

1. Bush 2001f. The enormity of the task confronting us was succinctly stated in the National Security Council’s September 2002 National Security Strategy of the : “The United States of America is fighting a war against terrorists of global reach. The enemy is not a single political regime or person or religion or ideology. The enemy is terrorism—premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against innocents.” 2. Bush 2001f. 3. Bush 2003l. 4. Among the earlier works by ex-officials in the Bush administration are O’Neill (as told to Suskind 2004), Clarke 2004, and Wilson 2004. By the fall of 2004, Bob Woodward had written two best-selling accounts of President Bush, the war on terror, and the War (B. Woodward 2002, 2004). 5. See, for example, Massing 2004, Packer 2005. Other accounts of the many problems we faced in Iraq would quickly follow. See, among numerous oth- ers, Isikoff and Corn 2006, Rich 2006, Ricks 2006, Suskind 2006, Chan- drasekaran 2007. 6. Political scientist Ian Lustick (2006, 2007) cogently argues that the war on terror has achieved the status of a “background narrative” (2006, 17). Its pre- cepts are accepted without question and form the basis of this country’s post- 9/11 belief systems; thus, there is no public debate over the assumption that the problem of terrorism must be addressed by a “war” and that its rationale and global scale are appropriate. Also see Lemann 2002; Krebs and Lobasz 2007, 423; Western 2005a, chap. 6; Western 2005b; Kuypers 2006, chap. 2 and 8. 7. Anker 2005; Coe et al. 2004; Domke 2004; Hutcheson et al. 2004; Karim 2002; Silberstein 2002; Waisbord 2002; Lule 2002; Jackson 2005; Norris, Kern, and Just 2003; McChesney 2002; Gershkoff and Kushner 2005. 8. McClellan 2008 and Feith 2008 are two recent examples of the behind-the- scenes insider genre. Also see Draper 2007, Greenwald 2007, and Weisberg 2008 for examples of recent works that deconstruct Bush’s psychology. 9. Jackson 2005, 18; Jorgensen and Phillips 2002, 66, 157. 10. Jackson 2005, 16–19. 11. Gamson and Modigliani 1987, 143. Also see Iyengar 1991; Iyengar and Kinder 1987; Entman 2003, 417; Entman 2004, 5–6; Bennett, 2009, 37–38. 12. Bennett 2009, 38 and 124; Pan and Kosicki 1993. 218 Notes

13. Entman 2003, 417–18. 14. Ibid., 417. 15. Ibid., 417–18; Entman 2004, 14–18. 16. Lule 2002; Karim 2002; Silberstein 2002; Waisbord 2002; Anker 2005; Jack- son 2005; Krebs and Lobasz 2007, 421–32. 17. Jackson 2005, 19. 18. Ibid., 19–20; Entman 2003, 418–419; Entman 2004, 13–17. 19. Graber 2006, 340–41; Entman 2004; Western 2005a, 2005b; Iyengar and McGrady 2007, 90–102. 20. Krebs and Lobasz 2007, 412; Krebs and Jackson 2007. 21. Krebs and Lobasz 2007, 412; Krebs and Jackson 2007. 22. Iyengar and Kinder 1987; Iyengar 1991. See Kernell 2007, chap. 5, for a discussion of the growth of “going public” to promote the president’s agenda. 23. Johnson-Cartee 2005, chap. 5. Jamieson and Waldman 2003, xiii, write, “the metaphor of a frame—a fixed border that includes some things and excludes others—describes the way information is arranged and packaged in news sto- ries. The story’s frame describes what information is included and what is excluded.” See also Edwards 2003, chap. 7, for a discussion of the problems that contemporary presidents face in getting their desired frame through an interpretive media to the public. 24. B. Cohen 1963, 13. Also see McCombs and Shaw 1993; Iyengar 1991; Iyen- gar and Kinder 1987. 25. Gamson 1989; Iyengar 1991; Iyengar and Simon 1994, 170–72; Iyengar and McGrady 2007, 219–23. 26. Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2006 and 2007, 57–59. 27. West 2001, chap. 4; Bennett 2009, chap. 6; Cook 2005, chap. 4 and 5. 28. West 2001, chap. 4; Bennett 2009, chap. 5; Cook 2005, chap. 4 and 5. 29. West 2001, chap. 4; Bennett 2009, chap. 5; Cook 2005, chap. 4 and 5. 30. Hallin 1989, chap. 3. 31. Ibid. 32. Ibid., chap. 5. 33. West, 2001, chap. 5. 34. Ibid.; Bennett 2009 chap. 5 and 6; Edwards 2003, chap. 7; Patterson 1993. 35. West, 2001, chap. 5; Bennett 2009, chap. 5 and 6; Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007, chap. 1 and 2. 36. Mermin 1999. See also Zaller and Chiu 1996. 37. Mermin 1999. 38. Mermin 1999, chap. 4; Hallin and Gitlin 1994; Entman and Page 1994; Ben- nett 1994; Entman 2004, chap. 4. 39. Entman and Page 1994; Hallin and Gitlin 1994. 40. Althaus 2003, 282; Cook 2005. 41. West 2001, chap. 6. 42. Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007, chap. 5; Bennett 2009, chap. 1. 43. Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007, 56–57. 44. Ibid., chap. 2; Cook 2005, afterword. 45. Cook 2005, chap. 4 and 5. Notes 219

46. Carragee and Roefs 2004, 221–22; Gramsci 1971; Herman and Chomsky 2002; McChesney 2002. 47. Artz and Murphy 2000; Condit 1994; Gitlin 2003; Hall et al. 1978. 48. Bennett 1991; Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007, 49–51; Graber 2006, 341–43. 49. Althaus 2003; Cook 2005; Bennett 2009; Entman 2006. 50. Livingston and Bennett 2003; Entman 2006. 51. Entman 2003; Entman 2004. 52. Entman 2004, chap. 1. 53. Entman 2006. 54. Edwards 2007, chap. 1 and 2; Kumar 2007.

Chapter 1

1. Bush 2001b. 2. Ibid. 3. Bush 2001c. 4. As ethicist Peter Singer (2004, 1–2) and Krebs and Lobasz (2007, 426) note, the “language of evil” in Bush’s post-9/11 speech has been ubiquitous and “no other president in living memory has spoken so often about good and evil, right and wrong.” Also see Coe et al. 2004 and Domke 2004, chap. 2. 5. Bush 2001j. 6. Bush 2001h. 7. Bush 2001e. See Rojecki 2008 for an excellent analysis of American excep- tionalism and the war on terror. 8. Bush 2001k. 9. Domke 2004, chap. 2–4; Jackson 2005, 143–46. 10. Bush 2001a, 2001b, 2001e. 11. Domke 2004, chap. 2–4; Jackson 2005, chap. 5. 12. Bush, 2001a, 2001b, 2001c, 2001d, 2001e, 2001f, 2001g, 2001h. 13. Anker 2005, 25. 14. Bush 2001e. 15. Jackson 2005, 35–36. 16. Bush 2001h. 17. Ibid. 18. Ibid. 19. Ibid. 20. Bush 2001k. 21. Bush 2001h. 22. Bush 2001i. 23. Bush 2002a. 24. Bush 2002b. 25. Nacos 2007, 160–61. 26. Domke 2004, 19. 27. Kernell 2007, 185–86. 28. Manheim 1991. 220 Notes

29. Gershkoff and Kushner 2005. 30. Western 2005a, chap. 6, and Western 2005b. 31. Domke et al. 2006, 299–300. 32. See Huddy, Khatib, and Capelos 2002. 33. Cited in Nacos 2007, 161–62. 34. Lustick 2006, chap. 2; Lustick 2007, 3. 35. Kennedy 2001a. 36. Kennedy 2001b. 37. Pelosi 2001. 38. Pelosi 2002. 39. Krebs and Lobasz 2005. 40. Quoted in Domke et al. 2006, 305. 41. Lemann 2002, 2. 42. Ibid., 1. 43. Krebs and Lobasz 2005; Krebs and Jackson 2007. 44. Graber 2006, chap. 5. 45. Ibid., 130–31. 46. Carey 2002, 73. 47. Zelizer and Allan 2002, introduction. 48. Ibid., 8–9. 49. See, for example, Domke 2004; Coe et al. 2004; Hutcheson et al. 2004; Domke et al. 2006; Jackson 2005; McChesney 2002; Entman 2003, 2004; Kellner 2002; Norris, Kern, and Just 2003; Gershkoff and Kushner 2005; Nacos 2007; DiMaggio 2008. 50. Jackson 2005, 166–68. 51. Rojecki 2008, 75–82. 52. Domke et al. 2004, 237–38. 53. DiMaggio 2008, 267–68. 54. Nacos 2007, 159. 55. See, for example, Domke 2004; Coe et al. 2004; Hutcheson et al. 2004; Gershkoff and Kushner 2005; DiMaggio 2008, 267–68. 56. See, for example, Entman 2004, 107–22; Bennett 2009, 112–14, 159–63; Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007, chap. 5. 57. Nacos 2007, 164–66. 58. Ibid., 167–68. 59. Sontag 2001. 60. See Hertsgaard 2002, 46; Bennett 2009, 15; Domke 2004, 118; Entman 2004, 174n50. 61. Domke et al. 2006, 302. 62. Ibid., 309. 63. Sontag 2001, 6. 64. Jackson 2005, chap. 4. 65. Bush 2002a. 66. Gershkoff and Kushner 2005. 67. Bush 2003a. Notes 221

68. Gershkoff and Kushner 2005, 527. 69. Cheney 2002. 70. Quoted in Blitzer 2003; Rice 2003. 71. Powell 2003. 72. Althaus and Largio 2004. 73. Western 2005b, 197–98. 74. Ibid., 198–99. 75. Cheney 2002. 76. Rumsfeld 2002. 77. Bush 2002c. 78. Bush 2002d. 79. Western 2005b, 204. 80. Bush 2002e. 81. See Jackson 2005, chap. 6; Domke 2004; Gershkoff and Kushner 2005; Coe et al. 2004; Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007; Krebs and Lobasz 2007; Krebs and Jackson 2007; Massing 2004. 82. Rojecki 2008, 75–82. 83. Massing 2004, 28. 84. DiMaggio 2008, 69–70. 85. Gershkoff and Kushner 2005. 86. Cited in Cunningham 2003/4. 87. Entman 2003; 2004, chap. 5.

