Noreen Whysel - Block Association Web Developer The Community Corner th We are thrilled to introduce you to one of our West 104 St. block Information on Current Community Issues residents: Noreen Whysel. Noreen and a team of fellow students at Pratt Institute’s School of Library and Information Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Science have graciously agreed to revise our website to make it more user-friendly and suited to your needs. As many of you are aware, we have had three pedestrian Noreen has been a resident of 895 West End Ave since 2006 fatalities which occurred on Broadway, 96th Street and West along with her husband Brett and their two girls. Noreen and her End Ave. Wide, car-centric streets are the most dangerous family have lived in many areas of the to walk in City and Broadway has been deemed city prior to moving to our west side the most dangerous road according to the Tri-State community and comparatively she Transportation Campaign’s study of the number of rates our neighborhood as the best she pedestrian and cyclist fatalities from 2010 through 2012. has lived in so far and particularly appreciates our focus on the residents Based on NYPD preliminary figures, 168 pedestrians and 10 and community interests. cyclists were killed by city motorists in 2013 and 16,059 th Noreen graduated in 1990 from pedestrians and cyclists were injured. In the 24 Precinct, with a degree in 15 pedestrians and 2 cyclists were injured in 2013. While Psychology. As an employee of Price our seniors make up 12% of the population in , Waterhouse in the early 1990s, she they account for 39% of the pedestrian fatalities. The causes developed and maintained many of these accidents include, in order of occurrence: speeding, websites and has worked as a driver inattention or distraction, failure to yield right-of-way, consultant for Information Architecture alcohol/drug use, and improper lane changes or backing up. Institute and other website development and technology On January 30, 2014, DOT presented a proposal for safety management projects. improvements at the intersection of Broadway and W. 96th Noreen obtained her Master of Science in Library Information St at a special meeting of Community Board 7. The proposal Science in February of this year. As we know, the libraries are will reduce conflicts between pedestrians and motor vehicles moving towards technology as their means of operation – no at the busy intersection while increasing pedestrian crossing more Dewey Decimal System! As a result, her advanced degree options and reducing wait time. On February 4, 2014, included study on website development and maintenance using Community Board 7 passed a resolution incorporating the the most advanced technological means available today. She DOT’s proposals which include:

worked on a number of local history and cultural heritage th projects, including a timeline visualization of Gil Tauber’s • Change the timing of the lights at Broadway & 96 architectural history, which will be featured on the new site. Street so vehicles just making the light at Broadway will be unable to continue all the way across Currently, our website is hopelessly outdated and perhaps the Broadway. reason why many of you rated the website low on our recent Continued on Pg 2 Continued on Pg 3 Donate to Help Victims of the Harlem Gas Explosion

As you are probably aware, part of the East Harlem Additionally, non-perishable items are being collected at two community has been devastated by the gas explosion on locations: the East Harlem Merchants Association, 309 E. 116th Street & Park Avenue. Many lives have been lost and 108th Street, 212-427-1445, and La Casa Azul Bookstore, many people are left homeless. 143 E. 103rd Street, 212-426-2626. Also, State Senator Mayor de Blasio and City Council Speaker, Melissa Mark- Jose M. Serrano's District Office, located at 157 E. 104th Viverito have established a fund for contributions to support Street will be accepting donations of clothing and canned the victims of the explosion. Contributions to the fund will goods for the victims and their families. Phone number: help victims and families pay for housing, funerals, 212-828-5829.

