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3 Iran will spareno of tests,”itadded. with advanced capabilities... willundergoaseries [01:00 GMT]. 4am localtime into spaceat shot was 16” “Ofek andIsraelAerospaceIndustriessaid Defense of military intelligence. its for surveillance high-quality provide would haslaunchedanewspysatellitethatitsaid chtn.ir effort in backing rst The reconnaissancesatellite The “electro-optical In astatementonMonday, Israel’sMinistry building atNatanznuclearsite Iran tostartreconstruction ofdamaged significant,” was on MondayquotedKamalvandiassaying. IRNA losses,” the for compensate and complex the cause oftheincidentandwaytoreconstruct to Complex willgetunderwaysoon. at theShahidAhmadiRoshanNatanz building by theaccident. complex andmanyofthemweredestroyed the in instruments precision and equipment uring nuclear complex. in has saidanexplosionatakeynuclearfacility the AtomicEnergyOrganizationofIran(AEOI), —BehroozKamalvandi,TEHRAN spokesmanfor

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Joint 7,2020 - - Aris Davitian. manager ofthecultural complexofthecathedral era (1501–1736)to thepresent, CHTNquotedthe by Armenianartistsfrom theSafavid ments made hand-made culture andart. with theaimofintroducingtheir 400-year-old districtJolfa New of Armenians by made crafts hosting anexhibitionofartworks andhandi called Kelisa-yeVank)inIsfahanis(locally TEHRAN – Armenian culture Armenian culture

entire WestAsia—andevenabitmorethan Ofek-11, whichenteredorbitin2016. the space,following into launched be to series ministry said.theOfek Itisthelatestsatellitein sance satellitewithadvancedcapabilities,” the program. that,” saidShlomiSudari, theheadofIAI’s space Elbit Systems. ellite’s See page2 See The exhibitisdisplayingtraditional costumes, Vank Cathedral Vank Cathedral The Ofek-16isan“optoelectronicreconnais “Our network ofsatellitesletsuswatchthe

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Dhi AlQada Mehdi ValipourMehdi assayingonMonday. physical characteristics,” IRNAquoted rescuers inaccidentsduetotheirspecial tance fromspecializedgroupsoffemale and ReliefOrganizationhasannounced. head oftheRedCrescentSociety’sRescue women providing reliefandrescueoperationsto female membersoftheRedCrescentSociety TEHRAN — Cultural StudiesandPlanningan ganizations, theministry’sOfficefor people andanumberofculturalor books, whichhavebeendonatedby country topromotereading. of bookstoisolatedvillagesacrossthe free packages sent Guidance has Islamic TEHRAN – Latifi Pakistan arefullyresumed,”Rouholah ern Sistan-BaluchestanProvince)with trade borders(intheIraniansoutheast- reopenedtoday,were IRNAreported. Pakistan with border points more three (IRICA) announcedonMondaythatIran’s Administration Customs Iran of Republic Islamic of spokesman TEHRAN — The


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In December 2019, Fallahi announced that sev that announced In December2019, Fallahi Earlier inApriltourismauthorities oftheprovince The bridgeis345meters suspension Meshginshahr Pointing totheprovince’sMeshginshahrsuspen- bridge isbeingconstructedinAznavtourist The Inaugurated inJanuary, Hircurvedglasssus these protestsonbothsidesoftheissuefrom these protesters dressedinblackandwearingface protesters it hasbeen,” headded. ” them tocomeinaslongit’speaceful, which allow and that park ...werespect here attheso WXIA-TV. ment respect people’stime totime.WeFirstAmend Pressreported. sociated 100 to 200protesterswerepeaceful, about the said Association, Memorial Mountain Let’s go.” here. Where... youat?We’reinyourhouse. shouting intoaloudspeaker. while white supremacists leader challenging scarves during theprotest. to return to Iran to return to prevent Ayanda Patosi Patosi Ayanda prevent restrictions Flight - - - -

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Iranian Air Force unveils indigenous simulator system for Vaezi says Iran welcomes Russian-made Ilyushin Il-76

POLITICAL TEHRAN – The Iranian Air Force on Monday desk close ties with Venezuela brought into service a homegrown simulator system for the Russian-made Ilyushin Il-76 strategic airlifter, Tasnim reported. The strategic airlifter was unveiled in a ceremony in Tehran at- POLITICAL TEHRAN — Presidential Venezuelan waters on June 1. tended by Air Force Commander . deskchief of staff Mahmoud The tankers carried 1,520,000 barrels of The Air Force chief said experts from Air Force have made such Vaezi said on Monday that Iran respects the gasoline and diesel fuel to Venezuela. There advances in the technology of full flight simulators that they can de- Venezuela government and people and wel- was also a team of Iranian engineers and spe- velop simulators for both military and civilian aircraft. comes expansion of ties and cooperation with cialists from the oil industry on board heading Nasirzadeh also unveiled plans to produce a homegrown simulator the Latin American country. for the country. system for P3F planes. “Iran’s political determination is sup- Reportedly, another four Iranian tankers Ilyushin Il-76, Soviet military transport aircraft, first flown in 1971 porting the legal Venezuelan government are sailing towards Venezuela. and first produced in 1975. It was designed by the Ilyushin design and helping the people of this country solve Both Iran and Venezuela have been sanc- bureau under G.V. Novozhilov. their problems,” he said during a meeting tioned by the U.S. with Venezuelan president special envoy In remarks on June 11, the commander of Jorge Marquez. the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps said Iran Vaezi also noted that the United States “imposed its will” after sending fuel tankers to seeks to exert pressure and hatch plots against Venezuela and denounced the United States the freedom-seeking people, especially Iran as a fading world power. and Venezuela. Major General said despite “We have to prevent any harm to the harshest American sanctions, Iran was still able people’s well-being by the enemies’ sanc- to supply Caracas with crucial petrol products. Venezuelan president special envoy Jorge Marquez (left) held talks with Iranian presi- tions through solidarity and expansion of The Islamic Republic is “breaking the dential chief of staff Mahmoud Vaezi in Tehran on Monday. cooperation and relations,” the presidential back of the enemies”, Salami said, according chief of staff said. Rouhani has said that Iran and Venezuela ‘Iranian tankers’ arrival in Ven- to Aljazeera. The Venezuelan envoy delivered a written should deepen “strategic” and “friendly” ties. ezuela was a celebration day’ “By God’s grace, today we are witnessing message of Venezuelan President Nicolas Ma- He made the remarks in a message to Marquez also said that arrival of Iranian the early and rapid decline of our arch enemies, duro to President . President Maduro on the occasion of the fuel tankers in Venezuela was a celebration particularly the U.S. All of the symbols with Marquez said that Iran and Venezuela have anniversary of Venezuela’s independence. day for the people. which the U.S. was presenting itself and was very good relations, calling for expansion of ties. “Stressing the necessity of deepening People of Venezuela considers the Iranian displaying an untrue image to the world are The Il-76 was a heavy transport plane, capable of handling a pay- He also praised Iran’s supports for Ven- friendly and strategic relations between the nation a “great hero”, he added. falling, and the U.S. is tearing apart the image it load of more than 88,000 pounds (40,000 kilograms), according to ezuela. two countries, I am sure that we will witness Five Iranian oil tankers by the names of had created about itself,” said the top general. britannica.com. Elsewhere, he said that the U.S. hegemony the Venezuelan people’s victory in overcoming Petunia, Forest, Faxon, Clavel, and Fortune “Unable to contain the coronavirus, the U.S. It was equipped with two cranes that traveled on overhead tracks, is common enemy of Iran and Venezuela which the current problems in near future,” Rouhani carried fuel to Venezuela despite the United is today in the worst economic conditions,” and its rear ramp doubled as a hoist. Unlike most military transports, should be countered through unity. predicted. States’ sanctions. The last of them entered he added. the Il-76 was armed, with two guns in a rear turret. Its four turbofan engines produced 26,455 pounds of thrust each. Its maximum speed in level flight was 528 miles per hour (850 km per hour), and its ceiling was 50,850 feet (15,500 m). From 30 to 90 Ayatollah Khamenei: Iran will spare no effort in backing Palestinians passengers could be accommodated. POLITICAL TEHRAN —In response to a letter by Ha- ground for weakening the U.S. and Zionist regime,” Ayatollah Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed deskmas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh, Khomeini wrote. to start annexing all settlement blocs and the Jordan Valley Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah The resistance’s struggle, the Leader noted, has “caused in the occupied West Bank. The move, however, appears to Iran’s progress, capabilities has reiterated that Iran will “spare no effort” in backing the weakness and frustration for them (the U.S. and Israel), and have come to a halt in light of widespread international re- causes of concern for U.S., oppressed Palestinians against the Zionist regime of Israel. has, on the other hand, awarded esteem and pride to the jection of the plan. “The Islamic Republic of Iran, like the past, as a religious Muslim nation.” More than 320 scholars, former presidents and legislators Israel: Zarif and human duty and also based on the principles of the Islamic After suffering “irreparable” defeats in the battleground, from Latin America joined forces to condemn Israel’s planned Revolution, will spare no effort for supporting the oppressed the “pitiable enemy” tried furthering its expansionist approach annexation of parts of the occupied Palestinian territories. (Press TV) — Iran’s foreign minister says the pressures exerted Palestinian people and restoration of their rights and fending and attempts at violating Palestinians’ rights through laying In a joint statement, the public personalities said, “The by the United States and Israel on the Islamic Republic prove that off the evil of the fake and usurper Zionist regime,” Ayatollah a siege on the Gaza Strip and subjecting the coastal sliver to increasing severity of the Israeli violations and its impunity both regimes are concerned about the new grounds Tehran has Khamenei stated in the response letter. economic pressure, Ayatollah Khamenei’s letter read. The compel us to answer to the call made by the vast majority of broken in recent years and its continued progress. The Palestinian official had recently sent letters to more Leader was referring to the blockade that the Tel Aviv regime organizations from the Palestinian civil society,” Middle East Speaking in a meeting of senior officials of Iran’s Foreign Min- than 120 Arab and Muslim officials, calling on them to join began to impose on Gaza after Hamas came to rule the enclave. Monitor reported on July 3. istry on Monday, said, “Perhaps, no other hands in defense of the Palestinian cause, and devise mecha- “With the logic of wisdom, reasoning, and experience, the “We support the Palestinian people’s demands to end the country has been under such mounting pressure from certain [world] nisms to stop Israel’s plan to annex large parts of the occupied brave Palestinian nation has overcome the Zionists’ threats,” arm trades and the military and security cooperation with powers, especially the United States, and the Zionist regime.” West Bank, calling Tel Aviv’s decision “criminal and racist.” the Leader remarked. Israel; to lift the free trade agreements with that State; to He added that the Iranian Foreign Ministry has been constantly The Leader said, “I have carefully studied your message The Leader noted that awareness, unity, and solidarity ban the trade with the illegal Israeli settlements; and to hold dealing with countries and groups outside Iran, which use all their about the current conditions of dear Palestine. I appreciate among the Palestinian people and groups will have an effec- accountable the individuals and cooperative actors, complicit power to mount pressure on the all Jihadi forces for the Resistance movement that has set the tive role in thwarting the plans of the enemy by the Zionists. with such regime of occupation and apartheid.” Iranian people. Zarif noted that pressures put on Iran by Washington and Tel China says U.S. withdrawal from Iranian parliament speaker calls Aviv stem from the fact that both regimes “are concerned about nuclear deal is source of tension for closer ties with Qatar Iran’s growth and capabilities, POLITICAL which has prompted them to take POLITICAL TEHRAN – Chi- TEHRAN — Majlis Al Thani who was on a tour of Iran. desk desk action to confront it.” nese Foreign Ministry Speaker Mohammad Rouhani said that the two countries have Zarif’s remarks came just a spokesperson Zhao Lijian has said that the Bagher Ghalibaf on Monday called for ex- very good relationship in various areas of day after the commander of the United States’ withdrawal from the 2015 pansion of political, economic and cultural economy, science and culture. Islamic Revolution Guards Corps nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, is the ties with Qatar. “A joint commission will be formed in (IRGC) Navy, Brigadier General main source of tension around Iran’s nu- “It is expected that the two countries future months and we hope that the two , announced that clear program. pay more attention to economic coop- countries would reach agreements on eco- the country has developed under- “The United States withdrawal from the eration,” he said during a meeting with nomic cooperation, investment, technology ground cities along the country’s JCPOA and maximum pressure against Iran Qatari Ambassador to Iran Mohammed and other areas,” the president stated. entire southern shores, including are main sources of tension around Iran’s bin Hamad Al Hajri. He also said that Iran and Qatar will the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman, which can accommodate nuclear program. China is hopeful that all Ghalibaf also sought expansion of co- expand political ties. commitments under the JCPOA and the both naval vessels and missiles. sides remain within the framework of the operation in the area of tourism industry. For his part, the Qatari emir said that resolutions passed by the (JCPOA) Joint “We [in the Iranian Armed Forces] have underground cities, JCPOA Joint Commission and solve differ- The Qatari diplomat said his country Doha will never forget Tehran’s help in Commission, the minister of foreign affairs which house both vessels and missiles,” the commander said, ences through dialogue,” ISNA quoted Lijian attaches great importance to relations with difficult days. of the Islamic Republic of Iran yesterday adding, “Our entire shoreline [in southern Iran] is equipped with as saying on Monday in a tweet message. Tehran in various spheres. “We praise the Islamic Republic of Iran’s sent a letter to Mr. Borrell, the European [various types of] arms.” Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad stance in recent years, especially when Qatar Union foreign policy chief and the JCPOA “Another thing I am going to say [to enemies] with certainty has written a letter to EU foreign policy Javad Zarif discussed expansion of ties was under blockade,” the emir said. coordinator, and once again referred the is that we are present everywhere in the Persian Gulf and the Sea chief Josep Borrell, denouncing the E3’s with Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed Sheikh Tamim also called for expansion cases of the European countries’ non-com- of Oman and ... in places you cannot even imagine. We are your non-compliance with the JCPOA after the bin Abdulrahman Al Thani on June 29. of relations. pliance according to Article 36 of the JCPOA nightmare,” Tangsiri added. three European states drafted an anti-Iran The two top diplomats also discussed In June of 2017, Saudi Arabia along to the Joint Commission for settlement.” ‘U.S. must not be allowed to reintroduce Iran as resolution at the IAEA Board of Governors. the latest international developments. with Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Iran will take the necessary and propor- security threat’ The resolution was approved on June 19. President Hassan Rouhani said in Jan- Emirates (UAE) abruptly cut off diplomatic tional measures in response to any excessive Addressing the same meeting, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas uary that Iran has stood and will stand relations with Qatar and closed land, sea demands and irresponsible behaviors, and for Political Affairs Abbas Araqchi said the United States should Mousavi said on Friday, “Following the beside Qatar in future. and air routes to the country. The severing firmly calls on the three European states not be allowed to once again portray Iran as a “security threat.” irresponsible and illegal measure by the “At a juncture of time, certain regional of relations also included withdrawing am- to prepare the ground to save and fully “Every move that would introduce Iran as a security threat three European states (Germany, the UK, countries imposed restrictions on Qatar, bassadors and imposing trade and travel implement the JCPOA by honoring their on the international scene would be playing in the U.S. court,” and France) to initiate a draft resolution at but Iran stood beside Qatar and will stand bans on Doha. commitments instead of following the United Araqchi said. the International Atomic Energy Agency based on its duties as a neighbor,” Rouhani The Islamic Republic opened its air- States’ policy of maximum pressure, the He added that U.S. President Donald Trump is facing a difficult Board of Governors and also the continuation said during a joint press conference with space to about 100 more Qatari flights a spokesperson concluded. situation after the recent developments in the country and “therefore, of non-compliance with the international Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad day during the blockade. we should not give a pretext to the U.S. to use Iran as a bargaining chip in the [upcoming] U.S. [presidential] election campaign.” He said Washington has increased its so-called maximum Compensation for victims of Ukrainian plane to be discussed after technical investigation: Kiev pressure campaign against Iran to its highest level over the past six months after it failed to achieve its objectives. By staff and agency He added, “The Islamic Republic of Iran’s experts will The senior Iranian diplomat warned that the U.S. is currently Deputy Foreign Minister of Yevhen Yenin has said lead the investigation and the decoding will be done under pursuing its “main objective” that is “to once again send [the case that the volume of compensation for victims of the Ukrainian the Iranian team’s supervision and guidance. Other countries of] Iran to the [United Nations] Security Council and has mobilized plane crash will be discussed when the technical investigation which are related to this regrettable incident can dispatch all its power to this effect,” adding that such “a dangerous game” is completed. delegations to France as observers.” may cause strategic damage for Iran if the Iranian side played “At this stage, technical investigation has not yet been Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had announced into the U.S. hands. completed. If it confirms the fact of unlawful interference, it on June 22 that Iran will send the black boxes to France. Pointing to the outcomes of the international nuclear agreement will be possible to proceed to the second phase of the nego- “The Islamic Republic of Iran will send the black box of -- known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) -- tiation process and more specifically discuss the volume of the Ukrainian airplane to France in the coming few days in signed between Iran and major world powers in 2015, Araqchi said, compensation. It’s still too early to talk about something,” order to read its information,” Zarif said in a phone call with “Foiling a security agreement that was made between the U.S. and told Ukraine 24 TV channel in an interview published on Canadian Foreign Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne. Israelis after many years was one of the JCPOA’s achievements. Monday. France’s BEA air accident investigation agency is known We intended to prevent the reformation of this consensus over He also said, “Black boxes have not been sent to France internationally as one of the leading agencies in the world the past months.” yet. As of today, we have another promise from the Iranian for reading flight recorders, and black boxes have been sent Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has said that the U.S. policy side to do this on July 20. A couple of days ago we received there in other high profile cases of crashes. to exert ‘maximum pressure’ on Iran has already failed and all from the French authorities their consent to accept two of The victims of the crash included 82 Iranians, 63 Irani- Head of the Judicial Organization of the Armed Forces said economic indexes show that the country has weathered the worst our experts who will participate in the process as members an-Canadians, 11 Ukrainians, 10 Swedes, four Afghans, three on June 30 that extensive investigations have been carried phase of that policy. of the technical investigation group.” Germans, and three British nationals. out over the Ukrainian plane crash incident and the dossier Rouhani made the remarks in a press conference with domestic The Ukrainian passenger plane, with 176 people aboard, Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for International and Legal will be sent to court after investigations are completed. and international media in Tehran in February, saying, “All [eco- was mistaken for an invading missile. The tragic incident hap- Affairs Mohsen Baharvand said on June 28 that France will “We have carried out extensive investigations in this dos- nomic] indexes show that we have weathered [the worst phase of] pened a few hours after Iran fired missiles at a U.S. air base in start decoding black boxes of the Ukrainian plane. sier and have reached good results,” Shokrollah Bahrami the U.S. maximum pressure [policy]. Americans have reached the western Iraq in retaliation for the January 3 assassination of “Decoding black box of the Ukrainian plane will start in told reporters. conclusion that the path they have chosen [for dealing with Iran] General Qassem Soleimani. Following the retaliation attack, France on July 20 under supervision of an Iranian team,” Bahrami also noted that the families of the victims will has been based on a wrong strategy.” the Iranian military had been put on high alert. IRNA quoted Baharvand as saying. receive financial compensation for the incident. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y JULY 7, 2020 IRAN IN FOCUS 3

