Federal Register/Vol. 75, No. 211/Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 211 / Tuesday, November 2, 2010 / Notices 67399 Federally registered lobbyist possesses Associate Administrator for Diversity to an operating license upon a unique or exceptional value to a board and Equal Opportunity, NASA determination by the Commission that or commission? Headquarters such amendment involves no significant A12: The policy makes no provisions Assistant Administrator for Human hazards consideration, notwithstanding for waivers, and waivers will not be Capital Management, NASA the pendency before the Commission of permitted under this policy. Headquarters a request for a hearing from any person. Associate Administrator for This biweekly notice includes all Preeta D. Bansal, Independent Program and Cost notices of amendments issued, or OMB General Counsel and Senior Policy Evaluation, NASA Headquarters proposed to be issued from October 7, Advisor, Office of Management and Budget. Chief Engineer, NASA Headquarters 2010 to October 20, 2010. The last [FR Doc. 2010–27621 Filed 11–1–10; 8:45 am] General Counsel, NASA Headquarters biweekly notice was published on BILLING CODE P Chief Technologist, NASA Headquarters October 19, 2010 (75 FR 64359). Chief Scientist, NASA Headquarters Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Chief Information Officer, NASA Amendments to Facility Operating NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND Headquarters SPACE ADMINISTRATION Licenses, Proposed No Significant Chief, Safety and Mission Assurance, Hazards Consideration Determination, [Notice (10–144)] NASA Headquarters and Opportunity for a Hearing Director, Ames Research Center Performance Review Board, Senior Director, Dryden Flight Research Center The Commission has made a Executive Service (SES) Director, Glenn Research Center proposed determination that the Director, Goddard Space Flight Center following amendment requests involve AGENCY: National Aeronautics and Director, Johnson Space Center no significant hazards consideration.
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