26 December 2006

Dear Mr. Mehlis,

c As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past ten years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your services as Commisioner and later as Special Adviser for UNIIIC during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. Detlev Mehlis Berlin 1VH1N30 / OS01

iliOZ 8 - NVP My successor will have to contend with a full and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part,.I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know Qf your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,


26 December 2006

Dear Mr. Dumas,

As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past ten years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your services as my Special Advisor on Haiti during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. John Reginald Dumas Scarborough My successor will have to contend with a full and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part, I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know q.f your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,


26 December 2006

Dear Mr. van Walsum,

As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past ten years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your services as my Personal Envoy for Western Sahara during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. Peter van Walsum Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara The Hague My successor will have to contend with a full and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part, I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know of your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,


26 December 2006

Dear Mr. Halbwachs,

As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past ten years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your services as Assistant Secretary-General and United Nations Controller as well as my Representative to the International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB) during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. Jean-Pierre Halbwachs Representative of the Secretary-General to the International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB) New York My successor will have to contend with a full and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part, I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know of your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,


26 December 2006

Dear Ms. Sadik,

As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past ten years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your services as Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund and as my Special Adviser/Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Asia during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Ms. Nafis Sadik Special Adviser/Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for HIV/AIDS in Asia Geneva My successor will have to contend with a full and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part, I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know of your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,


26 December 2006

Dear Mr. Niasse,

As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past ten years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your services as my Special Envoy for the DRC Peace Process and Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region as well as my Special Envoy for the Inter-Congolese Dialogue during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. Moustapha Niasse Dakar My successor will have to contend with a full and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part, I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know of your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,


26 December 2006

Dear Mr. LeMoyne,

As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past ten years. I am deeply grateful that I have*been able to count on your services as Special Adviser on Colombia during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. James LeMoyne New York My successor will have to contend with a full and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part, I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know qf your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,


26 December 2006

Dear Mr. Kallings,

As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past ten years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your services as my Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Russia and Central Asia during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. Lars Kallings Geneva My successor will have to contend with a full and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part, I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know of your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,


26 December 2006

Dear Mr. Alleyne,

As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past ten years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your services as my Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean Region during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. George Alleyne Geneva My successor will have to contend with a full and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part, I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know of your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,


26 December 20006

Dear Mr. Stedman,

As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past ten years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your services as Special Adviser on Follow-up to the High-level Panel Report during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. Stephen Stedman New York My successor will have to contend with a full.and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part, I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know of your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,


26 December 2006

Dear Mr. Picco,

As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past ten years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your services as my Personal Representative for the UN Year of Dialogue among Civilizations and my Adviser during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. Giandomenico Picco New York My successor will have to contend with a full and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part, I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know of your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,


26 December 2006

Dear Mr. Mendez,

As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past 10 years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your services as my Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. Juan Mendez Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide New York My successor will have to contend with a full and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part, I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know of. your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,


26 December 2006

Dear Mr. Toure,

As I preparedo finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past ten years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your services as my Special Envoy for the Central African Republic during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. Amadou Toumani Toure Bamako

My successor will have to contend with a full and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part, I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know of your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,


26 December 2006

Dear Mr.jSahrfoun, rlS*

As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past ten years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your services as my Special Adviser during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to erisure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. There is a serious danger of a widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. Mohamed Sahnoun Special Adviser to the Secretary-General Geneva My successor will have to contend with a full and urgent agenda, including some of the management reforms and other steps I have set in motion. I trust you will give Secretary-General Designate Ban Ki-moon your full support, as you have done for me. For my part, I will leave office glad to have enjoyed the benefit of your friendship and advice, and above all, heartened to know of your commitment to the indispensable Organization I have been proud to serve for so long.

Yours sincerely,

Kofi A. Annan .. • y. rt1 IState/Prav '

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,.'* State/Prov: if x -* ij^i^^urf-Wi-hifc -* -j^jL^.'^^^^.Xs i-aara ^ ...^^^ijA-^J t^^j ^^ * ^™~d,' Naomi Scott-Dunne/NY/UNO To MaeArkoncel/NY/UNO@UNHQ '/Crr: 27/12/2006 05:09PM cc '/'* bcc f' Subject Address of Mr. Brahimi


Hi Mae,

Terribly sorry!

