
3.7 Meteorological risk: extra-tropical , tropical cyclones and convective

Thomas Frame, Giles Harrison, Tim Hewson, Nigel Roberts

3.7.1 scale and their typical lifetime. Other extra-tropical is closely relat- types of system do exist, but ed to the strength of this . Storm types these can be considered subtypes of The strongest extra-tropical cyclones and associated the three systems listed above. occur in months when the jet hazardous stream is at its strongest. phenomena Extra-tropical cyclones Storm systems can be Extra-tropical cyclones are large ro- distinguished from each Storms tating systems that occur in other by their mechanism the extra- (more than 30° lat- Conceptually, there are two types of itude away from the ). They of development (growth), storm in : (1) the - consist of an approximately circular structure, geographic ous weather phenomena themselves region of low surface pressure, of a location, spatial scale and (such as windstorms, rainstorms, radius of 100-2 000 km, accompa- typical lifetime. snowstorms, hailstorms, thunder- nied by cold and warm fronts. They storms and ice storms (freezing )), typically develop in regions of strong and (2) the meteorological features in horizontal gradients, the — the ‘storm sys- which are commonly denoted on a Periods when the jet stream is unusu- tems’ — that can be said to be re- weather chart as a cold or quasi-sta- ally strong can to two or more sponsible for this adverse weather tionary front. In turn, such fronts of- strong cyclones occurring within days (notably tropical cyclones, extra-trop- ten connect to a pre-existing decaying of each other. The total lifecycle of ical cyclones and convective systems). extra-, which itself is an extra-tropical cyclone from birth These storm systems, which are a situated some way downstream (typ- (genesis) through to development focal point in the following discus- ically to the north-east). At the same and on to decay (lysis) can occasion- sion, can be distinguished from one , high up in the atmosphere ally be more than 10 days; however, another by their mechanism of de- (around 10 km ) one com- somewhere in the range of 2-5 days velopment (growth), their structure, monly finds a jet stream relatively is much more typical (Ulbrich, 2009). their geographic location, their spatial close by. Indeed, the intensity of an


The major associated with coastal regions as well as for small is- ing from around a few hundred me- extra-tropical cyclones are high lands. tres up to several kilometres. How- and (rain and ). ever, severe convective systems can Precipitation occurs primarily along For historical and cultural reasons, comprise many cells organised into fronts and, on average, is not particu- the strongest tropical cyclones are a larger coherent structure with di- larly intense relative to that delivered assigned different terminology in dif- ameters of up to a few hundred kilo- by tropical cyclones and convective ferent regions of the globe. In the metres. These can persist for much storms. However, when a cyclone is North Atlantic and North-East Pacif- longer than the individual cells, as developing, some very heavy pre- ic, they are called hurricanes; in the new cells tend to replace old ones cipitation can occur, particularly in a North-West Pacific they are called ty- within the structure. For example, narrow band just to the left (north) of phoons, and in the Indian and convective cells may be organised in a the cyclone track. The band is ordi- they are simply linear fashion into lines or dere- narily between about 20 and 200 km called cyclones. The term hurricane is cho systems. They may also form part wide, depending on the scale of the also sometimes used erroneously by of a rotating system such as a super- cyclone. In addition, fronts connected the media to refer to extra-tropical cell or a large meso-scale convective to cyclones can sometimes become cyclones that have hurricane-strength system. Convective storms mostly very slow-moving, remaining over the winds. Tropical cyclones lead to very occur in the tropics and over land in same location for many hours, and intense surface winds (notably in a or over the sea in winter in potentially up to 2 days, leading to small annulus around the ), as well the extra-tropics. large rainfall accumulations and po- as heavy rain and . The most tential flooding. significant threat that they pose is from the associated 3.7.2 . Frequency and Tropical cyclones geographical A tropical cyclone is a rotating storm Convective systems distribution of originating in tropical , with severe storm low surface pressure at its centre. Convective storms are produced by related hazards These develop over warm in a localised rapid ascent of air, which tropical regions, have a radius in the is made buoyant by the heating of air range of about 100-500 km, and have near the ’s surface or the cool- a lifetime of between a few days and ing of air higher up, with the ascent High winds associated with a couple of weeks. They also have a of the air maintained by heat supplied extra-tropical structure in , rainfall, tempera- by of vapour cyclones ture, etc., that is relatively axisymmet- within it. The rapid ascent of air in ric (unlike extra-tropical cyclones, the convective storms often produces Extra-tropical cyclones account for structures of which are not generally very heavy but relatively short-lived the majority of recorded high surface axisymmetric). The development and rainfall, thunder and lightning, as well winds in . Their capacity to maintenance of tropical cyclones re- as, potentially, , very strong wind travel inland, and the fact that some quires that the ocean surface is very gusts and even tornadoes. At their cyclones are themselves very large, warm relative to the air above, and simplest, convective storms consist means that the winds associated with that the air above has high of a single short-lived convective cell, a single storm system can affect large (Emanuel, 2003). The requirement of comprising one ascending and one areas. For example, as extra-tropical a warm ocean surface beneath means descending column of air (updraft (January 2007) travelled that tropical cyclones will decay as and downdraft). across Europe wind gusts of 25 m/s they move inland. This makes them or more were reported over most of primarily a hazard for oceanic and Individual cells have diameters rang- , the southern United King-

