eal Tri st mini the at Estate N e w s four-storv dwelling Clarence w. Philadelphia Family 102 West Seventy-first Street, 18x Eckhardt . .president, modern house, garage and gardener's 100.5. Attractive Offers bought, from Moris Benodon the three cottage. Julius houses at 204 to 208 Sec¬ GreenwichViîlageTheater Columbia in Among Dwelling Buyers Marder sold to Jacob Saltr,- four-storyond Lannin Realty Company »old at Gar¬ -, Oval, Bronx, I man the three-story dwelling at 115 Cause Estates to Avenue, 51.6x101"', and from Stuy- Leased for $1,250,000 den City to a client of I-ouis W. Oster- Operators Buy Acquire Modern House in East East 114th Street, 16x100.10. vesant F. Moris the property just weis, a on the east aide of To Go at Auction arund building To-day! 61st St. ; 56th St. Purchaser Sell Old the corner nt 312 and 314 East Option to Buy Goes Hilton Avenue, 121 feet south of Sev¬ Lenses of Business in Holdings Thirteenth Street, consisting of two With Property enth Street, 200x100. BuckhamFlats, University Trusters to Dispose to Alter Property Space three-story houses, 39.1x103.3. Deal for Building Thé Lewi« H. May Company sold for of Former Athletic Field Douglas L. Elliman & Co. sold for H. Uptown and Downtown Zones Tenant Mandelbaum & Lewine sold to Now BeingErected Lorenz W. F. Carstein to S. Silbermnn C. of The Cross & Brown leased for 25 Years Be¬ George Megrew 62 West Fifty-sixth The a plot on th« west side of Hudson Into 225 Lots Fleltmann, Fleitmnnn & Co., his Company a three-story theater and store On Divided residence at to W.
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