Mr. Lakhdar Brahimi 203 von Newmann Drive Princeton NJ 08540

Happy New Year! n Lara Khalife/NY/UNO To Marina Garde/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Mae 27/12/200611:31 AM Arkoncel/NY/UNO@UNHQ cc bcc Subject Fw: Contact information for Prof. John Ruggie

Lara Khalife First Officer Executive Office of the Secretary-General Tel. 917 367 3405; Fax 212 963 3511 Forwarded by Lara Khalife/NY/UNO on 27/12/2006 11:30 AM Goro Onojima/NY/UNO 27/12/2006 11:03 AM To Lara Khalife/NY/UNO@UNHQ cc Subject Contact information for Prof. John Ruggie

Professor John Ruggie Center for Business and Government Kennedy School of Government Harvard University 79 JFK Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Ema i1: j [email protected] UNITED NATIONS IWf NATIONS UNIES




27 December 2007


The Secretary-General would be grateful if you could kindly forward the enclosed letter to His Excellency Carl Bildt, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden.

A copy of the letter is attached for your information.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Alicia Barcena Chef de Cabinet

His Excellency Mr. Anders Liden Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations New York UNITED NATIONS fiWS NATIONS UNIES




27 December 2007


The Secretary-General would be grateful if you could kindly forward the enclosed letter to His Excellency Amadou Toumani Toure, President of the Republic of Mali.

A copy of the letter is attached for your information.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Alicia Barcena Chef de Cabinet

His Excellency Mr. Cheick Sidi Diarra Permanent Representative of the Republic of Mali to the United Nations New York TrishaturLagalia/NY/UNO To Marina Garde/NY/UNO@UNHQ 26/12/2006 01:48 PM cc Lara Khalife/NY/UNO@UNHQ bcc Subject Ms. Sadako Ogata

Dear Marina, Please find below the address of Ms.;Ogata:

3-29-18 Denen-Chofu, Ota-ku, 145 ,

(Mr.) Trishatur LaGalia RoomS-24100 Office of Human Resources Management Tel: 212-963-2511 Fax: 212-963-5220 E-mail: [email protected] Lexmark T420 PAPER MENU FINISHING MENU USB MENU Paper Source = Tray 1 Duplex : Off STANDARD USB PAPER SIZE Duplex Bind : Long Edge PCL SmartSwitch = On Copies : 1 Tray 1 Size = Letter : PS SmartSwitch = On Manual Pap Size = Letter Blank Pages Do Not Print NPA Mode = Auto Manual Env Size = 7 3/4 Envelope Collation •• Off USB Buffer = Auto Separator Sheets • None MAC Binary PS = Auto PAPER TYPE Separator Source : Tray 1 Tray 1 Type : = Plain Paper Multipage Print Off Manual Pap Type = Plain Paper Multipage Order : Horizontal Manual Env Type = Envelope Multipage View • Auto CUSTOM TYPES Multipage Border : None Custom Type 1 = Paper Other Settings Custom Type 2 = Paper QUALITYMENU Res. Reduction = On Custom Type 3 = Paper Print Resolution ; 1200 Image Q PCL Type 1 Fonts = On Custom Type 4 = Paper Toner Darkness : 8 - v..+ Feed Timeout = 60 Custom Type 5 = Paper PictureGrade = Off Job Timeout = Disabled Custom Type 6 = Paper UNIVERSAL SETUP SETUP MENU Warnings Units of Measure = Inches Printer Language ; PCL Emulation Toner Low Portrait Width = 8.50 Power Saver ; 30 Portrait Height = 14.00 Resource Save : Off Printer Information Feed Direction = Short Edge Print Timeout : 90 Page Count 20377 Substitute Size = All Listed Wait Timeout : 40 Installed Memory 16MB Configure HP = First Auto Continue : Disabled Processor Speed 200MHz PAPER TEXTURE Jam Recovery : Auto Serial Number B9068BM Plain Texture = Normal Page Protect ; Off Engine Speed 22 Card Stock Text = Normal Print Area : Normal Loader 222.202-0 Trnsprncy Text = Normal Display Language = English Basic Kernel E_CA.001-0 Labels Texture = Normal Alarm Control : Off Base 222.202-0 Bond Texture = Rough Toner Alarm : Off Engine E222.709-0 Envelope Texture = Normal Font 8.10M01-U4.0 Ltrhead Texture = Normal PCL EMUL MENU Duplex Preprint Texture = Normal Font Source = Resident Colored Texture = Normal Font Name = RO Courier Cartridge Information Custom 1 Texture = Normal Pitch = 10.00 Toner Level Low Custom 2 Texture = Normal Symbol Set = 10U PC-8 Serial Number 053360E51D Custom 3 Texture = Normal Orientation = Portrait Capacity 10K Custom 4 Texture = Normal Lines per Page = 60 Prebate Custom 5 Texture = Normal A4 Width = 198 mm Type Normal Custom 6 Texture = Normal TRAY RENUMBER PAPER WEIGHT Assign Tray 1 = Off Printer Statistics Plain Weight = Normal Assign Man Paper = Off Page Count CardStock Weight = Normal Assign Man Env = Off Total 20377 Trnsprncy Weight = Normal VIEW FACTORY DEF Jobs Printed Labels Weight = Normal MPF Default = 8 Total 9428 Bond Weight = Normal T1 Default = 1 PCL5 Emulation 35 Envelope Weight PS Emulation 3 = Normal T2 Default = 4 PCL6 Emulation 9390 Ltrhead Weight = Normal T3 Default = 5 Other 0 Preprint Weight = Normal T4 Default = 20 Supplies Colored Weight = Normal T5 Default = 21 Black Toner Custom 1 Weight = Normal Env Default = 6 5K Pages 1 Custom 2 Weight = Normal MPap Default = 2 10K Pages 3 Custom 3 Weight = Normal MEnv Default = 3 Paper Usage Custom 4 Weight = Normal Auto CR after LF = Off Plain Paper 16231 Custom 5 Weight = Normal Auto LF after CR = Off Card Stock 0 Custom 6 Weight = Normal Transparency 0 PAPER LOADING POSTSCRIPT MENU Labels 0 Card Stock Load = Off Print PS Error = Off Bond 0 Labels Loading = Off Envelope 385 Bond Loading = Off PARALLEL MENU Letterhead 0 Ltrhead Loading = Off STD PARALLEL Preprinted 0 Preprint Loading = Off PCL SmartSwitch = On Colored Paper 0 Colored Loading = Off PS SmartSwitch = On Custom Type 1 0 Custom 1 Loading = Off NPA Mode = Auto Custom Type 2 0 Custom 2 Loading = Off Parallel Buffer = Auto Custom Type 3 0 Custom 3 Loading = Off Advanced Status = On Custom Type 4 0 Custom 4 Loading = Off Protocol = Fastbytes Custom Type 5 0 Custom 5 Loading = Off Honor Init = Off Custom Type 6 1 Custom 6 Loading = Off Parallel Mode 2 = On MAC Binary PS = Auto Marina Garde/NY/UNO To Mae Arkoncel/NY/UNO@UNHQ 28/12/2006 01:13PM cc bcc Subject lindahl

