- samples with original labels triplite, Horní Slavkov atively common minor component of greisen bodies and probably come from the Gellnauer vein system, as indi- associated quartz veins (Beran Sejkora 2006).
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