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A N D Oc N Ol 500130 130 t a n d oc n ol 500 . e m l P RE F A C E . m b b c T HE Illustrator , unconfined by any definite or preconcerted syste , has ram led over su je ts h ou —if ffi wit t method or restraint he has pleased su ciently , for which he is aware his thanks ’ are b e d m w th e to acknowle ged ore to the fascinating po ers of his coadjutors pencil , than to I h as b . L k b efforts of his pen , the chief object of the llustrations been o tained i e the utterfly , he has winged his d esultory course through paths of pleasure adorned with a thousand ’ m sweets , passing heedlessly over many of nature s fairest flowers , and gathering only fro the blossoms of his choice . The earliest topographical writers have invited attention to the singular beauties of I rish ' . C am br e nsis a u b u scenery decl red that nature looked with a more favo ra le eye than sual , I m upon this kingdom of zephyrs ; and authors , more attached to reland , and ore conspicuous for a love of truth , have asserted , that nature has here denied nothing that is necessary to constitute a great and happy people ; and , ’ ’ Tho form d to ch r m new r a ur to ns a , pt e i pire, ’ ’ To feed the painter s and the poet s ti re e t a e m y to the present g and period belongs the peculiar merit of having unfolded those char s , o f and discovered those graces , which the world taste are now permitted to enjoy . M s ankind in general appear to possess an innate love of the beauties of nature , and thi b w b c d passion has een al ays found to predominate most in warm , suscepti le , and ultivate c b w minds ; and , perhaps , for this precise reason it is , that su h su jects as a aken the powers , be b d and g ratify the pleasures , of the imagination , will oth better un erstood , and more clearly b . appreciated , in the present period , than in those ages just gone y I t be b A I u I a d should o served , that the rtists , engaged in the ll strations of rel n , ‘ w c were obliged to delineate , from a great variety of subjects , all of which ere pi turesque m and sublime , landscapes representing select and distinct pieces of i agery and the Illustrator u ch m has seized those happy occasions , for the introd ction of su legends , facts , or circu be b stances , as may well understood y the contemplator of each scene . A w be a lthough a systematic plan is disclaimed , a principle ill found to regul te the selection of subjects . The P ublic Buildings of chief cities and capital towns have all been u A m a introd ced , and with so much address , on the part of the rtists , that, if necessary , they y be i wed a v e as rchitectural drawings . The singular wildness and p eculiar character of the Irish b b f endeavoured to make intelligi le , y views selected rom many different not previously pu b gh the most unknown . t is hoped pleasure , beauty , and harmony that meed apportioned to a work of taste , b e I accu m u l at if it shall also found that the llustrations have added to the small , and slowly i n I g heap of information upon the Topography of reland , the measure of its appetite for p raise is full . For I S the present we take leave of rish Views , and recommend to our ubscribers two E — l LAN CA H I RE similar volumes , of nglish S cenery one il ustratin g the County of S ; the other — the Counties of D EVO N and CO RNW ALL either of which may be had separately . ' I N D E X . w Cas e Cou n K i B an of l re l and J e nkins o n , y k , t tl t Inchm ore Cas l Coun a B n Hous e C ou nt Co , y Ki k a try , y rk t e t l e B fas Gr e n L n n el t, e i e enn the Cas e of Ki k y, B e f s h S e l tl l a t, Hig tr et nn Cas the No h Fr o B ac Roc C s l n C o Kilke y tle, rt l k k a t e, ear rk a n the U e La of B ac Roc C as f om the R Le e . Ki y, pp k l k k tle, r iver ll r e r e l a ne on the A r oach f on B a n C s C ou n Co Ki y, pp l r ey a tle, ty rk l r r l a ne the Low La of . Ki l r y, er ke ' C a m F a C hu ch of the tw o V w s n s B r d D ubl n two Vie r elite ri ry, r ( ie ) Ki g i ge, i , ( ‘ C a c - a- R d e C o un An m n s V s to I and M m o rri k e , ty tri Ki g i it rel , e ri C ar i c fe u s C as and Tow n r k rg , tle C as o w C oun nn oun An m H , y Ki k y Lar n C tle ell t l e e, ty tri C ond a k n Rou nd To w o f C oun D ub l n c C Thom ond G l l i , er , ty i Lim eri k ity, ate C o h Ma t the D ubl n L sm ore C as l e C ou n W ate r fc l t r , , i i t , ty C o l e raine S al m o n Lond ond r r C of . , e y, ity C o e S t e e D u bl n L n - ia os a and Ro u nd o ll ge r t, i yi g H pit l t 2 C o e of S u o ns D u b n ll ge rge , li ' ’ (Jol ts m an s C as l e C oun . , y K y Me chan s ua Co t t err r t Q y, rk C o s on at rk , Pri C o G and a ad ’ k , P r n r r r e N s on s l l a Dubl el Pi , i C o u rt stow n C as tl e C ou n e nn ’ , y Ki k y o n W x for t l N e w Ros s C u e d , ty C o a b o u Coun C o v H , y k r e r r t r N w ow n a Obel s at C0! e t P k , i k , C o ar bou oo n ow ard s Roste l l an ' v H , ki g C O G - o ’ . e r l t Ne w r from T re o l l Coun y, v r Hi , C u ra h m o e Co u n W a e r f r g r , ty t o rd C us o m o us th e D u b n H , , i t e l a l am n S uar T r n Col l P r i e t q e, i ity C us om ous L m e c ’ H , i i k t e r e er s . St C ha e l and F ee S c P t , p r P hoe nix C ol u m n D ub n f om B lac u ie r e ’ i , q B id g l r r e P or tl cs ter s C ha el Ru ns of Lc p , i D u b n f om h oen x P i , P i a k — l r r os Ofli ce D ub l n P t , i Dub n C as G e a C ou r ard i , Y - l tle r t t P ou La P hu ca W a er fa l C oun t l , t D u nb rod Ab be C oun WV x y y, y e ford t P owers cou r t W a er fa C oun t ll, ty D u nd a the Tow n and B a of C oun lk , y , ty Louth 78 D u n uce Cas e Coun An r m O O l tl , ty t i O O Q Q Q O O O O O Q O 77 Rou nd Tow Chur ch &c. at S ‘ er, , , D u nm o e C o u n W r Pier, ty aterford 79 ’ S a ah s B d D ub n r ri ge, li Ex chan th e Ro D ub ge, yal , li n 3 8 Sou h Mal l C or S a u of Geo t , k , t t e Four cou rts th e Dub n 0 .
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