
· · · d!Jl Aep-oNol •wrq ('1U!od 21U! 'dAJl'B:lU~Iit.JcbJ ABM.[!B~ -~ plWdw•::> 1uot~ u!vtunow AtJ!.:I ·lJ'81S 01 2lu!W01~ '1Q~JBq:) uns·;oq1 UJiitl.{lJON l80JJO hu'B JO ''BUBlUOW '}{.md .l~FJt!JD 'AuedWO;) JOilOH '3l(81 ~t{l jO pu~ tpnOS OlttllB · · · · · · · · ' ' 's:aarsqo ung-::.tp-ot-lu!on pUB [3lOH prvuoa~:w OllJB'l lf.lVd .ldpVJD OIQ1 01 uoqB;)!Idda uodn 1SOO 11U1MOQS pa.i8cbJ.d Sl"£ OO"tt OO"SI oo·tl · · · · · · · · · · · · ·' ' d!.l:J Aep-oM.t 'U.lnl - :JUa.L .,.., AaJSSO..I:J Guw ;oq U!-1\\ ~!JBJOIU!l! ?dlf810'11Q ·lJ.lVd reuoqsN .~::.psto l!S~ o::j .~::.p.~o on :as p;o+nqs ;oq osru d!-Q. S!ttJ.) 'JVUOHB~1UI O'llll 'q:Junet JU!Jd pus (OilOH .!Olpet!)· Auew_ · · dJ.ll Aep-auo 'wnta.J oo·ss · · · · · · d!.Jl Allp·::tAy 'SO'IJ!W' 69 'p=lDH U! UB(d O'IISUO'Idxa-nv dl.{1 ::.sn Ol AJ-ess;o~;ou ¥>U s! l! pue ·~oa.mq~, St"9 00'01 os·9 oo·s 00"0£ SJ ;)OJA.lOIS ~'1.'6'1 U01JOilVM uo pUB ' (t:;!l0H PtBUOO:JW 01'{8'] ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' . 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Great Northern Travel Headquarters For more detailed information about paaaenger service, rates, routes, reaervations, etc., or about Glacier and Waterton Lakes National Parks, write, call on or telephone Above--CamfJer.!ll at rest after a day of Red Eagle Lake, fa'mous for its fishing. The others- Fifty the nearest Great Northern office listed below: fishing in Red Eagle Lake. Mountain. Goathaunt and Crossley Lake Camps- provide over­ BELLINGHAM, WASH. 212 Kulshan Building night comforts for trail riders in the North Country. left-Trout fishing is excellent in the BILLINGS, MONT. · 311 Electric Building Big Horn Shl!.ep are friendly BOSTON, MASS. - - - - - 203 Walker Building Land of Shining Mountains. BREMERTON, WASH. . - - · 228 First Street in Glacier National Park. Trails Through the Park BUFFALO, N . Y . 797 Ellicott Square Right-Trail riders stop for lunch near The supreme enjoyment of Glacier Park, however, is found BUTTE, MONT. - 513 Metals Bank Building Blackfeet Indian.s entertaining at Glacier Park• Hotel. along the trails-kept inviolable, so far as highways are con­ CHICAGO, ILL. - - · 212 South Clark Street Indian Pan. CINCINNATI, 0 . 608 Traction Building cerned, by the rugged nature of the mountains. From hotel and CLEVELAND, 0. · 508 Hippodrome Building chalet centers trails radiate in all directions. Some lead to DALLAS, TEXAS - 1004 Southwestern Life Building near-by mountain lakes and lofty vantage points. Others cling DES MOINES, IA. - 305 Equitable Building to steep mountain walls and climb through high passes. Still DETROIT, MICH. Transportation Building "The LAND of SHINING MOUNTAINS" DULUTH, MINN. 302 West Superior Street others head far into the wilderness to the seldom explored re­ EVERETT, WASH. Great Northern Station cesses of this alpine playground. Launch excursiofL! are available on 6 lakes. FARGO, N.D. - . 