Goran Lindahl

Flat 39 25 Farringdon Road London EC1M3HA United Kingdom

Tel. 44 20 7831 2756 Fax 44 20 7831 2758 TrishaturLagalia/NY/UNO To Marina Garde/NY/UNO@UNHQ 26/12/2006 01:29 PM cc Lara Khalife/NY/UNO@UNHQ bcc Subject Mr. Strong's Address

Marina, Here is Mr. Strong's address. Ahora nos falta la direccion de la Sra. Ogata. I am waiting for replies from a few sources. T

(Mr.) Trishatur LaGalia RoomS-2410G Office of Human Resources Management Tel: 212-963-2511 Fax: 212-963-5220 E-mail: [email protected]

— Forwarded by Trishatur Lagalia/NY/UNO on 26/12/2006 01:24 PM — Manama Sillah/NY/UNO 26/12/2006 01:14PM To Trishatur Lagalia/NY/UNO@UNHQ cc Ann De La Roche/NY/UNO@UNHQ Subject Mr. Strong's Address

Good afternoon,

Kindly find below the above mentioned: Mr. Maurice Strong 160 George St., Suite 2203 Ottawa, Ontario K1N9M2 CANADA 14 December 2006

Dear Mr. Halbwachs,

As I prepare to finish my term as Secretary-General, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past 10 years. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to count on your .... during this eventful decade.

When I took office, I felt that humanity faced three main challenges. One was to ensure that globalization would benefit all the world's people. Another was to heal the disorder of the post-cold-war world. Third was to protect the rights and dignity of individuals.

We have made important gains in each of these quests. Advances on aid and debt relief are helping to render the world economy less unjust. The world is finally scaling up its response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are fewer inter-State conflicts than there used to be, and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and are accountable to, those whom they govern. And the international community has recognized a responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Still, much more needs to be done. The Millennium Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved everywhere by 2015. People still face brutal conflicts, especially in the developing world. We face a possible cascade in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism continues to take lives and create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. And action on climate change remains terribly inadequate.

Mr. Jean-Pierre Halbwachs Representative of the Secretary-General to the International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB) Mae Arkoncel/NY/UNO To Marina Garde/NY/UNO@UNHQ 27/12/2006 06:05 PM cc bcc Subject Fw: Dumas

Forwarded by Mae Arkoncel/NY/UNO on 27/12/2006 06:06 PM Amsatou Maty Ndiaye/NY/UNO TO Mae Arkoncel/NY/UNO@UNHQ

27/12/2006 06:04 PM cc Subject Dumas

DUMAS, Mr. Reggie Tel: (868) 639-4077 PO Box 5760 Email: [email protected] Scarborough, Tobago Trinidad and Tobago (HO.


