'" I \ Winner of the Michigan Press . · See the 4·H Exhibit$ General Excellence Aw111rd The Ing hami. County N at tho Mason Hi!lh School ' ' Ninety-Fifth, Year No, 12 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, March 25, 1954 4 Sections - 28 Pages llflve You Mel't legion Dec.ides Mt'. und I\11'H, l•'l1Jycl W. I School Officials Momany o[ 205 SDuth Park nll'llel ':' 'i'hcy moved to Muhon To Buy 6 Acres In Scplemher, '!'he Momunys Refuse Offer S[lenl lust yent• In Callfornln, and upon llwir return, carne io North of Town l\lasnn lo live. Church Hhe Is a nntlvc! o( LanHing Of Site and he hail.~ fmm Charlot !o. Members present at a mcet­ Mr. Momany Jr. 11 llridcl ll at•res· from Mr. and Mrs. ,Jc:;~;!' But·gcss west of the gmvcl pit pond on D~cr.pm !lly '"!II" !!l neult Angell's pmpcrty. ll..l g ns a site for a JH'I'I C'lllll'l'!J. 'l'hP ~u u 6 sclwol cli:;lric'l was niTPrc'ri tlH• Post member.-; auillflrlzcc1 the h west half Inti bnanl members hiiilclilig comrnittc!e to go ahead A~ 4..MJ s lf\w turned It clown. '!'hey have tlwit· lmmcOll Thut·srlay, Fricluy and Will be solrl for hullrling rots. next few clays 1he remains of the Lq.:Ion Menwrlal huilrllng will 1w Saturday. The 3-day expo:ii- Gc>orge SC'ill'iPbPr of Pas'lCI•: !'NrttONS at Nili'HJn l'lljoy C'UI'h ~c·rvicl' on dispatch the new l'iliii'C'h. 'I'IIC!y have not ·' w ac 11cvemenl c nys. · II '1'1 • 1 '1'1 1 • · ing Thursday night. ~ tng rna · Hll ~: w IY 1ursc ay s rant llll'ilnt nollting to pl'o yet been plac•ctl hr.forc Ute local 'l'hou~anc!s o( pro('":ls ":'ill bt• I pie with cm·s. All tllCy liar! to lin was rlrivr• np to the new m11llhox dturch hoard. The disposition of the hullcling on display. They will nrnv~ at at the C'lll'IJ, iiiHI pliH't' their !Pitf'r's in tllf• dmte. Postmaster Lesltc H1•v. Hoy Mumau, pitiiln!' of tlJC• was tosser! bacl< to til!! Legion hy lhr! M11 son selmol gymnastum ,. . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mn~nn churC'11, sitld 'l'lwrstlay the dty c·ounr.:ll at a special meet· 'I'J .. 1. . 1 .11 1 ·. 1 1 1 "met ldc 1 te siHJII ani dmp box nwrli! ow•r , bigamy, is receiving a visit fi'Om his daughter by one of his wives. He wouldn't say 1yhich. clay's meeting Legion members days ~how cviclcnccs of improved ·,Jtlac•.JmcJ Cotlnct'lman .C. "I. .£-!all "llnder:;tancl this," Palmct• c!eclarcrl. "a lc•ltcr mailed in !he box Neighbors Save He stood on the Fifth Amendment, refusing to incl'iminate himself. Under the old system '~ · • quality," Avery said. "This year the daughtct· could hand a hack saw or even an through the bat'S, if she could get. and City Attorney Howard Me· is no exception. There will he will b~ pror•c•ssecl .iust as quil'!;ly as on~ lrlililr•rl within the building. them past the tumkcy. Wi1h the new screen completely covering the bars, as shown at Cowan. McCowan was'• rcporlcrl some fine projecls on di~play We wtll observe the piC'I:up scltcclLt!c f.rit!J[ully." Leroy Barn in the right, she can get nothing through except her· voice, and even that must be thin. Tl:e as r.aying !hat U1c Le.gion was at· ranging from clothing, JmittiJJg tempting lo pass the buck on the and a slylc slww to handicraft state has issued m·clet•s to shet•iifs to erect sct·eens to pt·event visitm·s from passing weapons, rlispositlon of the building. Hall and electrical work." · Mystery Blaze tools, notes and othet· contmbancl to pl'isoners, Another demand by the state is 1 hat the was quoted as saying that he The general commillce mem· county provide uniforms for pl'isonct·s. The Ingham ot•der has been placed but delivery is presumed 1he Legion intended to Doctors Ask for Help Worldng with buclndcmt's statT, tltey'll ~ulTer no cliseomfort or Myalls. Then he dmve rlown the On the outside the parents he· ers e p 1 f 1 1 D L A roacl to the Clarence Minnis I I I . 1 Birls fol' lJln 11 n. 1v '"'mna.•t'ttm VFW • P.ff• • li • I C if ore Petty anc r. · · , Mt•s. Ft•nnr£•s Cot ill, in d!ill'l'e of pain, said Dr. Fryer. NeJlhcr will rated t 1c Joy or gummmg 11C ~ " "'" ·' I I fl · I p ff" N d .. I hr.rc he any react ion after any lwuse where !here was a tclt!· worlls at tile store. Evrn nfter ancl C'icmcntary sdwol addition to Clv·, IC Wtleclcn also too<.tlC oor 1\n CC· ICe nurse I'Cc:ruitmr.nt foJ' ll!e r·ounlv , . . Ll!c Ingham Townshi[l Agt·icttl· On Building fense of the LegiOn. Thcy both I osto ee s lwallh department, Dr. Geor'l(" oJ' tlw :3 shots, he saicl. The sec· phone. 'l'hP. Minnises telephonccl ' twyI c 11m 1Jet 1 111 1o 11 tc r:at· Hnc 1 1 1 1 L · l'd hcaclcrl for home they l· fnl' Ingham, said 1hal plans for . . . tng. Serving with him were M·1x 1JY sate1 Ire ars 1la 1 rna 1c 1 per hottr, Ferris announced. A pltoning (•an help in tile hig job was seriously burned but a vel· obsPrVaJH'C arc shaping up lo· erinarian has hopes of saving Mr. ,nncl Mrs .. Clanclr. Smllh, I' ptogr, Four Are Hurt in Clair Brown, 41, canr!lclnto~ wit hou I opposition, . It ( ·· •t ·N It · l?tllllll'lli t;ervi<'o~ WIIJ he <'Oil· Tho ~llllll' (J offleo~ huve ~mvet•nl dueled Jrom the Bnli·Dunn fu· uandlclntes In nomlnutlun, H0 OmmUI11 Y eWS emS Trunkline Crash Aurelius Farmer, nerul homo l•'•·lcluy ut 2 p, m. with Huv .•rnnws Pnsmn, puslor of tho Mrs. Ernest Burlew J~nr)y Monclny morning 4 people Holt Uuptlst C!!Htrch, offldntlng. wr!r!J 11111'1 on US-127 ut North Has Fatal Attack Btlrlnl will lm In tho Evorgreon t•ond In ct 3-cut• accident. Bowling Nnnc·y fo'PrllhPrg, Virginia Dynr, Clair Drown, 41, Aurollus town· cemetery In Lnnslng. Sher.lff's officers snirl Miss Kny rl!(~d 'l'ue~duy 1\ay Olsrn, Lalli'! I Lr~r! Slwft, .Tonn I ship farmer, nigh!. Pnllhourers nre Chester Smith, 1\luson iUCI'l!hnnh; J.cmA'IIfl Cast Is Picked Hamilton, 22, 3182 North road, • In the Mason General hospllnl. Lynn Jluynes, Wnyne Bullen, Llnehnugh, Pl1yllls Jtrm~t nnrl Conferences for stopped on the trunll', e!Htplnln, surgeon, Hn nclr Ilousr...... 2!1 and some day figurines. Miss llnrnlllnn rcrnaltl['d n!. llw r.ntlnnnl ngl'lcullural teacher nt Surviving him is the widow, post advoeate nncl :t trustee. he hrltl all clay for tlto:;e parents. liospllal unt II 'f'uosday. ' Mlf'lwlson·Bnlwt• ...... 2!1 . ,flm Annrnn· Is entering his W!lllnmston, was among 10 men N II 1 M 1 M Offlr!ers were nomlnatt•d March J•'nl' JHII'f'llis unable to come on I ora; 1 s pnren s, t'. am rs . MeCnrn Olds ...... 27 new haleli of llsh llic~. He i:; an sci clays, April ·1 anrl 1:! will be to l'ccelvc special honors at t1e Dewey Brown of Eaton Ha(Jicls; 12. 'l'he po~t. nmn!nuted ;)CITY Tom':; Food Mnriwt ...... 20 Pigilth grader. Norman flrllhtgel', Jell open from 2 ::to to ;; p. m. F'utut'f' Fanners of America con· 2 children, Mrs. Hurry Swan of Sur·ntenux for rommnndcr nnd Howlc•ll /mJliPmrnl ...... 1-1 Pighth t.:raclt~, will enll!l' a Jt:uwl All parents of high :;ehool sin· vcntlon at MiPillgan Stale college Lansing und Ronald Morgan, a LeHny Haell•ns Jot• senior vice· Robinson Motor Sale:; ...... R of sl'itool pins made of wood and Family Night thiH weelt. Tho men recclver.l hon· rtuclont nl tho Unlvnrslty oi clc•nt~ may go to ill!! gym on ot•ary State l•'armcr dogTces "for Michigan; 2 gru.ndchlldren; and p:linW1I willl sdwol l'oiors, and April H or fl !){'!ween 12::i0 and fJ some lawn OI'IH1111CIIIS. p. m. All teachers will have n Is Scheduled hrlping to advance the program 2 sisters, Mr·s. Caroline Hugan I Ingham County News March 25, 1954 Page 2 Bill Jlusllancl, who eaC'il yrm·, :;eparatr. r:onfcrencc area in the A friendship fnmlly night will andIce torendering vocntional outstanding agriculture scrv·l'11•11!!! an:! 1.:' iii .. has r•nlererl and received honor· gym, so that jlttrents may tall\ ~~=~~~~~~!'.'~~~~~=:!~~~~~~:::!~~~--~ a hiP mrnt ion for :;evt•ral of hi!; to indlviclunl lcadwrs. Parents of be held at I he Holt Prosbytorinn the Future I•'armcrs nf Amer·len. JirojPt'ls, will send In PnlargPd ehilcll'l'n whose las! names begin dHII'ch Saltll'Ciny evening, Mnrch and franH•d pltologr:1pil:; o[ ills willt if'llers from A tin·ough K 27, commcneinp, nt 7 o'clncJ,, previous Pill t·ip:;, SIHne of 1111's!~ Sunnyside School an~ a lloal, a ilrldgc, and a hnily ma.v go Thursday, April 8, nnd Tltnso atlending nrc to lake Ht.venth and Jo;ig·hth Gi·ndt•s grand piano, lw l'onsii'LIC'Ierl. 111ose from L to ~nrc scheclulerl !able sc!rvicc, rnlls nnrl dishes to . fnt' J•'riclny, April !l. pass rl!'corrling to the size of lite Edward Pr·eston anr~ Shirley 0 TI1rn• will alsn hr. rnnferenrcs . Dr.rinclinger of Lans111g were Holt · K S. Plults llnr.unt· j /\pril 1;; anrl 22 from 2:30 In ~ family. I Sund'LY mllcrs of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Tile llolt n. ~·:. S. will holrl a Jl· rn. The climw_r will lw lwlrl.itl the 1 Jael< 'Preston and family. 1 · IJ:tza:tJ' and SwtH:i slrak Slipper· lmscmc•ttt o~ lile :·'ellowshlp hall I Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Potter I Tut!.'alay, J\Ian·lt :JO. 'J'Jw bazaar· 111 I he 13oy .ocou.1 100111. and family were sunday vi:;itors You're in for n will llf'gin al 2 p. m. Jr!alnring At. R:·ts there will he a tnlenl of Mr. an;l Mrs. Wayne Cole and n•nn;ls Tell Vl"ews 1 plc•n,mnt surprise aprons, candy, hul<~d goociH, gn•rn I" Ul~l show unrlcr !he direction nf .Tack i family. 1 when you have tilumh boolhs, Pants nnd ji'WPiry, Slattery. Trustee:; of tile church M· Mrs leverett Wood of·l your Hll it. cleaned 1 PORK STEAK lb • at 1111• 1\InsrHiir: Temple•. Tlw stenl< and llwit· wives will serve as tho J 1. nne .. ·~, ' Mt· n.nd Mrs 43c itnd finished with 'Ill,. ·t-·'llljlln A.t PTSA Meet . l•ff, . , 'tb'ae\SonVISic1 1 ·' ·• SliJIJll'l' \\'( lf'J.( n ol "" . . In hie .Ill( co ('(' wmml 11 ~c, \\I L . Curtiss :mil.1 family. thcS'I'A'NU proc1•ss! H"storl'..; allfl 1his will IH' hy rPsCI'Vlllion. Mrs. Ernest Hun I ami Mrs. I• rnnl< men vital textile oils lost throuMh Jli'SI'I'\'alions may he mmlr• wilh Fifly pcoplf' ntlemlccl lhr. Mon· Brown as co-chairmen. Mr. ;mil M_r~. Brndforrl AI 1el.1 wear :llld clcnning! Suits :111d lb Mrs. Nl•ll Carpenter. tiny nighl I'. T. A. meeting at the ,,, ,, I and family v1s1tecl Mr. and Mrs. Fresh Shldr. Picnic Hams 39c all other g:.lrmcnl~, too .. _ ·-·- 1 high s('hnol whcr:c p_upils were Ricllarr.J Moon Sunday afiP.moon. Slr1ntrv Sdmcpp, a high sf'hnoll"'viled in _:ilr ilwlr vtews 011 an Woman's Club Holds Saturclny and Sunday callers of 1/olt Cleaner~ i{mior, !;as hcr•n f'11oscn ns n 1lcll'·l r:qual fo~'! 1 tng wtlll pa~·en~~ an~l Mr. aml Mrs. Martin Dalrymple SAAELT 3 lb $1 .. I' I0 'lllrnd \Volvt'rinr Bnys l:lf'Uity. IllS IHlW cxpennwn. ami family were Mr. and Mrs. g.t ' ' ' l ll f · ·t in IV!kliigan gives ElectJ'on of OffJ'cers Ph01w 4.-fil4·1. ''·t· 1 whi1·1t l:tl(l•s plncr• in .June. ont• 11 If' liS · • ' - . · Hal Herricl< nnd fnmily of Lan· :;;unshine Assor!t•tl ·' .t r, ilw high SC'hool slndenls a vmce M R 1 t Holt Woman's cluh met: 'rues- sing unci Mr. and rs. o Jer · ------.,.------, in II1P operalion of then· own 1 f ·1 ( 0 1011laga cay1 evening with Mary Thomas Rhines anr armY o I c • • 1 Cookies Pkg.l5c eduealional plant. 1 f r election of officers anrl lo Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Gage anrl S&W Juice Special Take Your Car to PritlC'ipal Rnnalrl Sago ex· l;~ar a tall< nn "How Michigan family were Satmday callers of Prl'mium plnincd llw problems or teachers Mnltes Her Laws,'' given hy Mr. and Mrs. Leon Trowncr and li Y:!-o:r.. Size and IIIP range n[ pupils in age Beatrice Smith. family of Aurelius. 'fomalo - Ap•·i<:ot and intclligC'Ili'C, all in tho same 0 1 K 11 J Crackers lb l5c During the business meeting, Mr. nml Mrs. l'P 1Y c y, oe Omngt~ - Vt~getablt~ ,Juiet' Cod,lail INGHA d:tss. tho constitution was amemlcrl, Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Prmw Mrs. Lenore Shaft~ P. '1'. S. A. ,.., f PI · l'Oa(\ n111l Mt· nt1rl •~rane prc:;irlcnl, said that all students and !he rcauJm·h meetings of each o n1ns ,r M• · • c mol1lll will nil be at 8 o'cloel' in Mrs. Roy Hart o · nson wor Giant Fab 69c • who wish to join Ihr. group next M 1 M l'hl!!lllt~clltun-SizP Fuh fii'PI'! 2 for 19c Motor Sales II ycat· will be admitted with .ru.ll !he evening on lhe seroncl and St1nrlny callers of r. ~m · ;s. voting rights for half dues. She fourth Ttlesclny of each month. Glenn Scutt and family. Miss Phone 2-lili31 220 W. Ash a deled I hat' it will help the young· Elected officers were: Prcsi·1 B_onnie Mend was a Saturday f'Ve· Fo1'11l!'l'ly Whilr!'r:tft I I I t 11 · 1 t l\1 F · 111· L'tr1£1hi'S · vt·ch nmg caller. Pascal Celery Bn. 17c sters lo 1e a 1 o to prl.'son JCir (Cn, rs. •ra ' ' ~ ·, v M . M. Dean Schulihiors ideas to the hoarcl nnd also !mow president, Mrs. Howard Bnxler; f Mr.. ,m,1 ISI.l\ rs Reva Coni<· 1 For Prompt Servke tl l' 'l I' f 11 h "chool ]' I , 1\lrs Rnx n. .tson am . . . ' 30 w 11m a 1nns n 1~ ~ rccorc :ng sec:e a1 ~· . · .... "·,. right of Lansing visited Mr. ami fhe Tallwd-Abont Nr\v Grapefruit s~zn 6 for 39c JJudgN. Smith, correspond.mg scctetnr~. Mrs E·u·I Mend oml family Sun· Mrs. Richard Rc1f; treasurer, ; ·,_' •• DONE BY EXPEirrs 111 Pkg. Mrs. Dor~ce Cogswell; ami p~r· ~ 1 •. nnd Mrs. Merle Mead of Carrots 2 19c ANY :\I Aim-:- ANY ,JOB linmentnrwn, Mrs. J. G. Ch.tp· Owosso ami Mr. nnd Mrs. E~rl Soap Teachers to Get man. Mend attended a funeral in Port· " DeSoto-Plymouth I>Nlli•J' ·Cfnu·eh Group 1\Icets land Sunday. Salary Increases ,- There was only a half·dny of Speakers for the World Coun· school Monday because of music 4 Bars 25c Flour Effective next fall, is a $200 ,-.cil of Churrh. Witnesses at the meeting held in which Yvonne raise clown the line on the leach· Holt. Presby I c r ian chl1t'·~h Baker,· .Judy Preston, Louise ers' salary schedule. 'I'his was .Wednesday were Mrs. Arthur Scutt nncl Brenrln Whittaker snng, 1 5 lb 49c voted by tho board of eclucation '•Shaefer, Mrs. C. n. Crider ami practicing for the eighth grade ADilERTtSEMENT Thursday night. · Mrs. G. J. Hershey. A de.sserl promotion. ,.• Supt. Rex Smith stated that the luncheon was served in the after· A soflhnll game was plnyed starling wnge for women with a noon by the Presbyterian Wom· Thursday nflernoon between Additional Selwol Faeilil:i1•s haeltclors' degree would be $3,200 an's n~socintion. Sunnyside nncl Sanders in which INGHA!\1 COUN1'Y AGRIClJL'l'VRAL SCHOOL nnrl for men, $3,400 with respec· Sanders won, 7 1o 5. GEORGE'S FOOD MKT. t ive maximums in fi yonrs of Eng·ai:·emont: Is •rolcl Mr. am! Mrs. Clarence Slier· Wr. Deliver Phone 2-7151 llansvillc, 1\lichigan $3,800 nml $4,0SO. For holders of The engagement of Carole Wa· mnstcrs' degrees, stnrling · pay terworth to Del Loll is being nn· andwoodni~Mr&LnwrenccWhitin~ family were Friday evening ••~~~~~~~-~----~--~~-~-~---~--~~~--~~~~~~~ will be $3,300 and $3,500 for wom· nounced ·by her parents, Mr. and gtte~ls of 'Mr. and Mrs. Velmour Senlt•d Jlropusnl,, will hi• n•t•f'iw~tl hy ilw Bnar1l nf l•;tlul'ajjnn a(, en am! men, rcspcic1ivcly, with Mrs. Elmer Waterworth of Holt. Dayton ami fnrnily. ~------·----~------~-1 Its nl't'ic·1~s in llnnwillt•, iUi<'hig·an, np tu :>:Ott 1'. !U., EST., on m:1Ximums nf $4,300 and $'1,5~0. Del is the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. April Iii, J!lf>.J;i for eonslruelion anti I'OlllJtlrliun of an J•:le· The raise of $200, to gel Iter with Edwarrl Loll of Lansing. Thr. mcmhu·y i'icilool lluihling-, itwhuling· a Gymnasium, ns nn ntlcli· the automatic increase each year wedding date has not been set. North Aurelius lion tn nu Pxistin:.;· hniltling-. of $100, would mean n pay hike of JUST ARRIVED Propnsttl, <·mth•ad forms, [Jiuns and SJlP<'ifi!'nlinns under whidt $300 for nearly all tcachenJ next Reouts Enroll in Pt'O!\Tnms Annabelle Nelson lhc~ worl> will Ill' tlnnt• an~ on l'ih~ ami may he tr•k Ill' a hlclcler's hone! Jlllynhle ttl .karl n. 1\TC· Jwll foi· election of officers. Those of the Lansing high schools. They elected were Judy Tripp, prosi· are Edward Johnson, Lewis gnn Stale college st\ICients attend· Cahr, Sccrl.'tnry, llclltrd of Etlucnlion, 1'm· (.Ju~ sum of not. ic~f:s i~1g the United Nations seminar than fiw Jll)r eent. (5%) of tht' amounl: of the ]ll'OJJOsal will h1< dent: Judy Groh, vice-president; Helmker, Greg Taylor, .Tim Margaret Arntz, secretary; Judy Wood, Don Livenspnrger nncl in New Yorl< from March 24 to required with end1 JlnlJHlSUI emulilionetl to set:tu·,~ tlw Hm\l'tJ 30. TELEVISION Smith, tt•easuret•; Cl1arlene Gould Dicit Reynolds. of l~thll!atlon f1•om Joss ot' thllllll!\"1< hy rt•nsoJi of tlw withch·nwal ancl Connie Esman, color guard; ot' tlw hit! m· t.tw fnilme or the hidth•r·to enter· into a I!Ollh'llr:t. nnrl .Tutly Adcock and Nancy Ell· The Orrin Rnthbuns hold n of Jlt!l'fornt:m<•e, if the hit! lw 1teeept1:cl hy the llo:ml. erly, tlaghcarers. housewarming Satmdny evening Official Proceedings 17 -Inch Models -- at !hell' newly-acquired home at •• The nonnl ol' Hdul'ntion t'l'Set'l'l's Hw' 1·ight: to IWI'ept: m· r•~· County federation delegates 4451 W: Delhi. Twelve couples Delhi Township ~oard ,jCt!t. any or all lll'OJmsnls anti tn wnivc~ infm·mnlities in Jli'U• will he Mrs. Edward I:- 141 W M 1 ':'·;. · •'!. · & Plumbing Supplies Adams, and.daughter, Mrs. Ward in~r··l'1 ro•ontud to the Slnto Lclll•luluro.- .. . . • 8p 0 , •.. ·.·. , .·.·',i. ·. ... _ ·Mnson. ...,. Moore. · ' Mcollng nrlJou1·nud. Elll'rll A. ADCOCI(, Clc•·k ~~------~------~------! ~-;:::; ,.,. -· ..::::_-_· ' ..... ~- ·--·,., -...... ~.-,i,,·",j Wm111u,tirt,\- tih;ltl j·., •iirl· u;, f!llltrl>, wi1Jr1Hio1'111£, rlrr.~ f•H£1 :rit'iiWiUi~ Plaque lti iJf!t/t.eaJed' lnrnnrloc~ ns well ns lllllhW bomh·. nuss tho ls~uc~1 on whlr•IJ f•lnr·tors Last CD less.on ~Alvin D. Edgar, .- .. -~-"'" lng nttncl1, The Main Dr4:ng I ' ~ ... ' Okemos Eledors Will VOIU Mnnrlii,Y, _:,,'''•.... President Mnynnrrl A, Ellorly J~mergonoy tochnlques in re~·: By The Ad Staff 'd . cue operations, survlvnl pnwnu, Aurelius Farmer, served UH morlcrntor, Supt. Is Presented· to MUS t Deel e on I lOllS, nn1l civil defense nct!vilhl~' T·~rl Wnrr. nf Wuro's dn1g sln!'t' I GCOI'gO H. nlciHII'rlH Iori tho dis· . I In rnn.Jor !lmorgenvles were left Mondny nigiJI: '''il 11 ~1n;, 00 I CIIHSiiltl on tho lll'OllOSil)S, Mason Classes. ·Dies Saturday Will'£! nnrl the 2 girl£: for f•'lorida. Sch I Proposa s shown h,Y film !\llll elnhornled on 'l'hu Olwmos rllstl'lel Is nnrleJ'· In nn onen rllsmtsslon cnndueterl Alvin D. grlgnr, F!Ci, rllr!rl Snl· 'l'lwy went by plnrw. moctors in tho Olwmos Con· ,::olng nn extensive suhurhnn ds. By nol n•· Shall the :i·mlll tnx for huildlng event of natural !llsnstcrs, sucl1 1 dPath In lfl;ifl, mnlnlng- opr1n Snturrl:ty nlgill'i, il and sltr. he renewed for one yenl' Pvt. Dale Cnrrlgan, sm1 of Mr. SLtrvivlnl( 111m an~ 2 brothers,· malws for longer 1\'l'l'k r•nrls fol' to nlrl In tilr. construction of new and Mrs. Arthm· Carrigan, re· March 25, 1954 Page 3 J.r•1• f•:dgfll' of Jlpffr~VIII' illlfi ]~ll· f!Vei'J'imdy. hulldlngs? eelvcd Ills release Jrnm the a['[ny Ingham County News gr'l][' l·:dgar or Mason: IIH~ HIHICI', Plans hngnn to ftJrmulate lhiH Shnll llw school honrrl he au· on Morell 17 al Fl. Sheridan, Illl· -- 1'11'11"- - -·- -- -·- -- Mni. C:r•tJI'V-f' l•:d;illll'l of Fowll~r· Wl!el< for an intf'nsiflf'rl spring Tn I ilr. hrlghl sun nf n cold, I 'IN ~JASON Htuuluy, tho mwy lhorlzcd to dispose o[ the old nols, -~-· viii••; anti nil'r·r·~ anti Jlf'pl1cws. sales pronwllon In Mason. '!'In• s.·prln>: Sunday nfternoon n smnll dl'!lii'ILI·Pd 11 nwnHn·ial piUIJlltl t.o frnmc school house nnrl the site Cpl. Charles Howell of Camp Slxt~· yC':1r~: ago llu•. I~dgnr Tnghnm Cnunly Nmvs is l"t'SPI'V· groUJl of nclgllbors and members llw memm·y nt' nunlel ,J, l':ume!; In Okemos'! Le.Teunr., North Cni'Oiina, ~prml hmlln·rs of i\urPiius were ltnnwn lng spacn now fnt• 11 ~pl'in>: sr~r·· of the Daniel .T. Eames family II nt' OIIPillflii, lie lm:t his lift~ u Shall the rllslrtct levy 5 mills In the week enrl with Mr. and Mrs. ll!mllgiHtlll lhl' state as baseball lion devoted cnlil'l'iy 1o lawn nnrl dl'dil:alf'd a memorial plaque on ugn wlwn lHL\'Y putrol ymu· n Hl~'l to create a slnl>lng fund !or Lester Penlnc. playerH. 'l'hr ltrollwrs fnt'med the gnrdcn mr.rchniHII~c. summr•r the family monument in the Mn· llirtJW wont. down. In tlw riA"ht. NOW AT the purpose of constructing and nw·l!'tls or of Mason nnd Aurelius furniture, lumbm·, paint 1111d w:ill· plr~ Grove cemetery, Mason. fm·t~gt·muul i:; Chn[lhtln JJ:l\'lrl 8, Pvt. Henry M. Button, .Tr., repairing school bullrllngs? whose wife, Nnncy, lives at :J20 tPatns ltal'i; ltl'f11n' tl!P turn of I he paper, fashions nnd hardw:tn'. i .rust a year ago, young Daniel Evans ot' llw J.unsing llllV!LI re· :\feeling Is Ul'ld !'l'llfury. Mrs. Kenneth Miller of Lnnslng! .r. Eanws Jl wns lost when a serve eenh•J', Tilt• l•:dnl!'s l'nmily N. Mason road, Mason, rer:enlly Ingham Motor Sales '!'he Olwmos hoard o[ education arrived !or duty at tile Ala:;im !-il'l'l'if'cs wr.•n! r·otHittr•lerl •rues· starter] work for tile Dart Nit· IJ. S. nnvy plane e!'Hslwd into is ut his ri1~ht, 1he 1111\'Y eolnt• ]\Jason's Dt~Soto-Piymouth Denim· I held an open meeting at the General Depot. Army unlls sta· .~. , rill\' aftr>t'IHHtll al :.l 'f'im:l 1 the tiona! hank Monday mol'llinf.(. Site t!te H£!;1 willie on suhmarinc pa· gmu·1t in thf' left t'm·t•;;-rnnnd. 11 1 11 tinned in .i\lm:lm undergo inten· B:lll-llunn funr~ral home wilh was fot·merly cmplo;.'Pd in tlw lrol off tltr. Island of Puerto Rico. wn>'· Miss Mcgwcn, Miss Stark ~ive !lr.ld tminlng while guarrlinr: Hr'\', !'11111 .i\l'llolrl, pastor of. the orrlccs of lhr. sr.f'l'!!IAry 111" sl:tle An r.xlwustlvo search o( the area decllcated a mcmnrln I sound syH· NEW and Mulligan each paid $15. All I he norllwrn approaches to t lw ivrasrnt p 1 ·r•sll~·tr.rlan cllllrr:h, 0 ffl. and the stale dvll service com-~ turner! up nn traces nf tlw Ill· tem, recordel' nncl ehim1• recorrls were put on probation for :3 Unilerl Stales, Button, who en· "54" f'ialing. llurinl w;1s in·Grc!•nwood mission in Lansing. f<\lrcl crafl. wlllcil allows n carillon In he months. tere!l the nrmy In September, PLYMOUTH l'r>nwll'r:.', i\urPiius township...... · -·- .. -- ---·- Thr. derllcallon service nnrl the played over the community he· On Mondny Dr.puty Dorrlcll 1953, completed ba~ic training nl l'11illlrnn•rs w<~l'l' ,Tolm Erlgm·1l'tiASON S1'Uili':N'I' I'J.Enram pladn~( o[ a wreath on the mark· fore tile services nf worship am! Fort Knox, Kentucl 1 de~irc to lwep alive in our hearts, nishing heer to a minm·, and of Mr. ami Mrs. Dec Marshall, · · g ·· a r:ulOI' guard of navy men. Tll!l J,atPst Advancement in No-Shift Driving insl'ripl ion on the hmnzc plate t ltrottgh the I hings thnt he loved Mary Jo Dienes on charges of Stocl1hridge, is now serving In 'rtw best--radio, music anrl publi!· drlnldng in highway nnrl illegal Korea with the 21th Infnntry Di· r:onl11ins these words: "! n every :r·• respect !~ames was a ercdit lo ills scrvice-llw memory of a <·our· possession. Both plcndcrl guilly. vision. A cannoneer in Battery .i\ * NO CLUTCH PEDDLI~ squadron, tlw Naval service and ngeous young man who willingly The judge afsessed gvans $•10 of the 13th Ficici Art ill cry Bat· lalion, Marshall entered the army In his c:ounlry. Wilen the going served his coLtntry anrl g;l\'C lilo for ful'llishing beer to a minor * FULLY AUTOMATIC was rough, his cilccrfulncss last fttll mcnsttre of rlt'volion in plus SJ5 for drinking liquor on in January, 1953, and was sin· lwlperl hring Its ll1rough." This the never-ending vigilanf'r. which a highway, and l1e fined Miss tloned at Camp Chaffee, Ark .. he· was thr. wny in wilicil his squad· Is necessary to protect otn' frcc­ Dienes $15 for illegal possession fore arriving, overseas last .Tuly. 1 ron C'IHlllnamler paid trihute In clomH in this time of tension mul and for drinldng- on the highway. Murine Pfc. Gordon E. Bale· young Eames in a letter to ills Intent rlnngcr," snld lhc pastor in Each was placed on probation for man, son of Mrs. Vernon L. Clarl1 the dedication ceremony. A nttm· 3 months. of Onondagn, recently completed ¥ parcnls after tile tragedy. In lile morning al the Olets re· Pe:1c!• !loy W. Adams at Mason drunl1 nnrl allowing an intoxi· school. IIOJt voun pm·tc!l settled in Judge Adams' l'ltl\!'ii>:NT CAR Saiurday. The judge ordered eated pcr:o:on to drive his car. courl. during the week were: LIBERAL TRADE-IN YOU PLENTY SdHmlrr lo spend 4 days in jail! Both men ·pleaded guilly when Clinton Stevens, C he 1 sea, an,l to pay fine and costs of $20. they app2nrcd before .Jml,::e 15 speeding, $12. WOMEN'S St\MPlES Saturday Larkins 'arrested Adams .later in the day. The Kenneth G. A!chin, Dansville, You never con tell when Nature will run amok and ,John Wyman on a rlrunk charge. judge assessed Marlin fine ancl speeding, SS. SIZES 4-4%-5 Ingham Motor Sales cause heavy damage to your properly. But you can Wyman pleaded guilty when he costs of $70, with nn alternative Waller Neal, Eaton Rapids, ALL COLORS - ALL HEELS - wns taken before .Judge Adams In of spending 30 clnys in jail. Ma· speeding, $18. 9 69 Formc•·ly Whitccraft Snlcs insure against loss at small co~tl ilw aflcrnoon. He was ordered to kin paid $70 fine and costs on the AtL TYPES $F tO $2 Mrs. David Win"rde, Dansville, Ash Phone 2-5531 pay fine nne! cost> of $12 and wns -:lrunk charge nnd · $l0 for the illegal parking-, $2. (Dansviile 220 W. H. Chappell Agency ~Pnlencerl ton day in jail. He was privilege of riding with an in· case.) HALL SHOES- Eaton Rapids 4:!-17 W. Delhi I>Jtone OII0·'1·2Hl also pttt on probation for 3 toxicated person at the wheel of monlhs. Wyman resides· in Lcs- his car. ·------~----- lir. Dallas Fletcher of Munilh, ar· AI 1:0:1 Sunday morning shcr·l rested !aft Saturday by Deputy

