International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2020, pp. 172-182, Article ID: IJARET_11_05_019 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499 DOI: 10.34218/IJARET.11.5.2020.019

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Suffie Susilowati Natural Resource and Environmental Management Study Program of Palangka Raya University, Palangka Raya, .

Yetrie Ludang Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Palangka Raya University, Palangka Raya, Indonesia.

Soaloon Sinaga Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Palangka Raya University, Palangka Raya, Indonesia.

ABSTRACT The benefits and functions of the availability of greenspace is very important for the survival of a city. Urban greenspace structuring is one of the urban planning strategies to limit excessive development and overcome the ecological impact of various human activities related to disruption of natural processes in the urban environment. The high number of urban population that continues to increase from time to time has implications for increasing pressure on the use of urban space, so that the spatial planning of urban areas needs attention, especially those related to the provision of public open spaces in urban areas. Keywords: quality structures, ecological impact, natural process, greenspace Cite this Article: Suffie Susilowati, Yetrie Ludang and Soaloon Sinaga, Design of Quality Structures for Public Greenspace in Palangka Raya City, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), 11(5), 2020, pp. 172-182.

1. INTRODUCTION A number of areas in urban areas undergo changes in land use due to the development process that occurs because development in urban areas has a tendency to minimize greenspace. As an illustration of the results of Ludang research (2018) on the calculation of the need for an area of greenspace in the city of Palangka Raya based on the area in 2012; total area of 267,961 ha, the area of greenspace of the city of Palangka Raya that must be prepared is 80,355.30 ha 172 [email protected] Design of Quality Structures for Public Greenspace in Palangka Raya City consisting of public green space of 53,570.20 ha and private green space of 26,796.1 ha. The area of green space at that time was 79,016 ha, meaning it still lacked 1,339.30 ha. While the needs of the area of greenspace in Palangka Raya city are based on a population of 229,559 people, the area of green space that must be prepared is 1,151.4 ha, while the available green space area is 79,016 ha, then it is fulfilled and is sufficient for the needs of Palangka Raya city greenspace based on the population. According to Adiyanta (2018) the results of research on this topic obtained a brief formula, namely: a) The availability of public space and greenspace is an integral and inseparable part of urban spatial planning; b) Public spaces and city green spaces have a main and strategic function for the social interaction of urban communities, the heart of the balance of the ecosystem and the city environment, and as an expression of social, economic, cultural values and the actualization of the face of life of urban society; and c) Responsibility for the management, designation, and utilization of public spaces and greenspaces in a sustainable manner can be carried out optimally from the synergy between the city government, the private sector and the community. The quality of urban greenspace is part of open spaces of an urban area that is filled with plants, plants and vegetation both endemic and introduced to support ecological, socio- cultural and architectural benefits that can provide economic benefits for the community. In general, public space is an open space that is able to accommodate the need for meeting places and joint activities between people to interact with each other. The social facilities must be placed in an easily accessible area to become a place of social interaction for all communities in the scattered settlement. The relationship between community facilities to support social activities especially parks and green spaces has value as a space to influence social interaction by having a function as a recreational space and space for outdoor activities (Yuliastuti et al., 2018). Therefore this paper reviews more comprehensively about the design of greenspace. Urban spatial planning is organized to improve the quantity and quality of the urban environment in harmony, harmony and balance between the development of the environment and the way of life of the people. The direction of sustainable development policies in an area, also cannot be separated from the availability of space and the suitability of the existing space in the region.

2. THE BASICS OF COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN 2.1. Regulatory Considerations The basic regulations underlying the study of greenspace in urban areas of Palangka Raya are as follows: • Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 26 of 2007 dated 26 April 2007 concerning Spatial Planning. • Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 63 of 2002 dated November 12, 2002 concerning Urban Forests. • Government Regulation Number 26 of 2008 dated March 10, 2008 concerning National Spatial Planning. • Government Regulation Number 15 of 2010 dated January 28, 2010 concerning the Implementation of Spatial Planning. • Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 5 / PRT / M / 2008 dated May 26, 2008 concerning Guidelines for Provision and Utilization of Greenspace in Urban Areas. 173 [email protected] Suffie Susilowati, Yetrie Ludang and Soaloon Sinaga

