Revolution, Counter-Revolution and Union: Ireland in the 1790S Edited by Jim Smyth Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-66109-6 - Revolution, Counter-Revolution and Union: Ireland in the 1790s Edited by Jim Smyth Index More information Index Abercromby, General Sir Ralph, 23±5, 29, Bantry Bay, 16, 22, 59, 62±3 30±1, 40, 118 Barker, William 116, 125 Aberdeenshire fencibles 49 Barnard, Toby 6, 13 Adams, Jane 94 Barrington, Sir Jonah 37, 157 Agar, Charles, archbishop of Cashal 169 Bartlett, Thomas, 18±19, 204 Alexander, Henry, 44, 133 Bartolozzi, Francesco 179 Allen, Viscount 138 Battle of Ballynahinch, painting 187±90, 193 America 113±15, 117, 129, 133, 141, Battletown 88 143±5, 213, 224 Baytonrath 110 loyalists 104, 119±21, 125 Beckett, J. C. 3, 5 nationalism 12 Belfast 18, 25±7, 51, 53, 55±8, 63, 67±8, revolution 90±1 70, 75, 79, 99, 159, 197, 206, Ancien reÂgime 1, 3±4, 16, 20, 206 217±18, 220 Ancient Britons (fencible regiment) 33 Harpers festival 224±5, 237 Ancram, Col. Lord 114 Belfast Newsletter 71, 153±4, 187±9 Anderson, Aeneas 77 Belhaven, Lord Anglican clergy 36, 45±8, 125±4, 199±201 Bellew, Christopher 126 Antrim, county 34, 43, 45, 49, 53, 55, Belmore, Lord 133 58±9, 99, 102, 112, 156 Beresford, John 52, 148 Archer, Thomas 99 Beresford, John Cladius 156 Arigna, (ironworks, cloalmines) 212 Belanagare 213 Arklow 89, 92, 96, 99, 101 Betts, Luckyn 128 Armagh, county, 7, 27, 33±4, 36, 41, 43, Binns, John 143 44±5, 47, 52±3, 201 Birch, Revd. Thomas Ledlie 46, 112±13, city 47 210 Armstrong, John 101 Bird, John (alias John Smith) 24, 27 Arthur, Francis 108 Bishop, Thomas 113 Asgill, Major General Charles, 111 Bishop,
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