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Texas Monthly -c :D ~ -o MAKE THE DIFFERENCE Your vote CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE. In 1978, only 31,000 votes were cast in the Republican primary for Harris County Treasurer. The GPC mailing list contains more than 11,000 names. Think about it. And vote Republican-for Van Ooteghem-just once. Your vote can make the difference. Phone bank volunteers needed at 524 Westheimer. --< >= REPUBLICAN PRIMARY* HARRIS COUNTY TREASURER '":D * Any registered voter may vote in the Republican primary on May 1. 1982. You will not be prevented from j5 F voting in future Democratic primaries. f5J Paid for by CITIZENS FOR GOVERNMENT ECONOMY, Gary Van Ooteghem, .~ J. :0 co Treasrer, 604112 Westheimer, Houston, Texas 77006 so ~*~;~~~! VIDEO TO GO. ;. CELEBRATE OUR THIRD SMASHING YEAR t *** JOIN NOW-GET $100 OFF!! * Todays home video equipments offers * FINAL WEEK '\. the ease of the yesterdays f iIm without the hassle, Cost, or inconvenience. They are portable, they are table models, they are great performer either way. Portable video recorders are so small they go any where and most offer the same fea- tures as the top of the line table models. If you already own a Video Cassette Recorder all you need is a camera to become your own home producer. \ -~ [~~~V - - -- ....:.=:=/ PORTABLE SYSTEMS FROM CAMERAS FROM $149500 $64500 .9 E'" <: >- c •....o vidEO 526-4327 s C; (5 J:: 0. EllVil"OlllllE Ills DALLAS HOUSTON 2615 Oaklawn 3307 Richmond Ave. *(§) fITrne'5!S * Houston Suite 101 River Oaks Center, 1988 W. Gray, Houston, TX. Dallas, TX 75219 Texas 77098 (214) 526-1220 (713) 524-9932 **~XCIH~* TWT APRIL 23 . 29. 1982 PAGE 5 NAUTILUS FOR MEN ~ __ -CONTENTS:-_ "LEARN TO SCOOT YOUR BOOTS, C&W STYLE" Volume 8, Number 5 April 23-29, 1982 DANCE LESSONS 8:30-10PM BEGINNERS TUESDAY - ADVANCED WEDNESDAYS PAGE 48' the only commendable thing about Victor/Victoria is that unlike Making Love (and the just-released Death- trap), it spares us unappetizing close-ups of men kissing. This outbreak of cooties really has become a bit much."" PAGE 53 11 TWT NEWS 50 ENTERTAINMENT - TEXAS 25 COMMENT by Rob Clark 29 SPECIAL REPORT 53 FEATURE NGTF Forms Network to Texas Monthly Smears Gous Monitor Reagan Nominees by Steven Saylor 33 HIGHLIGHT 59 HOT TEA Good Health Mal,! Be 65 SPORTS Hazardous to Your Drinking 70 WESTHEIMER ART FESTIVAL by Jim Boone 72 PHOTO ESSAY 37 A WOMAN'S PLACE Steve Lange Spring in San Antonio by Stephanie Horris by Jim Hamilton 41 BOOKS 77 FIESTA SCHEDULE Quatrefoil bl,! James Barr 79 SAN ANTONIO MAP Reviewed by Dovid Fields 83 STARSCOPE 45 THEATRE New Moon Cleavage 89 CLASSIFIED Reviewed by Dean Moione 99 CALENDAR 46 MOVIES 103 THE GUIDE Polyester Reviewed by Steve Vecchietti 3912-14 CEDAR SPRINGS, DALLAS 522-9611 .••• ON OUR COVER: 48 SHOWBIZ Steve Lange, San Antonio by jack Vorsi Photo by Jim Hamilton TWT (This Week in Texas) is published weekly by Asylum Enterprises, lnc.. at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006; phone: (713) AFTER HOURS EVERY FRI & SAT 527-9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photo. g,raph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orienta- tion of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $55 per year; $35 per half-year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage. TILL 4PM Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas Copyright © 1982 by Montrose Ventures, Incorporated All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, arti- cle or feature, copy or photograph from TWT IS specifically prohibited by federal statute. PAGE 6 TWT APRil 23 - 29, 1982 TWT APRil 23 . 29, 1982 PAGE 7 1) PRE-CONDITION YOUR SKIN BEFORE GOING INTO THE BRUTAL SUN! tCome to EuroTan today and show off that sexy, healthy-lookinq tan in less than a week. tOur JK Tanning beds from Germany are totally safe. NO burn, NO peeling, NO dry skin. Recommended by Dermatologists. tPrevents aging of the skin and sunburn. -Atso available tor home use. tThe JK Tanning Bed is a EuroTan Exclusive. "We do it safely - the European way" 2) SHAPE UP - ELECTRONICALLY tEuroTone now offers the ultra modern way of Isometric exercise, muscle toning and building. Our trained technicians apply up to 20 pads to your "problem areas" and our equipment does the rest. Electronic impulses contract and relax your muscles. tNO sweat, NO strenuous exercise, NO discomfort. -Atreadv featured in PM Magazine, "That's Incredible", Gentlemen's Quarterly, The Houston Post, etc. tThr P10S Isometric Muscle Toner is a EuroTone Exclusive. "We do it electronically - the European way." 3) GUARANTEED INCH LOSS -INSTANTLY! -Our famous "Body Wrap" together with our nutrltronal program will get you ready for that new and tight bathing suit. Show off your new body in Galveston, Acapulco, Lake Travis or Key West. It works! Sunday Beerbust 3-9P~MMUSiC by Bobby Konrad 3221 Fondren Afterhours Fri & Sat . li' Dresscode After 9PM 3701 Montrose Blvd. 529·5100 EUR.