Reply to the EDS dated 14.06.2019

EDS: Any proposal is considered submitted only after the application is accepted by the Member Secretary.

In fact, this application is not yet submitted. In the instant case, EDS was raised on 13.08.2018 but reply was given on 07.02.2019 i.e. after expiry of ToR. Therefore, Ministry directed that first apply for extension of ToR validity and then for EC before the expiry of outer limit of ToR, which is 4 years from the date of issue of ToR.

Reply: As per the acknowledgement (copy enclosed as Annexure – I) issued by MoEFCC after submission of FEIA/EMP report of the project, EC application of this case was submitted on 03rd Aug., 18 i.e. within the validity period of ToR.

The acknowledgement of FEIA/EMP report of the project dated 03rd Aug., 18 reads as follows:  The proposal has been successfully uploaded on the portal of Ministry  An email will be sent seeking additional information, if any.  Once verified, an acceptance letter shall be issued to the project proponent.

From the above, we may infer that Submission and Acceptance of an EC application are two different terms.

As regards the validity of ToR, the General guideline no. 8 of ToR letter no. 21-138/2015-IA.III dated 12th Jan., 16 (copy enclosed as Annexure – II) issued for the project by MoEFCC states that ‘The prescribed ToR would be valid for a period of three years (i.e. upto 11th Jan., 19) for submission of the EIA/EMP report’.

Therefore, validity of ToR is a question only till submission of FEIA/EMP report, not its acceptance.

Hence, we have complied with MoEFCC’s OM dated 29th Aug., 17 and submitted the FEIA/EMP report of project on 03rd Aug., 18, within the validity period of ToR issued by Ministry.

In view of the above, we request your good self to kindly consider our project in the agenda of upcoming EAC meeting and oblige us.

With regards.

F.No.21-138/2015-IA.III Government of Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (IA.IIISection) Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, New - 3. Dated: 12thJanuary, 2016 To The DGM (IA), Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Devl. Corp Ltd, Industrial Model Town (IMT) , Rohtak - 1, Haryana

Sub: 'Development of Industrial Estate Phase-III (Industrial Model Township)' in Tehsil Sampla, District Rohtak (Haryana) by HSIIDC Limited - Terms of Reference (ToR) - reg. Sir,

This has reference to your application No.HSIIDC/IMT/RTK/2015/881 dated 15.09*.2015 submitted the above mentioned proposal to this Ministry for seeking Terms of Reference (ToR)in terms of the provisions of the Environment Impact Assessment Notification (EIA), 2006 under the Environment (Protection), Act, 1986.

2. The proposal for 'Development of Industrial Estate Phase-III (Industrial Model Township)' in villages BaIiyana, Kherisadh, Kharwar, Nonand of Tehsil Sam pia , District Rohtak (Haryana) by Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited, was considered by the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) in the Ministry for Infrastructure Development, Coastal Regulation Zone, Building/ Construction and Miscellaneous projects, in its 153rd meeting held on 18th_ 20th November, 2015.

3. The details of the project, as per the documents submitted by the Project Proponents (PP), and also as informed during the above said EAC meeting, are reported to be as under:-

(i) The proposal involves development of Industrial Estate Phase-III (Industrial Model Township - IMT)' in Villages Baliyana, Kherisadh, Kharwar, Nonand of Tehsil Sampla, District Rohtak (Haryana) by Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited HSIIDC). The

project is located at Latitude: 28°51 '9.52"N Longitude: 76040'39.27"E. (ii) The land-use in 10 Km of the study area shows that land use consist of primarily agricultural land. The site is well connected to the rail and road net work. IMTRohtak is 9.52 km in NW direction. Nearest town is Kharwar 2.45 km in South direction. The site has good connectivity with the road network. (iii) The total area of the project is 3,676.01 acres (1487.62 hal, Phase-I = 859 acres (EC Accorded), Phase-II = 1893.13 acres (EC Accorded) and Phase-III = 923.82 (Expansion area). This project is for Phase-III of the Industrial Estate.