247 dom, northern , the Nether- associated predictability levels. WJ is cyclones (leading to the term ‘medi- lands, , , Switzer- relatively easy to predict, while SJ, the canes’ in the former case), although land, , the , most extreme type, is notoriously dif- such storms are not as long lived and , and (Fink et ficult. the most extreme cases are much less al., 2009; RAIN, 2016). Cyclone Kyrill severe than the most extreme tropical caused 46 fatalities (EEA, 2011), cre- cyclones (Cavicchia et al., 2014). The ated total estimated insured losses of frequency with which severe cyclones between EUR 4.5 and EUR 4.8 bil- Storm systems lead to occur is difficult to define because lion (EEA, 2011; AIR Worldwide, a variety of hazardous the observational record is not suffi- 2015) and a total estimated damage phenomena, including ciently long (Della-Marta et al., 2009; of EUR 7.7 billion. An example of a Welker et al., 2016) and because cur- much smaller but much more intense high winds, precipitation rent models, which could in storm system for which the econom- and lightning, with principle, generate very long synthetic ic losses were about the same was the spatial extent and representations of the current climate , in December 2009 duration of the hazard on which to base an accurate estimate, (Mitchell-Wallace and Mitchell, 2007; being strongly dependent typically lack the resolution needed to Roberts et al., 2014). Lothar affect- on the type of storm. represent severe windstorms (Zappa ed only a relatively narrow swathe of et al., 2013; Donat, 2011). In addition, northern France, south-west Germa- if severe cyclones cluster as has been ny and , but wind gusts suggested by Pinto et al. (2013) and widely exceeded 35 m/s. An impor- others, then frequency estimates such tant consideration regarding impacts Extra-tropical cyclones are ubiqui- as return periods need to be interpret- is that damage is typically estimated tous in the extra-tropics, occurring ed carefully. to vary according to gust strength to at all locations and all year round (al- the power of 3 (Leckebusch, 2007). though they are more frequent and, The effect of on Therefore, 35 m/s gusts are much on average, more intense in late au- the intensity and distribution of ex- more destructive than 25 m/s gusts. tumn/winter). Europe is affected by tra-tropical cyclones is still very uncer- about 10 extra-tropical cyclones per tain; however, the IPCC AR5 (IPCC, Understanding of the structure of month (based on Hoskins and Hodg- 2014) states that it is unlikely that the extra-tropical cyclones has increased es, 2002); however, the vast majority number of cyclones will reduce by considerably in recent decades (see, of such cyclones do not lead to dam- more than a few per cent and that for example, Browning, 2004; Hew- aging winds. These cyclones originate there could be a small northward shift son and Neu, 2015), to the extent that from three main sources. The main in the average tracks of extra-tropi- we now have a much clearer picture of subtype affecting Europe is Atlantic cal cyclones relative to now. It is also related windstorm subtypes. Figure cyclones, which typically form near noted that there is little evidence in 3.28, for example, shows windstorm the eastern seaboard of the Amer- one set of climate change simulations footprints for the subtypes Warm ican continent and develop as they (CMIP5) of a change in extra-tropical Jet (WJ), Cold Jet (CJ) and cross the Atlantic over the course of cyclone-related wind strengths. (SJ). These subtypes are important several days, although such cyclones because they can explain differences can also form over the eastern North in damage levels and the geographical Atlantic, closer to Europe. They may High winds associated with extent of damage between different also develop over the Mediterranean tropical cyclones cyclones. For example, for Cyclone (Mediterranean cyclones) or in po- Kyrill, the subtypes were WJ and CJ, lar regions (polar lows). Within the With the exception of Hurricane while for Cyclone Lothar they were Mediterranean and in polar regions, Vince in 2005 (Franklin, 2006), trop- probably WJ and SJ. Moreover, these cyclones can sometimes have some of ical cyclones are not known to reach different subtypes have very different the physical characteristics of tropical Europe, although they may enter the


