Una Boccata d’Arte 20 artisti 20 borghi 20 regioni

Milano, 10 June 2021


We're approaching the opening of the second edition of Una Boccata d’Arte, a contemporary art project spread all over , in all of its regions that, from 26 June to 26 September 2021, promotes the meeting of contemporary art with the historical and artistic beauty of the the most evocative villages in Italy.

Una Boccata d'Arte is a project by Fondazione Elpis, in collaboration with Galleria Continua, and the participation of Threes Productions, that gives full creative freedom to the artist and allows the use of any artistic media, exploring various themes that dialogue in a convincing way with the villages.

The twenty villages, selected each year on the basis of: less than 5000 inhabitants; the presence of an active cultural scene; and a capacity for family- run artisanal, commercial and hospitality industries, welcome twenty site specific artworks created by emerging and established artists, all of whom have been invited by the Fondazione Elpis and Galleria Continua.

APULIA Pietramontecorvino is the village that will host the exhibition Temmatemenetè by the artist Gaia Di Lorenzo.

The opening will be held on Saturday 26 June at 7pm, after the press conference at 6.30pm in Via Arco Ducale, 71038 Pietramontecorvino (FG).

«It is reassuring that every place, person or culture has a ritual dedicated to the suspension of obligations and the subversion of orders. I just want to bring them back to light, remember them. I focused on two fundamental elements of these occasions in Pietramontecorvino: that of the threshold and that of a-moral songs, the Sciàmbule». Gaia Di Lorenzo for Una Boccata d’Arte 2021.

[email protected] [email protected] www.unaboccatadarte.it un progetto di in collaborazione con

Fondazione Elpis Logo

BLACK 00000 1 colore - Positivo [email protected]

15 02 2021

La stampa colori allegata è il riferimento cromatico finale da ottenere. Il file che alleghiamo è da rilavorare in termini di calibrazione colore, sovrastampa e abbondanza. RA consiglia sempre di poter visionare una prova stampa prima della produzione definitiva in modo da poter ovviare ad eventuali problemi che potrebbero verificarsi in fase di stampa. Per la corretta visualizzazione e stampa dei font che compongono i testi riprodotti in esecutivo, è necessario disporre del software relativo. Tali font, infatti, non sono cedibili e la tipografia commerciale o qualsiasi altro service di stampa che li vorranno riprodurre dovranno poter dimostrare di essere in possesso di una licenza d’uso del software. Per ottenere la licenza d’uso dei software dei font, si raccomanda di rivolgersi a un rivenditore autorizzato. Please note that this colour print-out should be considered as a colour benchmark. This file has to be reworked and checked as far as colour calibration, over print and bleeds are concerned. RA highly recomands to always share a colour proof/digital cromaline before final production in order to support in solving possible issue in repro phase. For the right visualization and printing of the font (s) of this file, it is necessary to own the relative software. These fonts are not transferable at the suppliers that will want to reproduce them.The suppliers must be able to demonstrate to own the license to use the software. To obtain the license to use the font software, it is recommended to contact an authorized dealer.

Una Boccata d’Arte 20 artisti 20 borghi 20 regioni GAIA DI LORENZO IN PIETRAMONTECORVINO

TEXT BY DI BRUNO BARSANTI TEMMATEMENETÈ Nìnne ka quèste jiè ‘a lùtema canzòne! Boy, this is the last song

Temmatemenetè is a widespread intervention in Terravecchia, the ancient village of Pietramontecorvino. The title - a plausible translation of which is «I would kill you, but I don’t feel like it» - coincides with the refrain of a sciàmbule, a form of traditional song widespread in some villages of the Dauni Mountains, practiced on a precarious swing made with a fire log suspended by a rope at the front door of the houses. Handed down exclusively in oral form, the sciàmbule were only sung during the week of Carnival. They allowed a temporary overturn of established hierarchies, customs and the morals in force, conveying from time to time forbidden messages and feelings of love, disdain or pain.

The idea of a physical and symbolic threshold is at the center of the intervention by Gaia Di Lorenzo, whose main focus is the entrance door to the courtyard of the Doge's Palace. Here the artist installs a large aluminum curtain that recalls the traditional fly-screens widespread in the villages of the South (scendelille in the local dialect), surmounted by an inlaid wooden crossbar on which the phrase Temmatemenetè is engraved. This action of decontextualizing a typically popular element has the effect of projecting the entire courtyard into an unusual domestic interior dimension. To echo the main installation, other fly-screens in the alleys and squares of Terravecchia transform the passages and doors of abandoned houses. They and the wind - a constant presence in the village - are entrusted with words and messages that resurface from a distant time and give new life to the sciàmbule.

