Music Appreciation 2013
MUSIC APPRECIATION 2012 - 2013 OCTOBER 2012 The Music Appreciation Group is boldly going where no other music groups have gone before. We are attempting to cover all forms of recorded music to widen everyone's appreciation. Individuals will bring in a piece of music to be played and discussed. Initial interests appear to include Classical, Opera, Jazz, Blues, Rock and fusions in between. Music can be from MP3, CD, Cassette, or Vinyl (Well - we've all been around for a while. No 8 track cartridges though) DECEMBER 2012 The Group met in the Nags Head, as before, and there was no losing battle with an amplifier this time so we got straight into the recordings people brought in. A good range of music poured forth. We started with a local band 'North Sea International' doing Parisienne Walkways, through bluegrass music, Cat Stevens, Tony Christie, Runrig, Fleetwood Mac, Lindisfarne, Eagles, to Silent Night by Mahalia Jackson. Probably the most impressive track was Luiyang River by young Chinese piano virtuoso Di Xiao who had been playing at the Royal Concert Hall a few weeks earlier. The cultural highlight? - If you've never heard Rolf Harris's version of 'Stairway to Heaven' you missed a treat. JANUARY 2013 The Music Appreciation Group continues with its mix of all and any style of music – dependent on what members bring in. We had Verdi’s Hebrew Slaves, English Folk, Rock, Cajun, Sam Cooke, Nigel Kennedy, Buena Vista Orchestra, Reggae, Gregorian Chants, Traffic, Bob Dylan, Hugh Laurie, Jimi Hendrix and others. FEBRUARY 2013 A bumper compilation album; an eclectic mix of music brought in by members.
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