New Mineral Names*

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New Mineral Names* American Mineralogist, Volume 65, pages 1065-1070, 1980 NEW MINERAL NAMES* MtcserI. Frelscnen. LoUIS J. CesnI. GEoRGEY. Cueo AND ADoLF Pnnsr Apachite*, Gilalite* Discassion The F. P. Cesbron and S. A. Williams (1980) Apachite and gilalite, two No data are given on methods of separation or treatment. new copper silicates from Christmas, Arizona. Mineral. Mag., assemblage seems highly improbable, but more data are needed. 43.639-641. M. F. Both new species are retrograde or mesogen€ minerals that oc- cur in tactites at the Christmas mine, Gila County, Arizona. For apachite the average oftwo closely agreeing analyses gave: Chukhrovite-(Ce), Rhabdophanel(Ce) 210.8, CuO 43.6, FeO 0.3, MgO 1.7,CaO 1.8,SiO2 H20 13.87o,sum Kurt Walenta (1978) Chukhrovite-(Ce) and rhabdophane-(Ce) ' : : 102.0, close to CueSi,6O2e I I H2O. Apachite is blue, H 2, D from the Clara Mine at Oberwolfach, Middle Black Forest. : : : 2.80. Biaxial (-), 2V small, o 1.610,B t 1.650.No single Chem. der Erde, 38,331-339 (in German). crystals were found, but the powder pattern was indexed on a occurs in white crystals up to a few mm on monoclinic cell with a: 12.89,b : 6.055,c : 19.l lA, B : 90.42"; Chukhrovite-(Ce) with a : 16.80+0.0054 strongest lines of the powder pattern ar€ 13.49(l0xl00), 7.663 fluorite. X-ray data show it to be cubic (7Xr02),3. 168(7X401). (surprisingly, somewhat higher than for chukhrovite). Isotropic, n For gilalite the averageof two closely agreeinganalyses gave: : 1.443+0.002. The strongest X-ray lines (55 given) are CuO 36 2, MgO 2.3,CaO 3.8, MnO 0.5,SiO2 41.5, H2O 14.6,sum 9 75(l0Xrr r), s.e3(8)(220\,4.20(5)(400), 3.22(7)(333,51l), 98.8,close to CurSi6Otr'7HrO. Gilaliteis green,H:2,D :2.72. 2.5 6(6X63 3), 2.24(5)(u2), 2t 7 (6)(7 1 t'5 53), | .824(5)(842). No anal- microprobe analysis showed that Ce is Biaxial(-), 2V small,a : 1.560,B: t: 1.635.No singlecrystals ysis is given. Electron were found but the powder pattern was indexed on a monoclinic dominant, Nd next, with La, Pr, Sm, Gd, and Eu present' cell with a : 13.38,D : 19.16,c : 9.0264.p sensibly90o; optics Rhabdophane-(Ce) occurs in white to pale brown crystals, ag- indicatethe lower symmetry.Strongest lines of the powder pattern gregates of subparallel needles occurring in druses on barite, fluor- positive, : are I 3.4(l0)( 100),10.97(sX I l0), 7.786(sXI 20). ite, chalcopyrite, and tetrahedrite. Optically uniaxial, @ : given DTA showsa sharploss of water at about 92oC for gilalite and 1.688, e 1.144 (both 10.003) [both 0.03 higher than usually a smooth losscurve for apachite.A. P. for rhabdophane-(La)1. No analysis is given, but electron micro- probe study showed Ce dominant, followed by Nd, La, Pr, Gd, Sm, Er, and Eu. X-ray powder data are given (28 lines); the Cadmium strongest lines are 6.09(9X1010),4.41(8Xl0Tl), 3.51(7Xll20), 3.03(10X2020),2.83(9X2.83(10T2), corresponding to a : 7.O1,c: B. V. Oleinikov, A. V. Okrugin and N. V. Leskova(1979) Native 6.40A, close to those for rhaMophane-(La). cadmium in traps of the Siberian Platform. Doklady Akad. Nazk SSSR, 248, 1426-1428(in Russian). Discussion Native cadmium is reported from the heavy, non-magnetic frac- May be accepted provisionally. Nothing whatever is said of the tion of a conc€ntratefrom gabbro-doleriteof the Ust'-Khannin in- presence or absence of Y in either mineral; previous analyses of trusive,eastern Siberian Platform, basin of the Vilui River. It was chukhrovite are of chukhrovite-(Y), so the omission is a senous found as flattenedgrains, max. size0.2mm, with smooth surfaces. one. M. F. Color tin-white with a bluish tint. luster metallic, malleable,dia- magnetic.Probe analysisgave Cd 99-l00%owith no Zn or Sn. X- ray powder data are given (9 lines);the strongestlines are 2.79(3), Comblainite* 2.55(4),2.331(10).These are slightly smallerthan the lines given in (1980) (Ni?