THE ARTIST Gaia Di Lorenzo (Roma, 1991) constructs her works by superimposing seemingly distant levels of meaning passing from painting to sculpture and incorporating text, sketches and digital prints. Her subjects come from social media images, likewise from antiques and works of art and her colleagues. Among her most recent exhibits exhibitions, we mention: We contain each other (Breve storia di una spugna), ADA, Rome in 2019 and Sitting Amongst, Jupiter Woods art organization, London, in 2018. For more info: www.ada-project.it/gaia- di-lorenzo/. [email protected] [email protected] www.unaboccatadarte.it un progetto di in collaborazione con

Fondazione Elpis Logo

BLACK 00000 1 colore - Positivo [email protected]

15 02 2021

La stampa colori allegata è il riferimento cromatico finale da ottenere. Il file che alleghiamo è da rilavorare in termini di calibrazione colore, sovrastampa e abbondanza. RA consiglia sempre di poter visionare una prova stampa prima della produzione definitiva in modo da poter ovviare ad eventuali problemi che potrebbero verificarsi in fase di stampa. Per la corretta visualizzazione e stampa dei font che compongono i testi riprodotti in esecutivo, è necessario disporre del software relativo. Tali font, infatti, non sono cedibili e la tipografia commerciale o qualsiasi altro service di stampa che li vorranno riprodurre dovranno poter dimostrare di essere in possesso di una licenza d’uso del software. Per ottenere la licenza d’uso dei software dei font, si raccomanda di rivolgersi a un rivenditore autorizzato. Please note that this colour print-out should be considered as a colour benchmark. This file has to be reworked and checked as far as colour calibration, over print and bleeds are concerned. RA highly recomands to always share a colour proof/digital cromaline before final production in order to support in solving possible issue in repro phase. For the right visualization and printing of the font (s) of this file, it is necessary to own the relative software. These fonts are not transferable at the suppliers that will want to reproduce them.The suppliers must be able to demonstrate to own the license to use the software. To obtain the license to use the font software, it is recommended to contact an authorized dealer.

Una Boccata d’Arte 20 artisti 20 borghi 20 regioni


THE VILLAGE Pietramontecorvino is a village of 2,700 residents in in the province of , which is 40km away. Holding an Orange Flag certification from the Touring Club and one of the Most Beautiful village in Italy, it is located in the Subappennino Dauno, and the old town, known as «Terravecchia», retains much of its original medieval architectural features, with tuff houses. The Torre Normanna, the Matrice church, and the Ducal Palace form a monumental complex at the top of the spur.

FONDAZIONE ELPIS Established in 2020 by Marina Nissim, entrepreneur and contemporary art collector, has as its purpose the valorization and promotion of expressive forms of contemporary art and creativity, particularly with regard to education and social utility. Fondazione Elpis especially focuses on supporting young and emerging artists, from different countries and cultures, whose talent deserves a greater opportunity for visibility and support. The exhibition space, currently being renovated, will open to public in spring 2022, in the heart of Milano.

GALLERIA CONTINUA Contemporary art gallery established in 1990 by Mario Cristiani, Lorenzo Fiaschi and Maurizio Rigillo, today to date it has seven locations around the world: in 1990 opens in San Gimignano, little Tuscan village; in 2004 in Beijing, in 798 district; in 2007 at Les Moulins, in the Parisian countryside; in 2015 in La Habana, Cuba; in 2020 in Rome, into The St. Regis Rome, and in São Paulo, Brazil. In January 2021 opens a new exhibition space in Paris, in Le Marais district.