• Regulation of the Minister of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia Number 01 / PRT / M / 2014 dated February 24, 2014 concerning Minimum Service Standards in the Field of Public Works and Spatial Planning. • Central Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2015 dated August 3, 2015 concerning the Spatial Planning for the Province of Central Kalimantan. • Central Kalimantan Regional Regulation Number 1 year 2017 dated 18 January 2017 concerning the Central Kalimantan Regional Medium-Term Development Plan 2016- 2021. • Palangka Raya City Regional Regulation No. 9 of 2013 concerning the spatial plan (RTRW) of Palangka Raya City 2013-2033. • Palangka Raya City Regulation Number 6 of 2009 concerning the Long Term Development Plan of Palangka Raya City in 2008-2028. • Palangka Raya City Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2019 dated March 22, 2019 concerning Spatial Planning for Palangka Raya City in 2019-2039. • Palangka Raya City Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2019 dated March 22, 2019 concerning the Medium Term Regional Development Plan of Palangka Raya City in 2018-2023.

2.2. Greenspace Definitively, greenspace is an area or area of land surface that is dominated by plants that are fostered for the function of protecting certain habitats, and / or environmental facilities / cities, and or securing infrastructure networks, and / or agricultural cultivation. The availability of greenspace for a residential area in urban areas is basically in addition to improving the quality of the atmosphere, supporting the preservation of water and land, also serves to improve the quality of the ecosystem and beautify the urban landscape (Adiyanta, 2018). Urban greenspace is part of an urban open space filled with plants and plants to support ecological, social, cultural, economic and aesthetic benefits (Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 1 of 2007 in chapter 1 article 1 paragraph 2 ). Greenspace is an elongated area / path and / or group, the use of which is more open, a place to grow plants, both those that grow naturally and are intentionally planted. Non- greenspace, is open space in urban areas that are not included in the green space category, in the form of hardened land or in the form of water bodies (Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 5 / PRT / M / 2008 Chapter I No. 18). Greenspace consists of 1) private greenspace, is RTH belonging to a particular institution or individual whose utilization is for a limited circle, among others in the form of gardens or yard houses / buildings owned by the public / private planted with plants; 2) public greenspace, is green space that is owned and managed by the city / regional government that is used for the benefit of the community in general. The purpose of organizing greenspace is to maintain the availability of land as a water catchment area; creating urban planological aspects through a balance between the natural environment and the built environment that is useful for the benefit of the community; and increasing the harmony of the urban environment as a means of safeguarding a safe, comfortable, fresh, beautiful and clean urban environment (Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 5 / PRT / M / 2008). Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 05 / PRT / M / 2008 article 3 guidelines for the provision and utilization of greenspace in urban areas aims to maintaining the availability 174 [email protected] Design of Quality Structures for Public Greenspace in Palangka Raya City of land as water catchment areas; and creating urban planological aspects through a balance between the natural environment and the built environment that is useful for the benefit of the community; and increasing harmony of the urban environment as a means of safeguarding a safe, comfortable, fresh, beautiful and clean urban environment. The functions of this green space are: (1) Maintaining the availability of land as a water catchment area in the environment; (2) Creating a planological aspect of the environment through a balance between the natural environment and the built environment that is useful for the benefit of the community; (3) Increase the aesthetic value of the area; (4) Adding recreation facilities and interactions in the area for the benefit of the community. Type of green space based on the form according to Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 5 / PRT / M / 2008 concerning Guidelines for Provision and Utilization of Greenspace in Urban areas, namely: city parks, rivers and beaches, sports parks, playgrounds, relaxation, public cemetery parks, urban agriculture, urban or forestry parks, situ parks, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, botanical gardens, zoos (nurseries), green lanes, home gardens.

