Elected Clerk Option Pondered TODAY Westland City Council Members Are Mulling; the Possibility of an Elected City Clerk, As Is Done in Some Communities
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mmmm "•^wp^Fwpi^f P f pn I" w ^wmmwm 'yy..! " T • g y .'I ,•' m JI niwpwp— mm Youth Assistance leaders lauded, AG kill icfi AVI) """"""'""••' *v I y" ft ft ' Putting you In touch Thursday with your wofW February 3, 2000 Serving the West-land Community for 35 years VOIUIVH 35 NUMBER 70 WISTIAND, MICHIGAN * G6 WKJES * http: , observer rco-ntm con. v \ •:>> » ;u Ctw •tHO ffliijTWn CnuoDicftttoa* N*twori. li*. IN THE PAPER Elected clerk option pondered TODAY Westland City Council members are mulling; the possibility of an elected city clerk, as is done in some communities. The possibility Gibbons speaks out COMMUNITY LIFE follows the firing; of former Clerk Patricia Gibbons, which has generated controversy. BY DARRELL CLEM have faith in me," Gibbon*, 52, staid; "! STAFF WRITfcfi really appreciate all the nice and hon BY DARHELi CLEM position accountable only to the resi dclemeo4.homecomm.net Oh, you beautiful doll: A STAFF Warren dents of Westland," Councilman' est people out there, who want to sup native of Norway, now [email protected] Richard LeBianc said, Breaking her silence, former West- port me. 1 really feci honored that local, has enjoyed collect A proposal to let Westland voters LeBlaric and colleagues. Glenn land City Clerk Patricia Gibbons said they're backing me and supporting elect their own city clerk has gained Anderson and Sandra Cicirelli have Monday she felt humiliated by the way me." ing dolls from around the momentum in the aftermath of Patricia mounted the three signatures needed her firing was handled- Gibbons has defended her job perfor world during her far- Gibbons' firing by a four-member coun to place the issue on the council agenda But she said she has learned, that mance in ihe $69.7;i9-a-year position cil majority. for a 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 7, meeting at good citizens of the community will from which she was ousted Jan. 18. flung travels./Bl "I believe that the city clerk position City Hall. come to the defense of a person Scores* of citizens and Westland coun-. should be a nonpartisan, apolitical wronged. Please see CLERK, Ai "I really feel wonderful that people Please see GIBBONS, A4 AT HOME Shall we dance? Glass action: Members of the Michigan Depression Glass Society, which meets in Livonia, sparkle with pleasure over the beauty of the pieces and the memories the items evoke./OS BY JULIE BBOWN STAFF WRITER ENTERTAINMENT [email protected] •There's nothing like Winterfe's.t to Dining: Woo your valen fight those midwinter blues - unless tine at a romantic restau maybe it's an aH-expenses-paid trip to rant Our list includes a warm climate. For those staving in Westland. Win- Cafe Bon Homme, Cafe .terfost's a great option The event will Cortina, La Bistecca Ital start 10 a.m. .Sunday. Feb. 6, with a ian Grille, Marco's, and firefighters' pancake breakfast. From 11 a.m. to •(? p.m., there will be enter Fonte D'Amore./EX tainment including magic, juggling. story-telling, interactive foreign lan guage, puppet theater and others. N'elson Pearson's Wildlife Safaris REAL ESTATE will perform U a.m and remain all day. "He's the highlight of 6ur show."': Sales keep bubbling: said Robert'Kosowski. Westland Parks Almost every area com and Recreation director. "He's really munity has seen the value great." ''..'•' srArrPitfrivsw Rjo*rtACfi» Inflatable* wiH be set up in the Bai of homes rise since last Party time: Revelers enjoy their time at the Firefighters Ball at the Hellenic Cultural Center. ley Center gym for the youngsters. The year at this time,/Fl center is on Ford near Carlson. "Get out of the cabin* is a- big reason for the event, helping visitors fight the seasonal blues. Kosowski said. There'* INDEX not much tor those who aren't winter Firefighters cut a rug at ball sports enthusiasts to do this time oi • At Home D year, he noted. • Classified Index F5 BY JULIE BROWN ~~ Please see FEST, AS Autos G9 STAFF WRITER Home A Service Guide G8 jbrownQoe.homecomiix.net Jobs Fll he Firefighters Ball Saturday, Rentals Ffi Jan. 29, was a resounding suc • Community Life Bl Tcess. "Great," said Capt. Colleen Fedel • Crossword F7 of the Westland Fire Department. • Entertainment El "Everybody had a good time. We • Obituaries A2 were happy with the turnout." • Opinions A12-13 She said turnout was 320-350 at the Hellenic Cultural Center, with • Real Estate Fl BY DARRELL CI.EM many city employees, business sup STAFK WRITER • Sports CI porters and those from other area .dciemQor.hcimci'omm.net fire departments attending A Garden City man. su.