Chapter 2

1. Bush 2003a. 2. Ibid. 3. Ibid. 4. Bush 2003d. 5. Bush 2003e. 6. Bush 2003f, 2003g. 7. Bush 2003h. 8. Bush 2003k. 9. Bush 2003l. 10. DiMaggio 2008, chap. 3. 11. Farnsworth and Lichter 2006, 91. 12. Pew Research Center 2003b. 13. Pew Research Center 2003a; Graber 2006, 334–35; Farnsworth and Lichter 2006, 95–96. 14. Rendall and Broughel 2003; see also DiMaggio 2008, 142. 15. Chinni 2006. 16. Aday, Cluverius, and Livingston 2005, 319. 17. Ibid., 325–27. 18. Entman 2004, 117. 222 Notes

19. See, for example, editorial, “The Times and Iraq.”20 Ben- nett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007, 29. 20. Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007, 29. 21. Byrd 2003. 22. See, for example, DeYoung 2003. See also Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007, 16–17. 23. Bush 2003m. 24. Ibid. 25. Bush 2003n. 26. Bush 2003o, 2003p, 2003q. 27. Bush 2003r. 28. Bush 2003s. 29. Farnsworth and Lichter 2006, 92–93. 30. Ibid., 93. 31. Quoted in Schmitt 2003. 32. Ibid. 33. Priest 2003; Milbank 2003. 34. Farnsworth and Lichter 2006, 93. 35. Pew Research Center 2003c. 36. Ibid. 37. Bush 2003u. 38. Ibid. 39. Bush 2003v. 40. Bush 2003w. 41. Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007, chap. 1 and 2. 42. Lustick 2007. 43. Suskind 2004; Kennedy, as quoted in Stolberg 2004. 44. Bush 2004a. 45. Bush 2004b. 46. Entman 2006. 47. Ibid., 221–22. 48. Bush 2001b. 49. Bush 2003t. 50. Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007, chap. 3. 51. Bush 2004e. 52. Rice 2004. 53. Bush 2004f. 54. Bush 2004g. 55. Levin 2004. 56. Ibid. 57. Biden 2004. 58. Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007, 92–94, 113–15; see also Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2006. 59. Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007, 100. 60. Ibid., 78–81. Notes 223

61. Danner 2004a; see also Danner 2004b. 62. Clarke 2004. 63. Quoted in Stevenson 2004a. 64. Ibid. 65. Quoted in the September 26, 2004, Washington Post editorial, “The Iraq Debate”; see also Toner 2004. 66. Abramson, Aldrich, Rohde 2005, 40–41; see also Campbell 2005. 67. Bush 2004b. 68. Ibid. 69. Bush 2004d. 70. Bush 2004h. 71. Quoted in Allen 2004. 72. Quoted in Allen 2004 and Nagourney 2004. 73. Allen 2004. 74. Quoted in Halbfinger 2004. 75. Quoted in Balz 2004. 76. Quoted in Stevenson 2004b. 77. Pew Research Center 2004. 78. Abramson, Aldrich, and Rohde 2005, 51. 79. Campbell 2005, 225; Abramson, Aldrich, and Rohde 2005, 49–51. 80. Farnsworth and Lichter 2007, 53, 162. 81. Ibid., 162. 82. Bush 2004j. 83. Ibid. 84. Abramson, Aldrich, and Rohde 2005, 49–51. 85. Bush 2004i. 86. Bush 2004j. 87. Bush 2004k. 88. Quoted in Hirsh 2004.

Chapter 3

1. Vick and Sebti 2004; Graham 2004. 2. Bush 2004k. 3. Bush 2004l. 4. Bush 2005a. 5. Ibid. 6. Bush 2005c. 7. Bush 2005b; Bumiller 2005a. 8. Bush 2005c. See B. Woodward 2006, 371–78, for a brief behind-the-scenes view of the production of the freedom agenda. 9. Quoted in Lichtblau 2005; Eggen and Babbington 2005. 10. Quoted in Lichtblau 2005. 11. Quoted in Stolberg and Brinkley 2005. 12. Babington 2005a. 224 Notes

13. Kennedy 2005. 14. Ibid. 15. Quoted in Hulse 2005; Sanger and Weisman 2005. 16. Pelosi 2005. 17. Bush 2005e. 18. Pelosi 2005. 19. Mandel 2005. 20. See King and DeYoung 2008. 21. Churchill 2001. 22. Arendt 1977. 23. Churchill 2001. 24. King and DeYoung 2008. 25. Text of House Resolution on Churchill, 2005. 26. Text of Regents’ Resolution, 2005. 27. King and DeYoung 2008. 28. King and DeYoung 2006. 29. Sanger and Schmitt 2005. 30. Ibid. 31. Bush 2005f. 32. Bush 2005g. 33. Bush 2005h. 34. Bush 2005i. 35. Ibid. 36. Bush 2005j. 37. Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regard- ing Weapons of Mass Destruction 2005 (also known as the Silberman-Robb Commission). 38. Bush 2005k. 39. VandeHei 2005; Stevenson 2005a. 40. Edwards 2007, chap. 4. 41. Ibid., chap. 3. 42. Bush 2005l. 43. Bush 2005m. 44. Balz 2005a. 45. Ibid. 46. Schmitt and Shanker 2005. 47. Ibid. 48. Ibid. 49. Stevenson 2005b. 50. Ibid. 51. Lexis-Nexis Major U.S. and World Publications, News Wire Services, and TV and Radio Broadcast Transcripts databases, August 1–31, 2005. 52. Bush 2005n. 53. Ibid. 54. Bush 2005o, 2005p. Notes 225

55. Bennett, Lawrence, and Livingston 2007, 168–69. Bennett and his colleagues found that of 133 New York Times articles on Hurricane Katrina published between August 29 and September 7, 2005, forty-six contained specific men- tions of government failure or incompetence. 56. Bush 2005q; se also Bush 2005r, 2005s, 2005t, and 2005u. 57. Ibid. 58. Ibid. 59. Ibid. 60. Ibid. 61. Bush 2005s. 62. Ibid. 63. Bush 2005q, 2005s. 64. Hess 1986, 37. 65. Biden 2005. 66. See Cillizza and White 2005. 67. Quoted in 2005. 68. Bressler 2008.

Chapter 4

1. Dionne 2005. 2. Murtha 2005a. 3. Murtha 2005b. 4. Quoted in Schmitt and Sanger 2005a. 5. Babington 2005. 6. McClellan 2005. 7. Sidoti 2005b. 8. Bush 2005k. 9. Quoted in Hunt 2005. 10. Quoted in Fletcher 2005. 11. U.S. National Security Council 2005. 12. Bush 2005w. 13. Bumiller 2005b. 14. Quoted in Milbank 2005a. 15. Quoted in Yost and Hunt 2005. 16. Cheney 2005. 17. Kirkpatrick 2006. 18. Quoted in Clymer 2003. 19. Murtha 2008. 20. Quoted in Cloud 2005. 21. Anniversary Resolution, HR 557 (March 17, 2004). 22. D. Broder 2006. 23. We recognize that in this era of media fragmentation, there exist numer- ous media organizations, but the New York Times and the Washington Post are widely recognized as offering the most comprehensive national and 226 Notes

international news coverage, and the stories they present set the news agenda for other media outlets and are closely monitored by the national political establishment. The (AP), a not-for-profit news cooperative that is owned by its 1,500 newspaper members, supplies a steady stream of national and international news around the clock to thousands of newspa- per, radio, television, and online outlets; thus, it exerts influence through its extensive reach across the many organizations of the contemporary media. And although the viewership of network television news has declined in recent years, its nightly audience still remains vast, and television is the source of foreign affairs news for most Americans, with NBC currently command- ing the largest average audience. See the Pew Research Center 2007a. All newspaper articles, op-ed pieces, and columns mentioning John Murtha and Iraq were analyzed, along with transcripts from NBC Nightly News and NBC’s weekday morning Today show and Sunday morning program Meet the Press. Our research strategy was not to analyze all media coverage of Iraq during this period, but to focus only on the media coverage that dealt specifically and substantively with Murtha and the endgame debate. Both the Times and the Post reprinted the full texts of the official statement released by Murtha’s office and the resolution he introduced in the House. In addition, the Post published twenty-six news articles and ten editorial and opinion pieces in which Murtha’s call for withdrawal from Iraq was mentioned in a significant manner, while the Times published sixteen news reports and five op-ed pieces, and the Associated Press provided twenty-nine news articles concerning the Murtha challenge. Murtha was featured prominently in four NBC evening news broadcasts, and he made three appearances on the Today show and one appearance on Meet the Press in the wake of his announcement calling for a troop drawdown. 24. Williams 2005. 25. Quoted in Murray 2005. 26. Quoted in Schmitt and Sanger 2005b. 27. Murray 2005. 28. Daniel 2005. 29. Kuypers 2006, 127. 30. Quoted in Murray 2005. 31. Quoted in Sidoti 2005d. 32. Sidoti 2005a. 33. Toner 2006b. 34. Hefling 2005. 35. Sanger 2005a. 36. Fletcher 2005. 37. Quoted in Sidoti 2005a. 38. Milbank 2005a. 39. Milbank 2005c. 40. Quoted in Mitchell 2008, 188. 41. Kurtz and Murray 2006; Webb 2006. Notes 227