702 Black Building Horses and guides may be engaged at nearly all the hotels and GRAND FORKS, N . D . Great Northern Station talongaide a sporty golf course) .. the Blackfeet Indian Thus one can leave the Empire Builder at either entl'ance, This U Lake Josephine. Glacier National Park (in ) chalets, and there are many standard trips from which to choose. GREAT FALLS, MONT. 802 First National Bank Building Reservation on our right, Glacier Park on our left. make a comprehensive motor tour through Glacier Park, and HELENA, MONT. - - - Placer Hotel Building These range from short half-day side-trips to the longer inter­ Camping trips are most enjoyable in Glacier Park. Complete reheard the train next day. KANSAS CITY, MO. - - 544 Railway Exchange Building W aterton Lakes Park (in Canada) Risin& sheer to the west lie Mountains. Flowing chalet and hotel rides which can be extended into comprehensive equipment and guides may be engaged at the hotels. KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Great Northern Station toward the east are a myriad of streams that will widen con­ tours. Trout fiahing is excellent in streams and takes throughout the , CAL. - - - 60.5 Central Building Park and the government keeps it by annual re-stocking from stantly until their waters reach the Gulf of Mexico .. At an Hotels ... Chalets ... Camps For the hiker these trails are equally alluring. The distances so MILWAUKEE, WIS. - - 502 Majestic Building its hatchery. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. · 640 Marquette Avenue " Land of Shining Mountains," the Indians call it; but they famous train, the Empire Builder, stops at both entrances­ altitude of 6.076 feet we cross Hudson Bay Divide and look We have spoken .of two hotels-the Glacier Park and the between centers, ranging from seven to eighteen miles, make it MINOT, N. D. - - - Great Northern Station might with equal justice call it " Land of Smiling Waters." For Glacier Park Station, the eastern gate; Belton, the western gate. down upon a tributary of the Arctic Ocean-beautiful St. Mary Lake McDonald. A third-and largest-is situated on Swift­ easily possible to hike from hotel to chalet in one day. "Camera hunting" yields priceless scenic views and inter­ NELSON, B. C. 321 Baker Street Lake. We swing west on Going-to-the-Sun Highway to the current Lake, a sparkling expanse of water ~urmunded by esting pictures of wild animals which are unafcaid in this "sublime NEW YORK, N. Y. 595 Fifth Avenue at 48th Street crammed into 1750 square miles of rugged grandeur are more than And then .. , four fine hotels, four alpine chalet group!i, several Chalets of the same name. wilderness." 250 limpid takes ... a myriad of sun-flecked streams and shim­ seemingly impenetrable walls and peaks of the Continental OAKLAND, CAL. - ~ 620 Central Bank Building cozy tent calinps to welcome you throughout the Parks- the nearest Launch Trips on Six Lakes OMAHA, NEBR. • - 1421 First National Bank Building Divide in the northern part of the park. (The fourth hotel, Wild life includes the lordly mountain goat, bighorn sheep, mering waterfalls. Here and there, as you approach the water's hotel, at Glacier Park Station, only three minutes' walk from the One of the happiest ways to view the engaging panoram~s in bears, eagles, striped squirrels, whistling marmots, moose, deer PHILADELPHIA, PA. - • - 504 Finance Building Prince of Wales, is in Waterton Lakes Park.) PITTSBURGH, PA. 602 H. W. Oliver Building edge where evergreens part company, wild flowers spread their train. Comfortable park busses running over a magnificent inter­ Over the Roof- at the Park is from the water. Launch service is maintained on and elk. PORTLAND, ORE. - - - - - 201 Morgan Building twinkling patterns in a carpet of the lushest green. park highway system to take you about. Sure-footed