region of the jet stream and evolve in very likely that there is under-report- structure into extra-tropical cyclones High winds associated with ing, particularly in sparsely populated in a process known as extra-tropi- convective systems areas. cal transition. Some recent studies have suggested that there may be an Winds associated with convective sys- In recent decades, approximately 240 increase in these transitioning cas- tems can be extreme, the causes be- sightings have been reported es during due to a poleward ing both and tornadoes in Europe each year (Antonescu et al., expansion of the region of tropical (weak tornadoes also occur, rarely, 2016). These were mostly in summer, cyclone development (Haarsma et al., in frontal regions in extratropical cy- in mid to late afternoon, when con- 2013). clones). A key difference compared vective activity is highest. The small with cyclone-related winds is that scale and short lifetime also mean In subtropical coastal regions, tropi- convective system winds are relatively that when they do occur they pres- cal cyclones are a major cause of wind short-lived, and so impacts are very ent a hazard for only a very small damage, particularly in the developing localised. Indeed, if plotted on a map area; however, the degree of hazard world, where is not re- similar to that in Figure 3.28, foot- can be exceptionally high, because of silient to the magnitudes of winds that prints associated with convective sys- the extreme wind strengths that are occur. The effect of climate change is tems would be minuscule. Because of possible. The direct measurement of likely to be a reduction or no change their small scale and relatively short tornado winds is not feasible owing in the frequency of tropical cyclones, lifetime, such events are difficult to to their destructive , although although the average strength of the observe and, therefore, full knowl- progress has been made with the in- associated winds is expected to in- edge of their frequency and spatial troduction of mobile Doppler , crease (IPCC, 2014). distribution is difficult. Moreover, it is which can make indirect measure- ments remotely. Occasionally, large convective storm systems can form FIGURE 3.28 into squall lines (or derechoes), which can cause a swathe of damaging winds Conceptual model of the footprints of windstorms associated with extra- over larger areas. One example is the tropical cyclones. that hit Berlin in 2002 and Source: Hewson and Neu (2015) caused considerable damage and four fatalities (Gatzen, 2004); another is the events of 9 June 2014 in western Germany that killed six (BBC News, 2014). In both such cases, footprints were still no more than about 25 % of the size of the red SJ zone in Figure 3.28. Precipitation: rain, snow and hail

All storm types are associated with some form of precipitation. The ex- act nature of this depends strongly on the storm itself. The most frequent type of precipitation is rainfall. This presents a particular hazard when

