
the Inside this issue: Norwegian This lemon cake is made for sunny days american story on page 8 Volume 128, #15 • July 28, 2017 Est. May 17, 1889 • Formerly Norwegian American Weekly, Western Viking & Nordisk Tidende $3 USD Where will reading take you this summer?

Our Summer Reading section has all the books you need for fun in the sun

What’s inside? « Det er bare det at bøker Nyheter / News 2-3 gjør oss til bedre mennesker. Business 4 Bøkene er snarveier til Sports 5 innsikt og medfølelse. » Opinion 6-7 – Vera Micaelsen Taste of 8 Travel 9 Norway near you 10-11 Norwegian Heritage 12 Arts & Entertainment 13 Bulletin Board 14 Norsk Språk 15 Back Page 16 SUMMER READING section Summer Reading B1-B9 Fiction B10 Puzzles B11 $1 = NOK 8.027 updated 07/21/2017 In comparison 06/21/2017 8.5370 01/21/2017 8.4143 07/21/2016 8.4688 2 • July 28, 2017 Nyheter fra Norge theNorwegianamerican Nyheter For mange turister i Lofoten nå Færre vil bli fiskere — Da har jeg trålet i fire og en halv time, — Vi må dreie sier yrkesfisker Reiulf Halvorsen fra markedsføringen vekk . Mannen i 40-årene har stått tidlig opp for å fiske reker. Han er blant fra denne regionen, de yngste fiskerne i området. For yrkes- fiskerne blir stadig eldre i Oslofjorden. sier Innovasjon Norge Få unge drømmer om et liv på en reke­ tråler her. Halvorsen leder Sørøst Norge Susanne Lysvold, Pål Plassen & Kystfiskarlag og frykter for rekrutter- Andreas Nilsen Trygstad ingen til yrket. Han mener fiskerne selv NRK kan ha skyld i at færre går denne veien. — Vi fiskere er verdensmestere i å prate — Dersom folk absolutt vil til Lofoten, ned vårt eget yrke. Det har vi gjort med kan de reise dit om vinteren. Det handler stor suksess. For de siste 20–25 årene har om å spre turisttrafikken utover sesongen. noen knapt startet med reketråling i det Lofoten er en perle også om vinteren. Da er hele tatt. Vi fokuserer på alt det negative; det magisk der og ikke fullt så masse men- brennmaneter, lavtrykk eller feil strøm, nesker, sier Audun Pettersen, som er direktør sier han. Han mener at sannheten er at for bærekraftig reiseliv i Innovasjon Norge. fiskerne fint klarer å leve av å fiske reker. Presset er stort på en av Norges viktigste — Vi har et generasjonsfrafall. Det er al- turistattraksjoner. NRK har de siste dagene Foto: Torbjørn Heimvik / NRK vorlig, sier Halvorsen. Færre fiskere betyr hatt flere saker om fastboende som lider un- Lofoten er selve drømmereisemålet for mange norske og utenlandske turister. også at det blir mindre å gjøre for fiske- der masseturismen Lofoten opplever i som- mottakene. — Vi trenger flere. Markedet mer. I fjor strømmet opp mot en million tur- er her og ressursene er i havet utenfor, sier ister til øyriket Lofoten, og i år ligger det an mener situasjonen i Lofoten kan sammen- Han tror også at jungeltelegrafen selv Kjell Henry Olsen, daglig leder for Brø- til ny turistrekord. liknes med storbyer i Europa. vil ordne opp. drene Berggren i Sandefjord. Men det er ikke bare de fastboende som — I Barcelona ser man store plakater — Dette styrer seg litt selv. Når nyheten (Hege Therese Holtung, NRK) reagerer. Torstein Valseth fra med «Tourists go home». Den siste jeg så var om medaljens bakside spres gjennom sosiale har feriert i Lofoten i snart ti år. Men nå er «Tourists are terrorists». I Venezia har vi sett medier, vil mange søke seg til andre steder, Hver nordmann kaster nesten et halvt det stopp. at fastboende kaster seg i sjøen foran cruise­ tror han. tonn søppel hvert år — Det er nok siste året jeg ferierer her. skipene, for å hindre at de legger til kai. Det er akkurat slik det beskrives i media. Det Reiselivsnæringen selv må ta mye av Ny statistikk fra Statistisk sentralbyrå Se > Lofoten, side 15 er fullt her. Du kan ikke bevege deg ute i na- ansvaret for situasjonen Lofoten nå opplever. (SSB) viser at nordmenn kastet mindre turen uten å se søppel, avføring og nedtråk- — Reiselivsnæringen har markedsført English Synopsis: Due to a drastic increase in tourism søppel i 2016 enn de gjorde i 2015, melder kete stier, sier han til NRK. Lofoten på litt feil vilkår. Markedsføringen to Lofoten, Innovation Norway has decided to stop ABC Nyheter. Selv om statistikken går marketing the region as a tourist destination. Audun Pettersen i Innovasjon Norge må nå styres mot andre reisemål. ned, kaster likevel hver nordmann i snitt 82.7 prosent mer husholdnings­avfall årlig sammenlignet med tall fra 1992. Da kastet Nordmenn bare 237 kilo hver, mot 433 kilo i fjor. Daglig leder Hildegunn Bull Iversen i stiftelsen LOOP sier at avfalls- Krise for Nye norske satellitter mengden har økt veldig siden 1990-tallet, To norske satellitter ble men at det er bra at nordmenn nå blir mer bevisste. — Kildesortering er en veldig skutt opp i en rakett fra enkel måte å være med å redde miljøet på, Venstre sier Bull Iversen til ABC Nyheter. I fjor Kasakhstan 14. juli kastet nord­menn 6 kilo mindre søppel enn Nå mener velgerne at i 2015, men siden 1992 har altså hushold- Caroline Ørvik ningsavfallet per innbygger økt voldsomt. er like egnet Aftenposten I alt kastet nord­menn 2.227.000 tonn av- til å lede partiet som fall i fjor—125 prosent mer enn i 1992. De to norske satellittene NORSAT-1 og (Aftenposten) NORSAT-2 er de første av 70 småsatellitter som settes fri fra en Sojus-bærerakett, som Mission Impossible inntar Preikestolen Marie Melgård & Tore Kristiansen skytes opp fra den russiske rombasen i Baj­ kommune har gitt tillatelse til å VG konur i Kasakhstan. Totalt 73 satellitter ble stenge Preikestolen helt for publikum i ni skutt opp sammen med raketten. døgn i forbindelse med filminnspilling, Hverken ny kommunikasjonsstrategi Satellittene er Norges tredje og fjerde melder Aftenblad. Det skal eller en kansellert sommerferie for Grande nasjonale satellitter til å bli skutt opp. De er Illustrasjon: Norsk Romsenter / Aftenposten skje den 20. til 29. september i år. Det ble ser ut til å løse Venstres dypt alvorlige vel- eksperimentsatellitter som skal teste teknolo- Den norske satellitten NORSAT-2. kjent i juni at Hollywood-regissøren ville gersvikt. gi og forske, skriver Norsk romsenter. spille inn en actionscene på Preikestolen,­ I et halvt år har Venstre ligget under Prisen på de to satellittene er nemlig men nå har altså kommunen godkjent sperregrensen på fire prosent på snittet av mellom 20 og 25 millioner kroner pr. stykk. I senter, mens NORSAT-2 er finansiert av søknaden. Ifølge Aftenbladet har filmsel- alle nasjonale meningsmålinger, ifølge nett­ tillegg kommer oppskytningskostnadene for Kystverket. skapet fått løyve til inntil 50 helikopter- stedet pollofpolls.no. å «haike» med raketten, på omtrent 10 mil- ­— Oppskytingen av satellittene viser at landinger per dag. Daglig leder i Stiftelsen Og partileder Grande får heller ingen lioner kroner pr. satellitt. også et lite land som Norge kan være en stor Preikestolen og Lysefjorden Utvikling, trøst fra dagens VG-måling: Partiet hun leder — Det er mye penger, men disse er små romnasjon innen enkelte nisjer. Vi er sterke Audun Rake, peker på gode og dårlige får fattige 3,5 prosents oppslutning. Det ville satellitter som er billigere enn de større vers- på maritim overvåking og romværforskning, nyheter, men mener dette først og fremst gitt bare to seter i Stortinget. jonene. Forventet levetid i rommet er minst og dataene fra disse satellittene vil gi nyttige er en gladnyhet. — Den største plussen er De siste månedene har Trine Skei Grande tre år, men den første norske satellitten som bidrag til forvaltning, forskning og nærings­ den markedseffekten dette vil få verden avlyst sin egen sommerferie og snudd helt ble skutt opp i 2010 fungerer fortsatt, sier liv, sier næringsminister Monica Mæland. rundt, at mange vil komme til rundt på sin egen kommunikasjonsstrategi­ Jon Harr, seniorrådgiver og prosjektleder Begge satellittene er utstyrt med mot- og Norge som turister. Hele området rundt for å snu situasjonen. Så langt uten at hun ved Norsk romsenter. tagere for anti-kollisjonsmeldinger fra skip. vil også merke økt tilstrømning. — Minu- altså har fått partiet over sperregrensen. Han understreker også at bruksområ- De skal gi oversikt over skip over hele set er at vi dessverre ikke slipper alle ut Folket ser også ut til å være i tvil om det til satellittene er stort, og at innhenting verden, med spesielt fokus på nordområdene. på selve Preikestolen noen få dager. Vi vil Grande er den som er best egnet til å være av slike data på andre måter også ville vært ­— Veldig mange etater bruker disse da- få på plass en ordning der folk kan besøke veldig kostbart. taene for å se hvor båter befinner seg: fiskeri- platået bak, se utover Preikestolen og få Se > Venstre, side 15 Flere norske etater bruker dataene som direktoratet, tolletaten, forsvaret og kystvak- utsikten, men ikke komme ut på selve satellittene fanger opp til å overvåke norske ten, sier Harr. Preikestolen under forberedelsene og når English Synopsis: The Liberal (Venstre) Party and farvann. Dette gjøres for å organisere red- filmingen pågår. leader Trine Skei Grande continue to struggle, secur- ningsaksjoner, oppdage ulovlig fiske eller English Synopsis: Two new Norwegian satellites (Eirin Larsen & Anders Fehn, NRK) ing only 3.5% support in recent polls. Many think spore oljesøl fra skip. launched on July 14 will monitor maritime traffic in Abid Raja would be a good replacement for Grande. NORSAT-1 er finansiert av Norsk Rom- addition to researching the sun and space weather. theNorwegianamerican News July 28, 2017 • 3 Swedish This week in brief Regions reformed Over 12,000 apply for smuggling at personalized license plates in first month Norway’s 19 fylker to On June 15, 2017, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) opened be reorganized into record high up applications for personalized license plates for cars, and one month later 11 regions in 2020 Norwegian customs at 12,682 applications had been received. one border crossing has So far, 310 applications have been rejected and 2,470 approved. “First name, ichael rady M. M B seen a spike in 2017 last name, nickname, and fun is what’s , Norway coming in. In addition, we have received a The Local number of applications for football clubs On June 8, the Norwegian (Par- and place names. Many have also tried to liament) enacted the most comprehensive Norwegian customs officers at the reserve … swear words and the like, but administrative reorganization of the country border between and Nor- these are being rejected,” said Kjell Bjørn since the late 17th century. The 19 current way have seized more beer and spirits during , the press officer for NPRA. fylker (counties) are to be reorganized into the first half of 2017 than in the whole of last According to the road network, 11 regions, effective in 2020. year. LOL, ROFLMAO, KONEBIL, MY TOY, Some of the new regions will be un- Unroadworthy vehicles used for smug- 2COOL4U, and 2FAST4U are a few ex- changed and some will be merged fylker, in gling purposes have also been seized, ac- amples that have been applied for. some cases corresponding to the historical cording to a report by P4 Väst. Illustration: Fig. 5.1, p. 34 of Bill 84S One approved application came divisions of Amt (county) used until 1918 “There has clearly been a trend in the The 11 new regions; the three northernmost fylker from taco-happy Vegard Søbstad Myhre and Len (Swedish for county). The new first half of the year towards a quite large in- shown hatched on this map, which was drawn (27), whose plate now reads TACO. “I’m names of the regions may be unchanged or two months before the final regional designations crease in the confiscation of both beer and known to eat a lot of tacos ... so I secured new. The 11 new regions are: were enacted. spirits,” Per Kristian Grandahl, head of the the sign,” says Myhre. He has received a • : unchanged; comprises the city Svinesund customs office, told the Swedish lot of attention for the choice. “There are and county of Oslo. radio broadcaster. very many who want pictures.” • : a merger of , Busk- name; Vestmark has been proposed. Two bridges—the Old and New Svine- The new personalized plates cost erud, and Østfold counties. • : a merger of Aust-Agder and sund bridges—span the Iddefjord, connect- NOK 9,000 (about USD $1,000) for 10 • Innlandet: a merger of Hedmark and Vest-Agder counties. Corresponds to histori- ing Sweden’s Bohuslän province with the years and follow the driver, not the car. Oppland counties. Corresponds to historical cal Agdesiden Len. Norwegian county of Østfold. The revenue will go toward road safety. Oplandenes Amt. • Rogaland: unchanged; comprises the The crossing is popular with Norwe- (Staff / VG) • -: a merger of Tele- mark and Vestfold counties. May have a new See smuggling, page 6 See > regions, page 14 > Foreign Minister returns stolen cultural artifact to Myanmar At a formal ceremony with the Myan- mar authorities in the country’s capital, Police to investigate “fish mafia” Nay Pyi Taw, on July 6, 2017, Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende returned Authorities suspect a Buddha sculpture that was illicitly im- ported to Norway in 2011 via . illegal releases of “I am pleased that this beautiful sculpture is now finally back in Myanmar. the fish at several At the same time, I am concerned to see that the illicit trade in cultural objects is locations in Norway growing, that it is taking new forms, and that it often involves international crimi- nal networks. Profits from the illicit trade he ocal T L are also used to finance terrorist activi- ties,” said Brende. Police in Norway are set to open investi- The sculpture, which is between 150 gations into what authorities suspect to be il- and 200 years old and made of alabaster legal releases of pike fish at several locations decorated with varnish, gold, and glass, in the country. was discovered by a customs officer in Administrator Anton Rikstad with the in 2011. Since then, there has county administration in the central Nord- been an extensive process to trace its ori- Trøndelag region called individuals sus- Photo: Norwegian Intelligence Service gins and finally return it to its country of pected of carrying out the practice the “pike Fishers in many countries enjoy going after large fish such as pike, but releasing non-native varieties origin. Close cooperation between a range mafia.” in Norway’s lakes is illegal. of actors in Norway and other countries “I fear there is a gang fanatically ob- has made its return possible. sessed with fishing large pike. That’s why (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) I call them the ‘pike mafia.’ I don’t know tats in this way is an illegal activity, he said. a few years ago, there were rumors where or who they are, but there is some- “This incident joins the ranks of a series about trying to create a trophy fish. It’s popu- First trade deficit in nearly 20 years thing suspicious about it,” Rikstad told of illegal releases of foreign species during lar to catch large fish, but we do not like the broadcaster NRK. the last few years. That includes fish, plants, spread of this at all,” Rikstad added. Import of goods amounted to NOK 67 The carnivorous fish has been illegally and animals. It’s illegal and we consider it to Vidar Sunde, coordinator for nature and billion in June—24.6 percent more than introduced into the water at a number of be environmental crime. It’s almost always the environment in the Trøndelag police dis- the previous year. Export of goods rose places in Norway, according to the report. bad for the environment,” Rikstad said. trict, confirmed that police are taking the is- by 9.9 percent, ending at NOK 66.3 bil- After two such fish were caught in the Hov- Pike fish have been spread around Nor- sue seriously and that the illegal introduction lion. The trade deficit thereby ended at dalsvatnet lake—which provides drinking way for hundreds of years for food, sport, of species into new habitats can be punished about NOK 750 million (about USD water for the local Frosta municipality—in and even as an act of revenge against neigh- by up to three years’ imprisonment. $93.25 million). mid-July, Rikstad decided to take action. bors, according to NRK’s report. Imports increased compared to June Releasing fish out of their natural habi- “When pike fish were released in See > pike mafia, page 6 last year, explained by considerably higher values for a few main commodity groups. The total export figures also rose, This week’s news from Norway is brought to you through partnerships with: up NOK 5.9 billion. The overall higher value was caused by increased crude oil, natural gas, and mainland exports. Altogether this gave a trade deficit in June. The last time Norway experienced this was in December 1998. www.thelocal.no & theforeigner.no (SSB) 4 • July 28, 2017 Business theNorwegianamerican Business News & Notes Innovation under the sea: Karmøy technology pilot opens The inauguration and 50-year anniver- On 24, Hydro inaugurates the Kar- sary will be celebrated with a free concert in Kopervik, close to the Karmøy plant. The Blueye’s underwater møy technology pilot, producing the world’s most climate- and energy-efficient primary Norwegian Prime Minister aluminum. The celebration will also mark will attend and artists will entertain. 50 years of aluminum production at Kar- (Norsk Hydro ASA) drone on the market møy. The Karmøy technology pilot is a Norwegian announces first American full-scale testing facility, and Hydro’s goal tailfin hero: Benjamin Franklin with the pilot project is to industrialize the Norwegian announced Benjamin Franklin world’s most climate- and energy-efficient as its first American tailfin hero on July 18. technology for aluminum electrolysis. The The likeness of the inventor and statesman ambition is to reduce energy consumption will adorn the airline’s newest Boeing 737 by around 15 percent per kilogram of alumi- MAX 8 aircraft. The new hero is scheduled num produced in relation to the international to make its maiden voyage from the Boeing average and with the lowest CO2 emissions Flight Center in Seattle to Oslo, Norway, in the world. and shortly thereafter make its inaugural NOK 4.3 billion is invested in the proj- flight between Europe and the U.S. ect, including NOK 1.6 billion from ENO- Since its founding, Norwegian has VA, a Norwegian government enterprise. a time-honored tradition of celebrating It is expected that implementing tech- iconic, historical figures on the tails of its nological spin-off effects from the pilot in aircraft. Each person who is featured on Hydro’s existing production lines will im- a tailfin embodies Norwegian’s spirit of prove productivity in current primary pro- pushing boundaries, inspiring others and duction. This will contribute to Hydro’s challenging the status quo. To commemo- ambition to further increase annual primary rate Norwegian’s expansion in the U.S., the aluminum capacity by 200,000 metric tons airline will introduce a series of American by 2025 and to reach the company’s goal of icons over the next few months. becoming carbon neutral by 2020. (Norwegian) Photo: Blueye Robotics AS Blueye’s PioneerOne and a scuba diver ready to explore the . Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (July 21, 2017) Winners Losers Rasmus Falck Norsk Kr. 8.0270 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Oslo, Norway Dansk Kr. 6.3724 Storm Real Estate 1.04 30.00% GC Rieber Shipping 10.10 -11.40% Techstep 5.48 10.48% XXL 77.00 -8.88% Svensk Kr. 8.2395 Developed in Norway—famous for its The ocean covers about 70 percent of Navamedic 11.55 7.44% Seadrill 3.45 -7.75% rough coastline and world-leading subsea the Earth’s surface and provides resources Islandsk Kr. 104.90 Atlantic Petroleum 11.75 6.33% Oceanteam 3.29 -7.58% expertise—the startup Blueye plans to pro- such as food, medicines, energy, and impor- Canadian $ 1.2550 Norske Skogindustrier 0.51 6.25% Frontline 47.50 -6.86% vide the world’s finest underwater drone for tant transport routes, not to mention half of For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Euro 0.8569 ocean exploration, giving unprecedented ac- the oxygen we breathe. Still, we know less cess to the hidden world below the surface. about the ocean floor than we know about the In 2014 Erik Dyrkoren was a team lead- surface on Mars. It is a question about lack er at Marintek for a team developing the idea of access and tools. And that’s why Dyrkoren that drones could be used underwater as a set out on a journey to make it easier for ev- cheap alternative for the oil and gas indus- eryone to record and share what is hidden try. Today he is the founder and CEO of Blu- underwater. Blueye will make the documen- eye Robotics with four employees, and the tation of intriguing findings for mapping or Sealift Inc. startup is located at the Innovation Center at monitoring available to the public, whether Gløshaugen. the customer is a professional fish farmer, The company has its roots in the highly passionate diver, engaged environmentalist, renowned Center for Autonomous Marine or just someone who wants to learn and dis- • Ship Owners • Operations and Systems (AMOS) at NTNU. cover more of the last wilderness on Earth. The access to competence and resources Blueye cooperates with NTNU, SIN- from AMOS has been vital for the devel- TEF, Maritime, AMIS center, • Ship & Cargo Brokers • opment of the technology. They combine and Water Linked, a specialist in underwa- world-leading ocean technology with user ter communication. The largest investor is experience design and global business devel- NTNU Technology Transfer. Among the • Steamship Agents • opment. This results in a potent mixture that investors is Proventure. Recently the startup generates ideas and innovations at an excep- raised NOK 2.4 million in share capital by tionally fast pace. using Facebook, and with that they have 251 The drone weighs 13 kilograms and owners. The startup is planning to raise an- can dive down to 100 meters. The prototype other NOK 10 million in the fall. The goal is measures 50 by 50 cm and is 20 cm wide, to speed up development with sales starting while the next generation will be 30 percent at the end of this year! smaller and lighter. The entrepreneur thought the oil and gas industry would be the target group, al- Rasmus Falck is a strong though today he sees the consumer market innovation and entrepre- as the most interesting customer. The goal is neurship advocate. The au- to make an underwater drone available for thor of “What do the best less than NOK 20,000. These are extremely do better” and “The board complicated vessels, but the company can of directors as a resource see that they are managing their goals and in SME,” he received his that the mass market is coming. Think about masters degree from the discovering exciting things underwater and University of Wisconsin-Madison. He currently sharing your discoveries on social media! lives in Oslo, Norway. 68 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 Vesterheim Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 the national Norwegian-American museum and heritage center www.sealiftinc.com E-mail: [email protected] • The largest collection of Norwegian-American artifacts in the world • A national center for folk-art classes • Open all year in Decorah, Iowa theNorwegianamerican Sports July 28, 2017 • 5 Oslo hosts Quidditch European Games Norway takes bronze in the high-flying sport inspired by theHarry Potter books