THREES PRODUCTIONS A curatorial team and creative agency based in Milano, concentrates its practice on projects that intersect sound, art and landscape. In the second edition of Una Boccata d’Arte 2021, Threes will curate the exhibitions by Camille Norment in Santa Gertrude, Francesco Cavaliere in Vallo di Nero and Polisonum in Gesualdo. [email protected] [email protected] www.unaboccatadarte.it un progetto di in collaborazione con

Fondazione Elpis Logo

BLACK 00000 1 colore - Positivo [email protected]

15 02 2021

La stampa colori allegata è il riferimento cromatico finale da ottenere. Il file che alleghiamo è da rilavorare in termini di calibrazione colore, sovrastampa e abbondanza. RA consiglia sempre di poter visionare una prova stampa prima della produzione definitiva in modo da poter ovviare ad eventuali problemi che potrebbero verificarsi in fase di stampa. Per la corretta visualizzazione e stampa dei font che compongono i testi riprodotti in esecutivo, è necessario disporre del software relativo. Tali font, infatti, non sono cedibili e la tipografia commerciale o qualsiasi altro service di stampa che li vorranno riprodurre dovranno poter dimostrare di essere in possesso di una licenza d’uso del software. Per ottenere la licenza d’uso dei software dei font, si raccomanda di rivolgersi a un rivenditore autorizzato. Please note that this colour print-out should be considered as a colour benchmark. This file has to be reworked and checked as far as colour calibration, over print and bleeds are concerned. RA highly recomands to always share a colour proof/digital cromaline before final production in order to support in solving possible issue in repro phase. For the right visualization and printing of the font (s) of this file, it is necessary to own the relative software. These fonts are not transferable at the suppliers that will want to reproduce them.The suppliers must be able to demonstrate to own the license to use the software. To obtain the license to use the font software, it is recommended to contact an authorized dealer.

Una Boccata d’Arte 20 artisti 20 borghi 20 regioni GAIA DI LORENZO IN PIETRAMONTECORVINO

Gaia Di Lorenzo Temmatemenetè from 26.06 to 26.09.2021 Opening 26.06 at 7pm Press conference 6.30pm Via Arco Ducale, 71038 Pietramontecorvino (FG).

Outdoor installations, free access.

Temmatemenetè (2021), installation, aluminum curtain, inlaid walnut, approx. 230 x 300 cm. Door of the Doge's Palace, Via Arco Ducale, 71038 Pietramontecorvino (FG).

Scendelille #1-13 (2021), widespread installation, 13 elements, aluminum curtains, inlaid walnut wood, variable dimensions. # 1 Via Porta Alta, 27; # 2 Via Porta Alta s.n.c; # 3 Via Porta Alta s.n.c .; # 4 Via Porta Alta, 68; # 5 Via Antonelli, 40; # 6 Via Antonelli s.n.c; # 7 Via Antonelli, 8; # 8 Via Antonelli s.n.c .; # 9 Vico Clemente (passage towards Vico Ricciardelli); # 10 Vico Ricciardelli, 12; # 11 Via Antonelli, corner of Via Triolo; # 12 Vico Piacquadio, 17; # 13 Corte del Palazzo Ducale (small door under the Norman Tower).

Press Maddalena Bonicelli | [email protected] | +39 335 685 7707

Il Comune di Uno tra i Borghi Con il Patrocinio di: Pugliapromozione, GAL Pietramontecorvino più Belli d'Italia Meridaunia, Regione Puglia

Partner tecnici

[email protected] [email protected] www.unaboccatadarte.it un progetto di in collaborazione con

Fondazione Elpis Logo

BLACK 00000 1 colore - Positivo [email protected]

15 02 2021

La stampa colori allegata è il riferimento cromatico finale da ottenere. Il file che alleghiamo è da rilavorare in termini di calibrazione colore, sovrastampa e abbondanza. RA consiglia sempre di poter visionare una prova stampa prima della produzione definitiva in modo da poter ovviare ad eventuali problemi che potrebbero verificarsi in fase di stampa. Per la corretta visualizzazione e stampa dei font che compongono i testi riprodotti in esecutivo, è necessario disporre del software relativo. Tali font, infatti, non sono cedibili e la tipografia commerciale o qualsiasi altro service di stampa che li vorranno riprodurre dovranno poter dimostrare di essere in possesso di una licenza d’uso del software. Per ottenere la licenza d’uso dei software dei font, si raccomanda di rivolgersi a un rivenditore autorizzato. Please note that this colour print-out should be considered as a colour benchmark. This file has to be reworked and checked as far as colour calibration, over print and bleeds are concerned. RA highly recomands to always share a colour proof/digital cromaline before final production in order to support in solving possible issue in repro phase. For the right visualization and printing of the font (s) of this file, it is necessary to own the relative software. These fonts are not transferable at the suppliers that will want to reproduce them.The suppliers must be able to demonstrate to own the license to use the software. To obtain the license to use the font software, it is recommended to contact an authorized dealer.