249 accumulations (the total amount of around Europe (e.g. the , per square kilometre depending on rainfall in a given time) over a local and ) can also location (Anderson and Klugmann, area or river catchment are large. This trigger extreme localised convective 2014). The response of lightning to a occurs usually from either severe con- snowfall. changing climate is poorly known, but vective rainfall, especially when the it is expected to be highly sensitive to persists or is triggered Hail is formed only in strong convec- increasing global (Price, repeatedly over the same location, tive updrafts; the stronger the updraft, 2009). or just to the left of the track of a the larger the hail can be. Since hail- rapidly developing extra-tropical cy- storms are small scale, it is difficult to clone, or on slow-moving fronts as- get a precise picture of the geograph- Estimating potential sociated with such cyclones, or in ical distribution and frequency of oc- for future severe storm and just downwind of upslope areas currence of hail by size (Hand and related events during periods of persistent, strong, Cappelluti, 2011). Pocakal et al. (2009) moist, low-level flow (orographically suggest that the largest hail typically There are a number of ways to esti- enhanced rain). In the last two cases, occurs in mountainous regions where mate ‘potential worst case scenarios’ the rainfall rates themselves may not updraft strengths can be large owing in the current climate, although these be very large but the stationarity of to the air being forced to rise over ter- will inevitably have error bars asso- the pattern is a key factor. Sometimes rain. Reports of large hail (diameter ciated with them. For future climate even fast-moving storms or of 20 mm or more) within Europe predictions, the problem is much organised squall lines can produce vary between zero and three reports more challenging. For the current flooding simply because of the sheer per year per 10 000 km2 depending on climate, one method is to assume intensity of the rain. location; however, inhomogeneities in that small-scale extreme events, seen the observation network mean that in the instrumental record, could by Heavy snowfall has similar causes to confidence in published geographical chance have occurred in a nearby lo- heavy rainfall, as discussed above, distributions cannot be very high (see cation. However, one must have due but there are two key differences. Hand and Cappelluti, 2011). regard to physical mechanisms, so ex- The first is that, in all instances, the treme orographic rainfall, for exam- low-level air clearly needs to be suffi- ple, could not have occurred over flat ciently cold, and this tends to depend Lightning plains situated close to mountains. primarily on time of year, but also on proximity to coasts and other factors. Lightning strikes usually occur in the A second method is to use a state-of- The second is that extreme convec- presence of convective rainfall asso- the-art numerical model to synthesise tive snow occurs only in certain small ciated with convective storms and possible realisations of the current areas of certain countries, whereas tropical cyclones, although they may climate. This is relatively common convective rainfall extremes are much also occur in the frontal regions as- practice within the reinsurance in- more evenly distributed across the sociated with extra-tropical cyclones. dustry, where extreme windstorms world. Vulnerable areas lie adjacent The number of lightning flashes per are simulated and their output is fed to bodies of water such as lakes or year is estimated to be of the order into impact models to estimate po- oceans, which provide both the mois- of 1-2 billion globally (Mackerras et tential losses. The companies then ture source for the snow and perpet- al., 1998; Christian et al., 2003), with position themselves financially to be ual triggering of convection, via the approximately one-fifth of flash- able to cover such losses should such elevated surface temperature of the es caused by lightning striking the a storm occur. More recently, the water body. Over the vast majority of ground and four-fifths caused by ECMWF has pioneered a method of the , a convective snow- lightning between (Mackerras using operational reforecasts to esti- fall of 50 cm in 1 day is virtually im- et al., 1998). Over Europe, lightning mate potential extreme rainfall events possible, but around the , strikes to the ground are estimated to in the (Lavers et al., it is not that unusual. Water bodies vary between 0.1 and 4 per year 2016). The main conclusions of this


