4 in 650: by Ned Kleiner an Interview with Asma, at About Ten O’Clock on Tues- Dr
Drama Preview: As You Like It -See Page 4- The Greylock Echo Monday, November 9th Mount Greylock RHS Williamstown, Mass MAJOR ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES DUE FOR NEXT YEAR 4 in 650: By NED KLEINER An interview with Asma, At about ten o’clock on Tues- Dr. Rose Ellis, who had already a success, facilitating new curric- day, October 20th, Carrie Greene served as the WES superintendent ular alignment and shared teacher Salma, Seema, and stood up in front of the Mt. Grey- for a number of years. The move, development resources. Carrie lock School Committee to talk however, turned out largely to be Greene, a first-year member of Naseema about the future of the high the Mount Greylock School school. At the end of this Committee, suggested that By CATE COSTLEY year, Dr. Travis’s contract Mt. Greylock follow the el- will expire, and he has in- ementary schools’ example. dicated that he is interested Until Greene’s an- in retiring. Greene was sup- nouncement at the School posed to report on how the Committee meeting, a differ- school should go about find- ent outcome seemed likely. ing his replacement. To the The Massachusetts Depart- surprise of the committee, ment of Education supports Greene, who had spent more “Regionalization,” in which than thirty hours interview- the Northern Berkshire high ing town and state officials, schools (Drury, Hoosac, and recommended that Mt. Mt. Greylock) would com- Greylock join Superinten- bine into one super-region. dency Union 71. David Archibald, the chair On July 1, 2008, the ad- of the School Committee, ministrations at William- outlined one of the benefits stown and Lanesborough of regionalization to me: “if Elementary Schools joined you need a hundred thousand to create Union 71.
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