University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 4-12-1990 Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 57, April 12, 1990 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 57, April 12, 1990" (1990). Central Florida Future. 990. NEWSCLIPS' ............ ~:. 3 OPINION ., ................ .-. 8 COMICS .; .................... 9 :, CLASSIFIED ............. 10 :· SPORTS ................ : .. 12 Future • Volume 22, Numb~r 57 University of Central Florida/Orlando Thursday· April 12, 1990 Student dies after beating Kick to head causes coma, death by Jamie Carte fore he knew what happened, and Lauren Curtis the man kicked Austin. The NEWS EDITORS first blow to the chest knocked • Austin to the ground. Before A UCF student died Sun he had a chance to stand, a day, two days after suffering a second blow, above his left eye, kick in the head outside a local caused him to hit his head pool hall. against a concrete curb. Wayne Stephen Austin, a After the first kick, Austin's 23-year-old junior finance friends tried to stop the attack, major, spent two days in a but were halted by two men coma following who were with an attack shortly the attacker.