THE MARITIME WORKERS’ JOURNAL AUTUMN/WINTER 2013 FIGHT FOR LIFE, SIGN FOR LIFE NSCOP CAMpaIGN ESCALATES THE FIGHT AGAINST AUTOMATION WITHOUT NEGOTIATION WORKCHOICES: WHATEVER THE NAME NEVER AGAIN. WHY We’re FIGHTING ABBOTT AT THE ELECTION contents 2 Logging On: A Message From National Secretary Paddy Crumlin 6 Fight for life: MUA’s First National Safety Conference 8 Automation: People Before Machines, Dignity Before Profits 14 Election: The Fight For The Future Is On 18 Conference: WA Branch Spotlights Global Solidarity 30 Women: You Don’t Get Me Tony EDITOR IN CHIEF Paddy Crumlin NEWS, FEATURES & PICTORIAL Jonathan Tasini DESIGN Magnesium Media PRINTER Printcraft Maritime Workers’ Journal 365-375 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Contact: 9267 - 9134 Fax: 9261 - 3481 Email:
[email protected] Website: MWJ reserves the right at all times to edit and/or reduce any articles or letters to be published. Publication No: 1235 For all story ideas, letters, obituaries please email
[email protected] ON THE COVER: NSCOP, MUA AUTOMATION CAMPAIGN AND THE FEDERAL ELECTIONS THIS PAGE (Left): DELEGATES To THE FIRST MUA NATIonaL SAFETY CONFERENCE IN BRISBANE logging on logging on Iron Lady-Rust in Peace a close friend and ally of Thatcher. It was face of an accelerated move around the world to LOGGING Margaret Thatcher did incalculable damage a Thatcher-Reagan assault on responsible higher technology. It was pretty instructive. to millions of human beings in the UK and the economic and social modeling, allowing the Automation and mechanisation are features ON world, leaving a path of community destruction gorging of wealth by banks, corporations and of our industry as it is for many other industries.