study were: ‘Across half of the country at to which forecasts can be further some are being actively tested in least 30 % more rainfall is possible. In some improved is a challenging scientific campaigns (Montgomery et al., 2012). places, the potential maximum is substan- problem, which depends in part on tially higher, up to twice what has occurred’. the resolution of computer hardware Such an approach could be extended issues, although there is no clear ev- and expanded, to provide input for idence as yet of any plateauing out Despite a degree of strengthening resilience networks. of forecast accuracy. No forecast can ever be 100 % accurate, but larger uncertainty in forecasting, A third method is to use a stochastic/ scale atmospheric phenomena can be it has become more statistical approach. This approach more accurately forecast further into accurate over the past involves randomly generating a large the future than smaller scale physi- few decades, allowing number of artificial weather events cal phenomena (as illustrated by Ta- mitigating actions to be (e.g. windstorm footprints) by, for ble 3.2). To quantify the uncertainty, taken and example, decomposing observed weather forecasts at all lead times are services to be prepared in storm structures into base elements now typically produced using multi- using image processing techniques, ple computer forecasts (an ‘ensemble advance. and recombining these elements with forecast system’) that each use slightly random weighting factors to produce different (but plausible) initial condi- new storm structures. This is also em- tions; the degree to which these fore- ployed in the reinsurance industry. casts differ gives an estimate of the Because of their longer lifetimes, the degree of uncertainty in the forecast. existence of potentially hazardous ex- 3.7.3 tra-tropical and tropical cyclones can After their initial development, tropi- now be predicted with some confi- Forecasting cal and extra-tropical cyclones are co- dence up to about 5 days in advance. and monitoring herent structures that can be tracked However, at such , uncertainty in time until they decay. The fore- in the details of a storm’s track, tim- casting problem for such storms can ing and intensity are likely to be very Current predictive generally be thought of as compris- large (Magnussen et al., 2014; Frame capabilities and future ing several components: forecasting et al., 2015). For example, it may often developments the genesis of a storm, forecasting be possible to state with confidence its path and evolution of its structure that a strong extra-tropical cyclone Weather forecasts are produced us- and forecasting the severity of the as- will occur, but uncertainty will remain ing large computer models of the sociated weather. with regard to the path it will take and atmosphere that propagate the cur- the strength of winds and precipita- rent best estimate of the state of the Forecasting the genesis of storm sys- tion (see third column in Table 3.2). atmosphere forward in time. The at- tems is one of the most difficult tasks, Nonetheless, for some users, having mosphere is a chaotic system, which as storm systems develop from small early indications of a very high po- means that there are inherent physical perturbations in regions of instabili- tential for an extreme event, even if limits to how far into the future ac- ty. A particularly challenging problem the point probability is only 5 %, can curate forecasts can be made. How- arises when convective cells com- still be useful. Some basic mitigating ever, over the past few decades, major bine into more organised structures: actions can be taken, and emergen- improvements in forecast accuracy this includes tropical cyclones (see cy services can be placed in a state have been achieved through a combi- Majumdar and Torn, 2014), mesos- of readiness (Petroliagis and Pinson, nation of improved computer power, cale convective systems and derecho 2014). improved models and improved use storms. The formation of tropical cy- and quality of observations (Bauer clones is not completely understood, Owing to their small spatial scale and et al., 2015). Determining the extent although several theories exist and short timescale, unorganised convec-