Molly Jones The Norwegian American

You have likely heard of the magical sport of quidditch featured in J.K. Rowling’s enormously successful Harry Potter series, but did you know that the sport isn’t just for witches and wizards anymore? Quidditch for muggles—a muggle being someone without magic blood in the Harry Potter universe—was first invented in the early 2000s by Xander Manshel and Alex Be- nepe, students at Vermont’s Middlebury Col- lege. They started playing intramural games in 2005 and the International Quidditch As- sociation (IQA) was formed five years later to govern the rules of the quickly growing sport. With national quidditch teams being Photos: Ondřej Hujňák formed around the world, it was only natural Above: Norway once again took third place in the European Quidditch Games. to introduce an international championship. Right: Are we sure that team Norway doesn’t have flying broomsticks? In 2012, the first IQA was held in Oxford, England. The event takes place every other year, with the subsequent World in the IQA European Games. The UK ended to get it through one of the three hoops of wins. If the score is tied, however, the teams Cups taking place in Burnaby, B.C., in 2014 up defeating France in the final, taking their differing heights at the other end of the pill- go into overtime. If there is not a snitch catch and Frankfurt, , in 2016. first international gold. shaped pitch while the keeper tries to prevent within five minutes, the overtime period is In 2015, Europe decided to launch the any goals. Each goal is worth 10 points; af- over and the team with most points wins. If IQA European Games in odd-numbered The rules of the game ter a goal is scored, the opposing team takes the score is still tied, the teams enter sudden years, with the inaugural games held in Sarte- If you’ve read the Harry Potter books possession of the quaffle. death overtime and the first team to score ei- no, Italy. Out of the 12 teams competing, Nor- or seen the movies, you may be wondering Meanwhile, the beaters use the three ther a goal or a snitch catch wins. way’s national team took an impressive third how this sport can possibly translate to a bludgers (spherical flexible rubber balls, While there are certainly fundamental place. This year, 15 European quidditch teams world without flying broomsticks or magical normally dodge balls) to “knock out” other differences from the magical sport dreamed made their way to Oslo for the 2017 IQA Eu- snitches. The muggle version of quidditch players. When hit by an opponent’s bludger, up by J.K. Rowling, muggle quidditch is a ropean Games held July 7 to 9. incorporates elements from many ordinary a player without knockout immunity is out of true tribute to the love of reading and sports The Norwegian team was seeded into sports—including rugby, dodge ball, wres- play until they have completed the knockout found worldwide. Group A with the UK, France, , and tling, and flag football—while integrating procedure—giving up possession of any ball Belgium for the group play, where they lost the positions, equipment, and overall objec- they have, dismounting their broom, touch- three of their matches but defeated Turkey tives of Harry Potter’s quidditch. ing part of their own hoops, and remounting. Quidditch på norsk: 140*-80 (asterisk denotes snitch catch). Each gender-integrated team has at least The seekers are allowed to enter the In the round of 16, Norway crushed the seven athletes, who wear colored headbands pitch 18 minutes into the match. Their ob- quidditch: rumpeldunk 190-60* and advanced to the to designate their roles: three chasers (white), jective is to capture the snitch ball (usually chasers: jagere quarterfinals, where they again faced- Tur two beaters (black), one keeper (green), and a tennis ball) from the snitch runner, a neu- beaters: knakkere key and beat them 190*-120. After losing one seeker (yellow). All players must keep tral player dressed in yellow with the snitch seeker : speider 40-110* against the UK in the semi-finals, a broomstick between their legs at all times. ball held within a sock on their waistband. quaffle: sluffen Norway moved onto the third-place cham- The chasers kick, pass, and run with the Once one of the seekers makes a clean catch, bludger: klabb pionship. In their final match, Norway beat quaffle ball (a paneled spherical ball, often worth 30 points, the period is over. golden snitch: gullsnop Belgium 140*-80 to take their second bronze an under-inflated volleyball) as they attempt Naturally, the team with the most points Sports News & Notes Motor Racing: Historic victory at Football: Sandefjord beats Tromsø Silverstone With 1-0 after just a few seconds and 2-0 af- Norway’s Premier League Dennis Olsen (21) wrote Norwegian motor- ter six minutes, Sandefjord shocked Tromsø sport history when he became the first Nor- and eventually won 3-0 on July 16. Erik results Standings wegian to win a race in the Porsche Super- Mjelde, Koackim Olsen Solberg, and Håkon 7/15 Sogndal 0 – 3 Rosenborg Teams PLD PTS Lorentzen scored. cup on the venerable Silverstone course in 1. Rosenborg 17 35 England on July 16. (NRK) 7/15 Lillestrøm 2 – 2 Stabæk 2. 08 17 30 (NRK) Football: Victory for Sarpsborg 7/16 0 – 0 Strømsgodset 3. Molde 17 28 Athletics: Shot put gold for Thomsen Patrick Mortensen’s goal three minutes into 7/16 Sandefjord 3 – 0 Tromsø 4. Brann 17 27 overtime secured Sarpsborg the 1-0 win on 5. 16 25 Marcus Thomsen took the gold in shot put 7/16 Odd 0 – 2 Viking with 21.36 meters at the European Athletics July 16. A few minutes before, Sarpsborg’s 6. Stabæk 17 25 U20 Championships in Grosseto, Italy, on Allan Albech had received his second yellow 7/16 Haugesund 2 – 0 Aalesund 7. Vålerenga 16 23 card in the game. Sarpsborg is now in the sil- July 21. This is the year’s world record among 8. Aalesund 17 22 ver position, five points behind Rosenborg 7/16 Brann 0 – 1 Sarpsborg 08 juniors and an improvement of his own Nor- 9. Lillestrøm 17 22 wegian junior record by four centimeters. and two in front of Molde as the league takes 7/17 1 – 1 Vålerenga 10. Odd 16 22 (NRK) a break for two weekends. (NRK) 11. Sandefjord 17 21 12. Sogndal 17 20 Athletics: Gold in discus for Skagestad Tennis: Ruud ranks 109 Sven Martin Skagestad took gold in the dis- 13. Strømsgodset 17 19 As of July 17, Casper Ruud (18) is number cus in the European Athletics U23 Champi- 14. Kristiansund 17 18 109 on the newest world rankings. This is onships in Bydgoszcz, , on July 16. two places up from his previous ranking. His 15. Tromsø 16 14 The winning throw of 61 meters was the fifth best rank so far is 108th place. British Andy 16. Viking 17 13 of six throws. He won 83 cm in front of Ro- Murray still tops the ranking. manian Alin Alexandru Firfirica. (NRK) To read more about football in Norway, visit www.uefa.com (NRK) 6 • July 28, 2017 Opinion theNorwegianamerican

A message from Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun < pike mafia Editor’s Notes Join the conversation! From page 3

No one has previously been convicted for an offense of this type, the police officer Is hate a Norwegian (-American) value? said. “If the release took place a long time ago then statutory limitations also become relevant. In many cases, too much time I want nothing more than to let this has passed since the criminal offense took subject go for once and all, but I’m afraid place,” he said. I can’t resist getting in the last word on it first. We have received an unusual amount of angry messages about a recent article < smuggling entitled “Today’s Islamophobia chal- lenge,” an opinion article that I thought From page 3 was pretty innocuous. It argues that the gians, with many thousands crossing each fear and hatred of our Muslim neighbors month to buy relatively cheap goods on the is overblown. Swedish side. But over on Facebook I had people Over 140,000 liters of beer and 20,000 telling me that “Islam just wants to rule liters of spirits were confiscated by Norwe- the world, but they still live in the Middle gian customs at Svinesund from January to Ages so it won’t happen [camel emoji],” July this year. and “If they could stop killing people, The figures represent a 40 percent in- that’d be great;” telling me to “Find better crease in confiscations of beer and twice as writers;” and asking whether the article much seized spirits as during the correspond- was a paid advertisement. ing period last year. I even had one woman reach out Grandahl said that his customs unit had through Facebook Messenger asking me “surely never confiscated so much beer be- to take down the article because it con- fore.” tained misleading information. When I evil religion? What would that say about hu- We could have used the dictionary for the Organized crime might be one reason asked her what specifically she thought manity? same information. Not accepting it be- behind the apparent spike in smuggling, ac- was misleading, I got this: “I do not be- If you look at only the worst examples cause it comes from a source you distrust cording to Grandahl. “It is expensive to buy lieve Islam is a peaceful religion. They r of any religion, they all come out looking seems disingenuous. [alcohol] in shops and organized criminals taught it’s ok to lie if u do so in the name pretty awful. The KKK called itself Chris- The second criticism is that it has import beer and spirits on a large scale,” he of Mohammad. Scares me to death!! tian, as do a number of people who think it’s nothing to do with Norway. Which is a told P4 Väst. Their religion suppresses women!! They okay to bomb abortion clinics, and if those fair point. But not everything we publish In addition to confiscations of alcoholic believe martering [sic] will send u to things aren’t terrorism I don’t know what is. does. We shared a story about a Danish beverages, customs police have also seized heaven!! I could go on and on...” Even Buddhists have had their moments, as papercut artist recently; we do stories vehicles modified for smuggling. Changes She did, in fact, continue to go on and in Myanmar where the Buddhist majority on American healthcare, education, gun made to the vehicles are so extensive they on, ending with the observation that “U burns homes and periodically rampages with laws, even Brexit—all without any com- become road hazards, according to the report. just don’t get it!!” machetes, killing their enemy—who happen plaints or irrelevance. Several such vehicles have been impounded She is right. I don’t get it. I’ve devel- to be Muslims. And is the story really so irrelevant? by police in Sweden’s Bohuslän province. oped a pretty thick skin as a writer and an But no one looks at that example and Like it or not, Norwegians and Norwegian “We often seize cars and trucks that have editor, and yeah, I know the internet is a uses it to say the Buddhism is an inherently Americans alike live in pluralistic societ- been tampered with, for example the shock cesspool, but I confess it hurt my mood violent religion. Why isn’t Islam given the ies that call on us to love our neighbors. absorbers and suspension, making them un- pretty badly. It made me sad to think that same benefit of the doubt? Whether or not Muslims deserve roadworthy. We take in a significant number people feel so free to hate other people There were two criticisms of the article to be treated with human dignity may of such vehicles,” Grandahl said. just because of their religion. The last that went beyond mere knee-jerk ugliness, not in fact be a strictly Norwegian or Confiscation of certain types of narcot- time that kind of thinking got out of hand and I’ll address those. Norwegian-American topic. But is it so ics, including ecstasy and amphetamines, we called it the Holocaust and said “never The first was our use of CAIR asa offensive that it’s worth writing nasty has also increased, while seizure of cannabis again.” source. I’ll admit that I didn’t know the con- comments and threatening not to read the has dropped slightly. Real talk: do you, dear readers, hon- troversy about the Council on American- paper anymore? What does it say about “In general, it seems that there is a estly think that all Muslims support ter- Islamic Relations until after the article was us if that makes us so angry? steady increase in all types of smuggling rorism? Leaving aside statistics, which published. I don’t claim to know whether the Those comments made me sad not across the border at Svineslund, and that also we’ve agreed can be used to say just group is entirely on the up and up. But since because I’m a “snowflake,” or even be- seems to be the case with the confiscations about anything, does it even make sense it was only quoted with the definition of “Is- made by Swedish customs further south in for there to be 1.6 billion members of an lamophobia,” I feel this criticism is unfair. See > hate, page 7 Sweden,” Grandahl said to P4 Väst. Swedish customs only releases confisca- The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of The Norwegian American, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. tion statistics on an annual basis. the Norwegian american’s(secret) plan for personalglobal domina enrichment!tion: shhh... don’t tell! Step 1—send us your Your Name: Norwegian-American ^ Friend’s Name: friend’s address*** Step 2—???* Friend’s Address: Step 3—you PROFIT!** City/State/Zip: * Step 2 is that we send your non-subscriber friend a sample copy of the newspaper (no other nefarious purpose, we promise!) ** If your friend signs up for a year’s subscription, YOU get a free month added to your subscription *** Call (206) 784-4617, email [email protected], or mail 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 theNorwegianamerican Opinion July 28, 2017 • 7

Letters to the Editor theNorwegianamerican Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 Tel: (206) 784-4617 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at The Norwegian American, Letter to the Editor, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Assistant Editor / Nyheter, Business, Happy birthday? a son to carry on the Riddervold name and a We have actually gone to great effort to Sports, Travel daughter who is active in various Norwegian figure out which names belong to living peo- Molly Jones [email protected] Dear Editor, camps with her three children. Olav’s third ple and which do not, but it’s precisely those Opinion Editor As a long-time subscriber to The Nor- child is I, with two daughters, neither with entries with errors that are most likely to es- Linn Chloe Hagstrøm [email protected] wegian American, I was quite surprised offspring. Olav also had a daughter, Karen cape our culling efforts. However, in clean- Taste of Norway Editor when reading the June 30, 2017, issue of Whittaker, with two offspring. ing up the list we did find many who had Daytona Strong [email protected] your newspaper. I thank you very much for Going back to my great-great-grand- been deceased since the early 1980s. Yikes. Advertising thinking of my father, Olav Riddervold, who father, there are now two other “clans” in See, we love adding names to the list (so Rhonda Staton [email protected] used to live in San Leandro, Calif., but you America with the Riddervold name. One is please write us back with as many of your clan Subscriptions see, his birthday is not July 2. in the general area of New York state, and the members’ birthdays as you’d like—I already [email protected] My father was born in Trondheim, Nor- other is in the general area of Virginia. added yours), but there’s really no mechanism Contributors way, and immigrated to America in 1926. So you see, this is my way of saying the in place to remove them. For the past couple He was born July 21, 1906. But alas, he died only Olav who has ever lived in San Lean- of years, if it’s convenient to do so, we’ve been Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Julia Andersen New York, N,Y. March 5, 1980. I do not know who would dro, Calif., was born on July 19, although he collecting birth years along with the names, Tove Andersson Oslo, Norway have submitted his name to your newspaper. has now been dead for almost 37 years! dates, and locations (but we don’t publish Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. I can guarantee you; there is no other Olav Sincerely in fun, these!). That way, once we see that a person Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Riddervold in the United States, unless you Glenn Olav Riddervold has reached, say, 115 years old, we can safely M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway are thinking of me, Glenn Olav Riddervold. Walnut Creek, Calif. remove them from the list (hey, some of these David Burke Skoppum, Norway By the way, my birthday was June 30. Norwegians live a long time!). Daughters of Norway Members Various Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. I have more family relations in Norway Dear Glenn, So this is a good time to remind all of Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway than I do in America. Under my grandfather, Thanks for writing with this mystery. As you that if you see a name we ought to re- Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash. there are over 200+ relatives in Norway and you are a longtime subscriber, I’m surprised move—or an entry with incorrect informa- Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway America, most of whom I have almost daily this is the first year this has caught your eye. tion—please let us know. Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. contact with on Facebook. My father, as the You see, the birthdays list has been handed As an aside, Glenn, how many of your Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. second son of six siblings, was the only one down from generation to generation, much family members are also subscribers to this Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. to immigrate to America. He had four chil- like the Riddervold name. I cannot answer paper? Seems like you should get a group Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y dren, Gordon, deceased (no offspring); Rob- the question of who submitted this birthday or discount if you can get the clan to subscribe! Ilan Kelman Agder, Norway ert H., deceased who had two kids; Robert how it came to be wrong, but I can almost as- Sincerely, Michael Kleiner Philadelphia, Penn. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Riddervold, who has two children, including sure you that it’s been that way for decades. Editor Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Lexi Seattle, Wash. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. across. I feel that I can like it safely now, just they become Norwegians. Their children are Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. < hate Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. From page 6 thought you’d like to know. :D” born Norwegians. Norwegian Americans are Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. That one comment—that someone felt probably an even more colorful bunch. Just David Moe Sun City, Calif. Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. cause anything so bad was said, but because safe because of something we published—is think how many of you have some non-Nor- David Nikel Trondheim, Norway I expect better of my readers. worth more to me than 100 comments from wegian ancestry! I want people to feel safe Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Let’s prove that hate isn’t a Norwegian people offended that we stuck up for Mus- reading this paper even if their other ancestry Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. value. Let’s live up to the reputation for toler- lims. Because no matter how “irrelevant” it is from or Kenya or the , Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. ance and understanding that Norway has and might be to non-Muslim readers of this pa- just like they would if it was from Sweden or Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. the reputation for kindness that Norwegian per, it shouldn’t make you feel unsafe or like England or Germany. Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway Linda Warren Washington, D.C. Americans have imbued onto whole regions we think you’re evil or less worthy of human The writer Joan Didion famously said, Jo Christian Weldingh Oslo, Norway they settled in (Minnesota nice, anyone?). rights. “I don’t know what I think until I write it Amid all the hateful comments, this In the end, making people—of all col- down,” and so I want to thank all of you, The Norwegian American strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a comment stood out like a bright light shin- ors and religions—feel welcome in our com- even those of you who wrote me things that question or comment about news coverage call ing through a cloud break: “I was looking munity is more important to me than making upset me, because by forcing me to write this (206) 784-4617. • The Norwegian American re- sure that no one is ever upset by something editorial you’ve helped me to clarify what serves the right to edit any and all submissions for through this page with caution because sadly style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the a lot of people who are especially proud of we publish. I think. From now on this paper will work right not to print submissions deemed libelous, their heritage if it is a European [sic] one also Norwegians come in all colors and harder to uphold the principles of inclusiv- in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion tend to be quite racist and xenophobic which creeds. Norway is a terrific country, so peo- ity that both Norway and America claim to writers and letter writers are not necessarily those makes it hard to enjoy anything that I come ple move there from all over the world, and hold dear. of The Norwegian American, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • The Nor- wegian American (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 2473- The NA’s on summer vacation! 1293) is published every other week by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Last summer, the first of our biweekly publi- Shoreline WA 98155 • Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing offices. cation, the staff of The Norwegian American • POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to The Norwegian American, 17713 15th Ave NE, chose to forgo our usual three-week break. #205, Shoreline WA 98155 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US This was a mistake, and shall not be re- $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. peated. We’re out of the office, y’all! SINCE MAY 17, 1889. Formerly: Don’t worry; we’ll be back before you Norwegian American Weekly Norway Times / Nordisk Tidende, know it. In fact, our break is probably halfway Western Viking & Washington Posten

over by the time you’re reading this! We hope Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota you’re out fishing or hiking or digging your Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven

toes into a sandy beach, too busy to miss us. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. We return to the office on Aug. 14 and to your mailbox Aug. 25. In the meantime, if you need something to read, the special section in this paper has loads of recommendations! 8 • July 28, 2017 Taste of Norway theNorwegianamerican Celebrate summer with Solskinnskake With flecks of lemon and a spongy texture, Norwegian sunshine cake is sure to please

