'" I \ Winner of the Michigan Press . · See the 4·H Exhibit$ General Excellence Aw111rd The Ing hami. County N at tho Mason Hi!lh School ' ' Ninety-Fifth, Year No, 12 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, March 25, 1954 4 Sections - 28 Pages llflve You Mel't legion Dec.ides Mt'. und I\11'H, l•'l1Jycl W. I School Officials Momany o[ 205 SDuth Park nll'llel ':' 'i'hcy moved to Muhon To Buy 6 Acres In Scplemher, '!'he Momunys Refuse Offer S[lenl lust yent• In Callfornln, and upon llwir return, carne io North of Town l\lasnn lo live. Church Hhe Is a nntlvc! o( LanHing Of Site and he hail.~ fmm Charlot !o. Members present at a mcet­ Mr. Momany Jr. 11 llrid<laycr MembCI'S of the bonn! or lnr,: of Bt·ownc-Cavendcr post for n contraf'llng fll'tn In L:rn· education ut•e no Ionge!' in· No. 148, American Legion, Hlng. DnrltJfi Wnrlrl Wnr Tl he sorvnclln the Infantry anrl :;aw le!'csted in secut·in~ the I3tn•• hmt Thursday night decided to uc•llon In lite PadJlc! Lhcutre. ~ess pl'Opcl'ty bel ween Maple erect a IJuildln~ on G acres ob- ·mrJ Columbia, llwy lnl'o1'!1wrl lnlnod t't·om .lol1n Angell. The • A lfficials of the Nazal'cne site is o.n Pt•yor road, a m.ilc' Boys and Gtns ~hul'ch. :wt·t h of Mason. The land lies Nnwrcne;; purciHJSt>cl ll at•res· from Mr. and Mrs. ,Jc:;~;!' But·gcss west of the gmvcl pit pond on D~cr.pm !lly '"!II" !!l neult Angell's pmpcrty. ll..l g ns a site for a JH'I'I C'lllll'l'!J. 'l'hP ~u u 6 sclwol cli:;lric'l was niTPrc'ri tlH• Post member.-; auillflrlzcc1 the h west half Inti bnanl members hiiilclilig comrnittc!e to go ahead A~ 4..MJ s lf\w turned It clown. '!'hey have tlwit· lmmc<llately on plans fnr a new t [fl fiJI eyes on anotlwt· ph•c•p of Jll'npet·ty iJuilcltn;::. Tlte po:;t hns $20,fXJO 11 for an nm;t siciP e!Pmentary r•ollccterl In flte lnsUI'ftnt'e on the school they sa icl. r.cr;:lnn Mc!mot·Jal hulldlng des· More than 500 1-H boys trnyf'.! by nre last Dl'ccmher Hi. and gll·ls nncl adult. leaders Uncle!' !he C'lturc·ll plan ol de· velopnwnt the lnnrl nnl IH!Pclccl for Unless some group or group of display theit· t:llents in will the new churf'li n nrl a JlHrsonnge groups mmes through in the Waf>Oll Thut·srlay, Fricluy and Will be solrl for hullrling rots. next few clays 1he remains of the Lq.:Ion Menwrlal huilrllng will 1w Saturday. The 3-day expo:ii- Gc>orge SC'ill'iPbPr of Pas<trle!w, torn clown. That was the dcr:islon lion will be the annual California, Is cii'<IWI:lg plans fnr of l,C!,OI'Clll In<'mhcr." al tJlnl't• rnnnt. I . l I'OS'l'OFI>'lCI•: !'NrttONS at Nili'HJn l'lljoy C'UI'h ~c·rvicl' on dispatch the new l'iliii'C'h. 'I'IIC!y have not ·' w ac 11cvemenl c nys. · II '1'1 • 1 '1'1 1 • · ing Thursday night. ~ tng rna · Hll ~: w IY 1ursc ay s rant llll'ilnt nollting to pl'o yet been plac•ctl hr.forc Ute local 'l'hou~anc!s o( pro('":ls ":'ill bt• I pie with cm·s. All tllCy liar! to lin was rlrivr• np to the new m11llhox dturch hoard. The disposition of the hullcling on display. They will nrnv~ at at the C'lll'IJ, iiiHI pliH't' their !Pitf'r's in tllf• dmte. Postmaster Lesltc H1•v. Hoy Mumau, pitiiln!' of tlJC• was tosser! bacl< to til!! Legion hy lhr! M11 son selmol gymnastum ,. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mn~nn churC'11, sitld 'l'lwrstlay the dty c·ounr.:ll at a special meet· 'I'J .. 1. 1 .11 1 ·. 1 1 1 "met ldc 1 te siHJII ani dmp box nwrli! ow•r <nHI :;rc•tn·ed penn is· lUISCoiY ,IIH WI lC 1UCf'C!C lY · f 1 · • · · that the building enmmitlce hopes inr.: last Wednesday night. r.xiC'nslon leadcts fr;, 111 'otlw'r :m1~1 o I w ctly cuunctl to locate It at the curb 1n frrutl of tlw post· to start work within (J weel..:s. Shorlly after the nrc last De· I c•ountles and repr·csenlall\•cs of offtcr. cembcr !he Lc!gion requested the Ingham county industries. ·Mrs. Mtldrerl Gardner, hrHJ(\I(('C'jll'l' nt :-ichmi.ll's rlcpHrlmcnl The Nazarenes sold I heir pres· cnl churl'it nn West Elm street <'ity f'Ollncil to mai:e a rccom· A public: open ilmH;C' 1:; planned sltJI'I!, was CHH' of