42. Graham and Wright 2005. 43. White 2006. 44. Fletcher 2005. 45. Raum 2005. 46. Quoted in Lovering 2005. 47. Stolberg 2005. 48. Ibid. 49. Quoted in Lovering 2005. 50. “Congressman Murtha Discusses Iraq and President Bush,” NBC Today 2005. 51. Ibid. 52. Slevin 2005. 53. Balz 2005b. 54. Hulse and Kirkpatrick 2005. 55. Schneider 2005. 56. Balz 2005b. 57. See, for example, Sidoti 2005d and Rich 2006. 58. Quoted in Raum 2005. 59. “Congressman Murtha, Democrat, Pennsylvania, Discusses War in Iraq,” NBC Meet the Press 2006. 60. Fletcher 2005. 61. Baker 2005. 62. Milbank 2005c. 63. Yost and Hunt 2005. 64. Milbank 2005b. 65. Schmitt and Sanger 2005a; Sidoti 2005a; Milbank 2005c. 66. Media Matters 2006, “ABC, CBS, CNN aired Bush’s ‘cut and run’ attack on Democrats, ignored Democratic response.” 67. Milbank 2005a. 68. Ibid. 69. Sidoti 2005a. 70. Quoted in Cillizza 2005. 71. Sanger 2005b. 72. Ibid. 73. Entman 2003, 418. 74. Media Matters 2006, “Media coverage of Iraq steeped in GOP talking points.” 75. Murtha’s propensity to utter “shoot from the lip” quips would come back to haunt him late in his 2008 reelection campaign when—in an October inter- view with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial board—he called voters in his district “racist” and then corrected himself in a television interview with the equally unfortunate label “redneck.” 76. Bennett 2009, 15–16. 77. Kinsley 2005. 228 Notes

Chapter 5

1. Bush 2006c. 2. Bush 2006d. 3. Ibid. 4. Risen and Lichtblau 2005. 5. Bush 2006a. 6. Bush 2006d. 7. Bush 2006f. 8. Bush 2006b. 9. Cheney 2006. 10. Ibid. 11. Bush 2006e. 12. Bush 2006f. 13. Ibid. 14. Ibid. 15. “Company’s takeover of U.S. ports raises security concerns,” 2006. 16. Quoted in Blustein 2006. 17. Quoted in McAuliff 2006. 18. Quoted in McGeehan 2006. 19. Quoted in Sanger 2006a. 20. Quoted in Hulse 2006a. 21. Quoted in Blustein 2006. 22. Quoted in Bridis 2006. 23. Quoted in Blustein 2006. 24. Quoted in J. Weisman 2006a. 25. Quoted in VandeHei and Weisman 2006. 26. Quoted in Bridis 2006. 27. Quoted in Hulse 2006b. 28. Quoted in Stolberg 2006a and J. Weisman 2006b. 29. Quoted in J. Weisman 2006b. 30. Ibid. 31. Ibid. 32. Quoted in Hulse and Shane 2006. 33. Quoted in Stolberg 2006a. 34. Corsi 2006. 35. “Port deal dead; Congress responds to will of people on ports,” 2006. 36. Bumiller and Connelly 2006. 37. Pew Research Center 2006c. 38. Lexis-Nexis Academic, February 13–March 15, 2006. 39. Quoted in Baker 2006a. 40. Kornblut 2006. 41. Raum 2006. 42. “The president and the ports,” 2006. 43. VandeHei 2006. Notes 229

44. Nagourney and Elder 2006. 45. Ibid. 46. Pew Research Center 2006b. 47. Pew Research Center 2006g. 48. Lichtblau 2006. 49. Pew Research Center 2006a. 50. Weisman and Birnbaum 2006; Stolberg 2006b. 51. Bush 2006g. 52. Tyson 2006a. 53. Shanker 2006a. 54. Wong and Worth 2006. 55. Bush 2006h. 56. National Security Council 2006. 57. Bush 2006i. 58. Bush 2006j. 59. Schieffer 2006 (interview of the vice president). 60. Rumsfeld 2006. 61. Bush 2006k. 62. Bush 2006l. 63. Quoted in Sanger and Shanker 2006. 64. Bush 2006m. 65. Bush 2006n. 66. Ibid. 67. Ibid. 68. Schieffer 2006. 69. Quoted in S. Weisman 2006. 70. Kerry 2006. 71. Ibid. 72. Sanger and Rutenberg 2006; Toner 2006a. 73. Quoted in Stolberg 2006c; Rutenberg 2006a. 74. “United House and Senate Democratic Leadership” 2006. 75. Weisman and Anushka 2006. 76. Quoted in Shanker 2006b. 77. Pew Research Center 2006a. 78. Ibid. 79. Pew Research Center 2006c. 80. Ibid. 81. Pew Research Center 2006d, 2006e. 82. Edwards and King 2007. 83. Edwards 2007. 84. Pew Research Center 2006f. 85. Bush 2006o. 86. Bush 2006p. 87. Bush 2006q. 88. Bush 2006r. 230 Notes

89. Ibid. 90. Sanger 2006b; B. Woodward 2006. 91. Fletcher 2006; White House, Office of Press Secretary 2006. 92. Bush 2006s. 93. Pew Research Center 2006g. 94. Ignatius 2006; Baker 2006b. 95. Ignatius 2006; Rutenberg and Cloud 2006. 96. Lakoff 2006. 97. Edwards 2007, 80. 98. Baker 2006c. 99. Kohut 2006. 100. Hulse and Connelly 2006. 101. Broder and Balz 2006. 102. Abramowitz 2006. 103. Nagourney and Thee 2006. 104. Slevin and Powell 2006. 105. Quoted in ibid. 106. Toner 2006c . 107. Bush 2006 t. 108. Ibid. 109. Ibid. 110. Ibid. 111. Bush 2006 u. 112. Bush 2006 v. 113. Report 2006. 114. Quoted in Sanger 2006c. 115. Bush 2006 w. 116. Bush 2006 x. 117. Bush 2006 y. 118. Gordon and Mazzetti 2006; Mazzetti 2006; Gordon 2006. 119. Bush 2006 z. 120. Bush 2006 aa.

Chapter 6

1. Bush 2007a. 2. Ibid. 3. Ibid. 4. Bush 2007b. 5. Bush 2007a. 6. Bush 2007d. 7. “Rice Rejects ‘Escalation Language,’ Calls Bush Iraq Plan ‘Augmentation’” 2007. 8. Bush 2007f. 9. Bush 2007h. Notes 231

10. Bush 2007m. 11. Bush 2007n. 12. Bush 2007a. 13. Ibid. 14. Bush 2007b. 15. Bush 2007d. 16. Bush 2007k. 17. Bush 2007d. 18. Bush 2007f. 19. Bush 2007n. 20. See, for example, Bush 2007d, 2007f. 21. Bush 2007c. 22. Bush 2007e. 23. Bush 2007f. 24. Bush 2007i. 25. Bush 2007j. 26. Bush, 2007l. 27. Bush 2007m. 28. Bush 2007o, 2007p. 29. Bush 2007q. 30. Baker et al. 2007. 31. Pelosi and Reid 2007. 32. Flaherty 2007a; Zeleny 2007. 33. Quoted in Pincus 2007. 34. Stolberg and Broder 2007. 35. Pelosi 2007. 36. Maze 2007. 37. Pelosi 2007. 38. Murtha 2007. 39. Herzsenhorn 2007b. 40. Rutenberg and Healy 2007. 41. All news articles, op-ed pieces, and news broadcasts in the New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, and NBC News that mentioned David Petraeus and the surge in a significant manner (i.e., substantive discussion, commentary, or analysis rather than mere mention of a name) between Janu- ary 6, 2007, and February 27, 2008, were analyzed. The Times and Post cov- erage during this period was quite extensive. The Times published 69 news articles, 6 editorials, and 41 opinion pieces that met the selection criteria, and coverage by the Post included 42 news articles, 9 editorials, and 39 opinion pieces. Also included in the analysis were 65 AP news articles and 23 NBC Nightly News, 13 Today show, and three Meet the Press broadcasts on Petraeus and the surge. 42. Sanger 2007a. 43. Baldor 2007. 44. Shear 2007. 232 Notes

45. Quoted in Balz and Cillizza 2007. 46. Ricks 2007b. 47. Sidoti 2007. 48. Williams and Miklaszewski 2007a. 49. Williams and Miklaszewski 2007b. 50. Tyson 2007. 51. Raghavan 2007. 52. J. Burns 2007a. 53. Baker et al. 2007. 54. Sewall 2007. 55. Ricks 2007a. 56. Baker 2007. 57. Ricks 2007c. 58. Rutenberg 2007. 59. Meyers and Thee 2007. 60. Sanger 2007a. 61. Sanger and Rutenberg 2007. 62. C. Woodward 2007a. 63. Quoted in J. Burns 2007b. 64. Ricks 2007b. 65. Sewall 2007. 66. Hulse and Shanker 2007. 67. Abramowitz and Baker 2007. 68. R. Burns 2007. 69. Washington Post 2007. 70. Herzsenhorn 2008. 71. Sanger and Zeleny 2007. 72. Cloud and Gordon 2007. 73. Priest and Hull 2007. 74. Baker et al. 2007. 75. Brooks 2007. 76. Campbell, O’Hanlon, and Unikewicz 2007. 77. R. Kagan 2007. 78. F. Kagan 2007. 79. Rodman and Shawcross 2007. 80. O’Hanlon and Pollack 2007. 81. “The road home,” 2007. 82. “Wishful thinking on Iraq,” 2007. 83. “The least bad plan; President Bush’s long-shot strategy is less risky than the alternatives,” 2007. 84. “Hiding behind the general,” 2007. 85. Quoted in R. Cohen 2007. 86. Sanger and Shanker 2007. 87. Milbank 2007. 88. C. Woodward 2007b. Notes 233

89. Stanley 2007. 90. Cloud and Shanker 2007. 91. Williams 2007a. 92. Miklaszewski 2007. 93. Hoyt 2007. 94. Baker and Weismann 2007. 95. Quoted in Krauthammer 2007. 96. Williams 2007b. 97. Gregory 2007. 98. Baker and Weisman 2007. 99. Dionne 2007. 100. Gregory 20 07. 101. Stolberg and Myers 2007. 102. Sanger 200 7b. 103. Bush 2007 o. 104. Ibid. 105. Baker and Weisman 2007. 106. Hulse 2007. 107. Vieira and Russert 2007. 108. Pew Research Center 2008a. 109. Flaherty 2007b; Herszenhorn 2007c. 110. Friedman 2007. 111. Farrell and Moore 2007. 112. Ignatius 20 07. 113. Quoted in Hefling 2007. 114. Bacevich 2 007. 115. Bacevich 2 008a. 116. Gallup 200 7a. 117. Gallup 200 8a. 118. Pew Research Center 2007a. 119. Gallup 200 8b. 120. Gallup 200 7b. 121. Quoted in Baker and Ricks 2007. 122. “Toll of war,” 2008. 123. Pew Research Center 2007b. 124. Bush 2007 a. 125. Bush 2008 a.