Daytona Strong Taste of Norway Editor

My earliest memory is of the sun shining diagonally through the eastern-facing window of my nursery room. The door swings open as my mom steps through. I see it all through crib-slat lines, the geometric triangles of light and the vertical pillars of infant security. We crave the sun. We create rituals of warmth and coziness to carry us through the dark months and the cold. The Danish idea of hygge and Norwegian kos have bolstered many through the heaviness of those times. But now the sun stays out later in the day. Plants break through thawing ground and leaves unfurl from dormant trees. Living in Seattle, a city dripping with a reputation for rain, I find myself turning to- ward the sun, feeling a thrill at the sight of flowers and saying a silent thank you to the birds for singing their joyful songs. The Norwegians have a cake named af- ter the sun: solskinnskake, or sunshine cake. The texture itself is even lighter than the typi- cal Scandinavian cakes that I love so much, a butterless sponge cake that bounces back after the fork cuts through. The flavor itself—the ing a way to keep heritage alive for the next essence of lemon—hints at a time of warmth. generation. Just as my earliest memory in- I have yet to experience the mørketid, volves the sun and the loving presence of my the time in winter when the sun never rises mother, I can’t help but hope that the coziness above the horizon north of a certain latitude, of our kitchen becomes the setting of some of but I have soaked up the extended sunlight my children’s earliest and sweetest memories. at the peak of summer in Norway, and I’ve seen how the sun enlivens the population. It This article first appeared on Outside Oslo only makes sense that there should be a cake (www.outside-oslo.com/2016/04/11/lemon- named after the sun. flecked-norwegian-sunshine-cake-solskinns- I found the recipe for this cake in a Scan- kake) and is reprinted here with permission. dinavian cookbook from the 1960s. I’ve writ- ten many times about how the food of Norway Daytona Strong is The Nor- has helped me connect with my heritage and wegian American’s Taste of better understand the people who left house Norway editor. She writes and home and country in search of a new life about her family’s Norwe- in America. Though I was born and raised gian heritage through the in the Seattle area, I feel more and more like lens of food at her Scandi- there’s a bit of Norway beating in my heart. navian food blog, www.out- I’ll keep baking cakes and working my side-oslo.com. Find her on way through the ever-growing collection of Facebook (www.facebook.com/OutsideOslo), Scandinavian cookbooks I’m accumulating. Twitter (@daytonastrong), Pinterest (@dayton- Each recipe tells a story, and they’re provid- astrong), and Instagram (@daytonastrong). Lemon-Flecked Norwegian Sunshine Cake (Solskinnskake)

Adapted from The Complete Scandinavian Cookbook by Alice B. Johnson (1964)

for the cake: for the icing: 6 eggs, separated 1 ¼ cups powdered sugar, sifted 1 tsp. cream of tartar 2 tbsps. whipping cream 1 ⁄8 tsp. salt 2 tbsps. lemon juice 1 ¼ cups sugar grated lemon zest for garnish, optional grated zest of 1 lemon 2 tsps. lemon juice 1 cup cake flour, sifted

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease a 9-inch springform . Beat the egg whites in a large bowl for a minute or so until frothy. Add the cream of tartar and salt and continue to beat until stiff. Add the sugar, then beat until stiff again. In a small bowl, beat the egg yolks. Add the whites, lemon zest, and lemon juice and carefully fold in. Fold in the flour just until incorporated, then pour the batter into the pre- pared pan. Bake for 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Set on a wire rack to cool, then run a knife along the perimeter and remove from the pan. While the cake cools, make the icing. In a medium bowl, whisk the powdered sugar with the cream and lemon juice until smooth. Spread the icing on the cake and serve. Garnish with Photos: Daytona Strong a little more lemon zest, for color, if you’d like. Add a bright touch to your summer coffee table with lemon-flecked Norwegian sunshine cake. theNorwegianamerican Travel July 28, 2017 • 9 Norway for bookworms: A travel guide for literature lovers

Marie Peyre The Local

With international festivals, award-win- ning libraries, and picturesque book towns, there is plenty to appeal to book lovers visit- ing Norway.

Norway’s literary greats Think and chances are the name (1828–1906) will be the first to spring to mind. Norway’s ac- claimed playwright was one of the most in- fluential writers of his time, still hailed inter- nationally as the founder of modern drama. Ibsen was born in , in , and you can visit his childhood home there. If you are short of time, though, head instead to the Ibsen Museum in Oslo. Ibsen lived the last 11 years of his life in the city (then called Photos: (above) Offfstad / Wikimedia, Kristiania), and his old apartment, now re- (right) Camille Gévaudan / Wikimedia, stored to its former glory, is well worth a (below) TorbjørnS / Wikimedia Above: ’s Literature House. Oslo, Trond- visit. The adjoining visitor center features an heim, , and Skien also have their own. exhibit on Ibsen’s life and writing. Right: Fjærland is called a bokbyen because of its Nobel laureate (1859- miles of books housed in rustic sheds like this one. 1952), another Norway great, is the country’s Below: The Hamsun Center, a museum dedicated most famous novelist, known for works such to author Knut Hamsun, is situated in Presteid in as , , Pan, and The Hamarøy, Norway. Wanderer. The Hamsun Center in Hamarøy, Nordland, celebrates the life and work of the author. The building itself, designed by archi- tect Steven Holl, has received several prizes for its striking architecture. Hamsun’s child- hood home, which lies 5km from the center, can also be visited; booking is required. Norway’s best-selling contemporary novelist is crime writer Jo Nesbø, who has sold over 25 million books and been translat- ed into more than 50 languages. Nesbø him- Where in self has been a long-time resident in Oslo and some of his most popular books are set in the capital. Want to follow in the footsteps of his Norway? famous police detective? Oslo Guidebureau organizes weekly “Harry Hole’s Oslo” walks. Need a hint? This sculpture is in the same location as Events and festivals the one from the last issue. Over 60 literature festivals take place Where? Email your answer every year in Norway. From the Children’s to [email protected] and Book Festival in to the be entered to win one free International Literature Festival, from the Biblo Tøyen in Oslo opened in 2016 and is The Future Library Project month if you’re right! Raptus Comics Book Festival in Bergen to Norway’s first library for 10- to 15-year-olds Started in 2014, the Future Library is an Kongsberg Crime Fiction Festival, there only! Here kids can do homework inside a original art project where a new writer con- are plenty of opportunities for book lovers converted tuk-tuk, learn to prepare food in tributes a text every year to be held in trust all over Norway to get together. The most the back of an old Volvo truck, or read in a until 2114. Will these texts find a receptive popular is the Norwegian Literature Fes- recycled gondola hanging from the ceiling— reader in the future? Time will tell. In the tival, which takes place in Lillehammer in no grown-ups allowed. meantime, the unpublished books will be late May to early June and attracts popular Located in Bjørvika, next to the Opera held in a special room in the new Oslo Pub- authors from around the world and tens of and the new Munch Museum, the new Oslo lic Library. A special Future Library forest thousands of visitors every year. Public Library (Deichmanske bibliotek), due of 1,000 trees has also been planted in Oslo­ to open in 2020, will be Norway’s finest and marka to supply the paper needed to print an Literature houses a must see for any visitor. anthology of the works in 100 years time. Other great places to meet fellow book Acclaimed authors Margaret Atwood, David lovers in Norway are the literature houses, Norway’s book towns Mitchell, and Sjón were the first three to con- called Litteraturhuset in Norwegian. Oslo, The bookish destination par excellence, tribute texts to the project. Bergen, Trondheim, Fredrikstad, and Skien the village of Fjærland with the original Nor- all have their own. wegian Book Town (Bokbyen), boasts miles Bookstores of shelves, housed in quaint little sheds along If all this has made you want to go buy a Public libraries the picturesque fjord. There are also a few book, you will be glad to hear that most big Norway boasts some beautiful libraries, second-hand bookshops, most of which sell bookstores in Norway have a section sell- several of which have received international books in foreign languages as well as Nor- ing books in English. But Tronsmo in Oslo accolades for their architecture and design. wegian. Bokbyen is open daily May to Sep- is arguably the best bookshop in the country The most striking is probably Li- tember from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for English-language books. Here you will brary in southern Norway, built by Helen & Tvedestrand, on Norway’s southern find a great choice of contemporary English- Photo: Terje Rakke / Nordic Life / Hard and made almost entirely from wood. coast, also brands itself as a book town, and language literature, as well as Norwegian Visitnorway.com Also worth mentioning are Bodø’s Stormen here too you will find second-hand book- authors in translation, a fine selection of art Submit your photo for “Where in and Tromsø Library, both in . shops, guided tours, and a range of events. books and comics, and more. Norway?” to [email protected]! Traveling with teenagers? The über-cool The town even has its own book hotel. 10 • July 28, 2017 Norway near you theNorwegianamerican What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california ated products for export, mostly to Scandinavian rustic Vasa Park. More info and tickets available at Knut Erik Jensen and Skogen Sällström Edvard Munch: Between the Clock & the Bed countries. At New Bedford Museum. scanfest.org. Tickets bought in advance cost $11; Aug. 4, 7:00 p.m. now—Oct. 9 Cost is $16 for adults, $14 for seniors 65 and over, price at the gate is $14 for adults, $13 for seniors, Seattle, Wash. San Francisco, Calif. $9 for students 19 and over, $6 for children, and and free for children 12 and under and those Enjoy an evening of old favorites by Knut Erik Featuring 44 landmark compositions about free for members and children 3 and under. wearing authentic folk dress. Jensen and Skogen Sällström, along with new art, love, mortality, and the ravages of time, repertory. The show starts at 7:00 p.m. in the Edvard Munch: Between the Clock and the Bed Minnesota new york Three Crowns Room; arrive early to grab a uses the artist’s last significant self-portrait as American Reboot: Traditional Norwegian Weav- Odd Andersen Art Exhibit bite and a drink. There is no cover charge, but a starting point to reassess a lifetime of paint- ing Exhibit now—winter tips are welcome. Indicate at the door that ing. At the San Francisco Museum of Modern now—Sept. 10 Brooklyn, N.Y. you are a guest of the Seattle-Bergen Sister Art. Visit www.sfmoma.org/exhibition/edvard- Minneapolis, Minn. Attend this exhibit of Odd Andersen’s artworks City Association. For more info, email seattle- munch-between-clock-and-bed/ for more info. Inspired by historical textiles, American weavers in the Heritage Hall at the Norwegian Christian [email protected]. have used Norwegian weaving techniques to cre- Home and Health Center. Sacramento Scandinavian Festival ate a new body of work, contemporary in design The Other Country Aug. 11—13 Aug. 19, 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. or materials. Enjoy traditional pieces from the OHIO Sacramento, Calif. Tacoma, Wash. collection of Vesterheim and outstanding weav- Ohio Norsemen Coffee Hour The festival features Scandinavian food, baked This play celebrates the spirit of emigrant en- ings from recent decades that honor the past Aug. 19, 2:00—4:00 p.m. goods, and merchandise for sale. Viking reen- trepreneur Thea Foss as she built a maritime and break through with modern expression. This Rocky River, Ohio actors will be present with interactive activities empire legacy. The performances feature 20 exhibit includes 40 pieces based on several tech- Join the Ohio Norsemen for coffee hour held at for the whole family. Come gather information local actors and musicians. Tickets at www. niques. At Norway House. Panera: 19705 Center Ridge Rd. Call (440) 979- about the and enjoy music, brownpapertickets.com/event/2980576. At 0681 if you have any questions. entertainment, and door prizes! At the Scottish Cardboard Loom Weaving for Kids the Foss Waterway Seaport. Rite Masonic Center. Cost is $5 for adults and Aug. 7, 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. free for children under 12. Minneapolis, Minn. oregon Dinner Buffet & Norwegian Folk Dancing Performances In this class, kids 9 and older will learn basic Polar Film Series: The Airship Norge’s Flight illinois weaving skills to make a bookmark using a nee- Across the Arctic Ocean Aug. 16, 6:00 p.m. ​Aug. 4, 7:30 p.m. Seattle, Wash. Tours of Viking dle, yarn or embroidery floss, and a cardboard Portland, Ore. Join Leif Erikson Lodge for a wild salmon din- Aug. 19 & Sept. 16, 1:00—4:00 p.m. loom. All materials are provided. A great project In 1926 , Lincoln Ellsworth, and ner buffet and Norwegian folk dancing- per Geneva, Ill. to keep little ones occupied! Cost is $18 per WGM made the first undisputed cross- formances with Roo Lester and Jerry Walsh, The public is invited to tour the Viking, an exact member and $24 per non member; a materials ing of the North Pole by air. This film has recently Poulsbo Leikarringen, musicians Peter Mi- copy of the Viking ship Gokstad. Guided or self- fee of $5 is payable to the instructor. At Norway been discovered and magnificently restored. Live chaelsen, Jeff and Jane Anderson, and the guided tours are available. Guided tours begin House. Visit www.weaversguildmn.org/classes/ cinema accompanied on piano by Nikau Palm. At debut of The Toraders! Cost is $20 for adults, every 15 minutes with the last guided tour at classes#id=891&cid=704&wid=1 to register. Nordia House. Suggested donation of $5. $10 for children 6 to 12, and free for children 3:30 p.m. Guided group tours are also available 5 and under; prices increase by $5 after Aug. by appointment; two weeks’ notice required. Norwegian Flute Quintet: 5 På Tvers Wine Tasting: Johan Vineyards 8. Tickets are available from www.brownpa- Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for teens. Aug. 9, 6:00 p.m. Aug. 23, 6:00 p.m. pertickets.com/event/2909799 or at the hall Parking is free. Call (630) 302-7338, email vi- Minneapolis, Minn. Portland, Ore. office on M/W/F. Free parking at Banner Bank. [email protected], or visit vikingship.us for All the way from Norway, 5 På Tvers (5 Across) Enjoy a tasting of Johan Vineyards, founded in more info. At Good Templar Park. will be premiering their latest commissioned work by composer Bjørn Bolstad Skjelbred at the Norwegian tradition by Dag Sundby and fam- Norsk Folkedans Stemne ily. At Nordia House. Cost is $15 for members and Aug. 18—20 Scandinavian Day Festival Norway House! Cost is $10 or $5 for members. $20 for non-members. Purchase tickets at www. Port Townsend, Wash. Sept. 10, 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Viking Day 75 scanheritage.org/upcoming-events. Come and enjoy the immersion for all levels South Elgin, Ill. of dancers into all the types of Norwegian The festival provides a venue to honor and Aug. 12, 1:00—4:00 p.m. Summer Dinner Series: Pickled Herring Dinner folk dancing and music. At Fort Worden. Visit present all things Scandinavian, past and pres- Little Falls, Minn. Aug. 26, 6:00—9:00 p.m. www.seattlestemne.org for more info. ent. The crafts, dance, education, food, music, A family-friendly celebration of the 75th Anniver- Portland, Ore. and merchandise, combined with the historic sary of the 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate) will Join Nordia House for the annual al fresco pick- Viking Days setting of Vasa Park, creates an atmosphere full be held at Camp Ripley. The day will include the led herring dinner! Broder Söder presents an out- Aug. 19—20, 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. of the hospitality of . Cost is $10 for Minnesota Military History Museum tours with door dinner event on the Legacy Terrace patio, Seattle, Wash. adults and free for children 12 and under. Visit tanks and cannons for kids to climb on, WWII re- featuring pickled herring! Other Scandinavian This educational festival features Nordic scandinaviandayil.com for more info. enactment soldiers, a swing band, and a chance to learn and connect with families of the soldiers. delicacies will be available for those who might foods, lively entertainment, a Viking Encamp- Open to the public; adults will need photo ID. shy away from the herring. Cost is $45. Buy tick- ment, and much more! Festival highlights iowa ets at www.scanheritage.org/upcoming-events. include an afternoon salmon bake, food World on the Wall Sámi Style Band Weaving hearths, Valhalla beer garden, entertain- now—Oct. 29 Aug. 14 & 21, 12:00—4:00 p.m. pennsylvania ment, and a Viking encampment with weav- ing, weapon forging, and war. At the Nordic Decorah, Iowa Minneapolis, Minn. Summerfest Heritage Museum. Visit nordicmuseum.org/ This exhibit features works that reveal the Learn to weave intricately patterned and colorful Aug. 12, 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. vikingdays for more info. world through artists’ eyes. See over 35 rare bands found throughout Scandinavia and the Bal- Susquehanna, Penn. and rarely displayed oils, watercolors, prints, tic regions and used by the Sámi people as em- Vendors and antique cars wanted, with live music and drawings by artists like , Christian bellishments on their folk costumes. Cost is $72 and a basket social. At the Land of the . Wisconsin Abrahamsen, Anna Hong, Sigmund Årseth, and per WGM member and $96 per non-member; a Rain or shine. Vendors can contact Karen at (516) Relief-carving Class with Phillip and Else Herbjørn Gausta. $20 materials fee is payable to the instructor and 507-7652 or [email protected]; contact Sept. 11—15 & 18—22, 8:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m. includes a variety of yarns and a heddle and shut- Roy at [email protected] about cars. Barronett, Wis. Spoons: Carving. Community. tle that you can take home. At Norway House. Each class will cover sharpening, wood se- Aug. 25—Nov. 4 Visit www.weaversguildmn.org/classes/classes 40th Anniversary Gala lection, design, and pattern selection,- carv Decorah, Iowa #id=892&wid=1&display=search&term=Sami&c Sept. 16, 5:00—9:00 p.m. ing techniques, and finishing. Carving tools, Humans have been carving spoons for millen- id=704 to register. Hawley, Penn. wood, and patterns will be available. Tuition nia, but spoon carving has exploded in popular- Celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Bernt Bal- for each five-day class is $500; half is due with ity in the last 10 years. Vesterheim’s exhibition Traditional Norwegian Coverlets chen Lodge will a full dinner, cash bar, live music registration. Classes will be held at the Norsk captures the spirit of this recent movement, Sept. 9, 1:00—3:00 p.m. for listening and dancing, and an Ole and Lena Wood Works carving studio, which is located showcasing historic and modern examples Minneapolis, Minn. skit. For reservations, call Committee Chair Mikki at Phillip and Else’s farmstead. More info and of spoons carved in wood and horn. Visit the Laurann Gilbertson, Curator at Vesterheim, will at (570) 729-7628. At Woodloch Springs Club- registration at www.norskwoodworks.com. exhibition for hands-on interactives, recorded give a lecture at Norway House as part of the Tra- house. Guests welcome! interviews, short videos, and a carving studio. ditional Norwegian Weaving exhibit. Members of Solørlag & Romerikslaget Joint Stevne The exhibition focuses on the form, function, the public are encouraged to bring Nordic textiles Washington Sept. 13—16 and design of spoons; on the traditions and Hudson, Wis. to learn more about their age, origin, and func- Lessons from the Arctic folklore surrounding Norwegian spoons; and Enjoy a rich combination of presentation, tion (no appraisals). now—August 27 on contemporary and historic artists. films, music, and traditional foods at this joint Seattle, Wash. stevne. Held at the Hudson House Grand Ho- This exhibition explains how Roald Amundsen new jersey tel. Make your hotel reservation by calling Massachusetts spent his youth preparing for a life in the Polar ScanFest (715) 386-2394 by Aug. 12 for the special rate Early 20th Century Norwegian Whaling Regions, his first trip to the , three years Sept. 3, 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. of $71.99. More more info and registration, now—Sept. with the Inuit, and the Race for the . At Budd Lake, N.J. contact Joel Botten at (507) 351-6712 or Ma- New Bedford, Mass. Nordic Heritage Museum. A celebration of Scandinavia at its best, where rie Thompson at (641) 423-0487. This exhibition of prints made from 30 glass you’ll discover the customs, history, and ethnic plate photographs provides a window to the variety of the Nordic countries. Visitors and ven- Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 past, when whaling based in Co. Mayo gener- dors are invited to enjoy the refreshing outdoors in to be added to The Norwegian American! Check www.norwegianamerican.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. theNorwegianamerican Norway near you July 28, 2017 • 11 Shared history and common values The Norwegian Lady and the tale of two sister cities separated by the Atlantic Ocean

