The Geological Society of America Special Paper 430 2007 The North Atlantic Igneous Province: A review of models for its formation Romain Meyer* Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Afd. Geologie, Celestijnenlaan 200E, 3001 Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium Jolante van Wijk* Los Alamos National Laboratory, Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA Laurent Gernigon* Norges Geoligoske Undersøkelse, Geological Survey of Norway, Leiv Eirikssons Vei 39, 7491 Trondheim, Norway ABSTRACT The mantle plume concept is currently being challenged as an explanation for North Atlantic Igneous Province formation. Alternative models have been suggested, including delamination, meteorite impact, small-scale rift-related convection, and chemical mantle heterogeneities. We review available data sets on uplift, strain local- ization, age and chemistry of igneous material, and tomography for the North Atlantic Igneous Province and compare them with predictions from the mantle plume and al- ternative models. The mantle plume concept is quite successful in explaining the for- mation of the North Atlantic Igneous Province, but unexplained aspects remain. Delamination and impact models are currently not supported. Rift-related small-scale convection models appear to be able to explain volcanic rifted margin volcanism well. However, the most important problem that nonplume models need to overcome is the continuing, long-lived melt anomaly extending via the Greenland and Faeroe ridges to Iceland. Mantle heterogeneities resulting from an ancient subducted slab are in- cluded in plate tectonic models to explain the continuing melt production as an alter- native to the mantle plume model, but there are still uncertainties related to this idea that need to be solved. Keywords: North Atlantic Igneous Province, volcanic rifted margins, LIP formation, man- tle plume versus alternatives, continent breakup *E-mails:
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