2.3. Shift in Land use In detail Diyan (2012) that there are five things that can cause a shift in land use in a city area, namely: • Demographics, which are closely related to the population in the city area. The population will directly influence the development of urban areas for settlements and activity centers. • Construction of a trading business center. The existence of a trading business center will provide simultaneous development for others around it, whether settlement, transportation routes, or even other business / trade buildings. • Construction of transportation facilities. With increasing population and economic growth. Construction of transportation facilities. With increasing population and economic growth (marked by the construction of trade centers), it will lead to the development of transportation in the form of construction of highways, toll roads and various other public facilities that facilitate accessibility. • Development of industrial centers. The characteristics of development in industry are the same as in the development of an economic center. Both will attract many people to enter the city to approach the centers of activity, hence the rapid growth of various industrial centers in the region will cause the development of the area around the industrial center to be built as a residential area and center of activity. • Public needs. A region is visited a lot and tends to be a center of activity because it provides a variety of human needs.

2.4. Quantity of Greenspace According to the Indonesian Dictionary the quantity is the number (things); quantity (something), means quantity is the quality of something that is formed from the measurement process (Poerwadarminta, 1991). Furthermore Yanidrawati et al (2012) quantity is the amount produced expressed in terms such as the number of units, the number of activity cycles completed. So quantity is any form of unit of measure related to the amount of work and is expressed in numerical sizes or which can be paired with numbers. Provision of greenspace in urban areas is an implementation of the order of Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning, this is further regulated in Government Regulation Number 26 of 2008 concerning Spatial Planning for National Areas, as well as being affirmed in the Republic of Indonesia's Minister of Public Works Regulation Indonesia Number 1 / 175 [email protected] Suffie Susilowati, Yetrie Ludang and Soaloon Sinaga

PRT / M / 2008 juncto Regulation of the Minister of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia Number 01 / PRT / M / 2014 concerning Minimum Service Standards in the Field of Public Works and Spatial Planning. The provision of greenspace in urban areas in detail is regulated in Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 05 / PRT / 2008 concerning Guidelines for Provision and Utilization of Greenspace. In the Guidelines for Provision and Utilization of Greenspace in Urban Areas, greenspace is divided into public greenspace and private greenspace, with the proportion of suitable greenspace being 30% of the total land area of which the composition is divided into 20% public greenspace and 10% private greenspace. Greenspace in a city must meet the minimum area of greenspace so that it can fulfill its function and provide its benefits in a city area where the implementation of city greenspace. The provision of green space by area in urban areas is as follows: • Greenspace in urban areas consists of public greenspace and private open green space; • The proportion of green space in urban areas is at least 30% which consists of 20% public greenspace and 10% consists of private greenspace; • If the area of green space both public and private in the city in question already has a total area greater than the applicable laws or regulations, then that proportion must be maintained. • Provision of Greenspace Based on Population. To determine the area of green space based on population, do with multiplying the population served by the standard green space per capita according to applicable regulations, or empirical evidence (Samudro and Mangkoedihardjo, 2006). • Provision of Greenspace Based on Specific Function Needs. The function of green space in this category is for protection or security, facilities and infrastructure such as protecting the preservation of natural resources, pedestrian safety or limiting the development of land use so that its main function is not compromised. The green space in this category includes: green railroad border, high-voltage electricity grid, local green area protection in the form of green river border, green beach border, and green space security for raw water sources / springs.

2.5. Quality of Greenspace According to the Indonesian Dictionary the quality is 1) the level of good or bad things; content: 2) degree or level (intelligence, skill, etc.); 3) quality: highly skilled workers are needed; means the quality or quality is the level of good or bad or the level or degree of something (Poerwadarminta, 1991). Definition or definition of quality can be interpreted from two perspectives, namely from the consumer and producer side. But basically the concept of quality is often considered as conformity, the overall characteristics or characteristics of a product that are expected by consumers, namely: 1. Quality is conformity with the standards set by the organization or company and compliance with customer requests or desires. The quality of products and services must always be improved and standards always improved. 2. Quality must be comprehensive, both products and processes, starting with the quality of raw materials and equipment used, the quality of the production process, to the quality of finished goods and the quality of delivery of products or services to customers (Ariani, 2014). According to Yanidrawati et al (2012) work quality is measured by employee perceptions of the quality of work produced as well as the perfection of the task of employee skills and abilities. Quality is also considered for the use of plant specific diversity (Ludang et al. 2018; Alpian et al., 2018; Mangkoedihardjo and Samudro, 2014). 176 [email protected] Design of Quality Structures for Public Greenspace in Palangka Raya City