Com{Jal'C J charge, and .Tess Fletcher, .ar· ·r------~~~~~~-~------~• • restedGlcnnDmwn,ooaaru~dri~~ by Drown the followmg P. X. Pl'ICCS rlay for being dt·unk and elisor· with dcrly and driving on n revoked license. both went before .Judge ,, P.X. Mart C Chain Store Adams Monr.lay. The drunk driv· Prices ing charge against· Dallas Fletch· ~r \WlS reduced 1o rcr:kless driving !Hm;on - Chm·lottP - North :tnd with the re!iuclion hoth m2n pleaded guilty. The ,judge nssessecl j I Dnllns Fief cher fine ancl costs of Smelt Run Is Here $50 am! put him on pmbntion for 3 monlhs. Jess Fletci!Cr settled ~ • Smelt Dip Nets ______$2. 75 up [ot· $15. He was also put on pro· balion for .3 months. Casting Rods ______$1.19 up Deputy Donald Hnyncs at Les·1 ·-, AN FREEZER ~ie arrested Rex Ross Pentecost IH Fly Rods _-- ______$4.50 uo of Lansing on a drunk driving charge early Sunday morning. Spinning Rods ______.. ____ $6.95 u~ Pentecost was talwn before Jus· FILLED WITH FOOD Casting Plugs ______$2.95 up tice of the Pence William Grugel What could be better for the u•holcfnmily than a gleaming new International Har• at Leslie j\1onday; He pleaded vester freezer crammed wirh wholesome food. Yes,. that's what you set when you b11y • Fl Y B a1ts ' · ______. '"' ______A-Oc !U~ilti .I·Ie: 1v~S' :giyen ,h\S.§~~i.cr ·' n·oiv ·under. our·" Food Shower". Special. . ·, ' of pay1ng I .fmc · an.cl ,. ·'costs of ~[om will be especially delighted. Th1: new International Harvester freezer will .make her work easier the minute it coml:s into. the house. It wilt start right off wirh Minnow Pails ______~ t ~·~'-.:. _.:$1.59 up $84.30 . or lspcncling 30 clays in a giant·sizc grocery order insid~ and will go on 'helping her to cut food bills year jail. He paid. Ca~ting after year. Nylon Line ______.. 89c up Sheriff's ofiicct·s arrested n Imagine! ,$ __ worth of selected frozen ·foods-at no l:xtra cost-th!: leading H" B party of 4 Sunday afternoon for brands, all top quality. Here's what you get: 1p oots ------$9.95-$10.95 drinldng on a public highway. Plastic Waders ______"' _____ $7.95 They were Reyez C. Vera, Frani< 1 1:':-lb ovon·raady tuJirty Samora, Antonio Gamboa and 12 cut-up frying chicken• • Felix Garcia. Samora and Garcia 5 lbt. T·bono tfoakl UV.. lbt, pork roatl Co~mp~ete .Line of Fishing Supp~Hes also hall drunl< and disorderly IVJ~ tJ.nlfl 35 boxot chipped tltak charges placed against them. All 158 cans ouorfld fnlll • _ . ~ 156 bout ~;~uorted vaettDIIIIt 1 4 pleaded guilty when they went WITH TIU FOOD IN THE FREEZER 36 baxts cf flsh - · • before Judge Adnms Monday." 3 lbt. dairy praducll Shop the Painless Way 12 packages walftn • Use the P.X. Lay-Away Each was assessed fine and costs 3 half.gallan baxtl let Utlm .of $12 with allernatives of spend· Anarttd candy, IKiktr'l goodal ing 6 days in jail. Hurry! this offer is Limited! Men .... Women Michigan State college stu· Cigarets Children dents,· relaxing after term ex· aminalions, may be more careful AND MORE "SHOWERS" OF SPECIAL BUYS! 2 Pllng on highway and dumping rubbish on the highway. They pleaded guilty. 16~Cubic~Foot Another Each was fined $15 on the liquor House. Men's Sport Shirts charge~. and $9.60 .for dumping Price It Yourself llm!~lrcds ot' new 1953 spring and summer stwrt shirts, the rubbish, . and each· was Floor Model alllmuls of pattel'ns null prints have arrived, placed on probation fot' 3 months. In the same party were Harold Paint COillllaro P. X. Jll'im~s with chain store llrices. P. X. Hafiemos on lll'r Point ·I pmgmm to set up an of .Tncksnn c•;lilccl on Iter step· rile• sPr". Paul, of Holt were guests at clin· • Colonel Spear Sunday. Evening ncr Sunclny at their home. visitors at the Spear home were lVTi"<; T~lnrPl'"" To'lnt·r.hr>" snn.,t· Sl'I~CIAJ, J,A WN Slmo makes u. thhlll, spnr·l1· • Rolleiflex Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hucld of Lan· Sunday through Wednesday with Kodachrome. I Kodacolor Polaroid Film g'J'C\ll,l tl!llt l'IIVC 1 - ling t.urf folks llOOUt, 1~ !1 ·sing. re'~l'ivcs In r:ncl~na. - CCOIIIIIlliclll, loo-3,000,000 seeds JICI' JIOillld in Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Matteson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Hill •. Radiant AI' Sizes - · All Quantities Always Fresh l'knt.t's so you only need n thh·d us much. ancl family were guests at clh1- nncl daughters, Sheri Lynn and ner Sunday of their son-ln·law Lou Ann, visited the Kello~g Sc.reen 1 lb - $1.•15 5 lb - $0.95 and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lo- Center at East Lnnslng last ~ IIAVI~N GRASS smm- Umlget-prlce1l brund of gmid qiiallty zell Jordon, and family of Jack- Wedncsda;r. They also visited "' nt n lnw t•i·lce fu1· goo1l lawns, ' son. They also called on Mrs. his pare}1ts, Mr. and Mrs. George Weston and Matteson's sister, Mrs. Alzina Gillett, at Hastings later in the • 12 Months to Pay ::: L Ib - 85c · 5 lb - $3.95 ·Rose of Jacltson. clay. G. E. Light TIME 'PAYMENT - Rev. and Mrs. Paul Arnold Mr. ancl Mrs. Wesley Brownlee : rURF llUIJ,)))m - 'l'he COIU(IIcte jl'l'll!!Sf{)(K) kCCJIS Jnwns spent Monclny In Detrglt at the of Leslie entertained as guests ·Meters I· ., ltclllt.hy, t!nln!'ful unll vigorous growing, It feeds lnWIIII better home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Saturday evening their son·ln·law "Everything Photographic'' ;: fot• h~ss - use only 1 lb JICl' 100 llq.lt. :!ii lb - $2.50 100 lb . Laos, where they. visited Mr. and and daughter, Mr, nnd Mrs. H. S. I ,,, - $7.8li. . . Mrs. .Tohn · Arnold and Richard Pulver, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvania~G.E. ... Paul. John Is a son of the Paul Dwight Helms, Mr. and· Mrs. Ger-. • '. •.. Arnolds, and this was the first aiel Pulver and John Causie. 'l'he time they had seen their grand·· occasion honored H. S. Pulver on Flash Bulbs son, Richard Paul. ·--·The John his birthday anniversary. On Sun· PERKINS HARDWARE Arnolds plan to visit his parents day Mr. and Mrs. Leon Causle of In Mason over the.· week .'encl. Leslie entertained the same group T: D. C. WARE'S STORE 860 S. Jefferson · Phone 48.11 • DRUG ' I '\ They will return to Cheltenham, honoring H. S. ·Pulver and Leon Md., April 3, · where· he . Is sta· Causie, who share the same 'birth· .Pr~jectors Phone s4n · ·We Deliver Mason .tM:--..~-,-....,.------~;...... ;....,,.,, ...... ___.... tloned witll the. nav~·; , clay anniversary•. '. ' i •. ·.. Poston Home News Mr~. Mundo 11lt!lwnls enllerl 111 4-11 Clubs · Classes Start April 5 1ho Homo 'fhtm;clu.v nflernoon. WhltB OnJ[ M1•, 11nrl Mrs. Ilo Klnrlr.l nnd Mcmhnt'H nf l hn' dol Iring r•litli Re .. Opening Monday, March 29 ehlldron, Fern Ann, 'f'ommy, IHJV(! nil eomplolml lltr!lr tH'o:lnc•ts Dlr!it, Hnhort nnrl Kenny, of ruJrl nrc1 rnnrly for· ndi)tJVPIIl(llll At MSC Evening School J!;l'tH!tii'Y lrJllls Wuyno spent SLIIHiny with his rlny, which Is Ralurrlny. Mr·s. Zorn 'l'h11 Hlum J'm•mm·ly uwuml hy Hhlm· ut parcnls, Mr. unci Mr~. Clcvolnncl Oal>ley nnrl MrH, '.Pimlmn CnrT Clnssr•s for 1hP-- sprlnl-( lr!l'm of lions srlwrlulorl for 1!10 Jnsl wer.l>. Am·nliw; Cm1tm•, 'l1lw nc~w husirwss nanw will hil Mlr!hil-(1111 Slulr.'s c>vcnlng C'fli- Non-r!l'f!rllt regiHll'nlinn will he Poston. hnvc heen lr.nrters of the! gmup IPgn will gel tiiHif'rway Ap1·ll il ht>lrl 111 11w first session of ench On Slmrlay, Mrs. Allee Pur· the pnst yen I". wllh J'r!glslmllrm lorklng pi:rPrl nn r!nursn, nr• It mn lm urrnngcd In mrnlr!r of Enlon 11npfrls called 1\larf'll :11 and April I nnrl 2. ndvnnco orl room 7 nl Kellogg nn· Mrs. Mym r.hcncy, lflT!l BIHTI!Di\Y IS !•'!~TED M1·. nnrl Mrs. Leon Alger of Slneo tho cJvrmlng i!DIInJ~n WIIS CPnler for Continuing Eduen· l\1i'. nnrl Mrs. ,Joseph Ilnrvallr Arnie's Food Market Juel>srm visiter! Cuss Marsh Sun­ hr!gllll In llw winlcr of 1n~2. rPg- lion. 'l'l1rsr dnHHP.H will her.:In ha­ »nlerlalnerl Rnllll'rln:,• evening in duy. Sl.u rn hmll'li R to B · JslrHIIons for· r'I'L'rill llrtVr! In- !ween April 5 nnrl 8 nnrl will !'Lin hrtJHll' of t lH1Ir rlrtughler, Sher·yt Mr. nnrl Mrs. Rollin I-Tcek of r'!'f'if~lr>d siPmllly, wllh rrppmxl- fnr 8 m· 111 wr•cl>s. Wllh one cx­ .Jo, on her Hlll1 lrlrl hdny rumi­ Lnnslng culled on lho Charles uwm•d :mel OJWI'nl.t•d h~' malrdy 1.500 r•xprdml for ,I his--- r!epllon, tlwy will. meet once ench VPrsnr·v. Clur.sts wm·e Mrs. Hnl'­ Kemps Sunrlny. M1·. nnd Mrs. El· tiH! r!lghlh- lnrm. '!'he lllllllhri' of Wf"rl< for 2 or :J hours. mrmrl ·Sly nnrl Lnrry nnrl J\1J:H. mer Kemps of Lansing vlsilerl his r'i'Prllt miii'HP.H !Ins >P'nwn from Crerlll f'fllii'SC! fees nrc $15 foi' \V. W. Love nil ol' Lunslnf( nml futhor, Mr. J(emps, 'l'uosduy, Arnold S. Gavin fi7 to 1:11, and nOiH!rerlit work nnr• lo 5 er"C!rlllH, $:.1() !or G In 10 1 Mrs. H.llhY Gnlvln. H.ofrnsl1mr.nls ill ljl * IHIH dorililerl In tlw 1fo r•rJtlrscs r-rrrllls, nnrl $il5 (nr more than 10 I of hlrl hrliJY enlw, coffeo nnrl ' inJ!r'{ wf'rf". sorvPrl. Gursls Snn­ !Umuhty throu~h 8at.ll!'day now tislPrl In II If' evr•nlng r-rrllego 1 cmrllls. ~r.glsll'flllon fee for most catalog. r IH>n-ererhl murses Is $10. Farm Bureau rtny at lhr.il' home In olmnrvnnr·P llrn nr!r!a;·lnn Wf'l'f! Mr. nnrl CrPriil wnrlc In :1:1 r•olh:~" rlr>- lcnr riPialh!rl lnfor·mnllon nhnnl Nm·lhii'Psl. llmrltm• Jlill ••f Mrs. Hnwnrrl Kellogg o[ Lnnslnr,-. IHII'lnwnls, Is alnwd ;rl n•slrlPrils r•rrrlll nl'l'rring~;. lntf"l'f"Sierl per­ MPrnhf"I'H o[ llw Norlilwr•HI or ('f'fllral Mil'lrignri In f'I'I'I'Y wa'l; HOIIH Hhnnlrl (•rrnlael I he rPglslrar Bunl \.llhn I fly r•[ r'l., l(r!gislriillnn for r·r·erlil lair, r!lrr! nl 11 eonvulf>sr•enl lromr pl-.rPn ;rhovr• anrl in llir' r•wning rnom 7, Kr!llrtgJ~ Cf!nler, phone II wns rlcelrlrrl I o J.(IVe $5 I 0\VIII'cl Tur.sr!ny. Mr. anrl Mrs. l:llpnf'r! r;n Mardi :11 nnd April I. f'l:tssr•s I·~Dg-ewmrrl 2-1511, extension 73fll. scnrllnf( a 'l-JI mrmlwr In Greeel' I ChriHln[lhcr' (left) nntl .Jonathan (right) roughhouse with their :nul ,Jr.an went In Sl. Clwrlr.~ I ~l;rrlln" o11 April :i, will r·onliilltr' Tlw I'VPnlnr~ ('()liege cnlalog Is F'aye H.nhinson n!porlcrl 011 lhe: \Vednesrluy l.o aiiPnrl funr.rnl: mother, M r~. Bennett Ccrf, wife of the rmhllshcr, nutlu!r nn.rl humor· tlrrougll ,liliW IH, willi Pxnminn- avnilnhle on rrqurst. safely mGr,llng- slw allcnrlerl. A sri·vlcrs for Mrs. Wlwlnl'. whlr•l1 i:;!. llclow, ~I rH. Ccrf tells how Ehe IICCJIS communicatiOn hncs O(le;: report on lr•glslnl ive rnnllers was WGre twirl at 2 o'dol'k 'l'lnlrsday. 1 l(lven by' Lee Ulrey. h~t.wccn her and her sons. I L_ols.· •. on her hlrlhrlay nn; A motion pielttrc on "Srifely U•;sv,m, JHICH!GAN - PI!ON!rJ 1 lfi7:~ J/ol/oway News Slrelr~ F!Wi m .•,. ,.,.. =cr=a=n=--- rnvPrsnr·y I liursrlny. Mrs. Narle on 1111! F'nrm" was shown. D. •T. Mr. nnrl Mrs. Arthur K. n.unlwr 1 Mr. itiHI Mrs. ll.• 1. 1-'nrrl nf Cl:11·i< cnllerl on her mnther, Mrs. Tcny, a Fnrrn Bur~nu insuram·c or Hnstlngs sprnl Snnrlny Hflcr­ Drmrhorn visilf'd liH!il' r:ousln, J Cliu·a !•'ref", Sunday, mnn. wn~ prrscnl nnrl (!Xplaincd n nnnn wilh Mrs. Erina Bnrll\vuy. !HAHCH 21i-:~7 Eva Mr-c'urrl.v. Snlurdny. Alke Pnl'llwntel' of Enlon H.a· new plnn for Ore and wind In· [ Speakh~'~"'~,Lf.amilies Kenneth ShelTer was sick :11 ,\n·hif" Snyrtr•l' ;rnrl granrlrl;nrgll- pirls l'isilerl Mrs. Nor·a llnrlmGsH surnrwo. Iris .home Werlncsrlay afternoon lr•r, ~ihamn, vlsiiPrl Mr. :inyriPr'.-; Sumlny. Children 1rnd grandehil- Following llw meellng n pot- Every lime Bennett Cerf, the ntcly misbehaved, and then con· 11nrl Thursday morning-. Mr. nnrl :amous publisher and humorist, .fesscs, you can't just say, "As mo.lll!'r-in-hw, !\-Irs. Cl;tra Whip· rln·.n of Mrs. Harkness also vis- lud{ luneh wns served. I Mr~. Sheffers' 2 dillll!hlers, .Julie p!P, 1-'rirlav. iter! her. ,. Wc•si IJPllrl nnrl his family li,>tl'nod to the I'C· long ns you've told me, what you '11111 Linda. IHtve ulsn hr.en sick I Mrs. 11.·.1. Jl:tll cnliPrl on !\-Irs. "' ''' '' The We~l Drl11i fo'nrm Durc11u co1:rling White S11it Samba, they did is perfectly nil right." Dut with llir. lin this werolc IIr. is 1111! Gr:rr:e Nohlt• Sundny.· PVPnin.r:. 'IBd'ltiES'l'S m•;'I'UI~l'\ t~mup mel last Wr.-c!nr.~rla~ al 11w hn:l ~uch fun! Chip, their ilu:ter, you can try to understand. And rmployee of the Ingham County woulrl plant himsc:r squnrcly in you can talk it over calmly. Mi·. nntl Mrs ..r. 1·:. NieiPriesl anrl hnme of Mr. nnrl Mr~. I\C!Il.'JPih News. I :front of the phouo;(mph, pl'icl1 up awfully glad you told me of llri>:hlon visiiPd. l1is family of Kevii..I. C:~rrs_l~-~;.·cr·c M~·· M1:~· his e31'S, nnrl listen with positive about this," Phyllis Ce1;f may say Mrs. !lgrw:; Ni<-lwrsron, ~-urHI1tY moved lo Lansing. !JeforG moving M,ulrn h<~lircs .rnrl Mr. .tnrl Mrs. in Lansing wilh Mr. and Mrs. rnptm·c. I !'I'Pilinrr. 1\lrs ..1. E. Nidwr~on lo K<•nlueky years ago lhe De- Buill. Sarll~r. Ilugh Al_l~cll led I 1t such times, "because it gives .John IJowclen ami J:rmily. 3 One dny, 11-ycar-olrl Christo· 1 also ('11l1Prl Mnnrlay. I Pricsis resirlert'in Eden. I he oln .n.rf> us n chance to talk ahout it." 1\!r. nnrl Mr.,, Hay Ferris of rliscussfJoi~ nll~~~niZIBng phcr Ccrf sirllerl up to his mother ! Then . · .. how did it happen? Mrs. llr!ssiP Spinl; relurnr!rl lo * ,,, ,, insumncf> 01 l1e <11m 111ec~u T .yons were guesls al dinner :m:J pushed a dollar· hill into her What made him do it? How IIH! I followa.v lmme Mr111rlay. She Mr·. anrl 1\lr·s. Ward I-iotchl\lns members. Tuesday r.veninr. at tho homf> oJ ill l)l hand. rnn they Jh'event its hntlpening J'f'cerrll~· unrlclear. No Clear wnter, Florida. Clmr!Gs ITildr.rll!'1rnrll, was Ia ken )11· "How did it happen, Clms? matter what Chris and Jonathnn Cilllcrl on her falllt'l', I fom1•r T;ry- sing. .. ~'Or. I was being sort o' silly, Mr. anrl Mrs. Fran!' Griggs· lor, Monrlny. . Mrs. Charles Wiley llas been home frnm lhe Mason Genrm1l lmvc been up to, they can get :-;pen I. the week enrl wilh Iheir/ 4000 CAG~Illl OO!IMA~~$ lrd hospital fo'1·irlay. I-Ie weighs 5 lh, I guess. I was rloing a stunt for iL ofT their !'!test. They know Mrs. Charlt•J: Cavanaugh of! sid1 al her home for the pnsl the kids r••• ~ I dropped it. .I'm son, Mr. nnrl Mrs. Clarence ORGY 0~ VII:UGt: ..l!l!ili:i~ Mason· visill'rl her mollrcr, Mrs. r weelc G oz. Mielwel, who was taken there'll be no harsh words .•. no Rwful sony, h ~m." Griggs nnrl family of Okemos. home last week, now weighs 5 punishments to fcn1·. Some parents "'li!(ltt he quite ' Mr. GriJ:(gs looi' his parenls lb 15 oz. "It's the healthiest thing in the Ingham County News March 25, 1954 stli'Jll'i~erl if their c:1\ldren came home Sunday and was a guest Page 5 .Trmnna Fnirhothmn. daugllter to then·, like that, insteac! ,,f wait­ world for a child to be able lu at dinner· at there home. of Mr. anrl Mrs. Dale Fairhol ham, ing 'til their deviltr,v lm.! been tell his parents something he's harl lir!l' lonsils anrl adc.>noirls re­ found out. Dut Phyllis Ccrt .·,ok was laken homr Sunday. dren, she believes, if you encour­ 'celing of relief. But you can't sure to leave window shnde~ un­ Harold E. Lavis e:. ·~ct him to come to you of his Slanley Marshnll is ina Tnmpn, age them to. tell you things and I rolled unli! they nrc thoroughly Florida, hospital. He recenlly ·lmrl ... make it clear they won't be O\\;n 'tee will if he thinks his dry. Some go~rl pointers were a llrarl attack, nnrl has been in nccitlen-.. ,r naughtiness is going lem·nerl through 1 he dny. '.. !'l';LI~VISION SICU.VICJ~ ENGINmm scolded if they do. an oxygen tent. The Mnrshalls' In this particular instance, Mrs. to bring ), .1r wrath down on his The next meeting will he nt (i27 North Cedar address is Box 8Ull, Tnmpa 4, Ccl'f merely said, "I know you're head. the home of Mrs. Howard Clnrk. l~lorida. upset, Chris, because you liked "Chris and Jon::lthan arc won­ !\Jason .Tack Lewis, hospital cnrpsmnn it as much as we did. You didn't derfully honest about telling us Set! ,Jim Jll~o:lll'llln nt the Hny Chl•i:dPn-1 at Grent Lnkes Naval Training what thr.y do. And I'm sure it's do it on purpose, after all, so I'm H'!ll t\g'Pili!Y rut thnt 'ri·l Fu~.. ·~l .•• i.:!'•vl··········-~------lmli!IIDBI•••-, !>HONE JHASON :12HO Slnlion. Great Lalws,-Illinois,-un­ just not going to tnko ·your dol­ · 'all because, at such . times, we delwent surgery !here Jasl lar." don't scold or punish. We tall: Wednesday. l-Ie Is the son of Mr. Of course, as Mrs. Ccrf pointed it over calmly and tmde1·stand­ and Mrs. Marshall Hubbard of nut, if a youngster has dcliber· . ing!y instead." Mason. Pntlenls discharged from the c~nvrl~ht 11))), MPI"f""1 lfn~lth Mnterinl'l Center Mason General hospltnl the past weelt were Mrs. Frank Hoadley, Mr. am! Mrs. Donald Leilmun " Northwest; Aurelius GRAND OPENING Herman Kruger, son of Mr. nne! ami fnmily of DeWitt werG guests Thirteen members met ior nn Mrs. Hermnn Kruger, Sr., ami Snturrlay night of his. g-rnndpar- all-clay session last Thmsday nt Mrs. Herbert I-Inrtsuff of Lan­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Clinton. the home of Mrs. Arthur Ziegler. Cousins Radio & TV Service sing, anrl Mrs. Clifford Reauso, log held in the \Vomen's Club Mrs. Charles Sedgman led the (Fm·nwr·ly Goble's Scr\'icc) Mrs. Dnvid Peabody, Mrs. Amelia House in Lansing tills week. business meeling which was lwld Brady, Mrs. Stuart Demorest, Mr. ami Mrs. Ty Larson o[ Dr- in the forenoon wilh adjourn­ Waller Krnnz, .Jr., son of Mt•. and * SEI:VICI~ ALL l\IAimS OF TV trait spent Sunday with Dr. nnd ment in time for n potlucl' dinner Jefferson Foo·d Marl at the Lansing Antique Show be· and Upholster~•," was given by Frozen Dr. and Mrs. F. W .. Kellogg nnd Mrs. VGimour Dayton and Mrs. family of Grnnd Ru]Jids spent Butter ·Kenneth Sl usse1·. After the Jes­ RANGE JUICE Wont to know what's· Saturdny night and Sunday with son, Mrs. RussGII Tnylor was hon­ tlwh: parents, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. STRAWBERRIES J>ouald Duel\ new and what's righl ored nt n pink and blue shower. 02 Score · Kellogg and Mr. and Mrs. Gtiy lO·oz. Pl lhcnlic story is lo look 3 for 85c. over our new callcc· lion . it's IO.PS in town! · For the ideal way to give . your home new-b'uilt beauty, new year-round in· sulation, put Ruberoid Fresh fish Arislo·Shake Insulating Sid· ing on your sidewalls. Sturd· $42.50 Up ily constructed in large, for your easy-to-apply panels. Fire­ resistant and weather-tight.' Helps control indoor tern• Clmcl{ Cut perature. In pallem,texture, Lenten Meals and colors, it looks like real shake shingles. Come in, Beef-Roast lb 37c see our Aristo-Shake sam.~. ·pies today. li'al'mer Pcct's Sl,inless · White Fish ... I / Salm~n Steak Murphy Supply Co. Frankfurters lb 39c Fresh Perch ..Smelt 1~4S.Lnrch8t. . LllliSing Ground' Be' ef. lb 35c. ;. Phone 2·116!1 and 4·iiUij·i·li·) HIVIIt HIEDS 6 9 1. '·. AND AWAY IT WENT!-Ciilcag'o isn't ltnown os the "Windy ...... _. MAIHTiiHAHcr Sea Foods City" !or nothhig, Ulysses Butler, Chicago cub drh:cr, !oo!;s down St · Round-Swiss lb C I. at the hood which was blown otr his cub in ·high winds...... , . . RfDUCiiSFUILCOSTS • \ ' " l ·, '· • ~------· . ··-· • 11.:~~=~=---~------~------...... ,. Phone 9011 for Ads That Sell

40 word~ fm· fiOn; Nwh .~clclltional worcl is lr. c•xlra; ~ MAMMOTH CLOVER SEED ALWAYS FIRST with nil l' lhe bnle or ton. Can ------··· ------·- Hingle hntlom, 3108 College road. Mlnnenpo!ls-Mollnr. corn shr.llt!r rlellvcr. Howard R. Srnllh, phone JUNE CLOVER SEED for snle. DULLS --- '!'hrPr! young llnlslcln Phone !iH0-4-7:i9L 12wl Mason 2-5873 or 2·5868. Bwlf Clean, recleaned nnrl teHtcrl, $20 --·· Gchl Fie!ld Chopp0r hui!H, r•ar•li from dnm wltlt ovr•r and Austin Cavanaugh, fl•l7 Callwllc BOAn-ncscrvr. champion ITam)J· Used welders IIAY-Fl~~t~~it-l~g-~Unlfa GOO IIi fnl on D. TT. I. A. Shin· bromo, mixed. Also second-cui- Crurch road, plwnc 4011 Leslie. wana Sir IJr.ss Jlosr, Shlawana shire hnaJ', hnuglit at Mlel1igan Stnte eol!Pge. Earl Nichols, 1.'10ane1'.~ suppllc.~ Cnplaln Orm.,IJy and 1\er.ndalr. cor­ Dniry nnel ling alfalfa, good qua lily, nncl 12wl P ncr of Nlehols and Onondaga June clover hay. R, B. Frost, 1705 ------~~------··------­ Locldnvm· are s!J•r•s. T. 1\lr•!s n.. ronrls, phone Mason 2·3232. Power talw-off mnntn·c sprcnrlct•, Zimmer road, WheatneJrl town· STRAW-Goocl whcnt strnw. Will anri Sons, plwnr. Lnnsing ED- !Jwlf $~05 ship. 12w-lp deliver. Glenn Oesterle, 2% 77701. 11w3 II e e Gt•n.ss seeders wilh power tnlw miles south n[ Masnn on F:dtm Especially Those You Save JJEIJIBR---Guernscy heifer, Jil NOTICE--I nnw have my Pioneer road. Phone 26812. 3wl f 2 1,~ off and electric Us~ Provr.d Dairy !3ttllll months old. Clyde Sllll'l', sc(![J corn fot· my cuslornr.rs. Arllficlully from mllrs snulli of Mason on US-127 Power scoop, $.37.50 You crn1 gel it any clay hut Sun­ BALED STRAW for sale. L. W. You tr~r to gnt the 1\fOST for IWPt'r lll'IIIIY you SJl~nd. AJ!ply llw sanw wis­ .,, to Coy rnnrl, cast on Coy rnnrl to day. Also hnvt' extrn corn for Cheney, 427 S. College roncl, 2 stone ltottsc. 12w1 Mnnurc Spreaders new customers. Lloyrl Aseltine, miles west anrl one mile south n! dom In f.lw mon1•y you SA VI~! Put il. whl~t·c• it will Wlll'l{ h:ll'llt•r ancl t•at·n Michigan --·- corner of Mcrlcllnn and Cava­ Mason. 5wtf ATTENTION DAIJlYMEN! Don't Heat Housers, all trnr.tors IUOim l'ot• you. Your savings, systc~matienll~· inwstPd with ns, will slum Artificial Breeders naugh roads, phone Lansing ED· forget the moncy-malealer road, one mile not·lh on Burkley, ' 12w1p phone Williamston s :11111 romparc elovet• seed, $18 per hushel. i•'chrunry 12. Charles Heese, :30:i!l TRACTOR - Masscy-Hanis 101 0111; pi'ic-Ps hl'forr• huying. Frost Updylw, Parman road, R. 2, CLOVER SEED- .Tunc clnver East ,US-Hi, l \~ milco cast of traetor, plows :.nil cu!tivnlor, in Sloel2. · !lwlf MILIdl MnpleJoft, 208 N. Mnson StrcC'I with ens)' lt:!trns. frynrs nnd Hprlngers, Will p!cl1 , GOCi ]If, Olwmo•, 1onrl, piHitle Ma Abel up, W. X. StAadman Poultry 12w1 170 ACIU~S. Snulhwcsl nf Mason, Business Services son •1081. 12wl Real I~state lltoom nll·mrH!er n house, rww Farm, G20 S. Edgar road, phone hath anrl ldlc!wn, c:ond b,u n, 9804 Mason. lOwtl IN MASON -Gnotl 6·room home slnnch!ons for 28 r•ows, comenl Farm Buildings Dogs and Pets Real Estate wltlt 3 lteclrooms, a piece hath, stuve silo, cmn crib, gt'dlliii'Y, WANTED TO BUY-Pnrl coclwr modPr'n lt!lr lwn autornnlir' ol! lnnl slwd anrt pouitty hrrusP; pllllH nr any small h1eecl of New Constl'uction and lwat o ] ( o\1' g,mJg(!, J,ll'g(' lot 1 WANTED '1'0 TI1AD8 $!i,OOO !00 rods q( now llne fcrwr.. 'l his pnpplrs, !1y lhe l!ltct•, rensnrt.thle, p~vccl sii'IJPt, <'X it'll good Jocn Repair Pqnlly In '{ horl1 rJnm modern is .1 gooJhl Ar•rcs near W. C. Chal'land · · try, P!clc up anytime, Custom· M.tsun, 1:12 II frnnlage on Col· TN MASON-3 herlroom hungn Phone lloll 'l·!iO!ll Michigan Cllmntfr Contl!Uoned work Is special. W. II. Appleton, !ago to,ul Lol !i slflrling .~ottlh low, gas !wal, full lmsPrnPnl, Glenn Casey · Jlhont:! 5380 Mason, 3wtl Bottled Qqs from J J,trpol', 2!17 IPPI rJpr•p NIP!' Jent.tl liwornr of lwl tcr I h.rn shndo lrc!'s Wrrlc Box :111, 'Ill· $100 pet• mnnlh. $fl,5nO. Auctlonet!r WANTED - Cream, eggs and don, lllmors, ot phorw Lansrng W1111amston, Mlchlr.,dn }~lectl'ic Spec!nl lnstnllnllon rates with fin ACEES Excr.plinnal. Good poultry. See Lawrance IIyntt, Service 7·1 12wl p Phcne Collect ':.27-W appliances. C!redt our ptlccs nnd C,fi7. huildlngs, Pxc·eiiPnl lnmlron, 110!i Ilal! street, Eaton Rnplus, Floor nnrl tnhiP ?amps repairer! Eet'VIC!!, 7G 11cres of I'll'h pi11W l,tnd, 2fi phone J!:nton llaplcls 44521. 28wtl Ill l'l'hU!!I SWPCjlf'lH ret'Oillil· 111 1 r•s rwwly sr.l'rlrrl, G nl'res of lloned Sump pumps set vir'crl. al fnlfa. $HUifiO. Tct ms Servi<'r> anrl rcpalt· on flunre~· Livestock Trucking CPI\1 [JXilllCS Wall RIVIIJilt possrhll' lhrrd •135 Pmlrie strcat, Charlotte. Phone Mason G8G1 Jop 1 O,IIJ aflx7fl pari b,tSPI1WI1i To Battle Creel< Wednesdays w.rll In w.t'l cat pcting, closed· 2wtf 10wlf. harn, poultry hrn1se, :riloul 12fl Phone Holt 45414 in front porch, automalic nil _,...,,, lrllnblc nr•res, nilmrl :!II at IPs of WANTED-Livestocl< All lc!ntls heal, We.tlhcr Seal wnttlmvs UPHOLSTERING ~tmsonabll! new mttck whrC'h has JUsl hr•en nl all Innes Mmlwl pn('cs paid nnrl 'f rrcn, r,m nge, lois of prices. We have our own rna· DISJIMAS'I L!{- New, never hePn broken about lfl nnes n( pr•p· slt.rrlc, fnut anrl shruhhm·y, at llomc Hoy D Donald, Aurc wrlnls of the finest qunllty, Re· USI'tl 01'<'•< IVJIC, cnrnpiPIC' \Villi per mrnl I slwrc r·rup1w.J I, $23,. SH SSfl Tc1 ms. Bert's Garage IItts Center, phone Aurelius 3203 gluing and repairing furniture fillings Frw Wdslnng ill 1hslws flnl), I~ r]nWn Evenings cnll Rnhorl Kirby General Repairing 2wtl and rt:!cover!ng old to look llkB• • .rs wc•!l as vr•gclaill<'s. S<'l' 11 al NO ~3 riMA 2 •IDS! and new. Free estimntt:!S, pickup nn~ •12i 1; O.tlc, J\l,tson 12wl p delivery servict:!, Ht:!rb Mathias, 120 ACRES, .thnrll 011 arrr.s Jrll· 120 ACHES on IJinc!;top roncl, ap· 24-hour Wrcc.!ter liervlco locntetl at the rear of Carol'e Phil gas niJle, 20 :11 t e•, of 11 nods and 111 oxrm.tlcly no acres under· Phone 4-1261 or 2972 1imher·, house lws n ldtehrn, plow, 8 room house, partly Holt Shoe Store, Mason, phone 24821. l(lwtJ Bottled Gas timing wnrn lrvmg 1' and refer 5wt~,, Roper gas stove. Also G g1rdrllo 10w,1p Pennsylvania intersection on US· payment. Tuesday and Wetlnesoay; o~e1, ances. Loclt Box 355, Stocltbridgc, 127 or 1 mtlc north of Holt. 3 ACRES, east of Mason with 2· Thursday; poulh·y any d.. y. We HAVE YOUR BIKE fixecl now. steel range, burns coal and wood. See us &t once Mtchtgan 12w2 May he seen al fl13 Burnes slreet, BABY BUNTING rri Phon!:! Holt 4·3241. 23wtf bedroom cemt:!nt block house, plclt up and d!!llver. Lesllt:! Food Dave's Bike Rcparr-, 428 Hog~f:': Mason. F. W. Da1m1. 11 wtf conrlrtron 105 Wr.sl 01! furnace, stool. Only $<1200 Loclters, phone Leslie 5361 or back road, Mason. Phone Mason. BOOKS-Used boolts bought and If you me in th~ mnrlwt !or n with $1,250 down and $33 per Mason 4591. 4wtf 338<1, llw2p sold Roy Adams, ovot• Peters home or farm call KITCHEN RANGE-Burns wood ------·------month inclmlmg G% interest.. --- WOMEN-Save money on l10se Drug Store, Mason. 4lwtf PAINTING AND DECORATING1 •• or coni, $'i. Orln Sheathelm, Have cash buyers for houses in en lite famrly. Hcplacamant Interior and t:!Xlerior, reason· 1336 DJCI~ roatf A. 0. Greenough after 5 p. m. 28wtf FREEZERS Life Insurance Co. WANTED - Bnhy sllttnp; and -,...--....,...------CEMENT MIXER-Small gaso· Real Estate Buys 1346 Mason-Dansville Rand houseworlt aftt:!t' school and l!i r.u. fl. Revcos that wmc $46!l 95 SPRING SUITS-2 women's navy line cement mixer on rubber. I n. E Broi\cr Since 1914 Leon J. F~llows Salurdayll by 16-year·olcl high $388 blue suits, one with 2 slmts; 4 .lust lrl;e new, $75. Wayne Sang· NEW'IIOUSE, never lived in, Dansvilll' Phone 2291 Days or Evenings school girl. Phone 25909 Mason. SAVE $81.00 spring dresses, 8 wool dresses, all r ee, 10!i05 W. Col umb!a, Route 3, modern, just being finished. General Agent size 12; 2 men's coats, size <10; G-ROOM HOUSE, semt·modern, ---- 12wl 23 4 cu. ft. Revcos that were Eaton Rapids, phone 4·6604 Eaton LOTS-6x10 rod bulldmg Jots, l for Inghe.m County More one boy's spung coal, stze 4; all Rapids after 5 p. m 11w2p gas hcnt, newly decornled $63!1.95 throughout, priced at $5,600 bloclt from US·127. Roy W Phone 21132 WANTED-Electrical and plumb in good condition. Mrs. Snm Col· ing work. Call Cllarlt:!s Wiley, $549.95 ton, phone 28902 Mason. llw2 SUMP PUMP-Em·! Wacktt:!r nt wtth $1,000 down. Adams, phone 5661 or • 3561 Mn· Mason SAVE $!10.00 3900 Denms road, hetwt:!en 120 ACRES, modern new house, son. 12wt1 'l'wtf 5961 Mason, :308 West Center CLOTHING-Girl's spring cont, street, Mason. 12w3 5·ycar warranty on Tecumseh Stockbridge nnd Dietz roads. new dairy barn, 2 new sllos, HOUSE FOR SALE by owner, In Classifieds si~e 4, navy blue, with bonriet. 11w2p double garage, all plow land, static units plus food insurance Boy's brown gabarclme smt, sizt:! Mason, beautiful brick 111.: on pavr.mt:!nt. story home with full basement, policy FREE 7. Mrs. Orville Woodard, phone STANDING TIMBER. Mrs. Alton 120 ACRES, 6-room house, mod· ,.,ulnlng snow from the north Ads lng or drlnldng, Wrllr. Box 5fi, "Enster Bonnets" wns L11e Fathers and Sons s!L,t:! of hulldln!1·•· Jnghnm County NewH. 12wl theme of tile pmgrnm nl the E. Tcmpm·nturrs the rmst weclt ------hnvc hl'en Plnrlrmllc. High record· APAn1'MEN1'-2 room:; with 0, '!',C. duh on 'l'ur!srlay evening Attend Banquet lngs of ;,e .111cl .:. ltiicltcn wllh lots of cuphounls, 1'1' n w1 11 1 1 1 11 March 18 ...... 26 56 I I Cl II I 1I'H. '· 1;. 1 l~n\~l~~~vr.~~;jc{:~ 1 ~h~~ were morlelerl hy torlrllers, ltlnd· rlror•rJT'nlecl cake to A. C. Lalw, the Marr•h 22 ...... 2:'i ~:J .leffct'l:lon, Mason. Plume Mason er]:(artners, gmde sr:hool brw~ olrlr.sl fatlwr present, who hnrl •1 March 23 ...... 2:i ;,o Mar<'h 2•1 ...... :111 l)lu·nhi•l'··" i'J•••b ...... "'1d 2.22 :33. 12w2 and girls, fl"(!·leens, teeners anrl gr r ll r hi· f mily ''7 ------grnwnurs. Hats for tlw clress·tiP 'tiP n rJtts 11 8 n pres· 1 Murch 25 ...... !13 Heating SLEEPING HOOM--Wit It 01• costumes were furnisher! by the ent. P..ussell Shnw marie a speech In orrlcr lu tml lt~r serve you we without !Jourrl. Will al:;o rio 1 L. H. Ple!rl store In .racl,son. of appreciation for !he many Eli'C now authtll'izcd to llnancn l:nlllril',Y. Phone Masnn 2·5£i0•1, 71-1 J Tltr.re were play clntlws. sf'iwnl yr.nrs or service hath Mr. Lal\c Mason Markets your worl\ 011 FflA ,enns, w. cr.nte1· street, Mason. 12w1 r.lolhe~. suits nnrl coats. Pnr··"" and l1is wife hnri r,lvr>n lite Wheat ...... $1.fiS ------lnnrl gloVI'S r11r! corsages adrlcrl church, Ralpl1 Wonrilanli, his son· Corn ...... 1.37 No Money Down - Low \1onUt POn nENT-Attractlve modern tn the ensembles, In-law, Alvin ami Diek, 2 granrl- Oals ...... 10 lv Payments 1 L 11 1 J 1 1 · t 1 2·hcrlroom nnfnrnlshecl apn.rt· I Plowers werr rrom !1n rs "1 r;nns, anc .. mmy, 11s grca ·grunr · I nye ...... 1.02 Cas IIeatiJ,~ is our specially nwnl. Nn rings. $55 per mnnlh I Flower shnJl anrl tile I-III! Dry fiOn, were tntroclttcerl. , Soy!JeanR ...... 1.10 Amcrlcnn·Sinnrlnrcl, Kohler o/ pluii ut !lit ir.s. Phone 2·7,i11 MR·I' Gnnrls stnm supplied the cos· Grnup sin~lnq wns follnwed !Jv I The Hungarian pnrtridge, n rapid-flying littl~ game bird, may someday develop into an Import· Buckwlwat, cwt...... 1.!10 , . Kohler Elger Hath sets son aflet·;; p.m. 12w1 lllml"s, hags anrl gloves. Mrs. L. 11 rlr.vollonal by Rr.v. Paul E. ant wtldlifc species In Michigan. Conservation department wildlife workers at least hope they will Navy beans, cwt...... 8.fi0 ' Galvnnizerl pipe anri fittings --·------·------n.. B•·nwn IVfiS the f'ommentntor Tuf'lwr. Professor Mnlr·olm A. and pcrhn)Js partly as a result of recent releases of the birds in the slate. This series of pictures was Soli pipe and fittings APMtTMENT - Furnished, "I fnr• the ~how. Tmul of Michlg;m Stale college ta~en to show those releases, mnde in the eastern upper peninsula recently. At upper left Is a por­ Pumps - Water Heaters rooms with hath, uptown Jnr·n· Mrs. Gcnr·gr. Luel'ht !ll'esirl"rl shovl!~rl movies nf n fishing trip tratt :.f one of the 49 "Hunkies" received from southeastern Ontario where the birds seem to be linn. IIcal, hot anrl r•olrl w:tlrr' rltJI•ing the businrss meeting. Tile 1,200 mile~ north Into Canada. -thriving 111 the wtld. At upper. right,, an Air Force helicopter hei)Js department workers spot good ter· fumlshed. Les Palmer, phone eontrihntion to Girls 'l'own was The dlnnnr wns served by the ram wust of Sault Ste. M~t·te 111 ~htch to release the bu·ds. A particular type of cover was necessary FREE BOOK SIIOWS • HonLewis 1!1 order thut the bu·ds might lhrtve. Lower left shows game worker Lloyd Schemennucr banding PLUMBING AND lll~ATING 2·fi021. llw2 reporter!. The invitation to the woM0n of thn church with Mrs. one of t~e btrds before r~lcose and at lower right the bu·ds explode out of their shipping crates and How to Do Phone Mason 2.4 ~22 spring lea at the Sf'nrab cluh in Gal0 Jlnrllne;,s as chairman. As· mto theu· new home temtory. ______DUPLEX--7-r'CHJtn modern duplex Delmit was rliscusserl. It is sistinr: her were Mrs. H. C. Camp· house for rent. 2lJ" hloclts from planner! to clmrter a bus for this br.ll, Mrs. D. D. Henderson, Mrs. Wonders With Let Us r·nurt housr.. Available at onc•e. cvr'llt on Wednr.srlay, Anril 21. Herman Omness, Mrs. LeRoy Fire Causes Damage Soil-Improvement FIGURE YOUR llEMOOJ~LJNG Pl~me 3791 Mason. R. V. Griff~n, Ho:;tr.sscs for the evening were Hutchinson, Mrs. Leslie Vince, AUI'EH.ATJONS Oft Nl~W 14u Okemos, Mason. llw~p Mrs. Otto Hecksrl, Mrs. George Mrs. Wayne Hampton, Mrs. Lin· To Hurford Home IIOMI~S -~ ------·- RS--·-;--- ·--- I Mitchell, Mrs. Neil Miles and woorl Robinson, Mrs. George Fire of unknown origin mused Crops! Over 30 yenrs experience [• LOOH SANDE. : or rent. Mrs. H.obert Burnette. Wood, Mrs. Kenneth Winslow conslcleraiJJn cl."mage to tile GJnn Pcrl11ns Ilardw,ue, phone Ma· M F 1 A b ~ '' ~ Prompt service and sulisfncllon son 4311. Swlf nne1 rs, 'rec m 5• Hurford home on Fogg rand on guaranteed. ------Band Prepares for Sunday morning. The fire de· APARTMENT FOR RENT- 3 Schools Hold Open partmcnt was caller! at 9:30. Carl Finch and Son rooms anrlhalh. Call R. II. Mo It S · Concert The Hurfords were away for Lean, 3751 Mason. 8wll S prmg Lf 'd ht the week encl anrl the father, Phone Holt 1-5071 f N' ------The annual spring conC'crt hy I' ou~e rl ay lg William Hurford, who Jives next ti;/t!lflil~ 2·2wtf APARTMENT - Unfurnlsherl :i-j1he high school varsity band ointmcnt or n llo>u·d or lletct·minnt•on: $11.00 to $19.10; best beef cows, 'l'hnt nuid Judl{n of P1ohntc huviuJ{ .ap- 0 f I ' d 0 f Bonded and Licensed Trllci(S acts 1111 ness, ~essages I flowers, gifts, fruit and for the sage prepared by the chaplain, S!nl•· nr Mi•·h;, .. ''· 'I''" Pr·ohnte Com·t oni 1,,.d llenn 'l'nylor·, r,, •., Hn 1·r·l•on nod $12.00 to $13.90; commons, $JO.:i0 sytnpathv ami beautiful flowers . I I I fttt' the County o[ Ingham. Phillit• Milll. '"KliCh llonr·d or !Jctc•·min- •• • ' J ' ' • many calls. All was apprec1atec. Mrs. Louise Glenn, w 10 was a J· At " """"ion or """1 Court, held nt tho to $12.00; cullers and canners, Lester Johnson I t I t ntion; L. Francis Sloan c urmg our recen Jereavemen Mrs. Nellie Scofield. 12wl: sent. Mrs. May Taylor led in the f'I'Ohnte Oil ice in the City of Lno""~ 1n $10.00 down; bulls, $15.00 down. I I tl J c l tl •)'\ I I r Nnw, thet•e(OJ'C, Hnid Bonnl will mer.~ l'hune lUason :ili80 or in the loss of our Je Iovec I l:IS· business meeting. rd" !""A l'l'"' I no '" .. ,., ( IIY () 'nt till' t•c•itlcnre or Gny 'l'immlon•, 2fo2 Williamston, Route 2 1 r· Stockers and feentcd ut MnHon thili 2·Hh dny uf is now npen nycer, ern an aren. h proceedings at the capitol. Two mnnli• """inHt Hllili doconHed by""" be- Mntch, lilf>ol. 12w1 Also Dr. Pauley, Dr. Shaffer, school busses took them and the rar·c •nitl cotll·t: C1EllAL1J r-. GllAliAM, Men's ami Women's Custom· ·------nurses of the Osteapathic hOS· It i• Ol'tll'tl'll, 'l'hnt ct·ctlttoi'H of Klltd County Dl'nln CommiHHiotiCI' Made Clothes . . superintendent, Clarence Vander· decOUI:ICd 111'4' IIJrjUil'ud to IJI'lHlCnl thch· o[ thu County of lnJ.:"hnm HILDERBRANDT -- We would pttal at Grand Raptds for their Linden. chrlm• Jo Htlid court t the P•·obntr. or. Altcralions 11 ' 12w2 Customer Notice lilw to tal1e this opportunity to \VDndcrful care \Vhile I was at flee ut 21lii \VcHt Su~inmv stl'l'Ct, LnnRIII!-('o the hospital and to my daughter, Michlgnn, on <>&' bo•fotc tho 27th tiny of ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR Mrs. Floyd W arfle express our appreciation and Six"th Gl'llliCI'S l~lect OfTicm•s Mny, A. )), I!lfi•l, nt ten o'clock in the HEARING CLAIMS AND FOR The Schctlules for 1\fy Deliveries 1 thanl\s to Dr. Cairns, Dr. Clinton, Doris, and family for their care [01'0110011, Ktlid time nnd plncc heo·chy IIJ•· DETERMINATION OF HEIRS 330 ,~ S. Jefferson Phone 2·3031 after I returned home. Many The sixth grade room of Mrs. pointed ror tho cxnminntion nnd ndiu•t- Are As li'ollows: · · Over Shimmin Drug Store Dt•. Clarlt, ail the nurses and staff 1-Ioward McCowan elected class mont or nil ctnim• and ' nf he!ll'ing, in the fmld Cnunty, on the 22ncl day of there. We also wish to thank our left us 4 years ago today, March President, Dennis Chappell; vice· th,, In""""' County New•, n now'i'"i'"'' Mnr·ch, A. n., J!lfi·l. Jennings Stol'll - Aurelius many friends, Ware's drug store, , . Lost and Found 25 1950 Presi(Jcnt Georgecn Luecht• sec- JH'Intcd nnd eil'Cldntcd In •niy: Judge a[ l'robnlo In tho Mnttor· nf tho Estnte of b [ D J Ad Ruth Schlll'""""t CHARLES A, ntOMAS, llccunncd. ·'·up by the Ingham County Hu· Charles Hilderbrandt, Michael ever be forgotten, rar an, ar ene ams. IJeputy Ro•IHtCt' uf PI'Ohntc 12w3 It nppcnrlnl{ to tho COlli'! thnt the tim·· Wedn~sday, Marc:h 31 mane Sodety or by Clayton HU· and David. 12wl They saj' time heals all sor- fot• JH'llHentntion of clldmH Hlliiii\Hl tutifl lnft, county dog warden, are held rows and helps us to forget ~Irs. Uecller Is Honorer) ORDJ::~ OF PUBLIC::ATION ct~Lnte Hhuuld be llmltPd, und that n lime Sinclair Gas StlLtion -Dansville APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR nnd t•l:~co be nt•trolntod to rceolvc, cx- "·.full 7 days nt the Animal Shel· SIMS-We wish to extend our But time so far has only proved The Leslie Hobb>• club sur­ JAHr11KI!.r-Apr11 2l. 19S4 umilw tltld udjuHt ull clnlm.- nnd ilunuuHII'Io prised Mrs. Bertha Reeder on her Stnta of MlchlJ.:Illl. 'l'hc PL·obnte Cout·t Ul{alnst snhl dcccnsc:nl hy and before snicl 1rr before being offered for sale. heartfelt thanl1s to our friends • how much we miss her yet. fo)• lhc County of lnghnm. - Comt; und thnt the loM:ul hch·H or snid birthday anniversary March 23, This gives owners a chance to and neighbors who did such a [ G~d gave us strength to fight At n t~cstlian o( snid Cuut't, held ut the dccct~scd ,entitled to Inherit tho catnlc of Friday, April 2 locate them. With owned dogs, wonderful job In saving our barn lt and courage to heal the by bringing a birthday calce and Pt•obnto OfCicc in the City of LunAin~ in which snld decunsud d!L'd Kelzec.l Hhould suid count)', on the 22nd tiny of Murch, b~J ndjmllcntctl nnd determined, II & F Sales -Munith we do as the owner requests, It from burning up In the middle of I blow. having a party at her home on A. D. 195·1. It ls Ol·dcl·ed, Thnt ull the erl!dltoi'K of possible. We do not seize dogs on the night, March 22. Mr. and Mrs. But what It meant to lose her Bellevue street. l,rcsent: liON, JOliN McCI.. El.. LAN, snid d••conl"etl nrc 1o•auh·nd to l•letwt'' 110 Judge of Pt'ohntl'!, thuh· clnlms in Wl'illng nnll umlol' oa h the highway, Animal Shelter, Howard Sims, Dansville. 12wlp [ one will ever know. ln the Mutter of the Etitnlt• or ICA'rH- HK lll'avlllcd hY atntute, to Hl1itl Coul't nL Extra Corn Will nc Avaihtbh~ phone 26~18 Lansing, open 9 to 5t Her children, Herman Marquardt, Cluss Hus Pa1'ty Friday ERINE JAliNKl~. uh10 lmown IIH 1\:A'rE the P•·ohntc Ofr!ce ut 2()Ii )Vt•Rt Sn.ginnw H a. m. to 5 I•· m. at the above t•Iaccs weelt days, 9 to 12 Saturday. ARFLE-I want to thank all ·Lena D.eLau. Clara Tomrnre11 and The ,Junior department of the nnd I'A'l'IE JAHNKE, necentmcl. Street, l .. nnsln}f, Mlchhtnn. Oil 01' hcrO!·c w Gea·nld J .•lahnlot'oot, ' · · ' · · Ingham County Jefferson. Phone 23461. 45wtf Pntrieln Kay. J2wl E;'VIn Nral nnd fnmlly, .12w1p_ rnngemcmlR. Ruth Schllt>et•oot . Dcuut~ ReKI,tcl' of• Pt•ohnta, . llopnt.y R•ttl"l"J' of Prohntc 1211'11 ' ' · ' L ,'I' ' . ' "l~wil ''!"'~~':-~.... ~------~------+~ • March 25, 1954 Part 2 The Ingham County NewS ,~