replacement of lost possessions and counseling services. We know that you will respond to their need as you always You can send your contributions by mail and make checks do when such tragic events affect others. payable to "Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City", 253 Thank you. Broadway, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10007. Please note on your check that the donation is for the "East Harlem Building Miriam Febus - President, West Side Federation of Collapse Relief Effort." Neighborhood & Block Associations

West 104 Newsletter April 2014 1 Web Developer Continued from page 1 W 104 ST BLOCK ASSN FINANCIAL REPORT March 2014 Opening Balance (3/01/14)! $35415.67 Income !Dues! !9604.00 ! Newsletter Ads!! 595.00 ! Interest ! ! 3.61! ! Total ! !+10,202.61 !!+10,202.61 Disbursements ! Guard service !! 3423.47 The Team: Jan Diolola, Storey Radziunas, Eleanor Meyer, Noreen Whysel ! Guard Supplement!! 200.00 ! Total ! ! -3623.47 !! -3623.47 survey. Noreen and her team Noreen targets June 2014 as our Deposit delayed!!!! +300.00 have agreed to update our “go-live” date for our new website website so that it will be easier to and will include the many navigate, find information, and features you have requested Closing Balance (3/31/14) !! $42294.81 include electronic payment of plus: your dues through PayPal. In • Access to the website via If you would like to write for the 104th Street Newsletter, order to ensure your needs are devices such as iPads and we’d love to hear from you. Please send Jon an email met, Noreen’s team conducted an mobile phones informal survey on what elements at: people would like to see on a • School Page [email protected] block association website. You • Community Interest Page may have met some of them at • PayPal for dues payment Contributors to the April issue: the Yard Sale in September. They Barbara Boynton, Barbara Bryan, Bonnie Dry, interviewed all types of people • Quick searches – easy Miriam Febus, Mary Koval, Nancy Lian, Joyce Mann, which included seniors, young navigation Lynn Max, Cherlyn Smith, Jon Smith singles, and couples with • Legible font children. They compiled the The ability to send newsletters th results which Noreen presented • West 104 Street Block Association Board electronically to the Board on January 14, 2014. These features are just a few of President Gary Waskow 320 RSD 212.932.9082 the enhancements to our VP Alex Grannis 895 WEA 212.316.1644 The respondents to the survey website. Most importantly, all Secretary Mary Koval 895 WEA 212.866.3556 requested that the website be re- Board members will have the organized to find information Treasurer Barbara Boynton 905 WEA 212.864.1011 ability to change, add, or delete more easily with an emphasis on Members Beverly Block, 320 RSD 440.935.0607 sections of the website so it will portraying a “neighborhood feel”. Barbara Bryan 315 RSD 212.864.5663 always be current and They would like a legible font and Bonnie Dry 315 RSD 212.222.2102 informative. quick searches. Our seniors Trudie Grace 308 W 104 212.222.2303 would like to have clear, legible We are very lucky to have an Jeff Howitt 315 RSD 212.866.5569 information on services available information architect on our block Nancy Lian 320 RSD 212.316.6112 to them in our neighborhood and to develop our “new and Joyce Mann 309 W 104 212.721.6341 improved” website that will be our families requested a School Martin Mann 309 W 104 212.721.6341 informative for all our residents. Page on which school alerts Lynn Max 315 RSD 212.666.3129 could be posted and also On behalf of you, our block Jon Smith 320 RSD 212.222.4431 perhaps an on-line forum. All residents, I thank Noreen and her respondents requested more fellow classmates for their efforts Phyllis Sperling 315 RSD 212.595.8981 information on community activity in creating the new website. Steven Zirinsky 315 RSD 212.866.6732 and building safety. Mary Koval Emeritus Sid Herzfeld, 895 WEA 212.749.0085 2 West 104 Newsletter April 2014 COMMUNITY CORNER Community Corner Continued from page 1 • Change the timing of the lights on 97th Street, Pedestrians: Amsterdam Avenue to Riverside Drive, so that vehicles § Cross at intersections and marked crosswalks. cannot make all lights without stopping. § Use sidewalks; if there are no sidewalks, walk facing • Change the timing of the lights at 96th and West End traffic so you see vehicles and drivers see you. Avenue, so that vehicles turning left (south) from 97th § Stay visible after dark and in bad weather by wearing Street onto West End Avenue cannot make the light at light-colored or reflective clothing. 