251 tive storms cannot be forecast far into ‘on track’, and if it is not adjustments so, but the rapid evolution of storms the future (see Table 3.2). The fore- are made based either on selecting can quickly damage performance. In cast chance of a occur- out a suitable ensemble member or the future, it is expected that convec- ring at a particular location remains on physical understanding and expe- tion-permitting numerical models will negligible, even at lead times of a few rience. It is of particular importance be run much more frequently (hourly hours. However, the background con- that forecasts are interpreted with the or more often) and combined with ditions that may give rise to the de- help of qualified and nowcasting to give the best velopment of individual storms does forecasters (Heizenreder et al., 2015). probabilistic forecast. have predictive skill (i.e. prediction of the instability in the atmosphere). For convective storms, the high lev- It is, therefore, sometimes possible el of uncertainty in the location of to provide a useful probabilistic esti- storm formation and the short - warnings mate that convective storms will oc- time of storms means that while fore- cur somewhere within a region within casts can provide initial indications The technical challenge of dissem- a time window. This has motivated that a severe convective storm is a inating information to the gener- a move to short-range local-area en- possibility, much more detailed infor- al public can increasingly be met sembles running at ‘convection-per- mation is likely to emerge in near real through the worldwide web (e.g. mitting resolutions’, requiring hori- time as the storm develops. For exam- meteoalarm.eu and National Mete- zontal grid spacing of 1-3 km. ple, in the United States the average orological services websites) and the lead time for tornado warnings issued adoption of smartphone applications For example, the by the National Centre for Environ- (e.g. Deutcher Wetterdeinst’s Wetter- MOGREPS-UK 12-member ensem- mental Prediction (NCEP) increased warn APP, or weather apps produced ble forecast with 2.2-km grid covering from 3 minutes in 1978 to around 14 by MeteoSwiss, the Met Office and the United Kingdom became opera- minutes in 2007 (Wurman et al., 2012), Finnish Meteorological Institute). tional in July 2012; the COSMO-DE but warnings are still based primarily However, by providing the potential 2.8-km ensemble (Gebhardt et al., on the detection of tornadoes in ob- for mass communication to far more 2011) became operational in a domain servational data after individuals and groups than ever be- over Germany in May 2012, and the has occurred, and the improvement fore, this technology also creates a 2.5-km AROME model has been test- has been due to better observations greater challenge in maintaining the ed in several domains across Europe and communications (Brotzge and National Met Service as a ‘single au- (Vie et al., 2011; Bouttier et al., 2012; Donner, 2013). Within Europe, re- thoritative voice’ in issuing warnings Nuissier et al., 2016). cent improvements in radar networks (WMO, 2017) than was previously the in particular mean that there is greater case when mass communication was potential for tracking severe convec- dominated by a small number of me- Use of observational tive events in real time than previously dia organisations. updates/nowcasting existed. For example, the installation of Doppler and dual polarisation ra- Severe weather warnings and guid- Although predicting a rapid inten- dar give information about winds ance pose several other decision-mak- sification phase for cyclones can be and more detailed information about ing and communication challenges. very problematic, there are nonethe- droplet size and type within convec- Determining what degree of certain- less operational tools available to as- tive storms. Methods are used that ty in the forecast is required to for a sist with this. Commonly, forecasters project the track of a storm over the warning to be issued is a non-trivial compare imagery signatures, surface next few hours with the assumption problem, which requires balancing pressure measurements and other that the storm will remain intact and the risk of missing the opportunity observations with their equivalent that no new storms will form. These for early warning with the risk of issu- representation in a forecast model ‘advection nowcasting’ systems can ing too many false alarms (Petroliagis output to see if the forecast model is be very useful for the first hour or and Pinson, 2014). Kox et al. (2015)



Estimated current predictive capabilities in Europe for different hazardous weather phenomena discussed in the text. For this table the maximum lead-time for deterministic predictions (*) is taken to be the point beyond which deterministic forecasts, of threshold exceedance at a point, are more likely to be incorrect than correct (i.e. the ‘Deterministic limit’, following Hewson, 2006). The maximum lead-time for useful probabilistic predictions (**) is taken here to be the lead time at which one can reliably highlight when the probability of a 1 in 20 year event (for a given day), at a point, exceeds 5 %. For (^), it is difficult to define the meaning of a 1 in 20 year event. Note that lead times quoted are approximate ‘best guess values’ for current forecasting systems based on forecaster experience and are for illustrative purposes.

Storm system Storm type (weather) Maximum lead time Maximum lead time for useful for accurate ‘probabilistic’ predictions of an “deterministic” exceptional event** predictions *

Extra-tropical Rainstorm (‘left of track’) ≈24 hours ≈72 hours cyclones Rainstorm (‘slow-moving front’) ≈24 hours ≈96 hours (Figure 3.28)

Rainstorm (‘orographic rain’) ≈48 hours ≈144 hours

Windstorm — CJ ≈24 hours ≈96 hours

Extreme windstorm — SJ ≈2 hours ≈36 hours

Snowstorm (‘left of track’) ≈12 hours ≈48 hours

Ice storm ≈12 hours ≈72 hours

Rainstorm ≈72 hours ≈120 hours

Windstorm (broadscale) ≈48 hours ≈144 hours Tropical cyclones Extreme windstorm (near eye) ≈12 hours ≈72 hours

Storm surge ≈24 hours ≈72 hours

Rainstorm (‘flash ’) ≈30 minutes ≈48 hours

Hailstorm ≈15 minutes Not currently possible

Windstorm (convective gusts) ≈15 minutes Not currently possible

Tornado Not currently possible Not currently possible Convective Thunderstorm 15 minutes N/A^ systems Snowstorm (“Lake Effect”) 48 hours ~96 hours