horses to Continuing westward we climb steadily into view of new From each of these luxurious hotels, guests are continually St. Mary's La.ke (From Going-to-the-Suri Chalets) ... on Two Nature study here offers infinite variety. Ranger-naturalists SACRAMENTO, CAL. - • - 225 Forum Building carry you over 1000 miies of traits. Mountain ozone that makes peaks and distant ranges, pausing atop journeying-afoot, on horseback or by M edicine Lake, Swiftcurrent, L ake are avail able to point out and explain ST. LOUIS, MO. -. 520 Boatmen's Bank Building Hardly a quarter of a century ago, this natural ":acationland ST. PAUL. MINN. - - 4th and Minnesota Streets hiking a pleasure. Motor launches on six unforgettable lakes. the Continental Divide at Logan Pass. motor-bus- to one or another of the McDonald and Upper Waterton Lake. nature's wonders. was the undisputed home of bighorn sheep and Rocky Mountain SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ------679 Market Street Gamy trout in many a lake and stream. Guides who can cook like Our road - only recently completed­ Swiss chalet groups situated at partic­ Guests at Many-Glacier particularly The flora of t;Hacier Park covers goats. Today- from upland slope or gale-swept crag- they SEATTLE, WASH. - - 1400 4th Avenue at Union Strec=t chefs beside the trail. A golf course at Glacier Park Hotel and is a morvel of engineering construction, ularly scenic points throughout the enjoy a two-lake cruise on Swiftcurrent the whole scale from June roses of the SIOUX CITY, lA. - . 403 COmmerce Building look down on highways, forest trails, and rippling lake-paths one at Waterton Lakes. Ranger-naturalists to explain things. unfoldine before our eyes an un­ Park. and josephine Lakes. Rowboats, with temperate zone in sheltered valleys to SIOUX FALLS, S. D . - Great Northern Station cut by motor-launches. Today, when they venture to the SPOKANE, WASH. Davenport Hotel Blackfeet Indians . . an International vacation paradise. endinc array of beautiful forests, dash­ East of Logan Pass there are two or wjthout outboard motors, are also the hardy arctic plants and dwarfed SUPERIOR, WIS. · • • - · Union Station loveliest vantage points, they discover great hotels or picturesque ina mountain torrents, wonderful available. The Land. of Shining Mountains beckons . . and a ,broad such groups .. • Going-to-the-Sun trees that cling to life among the clouds. TACOMA, WASH. - 116 South Ninth Street chalets. Today, they trea'd the by-paths, frisk among the boul­ &Orl~ll and valleys, towering cirques TORONTO, ONT. 507 Royal Bank Building highway opens invitingly. Chalets, on St. Mary Lake; and Two Geological action formed Glacier ders, as the friendly and protected guests of two nations. and vi11tas of bold needle-peaked VANCOUVER, B. C. ··- 683 Granville Street Medicine Chalets on Two Medicine Blackfeet Indians Park in four movements: I, upward VANCOUVER, WASH. Great Northern Station mouotains. Descending along the Lake. West of Logan P ass, guests fwm an ancient sea. 2, breaking into Within the boundaries of this lntemational playground are the Inhabiting the plains just east of the VICTORIA. B. C. · 916 Government Street To the Roof of the Rockies Oordcn W all, we come down to the journey to Sperry Chalets, near Lake jagged serrations from continued inter­ WASHINGTON, D . C. - 303 National Press Building most majestic peaks of the entire Rocky Mountain range-a valiC'y of L ake McDonald on the Rockies are the Blackfeet Indians-a nal pressure. · 3. shoving eastward many WENATCHEE, WASH., 203 Wenatchee Savings and Loan Bank To get a quick, broad picture of Glacier Park, let us first cruise McDonald--or to Granite Park Chalets, boundless pleasure-ground for happy explorations! we1tern slope of the Great Divide, proud race. Stories of the old days, miles in the . 