w~ cnn only ml\I'Vel nt the prog· F:rnnl< 'J'ushlln Jmvc runll~cd nil LeUers to the Editor reHs nnd accomplishments ac· Lucy Leaves TV ~[rube and Moves to Fox of them, Cummlngti prn·trny~> It tunlly being mnc]l!, We !mow we jot ulr nee, who rcttJl'nH to Amcrl· lwve much to learn nnll we're The Fox theatre movie menu C!L to receive a hci'O's. welt:omc ennslnntly :;trlvin~,; lo clo so, Fol· for the r:omill!( wee\> st!\)•ts o, nnd announce proudly that he is Pupils Profit from Modern Methods low ~omo or the ltmdlng educn­ with nn ncllnn thrillel' nnr\ then IOI'H /ll'tlund and you'll sonn find moves into liw l'DillP.Iiy n~lrl. rcturnlnl! to his ml!r:lllltllr:'~ Job Jleaclln>:, with lntorc~t. tile shuclwd hy thn prcs<:nl·rlny tiC!\· many in the field of cdtwnllon, nut 'tis so. I lhrlll with the with tlw full Intention nf HllllJIIll'l· '!'hem m·e some who Hil\1 lllilt in Fl'irlny anri Saturday ar:tlon is I numct'OLIH artld1:s on P:\uention up, us was intimated In Ml'R. >:realness nt the worlt many of billed wllh ,comedy. In tile open­ lng Marie, hiH hrlrlc-ln·!Jc, on !JIH uppenrlng In the mar;nzlnes 1111<1 Loti'H letter to the lng\lllm Coun· thut vein. However, today wo them urc clolng, I'm proud of lhc rnorlest snlary. '!'he only t rouhln pl'actice "differentlatecl Instruc­ ing nttructiem "Sen of LoHI Ships" 11 C IV Spa p c I' H d ll I' In g J'e('enl t y 1\/I~Ws last wee!{, for she cnulu ;~hanges mucic hy om• prof~ssion will provide the nctlnn ami lite Is thnt the prosneetivr. meehnnh:'H tion." during lhe past quart~r of a cen­ months, I lwve suddenly hnd 11 1;1111 would l'hangc her at tltudes seconrl feature, "Mr. Wutl;\e wife unaxpcctcrlly Inherits a mil· tury. 'l'lwrc Is muG11 to be done desire to cxp1·e:sH n few of my w; rr.sei1 rd1 rind experience Mr~. Loll made t.his statement, Tai11ie," will pmvlelc 1\w laugh:;. linn rlnllnrs 1111rl the hern's lll'irh~ ·' Ideas nnrl nhscrvut ions r;allrcretl p;·ovc.l or disproved It !henry. "We sec teachers throwing com· but II cnn't all be done in a few Exl!'uordinarv hcrni:;rn In I he Is such tlmt he refuses to tnl\e clurlng a tcae:hlnr; eamcr o[ 2:1 petlllnn nut the wimlow nnrl try· months or years. We move slow· Now ahrml the so-called "pro­ rrnzcn wasl1!s ,;c tlw Nllr'tiJ Atla11· unto hims!!lf so wca\tily a brldn. years In Ingham <'OLIIIIY. grc'»hlvo" tenclenclc~ cliscussccl in mg to .grol!Jl all children on the ty bul surely, this I hcll~vc. tic is lite thrllli11g 1.\wrnt• o[ J~P­ Before tlw ;i\tHI'·rnare\1 talws 1hal snnw lcltr!l', I wish to say, In same level." In the first place, LYDIA M. WILLYOUNG Incidentally, I startr•et that puhllc S\ u!liw;' llarrl-\iit I inr: n tile Tltanlt•, whnsc comedy nrlvt:nt un•s In I he is not a "shecp·hcrdcr" nmnng f~rs for Tndo·Chlna this year. Al tills stirring film is filler! with "I Love Lu('y" scrll:s lmve mnrlc them. the same time I1c favored con- vivid reall:;m and spel'l:teular them the most popubr nnrl Pn· We divlrle the children into as 1inuing foreign aiel to 5 nations ltction. rlcm•\ng t'OIIl>IP In show bus\rwss, many r;r·oupH as we can handle. <1dmlttedly trading In strategic Stars .John Dl'l'l:l\, Wanria llcn· now Join fnrr:t's 1111 IIH• sc•r'l'l'll in My enrollment in fll'st grade mniPrlal wlth'Russla. France was drlx, Walter 13ranmtn, with H\1:11· M-G·M's lllli'Oill'inllH i\ nseo Color tolltls :10. Right this day tlwy are one o[ the 5. I can't go along. nrd Jltcci" tluccr Alex Gottlieb and Dit'ector loquacious trailer show foreman. •. No, I didn't simmer. I was in bills I inlroduccu arc In the Sea of Lost Ships 'ihociwd at first and then I was measure, it omits my proposal to SECOND lilT ·>oiTY Ior the misunderstandings raise the $600 de~ende~cy allo"Y· ~a used by a few. Franldy, the ance to $1,000. Its clmmed this Ser~t~ant l>nuhil~!lay is back with his befuddled partner 'llajority n[ us are trying to do woulrl drop too much revenue. in a gTcat cmnetly . • • Jur very best for the youth of My nnswer is to just slash ·!!X· 1ur cou.ntry. When we consider penscs down to receipts. Cut out :he nipidly-gr0wing' number. o( foreign giveaway and !lrc.l};,!ew Mr.--Walkie Talkie ~hlldrcn coming into our schools hundred thousand from thi! pay­ ~ach year pitt~ H1c myriad of rnll-nncl cut all along the line. problems which thf\l generales, KIT CLARDY Sunday and Monday, March 28-29 Leslie Cooperative Will Hold 'l'be funniest 11'\arrl~~ c;}-1ase since Eve trappe CtaJn/ Annual Meeting Friday Night Stoci\holdcrs of Leslie Co-~ mnrl{r.lcci brought $111,700. Farm Jperatlve, Inc., will hold their an· supplies sold amounted to $250,· 1t1al mcetin"' anrl election of of- 000. Other services came to $13,· MAltRY M~.,A~N' 1cers In th; Leslie Grange hall I 000. Salaries paid to Les.lie em· "l'iclay night, March .'26. ployc;; amounted to $23,600. Terms of President Alfred Friday night's meeting will Robert WJllllllllQS: ·Varr!owski and Dlrectm· Fcrd start at 8 o'clor.IL On the program larth expire, and under t)1e by· will be a detailed report by the aws, they tire ineligible In con· manager and ·a discussion of the .c.Marie . ·tnue. For the 2 vacancies the financial and operating state­ laminating committee has chosen ment. !:merson H. ~ryclc an~! . Clare Wayne LcCureux of the Mich· "ull~l' of Leshc,_ and. \Nrlhan~ F. igan Farm Bureau fertilizer dc­ ?en·mc and Em1! Faist of R1vcs partment will show colored slides Jun~tlon. indicating the benefits of using Chfford W_ard and Kennel h the right kind of fertilizer. Prof. Baker of Leshc and Al'thur Per· Dale Butts of Michigan Sln\c col· rinc of _Rives Junctlo_n were on lege will cf!scuss "The Farm Out· Two fam·ily cars ·he nommatlng commttte~. look for Tomorrow." '· . The present boarr~ of dtrcctors Refreshments will · also . he s made up of Pres1dcnt Alfred I . . · ,· 1 ·N d ·ki v· .p esident Ward served, and ,t specw.1 surpusc 1as SECOND l<'EATUUE .. al' nws • ICC r been arranged sard Secretary i'ICary, Jr., Secretary Leonard< C 11 ' Walt Disney's WATER BIHDS ::rowel!, Clayton Jewell, Lloyd I rowe · Al!io Tom and ,Jerry ·Cartoon and News 31acl{morc and Pan! Simpson, all 1f Leslie, and Ferd Barth, Stoci<-1 TIIACIIING IS STARTED Over 400,000 fam.ilie.~ own two F'ords and enjoy all the practical advantaoes ~nd conveniences of two qualit11 cars ':>ridge. I Mary Hallenbeclt of Mason is The annual report as prepared ~Iaing practice teaching 1:1t the at costs not too rntwh dijj'er~nt than those of cme expensive car. Yet in feature after feature Fdrd Tues., Wed., Thurs., March 30-31-AprH 1 by the secretary shows that the Western Michigan College Cam· · UOX OJ!'FICI~ OPEN AT 6:30 ·ooperativc eamed $11;600 to be pus school In Kalamazoo. She is 1 duplicates ~hesc expensive· .cars .•. as thousands know 1aid as net savings to patrons Ia senior at Western Mlchlg~n. tnd customers and .in dividends Upon her . graduation she will NOW! m capital steel\. Gram and beans teach Spamsh and English. wlw have already ioirnUJ. the~2-Ford family fold. THEY'RE IN THE MOVIES! Just think! ••. for the price you pay for just one car of some Big-as-life Marine Corps Offers Careers. makes you can have two 1954 Fords. Whether you choose the and twice-as· Marine Sergeant C. E. West· new 1-hlock Six m· Y-hlock V-8, you get tho last word in high­ natural in •ver, woman marine· recruiting compression, low-friction power. And you get the greatest M·G-M's hilari· ;ergeant for Michigan, will set ous comedy of advance in chassis design. in 20 ycar5:.,.new Ball-Joint Front a tp a temporary rccl·ultlng office honeymoon-on• Suspension. In Ford you get a new Astra-Dial control panel too, n the Lansing marine recruiting wheels ... on the real, Center-Fill Fueling, suspended clutch and brake pedals and a life-size Motion ;ta lion In the postoitlce Th urs·. lftW 130-H.l'. Y-BU)CK V~ ' NEW 115-H-P. I-BLOCK SIX Picture Screenl ... and lay and Friday, March 25-26, to • hull-tight. Crestmark body, all exclusive with Ford in the low­ II hiH a new deep-block Y· Like the new V-8, It's of over• ptice field. With this host of fine car £cah1rcs und many more, ·. COl.OR tssist young women In choosing design, a 5-baaring ·Crankshaft head-valve, high-compression, in 1 career with the marines. 'fhe and low-friction efficiency for low-friction design. And its deep· Ford offers you a cat· that's worth more when you buy it ••• ;ergeant will be on hand each· longer life , , , smoother, quieter block design gives smooth, quiet more when you sell it. .' ClfMIIalion , , , greater economy • power and long engine life! lay from 8:00 a. ~· until 4:30 p. n. Enlistments are open to women .Now more than ever 18 tht·ough · 30 ·'~years of age. 'THE sTANDARD. {QI 'rHE AMERICAN ROAD Lengths of e1illstments are 3 and Ford I years. To enlist, a gil'! must. be 1 U. S. citizen, or have a perma· 11\AA.P. 'SEE. IT .•• VALUE CHECK iT ... TEST DRIVE IT! :1ent resident visa, must be a .ilgh school graduate or 1he !qui valent, must' be· able to nlsh charactci• references . and .L"''·''"'.,,.,,.,,,,,, ...• ,Jr'.''''·'·"-'·''··''''''·······.,, .. ·:nust. be able to pass the marines' 'tion, motor transport, and special Roy, Christen.sen_: NI~X'l' Wlmi<:-IUl'k lloU,LJhis In '1'111~ ,JUGGLtm 'physical and., mental require· services. . · · · · · ' featm-e length. ~~·u~toon ,JOHNNY 'rill~ GlAN'~' IUJ,um; · ments. · Women enlisted will be sent to Two Locations to Ser\•e You 1\lanreen O'lltll'll··feff Clumcllct• ·Jn \V AR. ARUOW In Teclml· Jobs open to· women at this the Marine, Corps Recruit Depot, 1\lnson, 210 State - Phone 9611 · . Leslie, 128 Main - Phone 5641 . color. with Wnlt Dbnwy's AJ,ASI\AN. ESIUJ\10; Vh;glnla !Utlyo· . ·Jme arc· photography, journal- Pari·Is Island, S. C., tci receive 8 ism,. aerologlsts,. administl'ative weeks of recruit. training before . nate Ruhet•Ison in J))~~Jt'IS CANYON In •reciuil!~oto'l\ .. .. ) , '. I . . ' ' ,'Jutles, ·post exchange, numerous receiving a permanent ·asst.gn· Jobs 'In aviation, military mcnt, . ' I M1•, nnrl 'Mrs, Hnwn•·rJ W1Linrlghl wr.ol\, Sjinhl' E.".l.cntrle. nlso hnrll Ingham County News 1 ., of WllllltJllHion 11111/ n/lnnrir!rl llw high lcnm ~orjes with 2231 unci ...... ri AE••• & •• March 25, 1954 Page 2 tmvol leelurrJ 111 Mlf!irlgnn Slul.rl Bowling. Cotnrl rY 1\jtehon nnrl Palmer - - r:n/ll'gn, IGnglnr.orJng werr. noxl wll/1 2./117 lUuHrnr Wnnwn'H T.r~ng·ru\ 5lunrlny t.llnrwr glJnl nn np· •112; ,Joyce S/Juffor, '117; L:tvernr• Swanso11, rl2!i; and Lm; Palrnr•r·, Churles Slaffonl IH. still sic:!< /lf!IHIIX Ojl('l'fllirJn Oil '1'/iur;.;day or .'fncohs, 177; Mnr•iiOLJ Cul,rn.~. HiD; fj()fi, .the used auto parts business. Now, with warm nrHi is undr!r'gnlng lrealn)l'nl in /nst wee/1. SIJC! l'r!lln:Jll!rl lo her Barhum Williams, 15h; Doris Tcnrn ;;landings nr•t• as Jollowii! Cnnnda. home Sunday, Snyder. l~:i; and Mary .JanP; 'i'e~m PI!;. Amly .Jnd Or>s· Morse, lfiO. Mnlte Morloc!t howled Knrh!!ll ...... li3 Pen·y lo SJlPllrl sonw t /me w/1 h 11'1'/c nnrl Jamllr wr>J'e Suntlny the pins nveJ' avemgn, Attn!lills ...... fi!l weather here, "'!e are proud to announce f1·/r.nds. m~st that rilnll<'r guesls of Mr. and Mrs. I Team . M;tsorJ ...... Mr. nnrl Mrs. Rllr/olp/J Husr:hlw ;v I: J~lr!vaton Causle. Mills Slorr ...... il.3 '" ·II J,., pla<·r. hy winning ·I points fmm pollee trnlniJJg posl In L at Ilr~lm fia~; 111'1' gursts of Mr·. nncl Ml's. LC!on Fien Van Di. 1;'/nytl Van Brcetl.; and son McLenn, Isabelle Millet', Cnth· Team W L C~·nt•·al 1\lichi,l!;an's i.:l.t'~l·st; Deah~•· o[ / Eileen Miele The April meeting Lansing were Sun: Wireman, .Kirk Cllrtis, Shirley take·i1·to the Spa1·mw ilospilal in Wireman. Joyec Carr, Camlyn Lansing· Friday Jtiglit, returned ''"""'"""" l>Wf''"" '""'""'"'"""'""...... :""'''",''"~-"""""-·-· ...... ,_,•••••• ____.... , ...._ .....,, home Monday mncil improved. Balcer, Tom 111 y Nottingham, ! .Jonathan Foltz, Roherta Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Scott Noble caller! and Brenda Wesl. on his sh;ter, M1·s. Maggie P;il· · Albert Gaul and Jamily were rick, Monday. She is seriotJ.~ly guesls at c!inncr Sunday of 1\11'. sick al lhc home of licr son in mHI Mrs. Arlo Wasson anr/ .film· .Tarkson. iiy. Mrs. Mabie Oesterle of \Vii· Ml'. ancl Mrs, Wynn Boyce anrl liamston nnrl Mrs. Harolrl Orstrr· Leon Gaul called on Mr. and Mrs. It! I'Uilcd nn Mrs. Hugh Ocslcrlc Arlo.Wasson Sund:1y. and Mrs. Hnhcrt Oe.~•.crlc Tues· Daniel Phelpf. cal/ecl on Mr. ancl tiny, Mrs. Elmer Phelps Sunday. James Pittrlck of .Jackson called Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pugh vis· on Mr. and M1;s. Scoll Noble Ins! ilcci Mr. nncl Mrs. Erl Harrison Wcrln.esrlay. . oJ. Kalamazoo Sa ttmlay. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey DeWa10rs ·Mary J. Phelps spent SLJnduy nnd frtmlly of Jackson visiled al with her parenls, lV!r. nne/ Mrs. !he Merton Rice horne Sunduy. Elmer Phelps. Sevcnly people nltcncled fnmily Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nolting· night ni !he Vunlown W. S ..c. S. ham and family spenl the week hall Friday night. After the pot·_ end with Mr. ami Mrs. Alvin lucl< supper 11 group of W. S. C. Boyson and family of Marlin. S. women put on a play nnd Rose Arloa and Clolcal Proctor Bow/ pietUI'CS WCl'C SilOWn by cnlleLI on Ml'. and Mrs. Loa! Dorn Diehl of Dansville. Townsend and · family Sunday nl'tel'noon. H · ·11 N Mr. and Mrs. James. Kirby were OytVI e. eWS ... Sunday dinner guests of lheir Geo ·g·bt A. I'nreell son and claughter·in·law, Mr. nncl 1 Mrs. W. G. Kirby of Dansville. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hullburg Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Howlett and son of Salina, r. drcn spent Saturday night with Bowers. / ...... Ma110u .. '. Michigan \ wilh lii'MIIc·,il •'illfrlli .tl lll]l lrr 1!11• iitHI'I!Inr>' 111111 li'llfl>urot• IVC'rt•INJONI\ WAWIA UP . ·---.. nwr,vtlny living'! W11ultl .vur1 lllw rnnrilliHI fiJlJll'oVC'Cianrl Mllw Cos· I PerHnllH ernplnyerl In !he 1'111'" Four Townships Changed Their Names i!..?.?.~ ... !.f!..~~. help lnWfll'rl rurlinnt hPilltlr IJJl,l gmyl ,Jeun Snule nnd llulh !nus lrrnrwhr.s of lho JeiPphone '~""nn. "r" JVInndnv thtrlllvh S•IIIOduy, nlll111rl111JI living'/ LI~SSON:-1 IN Slwpfll'rl IJHVP t•nmmlllee rO(lfJJ'Is. I' ~r •r (] I 1· cl Jer'l'll 1''/ 'VIr '11 r• c•c•rlrn·c '!'Iris wn~ t (]one 2100 tn ~~3o, ru"'d"y nud l'rlduy """"•• SUCCJ~SSr<'UI., LIVINQ b,v Alhorl IJ1•r·tlrll Boyce, ot!cr·rJtur·y, nlmJ lnrluslrY hnd nvr.rHgc wcnlli,Y n ' ,,.,. I •, U! ." . ' ' l. 1 110 )J() '" •Y " llX 111111 WHH liiJCJI gun I l [) . • • ' II HUUJ I """""• """ I hur.Hlll)' nllffc will "rill lilf! bill." II Is a . , ' lho srllrllr hnlf bPt'fllnn a lownslrlp lwwevr!J' /IIHI Jtw •1 tnwn~hlps avaulnu•, 1:00 to u•au; ~~tunluy• 1111UO rcnd snvcral £'Dll1lllllllicntlnns. cnmlngs of $63.(18 Ill Hl~:l com· l•.rlltur H unlttf PurlnlC lhu )fll:il ~ Ytl!ll'l' I JH'") II [ "B 'l I ,,, ' to t2:UO noon, 11 gllldo to Jli'IH'IIcal dally fullh .. $~ (II' 11101'1• Vul'lll>ll ,J, lilnwn '""' wl'illon 11 ... I J(! nlllllP. {) I I '' have llvml /IS goml neighbors I 'l'hu group yntecl to givn In· pnrccl wllh $fi0,84 In 1051 1 llw III'VI'I'nl 11111<-1···· "" IIIII oiii'IY IH•giiiiiiiii(K WitH chosen for lhc lnwn:;lrip, llmt Ill I .. II . r ' . II 'l'hiH I:; Lrml. Supposr.clly, HI And how nhnLJt our· uorJ of llw wnrrl tile> ftlnd to SI!IHI TUwrln Yenrboo11 rnr w:,;i of the Alnorl· 1of i-1>·• 11>·1111 with 1.111• ""'"' 11' nr; ](! name (J If! 1,•11'1. r•enlury. Til£> end resull. so to 1 s me () year•. Cllll' lOUg I .•; Kelly to J•;urnpe, cmn Peoplns gncyelopndln rrl- 11"" '""I 1"""'"' ur ,,..,,.ul 111111111 """'"· New Ynr·l1 fmm which bphl'illm . ,. · .. , th ~lrnulcl turn Jo ~PJ'IoUH 11rlngs, to wrong? llr!re is 11 hnnl1 wlrlr•h 'l'lw grm1p dlsi'LISHl'ci "f•'lro In· portH, 'l'lw Industry wns Prriploy-, 1111 11111 11 1 1 1 1 1 ' nil wllh. "'""'"• 1" 1 " 1 " 1 ~'~"'• "'"'' MPct•IJ Orsl sr.lller nf prr.s"nl·rlny spco1 1' J.ts lP.I.Il 0 pu e nnmca m1~ l'Phtlonshlp wilh the Dlvlrlf' should mr>nn n gr·cn I clcnl 1n onn ully H IIIIW mill lllld n IIIVI'III. 'l'hmw . ' of 0 Ht'LIIUB11 nncl "Phelpstown" In . f r stll'llJJ('I' for F'nrm Bureau," ufler• lng fiR2,fiOil persons nt the enrl of pl11•·•·• 1, .., 11ow nnly ""mnrh·.< In tlw Lr.my hncl enme. . of forgotten (Jinces nlon" unci His word for• tiS. 'rlre llhmry wlll1 n lnlly Inquiring rnlncl. II is whkh LnV£!1'11 ::>onle lr.rl In ret•· the ychl' :14,700 more thun 111 tlw 1 11 11 10 11 1 1 ml "'" "r """' """ ""n""'""" 11iY s " IH rcncly lo scrvr you and to lwlp HIGHT AND WHONC1 W II YS '1'0 renllon. Mllw Cosgmy nuctloncrl cnrl ol 1951. Rntu hwren~eR r"11'"1 1.,,.,.,1 '" 111 •·111ly do•·""'""l" One> Yl'ilr laiP.r, In IHIII, lllf' wllh lhe villages of "Tnghnm" · · · · ' · USE: THE BIALE lly .T. Cnrter· ''""''"I'" I"" Jrllmr •. ,.,. .. r llilu '""' '" 1•·1· re··Jri~nis of lire c;lslcrn half ofl, ·mri "Michigan" "Biddle City" you nnswer your· qucsllon~;. oft boxoH for llw box sol'inl nncl gmntccl nnd pul lnlo cl'fer.t Ins! l11rH ln·!\\.1'1'11 fltrnlll1·11 IH'I'r• unrl thuHo 11llll ·' ' 1 •' Dill "OU crrjov 'rii"' GI'I~An> SWill Ill, H~ rcnli \' Cflll "sel YO II Mn:, l~llsworlh nnd Mrs. Au· I Yl!nr ntlsecl revenues by 170 roil· ill tho• """'''I'll Hlllll'll fllll\1 who·ll•··· ruo>1 tills II'JTIInry pr.lltillllf'Ci lile !C')(is· ".fpfrerson," the town of "Colum· ·' . - "' ''" ,. right" on tlw t•ori·eel mcmnlng of uf lmduun'H .tllrlllfll'l/1 ··urn'·· 'l'hr· 11111111.11' lnt ure 10 c~t;d>liHh a single! ,. 011 • hin rr I!Pcldn ,, CarrHhurg" 11AI· ES'r STORY EVEn TOLD iind hnchon served coffee, lion dollars. /lllllPII Mn•. lrrulmm or l.ur·~,. li!WIIIIh!fl • I I 'I'JJE GR"'A'rES'I' ll00)( l~vr~r· many words, hecmrse or his ex· to wrlL11 nhnul II• II Oul, lu Lul'l'" to'>•.'lr· gresHinnal IDW!Hilllp and C'all It VOI'HOil," "GJfford," ''Middlntown," :..~ ,, L~., ,,~·~ • ... " r•f!llenl lmowlcrlgc nf Gn~nl< ,lJlcl --~--~~~~~...:...~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-­ "hlp. F•·unl Ill""'"" '"''"""' r.,. 111111•""1 Lr.roy wllldr wa~ clnJif', IPaVIIII' I "Nova SC'OIIa," "Meridian," "Win· WHI1 I EN, I hen you will en.loy Ticllrcw. Mr. Swnim .~ummnrlzt•s Ull 111111 HIII!IPI'I l fif'lrl, Chapinn, Menclv!llc, l'AI'"II l'V_l,'R I'NO' l' I encll of lhr. 10 cbaplors in llwiJ' March 25, 1954 Page 3 1 1 11 1 1 "'""''" Ill h•· ·I "w '"'"' ··umprl•inu name BJ'IIItJS, Tlw n•slciPnl~; of "Her! Brlrlgc," "Pine Lulw," "San· ' - " " \ ,\ N: ' 11 tr!n dosing rnragl·nphs In n Jllost lllll··fuurrh ur '""l"•m'• ""'II '""' "o" 11 . o . , 1 ., II OurBicr llacl rH.mrly flrHshecl 11, 1,,.1,,1,. 11 11 , 111 ,. '""'"'"1", .. r """'''' w11 . 11 s lnwns 111p 111 1"'11 as 111 r1 11r1 forrl, nnrl probn 1 v olrers.1 d . l!l" cnpahlc nnd helpful mnnner, ' fl 11 1 11 1 1 11 0 1 li>"""t'"'·''''"•'"lll•·lil 11nil ~,,.,.,y, ' IC>glslallll'e In dmngr! IJH• nnnw In We can notice ihnt there have ~~l((!;~n h\: c~::u~IJ:r~; : ~P;.j;·"• :;; These nrc nil non·fktirm hoo!IH. ; Ill/~\\\ mI1!11~\\\lllllll \111/m\\\ l \ I'I n''II lilt~~~ II Hl\1\t I~~~ f t --- Wllf!alflnlrl, whlr•il WrH; llw n:~me been mnny dwngcs In In~ham in "ompi"le tlrr> ' vr r·J,· 'l:llr•1 I'C'"t,llt ·" :\gt•lculturc Secretary Ezra 1'afl They nre written for penplc, and lt st>ems a slmngc !Iring, hill f tl t II f 1 · 1 11 II c • 1 1 • • ·' 1·' 1 1 ~ ncnson'n cut of mrpporls on !lair: I ;Ill Ihe lownslrlps of lnr~lwm c:fl w.1 ownsII 1 Pn rom1 IVIll 11<' avI I llw I tG years sirwe its orgnnlzn· u \Vorrci"I'ftll~ 1:1Jr•• r1f l•lrrr•.·,·' ' ltllfi each wllh n rleflnitP lwlpful pur· c•ounty wlrlf'lr IH•r·nnrr rllssatlstlc>cl •Ill's rnc>, H' rs se l''.'· HH Ilion 111111 11 is rensonnhle to expect paupers of voyares to fahui1JLIS llrotlucl'i 1rorn no 1.1 7r. pel' cen pose. In tlw u,-c of llwnr you will 'lf 11arity have divided hot! wlll1 lire namrs llral lwei hePn eomc 1 and tlrr IH··,Ihal tlrcrc will he many In an lnmls r;f wars ;!iHI slrlpwri•r·i\s hr.comc! enriehcd, drallenge£1, :111rl nrganlz>~IHlll Pnrtles, some congressmen claim· l'iHlSI'JJ frJJ' llwm Wr>rr• In lire cn.rn_e as II hal; c.~lstl'rl lo IIH' I Pqual perlorl In I he fulure, bLrt anrl ~f hnlc llwt rleslr•oy(•rl cnllghlene.J, EnBier· will mr.nn WI: irus ltw cut will he1t1 consumer: , WANTED ~ ~ nnrllwnsl c·or·rwr-, r·omprlslng Ihe presc!nl. , IPI us rPrnnln In hope that those tlo1rs. Mosl of ,·til, 11 .sltnl\'s lrn1v ntn1·c than dairymen. more. Life mny have new mean· ~ lownshlps of IVIir•;llfiPirl, Lcrny, 'l'o lire nor·JIJ sirlr. of !IJC! !led f'lrangr.s shall nol tnl\e fi\Vay our lhc sublimr. mcssagr of .IP>'IIS lilt(. Willlamslon anrl Lof'lw. Ceclar, a similar sllualinn dP\'r.l· l'hcrislwcl rlg]]Js unci privileges as was hrought In mnnklnrl. · Tn nrllilllon lo these, the Ing-, A CUSTOMER I npC?cl when In JH.1~ I'Psir!Pnls t'rllnl' frcc·ilfll'll American citizens till· Hcnymon Mrllll'CJ' flllcl lhinl1 ham emrnly iilll'iii'Y offers lire fol· II Is nol lhrHigill Ihat heeausc lnlo lhc cast slrlc nf lh:~t !PrTiiDI'\' del' n reprcscnlntlvc form of Do you like hlogmphy'? llm·r• r·m·pfully with him, as he lrles to 11 11 11 (lll 1 11111 lowing recent hoo;~H: ''ll'lc•r· · r f ill"" r•c 1y· IV'I"',, hcnrlcrl hy Davirl Plwlps. When ·a r:overnmPnt. the newer lrans!nllon~ of I he "Jl".".l"'' rJfl" ."cJm"." " 11 r lit"." "tJvr•r·J,·ly" Patlcrn [or LJ[r!, hy Archibald WHO'S HARD TO tiiH'P" p:rr·l. of lh!! IPrTitory com· towm:hlp orgflnlzation \WIS pc>l' -- ---·---- J31ble Intrigued you'? Then nwcl on nur liws. You mny come nul Hunlcr. rJrlsPcl W1lh1n ShhW'JSscr• t'nllnly Dr. I~dgar Gnmlspeed in ills IH'\1' al IIH• Pilei wilh a rather ooorl . · ' ' '· · ' fedl'rl I he following )'Par in Jfl:J!J, nutoblogmpily AS 1 lli~MJ·:~·l· f . " A Faith for Tougll Times, il,Y \Villi lllC! 1'0\lllly Sl'ill lovntcd at II was n;mrerl l'hf'I[J"lll\\'11 nflf'r bl BE I I Cl! 1mg. PLEASE! Jlyl 1 No e Road News 11 Harry E. Fosclick. . ," 11 , ,111 I' lire• I'JC'I• lil'll' ··r•ver·l" '1 its flrsl selllc>r·. Willr lilt' 1'111lling ~R. I- e ~ mnclcrn tnmslntor Art• '''CJll •"" .'·ltrclrrrl" of lirP. Set·.' Reporter In Scardr of C:nrl, by ~nwnsl~1ps, lo I liP J•:nsl a!ltl Nor'lil of I he> Willinmsrs In tire ltwation !Hrs. I'nHPihul Ilnwmt rfJ[ r:rP.nl fame, nnd I his delighl· mon nn I he Mmurt '? Would you M. If you )mow of n shnrp-eyed fellow 11 Howard Whltmnn. · Ill Llvrng~-;lon :lnci Shia\~'assec, nn lhr Heel Cf'dar, then lmnwn iiS ul, ens Y·rc11d llllnll will Jllcast! likl• new lrelp on I he meaning of How to Believe, hy Ralph W. ~ who is . harder than old Harry to h•JI1 frll 11 wr 1 IIH 1 r 11 c•llcc cf1 Denise Buxlnn spcnl Snlurdny nnyone, from liJC firs! r•lrnpiPr, :;ignifimnr'C' of II'? Then read A please on a used cnr ot• truclt deal, ' .' •r ! I "ThP Cedars" :mel which is IIH' aflrrnoon :111cl C\'Cning wllh .Tonn cntillcd, "I Fall in Lnvf! willr Mv Sockmnn. l'ilrl ens! lmlf nnrl llHJSl' of IIH! ll'f'SI visit<•rltil" Cl'f'lll'rrg. Mr. ami Mrs. Bowen In lng cr.rlnln verses of llw ol~l,·r Arc .'·nu-' a vit'tirn nf [cur, gLJIII, Bonrwr. and only FORD DEALERS-sell A-1 used Cars inlla• wrill1!n hh:lnriPs nf Ingham lralf, and lherr fll'l' snme lndi<'n· ' nncl nrwer lransln t Ions'? 't'lwn frustration, i ndicision, lnneli· '!'he Tcmplnllon In Be Good, hy, and Trucl1s! Drop in nnd judge £or yourself) r·ounlv lhiil sPrm lo illl'm\' some lions tlrnl Mr. l'lwlllS iliHI Mr. .Tennell a .Tones has been sic!\ NEW L ·I G H 'I' FI{OM <'JLD nPs::, Pic'! (who isn'l 1'! Dean Arlhur P. Davlrs. IIJ~hl ·on llw indr!Pnl1; surTnund· Wlllinm~ rlirln't sl'f' e.vr.·I<. 'l'l1c >roil· Norman V. Peale. .£lY in i nne I \\'1 wnl n t' IIr, wns 1n1·· 111r 1Pd in up a ~-;r.parale lownslli11 wilh I he Hu111 Ann, were Sunday after· Docs life scf!m comnJicalPd" and IIPms in his IHJoll BEYOND AN· SEE YOUR FORD DEALER FOR NEW t I11' lowns Illj1· ll f Jnghillll a[ its nnrne nf Lnd\C, i111fl no one SCl'ITIH noon callers at the Curl Bowen [ul! of ion many llOIH!SsPnlinls'? XfETY. nrg;u1izalinn in JR3i. The nnl'lll In know where I hey go I llw nan1c. home. _-· ·- ______'L_·tl_\c_WHA'I~ CAN I KNOW by Would you prefer --~orlle~~~~g Farm Bureau CAR DRIVING CONFIDENCE AT A half, c•omprising Williamslon . , M i c h i g a n S I a t f! college!, typt~ him. Hadio, lwatPr, Fordonmtic. l\fltnl' other t-he prcsP.nt lmvnship of Wil· tlw Heptrblir'nn contest for the Repuilllcun mnrliclales hnvt> Fr•w lawmalwrs were happy . Jtcfl prc~entecllhe program on, "Farm PXtl'as. Only ...... $1,595 linmslown hearing tilP . original gubr•rnalorial nomination. agreed not lo a! lack caeil olilc~· about lire prospect of jugg!inr. Safely," whieh inc:ludcd a color St'llt name of PIH!Ipslown wilieh was '' '' ''' br1t one or 2 o[ them may for- ligures al lhe last minute to np· movie to emphasize lhe t;ommon FOJW-1!J51 'l'udor. Alpilll' uhw. Hadio, lwater, I relaincrl tlnlil 1857 when it was So far, 5 eanclidales have I get agreement as campr wage hilw.;They fell the Dm·I{ / found around most farms nnrl !~OI:D-19·1!) Club Coupt~. g1•een finish. Ueal lire Orst sr.ltll'r, 1\Jr. Willi11ms. lhc GOP nomination. Tire field ,. •• " t'tHnmi~wion could have let them which should be C'orreeled for n iet• ...... $450 I '1'1 1 · 1 1- II ~ 1 mat· Ill' rrrtuved !Jv one or pos· One of the reasons Gov. Wil· i\110\V about it earlier. personal safely. 1 re 11s orv o rese - own· • J • 1\ 11 . 1 :)LI>S-1!);'31 "!18" Holiday ConpP. llydramatie. Radio, ·J · . . . • •I 1 · 1 sibly 2 contenders by the lime Iiams has not announcPcl whr.thcr .r·tua .\, Ire 11nnnunccmcnt Following Mr. Steinicke's Iaiii, sups arc some\\ lil mrxcr up, II. 3 . . I muir! t•asily have come at am I lrt'att.•r, !IOWt'l' windows. Light green· with dnrli Icspcci'tllv in Dtil"lnt's TTistnry of voter~ go 10 lire po 5 August · he will run for IT. S ..':"nalnr or ': · : ' ' uc. 1 refreshments were server! hv lhe · · ' ' ' ' · · . 1. 1 . . .. 1 ' wnrsn ltrnr•. Orrglnnlly, the crv1! 1-!;I'Pt'n top ...... $1,405 IIngham county. Ahcru .\ lwrr. me lllrnOJs t wt governor is Uri!':: s . ,·, , ... · I I Wilson gronp lo lhe J 10 inem· · I his C'~ncJi·hte or that candidate · CI\ICC' romm1ssron Jl nnnec lo bers atlending. OLDS-1!H£i "7fi'' Sedan, Uadio, !water, hydramati(!, It would seem, lnoi(lflg had\ · ' ." t f ' • 'f As govemnr of i\lichig:m, he say nolhirw 11bout the pay in· 1 1 11 1 0 0 111 1 Huns t-xtra p;ood. ]cull priel' ...... $195 from 19~·1, that il would h:l\'c 11 >ans_:, ° c, , .°I, ,,u , c rnceB gets n lot of free radio and telc- l're1Jses u;rll~l til~" \\'ere ,"ppr'overt. "' D 1 1 I lt 'f II I I r 11w 1.~ 111 t 1c.J 1 comes a 1ong. ll 1 . . . I I I' I 'II , I . '-,J " ,..,t)tull'l' ca Jecn >e er r 1C pre~cn own· I' ; , ... "I' · v1sron ltme eac 1 wee c otll H! I' 1C eornmrss10n pl11ns to ap· Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ellswnrth 11 1 11 11 11 111 10 ship of Whcalflclri hac! sccr.ded ~~u ~c11115 ~ 11 ,;ej Sdy. m be forced to pay for this time lire prove Ihe increases al its next enterlained the Square Dcnl R Ch • from Brutus ami called the lnwn· 1C ' ,, ,1, ,1, minute he becomes a candi:latc. meeting---April 8·9, The legista· Farm Bureau group Ins! lhal your· fur·nnt'" will h" 0. oy rtstensen I ship after the former plnce or r.: , ., ., It pays for him lo wait unlil I he lure arljrlllrns April 9. Wednesday evening with Mr·. nncl IL n":.:t Sl'li-'>CJII. Call 11s now resiclencr. of their honored nrsl AI~ ·'GOP hope"uls nrc name I last possihlc moment lo tos;; his '·' '' Mrs. Kenneth Aubuchon assist· Yom• Fa•iendly Ford Dealer fill' a t•ompl<'lp l'lu•l'lt·llll. H"· :;eUler. Mr. Gorsline, lenving thr. candrrlate~. hat in lhe political arcrm. Imagine lhe howls that would ing them. IIH'tllhi'J' iH•;ATINCl is 11 SIJI'· r remainder to continue as Brulus Tlwy include D. Hale Brnl\C of I ' ''· .;. : 1 ~1 V<' gn;:e up if the commission The meeting wa~ callccl or· Two l.orulions liS, todu)·. 10 dally wiHr Cull after the former residence Slanton, Owen J. Cleary of Ypsi· people agree the mr· hnrl wailed until the final rlnv of clr.r by I he clrnirrmlll, Hamid 210 Stnfe St., Riusnn 123 l\luin St., J,eslltt ' nr/ Mo~t Iheir honnretl first citizen Mr. jlanti. George N. Higgins of Fern· nouncement of pay rais0s for 2,1,. I he legislature to mal\c its· an- Shepard. Fou~teen mcmhers an·, l'hnne 1\Iuson !JGll Phone Leslie ll641 Meeclr; anrl that i[ the l'it izenry d;Jie, l~ugcne C. Keyes of Dr.nr·j ODD state employes was pnorly noun cement public. swerecl roll call. The reports of 1 I~oth T:ocntious Opei1 I~rcnlngs 1.'lll 9 - Suturdays Till 6 •louseholder Heating of the present township of \Vii·, horrr and Donald.S. Leonard of·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 120 S, Itiwr liamstown had withdrawn from I Detroit. Eaton Uapirls Phelpstn\\rn lPnving thal a nnn10 >!: =lc ~~ commemornting Iheir On;t sr.IIIC!r' nralm, 63, has been slate 1rens· ~~ J.Jrom· SPrl'it•e 1 anrl they arloplin).( llw n<~mr. n([trrr•r since 1953. Known as Mich· l'horu~ 4·2:i01 !heir nr·sl citizen, Mr. Williams, igan's "Mr. Republican," Bralte it wmrld have hccn n more logical I has wanted to run for governor • for vcars but held off each time ,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-. in 1\n·or of someone else who Ta~(e Your Car to party lenders beli~ved had a be_t· ter chnnce of bcalrng Democratic Gov. G. lVIcnnen Williams. Br11lw will slny In the race to finish. t). \!r Iii INGHAM. Clt•ary, 54, is complel ing first I lcrm as sccrelnry of slate. Acl ive in dvll defense cluring World War II, he rose lo rank of Motor,, Sales brigaclier general in Michigan Phon:• 2-!ii33l 220 W. Ash ;;late troops. Cleary serve,l on Fol'merly Whil.ecraft slnlc liqupr cor)\rol· commissio'Jl ,._ with Williams in 1!l4i·48 nnd was ello;·en chnirman of GOP Stale For Prompt Service Ccnlrnl committee in 1949. ~~ (1 qr