253 note that, although emergency servic- rect effects, occurring during the pre- does are generally weaker and much es in Germany had a good grasp of and post-impact phases of the storm, shorter lived than those experienced forecast uncertainty, it was not possi- include falls, lacerations and puncture in the United States; however, it has ble to identify a particular probability wounds, and occur when preparing been estimated that in Europe there threshold at which mitigation meas- for, or cleaning up after, a storm. are 10-15 tornado-related deaths ures would begin. However, it was Power outages are a key issue and can per year (Groenemeijer and Kühne, noted that decisions were delayed for lead to electrocution, and burns 2014). low probabilities. Studies suggest that and carbon monoxide poisoning from the general public often misunder- gasoline-powered electrical genera- stand the nature of the hazard from tors. In addition, worsening of chron- severe weather events; for example, ic illnesses owing to lack of access to Storms can lead to a Meyer et al. (2014) found that resi- medical care or medication can occur. range of direct and dents of coastal regions in the Unit- Other health impacts include subse- ed States typically overestimated the quent infections and an increase in indirect impacts on people probability of their homes being hit insect bites (Goldman et al., 2013). and on the built and by hurricane- winds, but under- . estimated the damage that such winds Owing to their large scale, severe could cause. They also erroneously extra-tropical cyclones can expose a perceived the greatest threat to come very large number of people to haz- from the wind rather than the storm ards, such as injury and loss of life, Lightning presents a hazard to hu- surge. Since the public response to as can tropical cyclones if is mans and infrastructure systems as weather warnings is a key element in made in densely populated areas. well as being a major cause of wild- their success, determining warning fires. Annually, there are approxi- quality necessarily takes forecast ver- Severe winds from convective storms mately three deaths by lightning strike ification beyond the traditional quan- have a highly localised and short- per 10 million of the population in titative forecast skill measures used so lived nature, which means that they developed countries (Lorenz, 2008; far into the arena of social sciences; frequently occur without any conse- Holle, 2008) and perhaps as many for example, the Met Office in the quence for human health. However, as 60 deaths per 10 million of the United Kingdom utilises the subjec- when they occur in certain circum- population in the developing world tive analysis of data from social media stances they can have severe conse- (Holle, 2008). These differences are posts among other sources to try to quences: for example, an outbreak of due to the shift in demographics of assess the quality of warnings. convective cells caused downbursts developed nations from a largely ru- of 29-37 m/s to strike the Pukkelpop ral population involved in agricultural music festival in Belgium (18 August work to an urban population spend- 3.7.4 2011), exposing 60 000 people to the ing significantly more time indoors, Impacts associated hazard for approximately and to the fact that buildings in de- 10 minutes. Five people were killed, veloped countries mostly now con- at least 140 were injured as a concert tain conducting elements, such as Human impact tent collapsed, and trees, towers electrical wiring, telephone cables, or and video screens were blown over. purpose-built lightning conductors, Direct effects occur during the im- Nearby residences were, however, which provide safe charge transfer pact phase of a windstorm, causing completely unaffected by the event paths to ground. For example, the death and injury as a result of the (De Meutter et al., 2015). Intense risk of death from lightning strike in force of the wind, and the main dan- long-lived tornadoes (as occur in the the United Kingdom has reduced by gers include becoming airborne, be- United States) can potentially expose about 95 % over the past century (El- ing struck by flying or a large number of people to hazards som, 2015), and data from Elsom and trees and road traffic . Indi- due to flying debris. In Europe, torna- Webb (2014) indicate that changes in