Launching dispute resolution mechanism Tehran sympathizes with not a good idea, says Russian envoy Japan over deadly flood POLITICAL TEHRAN — Tehran has expressed regret over POLITICAL TEHRAN — Mikhail Energy Agency Board of Governors and deskthe recent flood and landslide in Japan, which deskUlyanov, ’s per- also the continuation of non-compliance left dozens of people dead or missing and caused great damage. manent representative to the Vienna-based with the international commitments un- In a statement on Monday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Ab- international organizations, believes it’s not der the JCPOA and the resolutions passed bas Mousavi offered condolences to the Japanese nation and a good idea for the E3 countries and Iran to by the (JCPOA) Joint Commission, the government and the bereaved families. launch the dispute resolution mechanism Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic (DRM) under the Iran nuclear agreement. Republic of Iran yesterday sent a letter to In a tweet on Monday, Ulyanov wrote: Mr. Borrell, the European Union foreign “#E3 and #Iran try to launch from dif- policy chief and the JCPOA coordinator, ferent perspectives Dispute Resolution and once again referred the cases of the Mechanism. Not a good idea.” European countries’ non-compliance “Instead of fruitless and potentially according to Article 36 of the JCPOA to damaging disputes of this kind all #JCPOA the Joint Commission for settlement,” participants need to think together how Mousavi said. to preserve the nuclear deal which is in a Iran will take the necessary and pro- very bad shape,” he suggested. portional measures in response to any In another tweet, the ambassador wrote excessive demands and irresponsible that triggering “the Dispute Resolution behaviors, and firmly calls on the three Mechanism has become a regular prac- European states to prepare the ground tice. It is not dramatic and definitely is to save and fully implement the JCPOA not something extraordinary.” by honoring their commitments instead Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad of following the United States’ policy of Javad Zarif said on Saturday that Iran has maximum pressure, the spokesperson triggered the JCPOA dispute resolution concluded. Rescue workers in Japan have begun a desperate search for mechanism on at least six occasions. Borrell also said on Friday that he has survivors after dozens were left dead or missing following wide- “Don’t believe the hype: Iran triggered responded to Zarif’s letter. spread flash flooding triggered by record rainfall on the southern #JCPOA DRM on at least 6 occasions (in “I have received today a letter from island of Kyushu. ref to U.S. AND E3 violations),” Zarif said the Foreign Minister of Iran referring According to CNN, local authorities confirmed at least 18 via his Twitter account. Iran’s concerns regarding implementation people had died and 14 were missing in the prefectures of Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas issues by France, Germany and the United Kumamoto and Kagoshima, with images from the hardest-hit Mousavi announced on Friday that Zarif has Kingdom under the Joint Comprehen- areas showing houses completely destroyed by the strength sent a letter Borrell to denounce the E3’s sive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to the Joint of the flood waters. non-compliance with the deal, officially Commission for resolution through the Japan’s Meteorological Agency issued a warning on Saturday called the JCPOA, after the three European Dispute Resolution Mechanism, as set for unprecedented rainfall, calling for residents in Kyushu to states drafted an anti-Iran resolution at “Following the irresponsible and ille- (Germany, the UK, and France) to initiate a out in paragraph 36 of the agreement,” take “maximum caution.” At least 270,000 people were told to the IAEA Board of Governors. gal measure by the three European states draft resolution at the International Atomic the top European diplomat said. evacuate in four prefectures across the island. Kuma Village in Kumamoto saw a record-breaking 83.5 mil- eometers of rainfall in one hour on Saturday morning, according to the meteorological agency, while Kanoya city in Kagoshima had 109.5 mm in an hour on Monday, its highest ever. Iran to start reconstruction of damaged A heavy rain warning remains in place for parts of Kumamoto and Kagoshima on Monday, with more flooding expected. Japan’s Self Defense Forces and security authorities are building at Natanz nuclear site continuing search and rescue operations in Kumamato and 1 “Due to some security considerations, the cause and berattacks to undermine Iran’s nuclear program, but that Kagoshima prefectures. Efforts have been complicated by con- manner of this incident will be announced at a proper time,” has been ruled out as a cause in this case. ditions on the ground, however, with flooding and landslides Press TV quoted him as saying. Some analysts are of the opinion that Israel is seeking to cutting off contact to hundreds of communities in the high- He said the damage to one of the sheds under construction misuse the incident and attribute it to itself. ly-mountainous region. at the Natanz complex was limited and investigators did not Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raisi said on Monday those who find any nuclear material at the building. have not done their duties properly regarding the incidents The incident has aroused suspicion about Israel or the in the Natanz nuclear facility and Sina Clinic will be held United States’ possible involvement. accountable. IRGC, police coordinate Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said on Sunday “The definite policy of the judicial body is to investigate plans on border security that “Iran cannot be allowed to have nuclear capabilities.” and question directors who have not done their duties,” To that end, he claimed, “We take actions that are better Raisi asserted. in Sistan-Balouchestan left unsaid.” 33 people were killed or injured in an explosion caused In the past, Israel and the United States have used cy- by a gas leak at Sina Clinic in northern Tehran on July 1. POLITICAL TEHRAN — Commanders of Iran’s border deskpolice and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force have discussed plans to boost interaction in ensuring security along the country’s south- Will Iran leave NPT if UN arms embargo is extended? eastern border. During a meeting in Sistan-Balouchestan province, IRGC (Excerpt from Anadolu Agency) and the Israeli-American lobbies to put Ground Force commander and Border — The U.S. administration has upped pressure on other countries to prevent Police commander Ahmad Ali Goodarzi underlined the need the ante to seek the extension of a UN Iran from doing arms deals,” he told for close coordination between their forces to ensure sustainable embargo on conventional arms sale to Anadolu Agency. security in the border areas, Tasnim reported. Iran, much to the chagrin of Tehran. If the embargo is lifted, Iran’s all-weath- Last week, U.S. Secretary of State Mike er-allies like Russia and China will step Pompeo urged the UN Security Council forward first to sell their military wares to extend the arms embargo against Iran, to Tehran, which is likely to encourage which ends in October. other countries as well. Washington circulated a draft reso- Reports about major arms deals between lution seeking “indefinite extension” of Iran, Russia, and China have been doing the arms ban, with Pompeo hinting that rounds for a few months now. According the U.S. will invoke a provision in the to reports, Iran may be looking to get SU- 2015 nuclear deal, also known as JCPOA, 30, SU-34 and SU-35. to re-impose all UN sanctions against “I think they have been discussing arms Tehran if the UN Security Council fails deals for a while now. Iran’s defense min- to extend the embargo. ister visited a couple of times and The U.S. administration unilaterally Iran’s chief of staff visited China a while withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran back,” Sirous Amerian, a security analyst, in May 2018 and re-imposed sanctions work even if the U.S. is no longer a party Treaty (NPT). told Anadolu Agency. on Tehran. to the deal, because the language of UN The trigger was a resolution by Inter- The European countries, however, have In an op-ed written for The Wall Street Resolution 2231 gives the right to trigger national Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) not taken a position on it yet. EU foreign Journal last month, Brian Hook, the U.S. snapback to the “original parties”. calling on Iran to “fully cooperate with the policy chief Josep Borrell said he cannot General Goodarzi emphasized his forces’ operations against special representative for Iran and policy This, however, could again be awk- IAEA in implementing its NPT Safeguards comment on the matter as the bloc has drug traffickers, armed outlaws and terrorist groups in the prov- adviser to Pompeo, said the U.S. will ward as the U.S. needs to convince the Agreement and Additional Protocol”. not arrived at any decision on it. ince, saying any source of insecurity in the southeastern borders invoke the unilateral snapback clause country holding the chair of the UN Se- Responding to the IAEA resolution, “We have to think about it but for the would be dealt with firmly. of UN Security Council Resolution 2231, curity Council, which is swapped every 240 Iranian lawmakers called on the time being I cannot explain you something General Pakpour said security prevails across the southeast- which blessed the 2015 nuclear deal, to month. If the U.S. overcomes the hurdle, government to end voluntary imple- that hasn’t happened,” he was quoted as ern border regions, adding that closer cooperation between the reinstate all UN sanctions on Iran if the the veto-holding Russia is likely to chal- mentation of Additional Protocol and saying by The Wall Street Journal. IRGC and the border police would assure the local residents of embargo is lifted in October. lenge the move and the ruling of the UN turn all IAEA’s on-line inspection into On the other hand, if all pre-nuclear security and frighten hostile and terrorist groups in those areas. Hook said that the U.S. plans to return Security Council chair still needs 9 votes off-line mode. deal sanctions are re-imposed on Iran, The Iranian police and security forces have been quite successful to the nuclear deal in order to trigger out of 15 UNSC members. Baqer Ghalibaf, the speaker of Iran’s experts feel Iran will scale up its urani- in ensuring security in the large province of Sistan-Balouchestan the UN sanctions to prevent Iran from Reza Nasri, a foreign policy analyst new parliament, which is dominated um enrichment, which will be a matter of despite its long borders with Pakistan and Afghanistan, harsh buying or selling arms. and international lawyer, said UN posi- by hardliners and conservatives, said concern for the international community. weather and vast desert areas. Tehran, however, maintains that the tions on issues pertaining to international IAEA will “not be allowed to violate legal It also carries other significant risks, as Iran, which has a 900-kilometer common border with Afghan- U.S. failed to meet its obligations under peace and security are reflected in the frameworks at all”, terming it “active, former U.S. State Department coordinator istan, has been used as the main conduit for trafficking drugs UN Security Council Resolution 2231 by UN Security Council resolutions. smart resistance”. for Iran nuclear implementation Jarrett from Afghanistan to narcotics kingpins in Europe. pulling out of the deal, which renders In this case, Nasri says, by adopting Speculation is rife that if the UN ex- Blanc recently warned, like pitting U.S. Despite high economic and human costs, the Islamic Republic it “incapable” of triggering snapback. Resolution 2231 the world body took the tends arms embargo on Iran, the country and UN against each other, delegitimizing has been actively fighting drug-trafficking over the past decades. Experts believe that the U.S. efforts position that Iran’s arms program “no will immediately leave the NPT and end of UN embargos in the future, weakening The country has spent more than $700 million on sealing its to guarantee an extension of the 13-year longer constitutes a threat to interna- its remaining commitments to the 2015 of U.S. sanctions and proliferation of arms borders and preventing the transit of narcotics mainly destined arms ban on Iran will not be so easy. tional peace and security” and decided nuclear deal. sales in the region. for European and Arab countries. Having withdrawn from the Iran nu- to lift the restrictions. Hamid Reza Gholamzadeh, head of To avoid such a situation, there are The war on drug trade originating from Afghanistan has clear deal, they say the U.S. first needs “Ironically, the United States also Tehran-based peace-advocacy organi- reports that if the arms embargo is allowed claimed the lives of nearly 4,000 Iranian police officers over to return to the agreement to trigger the agreed with this position and actually zation Peace Sprit and American studies to expire in October, a new arrangement the past four decades. snapback clause against Iran. And to drafted and endorsed the resolution researcher, says Iran has “little to lose” if could be in offing, with new conditions on In remarks last month, Kazem Gharibabadi, Iran’s ambassa- snapback sanctions, that would require under its previous administration,” he the UN embargo is not lifted in October. future arms deals with Iran, as suggested dor to the Vienna-based international organizations, said Iran nine votes by the UN Security Council told Anadolu Agency. “It will be an absolute death of the by some European officials. has a balanced approach in fighting narcotics, which prioritizes members and no vetoes from its per- “Now, the Trump administration has (Iran nuclear) deal and Iran simply will Gholamzadeh says the global community preventive measures. manent members. unilaterally decided to stand against be left with no reason to remain in the and Europeans need to prevent the U.S. “Iran has a balanced, intelligent approach in the field of nar- Russia and China, the two UN Security global consensus, breach the JCPOA NPT,” he told Anadolu Agency. from pitching for the extension of anti-Iran cotics; the country has put preventive measures and plans to Council permanent members, are likely agreement, violate Resolution 2231 and Ramifications arms embargo and sanctions snapback as raise awareness about the negative impacts of drug abuse high to reject any new resolution by the U.S. even force other countries to violate it.” Mani Mehrabi, a foreign affairs analyst it could have “disastrous consequences”. on its agenda in a bid to reduce the demand for narcotics in the that seeks to extend the arms ban or If the world body goes ahead and ex- at United World International, says the “Iran has been living with sanctions society,” Gahribabadi said. trigger snapback, observers believe. The tends the embargo on Iran, Nasri says rules of play in the U.S. foreign policy long enough to know how to circumvent “In this vein, more than 1.6 individuals were referred to over two Iranian allies have long been calling Iran would “probably rethink its nuclear are “not decisive”, and “lobbies” have them, but if the U.S. proceeds with its de- 9,000 healthcare centers in the country in the past Iranian year,” for the end to UN arms ban on Iran. doctrine”, its relationship with interna- the final say. mands, it will mean nothing but the death the diplomat added. NTP withdrawal tional organizations like the IAEA and “The U.S. government will use the UN of institutions like the UN and UNSC,” he Gharibabadi pointed out that 30 Iranian forces were martyred Experts say the snapback trigger may even withdraw from the Non Proliferation Security Council, the economic lobbies told Anadolu Agency. last year in 2,319 operations against drug trafficking. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 4 ECONOMY JULY 7, 2020

Quarterly exports from IKAC More Iran-Pakistan up 126% yr/yr ECONOMY TEHRAN – Director-general of Imam Khomeini border points deskAirport City (IKAC)’s customs office said exports from the airport increased by 126 percent during the first quarter of the current Iranian calendar year (March 20-June 20), year on year, IRNA reported. reopened According to Gholamreza Safari Taheri, some 1,284 tons of goods worth $231.318 million were exported from the IKAC customs in the 1 According to Latifi although trade the export of fruits and nuts from the Caspian mentioned three months, registering a 126 percent rise in terms of borders have been reopened, but the pas- Sea ports are ongoing with the neighboring value compared to the same period of the previous year. senger sector is still facing some limitations. countries. The major exported goods from this customs office included saf- Mentioning the borders with Turkmen- “Rail, sea and road borders with fron, gold, carpets and medicine, Taheri said. istan, Latifi said: “rail transportation via are also all open,” he added. Sarakhs and Incheh Boroun crossings are President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, resumed on the border with Turkmenistan, Hassan Rouhani, in a telephone conversation and Iranian goods are exported daily with a with the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran capacity of about 90 wagons.” Khan on May 10, had said that the opening lamabad trade relations. June 24, the president called for reopening Noting that maritime borders are also of the border markets of the two countries During a meeting with Pakistan’s new of Iran-Pakistan borders and urged imple- active, he said the import of basic goods and would lead to the development of Tehran-Is- ambassador to Iran, Rahim Hayat Qureshi on mentation of bilateral agreements.