Chapter 7

1. Saad 2008. 2. Project for Excellence in Journalism 2008a. 3. Londono and Paley 2008. 4. Beaumont 2008. 5. West 2008, 155. 234 Notes

6. Obama 2002. 7. Ibid. 8. Ibid. 9. Ibid. 10. Obama 2005. 11. Ibid. 12. Ibid. 13. Obama 2006. 14. Obama 2007a. 15. Obama 2007b. 16. Obama 2008a. 17. Quoted in Rich 2008. 18. Kirkpatrick 2008. 19. McCain 2002. 20. Ibid. 21. McCain 2003. 22. McCain 2005. 23. Ibid. 24. McCain 2007. 25. Quoted in Sanger 2008. 26. McCain 2006. 27. Diehl 2008. 28. McCain 2008. 29. Obama 2008b. 30. D. Broder 2008. 31. Quoted in Wheaton 2008. 32. Reid 2008. 33. Myers 2008. 34. Quoted in Eilperin 2008. 35. Obama 2008a 36. Quoted in Rondeaux and Balz 2008. 37. Quoted in Hart 2008a. 38. Obama 2008c. 39. Sussman 2008. 40. Ibid. 41. Quoted in Phillips 2008. 42. Sanger 2008. 43. McMahon 2008. 44. Cooper and Sussman 2008. 45. Wisconsin Advertising Project 2008. 46. Baker and Zeleny 2008. 47. Liasson 2008. 48. Abramowitz 2008b. 49. Ibid. 50. Abramowitz 2008c. Notes 235

51. Project for Excellence in Journalism 2008b. 52. Zeleny 2008. 53. Project for Excellence in Journalism 2008b. 54. Baker 2008. 55. Gordon 2008. 56. Biddle, O’Hanlon, and Pollack 2008. 57. Quoted in Stanley 2008. 58. Washington Post, Editorial, July 8, 2008. 59. Cooper 2008. 60. Hart 2008b. 61. Gerson 2008. 62. Washington Post, Editorial, November 4, 2008. 63. Rich 2008. 64. New York Times, Editorial, October 9, 2008. 65. Washington Post, Editorial, November 4, 2008. 66. Atkinson 2007. 67. Kaiser 2008. 68. Ignatius 2008. 69. Bull 2008. 70. Ignatius 2008. 71. Pew Research Center 2008b. 72. 2008. 73. Bush 2008b. 74. Ibid. 75. Bush 2008c. 76. Bush 2008d. 77. Bush 2008e. 78. Bush 2008f. 79. Ibid. 80. Bush 2008g. 81. Bush 2008h. 82. Gibson 2008. 83. Ibid. 84. Bush 2009. 85. Ibid. 86. Bacevich 2008b. 87. B. Woodward 2008, 411; also quoted in Diehl 2008. 88. Bush 2008h. 89. Obama 2009a. 90. Ibid. 91. Warrick and DeYoung 2009. 92. Quoted in Savage 2009. 93. Obama 2009f. 94. Ibid. 95. Ibid. 236 Notes

96. Ibid. 97. Obama 2009e. 98. Ibid. 99. Obama 2009d. 100. Obama 20 09e. 101. , quoted in Tyson 2009. 102. See, for example, Priest 2009; Cohen 2009; Baldor 2009. 103. Obama 20 09b. 104. Obama 20 09c. 105. Obama 20 09g. 106. Ibid. References

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———. 2001b. Address to the nation on the terrorist attacks, September 11, 2001. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 37 (37): 1301–2. ———. 2001c. Remarks following a meeting with the national security team, September 12, 2001. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 37 (37): 1302. ———. 2001d. Proclamation 7462—National day of prayer and remembrance for the victims of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, September 13, 2001. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 37 (37): 1308–9. ———. 2001e. Remarks at the national day of prayer and remembrance service, Septem- ber 14, 2001. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 37 (37): 1309–10. ———. 2001f. The president’s radio address, September 15, 2001. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 37 (38): 1321. ———. 2001g. Remarks on arrival at the White House and an exchange with reporters, September 16, 2001. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 37 (38): 1322–24. ———. 2001h. Address before a joint session of the Congress on the United States response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, September 20, 2001. Weekly Compi- lation of Presidential Documents 37 (38): 1347–51. ———. 2001i. Address to the nation announcing strikes against al Qaida training camps and Taliban military installations in , October 7, 2001. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 37 (41): 1432–33. ———. 2001j. Remarks at the chief executive officers summit in Shanghai, October 20, 2001. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 37 (43): 1521–23. ———. 2001k. Remarks to the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, November 10, 2001. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 37 (46): 1638–41. ———. 2002a. Address before a joint session of the Congress on the state of the union, January 29, 2002. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 38 (5): 133–39. ———. 2002b. Commencement address at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York, June 1, 2002. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 38 (23): 944–48. ———. 2002c. Address to the nation on the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sep- tember 11 from Ellis Island, New York, September 11, 2002. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 38 (37): 1528–29. ———. 2002d. Address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, Sep- tember 12, 2002. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 38 (37): 1529–33. ———. 2002e. Address to the nation on Iraq from Cincinnati, Ohio, October 7, 2002. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 38 (41): 1716–20. ———. 2003a. Address before a joint session of the Congress on the state of the union, January 28, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (5): 109–16. ———. 2003b. Address to the nation on Iraq, March 17, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (12): 338–41. ———. 2003c. Address to the nation on Iraq, March 19, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (12): 342–43. ———. 2003d. The president’s radio address, March 22, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (13): 353–54. ———. 2003e. Remarks at the Port of Philadelphia in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 31, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (14): 400–403. ———. 2003f. Remarks to the community at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, April 3, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (14): 404–7. References 241

———. 2003g. The president’s radio address, April 5, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presi- dential Documents 39 (15): 414. ———. 2003h. Remarks following a visit with troops wounded in Operation Iraqi Free- dom and an exchange with reporters in Bethesda, Maryland, April 11, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (15): 427–29. ———. 2003i. The president’s radio address, April 12, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presi- dential Documents 39 (16): 436–37. ———. 2003j. Remarks following discussions with business leaders, April 15, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (16): 441–44. ———. 2003k. Remarks to employees at the Boeing F-18 production facility in St. Louis, Missouri, April 16, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (16): 446–49. ———. 2003l. Address to the nation on Iraq from the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (18): 516–18. ———. 2003m. The president’s news conference with Prime Minister John Howard of Australia in Crawford Texas, May 3, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ments 39 (19): 533–36. ———. 2003n. Memorandum on suspending the Iraq Sanctions Act, making inappli- cable certain statutory provisions related to Iraq, and delegating authorities, under the Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2003, May 7, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (19): 559–60. ———. 2003o. Remarks on departure for Camp David, Maryland, and an exchange with reporters, May 16, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (20): 613–14. ———. 2003p. Statement on the terrorist bombings in Casablanca, Morocco, May 17, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (21): 623. ———. 2003q. The president’s news conference with President Macapagal-Arroyo of the Philippines, May 19, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (21): 624–29. ———. 2003r. Remarks to the troops at Camp As Sayliyah, Qatar, June 5, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (23): 729–31. ———. 2003s. Remarks following a cabinet meeting and an exchange with reporters, June 9, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (24): 738–39. ———. 2003t. Remarks at a reenlistment ceremony on the 30th anniversary of the all- volunteer force, July 1, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (27): 856–59. ———. 2003u. Address to the nation on the war on terror, September 7, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (37): 1163–66. ———. 2003v. Remarks at the Federal Bureau of Investigation Academy in Quantico, Virginia, September 10, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (37): 1190–95. ———. 2003w. Remarks to military personnel and families at Fort Stewart, Georgia, Sep- tember 12, 2003. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 39 (37): 1197–1200. ———. 2004a. Address before a joint session of the Congress on the state of the union, January 20, 2004. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 40 (4): 94–101. ———. 2004b. Remarks on the anniversary of Operation Iraqi Freedom, March 19, 2004. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 40 (12): 430–33. 242 References

———. 2004c. Remarks following a cabinet meeting and exchange with reporters, March 23, 2004. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 40 (13): 447–48. ———. 2004d. The president’s news conference, April 13, 2004. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 40 (16): 580–92. ———. 2004e. The president’s news conference with Prime Minister Paul Martin of Can- ada, April 30, 2004. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 40 (18): 708–10. ———. 2004f. The president’s news conference with King Abdullah II of Jordan, May 6, 2004. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 40 (19): 800–804. ———. 2004g. Remarks following a meeting with the national security team and military leaders in Arlington, Virginia, May 10, 2004. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ments 40 (20): 849–51. ———. 2004h. Remarks in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, October 6, 2004. Weekly Compi- lation of Presidential Documents 40 (41): 2262–68. ———. 2004i. Remarks in a victory celebration, November 3, 2004. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 40 (45): 2783–84. ———. 2004j. The president’s news conference, November 4, 2004. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 40 (45): 2784–94. ———. 2004k. The president’s news conference with Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, November 12, 2004. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 40 (46): 2816–23. ———. 2004l. The president’s news conference, December 20, 2004. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 40 (52): 2995–3007. ———. 2005a. Inaugural address, January 20, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (3): 74–76. ———. 2005b. The president’s news conference, January 26, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (4): 84–95. ———. 2005c. The president’s radio address, January 29, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (5): 121–22. ———. 2005d. Address before a joint sessions of the Congress on the state of the union, February 2, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (5): 126–33. ———. 2005e. The president’s radio address, February 19, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (8): 282–83. ———. 2005f. Remarks in Brussels, Belgium, February 21, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (8): 283–88. ———. 2005g. Remarks to U.S. troops at Wiesbaden Army Airfield, Germany, February 23, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (8): 308–11. ———. 2005h. Remarks on the war on terror, March 8, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (10): 384–89. ———. 2005i. The president’s news conference, March 16, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (11): 443–55. ———. 2005j. The president’s radio address, March 19, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (12): 483–84. ———. 2005k. Remarks at Fort Hood, Texas, April 12, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (15): 589–93. ———. 2005l. Commencement address at the United States Naval Academy in Annapo- lis, Maryland, May 27, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (21): 891–96. References 243