Carr et al. (1995) there are three aspects that form the quality of public space including aspects of needs, aspects of rights and meanings. These three aspects sequentially will greatly determine the extent of the main quality level of a public space, namely: • Responsive, means that the space is designed and managed taking into account the interests of its users. • Democratic (democratic), means that the rights of the users of the public space are protected, users of free public spaces are expressing in these spaces, but still has certain restrictions because in the use of shared space there needs to be tolerance among the users of the space. • Meaningful (meaningful), means it includes an emotional bond between the space and the lives of its users. According to Carr et al (1995) responsive in the sense of public space is a space that can be used for various activities and broad interests. Democratic, meaning that public space can be used by the general public from various social, economic and cultural backgrounds and is accessible to a variety of physical conditions in humans. Meaning has the meaning that public space must have a link between humans, space and the wider world with social context.

2.6. Structural Models According to Malek et al (2012) that the model used is expected to help to evaluate aspects of the quality of greenspace. Dimensions and indicators measured against the evaluation of the quality of greenspace assets, including preferences, needs, and use patterns. Preferences. Understanding of preferences or choices to be observed in the context of open space in a residential or garden environment. When making a selection in categorizing open space, it is necessary to look at 3 important indicators to be observed in the aspect of preferences, namely natural sorrounding factors, spaces and design factors, cultural and social motivational factors (cultural and social motivation factors). Needs. The majority of people have the nature of sharing that is sharing the needs of one another, but in terms of the needs of each person each has the characteristics to meet their needs in a unique way both in expressing and even satisfying their needs. Important indicators that need to be reviewed in this aspect are the needs of human interaction (human interaction needs) and natural needs (nature needs). Use Pattern. The patterns of use in greenspaces can be divided into two, including the use of active recreation and passive recreation. Besides the pattern of use (pattern of use) can also be divided into a space that is used and user focus. Indicators that need to be observed in the aspect of use pattern are usage and usage patterns. Based on its use it can be categorized for active recreation and passive recreation. Whereas based on the usage pattern, it can be utilized space and focus on the user. Likert Scale Calculation. According to Sugiyono (2010) the Likert scale is used to measure the attitudes, opinions and perceptions of a person or group of people about social phenomena. According to Yanti et al (2018) the Likert scale is a psychometric scale that is commonly used in questionnaires and is the scale most widely used in research in the form of surveys. Likert scale is a scale used to measure perceptions, attitudes or opinions of a person or group regarding an event or social phenomenon, based on operational definitions set by the researcher. Using the Likert scale, there are two forms of questions, namely the form of positive questions to measure the positive scale, and the form of negative questions to measure the negative scale. 177 [email protected] Suffie Susilowati, Yetrie Ludang and Soaloon Sinaga