~ ~IAN 266·9947 1732 Westheimer I' Houston 528-8528 M .•••• c For EuroTan franchise opportunities in your area, call (713) 529-1701 • • PAGE 8 TWT APRIL 23 . 29. 1982 TWT APRIL 23 - 29. 1982 PAGE 9 THIS WEEK IN TEXAS \\OIl !"I9MP;RFFFE_ .••.2205 Mpntrd~e---' ttOUS¥&;1 TexbS',no ___ NEWS__ - ~ FIESTA '82 the Dallas Department. Dallas may have ~L to go outside its police force as did 3409'-dak"tuwri;SUite 117, GAY CLIMAX Houston in order to find a suitable Dallas, Texas 75219 SAN ANTONIO - All roads lead to chief. (214) 521-0622 Fiesta '82 this weekend as this Friday, "We have been reviewing potential PUBLISHER/EonOR Chuck Patrick Saturday and Sunday are the big gay candidates that we know about that FEATURESEDITOR Blase DiStefano TEXAS ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Rob Clark days of the historic festival. April 23 and may either have an interest or are NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jack verst 25 mark "the big gay rush" with the qualified or both," a reporter for the NEWS/SPORTS EDITOR Chuck Patrick festive Flambeau parade scheduled for Dallas Times-Herald said. POETRY EDITOR Art Tomaszewski this Saturday night. "We hope to have a new police chief CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jim Boone, Harry Deutsch, The gay place to be to view the in ninety days," Anderson said. "That's David Fields, Stephanie Harris. Christopher Hart, Harold Hove, Dean Malone. parade is still in front of the Menger a genuine target, because it's important WJ. Quigley, steve Vecchietti Hotel in spite of hotel management's not only for the department but also the ART DIRECTOR Steven Douglas Fritz curtailment of several traditional private community that we make the decision." PRODUCTION MANAGER DenniS Walker parties. Last year the Menger's Roose- The gay community of Dallas has re- ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Milch Bartlow velt Bar was closed "for remodeling," peatedly informed city hall that a liberal GRAPHIC ARTISTSThorn Bisping, Guy Keefer. TWT NEWS observed. It's doubtful that police chief is needed. Specifically, "we Fronk White. Mike Sullivan, John Buschlen TYPOGRAPHERS W.J. Quigley. Leslie Holmes this downtown bar will be allowed to be want a chief who is strong on human STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Eli Guklch,. Graham. open again this year. Gays would be rights," TWT NEWS was told. Since no Scott Taylor, Woody Keas. Greg Hovrcon. well advised to take their business to candidate names have been announc- AI Macareno. Blase DiStefano the supporting gay clubs. ed, no specific gay endorsement or SALES Another hotel, EI Tropicano, has recommendation is possible. EXECUTIVE SALES MANAGER opted to not welcome the annual Dallas is looking for a replacement Jim Veleto Christmas In July Saturday pool party. for Glen King who resigned as chief on Advertising rates are available on The April 24 skin-event has instead March 26 after two heart attacks earl ier request by telephoning the sales- been moved this year to the downtown in the month. King reportedly will earn person in your nearest city, from 10am- Holiday Inn on Durango which is wel- an annual pension of $34,057. 5pm. weekdays. coming all business. The Crockett 'DEMDNE FOR-A[CADS: Hotel has also shown no discrimination GAY SEX CASE ne this year, TWT NEWS notes. IN EL PASO JAIL AUSTIN Look for TWT photographer Jim EL PASO - Six EI Paso County Jail ScottTaylor _.. _. _.. _. (512)926-0253 Hamilton and TWT reporter Alan Gell- officers in charge of detention have DALLAS man to capture the spirit of Fiesta '82 been charged with misconduct in a sex Richard Rogers. .. (214) 521-0622 for next week's TWT Magazine. scandal. The six officers have been FORTWORTH charged with soliciting sexual favors Jerry Cassidy. (817) 335-0742 DALLAS TO GET from gay inmates. The officers not on- HOUSTON POLICE CHIEF ly solicited sexual favors for themselves Chuck Oberg. ... (713) 527-9111 DALLAS - Earlier this year Houston but also for jail trustees. "They did it SAN ANTONIO WE'VE 51'1L~GOI If ALL! began looking for a new police chief just for kicks," said Chief Deputy Jesus Ala~man . .. (512) 492-689~ and found one in Atlanta named Lee Reyes. M VOVV~R~, VAY~RS CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Cheryl Chamberlain Brown. Now another major Texas city, "There was no monetary property ex- P't'ES & eL\fS Dallas, has started looking for a new changed for this," Reyes told Associ- ACCOUNTING Doug Felix onN police chief. Candidates are presently ated Press. Reyes also clarified that the OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Cheryl Chamberlain CIRCULATION MANAGER Leslie Holmes MOt-lS>AY-SATURDAY being interviewed for that top spot on officers were not operating a prostitu- DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Brad LaMore JOAM-Il PM the metroplex police force, said Dallas tion ring of homosexual inmates.
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