———. 2005m. Remarks on the PATRIOT Act in Columbus, Ohio, June 9, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (23): 964–68. ———. 2005n. The president’s news conference in Crawford, Texas, August 11, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (32): 1274–78. ———. 2005o. Remarks on Hurricane Katrina and the Iraqi constitution in Craw- ford, Texas, August 28, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (35): 1310–11. ———. 2005p. Remarks on the 60th anniversary of V-J Day in San Diego, California, August 30, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (35): 1330–35. ———. 2005q. Remarks to the National Endowment for Democracy, October 6, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (40): 1502–8. ———. 2005r. Remarks on the war on terror in Norfolk, Virginia, October 28, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (43): 1610–17. ———. 2005s. Remarks on the war on terror in Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania, November 11, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (46): 1704–12. ———. 2005t. Remarks on the war on terror in Anchorage, Alaska, November 14, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (46): 1713–18. ———. 2005u. Remarks to United States troops at Osan, South Korea, November 19, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (47): 1745–50. ———. 2005v. Remarks and an exchange with reporters in Beijing, November 20, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (47): 1754–59. ———. 2005w. Remarks to the World Affairs Council and a question-and-answer session in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 12, 2005. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 41 (50): 1842–54. ———. 2006a. Remarks to reporters following a visit with United States troops and an exchange with reporters in San Antonio, Texas, January 1, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (1): 2–4. ———. 2006b. Remarks following a meeting on the PATRIOT Act, January 3, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (1): 4. ———. 2006c. Remarks on the war on terror in Arlington, Virginia, January 4, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (1): 5–8. ———. 2006d. Remarks to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, January 10, 2006. Weekly Com- pilation of Presidential Documents 42 (2): 31–38. ———. 2006e. Remarks on the war on terror and a question-and-answer session in Man- hattan, Kansas, January 23, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (4): 101–20. ———. 2006f. Address before a joint session of the Congress on the state of the union, January 31, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (5): 145–52. ———. 2006g. Remarks on signing the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthoriza- tion Act, of 2005, March 9, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (10): 423–25. ———. 2006h. Remarks at the National Newspaper Association government affairs con- ference and a question-and-answer session, March 10, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (10): 434–47. ———. 2006i. Remarks following a briefing by the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization and an exchange with reporters, March 11, 2006. Weekly Compi- lation of Presidential Documents 42 (11): 454–55. 244 References

———. 2006j. Remarks to the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, March 13, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (11): 457–64. ———. 2006k. Remarks to the City Club of Cleveland and a question-and-answer session in Cleveland, Ohio, March 20, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (12): 498–516. ———. 2006l. The president’s news conference, March 21, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (12): 516–29. ———. 2006m. Remarks following a meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, May 1, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (18): 829–30. ———. 2006n. Commencement address at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York, May 27, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (22): 1037–43. ———. 2006o. Remarks at the American Legion national convention in Salt Lake City, August 31, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (35): 1537–44. ———. 2006p. Remarks to the Military Officers Association of America, September 5, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (36): 1557–65. ———. 2006q. Remarks on the war on terror, September 6, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (36): 1569–75. ———. 2006r. Address to the nation on the war on terror, September 11, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (37): 1597–1601. ———. 2006s. Remarks at a reception for congressional candidate John T. Doolittle in El Dorado Hills, California, October 3, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ments 42 (40): 1725–31. ———. 2006t. The president’s news conference, November 8, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (45): 2023–33. ———. 2006u. The president’s news conference with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq in Amman, Jordan, November 30, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ments 42 (48): 2104–12. ———. 2006v. The president’s radio address, December 2, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (49): 2120–21. ———. 2006w. Remarks following a meeting with the Iraq Study Group, December 6, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (49): 2126–27. ———. 2006x. The president’s news conference with Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, December 7, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (49): 2129–40. ———. 2006y. The president’s radio address, December 9, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (50): 2148–49. ———. 2006z. The president’s news conference, December 20, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 42 (51): 2182–93. ———. 2006aa. Statement on the death of former president Saddam Hussein of Iraq, December 29, 2006. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 43 (1): 1. ———. 2007a. Address to the nation on the war on terror in Iraq, January 10, 2007. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 43 (2): 19–23. ———. 2007b. Address before a joint session of the Congress on the state of the union, January 23, 2007. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 43 (4): 57–64. References 245

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Abizaid, John, General al Qaeda, 2, 30, 31, 34, 52, 71, 77, 116, Iraq could move toward civil war, 145 127, 133, 141, 167 Iraq problems can be overcome, 139–40 Bush references to, 30–31, 45, 92, Abu Ghraib, 64–68, 97–98, 103, 128, 158, 162, 181, Bush administration and 206–7 avoidance of term “torture” in con- Obama references to, 191, 193, nection with, 66 197–98, 214–16 frame as isolated act, 64, 67 Petraeus references to, 179–80 success in news management of, 65, Althaus, Scott, 15 67, 68, 73 public makes connections between Sad- as example of event-driven news, 64 dam and terrorism, 43 an exception to implementation of Iraq Anker, Elizabeth, 28 policy, 71 Arendt, Hannah media and congressional reluctance to banality of evil, 84 use “torture,” 65–68, 80 Ashcroft, John Murtha’s response to, 108 PATRIOT Act, 32, 39 Aday, Sean Associated Press (AP), 111 media coverage of Iraq “victory frame,” as elite media outlet, 20, 110, 54. See also victory frame 226n23 Afghanistan Atkinson, Rick al Qaeda and Taliban in, 30, 33, 167, Petraeus’s “tell me how this ends” 193, 198, 216 request, 204 as focus of war on terror, 1–2, 30, 33, attacks of 9/11. See Bush, George W., reac- 35, 37, 38–39, 40, 63, 98, 116, 167, tion to 9/11 attacks 174, 187, 192–93, 198, 204, 208, axis of evil, 20, 30, 41, 45 214–16 Ayers, William cost of war effort in, 60, 76 McCain-Palin 2008 campaign rhetoric establishing democracy in, 75, 125 role in, 199–200 reemerges as war on terror central front, 69, 176, 187, 192, 197–99, 204, Bacevich, Andrew 207–8, 213–15 condemnation of Iraq War, 183–84 as subject of 9/11 media coverage, Obama and McCain agree on need for 38–39, 189, 202 global war on terror, 209 supplanted by Iraq as the central front surge success narrative as myth, 184 of war on terror, 31, 40–48, 52 Baker-Hamilton Commission. See Iraq agenda setting, 9–11, 13, 16, 22, 60, 78 Study Group Allawi, Ayad Baker, James civil war in Iraq, 142 as ISG co-chair, 154 266 Index

Baker, Peter blogosphere analysis of Bush’s post-Murtha speech, focus on Murtha’s redeployment 118–19 announcement, 109 surge has been successful, 202 as part of fragmented media universe, Bali bombings, 96, 142 15, 66, 83 Balz, Dan Blunt, Roy Bush reemphasizes Iraq-as-war-on- criticism of Murtha, 120 terror, 93 Bressler, Michael highlights Iraq challenges, 117 GOP dissension in fall 2005, 99 Bennett, W. Lance Broder, David Bush-Murtha coverage as media index- Murtha’s military connections, 109 ing, 123 Brooks, David event-driven news, 18 Iraq “endgame deadlock,” 175 indexing model, 18 Bull, Bartle Breese information flow, 16 Afghanistan as the “right war,” but media coverage of Abu Ghraib, 66–67 prospects for success slim, 204 media look to official authorities, 55 bully pulpit, 20, 32, 82, 91, 96, 148 political frame defined, 7 Bush, George W. Berger, Samuel age of terror, 28–29, 47 criticizes Bush for exacerbating terror- American exceptionalism, 27–28, 46, ism, 69 63 Biden, Joseph appeasement, dangers of, 29, 149 criticizes Bush’s plans for Iraq, 76, 99, discourse of danger, terror, and security, 145 41, 43, 47–48, 49–50, 56–58, criticizes Giuliani in 2008 primaries, 62–63, 78–79, 95, 136–37, 139, 194 150, 152, 155–56, 187–88 declares surge is doomed to fail, 169, failure to find WMD, 56–57 173 frame of Abu Ghraib, 64–68 framing Abu Ghraib, 66 freedom agenda, 21, 77–79, 82–83, supports troop drawdown, 115, 121 88–89, 98, 159 Biddle, Stephen Iraq endgame narrative, 23, 205–9 surge has been successful, 202 Iraq War frame Bin Laden, Osama, 41, 78, 116, 132, 141 Iraq as central front in war on terror, in Afghanistan, 2, 52 22, 40, 49, 79, 118, 124, 147–49, Bush references to, 92, 97, 162, 207 158–59, 187–88, 205–9 enemy of freedom, 33 Iraq-as-war-on-terror, 2, 23, 31, inability to capture, 2, 35, 52, 78, 124 40–41, 46, 50–52, 56, 60, 70, Obama references to, 191 74–75, 78–79, 91, 92–93, 103, supplanted by Saddam as public enemy 106, 124, 140, 147–50, 159, 181, number one, 43, 46 187–88, 205–10 Blackwater USA, 182 Iraq victory frame, 103–6, 125–26, Blair, Tony 158–59, 161, 181, 187, 206–7 appearance with Bush, 154 dire consequences of defeat concurs with Bush’s 2004 freedom theme, 161–62, 172 agenda, 77 Manichean worldview, 8, 26–27, 206, bloggers, 15–16, 165 208 questioning Murtha’s military service, “mission accomplished.” See “Mission 113–14 Accomplished” Index 267