to integrate new immigrants in Moss, who come from 130 countries. An example is American “small talk,” which may seem su- Lori Ann Reinhall perficial to Norwegians at first, but Pettersen Seattle-Bergen Sister City Association learned that it is a way to break the ice and lead to conversations of deeper substance The year was 1891 and Norwegian sea and friendship. captain Jordan Jørgensen, like so many who Of common concern for all mayors are had come before, found his ship, the Dicta- environmental issues, and here Norway is a tor, caught in the treacherous waters of the country leading the way. One fifth of all cars Graveyard of the Atlantic off the coast of sold are now electric, and on the municipal Cape Henry near Virginia Beach. After a level proactive efforts have been made to struggle to steer through the storm to save the promote clean energy. Infrastructure has lives of crew, which included his wife and built out so responsible citizens can charge young son, the Norwegian bark was ship- their cars everywhere, parking in the city is wrecked. Several crew survived and made it free and toll fees have been waived, and data to shore along with Captain Jørgensen, who Photos: Lori Ann Reinhall is collected to support claims of improved clung to a piece of wreckage, but most lost Virginia Beach’s Norwegian Lady and her air quality—and the findings are impressive. their lives. twin statue in Moss, Norway, were erected With the exit of the U.S. from the Paris Cli- The bodies of some of the dead were in 1962 in remembrance of those lost at mate Agreement, leaders need to work to- hauled onto land before the ship completely sea in 1891 and as symbols of the friend- gether on the local level to ensure that envi- broke apart, including those of the captain’s ship between the two sister cities. ronmental regulations are enforced, sharing wife and child. The bereaved sailor buried best practices around the globe. them in a Norfolk cemetery before returning Mayor Pettersen sees many opportuni- to his home in the coastal town of Moss in ties for the two sister cities to work together. Norway. Building out summer exchange programs is All that remained of the Dictator was an important goal, and he would like to see the ship’s wooden female figurehead that had more boys involved. In general, boys and washed ashore. This “Norwegian Lady” was girls need to be encouraged to see beyond erected along the Virginia Beach boardwalk traditional roles and lines of study. He sees in memory of the deceased and all seafarers boys in Norway lagging behind in languages who would meet the same tragic fate. By and humanities, and opportunities for girls to 1953, however, the figurehead had become learn more about careers in math and science so eroded and unrecognizable that she had to need to be identified. Sister cities can explore be removed. new ways of thinking and create programs Years passed by, but the legend of Cap- of study and internships to involve youth in tain Jørgensen and the Norwegian Lady was cross-cultural experiences that will “open not forgotten. In 1961 the prominent journal- their eyes to a new world.” ist and beloved troubadour Erik Bye took Mayor Pettersen grew up in Moss and and concerns from abroad. In troubled times, On my last morning in Virginia Beach, interest in her story and began a campaign has passed by the statue there many times people-to-people diplomacy can play a sta- I stood on the boardwalk looking at the Nor- to collect money to erect a new statue in her in his life, and like all local children, he bilizing role, breaking down stereotypes and wegian Lady gazing across the Atlantic to place. Bye even wrote a song about the Nor- learned of her story in school. The twin stat- fears. Mayor Pettersen shared that his own her sister in Moss. I read her inscription: “I wegian Lady, and the maritime community ues forged a somewhat unusual link between first visit to the U.S. as a young person 35 am the Norwegian Lady. I stand here, as my in and around Moss was inspired to give gen- the two cities, today very different in many years ago was already “quite a shock,” as he sister before me, to wish all men of the sea erously. respects. With a population hovering around experienced American people as very “warm safe return home.” As I reflected on my four Soon the celebrated Norwegian sculptor 30,000, Moss is a small town compared to and friendly,” as oppose to the glitzy image days at the conference and my meeting with Ørnulf Bast was commissioned to create two Virginia Beach with over 451,000 inhabit- seen in American television in Norway. Mayor Pettersen from Moss, I realized these twin statues, one for Virginia Beach and one ants. Virginia Beach is a bustling tourist des- Above all, Mayor Pettersen is impressed words had gained an even deeper meaning for Moss. Bast’s own daughter Dyveke, still a tination with miles of beaches and hundreds by the strong spirit of volunteerism and com- for me as a representative for Sister Cities In- child, stood model for him, as he envisioned of hotels, motels, and restaurants along its munity engagement in his American sister ternational, as we reach out around the world her as a grown-up woman. In 1962, the two oceanfront, three military bases, a number of city and believes his compatriots could gain to comfort and support each other, “build- bronze beauties were unveiled on both sides large corporations, and two major universi- much by being receptive to a new way of ing global communities for world peace.” In of the Atlantic, a symbol of the friendship ties. Part of the Port of Virginia, the seventh thinking and caring for one another. Lan- Virginia Beach and in Moss, the Norwegian between the two cities and countries. largest in the United States, it is a bustling guage classes and job placement are not Lady continues to stand proudly, a beautiful Over the years the friendship between metropolis compared to sleepy little Moss on enough to integrate newcomers into Nor- image for a beautiful idea: may she guide us Moss and Virginia Beach has been cele- the southeastern coast of Norway. wegian society: a new openness is needed all on our journey ahead. brated, the bond so strong that the two mu- But the two cities may have more in nicipalities officially became sister cities common than at first glance, with much to in 1974. Each year there is a celebration of share in a changing world. In a country with the Norwegian Lady at the Virginia Beach a population slightly over five million, Moss Community Connections oceanfront, and over the years guests have is home to the third-largest port in Norway included Her Majesty Queen Sonja, Dyveke with a free-trade zone, as well as innova- Bast, and the Mayor of Moss, Tage Pettersen. tive companies including oil and gas indus- Happy birthday, Most recently, Mayor Pettersen returned try leader Aker Solutions, WinCard (maker to Virginia Beach for the 61st Sister Cities of international hotel keycards), and recre- engagement, birth, Annual Conference to meet with Mayor Will ational wear textile giant Helly Hansen. It Sessoms, together with the mayors from Vir- is a modern city where environmental issues family reunion, etc! ginia Beach’s four other sister and friend- are at the forefront, as well as the recent chal- ship cities: North Down Country, Ireland; lenges of refugee resettlement and immigra- Miyazaki, Japan; Olangapo, Philippines; and tion. Your name and San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. The confer- In the meetings with Mayor Sessoms, the ence theme was “Global Opportunities for sister city mayors discussed their vision for message here! World Peace,” and as the president of the the program and where the current emphasis Seattle-Bergen Sister City Association, I was should lie for their respective countries. It curious to talk to Pettersen about the Moss was agreed that with a political climate in the For more information, call sister city relationship past and present. We U.S. that at the present moment appears con- us at (206) 784-4617 or email decided to meet over a cup of coffee at his fusing or even chaotic from the outside, the [email protected]. beachfront hotel, not far from the Norwegian mission of Sister Cities International seems Lady herself. more important than ever to ease new fears 12 • July 28, 2017 Norwegian Heritage theNorwegianamerican An extraordinary woman: The life of Nobel Laureate

Mogens Pedersen & Oregon

In 1928, Sigrid Undset became the first Norwegian woman to receive the Nobel Prize in literature. She is one of only three Norwegian prize winners. She had just com- pleted her two medieval mega-sagas: Kristin Lavransdatter and The Master of Hestviken. The prize was awarded primarily for Kristin Lavransdatter, which is also her best-known work. Both titles have remained continuous- ly in print since first published. An amazing writer, Sigrid Undset was also an extraordinary woman.

Childhood and education Sigrid Undset was as Norwegian as they come. She was, however, born in her grand- parents’ home in Kalundborg, Denmark. This is hardly enough to claim her as Danish, although her mother was Danish and young Sigrid spent many summer holidays with her debut with the novel Fru Marta Oulie. The took a distinctly Catholic di- maternal grandparents. opening sentence reads: “I have been un- rection. She became the most The daughter of the mayor of Kalund­ faithful to my husband.” renowned and outspoken de- borg, Sigrid’s mother had married the re- The line was a scandal in conservative fender of the church in Eu- nowned Norwegian medievalist and ar- Oslo. Her best work from this period is Jen- rope. Many of her books ex- chaeologist Ingvald Undset. His work and ny (1911). plored the process of conver- research took him all around Europe, and sion. While writing novels, had it not been for his sudden illness during Marriage, divorce, and conversion to she also developed her skills a stay in Rome, Sigrid would have been born Catholicism as a brilliant essayist. in Italy. After the publication of her first two During the 1930s she But the couple had to travel back to books, the Norwegian government award- joined the fight against Na- Denmark, where Ingvald found temporary ed her a travel scholarship and she went to zism and tyranny and pub- work and received treatment for his condi- Rome in 1909. This began a chain of events lished a multitude of essays tion, probably Parkinson’s disease. After in her life—trying and tragic, but formative. and articles. Her works were only two years, the young family moved to In Rome Undset met and fell in love banned in Germany. When Kristiania (Oslo). with Anders C. Svarstad, a Norwegian artist. the Wehrmacht invaded Nor- Each parent had a profound influence Svarstad was 13 years her senior and married way in April of 1940, she had on Undset. Her mother shared her fondness to her childhood friend, with whom he had to flee to Sweden. for , especially the old folk three children. After a dramatic night- songs and the stories of Danish writer Steen Svarstad divorced his wife and married time border crossing on foot, Steensen Blicher. From her father, Undset Undset in 1912. During the following years, she made her way to Stock- learned about Nordic medieval history and they had three children. The challenges of holm. There, she learned archaeology, but also about historic research. motherhood would test her to the limit. that her oldest son had been In her memoir, Eleven Years, she describes The middle child, Tulla, was mentally killed in combat not far from her early childhood. Her father died when handicapped and proved to be demanding in their home in Lillehammer. she was only eleven, hence the title. care. Things grew more complicated when Despite this blow, Und­ Undset’s parents were atheists and she Undset learned that the mother of Svarstad’s set continued her journey Photo: O. Væring / Nasjonalbiblioteket had no exposure to religion in her home. other three children had them placed in an through and the Portrait of Sigrid Undset from 1911, probably taken in the stu- Her father’s death left the widow with a orphanage. Soviet Union to Japan. She dio of her husband-to-be, the painter Anders Svarstad. meager pension that did not allow her to fund She decided to adopt all three, one of crossed the Pacific to San her three daughters’ educations. After only whom was also mentally handicapped. Francisco and traveled to seven years of school, Undset took a sec- Her marriage to Svarstad ended in 1924. New York, where she continued her fight Danish historian Mo Ped- retarial course and found employment with In that same year, Undset converted to Ca- against the Germans and for Norway in ar- ersen is a lifelong admirer a German engineering firm in Oslo. Em- tholicism. She had made a long spiritual ticles and speeches. of Sigrid Undset, particu- ployed by the firm for 10 years, she helped journey from the atheism of her childhood After her return to Norway, she wrote larly her seminal Kristin her mother care for her sisters. She did not to a strong faith built on grace, dogma, and her last book, a biography of Saint Catherine Lavransdatter. He has lec- enjoy her work, but later took pride in having mystery—concepts that are all present in the of Siena. It was published posthumously. tured to many Danish au- learned to do it well. novel she wrote in the early 1920s: Kristin Tiina Nunnally’s excellent 2005 transla- diences about her works Typing would prove useful to her as a Lavransdatter. tion of Kristin Lavransdatter to English has and her life. He and his writer, a career she desperately wanted. Und­ introduced Sigrid Undset’s work to many wife divide their time between rural Denmark set had already started writing and had got- The last 25 years new readers. A large international following and Oregon in the U.S. ten her first rejections. In 1907, she made her After her conversion, Undset’s writing confirms the power of her writing. w Leif erikson Lodge 2-001, sons of norway Business and individual • Leif Erikson Lodge 2–001 enjoys summer at tax returns; audits; forensic Norway Park near Mt. Vernon on Aug. 12. Bring a accounting; financial potluck dish to share. statement preparation; • Celebrate Norwegian dance and music while Certified Public Accountants litigation support. enjoying a wild salmon dinner on Aug. 16. $20 if purchased by 8/8. Buy tickets at Leif Erikson Hall. 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Queen Anne location, easy parking. Seattle, Washington 98119 For more inFo: (206) 783-1274 • www.leiferiksonlodge.com Leif erikson HaLL, 2245 n.w. 57tH st., seattLe, wa 98107 Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: loecpa.com • Email: [email protected] theNorwegianamerican Arts & Entertainment July 28, 2017 • 13 Walter presents Norwegian drama This streaming service brings individually selected international dramas to American audiences—including Norway’s Valkyrien and Young & Promising

Photos courtesy of Walter Presents Above: Walter himself. He personally selects the shows that are available through the service. Above right: Valkyrien is set in a literally underground clinic in Oslo. Right: Young & Promising follows three young Norwegian women struggling to get their careers off the ground.

Molly Jones The Norwegian American

Each year, countries around the world Set in the underground tunnels of Oslo, tough German cop shows to dramatic South this one. The beauty of this show lies in the are producing brilliant, groundbreaking dra- Valkyrien presents us with a much differ- American telenovelas—I consumed them believability of its three main characters— mas for television, and yet most of these re- ent perspective of Norway’s capital. When all with relish, sitting on the sofa with my those girls just feel very real. They fail in main unknown to U.S. audiences. Most of us Ravn’s wife Vilma is dying but the hospital grannies. When I moved to England, I was life, nothing much happens in a narrative are exposed to hefty doses of American pro- prohibits him from developing her experi- surprised by the lack of international drama sense, but you love these girls from the off. grams with a side of British drama, oblivious mental cure, he takes extreme measures. Ev- available—only U.S. shows seemed to be You feel part of their inner circle and you to the compelling non-English dramas earn- eryone believes Vilma is dead, but in reality broadcast, and I felt that was a great shame tune in to get the latest gossip because you ing high praise internationally. Ravn has taken her into an abandoned sta- because I knew there was a world of great really care about them. But how are we to discover the top for- tion below the city where he can continue drama out there. eign programs without spending thousands her treatment. Leif, who is in charge of the MJ: As someone who is familiar with pro- of hours scouring through all that the world underground, allows Ravn to use the space MJ: How do you select these shows out of grams from countless cultures, do you feel has to offer? Don’t fret; there’s already as long as he agrees to use the illegal clinic to all of the programs being created around the that there is anything that distinguishes Nor- somebody doing that for you. treat those who are wanted for crimes or dis- world? Is it challenging to get the rights? wegian shows from those of other countries? Enter Walter Iuzzolino. Once a tele- trust “the system.” The situation continues WI: I watch thousands of hours of drama WI: Norway used to be considered the vision executive, he now spends his days to unravel in this compelling thriller, expos- from all over the world searching for shows drama equivalent of the ugly sister to other watching international drama—4,000 hours ing the lengths people will go to in desperate that have been huge hits in their countries Scandi neighbors like Denmark and Sweden, and counting—with the aim of bringing you situations. of origin, award winning, or critically ac- but all that has suddenly changed. Norway the crème de la crème through his foreign Both of the Norwegian programs were claimed. For a long time no one was inter- is now producing some fantastic, innovative drama streaming service, Walter Presents. remarkable in their own unique ways and ested in buying these shows for English- dramas. Like all Scandi shows, Norwegian The few dozen contemporary foreign only made me want to try more of the dramas speaking territories, so distributors and pro- dramas are always beautifully shot and look programs currently available on Walter Pres- available on Walter Presents. ducers are delighted to sell us the rights, as stunning, but increasingly they also have ents range from French and German to Cata- Recently, I had the opportunity to ask they know we will work hard to champion something that sets them apart from the rest lan and Croatian, all with English subtitles, in Walter Iuzzolino some questions about Wal- and promote their shows. of the world—originality. That could be in an intriguing mix of genres. And each month, ter Presents and his interest in international storyline, setting, performance, or even for- new and exclusive programs are added. drama: MJ: In the intro for Valkyrien you say, “If mat as with Skam, a drama that was commis- Walter Presents is currently serving you only watch one program this year, make sioned for online as 15-minute episodes. It’s up Oslo two ways with a pair of contrast- Molly Jones: What are you hoping to sure this is the one.” Why is that? What do a quality that is hard to ape and it truly sets ing Norwegian dramas: Young & Promising achieve by sharing foreign-language drama you think makes Valkyrien such a ground- Norway apart. (Unge lovende) and Valkyrien. through the Walter Presents platform? breaking show? Young & Promising follows a trio of Walter Iuzzolino: I could say that I’m hop- WI: Forget missing girls and detectives MJ: Do you expect to add any additional mid-20s Norwegian women—Elise, a come- ing to break down borders, promote cultural searching dark forests—this is Scandi Noir Norwegian programs to Walter Presents in dian; Nenne, a writer; and Alex, an actress— exchange, and encourage world peace, but like you’ve never seen it before. A zeitgeist the near future? through their ups and downs as they struggle the truth is far less highfalutin. I just love original story, beautifully shot in crisp set- WI: Absolutely, stay tuned. with their relationships and friendships, fam- great stories and great drama. The shows that tings with utterly compelling performances ily drama, and mental illness, all while try- I’ve chosen for the platform are all of out- that will suck you into the narrative—addic- Learn more about Walter Presents at www. ing to get their careers off the ground. They standing quality and they really do deserve tive drama at its very best. walterpresents.com. Subscriptions cost are often determined and independent yet at to be seen. $6.99 per month or $69.99 for the year. The times vulnerable and even a bit pitiful—but MJ: There are many dramas featuring groups service is available in many formats, includ- they are always real. Whether they’re at their MJ: What initially sparked your interest in of young women. What is it about Young & ing an app for iOS and Android, Roku, Apple best or their worst, you’ll find yourself root- international drama? Promising that sets it apart? TV, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, or simply ing for these “young and promising” char- WI: I grew up in Italy on a diet of interna- WI: There’s no big explosions, no dramatic in your web browser. acters. tional drama. Everything from badly dubbed plot twists, no serial killers on the loose in 14 • July 28, 2017 Bulletin Board theNorwegianamerican

Dear Editor, The article in your June 2 issue < regions about the Tirpitz Battleship made From page 3 me go back to my 1995 published article (in Nautical Brass). I still had county of Rogaland. interesting photos on that subject • Vestlandet: a merger of Hordaland so I decided to share these with and Sogn & Fjordane counties. Corresponds you and/or author Terje Birkedal: to historical Bergenhus Amt. • Møre og Romsdal: unchanged; com- Tirpitz—“Bottoms Up!” prises the county of Møre og Romsdal. The Tirpitz, all 45,000 tons of her, lies “bottoms • Trøndelag: a merger of Sør-Trøndelag up” just south of Tromsø, Norway. Considered and Nord-Trøndelag counties. Corresponds in its day to be the greatest German battleship, to historical Trondhjems Amt. it was named after Alfred von Tirpitz (1849- • Nordland: unchanged; comprises the 1930), German admiral in . county of Nordland. A photo shows the old “No trespassing” • Nord-Hålogaland: a merger of Troms sign of many years ago. “Advarsel” is the warn- and Finnmark counties. Corresponds to his- ing that “Adgang til Tirpitz er på det strengste torical Finnmarkens Amt. Probably will have forbudt”—that admittance is forbidden. a new name. A “free translation” of the warning ex- The Storting also enacted a reorganiza- plains that ammunition is still aboard. Large tion of the 426 kommuner (municipalities) amounts (volume) of gasoline are still in the of the country, mostly through mergers that gas/oil tank. The wreck has gasoline all over reduce the total number of them to 354. its surface, which makes it very slippery and life threatening to go aboard, and the use of Further reading: Ny inndeling av region- light and heat could be disastrous. alt fokevalt nivå (New divisions of region- al electoral levels), Proposition 84S (Bill Hilsen, 84S), April 5, 2017, link: www.regjeringen. Lily Tofteland Hartmann no/no/dokumenter/prop.-84-s-20162017/ Boulder, Colo. id2546597 (Norwegian).

