Masaryk University Faculty of Arts Department of English and American Studies English Language and Literature Mgr. Vladimír Nepraš Vietnam Veterans, PTSD and Hollywood Bachelor’s Diploma Thesis Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Tomáš Pospíšil, Ph.D. 2017 1 I declare that I have worked on this thesis independently, using only the primary and secondary sources listed in the bibliography. …………………………………………….. Author’s signature 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………. 4 1. HISTORY OF PTSD …………………………………………………… 7 1.1 Early history of PTSD ………………………………………….…… 8 1.2 PTSD in the 20th century …………………………………………… 12 2. FILM AS CONVEYER OF IDEAS, MEANINGS AND IMAGES …. 21 3. PTSD SYMPTOMS AND THEIR PORTRAYALS IN FILMS ……... 24 4. FILM REPRESENTATIONS OF VIETNAM WAR VETERANS WITH PTSD ……………………………………………………………..……….…. 31 4.1 PTSD MOVIES IN THE 1960’s and the 1970’s ………………...…. 31 4.2 COMING HOME …………………………………………….…...…. 37 4.3 THE DEER HUNTER ………………………………………………. 41 4.4 PTSD MOVIES SINCE THE 1980’s …………………….………… 50 CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………….……… 63 BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………….…..…… 67 FILMOGRAPHY …………………………………………………………… 70 ENGLISH RÉSUMÉ ……………………………………….……………….. 71 CZECH RÉSUMÉ …………………………………………………………... 72 3 INTRODUCTION After a traumatic experience, it is a normal human reaction to be upset and feel lots of emotions, such as distress, anxiety, guilt, shame, hopelessness, sadness and anger. However, if the symptoms persist and get worse, people may suffer from post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Traumatic events which can cause PTSD include natural disasters, terrorist attacks, car or plane crashes, sudden death of a loved one, sexual or physical abuse, and some others.1 The most common cause of PTSD is military combat, which is in focus of this work. Mental problems of soldiers who experienced an intense trauma have been observed throughout history, but it took a long time before they started to be comprehended in full complexity. PTSD was defined and officially implemented into psychiatric nomenclature in 1980 in the context of consequences of the Vietnam war. The war inflicted mental wounds to a lot of American soldiers, and it was traumatic for the whole American society, which was reflected both in professional and popular discourse, including a film. A theme of traumatized Vietnam veterans has provided a lot of attractive material for Hollywood movies, which have been able to adapt the theme from unique perspectives. Film is a very popular phenomenon, and as such, it has ability to influence public perception of the Vietnam veterans. It is a powerful conveyer of meanings, ideas and attitudes. Thus, it is worth examining the way films have contributed to the general discussion about Vietnam veterans and their mental wounds. This thesis explores the image of Vietnam veteran suffering from PTSD in the American cinematography since the late 1960’s. The prevailing theme in the movies is a man who was changed by the war and returns home, being mentally wounded. This work discusses the way this man, a Vietnam veteran, is portrayed in films. How did the war change the veteran? How did it impact him? How was the change and the veteran’s trauma manifested? What factors impacted the change and mental state of the veteran? 1 4 What problems did he face after coming home? What were the consequences of PTSD? How did the veteran deal with the disorder? Those are the questions that are discussed in the movies and through their analysis in this thesis. PTSD and its symptoms provide an interpretive framework for the analysis. The first chapter of the thesis explores the way the issue of mentally wounded soldiers was observed and perceived throughout history. Psychological effects of combat on soldiers have been observed since the ancient times, but not fully understood until a rise of modern psychiatry in the 20th century. Although mental traumata of soldiers were often trivialized, underestimated or ignored, massive war conflicts of the last century contributed to better comprehension of the issue. Extensive polemics about the issue amongst psychiatrists in the turbulent Vietnam and Post-Vietnam era broadened into political, cultural and popular discourse and made a contribution to gradually altered perception of Vietnam veterans and their mental troubles. General discussions about the issue and new psychiatric standards concerning veterans with PTSD influenced portrayals of the veterans in films as well. The second chapter deals with the essence of film as a means of conveying of ideas, meanings, attitudes and images. Film is a popular and widespread phenomenon, and it can be very influential in shaping public perception of various issues. Commercial films are made primarily for profit and entertaining their audiences, but they also have an ability to convey a powerful message. Movies have been able to affect the way their audiences have perceived Vietnam veterans. And vice versa, they reflected shifting atmosphere and changes in American society in the Post-Vietnam era. They say a lot about the time in which they were made. The third chapter discusses symptoms and diagnostic criteria for PTSD as they are described in the third and the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders (DSM-III, DSM-IV), and in the Public section of a website of the National Center for PTSD. Each criterion is added with examples of its portrayals in movies. 