DONE BY EXPERTS Hig·gins, ~3. has been in st11te legislatures since Hl38 except for 2 years after his unsuccessful bid. ANY ~IAI\.E- ANY JOB for Republican 110mination for Dt•Soto-Piymouth Dealer lieutenant-governor in Hl46. Auth·l This low-lined glamor car is rho or of !he highly-publicized busi· slunnlng now 19.54 Buick SPECIAl-now nPss i~ receipts t11x, which VB·powurod Jo a record 11igh-1111d prico~ credited with getting the slate out I just 0 few dollars abpVO lho "JOW·priCO fhreo/' of red. Higgins is the only non· lawyer among candidates. l-Ie's an auto dealer.

1\eyes, !13, Den rborn's doctor., lets you see dentist-lawyer, has been on state primary ballot every 2 years since when he flrst rnn for liett· tenant-governor. He has served as slale's No. 2 ofiicial-1913·4:1 EVER before its introduction hv corners, Jets you see as a pilot sees. Almost miraculously ends Shame, ·wllh lhc needless shnmc •• , 't discomfort nncl distress of this un!OL·­ a tor in l 952. automobile. car" windshields to the new-day 1954 tunnlc hnblt ••• the dnlly nulsnncc of changing and wnshlng bed linen nnd \ * ~· • Buicks. clothes. Why suffer the cmbnrmssmcnc I l,nomll'll, 50, is making his sec· It comes from the experimental oC foul smelling bed rooms • • • the For these are 1'eally new cars-with expense of l'Ulncd furniture • • • the 1 oml h~·,! to carry the Republican "dream cars" you may have seen pic· dnnge1· of cnlchlng colds nnd Infectious banner in nnal election for [iOV· new bodies, new interiors, new ride rashes. Doclors ngt•oc BED-WETTING tured from time to time-but it'.~ on can cause nervousness, stuttering: and Prnor. He ran second behind Fre~l features, new handling ease-and, emotional disturbances In children, very, M. Alger, Jr., in 1952 primary. is eVei'J.' 1954 Buick today, often seriously n!!ecttng • their luture 1 nnd chnrncter. I besl known as former state police above a11, new record·high VB At Ins! mcdlcnl science has discovered I commissioner. He has been De· As you can see, this broadly arching horsepowers. . IrslMPiESAFETABLErDOESIT!l n snfC!, 11cw, cnsy wny to stop BED· t roil police commissioner· since I DRY·TADS Is ihc snmc sn!e, mcdl-1 WET'rJNG wllhout clectricnl devices ... sweep of glass adds new beauty and I c3l formuln dlscovcl'Y thnt ls pre .. without rubber sheets, nlm·m~ or spcclnl lfl53, headed state civil defense Come in\1nd look them over-sit in, ' I scrltl•d nnd recommended by mnny I die~• nnd wllhout lntenup\lng needed during World War II. a definite look of tomorrow to the sleep. Yes, nJmost mh·nculously, nmnz\ng, 1 sample ii'nd price one of these breath· '1 doctors. Non-lmblt !ormlns. No 1 safe DRY -TABS help stop funclfonnt, 11: ljf 11r BED•WETTING • , . relieve tension t.nd I glamorous new Buick ~!":t:::!'!::'!:. ------J strain, often thl! underlying cnusc in In many ways, this year's pri· taking new gla,nor Buicks. It's the - most cases. So don't walt ••• end ihe BUICK BED-WETTING hnblt this easy way or\ mary loolcs much like a repeat of Even more, this stunning new wind· only way to know what beautiful CHILD HAPPY NOW: ~~ no cost. 1 1950 when 5 candidates fought N crvousncss nml stutter- 01;;:: ~..-. ;'; shield treatment gives you more· buys they are in every way. - ~ • Scientific tests actually 1 for Republican gubernatorial tile IJeautiful buy 19% lng curbed. Shame, ells· -comfot·t ~one forever! ~~~ .... '"'?l:~.11 .PJ ADULTS ' pr·ove DRY-TABS io be MILTON BERLE STARS FOR BUICK . . . No more Irritating rnsh. "'..::...-..': ?5% cftcctlvc in stopping this un1or· nomination with Harry F. Kelly visibility - because it pulls back the , : -Sto The 6UICK·BERLE SHOW Tuoaday E-io~lnga Cnn now enjoy overnight "' tunntc hnblt - even niter years of getting the nod. · torment! Ends the ccnstnnt worry of visits. ~~~ overnight hotel stops , .• napping on Five-way race this year Is Don't wntt another dny. l! your loved trains ond buses for fear ol public ones suffer the humlllnllon, tho dis• embnrrnssment. something Republican leaders l!rncc, lnsceurliy nnd helplessness only have dreaded for months because BED-WETTING cnn cnuse, order DRY· ench additional cundidute lessens --~----~---~------__;------WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM ------~'ABS NOW I Ensy to tnliil'iri Sinner·. J\lrs. Mrs. Royer received many I employed ill Ihe Michigan Millers MRS. CLEMENS IS MANAGER * 1)1 • * It' ~·nu hnVs- 1 re 1,-; til<' son of J\lr. 11111 1 Mrs. 11 d:1.1' '""' ll'ill ill' g11111' iilJoltl :J IlatTI' Slllllli,.,, and is a sluclcnl night which was held March Gat 1\-frs. Vcr·non ,J. Brown ;tnrl Darn- Sue, who is in nurses I raining at Parma Tuesrlay night. 'l'lwy visit­ Netty Davidson 1\'t·r·!;,-;, S\11• is l'isiling her [Jar· at Mll'ltigan State college. the Gleaner hall. The gl'oup de- thy ami !VIr. and Mrs. Nelson Rutlenvorth hospital in Gmnd eel Mr. and Mrs. Hazan Alwl of deled In have another family Bmwn iiiHI Mm·garet at dinner Rapids, as part nf her Michignn Dimondale on Thursday night. 1 l'idmp and ll<'liVc:ry - l'hn1w ~-1-Hll their str.ry Clraning" was given. Mem- anniversarv. i and Mrs. ,John Bcrgeon, Nancy !lint• 111' llil~:lill.t.:s Slltlli ~l'~~otl. _1ho n:-x~ meelang- wrl~ burn, Jnrliaua. . wore Mrs. Lori's parents, Mr. ancl Whi~te r:~ ~~.c_sr~-iv, -~~~ ~ -0, at I he home,. Mr. anrl Mrs. ijllliH Gruber of Mrs. G. W. Qui ell of Tmnpcrarwc. .• ts. mo' eclman.. Dcl!·oit visitrrl M1·. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Snyder·, Jr., ·- lluslel.f. I.eum-A-Uif; *I ,J;1mc~ G. 'l'lwrbm·n Sunrlay. and son, Tommy, of Royal On I< Select Your Shirts Members of lhe Has!elt Le11rn- Mr. an.! MrH. J\1. .J. !Iuher of wne guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jay A-Bit eluh met at the home of Gladwin :;pent I he week enrl wilh Snyder. Sr., Sunday. Wclit'i Wl'inld(~ - 1~\'1'1' Mr~. Lawrence Ruhf last 'l'ttes- Mrs. Freel Swinehart and Ralph Mr. illll! Mrs. Floyd Prescott of ci11y morning. Mrs. Willium Ach- Swinel1;1rl. Lansing spent Friday evening $3.95 conducted the l\-!t·. and M{.s. l-lnlclen' Stiles with Mrs. Albert B. Baldwin. Mrs. Suit len~erg, chair~1an, lteguhu· nnd llclllhll! UniT iltwrness r:neetmg 11nd members spent Stmclay with Dr. ancl Mrs. Baldwin and Mrs. Jennie Dal,in were remrndccl Ia !nice their .T.' c. Sc-hwnbtand and family of visiter] Mr·. ancl Mrs. Eugene Today apro~1s !or the fair to the next Rlissfielcl. M ·. St lies is Mrs. Thornton and rlaughler, Gnyle, of 1 All Wool m?~lmg. . . . Sc:l11vahlam!\ father. Lansing Sunday nrternnon. 1 he group had a bohemran clrn- Mr. and Mr~. James Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Drtle Peasley of ncr at noon. In the nflernoon rough of Dt·rsclcn, Tennessee, Lansing spent Sunday with Mr. lho learler, Mrs. Emery Thomas., sprml the week end with Mr. and nml Mrs. Russell Birkett. Mrs. $39.so-$45.oo· r~~mnnslrated rug _cleamn~, as- Mrs. Vnn Wooclmugh and Jam- Peasley is Mrs. Birlwlt's sistet·. srstcd by Mrs. ~lllra~ Quack ily. . Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Hall and Dacron and .Hayon The next n:eelmg wrll be held Mr. an\\ Mrs. Lc.,lir: Wonch of daughter, Lindn, of Croswell Dlmtds Tuesclny,_ Aprri 6, at the home of 1 01\f.•mof:, wlw recenlly returned spr::nl the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Alvrn B~etz. I from Florida, r·alle.d on his Mrs. J. Edward Sopor and family. $29.50 '~ Bell Oltl• *I mother, Mrs. F'. B. Wonch, Sun- Mr. Hull is a former principal of Members of thC' Bell Oal.; ex- day. /the Mason school. Usc om· lay-away Jllan jlcnsion group met F1·idny with Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Barkway Mr. and Mrs. Loren Edmonds Mrs. Anna Royce of Webberville. spent Sunday evening with Mr. and sons of Midland spent tho Eleven members at tended and the ami Mrs. Wnynr: Poler o[ Wil-jWC!ek end with his parents, Mr. group had a 12:30 luncl1eon: limnston. 1 and Mrs. Gordon Edmonds. Loren Mrs. Edna Fulton, chairman, Lester and Larry Dayton of attended the basl1etbnll tourna- comlucted lhe business meeling Leslie spent Saturday night with ment at East Lnnsing -Friday nfter which the lender, Mrs. their uncle nntl fllllll, Mr. ancl night and Saturday. Elizabeth Chamberlain,· gave I he Mrs. Lmvrencc Whiting, an:l fum- Mr. and Mrs. Ent·l Pem·sull lesson on "Cleaning Hugs ami ily. The vVhitings · were Sunday called on Mrs. Edna Barkway SJ1ccial Prien Upholstery." She made the clean- callers of Mr. ·anrl Mrs. Homer Sunday evening. cr and demonstrated the usc of Pelrrmnn of I.ansinr,. fiep. Eugene Betz and Mrs. Attigato~ il. She also told many helpful Mr. and l'vlrs. Arthur Culhnm, Betz of Monroe were guests of hints on how to keep rugs hri.ght Mr·o~ .•John Culham and Mrs. Rosa Mr. and Mrs. Wuller Peters Still· the "coat you'll live in" Sport and clean. Wnshburn altenrlc.>d the Booster dny. Mr. Peters is n former rep- Amazing Dacron gives you The April meeting will be helrl club Sll)lJJer at Dansville Thurs· resentntive from Monroe. super ~vrinkle resistance, at the home o£ Mrs. Clura Van clay night. . Dorothy Benham, daughter of Mallory super water repellency, SUJ>Ct Gilder. Mr. nnrl Mrs. noy

I ; ·,•' Ingham County News March 25, 1954 Page 5 JriJ.~I WILL In~ I'!IIOWN 'Conference Speakers Editor of Christi-an Advocate "Oml J:-; Mv LiliHilunJ" will LJU til" f1lm ~hitwn nl the inmlly 'Dynamic Kernels' Miller Dies· nigh I nwot lng nl tltl! l•'t•lt Pin in~ P<•n·y M. l!nyclllll, fi:l, or 'l'or'tltn· l'lllll'c•h on 'l'twH,Jny t•vrmlng, Hell, wlln won WOI'itlwicle l'CI'O!llli· Will Speak in Okemos Church Mnr<'h 30, 'J'hl~ fllrn wn~ ptndtH'l'rl lion with his "dynamic Jwrrwli-;" by lito lute PmTy ]jnyclun, telling wlwnt pmgrom, rllocl In 1111 Ann "'rmluy'H SII'U~gle foJ' FI'C'C the ~lory of lhc "D,vnnmic 1\er· Al'bot• IHJH(lil11l litH! 'l'htu•:;rlny clom" will iJc I he I oplc nf Dr, nel Venture" nt 'l'ccum~ch, '!'hom night. llc luul hr.cn sil'[{ wit It WilllniiiHI 1111 \\'I'Hitwnn IHulluul· I'IIC'h month nt c•lum:h, polliit'i1 .Jollll Mnrvln nt the Rtllhilly m. will he n polltwJ; dinner 111 "I ll, henri rll~oaso foJ' 5 yonn;, lsi, ltmvlt•y, ltPV, C'nrl CniTl'y, cllnnel' nt noon; dn·l!•s :;w·omt evening Lcnlen series 11t Oiwmos m. with lhc prngrum Cnllnwlng, llayclt•n wns Jli'I'Hi!l<'lll nf tl1o po~slor. CliLII'I'h school, 10:00 11, Wcrllwsclny In lwnwK. Cnmmunlly church. This sor·vicc lluydrm Milling C'n. nl 'l'PrumsPit, m.; wor~l1ip ~>Prvic·e, 1 c ::Jo .1. m.; lwglns nt 7:30 p, m. on Mnrl'h 2R IJr. wns n c•nndlrintn fot• govenwr yoliJlg people's meetinl,(, 7::JO p, \\'lllinm;;Lm ~li•lhmJI;;l, Hcv onrl will nlso lnclwle spel'ial 111, musiP hy the sPnior clwlr umlm In l!l!iO nnd fnl' lleulcnaul-gover·l I [onJc•e .T;1nws, pnstor, Clmrf'l1 President Lauded nn1' In I!HH, nn liH' Prohlhltlrm sdJnol, ·10 11. rn.; worship Hl'l'l In• the cllrectlon of Mrs. Robot'! Lconnrcl. Jlclwl, Ire hacl servr>cl ns prcslclcnl WIIH11111slnu HI. J{nl h•••irw's II 11. m.; Youth F'ellmvshlp, jun· Dr. Marvin is eclilor• of llw of I he American Millers assoela· l':tliHI'IIIIIII, NoJJllilll 1\lnzl<', vh·;n len group, !i p. m.; senior gl'llUP For Faith Shown MIPhigan ChriHiinn Advocate nnril t Inn ami 11s speelal •·onsuitnnt on SI'I'Vic f'S 111111 1 hlll'<'h sd1ool, II :Oil li p. m. CIJoh· Jll'acticc, Wcdnes str>wardshlp tor the Nnlinnnl Is widely lmnwn througiJoul the I 11. rn.; llrst 1111d liflh SiiJHiays, rlay, 7 p.m. In God's Power Confet•oni'C' on Churc:h Loadrn·· ~tnle hoth fnr Ills work on the lrHit'ih Sunrla~•s, !loll l~lll'illll'iSI. ship. liP was 11 member or the Advm·ale ns well ns for Ills leader .Jurlge Luthor Youn~clahl 'l'hmJ SUIHI.ty, 11\lll'llllll( jll'iiYI'I' Willinm;;lou Nn~lll'l'llll, r.r:v. W. l~rlend:; Phurl'il. 'I'h<' llaydcn mill ;hJp In the nffnlrs of the Methorl· prnlsccl President Eiscnhowar for and lil11ny, llarolrl YodJim, fJaHiot', Clllll'!'il 1st churPh, l[c ltas covered the WnH I he oldest IHJslne~s c~tnl)ilsh· sl'hool, IO:Illla, m.; wor:;hlp serv his unrlcm;Jandlng the "impor· mont ill 'J'PI'llms<•h. II was orr,nniwtinnal cnnfPI'C'IH'C of lhr. tall!'!' of (ll"llycr nncl !ailh In God ii'P, ll :Oil 11. m.; Jli"IIYf'l' nw!•ling founded !JIJ ,\'Pats a~n hy 1111• nhrHflll ('hurd! or flu· NIIZJII'I'III', World Cnundl of Churches at In the solution of our Ill:;," lit nn WPrlltPsd.ty, ~.llll p. m.; Lnrlh1'• l'l'l'llflss JIJ'OWII grand fat lwr, Levi C. Il11yden. J(l,y Mtiiii.JU, pm.lot', Sunrlo~y t\mstcJ'cinm ns well ns the chief nclrlrcss at n luncheon 11f the Mlssion:ti',Y SoeiPiy tlrsl 'J'IHII'S Till' llnycl<'n tiiiJing projN·t hurl l'm·ry M, llnydl'rr :il'iHJol, 10 o'drul1; pn•;Jdlin~ Sf'I'V· 11nllonnl conferences of the Meth· sixlh unnunl mer!tlng of the Nn· day or tlw 111on th at 7 :::JU p. m., m· lei', II o'l'lrll'l\; N. \'. 1', S. •:erv· odJ:;J l'illii'Cil HIIH'C 1!J:Jf], He ls II tlnnnl Courwil nf PresbyiPI'Iflll lhc Pnrim·:;cm!•nl nf l!Pnry Ford. viri<'ri amon!( lamwrs In lhP l'Oill· nnnOLJncccJ. l<'l', li:-1:1 o'r 1<11'1\, song IIIHI prais!', grndualc of Albion college, Drew Men at the Palmer House In Cltl· !Iuy a, m. the Rcvt>t'el~ 1 on Tul'sday mid Wl'!lnesday, old h:nudslt'U(l. fot• !i YPIII'S In 11 Tccums<'h I thP Jll'flil'<'l. 'l'ltC' title n[ the hool< m. and 7::JO p, m.; church school. David S. TCvans will prPaclt on , . , , ,, . , , , , Phurch. Tlw projcet had to he ell· was "D,vn:unk Krol'llf!ls." \\'iilinntslon ('1'1111'1' 1\lt•lhol!isl, tlw hcalitudl! "Blessed Arc 1he 1..1,uch1 .. o ,uul .ll, tltr. IIDIT!Cil o[ Hcpr·escntatlves llterc f1•om lhe II :00 11. m.; pl"llyeJ' sPrvkc !loll Presbyterian !!lturl'lt were ,!. llnr;J<'I' .I.Jin<•s, paslor. \Vorsillp Mcrd!ul." Bolli scrvil'es w11l IJe li1~ clnu·dt will sponbot' a rum· gtu•st in 1he hni11P nf Mr. and Wcrlnc:;ciay, 8:00 p, m. Gowt•r Chapman nnd Lyle A. sl'tl'io·e, !1::111 a. ln.; dlUI'ch scillJill, preceded hy a cnrlllon recording mngl' s:1le at lhu dlltl'l'h house, Mrs. l~imcr Grc<'nli'P Thursday. Ferris District lll::JII II. 111. TlwrhLil'n, llnlt Nn~nri'IU', Tir.v, William or chimes on the Eames mem-1170:~ 1\'lrJCJre slr<•ct, Olwmos. 'l'irne Slw vlsilcd Mrs. W. C. NotTis nir·s. Lom Olrli'Y nrial amplifying syslern recently I of thr• s.ill' Will ile from [] a. m. .Jurl~r· Youngdahl, of tltP United 1\cllr•y, pastor. Sund11y sf'iwol, 10 Sialcs dlstriC'l court for tile Dis· on Monday, Wilii:llnslon ~l••mor·inl Ltrl!u•r· ricrllcatcd, In !J p. m. t\ ill(' J)p(;Pt I ':jll'ni I hi' II'CPI\ 11, m.; morning worship, 11 a. m.; !riel of Columbia, asserted that 1111, lll~J \V<•sl C;illllrl llil'f'l'. ill'l'. N. Y. 1'. S., U:•l5 p, m.; evening Mr. ami Mrs. Hay Munson und! <•nri with lwr gnntdpo~n•nts In lill' job of building 11 better· roun· son of DPfluno.:c, Ohio, wen• WPcl; !loll. !\uri 1\oPplill, pa:;lnl'. Sunday ev.1 ngeli:; I ic service a I 7 ::Jo. J,t•slic Collf.\"I'I'J.IIIIiorual, Samuel try was nol only for the president B. Wengc1·, minister. Serviecs, Series Is Planned end ~ucsls of Mr. llllCI Mrs. f·~.J Mrs 'J'Iu•inw F11ii<'J' is ~lf'i1 tltl~ hl'llflol. Ill "· m.; llili!P r·la:.s, Ill PrayPI' mPetin~ cnr.h Wednesday hut Jor every lndiviciual dtiwn a 111.; rliv!IH' sPrl'i< 1', II a, 111. <'hurch sdwol 0:4:> a. m.; mot'll· Daft. Mt•s. Munson is Mrs, Dnfl's 1 IVPPI\, M1. .IJifl M1s. llnrv<•y t\n· at the dlltrl'l• 111 7::Jo p, m. rcC'ognizlng tlw prercq ulsil e~ of a

lng worship, 11:00 a. m.; choir 'I Ntt: 'if' I.\' rlc•pat·tnwnl in lmsem.•nl strung and frcu na lion. 1hugh1Pr Ti , M· . . .. 11 , 1 rirorsnn ~PPIII ~:undny 1111cl Monday clttring n•gui.ll' cltviiH• srn•wP relwar·sal, WerlnPsrlay, 8:00p.m.; ' . JC <~nsnns c,t cr on r>vr>nJnro at llw FuliPr home Willinmslon Unptlsl, Harold D1·. Glenn Wm ncr Moore, of I! our f1 om I I ;r. m. under mmpe Congregntlonal IIollhy cltib, Sun· ":rs. Lw·y Griffin Suntlo~y eve- Mr. 7uH1 1\lrs. r;JI'II Olru;y, ,Jr., Eecsc, pllsloJ', Chur<·h school 10 New Yolk cxccullvc ~ei!I'Ctary or day, 6::30 p. m.; ~ermon subject, n1n~. I o~ncl f:tmli,v ~.JH•nt l•'t1day wil II ilcJ' I l'llt SliJlPI'VIsion. a. m. Worship service 11 :1. m. Mnr·l'h 2R, ".TPsus, Our Pl'rsonai the Gerwral Cnnndl, l'Cpnrtcrl .Juclgl' UIHI Mrs. ,Jolin Ml C'l ol l·~.ilon ilapirls voliClns o11 l•'riday i:IIIJ Jl. Ill. Sun· I Williumslun Onsp1•i lfnil, 4021 Emth" was lite theme of the of Waslllnglon will speak Charles R. Gross, pastor. 10 a. m., Clli-~nam neighbors. l'';illc~l nit ills p.tn•nts Munday dny mass ill !l:OIJ a. m. flurJ;lry mac!. llrcaklllg of Bre;1ri, l'a~o mrcling. for Methodist Men at !O::o~st Lan· f'IHII'f'h school; 11 a. m., worship Mt• 'tnd l\1. l' , , \~'"t ·I •Ill ei'Cillng 111111 Mt'. and Mrs. Clo~rc Ill a. m.; Sunday sdwol mal Bible Mote lh11n 2,500 delegate;; from sing, t\1~ri_l 10. J1 will be t_llC! an· • ' 1 s. ,m;< or d 1 Jc I PI "II' I '1"1 I It ll service, with n mcssa~c by Mrs. spPnl Suncl:t\' HI ill!• llflnll' of Mr. II lJI,S Hill " I ((! \' s f.!( ll't' Jltll'• .l:trtll·~ !'!!ISH, 11 ::10; Gospel and minis( ry, I he nnls for IIJC r-liilrlrcn Peoples service followed by a Clements Flower Shop at the Mason cinu ell o [ t lw N aza. visitors arc expected to attend and senate in cllngrcss. lie 1s will lie Iwid 11 t thP same hours. message by the pastor. Prayer Olu•rnus lluJJlisl, Hcv. .Tohn rene bcgmning Tuesday, March program events. cltan·man of tile Madlinac Bridge l•'lowcrs For All Oeeasious I I . . mceling Wednesday evening at 30, The meetings will continue Dr. Hex Slowcrs Clementi', t\Ltlhority. \Yilii:uw.:on Ft"t'f' ~ll'lhmlisl, t\, Boo \O, pastor. Mornmg scrvtce, 7:30 at church. I ]), J !ol"had:~y, po~stnr. Church IO::JO, Sunday scll.ool, 11::30; Sun· through Sunday, April 11, pastor of Bryn Mawr Presby· Bishop Oxnam of \Vashinglon, l'hone llolt '1-17!11 sl"iJfHrl to il. m Wnr•:ltlp scrvir'c day cvenin~ sf'rvtcr, 7:30 p. m. Services will be held cm:h eve· lerian church, Bryn Mawr, Pa., in will speak at East Lansing, Sat· Aru·••liuo,; Uupllsl, Pa ui E. Tucl<· 11 .1. m .. uul 7::10 p. m. Pr11ycr Youlli l'lwir, (i::m p. m. Wcrlnt•s· ning nt 7::JO except Saturdays, !hr. keynole acldrcss at the open- unlay, April 10, er, paslnr. Sunday selwol. 11 a. SI'I"VII'<' \\'PtliH•sd.Jy, :-: p. m. ~; 0 clay; adult choir, 0:00 p, m. 111g scs:;ion Friday momin~. said: Bist111 p Oxmtm is a nativl' 11f m.; morning scrvil'e, 10 a. 111 .; In_ addJtlon ro tile _pr·c;u·hin~-: dcty lllCl'ls ln·st \V!•dnescJ,ty of .Junior Youlh Tllllrsday at lilc mmlstt:y, Ute I!rJOis wtll present "Two (•ncmies lhrcaten us as a California, Ita:; lwcn p p. m. a mu:qlcal progrdm. MJs Iloul t•hurch. One is pa~anism; 11H' :ogil'ai pro[e~;sor and wllcgc Novotny, Jlnslor. SLinC:ay ~C'ho!JL 1 otlwr is cleric-alism, P,q~anism 1s presidcnl. t\s his hop oJ t hr l\1:•1 h Evangeiists. Coming plays nn organ. I\. spet·t:li fen litre I II .1. m.; wor sliip :;crvicc, 11 a. nnl to he merciy crilll"izcd 'Iilli odi:.l chnrch sinm 193(i, he lws to Uw. · lniPr-City Bibb Church Eden Unit1•tl llt•clhr•t•n, Herbert will be given IJy young Gcnccnc :!l!;ll K l\lil'hlgnu, l.anHinl( 1:1.; Cimsli.tn Endeavor, 7 p. m. Hoot who plays the bass viol and conciemnecl. The pagan outside serve.! in tllP. Omalw. Uoston, ·•vangelislic scrvke, 8 p. m. Choir Cherry, pastor. Sunday schnnl, 10 the church i~ lo be broughl into New Yoril and Washinglon areas. Sm·\"iL.'~ nt 1 I 11. m. and 7:ml n. m.; mornin~ worship, 11 a.m.; also sitigs, practice is ilclcl every Wednesday lhe churC'Il. The pagan within the lie is nn Pdilor 1111 c1 autlror of Christian Endeavor, 7:45 p. m.; Hcv. llonl is n former slurlenl Church of the Nazarene A 1.1. \\'I~J.CO~m at 7::m p. m., with prayer meet· church is to be converted. by lhc boni;s and 1111 mcrnu·· artw!es on rtuy l'nl h•rsnn, l'nstnr in>: at S p, m. evening service, 8:15 p. 111 ; chnir nf Olivet Naz:u cne college at Louch of Gorl, by the epirit of SOCial, industri.tl and -religious practice, Tuesday, 8 p. m.; prayer Kanimkcc, Illinois. Christ, by the power oi lhc Holy subjects. ll!lH Hap!hl ('flllri'!J, Rrv. C. meeting, Werlnesrlay, 8 p. m. Sptrit. S. will hllve ch:11 g<' of the dinner. HOW CJIHISTIAN ~;cmN<.:I•; .Janws Pasma, pastrr. Sund.ty "Clericalism, hy which we always clearly pt!J'cC!ivccl as a Tuesday, March 30 Lenten service at 7:30 p, m. morn11Jg worship, lJ a. m.; Sun· Fit·sl Churl'lt nt' Chr'iNI, Sl!i!'ll· mean Christianity 111 its totali· clnngcr. IWALS tis!, Mnson, holds services at the Guest s)Jc,tkcr w1l1 he Dr. Fmnk clay ~chuol. 11 a. m.; Ymmg Pen· laridn form, is the rel1~ious "Tile church i.-; not a dub, nol chur~h. corner o[ Oak and Barnes L. Fitch, District e.upcrintcndcnt. :•Ie'~ Christian Fellowship, 6:30 counterpart of pnlillcal fascism. a mLI~C!lllll; bul a powPr·lwu~e. a slrcets. every Sund;oy at 11 a.m. Following the service, the fout'lh Sunday, April 11, p. m.; Sunday Pvening service, Lilw fascism in the slate, it is not so•1r~e o[ energy, a pia('!! where "Breaking the Baniers Sunday sehoul is hl!ld during the quarterly conft•rcncc will be held. 7::,0 p. 111.; mirl week service, tlti1tgs iwgin to gel done 1;wry Nighl l·;~;,·ppt. ~nlur· services for pupils up to the age This is !he lime for the annual Wcclncsclay, 7:30 p. m. mon topic, "R c IJ u i1 c Him." dll,'(S To Friendship" of 20. Wednesday cvenmg meet· reports of the varwus Jcaclcrs of "The lntly Christian ltfc is ;t]. Church school, 10:15 a.m. ways a miracle. Bul don't he llulllil'l' llill Sl'vl'nlh Hay Ad· 111g at 8:00 includes testimonies the church. Station CRr,w of Chrislian Science healing. A afraid of that. For llfl' it~elf is •t \'I'Bihl, Sabbath Saluniay, March Vantown Communily, Carfon public reading room is open at minrc!P. Ever~· hrcat It, every sun· 1:!20 orr yum· 1lial 27, Lcnn<~rci Clements will have Slm·ldll'ill~·~· l'r·p~.hyli•riun, Dr. !i'oltz, pastor. Church school, the church every Wednesday rise, every bur.>lln;; hurl. every the sermon. Sahhath school at 10 F. G. Behner, pastor. Sermon L0:15 a, m.; worship Hervicc, llr•1• r· I hi' \VOIIII<•r•fnl Jll'l':ll'h· and Salurctay from 2 to 4. The noble :wl-nll ,lt'e miracles. So a. m.; cilUt'eh 1l n. m. Sabbath topre, "Dining with tltc Rich Man 11 :l:i a. m.; sermon topic, "Re· l11g unri rmr:;i<• ul (;, \V, unll l\l;u·<·h 2H, 1!);); redeem· of spintual reality and in ex· ~Iillville Cnmmunily, Carfon !Huson Uupist, Loyd G. Cara· who plays lhc iJnss l'iol nnd periencing the divine healing Follz, [XJRlot·. Worshtp service, in~ grace For I his is the reward !,ings. way, pastor. George Murthum, of the .faithful." power will be streosed al Chris· 10:15 n. m.; sermon topic, "Rc­ choir director; Mrs. L. G. Cara· Other out~~im1rlin~ lenders ap· lian Science services Sunday, bulw Him." Chmch school, 11 a. way, organist. Services Sunday, pcaring on the pror:ram included March 28. in the lesson·sermon m. 10 a. m.; 11:15 a. m., Sunday entitled "Reality." Dr. John A Mal'lmy, of PrincC'· school with classes for all ages; ion, N. ,J., mmlernlor of the Gcn· Norlhwest Stucldll'idg-c Corn· 6:30 p. m, Youth Fellowship with Jlolt Urolh!•t·hood 'l'cm)Jic 1\Jcth· ern! Assembly of the Presby· Jmlnil~·. Car·fon Foltz, pastor. .(Unior and senior groups meet­ (J(!ist. Wilson M. Tennant, minis· tcrian church in !he U.S. A.; Dr. Worship service, 9:15 a. m.; ser· ing. 7:30 p, m., worship service. ter. Sunday school, 11 a m.; Frank Wilson Pri<:e, of T.cxin~­ MARCH SALE' morning service, 10 anri 11 :15; ton, Va., mmir.mlor nf the Pres· sermon. "Wallchool gym Saturday. 10 tho!ou eternity sot In his heart by lho Creelor. Tht words of Jtsua shin. a.m.: Sermon. "The Bani< in the United States. He asked, "What are you doing with 'l'he Sunny Sanders SisterP. ex­ nf Hcave•1." Nursery for smnll tension group' entertained their end His resurrection from the dead bring Ia us th1 auurance that rhilrlr"11- ~t•nrl~v scllonl. 11:1!1· your heritage'?" husbands at a card party Satur­ for tho Christian dealh shall bo swallowed up In victory. Ood h V"outh Fcllowshin in tile evening. Somehow it brought me back to the ruins of Athens and day evening at the town hall. Rc· Eastf't' clinic for all moment erornal, Je1us Is the conqueror of the grave, and w1, bllng united b1 ~"nrl~v its ancient grandeur. For a I wanted to reply with frcshmcnts were ~crved hy the faith wilh Him, short His evtrlasllng lifo. Dealh Ia a doorway from D ~chool worlt'C' 1 hnve wustt•d my hel'lhagc. UelJr me lo rmncmbet• spenl 2 days- wltll Mrs. Slwtt's Attend the Church of Your Choice. p, m., Methodist Youth Fellow- IJual lite wn~· of 1111• world shnll puss, rarul thrat the ulthnrtle need is parents, llw Bntcmnns, !Dst weei1. Ice Cream ship. Momlaj', 8 p, m., Willing for· the God·lll•e w:ay. In ,JCS\IS' nnmc I Jll'l\f, Amen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Losey of Eyery Sunday Workers class wJll meet for Its Tompldns Centet• and Mrs. Maude ·regular monthly huslness and THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Marriott were Thursday dinner social meeting. wed n e s d n y, ~·o God, Tl)y sea is so great, and my boat is so small."- guests of Alva Howe ancl Mrs. At your fl·iendly Miller's dealer! Mnrch 31, 6:30p.m. Family night Prayer of the Ancient Britons-Carroll H: Varner (Tennes- Ada Smith. I . M11son nml llolt Dro~hm·JuHtcl JUethmllst Churches and potlllel\ rllnner. The W.- S. c. see) ' Mrs. Lucy t;Jrlffln was n rllnrier M11rch 25, 1954 Page 6 Legal Notices NOTICE 01' I'ILING OF OltOER DESIGNATING A OIIAINAGE 0151 ftiCT TO WHOM 11 MAY CONCEIIN