+, JcpDS5-0674. Unit-cell data are not given. Cadmium is hexago- Paul Piret and Michel Deliens Comblainite, Co?l') pyroaurite nal,P61/mmc, a:2.979, c : 5.617A. (OH)r(CO3)(r-'trz'lHzO, a new mineral of the Associatedminerals listed include moissanite,native Fe, Cu, group. Bull. Mineral., 103, ll3-ll'1 (in French). Pb, Sn, Zn, Al lAm. Mineral.,6J, (1980), alloys of Cu with Zn, Electron microprobe analyses were made of 2 samples, giving and Sn with Sb, garnet,spinel, kyanite, corundum,rutile, and sul- Co2O320.80, 20.20;NiO 39.30,38''10; UO3 4.24,5.20; MgO (calc.) fides ofFe, Cu, Pb, Sb, Zn, As, Hg. 0.30, 0.37; P2O, (calc.) 1.05, 1.29; HrO (calc.) 1.07' l.3l' HrO- I 1.59,8.69; (H2O+ + CO) 21.29,20.96,sum 99.64,96.424o.MgO, P2O5, and H2O calc. were calculated from UO3, known to be pres- ent as metasaleeite. TGA determinations (giving CO2' H2O+' * Minerals marked with asteriskswere approved before pub- H2O-, plus oxygen corresponding to Co2O3+2CoO) gave 35.95' lication by the Commissionon New Minerals and Mineral Names 32.797o,respectively. The valences of Ni and Co were determined of the International MineralogicalAssociation. by ESCA spectra. The infrared spectrum shows bands for H2O, 0003-004x/80/09I0- I 065$00.50 1065 NEI,Y MINERAL NAMES OH-, and (COr)-'. The thermogravimetriccurves show lossesto polytypism to krautite, MnHAsOa 'H2O. Bull. Mineral., 103, l'15" of 12.66and l0.$OVo(molecular H2O); the hydroxyl and CO2 129-134. are giv€n off250-340'. Inflectionsat 4800and 7l0o correspondto Microprobe analysesof deep rose and pale rose varietiesgave, the changesCo2O3 to Co3Ooand Co3Oato CoO. The analyses respectively,As2Or 50.40,50.49; CaO 13.01,12.86; MnO 13.68, give, respectively,NiSioColSo(CO3)r 6.7 HrO, and 3rs(OH)rezt. 16.65;FeO 0.11,0.05; CoO 0.59,0.03; NiO-,0.03; MgO 0.93,-. Nill,col[r(cor), .9.92 Il2O. or(oH),, * Analysisof pale rosematerial by atomic absorptionby B. Reynier The mineral is rhombohedral,a : 7.7964,a : 22.4'l Z : l: n ", on 80 mg gaveAs2Or 56.60, CaO 12.98,MnO 17.17,MgO 0.04, hexagonatsetting a : 3.038,c :22.794, spacegroup R3m, Rlm, HrO (Penfield) 13.20,sum 99.99Vo.Analysis by J. Hucherot on R3, R3, or R32,D calc.for the 2 formulasabove 3.16, 3.31, meas. material from the Giftgrube gave As2O5 57.4, CaO 13.6,MnO 3.05{-0.02.The strongestX-ray lines (16 given) are 7.64(100)(003), 16.8,MgO 0.3, H2O 13.3,sum l0l.4%o.All theselead to the for- 3.808(50)(006), 2.s67 (7 0)(0 t2), 2.778(50X0l s), r.e3a(a0)(0l 8). rhe mula Ca(Mn,Mg,Co)(HAsOa)2'2H2O.The DTA curve showsan mineral is a memberof tie hydrotalcitegroup. endothermicbreak at 260' (dehydration). The mineral occurs as turquoise-blue cryptocrystalline crusts on The mineralis triclinic, Pl, a :8.459+0.002,b : 7.613+0.001, altered uraninite from Shinkolobwe,Zaire, associatedwith bec- c : 6.98+0.001A,a : 82.21+0.01, : 98.25+0.01,.), : querelite, curite, rutherfordine, and heterogenite.Under the mi- B 95.86=0.029;Z :2;D calc.3.1l, measured3.05+0.02. The strong- croscope,it is yellow-green,non-pleochroic, with a' : 1.690,e' : est X-ray (36 given) are 8.323(44X100),7.512(100X010), 1.684(both +0.002). llnes 3.767 (s 6)(2 tO,O20\, 3.528(90X l 20,2 l 0), 3.266(9t)(0 t2\, The name is for Gordon