96th Street and West End Avenue (towards the HHP.) § Watch for vehicles backing out of parking spaces and exiting driveways. • Change the timing of the lights on West End Avenue, § Make eye contact with drivers so they see you. th for streets between 106 and 96th so that vehicles § Look left, look right, and then look left again before cannot make all lights without stopping. crossing a street. For more information on the resolution, visit the CB7 website at: § Do not text or be distracted while crossing intersections Cyclists: • Ride in the street, not on the sidewalks (unless rider is There are many initiatives underway to address the problem of age 12 or younger and the bicycle's wheels are less pedestrian and cyclist safety. We are human and despite our than 26 inches in diameter). best intentions, we make mistakes. The purpose of these • Ride with traffic, not against it. initiatives is to mitigate the “human factor” so that our streets • Stop at red lights and stop signs. Obey all traffic are set up to be safe despite human error. signals, signs and pavement markings, and exercise due care to avoid colliding with pedestrians, motor Mayor de Blasio has proposed the Vision Zero Action Plan, vehicles or other cyclists. which is the Swedish approach to road safety and is Use marked bike lanes or paths when available, except summarized in one sentence: No loss of life is acceptable. The • when making turns or when it is unsafe to do so. Mayor’s Plan defines the initial steps that the City Police Use a white headlight and a red taillight, as well as a (NYPD) and Transportation Departments (DOT), Taxi & • bell or horn and reflectors. Limousine Commission (TLC), the Department of Health and Look, signal and look again before changing lanes or Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and other agencies will take. These • making a turn. Make sure drivers see you before initiatives will be continually analyzed for their effectiveness. executing a turn or riding in front of a turning car. The New York Police Department plans to increase • Watch out for car doors. Be prepared for the possibility enforcement against dangerous moving violations, including that a car door may be opened in your path. When speeding, failing to yield to pedestrians, signal violations, possible, leave room between yourself and parked cars improper turns/disobeying signage, and phoning/texting while (3 feet is generally recommended) so that you can driving. The recognition of the disproportional representation of avoid a door that opens unexpectedly. the senior population among severe pedestrian injuries and • Stay visible. Wear brightly colored clothing for daytime fatalities led to the development of the Department’s Safe riding. At night, use reflective materials and lights. Streets for Seniors (SSS) program. More information may be • Use your bell. Your bell alerts drivers, pedestrians and found at other cyclists to your presence; it is required by law. The TLC will create a safety enforcement squad, to enforce • Don't wear earphones. By law you may wear one ear speed and safety regulations and pilot a program to place black bud, but keeping your ears clear is a much safer box data recorders in TLC-licensed vehicles. choice. • Wear a helmet. Helmets are required by law for The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene will conduct children age 13 or younger and working cyclists. public health surveillance on traffic-related hospitalizations and Helmets are a good idea for cyclists of all ages. injuries. The analysis of this data will assist in determining the direction of future initiatives. The implementation of these city-wide initiatives as well as educated pedestrians and cyclists will ensure safe and In the meantime, here are some guidelines from the enjoyable travel on our city streets. Department of Transportation: Mary Koval

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West 104 Newsletter April 2014 3 SPOTLIGHT Interview with Joanna Clapps Herman studying for her Master’s degree at City College and he was a Professor who sometimes joined Joanna’s Master By Bonnie Dry and Lynn Max Thesis Advisor’s post-seminar gatherings. They were partners in life, in their mutual love of literature and in Joanna Herman grew up in an Italian-American enclave their craft. They edited each other’s work, mentored each in Waterbury, Connecticut. It was as if, she said, the other and celebrated their works. customs, culture and vibrant family life of Tolve and Joanna has loved living on 104th Street. When she Avigliano, the small Southern Italian towns of her returns from teaching, it’s a joy to walk from the subway grandparents, had been packed up and