Canntaireachd: Articulate Music
H.M. U X. EX-UBRIS uHEW- MORRISON QI CANNTAIREACHD: ARTICULATE MUSIC /. F. CAMPBELL, — — CANNTAIREACHD: Articulate Music ]ji;un.'ATi;u TO tiik ISLAY ^SSOCI^TIOK, 0". IF. C J^ IVC IP B IE Hj !_,, T A T X T I . K A C I r . 14th AUGUST, 188 O. Like a herald of old, or a bard, or a piper, I can staud here on a green knoll, in a yellow fog, out of the field of the fray, and incite jjeople to battle, -with the mustering of the clans in the old forgotten language of MacCrimmen, piper to MacLeod of Dunvegan; of MacAi thur, piper to the Lord of the Isles; of " The Piper o' Dundee; " and of John CanipLell, the Lorn piper, who taught uic fifty years ago how to rouse men with strange words out in the Isles: CuGADH NA SiTH. Battle or Peace. The True Gathering of the Clans. I Hodroho, hodroho, haninin, hiechin, Hodroho, hodroho, hodroho, hachin, Hiodroho, hodroho, haninin, hiechin, Hodroha, hodroha, hodroha, hodroha, Hodroha, hodroho, hodroho, hachm, Hiodroho, hodroho, haninin, hiechin, Hodroha, hodroho, hodroho, hodroha, Haninun, hanimui, haninun, haninun, Finishing measure in eight syllables Hiundratatateriri, hiendatatateriri, Hiuudratatateriri, hiundratatateriri. All of which means music; which meant "Almost alike for us battle or peace." GLASGOW: Printed by ARCHIBALD SINCLAIR, 62 Argyle Street. MDCCCLXXX. PIPER'S LA.NaU^aE, 1880. January. —Heard of Ge.sto'» book for the first time. February 5. —Book got. March 20. —Finished a paper rouglily. ,, ^6.—Copied it. May 21. —Got together two pipers and a skilled Uiusitian ,, 22.
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