Parent Advisory Meeting @ Hussey Books (Perhaps a Favorite from Your School, 7:45 AM Childhood, Or One About Their Favorite
Our Facebook Page: District Website: p The holiday season is upon us, and I’m sure many December 1- Title 1 progress reports go home of you are trying to think of gifts that are fun, December 1- Title 1 Progress Reports Come Home DecemberDecember 12 12- -Early Early Release Release engaging, and helpful to your child. We have a December 22- January 2- No School- Holiday Vacation few ideas that can help develop literacy and December 22- January 2- No School- Holiday January 12- Early Release math skills: Vacation January 24- Parent Advisory Meeting @ Hussey Books (perhaps a favorite from your School, 7:45 AM childhood, or one about their favorite topic) “Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.” ~Emilie Buchwald Chess, checkers and/or mancala games Board games such as Sequence, Upwards, Boggle, Scattergories, Scrabble Jr. Cool pencils, pens, notepads and diary Parent Advisory Origami book and paper Building sets and blocks Our last parent advisory meeting was at Leap Frog Fridge Phonics Lincoln School on Nov. 14. Thank you to all who attended and provided feedback about our Title 1 programming. We discussed the following topics: Grant requirements and funding for parent involvement Composition of Title 1 staff Technology Corner Referral and identification process Small group intense interventions in literacy and math The following website provides early literacy Books sent home-purpose and process games your child can play. However, it also Title 1 open house, parent-teacher conferences and welcome bags provides links to other literacy websites you Future ideas of events and opportunities families may find fun and helpful for extending literacy would like to participate in development beyond the school day….
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