275 idle production units revived in Tehran to host intl. paper exhibit Tehran Province in 15 months next week ECONOMY TEHRAN — A deputy ECONOMY TEHRAN — Iran’s 3rd deskin Tehran Governorate deskInternational Specialized said that 275 idle production units have Exhibition of Paper, Cardboard, Cellulose Prod- been revived in Tehran Province during ucts and Related Machinery will be held at the He noted that the customs’ incomes during the said period reached 15 months since the start of the previous Tehran Permanent International Fairgrounds 5.826 trillion rials (about $138.7 million), 24 percent more than the Iranian calendar year (March 2019). on July 14-17, Public Relations Department figure for the same period last year. Heshmatollah Asgari told IRNA on of Iran International Exhibitions Company “Of course, 6,396 tons of goods, including medicine and raw ma- Monday that the number of idle units in (IIEC) reported. terials were also imported; drugs, industrial equipment and parts and the province was 800 in the beginning of IIEC Managing Director Bahman Hos- medical equipment worth $824.768 million were imported from China, the previous year, and 275 units coming seinzadeh announced that over 60 Iranian Germany and India and cleared through IKAC customs,” he added. back to the production cycle, there are companies will showcase their products and Emphasizing that Imam Khomeini Airport is the country’s largest still 525 units to be revived. latest achievements in the exhibit. passenger crossing, he said: “65,057 passengers traveled from this As previously reported, Iran Small Emphasizing that the health protocols will air border in the mentioned time span, of which 46,495 entered the Industries and Industrial Parks Or- be completely observed in the exhibition, Hos- country while 18,562 passengers left.” ganization (ISIPO) has revived 211 idle seinzadeh said that the experts and specialists Safari Taheri mentioned the customs office of IKAC as a positive production units during the first three can visit the exhibit from 10:00 a.m. until potential for creating productive employment in the country, saying: months of the current Iranian calendar 6:00 p.m. and some measures have been also “In the first three months of this year, 30,000 tons of goods worth Achievements” exhibition, the demand for year (March 20-June 20). active units, the field of non-metallic taken to provide online public visit. $3.996 million were also cleared from the customs of IKAC Free Zone holding specialized exhibitions has increased, The Industry, Mining, and Trade minerals accounts for the biggest share He said this exhibition is being held under to be transited through the country.” the official said adding, these exhibitions will Ministry plans to bring 1500 idle units, of the mentioned units, while food and the condition that Iran needs 350,000 tons “It is hoped that IKAC customs will play an important role in the be held under health protocols and will be mostly small and medium-sized enter- beverage products and rubber and plastic of writing and printing paper, most of which economic growth of the country,” he stressed. open only for specialists. prises (SMEs), back into operation by products with 8,682 and 7,524 units are is imported. Earlier this month, Transport and Urban Development Ministry Underlining the important role of the the end of the current Iranian calendar in the second and third places. There are currently three writing and and the Secretariat of Iranian Free Zones High Council inked a mem- exhibition industry in promoting domestic year (March 2021). In terms of job creation, the group printing paper production plants in Iran, orandum of understanding (MOU) on the establishment of Imam production and exports, Hosseinzadeh said: Based on the ministry’s plans for the of non-metallic minerals has also the whose production is not high due to several Khomeini Airport Free Zone Organization. “Exhibition industry has a significant role in the current year, reviving 1,020 unproduc- highest employment rate, with 382,837 problems, Hosseinzadeh lamented. The memorandum was aimed at promoting IKAC’s economic development of exports and introducing new tive small mines is also on the ministry’s people working in this sector. The group He further put the country’s need for status and creating maximum coordination between the Ministry markets, so it is not possible to shut down this agenda. of food and beverage products and the newsprint paper at 65,000 tons, packaging of Transport and Urban Development and the Secretariat of Iranian important sector, but all exhibitions should be ISIPO managed to revive 1,185 idle group of manufacturing chemical products paper at about one million tons, tissue pa- Free Zones High Council. held in accordance with health regulations.” production units across the country during are also in the second and third place per at 160,000 tons, and cardboard at one The “Surge in Production and Corona Con- the past Iranian calendar year (ended with the employment of 362,223 and million tons. tainment Achievements” exhibition was held India to save 20% logistic on March 19), according to Ali-Asghar 200,358 people. On June 21, Hosseinzadeh had said that during June 13-16 to showcase the country’s Mosaheb, ISIPO deputy head for small Tehran, , and Khorasan Razavi all of the country’s exhibitions would be held medical and healthcare achievements in the cost in supplies to CIS industries affairs. provinces had 9785, 8585, 5294 active physically and based on the schedule as of battle against the coronavirus outbreak. According to the official, the mentioned units, respectively, by the end of the July 2. The event was the first physical exhibition countries via Chabahar units returning to operation created direct last Iranian calendar year (March 19) Mentioning the successful launch of the since the outbreak of the coronavirus back jobs for 21,618 persons. accounting for the highest number of “Surge in Production and Corona Containment in March. ECONOMY TEHRAN — By developing strategic Chaba- One of the approaches through which units among the Iranian provinces. Achievements” exhibition in early June, he Next, Iran’s 12th Doors & Windows Tech- deskhar Port in Iran, Indian will reduce logistics cost ISIPO is planning to help inactive units The employment of the said provinces said since Tehran Permanent International nology International Exhibition was held at by 20 percent in container transport to CIS countries, bypassing get back in the production cycle is to see in the industrial and mineral units was Fairgrounds has been equipped with disin- the Tehran Permanent International Fair- China or Europe, Indian Minister of State for Shipping Mansukh their knowledge and technology needs, 402,915, 262,498, and 193,290 people fection devices and equipment, all exhibitions grounds on July 2-5. Lal Mandaviya stated. Mosaheb said. respectively. would be held on schedule and in compliance As announced by Farhad Aminian, the head He said so far, CIS countries could be reached only via China or “The country’s technology units and Also, Kish Free Zone with two active with the health protocols. of the exhibition’s organizing headquarters, Europe, the Economic Times reported. scientific and research centers have come units, Chabahar Free Zone with 73 units According to Hosseinzadeh, specialized the industrialists and traders highly welcomed “In a strategic development, loading and unloading of cargo to believe that they can help the industry and Maku Free Zone with 84 units had exhibitions can be held in accordance with the event. have started at Chabahar Port. Container transport logistic cost to and that the industry can use their po- the least number of active units among four health protocols including protocols for In a relevant remark, the vice-chairman CIS countries will be reduced by 20 percent through Chabahar. So tentials and capacities,” he added. the provinces, with 70, 1416 and 2330 exhibition centers, pavilion construction, par- of Iran’s Association of Doors and Windows far, cargo to CIS countries from India could be sent only via China The latest data released by the Irani- people working in them, respectively. ticipants, and visitors. Manufacturers said that holding specialized or Europe,” Shipping Minister Mandaviya told. an Industry, Mining and Trade Ministry In the past few years, many of the The official noted that the mentioned ex- exhibitions under the current condition will CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries include shows that 72,250 industrial and mining production units across Iran have been hibitions are not going to be open for public improve the business environment and re- , Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and units are operating across the country wrestling with financial issues as well visits and only expert groups and specialists invigorate business activities. Uzbekistan. in which nearly 2.43 million people are as the problem of supplying their raw can visit in compliance with health protocols. Vahid Jalalipour also mentioned holding working. materials, so that many have been forced After the successful experience of “Surge such exhibitions as one of the major approaches According to the data, with 15,822 to shut down or decrease their activates. in Production and Corona Containment for boosting production.

‘Over $595m of bonds issued by industry, mining sectors since Mar. 20’ ECONOMY TEHRAN —Director General of the In- resources, of which 3.2 quadrillion rials (nearly $76.2 billion) deskvestment and Financing Office of Iran’s was supplied by the banking system in the form of facilities. Industry, Mining and Trade Ministry said 25 trillion rials He further noted that the mentioned sectors are expect- (about $595.2 million) of bonds have been issued through ed to need 5.75 quadrillion rials (about $136.9 billion) of industry and mining sectors since the beginning of the cur- resources in the current Iranian calendar year, of which rent Iranian calendar year (March 20). 4.15 quadrillion rials (about $98.8 billion) is expected to Speaking in a seminar on new methods of financing on be supplied in the form of fixed or working capital. Monday, Nematollah Shahbazi said the ministry has four “Even in this case, we are facing a 28 percent deficit and main strategies to follow in the current year. it is necessary to use new financing methods to compensate Indian Minister of State for Shipping Mansukh Lal Mandaviya “Realizing surge in production, completion of semi-fin- for this deficit,” Shahbazi stressed. ished projects, development of export and controlling im- Joining the capital market is one of the good financing “If we want to send containers to CIS countries we can only port, as well as market management and regulation are methods for companies, which in addition to funding their send via Europe or China. There was no other connectivity with CIS four major areas of focus for the ministry in the current projects, will also strengthen the financial basis of the com- countries. Now, we have developed Chabahar port and there is direct year,” he explained. panies, he said. connectivity to these countries via Afghanistan,” the minister said. To realize the mentioned four goals, the ministry has He also emphasized that the share of industry and mining Iran has awarded the development project of its strategic south- defined seven axes in the form of 40 projects and programs, sectors in the total banking facilities should be increased, eastern port of Chabahar to India, and the South Asian country Nematzadeh said, adding that provision of financial re- According the official, in the previous Iranian calendar adding: “Of course, the downward trend of allocations to committed $500 million to build two new berths in this port. sources and attracting investment for projects constitute year (ended on March 19) the industry and mining sectors these sectors was stopped last year and the share of these In 2016, Iran, India, and Afghanistan decided to jointly establish one of these axes. required 4.25 quadrillion rials (about $101.19 billion) of sectors from the total bank facilities has reached 32 percent.” a trade route for land-locked Central Asian countries. India sent its first consignment of wheat to Afghanistan through Iran’s Chabahar Port back in 2017. Later on, in February 2019, the Afghanistan-Iran-India trade Less than 20% progress posted for 69% of underway industrial, mining projects corridor for the trade between the two countries through Chabahar Port was officially inaugurated. ECONOMY TEHRAN – Latest data published by The ministry has it on the agenda to complete and inau- Suez Canal to be replaced by Chabahar corridor deskthe Iranian Industry, Mining and Trade gurate numerous projects in the current Iranian calendar Managing Director of Chabahar Free Zone Organization Abdul- Ministry show that 69 percent of the semi-finished indus- year in order to realize the year’s slogan which is “surge in rahim Kurdi said that Suez Canal will be replaced by the Chabahar trial, mining or trade projects across the country reported production”. corridor in the future, Mehr news agency reported. less than 20 percent of physical progress by the end of the In this regard, the ministry has implemented a new He made the remarks on Sunday, noting that Iran is considered previous Iranian calendar year (March 19). program called “Persistent Production-Effective Employ- a terminal in the middle of the world due to its strategic geography. As reported by ISNA, according to the ministry data there ment-Sustainable Exports”, based on which it plans to in- He went on to say that Iran, especially from the port of Chaba- are currently 65,162 projects underway in various provinces augurate 200 industrial, mining, and trade projects across har is capable of connecting east to west and north to south on a which are expected to create 1,937,350 job opportunities the country by the Iranian calendar year of 1400 (begins global scale. when completed. on March 20, 2021). Referring to the plans put forward by members of the Eurasian Yazd, Isfahan and Semnan had the biggest number of As reported, a total of 1.69 quadrillion rials (about $40.23 Economic Union (EAEU) with a focus on the Russian port of As- projects underway among the other provinces, the data billion) has been invested in the mentioned projects that trakhan, Kurdi maintained, “The project to replace the Suez Canal suggested. are going to create job opportunities for 41,000 people. from Mumbai to Hamburg and St. Petersburg, which includes the Last year, the Industry Ministry paid 335.77 trillion rials Based on the ministry data, since the beginning of the Astrakhan, Anzali, Chabahar, and Nhava Sheva (India) will make (nearly $7.99 billion) to small and medium-sized enterprises current year up to June 16, 196 industrial, mining and trade a significant time difference for transiting goods, reducing it from (SMEs) and semi-finished industrial projects with an over projects worth 230 trillion rials (about $5.48b) went oper- 38 to 14 to 16 days. 60 percent physical progress. ational throughout the country. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y JULY 7, 2020 ENERGY 5