set down in down our very well-maintained block, past the flowers Waterbury. Her grandparents and the artistic street lamps farmed, made cheese and with the view of the Hudson produced everything they always in sight. It’s an ideal needed, from bread to liquor block! She also has loved living to making their own clothes, at 315 Riverside - her and her extended family of neighbors and the door staff farmers and factory workers are like family to her – and she lived in a circle on the particularly revels in the periphery of the farm. As she informal neighborly gatherings writes in her book, “The on the roof deck, which we all Anarchist Bastard,” “I was hope will start soon, if the born in 1944 but raised in the weather cooperates. 15th Century.” The book is the Joanna believes that whatever story of a particular Italian- culture you come from shapes American way of life that your writing. To that end, her replicated ancient codes of writings and edited works on honor and community. It was, Italian-American culture have and is, a joyous family where added to the dialogue of what it the responsibility to be a means to have an Italian- family member took precedent American identity. Her love of over the sense of self. But as a writer, Joanna struggled literature may have been influenced by her father who with becoming a person with her own identity, separate was an ironworker by trade, who refused to have a from the community. television in the house and who spent every evening That sense of self started taking hold while attending reading and sharing books he loved with his children. Boston University in the 1960s, then moving to New York She teaches at City College, the Center for Worker City. Joanna has lived on the for 32 of Education and is on the Master’s of Fine Arts faculty at her years in New York, 27 of them on Riverside Drive. Manhattanville College, and she teaches writing and When she and her husband Bill moved into 370 memoir workshops. Her most recent book, “No Longer Riverside Drive, they felt they were living the definition of and Not Yet: Stories from the Upper West Side” was both a medieval town – a major road, a university, a published in January. The linked stories in her book have cathedral – and the ideal community which is diverse but been developed over a series of years and pull in so which has shared values. And of course, they delighted much of Joanna’s deep love of the Upper West Side. in the cafes, bookstores and Mom and Pop stores. Their She had a reading of “No Longer and Not Yet” and the son, James, now a neuroscientist at the National Institute “Anarchist Bastard” on April 3rd in the Community Room of Health, grew up there from the age of six. Ten years at 370 Riverside Drive (109th Street). ago, Bill and Joanna moved to 315 Riverside Drive. Joanna is moving in July to Morningside Gardens which No interview with Joanna could be complete without a is in the West 120’s, still the Upper West Side. She discussion of her wonderful relationship with her promised to come join us on the roof deck and share in husband, Bill, who she lost last October. They were the discussions of W 104th Street happenings. together for 40 years, having first met when she was 4 West 104 Newsletter April 2014 ADVERTISEMENT

West 104 Newsletter April 2014 5 The Snow People of 110th Street A lovely man named Nick who is a also convinced that the engagement musician and the porter and ring found in the Barclay's Center handyman of a building on West 106th bathroom recently and never claimed between Broadway and Amsterdam is, in fact, his intended for her. has apparently been creating a snowman for the last several years in Nick, thank you for providing a bright front of the building where he works. spot in a winter that has been otherwise challenging. Your creativity This year, as the snow outdid itself, he and lovely romanticism has made so did as well. First there was the basic many of my mornings joyous! Snowman, a quite substantial Cherlyn Smith gentleman at about 6'. Then more and more additions to him: a hat, a mouth, and then... a heart. And following that, a guitar with lyrics written on it. Well we all know what Mr. & Mrs Snowman in Happier Times that leads to right? No girl can resist... So after a major snowfall that night we replying "I love you too". Then a book were all greeted by his new companion from which he was reading (or singing?) SnowWoman with her lovely long mop to her. More flowers... hair, flower bedecked hat, and her own guitar as well! So we were expecting a new SnowBaby any minute, but alas, then came the For Valentine's Day he gave her a thaw! So first they lost weight and now, large