Notice of

Special School Election Notice of Speu,tJ El~ctton of the Qunhficcl Electms ol OKEMOS CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT a son (Sc llonl D1st Ill t No 2, Ill Meltdnm TO\\ nsh1p) Inqhnm County, lVIIchi~nn 1o Be Held J\1.11 ( 11 20, lf))4

the Qunhftccl Elect OJ s of s,ud School DISli'!Ct lot· fht l'!IIIHlSf' of I•;J,•dml! Plc.1se l'd"C Not tee 1h.tt ,1 spcctal election o! the qualtf~ed electms of s.ucl School Dtsfttc1 11111 he held 111 the Lobby of lhc F4HJ!t Cl'l'\' ( 01 1\:UUmN Okemos Schoolhouse, on Monday, Ma1 ch 29, 195tl TilE POLLS OF' ELCCTION WILL OPEN AT 7 00 O'CLOCK, A l\T, A NO CLOSE AT 8 00 0 CLOCK, P Polls \\ill ClllPII 31 7 .1 Ill. :PHI 11 lll'l;ll O[H il un1tl X p m. EASTERN STANDI\RD TIME

The foll011 111g p1 oposiiiOn Will he submitted of f he elect 01 s <1 t s,IJcl spccJ.ll clectwn l'ollin1~ l'l.tc t•s I P; f'f ineJ I - Fn !;t Flnm Coli! I Hnus1•

P1 f'l'lllf t 2 - Cit,\ Coull(' I! Hoom

11= vou 'THOUGHT THE 'ROCKE'T0 H. WAS GREAT BEFORe • • Be Sure +o Drive +his· ii54 .I



SO LONG • SO L0\1\1 ' SO 11-.0VEL.V • SO LIVEI.V

... It's America's most talked-about carl What n pe1 •onnllty-nnd what a pcrjo1111et' Th1s sensa lmunl new This Olrlsmohilc SnJlel "BEl" IS not only the moRt slllrrlliug em that eve• stole the sho11-1t's the most tlulllmg, wrl/mg em th tt C\Cl IS• took to the rondl Come slip hclmul 1Ls ch mnn ttc, pnno1 nmw 1dnd• slucld! 'Lmglc to tho lnenth-tnl.mg po11ct of its tc~ol!l·lncal.ing your year' llC\1 "lloo kcl" l:ngine! Relax 111 the cffotlbs sr<,ntly of lis Safety Pm1c1 Stcc1mg*! Sfi\JY the solul htxtll) of II• tond·huggmg tide' +a Ilo•to 1~ vmbtlrt), mmiCtHcwlniiiJ, rowlalulr:) )Ou\c tl11n\s dtcnmcd of cli.coveun.;l Sec us for ~ title ... 11 tth nn "88"! own ..,Opt1onnt at tt~a cast, an OLDS.MOBILE LAURENCE D PARI-i:ER Treasurer, Ingham County, Michigan This Not1ce ts givl!n by ordl!r of the Board of Eclucatlo11 of Ol'e SEE AND DRIVE IT AT YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER'S mos Consolld,tted School Dlstl let (School District No. 2, Frl , Mettd ian Township) Ingham County, Michigan McCarn Oldsmobile- ·stodrbridge Newspaper Woman Dies lhrRy lli•IIVIll'fi • {ir!l'fpltrr·, Jl:rlph OuJ(i<'Y 1111rl fl. ttl h '"' 'Pho rngLII;u• (•Juh rnrollnll' Wits Andrlr•I·:IIH. Communitv Supper Planned 4-11 Clubs l'iiiiH'i:J 'J'Iflnn\' SOI'VI'd l'lli\rl Pink lreld 111 tllf' hnnw rrf Cuml nprl Agnl'fi Rowo Cr•oHu·Hnutl Jlm·mm•s HnhP!'I llnnnnwulrl Mnndny c•vn· nn:l ll'o c•t'l'i1111 In I Ito ndtrml chll· .. By M.unith Post 'Piw mgular mnnlhly rnroJinJ; ulrm. Carl l\1llhrrif rrnrl ,Jnlttl LJ. dn•n l•'rlrlny In hntHll' flf lurr flfth ,Jru111 llnll wno guest nf honor• .. 11 Itlrt lu\ay Hnnlwr~ilry. M~nister Points to a Sacri·ficial Life nf lllCl Cross·flnnd fo'nrmm·s HI ltrrsld HIII'P il ril'lllOilSI l'illinll 1111 nt a Hllrprl~w h\t'llulny party F't·l· ;\, ~.:! '!'he Hlehnnl 11, Hrmrr, ,Jr., unit llr."l nlcl and Hnlu•rt llnnnuwalrl 'l'lt<' h11kr•d gwuts 'lltlf' wlildl day nlglrt nftl'l' thP dunc·P.. 'l'Jw . 'i20, Ameril':rn Lcrglnn, will h:rvo c>ltrh wns liPid at lhl! Housel !11 I her tmsslng of Mrs. l\Tnr· Sl oddll'lri!W pf'opln, I lw p11stor· lr.y, nt t iw Rprlnf:lprrt•l Slgn:r I, sf'i1onl Jlrlcla)'. nnrl ,To\111 Llltror,;Jd gnvr n drmon· 1\'flH lH'Jrl :1:tlll!'d:ty IWIS fl Hill'· p:rrty wns glvr.n hy soma of 11 pulrllc• ham HUJlJIC!' S11Iurdny, f:(UPI'IIP SliJIPy, IH, of Stnd!lll'ldgn sllliPd. I ClydP RiiJ!P.y bought illll Sind<· st I'Hiion on cJpe•t rkal rlev!Prs. c•er,·. II tJPitt•d :pl~.·IO lor• llw .Joan'o friends. thP c•omnllllrlt.Y lost n wom11n Mr.,. SliliPy strl'fPrerlri ltcnrt nt· bridge BrlnJ'·Sun 18 ycrnrs ngo nn.J Murr.h 27, In their h:rll, 2 mill's Krnnelh Hulhlg, prcslrlr.nl, MrH, ClnrerH'r> Musolf will own sc•ltnol. ~mrth r>f Munith nn thr Coohlll rnlll!d the llll'i:!ling to order. The Mr. nnrl 1\'lrH . .John l~nnws, Jr., .,,, whcr,a• llfn wns mnrlwci try Hrwr·i· 111cl1 In hr>r' honw last 'l'hursciny. 1he rrncl hb·. wife npPI'UII!cl it. her ltrJlllC! In dllh members Snllll'· Mnrt hn ,I Pun 1\lonrr>, l'anwln 111'1111 HI'I'Vh'P, fa ill ltor paslnr, Dr. She wa~ l:t!H•n In I\1Pn•y lw>pllnl j HPsiclPH Iter mr.rnllPrshlp In tho rnnrl. Sm·vlng will [)(! from ii::lo pledge to 1he flag and thl! HI c]uy, Mure•h 27, fnr a ltnhy·sllflng 'l'Irfan.v 1111d Hiil!11Pll Sl'rlpter· vln· 11nd Jlcrn 'J'lwmns nUPtHir•rl HOI'\'· "" F.(;, Ilcrluwr· nl IIJU snrvif'Ps 'l'tres· in .Tttc'kson, Sho rllrHI Saturcla,v. Pt'f!shyterlnn Phureh, Mrs. Slhley In 7:30 p, 111. pledge were Jed lty Phyllis Plcrr·re, nncl first nlrl meeting . lie•.! sl'irool l~rlday morning. iecn nt the Olu~moH ComJnunlty J ,. clay af!Prnnon. Dr•. Bt!lnwr· Is ]lllS· Jlesldr>s writing liP!' lnlf't'Psllng wns n mr•mhnr of the Onler• of Pror.oerls will hr. used to flnHnr·o .Tcan Balwr led the group In sing. rhurdi Sundny where chimes nnrl I lfll' o[ tho Slc)('ldrrlcigP Pr·c•slry· mlrrmn of olrsPrvallrnrs lln.I c•crm·1 r-:nsiPI'll Star· nnd the Home Cttl· sunrling of tim IWW llnor in tire In g. rr.c·or·cllnJ.: Pquiprnent werr rlccll· IPrian l'illll'r•b Srrvlc•ps IVPI'I' lwld mc•nt, awl news ilc!lllS fr~r lhP lunr dub. 'l'he Stars partle•lpa!Prl nutlllorlum, 'l'hlrlel'n mmnhers unswcrecl ·south Aurelius and · Olds Road ('Hlrd In memory nf Dnnlel J, 111 1111• Mllnl't' l'lltH't':rl lrnmP with 1 Stcll'illll'hlr:e Hr'rf'f·Sun, Mrs. Silt· In tlw fttlllmrl @I'VIr:cs ''i'twsdny, Comrmrncler Glrmn Hnndnlph tlw roll rail with an fr•Jsh nanw, f~nnws, .Jr. lie Wils ldllrd In n hr11 ial in Oai1Iawn I'PillPIPt'Y· , !Py e·crrTc•sprnt:!Pd for the• ,Ja!'J(scrn Strrvlvlng ar·r. the htrshand, '.2 h:rs tlfllllOrl lhr follrrwlng In HU[l· The sccretm·.v's and t r·easm·er's North Onondaga plnrw C'r:tSII nenr f:intl .Juan, Pum·· liPt' triPtlCIIY Hpirit, lrr•r l'lti·IL'illzr:lr l'alriul. danghtPrs, Mrs. Pnlrlcln .TPnn pPt' comrnlll~r!.~: l•'mrrk J\,fams, r•cpot Is wm·n !'Pad anrl npprovc•d. Mis:-; l•:rmn Dnwn IH Hllll c·on­ In lt!crr, n yr•:ll' ago. ·" Verc WrmiPn, Ler> Bnr·tnn, Wll· llii'Pcl mlnrl and sympntlwtlr· na· Mrs, SiiJIPY wns born at Adrl:rn 1\lr'Ctll' o[ Lowvllle, N. Y., nmt Phyllis l'lerce gave a rC(lOI'l Dn lllrs. 11. n. Ji'lnhl flnecl to Jrr•r· honw lry sil'l yPars ('!yelP SlltlPy, l1rr llllshand, Snn Dlr•nn, C11llf., nnci 2 J.(r'nnrl· llolter·t Mr•Ciirwlwy, Curt Is .Jr•rrcl, Mrs. Hoy I.:rntz c•ai!Pd !Ill her. Mr·s. l(r.nnr.th Rnlcr.r, Jeadrr, nn· Knndac·p Lnuqlrllll visiiPd Mrs. Tl:rrllet I S!IIHiay. I• II lrr•r· :r piiii'P itt I!H• lrP:rrls of will; wltlr !tis ilrotlwr, I~. C' . .':iih· clrllci'rrn. IT. 11. Rtrlngh:un, Gnnrct Dixon Mr. and \Ito. J{;tlplr \\'PilPl' and ttrllllli'Pd tlw vnriety slrnw wltld11 WlnniP l•'rlday uf Lnnslng Sun· '!'. W. J~:rmrs of Alrnn c•allcrl nt ami J{ohrrt MandP.rvlllc•. will he held In April. It wns de" dny ,•vrninr,. f:rmiJy spPnl Stnrdny wit lr Mr. ()r•uur• [)Jsc•uss••s lluihllnJ:" Rif<•s Memlwr·s of titer .Junior !lux· 1hr> ,Joint' l~nrnes, .Tr•., hrrme Sllll· c•idrd to ltnvrr n halwrl ~(nods :;;ric Mr·. and Mr·s. l\1PI Swarrsnn vis· :rnrl Mr·s. H:ry lloldrldss of Na· 1 Wllfrrrl Cl:rpp nl tiro dop:rrt· lliary will sPil fudge• during t lw rro!rrm. rlay. nwnt of pultlic instruction, ,John SU[l[Jet•, :rnd $15 of I he Jll'oem!ds will be iter! Iris· l>rclllrr•r·, Lniii'Pn, and Mr. :1111! Mrs. Carlylrr Waltz nnd dnnnlcrl toward sc>rHllng Jlhndn f:rmil1• of Chnrlollr• Surrrlal' "''"' l\lr. :tllcl Mn.. Max LPe of Knla· L:rlllrr of tire Loul~ King-senti Kelly, who sl'!eetPd ns nn rrirl ,,· · nrm:nn SJH'III tlw IWPlt PtHI with family arHI Clyde W:tllz, wen• ArC'lrlleetural Finn, nnrl Paul wa.~ hrnllwr· nnd sls!Pr·ln·law, Mr. nnrl fl'YF' st tllll'tll lr C't'Pf'l'e '!'It " g · II 1C' 1I' [Jill'!' II t s, "'1 1'. li!H I 1\1'I'S. l',ny Sunclny dlntH'I' gurst of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Helen Beeman StPplrPns, vlllnge prl'.~ident, lwld Mrs. Ferris Srnlllt :rl 1\nlnm:rzoo. " ' ' 1 ' • ' liM. Mr. nnd Mr~. llnn·y MI'SSPilgc'l' 1. . · Mrs. Morris 1\PVIPt' nf Balli(• :r sr>sslon wilh lite Stockhrldge Mr. nnd Mrs. Ha,Y 'l'ahash anrl Sl!l'\11111-( (>II tlw hniiPrl goods sale• and fnmlly ur DPtrrri't, Mrs. J•:lsir> ""nt~.. . . •'I , 0 J· I·' e•ommlllee are JrrJ'I'" Gnllnway, W . : M. . lVI" , l\11. .nul !'.Its. L mrr Is v sri· C'rl'l'k. hoard ol Prluc•at ion !nsf Werlnes· 0 11 1 1111 1 1 1 1 011 llnllll' Cullut'l' ('luh MPPis Mrs l'P'II'i T'o\"ell 'IIlii Mr·c Alrlty • .r rnc, oirtr I' • "· • ' 11'I L'ttrrcll" 'II IJin Ar·tittll' J\•!c•\•'·rr· · ·• '· '' "' Ho!Jet·In Caus!P, Kent Wuwl nnd .. 1 \"·II' , f 111· 1, 1 . 1 '•1'. · •' '·' ' " ' • 'l'hP !Innw Cnltrrr·e c•lrril mrot :rl day In lool< over posHll!lP sites Jlnepelw srwnt Sundny In Drrtrnil...... rrr '" tnr. 0 •1 ' 1 on .rn. " rss rrn ltonw nl 0\H•mos. Mrs. Me·. A falhP:rd is also a syprlnolrl 0 1 1 George Frazier the hornf' of Mrs. Hullr Howard for fultn·e sC'Itool ltuihllngs at The Misslnn:II',V sodrty of' tltP Mr~, ,J,rmes Wood. .r:rrwt IIPrnnns .r · '"'' son WPrP I•'nrrc•n rs Jrnprrrvln1: !rut is still fislr Ia !lind or c•arpl that lJVl'S In Friday aftrrncrr111. Prl's. Alrn:r Me·· Slnd{ill'ldgl'. 'l'lrrre sites were Bnptist dtur·ch nf EblP mel with . l•ollowlng tlw business. nwel· l'!'<'Ptrl ~(IIPS!s n! Mr. and Mrs. ('()llfincd to lrr•r lrc•rl. Mississippi vaiiPy st rmnns. C'Jnucl ic•d 1111' c•oJIPc'l and (·on· Pl[m[nalr•rJ Jtul a ollie!' pieceH O[ Jlcv. and Mrs, .Tnmr•s Lnrnlrnrd rng, r·erreslHnents nf 1'111il :11rd !·fohn lT••nr;rns. Dies in Hospital clul'tf'd lltf' huslrri'S'i mrr>t in g. 'I' liP prnJWI'ty \VPrf' found to he at'· 'l'w•sday, c•irnc·r~iate milk wcrr. srrvl'd, Or·hlr Dnlhr•P 1~: doing c•nr·pc•nlf't' c·r•pl:rblr>. 'l'lursc rrre to he• given f'll· ' . ' r:Pnl'gP l•'nrzil't', H.i, [ .fal'iman and tert:rlrwrl .sundn.y nt a ~urpr·isr I tl~r. C'lult attended the Klw;IHJI' o( tlrPir I clrnrrcr· :rt tlw lintel Olds Mm·•·Jr \Vr~nclll~ll~ ol St . .Joltn ..' 1\fll IL· r------·. e·ornmittc~e in tlrr m~ar future for son·in·law, f-lnn·y Willl:rrns of ! 1. In tire Pveninq many of thr c•t•nt dlltlll'l' ~ursts ol Mr. nnd pil;tl ..J:rd·:son. 1 a l'f'JIOI'I of J1rr :rttcnclrrnetr at lite• lfnlt 1•lrrlr !:1st wPc•lc Dora ll:rll, 1hroir· r·on~!,leral inn. Tlw uvnll· Lansing. A tui·kc'y clinrwr· was tnf'lnilrrs IVf'nl to the Jllt,[Jror si;;ol · Mrs. II. II. l•rPirl. . Survil'ill~~ !rim 111'1' 2 darrghtrrs,' lrwlf't', Jll'l'c'f'ttll'd Mrs. t•:dillr llr•h· :rililily rrncl m~ts of the sltr.s sill\ scrt'VI'd. l3csidr~ the honor g 11 rst ing p:lt'IY at' llw Palomar rink in Mr."> .. rd:r llnpl\nw .. wlrrr ltns 1\tr·~;. Atidt'PY ScrrtlhWrn :Jet r.rmlrwd. ami family, gursl~ ll'rr·e Mr·. and L:rnslng. F'iftrrrn tnf'mltrrs 1111 t hren w.rth rf'iallvc"; 111 lrrrllnn:r .JnrH'I ion nwl Mrs. Frari!'PS Dyke• 1\frain;," Flflf'Cil me'milf'rs 1'1'· Mrs. ,John Crrpeland and Mr. :rnd pnrrnl.4 altf'tHlrd thr Ingham IItts wmtf'r, PX[lf'('ls lo hi' lumw c.t ltn\':tl Clnl1; li ::randr•hildn•n sponrlrrl to rr~ll c·nll 1111rl 1111' lro:,l· ,Jrllrinr· Pl11y fs SC'lu•rlul(•cl 'Mr·s. l~d Woods or Dr>tmit, 1\lr. c•c111nly sarrty meeting al Lansln;~ so:,'.11·n l\1 " 11" Alt!'f'Jius C<•nlf'r MPn's S.pring Needs 11nd l:J gr'c!:lt·r;randdtrlrlr c•n. Pss "'rl'rd rl'ft'P!illltwnls. A c·ornr•dy in :1 nc·ts will he• Jll'f'· and Mrs. Lloyd .Johnson o[ .Jadl· arc1I 1o. Eudli'C C'lnlt nwl :11 tlw town l•'IIIH'I'itl ;;r•rvii'Ps 11.rrr• c·rrn·l c.r•ntr>d by lire junior C'lnss ol son, Mr. and Mrs. !loy V:rlr•rillilll hall 'l'hursday nigh! willt li lrrhlr•s drrr'lr'd 'II tlrr• Mr'lrrrr· l'trttf'l"ll II' A : SlrlC'Idrrir!gf' high !'f'!tnol in IIH' nnd l'nmil,l' crf Lnnslng illlrl Mr. Cnmnmnit~· Jlpf(•udcn lrnv 'l'lrP tH•xl 111 1 1 1 1 f'i;llrng. Jluri:rl 11 ·: 1s in IIH• l'I,Jin I , ...... _ ~. o ts IC!'c on .1111 c 11 · c:ers wns held Monrlny evening at meeting will iw April 1 al H liPlcl e·PnWIPr)'. Drrarrr•.Phrlps nnrl Wnr·r·r.n Pe·l Mr.nndMrs.!JoiJPet'I'VofAnntelrcn.of Ja.r·[{sorr sprnt Satunlay tlur P:tul Ware \rome. Thirteen o'l'ioclt ;rlllrP town hnil. Ci\NAmAN, NOWI'HWI~S1'1mN ANn . toslu·~·. l'tsrt~~~~. ~II'; an,r~ Mr> .T~>lln Arltor· nncl Lnvon IIutikins of ICVI'I·l~nJ.( wrth Mrs. Gordon 11~11· were present. Tire L:rdlrs Eudll'r dull will HA.NGIlrnrng, •111 d Ypsilnnli spent Sllnclay at the Cc· m~'~': I PltolnJ.(l':tplly members Jwvel mc•r•l Man·h 2;1 nt thr towrrlt;IIJ al . · '. · sloH rn.mtqels mer!· prPsl'n!Prl Mr. llndPt'son with a I'll lfluil·ins hnme · 1 Jhrrly attcnr!Pri li>l' sl:rlr rinnls hu•n taking piC'liii'CS of llrr gmup R o'doc·I· LAIHNO ANB BIWiHJ<: SEJm ll>l~ of I ill' ll'l•slrrn hrarwh lliPI life nwmhcrshiJt c·ror·tifimte in IIH' ' . . of tire ltasl\clltall lourmmenl. , f · tl ·1 1 • ,. ,· I - . '· •1• , . 1.. 1 r· .. 1 P • 1 '/'I . o1 w r u' srr.tp1orH. ·-·--·------"'"·.'·'" .r.tnc ,itplls. ><~sr> 1. 0. 0. F. lodge. Mr. Andrrson Tire Grrl Srouls Wl'nl rol1Pr 1 Mr.anrJMr.~.WilliarnMavl'!'fll ,, , . . . all<'tHltnJ( Wf'l'f' I•;rrPII 1\istlrr, has hC'rn an Oclrl Felle~w for •Hi sltating at .ladtsnn Monday evr··· Munith spenl Sunday evrnlnJ.( at 11111 llophres .wrll bP award~cl \\',rrd flutson, llr>ll'ard Ashmorr, yPars. Dr·. r~. G. Br!Hwr· reC'Pivr•rl ning. • ; the Jl:ry Ilarrlt home. 1 lo the rn.rtstandtng hoy. and grrl Dart School ))a \'I'll Ft• I'( iliZI'I'S 1'01' r•:rrrl Sl!•piH•ns, I.Porr:rrd Es!'lr :11111 itis lifP tnPtnltPrslti 1 •11 lctd '" i'tst ...... I of each Jltnlor and scnrnr· mrm· f'·rv s·1w•r h · . · l ' f,- ' 1\lr. nncl Ml's, Gorclon heeprr hPrship. Also the Hives business Sixth Gmders "· ' ' ' · Tursci:ly r•vPrung. was in .Jnrlcson Sundny visitin.J.: Grovenburg wlrich contril;utes the mosl to a·i;l Tltnsr who l'r.ceivr·ei A in spell· ( ';r !!PIs a I IJH· hfllllP of !'.Jr. and Mr·. and Mrs. MPrlin B:rl dnrt'l' hrr Iii I hc•r·, c. n. Haggard, WIHJ IS Wat'( 1 • or· r wr 11 rr.r·erve a plaqlte.. . HohPI'l Wllilrnun, rami \Vall. IVlf'rc·y lrosprl:rl, .Jackson. ' Phyllis Ncw('()mhl' is worldng I l\I· , I I'll'" D· II '"' . J'vl· An :tll·leadcrs meetrng Is sdwrl· .Julia '/'nhl't'•· "c>tlll"S1 'lttcl ··ort·· erl' l\lt' '1trrl lVII''' E'll'l I'eJ''n horne rs Ill SIH't'amrnto, CltlrJor· SlH'Jilflllll o11 il han1 sup}H'l' lnst ,.,, l ,.., · ~· ' •'"~ ,, • ' ·"'· _.( " .,~. • , • • • s · . 'ifi arc in Florida with hl't' p·n·r.nls Mr. and Mrs. Duane Forrl and nrn, pard them n surprrsc vrsrt. ·,,;It 1111'1 1.ry Pvrnlltll( w,rl 1r-' rJr~·c•sr>n 1. DP!ia llunC'innn is Jron;e f~ll: Mr·. nnrl Mr.s. Clan•ncc• Lennard arrs WI' I e 111:11 e or ·r .onsler · · family left for Florida last Sun· .. . · '· r· ' .~ sprinq vacalinn from Cleary f'nl· \,'t''· vrsrlcd Mr. and 1\Jrs. 1-ll'rt Berg crf lllU' Illlg Ill 11 Jll'l 1 il 1 \l' 11ogg '-Cn· ' · 1 o S I' S [ M L 11'1', Easl Lansing. lege, Ypsilanti. Mr. ami Mrs. 111 Thompson of . n ~ne . unc ~Y· r·s. f'onarrl I'~· 1 p 1,1· r.o. 1 I" . . T'l !' . marnetl to vrsrt the Bergs llus l\lr. and !\'Irs. JloWill'll Asirm 1,rc, • · ..r re \IS 11 l'l o 1 ' · \ltnx, Toledo and her mother, Mrs. Ern· week lllrs. Lenor·,1 Hanrwwalrt, :rnd Mr./ hy., spent a 24·hour· leave wrth ma Dirkin~on, arc house guc~ts M ." D· , ,. D , , . itis Jlnrertts Slttlri·l'' [ M I M . II b I o· k' IS. .rl\1 rn Or'll ,tcrompnn· :rnd !'.lr~. George Ilamwwald and l · .' . · · . ~·'' .·,, , n r. nm rs. · er cr rc ·m· ied Iter· hushanrl's [>al'ents, lilt'. family ~pl'nl Sundny at the Henry Mr . .rncl Mr~ .. T rcc.l Brrggs. ek. and Mn;. Christ inn Doerr,. jo Slrr>ttlc•r home 'II Hnsevilie in lender! Hegul.n Grrlmn c<~mp M:rr.Y Barber spent tltn IV"el' G '11 s 1 r r , . ' . I' · t Cl ·J 11 ]· ·t '!' - ~ " ' reenvt I' lliH ay IV IPrc I ll'y lrnrwr or Mrs Sltcttlcr's hiriiHiay mee rng •1 tal 0 e .rs urs· end with her sister, Joan, at the , . [ 1 0 , ·' 1· r annivcrsarv. clay evening. Mr. Briggs will have we.rc guests o I 1r ocrrs r ,tug t· 0 rlmrge of instnllation at the clec· Ullivet•sity of Michigan, Ann Ar· tel. D. and C. employres had re· lion of officers. bor, and attended the Odondo Mr. ~ncl Mrs. Clarence Leonarcl frrsltmcnls r~f eal\c nml r•offpe Jormal ball, sponsored hy tltr. den· calle·rl on Mr. nncl Mr:;. Guv B:IIC· Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 1\f'llogg 11[ 1 r " \VP will sdl at public auction at tlw pl:wt• a mi11• w1•st ol' l\lnson on South sti'Clet, first. fat·m lteJ'oss lJS-127, la:;l Friday· in hnnnt· of Mrs. ia 1 sc: roo· man of Aurelius Jasl Thursrln''· Panninglon spent Sat tll'cla~· nigilt " m· a half mill' south of Columbia I'O:Hl on llS-127 to Srmth sfl·r·<'f, thl'n m•st to fh·st fat·m. MyrliP Hamsclill's birthday anni· with lhc Hex Glover·s. 1\Jr. and Mrs. J.:enneth Slnn!ielcll Mr. anrl Mrs. Geor·gc C11 n:rrtnn vc•rs:tl',\'. 1\lr. nnd Mrs. Henry Smitll and and dauglllers ~pent Sunday with calbl Sunday afternoon at tile ~lr: ar!d Mrs. Aldwyn H11yes daughters nf Vidl'<'l'ill,!l' No. 7 Silo Fillf'r and 30-ft. Pille nit ro~?,t'n youi•splf. Donna Hill was a guest of Ilene Swift' at dinner Sunclny afler· Gueruse~· and ,Jersll:,' Cow, ii J'l'lLI's old, IH't•tl Z-sc-etion Harrow February 11 11-ineh Uamnwr J\[ill •. I A pplit•d dl'l'!l in tht• soil, maldn.a; Ju:alth ~· lon~1·r l'Oot sys t I' Ills. noon. Mrs. Mildred 'North r:tllrcl last Holstein Heift'l', ] 5 months old, Olll'll 75-I'C. Hril•c flt•U II II Thursday afternoon on Mrs. \Vin· Holstein Heil't•J', 15 months old, open W:mwr I)(JO-ehicl.: Elec:tric Brooder 'riiiGSI~ PHO.!HiNEN'I' fi'AW.mms NOW UAVIG APPLICATORS nic Friday in Lansing. .Jersey !Idfer, 11. months old, onen ~ IntNnaiional 2-14 Plow on t•ubbht•idge, Route 1 and her sister carne to her as· milll with ~ singln units, pump and motor sislnnce. A doctor was eall'ed nncl Schultz 6·ean l\iillc Cooler llt•I":whl Single-unit JUilkiug !\lachine UJJ.UAN ZIMI\IERJ.\fAN she was taken by ambulance lo fi-~allon Wnhw Heater Eaton Rapids-Onondaga Baton Rapids, Routtl •1 Sparrow hospital where !;he re· Hay mainell until Saturday, 1\'lillr lllonst~ Jleatm· Mr. and Mrs. A. 'r... ToolII is Moc:l;cnnan, Mrs. Edward Rex Townsend and family of Ma­ QT. --., ,e F1·ces Drai11s from Sticky mnJTi"1!" Sunday aftemnon al 4 Salad Dressing SHEDD'S BOT. 43c Wazni:li\ anrl l\1r. nnrl Mrs. Bruce ~on sp!!nl. Friday evening with Grease I o'cloclt at Ill!! home nf the bride'~ 'Dill and fnmily of Holt, Dan Tin it Mr. ami Mrs. Loal Townsend. ~o-.oz. 27·c· . p1ren1s. Rev. Cm·fon Foltz of I6·0Z. Jiffy Biscuit Mix . PKG. ·. Conditions Entire ':II",\' 1<'11· is a samph• nf' Uwir Jll'OVt•n stalc·wlnnlng parliamentary pro· tum Farmer l'onvention to IH• nicmh!!l' of the slllllenl council men are: Gall Bloomquist, mnH· h•ad•~•·shi11 whil1~ mu·oll<~d in ccclut·e team last year, n delegate held at Mielll~nr1 Stall! l'ollu~t! al and a memlwr of file ycarhool~ ter of the lodge, nnd l~rnerson llw Williamslon school. staff. Voss was In the top third of to the nntional convenllnn this Sweet, Okemos village; Walter Ensl Lansing on Mard1 :.H, 2:i ani yea1·. He Is president of the Land· 2G. llw senior class, u letterman ln Hur:hes and Charles Lodhvood, Hrlllnlcl Fishr!l' ~lnrlccl dairy, football and baschall. scaplng dub in 'HI this ycnr. East Lansing; Ralph Wlli1ins nnd The Williamston· chapter will IH•d ar,d r·orn prn.lr.cls wlwn he Out or :;chool lw Is n member Ryker! played on the varsity ftonnlcl Telling, northeast rural IH! repr·esenlecl ily 'I' 11" rna s was a frr.slimnn in high school. of IIH! Junior Farm Bu1·eau, vlce­ foot ball and base hall tcnms and area; Kenneth Richards u nrl Beally, dmirman; !)pan Haughn, l•::wh yr•ar tile Pl'njeels increased won letters In hoi h. Theodore W i I s o n, nort hwcst Wayne Blossroj', !ll!rlwrt Miltr•r, pre~iclc!nl of tlw Sl•rvlcc club and In ~izc. lias been IH'C!-drlenl of Ills •1·1·1 After graduation . Maurlee is rural a1·ca; Hilton Eberly, Ma· Edwin Vos~.• .1\rthur Wellstr•r :rnd During his frcslimnn and :-lop· f'inh. planning to go into partnership son rural· area; L. H. Cochran Ervin Wesl of till' farm forum in and Ray McGivcron, Has.lell and lwmon• .I'<'HI'S he lnnl< pari In with his father and brother. tiJP. stale finals lo he lwld 111 tile pnrli:unr!lllary procedure and Arthur Webster's plans were to Lake Lansing area; Warren lln;l session of the eonvPnlioiJ. Houghton, soLitheast. rural 1irea; ilr•rJlllll~ll'lllion conte:-Jts whic:h a1·e start with a small supervised Wayne Blossey starter! his .James Lightfoot i.-; tryin!( o111 "lfcr!'d liy 1he F. 1". A. During his [armir}g prngram, and to keep en· farming [ll'ogrnm as a freshman and Derwood Dickinson, special gifls. fnr a position in tllf' naliorwl F11· .iunior .\'Par lw was ~enlinrl o[ larging nn it from year to year. wil11 rt r:llt and share-rented 4% lure Fanners of Anwrir·a h:rnri. tile Williamston F. F. A. dwpter Hi~ freshman year starlerl wilh acres of land from his father. He Ervin West nnd .J;rnws Li~lil· Hllfl president of lhr! .Tunlor D. 2:;•, acres of wheal. He, expanded has continued to build up t hiil fool are the official rlr•lr•J:atPs II. 1. A. Ill! is chairman of tile !hi~' to wha I he will carry next farming progmm until as a sen· representing tlw Williamston SUIH'rviscd farming committee year; his first year out of high lor with a lola! farm investment Phone Managers chapter al the convl'nl ion. tills yr•ar. Young Flslwr was ln ~dwol. l•'or next year he plans to of $3,000, he has become a part· L. A. Chcrwv is a candirialr• to IIH• jnnif!r nncl senior piny cast r rr.nl a neighhot•ing 80 acres and ncr on lhe home farm with his Shift Positions receive the twiwrar\' Stale Farm· arHI was president of his hom::o Lise some of t be harvcsled crops father and brother. er· degree al llw n~llllllil l'llll\'f'n· 1'00 Ill. to feed Ills ~wirle and beef proj· Bloss"ey has also been active in Fred W. Kltlredgc and Emer· tion to be lwltl at l·~ast L\·i·cl'l'· '· · tiona! chorus during his sopho~ at tile state convention this ."ear.·' lura! program with a dairy cow operative association commillec, tion. council and was president of the fice after being released Irnm secretary; Thomas ll<':tlly, trcns. mnt'l' ~·car ami a memher or the Amcing his school :rclivilics he and a third share of 10 acres of president of the F. F. A. loan as· His activities outside of the Ingham County League of Stu. 3 1/o years of army SCI'Vice. He urcr; Arthur \Vebsler, reporter; choir in his senior year. During has been junior elas~ president, wheat. He bullt this up lo a ~ociation, general chairman of F'. F. A. include being president dent Councils. Blossey is also a went to lhe Lansing office 1!3 and Stanley Wygant. sentinel. his junior year he was the n member of the siLHient council $7,[](i0 investmen"t in his senior the communily banquet, and lws of 1he sophomore class, vice· member of the high school honor months ago. Wayne Kal'll, il member of last elmpter's reporter. Among his and has been active in the high year. As of this month young been vice-president of t lw local president of the junior class, su· society. This year Blosscy was year's nalirinnl chonrs, will sing spec·ial vocal honor~ he was school choir. Voss became a partner with his chapler for 2 yem·s. the district perintendent of the youth rJivi· 1 r.lected co-captain of the high ANDERSON LANHS ONI•: "The Lord's Prayer" at tiH' an· sPir~ctecl as soloist at. an mvard~ His ful.ure plans arc to carry parents on the farm and some of sentinel for one year and vice· Pirm of the Vantown Methodist school football team. Henry Anderson caught a 14· nun! delegate hanquet to be held hn•akfast at the naliona.l con· on the partnership with his fa· the 265 acres of rented land. president of the regional Jcacler· church, student council rcpresen· Blossey is planning to work in lb Red Grouper while deep sea in the Shaw hall dining' room at.. vent ion in 1\ansas Cli.y. He has llher and stay on tile hom.e farm. In F. F. A. Voss has qeen chair· ship training camp in 1933. tntive, member of both junior partnership on the home farm fishing off thr. coast of Sarasota, Michigan Stale collr.gr. on Thur;,., been chosen to sing "The Lord's -- · and senior play casts, member of and increase his investment until man of the conduct of meetings ·He a member of the dairy Florida, last wee!(. He won sec· day night, March 25, at 6:00. · Prayer" at the delegates banquet Edwin Voss started h"is agricul- I wa~ the National Honor Society, he eventually has a third owner· committee, chairman of the eo· products judging tearn, a mem· one! prize aboard the both with ., member of the yearbook staff. ship of the business. his catch . • • • • We're Proud .of Our Willia·mston FFA Boys!

These (j Williamston I~. 1~. A. boys have • .. lwt•n I'<~Cnlllllll'll!lell to I'ecei\'e Stat!~ Farmci' awn•·ds. • • + Wayne Blossey We· Know Them as Good Businessmen

I I \ + Ronald Fisher Boys enrolled in Future Farmers of America chapters learn the latest twists to farming, as well as the art of good business practice. We at the Williamston Producers Elevator. +Wayne Karn know these boys to be good farmers, good friend~ and good businessmen.

