Use aboutGod. your mouth tosaysomethingtrue Tell aboutatimesomeone’s words blessedorencouragedyou. How canwhatwe saywithourmouthsaffectothers? • • • • •

How helpmetolive onmissionbetter? doesthisstory andlovedo theyhelpmetrust God? Are toremember? there How anypromises inthisstory How are theyforGod’s andmygood? glory Are toobey? there anycommandsinthisstory teachmeaboutmyself? What doesthisstory or thegospel? teachmeaboutGod What doesthisstory

FOLD people from sin. God’s promise, Jesus God wasborn. sentJesus tobless thewholeworld by rescuing , soBalaam blessedthem too. Fourteen hundred years afterBalaam announced hadsaidthesethings,hewent home. powerful kingwouldbeborntothepeopleofIsrael. After message fortheking.Balaam saidthatonedaya them too. In fact,heblessedthemthree times. blessed theIsraelites. So Balaam blessed what Itellyou.” for you togo. But you mustonlysay home rightnow.” don’t thinkIshouldgo,I’ll return tostopme.Ifwere you trying “I waswrong. Ididn’t know you see theangel,andBalaam said, to speak. God gave thedonkeyability hit thedonkeywithhisstick,so why thedonkeywasstopping.He stopped. Balaam didn’t understand the way, andthree timesthedonkey could. Three timestheangelstoodin could notseetheangel,buthisdonkey God sentanangeltostopBalaam. Balaam able todefeatthem.” said, “ComeandcursetheIsraelites sothatImight be senthismessengerstoamannamedBalaam. The king plains ofMoab. Balak, thekingofMoab, sawtheIsraelites andwasafraid.King The Israelites cametotheedgeofpromised land. They campedinthe Christ Connection:Balaam couldnotcurseGod’s people.God hadblessedthe Before Balaam went home,hehadaspecial Balaam toldthekingthatGod had The angelsaid,“It’s allright God thenallowed Balaam to When Balaam went withtheking’s officials, STORY POINT: GOD COMMANDED BALAAM TO BLESS HIS PEOPLE. HIS BLESS TO BALAAM COMMANDED GOD POINT: STORY Balaam andBalak Numbers 22–24 7 Two Names Blessing Boxes Unscramble the names of these books. Find the letters Write or draw two ways you could bless with a circle or square and write them below to discover the someone this week. names of two people from today’s Bible story.

Unit 7, Session 3: Balaam and Balak 8