-pet.nii .J": a Fedel and other organizers appre string of robberies and driving a stolvo ciate the community/business sup HOW TO REACH US van. led Westland police.oft. a Tfwnph port/Decker's Flowers helped with chase that ended early Monday when decorations. "They just did a great N'ews/wm: 734-953-2104 he hit a utility pole in Canton Town job," she Aaid. "It was beautiful." Newsroom Fax; 734-591-7279 ship, authorities said. The firefighters wore their dress £-maH: Jbfowneoa.twnacomiH.tit The 39-year-old suspect, was arrested bides, usually only worn when after an officer'smashed out the tiri • Nightline/Sports: 734-953-2104 attending promotions or funerals. vers window of a .1995 'Ford'AorosT.ar Reader Comment Line: 734483*2042 They looked nice, 'Fedel. said, and it ,w,-4" 11,.,} ^-- "••• ••• ,-.-1:.... ...... ., ...L was good to wear those clothes for a Good time: Sgt. Ed Hosmer (left), union president, talks over Classified Advertising:734-591-0900 LA,1M |'V,(<\(1 MM«« 'IUI. a y\.> ui. i. i *. j*w L i the night's events with Sgt. Marty Reddy of the Westland Fire said- . Display Advertising: 734-591-2300 A3 Department. A 19-year-old. passenger not a rob* . Home Delivery: 734-SM4HI00 ^r ease Dvv Please <*<> CHASE, A;} service BYDAUtKUCUM off the pain. This* program has been A wel STAFF Wtmoi just wonderful." come 4cl«iB#o«JHmiccomin4a*t Arriving one recent Wednesday, face: AlNagy stop* by the Westland Nagy wa.s greeted by a smiling Poet library every other Wednesday to pick and a barking dachshund, 10-year-old Helen up feooki that he deliver* to Helen Kelly. Poet, 87. Poet's home. "Sift's my best friend nnd my pal," greets A/ Nagy, 63, volume*™ his time to help Poet said. Vn*?v nt Be $ure to ask about this • -f-t." • • ' renders like Poet, $7. who is confined to At the library, employee Martha the door money-sairing card her home, ' . ' Rogers picks out novels, books on tape. "I have a little Hpare Hfr*# r»n my videoa and othpr library m«tenal« for as he w ou hand*, so I thought I would do a little mo«it of the horncbound customers She deliver^ renew your good for soipe people who need it," he gets help from two volunteers; who help lihrar\ said- . her package the materials for the dri .»to,'t:rffi,'v trubscription to your Nagy. an auto body instructor at the vers, to her Jane Zemha, supervisor of circulation Hometown Newspaper! William D. Ford C«reer/Tedini«*l Cen home ter, is one of Ave driven who help the and technical services, used to run the library's home-delivery program for program, which started last spring. shut-in resident*. She chose to continue picking out Poet suffers constant sciatic nerve materials for Poet. pain because she has arthritis at the "Helen always tells me I can read her baa* of her spine. She is on* of 13 peo mind," Zemha said. "1 usually pick ple benefiting from the program. human, interest kind* of stones and 'I'm in theae four walls all the time, good women author* that I think she'd and the pain pill* I take dtaniaaafc 4o like,".:, do much good 'she aaid, sitting in h«r N«gy. on one recent delivery. living room. "Mr. Nagy alwsys brings Si *yj V-t -j me good stuff It kind of take* my mind TTeH» e ««M» IWRfOS m t, iv 11*« 111 BBBH mimm^^mmmm ^^m ^a^i^m^m ^^MVI mmmm pMn Tft* Obtrver 6 Ecctntrtc/ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2000 (W)A2 ZP&fc/ in BY TTM SMITH • 'In roy 33 ytavs #xpftriMic#y & f^Mt portion of tive added. STArr warts* Further details about Mcin VYAA t*akita#M.h<mi0CQ«uii.iMt which **»— *• m nrnaQiTiifm* II orohaaatir Haft tosh's proposal were not A Westland woman was Iwt^MlRm^^ ^aFV^^^P^, M /V^S S^^"iW*# jWWj^PI MNIVPiVS SHPVf WfWw^RI^ pBw^r divulged. charged Friday with soliciting a court knows what a lot of tho facta two,' Parfcor The meeting in (he Big Boy hit man in the parking lot of the parking lot was tape recorded by Farmington-Eight Mile Big Boy will roduco It. the detective, with other mem restaurant on Wednesday. Police Stephen Book bers of the police sting on stand believe the target for the $2,000 by outside the restaurant, v —<&/gn*e attorney, on bond job was her live^in boyfriend Greenway said. It wasn't long The "hit man* was actually an after the apparent "deal" was When Parker announced how ner, where she had very few undercover 'Michigan State struck that Mcintosh was arrest much the bail was, a horrified options and was not thinking Police officer, part of a sting ed and transported to a jail cell Mcintosh said "What?" and clearly," Boak said.