11 December 2006

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

f It was with deep regret that I learned that Private Abdela Gobena Shekalo, a member of the Ethiopian contingent of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), died on 30 November 2006, while on assignment.

I would be grateful if you would convey to your Government and to the bereaved family my heartfelt condolences ©n this terrible loss, as well as my appreciation for Private Shekalo's contributions to our work for peace in Liberia. I

I would also like to express to you^once again my gratitude for the valuable support that the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia continues to provide to this important peacekeeping operation.

Please accept, Mr. Ambass/dor, the assurances of my highest consideration. / /

Kofi A. Annan

His Excellency Mr. Dav$t Yohannes Permarient Representative of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the United Nations New York laventura To Marina Garde/NY/UNO@UNHQ T H 2NYR3N cc 27/12/2006 04:58 PM bcc Subject info.


Goran Lindahl

Flat 39 25 Farringdon Road London EC1M3HA United Kingdom

Tel. 44 20 7831 2756 Fax 44 20 7831 2758 LU _J O 0- £ L 1- LU LU 5 ADDRESS 0 D 0 ^ ^1 ^ ^ .CD 0 o" •p i D CO < c CD" tisaari CO Franziskanerplatz AUSTRIA 5 < CO <".o~ |S T- z o ^~' o" ^ CO 0 Q v ^ D L .0> O) - 0 31 „; CO CD (0 O 1981 McGillColle. Montreal, Quebec ^^~ ^J D 0$ CD CO T3 13 CO o I D CO ^ ^ O) "CD £3 I TO 0 o : 0 ® CO CO o D) LLJ O CO O ^ ^ ^ ^ CO O to 1 -3 L? .CD CD CD o c" o c D) 19BalcarresRd., 02465, USA 0 'co O IE Q 0 "•4— Ivj" O "o JO "c 1 =) CO 111 >" •*-< "CD < CO CD CD CD ^ _^ > 2 >1 CD o to < CO Q ~^- D 0 CO ±3 O) CO O CD o c United Nations Nations Unies


TO: Mr. Giandomenico Picco '


Your extension of appointment

Please find attached you extension of appointment signed by the Secretary-General.

I would appreciate it if you would sign the back of both copies and return one to:

Ms. Jan Beagle, Officer-in-Charge, Office of Human Resources Management, Room S-2527A New York, NY 10017

Her fax number is 212-963-1944. Thank you. 13 December 2006

Dear Antonio,

I thank you for your letter of 20 November 2006 concerning the selection process for a new Deputy High Commissioner for , in succession to Ms. Wendy Chamberlin. I am in full agreement with the selection process you have proposed and would be grateful if you would proceed accordingly.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Malloch Brown

Mr. Antonio Guterres United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Geneva "i

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Forwarded by Mae Arkoncel/NY/UNO on 27/12/2006 07:02 PM Patsy Schultz/NY/UNO 27/12/200606-46 PM To Mae Arkoncel/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Trishatur Lagalia/NY/UNO@UNHQ cc Ann De La Roche/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Susan Z Yango/NY/UNO@UNHQ Subject Fw: need a favour....


I looked through the files of James LeMoyne and Alexander Dumas. Unfortunately, we don't have anything on their address. Mr. LeMoyne was a UNDP staff member and therefore his PAs were done by UNDP. We only reimbursed UNDP for his salaries for the duration that Mr. LeMoyne was assigned by the SG as his Special Adviser on Colombia.

Below are the addresses I found for Mr. Niasse and Mr. Jackman:

1. Moustapha NIASSE: 56 Rue Leon G-D/Jmas, Fann-Resid. Dakar, Senegal Tel. 221 825-9078

2. Oliver JACKMAN: 7 Locust Hall Heights St. George, Barbados Tel. 246437-9307


Patsy S. Schultz Executive Office/DPA Tel. (212) 963-4413 Rm. S-3760 F

.— Forwarded by Patsy Schultz/NY/UNO on 27/12/2006 06:37 PM — Patsy Schultz/NY/UNO 27/12/2006 05'52 PM ^° Mae Arkoncel/NY/UNO, Trishatur Lagalia/NY/UNO cc Jesus Mendoza/NY/UNO@UNHQ, Susan Z Yango/NY/UNO@UNHQ Subject Re: need a favour....Q DUM,! Tel. (868) 639-4077 PC) Email: kruman;??t$ T H 6'.5EC R ETj}-R Y- G Efcl ER A L Trinidad and Tobago Joaquim Chissano Foundation Av: do Zimbabwe, 954 Maputo, Mozambique P.O. Box: 4069 011 (258) 21 484 000/1 Fax: 011(258) 21 489022 Email: [email protected]