Energy Ministry calls on govt. bodies Lost in oil’s rally: $2 trillion- a-year refining industry crisis By Barbara J Powell and Jack Wittels to reduce power consumption Crude oil is the world’s most important commodity, but it’s worthless without a refinery turning it into the products that people actually ENERGY TEHRAN — Spokesman of in newspapers and social media.” use: gasoline, diesel, jet-fuel and petrochemicals for plastics. And deskIran’s electricity sector said According to Rajabi Mashhadi, this method the world’s refining industry today is in pain like never before. that government organizations and agencies has been implemented in several different “Refining margins are absolutely catastrophic,” Bloomberg quoted account for nearly 4,000 megawatts (MW) of cities so far and has brought good results in Patrick Pouyanne, the head of Europe’s top oil refining group Total the country’s electricity consumption and they terms of reducing the power consumption SA, as saying to investors last month, echoing a widely held view need to reduce this figure by at least 10 percent. of offices. among executives, traders and analysts. Referring to the Energy Ministry’s focus “We will welcome public reports in this Catastrophic margins on optimizing the electricity consumption regard,” he said. What happens to the oil refining industry at this juncture will of offices and executive bodies in recent With the beginning of the hot season, have ripple effects across the rest of the energy industry. The mul- years, Mostafa Rajabi Mashhadi pointed to electricity consumption in Iran has been rising ti-billion-dollar plants employ thousands of people and a wave of the air conditioning systems as one of the significantly in recent weeks. closures and bankruptcies looms. most important consumption factors of the Earlier this month, the Energy Ministry “We believe we are entering into an ‘age of consolidation’ for the mentioned bodies in the summer, Mehr News warned of the unprecedented increases in re?ning industry,” said Nikhil Bhandari, refining analyst at Gold- Agency reported. power consumption across the country. man Sachs Inc. The top names of the industry, which collectively According to the official, of the country’s Deputy Energy Minister Homayoun Haeri processed well over $2 trillion worth of oil last year, are giants such total 57,000 MW of electricity consumption said the country’s electricity consumption is as Exxon Mobil Corp. and Royal Dutch Shell Plc. There are also in the summer period, about 22,000 MW is expected to reach 60,000 MW (60 gigawatts) Asian behemoths like Sinopec of China and Indian Oil Corp., as well consumed by air conditioning and air cooling during the summer peak period. as large independents like Marathon Petroleum Corp. and Valero systems. In early May, Iran’s Power Generation and Energy Corp. with their ubiquitous fuel stations. He called on the consumers in the mentioned Distribution Company (known as TAVANIR) The problem for the refiners is that what’s killing them is the sectors to manage their consumption by setting government bodies by 10 percent for the stable “If the electricity consumption of an office announced that the electricity consumption, medicine that’s saving the wider petroleum industry. the temperature in a way that prevents energy supply of power during the summer peak period or executive body increases compared to the since the beginning of the current Iranian When U.S. President Donald Trump engineered record oil pro- waste. and noted that such offices could use smart same period of the previous year, it will receive a calendar year (March 20) up to May 6 increased duction cuts between Saudi Arabia, Russia and the rest of the OPEC+ The official underlined the importance of electricity meters to manage their consumption warning in the first place and if the consumption by five percent compared to the same period alliance in April, he may have saved the U.S. shale industry in Texas, reducing the electricity consumption of the properly. is not modified, that office will be denounced last year. Oklahoma and North Dakota, but he squeezed refiners. A refinery’s economics are ultimately simple: it thrives on the price difference between crude oil and fuels like gasoline, earning a profit that’s known in the industry as a cracking margin. The cuts that Trump brokered lifted crude prices, with bench- Petchem revenue tops $14.5b in a year mark Brent crude soaring from $16 to $42 a barrel in the space of TEHRAN (Shana) —The CEO of National Petrochemical He called for more steps to be taken in the petrochemical a few months. But with demand still in the doldrums, gasoline and Company (NPC) Behzad Mohammadi has said that the pet- industry for a smarter development of the petrochemical industry. other refined products prices haven’t recovered as strongly, hurting rochemical sector earned Iran $14.5 billion in revenue last These projects are on the agenda for petrochemical development the refiners. calendar year to March 2020. in the methanol, propylene, ethylene and benzene sections. The industry’s most rudimentary measure of refining profit, known Mohammadi said last calendar year was marked with success These projects would cut foreign imports, create prosperity as a 3-2-1 crack spread (it assumes three barrels of crude makes two for petrochemicals production as production forecasts came true. and attractive jobs in the downstream sector of the petrochem- of gasoline and one of diesel-like fuels), has slumped to its lowest He said the petrochemical output reached 31 million tons ical industry and improve the value chain and supply products level for the time of the year since 2010. Summer is normally a good last calendar year, 23 million tons of which was exported and of higher value. period for refiners because demand rises with consumers hitting the the rest was supplied on domestic markets. Propylene shortages road for their vacations. This time, however, some plants are actually Mohammadi noted that petrochemicals prices dropped Iran would make up four percent of world propylene pro- losing money when they process a barrel of crude. 30% on average last calendar year year-on-year, adding that duction by 2025, while this figure will be 18 percent for the Worst fear petrochemicals exports earned Iran $9.5 billion while domestic entire world, 21 percent in China, 17 percent in the U.S. and 16 Just a few weeks ago, the outlook appeared to be improving for market purchased $5 billion of petrochemicals. percent in Saudi Arabia. the world’s biggest oil consumers. Demand in China was almost back The official said that Iran’s petrochemicals production saw Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zanganeh has already offered to pre-virus levels and U.S. consumption was gradually rebounding. 6% growth during the first 50 days of the current calendar solutions for compensating for propylene shortages. “By setting Now, a second wave of infections has prompted Beijing to lock down year year-on-year. That is while the Covid-19 outbreak had up two propylene lines – one extending from northern Iran to hundreds of thousands of residents. Covid-19 cases are also on the slashed demand. Demand for petrochemicals was down 40% southern Alborz and one extending from Assaluyeh to central rise in Latin America and elsewhere. due to lower demand for crude oil in the world. Mohammadi; Fars – an extended propylene chain could be created,” he said. With demand in the U.S. now showing signs of heading south however, said the conditions are improving. Mohammadi has put at 175,000 tons, the amount of pro- 2025, Iran would be producing four derivatives from propylene. again as coronavirus cases flare up in top gasoline-consuming regions Iran’s petrochemical industry is moving towards stability pylene Iran currently needs. In other words, with the produc- By implementing leading industries, 12 products would including Texas, Florida and California, the margins are at risk of and remains a key segment in Iran’s economy. It is notewor- tion of 985,000 tons of propylene by Iranian refineries and be manufactured from propylene. In the meantime, all MTP deteriorating in America, which accounts for nearly two in each ten thy that the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company petrochemical plants, 175,000 tons more is needed. Iran’s and GTTP projects would be implemented using technical barrels of oil refined worldwide. (PGPIC), a major petrochemical holding with a big share in propylene production is planned to reach 1.95 million tons by knowhow provided by Petrochemical Research and Tech- “The worst fear for refiners is a resurgence of the virus and another petrochemicals production and exports, was slapped with US 2024, while the country would be faced with 700,000 tons of nology Company (PRTC). series of lockdowns around the world that would again significantly sanctions last year. Mohammadi said the major impact of US propylene shortages. Mohammadi said the MTP project in Assaluyeh would impact demand,” said Andy Lipow, president of Lipow Oil Associates sanctions targeting PGPIC was the imposition of additional 2 propylene lines in Iran have a 470,000-tonne capacity, while the GTTP project would in Houston. costs on exports, particularly in the transport sector. Two propylene production lines are envisaged for the produc- have a 120,000-tonne capacity. PRTC owns the licenses of Another problem is that -- where it has been recovering -- the No production hitch tion of 3-3.5 million tons of propylene in the country. The first both projects, thereby dispensing with the need for foreign demand pickup has been uneven from one refined product to the Despite all restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 outbreak pipeline extends from Assaluyeh to Marvdasht, which would be technology. next, creating significant headaches for executives who need to select on the global economy, Iran’s petrochemical industry plans operated by NPC. Propylene would be produced from surplus Diverse products with high value-added the best crudes to purchase, and the right fuels to churn out. Gasoline to operate 16 projects with a total investment of $12 billion in methanol in Assaluyeh to be injected into a 430km pipeline. Iran has experienced a big jump in its petrochemical pro- and diesel consumption has surged back, in some cases to 90% of the current calendar year. Once operational, these projects It would then be transported to a storage hub in Marvdasht to duction over the past seven years. There are other projects their normal level, but jet-fuel remains nearly as depressed as at the would bring Iran’s petrochemical production from 31 million be used in the development of a propylene chain in Fars and under way to help enhance petrochemicals supply. However, nadir of the coronavirus lockdowns, running at just 10% to 20% of tons to 37 million tons. However, the main question which Isfahan provinces, as well as some cities in other provinces. the key point is whether there is demand for these products. normal in some European countries. remains is whether or not these projects would be affected by The second pipeline would extend from Neka to Damghan. Mohammadi said: “We need to remain vigilant about what Refiners had resolved the problem by blending much of their the Covid-19 outbreak. The propylene produced from natural gas would be stored in is happening across the world. We must know where we are jet-fuel output into, effectively, diesel. But that, in turn, is creating Mohammadi said four projects were likely to be delayed due Damghan to be used for the development of downstream in- or where they are.” a new challenge: too much of so-called middle distillates like diesel to Covid-19 outbreak, but 12 projects will definitely come on- dustries in North Khorasan, Khorasan Razavi, South Khorasan “By making efforts towards development of technical kno- and heating oil. stream to add 20 million tons to Iran’s petrochemicals output. and Semnan provinces. whow, we need to push the petrochemical industry towards “Right now gasoline demand is barely keeping some plants Iran’s petrochemicals production capacity currently stands NPC would be also operating the GTPP project in Eslamabad more diversity in products of high value-added with a view alive,” said Stephen Wolfe, head of crude oil at consultant Energy at 66 million tons, which would at worst, reach 86 million tons Gharb in order to expand the propylene chain. These projects will to completing the supply chain in order to make the petro- Aspects Ltd. “And with jet production shifting over to diesel and by next March. be GTPP or MTP, which would help end Iran’s propylene imports. chemical industry more attractive,” he said. gasoline production, that puts even more strain on product sup- Focus on investment packages Mohammadi expressed hope that this project would be Mohammadi said: “We need to follow the world in order ply,” he added. In addition to completing petrochemical projects, several started under the 12th administration. He said this project to have a proper assessment of development. Blind develop- In the U.S. refining belt, processing rates are being continually methanol projects would come online by March 2022. Many would push petrochemical industry development towards ment and implementing projects with long yields should be tweaked in response to potential fluctuations in demand. In April, worry about the economic viability of methanol projects. smart development and help produce higher-value products excluded as they would lose their attractiveness in the world during the height of U.S. lockdowns, Valero Energy Corp.’s McKee, “To resolve this issue, investment packages for using surplus based on domestic needs. after several years. Therefore, we need to move towards an Texas, refinery cut rates to about 70%. It then raised processing methanol to produce propylene and supply national needs are Propylene chain and petchems intelligent development of the petrochemical industry in order to near 79% in anticipation of the Memorial Day holiday, before focused on this product,” said Mohammadi. In Iran, propylene is merely converted to PP and EH2. By to survive in the global market.” finding a new low of 62% by mid-June, according to people familiar with the situation. Disastrous diesel Ultimately, if refiners don’t make money, they buy less crude, potentially capping the oil-price recovery of the past few months for 99.99% safety in pipeline transmission Brent and other benchmarks. Even so, the actions of Saudi Arabia, TEHRAN (Shana) — The Iranian Oil lion liters was carried to southern ports for companies, as well as domestic development Russia and the rest of the OPEC+ group suggest that refiners will Pipelines and Telecommunication Company exports,” he said. of this costly technology which has been mo- remain squeezed for longer, with oil prices outpacing the recovery (IOPTC) transmits millions of liters a day of a Transmission sustainability nopolized by foreign companies,” he added. in fuel prices. variety of petroleum refined products via over Yar-Mohammadi said that preventive main- Yar-Mohammadi added that nearly 5,000 The immediate problem is compounded by a longer-term trend: 14,000 kilometers of underground pipeline tenance was key to the transmission process. kilometers of pipeline would be pigged in the the industry has probably overbuilt over the last decades, and older and many pumping stations to feed refineries He added: “Sustainability in the transmission current calendar year. plants in places like Europe and the U.S. can’t compete with new producing gasoline, gasoil and kerosene among of crude oil and petroleum products depends on Reliance on domestic manufac- ones popping up in China and elsewhere in the world. other products before delivery to the storage overhaul, preventive maintenance, removing turing “Refinery margins in the next five years are going to be worse than facilities of National Iranian Oil Products Dis- defects and technical monitoring.” Yar-Mohammadi said extensive efforts the average for the last five years, and particularly bad in Europe,” tribution Company (NIODPC). “Without considering the aforesaid points, were underway in Iran for the development said Spencer Welch, vice president of oil markets and downstream Qasem Arab Yar-Mohammadi, CEO of IOP- no sustainability in pipeline transmission could of smart pig running technology, adding that consulting at IHS Markit. “We already thought that refining was in TC, said: “As its name suggests, the company Yar-Mohammadi said that due to the be envisaged. Ordinary and smart pig run- it would not be far-reaching. for a tough time, even more so now.” has two tasks: handling pipeline and telecom- sensitivity of job assigned to IOPTC for the ning are monitoring tools and methods which “Once, we did not have anything specif- Catalyst for change munications affairs. They complement each transmission of crude oil and petroleum prod- are instrumental in the sustainable and safe ic to IPTC. We largely depended on foreign The weakness means that the industry’s collective earnings will other and they are important alike.” ucts, this company has not been privatized. transmission of fluids via pipeline,” he said. companies and we had to purchase foreign plunge to just $40 billion this year, down from $130 billion in 2018, He said that the primary task assigned to IOPTC covers 12 zones, monitoring 14,000 The official noted that intelligent pig running tools and equipment,” he added. according to an estimate from industry consultant Wood Mackenzie IOPT was to transmit crude oil, and supply kilometers of pipeline and a large number of would detect corrosion inside the pipeline. The official said the conditions had changed Ltd. of 550 refineries around the world. feedstock to oil refineries. pumping stations located on various routes. He said a European company conducted pig a lot and turbines were being manufactured That could be a catalyst for change. The demand hit from the “The crude oil received from National He said: “Each area is managed inde- running in IOPTC pipelines in 2004, adding domestically. virus is yet to cause any delays in a number of mega-refining pro- Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) or National pendently. Except for macro policy-making it was similar to cardiac angiography. Yar-Mohammadi said that in most sectors jects, most of which are in China and the West Asia, that will start Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC) is sent like specific projects requiring the approval He said that pigging would provide very of the petroleum industry, including pipeline operations from 2021 to 2024, according to the analysts at Goldman to refineries as feedstock via transmission in- of the Board of Directors, other affairs are precise information about the interior of and telecommunications, dependence had Sachs. This will cause global utilization rates to be 3% lower over stallations (pipelines and pumping stations). decided upon independently.” pipelines, adding that it would help detect ended. this period than in 2019. Plants are more likely to close in developed In the next step, refined products, including He added that all these areas were follow- any obstacle to the sustainable transmission “2MW electro-engine, pumps, electric countries because the bulk of demand -- and new refining capacity gasoline, gasoil, fuel oil and kerosene, are ing a single objective, which is sustainable of fluids inside pipes. boards and pipes are manufactured in the -- is in developing nations, they said. carried to NIOPDC storage facilities for dis- transmission of fluids via pipeline. Yar-Mohammadi said that despite strict country. Sanctions are harmful and have had Many of the refineries that are being built in the West Asia and tribution,” he said. 128b liters of oil fluid pig running, pipeline transmission had been consequences, but they brought us blessings, China will also get government backing, a fact that only makes life Yar-Mohammadi said telecommunications Yar-Mohammadi said IOPTC handled the done without any halt. too”, he said. more challenging for the plants in Europe and the U.S. was key to the transmission of petroleum transmission of 128.59 billion liters of crude He added that talks were underway for “The sanctions pressure pushed us to ex- The industry is already moving to resolve the overcapacity: oil fluids. Therefore, he added, the microwave, oil and petroleum products last calendar year. signing agreements for a 2,100-km and a plore more domestic potential for manufac- trader Gunvor Group Ltd. has said it may mothball its refinery in wireless and fiber optic network of IOPTC is “Over that period, more than 68.615 billion 2,800-km pipeline pigging. turing. Today, domestic manufacturing is an Antwerp, and U.S. refining group HollyFrontier Corp. in June an- independent. liters of crude oil (or 431,579,000 barrels) Yar-Mohammadi said one of the afore- instruction while effective and constructive nounced it was changing its Cheyenne plant from processing crude “The safety coefficient of this section at was carried to oil refineries while more than said projects would be assigned to an Iranian steps have been taken for domestic manu- oil into a renewable diesel facility. IOPTC is 99.99%, which means minimum 49.422 billion liters of petroleum products knowledge-based company this year. “Signing facturing,” he said. For now though, there’s a more mundane reality to deal with: disruption in the telecommunications system was delivered to NIODPC storage facilities an agreement with this knowledge-based com- Yar-Mohammadi said 80% of IOPTC needs the market. OPEC and its allies can constrain the supply of crude of the company,” he said. for distribution and more than 10.552 bil- pany would be a show of support for Iranian was supplied domestically. -- squeezing refiners -- but they can’t make end users consume fuel. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 6 ADVERTISEMENTS JULY 7, 2020

Second Announcement TEHRAN TIMES Call for public tender (First/Second publish) N.I.O.C One Stages retender Modern Stadium of National Iranian 1399.1671 Drilling Company Subject of Tender: Tender No. Description Iran’s Leading Martyrs of Khuzestan FP/12-99/050 P/F GATE VALVE FP/12-99/051 P/F RENHE FP/12-99/052 P/F CORE FULL BORE STEM TEST TOOLS FP/12-99/053 P/F MACOY CLINCHER-GRIFACE & INSERT COATING International Daily Football Club (KSC) Registration No. through national electronic Tender No. Estimated value The Tender holder tendering system /Indent No. (Rial) Tender No. : FP/12-99/050 8,081,754 11,350,000,000 Indent No.:08-22-9745218

Tender No. : FP/12-99/051 8,082,309 7,801,699,092 National Iranian Drilling Indent No.:08-23-9845059 Company Tender No. : FP/12-99/052 Advertising Dept 8,082,700 18,541,650,000 Indent No.:08-22-9845080 Tender No. : FP/12-99/053 8,083,516 14,018,300,000 Indent No.:08-22-9845174 Tender descriptions:

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Tender Document The distribution of the documents will be started one day after the publishing of second advertisement and ended on the Distribution by following tenth day thereof 19( JUL 2020) Company

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Closing date  35Days after the last time of Purchasing 24( .AGUST 2020) Documents Tel: Receiving Hall No. 107, 1stfloor, Tender Committee, Operation building, National Iranian Drilling Company, Method Address Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN. Tel: +98-61-34148580 +98-61-34148569 Purchasing & Submitting 021 -430 51 430

568,000,000Rial / 3.866 Euro Regarding Indent No9745218-22-08

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Provocative U.S. military drills The will of people is like a fire smoldering under ashes: near Chinese waters ex-Bahraini parliamentarian By Stephen Lendman What’s going on is a provocative Pentagon show of force EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW far distant from U.S. territory in a part of the world where its By Mohammad Mazhari Imagine how the U.S. and the world community would react forces don’t belong. if Chinese, Russian, or Iranian warships conducted military According to an unnamed Chinese military expert “(t)he TEHRAN — Pro-democracy protests in Bahrain have en- exercises in the Gulf of Mexico or off America’s east or west U.S. is saying one thing and doing another. It is applying dif- tered their ninth year. The rights of protesters are gravely coasts. ferent standards on China’s actions than it does on its own.” violated, especially as authorities are continuing to enforce Bipartisan hardliners in Washington and establishment China’s Foreign Ministry earlier called US Asia/Pacific repressive policies in conjunction with an imposed censorship media might consider this action a casus bello. military exercises Pentagon “flexing of muscles…thousands supported by Persian Gulf monarchies. Clearly, it would provoke a sharp U.S. reaction, includ- of miles away” from its homeland. Ironically, authorities have a monopoly on television, ra- ing possible interdiction of foreign ships by Pentagon ones, PLA Naval Military Studies Research Institute senior dio, and newspapers. There are no independent media that risking a possible clash that could lead to something much research fellow Zhang Junshe called U.S. military exercises can work freely inside Bahrain. more serious. near Chinese waters a hostile action in the name of “freedom In light of this fact, the Numerous times before, Pentagon warships conducted of navigation.” Tehran Times interviewed Ali provocative drills in the South China Sea and other parts of Pentagon South China Sea military exercises come at a AlAshiri, a former member the world where they don’t belong —their presence posing a community.” time of greatly deteriorated Sino/U.S. relations. of the Bahraini Parliament. threat to regional countries. A previous article explained that for the first time since the Reportedly since South China Sea arbitration in 2016, the Following is the text of In response to legitimate Chinese military exercises in its pre-1990 Cold War ended, three U.S. aircraft carriers with Pentagon refrained from multiple aircraft carrier exercises the interview: own waters, the Pentagon falsely accused Beijing of “the latest other Pentagon warships are patrolling Asia/Pacific waters. in its waters — the last one in 2014 until now. Bahraini courts contin- in a long line (of actions) to assert unlawful maritime claims Two U.S. aircraft carriers, the Reagan and Nimitz, are According to retired PLA naval officer Wang Yunfei, “China’s ue to uphold death sentences and disadvantage its Southeast Asian neighbors in the South holding large-scale military drills in the South China Sea close resolve to safeguard its territorial integrity, sovereignty and against political detainees, China Sea (sic),” adding: to its waters, along with four other Pentagon warships. maritime interests will not waver (despite) the latest threat despite being tortured. Please The U.S. will continue to monitor Chinese military activity Their stated purpose is to challenge what they called Bei- posed by the U.S.” explain? — in a part of the world where U.S. forces close to its borders jing’s unlawful territorial claims (sic). “The Chinese military is prepared and will deal with them A: Yes. These courts are a hostile presence. Two mainland USA Barksdale air force base, nuclear-ca- (the U.S. provocation) with ease.” continue to uphold the Beijing strongly opposes provocative U.S. military drills pable, B52 warplanes that refueled in Guam are involved China’s Global Times explained that the PLA “has a wide death sentence against the near its territory, an earlier PLA statement saying: in the exercises, a statement by U.S. 96th Bomb Squadron selection of anti-aircraft carrier weapons like DF-21D and political convicts, while the “Reality has proved once again that the US is the biggest commander Lt. Col. Christopher Duff, saying: DF-26 ‘aircraft carrier killer’ missiles,” adding: constitution of the Kingdom facilitator of the militarization of the South China Sea, and is “Bomber Task Force demonstrates U.S. capability to rapidly “The South China Sea is fully within the grasp of the PLA. of Bahrain states that any a troublemaker for the region’s peace and stability,” adding: deploy to a forward operating base and execute long-range Any U.S. aircraft carrier movement in the region is at the confession under torture is unacceptable. “The PLA will remain on high alert, and adamantly safeguard strike missions,” adding: pleasure of the PLA.” If we look closely at most of the cases in which the death national sovereignty, security, and development interests, as “This sortie demonstrates our ability to reach out from a The Pentagon’s global empire of bases and provocative sentence was pronounced, we see no real evidence or material well as the peace and prosperity of the region.” home station, fly anywhere in the world, and execute those actions against sovereign independent nations China, Russia, fact but confessions of the convicts who stress that they have In response last May to U.S. Naval Institute encouragement missions, rapidly, regenerating from a forward operating base Iran, and others risk increased U.S. war on humanity than been subjected to torture and physical and psychological of privately owned ships to seize Chinese merchant vessels, the and continuing operations.” already. coercion. PLA slammed the call as promoting “act(s) of piracy,” adding: Over the weekend, a U.S. Navy statement said Pentagon Instead of being the world’s leading proponent of peace, Why are Arab regimes silent on repression in Bah- “These actions are criminal activities explicitly prohibited military exercises in the South China Sea aim to protect against stability, and the rule of law, the U.S. prioritizes dominance rain and Saudi Arabia but accusing countries like of under international laws, and will absolutely receive joint “possible attacks by the enemy” — at a time when no U.S. foreign over other nations by whatever it takes to achieve its aims. dictatorship? opposition and a severe backlash from the international threats exist, so they’re invented to justify what’s unjustifiable. Source: Press TV A: We can see these kinds of double standards in most of these countries. They support movements and protests in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Syria, but they talk about Bahrain as if there is no protest or describe it as a riot pro- The American Dream that didn’t come true voked by foreign countries. The reasons are clear: They may American Dream has come into question as the for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous oppression and racism,” added the action star, endanger their interests if talk about the demonstrations U.S. plunged into a state of social and racial circumstances of birth or position”. referring to the death of George Floyd in police because of sectarian reasons; most of the protestors are from turmoil in the wake of the tragic death of George The definition of the American Dream has custody. the Shiite community in Bahrain. Floyd, a black man who was died after a white witnessed many changes over the past century. As the American Dream became more Do you think that repression will continue in Arab policeman in Minneapolis knelt on his neck for It has morphed from the right to create a better associated with making progress in achieving countries? And, can we bet on the awakening of Arab nations? more than 8 minutes. life to the strong desire to achieve material goals economic goals, the U.S. income inequality gap A: Despite decades of continuous repression, the will of Since 1931, the idea of American Dream has such as buying a house or starting a business. worsened in recent years. “The income inequality the peoples remains like a fire smoldering under the ashes, been the source of inspiration for a lot of authors, The American Dream is now defined as the gap has never been wider. The country’s uneven and they will come back to the streets as soon as they find filmmakers, politicians, and public figures as following: If you work hard, your material wealth distribution is illustrated by the fact an opportunity again. well as the ordinary people from all walks of dreams come true. that the bottom 50% of Americans have just incomes far outstrip those of Black households, Regarding what is happening in Yemen, Bahrain, and life in the U.S who seek to make their dreams However, this year’s Fourth of July 1% of the nation’s wealth, while the top 10% which take home less than 60% of their white Palestine, how do you see the UN performance? come true in a country that once was famous (Independence) was a stark reminder that, no holds 70%,” CNN reported on July 3, citing data counterparts’ earnings. Asian-Americans have A: The positions of the United Nations are based on po- for its upward social mobility possibilities. matter how hard you work, if you are a black or released by the Pew Research Center. the worst income disparity of any minority,” liticized reports rather than real evidence. The term American Dream first emerged a member of any other ethnic minority group, The wealth and income inequality, as well as CNN said, warning that the American Dream Regarding Bahrain, Palestine, and Syria, the UN says noth- in 1931, when the American historian James your American Dream may never come true the hardness of social mobility, stand in stark “got lost and the country has been sleeping ing more than expressing concern and issuing statements, Truslow Adams coined it in his bestseller book due to racial injustice and wealth disparities. contrast to the American dream. This fact was through a growing crisis.” but in other regions, they impose their resolutions on the entitled “The Epic of America.” Former California Gov. Arnold reflected in the World Economic Forum’s Global In June 2015, as he announced that he is pretext of human rights violations. Adams stated that “the American Dream Schwarzenegger (R), who was lucky enough Social Mobility report, which was published running for president, Donald Trump said, What is your comment on the release of Bahraini po- is that dream of a land in which life should be to live his American Dream, underlined this on January 19, 2020. The U.S was not among “Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I litical activist Nabil Rajab, who is still not allowed to move better and richer and fuller for everyone, with fact by posting a video commemorating the the top 10 countries. It was ranked 27th in this get elected president, I will bring it back bigger around or speak out on human rights abuses? opportunity for each according to ability or U.S Independence Day on Twitter on Saturday. report. and better and stronger than ever before, and A: The step to release human rights activist Nabil Rajab achievement.” He further said that the American He said that the American dream must be “as Pundits believe that the latest wave of racial we will make America great again”. came late, and the remaining period was replaced in accord- Dream is not “a dream of motor cars and high true for a Black child born in Minneapolis as it protests in the U.S has exposed the link between One year later, Trump took office. Nearly ance with Law No. 18 of 2017. wages merely, but a dream of social order in was for a white bodybuilder born in Austria”. wealth disparities and racial issues. four years into his administration, however, It may be in response to many calls from human rights which each man and each woman shall be able “We have Americans that cannot breathe, “The Black Lives Matter protests have Trump apparently failed to bring back the organizations, given his medical care, after a critical situation to attain to the fullest stature of which they are except on ventilators. Who cannot breathe underlined how wealth disparities have a racial American Dream, which itself turned out to imposed by the Coronavirus outbreak that necessitated his innately capable, and be recognized by others because of a knee on their neck, because of dimension. Studies show that White families’ be just wishful thinking. release from prison.