4, carv­ WINNIPEG. MAN. - - ~ • • - · · - • - 414 Main Street perched h{gh on the Garden Wall. in one of the park busses, over the splendid highway that links paual n11, at lovely Lake McDonald ceremonial songs and dances, feature ing fantastic shapes by glacial age ice, Along the whole southern boundary of G lacier National Park A. J. DICKINSON. the eastern and western slopes of the Great Divide. Starting H otel, or going on to board the Empire In even more secluded beauty spots the Indian powwows at which Glacier which left the glaciers for which the Lake McDonald Hotel. Pa•senger Traffic Manarer. St. Paul, Minn. runs the transcontinental line of Great Northern Railway. Its from Glacier Park Hotel at the eastern entrance, we swing north Builder at Belton Station. ' are the camps. One of these i.s on Park is named. Aeroplane Map of Glacier National Park Montana and Waterton Lakes Park Alberta

- - --- AUTO ROADS




Garden Wall, The - 6D Loaan, Mount - 8E Ritin'l Wolf Mountain lOG Glenns Lake- - 4E LOiil:an Pan 60 Rockwell, Mount- llF Glacier Park Hotel - 1IJ Loa:ginft Lake • • - 6A Roes Creek 6 6C .. Goat Mountain - F Longfe low Peak • - Goathaunt Tent Camp 30 Lower St. Mary Lake SH Goin&-to-the-Sun Chalets - 7F Lower Two Medicine Lake IOH St. Mary ChaletR - 6H TABLE OF DISTANCES Road Tr-ail Road Trail Goina-to-the-Sun Mountain • ?E St. Mary Lake· 60 INDEX Cameron Lake - 2C Gould, M ount • · 6E St. Mary River 3J Lotr;an P au . . . Campbell Mount ain 3D Granite Park Chalea · 50 McDonald Creek- 70 St. Nicholas, Mount llE From G l acier Park Road Trail Red Eaalc Lake .. 0 13 0 88 !OH Many Glacier Hotel. 32 18 Sperry Chalets . . .. . 0 1 Ailillt!iz Glacier- 3B Canyon Creek · SF Grinnell Glacier - 6E McDon11.ld. Lake· Scenic Point - Hotel to: " Carway- 2J Grinnell L ake SE M any Glacier Hotel SE Ses:ton Glader- . 6E Two Medicine Chalets .. 12 11 Granite Park Chalets ... 0 11 Avalanche Basin .. 0 Ahern Glacier 40 Prince of Wale$ Hotel . 53.3 ., Snyder Lake. 0 •s Chief Mountain 3F Grinnell, Mount • · SE Marias Pan · 130 Sherburne Lake SG Summit of Mt. Henry .. 0 6 Ahern Pau SE Citadel Mountain - 7E Gun,ight Lake· -- 7D Merritt, MGunt 4E Sin&leshot Mountain 60 Forty Mile Creek. 0 4 Sexton Glacier . 0 6.6 Mt. Brown ...... 0 1.S Gunsicht Lake .... 0 7.4 Goine-to-the-Sun Chalets. 31 23 Akamina Paas · 2B Cleinents Mountain 70 Gunsia:ht Mountain- 80 Midvale Creek - llH Siyeh, Mount St. Mary Chalets ...... 32 0 Alderwn, Mount- 2D Gunsight Pass - 80 Mineral Creek · SD Sperry Chalets- ••BC Goini·to-the·Sun Chalets 43.4 0 Gunsiaht Pass .. 0 10 Cleveland, Mount 30 Piegan Pass . 0 Allen Mountain SF Cracker Lake 6E Mofi:&n, Mount !OF Sperry Glacier · • 70 Many Glacier Hotel .. 53.5 0 Squaw Mountain- llH Prince of Wales Hotel .. . . 76.3 0 Loaan Pass ..... ' Almoat-a·DQ&" Mountain 7F Crandell. Mount · 1D St. Mary Falls. 0 2.2 From Prine• of Wal•• Stanton Mountain 7C Lake McDonald Hotel .. 