Digital Convergence in the Newsroom
DIGITAL CONVERGENCE IN THE NEWSROOM: EXAMINING CROSS -MEDIA NEWS PRODUCTION AND QUALITY JOURNALISM By SAKULSRI SRISARACAM SUPERVISOR: STUART ALLAN SECOND SUPERVISOR: JOANNA REDDEN A Thesis Submitted in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Cardiff University School of Journalism, Media and Culture June 2019 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my great appreciation, first and foremost, for my supervisor, Professor Stuart Allan. I am greatly honored to work with you because you always give me encouragement, support, advice and patience in helping me finishing this piece of academic work. You were never too busy to give advice and every discussion always broadens my understanding and knowledge. You have shown me by example what a true te acher should be: supportive and inspiring, which help me balancing my workload and academic research goals. I also wish to thank my second supervisor, Dr Joanna Redden , for your advice to sharpen my thesis and helpful encouragement. I thank my family , esp ecially my husband , who have supported me through everything, constantly proving your love and commitment. I owe my successful completion of this research to my husband’s selfless contribution to take care of our son and give me time to concentrate on my s tudy with understanding and encouragement. I have felt many emotions, through happy and difficult times but because of you, I have never felt alone. Thank s to my parents for constant support and giv ing me courage to fulfil my goal. I thank to my universit y for part ial financial support and the opportunity to take months off from teaching to be able to complete this research.
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