U.S. is a violent bully internally and internationally: Scottish politician Second Announcement Call for public tender (First/Second publish) also require focusing on the unity of the dispos- By Payman Yazdani One Stages tender sessed, black and white, against capitalism and N.I.O.C Subject of Tender INGERSOLL RAND AIR HOIST National Iranian TEHRAN (M NA) — Referring to the violent the very many inequalities and injustices that 1399.1728 Drilling Company history of the U.S. and its endeavors to abolish it spawns as an economic system. Keeping the the culture of racism, Scottish politician Tommy working class divided is a long-term strategy of Tender descriptions: Sheridan said, “The U.S. has always been a bully, the rich and powerful in society. Registration No. through Tender No. Estimated value a violent bully internationally, and a domestic European countries have kept silent on The Tender holder national electronic /Indent No. (Rial) bully in relation to police forces polluted by racists recent developments in the U.S. despite the fact tendering system from top to bottom.” they are among the first to express worry for National Iranian Tender No.: FP/11-97/042-3 8.616.000.000 George Floyd, an unarmed American black human rights issues in other regions, such as Drilling Company Indent No.: 01-22-9746021 man, died on May 25, 2020, after a police officer West Asia. What is your take on this? Qualitative evaluation of tenderers pressed his knee into his neck for several minutes European countries, separately and particularly even after he stopped moving and pleading for air. via the European Union, have been disgraceful Qualification process will be done in plain mode in offers opening session according to presentation of His death by the U.S. police has caused a tality in America and won’t be the last. However, and shameful in their silence in the face of U.S. valid practice certificate / legal documents (certificate of corporation/ supply announcement up to latest ripple of protests throughout the U.S., turning sometimes events take a life of their own and abuse of human rights and international law across Method changes) which should be related to tender subject. the country into a battlefield between police and coincide with specific circumstances. Who would the world. The U.S. deployment of economic demonstrators. Rallies have turned violent in have thought Rosa Parke’s defiance in December sanctions is the modern-day form of interna- some U.S. cities, where the police have fired tear 1955 would develop into a full-blown boycott tional terrorism as it attacks the very fabric of Purchasing & Submitting gas and rubber bullets against the demonstrators. and eventual change in discrimination laws? countries and their ability to feed their nations U.S. President Donald Trump threatened the There appears to be a sense across many parts The distribution of the documents will be started one day after the publishing of second advertisement and provide essential medicines. Rather than and ended on the following tenth day thereof ( closing date : use of force in dealing with protests against the of the U.S. that ‘enough is enough’. I certainly condemn such political piracy and brutal bullying, death of George Floyd, referring to participants hope the fundamental change in the systemic the E.U. has acted like a pathetic cheerleader in Tender Hall No.:113, 1st floor, Foreign Procurement Dept., National Iranian Drilling Distribution Place Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN 061-34148656 -06134148615 as “thugs” in a tweet that was later hidden by racism which scars American society emerges the face of U.S. incursions in Venezuela, Bolivia, Document Distribution Twitter for “glorifying violence.” from this tragedy. Nicaragua, Syria and further afield. Much of the  by Company Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt in the amount of 190,000 Iranian But the former President Barack Obama issued Why do you think the United States has E.U., but particularly Britain, is no more than an Rials under account number 4001114004020491( Shaba No. IR a statement on Floyd’s killing via Twitter and failed to abolish the culture that has grown out obedient puppy of U.S. invasions, illegal coups, Submitting Method 520100004001114004020491) in name of “NIDC Incomes Centralized Fund” issued pleaded for Americans to open their eyes to the by I.R. of Iran Central Bank. of hundreds of years of slavery? and brutal economic sanctions policies. Submitting format Request for the purpose of receiving Tender Documents. ongoing racial injustice that plagues the country. A: The United States was built on bloodshed, How can these developments affect the  35Days after the last time of Purchasing ( .closing date Growing unrest against police brutality across subjugation, and racism. The genocide of the Closing date upcoming Presidential election in the U.S.?  The envelopes will be opened At am on the country, Obama said to demonstrators that Native Americans followed by the economic A: I am no fan of Joe Biden. He is of the same Documents this moment is politically advantageous for pro- application of slavery and the war, which en- ilk of the Clintons and their sickening hypocrisy Receiving Hall No. 107, 1stfloor, Tender Committee, Operation building, National testers who are calling for widespread police sued between 1861-65 over slavery but about within America and across the world. They talk of Method Address Iranian Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN. reforms and large-scale institutional change. economic domination of capital over land, only freedom and democracy while crushing democrat- Tel: +98-61-34148580 +98-61-34148569 Simultaneously with all the protests in the added to that very violent history. The U.S. had ically elected governments and social movements Tender Guarantee U.S., thousands of people of all colors, creeds, some great visionaries try to build a new society, across the globe if they dare to demur from the Value of Rial / Euro ages, and walks of life took to the streets across but at heart, it has always been a bully, a violent neo-liberal economic philosophy of U.S. capital guarantee the world to show their anger over the racism bully internationally, and a domestic bully in and privatization for the benefit of the already Bank guarantees or guarantees issued by non-bank institutions that obtain activity license from the and police brutality. relation to police forces polluted by racists from rich and powerful. Biden represents the past, the central bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Type of To shed more light on the issue and its di- Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt under account number 4001114006376636 ( Shaba No. IR top to bottom. polluted swamp of vested privilege and favors guarantee mensions, we reached out to Scottish politician What do you believe the world can do for the rich. Sadly, Bernie Sanders will not be 350100004001114006376636) in name of “NIDC saving account” by the central bank of Islamic Republic Tommy Sheridan. to help African-Americans and eliminate the the Democratic candidate. That is sad and tragic. of Iran. Duration of Following is the full text of the interview: structural racism in the U.S.? The choice in November facing U.S. citizens is Tender Guarantee and quotation should be valid for 90 days and extendable maximum for one time in credit & Where do you think these protests across initial validity duration. A: Racism is worldwide cancer, which appears one of two devils. Biden is the devil I hope they quotation the U.S. will eventually lead to? Do you see any more virulent and noticeable in some countries opt for, but I would have to vote for him with hope for a change of behavior towards African than others. The U.S. is amongst the worst afflicted a peg on my nose and blindfold. Trump is the ( Foreign Procurement Dept.) Americans? countries, but many others also have major chal- worst of the options, but only slightly. American More of this & other tenders are accessible by click on: www.nidc.ir http://sapp.ir/nidc_pr تهران تایمز نوبت دوم A: George Floyd’s senseless and awful murder lenges. International cooperation and solidarity needs a proper party of socialism to unite and 99/4/17 is not the first example of police racism and bru- in the fight against racism are essential, but it will represent the black and white working classes. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 8 HERITAGE & TOURISM JULY 7, 2020

Vank Cathedral hosting Hotel occupancy rate plunges 400-year-old Armenian culture exhibition 1 The art of as well as well-known to 10% in Khorasan Razavi Armenian crafters and artists will also be introduced in the exhibit. Moreover, on the sidelines of the exhibit, different handicrafts TOURISM TEHRAN – The occupancy rate of ho- workshops are being held, and young narrators introduce the desktels in the northeastern Khorasan Razavi customs and traditions of the Armenian people of Jolfa. province, one of Iran’s giant travel destinations, has plum- meted to 10 percent, ILNA quoted Abolfazl Mokaramifar, the provincial tourism chief, as saying on Monday. Although based on the number of COVID-19 infections and fatalities, the province is on the red risk zone, the hotels are allowed to resume their work, however, the number of visits to the province has decreased drastically and there are no foreign tourists in the province. No tourist sites or museums have been closed and no specific decision has yet been made on the possible closure of them, the official added. He also noted that travel restrictions haven’t been im- posed yet, but travelers need to follow strict health protocols. Earlier last week, Esmaeil Khayyami, the health tour- ism manager of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences announced that the coronavirus pandemic has slashed the number of travelers visiting the city of Mashhad for medical purposes by 95 percent over the past few months. Having 14 hospitals and three medical centers, which The centuries-old Vank Cathedral (locally called Kelisa-ye Vank) are offering special services to foreign patients, Mashhad is widely referred to as an everlasting masterpiece of architecture. has the most medical tourists in the country after Tehran. Before the coronavirus puts everything on lockdown, The Vank Cathedral is widely referred to as an everlasting Mashhad played host to thousands of travelers and pil- masterpiece of architecture, which harmoniously blends Islam- grims who come from various Iranian cities, neighboring ic motifs and elements with those of Armenians. Vank means countries, and even across the globe to visit the imposing, “monastery” or “convent” in the . massive holy shrine complex of Imam Reza (AS), the eighth Built in the first half of the 17th century, with the encourage- Imam of the Shia Muslims. ment of the Safavid rulers, Kelisa-ye Vank is a historic focal point Almost 40 million Iranian pilgrims and travelers visited the of the Armenian Church in Iran. city during the last Iranian calendar year (ended March 19). Hundreds of Armenians, who migrated to Isfahan during the Dozens of five-star hotels and hostels are dotted around Ottoman–Safavid War (1603–18), contributed to the cathedral the holy shrine. The city has also the highest concentration being completed. of water parks in the country, and it also embraces a variety Some say that the varying fortunes and independence of this of cultural and historical sites which are generally crowded. A view of the holy shrine complex of Imam Reza (AS), the eighth Imam of the Shia Muslims. suburb across the Zayande River and its eclectic mix of European , mercenaries, and travelers can be traced almost chronologically in the cathedral’s combination of building styles and contrasts in its external and internal architectural treatment. A peek into Bronze-Age Tepe Gariran, a gateway to the “Old Routes of Western Iran” The construction is said to begin in 1606 by the first arrivals being completed with major alterations to design between 1655 TOURISM TEHRAN – In 1931, the dispersion of the relics in the region (includ- and 1664 under the supervision of Archbishop David. deskrenowned British archae- ing pottery and surface material), 42 sites The of Isfahan dates from the time of Shah ologist Sir Marc Aurel Stein (1862 – 1943) belonged to the Parthian period. Abbas I, who transported a colony of Christians from the town of surveyed Tepe Gariran in western Iran along Alashtar is a fertile plain with a high po- Jolfa (now on Iran’s northern border) en masse, and named the with several others across the ancient land. tential for agriculture. Most of the Parthian village ‘New Jolfa’. Shah Abbas sought their skills as merchants, His views were published in November 1969 sites in this plain were located inside these entrepreneurs, and artists and he ensured that their religious in a book titled “Old Routes of Western Iran: fertile agricultural lands which have played freedom was respected – albeit at a distance from the city’s Is- Narratives of an Archaeological Journey”. a key role in the development of settlements lamic center. Situated within Alashtar county that is in different eras in this plain, especially dur- one of the prominent valley plains in central ing the Parthian period (compared to other Zagros mountain range, the mount, howev- eras), though most of these sites have been Khoy, the ancient city of er, after over 80 years in 2017, dragged the destroyed today as a result of agricultural attention of new generations of archeologists activities. culture, sunflowers to resume excavations at the site, which is Generally, there is a diversity of flora and mostly notable for being home to a Bronze- fauna in the plain with the surrounding moun- TOURISM Sprawling adjacent to some towering moun- Age civilization. tains covered with forest trees and wild plants. desk tains in western Iran, the lively city of Khoy Lorestan was inhabited by Iranian The fertility of this plain has stimulated the is a destination for whom interested in old Persian architecture Indo-European peoples, including the cultivation of crops and vegetation in the area as its ancient mosques, churches, caravanserais, bathhouses, Medes, in c. 1000 BC. Cimmerians and to the extent that today a variety of crops and fortresses, and ramparts, each tells a story. Scythians intermittently ruled the region trees can be seen in the area thanks to the The city, sited near the ancient Silk Road in West Azarbaijan from about 700 to 625 BC. Of ancient climatic and ecological features. Province, may not be worth a long detour but should you be in highlights of the region are the Luristan Walnut, apple, grape, willow, poplar, the vicinity is well worth a visit. Bronzes that comprise small cast objects regional and cross-regional communications study the settlement sites and the cemeter- pear, elm, cherry, cranberry, and sycamore A variety of flora and fauna, warm water spas, salt mines, decorated with bronze sculptures from the in this area. Due to its exceptional position ies introducing Lorestan bronze which were are abundant in the area. Apart from forest and rich history as a Christian center, put it on the itinerary of Early Iron Age, found in large numbers and the importance of its sites, this plain has located across the Karkheh and Seymareh trees, some non-edible plants such as paqzan, travelers to this place. in Lorestan and its neighboring Kerman- been the subject of the growing attention of River: he then started examining Gariran salsify, artichokes, oregano, mint as well as shah province. ancient geographers and geologists. and Betki Hills. (Stein, 1940: 280- 300). a variety of medicinal and aromatic plants According to an essay discussed during In the Parthian and Sassanid texts, there Ernst Herzfeld was also among the re- such as borage, daphnia, thyme, basil flowers, an International Conference of the Society of has been no reference to the city and plains searchers who investigated the bronzes in violet, damask rose, rose, anemone, musk Iranian Archaeology, excavations of Gariran, of Alashtar, but the historians from the early Lorestan and visited the relics and artifacts in willow, tulips, licorice, lily, hibiscus flowers, as a great Bronze Age site, which covers more centuries to the contemporary Islamic era have Alashtar Plain (Herzfeld, 1941). In his studies narcissus, and mountain tea grow in this area. than five hectares, revealed continuity from mentioned the name Alashtar in their books, from 1963 to 1967, Clare Goff visited some The basic conclusion that can be drawn middle-late Chalcolithic to Iron Age. referring to it with such titles as Lashtar. parts of Alashtar as well. here is that there has been no fundamental The identification of settlement patterns From an archeological point of view, in In general, 72 archaeological sites were change in the environment and climate of can provide important information about 1936, Sir Aurel Stein entered Alashtar to identified in Alashtar plain which given the Lorestan since the Iron Age to date. ‘World’s longest suspension bridge’ being built in Iran 1 Ha said that the objective to launch tourism is usually recorded as one of the coldest cities in the country projects in the province is to provide tourists from all over in winter. the world and domestic tourists as well with the opportu- Persian historians have ascribed a founding date to the nity to use these facilities and select Ardebil as their prime province’s capital (also named Ardebil) in the Sassanid pe- A bust of the famed 13th-century Persian Poet, Shams Tabrizi, destination. riod, but its known history does not begin until the Islamic with a minaret of the same name in the background. Sprawling on a high, windswept plateau, Ardebil is well- period. It was at that time the residence of the Sasanian Khoy was vastly fortified at different times in its history, most known for having lush natural beauties, hospitable people, governor. The Umayyad governor made Ardebil his capital, recently by the decree of Qajar dynasty rulers in the 18th and and its silk and carpet trade tradition. It is also home to but the Arab hold on the region did not last. Local rulers 19th centuries. It is also well-known for the mausoleum of Shams the UNESCO-registered Sheikh Safi al-Din Khanegah and fought continuously in the area until the Mongol conquest Tabrizi, the renowned Iranian poet and mystic. Shrine Ensemble. in 1220, when the town was destroyed. It lost all importance File photo depicts Meshginshahr suspension bridge, which The region’s economy is based on agriculture, particularly The province is very cold in winter and mild in summer, until the Sufi mystic Sheikh Safi al-Din made it the center crosses the Khiav River, near a city of the same name, the production of fruit, grain, timber, sunflowers as it is nick- attracting thousands every year. The capital city of Ardebil of his Safavid order in the 13th century. Ardebil province in northwest Iran. named for the latter; Khoy the city of sunflowers. In the 2006 census, the city population was estimated for 178,700 while in 2012 the figure pointed at 200,900. During parts of its bitter history, Khoy was occupied for Magnificent Hasanlu undergoing restoration project several times, in 1911 by the , in World War HERITAGE TEHRAN – A pins headed by bronze lions, a solid gold bowl, I by Russian troops who withdrew in 1917, and finally in the deskrehabilitation and a knife handle with gold cloisonné, and two World War II by the Soviets, who remained until 1946. restoration project has been commenced hollow bronze horse heads that served to The places briefly introduced in blew are among the city’s on millennia-old Hasanlu, a magnificent hold liquids. most visited sights: archaeological site in northwestern Iran, According to the Britannica Encyclopedia, Motalleb Khan Mosque: A huge and roofless 13th-century which is highly hopped to be inscribed on Hasanlu was inhabited from about 2100 to structure of plain brickwork, the Motalleb Khan Mosque claims the UNESCO World Heritage list in the near about 825 BC, but the richest period yet to have the world’s largest mihrab. The entrance to this mosque future. excavated dates to the 10th and 9th centuries is hidden behind street vendors stalls that are just meters from In late June, a restoration and BC. The period, often called “Mannaean” after Imam Khomeini Square. reorganization project was commenced on the name of the people who lived in the area, is The Darvazeh Sangi: It is a black and white stone arch that sections of the Hasanlu historical complex with characterized by gray pottery accompanied by has two carved lions that make up the last remains of Khoy’s a credit of 500 million rials (about $12,000), black and red varieties, the black ware being former city wall. IRNA quoted Hassan Shiri, director of the of a much finer quality and probably made St Sarkis Church: A church with slit windows that suggest ancient site, as saying on Monday. in imitation of metal vessels that it had a fortified past. Although some upper brick sections Execution of protective coating of thatch on Experts say parallels to the motifs on the were rebuilt in the 1730’s St Sarkis Church supposedly dates architectural remains; removal of disturbing Hasanlu objects have been found in Elam, from the 4th century. Be sure to take note of the carved motifs vegetation; and restoration of passageways Assyria, north Syria, and Urartu, indicating that over the western door. are amongst the most important tasks being Iran not only received considerable cultural The Shams Tabrizi Minaret: Named for a celebrated taken in this ancient complex, the official noted. and artistic stimuli from other areas but also, 13th-century poet, the Shams Tabrizi Minaret is hidden in the “Restoration of damaged architectural A couple takes a look at the Golden Bowl of Hasanlu, which dates from ca. 900 BC, during in turn, exerted influence on the Middle East. back alleys off 22 Bahman Street, which is just a short taxi ride remains, museum labels, and strengthening of a visit to the National Museum of Iran, downtown Tehran. The excavations have revealed important northeast of Gumsal Square. The Shams Tabrizi Minaret is lighting systems are amongst other missions Tourism and Handicrafts is working on the Among the most important objects knowledge about the prehistory of northwestern 300 years old and is interestingly encrusted with protruding being performed.” possible inscription of Hasanlu on the UNESCO uncovered at Hasanlu were an unusually Iran, particularly during the late 2nd and early animal horns. Iran’s Ministry of Cultural Heritage, World Heritage list. decorated silver bowl, several iron garment 1st millennia BC. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y JULY 7, 2020 SOCIETY 9