heart shaped box of chocolates as they are no longer there, I suspect and flowers. Soon Nick altered their they have relocated to Florida as so mouths - he said "I love you", she many Snowbird New Yorkers do. I am Wearing Coats and Staying Cool 6 West 104 Newsletter April 2014 West Side Federation of Neighborhood Justice to provide recommendations Neighborhood Yard Sale May 17 and Block Associations regarding youth in New York’s criminal and juvenile justice systems. New York The W. 102/103 Block Association will The Federation met on March 3, 2014. th remains one of only two states in the hold its 11 annual Yard Sale on Members discussed pedestrian and rd nation whose age of criminal respons- Saturday, May 17 on W. 103 St. cyclist safety. (See Community Corner) ibility is 16 years of age. As a result, between West End Avenue and Riverside Helen Rosenthal, City Council Member, youthful offenders are less likely to Drive from 10 to 5. The rain date is receive services they need to become Sunday, May 18. has proposed legislation to immediately suspend a taxi driver’s license if he kills productive, successful adults. In addition to neighborhood vendor sales, or seriously injures a pedestrian. If the The Governor proposed a $100 million they offer special activities. You can sign driver is found guilty of “failure to yield”, additional investment in building and up to donate blood by calling Hedy his taxi license would be permanently preserving 3,000 affordable housing units Campbell at 212.865.8524. An ewaste suspended. Community Board 7 and the creation of more than 3,500 new program will accept your contributions. endorses this legislation and expands it jobs. Please contact Andre Veranes at to include all drivers who are found [email protected] to let him know guilty of “failure to yield” that results Due to Hurricane Sandy, the Governor what you plan to bring. Vendor spaces in a pedestrian death. has proposed the development of an (10 x 8 feet) can be purchased for $55. Emergency Preparedness Program at the Guest speaker Erik Bottcher, Special Please contact Anthony Bellow on the State University of New York. In addition, Ass’t for Community Affairs from the block association’s website http:// approximately 100,000 residents of all governor’s office, reviewed next year’s boroughs will be trained as first budget proposals which included sale.html) for details. responders. Parties interested in expanding funding for education resulting participating in the New York Citizen The event also offers refreshments, a in a 4% increase, universal pre-K, after Preparedness Corps may register for silent auction and a raffle. Raffle tickets school programs, and allocation of classes by offered through SUNY. For will be sold periodically at stands on West monies to hospitals and nursing homes. more information, visit End Avenue in the weeks prior to May 17. The Governor’s Office also proposed a For questions about the day, please Commission on Youth, Public Safety, and Mary Koval contact Bob Aaronson at 212.662.4046. New No-Idling and No U Turn Signs For several years, that the average The next time you are out and about, residents have driver could not see it, please look for these signs and complained about cars and it took 3 more remember to honor them. that park in the open months for them to Joyce Mann spots in front of both correct the problem 309 and 320 and idle and place it where it is there, often for long more visible. Then, periods, when they my original requests pack or unpack for placement of the groceries, wait for No Idling sign were family members or turned down because friends to come there are all kinds of downstairs, etc., regulations as to creating both noise and where they can be pollution that placed by the DOT penetrates the open engineer. but windows of apartments eventually that sign that front the street. In addition, many was installed, too, in a spot that isn’t people make illegal left hand turns from ideal, but at least it’s there. the Riverside Drive service road onto Riverside Drive itself, making it a In addition, our Block dangerous crossing area. Association Board member who attends I was asked by our Board to see what I monthly Police Dept. could do about it. community meetings I began last spring - almost a year ago - has informed the and was shuttled back and forth between police about these the DOT and the DEP, which both control signs and asked that different aspects of the issue. Getting the they patrol these two people in charge in each agency to areas on a regular coordinate their efforts took many, many basis, because they months and weekly phone calls and are health and safety emails from me, and there were major issues for our SNAFUs along the way. The No U Turn residents. sign was initially put up on a pole so high West 104 Newsletter April 2014 7 8 West 104 Newsletter April 2014 CALENDAR Newsletter Calendar 4/27 Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film 5/18 Around the World with Barry April – June 2014 Ric Burns unearths rarely seen footage Lewis: Jerusalem and offers keen observations on the life Architectural Lecture: In the Old City of and artistic influence of Andy Warhol. 