Bill Injerd Washington MI 9. august Anna Moen Sublimity OR David Larson Cambridge MN Virginia (Windedahl) Hart San Angelo TX Mary Ann Rolf Radcliffe IA Helen F. Nelson Tacoma WA Bjarne Venos New Westminster BC Canada Gerd Sollie San Francisco CA

3. august 10. august 18. august Jeff Hubbard New Milford NJ Selma Belcher Port Angeles WA Elizabeth A. Ambrose Minneapolis MN Mary Beth Ingvoldstad Bertha Dismore Gupowski Manorville NY John S. Andersen Seattle WA Hidden Lake CA Rose Bertelsen Hayward CA Mrs. Ronald Olson Jerome ID 11. august Ruty Ryland-Harrison Lynnwood WA 28. juli Ann Maren Sather Minneapolis MN Barbara Christoferson Stanwood WA Esther Thornton Olmste Township OH Margretta Barckert Seattle WA Liv Sheldon Lynnwood WA Alice Olson Minneapolis MN Knut Lilletvedt LaConner WA Ensaf Elmasry Thune New Canaan CT 19. august Esther Sando Lacey WA 12. august Donald Andersen Centerburg OH 4. august Ruth Ecklund Wood Dale IL Runa Renee Donofrio Frazier Park CA 29. juli John Eide Baltic SD Corinne F. Johnson-Lind Anaheim Hills CA Dale Erickson Baltic SD Edna P. Bugge Lancaster PA Earl Finden Pepin WI C. O. Melby Watford City ND Aase Marie Miller Redmond WA LaVerne Bugge Tuscarora PA Kaia E. Grobstok Kirkland WA Kjell Skipsnes Seattle WA Trygve Oas Forsyth MO Jon D. Engebretson Greensboro NC Carrie Hammer Fargo ND Shannon Thunder Menominee MI Judith Johnson Wheaton MN Julane Mooresville IN 20. august Sofie Selsvik Jondal Norway Bettie Wennevold Salem OR 13. august Lillian Haugland Damato Stuart FL Arne Bamer Oslo Norway Sylvia Sorensen Hausvik Pine Bush NY 30. juli 5. august Johan O. Kaland Surrey BC Allis Dahl Johansen Pompton Plains NJ Britt Irene Duke Palmer AK Stella Westlie Anderson Tacoma WA James L. Todd Danville KY Gunder Oliml Minot ND Olaf Helland Los Angeles CA Ellen Gjerde Seattle WA Bjørg Opdahl Drammen Norway Daniel Nikuls Cochiti Lake MN 14. august 21. august Mrs. Lee Tubbs Portland OR Fredrik Giæver Morristown NJ Jeffrey E Ganung Berkeley CA 31. juli Glen Johansen Greenacres FL Olga Moe Astoria OR Belva Brende Sioux Falls SD 6. august Claire Loken Bradenton FL Liv Berg-Johannessen Temple PA Ken Barkimo Iola WI Werner Sund Ketchikan AK 22. august Duke Dahlin San Francisco CA Robert Firing Northfield MN Anne-Lise “Issa” Jentoft Valenzwel Mrs. Ted Hagfors Minneapolis MN Olaf Fjeld Maple Creek SK Canada Rolf Haugen South River ON Canada Tucson AZ Merlin I. Olson Celebration FL Clara Mathisen Oksvoll Norway John L. Helgeson Chicago IL Greta Scales Oregon City OR Beret Vassdal Bellingham WA Harold Johnson Ishpemig MI 15. august Kåre Sneve Oppdal Norway Ida Marie Johnson Kenmore ND Nils Christensen 1. august Dorothy Jurgensen Dallas OR Salt Spring Island BC Canada 23. august Lillian Edmunds Tolley ND Dennis Sorheim Inger Grove Heights MN Julie O. Svendsen Seattle WA Norman Eide Cottonwood CA Gary G. Erickson Sunberg MN Arthur C. Knutson Pipestone MN Clarence T. Hove Hot Springs SD 7. august 16. august Clara Peterson Madison MN Jon A. Johansen Honolulu HI A. Melvin Hagen Starbuck MN Finn Haavard Aas Norway Thorleif Tollefson Hoquiam WA Alice Theodorson Richardsen Patty Bakken Schafer Yakima WA Dagney Samuelsen Seanor Cashmere WA Babylon NY Norm Werner Issaquah WA Gerald Twete Brookfield WI 24. august Chester Harold Aubol 2. august 8. august 17. august Thief River Falls MN Janice Braaten Hettinger ND Norma E. Berke Park Ridge IL Mons Erstad Øystese Norway Grethe Jensen Ventura CA Stephanie Edgett Ft. Worth TX Norris A. Bruflot Tacoma WA Bjørn Gakko El Granada CA Glenn Alan Johansen Orinda CA Karen Gilje Santee CA Runa Ariella Donofrio Frazier Park CA Helena Jordheim Columbia MO Alvhild Wignes Haugesund Norway Dorothy Jurgenson Dallas OR Anna Knutzen Los Angeles CA

Want to see your birthday in The Norwegian American? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! theNorwegianamerican Norsk Språk July 28, 2017 • 15

« It’s just that books make us better people. < lofoten Books are shortcuts to insight and compassion. » Fra side 2 – Vera Micaelsen En annen mulighet er å innføre turist­ skatt, som både lokalbefolkningen og Pondus førstekandidat Dagrun Eriksen for Nordland by Frode Øverli KrF, ønsker. Men regjeringen har sagt nei. — Vi ser flere ulike modeller rundt om i verden for å finansiere fellesgode. Flere steder i Europa legges det på en euro på hver overnatting eller aktivitet, og pengene brukes til tilrettelegging. Den debatten er imidlertid skrinlagt i Norge, sier Audun Pettersen i In- novasjon Norge. Men det finnes andre måter man kan snu en turistplage til noe positivt. ­— I Machu Picchu i har man stengt stiene opp til inkabyen. Kun 500 mennesker per får lov til å gå opp til byen. Og du betaler en stiv pris for billetten. Skal du besøke den Blå lagune på Island, er ikke dette mulig uten en forhåndsbestilling. Well, during recess she No, I think she Hmm... Girls can You know Linda... with the doe That’s why accidentally pushed might’ve been be incredibly eyes, the world’s whitest teeth, Like “get lost”? we have my arm! Right here! trying to tell difficult to read! the angelic hair, and the big... “Playboy”! me something! ...and that could have < Venstre I know who she is! been an accident, Kjakan! Fra side 2

partileder i Venstre. Lunch by Børge Lund I en måling InFact har utført for VG sva- rer kun 18,6 prosent at de mener Grande er best egnet til å lede partiet. Men tallene viser også at Grande har fått en solid utfordrer: Nær like mange, 17,9 prosent, mener Abid Raja er bedre egnet. Infacts fagsjef påpeker at dette er innen- for feilmarginen. — Det er ingen forskjell mellom Trine og Abid i målingen. Det er ikke akkurat noe folkekrav om at Trine skal lede Venstre, sier Knut Weberg. Når Grande går av som partileder, er Raja favoritten til å overta jobben etter henne, viser målingen. Raja er førstevalget både blant folk flest An impressive turnout, folks! og blant Venstres egne velgere, og danker New record for our course You’d almost think it had dermed ut dagens to nestleder on relationship-building! something to do with the false win-an-iPad rumors... og . Trine Skei Grande inviterte VG til å møte henne og partiets ukronede kronprins Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten på Café Skansen i Oslo sentrum for å snakke om krisen. — Nå er jeg bare innstilt på å få til et bra Educational children’s valg. Jeg jobber som bare det for å få tallene book author. på meg og mest på Venstre til å gå opp. Vi har blitt litt kranglefanten på borgerlig side. Nå skal vi breie oss ut, sier Grande. — Jeg tror vi ble oppfattet altfor krang­ lete ved høstens budsjettrunde. Jeg er den første til å innrømme det. — Hvor lenge kan du sitte som Venstre- leder? spør VG. — Jeg planlegger ut fra at dette valget skal gå bra. At Abid Raja er den folk flest ønsker at skal overta partiet etter henne, kommenterer Daddy and the kids were going fishing. For bait, Daddy hun slik: used the kids. ­— At Abid er populær også blant dem som ikke liker meg, er kjempebra, sier hun. Han Ola og Han Per — Hva tenker du om at du er like pop- by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy ulær som sjefen? sier VG til Raja. ­— Jeg så på tallene sammen med min kone som er psykolog, og hun spurte hva jeg tenkte inni meg. Jeg tenker at det varmer at folk er fornøyde med innsatsen jeg gjør, sier han. Ettersom Venstres oppslutning er lav, er antallet Venstre-velgere i VGs måling for få til at det kan trekkes klare konklusjoner. Men resultatet viser samme tendens som hos vel- gere flest: Nesten 50 prosent av dem som oppgir å ha stemt Venstre ved forrige valg, mener an- Are you going hunting? dre er bedre egnet enn Grande til å lede Ven- I have to shoot Tige. It’s not stre i dag. Bare 32,8 prosent mener Grande possible to have the likes here. er best egnet. 16 • July 28, 2017 Back Page theNorwegianamerican

Norwegian Language Corner Did you know... NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS • Print ads in this paper start at just $26 per ad • Web ads start at just $225 per month • Newsletter ads are just $50 per week • You can reach a targeted audience and support the nation’s only Norwegian paper

Volume 1 Can you afford not to advertise? Email With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now [email protected] or call (206) 218-8828 serialized in The Norwegian American’s Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, to get your custom advertising proposal! Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden and Jens R. Nilssen. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Oskeladden & dei gode hjelparane The Ash Lad & the good assistants del 6 av 6 part 6 of 6

— Eg får freista, sa Oskeladden, men “I shall try,” said the Ash Lad, “but you eg får vel lov å ta med meg ein av kamer- will allow me to take one of my friends atane mine? along?” — Gjerne alle seks, sa kongen, for han “Take all six if you want to,” said the tenkte det skulle verta varmt nok åt heile king, as he thought it would be hot enough 5351 24th Ave NW • Seattle, WA 98107 • Tel: 206-784-2562 • Fax: 206-784-1986 flokken. Oskeladden tok med seg han som in there for the whole lot. The Ash Lad took hadde dei femten vintrane og sju sumrane along the one who had fifteen winters and i kroppen. seven summers inside his body. I badstova var det alt gjort opp varme, In the sauna the fire was already lit. det var eit heilt bål så dei gjerne kunne ha It was like a large furnace so hot that they støypt kakkelomnar. Ut att kunne dei ikkje could have fired glazed tiles in it. Out, they koma, for dei var ikkje før komne inn, så could not go, because they had not entered slo kongen skota for og læste med eit par before the king had bolted the door and hengje låsar attpå. — Det var hosta varmt locked it, with a couple of padlocks as well. Fishing Vessels in the North Pacific and Bering Sea Passenger Vessels from Puget Sound to Southeast Alaska her, sa Oskeladden. “It is rather warm here,” said the Ash Lad. — Du får sleppa ut seks-sju vintrar, så “You can let go six or seven winters Shipshape & Seaworthy vert det høveleg sumarvarmt, sa han. Då now, and then it will be just comfortably den andre hadde gjort det, vart det så dei warm,” he said. When the other had done www.pacificfishermen.com kunne halda det ut der. Men frampå natta this, it became so that they could bear the kjendest det kaldvore. Oskeladden sa han heat in there. But later in the night it began fekk lunka på med eit par sumrar, og då sov to feel cold. The Ash Lad said that he should dei til langt på dag. take the chill off and let out a couple of Men då dei høyrde kongen rusla utan- summers, and so they slept far into the day. for, sa Oskeladden: — No får du sleppa ut But when they heard the king fumbling eit par vintrar til, men lag det så at den siste outside, the Ash Lad said: “now you must går lukt i synet på han. Den andre så gjorde. let out a couple of winters more, but make Då kongen let opp badstovedøra og trudde it so that the last one hits him straight in dei låg oppbrende, hukra og fraus dei så the face.” And this the other did. When the tennene skrangla. king opened the door to the sauna, expect- Custom jewelry in Så tok han med dei femten vintrane ing them all to be burnt to a cinder, they i kroppen og slepte den siste rett i fleisen shivered and froze so that their teeth rat- silver and gold på kongen, så det flaug opp ei diger frost- tled. blemme. — Får eg kongsdottera no? sa Os- Then the one with the fifteen winters featuring keladden. inside his body, let the last one out, straight — Ja, ta henne og ha henne og ta riket into the face of the king so that a giant frost Norwegian filigree, attpå, sa kongen, han torde ikkje seia nei blister came on his face. “Do I get the prin- lenger, kan du vita. cess now?” asked the Ash Lad. Nordic designs and Oskeladden vaska seg og pynta seg “Aye, take her and take the kingdom as til brudgom, og så heldt dei bryllaup både well,” said the king. As you can imagine, he Scandinavian lenge og vel der i kongsgarden, og tura did not dare say no anymore. og dominerte og skaut trollkjerringsmell. The Ash Lad washed himself and Såleis fekk Oskeladden både kongsdottera dressed up as a bridegroom, and so they gemstones by og halve riket, og då gamlekongen døydde, held the most splendid wedding late into vart han konge over heile landet. the night at the palace; and they traveled Debra Carus and ruled and chased trolls, and when the old king died, Espen Ash Lad became king Elentari-handverk.com over the whole land. [email protected] Tuss og Troll 2-vol set $35.95 with FREE shipping in USA. 971-221-8151 www.astrimyastri.com theNorwegianamerican

Summer Reading GuidePhoto: Sunil / HDImage.com Fifty Norwegian books and counting This impressive reading list has something for every reader who loves Norway—from classics to contemporary, fiction and non-fiction, translations and English originals

Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C.

The Washington, D.C., Sons of Norway lodge launched its Reading Circle in the fall of 2008. Four members—Karen Doty, Marie Hansen, Lynn Juhl, and I (Christine Foster Meloni)—attended the first meeting to dis- cuss Per Petterson’s international bestseller, Out Stealing Horses. We now have 14 regu- lar participants and meet every other month. We recently reached an impressive mile- stone. In May of this year, we met to discuss book number 50. At the end of the year we will have read and discussed 54 books. Summer is a perfect time to relax with a good book. Why not choose a book by a Norwegian or Norwegian-American author? You will certainly find many to your liking in our List of 50 below. (Books are listed in alphabetical order by author.)

List of 50 (+ Four) • Hamsun, Knut. Growth of the Soil Mysterious • Undset, Sigrid. Kristin Lavransdatter: • Amundsen, Roald. Race to the South • Hamsun, Knut. Hunger • Lindstrom, Merethe. Days in the His- The Wreath Pole • Hamsun, Knut. Victoria tory of Silence • Undset, Sigrid. Return to the Future • Berman, Irene Levin. “We are going to • Hansen, Helga. All That I Hold Dear: • Margeson, Susan. Viking • Unknown Icelandic Author. Orkney- pick potatoes” Norway and the Holo- A Young Immigrant in New York, 1911- • Miller, Derek. Norwegian by Night inga Saga caust: The Untold Story 1916 (diaries translated by granddaugh- • Petterson, Per. I Refuse • Vesaas, Tarjei. The Birds • Bjørnstad, Ketil. The Story of Edvard ter Ruth Nybro) • Petterson, Per. Out Stealing Horses • Vietmeyer, Noel. Borlaug: Right off the Munch • Haukelid, Knut. Skis Against the Atom: • Rolvaag, O.E. Boat Longing Farm. Volume 1 • Branston, Brian. Gods and Heroes from The Exciting, First Hand Account of • Rolvaag, O.E. Giants in the Earth • Watkins, Paul. The Fellowship of Viking Mythology Heroism and Daring Sabotage During • Rose, Julie K. Oleanna: A Novel of Ghosts: A Journey through the Moun- • Brown, Nancy Marie. The Far Traveler the Nazi Occupation of Norway Norway in 1905 tains of Norway • Dahl, K.O. The Last Fix • Heivoll, Gaute. Before I Burn: A Novel • Skomsvold, Kjersti Annesdatter. The • Elphinstone, Margaret. The Sea Road • Hicks, Peter. Technology in the Time of Faster I Walk The Smaller I Get • Enger, Thomas. Burned the Vikings • Smiley, Jane. The Greenlanders • Foltz, Jeff. : A Story of • Holt, Anne. Blind Goddess • Snelling, Lorraine. Dakota Dawn Christine Foster Meloni is Motherhood and War • Holt, Anne. Death of a Demon • Solstad, Dag. Shyness and Dignity professor emerita at The • Foss, William. The Norwegian Lady • Hustvedt, Siri. The Blazing World • Staalesen, Gunnar. The Consorts of George Washington Uni- and the Wreck of the Dictator • Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll’s House Death versity. She has degrees • Fosse, Jon. Melancholy • Ibsen, Henrik. Hedda Gabler • Sturluson, Snorri. in , lin- • Fossum, Karin. When the Devil Holds • Ibsen, Henrik. League of Youth • Sundstøl, Vidar. Land of Dreams guistics, and international the Candle • Kjeldsen, Kirk. Land of Hidden Fires • Sundstøl, Vidar. Only the Dead education. She was born in • Fowler, Cary. Seeds on Ice: Svalbard • Landvik, Lorna. Angry Housewives • Torvik, Solveig. The World’s Best Place Minneapolis and currently and the Global Seed Vault Eating Bon Bons to Live: Norway and the Norwegians lives in Washington, D.C. She values her Nor- • Gaarder, Jostein. The Solitaire Mystery • Landvik, Lorna. Welcome to the Great • Ullman, Linn. Blessed Child wegian heritage. B2 • July 28, 2017 Summer Reading theNorwegianamerican An evening of Nordic literature Representatives from four Nordic nations chat about what makes their literature special

Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C.

The Alan Cheuse International Writers Center at George Mason University, in con- junction with the Embassies of Denmark, Photo: John Olsen , Norway, and Sweden, and Argos Below: Swedish poet Johannes Heldén and trans- Books, presented “An Evening of Nordic lator Elizabeth Clark Wessel read from his poem Literature” on February 8 at the Danish Em- “Astroecology” in Swedish and English while bassy in Washington, D.C. haunting images show behind them at an event at Lars Bo Møller, the Danish Embassy’s the Danish Embassy earlier this year. Deputy Chief of Mission, gave the opening remarks. He emphasized the ties that bind the Nordic nations together and their cur- rent eagerness to present themselves to the American public. These countries are bound together in many ways including through their litera- ture. The Nordic people share a melancholy feeling due to their long, cold, dark win- ters, which have an effect on human nature. Therefore, Nordic literature has a dark quali- ty with existential themes. Consider the very back tenfold, it grows via the babel ef- popular Nordic crime novel that is definitely fect a brand of its own. tenfold, tenfold, tenfold Møller said that literature plays a promi- Jensen has served as editor-in-chief of nent role in helping foreign relations. He Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art. then introduced Matthew Davis, Director of She teaches creative writing at Columbia the Alan Cheuse International Writers Cen- University and is currently pursuing an MFA ter at George Mason University in Fairfax, in Creative Writing and Literary Translation. Virginia. The goal of this center is to con- She is a judge for the Best Translated Book nect established and emerging international Award. Her goal, she says, is “not only to writers. Its brochure states that the center write a great novel of my own, but to pro- has “the potential to help revolutionize the mote Danish literature—which is why I am way the world sees America and how young also translating authors from Denmark that I American writers see the wider world.” feel should be more known.” Davis organized the evening’s program The third writer was Eliza Reid, a Ca- and served as its moderator. He began by nadian who met Icelander Guðni Jóhan- telling the audience that the first known ex- nesson at Oxford in 2003 and married him ample of written dates the following year. He was recently elected back to the early ninth century and was writ- Iceland’s President and she is, therefore, Ice- ten on the Rök runestone. land’s First Lady. When she moved to Ice- He then introduced Swedish poet Jo- land, she discovered a country whose people hannes Heldén and one of his translators, were great lovers of the written word. Liter- Elizabeth Clark Wessel, who read excerpts acy is very important and writers are revered that it forces you to see with fresh eyes. And dation because of the love Swedes have for from his poem “Astroecology” (Argos and admired. One finds more statues of writ- being in a culture that’s so rich in literature the natural environment. Books, 2016), which illustrates the gradual ers there than politicians. Iceland publishes is remarkable: the depth and breadth of the Wessel admitted that translating poetry degradation of our world. They alternated more books per capita than any other country writing tradition and the modern commit- is a challenge but she enjoyed translating their readings—he in Swedish, she in Eng- in the world. ment to literature is breathtaking.” Heldén’s poetry. She talked about the beauti- lish—while haunting images of the decay of Reid talked of the impressive annual Norway’s contribution to this “Evening ful, unique experience she had sitting beside organic matter (e.g. plants, pets) and of in- Christmas Book Flood (Jólabókaflóð). Ev- of Nordic Literature” was a performance of the sea with the poet and his other transla- organic material (e.g. drones, data systems) eryone eagerly anticipates this October event the opening scene of ’s play Some- tor Kirkwood Adams as they worked on the were projected on a screen behind them. in which publishers flood the market with one is Going to Come. The two actors, Nan- translation together. Heldén is a writer, visual artist, and mu- new books. As books are by far the favor- na Ingvarsson and David Bryan Jackson, had Jensen said that Danes wrote in all sician. He is particularly interested in ecolo- ite Christmas presents, the people then have performed in Scena Theatre’s recent Wash- genres and there was nothing specifically gy, artificial intelligence, science fiction, and ample time to do their holiday shopping. ington, D.C., premiere performance, direct- Danish about the literature. It is definitely poetry. He has published 12 books, four mu- Presents of books are given on Christmas ed by Robert McNamara. The largely Scan- Nordic, however, as it is very dark. She sic albums, and seven digital online works of Eve and people then spend the night reading! dinavian audience showed their enthusiasm evoked laughter from the audience with her poetry and visual art. This tradition began during World War II. for the actors’ mesmerizing performance. reason for the dark nature. “Nordic literature The second writer on the program was She pointed out Iceland’s long literary (A review of the play was published in is dark,” she explained, “because the people Danish poet Katrine Øgaard Jensen. She be- history that dates back to medieval times. The Norwegian American on January 27, in the Nordic countries are so happy!” gan by reading one of her own poems, “Time The Sagas of the Icelanders and the Poetic 2017. You can read it online at www.norwe- Davis then introduced Scena Theatre’s Machine,” in which she describes her moth- Edda are still widely read and translated in gianamerican.com/arts/fosses-minimalism- award-winning director Robert McNamara er’s slow, undignified descent to her death: Iceland. And in 2011, Reykjavík, Iceland’s takes-the-stage.) who pointed out the obvious cultural differ- Our mother as the ruins of a once , was designated a UNESCO City Davis then led a stimulating Q&A ses- ence between American and Scandinavian great building. A fallen monument. of Literature. sion. He asked all presenters what was audiences when viewing a Nordic work such How civilized she was before the ill- In 2014, Reid co-founded the very suc- unique about the literature in their particular as Someone is Going to Come. He noted the ness compared to now. cessful Iceland Writer’s Retreat. She em- Nordic countries. hearty laughter of this evening’s audience, Trapped in a body that is no longer phasized that it is an event for “everyone Reid replied that which showed their understanding of Fosse’s hers, that refuses to obey… who enjoys writing, not just for published is Nordic and cannot be characterized as dark humor; they “got it!” During the D.C. Jensen then read from her translation authors.” Well-known author Geraldine uniquely Icelandic. And she emphasized run of the play, the American audiences had of the poetry collection Third Millennium Brooks led a workshop at the retreat’s inau- again that writing brings people together. seemed unsure of the appropriateness of Heart by Danish poet Ursula Andkjær Olsen gural event. When she was asked about her Connections are built among people who laughter. (Broken Dimanche Press, 2016). experience there, she replied, “Iceland is the love the written word. The special evening ended with an in- I give away my third-millennium heart, most creatively stimulating place I have ever Heldén responded that an important fo- vitation to the wine and cheese reception of- I send it into orbit and get it set foot. The landscape is so other-worldly cus in Swedish literature is ecological degra- fered by the Danish Embassy. theNorwegianamerican Summer Reading July 28, 2017 • B3 Book review: Scandinavians in A small country with big numbers the State House How Norway’s book sector thrives despite the country’s small population