$370m spent to counter SDSs $10bn of precious metals dumped each year in in 3 years electronic waste, says UN At least $10bn (£7.9bn) worth of gold, platinum and other SOCIETY TEHRAN — Over the precious metals are dumped every year in the growing moun- desk past three years, the gov- tain of electronic waste that is polluting the planet, according ernment has spent about $370 million from to a new UN report. the National Development Fund on fighting A record 54m tonnes of “e-waste” was generated worldwide sand and dust storms (SDSs), Ali Mohammad in 2019, up 21% in five years, the UN’s Global E-waste Monitor Tahmasebi, head of the national working report found. The 2019 figure is equivalent to 7.3kg for every man, group for SDSs mitigation, said. woman and child on Earth, though use is concentrated in richer Since the past few years, southern and nations. The amount of e-waste is rising three times faster than western provinces of the country are fre- the world’s population, and only 17% of it was recycled in 2019. quently hit by sand and dust storms, as Electronic and electrical goods, from phones and computers to well as drought and even destructive floods, refrigerators and kettles, have become indispensable in modern which is caused by both internal and external societies and enhance lives. But they often contain toxic chemicals, hotpots; major external SDSs sources are and soaring production and waste damages human health and Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. the environment, and fuels the climate crisis. In fact, Iran has been repeatedly exposed The report blames lack of regulation and the short lifespan to SDSs due to its presence in the arid and of products that are hard or impossible to repair. Experts semi-arid part of the world, so that in 2006- called the situation a “wholly preventable global scandal”, 2007, the dust storms originating in Iraq and the Guardian reported. Syria affected Iran, haunting a wide area of People in northern Europe produced the most e-waste – 22.4kg the country so that it reached the central per person in 2019. The amount was half as much in eastern areas and southern slopes of Alborz and also Europe. Australians and New Zealanders disposed of 21.3kg included Tehran. per person, while in the US and Canada the figure was 20.9kg. Consumption, changing the pattern of Averages across Asia and Africa were much lower, at 5.6kg and cultivation, and climate change have increased 2.5kg per person respectively. the negative effects of this phenomenon. E-waste contains materials including copper, iron, gold, silver One of the key steps we have taken is to and platinum, which the report gives a conservative value of identify dust hotspots and specify the in- $57bn. But most are dumped or burned rather than being col- tensity of dust generation in those areas, from Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, eration between responsible bodies is very as toxins, heavy metals, salt, sulphur, pes- lected for recycling. Precious metals in waste are estimated to be Tahmasebi stated. the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Turk- difficult, and the organizations do not give ticides, etc. which cause significant health worth $14bn, but only $4bn-worth is recovered at the moment. After nearly two years, we identified areas menistan, he noted. us a comprehensive report, he concluded. impacts when people inhale the contam- Europe had the highest recycling rate in 2019, at 42%, with with very low to very high dust potential, Over the past three years, some $370 According to the World Metrological Or- inated dust. Dust can corrode buildings Asia second at 12%. But across North and South America, and through which about 57 million hectares million have been spent to mitigate SDS ganization, sand and dust storms usually and other built infrastructure as it contains Oceania, the rate was 9% and in Africa it was 0.9%. annually produce about 5 million tons of hotspots in the country, he said. occur when strong winds lift large amounts a high level of salts. In low- and middle-income countries, some e-waste is re- dust, and scatter about 8 kilograms of dust During this period, about 110,000 of sand and dust from bare, dry soils into the The effects of sand and dust storms can cycled but usually by unsafe practices, such as burning circuit per hectare in the air, he noted. hectares undergone seedling plantation, atmosphere. Over the last decade, scientists be reduced by using a number of health boards to recover copper. This releases highly toxic metals such He went on to say that in the next step, more than 750,000 hectares of protec- have come to realize the impacts on climate, and safety measures and environmental as mercury, lead and cadmium, “causing severe health effects to parts that could be considered permissible tion, trapping and grazing operations in human health, the environment, and many control strategies. Large-scale sand and workers as well as to the children who often live and play near were removed, so important dust sources in 23 pastures with dust-raising potential, soil socio-economic sectors. dust storms are generally natural phenom- e-waste activities”, the report said. provinces estimated at 34.7 million hectares, stabilization in 150,000 hectares, includ- How to mitigate the effects of SDSs ena and it may not be always practicable It estimated that 50 tonnes of mercury from monitors, en- with an average amount of 4.24 million tons ing mulching, construction of live and According to EcoMENA, sand and dust to prevent it happening. However, control ergy-saving light bulbs and other e-waste is dumped each year. of dust per year, of which 122.7 kilograms of non-living windbreaks, equipping 100 storms cause significant negative impacts on measures can be taken to reduce their im- Furthermore, gases released from discarded fridges and air-con- dust per hectare is raised annually. stations for forecasting and warning, about society, economy, and environment at local, pacts. Localized small-scale dust emission ditioning units were equivalent to 98m tonnes of atmospheric The 23 provinces affected by SDSs are 360 thousand cubic meters of dredging regional and global scales. There are three due to human induced activities can be carbon dioxide in 2019, close to the national emissions of Belgium. located in the south, southeast, center, and operations, improving routes for water key factors responsible for the generation reduced by using temporary mechanical “E-waste is a very big problem because the amount is growing parts of the west, 9 provinces of which are to reach wetlands and about 100 kilom- of sand and dust storms – strong wind, lack methods such as concrete barrier, mulch- at a very rapid pace each year, and the level of recycling is just not hit by 80 percent of the SDSs, and the most eters of water transmission channels to of vegetation, and absence of rainfall. The ing, tree buffer, etc. keeping up pace,” said Kees Baldé at the UN University, based severe in terms of quantity and quality includes humidify areas with dust potential in 27 environmental and health hazards of such Taking appropriate control of dust raising in Bonn, and an author of report. “It’s important to put a price the provinces of Kerman, South Khorasan, dusty provinces were among the actions storms cannot be reduced permanently, how- factors such as increasing the vegetation cover on the pollution – at the moment it is simply free to pollute.” Sistan-Baluchestan, Yazd, Semnan, Isfahan, have been taken, he explained. ever, its impact can be reduced by taking where possible can help in the stabilization “The biggest problem is that, in many countries, there are no Khorasan Razavi, Khuzestan, and Hormoz- The national working group for the appropriate measures. of the soil, sand dunes, and form windbreaks. collection systems,” said Mijke Hertoghs, at the UN’s Interna- gan, respectively, he noted. mitigation of SDSs has also taken a series As the dust cloud rises, it reduces hori- Additionally, the use of native plants and tional Telecommunication Union. “The companies that bring We conducted another study and found of measures, including 39 meetings of the zontal visibility which can impact human life trees as the buffer can reduce wind velocity, the equipment on the market are not being held accountable that nearly 5.8 million hectares, amounting national and specialized committees and 45 in many ways. The fine suspended particles and sand drifts at the same increase the soil for the end-of-life disposal.” to 17 percent of the hotspots, are located in meetings of related working groups, and sev- also contain contaminants, bacteria, pol- moisture. Designing buildings appropriately But Hertoghs said the value of the metals being dumped pre- protected areas, he further stated. eral provincial working group meetings in lens, which cause negative health impacts and conduct air infiltration testing during sented an opportunity. Baldé agreed: “If [collection and recycling] About 19 million hectares of surrounding 20 provinces, he noted. such as allergies and respiratory diseases. building commissioning can also help the were better organised, the economies of scale would go up and countries affect Iran, which is mainly raised One of the problems we have is that coop- Dust also carries airborne pollutants such adverse effects of sand and dust storm. I think there are opportunities for creating a new economy and new jobs. There would be a huge income for many people.” Re- cycling would also cut the environmental impact of mining for new metal: “One gram of gold has a massive footprint.” Earth’s smallest carnivore spotted in southwestern Iran “Improper e-waste recycling is a major emerging hazard, si- ENVIRONMENT TEHRAN — A least weasel, one of the It is classified as least concern by the IUCN, due to lently affecting our health and that of future generations,” said deskworld’s smallest mammals, has been seen its wide distribution and large population throughout Maria Neira at the World Health Organization. She said one in for the first time in a mountain of the southwestern prov- the Northern Hemisphere. four childhood deaths resulted from pollution, including e-waste. ince of Khuzestan, Mostafa Yousefi, head of the provincial The weasel species live in Khuzestan includes beech marten, In 2018, the ITU’s governing body set a target of increasing department environment said on Monday, IRNA reported. badgers, honey badger, Eurasian otter, and smooth-coated e-waste recycling from 17% to 30% by 2023. But, as things stand, The least weasel (Mustela nivalis), known as little weasel, otter, Yousefi said, IRNA reported on Monday. said Hertoghs: “It’s totally unrealistic to achieve that goal.” Since common weasel, or simply weasel, is the smallest member of Valuable species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, 2014, the number of countries with national e-waste policies the genus Mustela, family Mustelidae and order Carnivora. and amphibians live in the Shimbar Andika protected area, or laws in place has only increased from 61 to 78, out of a total The body is slender and elongated, the legs and tail are among which weasel is the smallest carnivore and brown of 193 UN member states. relatively short. The color varies geographically, as does bear, the largest carnivore in Iran, and the Red List species Libby Peake from the thinktank Green Alliance said: “The the pelage type and length of tail. such as leopards, hyenas, wild goats, Greek tortoise, Luristan ever-growing mountain of e-waste documented in this report Weasels weigh about 25 grams and grow to just 11 to 26 newt, eastern imperial eagle, and rare species such as black represents a wholly preventable global scandal. centimeters long. stork and pel’s fishing owl, he also said. “It doesn’t have to be this way,” she said. “Products could Small rodents form the largest part of the least weasel›s He said that preventing hunting, habitat fragmentation, be designed to last, to be repaired and, just as crucially, to be diet, but it also kills and eats rabbits, other mammals, and muda, Madeira Island, the Azores, the Canary Islands, São cutting down trees, overgrazing of livestock, and fire are the upgraded. Ensuring the system keeps electronic products in cir- occasionally birds, birds› eggs, fish, and frogs. Tomé, the Falkland Islands, Argentina, and Chile. most important protection measures in the Zagros forests. culation would create hundreds of thousands of jobs … There’s It is native to Eurasia, North America, and North Africa, The distribution of this species in Iran is from North Kho- Shimbar protected area is located northeast of Mas- no excuse for leaving this scandal unaddressed.” and has been introduced to New Zealand, Malta, Crete, Ber- rasan to Azarbaijan, Kordestan, Kermanshah, and Lorestan. jed-e-Soleiman city. WORDS IN THE NEWS ENGLISH IN USE Super Tuesday (March 03, 2004) LEARN NEWS TRANSLATION John Kerry, the senator from the New England state of Massa- chusetts, is to become the Democratic Party challenger in the United States presidential election this year. It follows his victories in nine out of the ten states that held party primary and caucus Educational projects worth elections yesterday, on what is known as Super Tuesday. This :report from David Bamford افتتاح ۱۴۰۰ میلیارد تومان پروژه آموزشی The night belonged to John Kerry as results one by one con- $330m to be inaugurated firmed that his challenger, John Edwards, had been unable to make a breakthrough in any of the ten states. He came رئیــس ســازمان نوســازی، توســعه و تجهیــز مــدارس کشــور گفــت -closest in the southern state of Georgia, just a few percent ۱۰۱۵ پــروژه آموزشــی بــا اعتبــاری بــه میــزان۱۴۰۰ میلیــارد تومــان در A total of 1,015 educational projects worth 14 trillion rials (nearly $330 ,age points behind, but results in the big states of New York سراســر کشــور بــه بهرهبــرداری می رســد. -million) will be inaugurated across the country, Mehrollah Rakhshani mehr, director of the organization for renovation, development, and California and Ohio assured Mr Kerry of a definitive vic- tory. The only state he didn’t win was tiny Vermont, which بــه گــزارش ایســنا، مهراله رخشــانی مهــر افــزود ایــن پــروژه هــا طــی ,in a quirk of the political system, voted for Howard Dean 10 روز آینــده و بــه مناســبت چهلویکمیــن ســالگرد پیــروزی انقــاب .equipment of schools, has announced The projects will be inaugurated by the next 10 days, on the occasion who wasn’t even running any longer. Now John Kerry’s attention will turn to choosing a Vice Presidential running اســامی افتتــاح خواهنــد شــد. of the 41st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, he stated, ISNA mate - it may even be John Edwards - and preparing to do .battle with George Bush بــه گفتــه او، ایــن پــروژه هــا شــامل ۴۱۶۸ کلس درس، ۱۱ اســتخر، و reported on Sunday. ۳۲ Words ســالن ورزشــی هستند. According to Rakhshanimehr, the projects include 4,168 classrooms, 11 confirmed: if something confirms what you believe, it shows that it is definitely true رخشــانی مهــر ادامــه داد تاکنــون در ســال ۹۸ حــدود ۱۴ هــزار کلس .swimming pools, and 32 gyms breakthrough: an important development or achievement درس افتتــاح شــده اســت در حالیکــه در ســال ۹۷ حــدود ۱۰ هــزار کلس About 14,000 classrooms have been built so far this year (started March percentage: a fraction of an amount expressed as a particular 21, 2019), compared with some 10,000 last year, he concluded. number of hundredths of that amount افتتــاح شــده بــود. assured: if you are assured of something, it is certain that you will get it definitive:something that is definitive provides a firm conclu- PREFIX/SUFFIX PHRASAL VERB IDIOM sion that cannot be questioned tiny: extremely small “galacto-, gala-, galact-” Grasp at something Bring nothing to the table quirk: a strange occurrence that is difficult to explain Meaning: milk Meaning: to try to hold on to something Explanation: to have nothing of interest to offer the running: in an election, if someone runs for political office, For example: The Milky Way is the galaxy which For example: His foot slipped and he grasped at other side in a negotiation they take part as a candidate is the home of our solar system. the top of the wall. For example: We’ll never reach an agreement if we running mate: here, the person who will run with John Kerry, don’t all bring something to the table. seeking the post of vice president (Source: BBC) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 10 INTERNATIONAL JULY 7, 2020