9/11 frame (narrative, worldview), 4–5, evil of Islamo-fascism/Islamic radi- 7–9, 25–26, 37, 158, 161 calism, 96–97, 104 rationale for Iraq War, 1–2, 30, 41–42, failure of terror-and-security frame 50, 61 in 2006 campaign, 150 part of axis of evil, 41 in fall 2003, 59–61 Saddam and WMD, 41–45, 49, Iraq as central to war on terror; 51–52, 54–55, 141 Democrats as terrorist appeasers, Saddam as evil, 49–50, 141 148–49 Saddam and terrorism, 42, 49–51, Iraq victory frame, 54, 103–6 140 modifies “stay the course” in fall reaction to 9/11 attacks, 1, 4, 25–27, 2006, 149–50 47–48 NSA terrorist surveillance program, Bush’s mission, 28 137–38 good versus evil theme, 8–9, 25–27, PATRIOT Act renewal, 138–39 30, 32, 44, 47–48, 49–50, 63, Petraeus will insure surge success, 96–97, 147–49, 208, 219n4 162–65, 171–72, 179 necessity for war, 4–5, 25–29, 50 progress in Iraq, 141–44 religious foundation, 27–29 reaffirming Iraq as war on terror, threat to civilization theme, 26–27, 92–93 44, 50, 148 reemergence of bin Laden and al strategy of going public Qaeda in Bush rhetoric, 97 Abu Ghraib damage control, 64–66 refuses to consider rapid troop draw- aftermath of Golden Mosque bomb- down, 153–55 ing in Samarra, 140 response to Murtha Iraq counter- rebuttal to charge of civil war in frame, 103–6 Iraq, 140–41 “cut and run” versus “stay the in aftermath of 9/11, 20, 31–33, 36 course,” 102–6 agrees to Status of Forces strategy for victory theme, 98, 125–26 Agreement/“general time horizon” surge policy and rationale, 157–62 for Iraq withdrawal, 198 avoids “civil war” and “escalation” in build-up to Iraq War, 20, 41–42, terms, 159–60 45, 50 surge as only formula for victory in considering a “new way forward” in Iraq, 160–62 Iraq, 155–56 terrorist surveillance program as pro- defines success in Iraq and war on tection against terrorists, 127–29 terror, 205–9 2004 presidential campaign, 68–71 Democrats fail to keep America safe, 2005 freedom agenda, 74–80, 149–50 82–83, 88–90 discursive shift on war on terror, in winter and spring 2004, 61–63 93–94 surge narrative (frame), 158, 160–65, Dubai Ports (DP) World agreement 179–81 as part of war on terror, 130–36 Petraeus-as-surge-savior narrative, DP World agreement as framing 162–65 failure, 135–37 rhetorical shift in summer 2005, in early days of Iraq War, 50–52, 93–94 56–58 success in framing surge and end- embedding Iraq in terror-and-secu- game debate, 180–81, 184–86, rity frame, 125–26, 129, 147–49 206–7 268 Index

Bush, George W. (continued) Congress terrorism and Iraq in 2004 cam- criticisms of Bush’s Iraq endgame strat- paign narratives, 68–74 egy, 98–100 victims of 9/11, 28 debates over Bush 2003 war funding war-on-terror master narrative, 4–5, request, 60–61 23, 26–27, 32, 45, 50, 51–52, Democrats assail failed Iraq policy, 61–63, 69, 74–75, 87, 103–4, 144–45, 149–51 128–29, 139, 142–43, 147–48, Democrats claim 2006 mandate, 152 155–56, 205–10 Democrats’ efforts to decouple Iraq Byrd, Robert from war on terror, 209 criticism of Bush’s aircraft carrier land- Democrats’ embrace of global war on ing, 57 terror, 209–10 criticism of Iraq downward spiral, 139 Democrats’ Iraq challenge in 2004 dissenting remarks about rationale for campaign, 68 Iraq War, 55–56, 194 Democrats’ negative frame of Iraq, 80 vote against Rice’s confirmation, 81 Democrats’ support for war on terror, 33–35 cascade model, 18–19 Democrats’ surge counterframe/with- Casey, George, 139 drawal narrative, 165–66, 172–74 Castle, Michael Dubai Ports World agreement contro- criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, 133 versy, 130–36 Cheney, Richard failure to construct effective Iraq coun- criticizes Kerry’s “sensitive” war on terframe, 82 terror, 72 GOP attacks Democrats as soft on ter- criticizes Murtha, 106, 111 rorism, 144 defends Iraq policy, 141 increasing discontent with Iraq, 143–44 defends PATRIOT Act and terrorist Iraq concerns in summer 2003, 58–59 surveillance program, 128 NSA terrorist surveillance program Saddam’s efforts to acquire nuclear response, 138 weapons, 42–44 opponents deny Iraq is one with war on Saddam’s possession of WMD, 42–43, terror, 167 45 PATRIOT Act renewal response, 138–39 Churchill, Ward, 83–87 positive response to Petraeus testimony, Bush 9/11 frame inverted and trans- 177–80 gressed, 85 postelection Iraq policy concerns, victims of 9/11 as “Little Eichmanns,” 81–82 84 problems with Iraq withdrawal narra- Clinton, Hillary tive, 186 criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, questions in Gonzales and Rice confir- 130–31 mation hearings, 80–81 criticizes Iraq surge policy, 166 Rep. Murtha’s Iraq counterframe, Iraq War positions in 2008 primaries, 101–24 190–91 divided response to Murtha, 109, Coburn, Tom 113–15 criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, 131 response to Abu Ghraib, 65–66 Cohen, Bernard response to Bush frame of 9/11, 33–35, media agenda setting, 10 38, 83 Index 269

response to Bush Iraq War buildup, 4, Davis, Geoff 43–44, 45, 47, 50, 55–56 attacks Murtha’s redeployment pro- rhetorically coerced/trapped in war-on- posal, 112 terror narrative, 61 Dean, Howard surge opponents in disarray, 168, Iraq as Vietnam-style quagmire, 115, 181–83 117–18 troop redeployment/withdrawal DeYoung, Mary debates, 87–88 Churchill’s “little Eichmanns” as attack Cook, Timothy on 9/11 victims, 86–87 mainstream media as single institu- Diehl, Jackson tion, 16 Petraeus role in McCain campaign Cooper, Anderson rhetoric, 196 interview with President Obama, 215 DiMaggio, Anthony Cooper, Helene media frame of Afghan airstrikes, 38 assessment of Obama and McCain’s prewar media coverage of Iraq, 46–47 Iraq and Afghanistan positions, 202 Dionne, E. J. Cordesman, Anthony assessment of Petraeus testimony, 180 importance of surge and Petraeus Murtha wrests Iraq War debate from report, 177 Bush, 101 Corsi, Jerome discourse attacks Dubai Ports agreement, 133 defined, 6 Coulter, Ann political discourse, 6 attacks Murtha’s service and character, war and terror discourse, 6, 9, 21 113 Dobbs, Lou counterframe criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, defined, 8 133 Iraq counterframe, 21 Dodd, Christopher Murtha counterframe, 101, 104, criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, 130 109–10, 114 Domke, David surge counterframe, 165–66 Bush’s religious rhetoric, 27–28 Couric, Katie media use of Bush’s binary discourse, Murtha interview, 116 37 Craig, Gregory PATRIOT Act, 34–35, 39–40 Obama’s new way forward, 212 Dowd, Maureen Crocker, Ryan A. negative surge assessments, 176 little mentioned by Bush, 171 Dubai Ports World, 130–37 report on status of the surge, 23, 168, negative impact on public opinion, 146 180, 182 Cronkite, Walter earmarking/congressional earmarks, 107 Vietnam as stalemate, 12, 117 Edwards, George C., III “cut and run,” 102–5, 109, 119, 122, Bush as polarizing president, 146 144 Bush preaching to the choir, 146 Bush use of bully pulpit, 20 Danner, Mark 2005 erosion in Bush and Iraq public Abu Ghraib inappropriately framed, 68 approval, 91–92 Daschle, Tom Edwards, John initial reaction to 9/11 attacks, 35 Iraq War positions in 2008 primaries, 190 270 Index

Eichmann, Adolf, 84 fragmented media, 15 elite media frame coverage of Dubai Ports agreement, Bush frame of success in Iraq and war 134–36 on terror, 205–9 coverage of Iraq War lead-up, 46–47 Bush’s surge frame, 158, 161–65, 172 coverage of Vietnam, 11–12 Democrats’ surge counterframe/ defined and role of, 10, 16 withdrawal narrative, 166–68, depictions of competing surge narra- 172–75 tives, 168–70 framing General Petraeus, 170–72, framing Bush response to Murtha, 177–80 118–20 framing surge outcome, 172–80 Murtha coverage, 110–18 counterframe, 8 New York Times, Washington Post, NBC defined, 6–7, 218n23 News, Associated Press as examples episodic frame, 10 of, 20, 225–26n23 frame contest, 8–9, 19, 121–23, 209 embedded journalists, 52–53 frame enforcers, 87 Entman, Robert Iraq War victory frame, 54, 122–23 cascade model, 18–19 Murtha Iraq counterframe, 101–9 counterframe, 8 media frames (narratives), 9–10 frame contest, 8–9, 121–23 9/11 frame, 7–8, 25–26 frame parity, 8 Obama endgame frame, 211–14 media coverage of Fallujah killings, 62–63 political frame, 7 media coverage of Iraq War lead-up, 47 thematic frame, 10 political frame, 7–8 triumph of Bush global war on terror event-driven news frame in 2008, 209 Abu Ghraib as example, 64 freedom agenda, 21, 77–79, 82–83, defined, 18 88–89, 98, 159 Friedman, Thomas fairness and accuracy in reporting declining interest in Iraq, 183 McCain’s advantage on the surge, 203 Frist, William media coverage of U.S. sources, 53 problems with Bush frame in 2006 Fallon, William campaign, 152 military stretched too thin, 175 Fallujah gatekeepers, media as, 15–16 2004 killings of American workers, 62 Gates, Robert 2004 offensive against insurgents, 77 Afghanistan is greatest military chal- Farnsworth, Stephen lenge and should be top priority, 214 Iraq as main war on terror media focus, cannot create a “central Asian Valhalla,” 52 214 media trend to negativity in 2003, informed military is stretched too thin, 58–59 175 Fletcher, Michael nominated as Secretary of Defense, 153 Bush response to war critics, 113 Gershkoff, Amy Foley, Mark Bush Iraq-as-war-on-terror rhetoric, criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, 41–42 131, 134–35 New York Times coverage of Iraq, 47 Fossella, Vito Gerson, Michael criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, 132 surge advantages Obama, 203 Index 271