+ Maurice Rykert We hope to continue our dose relation~hf with the Williamston FFA boys for many, many years. Were proud of you! +, Edwin Voss

+ Arthur Webster ' '

Elevator Company Fast Comedy Plays at Fox Theatre Junior Play Is l'lll'l.y lfonot•s, 1\'rhm Find[lfcll' · :-lliiHia~· rlfllllf'l' gurstH nl' Mr. Ml'. nnd M1·~. Torn Ut!()l' Jn(l 'l'wrlve frie'ncl~ of Mlna Mno nnrll'llr~. Loren ~.ltlrl wtrro M1•, lltHI J~ri(Jny fnr llwlt• homo In Qrnvlty, Dansvilie Serlpter were enlertalnerl Snlut·· Mn;, l'irJHJiil Slwpir'J', Mr, unci Jnwn, nftrJr spnnrllnk the wtntm• dny uftemoon nt Jlw homo of IWI' Mrs. Honnlrl :'llwplr:r nnrl fnmlly wit IJ rc:lut!yps herr!. Mrs. Helen Young - Phone 3931 Thursday-F~iday grandmother, Mrs. l~rlgm; St•J•Ip· of Sl, .lohn~, Mr·. and Mrs, At'· Mr. nnd Mrs. Lnwt·tmcn Swan tel', In lwnm• of Mtnn Miw's slxlli tlilll' Drillw of Sunfield, Mt•. and unrl fumlly wm·o Sunduy vl~ltors "Sing' !nr Yottr Supper," junior hlrthduy unntverm1ry. During 11w Mrs, l•'rnnlc St tel nnd IVII', unrl of Mr. and Mt•s, Melvin Lcwl:; of class pluy, will he pmsenlerl in nflernoon g<~mes WJ~re plny(•d by Mrs. HusspJJ Frlsell. • . 11'/turl'it sdtnol. Tile• mr•Ptlng will l~owlervilltJ, . the Dnnsville hlgl1 ~chool gym· the girls nftet• which icc crcnm Mrs. Hoy Hurlsltnrn 111 tenr!ed 11 M1·. unrl Mrs. Enrl Brnrnnn Wl'J'e Ch urc I1 Act lVI 1les ilr• t•nllr•rl Ill K o'eloC'It. . 1111slum 'l'hursday nnrl Jcrlrlny unci (•nlonrhtr>i~Crl IJy llJf' On Monrlny evening ihcrc will ters m·ntt nrl a hnhhv·sox hl'igncle litln of Ann Arhrtl' visltr:rltlw [Ill· fnmlly vlslt£>rl Mr. unrl Ml'li. Jnclt ~Jil'/tlf(iill ('IIIIJJ<'il or Churr•lws at he a mec•Jing nr the joint. com· whlr:IJ Sll~pecls nnd frnmcs the fer's motlwr, Mrli. Sar:d1 Hor:crs, Petr•r:; of Lnn~lng Sirmluy, IIi<' llixh111'11 Mr•lltorlisl ehltl'dl. new musH' teuclwr of being a IConcert Artl"sts miH~Ion on crlltr•aJ ion and wurl\· Snturrlay, M1·. nnd 'Mr.~. Lawrmwe CurttH 'I'JH•J'I• will !Jr• l'i'Jil'I'Sf'fllflt ii·P~ L1 1'S C'Ullf'Pl'PIH'l! til IIH'" h11111ll of mystery rndlo r:moner, p Mr. anrl lv!J·~. Waller nnur.r and were Sunclny dinner guests of fmrn IIH' lo~>;tl Ml'iliodist nn.t Mr. and Mrs. William i\lusolfL .family nf Stoeklll'i,Jgr~ clll!ecl on l\ll:. unrl Mr:.;, Leroy .Tnhn~on of. Jo'J'f'f' :\•Jr•lltnrllst l'iturdtr•s Wilo The leading roles will he Present rogram G. fi:. Manning-, l'inrrd1 sl'iwcd ,,II· plnyr.d by Curl Cnvcnrler, Ho· Mr. anrl Mrs. Hnltlli Wullu•t· Sun· Mason. llf'J'fllfendenl Will JII'I'Sicie, 'fiJCI'!' will alll'tHI litis nwc•ling-. i1f'g-ls· lwrlll Mullins 11ncl Patrldu Mon· duy, tr;ttinn i.s from !J:l~ In !1::!11 11. rn. The DeWillo concert m·tlsls ( ConHmwil un Pn~:·c~ II) Will 1Jr! it dlscUsoiflll uf the I'CJC'il· roc. jlrcsentecl an as~ernbly program Ilona! l'iturcll sf'iHud ilttrl dPJiill'l· Supporting r:ast mcmiJC'I'S nrc nt the school lnst Thut·scluy a(trrt·· rn<'ntnl tc•rll'ill'l's nH•t•ting of IIH• Mary Lor1 Bohnet, Betty Lou noon. Ingham County News March 25, 1954 Page 2 Cub Scout Dens lltsch, Ann Oesterle, Ruth Ann DcWlllo iR one of the world'H AndeJ·sotl, Bob Whitalter, Milton rer~ognlzerl masters or the c•nn· Hnrtung, Clarl\ PlwiJlH, Betty certina gmncle, :m lnstrumf'nt This Is a Truo Coso Historv Will Give Play Johnson, Sh.irley Church, Ellen 1 Wl1lch he dcsjgned himself. The I-Jill, Rollnncl Brower, Crystnl tone approaches tlw pipe or.gnn ~~~~, I SAVED IJ;ntsvilll''.s :! dr!IIH of Cuh IThornton, Suzanne MDnJ'e, Lillian and II is I he only inst rumen! nf ~ $J)bBo Sf'flllt.-r will rlranlillizr• tltP \Viz.,· · Lumhcrt nnrl Vera Cnmphcll. Its l\lnd In the world. • · nrrl of Oz t1rx1 \VPrlnr•,·rJny night Nnomi GeLttg, class adviser, Is Lotus Spring, !he r.elllsl, lws ( ~ • .11;: i11 I liP lngll;rrn lo11'n ltnll. 'l'lwy I the direclor. i'ludir.rl at the Chicago Muslrnbl!l',. of tlw \V~>nll'n'~ So· lllr. and Mrs. Don Anderson of Tlw,re wtll be a potlue;\ r.lmner anrl Mr. and Mrs. Don I-Iag-gc:rty service to you. WCTU Members Hold Ann Arbot· spent the end at 7 o All ntlend are. 0 Mnrshnll. Glen Fox wns charge of only $140.74. I saved <'let\' of Clirlstinn SPrviC·c• and lite ~veck 1 el~r:k· \~ho ~ [of Mr~. as guests of the formers mother, talVI'I' hy the vice· ll:cltigc. · asl summer. or .of the hirth;lay annivr:rsary serve out· pt·cscl'iption I'Oom nt wol'l< in your The> Dank Pbn ofTerl! you two provr.n monny. !:til, ilnl r. ao.vlm: mot IIndH, /,uw-r:o~lfinnucin~i throur;h a f I I · 1 1· 11 . . . , shower! I he slides and shared her ,Jicnrby lmnl< nnd lou,.cost pri'{crrcd-ri·k inst4r· If• q,f t'iltt.•r•" H' sw;npss o. 1e pres· anclimmly of Holt we1e Stindny - . . . M y r at I Mrs. C. A. D1ehl1s. . pro:::resstng/ . I I Ann 1\ r!Hll' rlist rid W. S. 11 11 anctr rnlca. rre~l Wnllwr 'and Waynr. Taylot' wm·p Frirlay vis· ' 1\Jr,.;. c;. F:. l\1anni11g will r·nn· ~.~·s. f:'.ra~H·~~ .NPhr•luJtg. an~l se~· Wessels Bnhr.et atlenclcd a: family and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene itors of Mrs. Don S~efelclt nnrl ill· Phn1u~ 2-XHi2 I clill'l II if' wor.sltip ;;('l"vi<·c!, r~: 1 '.:'·.1 ~lltcf~.' '-' 1.~1 poPr~~s ll~. ~~~~,' meeting and dinner of the Mi.ch· Gauss and s~n were entc_rtainedl fanl son o[ Stockhrrd:::c. 1 1111 1 I ~~·. ~f.IHr .( .'·: ~II.·, .~ ".'~ ' lgan Teachers club at Lansmg Sunday cvenmg al a htrthda}·'l Mr. and M.rs. Rofs Manley an.rl PreJcripfwn PlzarmacMs I ~~:"·. Llo:'.", I,I.:~·~ 1 : 1 ~ ·. li!Js. Li!Y Sexton Saturday. party al the horne of Mr. anrl Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shumael\cr 1 1 11 1 1 , I I 1/ffJ.U CAN ''/,'.1 ·'.' 1\1.~~: ''.'ssH. • : " '_ul.l,l\Tt.. Mr. n1~rl Mrs. Ricllm:d. Kehres Mrs. Ro~Jcrt Anrlers?n in )1onor,and ~r. and Mrs. Jim Strucimlflnl Leslie, Michigan \' nd \\

Fmrrlf'Pil nwrniH•rs attenriPrl. ami Mrs. Roylyu Miller and Mr. Tommy Anderson, Bud Gauss dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. JJ PAINT YOUR IN1tRIO~ WALLS !\lr.s. Nohr•lnng pn·~;~nlf'rl a plant M A T M'll s 1 1 1 R B 1 to l\'li'>'. !1nmllll in Ito not· of llC't' rtml · rs. . •. 1 1 er • um Hy. and Rttt.1 Ann Amerson. . o!Jert us 1. 1 WIUI hirthrlay nnJiivr•J'sHry. f{f'fresh· mrnls of mlw, .if'lln, ('nf[ep anrl , 1Pil \\'Cl'f! SPl'\'(~rl. I 'I'IJr• April nwPting will,llr witll ARVON Mrs. l{nsn 1\ nriPl'Sa - 1 a a modern tellture decoration of beau­ By a simple tiful pastel color. I A!~~~n~r~!l('~· T~:m~~n1; ~~~~ .Su· znnnr• niiPtHir.•rl 11 dislriel meet· Out altead witl1 • a •urlace '"hich can be r.peatedlr painting in:-; of till' D. A. R. in Lansing "' that biggt'l', lower look washed and scruhbod. lTllllrsdnv ;Jftrrnnon. Suzanne , process 6 a wAll which will tako· abuaa. 1\'ns <"JH,~en D. !\. Jl. "Good C'it i· Leading higher-priced cars have · zpn" from I. T. A. S. fl/hat Body by Fisher with that big, 1 a decoration which eovou out plutor Tlu•rp werP 1:1 "r:norl l!ilizens" CREATE t patches. smooth, low-slung look. Chevrolet fmm .o.;c·hnols in the county. After has it. And Chevrolet is the only tall tJt our store for a free finished sampYt tlw IJJwinL•ss mcr~tlng, te:1 wrts you low-priced car that does! sf'l'I'Pri lo the gursts. $4.10 gat Tllf'se ·1:1 girls will nttenrl a iHntr nweting of llle D. A. R. in BatiiP CJ'r'f'k tills Saturdav. Tl1e W01Zt 011t ahead wil!t SHAFER girl:< 11'<'1'1' P:Jch prescnrr.cl :1 Good Ihe !tiglic.nrv Larle of This year, again, Chevrolet is out ahead Merrill were Monday VISJiors of Chevrolet brakes are largest in 0 I the low·price fleld! This additional • ~ ~ LAINSOBUl\q \Vi II eurt is. of the other low-priced cars in the ~ .. , J\lr. rmrl M1·s. ,John Cnrr nncl things that mecn more pleasure size provides greater braking -, fnmily of Lansing were wee!( enrl power for smoother, safer stops ' guests o[ Mr. and Mrs. Myron and satisfactio11 fol' you. And yet Chevrolet with less pedal pressure. ' \ Kirby. costs the least-no other line of cars \ Wee!' end visitors of Mt•s. Jess Bachman were Mr. and Mrs. Ken· is priced so low. So why go hundreds of Out al1ead 1vitlt nclh F;mght. and family or Peny, Mr. and Mrs. AI Wills, Mr. and dollars higher when you can have \ zippy, thrifty Powcrg;!idc Mrs. Fred Hoyt ami daughters of all these things you want in Chevrolet! It's the flrst automatic transmission Lansing and Mr. ami Mrs. An· Come in and let us show you the in the low-price fleld and the fortis 1\:latyzuis of Stocl\llridge. most improved and advanced! Mr. and Mrs. Ray I-Inrtshorn kind of facts and flgures you lilce to see! .were guests at clinncr.Sunrlay of Acceleration is smooth as silk cmd Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clough of instantly responsive. Optional on Tompkins Center. •TIIflt explains why more people buy Che~rolets­ all models ct extra cost. Mt', ami Mrs. William Swifl of lV!ason visitecl Mr. and Mrs.• Jed· and wa111 Cheuro/et.r-1/zim tmy other car. son Fellon Sunday. Out a!Jearl with automatic power controls Ch~vrolet is the flrst low-priced I ARTHRITIS? car to bring you the extra·cost I have he en wonderfully options of Power Steering (avo il· blessed in being restored to ae· able on all models), Power Brakos tive life after b~Jing crippled in (available·on Powerglide models) nearly every joint in my body and Automatic Front Window and with muscular soreness from and Seat Controls (available on head to foot. I had Rheumatoid Bel Air and "Two-Ten" models). Arthritis and other forms Of Rheumnt ism, hands deformed and my ani\les were set. TUNE IN THE DINAH SHORE SHOW ON Limited space prohihils telling NBC I ' you more here but if you will Radio-Every Tuoiday and Friday Evening write me I will reply al once and Tolovillon-+Evory Tuo1day ·and Thursday Evening tell you how I received this won· derful rc lie.f. Mrs. lela S. Wier 280ii Arbor llllls D1•lvt1 AI Rice Chevrolet t<. 1'. 0. Box 20flii s; ~effeni~-- ,Jncltl!on .7. 1\llssisi'!iJllll 447 , , .!· 'Mnson. I Hnus1•l Hnvnu Mr. 111111 MrH, !.,loyd C!nvnnuugh Oll11.!r gr1oots \Vl!rn l\1 n;, r·:vu ·Clark Center With II) IJ\I'Illhi!I'H [ll'I'Sl'lil, Ji'lllil' Mn;, Hl!ntrleo Hoyc'o 111111 ~on of nnrl fnnilly of ICnsl Lansing were 1953 CORN KING lriHI1. Mrs. Minnie !'l'lt!r~. Mrs. 111'\V IIWillill•rs joiJII'rl I ill' grll\1(1 ill Hoscvlllo 1vurr. J~r·lrlny vlsltm'H of Sllnrlny lilHIJI!I' grw~lo of Mr, nntl Murgurol AuHiln. Mrs, ,(l!llll:Y lilts lllt!l!llng. Thu April llli'Hiillg Mrs, gsthm· Avury, Mrs, Mnxlno Mrs, Vnl'll Gmy. Wler•ntJch, MrH. .Tttl!a !tngcrH, will lw lwlrl nt lit W · J\·[ 11 ,"11 are stwntllng :mveml Wllllnm~ton l!llltr.rl on Mrs. Ellu grny 11f Stodlill'idgl', M1'. and Mrs. Ml', anfl Mr~. !!owarrl Smllt!)' anrl family and Ml's, L1•011 (!If. 1\lr:;, F.r1wsl Lal'll!!r. W(!(hiJ!sdny ~lsltors. u[ Mr. nnrl wel'l·. Evt•mll Smiley of Lmtslng fnrcl cnlerlahwcl Mrs. Elllnheth Nlnt• mJ•mhers of lh1• llluiPclon . Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm Musolff I v; 11·ullonlng In Vlorlda. ' visitor of Mrs, 'J'Itnmns. Mr. and nnd dllughtr!r' of J\1rrsun wr>re Sun· l'allerl nn Mr. nnil Mr·s, Clamnee l•'lsllel' nnrl 1\'lt•. 1111d Mr~. t~nrl Mollwrs 1•luh nwl nl lin• 11111111' of Mrs, !Jnrprr '!'homns Williams· tiny vlsllni'H uf Mr. anrl Mrs, Ar· J·(l!l'J'idl nf !lnttle Crcelt 1111 Sun· Mrs. Ponllllw Forl'l' frw IIHdl' vl~ltcrl Ml'. , nntl Mrs .. Clwrlen Mrs. on;1 Almond wns 11 giii'HI of Trlnl1 Sunday, tltut• Broolln~<; L<~i.< Tile West Alaletlon Lutlles Aid dii,\'S with lwr Jliii'I'Jlls, l\lr, 111111 home. UnlcllnK. Ulvcrl'f~L'. llnnnld A. JutwH, 111 .. fnrmcrR in tho 1053 CIIIIICHl, Their 1•:. llnl'i""'""• ~:1, '·"""'""· J\11 It (' f 1 1 · t ,the Mlllc>l' honw Sunrlny. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ctwster• Bcnjnmln "l'll"" yl'"lll WllH 1111.27 liiiHllt'l" mel. nl tile home of Mrs ..ll'nniP ' ·s. oy \IJop • 11 ' 1\'f'PII ernm llvo.: n'-' o..: a HnlH•J'L H, 11111\I'H, ~II, Holt 1 oTCIII!'Jiflllll! l ~]I J\ Sf t Jl Mr·. nn1l Mrs. Philip Scr·lpl OJ' 'I ' Mr. nnrl Mrs. Mervin Clnylon of Lnnslng werl' Sunday visitors ' , • . '"''"."Y·Lrllinn M. f .rrtnpl1l'll \'~. ,/urn•·:; ( .:tmp- !ICr IICI'C, JllH Selected a-i\cre CUI\• A. llyt·l', ~II, LnnHilllt. Lit I'll!! I' of ] loll I'Oilri 'J'Jrursda~' 'a ' C: I galt '· II I! !'II l'gl', Hilrl l\1rs. l•)rlgll)' SeJ'l)liP.l' an luJil. lllvcn·t·o. i'Cll' 'I', (0 1Hl11•Y, nliHI'IIl'Y· nf Yucaipa, Cnlifornia, 11'1!1'1! 'sat· of Mr. anrll\ln;. Hohrrt Anrlcrson. lcHt field WIIA HJJring'·Jilowcd, l'C• l'la•··· A. M•·ll•"'~"l· !Ill, !.'"'"'""; E.~------· gmnrltlaughlel', Mlna Mnc, nl· l'io.,···•!''" l>nly v•l· l'nl'l ~·· liuly. 111- Ct'h•ed the UHUU) Mei1d .. lu1d )JI'eJHli'H .. ,Juno Md\un'l.JP, a:1, l.nnnl1m. urdny visitor." of J\lrs. l•:nnlP Mr. nnrl Mrs. Clifford Mull nnd 1 1 1 11 11. Hon nnd commcrr.inl fer·nli~PI' wns I J.nwown D. Hhuw, 2:.!, l.unrtin,r; Arull·r·r1 Mllll•r nnd lllr. 1111d Mrs. Cllli'ol'll ~;op 11f Lansing mlll'rl on t!w lai­ lonch~d the :-~ilvor \Vec1dlnq anni· '·':·::~·~H,!'IIn·J\V~ 'JI'/, 11 J~j~ .~;~~H~)<~' 'J~·Nil·~~; vr•rsary of Mr. anrl Mrs. Kennclil ~!nnltln,, liiv.,.,.,., lluhillll'd, Fu' ~""I llllfliietl before it IVIIH ]lillll!ed ,1. Mren•, ~II. I.UIIHillo<, EXCESSIVE OIL BURNING .Willlnrns. Mrs. Clayillll was for· t"r's llllrl'nls, Mr. and Mrs. David 1 ',• J,•v lOIJt, l!nlu•rl W. I~PJTIJJ.•, 1~, ()nun•ln).:"n: I·Ioffn1eycr of Lansing, Sunday. h •;;~;.' \~;n~'uX~·n~,'(;;.i ,,.,,H \'H. Wc·ucl•·ll c. l! ~~, ,\JWI'h 1. YcHIIJI-:', 1!1, f,r•sllc•, rner·ly MmicJ P;ulrlo!'l\, Jlalwr, SLinrlay. 1 1 11 ltnynwrrd ll. Hllllc•J', '2:1, l.unrtill!-!; l'H. 1\Jr•s, Snm Willlrtm!-i \Vas. a Hi•·hrrr·dH, Jlivm:n._ !•:rl~~at· J;:- Chur!•h, 11t· Mr. nnrl Mrs. ,lo1• ll111'is of Nt•w Mr. nnd Mrs. Lloyd Murdod1 I rkla L. Hlnl••r, I X, f.11n~in~. ··PISTON SLAP r • 1 f J l.nrnt•Y fur t•lnrntrlt; .Julru 1•. l.t•rJ.th1ul\, ...... ' .. Hwlson, Waller Cnssirly llllll nnrl sc111 \\'1'1'!: Sunday dinner \\ r.clnesday \'lS tor o Ivfrs ...Atlll'll uu ·ur·~· rn - ddr!!Hiunt. Hnyrnurul 1., VinnJ·}', 21, Mu11on: .rum· .. 11 1 1 M. fiillt·n, :.!1, Mn.;nn. 1laughter·. MPrna linn, illHI ll\11'1' gLwsts o! Mr. ami Mrs. nussell T3:JPI1Tnnn. W. H•·utril'l' ltr·c•wc••· vH. ,Juml'tl 1'. North Aurelius · , Bl'l'\\r·l', !Jivur·r·c. :-itllrtr·t .1. lluuuiiHPI, flw~~owll o. IIIIIIIPH, r,!l, l.ltllHill.~; MJJ .. PnliCI' and Marilyn of Munllh l!mnrnonrl of Dimondale. Mrs. Rnymond Smith and fam· ,,,.., Annnhclle Nelson dJ·r•d A. lhdrt'(rl'\i, r,r,, LnuHillH. ""'"''"'Y· Wc•:ilt•y lluththtnn, ,JJ· .. IH, I.Hn~in~~; und Miss llrN• 1\laril' L!mdy 11nd Mr. nnrl Mrs. ,T. B. Dnllnn spl'nl ily nnd Mrs. L. D. S\vnirn nnd son ,.Juun 1.. Cui.'::""~ vt1. ,Jt'~Hr• o. Coh·~i~·''~"~'l', II. llnmdd H•·u,·p, nttnrtH·y. Bobbie of Grand Blane IJIHI Mr. Mrs.. lust in Bn11ly. Hl'll. o' t M • . I J\'1 • fi 1 1 S itt' ~'"''""""' 1·:. 1:,, .. , ,.,, Willi""' II. and' Mrs. Jim Angell of J•:asl \\It 1 t. ntlf rs. 0 lCr ... m 1. Epps. Ui\'CJI'r·c·. I{IIY '1'. ('nnlt·y, flllol'lll•y, Lansing caill!d at tile Clarence Genuine Chevrolet Mrs ..Jnd\ Ynl'g••r of !~nsl Lan· Mrs. (;oldie W11rrl nnd Ml". anrl Mt·. and Mt·s. DnlQ I-Iarrlson of 1~\'t•rlinc• Murri-.un \ ... l~ulll'l'l ~forr isull. sing spenl Tiiiii'Sdny wilh IH'l' Mrs. Carl \\'hill' and fnmily spent I ' 'I [ M R St fllvcll'c•r•, C. J,n\'t•rur· l:niii'I'IK, ntlrrrnf'~· !rislr !tome Sunday. Aurelius Center Sthool .JilllSing, l'r' J'. nnt rs. ny ._ rll1'. fnl' Jtlnirrtilr; Al·tlllll' 1.. 1\rll/111'1', Ullnl'- J'lurta nuntwr E·X·P·A·N·D·E·R pnrcnts, Mr. anrl !\Irs. Geor'gl' Sundny wilil Mrs. Flnssic Don· ancl fmnily of Ma:-;nn~ MiHH .BOV· IH',I' l'nt· r1Pft!1JIIull1. , Mr. and Mrs. L. K Nnfzing1•1' Mitchell. Jwlly of lnnin. crly IJttrl' nnrl Bill Barbie of Lnn· lln''"thy .1. Shu''" ,.,, l.fi,,., E. ::harp. and family of Mason ancl Mr. and Jlivrrt't'l!, Jlu~llf·:-; nucl litllllilll'll, Httnr­ !\Irs. Hnrrison Smil h of Lansing Gold slar spl'ilwl ,\. l.rtldl'l', :illur- t•allcd on Mrs. Ida Wrighl at /11!,\': l11 Pl'n p~·r·. 1\'Jntlwws. Irma Abhnll ;:nil Bon­ Edgar Scripter were Mondny din- u.. tt~· 1~. Wnnrl vH .. Willi11m e. Wwl(l, J\ler,·y ltospital in Jackson Mon­ nil' Sedelmaler. Pays ncr guest!-~ of f\,1r. and TVlr~. E!nrl lli\'()j'l'l!, :-iil.\11•!", Arrtit·r~nrr ILild ('lilT, nt- tlay ewning. Mrs, Wright iH a Tommy Hosehury, Stuart Be· former resident of tl1is com· Grahlc of Dimondale. tnr;•,•;;~;~j" 11. llcHH:h ,.:;, Jl,·lr·n 1':. lluuuh. soncn, J\'!nr~' Hawidns, Gladys I INGHAM Mr. nnd l\1rs. Lester Senlt l'C· Pivnl'l'l', lill~lrt.•H illld Camp\11.'11, Hllnl'- munity. 11 'l'roulncr, Cilud; Howald anrl Sid turnerl hmnc \Vcdncsday after ''F:.'11 rJ L. 11 11 1.-.,. \'H, ,·1.,.,. Jllrl:-; 1• .. Divu1•1·p, Mrs. l{lill~· Nelson wa.~ hosiPss Hawkins have been elwsen to spending the winter in De Land, l'llr'bl a11d f'hun·l•. ntturnt·ys. ;',' a funny hal Stanley party sing with .tile c·horus ftH' eighth I 'l 'l J\1 J M S II 1 ,r. J), Cantn•ll \'l'l, H1rh~· Jl, ('anlnlll • I• 0!'1[ a. 1'. ant rs .. co spen. lli\'101'0'1', Mndoo'llll """ S>.'IIIIIHII, II IIlii'· .f Ll.esclny morning wilh I he prize grade promo! ion. Tile group lwd AI Rice Chevrolet Motor Sales Sunday. with Mr·. anrl Mrs, Lrdie •wyH, g01ng to Mrs. Isabelle Hosehur.\'. it,; flrsl l'eilear;;;il Momlay. •Hi fl. ,Jpl'fi'I'SCIJI Photw 2-:iO(il l'hotw 2-;)5;~ L 220 W. Ash Y I f '3 II' M 1 M ltm111liL• Aun l':trrh; v:;, Hcrl)(ll'l J.. ('nt· os o r: e r Tng. r. anc rs. ri:-~. llivot'l'!!, r;,., .• !~!, lilu;;~t·n. l'an uutl ..• , Formerly \Vhiteel'UI't Clcon Seolt of Algonm: spent Hheuol, ""'"'""""· Monday with the Scotts at their Hi•·ho11·d K Millo,."''· M""""''<'l E. Mil· let•, J>iVIli'C'l!, N, ll. Ht.'YIInldH, :atLCII'Ilt!~'· For Prompt Service home l1erc. ,\nn !'imilll ~·:-~. Fut·,.,.,,., Smith. llivur,·~·. Mr~s. Eliznbelh Seeley nnd Miss <:rr·f..('f..(', t•Soto-I'lymnuth Dealm· !\-lltXWPII (j, Sut·uvitH r!ltn C11J1itnl Fi~h enllegc Glee 'dub at the InstitlliC arul Oy:;ll'l' 1.11111 p:wy \'s. J:us .. o·ll .1. !-ilru· of Art in Dctroil nnd \\'ere wccl.:; lrenr. J\!"KIIml'=-it. tic'f•g-g, (iJ:~~s .. n, PutT & I f P t C •·e fA J{hl•ptl, nlllll'llt'}'H. cnc I gucs so n · ra"' ns o nn Ca!' ... nn Pil·ic: _s,. 1qt l'nmpany. n11 I IIi- Arbor. ' nni:; «·rn·purntion. \'11, Clwdt•H II. Baut1•l Mr. and Mrs. George Foster nncl IJunnld t:. Hautr·l. ('0·(\HI'LIIi!l'~ llha m Hatltt.'! Funrilun• !:ihnp]u•, 'l'!'l·~tras~ c111 and family of DelroiL TVlr. and ilw cmw ancl upon Jll'fllllis,.H. (;re~~. Glnti• Mrs. Fred Illl M. e Silsby and Sharon were Sunday Hr•njumin 111\rl 1'1'111'1 lhnrjrlmtu. 'I'I'I'~Jill~ ... visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Roy nn thr.. t•JI:;I!. Fmolr·r, Sll)'dt•l', FuHlCJ' unci Loomis, nllnl'llt!yH, Glover. Ccc•il HBnle'' and 1•'1'1\IH'e~ llnrcll!l' vs. 1 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Thco Clicl-, et~re 1.:3-hole Grain ])rill with fertilizet' nahfus and Mr. Shopbell. Holstein Heifer, 2 years old, bred l\larch attachment e. Ellie Milner was a Sunday din­ 20 Woods Bt·os. (i-ft. Combine with auxili:li'Y moto1', ner gue:;t of Mr. and Mrs. ,T. C. Jlolstnin Heifer, 18 months old, open scour <'leaner and extra sct·t~cus, g;oo(l eontlition Nelson. llolstcin Heifer, 17 months old, open Mr. nnd Mrs. Leo Glynn of ,John Deere Tractor Manure Snre:ulc1·, on rubber· RI:DUCING Wheatfield were Thursilay vis· HANGS TES'I'Im Woods Bros. Sin~h~-row Cornl•iclwr IR~A"T ME'NTS itors of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Price. (These heil'<•r·s. havn been raised on this J'arm from . John Decr·e 4-Hat• Side lt:tlw eve1ainag Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Richner at•tificial breeding and bred to A. B. A. hulls) John Dc·<~r•~ Com Planter with l'ct'tilizl:i' attachment, college ami daughter of Detroit spent in good condition the wee!< end .with the !alter's ,John Dt·t~re 8-section Snringtoot.h Ibrrow spring term 19 54 parl'!nts. Mr. and Mrs. James ,John Deere 6-ft. l\lowe1: ~ Hidgway, Hay - Sargent ~ianurc Loader Offet•s Opportunities For Mr. and Mrs. Earl Risch and Corn ·Single Cultipaclwr ·Betty were Sunday dinner guesls of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Soule of 800 Hales or Cloww llay l~ubber~tircd Wagon l\tlll Gramm Sted Uox and lntll'easml 1mrning (lo\wr Advanced degree 1,•100 Bushels of Corn Forage Box Pt·t~stige ' - Lansing. Mr. am! Mrs. Risch vis­ l'llm·e responsible position Stlilmtooth 11arr.ow College degrct! Greater secur·ity . ited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowen of Webhervllle Sunday evening. • n:wid-Bradlcy Power COI'II Shellet• Improved technical sldll Personal satisfaction Mr. and Mrs. Fmnl\ Klein­ Alemite 25-lb Grease Gun Broader· hot•izon Sdf improvement smith of Ann Arbor, Mr. nncl Mrs. Truck 50-Chicl• Eattcr·y Brooder Lyle Kleinsmith of Parkers Cor· ners and Mr. unci Mrs. Clarence 1!);'}1 CIHwt·ol•~t %-ton Piclmu with stoel• mel•, Registration - March, 31 - April 2 Allen and Mm·vin of Fowlerville 7,000 actual miles - I . spent Sunday evening with Mrs: Classe.s - April 5 through June 18 Gmce Kinne. Dairy Equipment I· Mr: anr! Mrs. H.ichard Shepler 134.. prcdit Com•st~s -15 Non-Credit Com·ses and family of Lansing called on International 1\lilldng l\lacltine, double unit I~sco fi-c:ut l\lill• Cooler ~r. and Mrs. Lewis Freer Sun­ Miscellaneous F~n· specific information on courses :md registration, 1 0-gallon W:Ltm· llcater clay. Not many small articles to be sold,. Salt! will stal't mail the coupon belo\v or call the office of the registrar Mr. and Mrs .•Jnmes Kirby of 8 l\lill• Cans , . · Double Wash Tanl•s -EDgewood 2-1511, Ext. 231. Mlllvllle and Mrs. William White on time, Small Electric 11eater and William Donovan of Lansing were Sunday dinner guests of 'l'o: 'l'he Hug·isll'llr Mr. nne! Mrs. WilHam !{ir~y. · , ua Administ.i·ntion lluilcllng· Mr. mul Mrs. Verner· \Valkel' 1\llchlgun Stale Collc:.:·c of Mason visited Mr. ami Mrs. Terms: Cash Not Responsible for AcCidents l~nst Lrmsing·, llllchlg·am Paul Hedglen Thursday; - . Mr.~nnd Mrs. Marshnll Pollolt, Please send me a copy of "1\htlcc- Yom· ·s,~:u·e 'l'ime Pny"-catn· M1·. nnrl Mrs. Merle Freer and . iog for the 1954 S[lring Term Ev.ening College. · .Re:v. Roy Mumau went on a tour of the University hospital In Ann Name .. :...... ;...... Arhot• lnst 'l'uesdny. They were dinner guests of Mr. ami Mrs. Pr9ps. Eugene Slberry or Ann Arbor. Alva Cronkhite Karl Meade, Address...... :...... :...... ~.... .' ...... ,. ,, ...... ,.. . \ ·- Mr. and· Mrs. Floyd Wm·d of . ·, i· ...... ' ' .' :: ...... ~ .. ' ... ' .: •• ,', .... ' ..... '," •! • ·: ' ' •••••• ' .... '. : •• ~ •• ' •• ,I, ...... ' •••••••••• .' • ...... : ••• ,, Stoclthridgc culled on Mr. and Joy Davis Cashier Mrs. ,Tustin Brnrly Suiulny, Earl Dunsmore Clerk lnglwm County News March 25, 1954 Pa(Je 4 TF. flAT NOTWF.S Legal Notices

A II lo

FICTION FIGUilES This Oth 1 Y of I cb11 UIY A A to~al of 2 097 new fict1on 1 Lnn•ln~r Mlehll\'11\ books were published in 1952 the liON LOUIS E COASH Yearbook for 1953 of the Ameri Circuit JndHu can Peoples Encyclopedia reports Tlus was a decline of about 2 per cent from figures for the preced ing yea! Of these new books 410 were mystery and detective stories, 213 were westerns and Gt were in the ~eld of science fie tlon Ingham County News March 25 1954 Page 5 Legal Notices



THEY HAVE: THE RES PO~ 5ii?.IL. TY CJF PROVIDING FOR THEIR OWN FAM ; S NC:EDS PflESE"NT AND FUTURE -AND OF ACTIVE PART CIPATION AS CIT Z,ENS N THE COMMUNITY AND THE NATION Mt'R, Wnynn [i1wr whlln their· I tnlntlllllil nflot' whldt thu hostess motlll!l', Mr~. Cllllll'gl! ltnlih, IH In Surge Dealer Sponsors Meetin ·Rebekah Lodge Webberville st>I'Vurl rdrosluneuls, Mnrcy lcosJlllnl, ;Jnr!lt~nn. 1111'"• 1\lyl'l Grnlnun Mr. 111111 Mr~. Wayne Cloer ht· 'i'he J'cgLIInr mtJPtlng of the 0, Plans Meetings tended tho 13anrl BnoHtcr elull Mt·. and Mrs, ,JnmeH Alcl!lllliH, Grace Smith IG. S, wns hl!lrl l11~t Wmlncsclny Myrtle Hehelt;c (lanuna l'iliiJilt>r of Bela hull lnHt 'J'ue~;day evening, There Property Owners Grnham home Sundny, Sli~lllil 1'111 lwlcl lis rnPr!lhtl: nl were :H nwmlct•rs present lnelucl· Mrs. Van Sw1•glr!'H luther riled 1111' liollll' of Mrs. Lillian Dr•ver· ing- 12 pnst noble ~p·amiH, Tlcu Munith Hclwlwh lnclg rc!·Hitldy of tlw t•nlll'l! tax Pnllr•rmn, prPsldPnl, presiclc•d llll' g'l'allcl, jl!'l!slcllJlf~. ::,ihe WHH UH· J~ilcl Cnll rcePIVc!d wcml of !he The Enst Le)'()y exlr!nslon SIHII'oll Mollt'm!, who lwen ~erl· 1'011 fell' IliP l'ii.l' !He!: ilPI!Il rlolll' I IIVr>r I ill' nwr!ling-. Hl!fi'Pslimcnts sister! Icy Mt·s. Mnr,lorio filllwell, dt•alllof his utwle, Charles Call of groliJl mel al I he home nf Mrs. L. ousl,v slek, Is able to slm·t ~chool nnrl nssPHSIIl<'lll l'!iicngl's IHiicl· ilf;ain 1\lonrluy . Mr. Call wns !lll yc11rs old. 111'1'11 made liv !Ill• l'ill' ol'fldnls I ;\Irs. l•'rnn•·c•!; 1\llc.•s. '!'hi' Hltunl l•'inlll Hl'l'allgl!lllCnts \1'0['(! milfio• 1!1', My;·l Grail am, 1~nv;, I he il':;son l•'uneral servii'I'S for nush . ' . · of .ll!ll't'is IHIIIfJLH!t fol' m•w for IIH! dlsll'kt mc!ellnr: to lw l10ld Funcr11l serVII'cs fot' Jlolllf: on "Cicnning of !lugs 111111 Cnr· While! or l•'linl, II fornwr reHirhmt anrl file! lclllll'll "' r•·vlt•ll', low•IIH•r plni~PH was h<'lrl \Vnrlnesday, 111 fil. Mnry's hall Mnreh 2U. The Mon•hrHISI! IV~Cl'l! lwlrl al lhe Mil· pels" plu:· llw sllrpi'lse lc!s~Hlll In wllh il rPpl't•.,r•nt;ctiVI' of lhf' HJI· M;cn·h 8·1, at ArchiP's ll111 in ol' Wehhervllle,' wem held l11st l'nsl Noble Gl'ilncls ellih will serv.• n••t• fllll!!l'ill homn in Sl ncl ami lni· [.;uznntce are vacationing for a Mr. and Mr~. Dave Glhhens, at fl'w WC'r!ks in Arizona. Plainfield dinner fiundny. LET US HELP YOU eli'(' II HJII'Ill Ins! 1\'l'l'l\ Ill ( lro:dnesrlny. m. Ilis topic will he "Cilrisl!an Frank L. Flteh, rlistrid super· a 2·WeC'Its furlough,' returned In We can help you arrange tt sound financing plan; Tllllrsclnv. 1111cl Mr. and Mrs. spiJnsorl•cl by the 2 locnl Child Mrs. William HPecl, a 90-yenr· Monl ic~ i-:ing in Lansing Suncirill llhw Shu· i\\jllht•rs i\11'1~t and Mrs. Arthur Havens of .facl\· Fred Jacobs is sick ihis week. under I he exce,;s acreage for 'I or urn urn er oa 0. :1 :uul 4 inch Wl'lls l'oi' farm and home The Blue Star Motlrcrs mel Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jacobs en· green manure, pasture it: off or son ll'f't'e Sunday callers. G and 10 ineh m•ll:; foi' aii·-conditionin).( Tilursrlay, March ·18, at the I. tertained their nephew and niece, j cut it .for hay and ~iiagc. 208 N. !\Jason I•hone 2-a381 0. 0. F. ilall. Mrs. Hullr Eaton Kennel h Mnrsh nnrl Wcliforrl Hel'l'i~eration and Irrigation Cnll arc rlning chores Ior Lee presiclerl. Up fm· discussion was Titns wl1ile he is away. the hospital rlay, Marcil 2:~. and I he mol her-daughter, member· Mrs. Lida Mears is improving. • guest hanquel which will he hrlr.l i\1 the recent mcPtinE; of the S. W. HART \Vaterloo Needlework chtb helrl BERT PARKS SAYS- l'hlllll! ~Jason fii:H :llas1m, Houle .1, Hox 81.1 at lhe I. 0. 0. F'. hall, April 21. at the home of Mrs. I: - LIAUJLI'l'Y - WIN])S'l'OHl\1 - ACCJDJi;N'l' guests nf honor at a' parly given..... four Town Corners ll3K0ak for tllCm hy ·Mr. nnd Mrs. Gay· i\lc·s. Bdd J\Iullcn Phone a2£il lord Fisher, 8:31 S. Ptltman, in celchrnlion oi the 25th wedding Miss Lilas Fro~t of Flint spent. anniversary of I he Howells. They the week end with her pilrcnts. were presented with n money Mrs. Elmer F'rosl: visited ft•iencls lt·ee "blooming" with 10 silver in St. Louis Wednesday. dollars. The tree was made by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace John~on Mrs. Ernest Kurtz whn presented of Wheatfield will entertain the it to the Howells wilh I he reading Community Aiel for dinner Thurs· of an original verse. Gucsl~ 'pres· clay, April 1. ' cmt werC' Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howe and Mr. and Mrs. Vcm Dillinghnm, claughtC'r of Lansing were Sun· Mr·. and Mrs. Paul Gibbs, Mr. and day visitors at llw Wimple home. Mrs. WayJ)e Beatty and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Edd· Mullen called Mrs. Emest Kurtz. A polluck din· on the Earl Osbornes of Dansville nel' was served. Tttesday. All expenses, hotels, meals, transportation Mrs. Wayne Beatty, local Ji. PLUS ... brarian, altenllecl n Mhrary staff meeting In the Ingham county li· brary in Mason March 17. (In addition to expenses and pay") Mr. nnll Mrs. Roher! 'vVolf arc PLUS ... $500 "fun money" "dou~le the parents of a daughter, Terry Friday Ann, hom March 18. She weighed 7 pounds, ·12 oum•cs. Terry was bol'!l on the clay that her cousin. PLUS ... 2 weeks' use of an elegant new March 26 Palrieia Kay, ll:iughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Smith, .Jr., ealebrated her first birt hrlny anni,versary. Miss Grace Pfeifle, 420 N. Put· man I'Oarl, unclerwenl surgery at Sparrow hospital, on Wednesday, IDlrRURY QUIEIEINI M;n·ch 17. She is C'xpeclccl home '54 in a few days. There will be a Stanley break· Behind the News fast given for the VFW Auxiliary Any Fl~vor Sundae on Friday morning, March 26, at FIRES! Accidents! Rob· ' t11e home o[ Mrs. Huth Eaton, beries! Windstorms! 409 High St. ./" This is our "hello again" offer. ·we _,:i:'~:;;m;;m:s1~..-\': Dawn· Wilton, Ji'loretta Fox and Disasters are constantly in Bill Gubry, accompanied by Mrs. Just a few days left, elegant new '54 Dodge the entire two weeks. dre looking forward to seeing old the news. Behind these i Buy One '%\ Curran Wilton, were in MI. folks! .Just a few days What a vacation! What a contest! And .. Pleasant last. Wednesday to at· headlines are thousands of friends again ••. and meeting new :;/ \;}~ to 'cntch yourself the what a car! tt'ncl a tea given to prospective financially stricken prop· ones. So, come in and tinjoy again , at regular pr;,ce students at Central ·state Teach· most fabulous; the most exciting grand prize Get yourself down to your Dodge dealer's ers college. erty owners. that smooth, fresh taste of Dairy vacation that ever came down the pike. right away for that "Vacation Preview Drive." Every du:,•, eVC1'?1 sinule dau, Dodge is giv· You may win a perfec~ vacation in the per~ Queen. Remember, it's frozen just 15c Will you be a headline ing away a two weel