UAE orders government shake- Virus pushes U.S. hospitals to the brink, India up as coronavirus hits economy overtakes Russia with third-largest outbreak The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has announced a broad govern- ment restructuring for more “agile and swift” decision-making By staff & agencies amid the coronavirus pandemic, merging government entities Officials at the epicenter of the worsening and appointing new economy and industry ministers. coronavirus crisis in the United States warned The head of ’s national oil company ADNOC, Sultan Sunday their hospitals were in danger of al-Jaber, was named as industry and advanced technology min- being overwhelmed by the upsurge, as India ister and Abdullah al-Marri was appointed economy minister. registered a record number of new cases. The restructuring was announced by the UAE’s vice president In signs of progress, Formula One returned and prime minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, with the season-opening Austrian Grand Prix on his official Twitter account. held behind closed doors, while the Louvre “The aim ... is a government that can more quickly make deci- museum in will reopen on Monday sions and deal with changes and more adeptly seize opportunities after a 16-week shutdown, AFP reported. in dealing with this new stage in our history; a swift and agile The US has struggled to respond to the government,” Sheikh Mohammed said. devastation wrought by the virus, with its national death toll rising to near 130,000 out of 2.8 million confirmed cases, and many states hit by increasing infections after lock- China ‘pulling back troops’ downs were eased. after deadly border clash: India Hospital beds are full in parts of Texas, while calls for fresh stay-at-home orders China has begun pulling back troops from along its contested are growing. Some mayors say their cities border with India, Indian government sources have said, follow- reopened too early, as President Donald ing the worst clash between the two nuclear-armed neighbors in Trump tries to downplay the disease that nearly 50 years, which left 20 Indian soldiers dead. has gripped much of the country. Indonesia recorded its deadliest day yet, serious weaknesses in Spain›s social security delays, glitches and other difficulties to access The Chinese military was seen dismantling tents and struc- India faces similar challenges as it clocked while Spain locked down another area after system and a failure to address the plight of government support during the lockdown. tures on Monday at a location in the Galwan Valley near the site a record daily number of cases across a vast a spike in COVID-19 cases, putting 70,000 the poorest people, a UN expert said Monday. Alston, whose mandate ended in April, of the latest clash, Indian government sources, who declined to nation where medical facilities are uneven more people under restrictions until at least «Spain’s social protection net was utterly praised the government for adopting a nation- be identified as they are not authorised to speak to the media, and many COVID-19 infections are likely next weekend. inadequate before COVID-19, but the pan- al minimum income scheme in May, calling told Reuters news agency. to be undiagnosed. In the U.S., new infections dropped un- demic has since exposed just how deeply it it an ambitious and impressive achievement, Vehicles were seen withdrawing from the area, as well as at India has passed Russia as the nation der 50,000 for the second time in as many is failing people,» Philip Alston, the former but said it was just the first of many urgently Hot Springs and Gogra - two other contested border zones, the with the world›s third-largest coronavirus days, but the death of Broadway actor Nick United Nations Special Rapporteur on ex- needed measures. sources said. outbreak, reporting almost 700,000 cases. Cordero was one of many in a sharp increase treme poverty and human rights, said in a Spain launched its minimum income pro- In response to a question on whether China had moved equipment Monday›s planned reopening for India›s in fatalities in California. report on a fact-finding mission he made to gram - worth between 462 euros ($514) and back to the Galwan Valley, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Taj Mahal was cancelled, but the the Louvre COVID-19 exposed deep flaws in Spain this year. 1,015 euros a month depending on family Zhao Lijian said both sides were “taking effective measures to museum in Paris welcomed visitors again Spain›s anti-poverty system: UN expert Alston said millions of Spaniards who size - in the hope of reaching some 2.3 mil- disengage and ease the situation on the border”. after being closed for almost four months. The coronavirus outbreak has highlighted were unable to work had to struggle through lion people. “We hope India will meet China halfway and take concrete measures to carry out what both sides agreed to, continue to closely communicate through diplomatic and military channels, and work together to cool down the situation at the border,” Zhao Maduro censures ‘criminal’ U.S. sanctions during military parade told a news conference. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has denounced the Guaido — who has declared himself “interim president” United States for keeping up its “criminal sanctions” against of Venezuela — has been behind two abortive coup attempts the Latin American nation even during the deadly corona- over the past year with an aim to make the Venezuelan virus pandemic as he oversees a grand military parade on military turn against the Caracas government. Black armed protesters the country’s Independence Day. Elsewhere in his comments, Maduro attacked the country’s march in Georgia, U.S. Maduro made the comments on Sunday during a ceremo- right-wing “coup mongers” for supporting Washington’s ny, which celebrated the enactment of the 1811 Venezuelan “macabre fascist vision” in dealing with the Venezuelan nation. 1 According to the Hill, the protests come as calls to remove Declaration of Independence from Spanish rule. He also blamed neighboring Colombia for the coronavirus Confederate monuments were reignited after the death of George Prior to the speech, the Venezuelan military put on a outbreak in Venezuela and said, “The Colombian virus has Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody in May. show of force, with planes flying over Caracas and soldiers expanded throughout the country and now we are cutting The park had reopened for the holiday weekend after being marching past the president and senior military officials. the transmission chain for the Colombian virus that (Co- shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic. It usually hosts Maduro further said the world thought that the “American lombian President Ivan) Duque sent.” a laser and fireworks show in front of the carving, but this year, imperialism would take a pause” at a time when Venezuela Following in Washington’s footsteps, Colombia has rec- the show was canceled because of the virus. — along with other states — is fighting to contain the spread ognized Guaido’s power grab bid and has been supporting of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). his attempts to unseat the Maduro government. “On the contrary, they intensified their criminal sanctions, According to press TV, Maduro praised Venezuela’s re- a campaign against food, against medicine, against petrol sponse to the outbreak and said, “It’s a tremendous battle Israel launches new that Venezuela seeks and buys in the world,” he added. homeland due to a lack of basic food and necessities. that our people have taken on against the pandemic.” Washington, Maduro said, was trying to “create an According to UN statistics, at least 3.3 million people The president said “the fight is harsh and it is tough,” but spy satellite unmanageable crisis” and more “suffering for the Ven- have left the country of 30 million since the end of 2015. his government has “taken all the right decisions in time” ezuelan people.” The U.S. — backed by dozens of its regional and Western to face the coronavirus pandemic. 1 According to Sudari, the Ofek-16 is the “brother” of the The U.S. has over the past years imposed harsh economic allies — has stepped up its anti-Maduro push by lending “The people know that they can trust in their government, Ofek-11, containing many of the same capabilities, along with sanctions on the oil-rich country to pressure Maduro to step support to right-wing opposition figure Juan Guaido in his that they can trust in the civil and military authorities in this a few “light improvements, in terms of precision.” Defense down, forcing millions of Venezuelans to abandon their bid to topple the elected government in Caracas. battle that we are taking on against coronavirus,” he added. Ministry officials refused to comment on the jump in the name, from Ofek-11 to Ofek-16. “The Ofek-16 is highly advanced, including breakthrough ‘blue and white’ technology that serves our defense interests,” Sudari China slams U.S. for sending aircraft carriers to disputed sea said, using a term that refers to the colors of the Israeli flag to Beijing has slammed the United States for James Kirk, said the two American aircraft more details. signify domestically produced capabilities. sending its aircraft carriers to the disputed carriers were conducting “exercises” in the Separately, Canada’s Foreign Minister Though the main function of the new spy satellite will like- waters of South China Sea, where the Chinese contested sea within sight of Chinese naval Francois-Philippe Champagne said on Fri- ly be monitoring Iran and developments in its nuclear and military was holding naval drills, saying the vessels spotted near the U.S. navy’s flotilla. day that Ottawa was implementing several missile programs, defense officials denied any symbolism in provocative move is aimed at driving a wedge “They have seen us and we have seen measures in regard to the new Hong Kong conducting the launch amid growing reports that Israel was between regional countries. them,” Kirk said. national security law. responsible for a number of recent explosions in the Islamic Addressing a press briefing on Monday, The U.S. military said on Twitter that B52 According to the official, in addition to Republic, including one at a uranium enrichment facility and China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao bombers were also involved in the exercise. suspending the extradition treaty, sensi- another at a missile production plant. Lijian said Washington had “deliberately” Earlier, Rear Admiral George Wikoff, tive exports to the special administrative sent the USS Ronald Reagan and USS Nimitz commander of the strike group led by the region will be treated the same as they Resistance News aircraft carriers to the South China Sea to USS Ronald Reagan, said the military move were going to China. “flex its muscles.” was to “show an unambiguous signal to our Champagne noted that the trade of military The Americans, he added, “have ulterior partners and allies that we are committed of dollars in maritime trade each year. items of the same nature will no longer be Israeli authorities to motives. The U.S. is creating division among to regional security and stability.” China warns Canada over Hong permitted with Hong Kong. demolish 30 Palestinian nations in the region and militarizing the Apparently reacting to the deployment, Kong move Canada and a number of Western coun- South China Sea,” nine tenths of which is China on Friday slammed “non-regional Elsewhere in his comments, the Chinese tries have harshly criticized the new national buildings in claimed by China. countries” for traveling a long distance to official delivered a warning to Canada after the security law for Hong Kong, which was en- The two U.S. carriers arrived in the re- conduct large-scale military activities in the Ottawa government said it was suspending acted on Tuesday and which they say harms INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN— Israeli authorities on Monday gion on Saturday for “military exercises” South China Sea, stressing that such pro- an extradition treaty with Hong Kong as part the city’s semi-autonomous status. Beijing deskordered the demolition of 30 Palestinian struc- as China was wrapping up its own naval vocative moves in Chinese territorial waters of a package of responses to the new security rejects the allegation. tures in al-Isawiya village in Occupied Jerusalem. drills near the disputed Xisha islands, were the source of tensions and instability law recently introduced by mainland China The new security legislation criminalizes Activist Mohammed Abu al-Hommous said that Israeli mu- called Paracel islands by China’s rivals, in the region. in the semi-autonomous region. sedition, secession, and subversion against nicipality crews on Monday stormed al-Isawiya and distributed who have overlapping sovereignty claims The U.S. — which sides with China’s rivals Beijing, he said, viewed the decision mainland China, and allows Chinese national demolition notices targeting 30 homes and various facilities. to the resource-rich sea. in their territorial claims — says such military as interference in its domestic affairs and security institutions to operate in the city for The Israeli crews also took pictures of the threatened buildings. Speaking to Reuters on Monday, the com- operations are meant to protect “freedom of reserved the right to take additional ac- the first time since 1997, when Hong Kong Some of them are inhabited houses and others are still under mander of the USS Nimitz, Rear Admiral navigation” in the sea, a gateway for trillions tion in response to Canada, without giving returned from British to Chinese rule. construction. In addition to construction restrictions, the Palestinian residents of al-Isawiya have been lately subjected to stepped-up demolition Inside the America campaigns targeting mainly homes and commercial facilities. The Trump administration’s dedication to preserv- ing sales demonstrations for the Winchester Rifle notions of slavery and genocide, the Trump admin- ing offensive national monuments is an indication Company. The film’s soundtrack gains authenticity istration decided to hold America’s biggest summer of the American aversion to learning the truth about and simultaneously encourages viewers to make the holiday celebration at America’s largest and most Israeli warplanes carry out our ugly national history. But if actually picking up a connection to the confirmed brutalities of American quintessential monument. This site, called Mount book is too much of a struggle, certainly such things history by using the tune Garryowen. The 7th Calvary Rushmore by the US government, is a gigantic illegal fresh air raids on Gaza can be gleaned from passive education—from watch- Regiment— famous for its participation in some of the carving on stolen land, which scars the sacred Black ing and contemplating well-made popular films and largest battles of the Indian Wars, the most infamous Hills area with the faces of Presidents Washington, INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN—Israeli warplanes have carried out desk other media presentations. Especially in the Age of being the Battle of Little Bighorn—became known Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt. In the 1868 Treaty fresh airstrikes against the Gaza Strip, bombing Covid, when we spend many more hours at home, by the nickname Garryowen because that tune was of Laramie, the US government recognized the Black locations in the east of the besieged enclave. glued to our televisions or computer screens, there played right before the Calvary charged in to attack Hills as part of the Great Sioux Reservation and set The Israeli military says the warplanes and helicopters have is ample time to be exposed to something other than unarmed Native villages, massacring men, women the land aside for exclusive use by the Sioux Nation. stricken the positions of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Ha- one’s own point of view. You wouldn’t even have to and children alike. Not only has Donald Trump insulted and degraded mas, in Gaza Strip late on Sunday night. go far from the mainstream if you wanted to learn All these details intersect in the current political Indigenous Peoples by glorifying the monument An Israeli military spokesperson claimed in a statement that about a different perspective. There are numerous climate because of the Trump administration’s in- built on stolen land, signifying the more than 500 the Hamas targets hit by the warplanes include “underground block busters that tell the tales of America’s history flammatory and offensive choice of location for the broken treaties which paved the way for cultural infrastructure”. of genocide, racism and slavery, from the 1962 classic president’s Independence Day speech this year. On decimation, disease and near genocide, but he and The spokesperson also claimed that the attacks were in reac- To Kill a Mockingbird, to more recent films such as July 4th, 2020, amidst unrest and protests over his administration further demonstrate their callous tion to three rockets allegedly fired from the besieged enclave at Clash, to the newly released Da 5 Bloods, which all police brutality against people of color, sparking a disregard for history by using the same battle song southern parts of the occupied territories. No group has claimed focus on racially based strife. growing racial and class divide between Americans, played against the Native peoples on that very spot responsibility for the attack. Case in point: hasn’t every American seen the open- Donald Trump has further isolated and insulted In- one hundred and fifty years ago. With ceremonies There were no immediate reports of casualties caused by the ing scene from Tom Cruise’s famous film The Last digenous Americans by delivering his deeply divisive and symbolism of this sort, the 45th President of the Israeli air raids. Samurai, when a drunken, depressed and PTSD-rid- Independence Day speech from Mount Rushmore, United States has taken America even further away The fresh attacks come as Hamas has called on other Pales- den Cruise, haunted by his role in the 7th Calvary complete with the playing of that genocidal battle from resolving any racial crisis, and has demonstrated tinian groups in the occupied West Bank to join hands and start Regiment’s massacre of Native Americans under the tune—Garryowen. In the midst of protests calling no intention to resolve the damages created by this an armed struggle against the Israeli occupation. leadership of General Custer, finds himself perform- for the demolition of memorials that glorify the system of White Supremacy. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y JULY 7, 2020 SPORTS 11

Flight restrictions prevent Sepahan held by Saipa: IPL

SPORTS TEHRAN — Sepahan football team failed deskto narrow the gap at the top of the Iran Ayanda Patosi to return to Iran Professional League (IPL) table to 10 points after being held by Saipa on Sunday. SPORTS TEHRAN — Ayanda desk In the match held in Tehran’s Dastgerdi Stadium, Patosi, the South Afri- two teams played out a goalless draw. can midfielder of Foolad Khuzestan, Saipa should be grateful to their goalkeeper Hamed has been for more than four months in Fallahzadeh since he made two key saves in this match. his country and still could not return Sepahan still are second with 41 points, 12 points adrift to Iran because of the Covid-19 crisis of IPL leaders Persepolis. and the flight restrictions. In Sirjan, Shahr Khodro secured a late 1-0 win against In an exclusive interview with Tehran Gol Gohar and moved up to third place. Shahr Khodro Times, Patosi has explained his latest sit behind Sepahan on goal difference. situation. Naft Masjed Soleyman also edged past Machine Sazi Ayanda, how is the situation in 1-0 in a home match. South Africa regarding the outbreak of Esteghlal and Pars Jonoubi match as well as a match coronavirus pandemic? between Nassaji and Foolad were canceled after Esteg- A: I’m in Cape Town right now be- hlal and Foola players tested positive for coronavirus. cause of the coronavirus crisis. Actually, it’s been very hard in South Africa be- cause the country went lockdown and some social activities are not open yet Azmoun stars as Zenit ease and forced to shut down. Now, we are in Level Three of the plan to control the to Russian title virus. In Level Three they have opened some shops and some jobs have started Islamic Republic of Iran striker Sardar Azmoun was working again. crowned a Russian Premier League champion for the Why you couldn’t return to Iran? second successive season, scoring twice as Zenit Saint A: The flight restrictions still remain. Petersburg wrapped up a second consecutive title on It’s very difficult to get a flight to other Sunday. countries including Iran. Me and Foolad The Iran hotshot was the Player of the Match on the club’s office have been working very hard day of Zenit’s coronation, netting the opening goal in the to get the flight as soon as possible. I’m fifth minute, then adding a second shortly after half time in touch every day with my agent and as Sergey Semak’s side beat Krasnodar 4-2, extending also with Mr. Saeid Azari, the general their lead over second placed Lokomotiv Moscow to an manager of the Foolad Club, and we insurmountable 13 points with four matches remaining. are doing our best to get the flight and Azmoun’s characteristic contribution was the latest to return to Iran at the earliest possible chapter in what has been a fine individual campaign, time. notching his 12th and 13th goals in 25 league appearances, You have been away from Iran for and taking his tally to 17 in 33 matches in all competitions. more than three months now. With their title success - which was achieved both two A: Yes, it’s been very hard for me. months late and four matches early due to the league’s I miss the club, I miss the team, I miss the three-month hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic - Zenit players and playing around with them. in Cape Town for too long now. I’ve No, It’s not true. I wanted to be Anything else you want to say? were crowned champions for the sixth time since 2007. Let’s talk about what you have never been in Cape Town for a long in that game because Esteghlal are my A: To all Foolad fans: Thank you very Azmoun has been one of the club’s standout players done during the lockdown. period if I’m not playing football in ex-team and I really liked to play against much guys for your support. I’ve received so since joining in February 2019, scoring 25 league goals A: throughout the lockdown, I’ve South Africa! them, against my former teammates. It many messages on my Instagram. I really on the way to back to back titles. managed to train alone in my own About Foolad game against Es- could be a nice and interesting game for can’t wait to come back to Ahwaz. I really Those exploits have seen the 25-year-old linked to backyard. It’s hard but that is some- teghlal (which Foolad won 2-1), there me. I would really love to be in that game appreciate your support. I know it’s very transfer interest from some of Europe’s top clubs, and thing I can do in this situation. I spent were some rumors that Patosi himself but because of the Covid-19 situation difficult to stay at home to watch Foolad voted Asia’s Greatest Russian Premier League Player in time with my family. Most of the time didn’t want to be in this match to play in my country, I couldn’t get the flight games but your health comes first guys. a the-AFC.com fan poll last month. I’m outside the country but I’ve been against his ex-team Esteghlal!! on time for that match. Thank you very much and stay safe! With Zenit’s league success confirmed, the club’s at- tention will now turn to securing the Russian Cup title, with a semi-final against Spartak Moscow set for July 19. Survey finds 77% of Japanese think Vietnam says may host F1 race (Source: AP) Olympics ‘cannot be held’ next year in November Esteghlal forward Tabrizi undergoes surgery

Tasnim – Esteghlal football team striker Morteza Tabrizi underwent surgery on his knee on Sunday. He had a surgery for a torn ACL suffered in a friendly match against Rayka in mid-June. Tabrizi will miss the rest of the Iran Professional League (IPL) due to the injury. Esteghlal forward Arsalan Motahari had previously suffered a hamstring injury.