Sada Reed Phoenix, Ariz. M. Michael Brady If someone wanted to pick up a book Asker, Norway that would make them proud of being of Scandinavian descent and/or Minnesotan, Norway is a country of readers. Some 93 this book is it. percent of the population reads books other Scandinavians in the State House: How than schoolbooks and required course curri- Nordic Immigrants Shaped Minnesota Poli- cula. Some six of 10 Norwegians read up to tics by Klas Bergman straddles the line be- 10 books a year, while four in 10 read more tween being an informative, reference guide- than 10 books a year. type text and a feel-good read about Nordic The book sector is robust and increas- immigrants’ and their descendants’ accom- ingly international, thanks in part to income plishments in Minnesota. Bergman paints from oil having made Norway a rich country. both a wide-lens view of Scandinavian im- There are more than 400 publishers in Nor- migration and its influence on Minnesota way, of which Aschehoug, Damm, public policy and highlights individual Scan- Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, and Vigmostad & dinavian immigrants or Americans of Scan- Bjørke now are the most significant. The dinavian descent who rose through the ranks sibling sector of media also is prominent in of Minnesota political leadership. Norway, and many professionals work in The wide-lens view—factors that led both sectors. The Oslo-based Schibsted Me- Scandinavians to migrate to Minnesota— dia Group is among the largest in Europe, is highlighted first. “Push and pull factors” sota’s unions, and the racial discrimination with 6,900 employees in 30 countries. that encouraged a move to America included they faced. Local newspapers actually ste- The governmental Culture Fund supports poverty, economic crises, joblessness, crop reotyped them as “reds,” “anarchists,” and Innkjøpsordningen (Purchasing Scheme), failure, and a lack of available land in their “drunks,” Bergman said. a funding program for books administered were comparatively expensive. No more. In home countries, as well as religious intol- “One survey in the early 1920s found by Kulturrådet (Arts Council), under which terms of U.S. dollar prices, books now are erance, rigid social hierarchy, and political only 36 percent of respondents willing to new books are bought and used to stock pub- cheaper than they were 10 years ago. The blacklisting or resistance to military service. live next door to a Finn. Tavern signs could lic and school libraries. For a single title, the prime cause of the drop is the weakening of Thousands of Swedes, for example, flocked be found declaring ‘No Indians or Finns al- Innkjøpsordning­ may buy 1,000 to 1,500 cop- the (NOK) against the dol- to Minnesota following the 1909 General lowed.’ In 1918, Olli Kiukkonen, one of ies of a book, a significant quantity for smaller lar, from 5.7879 in July 2007 to 8.3870 to Strike. Bergman discusses Scandinavians’ many Finns who had refused to register for publishers as well as authors. the dollar in July 2017. In turn, as most of role in the Civil War and temperance move- the World War I military draft, was tarred NORLA (acronym for “Norwegian Norway’s income comes from oil, the weak- ment, particularly how this involvement and feathered and lynched by a vigilante Literature Abroad,” a Ministry of Culture ening was largely due to a significant drop in helped solidify Scandinavians’ devotion to group in Duluth. His gravestone in Park Hill initiative) supports the publication of trans- the price of crude oil. their new home. Cemetery reads: ‘Victim of Warmongers’” lated Norwegian books. From 2004 to 2017, A 2017 average retail price comparison He then examines individual prominent (p. 124). NORLA helped fund translations of more of hardcover adult fiction and non-fiction Scandinavians, like Knute Nelson (1843- Overall, the strength of the book is si- than 4,250 books into some 65 languages. Of books: 1923), the first Scandinavian-born American multaneously its weakness: The book thor- the world’s languages, Norwegian is among USA1 Norway2 to be elected to the Senate and Minnesota’s oughly explains Scandinavians’ plight in the 15 most translated. Adult fiction $25.97 $29.14 12th governor; John Lind (1854-1930), their new country and their rise as a politi- Norwegian literature is well traveled. Adult non-fiction $28.16 $27.84 member of the U.S. House of Representa- cal voice. It’s inspirational and informative. Norway’s best-selling author worldwide tives and Minnesota’s 14th governor; John The downside is that since it focuses on the now is Jo Nesbø, known for crime fiction 1) School Library Journal figures, link: Johnson (1861-1909), Minnesota state sena- positive attributes of prominent Scandina- novels featuring antihero police inspector www.slj.com/2017/03/research/sljs-average- tor and 16th governor; A. O. Eberhart (1870- vians and Scandinavian Americans, the book Harry Hole that have been translated into 50 book-prices-for-2017 1944), Minnesota’s 17th governor; and for- glosses over the more collective dark eras of languages. In non-fiction, documentary and 2) Norwegian Publishers Association, mer U.S. vice presidents Hubert Humphrey Minnesota politics. Lawlessness, gambling, journalistic books now lead. Åsne Seirstad’s NOK figures converted to U.S. dollars at (1911-1978) and Walter Mondale (b. 1928), illegal booze, and gang killings were ram- The Bookseller of Kabul (2002) has been exchange rate of July 1, 2017, link: www. among others. pant in the Twin Cities in the 1920s, for ex- sold to 40 countries and was on the New forleggerforeningen.no/statistikk-og-pub- Bergman’s description of Scandina- ample. Corruption plagued the cities for de- York Times bestseller list for 40 weeks. In likasjoner/statistikk vians’ involvement in agrarian politics and cades, and it’s unlikely all political leaders of books for children and young adults, Jostein the rise of progressive movements at the Scandinavian descent had their hands clean Gaarder’s novel Sophie’s World (1992) has Further reading: beginning of the 20th century helps the of such turmoil. The difficulties non-white sold more than 40 million copies in 60 lan- Information on Norwegian literature, reader understand how modern Minnesota immigrants have had in Minnesota are also guages and in 1995 was the most-sold fiction Oslo, 2017, NORLA, 10-page PDF brochure politics became what they are, particularly glossed over. (There is, however, a chapter title worldwide. (NORLA_brosjyre_3.pdf), downloadable at the left-leaning policies that distinguish it devoted to “the new guard” of immigrants On the domestic market, books once norla.no/en/information. from other Midwest states. Swedish-born shaping Minnesota politics, Somalis in Ward socialist Carl Skoglund, for example, was a Six.) However, the book delivers on its title’s leader in the Minneapolis Teamsters’ Strike promise: It’s a deep dive into the experience of 1934, which “became a landmark in U.S. of this one specific ethnic group—Scandina- labor history as the rights of the union were vians. recognized and Minneapolis ceased to be an This is a fun, heavy read about an im- open-shop city” (p. 122). The author high- portant group that helped define Minnesota. 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 lights leading Republicans, describing Tim It’s worth picking up. Bergman’s writing is Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] Pawlenty as the end of traditional progres- well organized, clean, and insightful. The sive Republicanism in Minnesota. Swedish-born author is a longtime journal- Featuring great Nordic products A chapter on the Finns is of particular ist, his tenure including six years as the chief note. It explains the darker experience Finns U.S. correspondent for Swedish daily news- Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments had in America compared to other Nor- paper Dagens Nyheter. He is also the author Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats dic groups. Isolated from other Nordic im- of Land of Dreams: A Reporter’s Journey and more! migrants because of language differences, from Sweden to America. You can follow Bergman describes their radical brand of him on Twitter @ksbergman. Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com politics, the influence they had on Minne- B4 • July 28, 2017 Summer Reading theNorwegianamerican A history of money Book review: Celebrating the bicentennial of Milestone reveals the M. Michael Brady stress of occupation Asker, Norway

On Friday, June 14, 1816, two years and gian School of Economics in Bergen, accom- four weeks after the Norwegian Constitution plish that goal well, in lucid English, support- Thor A. Larsen was signed on the 17th of May, Norges Bank ed by 197 color charts and graphs, 12 tables, Fishkill, N.Y. was established by the Storting (Parliament), and a 15-page bibliography. Though the book a legislative step taken to remedy the disar- may appeal most to banking and macroeco- Meeting at the Milestone was written by ray of the monetary system brought about by nomic professionals, it contains brief histories Sigurd Hoel in 1947, fresh from the author’s the Napoleonic Wars of 1807-1813. of significant events of broader appeal, at least experience in occupied Norway. The book Initially, Norges Bank was the country’s two with an American connection. utilized Hoel’s insight in psychoanalysis, a banknote-issuing authority. With time, it be- The first is of a money matter relevant subject he studied in depth, and his experi- came the country’s central bank, equivalent in the first 50 years of the great Norwegian ence as a member of the Resistance writing to the Federal Reserve System in the USA. emigration to America that started in 1825. articles for their publications. The story of that evolution is the subject of When those emigrants left Norway, the na- In order to convey how and why some A Monetary 1816-2016, tional currency was the Rigsdaler (National Norwegians, men and women, chose to serve one of four books published in celebration of Dollar). The word daler in the Scandinavian the Nazis vs. remaining neutral or actually the bicentennial of Norges Bank. languages and dollar in English both came serving in the resistance, Sigurd Hoel wrote The book is intended as a contribution in from a 16th-century unit of currency, the Meeting at the Milestone, a fascinating story macroeconomics. Its three authors, a director of espionage as a means to provide mean- at the Bank and two professors at the Norwe- See > monetary, page B12 ingful, in-depth examples of Norwegians on both sides. The story is told in first person about a Resistance member, let’s call him “Jan” (no name is ever given), who is asked to go on a dangerous mission to uncover a Cursed with another traitor who has been providing the names of Resistance members in a strategic small Given those severe circumstances, it is town to the local Nazis. Jan is selected be- unfair for those who did not experience this cause he knows a number of the members period to cast blame on those who could not suspenseful novel and potential traitors from his college days remain faithful to Norway. Fear, intimida- in Oslo 20 years earlier. As a cover, Jan poses tion, daily uncertainty, hunger, as well as as a bank inspector from Oslo to review the ambition and greed could make people turn. Christine Foster Meloni books of the local bank. Among the local According to the author, less than two per- Washington, D.C. Resistance members are a prominent banker cent of the population turned Nazi, a notable and doctor. In pursuing the culprit, Jan learns accomplishment. Cursed is the fourth book in the Hen- that a former classmate, a doctor, the doc- This book had special meaning to me as ning Juhl series by popular Norwegian crime tor’s wife, and their son play important roles I was a young boy in Stavanger and complet- writer, Thomas Enger. In the first novel, on the other side. ed my first grade during the war. Through Burned, someone sets Juhl’s apartment on A very significant portion of the book my mother, I learned about several who fire. Juhl survives but his young son dies. covers the student days in Oslo and Jan’s chose to go to the other side that our fam- Naturally, Juhl wants to discover the identity interactions with a number of students: ex- ily avoided during the war. Several of those of the criminal responsible and bring him to aminations of their personalities and back- I met after the war after they paid their dues justice (or, more likely, exact his revenge). ground. The author briefly evaluates about and became very honorable family men. Not Readers follow Juhl’s slow, frustrating seven students who joined the other side. too many years ago, a daughter to one who through the first three novels, Burned, The key participants of the drama above, the had gone over to the other side learned that Pierced, and Scarred. Now, in Cursed, he doctor and the doctor’s wife, who was Jan’s her father had become a Nazi and wanted to makes serious progress. He learns that the girlfriend during the college years, are de- know how I felt about her father as well as person responsible is a prominent lawyer veloped in some detail. Perhaps the author how my mother had felt. I had told her that known in criminal circles as Daddy Longlegs. missed his young days as a student, since he her father had been long forgiven. Meanwhile, Juhl’s ex-wife Nora, a re- provided considerable space for his several Although the occupation in Norway porter for Norway’s prestigious newspaper romances with young ladies during this pe- ended more than 72 years ago, some men- Aftenposten, becomes personally involved riod of Jan’s life. tal suffering still remains even today. In net, in what she believes to be a crime. The hus- Qualities of those who are more vulner- this book is a valued addition to understand- band of her childhood friend Hedda Hellberg able to switching sides include limited ethics, ing some aspects of the life and times of this contacts Nora to ask for her help. Hedda was having had an unhappy and poor upbringing, dreadful period in Norway’s history. grieving after the death of her father and de- responsible. She consults with the local po- and being very ambitious. However, general- cided to go to Italy for a short vacation. But lice chief and together they succeed in solv- ly one could also say those traits fit many of The original version, entitled Møte med she never arrived at her destination and has ing the mystery of Ellen Hellberg. those who chose to stay faithful to Norway. milepelen, was published in 1947 by Gylden- disappeared without a trace. The search for Hedda intensifies, and the The book also examines the stress that dal Norsk Forlag. The English translation by Nora immediately begins work on the plot takes many exciting twists and turns. The the Resistance members endured and how was republished as a paper- case, convinced that Hedda would never vol- seemingly separate investigations of Henning such stress sometimes resulted in fatal deci- back by Green Integer in 2001. untarily leave her husband and toddler son. (for Daddy Longlegs) and Nora (for Hedda) sions. The author explores the psychology of She remembers that Hedda’s Aunt Ellen also suddenly cross paths and the former spouses, the Norwegians after they escaped to Swe- Born in Stavanger, Thor A. disappeared many years ago and was never therefore, begin to work together and share den and their sense of emptiness and loneli- Larsen immigrated to New found. Suicide was suspected at the time. information. Both of their lives are in serious ness despite relative safety. York City with his parents danger as they learn more and more. Now many feel that Hedda has committed The five-year occupation of Norway as in 1948. Now retired from suicide as well. After all, it runs in the family! Does Juhl track down Daddy Longlegs explored by Sigurd Hoel provides some in- a 40-year career as physi- Nora immediately suspects foul play in the end? Does Nora find Hedda or evi- sight into the psychological toll on most if cist and engineer, Thor and believes that the family is involved. She dence of her murder? These questions will not all Norwegians during this occupation draws and paints, and begins to interrogate the members of the not be answered here. No spoiler alert! But period. They were living in an “unreal twi- writes travel and arts arti- powerful Hellberg family. She finds them rest assured that Cursed is an enjoyable light zone,” unable to plan for the future, liv- cles for a local publication. He’s been married all rather suspicious characters. It is not en- thriller filled with suspense and surprises that ing only day for day, trying not to fear, and to Arlene for 49 years, and they have two adult tirely clear how they built up their business will leave readers eager to read the fifth and trying to stay safe. children and three grandsons. empire. How did they get their money? Most final book in the series. likely, not by legal means. Was Hedda about to go public with a damaging family secret? Cursed: A Crime Novel, by Thomas Enger, Subscribe to The Norwegian American! While gathering information from fam- was published by Orenda Books in 2017. ily members, Nora becomes convinced that Translated from the original Norwegian (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] at least one family member, if not more, is Våpenskjold (2014) by Kari Dickson. theNorwegianamerican Summer Reading July 28, 2017 • B5 Herbs and spirits: The Way of the Wise medical practices are revealed in this examination of spells and concoctions

prescriptions. Some of the old traditional lead is dribbled through the hole. The lead medicines and therapies are now becoming would congeal into various shapes, which Judith Gabriel Vinje acceptable in some cases, and in Norway to- the healer would use to make a diagnosis. Los Angeles day, there are specified standards for herbal Magic and herbal concoctions were not medicines. sufficient, however, to guarantee decades of Getting sick in days of old, from saga healthy life. “Folks rarely lived long enough times to the 19th century, was just as human Veterinary magic to suffer from a long, slow disease; heck, just as it is today. But in a time without antibiot- Domestic animals were critical to the staying alive to see one’s fortieth birthday ics, anesthesia, or MRIs, how do you treat survival of the people in rural areas. Thus, was considered a feat.” the ailment? You might try certain herbs. the rural folk had to have basic veterinary The book contains several chapters de- Or then again, you might try certain magic skills. They also had to have magical skills. tailing various remedies in use in rural Nor- spells. It was thought the nisse could cause disease way, including veterinary medicine. It also In The Way of the Wise, author J.T. Sib- by biting. Various incantations were used, has several appendices detailing herbs, the ley details the cures, treatments, and tech- as well as herbs. One common treatment in- laws of magic, and presenting Norwegian to niques used to promote health in old Nor- volved collecting bread and salt from nine English disease and herb names. way. It is a colorful, fascinating overview of different farms, giving the whole concoction Encyclopedic and fact-filled, The Way how rural Norway dealt with medical issues, to the sick cows. In some areas, when calves of the Wise is a long-needed and captivating as well as a detailed reference book focusing weren’t thriving, one could take the holy treatment of Norway’s old medical practices on rural medical practices, both physical and chalice from the church and have the calves and beliefs—it is also a fascinating read. It magical. It is, according to the author, “the eat out of it. can be obtained through Xlibris.com. most detailed account of the old ways in the English language.” A long-needed treatment The author, J.T. Sibley, does claim that Some practices, notably magical ones, Minneapolis-born Judith things weren’t as backward in Norway as continued into the 20th century, and several Gabriel Vinje has been a journalist for nearly 50 elsewhere. “In rural Norway, medicine for But the theatrical aspect was also im- researchers documented what they could years, including a stint as man and beast was perhaps the most sophis- portant. The rural folk didn’t know about vi- while folk medicine was still being practiced a war correspondent. Now ticated in Europe.” ruses or bacteria and blamed evil forces for in the 18th through the 20th centuries. And in a Los Angeles resident, she Much was magical in nature, but prac- many maladies—witches, dwarves, or even fact, some treatments are still to be found. started writing for Norway tical knowledge was passed down and used a walking dead person. The book includes an encyclopedic sec- Times in 1998, and has successfully from the saga times into the Sometimes Thor or the Devil or other tion with details on cures and ailments in vari- been with the paper through its merges and 20th century, although anesthesia was either “seriously aggressive divine beings” would ous locations and eras throughout Norway. changes. An active member of Sons of Norway, unknown, ineffective, or not available in ru- be called upon to chase off the disease de- On the book cover, a painting shows a Edvard Grieg Lodge, Glendale Calif., she is ral areas. mon. Local gnomes and spirits—the nisse technique for diagnosing internal problems. also a member of Odins of Raven, a Viking re- and vettir—were also “paid off.” Pagan and A bowl of water is placed on the chest. A enactment group on the West Coast, and writes Smacks of magic Christian elements were often combined in round piece of stiff flatbread with a hole in frequently about subjects for sev- But perhaps the supernatural treat- magical treatments. its center is placed over the bowl. Molten eral publications. ments were the most important. Even today, “Medicine, the act of healing disease or in- Old Norse drugs jury, smacks of magic.” Not knowing about There were medicinal concoctions. Var- coming in august! viruses or germs, the folk healer had to de- ious plant materials—herbs, fungi, mosses— termine the causes of illnesses another way. were gathered from the wild or cultivated in What sent them? Evil spirits? secret places. The herbs collected on Mid- The supernatural beings that could summer Night, the summer solstice, were Exile Air: World War II’s “Little Norway” cause disease include the underjordiske (un- especially auspicious. in Toronto and Muskoka der earth ones) and local gnomes, both types When distilled alcohol, brandy and of vettir. “It was critical to stay on the good aquavit, came into common usage at the end By Andrea Baston side of the supernatural powers if one wanted of the 1500s, it became popular as a base to healthy animals or people.” steep plants. “Alcoholic preparations also Photographs/Photographic Editing by Candis Jones And in order to achieve a cure, the Wise made for an excellent way to get a stubborn Woman (or Man) often had to call on those Norwegian to take his or her medicine.” shadowy powers. Some medicinal plants were more com- Healers in the past wrote down their mon in the Viking or medieval times, but recipes in the svartebøker, “black books.” have now become scarce. Others, imported They had to be fluent in spellcraft as well from foreign lands and cultivated in mon- as the use of medicinal plants. Many of the astery gardens, may now be found growing remedies were quite effective. Back in the wild in many parts of Norway. old days, one chewed willow bark; today one According to the author, a Norwegian takes an aspirin. The same active ingredient royal decree from 1672 specified that drug- is found in both. stores had to maintain herb gardens for their The Scandinavian Hour Celebrating over 50 years on the air! KKNW – 1150 AM Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Streaming live on the internet at: Enjoy the true story of the Royal Norwegian www.1150kknw.com Air Force training camps located in Toronto and Muskoka during wartime. It’s a tale of the courageous young flyers who learned flight skills LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: there and returned to battle the Nazis overseas. Certified Public Accountant Small businesses (206)789-5433 Individuals 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 Available at www.oldstonebooks.com B6 • July 28, 2017 Summer Reading theNorwegianamerican Book review: Before I Burn blends All the best words fiction with memoir

Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C.