Proposal No.IA/HR/NCP/31165/2015 Page 10f7 (iv) Project components are:

Area in acres Phase-I Phase-II Phase-III Phase S.No EC EC Amendment Expansion (1,11,111) Descri ption Accorded Applied inEC area area area applied area 1 Total area under 859 1,893.19 923.82 3,676.01 acquisition 2 Area to be planned ----- 61.09 59.16 124.77 183.93 later 3 Net planned area 859 1,832.10 1,834.03 799.05 3,492.08 4 Area under roads, green belt,drains, 276.45 633.82 634.26 325.67 1,236.38 labour chowk and open spaces 5 Area reserved for industrial plots, 434.07 834.36 836.19 364.14 1,634.40 biotechnology units 6 Area under schools 5.49 5 5 ----- 10.49 7 Area under insti tu tional and 73.40 249.83 249.49 22.65 345.54 commercial use 8 Area under R&R 53.14 45.68 45.68 84.80 183.62 residen tial plots 9 Area reserved for ------22.68 22.68 ------22.68 godowns 10 Area under informal sector and dhaba ------1.06 1.06 ------1.06 sites 11 Area under 3.86 3.14 3.14 ------7.00 community center 12 Area under fire ----- 2.40 2.40 ------2.40 station 13 Area under police ----- 1.43 1.43 ----- 1.43 station 14 Area reserved for 1.14 19.93 19.93 ---- 21.07 electric sub station 15 Area reserved for 1.08 4.98 4.98 ---- 6.06 dispensary /hospital 16 Area reserved for 1.45 0.28 0.28 ---- 1.73 religious site 17 Area reserved for multilevel parking 8.92 7.51 7.51 1.79 18.22 and utilities etc.

(v) The effluent quantity is 16 MLS for Phase-III. A collection network of SW pipe class A (IS: 651: 1980 & IS 41: 1983) will be used upto 450mm if d pipe size. RCC NP4 (IS 458 & IS 7830) are proposed to be used above 450 mm if d to 700 mm pipe size. (vi) Water requirement for the Phase-III is 21.74 MLD that will be sourced from the Jawahar Lal Nehru Bahlut Sub Branch. (vii) Investment/Cost: The cost of the project is Rs.764.59 crores (Land cost = Rs. 5,05,70,91,683 lakhs and Development cost = Rs. 2,58,88,59,625 lakhs. (viii) Wildlife issues: Tilyar Lake is 3.5 km, NW, JLN Feeder canal is 4.0 km, NWand Ghandra Drain is 7.2 km, SE of the project site. (ix) Employment potential: Employment will be provided by industries.

Proposal No.IA/HR/NCP/31165/2015 Page 2 of7 (x) Benefits of the project:

(a)To promote more rapid industrialization of the country (b)Infrastructural development in the State of Haryana (c)To increase national and local employment (d)To attract private investment both national and foreign (e)To promote the development of small and medium industries (f) To encourage more effective use or resources through the development of industrial complexes, including diversified industries of all sizes (g)To bring industries and industrial employments to rural areas (h)To train labours and increase its productivity

4. The proposal was considered by the EAC in its 153rd meeting held on th th 18 - 20 November, 2015, and recommended for grant of ToR. As per the recommendations of the EAC, the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change hereby accords ToR for 'Development of Industrial Estate Phase-III (Industrial Model Township)' in villages Baliyana, Kherisadh, Kharwar, Nonand of Tehsil Sampla, District Rohtak (Haryana) by Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited, for preparation of the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Report and Environment Management Plan (EMP)with the specific and general conditions as under:-

(i) Many of the districts/ areas in the State of Haryana have been identified as grey areas in respect of ground water withdrawal. As such, a detailed study of the area needs to be carried out taking into account cumulative water withdrawal and the replenishment/recharging. Such a study necessarily needs to be endorsed by the Central Ground Water Authority.

(ii) For other sources of water supply (like from HUDA),a firm commitment by the State Agency for sustainable water supply from the identified sources needs to be furnished.

(iii) Land use pattern of the project site has to be in accordance with the regional plan approved by NCR Planning Board. A certification in this regard from the competent authority is to be submitted.