' {

I • Editorial Page March 25, ·J954 Part 4 Let's Find Out for Sure The lflgham County News 'J'Iw Luglon pofil. dm•K not intend to rellulld the Legion Memol'lal httilclinr~. Tlw dty cmtndl Is not Interested In t•e• HO!l Millt Producers assoclntlon. Illca~ed wl!h lim Hhowlng of hiH W£!st Cnhunhla, 'l'lw ennslclt>rn· was pldwri liP l!y the Sycnmnl~! I~or full tonns those ehoson were stol'lng It ar; n eity pt•oJneL 'l'l11i school honnl, anxious fm• n Maaon high school tenm In tiHl !Inn was I'ClHll'lcrl HS 11hove $25,. tlonrl 'I'IH!~duy nl[lht ill! cnrrh!d Dnll Wolf, Wheattleld; Lloyd Class B hasltclhnll tournnmenl in IJOO, . shop, ag moms and hand ltHIIs, has shown tio gt•eat enthu­ nwny downs! renrn. Mnsnn 1111~ Down by the 'l'nw, Leslie; and William Fl'im·· YpsUnntl, MaHon flniEhed fourlh, been wltllnlll ll'lllns m· mull fnl' siasm fm• aduplinr~ lhe building fot• school use, No civic muth, Bunlmr Hill, losing lo Ypsilanti lll-11 nnd How· liO Yt'lll'~ J\~;·o-1110·1 Aftm· !i monll!~ of Hnlid 2oJ l!oui'H, 'f'he !lnnrl wushed nway organization lms :;I epped rmwat•d in n sel'ious attempt to Jcarl McCnbe of Milson, n Sea· llll 21·20, with victories over Hed· weather, tlw road~ are hl'l!llking n ser:tinn of MIC'hlgun Central bel! serving In tho Soulh Pnclflc, ford 25-12, nnd Monml! 2G·!l, ,John l.mek north uf town. Michigan l'e:;tm·c the huilding lo enmmunity ttsc, SYCAMORE· has · heen wounded In his arm Lamont, Harold Bnrnhlll, Chru·lcH tip. It IH the llrH\ mud Hincc etu•!y Central tmlns nre usln~-t the Val· · and hand. ln~l fall. Maybe the ruins leJ't. )Jy llw fii'Q Hl'Q or little usc, Yet Pnrlthurst, Ruehl Kt·u~e. Ge1·;rld lej' line fmm Lnnsing In Jnci(~nn Mlf~lng frnm thi~ puge this IW]Jt the olcl onm1, By a votE! of 13:1 to 14, J,armers Cnrl ,J. Lnoml~ Is the nnw dm·It :);50,000 Daltln, Airlen Cnll, ,Jndl Snyder hy way of Charlotte. one IJuildeJ' suirl tltnt wi1 h invested the community weel( Is lhe column wrltt.on by In Ononrlagn, Lc!ille, Bunlmi· Hill 111 the Domwlly HouHo. ,· so lmmm·sml in 11 ,luh 111111: htl and Rlloo Cnm(lhell (lln.vc>rl t lw Hi!lph Strop£• wns !l YP.III'H old could have n !ji]()O,OOO building. Vernon ,J. Brown. Lust weelt he nnrl Stocithrlclgc townships voled clldn't have limn nnd CIHli'A'Y luff. lournament games, Barnhill was Hle!Hll'cl Bohannon has hough!. J;rsl \VPrhw~rlay nnrl t!nlcrtalnt!4) ~nld lw was all through mcellng Mason nL'L!tls a community huilding. It. needs additional to lwep on living, In favor or nrgnnlzing a soil cnn· calh!rl n:; gooci n gunrrl ~~~ 1here llw l~lijah Brool>s funn, :l mile:; 20 of his II tile frlcnr!s. n deadline, and lwrcuft£!r will servntlon rllslrlct. was In the tnumament. !!iiHI of town, for $fl,IIOO. school facilil ic~s. II seems 11 r;hnmc to let $5D,OOO be mmmed He's caller! "Mr. fiepu.bllcan." ,J. \V, Cut'V!!Il lws instullml 11 write only when the splt'lt moves 'l'hr. Mason HoiCI dining room Fmnl< VunHorn n[ LanHing haH Ahout 2,000 fc>et of lumlmr him, Thai's going to be! oflrmm· Yet nrnong the mnny let.tcrs and IWW gasolliH• l'llJ.tine In his gl'ist · with a !Julldowt· and plml'l•d under'. Is now closed and will not he bought the L. C. Smith Jnrm nn from A. V, Pecl>'s iumiH!I' j'lll'd mill at DansvillP. limn hr. thought Ins\. wcclt, m· leicgrnms received last week and reopened while wnr rcRtrlctlnnH Deforu the eouncil or the sehool board makes a final he'll disappoint a lot of renders. tills were messages !rom Demo­ prevuli, salrl Fl'ed Heln, the man· dctct·minntion I hat I he huilding is beyond repair ai1d can not emile lrnllers, He didn't confine nger. The management is unable Lellers, telegrams and Jele· !Jc economically l'c•stored to use o[ some kind, an m·chil:ect his frlenclshljJo lo the neptlhllcnn to secure help. ' phone ralls c:nrne flooding In fol· party. • Chairman J~dwln M. Boyne hnH r;hould vicll' the ruins and make a l'inding. Il' there is !jifJO,OOO lowing his announcement. And In all his life my fnthe1· never tenrlr.red hiH resignation from the value lefl in llw iluilrling this community ought somehow he'H no! one to disappoint his rationing hoard. puhllr:. Right this weolt he's going ~uffcrecl rlefPat. True, he failed to io make an ltonc:;t allcmpt to salvage it. The city coundi IIi 4!0il!ilrlerlng In Washington nncl New York on gnln a I hlrd term us county cleric Ami he lost oul to Kim adoption of a Hewer rentnl orrli· Bdore we stm·t knoeidng in the walls let's find out for ;1n lntere!illng mission and I'm nance whli!h will yield $7,000 Sigler In the Repuhllcnn primary pGr sure llwt' ~I'C can arrorcl to clo il. c:onfldent he'll report In full. year, for goveruot·. When he fallarl to 20 YeUI'M Agn-lll:H get the third lerm as r~ounty cierl> Whelhell' r11• nol; lw \VI'IIe.~ 1'4!1!,'11· Merton Coleman Is hulldlng n Jw found the door open Ia far lnrly, Vm·non ,J. nrown 4'nnllnlws r:omhinallon houRehoat and mft, greater· opporltlfli!y. When !he ns 11 mcmh4!1' of tlw lngluun '10 feel long nnrl 11 feet: wide, al Franldin' s Advice Is Still Good people, gicldy with Detroit news· County News stuff. lie conliiii14'S his garage. It. will be floated on 11s t•onsullnnt:, adviser und futhe1· paper hendllnes, chose Kim Slg· BL!njamin Franklin was an exponent of thrift and fru­ Houghton lal1e !·his summer. '!'he tlnnfw.;sur. And h4• ulso holds 11 ler as governor, my father didn't cabin is 8x33 with hunl1s, galley gality. Some of his admonitions may souncl_olcl-fashioned but IIOt1l Whh•ll gl\'tlS him IJIOI'e thllll' suffer. He continued his Interest. and dining room. 'l'h!! craft will the I.J·uUt is IJm·tw out cvei'Y clay. 114'1ldmnic lntertlsl: in what. go4!S In state affairs and he realized be buoyed bj•' empty oil drums 011 lmJ·e, he lwei time left to him to work heir! bel ween 1elephone poles. In the Mason c:nll!'l room lnsl. week bankruptcy heat·­ 45 in hi~ fields. He stlffercd no de· Ingham horsemen have agreed ings wct·e hr!lcl by .Judge At·chic Katcher, fedcml referee in We were nil ready to malw a feat. He gained. 'l'he people lost. lo build. a barn at the county deal har}{ in Hl51. 'l'lwn came the bankruptcy. A l'cw of I hose cases resulted from unwise As n futher he .didn't escape falrgrouuds. Lyman Freshour is lire. We rllcin't maJ(e much oul di~nppointments. But he has the pre~ldent of the horse breed· business veniUI'l'S. Betlfll' than :JO;;, though, are the result of that. Nor did we get out ol I he never let it show with any of his 2rs association. of rami lie:; buying mm·c 1han they could (lay J'Ot'. red colu'::'n, wh~re the tire put 5 children. He is loved by his 11 Harold Mulbar of East Lan· Bankers arc willinp; to loan money to business men and u~:. In l~a2. So It w~t·s· no!. until gt•andchlldren and his 13 great· sing, head of lhc Michigan Pro· last .Jul~ that the clts~olutlon of 1 grandchildren. His daughtcrs·ln· tective League, Is organizing nn manufactw·ct·s when I hat investment will rctw·n· a profit. A th!! partnership loolt !.>lace. 'l'!wn law and ills son·i .] I I·· Ingham branch to fight Com· Save he wanted me to wr1\c a p1ece f n aw am us COI'Pot'ation iJOJTOII'S money to buy necessary machinery and munlsl activities. 1 t 11 1 1 't ff II 1 1 granddaug1ters. and grandsons to expand (ll'oduetion, not for luxul'ics. ~o>~~rite. ong\~i~s~f. .I ~~k;;I'~i~ hy nWITiage love him .. CWA painters are rlccoratlng the interior of the jail. Where ramilies make mistakes is buying on credit not to, just then. Last week when I starh!d out to w1·lh! of my All persons needing reli!!f must he Jooi1ed at the calendar he de· fullmr us a par·hwr. nut J Yourself! Juxmy that will not l'clw·n profit but may in fact add re·register after beini released items a clrled to unhitch. The lngimm eouldn't. confine myHelf 1'0 that 1 from CWA rolls, according to a to tlwit· cost of living. It is now stated that 11 /o of the net County News was 9Ci, he was 80 nng·le, because he didn't con!inc welfare department ordl!r. income or Amcriean families goes for car1·ying charges on and he had been selling forth his hlrnsclr to It He Is more than a Gerald Graham has hcl!n thoughts in type for 3l years, he newspnjler edlt·or, lllOI'e thun u personal properly. That's more than most people can elected president of the Fllz· said.. puhlle offleiul, 111DI'C thun a gerald for Governor club being afford to pay. c~hurd1 lender, mol'!~ than a fu. organized. No man could ever have had a t heJ', lit! is u mun who hus lived ;$0 Years A~o-lll24 The American' slanclarcl of living has gone up by the use bl!tter partner than I have had I'VCI'Y minute Of his 80 years, and Helmer & Miller have dlssoivecl Ooen Friday Nighb Until 5:30 of credit sales. But individual standards come down when by for 31 years. My partner never hus ncvcJ• lived for himself alone, worshipped money. He always parlnership with Glenn Helmer unwise usc or credi I the family cmb up in bankruptcy. ~ continuing !he grocery business. did what he believed to he righl. William F. Richards of Labora· I~ few minutes spent visilin,u; i>ankt'U[ltcy hearings now held l-Ie never ~uggest.ed what I should onr:c a month at. Mason should rn·ove that Franltars o serviCe. , in!! changed to residential. They l'cgistercd no official com­ .. rive otl Jte ·Pcc~pJtearnsc~ lC).fPI·~},eJomn· Republicans an.d Democrats in beat off the clog. 'l'he ·neighbor pJi{ints, or they didn't rcgistct' them- with enough emphasis, sibilltyE~w<~~· for leadership, ~• arc ~"titwhat t' O~l~s I'11~}· cI 10~ no[Ri"ees· f or -~~~~m~q~~======~roan and the dog had run on r about: the propet·ty. mark him as different from other owns up do. IcAe.l I edpu Acansl~re ahead into the Haddy yard ml!n unoppose 111 a e on, ure 1us, ' • . . . Maybe an ideal situation would be to have zoning board · Onondaga, Leslie, Lansing,' Wll· 'l'he F'arn; Bureau has rece1v~d mcrnbct:s continu·dlv swvcv the city maldng use changes as Jlls great. cupucity f01· fl'i4!llll-l!iamstown, Loci{!!, Wheatfield and another 5 hlp~ent of West Vir· 1 1 1 the sttuaiJons• • • present' • · I 1wm::;c .. ( v.es. 'B u t· tl·1a t· 1sn· 't tl1e way ·si!IJI , l1us• · tl'lst'ltl"'II'IsiJt'!l• · , "' ; ·, iJ'IJJ1,. 1111.. Vevay_ ". . . . ~ . $g na a ton.coa Which Is being sold for 1 thincrs ·u·c done. It is up to rcstdcnls to learn how property I tluou~:h.llf4 .. Peoplt. ahlals hau., lla.lett lo~t to L<~l

It is generally agi·eed that advettiset'S should not be . He returned to Mason as COUll· 2. you. must haye the consent of all owners of resi- pct•mitted to deceive Ol' mislead the public on size or content t.v cleri< and after failure to brenl' ·lnn to r11\oe tunda Milson· better get your permit. • · . • 81111 ..:. . . ! . . I . . . Dlllcltlllllllly·nmv fl'ltll~d~, lllld he J_. _ _ _r_l•_•_o_pl_••_... _... _... _:;. .,.... _.n_ ... ':" ... _ ...~ .. ·-....·o_•--.m~~~·-t-b_•.,pn.:.l-~-•t.,.r_•_Ku_l•_•_•_•t_•.,•·_· _;..·-I ------~------;__;_ __""1" ______..______.;... __

I I Proceedings of Board of s·up'ervisors Ingham County News March 25, 19S4 Page 2

NOTICE A pubhc hrarm!l: \\Ill br held on April 2, 1954

m the mty council cham hers m Hte cttl hall at R 11 m to coushlt•r an amendm1•nt to 81 ct10u 7 of tlw cttl of lUu.~on

zoumg ordmanc1•. A < op;t of saul a m I' n d a t o t' y

ordlnancr IIi on ftl1• in tlu offt< u ol thn ctty 1 l!•rl'

George Kellogg City Cll~tk

Notice of Special Ingham Township Election

Monday, April 5, 1954

Polls will be OlUlll at the INGHAM TOWNSIIIP HALl, From 1 P. JU. until 8 P. M.

For the lntrpose of votmg ou the following llrotlositlon:

"Shall the limitation on lite total amount or taxes which may be assessed eat h year against all Jli'OJICrty In Ingham Town ship, lngltam County, llllchlgan, for all JlltrJtoses, except faxes levied tor I he payment or Inlet eH* a11d principRI on obligations Incurred prlort to December 8, 1932, be lm teaRed, os provlllt~ "by Section 21 or Article.. X of the Constitution of !Uiehlgan, by 1/10 or l% (1 mill) or the asS~:.~I'IC~ valuation, as t->quallzed, of all property tn the WWIL'ihlJI, for a Jlerlod Of three yearH, from 193f to 19116, both lnchtRive !" 'It's Something Like the Brannan S(heme will Hn1ncdny provide lnl[lOI:Innl Soy Bean Price fond iltlli t'IIV!ll' fol' wllrlllfn llllflt:l' Alma Sugar Plant ilw !!XJlfllHiillg liOlliiWI'II l\1idilg1111 May Cause Loss hnlillnt lmprovemnnl progrn,m. Will Not Reopen · ;congress Ponders Produdion Plan Fnnn~ or hlodnl plnns. It Will IIIII he . flel't'lll l11•fon• ill!! Hl'll· t ,,,n !'It lining tbu lilglwsl fort ntH! new fmm early pr•odue• enn eome down to or below the ,!Jurlod under tlw pmgr·nm. lu•nring~ 11 otw~ clismllnl h•d lilw Ill!! Lnnsing and nlr• llgrkullnl'lll r'llllllllllll't! 1111 tile In sPver:ll yt!lll'!i, nr•coJ'dlng illll nr·r•ns. CCC isn'l pttrdwslng ~l:m·li ·'"JIJIIl!'l. price of $~.2:! Jll'l' hlllih· Depending un weallwr, Hyrh•r MI. l'h•nsnnl plilliiH hut will he rlnil'y Hillla!illll limnglil IIIII II 111 till! nriiVl!I'S ,llllll'nlll. 1"111' IIH' illl)' polatoeli In support Jll'if!l!H, el irPfore f'unner·s enn IHII'VI!st n :;nys, the young pl:mllngs will lw lllllilllllilled llll II l'I!~[11'V!! llii~IH. wldn rllfft>l'e!wc• of opini1111 iiiH>Ill llrst 2 mr 11 rths o/' l!l.i I, HII\I'S mnrltl '!'lim'!! isn'l. nny :;uppur·t program crop, Jlolldtlgnn Htntf! college ngrl- shlppecl HlJ fnrnwrs will l'eeelve how lim hugP surplus of rlnh·y 11 p ahiJJII li'.i of tile dnlly hog for spttrls. eLtituml ecoiHIInlsls wnrn. lhem hc!fo!'l! lwnvy wori{ :;dwd­ Sugnr h\'l'ts J.:rown In .lnglilllll, pmdttt~l~ ~lmiild h1• ilanrllt•rl. How- l'f!l'toipls in CIJicaJ/'1, 'I'IJP flrsll Ht•eeutly Jlilnlnn potato priees J\er•ot'rlhlg In the l'P.sii!IH nf 1111 lth•s ~liirl this spring, Clinton, Slilllwassrr>, Gt'illlot and l'Vet', lhe rlalr,v lnrlli!ilry t'IHiorst•d 1\'t!l•l\ In llliil'l'il IIJo JH'I'l'l'lllllge rlmJIJII'd to ·10-!iO l'l!lllH a harrel, nnnlysls of' the rats rllld oils sltnn- lsnlir•lln munlh•s will !11• shippl•d 11 plnn lo I'Ltl groi'Pry stun! prlcr•s ll'iiS up to lll'llltnd H',i. cOIIlJiill'l!ri wllh !ifi-70 l!l'nts In I he 'l'lw liahilal progt'llll! has bet!ll lo Buy Cliy or 'l'luunh IH!el sugill' 1ion, nil I 1111 lw111W twerlerl r·ould In ope!'llliull :;int•t• 1!11:1. J\1. lah!.;l of lilllll'l' ~~~' ~:lc- lh. or ll!i.'i, ( 'C'C l.lvt'slrll'l\ SJII'diillsts 1"11111' r•stl- di'Jli'C'Sslon years In the "l!l:JO's, he lll'mlttel!rl nn an acn•a~-:e 1111 flidlll'il!S for Jli'OCI'SSing, :;'Jiglll' ""''"'· 11ilol1t :J,:Jiio farms wen~ ill­ heel iiVI'!'IIgn Is PXp:uullng mpltlly would llnaill'l! 11 1:-ll' rolllilll'l\ in 111111 1' tlw HjJI'ing piJ.: r-mp will lie 'IIHI £1.l-l:i-$::l.:i0 n yr.11r 11~0, Hn111il larger lhflll used In Hl:i:J, the r!ILtr!Prl. dairy pricl's In :11lditi"n to thn i'k IIIJ'gr•I' lilllll indi ·ati n~ lnst Jl1!· .;ton•s In l'orlillllrl, Mn1ne, were economists say, In the 'f'lnllnh lll't!il. 11 1 11 IIJ rPrlut!llon rlue 1111 April I :;s cr•mill'l', wiJr•n tiH• ,::ovr•r·11 mr•nt's Sl!llinrr spurls for n cent lt JHHIIHI The 1!l:i·1 iletutge pl'lllmhly will r·r•sull. oJ' loll'l!l' C:C'C prkt! sup- offidal l~slim:JtP!i were marh•. On at mid-Mardi. lni'I'Pasc, lwwever, the t'l'llllll· Ingham County News .lifll'IS, till' llllsi.s of J'al'llli'I'S' illll'lllions March 25, 1954 Page 3 1 lllJSIS (ll'l'rJir!l, hi'CIIIISII of the.-----...,..------; It's lnlnJ'I'slillJ.: . to noll' liiiW ti 11 •n, 11 utp111 this sJII'illJ.: was lnrll- CCC lms harll!r•!rl dose of $11,- high l'llrrent prll·rs and lrr.enuse many ludustr.l·oJ'Iil'i;il:; a11il Jlllllt- ,.11 tl'd ahout 'l'.i gl'l'llit•J' than a Olltl,OOO II'OI'Ih of Its flll'llllll'odur!ls LAMBS AND THE KID-WdterweiAI!t ldng Kid Gnvllnn feeds of COIIII'Ois 011 llliJer Cl'llJ!S JIJ;e kill fl~-:un•s I Jill''' ll'iii"IIJI'd up. to yr>lll' ago, Now HIIIIW llvPstod\ sinr't! IIIII' .fllllliiii'Y. It luis I.' X· a mol7Jct· lnmh and her two oll'spring ul lh!! cham!J's training wheal 11nrl corn. tlw [JI'IHillt'lillll Jlll,\'nll'lli Jrlr•:J '"" JH'opiP sny till' liii'I'I'IISI' will IH• ill t•IJIIIJgrrl tlwsl' f1ll'ln pmducts Jot• cnmp In Summit, N .. other woolly crcalut·cs cast wspi­ J. 'I'wu With HVPt'llgr! yiPlds I his )'Pill', diHJHIHIJI ol .'iiii'JIIIIs l:ll'lll pmd- IPiisl (i'; "''" hit IH•t il't'. PPriHIJJli miilt•rl;ds iiiHI itPms neerlerl hy clous glances at the __:;ote confines of their pen, golugs_~~-~-~·roJJ~!_IJ: lile ei'Onomlsls arlvisP, supplil's Df llt'IH. 'l'h1• iidmillislriili"n has hv till! tinw this is n•ad, "tlwr· govet'lllnr'lll agcneies in m•w soyl,,:ms would lw !wavy enDugh l'I'I!OilllllCIIIII'tl 111111 a lll'IV \\'ool liSDA I'Siinllllr•s for thr• Sjll'illg tiu•lr forclgn aid prngmms, and ANGI•:J,L IIJ.;Jlll IIHOII Is· . .h M to rlr!Jll'l.!." I he pt•ir-e lo Ill' he low pi'Ogl'lllll inml'JHII'IIIt• .'illt'IJ _'I pig l'l'rlJI will Ill' IIIII. llnt h:JSI'rillll for IIIII nnllunnl lilrll'lqlllc. I~erli- With an avel'ilJ::C o[ J:u:as lb I ummg am an SliJlJHII'I leV!ll. 'l'lwy sugg<'sl mal\· sl'iwnw. Sonl'' !;tll' il•lidl'l's tn tlw fad that ilo~~-fl!l'd ralios hav~ liwr lws been the largest it.em of mili< and 518 lb of fat, the 22· POSTS 111 ing your pr:Hitwtion plans 1vilh · ngi'r•ss IIJ.:III'I' this plilll would "''"" so go1HI r"or t_hr• past r,.w lwrten!rl for. It l'rpresen~ed !l.i',; 1·ow herr! of l'PJ.:islcred llolstoins Jo~nS 4-H Staff ill!! expct•t at ill I! of gt!ltlng n sup­ hro llw IH•st \\'il)' 11111 1>! till• rl:di'Y mnnt!Js 11111 1 hog prii'I'S hnvr~ bPPn: of 1111' dollar tot:1l. 'l'lw lertl!h!r' IVIH'd by 1-'rc•rl Angell & Son ol • pori pric!J raliH'I' than tire cur· liltl'Jlills tlil~·mlllil. llwidt:llliilly, t:llll'l! fav 11 mh!1• tlian hl'l'!', !n- willt'llllll' maini,l' from .Japl~n.anr.ll L..".!ISillg' liav" l'on_ _ ictd llwir rent high price. 1 llw pnHiu•·tt"n p:l,\'nll·nt tdr•:; a ,.,.1.as1•s iu fatTIIII'in).( m11ld CIJS!Iy ll'ill bl• u~Prl to meet. CIV!IInn tr•st yt•ar. Their prnrluclion11 aver- Howard S. Worthington, Dinn- 'r1·••at••d l'olt•s- l·l-Hi-IH-22-Zfi FL F1!1We - Uarllt'd WiJ·p - Lawn F!!1W~> ·crii!JIIt.• or yt'lll'-'; ar:-',', w:Js l'nlli•rl liP do. .'il•r to Ill'. I. Ow! lives tot:!' needs in Korea. 1 aged appmximately 21 qnnrts Ingham, lw:; been numed tile J s dl• Off d Oatt~s- 1:~-H-Hi Fl. "Tiw llt'illlllllll !'ian. lll:JI'kl'ling SJII'I'ialist ilf'J'(' 111 I tlail\' tor ['IH:il 1!0\V in I ill? lwr.l Jor exel'llll\'[! rlii'(!CIIII' or 1111• ·1-1·1 Cltih ee . tngs ere 1\·lldli).(an s:Jirl liiP ollH!I' rlny that ll1isr·:,III111Y . · · 0nly :m ~~~ 1' till'· yenJ'. Milking was done 2 Fouudntion of llliciligan. Tile 1f t f llii'I'I':JSPri pig 111lljllll tills Spl'lll)i ·IO'.r r>l lili! fal'lllel'S 111 the mi\ln limes daily, smms re~ 0 armers lllanunot h Clm•t!t' 1\'0llld ii:J\'1' to mnH' from l'lll'n groli;ing stat£•li or Iowa and I _.______foundation \VIIS l'li!Hhlished 211 \,; C:uuuliun flrim11t Alt'nlfJL have a ' "frillgP" ill'l'll pmrlur•J•rs. l ll• Jllillllis ::rr• Pxpevtr•d to stny wllh-j · yc•at·s ngo lo expand nnrl nug- . I lllt!ditllll Clo\'4'1' CeJ•Iil'lt•tl lt:tlll\'1'1' Alt'ull'a compleio stock of : J,atlinn Cln\'1'1' tllllug!Jt li"l' rai:'r•rs i11 llw m:lin in their J'orn acreage allotment,, D • s i u 1111·nl lhe HI club program oper- . 11: 1 ~~-r ti:•: 1; 0~?· 0 ~ 1 \l •;i 111J •g~;~ 'l'imnth,y - lh·nnw Jll'llli:l<'lion bl'il \\'1~1'ork SIIJlJIIlr•,;, l'•drl stomgr1 Slip· till : l ' 'flll ..'iC 11g ·lu e, nil' ·; . . Ill \Voi'tillngton ll'll.'i gnrltJ•tt·•rl farm game cooperntors stnrling JG~~-St.ove mm ,JACI\1~'1' 1 0 - r 1 1 r . t1 · will r"rrry only one single 1 With Ci:l.-1',; of tlw l~ntlon',; m ' ' ' ~ ahottl April .1, stale gnme worlt· StoiWI' COl,ONJ•:L ,Ji\UIHIOI:N Francis P~atft I nnlplu•s olAmi'I'IC'IIIS JIO!'I; lii'P ·m· Ill' I'XJIPI'Icrl " Ill\' nor- to rnr, '~ ' 1o ". ' 11.111, ... 1 ,;1 c-dr;li,ng ' ·10 suppi\'· . nnrl 2:1 st 11 tcs Pnrlorsinl(,. from _tile .. liel!ool 11f. iiJ:(l'ir•ltllme ers say. ' · .1' · ' 1,1- 1 ' 11 . 11 1, t\iill'.l'·1,. 1111 Ft·uil Grower m;Jgazine I he year-around set-a,;r,lc• Jll'o- at Mtchtgnn State 111 ID'I8 and I·V. ('.. ,,rll•.t•. - , ,. .)-(l'. r. I lin. LO!HHAim UHAIN SAWS <'Ill lt•ss i"'' < Ill . ·' J,lll JC, ' • t I' •t'. i'Iit•v Jll' ulul'ts 11·J 1 " Mimu•ntllllis-nlolhw h;;vc· for tile past lti years. [· .. Tile l'orn bore!' count In the gmm_ 0 ar.lel JS_e 1 ' · · · .'iJlt!lll 2 yeilrs as ill! assistant di- project, says tile1 11young 11 11 seedlings11 1 'r y milt~ nnrlh or ~lnson 1111 US-127 lllll'lh l!Cntral stales is up 3!i',;. lhe hoarrl o[ . rhl'eelors_ r~ lw1 n•etor of alumni relalions ill l.------·tl llol{ Fe~dt!l'H- Wult!!'l!l'S- 'l'rnughs- 8tn1'11 'l'unl1s J.ard I'X[IIII'Is in .fanunry were lll'l'l' a \'l!:ll' iiJ.:Il .. , Heavy egg American D IXXH tlr•. p st ure C'IIIHiit ions Hl'C \'ery rluced disease losses," vetcrinar- Dairy Cat t lc! associaliun. ln pru­ Clmrlott1~ tough. ii1ns rleelnre. "Visitor~ may bring dueers me~tings heir! in all sec­ in the germs and viruses of many lions of the state, dait·y fnrmers. Ilavinl!: sold my larm I will s"ll at publie auction at the place a miles · USDA is·~elling the stage for rli~eases on their clothing and in large majorities hnve ex­ norlh west uf Dexter at 5585 Portage I~alw road. . FiJ•Iil Ol'fil•P 111101 her big eamprdgn to get. shoes. Such infectious diseases as pressed appmval of the expanded t 1:m W. Ash :llasun rntl\s to !'al nwr<' potatoes; till' hog r:lllllera, fowl pox, erysipelas, set-aside program. Jn adrlition, l'hutll' ~-fi(l!Jt ''s fi'O'm l:a.v-pa~· tl11~ir way White UoP!is brought to the fnrm. All newly· Yout s to v~Sit p1.m:ha~erl animnls should be h~lrl At·e Avuiluhh> in quarantine long enough to E\'l!I'Y Friday f • ( t • makr. sure llwy ilt'C disease-free. ore1gn oun nes If lhe ncw animals sliow disease symptoms, a veterinary diagnosis Two Michigan farm youth~ 26 Head Cattle Farm Equipment .,houlrl be obtained so I he trottble Iwve been as~:ignecl lo eount ric~ 2 Holstein Cows, 2 years old, calf by side mav be reeognized and treated in the 1mi4 Intel'llalional Farm .I!H!i ,John Deerc.l\lodel A Traetor and Cultival.or l'hmw ii:mt. "2 milt' srmth on iH-fl!l Eaton Rupids bef~rc it spremls to healthy ani- You til Exeilange I pro­ Hereford Cow, 2 years old, calf by ·side ,John Deere 2-bottom, 14-inch Plow on rubber 11 IFYEI l11!d~. gram. · llereford Cow, 2 years old, calf by side. John ])cere 5-bl:ulc Dislt Ilillcr Mary RDgers of Palmyra, J.en­ Holstein lleil'clr, 18 months old, bred . 1!)4!) Ford Tractor awec county, 11;ill he the IFYE: Shm·thorn Heifer, 20 months old, due in ,Jmw Dea1·born 2-bottom, 14-inch Plow Another @!feat Fe~iure delegate to Brazil. Norman R Hereford Ueifei·s, 17 to 1!) months old, pastlll'll l!H!J l\lassey-llarris Sdi'-Propdled Combine Laul\~o of Chatlwm. Alger coun­ b1·cd l!Jil!) John 1Jem·1~ Automatic Hay Haler t~a~ JOHN DEERE t;.•, will he the IFYE clr,iegate to Roan Shorthorn Ileifm·, 17 months old lH51 New Idea Corn Piclwi' of Pinlancl. llereford-llolstein :Heil;er, 18 mouths olil, bred 1953 New Idea Side Dc!ivm·y Ualw Miss Roger,, a senior at tile 3 Hereford StPcrs, 15 mouths olcl University of Miciligan, has been l\fassey-Ual'l'is 7-ft. Tractor l\lowm· "so~~ ~nd ~'60" Tractors-••• Hcd Stcet·, 15 months ohl Gallaway Pow1~r 'l'alw-off Manure. S[H'PlHh·r a membei' of '1-1-I cluh for !J years. IIolstdn Steer, !J months old Laal\~o. enrolled at Nurtilcrn 1!)52 John De!!re Corn Planter with l'1~dilh:cr Michigan College oi Erlucnl ion at Ucrcford Bull, 2 years olll attachment Ma rquet tc, hns heen a 4-H club UANGS 'l'I~STED ,John Deere T1·aetor II:u·row, nearly new member for S ~·cars. Cm·n nimlm· Two other Michignn 4-H c:ub Rubber-tired Wa~on and Grain nux vouths l1ave recl!iv.ed tentative ·Hcu.nsehoid Goods Co-Op 7-ft. Double Dis I• ~ppoinlments which may .he con­ Thor Imectric Uroner 2 nuzz Saws, mw lieal'ly new firmed for the 1flfi4 prog-mm. Dlston 24-inch Chain Saw John Fil·~t. of Ionia, and Rhoda 2 1\!etu.l Beds, Sm·ings and ~Iattresses Kelly, of Lansing, expect to be Wardrobe Chcsf · Jjlmtry 'l'able 3U0-T~allon Overhead Gas Tanl• to lsmel and Greece. a~signerl Metal Baby ned with Stlrings Cultipaclter All delegates are scheclnlecl to 2-piece I.iving Room Suite embark on the IFYE: missions• in Bool;:case J)J•esstn• 1,000 J'cct 61' llar!lwood Lumbm· June. 1 Hoeldug; Chair .· . China Cabinet 1 ~~-ton Chain Hoist CamDare it vourselfl Sheep pinkeye can 1Je con­ 7-pieee Diniu~ Uoom Suite lrollccl by an application of 2 Occasional Chnit·s and Ottoman Sh:l.Uow-wdl·· Pump 3-scetiun llanow chloromyeetin oinllnent, Michi· 1\itchcn Cabinet Iiitchen '!'able I gan Stale college scientists have Porch Roelmr · Porch Chaii' Crmim St~par11tor, nearly nilW rliscovr.red. 3 Erul Tables . , quantity of Steel :tllll Wood Posts Pincor 24-inch Power l .. awn 1\lower D "50" you can stand up as easily ~nd na~ralty as; Step aboard a new John . cere . ' or r'ts'Ing fr_om a chair. And while you r.e st~nd-, J~auncl•·y Gtovc , "60" Tractor and ·get acquainted wlta· real 1 11 ht ing notice that the contra s are Stl rtg Quantity of Oth(w Small Articles operator convc~icnce. . wh~re you want them, giving you easy, Sit down in the comfortable, fu!ly· convenient control of the tractor. Miscellaneous adjustable scat. Notice the co,mmancltng Yes, Jolm Deere engineers !tad Jour' Fm·l•s Posl.tion, you're up high-above dust an.d d h h d gne the Hay-Corn-Oa~s Shovels 1 comfort in min w en t ey est 1 ,500 Ru:;hcls of Corn dirt-and every one of. your contra s !s "50" and "60" Tractors-stop in and .see. I~og Chains Grain Bags within easy reach. Try the platform, h~re s :;oo Bales of Cln\'er Hay a lot of room, tight where you want 1t so for yourself•. 10·0 Bushels of Oats Hand 'l'ools 1\'lilk Cans . . OTHER OUTSTANDING FEATURI!S: . .. Quantity of Straw Many Other Articles · C b I' . "L' e" Power Shaft • "Live" High-Pressure Powr-Ttol • Ouick-Chan<.Jil Wheef: Duplex ur ure 10n • 1v d E . . lied View , Unequalled _Two·Crlind" T!e.~d • Effottless Stccrins , .Uiha·Mo ern . ns~nccJdln9 . • ..unexce · . Sbcnglu an 5 1mp 1ICilY Terms: Cash ' .. Not Responsible for Accidents ··. A. A~ Howlett &. Co. Charles M. Pratt, Prop. Ware'S' Drug Store Carl Mast - Clerk 1\ln~on li..