Comblain, of the Musee Royal de 2.975(8l I 2), 2.688(6| 2.67l (43X3l 0). I'Afrique Central, Tervuren, Belgium, who discoveredthe min- X0 )(220} The mineral is colorlessto pale roseto deeprose, It occursas ra- eral. Type material is at that museum.M. F. diating prismatic crystalswith (100), {l l0}, and {010} dominant and 6 other faces.Cleavages {010} perf., {100) easy, G0l} diffi- :31h4. Defernite* cult and imperfect.H Optically biaxial, probably positive, 2Vlarge, a' : 1.618,I' : 1.642. Halil Sarp, M. F. Taner, JacquesDeferne, Helene Bizouard and The mineral was found at the 60 m. and 100 m. levels of the B. W. Liebich (1980)Defernite, Cae(COr)z(OH,Cl)B' nH2O, a Gabe Gottes-Saint Jacques vein at Sainte Marie-aux-Mines, new calcium chloro-hydroxyl carbonate. Bull. Mineral., 103, Vosges,France, associated with pharmacoliteand picropharmaco- 185-189(in French). lite. The name is for Pierre Fluck, mineralogist, Louis Pasteur Electron microprobeanalysis (average of 18 analyseson 3 sam- University, Strasbourg.M. F. ples)gave CaO 62.9,SiO2 1.2,CO2 13.4,Cl 3.3,total 80.8- (O : Clt 0.74 : 80.06, H2O l9.94%oby difference,corresponding to Ca552(CO3)152(SiO4)o r(OH)7.32C10.47' 1.87 H2O, or Ca5(CO3)2 Giniite* (OH,CI)8'2H2O,or Ca3(CO3)(OH,CI)4'H2O,for which Z : 8. Paul Keller (1980) Giniite, Fe+2Fef,3(H2O)2(OH)2(POa)a,a new Dissolvedby cold HCI with effervescence. mineral from the pegmatiteof Sandamabnear Usakos,Nam- Weissenbergand precessionstudy show defernite to be ortho- lbia.
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    THF PICKING TABLE JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIM-OGDEMSBURG MIMERALOGICAL SOCIETY, IMC. VOLUME 35 NUMBER 2 AUTUMM/WINTER 1994 .50 The contents of The Picking Table are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. THE PRAMKLIM-OGDEMSBURG MlMERALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. OFFICERS AMD STAFF PRESIDENT Chester S. Lemanski, Jr. 309 Massachusetts Avenue, Browns Mills, NJ 08015 FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Lee Lowell 53 Foxtail Lane, Hamburg, NJ 07419 SECOND VICE PRESIDENT George Elling 758 Charnwood Drive, Wykoff, NJ 07481 SECRETARY Tema Hecht 600 West 111th Street, New York, NY 10025 TREASURER John Cianciulli 60 Alpine Road, Sussex, NJ 07461 ASSISTANT TREASURER Stephen C. Misiur 309 Fernwood Terrace, Linden, NJ 07036 SLIDE COLLECTION CUSTODIAN Edward H. Wilk 202 Boiling Springs Avenue, East Rutherford, NJ 07073 TRUSTEES COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS John L.Baum (1994) Auditing William J. Trost Philip P. Betancourt (1994) Banquet Maureen E. Woods Richard C. Bostwick (1993) Field Trip Edward H. Wilk, Warren Joseph Cilen (1993)) Cummings (assistant) John C.Ebner (1993) Historical John L. Baum William Kroth (1994) Identification Richard C. Bostwick Steven M. Kuitems (1993) Mineral Exchange Richard C. Bostwick Warren A. Langill (1994) Nominating Philip P. Betancourt Edward II. Wilk (1994) Program Lee Lowell Spring Swap & Sell Chester S. Lemanski, Jr. LIAISON WITH THE EASTERN FEDERATION OF MINERAL AND LAPIDARY SOCIETIES (EFMLS) Delegate Philip P. Betancourt Alternates Richard C. Bostwick and Omer S. Dean MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Anyone interested in the minerals, mines, or mining history of the Franklin- Ogdensburg, New Jersey area is invited to join the Franklin-Ogdensburg Miner- alogical Society, Inc. Membership includes scheduled meetings, lectures and field trips; as well as a subscription to The Picking Table.
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