(iv) Impact on ambient air quality due to increased traffic density, and the traffic planning to minimize the same.

(v) Flood protection measures to be suitably incorporated in the Disaster Management Plan.

(vi) Reasons for selecting the site with details of alternate sites examined/ rejected/ selected on merit with comparative statement and reason/basis for selection. The examination should justify site suitability in terms of environmental damage, resources sustainability associated with selected site as compared to rejected sites. The analysis should include parameters considered along with weightage criteria for short- listing selected site.

(vii) Submit the details of the land use break-up for the proposed project. Details of land use around 10 km radius of the project site. Analysis Proposal No.IA/HR/NCP/31165/2015 Page 3 of7 should be made based on latest satellite imagery for land use with raw images. Check on flood plain of any river. (viii) Submit details of environmentally sensitive places, land acquisition status, rehabilitation of communities/villages and present status of such activities. (ix) Examine the impact of proposed project on the nearest settlements. (x) Examine baseline environmental quality along with projected incremen tal load due to the project taking into account of the existing developments nearby. (xi) Environmental data to be considered in relation to the project development would be (a) land, (b) groundwater, (c) surface water, (d) air, (e)bio-diversity, (f) noise and vibrations, (g)socio economic and health. (xii) Submit a copy of the contour plan with slopes, drainage pattern of the site and surrounding area, and any obstruction of the same by the project. (xiii) Details regarding project boundary passing through any eco- sensitive area and within 10 km from eco- sensitive area. (xiv) Green buffer in the form of green belt to a width of 15 meters should be provided all along the periphery of the industrial area. The individual units should keep 33% of the allotted area as a green area. (xv) Submit the details of the trees to be felled for the project. (xvi) Submit the details of the infrastructure to be developed. (xvii) Submit the present land use and permission required for any conversion such as forest, agriculture etc. (xviii)Submit details regarding R&Rinvolved in the project (xix) Zoning of the area in terms of 'type of industries' coming-up in the industrial area based on the resource requirement along with likely pollutants with quantity from the various industries. (xx) The project boundary area and study area for which the base line data is generated should be indicated through a suitable map. Justification of the parameters, frequency and locations shall be discussed in the EIA. (xxi) Submit Legal frame work for the implementation of Environmental Clearance conditions - to be clearly spelt out in the EIA report. (xxii) Submit Roles and responsibility of the developer etc for compliance of environmental regulations under the provisions of EP Act. (xxiii)Site justification of the identified industry sectors from environmental angle and the details of the studies conducted if any. (xxiv)Ground water classification as per the Central Ground Water Authority. (xxv) Submit the source of water, requirement vis-a-vis waste water to be generated along with treatment facilities, use of treated waste water

Proposal No.lA/HR/NCP/31165/2015 Page 4 of7 along with water balance chart taking into account all forms of water use and management.

(xxvi) Rain water harvesting proposals should be made with due safeguards for ground water quality. Maximize recycling of water and utilization of rain water. Examine details.

(xxvii)Examine soil characteristics and depth of ground water table for rainwater harvesting.

(xxviii)Examine details of solid waste generation treatment and its disposal.

(xxix) Examine and submit details of use of solar energy and alternative source of energy to reduce the fossil energy consumption.

(xxx) In case DG sets are likely to be used during construction and operational phase of the project, emissions from DG sets must be taken into consideration while estimating the impacts on air environment. Examine and submit details.

(xxxi) Examine road/ rail connectivity to the project site and impact on the traffic due to the proposed project. Present and future traffic and transport facilities for the region should be analysed with measures for preventing traffic congestion and providing faster trouble free system to reach different destinations in the city.

(xxxii)A detailed traffic and transportation study should be made for existing and projected passenger and cargo traffic.

(xxxiii)Examine the details of transport of materials for construction which should include source and availability.

(xxxiv) Examine the details of National Highways/State Highways/ expressways falling along the corridor and the impact of the development on them. (xxxv) Examine noise levels - present and future with noise abatement measures.