UAE to start preparations on July 22

TOKYO (Reuters) — A wide-rang- to host the Olympics in Japan next HANOI (Reuters) — Vietnam could host ers. Hopefully the race can be resumed by The United Arab Emirates Football Association (UAE FA) ing survey conducted by the Japan year. the country’s first Formula One Grand Prix end-November,” Hanoi’s chairman Nguy- has announced that the national team will start prepa- News Network (JNN) found that Organizers have previously said in late November, the ruling body of its en Duc Chung said at a meeting attended rations for the Asian Qualifiers for the FIFA World Cup 77% of those questioned said that they will look to “simplify” the Games capital city said on Monday, as the country by local media, of which a recording was Qatar 2022 and AFC Asian Cup China 2023 on July 22. the Tokyo Olympics “cannot be next year to lower costs and reduce approaches three months without domestic obtained by Reuters. The Committee for The National Teams and Tech- held” next year, it was announced risks related to COVID-19. transmission of the coronavirus. Chung did not elaborate and it was not nical Affairs approved the first stage of the preparation on Monday. However, in the JNN poll, conduct- The Vietnam Grand Prix was initially clear if a November date had been discussed program after coordinating with the technical staff led The Tokyo 2020 Games, originally ed over the weekend and that mostly due to take place in Hanoi on April 5 but with Formula One. by new head coach Jorge Luis Pinto. due to start this month, have already centered on Japanese politics, 77% of was postponed because of the COVID-19 The 2020 Formula One season start- The first gathering will be July 22-27, while the second been delayed for a year because of the respondents said they think the Olympics pandemic. Organisers said they would ed in Austria on Sunday with an initial preparatory camp on August 1-23 will be abroad with coronavirus pandemic. “cannot be held” in 2021. They did not monitor the virus situation and pick an- calendar that so far has eight races in two friendly matches scheduled. As organizers plan the rearranged give a reason. other time for the race. Europe, without spectators, until Sep- There will be a third gathering for the team on August Games, questions remain over Just 17% said they thought it “can “We are assessing all virus-related issues tember, with uncertainty about how many 31-September 9, which will also include two friendly whether it is suitable, or possible, be held” next year. and will discuss them with the organiz- races there will be. matches that will be played during FIFA days ahead of their next Asian Qualifiers match against Malaysia on October 8. Djokovic’s event taught us to be cautious: French Open director UAE, currently fourth in Group G with six points, MUMBAI (Reuters) — French Open organizers are taking Forget said French Open organizers were not planning will then travel to Indonesia for their sixth match of the every precaution to ensure the Grand Slam does not meet anything as strict and were even hoping to ease restrictions. Qualifiers on October 13. the same fate as Novak Djokovic’s Adria Tour, which was “Luckily things are a bit more flexible in Europe and Their final two matches are scheduled for November abandoned after several players tested positive for COV- in France, especially,” he said. “Hopefully, what we’re 12 and 17 against Thailand and Vietnam respectively. ID-19, tournament director Guy Forget has told Reuters. going to announce will probably be even more flexible (Source: the-afc) Djokovic has come under fire after the charity event than what we did.” was played in front of packed crowds in Serbia and Cro- The FFT drew heavy criticism in mid-March when it atia and saw players hugging at the net and posing for unilaterally moved the French Open to September from pictures together. its scheduled May start amid the COVID-19 crisis, placing Al Duhail part ways with Djokovic, Grigor Dimitrov, Borna Coric and Viktor Troicki it in the middle of the hardcourt season. have all tested positive for the new coronavirus. Forget said he understood why some were unhappy Mandžukic The French Open will allow up to 60% of the usual about it but thought saving one of the most prestigious capacity inside the Roland Garros grounds when the re- and lucrative tournaments in tennis was worth it. scheduled claycourt tournament starts on Sept. 27 and “We’re not going to celebrate or congratulate ourselves Six-time Qatar Stars League champions Al Duhail an- Forget said there was no chance of them repeating the for the decision we took,” the 55-year-old said. nounced that they have parted ways with Croatian forward mistakes of the Adria Tour. “We thought it’s a risk worth taking. Of course we’ll Mario Mandžukic. “Maybe some people were overconfident there,” Forget tournament and about 10,000 per day on the final weekend. make people unhappy. “The club’s management has reached an agreement said by telephone. Forget said a successful event needed to have some “But in mid-October, if we’re able to come together with the Croatian professional Mario Mandžukic to end “Luckily no one got hurt really bad but even a few cases kind of a crowd. and we’ve been able to provide revenue for 600 people, the contract with him by mutual consent after the pe- is too much and we want to avoid that as much as we can. “We all see soccer on television, it’s wonderful but I think we will be very satisfied as a federation and I as riod he spent with the team,” said an official statement “We want to reassure everyone that having people something is missing without the crowds,” the former a former player.” from the club. getting ill will be terrible for us. Let’s be really careful, world No. 4 said. Forget was reasonably confident the tournament would The 34-year-old forward appeared in only 10 matches really cautious.” “We are working closely with the administration, the be a success but would not relax until after the men’s final since joining Al Duhail from Italian giants Juventus last France began easing restrictions in May but has been government, to make sure we can provide some crowd on Oct. 11. December, including two 2020 AFC Champions League reporting over 500 cases daily in recent days. Protective while still following very strict security measures.” “I don’t want to shout ‘victory’ before the tournament ties where he scored their opening goal in Group C against masks will be mandatory for anyone on the move inside MORE FLEXIBLE actually happens,” Forget said. Islamic Republic of Iran’s Persepolis. Roland Garros and they will be recommended for those The U.S. Open in New York, which is scheduled to start “As the tournament director I’ll only be happy once the Al Duhail will resume Qatar Stars League action on sitting courtside. on Aug. 31, will have no spectators and operate under strict men’s winner shakes the hand of the finalist. July 25 against Umm Salal. They held a four-point lead The French Tennis Federation (FFT) expect some 20,000 health protocols, including limiting the size of each player’s “We will all together be able to say, we did it.” over Al Rayyan prior to the COVID-19 enforced break. spectators a day during the early stages of the two-week entourage. (Source: Reuters) (Source: AFP) Prayer Times Noon:13:09 Evening: 20:44 Dawn: 4:11 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 5:56 (tomorrow) JULY 7, 2020 ART&CULTURE I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y www.tehrantimes.com Managing Director: Mohammad Shojaeian Editor-in-Chief: Ali A.Jenabzadeh Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 Niavaran Cultural Center to host [email protected] Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051430 Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 Iran-Austria Music Event Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 ARTTEHRAN — Tehran’s Webmaster: [email protected] deskNiavaran Cultural Printed at: Jame Jam Bartar Borna - 44197737 Center next week will be playing host to a music festival named the “Iran-Austria Music Event”. Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimes79 Musicians from Iran and Austria will be joining together at the center on No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran July 15 to give performances during the P.o. Box: 14155-4843 Zip Code: 1599814713 event, Alireza Nazemorroaya, the deputy director of the Iran-Austria Joint Chamber of Commerce, which is the main organizer of the festival, said on Sunday. He made the remarks during a ceremony the center organized to unveil a poster for the event. The ceremony was also attended by Niavaran center director Ebadreza Eslami, Deputy Culture Minister for Artistic Affairs Seyyed Mojtaba Hosseini and a number GUIDE TO of Austrian organizers of the festival. SPIRITUAL AWAKENING “Iran and Austria have had close cultural relations since the Safavid period, A trouble that saddens you is better than a blessing and I am really happy that the cultural relationship between the two countries that rouses your selfishness and loses you God’s is going on effectively,” Eslami said. favor; for, the former grinds your body like a rasp, For his part, Hosseini said, “The and the latter burns your spirit little by little. language of art doesn’t need to be translated as it forms in artists’ solitude.” Imam Ali (AS) “Iran is only one percent of the Earth, however, it holds ten percent of its art and cultural heritage, and this gives us a responsibility to share our cultural assets with the world,” he added. Iran distributes free books “During her visit to Iran, Teresa Indjein, the head of cultural policy at to promote reading in the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, remote areas discussed a plan that is expected to lead to organizing some good joint art and 1 The culture ministry is planning to carry out an cultural programs in both countries,” extensive stage of “It’s Possible by Books” after the end of Hosseini noted. the COVID-19 pandemic. He noted, “The Iran-Austria Music Event will be an auspicious beginning to a long-range collaboration in other Organizers attend a ceremony at Tehran’s Niavaran Cultural Center on July 5, 2020 to unveil a poster for the fields of art between the two countries. Iran-Austria Music Event.

New movies to hit silver screens amid pandemic ARTTEHRAN — Three new movies will hit Parviz Parastui, Mahur Alvand, Shahram Haqiqatdoost, desksilver screens across Iran this Wednesday Shahrokh Forutanian and Ehsan Kardan star in this movie. while the death toll from COVID-19 has risen in the country “Pishi Mishi” by director Hossein Qanaat is a children’s over the past ten days. comedy about Farhad’s love of Maloos. The films are “Women Are Angels 2”, “There at the Same The movie stars Reza Shafi-Jam, Bahareh Rahnama, Time” and “Pishi Mishi”. Saed Hedayati and Mohammad Shiri. “Women Are Angels 2” by Arash Moayyerian portrays The Screening Council of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic a wealthy wife and a poor husband. The woman is in love Guidance secretary Morteza Shayesteh said that the two with her husband and names her house and her automobile previous onscreen movies of Peyman Qasemkhani’s comedy Workers load packages of donated books for the plan showroom after him, however, she finds out more about her “Good, Bad, Garish 2: The Secret Army” and Mohammad “It’s Possible by Books” in Tehran on July 5, 2020. husband’s disloyalty when her trip is cancelled. Kart’s directorial debut “Butterfly Swimming” will continue To promote reading, the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Sahar Qoreishi, Niusha Zeighami, Mohammadreza their screening. Guidance in collaboration with several cultural organizations, Sharifinia and Sirus Hemmati are the main actors of the movie. Iran’s Coronavirus Combat and Prevention Headquarters including the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO, selects “There at the Same Time” by director Sirus Alvand tells announced last week that it would examine the imposition an Iranian city as book capital every year. A scene from “There at the Same Time” by director the story of Rana and who have begun their life in an of new limits on art and cultural activities as fresh cases of Iran’s 2020 Book Capital is Shiraz, the hometown of Hafez and Sirus Alvand. old district in the suburban area. COVID-19 have been reported across the country. Sadi that also houses the tombs of the great Persian classical poets. In addition, ten villages across the country are selected as Book Loving Villages of the Year. Iran’s 2020 Book Loving Villages are Zavarom in North Teleplays viable alternatives to stage performances during pandemic: Khorasan Province, Vadeqan in , Seyyedabad in West Azarbaijan, Bonegaz in Bushehr Province, Alavieh in Fars Province, Kheirabad in Kohkiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Hadi Marzban Khorshid in Mazandaran Province, Isin in Hormozgan Province, ARTTEHRAN — Director former prime minister, who made great Seyyedshahab in Hamedan Province and Gerdkuh in Yazd Province. deskHadi Marzban has said efforts to nationalize the oil industry that teleplays are viable alternatives in 1951 that were nullified by the CIA to stage performances during the coup d’état against the national icon in coronavirus pandemic. August 1953. Paintings on face masks to go “In a meeting with Qader Ashena, the Moreover, puppeteer Adel Bozdudeh, director of Iran’s Dramatic Arts Center, I told who planned to restage his puppet show on view at Tehran gallery him television has forgotten teleplays but if it “An Accident in the City of Puppets” nearly decides to show more interest in teleplays, we fifty years after its premiere in Tehran, said ARTTEHRAN — Tehran’s CAMA – Contemporary can negotiate with the managers for several on Monday that he will postpone his project. deskand Modern Art Gallery will be playing host to teleplays every week,” Marzban said. “Because I don’t want to take a risk and put a group exhibition of paintings on face masks to help encourage “I know this will not be the theater we the health of an adult or a child in danger,” more people to wear face masks during the coronavirus pandemic. like and expect, and the attendance of he said. Shahla Homayuni is the curator of the exhibit named “Wear the theatergoers is very important for us. Bozdudeh was due to stage his play for a Mask” that will display 70 masks by 70 artists. However, we need to understand the situation; children at the Institute for Intellectual In a press release published on Monday, CAMA director Mona now that the coronavirus is fighting with Development of Children and Young Adults Khosheqbal said that a number of veteran artists and young us we need to fight back this way,” he said. (IIDCYA) in May, but the play was postponed talents have been asked to create their paintings on face masks He added that if television cooperates to a later time in October. to showcase at the exhibition, which will open on Friday. and dedicates a budget in collaboration with “Amid the coronavirus pandemic, it is not Each face mask bears the signature of the artist on its reverse the dramatic center, more teleplays will be a good idea to gather families and children side hidden from the visitors, she added. produced every week so that people will not in one closed place to watch a play,” he said. Hossein Mahjubi, Ahmad Vakili, Homayun Salimi, forget theaters. “The IIDYCA has resumed its activities Behzad Shishehgaran, Reza Hedayat, Shahla Homayuni, Marzban said that he has many unread but only with solo performances, and one Turan Farhat, Shahram Gilabadi and Reza Bangiz are among books to read and unfinished works to do, but cannot say how long they can be on stage the participating artists. he is not in a good mood to carry them out. due to the low number of attendees these The exhibit will be running until July 21 at the gallery located “Of course, I have not been idle these days,” he added. at No. 44, 10th Golestan, Pasdaran St. days and have begun to write my biography, “These days, I cannot take the risk of The idea of drawing paintings on face masks was earlier about my personal and artistic life, and I ask performing the play because I think a child implemented during May by Iranian graphic designer Yazdan Saadi. everyone to pray that the coronavirus leaves Stage director Hadi Marzban in an undated photo. or an adult might take this virus back home He created his new collection on face masks depicting the sooner so that we can return to our normal and get infected,” he noted. mythical Iranian hero Rustam fighting coronavirus monsters. Likes His Wife More Than Mossadeq” in The play was an adaptation of a novel conditions of the past,” he said. “I still believe the health of people Ferdowsi’s masterpiece Shahnameh and its seven adventures Vahdat Hall in February, however, the by Iranian writer Shahram Rahimian. Marzban planned to return to the stage especially children is much more important were the sources of inspiration for Saadi. project was halted due to the outbreak It is about Dr. Esfandiar N., an ardent with a political romance named “Dr. N. than any theater performance,” he added. “This was not something unusual in the process of my artistic of coronavirus in the country. supporter of Mohammad Mosaddeq, Iran’s career. I have always paid great attention to the materials I use in my works. The idea was not strange to me. We didn’t have the habit of living with face masks and only doctors and craftsmen used them in their jobs, and this was a new thing added to our “Tristano Dies” at Iranian bookstores lives, something to wear outdoors that was annoying at first,” he once told Tehran Times. CULTURE TEHRAN — A Persian translation it’s already lost, has slipped away.” “Although the new virus has captured and impacted our lifestyle, deskof Italian writer Antonio Tabucchi’s Originally published in 2004, “Tristano Dies” is a I decided to conquer the idea of wearing a face mask as I thought novel “Tristano Dies: A Life” has appeared at Iranian vibrant consideration of love, war, devotion, betrayal this must be a concept of battle and fighting,” he had said. bookstores. and the instability of the past, of storytelling and what Moreover, the Health Ministry asked people to join the The book has been translated by Qoli Khayyat and it means to be a hero. movement “I Wear a Mask” and the artists were invited to join published by the Negah publishing company in Tehran. Tabucchi was an academic who taught Portuguese this movement to encourage more people to put on face masks. The story is set during a sultry August at the very end language and literature at the University of Siena, . The nurses, doctors and medical staff are in the frontline of the twentieth century while Tristano is dying. A hero Deeply in love with Portugal, he was an expert, critic battling the coronavirus, their diligent efforts need to be honored of the Italian Resistance, Tristano has called a writer to and translator of the works of Fernando Pessoa from and respected while people are also asked to wear masks to help his bedside to listen to his life story, though, really, “you whom he drew the conceptions of saudade, of fiction Front cover of the Persian translation of Italian writer fight this new virus, the ministry has said. don’t tell a life…you live a life, and while you’re living it, and of the heteronyms. Antonio Tabucchi’s novel “Tristano Dies: A Life”.