Gibson, Charles Hess, Stephen interview with Bush, 208 congressional experts-cum-insiders, 99 Giuliani, Rudy, 194 Hilla, Iraq, 90 global war on terror. See war on terror Hurricane Katrina, 22, 95–96 Golden Mosque of Samarra, 129, 139–40 Hussein, Saddam Gonzales, Alberto Bush comments about toppling of 2005 confirmation hearings and torture statue, 90–91 policy, 80 Bush 2004 narrative that world is safer Gordon, Michael without Saddam, 61 surge is successful, 202 capture, 52, 59 Graber, Doris conviction, 151 media and public response to 9/11 as depicted by McCain, 194 attacks, 36 as depicted by Obama, 191 Graham, Lindsey erroneous intelligence reports about criticism of detainee treatment, 80 stockpiling WMD, 90 losing our way in war on terror, 80, 83 as evil incarnate, 43, 49–50 surge as “Petraeus doctrine,” 171 execution, 155–56 Gregory, David as linked to terrorism, 4, 41–42, assessment of Petraeus testimony, 180 49–51, 194 Guantanamo Bay prison media coverage of toppling of statue, Obama executive order closing, 211, 54 214 possessor of WMD, 41–44, 49, 51 Gulf of Tonkin incident, 12 public perceptions of, 43 Gulf War as target of war, 2, 21, 41–44, 46, conclusion of, 29 61–62, 194 media coverage of, 14–15 Ignatius, David Haditha, Iraq assessment of surge success, 183 shooting of civilians, 142 Obama/McCain consensus on more Hadley, Steven troops to Afghanistan, 204 shifting language on war on terror, 93 indexing model and theorists, 16 Hagel, Chuck Bush–Murtha debate as example of, criticism of Iraq policy, 99 123 supports Iraq withdrawal timetable, responses to 9/11 as example of, 38–40 198 infotainment, 16 Hamilton, Lee interpretive media, 13–14 as ISG co-chair, 154 Iraq Hart, Peter as central front in war on terror, 22, 31, McCain’s advantage on surge, 203 59–60, 79, 98, 104, 118, 124, 196 Hastert, Dennis as home base for terrorists, 98 criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, as part of axis of evil, 20, 30 132 role in 2004 presidential campaign response to Murtha redeployment rhetoric, 68–75 proposal, 113, 120 role in 2008 presidential primary rheto- hegemony model and theorists, 17–18 ric, 190–96 Hersh, Seymour surge an issue in 2008 general election framing Abu Ghraib, 68 rhetoric, 196 272 Index

Iraq Study Group (ISG), 22, 153 Bush lying about Iraq, 68 ISG Report, 153–55 sensitive war on terror, 72 Iran supports war on terror, 69 as part of axis of evil, 30, 79 Iraq and Vietnam analogy, 144 Islamo-fascism, 96–97 redeployment proposals, 99, 121, 144 supports Murtha, criticizes Bush policy, Jackson, Patrick 112, 117 rhetorical coercion, 9 as 2004 Democratic nominee, 68–69, Jackson, Richard 72–74 Bush’s religious discourse, 27–28 King, Desmond discourse defined, 6 Bush as polarizing president, 146 media in “semantically complicit King, Erika mode,” 26–27 Ward Churchill’s “little Eichmanns” as moral exceptionalism, 27 attack on 9/11 victims, 86–87 9/11 myth of exceptional grievance, 28 King, Peter Jorgensen, Marianne criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, discourse defined, 6 131–32 Kohut, Andrew pessimistic assessment on Iraq, 117 Kagan, Frederick public discontent with Iraq trumps ter- surge success assessment, 175 rorism issue, 150 Kagan, Robert Kosovo War, 29 surge success assessment, 175 Krauthammer, Charles Kean, Thomas surge success assessments, 176 criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, 131 Krebs, Robert Keane, Jack rhetorical coercion, 8–9, 34–35 U.S. strategy in Iraq locked in regard- Krugman, Paul less of 2008 election outcome, 209 negative surge assessments, 176 Kennedy, Edward Kucinich, Dennis, 122 criticizes Iraq policy, calls for troop Kull, Steven redeployment, 81–82 pessimistic assessment on Iraq, 117 initial response to 9/11 attacks, 33–34 Kumar, Martha Joynt Iraq as analogous to Vietnam quagmire, Bush’s use of bully pulpit, 20 117–18, 121 Kushner, Shana statement on Iraq War third anniver- Bush’s Iraq-as-war-on-terror rhetoric, sary, 143 41–42 vote against Rice confirmation, 81 New York Times coverage of Iraq, 47 Kernell, Samuel Kyl, Jon presidential going public strategy, 31 criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, 133 Kerry, John criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, Lakoff, George 131 problems with modifying “stay the Iraq and terrorism frame in campaign course,” 150 2004, 68–74 Lauer, Matt, 72 balancing act on Saddam and Iraq, Lawrence, Regina, 16, 55 68–69 Leahy, Patrick Bush flip-flopping on Iraq, 72 Iraq War failed, 166 Index 273

Lehrer, Jim Manheim, Jarol interview with President Obama, 213–14 strategic political communication, Lemann, Nicholas 31–32 infusion of “war on terror” in political Massing, Michael discourse, 35 criticizes elite media coverage of Iraq Levin, Carl War lead-up, 46 criticizes Iraq surge policy, 145, 150, McCafferty, Barry 166 doubts about surge, 169 criticizes Rice at confirmation hearings, McCain, John 81 as cosponsor with Murtha of anti- framing Abu Ghraib, 65–66 torture proposal, 112 questions Crocker, 180 criticism of Iraq troop reductions and redeployment proposal, 99 training, 88 Lichter, Robert Iraq and terrorism supplanted by eco- Iraq as major media focus in war on nomic issues, 201 terror, 52 Iraq in presidential campaign rhetoric, media trend to negativity in 2003, 193–96 58–59 contrast with Obama’s Iraq narra- Lincoln, Blanche tive, 198–99 concerns about the surge, 174 defines victory in Iraq, 196 “Little Eichmanns,” 84–86 embraces Bush freedom agenda, Livingston, Steven, 16, 55 195 Lobasz, Jennifer Iraq as central front in war on terror, rhetorical coercion, 9, 34 196 London bombings, 142 pivotal role of surge, 195–97 “long war” against terrorism, 129, 142, Saddam as clear and present danger, 167 194 Lugar, Richard transcendent importance of Iraq, hearings on postwar problems in Iraq, 58 195 Lustick, Ian William Ayers, 199–0 dominance of Bush war-on-terror nar- role of Afghanistan, 204 rative, 33, 61 McClellan, Scott war on terror as “background narra- Bush tactical error in redefining war on tive,” 217n6 terror, 72 Lynch, Jessica response to Murtha press release, 102 media coverage of capture and rescue, McMahon, Robert 53–54 financial issues overwhelm Iraq and ter- rorism in 2008 campaign, 200 Madrid bombings, 62, 142 media coverage Maher, Bill Abu Ghraib, 66–67 challenge to Bush 9/11 frame, 39 battle for control of war and terror mainstream media agenda, 60–61 defined, 15–16 Bush Iraq-as-war-on-terror frame, 4–5 war coverage of, 15–16 Bush–Murtha frame contest, 121–23 Maliki, Nouri al-, 142, 153, 166 Bush rebuttal of Murtha, 109–10, supports Obama’s withdrawal time- 118–20 table, 197–98 Cindy Sheehan, 94–95 274 Index media coverage (continued) 9/11 attacks, 2, 35–40, 46 “cut and run” versus “stay the course,” support for Bush frame, 36–40 119–20 NSA terrorism surveillance program, declining media interest in Iraq and 127–30, 137 surge, 182, 189–90 Obama drawdown of war-on-terror Democrats in disarray over surge oppo- rhetoric, 214–15 sition, 168 PATRIOT Act renewal, 127–30, depictions of Iraq in 2008 campaign, 138–39 201–5 postelection focus on Iraq, 74–75, 78 economic issues outpace Iraq cover- Saddam and WMD, 54–55 age, 201–2 shift to negative tone in 2003, 58–59 McCain and Obama positions on toppling of Saddam’s statue, 54 the surge, 202–3 2004 candidates’ stands on Iraq and dominance of Bush surge frame, terrorism, 74 180–82 2006 campaign-as-war narrative, Dubai Ports agreement, 134–36 150–52 failure to find WMD, 56–57 U.S. response to 9/11, 38–40 focus on war in Afghanistan, 204 Vietnam, 11–13 General Petraeus, 170–72, 177–80 war, 9–16 Gulf War, 14–15 Ward Churchill and “little Eichmanns,” Hurricane Katrina, 95–96 85–87 Iraq as major 2006 campaign issue, Media Matters 152–53 media adoption of cut-and-run frame, Iraq’s first year, 52–54, 56 120, 121–22 Iraq coverage outpaces Afghanistan’s, media objectivity, 11, 13, 15–16 52 Menendez, Robert Iraq surge and opponents, 168–81 criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, dire consequences of surge failure, 172 130–31 media doubts about surge, 169–70 Mermin, Jonathan surge reports mixed, then favorable, media coverage of post-Vietnam wars, 170–71, 175–81 14 Iraq–Vietnam analogies, 38–39, Miklaszewski, Jim 117–18 doubts about surge, 169 killings of U.S. contractors in Fallujah, Petraeus testimony, 179 62–63 Milbank, Dana lead-up to war with Iraq, 3, 46–47, analysis of Cheney post-Murtha speech, 50, 52 119 Lynch, Jessica, 53–54 Murtha deserves another Purple Heart, media consensus on Iraq endgame, 113 203–4 repetitive themes in post-Murtha Bush models of. See cascade model; hege- speeches, 119 mony model and theorists; indexing militant jihadism. See Islamo-fascism model and theorists military tribunals, 148–49 Murtha Iraq challenge/counterframe, “Mission Accomplished,” 1–3, 52, 58, 87, 109–18, 120–24 101, 116, 142, 162, 164 negative news about Iraq in 2005, Moskos, Charles 90–91 “patriotism lite” on Capital Hill, 112 Index 275