(xxxvi) Identify, predict and assess the environmental and sociological impacts on account of the project. A detailed description with costs estimates of CSR should be incorporated in the EIA / EMP report.

(xxxvii)Examine separately the details for construction and operation phases both for Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Monitoring Plan with cost and parameters.

(xxxviii)Submit details of a comprehensive Disaster Management Plan including emergency evacuation during natural and man-made disaster. (xxxix)Any further clarification on carrying out the above studies including anticipated impacts due to the project and mitigative measure, project proponent can refer to the model ToR available on Ministry website '' Estate". General Guidelines

(i) The EIA document shall be printed on both sides, as for as possible.

Proposal No.IA/HR/NCP/31165/2015 Page 5 of7 (ii) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered. (iii) Period/ date of data collection should be clearly indicated.

(iv) Authenticated English translation of all material provided In Regional languages.

(v) The letter/application for EC should quote the MoEF&CC File No. and also attach a copy of the letter prescribing the TOR.

(vi) The copy of the letter received from the Ministry on the TOR prescribed for the project should be attached as an annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.

(vii) The final EIA-EMPreport submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues in TOR and that raised in Public Hearing. The index of the final EIA-EMP report, must indicate the specific chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report where the specific TOR prescribed by Ministry and the issue raised in the P.H. have been incorporated. Questionnaire related to the project (posted on MoEF&CCwebsite) with all sections duly filled in shall also be submitted at the time of applying for EC. (viii) Gran t of TOR does not mean grant of EC.

(ix) Grant of TOR/EC to the present project does not mean grant of approvals in other regulations such as the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 or the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. (x) Grant of EC is also subject to Circulars issued under the EIA Notification 2006, which are available on the MoEF&CCwebsite: (xi) The status of accreditation of the EIA consultant with NABET/ QCI shall be specifically mentioned. The consultant shall certify that his accreditation is for the sector for which this EIA is prepared. (xii) On the front page of EIA/EMP reports, the name of the consultant/ consultancy firm along with their complete details including their accreditation, if any shall be indicated. The consultant while submitting the EIA/EMP report shall give an undertaking to the effect that the prescribed TORs (TORproposed by the project proponent and additional TOR given by the MoEF) have been complied with and the data submitted is factually correct (Refer MoEF office memorandum dated 4th August, 2009).

(xiii) While submitting the EIA/EMP reports, the name of the experts associated with/ involved in the preparation of these reports and the laboratories through which the samples have been got analysed should be stated in the report. It shall clearly be indicated whether these laboratories are approved under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the rules made there under (Please refer MoEF office memorandum dated 4th August, 2009). The project leader of the EIA study shall also be mentioned.

(xiv) All the TOR points as presented before the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC)shall be covered.

Proposal No.lA/HR/NCP /31165/2015 Page 6 of7 5. A detailed draft EIA/EMP report should be prepared in terms of the above additional ToRs and should be submitted to the State Pollution Control Board for conduct of Public Hearing. Public Hearing to be conducted for the project in accordance with the provisions of Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 and the issues raised by the public should be addressed in the Environmental Management Plan. The Public Hearing should be conducted based on the ToR letter issued by the Ministry and not on the basis of Minutes of the Meeting available on the web-site.

6. The project proponent submit the detailed final EIA/EMP prepared as per ToRs including issues raised during Public Hearing to the Ministry for considering the proposal for environmental clearance within 3 years as per the MoEF&CC O.M. No.J-11013/41/2006-IA-II(I) (P) dated 08.10.2014.

7. The consultants involved in preparation of EIA/EMP report after accreditation with Quality Council of India/National Accreditation Board of Education and Training (QCI/NABET) would need to include a certificate in this regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other Organization(s)/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. vide notification of the MoEF dated 19.07.2013.

8. The prescribed ToRs would be valid for a period of three years for submission of the EIA/EMP Reports. _,~

~1\2.0iG (S.K. Srivastava) Copy to: Scientist E The Member Secretary, Haryaria State Pollution Control Board, C-ll, Sector-6, Panchkula.

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