14 0 ' Hotel to; Altyn Peak SF Crossley Lake 3E Haystack Butte • 6D Nyack Creek IOD 120 Belton Chalets Florence Falla . '0 6.2 - Surnmit Creek - Hidden Lake. 0 10.5 Goathaunt Camp...... 1 0 Apgar- 9A Crossley Lake Tent Carnp 3E Heavens Peak - 6C Summit Mount.ain 120 (via Marias Pan). 59 0 Many Glacier Hotel, , . . , 46.4 43 Curley Bear Mountain 7G Helen Lake · • 4E 4G 0 Appekunny Mountain Swiftcurrent Cf"eek - Loaan Pass .. 52 Goin&·to-the-Sun Cha\eta. 53.3 45 .. Cut Bank Pan - OF Henry, Mount- IOH 60 Swiftcurrent Lake SE Appistoki Peak IOH - Hidden Lake . 70 Oberlin, Mount Glacier Park Hotel . 76.3 0 Olson Creek - 3C Swiftcurrent Pass 50 Calgary ...... 181 0 Avalanche Lake 1D F rom Two Medicine From Many Glacier Ql,on Mountain 3D Hotel to: Banff _ ...... 265 0 Chaleta to: Lake Louise ...... 307 0 9F St. Mary Chaleu. 38 0 Granite Park Chalets . 0 Dawson Pass !OF Icebera: Lake SE Crossley Lake Camp. 0 18 Bertha Lake - 2D Indian Pan 40 Pie&an Mountain· 6E T?~o ~~t~i::~hat;t; lOG Trick Falls 2 2 ' Divide Creek 6H Two Medicine Creek Summit of Mt. Henry . 0 s lceber& Lake . 0 1 Babb- 4H Pieaan Past - - - • • 6E !OJ Cracker Lake . 0 1 Divide Mountain 7H 1D Two Medicine Lake lOG Daws(ln Pass .. 0 6 From Granite Park 7F Prince of Wales Hotel- Grinnell Lake .... 0 s Barina Creek Dry Fork Creek lOG Ptarmiaan Lake 4E Two Medicine Pass - llF Cut Bank Pas~ . 0 1 Chaleb to: Basin Mountain Uppe-r Two Medicine Lake 0 s Grinnell Glacier . . 0 1 Many Glacier Hotel .... 0 9H Jacbon. Mount - 80 josephine Lake . 0 2 Lake McDonald Hotel .. . 0 19 Bauerman, Mount IC Joaephine, Lake SE Ptarmiaan Lake and ' Vauaht, Mount 1C Goina:-to-the-Sun Chalets. 0 17 Bear Creek - 13F Quartz Lake· SA F rom St. Mary Tunnel ...... 0 1 Loa:an Pass ...... 0 Belly River - IF Vimy Peak 20 Swiftcurrent Pau . 0 8 East Flattop Mountain · 60 Chalet. to: Fifty Mountain Camp . . 0 11 Belton lOA Eli:abeth Lake- Piegan P8ss 0 ' Belton Chalets - - lOA 4E Kennedy Creek · 4G Goina:-to-the-Sun Ch01lets. 11 0 Goathaunt Camp . .... 0 21 Ellsworth, Mount llH llH Many Glacier Hotel . 23 0 Morning Eaale Fa Us ..... 0 '8 Garden WaU .... . 0 I Blackfoot Glacier- BD . - Kintla Glacier • 3A Railroad Creek- - • Waterton Lalces 20 Going-to-the-Sun Chalets. 32 18 Blackfoot Mountain BE Kimla Lake - - 3A Red Mountain -- oG Waterton Rivef" 3D Lake McDonald . . 41 0 Rosenwald Point . 0 );i Red Ea&le Glacier SE - Logan Pass . 20 0 Prince of Wal!!-5 Hotel. . .. 46.4 43 Blakitton, Mount IC Kipp, Mount • 40 White Calf Mountain· 1G Swiftcurrent Auto Camp. 1.2 1.2 Kishinena Creek · lA Red Eagle Lake • 7F Boulder Creek - SG Red Eaa:le Mountain - 7F Whitefish Mountain 60 Boundary Creek 2C Fifty Mountain Tent Camp • so SF We~t Flattop Mountain· sc From Coinc-to-the- From Goath ,.unt Red Eaa:le Pan · · · Wilbur, Mount- SE Sun C h alets to: Camp to: Boswell, Mount 2D Flathead River- IOC Red Ea&le Tent Camp 1G Sperry Chalets ...... 0 From Lak e McDonald Fifty Mountain Carnp 0 10 Bowman Lake - 4A Flattop Mountain SD Lake McDonald Hotel - 8C Red&afc Pus- - 4E Lake McDonald Hotel . 31 Hotel to: Crossley Lake Camp .. 0 18 Brown, Mount· 7C Flinsch Peak- !OF Little Chief Mountain 7F Reyno ds Creek 7E " - - 70 Y el\ow Mountain- - 4F Belton 43 "0 Belton. 12 0 Brown's Pan . 0 ' Brown Pass ~ - 3C Futillade Mountain· 1D Loa;an Glacier • • • • 38 Reynolds Mountain -


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