Plant Resources of South-East Asia
Moh^v^te 'fel Plant Resources of South-East Asia Basic list of species and commodity grouping Version1 R.H.M.J. Lemmens, P.C.M. Jansen, J.S. Siemonsma, F.M. Stavast (Editors) PROSEA Project, 1989 Wageningen, theNetherland s . AN,){'i:'..' LU- Wie *^- ^ (c)PROSE A Project,Wageningen , theNetherlands , 1989 Nopart of thispublication , apart frombibliographi c data and brief quotations embodied incritica l reviews,ma y be reproduced, re-recorded or published inan y form including print,photocopy , microfilm, electric or electromagnetic record without permission from thepublishe r PROSEA Project, P.O. Box 341,670 0A HWageningen , theNetherlands . Printed inth e Netherlands PROSEAstaf finvolve d P..C .,M .Janse n R.,H .,M.J .Lemmen s L.,P ..A .Oye n J.,M ..G .Rynj a J.,S ., Siemonsm a F,.M ., Stavas t Contributorsfo rupdatin g -B.L .Burtt ,Roya lBotani cGarden ,Edinburgh ,Scotland ,Grea tBritain . -M.J.E .Coode ,Roya lBotani cGardens ,Kew ,England ,Grea tBritain . -D.J .d eLaubenfels ,Syracus eUniversity ,Departmen to fGeography ,Ne w York,Unite dStates . -B.E.E .d eWilde-Duyfjes ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th e Netherlands. -W.J.J.O .d eWilde ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th e Netherlands. -Din gHou ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th eNetherlands . -J .Dransfield ,Roya lBotani cGardens ,Kew ,England ,Grea tBritain . -Soejatm iDransfield ,Roya lBotani cGardens ,Kew ,England ,Grea t Britain. -R.B .Faden ,U SNationa lHerbarium ,Departmen to fBotany ,Smithsonia n Institution,Washingto nDC ,Unite dStates . -R .Geesink ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th eNetherlands . -C .Hansen ,Botanica lMuseu man dHerbarium ,Copenhagen ,Denmark . -D.R .Hunt ,Roya lBotani cGardens ,Kew ,England ,Grea tBritain .
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