the nature of buildings reduced the 70 years prior to 2009 (Changnon et the increase in potential losses being proportion of fatal lightning strikes al., 2009), although larger numbers of increased use of ‘expensive construc- that occurred indoors from 32 % in non-fatal injuries are reported. To the tion materials and complex building the 1850s, to 5 % in 1950s, to 0 % authors’ knowledge, there have been façades’ (MunichRe, 2016). during the most recent period (1988- no reported deaths as a direct result 2012). Reductions of a similar order of being struck by hail in Europe in Regarding damage to environment, of magnitude have been reported in recent decades, despite the occur- more than 130 separate wind storms other developed countries (Holle et rence of damaging hailstorms such as have been identified as causing notice- al., 2005), but not in developing coun- that in in 1984 (Heimann and able damage to European forests in tries, where the risk of death remains Kure, 1985); however, hail has been a the last 60 years (~2/year) that, for greater (Holle, 2016). contributing factor in fatal traffic ac- example, increases the vulnerability of cidents. forests to (see Chapter 3.10). Thunderstorm asthma is a term used Storms are responsible for more than to describe an observed increase in 50 % of all primary abiotic and biotic acute bronchospasm cases following Infrastructure and damage by volume to European for- severe thunderstorms. These asthma environment ests from catastrophic events (Gardin- events have had significant impacts er et al., 2011; De Rigo et al.; 2016 ). on both individuals and health servic- Damage from high winds associated es, with a range of different aeroaller- with extra-tropical cyclones varies ac- 3.7.5 gens identified (Dabrera et al., 2013). cording to the wind gust to the pow- The impact of these rare events can er of 3 (or more), so prediction of Conclusions and be significant, with many without pre- the correct values is crucial (but still key messages vious asthma events becoming acutely very challenging). This rapid increase ill (Murray et al., 1994). Health servic- in vulnerability with wind strength Partnership es can be seriously affected by thun- relates to building regulations that Collaboration between forecast pro- derstorm asthma; for example, during specify resilience to certain standards viders and end users in real time is the 24/25 June 1994 thunderstorm (e.g. in the United Kingdom and in essential during DRM, since the in- asthma episode, hospital emergency Eurocodes, 50-year return periods are terpretation of the available informa- departments ran out of asthma-relat- quoted for some purposes). As winds tion, the uncertainty associated with it ed supplies including nebuliser face nominally increase above such thresh- and how this changes as new infor- masks (5 of 11 departments) and drug olds, the building ‘failure rate’ will mation becomes available should be therapies (8 of 11) and half of all the naturally accelerate rapidly. made in consultation with qualified regional health authorities in meteorologists and National Meteor- observed a 6-fold increase in asthma Damage to property and crops from ological Services in particular. Infor- attendances in emergency depart- hail storms can be very costly: for ex- mation sharing, particularly observa- ments, resulting in difficulty in service ample, the Munich hailstorm of 1984 tional, impact and warning data across provision (Venables et al., 1997). (hail diameter 5-6 cm) caused signif- national boundaries in real time, is icant damage to vegetation, build- of key importance. Improvements Large hail has the potential to produce ings, automobiles and aircraft, leading in forecasts will in part be driven by significant head trauma and in extreme to USD 500 million (equivalent to the interaction between fundamental cases can result in death. Such ex- USD 1.2 billion -EUR 1.1 billion- to- atmosphere and ocean science with treme cases with multiple deaths have day) of insured losses (Heimann and operational forecasting, so continued been reported particularly in northern Kurz, 1985). A more recent hailstorm collaboration between forecasting cen- , and parts of China, in Germany in July 2013 caused dam- tres and universities and research cen- but the details of these are difficult to age worth USD 5 billion (equivalent tres is crucial. verify. In the United States, only eight to USD 5.2 billion -EUR 4.8 billion- deaths from hail were reported in the today), part of the explanation for

255 Knowledge A greater understanding of how to interpret, utilise and communicate probabilistic forecasts is required. This is particularly important, since future developments in forecasting systems, particularly short-lead-time, high-resolution forecasts at small spa- tial scales and long-lead-time global forecasts, lead to forecasts that are in- herently probabilistic. Collaboration between physical scientists and social scientists may be important to im- prove the communication of forecast probabilities.

Innovation Prospects for major extensions of the lead-time thresholds at which we can forecast storms are limited. We should instead expect continued slow but steady extensions of these over the coming years and decades. Im- provements in the quality of forecast information for end users will also stem from innovative and improved post-processing of forecast data for the diagnosis of hazardous weather and end user-specific information.


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