lin• first lo lry ont the new hcrvicu. Poslmaster mr.nrlation as In what ~hould he Ft•Jday night fr•om 7:30 lo !l:OO Palmeri~ r;IHJII'IlWilh hPJ' in t!te pit•ltliC' :r!Jove. to the Seventh Day Arlvenllsts. done with the huilcllng, In its rc· for folks to see the displayed "This new service 1:hould ill' a rr·al hPIJl lo the pcop!C'," Palmar Tlw present plan c·<tlls for tlw extension of S!I'C!It• :,Jrcct, now quest the Legion set forth that it talent, M. H. Avc1y, county ~·H sairl. "lluwevc!r, it ts lrnpot·l:tnl llli\1 no mn; bt! par:\ecl along tlw clirl not want to rebuild aml of- 1 '- 1 · 1 '1'1 II' emling at.Maple, north to Colum· c u, agent, exp atncc. 111 llliJic c:urb near the rlmp !Jox. Ao soon a:; cmr• <'ar is parlwrl tltf're, the hia street. SOl\m'I'IIING HAS HEI~N ADDED at the county jail. It's the fine mesh screen between fcrcrl it to the city or any other can visit the display· anylime purposP of tlw bo:..: has been cJelcHted." pl'isoners and visitors. This picture takc<J. Wednesday afternoon during visiting hams group. Saturday, he arlclerl. During the course of Thurs- Under the parl..:ing han, Pnlmcr said I hat more people can avail 3hows the contrast between the old and the new. The prisoner, held for investigation of "Every year, our aciJievcmcnl 1hcmselves of llw servic•£>, bigamy, is receiving a visit fi'Om his daughter by one of his wives. He wouldn't say 1yhich. clay's meeting Legion members days ~how cviclcnccs of improved ·,Jtlac•.JmcJ Cotlnct'lman .C. "I. .£-!all "llnder:;tancl this," Palmct• c!eclarcrl. "a lc•ltcr mailed in !he box Neighbors Save He stood on the Fifth Amendment, refusing to incl'iminate himself. Under the old system '~ · • quality," Avery said. "This year the daughtct· could hand a hack saw or even an axe through the bat'S, if she could get. and City Attorney Howard Me· is no exception. There will he will b~ pror•c•ssecl .iust as quil'!;ly as on~ lrlililr•rl within the building. them past the tumkcy. Wi1h the new screen completely covering the bars, as shown at Cowan. McCowan was'• rcporlcrl some fine projecls on di~play We wtll observe the piC'I:up scltcclLt!c f.rit!J[ully." Leroy Barn in the right, she can get nothing through except her· voice, and even that must be thin. Tl:e as r.aying !hat U1c Le.gion was at· ranging from clothing, JmittiJJg tempting lo pass the buck on the and a slylc slww to handicraft state has issued m·clet•s to shet•iifs to erect sct·eens to pt·event visitm·s from passing weapons, rlispositlon of the building. Hall and electrical work." · Mystery Blaze tools, notes and othet· contmbancl to pl'isoners, Another demand by the state is 1 hat the was quoted as saying that he The general commillce mem· county provide uniforms for pl'isonct·s. The Ingham ot•der has been placed but delivery is presumed 1he Legion intended to Doctors Ask for Help Worldng with bucl<ets of wa· not expected fot· seve!'a I weeks. (Ingham County News photo). ' r,:o outside of tOW!'\ so it could hers in charge !Jf the 3·day event lf'r and hand fire extinguislwrs, secure a har license and depend are Mrs. Dorothy Head, Mrs. D. Vantnwn neighbors savr.d !lie nn liquor profits to support the Clanahan, Mrs. Everett Angell, Howard Sims barn Monday night. 'ld' Mrs. W. D. Orr, Mrs. George Culprit Suggests Own Punishment b 111 in Polio Vaccine Test They had 1he lire out before 1he News Index new mg. Kahrcs anc\ Mrs. Kenneth Bal..:cr. Wchhcrville HremPn arrivcr!. Joy Davis took exception to Saturday \Vt'll !Je tJ1n ht'g cl,•tv D t I I Want <1cls, Pages 11, 7 i!ncl R II ll' t II · t d t ~ J oc ors W 10 HlVC voluntcrrerl cnrcling to prr.:;ent plans. Cause of 1!JC nrc remairm un· a s statemen s .. e pom c ou for tlln. 4·I-I pnopJn., as wnJJ a",' Ill"' I . tl •o c •o - c ,, ~ known. The wiring was not. de· Legal nCWH, Page S, l'arl I; II l 1 (' I t'1011 I lCir servlC:Cs free on t'llnning Tn;::llnm anrl II other Michigan Mason Boy Stalls Escalator Page G, Plll'l 2; Pages 4 ami Ja a .
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