5 The last chapter of the thesis analyses the filmic representations of traumatised Vietnam veterans since the late 1960s. It covers prevailing trends and themes in films that portray veterans suffering mental trauma. It shows multifaceted image of a mentally wounded Vietnam veteran, which altered and developed over time. Two films – Coming Home and The Deer Hunter – are more deeply analysed in separate subchapters. The films captured audiences' and critics' attention and presented the issue of traumatised veterans from a new perspective. The Deer Hunter is an excellent psychological study of men who were changed by war, which is the key motif of many movies about Vietnam veterans and of this thesis. 6 1 HISTORY OF PTSD The term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was first defined in the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) third edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) in 1980. The term was implemented into the official psychiatric nomenclature and its definition filled an important niche in clinical psychiatry. New specific terminology and diagnostic standards improved methods of treatment for patients with PTSD and ameliorated their lives. PTSD became an official psychiatric disorder. This kind of disorder had not been unknown though. In fact, it was just a new name for an old story. The idea that people can be afflicted by psychological disorder after being exposed to a traumatic event was not new. PTSD can be diagnosed among survivors of traumatic experiences such as car accidents, terrorist attacks, natural disasters or sexual assaults. The most frequently mentioned group of PTSD sufferers is war veterans who are in focus of this work. Wars, battles and combat situations are significant stressors leading to PTSD. After all, Vietnam veterans, who returned home afflicted by PTSD symptoms, were in focus of discussions leading to introducing PTSD to DSM-III. However, Vietnam veterans were not and will not be the only soldiers suffering from war neurosis. As Steve Bentley states in his study about history of PTSD: “War has always had a severe psychological impact on people in immediate and lasting ways” (Bentley, 1). Historians, writers, physicians and other authors throughout history have been aware of mental effects on soldiers who experienced an intense trauma. Symptoms, which are now identified in relation to PTSD, have been noted and they have been given different names. However, the phenomenon was not fully understood, or it was even misunderstood for a long time, and a definition of the disorder was elusive. Renowned neurologist Michael R. Trimble described it as “a most frequent, yet clearly misunderstood aspect of human experience” (Trimble, 13). 7 1.1 Early history of PTSD The earliest references to post combat disorder and symptoms, which are today linked to PTSD, were found in texts that are more than 3000 years old. Ancient Assyrian texts from Mesopotamia dating between 1300 BC and 609 BC, which were translated, assembled and studied by British and American scholars2, included several hundreds of medical records showing how important was diagnosis for Assyrian medical practice.3 The Mesopotamians were able to diagnose not only physical injuries but mental illnesses as well. Their physicians kept records of psychological wounds of Assyrian soldiers who were regularly exposed to significant traumata associated with combat. Symptoms that were observed among the soldiers correspond with the symptoms of PTSD as it is now recognised.4 However, stress disorder was perceived and understood differently from the current view by the Mesopotamians. Symptoms of mental stress were attributed to spirits of enemies who had been killed by a soldier in a battle and later haunted the soldier. Stress disorder was not unknown in Ancient Greece as well. Greek medicine related both physical and mental health to the balance of four humours – blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. Disturbance of the balance has negative effects on emotions
FOUNDERS OF THE WALL ECHOES FROM THE WALL War will always have impacts on society and culture. Within the realm of popular culture, popular films released after the end of the Vietnam War reflect a range of public perspectives about the conflict. DISCUSSION GUIDE This lesson plan will involve a review of popular films that depict the Vietnam War, era, and veterans, as well as more How Does Film recent popular films that depict more recent wars. Students will examine the Reflect Perspectives perspectives of these films and how the range of perspectives was reflected in on War? broader society following the war. Download the Perspectives on War? Reflect Does Film How Accompanying Powerpoint Presentation for use in the classroom > PRE-VISIT ACTIVITY 1 Films from Vietnam Ask students to create a list of movies they have seen that have a focus on the Vietnam War, era, or veterans (for a list, see: Ask each student to choose a favorite from the list and explain his/her reasoning for why it’s his/her favorite. If a student hasn’t see any—ask him or her to choose one to watch at home. For that movie, ask students to answer the following questions: • What issues are depicted in the movie? • Would you say that the movie takes a position on the war? What evidence supports your answer? • What part or parts of the movie struck you? Why? • What do you think someone who had no background on the Vietnam War or era would take away about it from this movie? PRE-VISIT ACTIVITY 2 Vietnam in Media Ask students to poll 10 of their siblings, friends, or even parents: What are the top two NOTE TO sources from which they have any understanding of the TEACHER Vietnam War and era? Place a tally mark beside each response.