4/5 – 4/27 Fishing for Wives Jerusalem, especially in the Muslim Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theatre Broadway quarter, we can see examples of the Pan Asian Repertory perform Ed at 95th St. 6PM $14 Seniors $12 “Moorish “ style that inspired 19th-century Sakamtot’s comedy of a battles of the Western architects, including the New sexes set in Hawaii, 1913. Clurman 5/1 – 5/3 Baron Samedi First performed York avant-garde of the 1860s to '80s Theatre at Theatre Row $51.25 Seniors in April 2012 at the Théâtre de Nîmes in period, to embrace new ideas of how $41.25 Check website for time: France, Alain Buffard’s Baron Samedi is buildings should be designed. Barry Lewis named after a Haitian “Vaudou” spirit. A is an architectural historian who currently 4/12 Easter Eggstravaganza Join us tutelary figure for the work, Baron Samedi teaches at Cooper Union Forum. The for our, annual egg workshop! Children invokes ghosts, extracts the perfect Robert H. Smith Auditorium at the New- create colorful eggs with tissue paper, dancing body and is a symbol of visibility York Historical Society, 170 Central Park glitter, glue, and paint, and build a nest in life and invisibility in death. Featuring West 5PM $34 for decorated eggs with twigs, feathers, an international cast including Nadia and clay. Please bring two hard-boiled 5/28 Forbidden Thoughts by Sigal Beugré, David Thomson and Will Rawls Shamay Kahana eggs/child. Recommended for ages 4 (among others), New York Live Arts and up. $8 per child, with accompanying Theatre 219 W 19th St. 7:30PM $20 http:// Sigal Shamay Kahana takes us on a adult. Reservations are HIGHLY funny, sensitive and emotional journey recommended and can be made by 5/3 Blessing of the Bicycles through different stages of one's life. She calling (212) 932-7314. Meet at Visitor A Cathedral tradition, this special blessing reveals all of our forbidden thoughts in a Center. St. John the Divine Medieval ceremony, open to all, celebrates the lives humorous and profound way. Leonard Arts Workshop 1047 Amsterdam Ave. th of bike riders and cycling in its many Nimoy Thalia Theatre Broadway at 95 10-12PM St. 8PM $45 forms. St. John the Divine Medieval Arts 4/17 Tower + Bach The Bach series is Workshop 1047 Amsterdam Ave. 8 – 6/6 New Amsterdam Symphony back with a special anniversary twist: 10AM Orchestra Conductor Teresa Cheung three extraordinary living composers. 5/6 Juilliard 415 As the Juilliard School’s (Music Director, Altoona Symphony Written around 1720, Bach’s top period-instrument ensemble, Orchestra) returns to NASO with a Brandenburg concertos remained Juilliard415 is comprised of some of the program featuring Mahler's symphonic virtually unknown, tucked away on a world’s most talented students of 17th and poem Totenfeier (first NASO library shelf, for more than a century 18th century music, who perform both rare performance). This dramatic work later before being published. Today, they are and canonical Baroque works. Miller became the first movement of the among the crowning achievements of Theatre 2960 Broadway (at 116th St) 6PM composer's Symphony No. 2. Baroque instrumental writing. For her FREE (Resurrection). Peter Jay Sharp Theatre Bach series program, composer Joan th 5/7 Strings of the Black Sea Broadway at 95 St 8PM $25 Seniors $18 Tower intersperses movements of the fifth concerto—for solo flute, violin, and A celebration of lyras and fiddles from harpsichord—with her own chamber Bulgaria, Crimea, and Turkey exploring 6/7 Bindlestiff Family Cirkus music. Miller Theatre 2960 Broadway (at the connections between communities One stage. 10 world-renowned 116th St) 8:00PM $25 - $35.00 surrounding the Black Sea. performers. 