Before one begins to read Gaute Heivoll’s award-winning book Before I Burn: A Novel, it is perhaps worthwhile to ponder its subtitle. If the author has written about an ac- tual event and one that he has seriously re- searched, why does he explicitly call his book a novel? Keeping this in mind, the reader may find the book easier to follow or, Photo: Owen Behan quite the contrary, more confusing. Norwegian author Chris Felt has compiled In either case, Heivoll has written an Trump’s great words into a found poetry collec- extraordinary book of great psychological tion (right). depth that has won several awards including the , one of Norway’s most pres- tigious literary prizes. M. Michael Brady Heivoll skillfully intertwines the story Asker, Norway of a famous Norwegian arsonist with his own childhood memories and current re- “I know words... I have the best words,” Bard of the Deal by Slate writer Hart Seely, search. The reader closely follows not only claimed Donald Trump in a campaign rally who also in 2003 published Pieces of Intel- the actions of the arsonist but also those of topic of conversation. He eventually left the speech on Dec. 30, 2015. ligence: The Existential Poetry of Donald H. the author himself as a child and an adult. village but came back 30 years later to try Now these and other words by the then Rumsfeld (the Secretary of Defense in the One begins to see certain parallels between to understand what had happened and, more candidate and now President have been Gerald Ford and George W. Bush adminis- their personalities and relationships with importantly, why. gathered into a poetical collage, Make po- trations). others, particularly family members. Before I Burn is a book that combines etry great again, a tongue-in-cheek title The type of poetry is known as found In the summer of 1978, an arsonist was a crime story and a memoir and makes for a paraphrasing his campaign slogan of “Make poetry, a genre created by extracting phras- on the loose in a small village in southern very satisfying read—an excellent choice for America great again.” The author is Chris es from texts or transcripts and then adding Norway. This person had set fire to 10 build- stimulating summer reading. Felt, a trilingual Norwegian writer born in or deleting words. As author Felt remarks, ings, most of them homes, in one month. The But—is it really a memoir or is the 1984 and now living in City. “what Trump says is closer to poetry and fic- villagers were naturally terrified. Who was Heivoll in this novel a fictional character? There are other books on poetical politi- tion than to reality.” His Trump quotes are as doing it? Who would the next victim be? cian pronouncements. There’s a Kindle book originally spoken, with only names and short Heivoll was only an infant at the time of The original version, entitled Før jeg brenner of the same title by Pedrito Ortiz (Editor) and words deleted. Two samples: the fires (he was christened on the day of the ned, was published in 2010 by Tiden Norsk Sarah Palin (Foreword), published February last fire), but he had grown up in this village Forlag, Oslo. The English translation was 2016 by Amazon Digital Services. There’s a where the story of the fire was frequently a published by Greywolf Press in 2013. paperback in 2015 on the words of Trump, See > poetry, page B8 Staff Picks Staff Picks Staff Picks Staff Picks Staff Picks Staff Picks Staff Picks

Eva Ibbotson has become my new favor- A touching, humorous novel that fol- This book has been the highlight of my October 31 of this year will be the 500- ite author as her tales are engaging, her char- lows a family through four generations in summer reading so far. As food writer and year anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting acters real, and you don’t always know what’s Sulitjelma, a mining town in northern Nor- chef Phoebe Lapine dials in her health, she of the 95 theses on the church door at Wit- around the next corner. In this YA novel, the way, from the late 19th century through the explores how everything from nutrition to tenburg to begin the . This is a orphaned Mia travels to her distant relatives early 1960s. The subtitle translates to “in skin care products can impact our bodies. As good resource book for those who want to in the Amazon. Soon she is involved in a mys- the eye of the sun,” a topographic descrip- I followed along vicariously on her journey, learn more about the Reformation era. tery, uncovering new things about herself and tion typical of the far north and its people. In I took away countless practical ideas. I can’t others. This is a book I couldn’t put down. Norwegian. wait to try her recipes too! Recommended by David Moe

Recommended by Heidi Håvan Grosch Recommended by M. Michael Brady Recommended by Daytona Strong theNorwegianamerican Summer Reading July 28, 2017 • B7 Nordic literature, one challenge at a time Scandinavia House inspires readers with the Nordic Summer Reading Challenge

Molly Jones The Norwegian American

Do you want to build your Nordic litera- ture library but don’t know where to start? To provide inspiration for people just like you, NYC’s Scandinavia House introduced the Nordic Summer Reading Challenge. There’s a new challenge every other week, ranging from books set in Iceland to books with the word “ice” or “snow” in the title. To successfully complete the challenge, readers must select a book that fits the cat- egory and finish it before the next challenge begins. To engage with other participants, readers are encouraged to share their selec- tions on social media using the hashtag #Nor- dicReading. Need help finding a book that fits the criteria? Don’t worry; Scandinavia House offers one suggestion for each challenge. While the first year of the program is well underway, there are a couple of chal- lenges remaining and readers are welcome to about doing a reading challenge is also that and I suggested the book that we’re read- thought of. At first I thought it would be dif- jump in at any point. Scandinavia House also it’s not bound to a specific location, so even ing in our Nordic Noir book club: Samuel ficult, but there really are a lot, and in differ- hopes to continue with a similar program in people who aren’t in New York or can’t Bjørk, I’m Traveling Alone. The participants ent genres. I also like the challenge where the future. In order to learn more about this come to our book clubs can discuss Scandi- may read the book club book but can also you should find a book with a white cover. unique program, I interviewed the organizer navian literature in our social media chan- pick anything else they like that fits in the I am a graphic designer and have also de- of the challenge, Hilda Forss. nels. People also like reading in the summer, challenge. I wanted to get variation into the signed a few book covers, so I like the idea and taking on a challenge can be a good way challenges so that you have to think in differ- of picking a book just based on the cover. Molly Jones: What inspired you to create to find the inspiration to read books you’ve ent ways when picking, so some of them are the Nordic Summer Reading Challenge? wanted to pick up for a while. about genres, while others are about location MJ: What challenge do you feel is the most Hilda Forss: Scandinavia House has ar- or about the book cover. difficult? For example, I would think it would ranged a monthly Nordic book club for over MJ: How did you select the challenges? be hard to find many Scandinavian fantasy / a year now, and this summer we are adding HF: I chose the challenges based on the MJ: What is your favorite challenge? science fiction books available in English. another book club to our mix, focusing on current book for the Nordic book club but HF: I quite like the fifth challenge, “Read HF: I am a Swedish-speaking Finn, so I can Nordic Noir. I wanted to do something dif- also tried to make them broad enough so a book with the word ‘ice’ or ‘snow’ in the comfortably read most Scandinavian novels ferent on social media in relation to these that there is a lot to pick from. For example, title,” because it’s so stereotypically Nordic, in their original language (except for Icelan- book clubs and thought this would be a fun the current challenge is to read a book with but it’s also easy to just type ice or snow way to engage our audience. The good thing a Scandinavian letter in the author’s name, in Google and find books that you hadn’t See > challenge, page B12 Staff Picks Staff Picks Staff Picks Staff Picks Staff Picks Staff Picks Staff Picks

This is a book every U.S. citizen should This epic story of bloodlines by a Swed- This novel introduces Maggie Hope, the Ursula Todd lives her life over and read. Though it does not specifically men- ish-American author tells the tale of a young brilliant young American working as a typist over again. It always begins the same way, tion Norwegian immigrants, it does draw girl who falls down a mine shaft in Michigan. for Winston Churchill who finds herself in a in 1910 in a cottage in England, but the de- a connection between the homestead ethos As the attempt to rescue her commences, we web of murder and espionage. Maggie will tails—particularly surrounding how WWII and its antithesis in the plantation mentality. learn the stories of her relatives, from an al- keep you on the edge of your seat as she uses affects her life and how she affects WWII— Much in this book I learned nothing about chemist in ancient China to a 17th-century her persistent spirit and unmatched code- are different every time. I found the ending in school—for example the “Wide Awakes” girl in the Swedish royal court. breaking skills to survive. to this incredible novel a bit unsatisfactory, and the early (abolitionist) Republican Party. but you read it and then let’s discuss! Recommended by Kelsey Larsen Recommended by Molly Jones Recommended by John Erik Stacy Recommended by Emily C. Skaftun B8 • July 28, 2017 Summer Reading theNorwegianamerican Nansen Lodge remembers Odd Nansen Timothy Boyce talks about Nansen’s incredible diary from the Nazi concentration camps

Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y.

The curiosity of three entities converg- ing is always a time to take notice, whether it occurs in the heavens or in a Sons of Nor- way Lodge in Staten Island, New York. This phenomenon occurred on February 24 with a trifecta of Nansens. The first was the name of the lodge, the second the famous explorer and humanitarian Fridtjof (for whom the lodge is named), and the third and lesser- known Nansen was Odd, the son of Fridtjof. The lodge was hosting a talk by Timothy Boyce, who has published Odd Nansen’s re- markable diary, From Day to Day: One Man’s Diary of Survival in Nazi Concentration Camps. The diary was available in a variety of languages just after the war, but it had not been published for nearly 70 years and had been forgotten. Until Boyce came along. Boyce gave the audience a good over- view of Odd Nansen, who chose the pro- fession of architecture. Besides being an explorer, his father Fritjof had been a great humanitarian and his influence was certainly fused into Odd’s character. Venturing out on his own, Nansen moved to Brooklyn, just over the bridge from where this talk was be- Illustrations from the book, ing held. Boyce surmised that he had decided and would arrange to meet with her secretly. courtesy of Timothy Boyd to live on this side of the Atlantic to get out When that practice was discontinued (as One of the things that enlivens this concentra- of his father’s shadow. Unfortunately Nan- the Germans tightened security), she could tion camp diary is Nansen’s many sketches. While sen did not remain in Brooklyn but instead still visit him periodically as long as she got most, like the sketch of a transport to Germany leaving Oslo under cover of night (above left), returned to Norway, where he was arrested permission from the Gestapo, and she also show the grimness of the war and the camps, oth- as a political prisoner in 1942. He remained wrote him letters and sent him parcels.” ers, like the sketch of Nansen’s wife and children a captive until the end of the war. In fact, one reason he wrote his diary was visiting him at Grini, illustrate just how hard it is Nansen’s Norwegian origin brought him because it served as a way for him to maintain to crush a human spirit. luck in the concentration camps, as Norwe- a conversation with his wife. In the foreword gians were placed on the second tier of the Nansen wrote for the diary when it was first Aryan hierarchy, just below the Germans. published, he states: “I never wrote with the Therefore he was given more privileges, like idea that what I was writing would be pub- being able to receive Red Cross care packag- lished. I was writing for my wife, to let her es. It was through this privileged designation know what was happening and how I was get- that Nansen was able to save a young Jew- ting on—and also to arrange my ideas.” ish boy, Thomas Buergenthal, from the death One may wonder how he was not only camp list by using the extras he received as able to write the diary but also get it out of bribes. His meeting with Buergenthal took the camp. Boyce provides the answer when place in the second concentration camp he passes around a wooden breadboard, a Nansen had been sent to—Sachsenhausen common item prisoners used to carry their in Germany. He had been transferred there food. He shows that it has been sliced in half very impressed by the speaker and the man his preface, Tom mentions that they saw each from the Norwegian camp at Grini where he and hollowed out, the perfect hiding place who had written this diary. Nansen Lodge other again in 1951 when Nansen visited Ger- had first been sent upon arrest. for pages. And that is just what Odd and his and Timothy Boyce are owed a huge thank many and again in the late 50s and that they Although Grini was awful, there he friends did. Even more incredible are the im- you for enlightening us about this potent and corresponded in the interim. Tom tells me that could at least have contact with his beloved ages Odd was able to produce and preserve relevant piece of history. Hearing accounts he periodically saw Nansen throughout his wife. Boyce elaborated: “It is true that Nan- under such horrific circumstances. of the camps from a voice who was there life, until Nansen’s death in 1973.” sen had contact with his wife, Kari, while he After the talk, the easygoing and engag- makes it all the more poignant, as it connects Of course the story of the victims is was in Grini. Initially, he was occasionally ing Boyce signed copies of the book that us in the present to those in the past. important, but isn’t the story of resistance allowed out of the camp (to get supplies, etc.) were for sale. Everyone I spoke with was All the proceeds from the book go to equally so? Carl Sandburg described Nan- charities that have been selected by Nan- sen’s diary as an “epic narrative and a trib- sen’s family. This edition includes additional ute to the human spirit to rise above torture, < poetry The strength of this book is that it sketches by Nansen and annotations by terror, and death.” In Odd Nansen the power From page B6 consists of quotes alone, with no sup- Boyce, as well as a preface by Buergenthal, of one does exist. His example of standing porting text, but with much white space who survived the camps to later become a alone, against the bully, needs to be trumpet- “Number one. to underscore its poetical nature. In that humanitarian lawyer—including serving ed, taught and encouraged, especially in our I have great respect for women. it reflects the much-used catch phrase “a at the Court of Justice at The Hague—and unsettling times. I was the one poet and don’t know it,” coined in 1919 credits Nansen for his career choice. that really broke the glass ceiling by American short-story writer and satirist Buergenthal could not remember Nan- Further information: on behalf of women, Ring Lardner (1885-1933). sen’s name when he was first freed from the Many sites are offering the book online. more than anybody camps, but they later connected and he spent Timothy Boyce has been speaking across the in the construction industry.” Make Poetry Great Again is not yet mar- a lot of time at Nansen’s home in Norway. country about the book. If you are interest- keted in the USA, but Norwegian online Boyce explains, “After Tom wrote to Nansen ed in learning more or having him speak at “I have this thing bookshops, including ark.no, bokkilden. (when Tom’s mother learned that a certain your organization, visit his website at timo- called Twitter and Facebook, no, norli.no, and tanum.no, stock the book Mr. Nansen had published a famous diary in thyjboyce.com. which is amazing and can accept orders from and send Norway that recounted his years in Sachsen- Thomas Buergenthal also wrote a book actually. books to addresses abroad. The book was hausen), and they reconnected, Odd came to about his experience in the camps titled A It’s like owning the New York Times published in 2017 by Kagge Forlag. Germany and took Tommy back with him for Lucky Child: A Memoir of Surviving Aus- without the losses.” a six-week summer vacation in Norway. In chwitz as a Young Boy. theNorwegianamerican Summer Reading July 28, 2017 • B9 Book review: The soul of the north Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash.

This enormously entertaining, fact- John Erik Stacy jammed, and digressive tome about two mil- The Norwegian American lennia of Scandinavian history and culture starts out in a most unexpected way. It’s 1969, Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology is a and the author and his buddy—mostly pen- great read and, for me, answered questions niless and starving—retreat back to England and made connections to names I know in after a horrendous stay in (the modern Norway. As a student, I was told that buddy is deported for stealing cheese). the daisy-like flowerBalderbrå is named for Not a great start, you might think. But the eyelashes of Odin’s wise and beautiful Robert Ferguson’s fascination with Scandi- son Balder. But I knew nothing of Balder’s navia and his kaleidoscopic array of factual story until reading Gaiman’s book. (and personal) knowledge of Norway, Den- This masterful rendering of the myths mark, and Sweden all demonstrate a “from brings them alive in compact, Norse-like the ground up” understanding of these north- prose. Origins and relationships between ern cultures and their histories. And Fergu- gods, giants, elves, dwarves, and people are son’s vividly pictorial prose style, as well outlined in the first chapter. Each of the fol- as his admiration and wonderment at the lowing chapters is a story emphasizing the region’s history and culture, make Scandina- at least would complete the journey.”) deeds of one of the gods. They face contests vian an enthralling read. These anecdotes only begin to sug- and challenges, perform feats of bravery, An Englishman who has lived in Nor- gest the array of Scandinavian informa- swear binding oaths, compromise, and en- way for three decades, Ferguson has an in- tion—some, though not all, of it chrono- gage in deceit. In Norse Mythology the gods satiable curiosity about his adopted region logical—that the author possesses. We hear are (of course) not like the God we know from and a wealth of information—sometimes about ancient battles and 20th-century wars, Sunday School. They are powerful but not all- read the stories that link these images togeth- an overwhelming wealth—about it. The ge- nautical explorers and seafarers, runestones powerful; wise but not omniscient; and im- er. Having read Gaiman’s book, I now know nius is in the details, as the author pauses to (including Ferguson’s determination that mortal, but only if they avoid being killed and the individual personalities in the Norse pan- consider in more depth a particularly telling Minnesota’s Kensington Runestone was “an only until the end of everything at Ragnarök. theon and better understand the references episode of medieval or modern history. One intricate and extremely successful practical Neither are the Norse gods particularly made in modern times. gripping example: the Danes’ near-miracu- joke”), birth statistics, alcohol consumption, good, although at times their actions benefit Neil Gaiman is well published, Norse lous achievement during Nazi occupation in the fate of early Viking settlers in Greenland, humanity. Like the time they created Kvasir Mythology being the most recent of 12 the autumn of 1943, when the vast majority and occasional rhapsodic observations about from spit of the Aesir and Vanir, and the spit full-length novels (his first in 1990, Good of Denmark’s Jews were spirited across the important football (soccer) matches. co-mingled in a treaty of peace between gods Omens, is a co-authorship with Disk World water to sanctuary in Sweden. There’s even a “Scandinavian Time- and elves. The created Kvasir* is a man of creator Terry Pratchett). A television series There is a narrative in Scandinavians, line,” starting with the (approximate) years prescience and wanders the country sharing based on his 2001 book American Gods was sort of, but it’s perfectly possible to enjoy the AD 400-800 when the picture-stones of Got- wisdom and light. He is the very source of all made available to cable TV Starz subscribers book piecemeal. There are little sidelines ev- land, Sweden, were created, and extending poetry. In the chapter “The Mead of Poets,” this April. His bibliography also includes a erywhere: notes on the Norwegian rat (rattus through 2016, when Swedish golfer Hen- we read his story and face both a question long list of children’s books, graphic novels, norvegicus); an extended rewrite of Henrik rik Stenson won the Open Championship and a warning: comics, and short fiction. Gaiman’s other Ibsen’s drama Ghosts; observations about at Royal Troon. And there is no discussion “Have you ever wondered why some works often draw on knowledge of ancient Sweden’s remarkable 17th-century Queen whatsoever of the over-explored, over- people make beautiful songs and poems and myths. Anyone interested in Norway should, Kristina; the author’s determination that “Yor- analyzed, warm-and-fuzzy concept of con- tales, and some of us do not? at least, read Norse Mythology. ick” (in Shakespeare’s Hamlet) really was the temporary Nordic coziness, hygge. For this “It is a long story, and it does no credit Danish name “Georg”; and the story of a Nor- alone, Ferguson deserves a medal or two. to anyone: there is murder in it, and trickery, *Note that there is a Norwegian search en- wegian skier named Tryggve Gran who, more lies and foolishness, seduction and pursuit. gine with the web address www.kvasir.no. than a century ago, was among the search- Scandinavians by Robert Ferguson was pub- Listen.” ers for the lost South Polar explorers led by lished by Overlook Press in June 2017. Having lived in Norway, I couldn’t help John Erik Stacy grew up in Captain Robert Scott. (Gran and his team but learn something of the Norse gods. My Wayzata, Minn., but soon found the frozen-solid Scott and his party, as Melinda Bargreen is a grandmother and I read from Snorre’s Konge moved to Oslo, Norway. Ferguson tells in the kind of vivid detail that Seattle-based writer and sagaer, where Odin appears as an ancestor He studied at the Univer- makes you hop up from your reading chair in composer whose career at god in prelude to the accounts of Norrøn sity of Oslo and married quest of a nice hot coffee and perhaps some The Seattle Times began in kings. There are references to the ancient his wife, Robin, in Oslo. alcoholic additives. There is a heart-warming 1977. Melinda contributes myths in the civic art, for example the wood- In 2003, they moved to Se- postscript: Gran left his skis in a “cross” po- to many publications and en reliefs of Oslo Town Hall, one showing attle, Robin’s home town. sition outside Scott’s frozen tent and wore is the author of Seattle Op- Thor, hammer in hand, in his chariot pulled They visit Norway often and participate in the Scott’s own skis on the return home so “they era’s 50-year history book. by goats Grinder and Snarler. But I never Scandinavian community in Seattle.

