University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
[email protected] | (479) 575-7646 An Agricultural Law Research Article The Mabo Decision: Australian Aboriginal Land Rights in Transition by Gary D. Meyers & John Mugambwa Originally published in ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 23 ENVTL. L. 1203 (1993) ARTICLE THE MABO DECISION: AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL LAND RIGHTS IN TRANSITION By GARY D. MEYERS* AND JOHN MUGAMBWA** In Eddie Mabo and Others v. The State of Queensland, the High Court of Australia recognized the existence of native title to lands hitherto annexed under Imperial Authority. In so doing, the Court rejected the fiction of terra nullius and found that native title was not inconsistent with the Crown's radical title over its acquired lands. The existence of native title, the Court held, does not depend upon positive acts of recognition, rather it arises from proof that a group has a right to use or occupy particular land including uses tied to the community's traditional lifestyle. In drawing upon international law to bolster its conclusions, the High Court ushers in a new era for aboriginal land claims and portends new directions for Australian jurisprudence. I. INTRODUCTION No English words are good enough to provide a sense of the link between an Aboriginal group and its homeland. Our word 'home,' • Senior Lecturer in Law, School of Law, Murdoch University, Perth, West ern Australia. LL.M. 1991, University of Pennsylvania; J.D. 1982, Northwestern School of Law of Lewis and Clark College; B.A., cum laude 1970, University of Southern California. •• Senior Lecturer in Law, School of Law, Murdoch University, Perth, West ern Australia.