Mosul, Iraq “Portraits of Grief” post-9/11 memorial insurgent rampage, 77 section, 36 shifting tone of Iraq coverage in 2003, 59 ad criticizing General Petraeus, 164–65, New Yorker 178, 180, 185 as alternative publication, 39 Mueller, John coverage of 9/11, 39 pessimistic assessment of Iraq, 117 New Way Forward on Iraq, 22, 154–55, Murtha, John, 101–24 158, 168 admits surge is working, 183 North Korea challenge/counterframe to Bush war as part of axis of evil, 30 narrative, 22, 101–9, 114 criticizes Abu Ghraib, 108 Obama, Barack criticizes Iraq policy, 145 economic issues overwhelm Iraq and ethical questions surrounding, 107 terrorism, 200–201 Iraq harms military readiness elsewhere, economic issues supplant Iraq and ter- 167–68 ror in victory speech, 189 military background, 107–8 Iraq and war on terror narratives, 210–16 “Murtha plan” to limit troop deploy- Afghanistan as central front in war ments, 166 on terror, 192, 213–14 support for military, 107–8 changes in treatment of terror troop redeployment proposal, 101 detainees, 211–12 Myrick, Sue close Guantanamo Bay detention criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, 132 facility, 211–12 end combat mission in Iraq, 212 Nacos, Brigitte end harsh interrogation techniques, television coverage of U.S. response to 212 9/11, 38, 39 Iraq as distraction from wider fight National Security Agency against extremism, 214 terrorist surveillance (warantless wire- Iraq endgame, 212–13, 215 tapping) program, 127–28, 137–38, Iraq War positions in general election 148–49 campaign, 197–99 National Security Strategy of the United Iraq War positions in primary cam- States paign, 190–93 global terrorism is enemy, 217n1 Iraq endgame narrative, 192–93 National Strategy for Victory in Iraq, 104–5 necessity for war on terror, 191–92 NBC News new Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy, as elite media outlet, 20, 226n23 215–16 new direction for Iraq, 149 similarities with Bush frame, 216 New York Times role of Afghanistan in 2008 campaign, coverage of Iraq War lead-up, 46–47 204 coverage of 9/11, 37 as successor to George W. Bush, 23 coverage of Vietnam War, 12–13 Obama-Biden campaign, 197 as leading elite media outlet, 11, 20, objective media, 11 225–26n23 O’Hanlon, Michael Murtha and Bush’s response, 111–12, positive Iraq and surge assessments, 114–17, 121 176, 202 276 Index

O’Neill, Paul Powell, Colin criticism of Bush Iraq rationale, 61 media coverage turns negative in 2003, O’Reilly, Bill 58 Obama agrees surge has succeeded, 202 Saddam’s lies about WMD, 43, 47 Operation Enduring Freedom, 29 President’s National Security Strategy, The, Operation Iraqi Freedom, 50, 141 140 prestige press Pace, Peter defined, 10–11 criticism of Murtha, 115 Price, Deborah Pakistan criticizes Dubai Ports agreement, 132 as focus of Obama rhetoric, 198 Prince, Erik, 182 Obama Afghan and Pakistan strategy, public opinion 215–16 Bush post-9/11, 2, 33 Palin, Sarah Dubai Ports agreement, 133–34 depiction of William Ayers, 200 early months of Iraq War, 52 PATRIOT Act, 34–35, 39–40, 92 economy top issue in 2008 campaign, Bush criticizes Democrats over refusal 205 to support, 148–49 GOP in 2006 campaign, 151–52 renewal debate, 127–28 Iraq-as-war-on-terror frame, 4, 43, 45 Paul, Ron, 194 necessity for war, 33 Pelosi, Nancy PATRIOT Act, 138 call for credible Iraq exit strategy, 82 partisan divide on Iraq and Bush, criticizes Iraq policy, 144–45 146–47 criticizes surge, 166 Petraeus and Iraq War ratings, 184–85 defends Murtha, 111, 112, 114, 115 Petraeus 2007 testimony, 184 denies Iraq is part of war on terror, 167 terrorist surveillance program, 137–38 initial response to 9/11 attacks, 34 2003 war support, 59 supports war on terror, criticizes Bush’s 2004 terrorism and Iraq, 73, 74–75 strategy, 83 2005 Bush, Iraq, terrorism, 91–92, 116 Petraeus, David H. 2006 Iraq, Bush approval, 145–47 as Iraq commander, 23 2008 public interest in Iraq, 189, 200 May 2008 congressional testimony, 189 notes decrease in Iraqi violence, 183 Real Security: Protecting America, 143 “Petraeus effect” on surge policy, 23, Reed, Jack 185–86 criticizes Iraq policy, 117 report on status of surge, 23, 176–82 supports Iraq withdrawal timetable, 198 role in Bush’s Iraq endgame narrative, 207 Reid, Harry role in McCain campaign rhetoric, 196 calls for Iraq exit strategy, 82 as surge face/embodiment/architect, criticizes Iraq policy, 117, 144 158, 162–64, 185 criticizes surge, 166, 169 “Tell me how this ends,” 204 rendition, 89, 212 2007 congressional testimony, 177–82 rhetorical coercion, 9, 34–35, 136 pivotal role of testimony, 184 Rice, Condoleezza Phillips, Louise Abu Ghraib as isolated incident, 64 discourse, definition of, 6 Iraq failure to disarm, 43 Pollack, Kenneth smoking gun and mushroom cloud, 43 positive Iraq assessment, 176 2005 confirmation hearings and criti- success of surge, 202 cisms of, 81 Index 277

Rich, Frank 60 Minutes II Americans want out of Iraq, 203 Abu Ghraib photographs, 64 negative surge assessments, 176 Skelton, Ike Robinson, Eugene Iraq not part of war on terror, 167 skepticism about surge, 176 Slevin, Peter Rodman, Peter Obama criticism of Iraq as war without dire consequences of failure in Iraq, end, 117 175 Snow, Tony, 149 Rojecki, Andrew Snowe, Olympia media coverage of American exception- call for Bush strategy shift, 152 alism, 37 SOFA. See Status of Forces Agreement Rumsfeld, Donald soft news, 16 defends Iraq policy, notes successes Sontag, Susan 139, 141 alternative explanation for 9/11 attacks, embracing war-on-terror discourse, 94 39 questioned on Abu Ghraib, 66 criticism of Bush response to 9/11, 40 rebuttal of Murtha, 106 SourceWatch, 113 resigns, 153 Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), 198, Saddam and WMD, 44 207, 212 shifting language on war on terror, 93 “stay the course,” 22, 57, 102, 121–22, 2003 media coverage of, 58 125, 149–50, 152 Russert, Tim Stephanopoulos, George, 149 Bush surge success, 182 Murtha compares Iraq to Vietnam, 118 Taliban, 30–31, 33, 34, 38, 39, 167, 198, 216 Sanger, David Tenet, George Bush administration attacks Murtha, 2003 media coverage turns negative, 112–13 58 Savage, Michael Today show criticizes Dubai Ports agreement, 133 2004 Bush interview, 71–72 Schieffer, Bob Tyndall, Andrew interview with Cheney, 141, 143 television news coverage of Iraq War Kennedy anti-Iraq statement, 143 lead-up, 47 Schmidt, Jean attack on Murtha, 102, 113 Schultz, Debbie Wasserman United Arab Emirates (UAE) criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, Dubai Ports agreement controversy, 132–33 130–37 Schumer, Charles USS Abraham Lincoln, 1, 51 criticism of Dubai Ports agreement, 130–32 victims of 9/11 Sestak, Joseph as sacred core of 9/11 frame, 28, 83, military leader should not set terms of 86–87 Iraq debate, 185 Ward Churchill’s attacks on, 83–87 Sharm el-Sheikh bombings, 96 victory frame, 54, 104–5, 110, 114, Shawcross, William 120–24 dire consequences of Iraq failure, 175 Vieira, Meredith Sheehan, Cindy, 22, 94–95 Bush surge success, 182 278 Index

Vietnam War shifting tone of Iraq coverage in 2003, 59 Iraq as analogous to Vietnam quagmire, Watergate 117–18, 169 media coverage of, 13 McCain says failure in Iraq worse than weapons of mass destruction (WMD) failure in Vietnam, 195 failure to find, 56–57, 59, 90 McCain Vietnam service, POW status, public opinion about Iraq and WMD, 199 45 media coverage of, 12–13, 37 as rationale for Iraq War, 41–45, 49, media mentions of Vietnam/Afghani- 51–52, 54, 98 stan parallels, 38–39 Saddam as possessor of WMD, 41–45, 49, 51–52, 54–55 Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 22 Webb, James Murtha visits to, 120 criticizes GOP for attacking Murtha, 114 outpatient mistreatment scandal, Weldon, Curt 174–75 support for Murtha, 112 war against terror. See war on terror West, Darrell war on terror, 1, 2, 4–5, 29, 47–48, objective, interpretive, and fragmented 49–52, 87, 91–95, 187–88 media eras, 11–15 Afghanistan as central front in, 214 Western, Jon Bush summer 2005 rhetorical shift on, declining public support for Iraq War, 92–94 43 Bush war-on-terror master narra- public opinion about Iraq and WMD, tive dominant in campaign 2008, 45 209–10 Williams, Brian as foreign policy paradigm, 21 Murtha description, 110 impact on public opinion during 2004 surge doubts, 169 campaign, 73–75 Wisconsin Advertising Project in McCain campaign rhetoric, 196 candidate ads focus more on economy in Obama campaign rhetoric, 192 in 2008, 200 Obama drawdown of war on terror Wolfowitz, Paul rhetoric, 210–15 questioned about mistakes in Iraq, paying homage to victims of, 83–87 58–59 role in 2004 presidential campaign, Woodward, Bob 68–75 2006 book on deteriorating situation in war on terrorism. See war on terror Iraq, 148 Warner, John U.S. strategy in Middle East locked criticism of Iraq, 88 in, 209 doubts about surge, 169 Washington Post Zarqawi, Abu Musab al- coverage of Murtha and Bush’s capture and death, 144–45 response, 101, 109–19, 124 reemergence in Bush rhetoric, 97 coverage of 9/11, 37–38 Zawahiri, Ayman al- as elite media outlet, 20, 225–26n23 reemergence in Bush rhetoric, 97 investigative report on Walter Reed Zeleny, Jeffrey Hospital mistreatment of outpa- shifting role of economic issues in 2008 tients, 174–75 campaign, 201