Russian Fairy Tales (RUSS 0090): Syllabus Spring 2011 (2114) Prepared by: Carrie Marquette (
[email protected]) Last modified: 2011-01-04 Abbreviations: AA: Aleksandr Afanas′ev. Russian Fairy Tales. New York: Pan- theon. 1975. BB: Bruno Bettelheim. The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales. New York: Vintage Books. 2010. Clover: On line at CP: Course Pack. Available in the Pitt Book Center. ER: Electronic Reserves. The E-Reserve password for this course will be announced in lecture and recitations. Please do not share this password with anyone not enrolled in this course. LI: Linda Ivanits. Russian Folk Belief. NY: M. E. Sharpe. 1992. OL: On-line resources on public websites. Readings that are recommended but not required are marked ―optional.‖ Wednesday, January 5 (Session 1, Lecture 1) Topics for Wednesday, January 5 Course introduction Film Clip: Andy Tennant, Ever After (1998) Assignment due Wednesday, January 5 CW: PowerPoint: Introduction 2 Thursday, January 6 and Friday, January 7 (Session 2, Recitation 1) Topics for Thursday, January 6 and Friday, January 7 What makes a fairy tale? Assignment due Thursday, January 6 and Friday, January 7 ―The Arrant Fool,‖ p. 334 ―Elena the Wise,‖ pp. 545–50 ―The Enchanted Ring,‖ pp. 31–36 ―The Magic Shirt,‖ pp. 110–13 ―The Mayoress,‖ p.141 Monday, January 10 (Session 3, Lecture 2) Topics for Monday, January 10 Quiz on course description Russian paganism; pagan deities and festivals Film clip: Andrei Tarkovskii, Andrei Rublev (1966) Terminology Assignment due Monday, January 10 CW: Study on-line Course Description for quiz CW: PowerPoint: Paganism Clover: Definitions of Basic Terms, LI: ―The Pagan Background,‖ pp.