snnls fl)ilil'llxlmn Jt::]y ·I,.Siiil ti\\•HI~ I 1'..11'. n_llll ll/1'o, Ltw .W>.' 1.111 ;Vlo.lihool Monrlny hnVI' Htldt•tl 111 tlwli· wm•s 11 IUlW [JIII'f!rl trnm n fm!llls 111 Ptll'tiLJU tlw bovine, o.l' hruaellu nhorlus, In' End Testing· hBen rnlllwrJ .~!l8 times while· on llfl£ll'lloon ns .I hi' h•rH'hcr, · Mt·s. form of IH·uc·ellosls r'llllsc•d hy 11 Unlvorslty, · ' · ' spedn.,, '!'he othet• s(Jr.rje,; Hl'C I used to think tlmt there Wet'en't m'lllY milk dir;peqs(:.'rs I tosL 'l'hls pmdtwlinn r·epresontH Norrnun Bm·g, nttr!nrlcd tlw lnlls:e t"pe of .tlw gPrm tlf'Vt'l' hefnn• The 47-r•nfiiP Miehlgan liet'd 131', suls' und !31', mell- (~:wlni!J because dnit·y folks j~tst: dlrln't know a good thing when ihpy llJIIll'iiXImnLely •J,(i51 CJlllll'IH of ml!ntlng. loullrl In Mleiliglll), hurl n '!'rile!Ol'S t.'t Hang's rfisc!f!Hil tc•nsls lgOiil,~). snw it. I'm not sof!lll'(~ rlllYJllOI'e, Here's what Bob Myel'S of hlgll·[jllfillty mlll1, MI'H, Gruyrlon Colilll' spent lnst Dr. I I•'""''"' lluddlc•sn11, Mleh- li!stlng. fi susjwc:ls unrl '' ahnr· "Tilf' new type rn·mluor.s n high the, Lnpeer Cmlnty say them: Of Production ..... ~-·-·----·- wenit visiting het• molltet•,' Mrs .. 11 es P1·ess has to abo~1t lgan Still I! c•oiiPge IJac•ll•i'lologlst, I ion.-; In lr•ss I hun :mur. 'rill! ahorlion min In l.'iil t lc•," slut ~:rilth Brotll<'rton. Grnyrlon spent rc•ports 111111 II prnrh1cc•s n lllDI'Il flrsl mw uhorlc!d In l•'ehruary, Dr, Hmldlr!son, "and 11 nlso Fm·t~·-liw stat••s now JltWJllll; tlw us•~ of .mJto­ Hugh Jo~llswortll of Holt hns 2 D~.uglas I ill! Wt!ek enrl with lhPm und they Hr!VI'r" infp••tlon tltnn c•rdlnllt'Y In April illlri NovPmilr.r, c:11us••s visible udder Ht~a. rliHIUI'hnnce~ mntil~ mill' diSJil~nsinv; ma<:hilw'.l, l\liphiv;an is .imn of reglaiCl'ed Guernseys llwt lmve lk\:hw Glynn l'l!turned 'to lillllt• illlml' nt C£•dlll' Bang-'s rllsPas.•. 'I'IIPn• Is il notif'P· hioorl lc•HIH Wf'l'P. )H!I'fnnnc•rl. nnrl wltir•lt wuuld imlir.alr! tilnt It is fake on Mrmrluy. nhlr• lnfl;lllllllilli"n anrllltldwnlng willie !Ills wns ltPing do!H', llw H Jilg-hl~· pnliwglltlie, Jt needs thost~ that dot·s. not. In .bowing to lohhyists, Uw r·eecnlly mmplet(](l production • · ll•gislnture has dh·ectly h11rt the stat<~'s d:tiry in­ records. Mr. dnri Mrs. T~rccl DI!C'Iww of · 'l'lw SbulhWlltil \VIII'atllelcl ex· of I ill' slcln of till' 111irlor, lw 13 lh of I vlilo nnrl Mr. nnrl lllrs. Art Sch· auc:llrins In Mlehlgan. 'l'lw tlt·st Vill!l'illl! few ill'li<'Piln,Js, found liw h1;H'.'''': ·~f IlygiPIW iiiH~ Troplc:a.J, The cr~vnr•r o[ lite lnfc!clml rlalry hutt.crfnt. Thlo produc:tion l'l'fll'e- lnel1 nnrl fnmlly M LHI1Hing. crrgn11lsms ill mill; sampiP.-; fmm i\Tuilr inc 111 London, D1. llurlrllc · eows ltll'lll'd In Mlr:hlgan Slate hnttll•s Ill' etli'Lnns. Whcm IISf'd as eoin-opm·ated \VIIS CHI a hi! shed i 11 1f).13. om• Mll'ilif:nll dairy ill'l'ci. Calll'rl, son foiiiHI a ciPsc•rlpllllll of snnw r:oJJpgc• sc:!HJol of veterinal'l' mcrli· machinc•s in fadoril:~, dc•pnts and such Jllat!I~R, mille "Type• 2" err IIH· hovlnP or !it'Ll· l~l'llf'Plla gl'l'lll~. l'I'I'IJ.VI'I'I'd l.rnm dill! i'nr air! WIH'n his flllinials .:Jirl sail's A'O up. r•pJJa ah<>rlus spc>l'ir•,, II wa:; f•11111ri I• rPrH'il r·atlle. _liH• Mtr•hlg-illl Still!! nol lmpl'IIPgt• luwlenolnglsl •:c:c·ogniZI'd f Wlilil' of I lie SUI"CI'V and medi· C:ll'l•ful tt•sting hy I'W\'PI'al collq~es show that ilw in>: ""w~ wlrr1s1' n1ilk was I ill' I'I'JIOI't madf' In l!l.J,J as till! 1elm: ciPJllrr·trnPnl Tnti~cled M-vac:­ diswnsers arr1 sani!a•·y. Sn, if I hey inc1·easw mill\ l'ilf'ci\l•cl. '!'liP samplf's Wl'l't' 1'111· s;rrne ils lor Ill•• g••rrns fou11rl In c:ine In DPeemilcr. •i·lley will not salPs and arp snfe, \\·h.r don't we' haYn them in III!'C'ci 11,1' a 111'\1' nlPIIiocl ill IIW I'll(· ~ 1l<'lllg'ln ; .. ' · . lo1ow for· seveml mont lis whether 1\Iichip;an '! h•gr•'~: hi'III'Pllil lillrr>l'iillll'.l'· "l ills same lypc hits hl'ell IHn· llils will Jll'I'VI'nl tlw sprend of the A IH'IV lypc• of hrllr•r•llw;ls Wils lilll'd il,v a fl':l' ol lite slate lienltli disease. • It lhwsn't.'malw sPnse, until yon ll'nl'll who has Your Future Is in Bulk Cooling SIISjiPr'l<•d IJy ill'. lludrill'>'rln fmm lahoralorlr•s 111 l'C'r'f'lll yr•m·s fmm hl'l'll l'i)!;htinll,' tlw hill in eommil.t1•e hmll'inJ.!,'s at J,an· I lie• r':RO'S l!liSHCd at a ml'cling or fngham in the Bav;, :uul Hunp;cr Signs. tnnks nrc built to lnst, Stninlcss stce),nnd steel construction. Shaped liken cylin­ ~roil conservalion district cli- der with l'Otmdcd ends, Has no henvy l)inged lids to lift up and hold, Stands only rrctors held HI Mason. recenlly. ~~f the soil eons.cr.v;~lion ~listri_ct; You're more apt to keep good. 39 inches from floor to top, Brushes with long clumtiy handles nrc not needed \.resf'nt wc~e Dom D1el1l, Paul ,~nd ~1~\V t;J, ohsetv" Rural Ltle I rl'cords on your rliliry herd if when cleaning. A short man can reach all inside part's with hand. Write toduy Simpson, llemld Eifert, Bert Sund:t) • Mrnrning preferlhc h~t to gorime, during whellwr Sli!TI· can Peoples Enc:ydnperlin Year- j a·;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~ . No J"nn!IJ!e 6etting Them To Eat ••• mer months or wait until fall, book for 190,3.' In an area center· I _.,.). whe1hcbr to di·i ve hin 1Jpriva te ca!·s ing .in Mthe Kootenni National For- . MAS"Wt~ s\~UX CHICK STARTER or 1>Y us, am1 w et er t 1w tnp est tn ontnna, t 1w ~pruce beelie should Ill! dow1, and back in a day thrculened l'xtcnsive stands of You BET! Chieks l't!ally go for ~luster or spread over 2 tlays. I Engelmann spn1ce valued at 1\li:o;: Chit•k Starter·. They thl'i\'C on it, too, hecuuse Other business transacted at about $50,000,000. British Colum· the meeting included a discussion I hia was the focus of invasion of Mw,ll·r lllix i,; the fint!sl Chiek Sturtet• money cuu on how best to publicize the work l111e European leaf hoppe1·. lmy .. , a pc•l'l't!l'lly halmH't~tl .feet! that means fuat gJ·m·;th, ~·a:-ly fe!!thl't'in~ unrl lwulthh!l' hirtls. Tlte Ciri•·k ~·1(:11';1'1' yon !my nuw pnyH ull' next fnll. A8k fur I\Ja,!<'J' J\lb::, C!J. GROW!NG BETTER CROPS I

Early Planning Helps Insure Profits Having decided to .sell my dairy hct'll I will sell at Iillblic auc~jon at Mason the 11lace 7 miles north of Mason on Olwmos road or 3 miles south of· Oke- mos· on Olwmos t•oad. ' Elevator Co. 1.. •. - 34;3 W. Columbia· Consistently Good 1·P. M. Saturday, March 27 1 P.M. Year After Phone Year Price Brothers Phone Mason Auctioneers Stockbridge 2~8761 ..• ·M~urice 6. Bob· 17-F-111

,.. ~· Pre11nring secdbccl with ~Jisk !llow, spi~c tooth harl'ow. 14 Head Jers~:Y·~. jPalrvy Equipment Mnlling profits on cnsh crops Estimate and order year's lime Jersey Co\\', 4 l'Cars old, bred I?ebl'UIU'Y 5 Surge ~lilld,lg Machhw with 2 singlt~ units, (111111(1, h1 the face of today's peak farm- and fcn~lizer requirements. Don't Jc1·sey Cow, 3 years old, bred Febriiary 11 '' · mqtor ~111~d pitJdine . . ing costs calls for soundest plan- lime by guess-use a soil test. If Jersey Cow, •1: l'cars old, fre!jb~nd,~JlC~l ning, from planting right through needed, the lime can be npplicd ,J~•·sey Cow, 3 years old, bred ~J?ebruary 1 Dari-l{ool. 6-can slide-in ltlillc Coolilr, 'ue~u·ly now harvest. In this the smaller farm to cover crops or plowed ground JcJ'sey Cow, 3 ~·cars old, fresh and. Qpen . . . 'is on at least equal footing with when dry enough to work. Schultz Double Wa.'lh Tubs £· 'the big fellow: good management Uegistm·cd ,Jersey Cow, 4 years old,. bred Feb1•uary carries no price tag, Last-Minute Soil Tests 26 . Cltoi'C Boy, 1H!·I#ftl!on Watn~·. Heater · ,;:~~'' ~. · ,$' Now is the time to complete 'Have last-minute soil tests Jersey Cow, 9 years old, fresh and open Can Raclc .,:•·- ,.. .,\ .rr'!T a good 1954 progt·am, to' get the made-it is still not too late for Jersey Cow, 3 years old, bred· Junuary '17 ' I';!· paper work done, to take care of tomatoes, sweet corn, snap beans. Jersey Cow, ~ years old, bred February 26 I various essentials before the sea- Fit land properly. I I son is fully uncle~· way, This is prepare fot· insect, disease, Jersey Cow, 2 years old, fresh and OJlen particularly true of fruits and weed control; check county agent Jersey Cow, 4 years old, bred March ( · . ~. !\fill< Calis·. , i'·""':' Siluge ·uart vegetables· for processing, since for latest data, ~ Jersey Cow, 2 years old, fresh and open Pails and Strahwrs 1 farm and factory schedules should Estimate Jabot: needs, place or- Jersey Cow, 2 ~·cars old, bred January 1 ·"·· ,;i' •• 10 Water CUJIS dovetail. clcrs early for migrants if needed, Jersey Cow, 2 yen.rs old, fresh nnd O(ICII 17 Co\\' Stanchions .. l'lel!ls, Quality at Stake Plow for early spring crops as . Jersey Heifer, 18 months old, open As Extension vegetable spe- ·soo!l as soil is clry enough. Old 4 Jer~ey Heifers, 5 months :o1d · · cialist Jomes o. Dutt at Pennsyl- gra~s sods should be plowed as Heifers, months ·old vania State University points out, early as possible, 4 ~ersey 4 "I ulwuys lllwd· "Recent developr11ents have made Get planters and other machin- . Jersey Bull Calf, 4 1itontlls old BANGS TESTED 100%. . nmtm•t!, the st·all• qnulily lrns nlwn~·~ been good, and the feetl· it more necessary than ever be- ery in ~~st efficient working or­ fore to use the soil, equipment cler; anticipate hat·vcst equipment "' ..... ,· in~· ((lllllily is exeellent I Jlet•sonally would t•ecommcndthcm llnd labor more Pfficiently in pro- needs. (Note: This is a very good.J~~~d r~.J~~.Y:..C~~ti~ .all .:::--·~ .... t n UH,\' nne." t)o A. B. A. bulls ·.test · .: 700 :Bales 0.~ ·Alfn.lfa-Brome Hay ·'·' 4ucing and handling vegetable . For tomato, bean and pepper ~r~~~ q11ll th~.!>. tmllon In thut muntry. ;;onnl r.xPmptlons by elthm• $100 'rJw house .npprnprlution& c•om· J,ols fldrnoehr.t•gr.r· nnrl HIGH PRESSURE 'J'ho rj Will ~crvc IJH 1'01\SUJfnnJs, rn· $200. If the porsonnl exomp· mlttee wus snmewhul lncen~erl 1\utle Da,rt wrote perfed ~pel ling Twenty pupils ·In West Cnnann SELLING nrlvlsers nnrl tenrlwrs ul Rno linn IH rnl~ecl $100, the treuHury when It .found thnt nn nrm.v off!· t.csts Frlrlny, enrped A's In n spelling to;;t l•'ri· Pnulo, slle of. the rww sdrool, nr•· Jose~ $2.:! billion more In rever\ue. em·· hod spent $1,200 to construct Mrs. A . .T. ~nyclcr· hns heon dny. mrrllng to Dr. H. ,J. Wynr:urr!Pn, If the per~onnl exemption Is In· n fence for u rlrrg .run nm! a !ten· r~nrlr.rg for the rhi!rii'Cn of Mr., Mr. 1111rl Mrs, .Tohn Dnr·t nnrl r!nnn of tire! Mkhignn Slnlr! eo!· r:rcasr.rl hy $200, the treasury will nel. Commlllee mnmllers felt anrl Mr~. Vcrsi!P ·Bnlwodt for the' family of Lnnslng visiter! Mr. anrl lc>ge sdwol of illlslrw~s nnr.l pulrllc losf' nhr•ttt $<1.:1 billion. Shottld the thnt lhnt wn~ a ruther expensive past W<'f'IL ' Mrs. Lowell Robinson Stlllfiay scrvlcC', i<.rwr!J' figure of $2.:! hllllon he :.lJl· ring. The commltlee nlso was per· Miss Fmnr~es Sll1•estcr Is spend· a[lernoon. · Lniivlng for fll'i!ZII April I will prover! t anrl 11cpuhllcnn congres· tur!Jecl over nnothet• officer buy- lng her· vacation at the homn of Ma·. nnrl Mrs. !'. .T. Somerv!IIP lw Dr·. 1\arl A. JloPI!r!r'iwr·, Pl'ofcrs· sionnl lenri•Jrshlp is fenrful that lng 3 limes us much wire fence as Jwr parents, Mr. nnrl Mrs. Franlt nnrl Mr·. and Mt•s, Buster Whipple Sill' or busJrwss nilmlnJstrn!Jnn; It will! then the tnx reduction needed for his hnse. 'rhe wire cost Silvester. Slw Is tnldng 'nm·se's wcml to l~lorldn l"r·Jdny and will Fritz fl. llal'l'ls, nsslstanl profrs· volf'd slm·e Elsenhowr>r toni< of· $l.fi million and It wns estlmntP.d tl'illning at tlw ,<;t, LawrPnr•r ho;;. he (Jane for 2 weel\s, HOI' of lndustrlnl Pnginr•Pring, and llee H monlhH a~n would amount· that It would reneh from Wash· pita!. Mr. and Mrs. H. S, Pulver 11111! Dr, CliPS. ,lolurson, assi~tnnl Jll'll· to tlw staggering lotnl of $!l.!i Jnglon. D. C, to Phlludelphlu. Mrs. Emily King sprml sPVr.J'Ill family cclebratr.rl Mr. l'uiVPr's fnssor of mnrlwling. Llr. Lr•rlllill'il illllinir. 'l'hlll, evor1 In thesP duys Taft.[·Jnrlley: The lnhol' eom· rlnys last wer!l\ at the home nf. <15th hirthrlay nnnlvc!rsary In Les· f!Jmout.t\IM 11. Hiill, pl'rlfPssor of filliiiH'I!, will 111' lrif( flgun•s, Is n hlg tux cttt. mlllee;; of llw house nnrl senrtte Mr. 11nrl Mrs. Victor Hl'f!llllel' lie nt llw IHitlll' nf Mr. anrl 1\Jrs, I StJrldurd "U" Join othr•r· mc>mhPr's of tl11• ll'illll Administration of[if'ials lwve ur·c worltlng on sopnrate hills. I caring for the dlilrlrP.n wliile the Wesley Brownlee Satunl11y t•vr•· 1n .1 ul~·. I !'I'll that t!JP trrnsury r!oulrl move 'l'hr. house committee Is divlderl parrnts II'P.I't! in Mlnnr!sola. nln~. Ruggedly Buill to do the Work. Tire Mielilgnrl Sl:~lr• rrollegrr pro·, fairly r:1pldly townr:d a lmlanced Just nlmut f\O.fJO over n proposal llnrold Pulver spent sumlny ------In a Slxe lo fil \'our Needs (Pssnrs will nsslst primnrily In ' I illldgc!l ami wltlu;tand tlw loss of to lttlrrll rll~· Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 1-1. s. Pul· lust yt!ar, more llwnln any other· mnnngement. 'l'lw,Y will rmnaln r·onw tnx rorluctlnn ... nnrl fmm ·trlct courts. Ahout half of the W!J', Dwlr:hl Helms, .John causle slnglr! year in its hlstor·y, tile Comparison will show you with them nrc Professors Karl A. Bocdccket•, Leonard l!. Rail, Ole 13, why so many progressive' in llr'IIZil frrr· 11 rnlnimtlln rrf 11 Johnson nnd Frlt?. B. Harris, They wlll remntn o. yc:.r nt Sao Pmrlo. till' f'itllllgr!s in tlw revenue l'P.· mmmlttec Is of the opinion that and Mrs. Gr!mlrl Pulver were Imp, l!J!'i:~ Yearbook of llw Arneriean I yr>ar, [)pan Wyngnrr!PII snld. farmers have bm1ght, and arc nif.a of tJ1e new ~clrool, A u. s. agency nnll n vrtvo.ta foundnl.lm• '· l'i>·ion trill. 'l'lw~r. winrlcl lower If this is not done there Is no tisl'rl. Encyclopedia rr.pDrts. The ~· 11 rn · Sormr IIH'IIlhf'rs of I ill' I !'11111 may Brnzll nrc flnnncln!I the unique project. IIIX~rs 11,1' $G,:l!J7,1lfJO,OOO. rrcc~cl JJf amending Tafl-Hnrtley Mr. and Mrs. L. o. Clay or Holt harvest In llw state of 21il.%0,· using l\11\1 traccors •.. tractors thar l:an be depended upon to ''lay Jongr•r· to r!I'VI'iop 1111 ovr>r· TIF! trP.asur~· a r. qui c s c e d tiJIB session. Chairman MrConrwll visited Mr. and Mrs. r~:rr{est. Hunt 000 bushels, mnlnlnlrwd tlw high lnpplng m·r·anr:PmPnt wi1!1 a ><~r<.r· rnr•n awl p!;Jrts I~I'P.ntunlly trr r•s·l mller:e nr·rr IIH' Gr!tttlio Vnrg;J" do the work when you want il cngnlnst its hotter .iurlgmenl l in of this mmmlttee supported by Saturday cvenlnr:. · level': uttulned in r·ct·ent yrmrs done. ond Mil'higan Slnli' rroliPgl' mi.~­ tabllsh f11.'11rluatr! and urrrlc?rgrart· Fo.un,rlullon of Brazil. 11 privntc• tlu• $fll2 million cut in excise tile house leadership, is vigorous· Mrs. Mnrgucrile Cook ar.com- hut Increased lp. I for lntf'r·A111PI'il'lln A rrair.", n•r)llt'tion of $2 ..3 billion goes Ire· dent's program in this fashion. come from 1951 In the slate. Your MM Solos and Sarvtco Doolar The sl'IHllrl will lrrgin with l•'i!HIIIf'i!lg lilt' nrrw ~ehrrnl .anrl lll'illdr !.'; Jlll!'l of, LIH.' 11. S. l:'or· yond tlrr• rcrilrn of reason ancl The ,;crwle Jailor committee' hy I he hlg labor bosses. The 7 ------croursc•s for Brazilian husine.'i.'i· JHII'Itr·l[lllllon lry Mlc-ll:g11n Statr•1e1gn OpPr:nltons~Artmlnistr·llllnn. llwt ·otlter lnx reductions wl1ich also·hns lts·tmuhles. The (j Demo· Hepuhlicans on the committee I Miehigan Stnte eollege agric.•lll· IHII'f! been conlernplatcrl will have cuts on tile committee seemingly feel lira! there sho11ld he n hill tum! .economists expect turlwv to IH' postponed for a long time. arc of the riplnlon thnt it would but they are ~omewhat clil•irlecl prices ·during the Hfi'l Jwlidav FRANCIS PLATT J•:mrHlllly: Congrf!ss is .finding be best. not to rcrmrt a hill unless I over provisions tu he lncorpDl'· season to nvcmge Ollf! trr (\\';) mile nor·th nl' l'tlllsnn on liS·I27 it more difficult this year· to rc· tlwy c11n got nmendments wan led alr'd. cents below those of JfJ5:l. Prop Will Hurt Dairymen· 1 Reduction llllnnPupulis·iU ullnn ~** Michigan f;n·nwrs who hill'!' IJIIII'InH'Ill. Wi·iting in tlw rrniTPnl rnnny fill'rllf'l','i will iriii'P to nwiH' r_rot IH'I!n ailh• !11 show _n )ll'nfil i issw• of i\!il·higllll F11r111 Econom·! major· a,Jjii;H111f'llls, !rom tlrrlr rilll_l'.\' r•rJIPr\JriSe·rn.tiH' I ir.·s, .Jrnlf's llHlis thr>sr arlrlitionall ClnP II'H.V 1.111111)_' farmr•rs will past )'f'lll' 11'111 IJr• Ill ,sr>rrous I . he alrlc to r:crht('t' tl11•ir· ~·osls of tnnrille nftr•r· April I. .wJH•n lh;• l"' 1111 ": prorlul'ing milk is to usl' mrrr1• dairy ~lippol'l Jll'ir•c• rlrops to '7'i', I .t·':ll'lrwrs l_l'ho lilT' unalrle or till·' mal lrf'IIP.I' quality l'nllghngf' liiHI of fllll'lly. _ /ll'lilrn~ lo llllJII'ol'<' thrrlt' usl~· mnslrl~r· Sine!' milk prir:l's will decliru• 1 13 .•lorws of l\'Jirrhig11n St111r• l'oi· Jr•aving I ill' d:tiry lrnsitwss. The r·ather rJmsticnllv, wlrilrr surn:• 1 Jegr>'.'i agrirrttllurnl <'I'Oilrrmicrs riP·: support pr:i<'<' drop will 111!!<111 that other fnt•m Jll'i;~es will 1·pm;tin almul siPIIriY. some J'armr;rs r·a11 Ingham County News March 25, 1954 Page profit by lt;t'llin~: '" ntlirr .fll!'lll 5 r111erprisr'.'i ns a 11wam; nf in· r•reasing inmrne. Mill( prorltll'f'rt;, in thl' Drtroil milk shl'r! for C'X· nmp!P, will h11ve their l'iwr•;,s l'f'· dut•er\ by alrullt $·JO prr· mollllt if wIJ. y N~··liG~ EHIRGY" they i'OilliiiUP to ship thr• same lll110lllll or mill\ ll.'i in 10:i:l. Hupl:it•r>mr.nt of pnor quality r'D\Vs will Ire c•,·peeially important CHIC~~ in IIH' months to en11]C. Cuill'flii'S Ihwing sold my farm I will sPII at. 11111Jlie auelion at t.lw phu~r 7 mil••s whirlt were profitnhle to IH'i'Jl in Past of ~fason ou Columbia. l'oa

S I rn nge ns it 111 ny seem, ;;a y~ .Trnws, sonw farmer~ will fine! it to their mlvaninge to illr'l'r>a~e the size of their herd~ by addin,l; 11 A. M. H A.M. goo,J cows so that land. lnll(IJ' nnd WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31 investment mn llr. utilizer! br•tter even though llw pri: Jones, "it apprars 1hnt dairying will experience nnr• of Phone Phone. its most competillve eras. Dairy ·Price Brothers farmers wlw WC'ather tho ~lorm Mason <111<1 adjust their y111erprisrs to Auctioneers Stockbridge t Jrese ('Olldit ions will i··r~ rnnl'f' r•i'· ficiPnl ororlucL'l'>: HIH! 1h11s 0/lrn 2-8761 17-f-111 thr. ri~lrl to compt•te for fultii'O Maurice &. Bob pmduet inn."

In tesb at the Wayne Research Farm, this new high energy starter gave an 8% increase in growth with av2% greater. Tax Reduction 42 Holstein Cattle Implements - Tools Dairy Equipment feed efficiency over last year's formula, Wayne High Energy Holstein Cow,. 3 ycm·s old, bred Scptcmbct• 29 19!10 Oli\'et· 88 'f1•actor with 13-inch ti1·es on Sm•p;t~ 1\lilldng Maehint' with· 8 single units Chick Starter costs loss in the long run because its "ProdL1ctive Holstein Cow, 4 year·s old, b1·cd October J:{ · J'c:u, extm good condition DlLI·i-1\.ool X-ean Sitlt• Boor 1\lill• CouiPt', Efficiency" gives you the fast, early growth needed io develop By Eisenhower llolstdn Cow, 3 ytmrs old, hrt•d ,JanuaJ•y l!'i 1!)51 Allis-Chahnt!l's WD 'fract-m· and JlOWtll'­ neal'ly new · pullets that will become heavy layers •• , with less feed required Holsft~in Cow, 3 ymus old, bred Au1~ust 27 lil't cl!ltivator to do the job, Double W:t.~h 'l'uhs llolstein Cow, 4 yem·s old, lm~d JltnUai'Y 28 Allis-Chalnwrs :No. no Comhhu•, goo1l Can Hael< l H l\Jilli Cans ll.olstein Cow, 4 yeat·s old, bred Decembtw 30 condition StmiJWI' and l'ails Sets a Reco'rd Holstein Cow, 3 yea1•s old, !fresh and OJien 1952 New Idea Single-Row Corn J>iclw•· Sil:t !~t· ·Cart Bement Feed & Supply Uy \Valtt!l' Chnmhlirr. ,Jr·. llolstein Cow, 5 years. ohl, bred .Octobm· 14 1951 P:ttJec J?ol':tp;e ll:u•wsttw llolstein Cow, 4 years old, fresh and 011cn Phon~ 2-1421 l'tlason Sh·eet l~cw people rcali:r.t> it,- but thr. Papec Row-C•·op Attachnumt inX progmrn ol thrr Eisenhower llol:.tein Cow, 3 years old, lfl't~sh and OlJen Pallf'C Hay Attadunent arlminislrat ion whicli is nnw go· Uolstdn Cow, 7 years old, bred December 20 Intel·national F-20 Tmctor an1l Culf.i\•atoJ·, ing tilrottgh congr:cs,; ... couplet! llolstt~in Cow, 2 years old, ft·esh and OJlen extra p;ood rubber 37 Head Hogs with tlw reductions whidr took Holstein Cow, 5 years old, bred December lH New Idea 'l'raetor 1\'ranm·e Spl'!~adN· 27 Hampshil'l~ Gilts, 1ltw to l'arr·ow in ,Juncl place .Janliaint billion and illlsiness $2.GI9 billion. 8 llolstcin ·Uilil'm·s, H-10 months old Set of Lantz Coulters Tlw $!Jl2 million in exeise lnx re· 3 ·llol'itj!in 'Hdt'crs, 8-9 mouths old Uni\'ersal l\-Junure I.oadl!r Air Comtn·essm· and ~fot:or in g;ood eomlition 2 . Holstein .. Heifers, (i-7 mouths old 50-gallon Oil I>rum and PumtJ :~ llolstcin Jlci!'cJ:s, 3-5 months old 1!152 lnternation:ti 7-ft. lUowtw SNtl,'S lUowtn• ' ' 22,inch Powm· Lawn 2 Holstein ·ncil'm· Calves, 2 months oltl ~ Papcc Fm·age Ulowei· and •l:3 l't~et ol' Jlipr. 8fi·ft. l~xttmsion J.adder . Holstein· Bull, 14. months old Five 20-t•otl nulls. of Nnw 'l'?t•net! i\linne:tpolis-1\loline 8-bottom H-inch Plow Quantity ol' 2x,l:'s . RANGS t\ND ~1'. :'l'I~STED n. on t•ubber, nearly ntlW C~uantity of Plank Lumhtlt' Rubber-t.h·ed Wagon anll Gmmm Stt•el Uox Quantity of Uarbed Wirn 20 Cow' Stanchions' Corn .~ .Oats - Straw Unw Spl't•adcl' on Rubber Norge 4-hm·nel' ·lmcctrie' Stove quantity of 4,-inch, 8-i~1eh and 12-inch Drain ROO nnshels of ··cm·n 1950 J~ortl !!:!-ton ~iclmp, good condition 900 Bushels· of :oats Tiltl 30 · Tons of· 'Silage · Cardinal 16-ft. Aluminum ID!e\'ator Quantit~· of Forl1s, Shovnls anll OUuw Small 'l'ools · (~uantity ol' ClhOlllled Stt•aw 7!1-l'eet of J~mlle!ts Belt · 30-inch H-~aug;e Steel 'l'uhs 'l'his mnn liAS switched lo ' .J ' Davis Insm·nuce . Ag·erwy · he· tlanse tlt~ullnA· with us is , Terms - Cash siJ•ictly "money in the burrl•." Lunch Stand No* Responsible Tuesday - March 30 8 P. M. Om• ability to shu\'rl msts in on Grounds . . •' .. . -~. .. ' ' t.lro fnre of l'ising prfces is ns ·for .Accident, Millville Ha1Lon:M~36 . urmsuul :these clnys ns a ~;·i· t•afl'e, in 11 hil'!l honse. Try ns und expt•ct the best. Jl,nsslhle

·'·' ··'Kenneth'. c. ,Olson· CLARK HALL,, ,Pro.p. ~ SURGE DEAI.EU · r,;a ''• 1 ;. .If.C!wlerville II i ''. Davis, ·Cash~er -~ VIC Joy r:lml jump hncll,nnrl Jnr,th tn I>P. nml .I ter•." whlll' nvlmmlng- -Htlil woridng nn tr.lrlvlslon until tlwy nrQ done, 1 HenVPI'Ii 11m r!ql 1ipJH'ri wull 1'111' lillw iJPIII'!'I':;," · Lnwreneo I!Otn· Wife Stilly HIIYH It Isn't fnlr• fnt• SuHy I tllf'lr ll[jlllltie lirt!,' lw dnltns, lllf!llls. to piny Hu long wlwn It'll the wenl1 of her· turn for• she ntwnys Oii'IH IJI'I'i'l'l' II'JU;llln•; rli~lii'H, hiiiTieH rent fnst when It's hor Ont~ I'Vt'llill).[ is mlnu:, 'l'V, wcnl\, Silo Slll'niy does. So fnst Homotimes ll111t wrl ean hardly Qat Just A~·rived! 011, fot• lim gonrl old rllll'H, with tlw riislws twxt mot•nlng. Wn'vr! tmlvcri thiH pmhlllfll HonwwiHII hy ltlttlng Susy wash '\vt~y-would littll! girls rathr!r ns slw rills nti-~~r~\~11-lt~r:-gl;l~~;;:~ riislw.~ twice a wr!cl• nurl I wn:;h the ro:;t, 'l'hcn I ,gn1h n tmVI'I wash dislws 1h11n dry tiH'm·: ~11sy willt n sp111>n, llrmiH the plait'S llll· nnri help her. llnw the time flies. nnll Sally t;llw turns l1y till' wr•PI> Iii tlw~· sinll and then adrninls hciJIIng with the dislws. It's lu•r lwnds wiH'tl thr:y get Jllldwry. You loww anythlug gneH faster If Susy's tum now 11nd slw W11nls to .C.:11IIy gr•ts pn!lly rllsguslt!rl you go right nt It instenri of dllly-dnllylng over it. We've :;aved wash. Slw :;ays It's rnom fun to with hl'r 11s there ill'e no tclevi­ Certi·fied 1~beg,veit swlsh in IIIP suds thnu it Is In sion programs until tile l1itdwn a good hal( hour. We still visit stand and rnalw nmlions in till' II;; ;;tl'l!ight. Wt• 11sr!rl to g1•1 in· ' enn flow in ·neutral. This for all cows (70 per cent of !he service is for Holsteins), More than 400 de!egnlcs of tho MABC from 69 counties will ga!he: nt Michigan Stfllo Collego March 1e lo hold their onnual moeling lllld to ,Jtmr• ...... $211 hu. lligh-spcPrl, iligil·gcared vibrating celebrate a decade of progress, (M,S,C, Photo) is not good for some of us. In­ ~:n·ppj, ...... $ 10.'10 hu. rleed, r believe! I was born :30 \'f'lll'.'i too soon. Guess J'm not the ALFALFA: ;,nly one who tillnlted J'r11m Mi<'t1i.c:nn IJr•:lvr•rs, lw rtni~:herl nUl' dishes I snid, "Let's ,YCIII's, really ir.; busy this year--- With the current higl1 hem'l'r explains. hul "r•virll'nr'l' poinls to 1\liSCI~I.Li\Nl•:OtlS HElmS: constantly builrling lodges, dams population, ahout 17,1100 hem·ers its be~ in~ 1hP _cau:--ie o[ 1nany malw 11 surprise for t!JC rest." I Hrmrw ...... $17 .!i() t~wt. and cvun eannl.'i, aeeording to a were trapru~d in 1\lil'llit.:an last ll:~H\'l'l' .Jca Ills." got a heavy sauce pan oLil and I.:ulino ...... 70e 1wr lit 2-plow CA JlD!Jperl corn. Oh, but it sml'IIPd Univcr:;it~· nl' Mlchigau s<'ientisl. year. As a rPsull 11f this <'lll'l'<'nl lll'ill't;l' fillllili<•~ IISIIi!ll,l' 11llm· 'J'imuthy ...... $!! bu. gDod. Susy shined appl_es ami was William Lawrence, re:.;ear~h as· higl1, the popula I inn iH fllr·Pd wi III her ahuul ri ol' (j l1l<'llliJPrs, Law­ We have it - more work power for you - in the Model CA ;:ociale in t IH! . U-M sdwoi of problems of diseasP, onr• of Wl1kl1 Tractor. With two 1•1-inch plows, it walks right along in 2nd a II ready when the chores wrrr! l'PIH'P !'1ily~. will1 I it ter~ :1vcraging done. Then I said instead o[ lool<­ natural resources, points out that is thought to he 111l:rremia. ·!, hting !lorn t'iJt•h spring-. 'l'hcs!~ in toughest soils. Why? 1 ,1, The rugged Allis-Chalmers eng-inc delivers. 23.55 draw­ ing nt television all evening let's tile animal's rise fmm nr~ur ex- Lawrence currently i~; stllrl)'ing young gL'III'r:tlly nn· iiL'li'.-'(' ;-;]HH'I· bar l1p. and 2G.G2 lwlt hp. ut only 1650 rpm. pmve 1hat we aren't depenrlont tinct ion is in part rlue to legal the disease under sponsDrr.;hip of I~· after t1il'tll, :iltlluugl1 their ' nn it to enterlnin us for every protection ami also to environ· a u: S. puhlir: lwall It gmnt. 'I'll is di\'ing activities :rre limitl'd by 2. AUTOMATIC TRACTION 1300S'rER, the new engi. Mason E~evator Co.- neering principle thnt puts horsepower ·Completely to walling moment. Some of us read. mental changes. An example of work. Implement W rear wheels as needed, read ... nr iool1cd nt in weel' arc found on solid ground, either. Sally is the one who u~cs Lawrence says. "To· gel across Plummer Machinery het· bean. She says sometimes. tlu~ boggy lands to the aspen, the 41!J N. Cetl:u· Lansing "llut, mamma, you get to Jooi~ at hc:wrr cuts llirnself ditches anrl il any time of the day you Wil"' swims ncmss. On the return trip

tn. You ser. lots of gnod and int~r­ r•st ing things. 'l'l1r.n when wr!'re Grade· Holstein in scl10ol all dny we like to sec !I in ll~c Pvrning." In 1hc cve­ nin!!'? lt's always, Tlwy happen' to have some lit-,. tie bl;wk roosters among my white pullets that I bel they Dairy Herd Dispersals d1111'1 l'vcn know hai'C' almost featlwrerl out. Ami tlw last 2 ealves lmve bren hom :mrl weaned willwut hcndit of their loving pats and Jeeriing. and T don't know wllnl tC'Ievision has done to j'OUI' house hul I wish we l111cl lllll' old 11 [e hack. Farm Machinery Auction Hubbard News ,Judy G:II'IIIWI' and Alyf'tJ Goi.Jir- In tlw Wuh'l't'illl' Ptm•IH'I'. Floyd Launslein. Mr. :rncl Mrs. Alvin Goble vis­ revciuticn@Jry IQ'~t:l@r drive tl&at -10 O'Clock A. MR ited Mr. and l'vln:. Earl Miller or Eaton Hnpirls SnnciiiY aftcmoon. ' ComJtlc•J t• ciispl•:·sal or tl11• wr~· nutsf:uulin.t:; hm·d nf Fmnltein. Judy • Doostpull-powerup to 45 per cent, ON THE GO! Con1plete line of Farn1 Equipment Gantner. Alyce Goble nne\ Shirley Lmmstein. · • Change tractor speed, ON THE GO! I John lker•e Modd B Tmct.ot·, starter, l\lanure Spreader Mrs . .Tanr. Amhs of Leslie, Mrs. • Choice of ttvo speeds in every gear, ON THE GO! lights, power-lil't Oliwr Corn Uindt~t· Laur·u Ash anrl Linda and Mer­ 10 forward and 2 reverse. l\1assi~V-IIarl'is 1\fodd ,J.4-fi 'l''radot• with· ,John I>t!t'l'e Corn nindt~l' rill Williams of Wyandotte were With the NEW Farmnll Super M-TA, you c.wtctly match cltlti\'ator, I'XCI~IIcnt condition HIC l\lower 5-l't, SundaY: enllcrs o[ Mr. and Mrs. pull-power and speed to the job. International Model C Tt•actnr with Combine, AC,- 42-inch Husscll Crowl. ' New McCormick Super mountt•d plow:; Sl•~· Line Chopper with l\lotor n.ev. Brooi{S visited our school New, Completely Jndapendent Power iake-off makes W6-TA, featuring TA and IIIC li'armall F-12 'fract.ot• Plows 2-row Culth•at:or Monday nncl told the Easter possible for the first time, NON ·STOP power take-off st0ry. · IPTO, is first_in the John ])eet·l~ H Tract01·, l!Hii, startet· and Farm Wagon with l'lat t•aclc operation ; •• regardless of tractor travel .. ·• pto· Mary Redman. Alyce Goble, "wheel tractor" field to lights Hean J>uJler · driven machines stay at uniform rated speed give you job-matched Judy Garclt~cr, Marian Sturman at all times. lnll!t'nationul Tractor Spt·cadet·-fluid type Wa){on, rubbet·-th·cd and n.utl1ia Gohle accompanied pull-power, i11s!tmtly-; Minne:1polis-l\ioline' Tt·actor Col'll Planter Do'ttble Disl•, 7-ft. Mrs. Crowl to Mason Monday to Get the Feel of the new Farm all Super M-TA-bringin~ and f•Jll rated pto speed with fertilizer attachment: 30-inch 2-man Chain Saw practice singing for the eighth you the most efficient drawbar nnd power .takc·otf at ttl/ times. Sec and 1rv Jnhn De1~l'l' V:mUrunt 1!i-7 'fmctot• llt·ill Elemtm·s Silo Filler grade proniot ion exercises. performance ever available for 4-plow, 4-row farming. the new Super W6-T/t VanBrunt 11-hoc I>t•ill G. E. l\Iill;; Cooll!t' ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION TODAY!. TODAY! John I>em·e 3-section Drag Sur~e !UiiiHw Unit, new Almost even• laying- flock in I ))rag, 8-scctiou, S!II'ing St!at's 1\'Iillwr Michigan could b~ rerltlcecl by You can· buy 'l:hese tractors on the In como ll"urc!<-::Jr·::- Ut•ag, Suilmtooth l\lill< Cans 'funl;; lleutca· 10•,;. hy good euiling without hurting production, nn Michigan Pian ••• let ~hem, tlCV '1ot• themselves in u:;e \ nrag, 2~section 1,200 Uushcls Col'JI Statr. <:allege poultryman asserts. New 7-Hi John Dt~c•·e I>ir;lc llar•t•ow 400 to 500 .Rushels Oats Da\'id·Rt•atllcy l'low 3-14" rcducibltl to 4011 nales llay Check ~ur Bargain Day. Specials 2-1~" on mbbtw ,100 Bales Straw · IMli:RHAliONAl. ~~/§#~? IIARVlST'ER \ Machinery Sold a~ 10 A.· M. .. Livestock at 12:30 A. M. Visit Our Buck Bar Le~&dlng Broods . \ WIOTE ROCI