Working Paper
Q&A Transcript – Working Paper This is my rough working paper, provided for anyone who wants to check my figures. Generally, I have counted ‘interruptions’ where a panellist is interrupted mid-sentence as indicated by elipses ( …) in the transcript. There are some additional incidents where, I believe, it is clear that an interruption has occurred – despite the absence of elipses. For example, where Jones specifically asks one panellist to speak and another butts in before they have a chance to respond. When someone has cut in on a conversation and either Jones or the original speaker cuts in, I have not counted that as an interruption (as indicated in parenthetic comments added to the text). Where one speaker obviously butts in to a conversation, but this occurs after the previous speaker has ended a sentence, I have marked this as an ‘interjection’ but, to be fair, I have not included these in the counts or the blog post. On the whole, I believe that the number of ‘interruptions’ I have attributed to Pyne et al is a conservative estimate. Q&A is based on discussions and, of course, interruptions are a normal part of discussions. I do not intend to perjorative in listing interruptions. Of course, not all of them are rude or unwelcome. However, when one panellist makes an extraordinarily high number of interruptions or another panellist is the recipient of an extraordinarily high number of interruptions it does seem to indicate something more than the cut and thrust of ordinary discussion. Word Count Jones: 1881 words (approx.) Pyne:
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