Name: Subscribe now! Phone: 26 yearly issues filled with news from Norway, business, Address: sports, opinion, food, travel, language, and more! City/State/Zip: $ one year: 70 Email: the Card #: Norwegian Expiration: CVV: Amount/issues: Questions? Call us at (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected]. You can also pay by phone or mail a check to: american Norwegian American Weekly, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155. B10 • July 28, 2017 Fiction theNorwegianamerican

I’ll Call You fiction by Glynis Scrivens

worked out the perfect “I’ve way to kill someone and get away with it.” Carl looked pleased with himself as he took a long sip of chilled cider. They were sitting in a corner table at the back of a pub. It was hard to hear. His words barely carried to her. Sophie regarded her ex curiously. She was grateful no one could overhear them. “Theoretically speaking, you mean?” She didn’t like the expression in his eyes. It made the back of her knees feel weak. “Of course,” he said. “But there’s only one real way to prove I’m right. Kind of frustrating, wouldn’t you agree?” Sophie put her beer down. “If that’s all you’ve got to say then I’m off. Don’t bother asking me to meet you again.” She slung her handbag over her shoul- der and stood up. As she walked away he said the word “insurance.” Knowing she’d hear and realize he was serious. And that she was the intended victim. Damn, she thought, without stopping or looking back. She’d forgotten to change Illustration: Inkshark her policy. Carl was the very last person she wanted to get the million-dollar pay- out if anything happened to her. bit odd, she thought, as the woman con- The lights changed. She crossed the zooming past. But how did he know? tinued walking. street and entered the park. The woman Hurrying along, her head down, she Maybe he’d hacked the insurance Why not make a run for it while he was sitting on a bench, the dog obediently followed him. It was at the third set of company’s computer? Or hers? was preoccupied, said one part of her lying on the grass by her side. lights that she was finally standing right She stopped in the busy street. A tall brain? While another part was too curious. “Lovely dog,” Sophie said. And bend- behind him. man bumped into her. “Aren’t you curi- Besides, he had her phone. She needed to ing down, she patted him with one hand It seemed to take forever for the lights ous?” he said. Her mind raced. Carl had get it back. Then she wanted to stay as while her other hand explored the jacket. to change from red to green. The traffic followed her. far away from him as possible. Carl was Sure enough, the phone had been hidden surged forward, leaving them squashed “No,” she snapped. “Leave me alone.” dangerous. More than she’d ever realized underneath the snug-fitting jacket. together in a crowd of pedestrians on the She took out her phone and checked before. No doubt emitting some kind of sig- corner. the number for her insurance agency. Carl Carl looked at her expectantly. “Im- nal that would establish her whereabouts. And as a van sped along towards watched, standing far too close. pressed?” She’d seen a detective series where experts them, Sophie shoved hard against Carl’s She turned her shoulder to him. “By what?” tracked a criminal through their smart back. He lost balance, falling into its path. “Your call is important to us,” droned He shook his head. “Didn’t you no- phone. Carl was probably right. This was a There was a sickening thud. Hushed gasps. the computerized voice. Not important tice?” he said. clever way to establish an alibi. Trust him Followed by shouts and confusion. enough for someone to actually talk to “Stop talking in riddles. Give me my to think of something like this. Death was instantaneous, she soon her, it seemed. phone and go. I’ve got nothing to talk to “Have you walked far?” she asked the heard a paramedic telling a police officer Maybe it’d be quicker to walk there? you about.” woman, who seemed tired. who’d rushed to the scene. The insurance company had an office in “I’d love to give you back your phone “No, we just live over there.” She Slowly, so as not to draw any attention the city. But how could she shake Carl? but I don’t have it.” And he looked mean- pointed to a cottage situated near the op- to herself, Sophie walked back to the park. It was unnerving having him hovering ingfully at the woman and her dog who posite end of the park. “I like to rest here The bench was empty now but she could around her like this. were crossing the street to the park. on my way home. Make the most of the see the woman and her terrier up ahead. Without warning he plucked the It took a moment for Sophie to catch sunshine.” She kept walking until she came to the phone out of her hand. “These little gad- his meaning. “Yes, it’s a lovely day,” Sophie agreed. cottage. The woman and her dog were at gets come in handy when you need an She didn’t bother answering. Sprinting She’d meant to retrieve her phone but the the gate, just entering. alibi,” he said. down the footpath she just missed the traf- woman’s words and the Brueghel painting “What’s his name?” she asked, bend- She was curious in spite of herself. fic lights. Standing helplessly by the curb, had given her another idea. ing down to pat the terrier once more “What are you talking about?” she saw the woman entering the park. She rose to her feet again, and walked while the woman opened her gate. “Alibis. We all need them now and Cars went past. Bored motorists sur- back in the direction she’d come. One again.” reptitiously speaking on their phones. block. Another. She was beginning to feel See > I’ll call you, page B12 “Maybe you do,” she said. “Normal One man was eating a hamburger as he it was a waste of time when she noticed people don’t.” drove. Nobody was paying any attention. Carl up ahead. Luckily he stood out in the “Watch this and learn.” No wonder Carl could take her phone crowd, being so tall. Glynis Scrivens writes He stopped to pat a Yorkshire terrier, and hide it. The world simply didn’t notice It was one o’clock. Lunchtime. All the short stories and has been chatting amiably to the owner. The dog what happened to one individual, did it? It city workers seemed to be buying food or published in Australia, UK, wore a smart red tartan jacket as it was a reminded her of a painting she’d once seen takeaway coffees from the myriad cafes Ireland, South Africa, U.S., chilly day. It matched the skirt his owner in a book. Brueghel’s Icarus falling down and bistros. , and Scandinavia. Her book Edit is a Four- was wearing. Sophie idly wondered how to earth with melted wings, while every- The sidewalk was full of people and Letter Word includes what many other matching outfits the two went one else went about their business, oblivi- when she got to the next street corner, the she has learned in the pro- walking in. Some dog owners were just a ous to his plight. lights changed again. Cars roared into life, cess (see www.glynisscrivens.com/wp). theNorwegianamerican Puzzles July 28, 2017 • B11 Norwenglish Crossword Puzzles by Sölvi Dolland by Andrew R. Thurson Directions: Translate English words to Norwegian, or vice versa, before posting in the puzzle. #21 / 92 “Norsk i Iowa”

Across/Vannrett 1. Bensin 4. Spørre 7. Feiltrinn 8. Tilfelle 10. Avvike 11. Oldrer 13. Smart aleck 16. Three 17. Train 18. The hillside 19. Føle 20. Think 21. Tray 23. Snes 25. Tromme 26. Carry 27. Sprang 28. Oppmerksom 30. Seed 33. Årsdager 36. Nearly 37. Turn 38. Veier 39. Åpen 40. Snuse 41. Rød 6. Trick 19. Five 28. Declines 7. Swore 20. Tå 29. Full av ugress Down/Loddrett 8. Staffeli 21. Fire 30. Avfyrte 1. Glo olmt 9. Trawler 22. Løper 31. Run, race 2. Hjelpere 10. Salamander 23. Special 32. Bail 3. Speckled 12. Not 24. Skaper 34. Hyssop 4. The crop 14. The Year 25. Drag 35. Betray 5. Storr, siv 15. Erect 26. Låver Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord by Ed Egerdahl of the Scandinavian Language Institute Ed Egerdahl wrote these puzzles for Scandinavian Language Institute’s classes at 122. For lite plass til norsk språk 58. Beskriver et vakkert hus (N) 89. Fiend Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum. It’s possible a few of the clues will make more industriens store navn 59. Luktende krydder 90. Skitten i #116 vannrett sense if you remember that—there may be some Seattle-centric answers. There’s 123. Skrev ned 62. Erteholder 91. Kjærlighets roman definitely some wacky humor, and if you find yourself uncertain about a two-letter 124. Du må ta #61, #122 og #51 63. Folkekunnskaper 93. Lukket opp answer, try “Ed.” vannrett sammen og forkorte til 3 64. Musikken spilt hvor musikerne er 95. Fargestift for barn (N) = skriv på norsk. Otherwise, the answers are in English. bokstaver tilstede 96. Prillar-Guri instrument (N) 65. Banke på døren 98. Vinkel 66. Sjøbunnen går lenger ned der 99. Ikke imot VANNRETT 63. Oles vits-kone (N) LODDRETT 67. Fornøyd 100. Prøvde noe farlig 1. Hvilket kom først, hønen eller.... 64. En smal vei 1. Noen gang 68. Evighetens by 101. Svart veidekning (N) 65. Stole på noen 2. Veldig sterk vind 69. Den fører røyk ut av huset (N) 102. Leilighet avdeling 4. Mindre gal 66. En del av nettadresser 3. Var glimrende 70. Tynne stykker ved 103. Skrike (N) 9. Spillekort eller graveutstyr 67. Holde ubehagelig tett rundt noe 4. Kastet frø 71. En flyger 104. Skriftlig hilsen 14. Søm, kleskant 69. En blokk skrivepapir 5. Veldig tørt klima 72. Sitron smak 105. En julepresang for eksempel (N) 17. Formet som #1 vannrett 70. Kom opp i høy hastighet 6. Mase, en gammel hest 74. Norsk genser fabrikk (by-navn) 106. Stokk å gå etter et dyr med 18. Yrke, karriere 72. Dele i like grupperinger 7. Kryssord mesteren som har stor 75. “Meis” gjort om og stavet på 107. Skotsk gælisk adjektiv 19. Hedensk 73. Fredens fugl glede av dette! engelsk 108. Lør. fork. 20. Noe som stinker 74. Svømme bare noen få minutter 8. Respekt og ære 76. Noe kjemisk 111. Kle brukt å tørke støv med 22. La andre få bruke (N) 75. Personlig pronomen 9. I ungdommelig god form 78. Falle, dette 112. Ærlig U.S. pres. 23. Stor lastebil 77. Si noe som ikke er sant 10. Kamerat 79. Knytte skolisse 113. Haakon, Olav og Haralds 24. Blomsterkrans for midtsommer 78. Norsk jentenavn (N) 11. Tyrkisk tittel 80. Gjøre middagen ferdig (N) Kongeriket (fork.) 26. Elektrisk strøm sender 79. Som veldig mange Ole vitser! 12. Margaretes kongeriket (fork.) 81. Mellom kne og fot 114. Fant i midten av #118V. 27. Opplevde en historie mens man 80. Den blir dannet når man sitter 13. Ble ferdig med 84. Hermetiske bokser 119. Bibelsk “se!” sov 81. Skandinavias flyselskap 14. Leslie fra “Tatt av vinden” 85. Det vi synger (N) 29. Jesu mor 82. Europeisk høyfjell 15. Gjør en redaktørs jobb 30. Overhode glad 83. Borte 16. Én kopp kaffe til 32. Snakke som en katt 84. Stav, stokk 17. En rar norsk manns navn 33. Gjøre skade 85. Når ting er på salg 21. Eriks hårfarge 34. Lille Petter Edderkopp for eks. 86. Populær sang 25. Kroppsdel som dingler på hver 37. Det man gjør til “glass” for å lage 87. En av fem per fot side (N) bestemt formen (2 ord) 88. Bokbegynnelse 28. Kom i kontakt med 40. Helt ut av kontroll 90. En slags krydderurt 29. Hannkjønn 41. H.C. Andersens stygge andunge i 91. Gå opp 31. Eiendomsavtaler virkelighet 92. Gammeldags barberhøvel lær 33. Ansette en arbeider 42. Flink, greier uten problem 94. Ikke en eneste 34. Tok en runde i bassengen 46. Skiftet farge på 95. Sommerens is holder 35. Danse skritt (kryssord ord) 47. Skjære av skreller 96. En som foretrekker å være alene 36. Hurtig, øyeblikkelig 48. Drikkeholdere 97. Serverings utstyr 37. Gammel ordspråk 50. Borgerkrig militær leder 99. Prinsen før kysset 38. Forkortelse for å ta vann ut av 51. Siste 3 bokstaver til #122 vannrett 100. Adjektiv for #63 vannrett (N) noe—skrevet opp ned! 52. Gå til sengs (N) 101. Elegant suppe fat 39. Hvor bonden bodde i barnesangen 53. Et lite mål, spesielt for alkohol (N) 104. Regnfrakk for eks. 40. Vinke eller vifte 54. Uavgjort fotballkamp 105. Parkeringsplasser eller verksteder 41. Smekke med hånden 55. Poetisk stykke 109. Unevnt forfatter (fork.) 43. Giftet seg i hemmelighet 56. Stiv hårkrem 110. Lagersted for mel og gryn 44. Å få sykkel hjulene til å gå 57. Der gull og sølv kommer fra 114. To i et sett (N) 45. Bitte liten 58. Kikkende Tomas (uffda!) 115. Ibsens Dukkehjem dame 47. Havn eller en spesiell rødvin 59. Tredje måned (N) 116. Skorstein (N) 48. Den i #41 (V) eller den i #12 (L) er 60. Steke utstyr 117. Barnefødsel et utmerket eksempel 61. Din vert og guide på denne lille 118. Martini grønnsak 49. Irlands ekte navn sommerturen (N) 120. Skuespill mannskap 52. Problem inne i skorsteinen 62. I slekt med #60 V. 121. Bamses navn forkortet 53. Flere bjørnehjem B12 • July 28, 2017 Back Page theNorwegianamerican

< monetary prepared escape that had begun two < challenge From page B4 years earlier when Bank director From page B7 Nicolai Rygg had initiated packing This year’s Joachimsthaler, named for a silver of all gold items for quick trans- dic and minority languages), so for challenges: mine in Bohemia, a source of sil- port should the country be invaded. me the challenge is actually finding ver used in coins. So the emigrants Rygg’s foresight was prescient. The out which books are translated into Challenge 1: Read a left money in dalers and arrived in gold was trucked northward, then English when someone approaches Scandinavian crime book America, to use money in dollars. transported by ship to , and me asking for tips. There is a lot of written by a female author The coincidence ceased in 1875, finally to its wartime storage place great fantasy and science fiction in What My Body Remembers by when the Norwegian Money Act in the U.S. Scandinavia, but not a lot of it is Agnete Friis (Nordic Noir Book introduced the krone (“crown,” be- So A Monetary History of translated into English. Because of Club, June 12) Norway 1816-2016 cause coins usually had an image may be read as the Nordic Noir boom, a lot of the Challenge 2: Read a of a royal crown), upon Norway’s a superbly referenced contribution crime novels are translated, so the Scandinavian fantasy / science entry into the Scandinavian Mint to monetary history or as a source- first challenge should have been fiction book Union to join Denmark and Sweden book reflecting Norwegian history. pretty easy, but I think you’re right The Unit by Ninni Holmqvist in establishing a common coinage In any event, it’s a worthy addition that the second challenge probably (Nordic Book Club, June 27) based on gold. to any Norwegian reference shelf. was the hardest in English. The second is the World War II Challenge 3: Read a book story of “the gold that wasn’t there.” location of the country’s gold stock. A Monetary History of Norway, MJ: Do you have an idea how by an author whose name On April 9, 1940, Germany invaded They were told that the stock, some 1816-2016, by Øyvind Eitrheim, Jan many readers are participating? contains a Scandinavian character Norway. Less than a week later, 30 tons of bars and coins, wasn’t Tore Klovland, and Lars Fredrik HF: It’s very difficult to say, be- I’m Traveling Alone by Samuel German officials went to Norges there, as it was on its way out of the Øksendal, was published by Cam- cause you don’t have to sign up for Bjørk (Nordic Noir Book Club, Bank in Oslo to inquire about the country. Indeed it was, in a carefully bridge University Press in 2016. the challenge. There has been a lot July 10) of interest on social media, but my guess is that the amount of people Challenge 4: Read a < I’ll call you who are actually doing all six chal- Scandinavian book with a From page B10 lenges isn’t very many. Some are white cover doing just one or two of them as The White City by Karolina As the gate clicked, her hand grasped the He jotted this down in his notebook before well. I also think some people are Ramqvist (Nordic Book Club, phone. She quickly slipped it into her pocket. looking up again. “It’s just a formality,” the officer doing it for themselves, without July 25) “He’s called Bruno,” said the woman. “Would said. “But can you tell me your whereabouts at one actually participating in the discus- Challenge 5: Read a book with you like to come in for a cup of tea?” o’clock today. A woman matching your description sion or using the hashtag. A few the word “ice” or “snow” in “No, I’ve arranged to meet my ex in a pub,” was seen standing near him at the time of the ac- people also just participated by the title Sophie said sweetly. “I’m running late.” cident.” sending me an email with the book The Ice Beneath Her by Camilla She told the same thing to the policeman who “I was talking to a woman and her Yorkshire titles they chose. Grebe (Nordic Noir Book Club, knocked on her door that afternoon. terrier,” she said softly. August 7) It’s not too late to participate in the “He wasn’t there,” she said, in as sorrowful a She wouldn’t mention her phone just now but Challenge 6: Read a book that last two challenges—or do them all voice as she could muster. “I had no idea why he if there were any further questions, it was nice to takes place in Iceland on your own schedule! Remember Tómas Jónsson, Bestseller by didn’t come.” know she had a waterproof alibi. to use the hashtag #NordicReading “So you were still close?” he asked. All thanks to Carl. He’d told her he’d found the Guðbergur Bergsson (Nordic to show your book selections on In- Book Club, August 29) “Yes. He’s listed on my insurance policy as my perfect way to kill someone and get away with it. stagram or Twitter. Visit www.scan- next of kin,” she said. For once he was right. dinaviahouse.org to learn more. A Taste of Norway: Your favorite The Kingdom of The Rings recipes from our pages, in one by Duane Lindberg, PhD convenient book! Nominated “Book of the Year” in historical fiction

The “Kingdom of the Rings” is the A Taste of Norway: Flavors exciting Saga of the Norwegian-American from The Norwegian people. It begins during Norway’s “Age of American cookbook: Greatness” in the 13th century and moves By popular demand, we're through the , the conflicts bringing you a collection with Islam, the Reformation,and the Great of recipes that have been Migration to North America in the 19th featured on the pages of and 20th centuries. The Norwegian American. The story is replete with challenged From such acclaimed Nor- characters, mystery, and suspense; so, the dic food writers as Dayto- reader feels the immigrants’ struggle to na Strong, Sunny Ganda- preserve their faith and heritage, while ra, Maria Stordahl Nelson, sharing in the building of America. Whitney Love, and this paper's own former editor, Christy Olsen Field, the spi- Recommended by: ral-bound cookbook will cover main courses, soups Jon Tehven, International President, Rev. O. A. Gillebo, , Norway: and sides, and of course Sons of Norway: “a story of “a brilliant story. ... It has my best sweets. It even has a few expectation and hope.” recommendation.” drink recipes! $29 + shipping Dr. David Noble, Prof. Emeritus, History & Am. Studies, Univ. of Minn.: “a powerful saga ... one feels their joys and sorrows.”

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