Welcome Law Student OREGON ATTORNEY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM s IN SIGHT for Oregon Lawyers IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF YOUR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LIFE September 2004 INTERVENTION CAN port to the alcoholic. Over the years, brief Issue No. 55 SAVE AN ALCOHOLIC’S informal interventions can sometimes LIFE make a difference, but not all alcoholics will respond to this approach. If the dis- People used to believe that alcoholics ease has progressed too far, an informal had the ability to control their drinking, intervention may not be able to penetrate but they just weren’t willing to do so. the alcoholic’s highly developed defense Now we know that alcoholism is a pro- systems. gressive neurological disease strongly in- fluenced by genetic vulnerability. We A crisis intervention is more immedi- also know that willpower is as powerless ate and forceful. When a crisis occurs, to alter the neurochemical changes in al- the event can be used to persuade the al- coholics as it is to stabilize blood sugar coholic to get help. Examples of crisis fluctuations in diabetics. situations related to alcoholism include hospitalization caused by intoxication, a Concerned family members and drunk-driving charge, a potentially vio- friends of an alcoholic can help the alco- lent child custody situation, or a suicide holic by learning about the disease of al- attempt. The crisis intervention focuses coholism and the symptoms associated attention on the underlying cause of the with its early, middle, and late stages. emergency – neurological addiction to the Once the alcoholic’s family and friends drug alcohol – and then directs the alco- understand the true nature of the disease, holic into alcohol treatment.
Interviews Stone on Stone Between 2010 and 2014 we interviewed Oliver Stone on a number of occasions, either personally or in correspondence by email. He was always ready to engage with us, quite literally. Stone thrives on the cut- and- thrust of debate about his films, about himself and per- ceptions of him that have adorned media outlets around the world throughout his career – and, of course, about the state of America. What follows are transcripts from some of those interviews, with- out redaction. Stone is always at his most fascinating when a ques- tion leads him down a line of theory or thinking that can expound on almost any topic to do with his films, or with the issues in the world at large. Here, that line of thinking appears on the page as he spoke, and gives credence to the notion of a filmmaker who, whether loved or loathed, admired or admonished, is always ready to fight his corner and battle for what he believes is a worthwhile, even noble, cause. Oliver Stone’s career has been defined by battle and the will to overcome criticism and or adversity. The following reflections demonstrate why he remains the most talked about, and combative, filmmaker of his generation. Interview with Oliver Stone, 19 January 2010 In relation to the Classification and Ratings Administration Interviewer: How do you see the issue of cinematic censorship? Oliver Stone: The ratings thing is very much a limited game. If you talk to Joan Graves, you’ll get the facts. The rules are the rules.
Cultural Commentary: Affectional Preference on Film: Giggle and Lib Joseph J
Bridgewater Review Volume 1 | Issue 2 Article 9 Dec-1982 Cultural Commentary: Affectional Preference on Film: Giggle and Lib Joseph J. Liggera Bridgewater State College Recommended Citation Liggera, Joseph J. (1982). Cultural Commentary: Affectional Preference on Film: Giggle and Lib. Bridgewater Review, 1(2), 21-22. Available at: This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. CULTURAL COMMENTARY Affectional Preference on Film: Giggle and Lib omantic attachments on screen the romantic man whose passionate desire With the great artist abandoning R these days require at least a hint of is for a person unquestionably of the romantic love--Bergman has lately something kinky to draw the pop audience opposite sex. So straight are his lusts that announced that his next two films will be his which in the days of yesteryear thrilled to no one seemed to notice the dilemma posed last--leaving the field to an oddity like Allen Bogart and Bacall, but which now winks in Manhattan of a man in his mid-forties or television's "Love Boat", the pop knowingly at Julie Andrews in drag. having physical congress with a fifteen year audience, which never warmed to Bergman Something equally aberrant, in fact moreso, old. This year, A -Midsummer Night's Sex or his like anyway, might find solace in Blake more blatant and proselytizing, quickens Comedy renders two points of sexual Edwards, an intriguing director whose last the mental loins of the liberal film-going metaphysics for those still lost in memories three films and his wife's, Julie Andrews, mind; anything less denies the backbone of a gender-differentiated past, the first changing image in them illustrate a syn upon which liberal sentiments are oddly enough insisted upon by the women: if thesis of audience demands with a structured.
Gender, Dissenting Subjectivity and the Contemporary Military Peace Movement in Body of War
International Feminist Journal of Politics ISSN: 1461-6742 (Print) 1468-4470 (Online) Journal homepage: Gender, Dissenting Subjectivity and the Contemporary Military Peace Movement in Body of War Joanna Tidy To cite this article: Joanna Tidy (2015) Gender, Dissenting Subjectivity and the Contemporary Military Peace Movement in Body of War, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 17:3, 454-472, DOI: 10.1080/14616742.2014.967128 To link to this article: Published online: 02 Dec 2014. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 248 View related articles View Crossmark data Citing articles: 2 View citing articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Download by: [University of Massachusetts] Date: 28 June 2016, At: 13:24 Gender, Dissenting Subjectivity and the Contemporary Military Peace Movement in Body of War JOANNA TIDY School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies (SPAIS), University of Bristol, UK Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This article considers the gendered dynamics of the contemporary military peace move- ment in the United States, interrogating the way in which masculine privilege produces hierarchies within experiences, truth claims and dissenting subjecthoods. The analysis focuses on a text of the movement, the 2007 documentary