

In the weeks leading up to the Global Siddha Intensive, here are the recommended ways to prepare:

Reading: Sadhana of the Heart by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda y Foreword, p. ix y Chapter 1: “Blaze the Trail of Equipoise and Enter the Heart, the Divine Splendor” : Meditate each day. At least once a week, make time to meditate for an extended period. Record any experiences or insights in your journal and reflect on them. Note anything you do that helps you become attuned to and absorbed in Shakti.

Other steps: In addition to these Preparation Exercises, on the next page are other steps you can take to be focused during the Shaktipat Intensive and to assimilate what you’ve learned: In the weeks leading up to the Shaktipat Intensive, practice japa each day. You can set aside 10 minutes a day for this practice. You can do it sitting (using a japa mala or your breath to mark the repetitions) or you can take a walk (repeating the mantra as you walk).

Practice hatha yoga or do other exercise that supports physical strength and flexibility, so that you’re able to sit comfortably for an extended period. You can also dedicate some time to relaxing your body and focusing on your breath. Additionally, you might consider spending time in nature, giving yourself periods of silence, and so on.

Another way to prepare is to take a 15- to 20-minute walk each day. This will help your posture and breathing, and, as is mentioned above, you can also combine it with your practice of japa.

Take some time to formulate and reflect on your purpose for taking the Global Shaktipat Intensive. You can note any insights you have in your journal.

In the days after the Shaktipat Intensive, many participants find it helpful to schedule some quiet time for reflection, journaling, and meditation. This will support you to further assimilate what you’ve experienced and learned during the Intensive.

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