2.7. Review of Results of Previous Research Several studies conducted by the author of previous research related to references on greenspace in Indonesia, including the writing of Fadjarwati et al (2019 with the title Evaluation of the Quality of Greenspace Assets in the City Government Office Complex) that the greenspace of urban areas is a important component in each City / Regency.The percentage of greenspace in Cimahi City is 13.60% of the minimum stipulation of 30% One of the green openings in Cimahi City is in the Cimahi City Government Office Complex with an area of 11,115 m2. These are used for parks, motorbike parking lots, as well as the Cimahi City Government ASN and the remainder are unorganized green space.The results of evaluating the quality of green space assets in the Cimahi City Government office complex are surrounding communities and visitors need green space with vegetation, facilities and facilities complete and interesting. Research Pratomo et al (2019) with the title Quality of City Parks as Public Spaces in the City of Based on User Perceptions and Preferences. Urban parks as urban public spaces are said to meet quality if they reach the eligibility of user service criteria, activity level, level of meaningfulness and ease of access. The results of the analysis show that the elements of a city park with good conditions include the level of activity, while the elements of user service, meaningfulness and ease of access are in a moderate condition, so that the quality of city parks in Surakarta is based on user perceptions and preferences namely Park Complex Manahan Stadium and Balekambang Park are in conditions is on. Based on the theory, issues, and analysis results related to city parks, the results are obtained that the quality of urban parks in the city of Surakarta is in good condition. Research Dwiyanto (2019) with the title Quantity and Quality of Greenspace in Urban Settlements. The management of Green Air-Gap in urban settlement areas tends to experience quite severe challenges about the height of the flow of urbanization. while on the other hand, energy supports existing social and environmental conditions as well, so that it cannot balance with the requirements of space effects on human pressure. Another challenge is the height of the installation of conversion or displacement to utilize agriculture from agriculture (especially agriculture agriculture into a developed area; it has an impact to reduce the quality of its environment to become urban green. Evaluating the existing planology in general only studies aspects of accuracy or deviations in space according to zoning that has already been While the intensity of exploitation is changing it is rarely debated, so that requires a new stage, steps to improve, improve the quality and the amount of green space available. Maldini et al (2019) concerning the Analysis of Greenspace Suitability of Magelang City Using Geographic Information Systems that based on high-resolution image processing, the area of open green space in Magelang is 30.91% which consists of public open green space of 11.99% and private greenspace of 18.93 %. The availability of green space for the classification of Magelang City parks as a whole meets the minimum area of park units in each district. The suitability of greenspace in Magelang city between the results of digitization with greenspace in the appropriate spatial plan is 1,778,888.45 m2 and not suitable is 4,097,082.44 m2. Liem and Lake (2018) on the Meaning of City's Nostalgia Public Park The results of the study concluded that Kupang City's Nostalgia Park is one of the characteristics of the city of Kupang as the only representative park in the Kupang City area. But the soul of the place is a non-physical force that is able to form an impression in the city. Utilization of Nostalgic public park open space is still not maximized according to the initial concept, where the purpose of using the park on a larger scale has not been achieved marked by the unsuccessful efforts to make the park a city lung / urban forest and has not given a democratic 178 [email protected] Design of Quality Structures for Public Greenspace in Palangka Raya City meaning to park visitors as a space open public that is free and can be accessed by all citizens, especially by elderly visitors and toddlers. Research by Hantono et al (2018) titled Study of City Public Spaces Between Activity and Limitations concludes that the essential space is where humans live and move. But not all activities can be accommodated because each space is limited by their respective functions. For private space, the limitation of space is the main characteristic for the space itself, while in public spaces which have various activities must be able to accommodate various activities in it. At the end of the paper a conclusion is drawn that the limitations of public space on various activities that take place in it by the formation of shared space either permanently or alternately (a certain time). The research of Yanti et al (2018) titled The Quality of Public Greenspaces in Bandar City (Case Study of Red Square and Art Market, Kalpataru Field and Embung Sukarame / City Park) concluded that the high number of urban population and increasing from time to time has implications. in increasing pressure on the utilization of urban space, so that the reduced greenspace . through the study of aspects forming the quality of public greenspace. Based on the quality-forming aspects of the three benchmarks the quality of public green space that includes responsibility (needs), democraticity (rights), meaningfully (meanings) according to the perceptions of respondents / users and stakeholders is of average quality enough with priority aspects of handling tailored to the results of the analysis at the three locations research. Noor et al (2018) about the Character of Public Space Users in Taman Ayodya, South , concluded that city parks are one form of public open space that serves to meet the needs of city residents in carrying out social activities. The characteristics of the space should be in accordance with the social needs of its users. The results showed that the characteristics of the park, which include the shape of the park, location, context of the park environment, park features affect the user's character, type of activity, and user behavior. Characteristics of parks that provide comfort for visitors in general are the presence of a natural atmosphere in the park, the existence of a lake, seating and maintained park conditions. The park is easily accessed physically, visually, and symbolically. The character of users varies from teenagers, adults to families, found a tendency of reasons for the user's interest to come to the park to get rid of fatigue and exercise. Adiyanta (2018) titled Urgency of Availability of Greenspaces as Public Spaces in Environmentally Friendly City Planning that the recommendations of this study are: a) Realization of management, appointment and utilization of public spaces and green and sustainable open spaces can be done formally and informally by the city government with support from the private sector and the community. b) Policies and arrangements for the development of urban areas must be based on sustainable urban spatial planning plans and attention to environmental aspects in addition to economic and social aspects; c) to be able to realize the function and designation of public spaces and greenspaces whose concessions and sustainability are in accordance with development plans and urban spatial planning, it is necessary to law and impose harsh and severe sanctions on all parties. who break the law. Malik (2018) regarding Public Space as Policy Representation and Public Communication Medium (Study of City Public Space Policy Communication) that the results of the study showed that the management of public space in Serang City still did not represent pro- public policies, this was a challenge for public policy stakeholders in the City of Serang in formulating an ideal management of public space other than that the objective conditions of the Serang City public space cannot yet become a medium of public communication capable of encouraging freedom of thought and egalitarian action in public spaces. 179 [email protected] Suffie Susilowati, Yetrie Ludang and Soaloon Sinaga