600 audience members, their Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theatre Broadway minds blown. Let yours be one. Juggle th 4/19 Peter and the Wolf For Families at 95 St. 7PM $30 This! draws spectators from around the presents the Columbia University world to witness the art of juggling. You Orchestra conducted by Professor 5/10 NY Lyric Opera Theatre’s Mozart have never seen a show like this. Miller Jeffrey Milarsky along with acclaimed Concert The NY Lyric Opera Theatre will Theatre 2960 Broadway (at 116th St) 7PM perform opera favorites composed by soprano and Columbia voice teacher Sarah Wolfson presenting the tale of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Piano Peter and the Wolf. accompaniment. Leonard Nimoy Thalia Mary Koval th Miller Theatre 2960 Broadway (at 116th Theatre Broadway at 95 St. 2PM $50 St) 5PM FREE Seniors $44 4/26 Barnard/Columbia Dances Barnard and Columbia students perform 5/14 - 5/18 No-No Boy in new works, including “Treefrog in Based on a book by John Stonehenge” by Barnard alumna Twyla Okada and set in the Tharp (’63); a new contemporary work aftermath of WWII, the by Andrea Miller, the rising star play follows draft resister choreographer and Artistic Director of Ichiro Yamada after he is Gallim Dance; and a new ballet by released from prison and Robert LaFosse, the former Principal struggles to come to terms Dancer with American Ballet Theatre with his choices. Studio and New York City Ballet and current Theatre at Theatre Row Department of Dance faculty member. $37 Seniors $30 Check Miller Theatre 2960 Broadway (at 116th website for time: St) 7PM $20

West 104 Newsletter April 2014 9 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES Math and Science Tutoring Columbia postdoc with over 10 years Your Neighborhood Service experience tutoring available to teach math, Publicized FREE! chemistry, and physics. Standardized tests as well: SAT, AP, ACT, Regents. Call Robert Publicize your neighborhood service at 646.481.3266 or email at (babysitting, dog walking, apartment [email protected]. cleaning, etc.) free in the newsletter and on our web site for one year, renewable. Computer Consultant/PC Doctor. To submit an ad mail/deliver this Computers repaired, maintained, viruses information to Jon Smith, 320 RSD or removed, junk mail controlled. Advice to send to [email protected] repair or buy. I do Windows! Contact Greg Williams, block resident at 212.749.2398, For our records: Your name and mailing 917.771.2929 or [email protected], address QuickBooks Consultant/Professional For publication: your name, contact Organizer. method (phone # or email address), Accounting, business and personal finances, description of your service home and file organization. Contact Ellen Curtis at 212.749.2398, 607.829.5631 or [email protected]. Call for Safe Escort Early Childhood Tutoring Available Retired master teacher with 32 years Home With Block BLOOMINGDALE AGING IN PLACE experience. MA in Early Childhood Education. (BaiP) ----- (preK-3) Personal and professional Guard BAiP is an intergenerational volunteer references available. Call if you have or know network of neighbors working to help older a child who needs help with letters, phonics, If you’re ever coming home residents to continue living at home safely decoding skills, writing and/or math. Call and comfortably. BAiP sponsors social & Beverly at 440.935.0607 at night and you’d like to cultural activities, provides educational tools, or email [email protected] and a helping hand for those in need through have an escort, please don’t its Neighbor-to-Neighbor (N2N) program. Pet sitting. Experienced, responsible, hesitate to call Jean (John), The latter takes the form of providing help caring pet sitter. I take care of your pets like going places, running errands, light shopping, they are my own! Dogs, cats, small animals, our security guard. He has a accompaniment at home or outdoors, and birds, reptiles, fish. Very reasonable rates. information. If you want to contact N2N for Call Tova at 212-662-5143 or email special phone for these times this kind of assistance, or to talk about [email protected]. volunteering, e-mail: [email protected], and he will come meet you or call: 212.842.8831 to leave a message with Piano and/or French Lessons. either on West End Avenue your contact information. Either way, a BAiP Beginner to advanced, child to adult, by member will respond promptly. congenial, multi-degreed professional. Call or Riverside Drive and walk Irina at 212.749.1193. Give yourself a gift of good health. with you to your home. Tammy Wise offers a class in Body Logos iPad/iPhone/Mac Help & Lessons each Sunday at the Youth Hostel, 103rd & Having trouble with iPhone, iPad, Macintosh? Security Guard Phone Number: Amsterdam. The Sunday class is a $15 single I can help. iTunes, Photoshop, Word, Excel, class rate and $64 for a series of 5 ($13 per Lightroom, etc. Photo retouching, audio & class). The details at: http:// video digitizing. Need help? Contact Jon, 212-222-4431 or [email protected] 347-723-1517 10 West 104 Newsletter April 2014