Research by Yuliastuti et al (2018) Utilization of Social Facilities to Reinforce Social Interaction in Formal Housing that the development of formal housing in Indonesia is supported by the availability of social facilities to develop social, economic, and cultural populations. Social facilities have an essential role to enhance citizens' social values by providing space for interaction. Lessons were presented that accessibility was the most important factor influencing the use of social facilities. Furthermore social facilities on the development of private housing are more effective for conducting social interactions than in developing public housing. Social facilities in private housing developments have an important role as spaces to gather and foster social relations among residents. Meanwhile, social interaction between residents in public housing development is independent of the use of social facilities because of a sense of togetherness. Rahmadi's research (2017) entitled Survey of Comfort and Safety of Open Green Space in City that the results of the study found that the level of comfort and safety of green vegetation and excellent facilities was Mahakam Lantern Garden with an average percentage of 79.5%, then Taman Pintar with an average percentage of 47%, while Teluk Lerong Garden with the lowest level of comfort and safety of green vegetation and facilities with an average percentage of 35.5%. The problem factors of the low level of comfort and safety that occur are cleanliness, parking management and maintenance as well as management of the Greenspace Public. Research by Irfandi et al (2017) entitled The Effect of Physical Quality of Urban Active Open Spaces on the Quality of Life of the Community that the method used in this study is a field survey and observation to obtain information about the quality of green space and intensity of its use, then data collection activities are carried out with questionnaires and interviews by exploring three aspects namely the physical element, the functional element and the perception element. The results of the study show the quality aspects of public open space in the form of accessibility, facilities, activities, natural elements of public open space, the intensity of activities and maintenance on public open space affect the improvement of the quality of life of the public open air user community. The aspects of quality of life that are affected are health aspects, aspects of family life, aspects of social interaction and aspects of recreation. Hantono (2017) on the Pattern of Public Open Space Activities in Jakarta's Fatahillah Park Area that Fatahillah Park currently functions as a public open space surrounded by historic buildings on four sides. As a public open space, Taman Fatahillah is visited by people from various regions in Indonesia and foreign tourists, so there are various activities in it. This paper describes the results of research on patterns of human activity (visitors) in Taman Fatahillah. The study uses a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis method. As a result, as a public open space, Taman Fatahillah is accessed by anyone and in the time span from morning to night. Activities that take place in Taman Fatahillah are dominated by secondary actors while primary actors (traders) are limited by a certain place and time. Activities in road space form a linear pattern and in open fields form a random pattern. Kusnadi's research (2017) titled Availability of Public Greenspace (Case Study in , 2016) that urban growth currently shows unbalanced movement activities, many of which must be able to maintain and ensure the sustainability of resources and preservation of environmental quality . The results showed that the availability of greenspace in Pontianak was 1,190 ha and the need for greenspace was 2,156 ha (20% of the total area). Research Syahriyah et al (2015) on the Quality of Open Space in Industrial Settlements in the Cigondewah Kaler Village, , West , that the positive impact of the presence of the industrial sector on residential areas is felt in terms of the economy in line with the negative impacts felt on the residential environment. Changes in land use due to the existence 180 [email protected] Design of Quality Structures for Public Greenspace in Palangka Raya City of this industrial sector can cause environmental problems, especially in the quality of open space.

3. CONCLUSION The transition of the function of open space into the expansion of settlements and industrial areas causes a decrease in quality, both in green public spaces and non-green public spaces. The quality of open space in industrial settlements was influenced by the presence of the industrial sector which resulted in the low quality of the residential environment. This can then be improved both by improving the quality of space and improving the quantity of open space.

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